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Hello and welcome to our first campaign! I have changed many of the rules for D&D 5e due to player feedback and to foster an enjoyable play-by-post asynchronous run. Though this is also an experiment for all of us, so do try not to take it so seriously but just serious enough so you can be immersed in the lore and fantasy of the game. Please do not use this thread for meta conversation, hosts are banned from this thread and will be ignored.

Day Zero Dreams:


Attached is the map of the Sword Coast, and our marked local map. We will be initially focusing our attention just south of Neverwinter, specifically near Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains.

Though there is plenty of lore about this area, but consider our campaign one of infinitely many parallel versions with features that may not be canon.

The events in Yulya's day zero dreams take place near the coast between Neverwinter Wood and the Sword Mountains. Yulya's secluded cabin, the battlefield, Cat's raised village, and even the crash site are all places you may choose to revisit. The limits are only your imagination. Be warned though, there has been a recent uptick in bandits and other nefarious monstrous foes along the coast. Though "The High Road" is well patrolled and generally safe to travel, the many tributaries and wilds surrounding the road have been reported to have a sharp increase in danger. Travel under escort if at all possible or travel at your own peril.  


In the days preceding your decision to abandon your cabin, rumors passed along the Triboar Trail have warned of missing caravans, increased creature aggression and generally unsafe conditions. It was strongly advised to seek shelter at Neverwinter. So when you and your companions were healed and rested, you journeyed fourth to Neverwinter, following the well guarded caravans up the well traveled High Road and reached Neverwinter's southern gate on this chilly but beautiful, clear afternoon on the 3rd day of Spring of the year of Brightened Receiving 1296.

Rules will follow.
Dungeons and Dragons Chan Rules:

1. You take care of your inventory management but I will have a duplicate so if you're lost, ask me in the meta thread.

2. If there's anything you feel is tedious or boring, please pass it to me. You should only be concerned with having fun.

3. Initiative will work slightly different, first post first served per round. Though Ashley is restricted from posting first. If a monster has initiative like in an ambush, it will be part of my post.

4. Conversations with NPCs will generally be handled by Ashley or through a mixture of other processes that can be as involved or hands off as you like. We read through online forum campaigns and by the end they were short-handing a lot of the interaction, it seemed to work ok. If you have a question or want to talk to an NPC, we could try this: try to make a list of points or questions or topics and I can simulate the conversation, otherwise write whatever you want and we will organically handle it.

> 5. Speed is not an issue, fun is the only consideration. If anything is not fun, leave it up to us, we'll write it in such a way that you can contribute as much or as little as you want. What's most important is that you have fun and exercise your headmate.

6. There will be two threads, this, the campaign thread, and the meta thread. Hosts are banned from this thread, ask technical questions in the meta thread, arbitration will occur in the meta thread, rule points and notes will occur in the meta thread, this thread is strictly the campaign which starts the post after this one.

7. If you want to ask me a question directly or privately, either have Alice proxy you through our email or have Alice give you our email. If you're not comfortable with that we can proxy through Alice but then she'll know too. There will be occasions that you want to keep secrets but it's rare and we can live successfully without that as well.

8. Rolls, I will start this campaign completely in charge of rolls and outcomes and report results with roll outcomes. Later you may decide you want to roll yourself then just let me know ahead of the rolls in question.

9. All actions are final and rolls are final, death may occur but it is not final. There are two options: if the body is intact, it can be resurrected, but don't expect a pile of ash to be resurrected into a full flesh person. The team may bury you and recruit some who is very curiously similar from the local guild.

10. For this campaign I may take DM privilege over some choices so that developed parts of the story take place as expected, especially in the beginning, though I will do everything I can to avoid that, play however you want, I’ll tell you if I can’t handle it. Follow your own motivations, we have literally anything we can possibly imagine ahead of us and completing a certain quest line helps me stay organized but isn't required. Impudent outliers who are trying to make trouble will be litigated in the meta thread. I may also make arguments, comments and suggestions there if necessary.

11. First, last and always, fun is of #1 importance and my main goal. I will give you as much freedom as I can as long as it's fair, balanced and tenable. If in doubt, just do it and I'll do my best to accommodate it.

12. Worn armor doesn't count against encumbrance but will count against total weight carried. Only armor, not weapons or clothing. Everyone must wear clothes unless some kind of light armor includes the clothing, like fur armor. However, even fur armor would be put over "undergarments". Clothes will not have to be washed, they are presumed to be washed during rest.

13. Armor, weapons and clothing may become damaged in certain circumstances but not during normal use for this run. Sharpening and maintenance is assumed to occur automatically during rest for this campaign. A survivalist run would include cuts, notches, rips, wear, dirt, blood, rot, for every piece of equipment.

14. See
Hunting, cooking

15. In addition to the inclusion of MP and the change in hit die usage and resting, after simulating a typical first adventure the leveling was exceedingly fast. After some research we discovered that the changes to experience system in 5e is notoriously fast which makes leveling feel rushed and cheap.

Gaining a level should be a real feat, a cherished accomplishment,  and something to long for and fear in others of a high level (as they're very well versed and tough as a result). We have researched what others do and it is anything from eliminating experience points all together or cutting it back and offering experience to do almost anything including non-combat. To reach a happy medium, we analyzed an adventure that claimed it took a party of 4-6 to level 4 and it was pretty inaccurate. Also, we don't know why only fighting would gain experience, instead every challenge to any stat should raise experience.

So a hybrid system will be used as said in:

A guild leveling system will be used:

Leveling for this campaign (subject to balancing):

LVL 1 0
LVL 2 1000
LVL 3 3000
LVL 4 6000
LVL 5 11000
LVL 6 22000
LVL 7 37000
LVL 8 55000
LVL 9 75000
LVL 10 100000
LVL 11 130000
LVL 12 170000
LVL 13 210000
LVL 14 260000
LVL 15 320000
LVL 16 380000
LVL 17 450000
LVL 18 550000
LVL 19 650000
LVL 20 750000

16: We've been reading other online play-by-post runs and a cycle may contain many back-and-fourths including dialog. People are generally happy with asynchronous play-by-post forum runs as it has several advantages: it documents everything, scenes are more descriptive, DMs have more time to think, a separate thread for meta discussion helps maintain immersion, among others. The exact mechanics vary greatly so we'll have to experiment. I will expect feedback in the meta thread.

17. A round shall not exceed 48 hours. At that time unresolved meta and in-game questions/actions will be decided as best as can be done based on character personalities by the DM. Since there is a complete history, there is no worry that someone can catch up. The exception is if no one posts, then the time will extend 24 more hours.

18. Death is a natural part of this game. Intact bodies can be resurrected without ill effects, but it does not replace missing body parts. Detached or even partially digested body parts are not a problem. Both Ashley and Yulya will eventually be able to cast this spell (5th tier), however it also requires a diamond of worth 500gp or more. Therefore the spell is very pricey (1000-2500gp at retail). Any established temple will be able to perform this spell. Yulya may be able to get a discount. Some quests may be able to swap resurrection in lieu of quest rewards. Additionally, any town with a guild may be able to loan gp. Additionally Ashley will have a lesser form of this spell at tier 3 which will turn the corpse into an undead version of the character. Progression will continue normally; however, the character will suffer a temporary loss of Charisma and if killed again there's no spell other than 9th tier Wish that can save them as dead undead cannot be resurrected or reanimated through RAISE UNDEAD or RAISE DEAD. There is a storage fee for dead and dead undead corpses available at most temples. A stone lined and specially prepared sarcophagus will keep the body in stasis indefinitely. If a party member is unable to play for any reason, the party shall recruit a new member. That new member will be chosen and crafted by the deceased player and played temporarily or permanently henceforth.

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Thus you've arrived at Neverwinter's southern gate, tired from your long walk but otherwise in good spirits. Low on rations and funds you consider your next move. And considering you know nothing about Neverwinter, you approach the southern gate walking in the shadow of a large caravan cart pulled by a train of six Rothè. The familiar sound of the massive animals hooves pawing at the ground like distant thunder and the large steel lined wheels loudly crunching gravel like a rock tumbler come to a slow stop. The silence is ironically deafening. 

Two guards in heavy armor are inspecting the cart ahead, they seem to be asking the driver for something and the glint of a token on a long chain seems to have appeased them. They haven't seen you and the cart you've been following is the third back.

No further carts are coming behind you as far down the road as you can see.

There is a stiff breeze rolling up from the western shore bringing a further chill to the already chilly air.

You do not yet appear out of place, no one, including the driver closest to you seems to have noticed you. The only witness is the rearmost right Rothè, who snorts in your general direction and then paws the ground as if yearning to pull again.

[From here on out, when I end the scene, you will decide what to do and simply write your actions, dialogue talk amongst yourselves here or take any action you see fit. At any time I may interject with more information. Ashley will generally wait until someone else has said something to begin so that it's not just us two playing.]

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Oh god, the guards are really checking everyones IDs what do we do? It wasnt like this when I last came here but its not surprising because of all the bandit activity in the area

Im positive theyll let me through if I show them my amulet and claim Ashleys my apprentice i took as hermit but Alice and Cat will be a problem. Alice do you think you can hide in or under the cart? And what do we do with Cat? Hiding you is out of the question so youll be my bodyguard I hired for the journey from my cabin to this town.

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Meh I'm tired. Tired and cold. Neverwinter my ass. The name was so promising, I want my money back!

I told you they won't just let anyone in the city, right? Didn't I?
We're lucky that carts are in front of us. I think sprading out on the underside is the way to go. It'll look like there's dirt. I mean there probably is so i'll just mix with that. I looove mixing with cold dirt on the underside of a cart goddamned I hope this is worth it.

*looks over and then slowly up at Cat, squinting eyes*
What do you think? Will they recognize you here? You're pretty memorable. And you have no ID or guild card either. So you can't be an officially hired bodyguard. How does that work with you guys anyway? Do Tabaxi normally have IDs or guild memberships?

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> claim Ashleys my apprentice

> I told you they won't just let anyone in the city, right? Didn't I?

> I looove mixing with cold dirt

Well that takes care of Alice's ticket.

*I look down at my borrowed robe and pull at the collar uncomfortably* 

I don't know about you, and I appreciate this loaner Yulya, but I'm shedding this thing as soon as I can at least find some children's underwear... and no, I don't want to borrow yours Alice, before you get any crazy ideas. And I didn’t think you could get cold? If you’re cold, put on a robe maybe? Oh aren't you weak against cold? Well all the more reason to bundle up, kid sheesh.

Look guys, we have gold, a significant amount, and weren't we actually even told to come here? Why wouldn't they let us in? Does everyone have guild cards in this whole continent but us? Why don't you have one there Yulya? Oh right, the priest thing. Then why wouldn't they let a bona fide Cleric of the church in? How would they even know you defected or whatever. I doubt it.

And How would you get a guild card without actually being able to get to the guild!? 

*gestures like wtf* 

I'm not saying these ass clowns won't shake us down, but I can't believe they won't let us in or I'm pulling a Karen and asking for their manager. They'll be begging me to come in before I'm done.

So listen, it'll be a few minutes at least before this cart gets searched, stay here in the shadow, out of sight, and I'll waltz up and just ask Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb up there how I get in or what's the deal? 

It’s simple logic: if we have gold and these are red blooded guards, they can be bribed. We have 45 gold to be precise, well 55 if you count Cat's "change". Yeah, I looked, don't look at me like that, I'm practically a rogue here. Anyway let me just ask, if they get all stiff and proper and start pushing their weight around and a few gold won't shut them up, I'll let them take me away or turn me away, what's the worst thing that can happen? Alice can eat the bars of my cage or something and break me out right? I doubt asking a simple question to a gate guard (glorified security guard) is a capital crime. We're refugees ffs. 

I'm willing to take the hit, let me at least ask, then I'll disappear into the shadows and escape before they know what happened or send them a couple of my green stinky wasp friends and we can run in while they're distracted. There's a lot of options here, I'm ready to do this, just give me the word.

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Nyaaah I'm a bit cold and tired too but you look terrible Alice! Don't worry we'll get some shelter and warm food as soon as we're inside the city Nya!

> What do you think? Will they recognize you here?
Never been to this city so dunno Nya. I don't think so, most humans can't tell us apart so I'm not worried Nya.

> How does that work with you guys anyway? Do Tabaxi normally have IDs or guild memberships?
Nah, my tribe had nothing to do with cities or guilds Nya. Never registered anywhere, too complicated and they want money Nya. I still don't understand why we must now but if Yulya says so then I will Nya!

*points in the direction of the gate*
Ashley's right we should just go and tell the guards we're here to seek shelter and register at the guild Nya. It's not like we're doing anything bad Nya. Lying only brings problems Nya!

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> Ashley's right

See, that's why I like you, you're smart. Also those ears are super cute, but anyway, I think I could smooth them over, if there's a fee, I'll try to talk them out of it for me, then we can stroll in with the same deal.

Alice should still hide under the cart, there's only benefits to that considering that 'creepy valley' thing she's got going on. Better not startle the big guys with heavy weapons.

> most humans can't tell us apart

I agree with cat, you seen one boobie girl with big fox ears you seen them all.

At your command Yulya.

Youre quick to spend other peoples gold or even start a war my girl! If not everyone has to pay a fee we wont waste funds here on bribery. And dont cause a commotion especially not by summoning undead in a city! Security is probably tight exactly because criminals and even monsters are trying to enter the city so go ahead and check things out with charm not violence. If they let you through right away go for it wait inside and then follow the cart with Alice once its inside the city! She will need your help if we get held up. I will cast GUIDANCE on you before you go, hurry to the guards then it does not last long! If they turn you away ask why, come back immediately and report!

Alice, quickly give Cat your belongings and attach yourself to the underside of the cart before anyone comes behind us. There is no way we will get you through looking like half melted cheese.

Cat, take Alices spear and my shield, that will make you look much more like a warrior protecting me than going unarmed.

If we do not find each other in the city we meet up in front of the guild, it should be easy to find.

*cast GUIDANCE on Ashley by touching her head*
[obviously after Ashley has replied and is ready to go and unless I cant do that because whatever]

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> Youre quick to spend other peoples gold or even start a war my girl! If not everyone has to pay a fee we wont waste funds here on bribery. And dont cause a commotion especially not by summoning undead in a city!

Sorry boss, just giving you all the options I can think of.

> so go ahead and check things out with charm not violence. If they let you through right away go for it wait inside and then follow the cart with Alice once its inside the city! She will need your help if we get held up. I will cast GUIDANCE on you before you go, hurry to the guards then it does not last long! If they turn you away ask why, come back immediately and report!

Aye Aye Capt'n!

Yulya casts GUIDANCE [roll 1d4=3] 
+3 on one ability check, 1 minute limit while Yulya is able to concentrate uninterrupted
Ashley feels a wave of confidence roll over her.

Whew, that's a nice feeling, thanks chief. I slink as silently as I can toward the guards, keeping out of their line of sight and all that. When I'm past the next cart I step out into the light and approach the guards carefully but confidently.

Hey buddies, is the city open today or what?

The guards are up on the cart, busily inspecting it. This cart in line two ahead from the party's adjacent cart. The nearest guard looks towards Ashley with slight annoyance but quickly regains composure and steps down from the cart.
Oh, I didn't realize that was a vestment you were wearing. I just need to inspect your holy symbol miss.

Speaking demurely 
I lost it in a run-in with some bandits on the Triboar Trail. Is there any way you can look past it and let me in? I'd like to get to the temple as soon as I can.
Smiles innocently

Ashley uses DECEPTION +3 spell, +6 proficiency
[1d20+3+6=23 DC check vs Guard's Investigation INT 10+0 DC=10, passed]
The guard nods understandingly
Yes, there's been a lot of trouble out that way, but rest assured we'll get to the bottom of it soon enough. Normally there's a ten silver fine for not having your identification, but I'll wave it today, get that squared away as soon as you can and if you have any trouble in the city, come straight to us. We've had to let in a lot of refugees from out that way. My advice is to get re-registered as soon as you can to avoid further trouble in the city.

Smiles kindly 
Hey great thanks, I will! I got another question: say I hire a guard out there and they're not registered yet, what'll it cost to get 'er in?

The guard smiles in kind
It's a standard 5 gold fee for unregistered refugees. They'd have to check their weapons with us and come back for them once they're registered.

5 gold!? Are you nuts bub? I mean that's pretty steep, can't you make an exception for little ole me? 
smiles cutely with my head tilted and leans in sweetly

The guard furrows his brow 
Best you do as I asked before my welcome is worn out. I waved your fee, now go get registered before you start trying to bring others in.

[DECEPTION] Okay, I'm going to level with you chief and don't think I'm unappreciative of your generosity, my friend, another Cleric, with her symbol I might add, is due shortly and she's recued one of the Tabaxi form Thunder... what's it, that village that was caught up in that war out by Conyberry. Yes, she's a refugee, but without my friend she'd be dead, she's been through a lot and we're really tight on funds, she's acting as a security guard but she's really just a poor little defenseless catgirl. Any chance you could let her squeak by? I'll wait here for them so you know this is on the up and up. 
Smiles hopefully

[Ashley's deception passes check [1d20+6=16] but failed on relevance.
The guard softens but keeps his resolve.
We've had a lot of sad tales through this gate lately, the law's the law. I'll honor your fee waved, but I can't go and wave everyone's fee. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work. Wait here for them or enter, it won't make a difference to me.


Nods thankfully to the guard.
I get it chief, no problem. I'll go out to meet them and come right back.

The guard nods curtly and goes back to work.

I sulk back to the group and tell what happened.
So basically, it'll cost us 5 gold to get Cat in, but we're otherwise square.

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> Alice, quickly give Cat your belongings and attach yourself to the underside of the cart before anyone comes behind us. There is no way we will get you through looking like half melted cheese.

Well I'm sorry I can't help being tired!

Here's my spear and darts, Cat! I'm glad I don't have to carry them.
See you inside the city!

*hands Cat all belongings and gets ready to get under the cart in front.

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Well done Ashley!
The 2gp for Cat cant be helped but its 2gp less for you! But it is a high price more than I imagined. They are cleaely taking advantage of the refugees.

Alright we will cover Alice until she's hidden under the cart then wait for our turn to enter.
Cat: pass Alices darts on to Ashley we dont want to be completely defenseless. You will have to leave your weapons with the guards and the spear is enough. Not having a weapon would be suspicious too. They will letme keep my shield and mace as cleric with amulet.

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> Well done Ashley!

Smiles widely See? I told you I had the right idea, but hold that praise, I said "5 gold" not 2. However, you could try to sweet talk Bubba over there, I buttered him up for you.

> Cat: pass Alices darts on to Ashley

Um... hate to break this to ya chief, but I don't have any pockets. However, I bet you everything they'll search your pack, so since I told them we were low on funds, you better give me all but 5 gold, you too Cat. I'll just sneak in when they're searching the next one. They're not even watching the gate and I can hide in shadows. Cast that  GUIDANCE on me again and I'll manage it with HIDE and sneak these past them.

> other things you said

Great leadership! It's great to be part of a smart team!

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> I said "5 gold" not 2
So it truly is? I thought I misheard!?
They want to tax us 5gp for Cat AND rummage through a priests personal belongings if I'm not hiding more money? What do those guards want to do? Strip a female cleric naked to look into my purse?? This I want to see!

Stopping and searching clerics who have identified with a holy symbol is insolence and an act against God! They should be happy to have someone like us in their city.

calms herself
But we live in difficult times you got a point. The guards dont seem like bad people who knows what orders they have to milk the refugees as much as possible. And the city probably wants to keep the poor out and only accept the ones with money or status who can look after themselves without relying on charity. Logical but inhumane.

Here is what we do:
Cat: give me the darts I will put them in my priest pack. They might search your pack but searching a cleric who is not accused of a crime is unheard of and even if they wont disarm me 

We will split the money to minimize risk. I will keep 5gp, they cant expect me to be completely broke.

Cat put 5 of your gp in my alms box this is also off limits to anyone whos not a criminal.

I know its not easy but please remain calm and friendly and comply with all the guards orders. There is no point in starting a fight here nobody wins from that. Leave the talking to me. I will pay your fee from my own expenses. So both of us will have at least 5gp when we enter.

Ashley I entrust the remaining 40gp to you make it inside without causing any trouble. We will be in big trouble if you lose our already low funds! As I said follow the cart and look after Alice so she doesnt get lost.

When youre ready to go I will cast GUIDANCE on you again.

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Got it! You're the best boss. I'm so glad you're the leader.
Looks sternly at the pile of goo for no reason in particular.

I'm ready, cast away.

[The DM will do this automatically in the next post.]

Wait wait wait! I just remembered something that makes this whole thing reasonable. I have 40gp because we need to register with the guild... okay wait, that's still complicated because priests probably would have no need to register with the guild and as far as they know we're only 3 unless someone else is coming? no...we're so deep in this nothing-burger puddle already. But all these details will just confuse the dunderheads. So I'll go with your orders!

I'm getting a feeling though my extra special intuition that I'm virtually guaranteed to get in no problem. I mean, it would likely be a 1 in 20 chance not to but I'm no statistician.

So ready ready! Confidence here I come!

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''When the adjacent cart finally completes its inspection Ashley prepares to walk through the gate.

Yulya quietly casts GUIDANCE on Ashley [1d4=4]

Ashley takes a deep breath of confidence and strolls quickly through the gate past the guards.

[DC5 check:1d20=13, +4=17 perception check Charisma (+4)=21 vs guard passive perception 12 with disadvantage -5 =7] 

Explanation for learning purposes: Ashley has already talked to the guard and passed DECEPTION check earlier, so she could have strolled through without further check, however, being nervous about carrying in extra gold would require another check. Using HIDE would give her a +2 due to her Stealth proficiency with DEX11+0, but because she's already trusted by the guard, she could stroll through in plain sight based on Charisma which she has CHR19+4. So based on what she said, I presumed she'd choose the better option, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. The DC5 is considered "easy" but the guard has proficiency on perception +2 or a passive perception of 12. So DC5 becomes DC7. Ashley rolls 13, adds her bonus +4 and the spell +4 and easily passed check 21>7. Because the large cart was still being checked, only one Guard's check was required.

Ashley waits on the other side for the cart carrying Alice and continues on into the city.


Yulya and Cat approach the gate. Where both guards stand at attention.

The nearest guard raises his hand to Yuyla and Cat. He smiles kindly at Yulya and says, Halt. 

I presume you two are friends with the one who just entered? She's a real smooth talker that one. I would ask you watch over her, I know her type and she's the type to get into trouble, or that trouble follows if you get me. I'm sure you know she's lost her symbol and I don't know the process to get a new one, but get her to the registrar or at least see that she doesn't waltz around town without any identification. We've been on the look out for nefarious characters lately and we tend to concentrate on those who aren't displaying their affiliation clearly. 

The guard checks your symbol.

Thank you for your work miss, we need your type more then ever. 

He glances to Cat and back to you and gestures to her.

So this is the refugee you rescued to use as a guard? I don't know all the details but it's a damn shame what happened. Your friend tried to get me to lower the entrance fee for her, and I really do feel for her situation, but as I told your friend, my hands are tied. I need to log every entry and the current edict is 5gp for the unregistered. Now, she does look the part of a proper guard.
He nods to her with a smile.

I just need to check your bags.

You relinquish your bags and he inspects examines the darts first, then loosely checks the rest and moves onto Cat. He removes the shovel and motions to have her spear as well. (but doesn't take it outright)

Does she not have any official registration at all? Even if it was a patch or symbol of training for her tribe, a tattoo would even suffice. I'm not saying that would suffice inside though, I'd ask you to register her with the guild or if you can't afford their fee, the civilian registrar as soon as possible in any case. If you're honest with me, I'll work with you on it.

[He is expecting an answer on his inquiry and for Cat to hand over her spear.]

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> She's a real smooth talker that one. I would ask you watch over her, I know her type and she's the type to get into trouble, or that trouble follows if you get me.

*muffled slime noises conveying agreement from under cart*

While I'm spread out like jam on a toast I mught as well use phagocytosis to absorb a few nutrients from the dirt on the cart's underside with my large surface area. It may not serve as a meal but at least compensate for my heat loss. Being that wide and thin is no fun when it's cold.

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places hand on holy symbol on her chest and bows lightly to the guard

My apologies for my disciples poor behavior. This child has a troubled past but I believe in her potential. Be assured I will watch over her and discipline her accordingly.

gestures to Cat with an outstretched hand
And this poor soul - I picked her up on the verge of death traumatized and left with nothing, another terrible story. I am afraid she has nothing to prove her identity or affiliation and has trouble speaking but I can guarantee for her righteousness and will take full responsibility for her actions. She is a reliable escort and splendid cook as well. I intend to permanently hire her and will have her registered at the guild as soon as possible. For now I will cover the entrance fee for her.

gracefully hand the guard 5gp

If I may ask, can you recommend a modest inn for my escort until we will be able to make her registration? Preferably one where she can cook for herself as our funds are limited.

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01-01 Conclusion

> carefully hands Alice's spear to the guard

The guard takes the spear and holds it under his arm, nodding to you in respect as he takes it. 

> places hand on holy symbol on her chest and bows lightly to the guard

The guard stands waiting as you draw the coins from your pouch.

> gestures to Cat with an outstretched hand
> And this poor soul - I picked her up on the verge of death traumatized and left with nothing, another terrible story. I am afraid she has nothing to prove her identity or affiliation and has trouble speaking but I can guarantee for her righteousness and will take full responsibility for her actions. She is a reliable escort and splendid cook as well. I intend to permanently hire her and will have her registered at the guild as soon as possible. For now I will cover the entrance fee for her.
> gracefully hand the guard 5gp

The guard takes the coins and pushes them through a slot on in the gate, presumably to a lock-box on the other side. You hear a slight clink for each of them falling presumably into an awaiting pile.

> If I may ask, can you recommend a modest inn for my escort until we will be able to make her registration? Preferably one where she can cook for herself as our funds are limited.

The guard nods, Easily enough, the guild has reasonable prices for food and lodging for the newly registered and their guests. They have an open kitchen where members may prepare their own meals or buy them from the cook. He points to his  Well, if you can afford the registration, it's 10 gold for copper rank, but only she would need to pay, and that's once. 
He puts his hand on his hip, just above his silver plate as if showing it off.

Aside from that, you can register with The Hall of Justice for 10 silver each but it only affords you identification and won't gain you any discounts on food or lodging. If you have 2 additional silver each, you could stay at The Banded Mare and that would cover room and board but I don't think they'll allow you into the kitchen.

For even less, but far less comfortably, Tris’ Lockup at the docks is the best bargain in the city if you don't mind the smell of rotting fish. There are cheaper places in the slums but I wouldn't recommend them.

You however, should probably go straight to the Church of Ilmater I presume, especially with that friend of yours, hopefully she hasn't run off too far. It's easy to get lost in a city this size and there are missing persons reported every day so stick together. They have a soup kitchen that offers free meals to their parishioners and faithful. I doubt they'd turn you away even if you're not. I've seen mostly refugees there lately anyway. 
He steps aside for you to enter.
Good luck miss, he addresses Cat and you too, I can already tell you'll make a great warrior. I look forward to tasting your cooking at the guild if you're offering, I've got some things you might like to barter with. 
He smirks proudly.
You can come back to get your spear and shovel if you get that plate. 

Yulya and Cat are ushered through the gate.

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01-01 Conclusion Continued

> use phagocytosis

The underside of the wooden cart is coated in road grime, dust and bits of organic matter including a small patch of natural black mold. The wood is coated with Bitumen that has mostly flaked and has come off in spots but its residue is still present in the fibers of the wood. 

You can digest it and it has roughly the same caloric content as cooking oil, however, it has partially hardened with the dust to a rock solid substance that is currently impervious. However, you do manage to dissolve the black mold and dust and some minor fragments of the wood. Because of the hardened and impervious state, the total caloric intake rate is 15 calories per minute. A daily ration is 2000 calories, so it would take over two hours to gain enough energy to equal a full day's ration and it is not especially nutritious. You may choose to stay and consume or leave the bottom of the cart at any time there is enough cover and lack of line of sight. The area just beyond the gate has few people at the moment, but the market sector will have many witnesses. There is no DC check if you drop before the cart exits the entrance plaza. 


Ashley is waiting patiently by the cart, not up to anything troubling at all, nope, I bet she wouldn't, not at all, never.


The cart driver has stopped the cart and dismounted. He seems to be fussing with the reigns of one of the two largest Rothè.

01-01 Results

01-01 completed with a favorable outcome. 60 ADP are granted to all members to share equally in the experience so add 15 to your Adventure Points on your character sheet. Add 10 additional each to the following party members for performing checks or actions of particular note and contributing to the story. Consider this a check against the DM for defusing a potentially troublesome situation: Yulya and Ashley. Lastly, add 5 each to Cat and Alice for maintaining composure and keeping the adventure going smoothly.

No creatures were harmed
No loot was obtained
No consumables were used
5gp was lost in the encounter

Scene 01-02 Coming Shortly

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You enter the city's southwestern gate plaza nestled amid sharply appointed buildings. The quad is clean and mostly deserted at the moment aside from a few people walking west along the north end and a guard patrolling his rounds on the east side. 

You smell the inescapable scent of fresh meat cooking somewhere in this forest of light colored, plaster walled, stone and wood buildings.

The scene is refreshing and a stark contrast from the sparsely forested High Road. You can still also get a hint of sea air, but the wind is all but gone, leaving only the warming light of the sun beating down on the paver road.


Yulya and Cat meet Ashley near the stalled cart.

At the center of a depression in the plaza is a statue of unknown significance. 


You have little time to breath it all in before you hear the worried shouting of the driver. He's knocked prone as the Rothè looses his harness and breaks free of his yolk.

The Rothè is slightly injured by his harness and becomes enraged. It will attack anyone in line of sight.

[Welcome to your first combat encounter! Aren't you excited?!]

Known Information
Greater Heavy Rothè Monster Card
Area in bright sunlight
[Hint: This encounter score would be considered "deadly" if not for the guards, so be careful! And above all, have fun!]

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Oh crap! Don't pin this on me, I was just standing here!

I don't know about you guys, but if that thing even touches me I'm dead, like dead dead, so nope.

Climbs up on the cart. Then cast NECROTIC RATS, Target: Greater Rothe.

Not that my stinky babies will do much but they'll at least give the thing something to deal with so it doesn't go charging around.

Oh dear!
Just when I was glad we made it inside without problems. We need to prevent the Rothé from attacking the people north of us!
In anycase there will be a commotion around the cart. Alice get out from under the cart and go west, climb the wall behind the column and hide in the garden under the trees. We cant let people see you like this!

Cat you cant do much against that huge beast, don't be insane! Leave that to my SACRED FLAME!

Distract the Rothé so it doesnt charge others but be careful. Take my shield!

then climbs up the cart next to Ashley and casts EMBOLDENING BOND between Ashley and Cat.

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Ashley scrambles on top of the cart with relative ease.

Casting time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Until turned, HP goes to zero, or caster is unconscious including from sleep.
Tier 1: 1-2 necrotic rats, size: tiny, from the Negative Energy Plane. Each rat becomes an undead rat under your control if within 120 feet otherwise they will only defend themselves.
Tier 2: 1d4 necrotic rats are summoned.
Tier 3: 1-2 Giant necrotic rats are summoned, size: tiny.
[coin flip: 2] 
Ashley deftly moves her hands and speaks dark words indecipherable to the untrained ear.
With a loud POP 2 necrotic rats were summoned from the Negative Plane, hereby named Herbie[1HP] and Derbie[2HP].
Herbie and Derbie appear 10ft North of Ashley and both use DASH toward the Rothe 40ft, both reach the Rothe but have no action points left to attack this round.


Civilians use DASH to attempt to escape 60ft each
NE Guard uses DASH toward the Rothe, 40ft, and blows his whistle as a bonus action. 
Gate guards close the gate and use DASH north, 40ft


[coin flip: 1] You realize Alice's undergarments were accidentally left on the High Road 100ft south of the southwest gate.


Yulya climbs onto the cart and casts EMBOLDING BOND Cantrip, Targets: Ashley and Cat
Yula speaks sweet words of encouragement in an angelic tone, causing a vibration that radiates through the air toward Ashley and Cat.
[While Ashley and Cat are within 30 feet of another, either can roll a 1d4 and add the number rolled to an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw it makes. For 100 rounds of combat or 10 minutes.]  
Cart Driver gets up and attempts but fails to calm the Rothe 


Rothe Charges Northeast
Herbie takes opportunity attack +0 vs Rothe 15AC
[1d20=16+0 Attack succeeds, Damage: coin flip=2 damage]
Herbie jumps at the heals of the Greater Rothe, biting hard for 2 negrotic damage.
Derbie takes opportunity attack +0 vs Rothe 15AC
[1d20=9+0 Attack fails]
Derbie Jumps as the Rothe's ankle, it flails his leg away in pain from Herbie's bite, Derbie misses the chance to bite.

[Awaiting Cat and Alice's turn before next round]

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[Cat dashes roughly north] and shouts at the Rothé to draw its attention as a bonus action
Cat has attained an INSPIRATION, please add it to your character sheet.
Cat is in charging range of the Rothe [20-60ft from the rothe], but will have initiative next turn to catch up or escape this range.


[Alice] morphs into the horrible parody of a little girl, completely naked... then runs from the cart west towards the wall and climbs it... then jumps into the garden behind

Alice reaches a bush to the southwest of the cart and blends in to the underbrush well.
She will have advantage even against searches.
Alice has attained an INSPIRATION, please add it to your character sheet.

[You use INSPIRATION when you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. Spending your inspiration gives you advantage on that roll.]
[The next turn will now begun. The party has initiative vs the other NPCs. Please go ahead and make your next moves now.]

Keep in mind the charging range of the Rothe is 20-60ft, inside 20ft, you are safe from charging.

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Cat, move to the edge where Derbie is and draw the Rothé there!

We're moving onto the green arc, the Rothé is too far away to attack us now if we leave the cart! I'm too far away to use my spells from here and you need to stay within 30ft of Cat to assist her. We will help each other up that wall onto the green arc. We'll be even safer from the Rothé up there than where we are now.

gets down from the cart and attempts to climb the wall with Ashley's help, then uses dash north towards cat, staying clear from the edge of the green arc

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meanwhile in my peaceful garden:

I'll use SHAPE SELF and turn into a blob again, then climb the crown of the nearest tree. Spread out and well camourflaged in the foilage I'll look for food and bask in the sunlight. Call me when the fight is over and you got clothes for me, see ya!

I shouldn't smell like much, especiall not like a human. Unless I digest a corpse or something, smelly I should be reasonably safe from guard dogs, unless they're trained on artificial alien slimes. I'm not a truffle goddamned!

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Yulya jumps off the cart [no movement penalty if under 10ft] and uses DASH to move toward Cat.
[There is no Roll for climbing up or down but you are not allowed to DASH up, so your movement is counted as normal climbing, it only subtracts from movement at 2x rate or DASH at 4x rate so 2.5ft climb will cost 10ft DASH movement.]

Cat moves West and shouts to taunt the rothé a second time. [Stacking]
Cat attempts to taunt 1/2 [from previous action, sorry it's a little awkward here, this normally wouldn't happen]
[Taunt normally isn't an actual ability, there are others that act in this way though, but you can do anything, so it certainly falls under a Charisma check (+1) vs the rothé's Wisdom 10 (+0)]
[Roll 1d20+1=2 (natural 1, critical failure)]
The rothé happened to be baying at the time and didn't hear you at all.
Cat attempts to taunt a second time as a bonus action 2/2
[Roll 1d20+1=8 (failed)]
The rothé hears your taunt but isn't swayed from its current target. 

Alice HIDES in a tree canopy with 3/4 cover. AC bonus +5
[Rule: A creature can Hide in combat.  The creature must be at least heavily obscured (exception is Wood Elf allows for light natural obscurement and lightfoot halfing allows for a medium creature) and must pass a Stealth check vs the Passive Perception of the enemies.]
In this case the "enemies" are not engaged with Alice or even aware of her existence so she passes without roll check. 
Alice has hidden successfully and will remain undiscovered unless someone actively searches for her or someone is within 5ft. (Passive perception check Alice's Dexterity (Stealth) vs. creature or person's passive Wisdom (perception).  

Ashley moves onto the raised grass arc and casts SUMMON NECROTIC WASP MINOR T1 cantrip.   
[Wild magic surge does not trigger on cantrips. It also wouldn't be affected by EMBOLDENING BOND]
As Ashley whispers her incantation between her articulating fingers a puff of green dusty smoke is released and a single buzzing Necrotic Wasp is released, hereby designated "Beatrice".

Casting time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Until turned, HP goes to zero, or caster is unconscious including from sleep.
TIER 1: Summon a necrotic wasp, size: tiny. On hit, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1 necrotic damage. 
TIER 2: On hit, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 necrotic damage and be distracted for one turn. Passed saving throw has a disadvantage to attack roll next turn. Can only effect small and medium targets.
TIER 3: At Higher Levels. This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).

Beatrice flys north toward the rothé, reaching it [50ft flying +10ft spell reach] and attempts to sting.
Rothé saving throw Constitution vs Ashley's spell casting DC (8+4+2=14) [1d20+10=16 passes]
Beatrice fails to find a good spot to sting.

Herbie and Derbie Dash towards the rothe (40ft).

Rothé continues his charge Northeast.
Beatrice takes opportunity attack +0 vs Rothe 15AC
[1d20=19+0 Attack succeeds, Damage: 1 necrotic damage]

Northwest Civilian Dashes West and escapes the encounter.

Northeast Civilian [unaffiliated wizard level 1] casts MAGIC MISSILE [120ft], Target: rothé.
In a brilliant flash of warm light, three glowing darts form and streak silently toward the rothé. 
[Fun fact: MAGIC MISSILE doesn't require any saving rolls, or even attack rolls, so it always hits even behind 3/4 cover regardless of AC of the target; however, it wouldn't benefit from attack roll bonuses.]
[Rothé is struck by three ethereal darts 1d4+1 each for 3, 5, and 3 damage.]
The rothé is wounded as a result but is otherwise unphased.

The Northeast Guard closes the gap but is still outside the rothé's charging range.

Gate Guard 1 and 2 Dash North, scaling the wall onto the green arc.

The Driver attends to his other animals and secures their harnesses. He seems embarassed.

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Welp so much for my great plan.

Great work Ashley! At least some damage. Come north towards Cat within the reach of the bond and keep summoning the wasps!

Cat move to the right corner of the arc with me we'll try taunting the Rothé again!

moves 10ft N and 20ft E to the right corner of the green arc
readies SACRED FLAME to be released on the Rothé if it comes within range

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> Alice has hidden successfully and will remain undiscovered unless someone actively searches for her or someone is within 5ft.
I knew Stealth would be handy! Sorry for being so useless, at least I try not to cause any trouble

uses PHAGOCYTOSIS to absorb nutrients from the tree and maybe catch a few small bugs living in the crown, without causing too much noise or visible damage

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I run up to where I need to go and cast UNDEAD WASP again!

Swarm, SWARM, my pretties! cackles manically Darken the sky with your numbers and bring a plague upon this world! Also, great work Beatrice!

I can't wait 'till I can summon a swarm of bone dragons!

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Yulya edges closer to the rothé. Hoping for an opportunity to strike with her cantrip SACRED FLAME, she sets a spell trigger to fire once the rothé is in range.

[This can be done with one spell, there is no stacking, and any other attack action will cancel the triger.]

Alice spends her free time considering the economic output of Candlekeep during the start of the last Flight of Dragons c.1102.

Cat leaps next to Yulya and taunts the rothé with all her might.
[Charisma check (+1) vs the rothé's Wisdom 10 (+0) Roll 1d20+1+2=5 (failed even with EMBOLDING BOND)]
You are like a wisper in the breeze to this enraged beast. He continues his charge towward targets he can reach.

Ashley walks up toward Yuyla and Cat, cackling and mad rambling as she goes, giddy with the power of her dark magic, and manages to cast SUMMON NECROTIC WASP MINOR cantrip again.

With her hands streched toward the sky as if expecting a plague of darkness, amid a wisp of green dust-like smoke, a tiny popping sound is followed by the buzz of another necrotic wasp hereby named Barbie.

Barbie shoots north toward the rothé.
Herbie, Derbie, and Beatrice follow her lead.

The driver laments his life choices, taking solice in the thick, pungent locks of his nearest beloved beast.

The southern guards contiunue to dash north.
Cat's sensitive ears overhear one telling the other about the problems with chasing down perpetrators in full plate.

The north guard bravely continues his race toward the rothé.

The unaffiliated wizard climbs on top of a post and casts a second MAGIC MISSILE
A spectical of light shines a bluish-hued beam that forms three ethereal darts once again. They zoom unerringly toward their target.''
The wizard is utterly spent as a result and looks weary. 
[Rothé is struck by three ethereal darts for 2, 4, and 2 damage.]

The rothé is injured further but shows no sign of stopping.
It charges at the North Guard!
[Attack Roll 1d20+5=13 vs. Guard's AC of 21 (Plate mail and shield)]
The guard deftly dodges the charging beast and prepares to run it through with his sword.

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I agree Alice needs to hide in her form it cant be helped. 

Alright if nothing else works we will take the initiative. I will move into attack range if the Rothé doesnt come here. It was my mistake I forgot taunting it last round.

Cat do you really want to move out to attack the Rothé? You will be on your own out there without Emboldening Bond and I cant assist you. Use stealth!

Ashley I think just staying here and summoning wasps is the way to go right?

moves 20ft towards the Rothé casts SACRED FLAME at it and moves 10ft back out of its charge range

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I scoot over a little leaving room for Yulya to get back up if she needs to and cast UNDEAD WASP!

Yesssss yes another one of my pretties comes into being!

Power flows through Ashley's fingertips, as her melodious utterances call fourth another being from the negative plane.

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Alice daydreams about cute outfits.

Yulya moves 20ft towards the rothé casts SACRED FLAME cantrip. Target: Greater rothé, must beat DC=8+5+2=15.

cantrip evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature that you can see within range
Components: V S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Cleric
Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.

Yula swishes her wrists in a swirling motion and speaks angelic words that are both beautiful and familiar yet undecipherable to laymen ears. A flash of light surrounds her hands and a radiance of blinding light shines down on the rothe as if from heaven itself.

@[Rothé Saving throw against DEX 10(+0) must beat 15, 1d20+0=19 succeeds saving throw, and resists all damage.]/@

Yulya falls back 10ft to stay out of its charge range.

Cat Dashes to the tile north of Barbie 3 tiles N and 2 ties diagonal as silently as she can and tries not to get noticed using stealth.

[Because the rothé's FOV is large enough to see you moving, but it's distracted, I'll allow a stealth roll check with disadvantage. If the rothé wasn't distracted it would always fail unless you were already hidden and move to another spot that obscures you from vision or otherwise says out of the creature's FOV. If you stayed out of his FOV, it would be a roll with advantage. Per the rules, "You cannot use stealth in plain sight of a creature."]

Cat uses Stealth during her move vs rothe's passive perception 12. [Disadvantage (1d20+3=19, 1d20+3=13) passes check!] 

Cat dashes silently, Northeast as the rothé concentrates his attack on the guard, the rothé doesn't notice sneaking up.

[Cat is out of the rothe's FOV and may approach it from behind without it noticing and attack with ADVANTAGE next turn presuming it doesn't move or turn. Note: if it should notice you for some reason, you are now within its charging range (20-60ft).]

Beebee races toward the rothé.
Herbie and Derbie dash their way toward the rothé.
Beatrice and Barbie reach the rothé and attack!
[1d20+0=14 Beatrice's attack fails vs rothe's AC15]
[1d20+0=12 Barbie's attack fails vs rothe's AC15]
Their necrotic stings do not penetrate the thick fur of the rothé.

The Driver readies his whip and moves toward the rothé.

Unaffiliated wizard casts cantrip FIRE BOLT.
A gust of wind swirls into a flame at the caster's fingertips, with a word of encouragement the flame streaks toward the rothé but fizzles harmlessly against its thick hide.

North Guard stabs at the rothé using his sword.
[Stab is a means to counter the rothé's resistance to slashing; however, it is not the primary attack of the long sword so it has a penalty to damage somewhere between an improvised weapon 1d4 and a long sword 1d8 before bonuses but better than the half damage it would get for slashing after bonuses.]
[1d20+2+2=22 the guard's attack succeeds vs rothé's AC15 for 1d6+2=7 piercing damage]

The guard stabs through the rothé's hide with ease.
The rothé grunts in anguish, clearly wounded by the attack, then charges north toward the unaffiliated wizard.

Beatrice takes opportunity attack +0 vs Rothe 15AC
[1d20+0=20 Critical hit! Damage: 2 necrotic damage]
The rothé grunts angrily!
Barbie takes opportunity attack +0 vs Rothe 15AC
[1d20+0=1 Critical miss!]
Barbie dives deep into the rothé's thick locks and is tangled hopelessly within. Barbie does not survive the ensuing struggle.

''The north guard takes opportunity attack +2 vs Rothe 15AC
[1d20+2+2=21 the guard's attack succeeds with primary attack Damage: 1d10+2=12 slashing damage. Rothé resists damage 12/2=6]

The blade manages to slice through the tangling locks and the rothé nearly stumbles in pain but manages to disengage and charge Northeast.

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The rothé charges at the unaffiliated wizard who is standing on the post at an elevation of 5ft. Unfortunately that is not outside the rothé's reach.

[The wizard rolls saving throw vs charge 1d20+0=1 natural 1! The wizard takes the full brunt off the rothé's attack, falling prone directly in front of the rothé where he is trampled by the rothé's hooves for 4d4+10=20 damage!]

The wizard makes a desperate saving throw for his life.
[1d20=15 success!]
[The wizard survives but is critically wounded and must pass two more saving throws or will perish if not stabilized.]

The wizard's body lays still on the ground, crushed by the weight of the rothe's hooves, his situation is dire.

[Corrected monster card, hooves should be bludgeoning damage.]

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Oh nonono thats not good!
Why didnt the wizard get out of the way? We will have to close in again. I really dont like being out on the open like this but thats how it is. I will move towards the Rothé but stay out of chargin range. Cat move diagonally north towards the stairs also stay out of its range. At least Ashley managed to deal some damage keep the wasps coming!

dashes diagonally north exactly to the R of ROTHE that the Rothé lost while charging the poor wizard.
[I hope this is out of its range if not then a little further back]

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Well I suppose it's good to know Alice is safe over there. I don't know the first think about stabilizing anyone. 

Hey Yulya, you have advantage on Medicine, that wizard has a 50/50 chance of death from here on out and you could stabilize him pretty easily but it'll take you 3 turns just to get up there and the rothe will likely be within 60ft of it especially if the guard closes the gap. I can't ask my babies to taunt, but I can tell them to fall back and we could all taunt the rothe away from the victim.

[It's only a DC10 vs Yulya's +5 and advantage, it's unlikely to fail, however he will roll death throw every turn so in three turns he could be dead or still hanging on, he needs to roll three 1d20 over 10 vs 3x 10 and under to live and they don't have to be consecutive, so YNYNY and he still lives but YNNYN and he's dead for example.]

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Alice smugly waits for her opportunity to gloat.

Yulya dashes north, prepairing to get just out of range of the rothé.

Cat and Ashley dash north and attempt to taunt again as a bonus action.
[Cat's Charisma check (+1) vs the rothé's Wisdom 10 (+0) Roll 1d20+1=15]
[Ashley's Charisma check (+4) vs the rothé's Wisdom 10 (+0) Roll 1d20+4=6]

The rothé finally listenes to Cat and changes his target to Cat, but is unimpressed by Ashley.
The rothé charges toward Cat!

The North Guard dashes to the aid of the Unaffiliated Wizard.

The Driver dashes toward his rothé, calling in vein.

Ashley's minions move and attack the rothé.
[1d20+0=15 Beatrice's attack succeeds vs rothé's AC15, Damage: 1 necrotic damage]
The rothé winces in pain.
[1d20+0=1 Critical failure! Derbie snaps at the rothé's ankle attack but gets trampled into the dust! Derbie has been called home to the negative plane.]
[1d20+0=9 Herbie is heartbroken after losing his brother and forgets to attack.]
[1d20+0=1 Critical failure! Beebee dances with death and is voted off the island. Swept away in the currents of the rothé wake.]

[That's a lot of critical failures for Ashley's summons. It's remarkably bad luck.]

The Gate Guards continue their hurried march north, panting like overweight dogs on a hot day.

The Unaffiliated Wizard rolls a saveing throw vs death.
[1d20=4 The grim reaper knocks on his door, holding a summons, 1/3 die vs 1/3 live]

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[By the power of MS paint, the map was corrected. Please ignore the preceding map.]

[Warning: Yulya and Cat are in the rothé's charging range. The rothé is currently racing toward Cat and is fully capable of taking her down in one shot.]

[The rothé's current position is retained but it is facing Cat.]

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faint singing can be heard from a nearby garden
♬ I've got my bugs ♬
♬ And my camourflage to protect me ♬
♬ I am shielded in my canopy ♬
♬ Hiding in my tree ♬
♬ Safe within my tree ♬
♬ I touch noone and noone touches me ♬

♬ I am a blob ♬
♬ I am an a---lien... ♬

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RIP Derbie

At least Alice is having a good time!

Forgive me but I am going to do something foolish. Cat draw the rothé away dont be crazy and attack it on your own! I wont be able to heal you.

casts LIGHT onto herself and moves 30ft straight to the wizard, hoping the blinding light will keep the rothé from attacking her

oh yeah we got that too everywhere but it hasnt come out yet bc too cold. lots of old people harvest it in the forest i never bothered. too afraid i'd poison myself by mixing it up with something else


Cat could overhear citizens in their homes, obviously oblivious to what was transpiring in the gate plaza just outside their windows.

It was surreal but she couldn't let them distract her. It was just an indication of how peaceful this city might be, or, did they know there was a life or death struggle going on under their window and it was so commonplace that they couldn't be bothered?

Alice inexplicably begins roasting the Bard class through poor impersonation by humming an alien tune to herself and undulating in the treetop.

The light catches Ashley's eyes in such a way as to make them appear blue when in fact they're obviously violet. 
She moves directly away from the rothé and casts SUMMON NECROTIC WASP MINOR
With her arms outstretched she summons a cloud of green dust and flying free from the cloud, comes another Necrotic Wasp from the negative plane denoted Beta.
Beta heads directly for the rothé.

In the already brightly lit scene, Yulya casts LIGHT on herself and rushes toward the unaffiliated wizard, inside the inner radius of the rothé's charging range.
With a small gesture and angelic phrasing, a light not so different from direct sunlight's reflection illuminates her body more fully, making it appear as if the sun has somehow managed to alight every crease and fold of her vestments. Though it certainly looks brighter, it's otherwise unremarkable and has little effect on anyone who would glance her way.

[I couldn't find any reason to think this spell would have an effect on an overland rothé who was already accustomed to bright sunlit terrain. However this spell would have an effect on subterranean accustomed creatures and natives and might temporarily blind some being who is acclimated to a dark room or dim lighting, or say at night. I believe the affect you were trying to achieve would be possible by boosting the level 0 cantrip to level 1, using 1 spell point to do so. It would be bright like flash powder but a continuous effect, doubling the light radiuses and making yet another tier of brightness within 20ft. Once you have access to 2nd tier magic, spending 2 spell points on this cantrip would have a flash-bang tier effect on creatures caught within it's inner 20ft radius blinding them for any turn they remain in within the radius or look your direction, but not permanently.]

Cat dashes 20ft west and climbs up the short wall out of the rothé's reach and continues taunting the rothé
[Charisma check (+1) vs the rothé's Wisdom 10 (+0) Roll 1d20+1+2=15 succeeded!]
Though the rothé sees cat scale the wall out of reach, her voice grated on his nerves so he keeps his attention on her anyway.

Herbie, Beebee and Beatrice attack.
[1d20+0=8 Beatrice's attack fails vs rothé's AC15]
[1d20+0=1 Beebee's attack fails vs rothé's AC15 and her delicate body is torn in two by the rothé's matted whipping locks.]
[1d20+0=14 vs rothé's AC15, Herbie bites the rothé's ankle, but fails to penetrate his thick skin.]

The north guard reaches the unaffiliated wizard and performs first aid without the tools or the proficiency.
[1d20+0=5, vs DC10 fails to stabilize the victim but does not count against the victim's remaining death saving throws.]
[The victim rolls a death saving throw, 1d20=8, and is one step closer to meeting his maker.]

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The driver reaches the rothé and whips him with his driving whip
With a sweeping motion the driver's mastery of the whip becomes evident. Through years of correcting his beloved team, he has gained mastery on top of his proficiency.
[He has advantage on attack, +3 to hit and +1 to damage in addition to his strength modifier which is pathetically +0. Note: most non-adventurer NPCs have average stats hovering around 10 (+0) unless their job gives them a reasonable boost such as a circus performer would have high dexterity and a farmhand would be stronger than most having to do manual labor all day.]
[1d20+3=19 vs the rothe's 15AC, dealing slashing damage but is halved due to the rothé's thick fur, 1d4+1=5 however it is a critical hit so the rothé takes full damage!]
The rothé stumbles under the might of his master's whip but remains focused on Cat.

The gate guards finally reach the rothé and stab at it mercilessly with their long swords.
[1d20+2+2=17 the guard's attack succeeds vs rothé's AC15 for 1d6+2=3 piercing damage]
The rothé is near his breaking point and flails violently but isn't finished yet!
[1d20+2+2=11 the guard's attack fails vs rothé's AC15]
The second guard's sword contacts but catches only fur as the rothé flails in agony.

Against his better interests, the rothé chases Cat.
[1d20+0=9 Beatrice's opportunity attack fails vs the rothé's AC15]
[1d20+0=5 Herbie's opportunity attack fails vs the rothé's AC15]
[1d20+2+2=17 the guard's opportunity attack succeeds vs rothé's AC15 for 1d8+2=6 slashing damage, halved due to resistance, 3 damage]
[1d20+2+2=13 the guard's opportunity attack fails vs rothé's AC15]
[1d20+3=19 vs the rothé's 15AC, dealing slashing damage but is halved due to the rothé's thick fur, 1d4+1=3 damage!]

The rothé escapes the gauntlet alive but very weakened. He's exhausted (1/6) and not long to stay on his feet. He is just shy of reaching Cat and huffs madly in frustration!

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OMG Cat that's epic! I wish I could help in some way! 

I call upon my babies to ralley them and send them at the rothé as a last ditch effort then scoot just a tad back out of range of the rothé's charge.

[Joy need's to research if I can do this because one more Wasp won't do much. If this can do anything that's better.]

Yulya realizes her error and the implications of not dashing to save the wizard. Though her action was meant to be cautious and shouldn't be second guessed, the decision to cast LIGHT was counterproductive to the situation. Such errors in judgement tend to have dire consequences but the wizard's fate is now sealed, as she reaches him, time has run out.

The North Guard valiantly attempts to stabilize the Unaffiliated Wizard again.
[1d20+0=2, vs DC10 fails to stabilize the victim again.]
With his hands shaking, he fumbles and is perplexed when he can't determine the right thing to do, the internal injuries caused by the rothé's hooves were severe and not well understood by the untrained guard.
[Thus the victim looks towards death, his eyes fixated on those hollow dark sockets. Death reaches out his bony hand and the victim rolls what could be his last saving throw. Here, if he fails, his life would be removed from the material plane...]

A light forms above Yulya's head, a ring of golden hue and mysterious structures of glowing golden dust extend from her back and she feels her radiance shine through into the material realm. Her vision is momentarily blinded by a shaft of light as it pierces the victim and for a brief moment she could have sworn her guardian angel was standing just behind the victim.

[... 1d20=10 by some miraculous twist of fate, the victim barely succeeds his saving throw a second time, 2/3 live vs 2/3 die]
Though he is by no means out of Death's grip, a small respite has been granted by the gods. A second chance has been given to Yulya to prove she can make a difference in this man's life and cast away Death's presence. Surely she will know the right thing to do now.

The guard speaks to Yulya as he desperately racks his brain, untrained and unremarkable in the ways of first aid Thank the gods you're here, you've got to help him- The guard looks over at Yulya and his eyes widen, his jaw drops and a look of awe and fear flash across his face, to him he is looking at winged and radiant being of light, the very definition of an angel. A surge of emotions run through him that he is unable to process causing tears to run down his cheeks.

Ashley calls upon her connection to the negative plane and brings fourth energies to bolster her minions, she casts RALLY-ATTACK, then backs off south 30ft to safety, completely forgetting about EMBOLDING BOND! 
Her minions glow with renewed vigor, closing the gap to the rothé but neither Herbie nor Beatrice are able to attack this round.
[I'm not going to change Ashley's decision, but there is at least one other error. Given I offered 4 flavors of RALLY, the correct option would have been RALLY-SPEED which would have given them the ability to reach the rothé and potentially attack. As it stands only Beta reaches the rothé and though Bets is able to attack, she's unaffected by the ATTACK boost at level 0, Ashley especially should have considered her options more carefully. Additionally, her decision to stay out of the rothé's reach brings her out of the range of the Embolding Bond. That's not necessarily an error, surely she could be killed by the rothé in one blow, but it does put Cat in potentially greater danger.]

Beta moves toward the rothé and attacks.
[1d20+0=15 Beta's attack succeeds vs rothé's AC15 causing 1 necrotic damage.]
The rothé couldn't be more enraged but nearly falls, he's nearing his last conscious breath but is still alive and kicking!
Herbie and Beatrice Dash toward the rothé but are left just out of reach.

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[1d20+3=6 Constitution check vs DC10]
Alice, basking in the afternoon sun in relative peace and tranquility, after a burst of merriment amid the dire circumstances of the battle just feet away, tired from her long journey, has slipped into unconsciousness. 
Alice is peacefully asleep and will not awaken again for 8 hours unless awakened by an outside force or one of her party members. 
[1d20+2=4 Stealth check vs DC5.] 
Her position has shifted and she now appears as an unsightly goo hanging from the canopy of her tree. Anyone within 20ft will see this and likely report the gangly ooze to the guards. 

The Driver follows the rothé and attempts to whip him into submission.

[On the previous round, I mistakenly gave the driver a critical hit. That was my blunder. So this round he did indeed get a critical hit 1d20+3=23 but I must then swap this with the previous round's roll 1d20+3=19 giving the driver a hit but not doubling the damage. The rothé's exhaustion level 1/6 stands.]

[1d4+1=4, halved by rothé's thick fur=2]
The whip strikes against the fur coat of the rothé and causes the animal to bleat loudly but is not quite enough to take him down! 

[Unexpectedly tense result!]

The gate guards can only watch as they are outpaced by the rothé's erratic and illogical movements. They are unable to reach him in time to strike a deciding blow.

[Which brings the final match down to Cat and the rothé, a hit will almost surely down this nearly unconscious beast, but a miss could potentially bring her in danger of his horns or stomping hooves.]

Cat enters RAGE uses her INSPIRATION and jumps to attack the rothé!
[Cat uses her unarmed attack with a base attack bonus of +6 and a damage of 1d6+4 but it is slashing which the rothe will resist halving the damage. At this point I will reveal the rothé has 3HP left, so a natural 1 with Cat's damage roll, even if she hits will round down to 2 leaving the rothé with 1HP and a chance to attack her. However, she also uses RAGE and INSPIRATION. RAGE will give her a +2 damage, which means any hit she manages will down the rothé. INSPIRATION gives her advantage on this attack so she has two chances to hit]
[1d20+6=11, miss vs the rothé's 15AC, with advantage 1d20+6=23! It's a hit! 1d6+4+2=8 with resistance damage = 4!]

With everything she has Cat claws at the rothé. It's reign of terror has ended, and it falls to the ground with a thunderous thud. The beast has finally been defeated!

All attention now turns to Yulya and the fate of the dying wizard...

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In the distance the bells of the Church of Tyr ring three clear tolls.

Yulya uses HEALING HANDS on the critically wounded unaffiliated wizard on his last saving throw.
[HEALING HANDS (Aasimar trait): As an action, you can touch a creature and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest (8 hours total in a 24 hour period).]
Yulya is surrounded by the divine light, her aura grows to encompass the wizard and as she touches his chest, a beam of light energy enters him. Suddenly the wizard's near lifeless body awakens and takes in a long gasping breath. In his wide eyes Yulya's light reflects back like a ray of sun on morning dew. To him, he was just touched by an angel and the image is burned indelibly into his mind. He immediately falls unconscious again but he has stabilized.

[Turn based combat has ended]


Ashley waves her hands in a specific esoteric gesture and her summons pop back into the negative plane, leaving only a light wispy green dust that quickly dissipates. With an annoyed sigh, she starts walking toward the biggest problem left to solve...

Cat stands breathing hard as the great beast lay at her feet, adrenaline and an overwhelming urge to battle slowly wane. In less then a minute she regains her composure.

A strange man wearing a lantern on his head mumbles to himself, though his words strike true, there is no indication he is aware of what he is saying or who he is even talking to.

The North Guard grabs the strange man by his collar and chastises him for his lunacy, then pushes him along his way with a warning. "There's one around every corner." he mutters. 
Then he turns his attention to Yulya and bows to her, "Thank you miss for your service, I feel if you hadn't come, this poor man would have died. I apologize about what I'm going to say next and I don't want it to apply to you but the guards will need to run an investigation. There's been too many such events lately to be labeled a coincidence so we're compelled to investigate every one with all due diligence, even the innocent and the heroic I'm afraid." he appears genuinely sorry "So I must ask you to collect your party and wait for us to investigate, it shouldn't take more then an hour." He brightens slightly "The good news is, there'll be a recompense for your assistance at the Hall of Justice if you're found at no fault." He notes your holy symbol with your name embossed clearly

The cart driver kneels next to his now unconscious rothe, carefully stroking it's long matted main and whispering something to it softly. His action has stabilized the rothe on his second attempt before the rothe makes his third failed saving throw. He hears Cat's chastising remarks but ignores her.
[Because we are out of combat, these turns can run without interruption, each would otherwise take 1 turn or 6 seconds. 1d20=7 the rothe is one step closer to death, 1d20+0=4 the driver fails to administer first aid correctly, 1d20=4 the rothe is failing fast, 1d20+0=14 the driver succeeds in his attempt to stabilize his animal.]

Gate Guard 2 grabs the Driver by the collar, dragging him to his feet and begin his interrogation immediately in a harsh manor.

Gate Guard 1 notes Cat as one of the people he just let in, he rolls his eyes and chuckles at her, "Welcome to Neverwinter! Unfortunately I need to ask you to collect your party and wait by the statue in the plaza, we'll need to take statements from everyone."

On her second attempt, but far enough away from anyone's notice, Ashley manages to heave Alice's unconscious gelatinous form back into her hidden canopy.

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Congratulations on surviving your first combat encounter! The rothe was a challenge level 4 much higher than you could reasonably expect to handle on your own without terrain aid or help from others. It was worth 2000XP!

The XP will be divided by 7 for everyone still conscious at the end of the battle, a lesser bonus amount is awarded to those who fought but became unconscious as a result of battle. 

Yulya, Cat and Ashley gain 285XP each! Please mark this on your character sheets.
[Alice is not eligible for XP for this encounter due to inaction.]  

[You are ordered by the guards to wait by the statue for further instructions and investigations. Not following this order will implicate guilt for the incident. Now is the time to coordinate and plan your next move, you have less than an hour in game to strategize and coordinate your stories if any, pick someone to handle the guards questions, and survive the interrogation.]

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From the plaza you can clearly see the clock on the bell tower of the Temple of Tyr. It shows 3:55 as you note the guards finishing up with the Driver.

After a rather tense interview, the gate guards seem satisfied with the excuses, platitudes, and assurances the driver had to offer. He was a tradesman after all, those type are usually very good at negotiations. The driver offers thanks and squeezes some juice of healroot into the gaping unconscious mouth of the rothé, causing it to stir. It stumbles to its feet and he immediately uses animal handling without proficiency with advantage. Only natural 1 would cause the rothé to become enraged again in his exhausted and injured state. [1d20+0=2, 1d20+0=16] He successfully brings the rothé into line and leads it back to the cart.

"And get that cart out if here before the next toll, the gate's backed up and we don't want you clogging up the road. You're free to unload it but visit the Hall of Justice for reparations no later than tomorrow morning," the guard said sternly.

The driver offers the officers a tip of his hat and continues toward his cart.

One of the Gate Guards (the one you spoke to on the way in) and the North Guard (badge number 157) head your way and are joined unexpectedly by another gentleman of high stature.

"What's going on here?" Said the very tall man carrying a Giant's Super Heavy Mace in fine leather armor. Certainly a fighter or barbarian of some kind with strength to rival a Hill Giant to wield that mace.

"We don't need your help Brutus, the party's over," said the North Guard.
He answered in a booming and overly dramatic, seemingly mocking tone, "Aww damn, thought there'd still at least be something left for me, I heard there were undead monsters and someone died. Was it one of yours?"

The North Guard rolled his eyes, "check your sources more thoroughly, that's all here say and wrong I might add. I was here and aside from some sewer rats and a few strange wasps, there weren't any of the undead sort. Also, the unaffiliated wizard in question survived thanks to the valiant efforts of our team and quick thinking!" He's right there getting aid from the temple cleric now if you want to go nose in on his doings." The guard took his razing in stride, he obviously knew this gentleman and looked up to him, it wasn't in a rivalrous tone, it was in a tone of pride and an attempt to impress the big man and playfully banter with him.

"Hmm." Brutus said and continued walking with the guards toward the statue where all the new faces were.

[As he approached, the most remarkable thing was his tag, it was an adventurer's tag and had an unmistakably orange sheen, and not the copper sort of orange sheen, he was an orichalcum class S adventurer. A legendary being of godly status by the guild's own standards. It is said that such a warrior would be capable of single handedly challenging a dragon and live to tell the tale, and he was headed your way with them.]

Cat, Yulya and Ashley were patiently waiting as the good samaritans they were. 

"Well well well, what an assortment of beauties we have here. It's a sight for these old sore eyes," Brutus said with a voice that boomed larger than life. His smile revealed missing teeth and his wrinkles followed scars all across his leathery face.

"I said we can handle this Brutus," the North Guard said, "and sorry for the wait ladies, we just need to record your statements and answer a few questions."

"You two figure this out, I got to get back to the gate anyway," the gate guard said and eyed Ashley suspiciously as he passed. He leaned into Yulya and whispered, "Trouble, just as I said." He pointed to his helmet in a knowing way and nodded.

Brutus shot both guards a look and continued, "What's up ladies? I heard there was a ruckus."

Ashley stepped up first with a huge smirk on her face, "heya big guy, after all this ruckus. I've decided that the church route isn't for me. I'm going to take my hard earned gold and register at the guild, could you perhaps give me a discount?" She ended sweetly.
[1d20+4=14 Ashley attempts persuasion without proficiency vs DC20]

He laughs heartily, "what do you have to offer me there little miss? Maybe I could throw you a gold, I could use some company tonight."

Ashley's expression dropped, "I ain't that type of little miss, sir. But if you know what's good for ya, maybe you should at least offer to buy a girl a drink." 
&[1d20+6=16 vs DC20 Ashley attempts intimidation and fails once again.]

He laughs harder, "Well aren't you a spicy one, but I'm sorry lass, my heart belongs to another way above your rank in beauty and grace."

Ashley furrows her brow and waves him off, "Pft, whatever, at least I tried" she glances at Yulya and shrugs. "So anyway, Mr. Guard, Sir, can I go? I need to get registered or I won't be able to eat right? I haven't eaten for days, I'm starving here! Do you want this incident to cause a real death?" She leaned in on him in an insistent way, sucking in her cheeks slightly, exacerbating her already gaunt appearance.
&[1d20+6=19 vs DC15 Ashley attempts to use deception to get the guard to let her go and it succeeds.]

The guard shoots her an annoyed look and throws his thumb over his shoulder, "see that you get registered without more ruckus."

Ashley winks at him, and then waves to Yulya and Cat, "See ya at the guild best buds," she said in a sing-song-y way and adds with a serious tone, "get a mask and robe and bring Alice, I'll butter them all up at the guild for yalls. Bye Felicia."

She steps past the big guy and slaps his stomach, "see ya there too I guess, maybe I'll buy you a drink."
[1d20+4=6 He clearly wasn't impressed by her charismatic charms.]
[1d20+4=7 The guard watches her go, unimpressed as well and frankly a little relieved to see that one on her way.]

The North Guard and Brutus both stare down at Cat and Yulya, buttered up as Ashley would say.

Four bells toll ominously in the distance. You hear the driver calling his animals into motion, the rogue rothe limping as he trails on a leash.
[The North Guard has asked for your statements for a start, Yulya and Cat obviously, Ashley was miraculously released without questioning and without incident and will meet you at the guild, she still has your 40gp. Though she requested you bring Alice, and in proper garb and mask, that's up to you, though it would help quite a bit if you did. - Signed, your humble, kind, and merciful DM Joy who you will do well to take advice from.] 

[Again, this is your game, so do what you feel is right. I will also add as a bonus gift of knowledge you should have figured out given the previous information: the shops will sell to Yulya and they won't question Cat as the townsfolk are used to seeing refugees and many of them are walking around unregistered, many gave all they had just to enter the city with nothing left to eat never mind to pay to register at the Adventurer’s Guild or Hall of Justice.]


[To be absolutely clear, the North Guard is asking for statements from both of you separately Cat and Yulya, that means he wants a full and complete account as you remember it. (You can summarize). He will attempt to render judgment if you were in part or wholly at fault, he will try to actively detect deception for which he has some proficiency against [DC15], and his associate Brutus is listening in for his own curiosity but may tip off the guard if something doesn't sound right to him. [DC20]]

[To my utter disappointment as your DM Ashley outsmarted me and managed to avoid my gotchas on a gamble. Part of me is proud of her bravery, part of me is not amused by her hubris, but it was a fair albeit risky exchange. From this point forward, she is put on the same dirtier death rules as the other group. I would like to see just how brave she is.]

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Cat approaches the North Guard and begins gesticulating wildly

Do you really let him off like that Nya? I'm sure he didn't look after his rothé well that's why this happened Nya! I am good at animal handling as well Nya! We just came through the gate and wanted to pass the cart Nya but we heard loud noise and he was already on the floor Nya and the rothé it was struggling with its harness it wasn't put on properly Nya it was hurt Nya! I ran to it quickly I thought I could calm it down Nya but it was too late Nya it got really mad there's nothing you can do anymore Nya. We climbed on the cart all of us to be safe Nya but the rothé it ran away Nya right to the other people Nya so we had to do something Nya we couldn't just stay on the cart and watch do you understand Nya? They took my spear so I had no weapon but Yulya gave me her shield Nya so I jump down and climb up that arc and run Nya and shout come back so the rothé doesn't run away even more Nya we wanted to lure it back to the cart Nya and away from the civilians Nya but it didn't listen at all and ran and ran Nya

Cat takes a deep breath before continuing

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And then Yulya came too Nya I told her to stay away Nya if the rothé gets you it's curtains Nya but she wanted to use her flame spell Nya and Ashley came too because when she's near I get all powered up Nya because of that spell Nya so we were all on the edge of that green arc

points wildly in the direction

But then that wizard shows up and he fires magic real far and hits the rothé really hard like boom and it was hurt Nya it got really mad so it charged to him Nya and you know that's when you came too right and you dodged it really cool like whoa Nya and you stabbed it hard Nya. I couldn't stay up on the wall anymore Nya I ran towards the rothé but it went straight for the wizard Nya that idiot Nya why didn't he get out of the way Nya it hit him full force Nya!
That was bad Nya we we failed Nya that's what we wanted to avoid we wanted to draw it to us Nya and Yulya threw away all caution and went straight for the wizard to help him Nya right behind the rothé Nya it was crazy Nya she even used her light spell I dunno why Nya it was really dangerous Nya so I wanted to attack the rothé to draw it away from her Nya but she ordered me not to Nya it was hard Nya. And then the guys from the gate came Nya and that driver too Nya and they all attacked the rothé and hit it a lot it was weakened Nya. Then I finally managed to make the rothé go after me Nya. I climbed up that wall Nya over there Nya and it charged after me far away so Yulya could help the wizard Nya and then I jumped down like whoosh and I hit the rothé as hard as I could I didn't want to Nya but it could have hurt more people like the wizard if I didn't stop it Nya. I don't remember much how we were fighting but I brought it down Nya!

Thats all I remember Nya we should have attacked sooner Nya then the wizard wouldn't have got hurt Nya. He almost died Nya I'm glad Yulya could save him Nya!

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Yulya manages to calm Cat down at least a bit before giving her own statement still puzzled and worried that Ashley managed to get away on her own.

Right after we entered the city we found ourselves behind this carriage and wanted to overtake it on the right side. We heard a commotion and saw the driver lying on the floor next to the second rothé on the right side. My guard here was the first to notice that the first rothé had broken free of its harness it was injures and became enraged. I barely managed to stop her from racing right over and trying to calm it down with her animal handling skill. We climbed the cart instead to get to safety. We knew we had to take that raging animal down but it charged north and outside of the range of my Sacred flame spell the only offensive spell I am proficient in. So my guard Cat went down from the cart and tried to get the rothés attention to make it go after her and lure it back to the driver and into the range of my spell. It didnt work out the beast charged further north and towards two civilians. It was clear it wouldnt come back to the cart so me and my disciple decided to follow Cat and back her up. We went to the northernmost edge of the green arc but even this wasnt close enough. After that wizard intervened with his magic missile things got completely out of hand and the rothé began charging the caster. I believe thats when you finally managed to reach it A very brave move if I may say. The wizard fired a second magic missile and thats when the rothé charged him. I think it was the exhaustion after using two spells in qucik succession but still we were horrified that the wizard made no attempts to escape the rothé charging at full speed. I went down from the arc and hit the rothé with my Sacred Flame once but that did not stop it and it took down that unfortunate wizard. I knew this was a deadly hit and that I needed to go out there and heal him. I am a cleric of the Peace Domain so I have next to no experience in frontline combat it was a gamble. Since you went to help the wizard I was now out in the open.Cat did her best to lure the beast westwards away from the downed wizard and my apprentice now also left her safe position to back her up. Finally the rothé charged westwards just before you reached the dying wizard. It was now between Cat and me and I managed to sneak behind it while it chased Cat to the wall. It took longer than expected but I am glad I finally managed to reach the wizard and save him from deaths door. Honestly I was surprised to find him still alive with such injuries. You wouldd think getting a full hit from that beast means instant death. He must have had a guardian angel watching over him. I used all my concentration healing him so I have not witnessed Cat taking down the rothé together with the two guards from the gate an the driver I presume. But I was relieved to hear their cheers and when it was over. So thats pretty much the gist of it you were there yourself so you should be able to confirm my words. I am glad that aside from the unfortunate wizard nobody was injured but I admit we were reckless and our coordination was far from perfect. It could have ended in a disaster. I wanted to use the most careful approach in order not to endanger any of my comrades but you know the best plans rarely survive the beginning of a battle. When the wizard was hit we knew we had to act and we did.

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[1d20+1=7+1 CHA vs DC5 Passed evaluation.]
[The guard was already impressed with your actions after speaking to his gate guard comrades.]

[1d20+1=20+1 CHA critical pass]
Brutus strokes his beard and a smile grows on his leathery face. "A cut of my own cloth, I expected nothing less." he laughs with a kind sparkle in his eyes then turns to the guard, "this one is innocent, I can tell by the cut of her jib. I'll vouch for her personally."

The guard nods in agreement and jots a note down on a green hand board with white chalk. "If you're okay with this lout, there's not much more to say but welcome to Neverwinter, and sorry for all the ruckus."

He paused a moment, looking over his notes, then continued, "being registered has its advantages, I understand you've chosen to act as a personal guard, but you really should consider registering with the guild. There's a bright future in store for you even if you continue to serve your leader here. It's optional of course, but when you do, you'll also be eligible for recompense for your help today which may offset the price considerably; it's still up for negotiation though. If you're not registered we can't offer you anything. So if you get registered at the Hall or the Guild, go check the desk for recompense in your name. I have you down as Cat, Tabaxi and your class is... Barbarian. It should be waiting for you by ohhh, maybe tomorrow afternoon?"

He seemed satisfied with his judgment and had no further questions for you because of Brutus' endorsement. 

[He knew you were Barbarian because the Gate guard saw you Rage and shared that information with him.]

Brutus added, "if you do come to the guild, ask for me and I'd be glad to give you a few pointers. Who knows, maybe someday you'll be experienced enough to challenge me in the arena." He laughed, amusing himself greatly, but he did mean that genuinely but your story just tickled him greatly.


[1d20+2=20+2 CHA, the dice love you two.]
The Guard listens to your story with interest, especially when you retell about his quick thinking and bravery. He elbows Brutus, and Brutus approves, already willing to take the benefit of the doubt if such a fine Tabaxi Barbarian decided to associate with you.

The guard continues, "This is a cut and dry case, I can't find any reason to question you further. I must say I'm impressed and that's saying something. Once you're Silver rank I can only dream that someone like you'd join the guard. We could really use your type and especially someone willing to stick your neck out for a stranger," he sighed as he jotted down a final note. "I should have talked to you two first, this was my mistake, but the priority is always to clear the road, time is money."

Brutus asks the guard what you did exactly this guard gushes like a heartsick schoolgirl. He rolls his eyes, and then folds his arms in a proud stance, "we'll be happy to have the both of you in the guild, I hope you'll both consider it." 
“I think you know you will have recompense waiting for you tomorrow afternoon as well,” ‘’he says to Yulya.’’

[Congratulations on a very good outcome! Cat and Yulya gain 50AP each. Ashley gambles and wins 10AP.]

With the stress of a long and perilous journey finally fading, you both take a sign of relief and decide on what to do next. The whereabouts of a certain necromantic sorceress are hopefully still known and one special gelatinous friend certainly understood; it's up to you to decide where to go next.



[Joy: The City is wide open to you now, you and Cat may move about freely and go wherever your heart desires. Though not all parts of the city are equally safe, the main road and market districts are both well watched by guards and adventurers alike. The big city has just about any district, shop, confectionary, or lodging you would desire. Simply ask in the Meta thread what is available in whatever area you're interested and I will accommodate with any information you need. The list of available items are attached with small changes to certain prices which I will address if your shopping list includes them. In addition to anything available in the PHB item lists, for the prices shown, any material needed for spell casting would be available within reason at the alchemists' shops and other places, please inquire with me for specifics. There is obviously also items not included on these lists such as costumes, masks and nearly any custom item you would wish made to order at the tailor or blacksmith. Do enjoy your stay in Neverwinter!]

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Oh god we made it! Well done Cat!
Heres your 5gp from my alms box back but please keep carrying my shield. I'm tired from all the action and its not over yet.

Lets get a disguise for our monster. We need to get Alice out of there before the sun sets.

hands Cat 5gp

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''Following the busy main street you arrive at the market districts and look for shops offering affordable clothing. You stop in front of a small store that stands out by its exotic colorful costumes. It is decorated with strange symbols you cannot read. The shop owner and his wife appear to be foreigners, with black hair, dark eyes and fair skin. They politely greet you but stay in the background. Not being able to make sense of the clothes size you ask for something that would fit a girl of Alice's size. The shop owner's wife bows and leads you to a wall stacked with costumes in all imaginable colors and patterns. Stretched out they appear quite large but much smaller than the other ones meant for adults. The price is 1gp.

Cat and Yulya can post up to to 3 reference images of something they like, then they must agree on one costume to buy

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The shopkeeper finishes a stitch she's working on and then rattles off cryptic values for each of your choices in an uninterested and almost dismissive way, and for each one she adds "that one is very expensive, good quality, hard to find."

Yulya's white choice: 12sp
Yulya's blue choice: 9sp
Yulya's black choice: 17sp (it is of comparatively higher quality to the others.)
Cat's Grey tone choice with flowers: 13sp
Cat's plain white with black obi 10sp
Hair clip: 3sp
Bow: 2sp

The masks vary as well, generally costing more the more elaborate or fine they are but range from 5sp to 15sp. Again any one you pick up she adds, "oh that one very hard to find, very expensive to make. Other client may pick up tomorrow, so I can't give discount," and so on.

The shopkeeper then bows politely and asks if you'd like to try anything on. Overhearing your conversation earlier, and after distracting you long enough, a young girl steps daintily forward with a pleasant smile and a wave. The shopkeeper directs your attention to her daughter, who's quickly dressed herself in a traditional Yukata. 

The girl twirls and smiles. She's holding a beautifully painted Kitsune mask.

The shopkeeper barks at the child to hold still as she adjusts the fabric and pats her down, the pink patterns and obi compliment the child's complexion. You can tell it's a high quality linen or possibly even a silk blend by the way it falls and flows with the slightest movement of the same order as the black one, though to be perfectly fair, the fabrics all feel very much alike.

"A client ordered this many season ago and she never return, so you can have for 16 silver total with mask. I have to let go, to right buyer, can't pass it up. 15 silver is final offer."

[Of course she is happy to sell the mask separately for 8sp, or the yukata for 12sp, and it goes without saying that the prices are negotiable to the discerning buyer who presses gently.]

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An old man sits against the back wall, he has a long white beard and round glasses. There is a long swooping pipe in his mouth and he's sitting, strumming a well worn koto.  He has a katana strapped to his back and still looks like a capable warrior.


There's a faint scent of sesame oil and roses.

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Cats white one with the lotus flowers would have been my favorite but the offer is too good to pass. And its a rare chance to see Alice in pink that would probably never happen otherwise. I got to admit its too funny I hope shes not mad

So cherry blossom yukata and mask for 15sp it is, thats 5sp cheaper than expected so we can buy some food or equipment for that.

hands the shopkeeper 2gp

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[While we wait for Cat to concur, I highly recommend the following two actions. 1. Bring Alice with you when you register at the guild, I give you my word there will be no gotchas and gimmicks, it's for the sake of efficiency. 2. Go buy some other adventure type things such as: crow bar, hammer, 50ft of rope, grappling hook, anything else you can think of, a small knife or dagger, etc. Cat has shovel at the SW gate. You will be able to use these if you have them but don't magically have a rope if you're stuck without one. Bear's group had to do some really risky things since they were missing the most basic hiking equipment. It is presumed that you can start a fire with survival proficiency which is how Bear gets away with it. Otherwise if you can't magically do it irl, then don't expect to do it here.] 


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With both in agreement the shopkeeper gladly stripped her child of the outfit and wrapped it gingerly together with the mask on top, using a shiny red ribbon. She took the 2gp and returned 4sp

Even her child could see the faulty math and corrected her mother. 

The music stops.

Her mother bowed and apologized but on your way out you heard the sound of a hand slapping and pained squeals of a small child apologizing profusely.

With the wrapped outfit and mask in hand, you finally have a moment to look down the main street.

Past the Temple of Tyr just North of the gate, the costume shoppe was on the north side of the Southern main street of Neverwinter. The smell of sea air was quickly replaced by a plethora of other pleasant scents and smells from shops and vendors, perfume, candles, tanned leather and wrought iron were the first waves of olfactory splendor. The storefronts lining the wide road shifted from a more supply, shoppe and industrial theme to an open market style spectacular only the big city could offer, and this wasn't even to the main market square yet. 

Along with it came the posters, just about anything you’d think of were advertised along the main street, and many pointed you just where anyone would want to go. Advertising of all sorts of products and services from sweet rolls to shoe repair could be seen as well as a few items of particular interest, namely the guilds. 

The confectionary was a few stores closer to the main market square but just a short walk in that direction led your senses to be assailed with new, fresh and intoxicating scents of foods of all types. Having nothing to eat for quite some time, every new scent sent your stomach into a fit of angry rage. 

You pass sweet meat sizzling on open grills, with smoky flavored pheasant and grilled unions filling the air around you as you passed. 

Into the confectioner's shop you pick up a candied apple for 1sp, and have to wipe drool from your mouth, maybe Ashley was telling the truth after all, maybe you were all starving.

But there was no time to dilly dally, Alice's gelatinous form was waiting. She'd have had 2 hours sleep buy the time you get to her, hopefully that was enough to keep her turgid enough to get registered.

The clock tower rang 5 tolls. 

The sun hang low in the sky. It was about an hour before dusk but still very bright.

[Remove 2 gold and add 4sp to Yulya's coin purse, I will keep track of this on my sheet and you can do so on the shared site or your own tracking methods of choice. Needless to say the Alms box was summarily pilfered. Yulya has 4sp and 3gp, Cat has 4gp, Ashley should still have 40gp but you'll have to check with her on that.]

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With a clear plan, Yulya and Cat walk with purpose back to the Gate. The majority of carts had been cleared from the busy trade port, having caught up after the hour long delay, and a train of carts could be seen sitting along the storehouse row north from the Gate, working their way toward getting their wares unloaded with the help of laborers. 

Coming back south, another row of Carts are parked after being loaded with wares for the return trip to places such as Waterdeep, Thornhold, Daggerford, and others along the High Road and the Long Road. 
Presumably carts are headed across town to the North market district where finer things may be sourced and further North to Luskan, Mirabar, and Raven Rock via the Blackford Road.

The city is bustling with activity, prosperous, and free owing in no small part to Adventurers like you, recycling past treasures, clearing mines of ne'er-do-well and monsters, and keeping the vast farmlands safe from strife far and wide. Along with the royal guard and knights, city guards and mercenaries for hire, responsible for keeping the civil city-states free from foreign invaders and hostile actors. In this world, the adventurers are the highest technology defense and well loved for it by the people of the realm.

Looking East you pass a road sign, "Church of Ilmater" pointing Northwest, "Hall of Justice" pointing North-northwest, "Church of Tyr" Pointing North towards the main street, "Guild" pointing North-northeast, "Royal Gardens" pointing East.

You'd have to ask around for directions for those other places you'd heard of, as the guard said, but friendly faces abound in the big city, so no worries there.

The Banded Mare, Tris' Lockup were only suggestions though; perhaps not the best but maybe the best value as compared to others you passed along the main street that looked fancier than he had described. Not to forget the most convenient and discounted lodging available at the Guild, presuming there was vacancy, good food, good entertainment, and good rest awaiting you there. Your mind hopes foe a respite after a very long day--any normal party would take such things for granted.

You approach the Gate and you can see Alice, again shifted to look more like a chandelier of snot rather than anything natural. 

You position yourself standing below the offended tree, the coast is clear, the cart drivers don't even glance your way as they pass, the guards are busy inspecting the in traffic, it's the perfect time.

Yulya grabs a hanging tendril and yanks hard causing the tumorous looking mass to fall to the ground with a thump. Slowly it reforms into the form of a little girl, her clouded eyes open.

Still groggy but quickly waking up, you help her put on the fine fabric and mask.

[I may regret this after recent posts, but now is the time for Alice to act under her own willful accord. Your guess is as good as mine if she'll cooperate and follow you to the guild where as far as you know, Ashley is patiently waiting. Though she's small and weak at this point you could drag her unwillingly. At this point you're hungry and tired but otherwise ready to make the short walk Northeast. Hopefully with a happy, cooperative slime girl, plied with or perhaps promised a candied apple if she's good.]

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Good evening! Rise and shine Alice!
We got you some pretty clothes and a mask and you can have a candy apple while we go to the guild to register. Ashley is waiting for us.
Lets hurry! When we have registered we can have dinner and stay for the night there.

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Mhh, morning, uh, evening!

holds her back like an old man
Oww, did you have to yank me down from my tree like that?

sniffs the air and having identified the source of the scent stares at Yulya's candy apple
Is that for me? Yay, a candy apple! And you really got me nice clothes with cherry blossoms! You're the best!

still sleepy Yulya leads her by the hand as they walk away
Goodbye Mr. Tree! It was fun, I'll come visit you again!

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As you all walk back, hand in hand, with Alice in check and ready to finally get registered, you have faith that Ashley has fulfilled her promise, that she hasn't done what you fear she might have, no matter how absurd those thoughts were, you shake them off and think only of how she must have felt, alone and away, in this city for the first time but as far as you know, in a city for the first time for her altogether. Her past before Yulya found her in that Owlbear's nest, presumably placed there for his breakfast, was unknown to you and even to her. She acted then not from experience she could even grasp but some unknown unconscious routine; an ego that was opaque, even to her.  


As she left the guard, and that large man Brutus, she knew she hadn’t impressed either of them. It was disappointing but she was released to make her way to the guild and that was her orders. She avoided questioning, she avoided being caught in her own web of lies, but that web saved them 5 gold and deception was merely a tool in her arsenal. The fittest will survive, that much she knew. Honor, and loyalty she had as long as she could afford them. She wouldn't be led to her grave just in order to hold a flag of honor.

With nothing but the guild payments to her name, for her and her group to register and nothing else, and keen to put as much distance between herself and the law as fast as possible, but also feeling regret for leaving her party to their fate, she did what she was supposed to do and nothing more. Not for them, though it was Yulya's wish, but for herself, at the end of the day she needed to live with herself and if she could afford it, she would have that integrity.

Past the Temple of Tyr just North of the gate, Ashley walked down the Southern main street of Neverwinter just as you were now, the smell of sea air was quickly replaced by a plethora of other pleasant scents and smells from shops and vendors, perfume, candles, tanned leather and wrought iron were the first wave that tickled her fancy just as they did for you. The storefronts lining the wide road again shifted from a more supply and industrial theme to an open market style spectacular only the big city could offer.


As you traveled past the little shop you bought Alice's dress and mask at, you could see the market square, and it was a sight to behold. Even as the shadows grew long, you could see the stalls and tents, the hustle and bustle of a vibrant and prosperous city filled with all the races you knew and some you wouldn't believe. She was a mecca for all, welcoming to all with the coin who could afford her splendor. Neverwinter was the destination of those seeking adventure, seeking temperate weather, seeking culture and high society, and seeking refuge, for this city-state wasn't typical, it was governed peacefully and fairly according to its residents. Though it was expensive and crime wasn't much different from any other city, there was a sense here that the injustices in life were barred from entrance, though that couldn't be further from the truth in reality, still it was ultimately a fair deal, far fairer than a tightly controlled technocracy, a oppressive religious theocracy or a dictating monarchy, though they were all here, the oligarchs, the clergy and the monarchs, but they were held in check, you could say, by the will of the people. Truly that was special and that credit was owed to the guild.


Your hunger peeks here in the market square, any delicious delight you could imagine, you saw it, you smelled it. And you imagined Ashley's senses were overwhelmed the same way. It worried you a little, you knew too little about this girl who had your fortune and your fate in her coin purse.


She had plenty of coin on her but without a discount at the guild, she knew she couldn't spend any of it, she knew it wasn’t hers and though abandoning them to the guards was within her nature, stealing Yulya’s coin that she was holding for her wasn’t. Of Yulya wasn’t completely without sin, she did ask Ashley to smuggle the substantial sum in.

This was important to her though, no, she couldn’t lose even a single gold, she had 40 gold even, that's all, and she was painfully aware of it as her stomach threatened to abandon her logic and force a coup. 

She had just enough to register everyone and without it she knew they were going to have tough choices to make and a rough road ahead, so she double and triple tied her coin purse tightly, extra tightly against her skin under her vestments, there wasn't going to be any pickpockets or cutpurses taking Yulya's life savings on her watch. She didn't have much of a plan if they did assault her, because she was already low on mana the moment she cast a spell she'd transform into a Panther, a cloak-less, coin-purse-less one. That would be like handing over her clothes and money to any stray person who walked by.

As part of her pact with the Raven Queen, she was indeed cursed. Though the bargain wasn’t entirely one sided; the panther is a capable fighter and Ashley was decidedly not, in fact, she was more of a pacifist than she would admit. So she didn't dawdle and made a straight line walk for the Adventurer’s guild. 


There's a street sign pointing down a long dark alleyway "The Guild" it said humbly. Straddling the entrance you see the unaffiliated quest boards, standing as a last option for those who lacked means to get registered, and these quests were lowly: clearing rats from a basement, fetching water daily to feed the needs of a noble's water fountain, testers wanted for a new formulation of potion, 'earn 3000 gold over the summer crab fishing, inquire with Glarg 3200 W Swordfish Street, docks district.' These quests were clearly without morals or tact.

The guild's location was adeptly situated back out of the way in an old warehouse area, sealed away from traffic now, given it's own little spot among the prime real estate. This is what Ashley must have witnessed and you wondered if it was as daunting and impressive for her as it was for you.

All this trouble making wasn’t for Ashley, she had her orders, she was to enter the guild and wait for the rest of her party to join her. It wasn’t hard to spot, the large warehouse looking building with the big symbol of a unicorn on it, and in she went without delay. 

Off the main road, just down a small alley, in the shadow of the clock tower, the guild building was a magnificent testament to dwarven architecture. Built soon after the founding of Neverwinter and used as a warehouse for generations, after the last flight of dragons, it was repurposed to house what is now called “The Adventurer’s Guild” or more simply just "The Guild" the largest and most influential guild in the city bringing in more tax than any other business and yet autonomously governed.

If the façade of this place wasn’t intimidating enough, handling the sight of it from the inside certainly took nerve. People of every sort were sitting, talking and relaxing to music played by a human bard sitting with a party of half-Orcs and another high elf at the table nearest the entrance, strumming her lute in harmony. The din was a loud smattering of voices and clinking silverware, the main hall of the guild served as an eatery, bar, and even seating for shows that could be performed on a large adjacent wooden stage. Above were high lofts, presumably for lodging, this place had it all.

And there she was, happily eating a hearty meal, right at home and surrounded by attentive adventurers well beyond her rank. That unmistakable mane of blue silken hair, owed to sorceress' wild magic, was facing away and chatting away. An archer sitting across from her was especially tickled by what she was saying, and hung off her every word.

"So I was there, cheering on my babies, and that poor ole rothé was attacked from every side not the least of which from my preciouses. But then my friend the Barbarian saved the day," she stopped to finish chewing, "it was so fun and then you should have seen the look on that northern guard's face when my friend Yulya did her whole 'saintly light' thing," she air quoted, "it was spectacular, like an angel landed or something," she started laughing, "she cast Healing Hands and got a whole 1 HP of healing!" she cracked herself up and they responded in kind, especially the archer, "saved his life though, she's a good one."

The archer looked up at you, "a barbarian and a cleric of light you say?"

"Yeah, didn't you hear me?" she said and looked at him, then slowly turned herself around and looked up at you. "speak of the devils! Here they are, finally." 

The table built for 6 was already occupied by four, Ashley, the archer, a lovely elven bard and an old, white bearded wizard smiling with a kindly old glint in his wrinkle fringed eye as he glanced your way. He tilted back as if you welcome you in his arms, but only smiled wisely.

"Well, welcome to the Guild," The archer said, leaning across the table to shake Yulya's hand, "we've heard all about your exploits, and it's nice to see a face to the legend. Herald at your service. The lovely bard here is my tantalizing and ravishing companion Josephia, and the older gentleman to my left is Faren the wise, a very capable wizard."

Ashley then stares at the short geisha with the fox mask, her brow furrowed in puzzlement.

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Omg theyre all looking at me what did Ashley do she spilled everything is she insane?! Even my Healing Hands spell they know I am an Aasimar now and I tried so hard to minimize healing that wizard so I wouldnt draw any attention! Who knows what else she told them probably even that Alice is not from this world and that Cat is a wanted revolutionary.
All my plans to lay low and lead a quiet life out of the spotlight are ruined! Its over! Over! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Yulya instinctively tries to turn 180 degrees and make a run for it but is stopped by a tall Catgirl standing behind her who pushes her forward towards the table. Unable to escape Yulya puts on a tormented smile and tries to somehow survive. Receiving a gentle elbow jab from Cat she reluctantly takes Heralds outstretched hands while sweating profusely. People wait for a grandiose introduction but only awkward silence follows. Yulya looks back at Cat and Alice in a desperate call for help

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Cat ushers Yulya and Alice to the table, they reluctantly stumble forward. Realizing that Yulya.exe has stopped working, Cat takes over the introduction before more Spaghetti is spilled
Nyahaha good evening everyone! I see you already made friends, Ashley!
I am Cat Nya and these are Alice Nya and Yulya Nya! 
pats both on the head with her giant paws forcing them to bow lightly

Thanks for taking care of Ashley Nya! Sorry our Cleric is a bit exhausted after the battle with the rothé and healing that wizard Nya!

Cat appears to be talking more to the food on the table than the people and is visibly drooling

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> The table built for 6 was already occupied by four
It's ok, 2 seats for Cat and Yulya, I can lurk under the table and feed on scraps of food that drop on the floor. Oh, I think I already see some, brb diving under the table unless you quickly grab me. Gotta make a good impression by keeping everything clean. First impressions are important!

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"You look hungry too Cat, come here and sit with me, I can't eat all this anyway. Look at this desert thing! Gotta save that for last," she points to a large hunk of meat, "you see this? When I said I could eat a horse, I didn't mean an actual horse, so I don't trust this meat, do you wanna try it? Also, I think this is double portions at least. Oh oh! This cider is really good, try it." Ashley scoots over and pats her chair for Cat and holds up her tankard.

She seems like she's really enjoying herself.

"Oh the Gaisha that is eating off the floor must be Alice?" Ashley throws a biscuit on the floor.

Ashley then leans closer to Cat and thumbs back at Yulya, she says softly, "what's her problem?"

"Anyway, hey Yulya, they said I couldn't order anything because I'm not 'registered' can you believe the nerve? Thankfully this guy here," she points to the archer "Herald right? He bought it for me, thank the heaves for loopholes am I right? So he's cool, the Bard's cool too I guess but the other guy, Jack, their leader? He's a 1st class asshole. He stormed off after I told him off and he's lucky I can't cast anything or I'll turn into a panther because I bet my Tiger-self would've ripped him a new one."

She seems off balance.

"I never had cider before! It's shooo gud, here already!"

She nearly spills it on Cat.

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> she reluctantly takes Heralds outstretched hands while sweating profusely.

Herald takes your hand and attempts to bring it to his lips but Ashley slaps your hand out of his, "would you stop!? Why are you trying to kiss everything, hentai? Sheesh."

He laughs and shakes his head, "My dear Ashley, you are a peculiar one."

"I'm not your nothing, but if you play your cards right I might be a friend, but I'm not going to be a friend to Mr. Kinky-Kissy-Face."

Josephia especially liked that one and covered her mouth to prevent an outright laugh at her friend's expense.

"I apologize Ashley," Herald said simply, "I admit I don't know your culture of origin, so I apologize if my ways have offended."

"It's okay Harry, just lay off the touchy-feely stuff."

> Nyahaha good evening everyone! I see you already made friends, Ashley!
> I am Cat Nya and these are Alice Nya and Yulya Nya!
> Thanks for taking care of Ashley Nya! Sorry our Cleric is a bit exhausted after the battle with the rothé and healing that wizard Nya!

"Friends? Well, almost, here," Ashley tries to hand you the tankard of cider and attempts to pull you down into her chair with her.


Alice slips under the table causing Josephina to edge back in her seat as she watches Alice picking up stray bits of food that had dropped. When she sees Ashley throw a roll to her, she can't help but be amused by this interaction, 'This girl Ashley would make a wonderful Bard,' she thinks to herself.

"Have you considered registering as a Bard, Ashley?"

Ashley eyes her, and her look obviously declines.


> "Anyway, hey Yulya, they said I couldn't order anything because I'm not 'registered' can you believe the nerve? Thankfully this guy here," she points to the archer "Herald right? He bought it for me, thank the heaves for loopholes am I right? So he's cool, the Bard's cool too I guess but the other guy, Jack, their leader? He's a 1st class asshole. He stormed off after I told him off and he's lucky I can't cast anything or I'll turn into a panther because I bet my Tiger-self would've ripped him a new one."

Herald sits back, "she's technically correct but I'm still wondering how you calmed him down and what if anything we need to do to get him back to normal?"

Ashley waves her hand dismissively at him, "I'll release him, don't worry."

"Did you say you'd turn into a Panther if you cast again?" the elder wizard Faren asks, now even more interested in this blue-haired sorceress.

"It's loud in here I know, yes, I'll TURN INTO A PANTHER!" Ashley responds.

"I've never heard of such an ability held by a sorceress," he remarks, stroking his beard.

"It's more of a curse than an ability, but it has come in handy."

"Oh? So you do remember some of your past?" Herald adds.

"Well kinda, but no, it's more dream-like, honestly, it's only been a few days since I woke up nude in that Owlbear nest."

"Absolutely remarkable," Faren remarks.

Amid this back and fourth, another young woman arrived. She's exquisitely beautiful with long, fiery red hair and obviously upper-class apparel, though her tag is Copper and embossed on it says, "FREYA" and "HOSTESS". The moment she looks into your eyes, you're mesmerized by her, drawn into her gaze like a hapless moth into a flame, you immediately feel like you've known her for years and she's your best friend, like you'd do anything for her. 

Yulya: You're certain she's not casting any spell yet you feel unmistakable under some sort of affects. You shake the feeling of servitude, your nerves are shot and you don't know this woman, but her allure is unshakable, you want to know more but at this point you're obviously overwhelmed. A hermit in a din of activity surrounded by dozens of strange and boisterous beings seemingly brings chills down your spine.

[1d20-1=13-1 vs DC10] You instinctively rack your brain, thinking of anything you might have picked up about lore or anything you remember from seminary, you are learned of course, and it strikes you like a ton of bricks, she's Fey, or perhaps half-Fey. You consider for a moment that she's perhaps a member of the alluring denizens of the Feywild that are inherently capable of charming and dominating unsuspecting victims into their lands to enslave, experiment, or otherwise subjugate as pets or simply use your soul energy for whatever purpose or whim they conjure up at the moment. But the thought is quickly dismissed, clearly this woman is an official Hostess and isn't here to eat your soul or drag you into another plane of existence, so you should be able to trust her in that capacity at least.   

Cat: You have similar feelings of familiarity but know for sure you've never met this woman, she's not Tabaxi. You're a little confused by the feelings though and inherently trust her. 

She smiles at you and your heart melts. You begin to realize that the table of half orcs and several others are now watching you intently, or rather Freya and you. She tries to place her hand on Ashley's shoulder but is denied.

"Again, don't touch me without permission!" Ashley snaps and slaps her hand away. 

Her expression falls and you can tell she barely contains her frustration as she rubs her hand nervously, then bites her lip and collects herself after a quick breath, "Hello and welcome to The Guild! I am your gracious host Freya. I always love to see new faces! I take it you're here to register with your friend here?"

She eyes Ashley tugging on Cat and you can tell Ashley has struck her with undeniable curiosity, she's barely able to concentrate on what she's tasked to do, "firstly, I overheard Ashley's complaint and I feel terrible about it but that is the policy, we offer fare at a discount and only to members, but you're free to visit and view our curiosities," she motions to the walls where countless objects and totems are on display, the horn of a dragon, the toe of a giant, a shield half-melted, a broken sword in a glass case this place is also apparently a museum of artifacts in it's own right. "I'd be happy to show you around, and let me be the first to dissuade any notion that we're unwelcoming to refugees!" she clears her throat and eyes Ashley, who eyes her back in a disbelieving manor.

"Don't mind her, sit, you all can share my plate," Ashley offers.


Freya shakes her head as if shaking off disappointing thoughts, bringing her hand to her forehead she almost seems pained or ill. She recovers quickly though and continues, "though it's not within my power to do so by policy, I'm personally going to treat you all to dinner, order whatever you like on me." She pulls out the free chair, then goes to the full table next to you and touches one of the half-ors on the shoulder. This massive, silver-ranked, green-hued barbarian looks up at her with an uncharacteristically adoring smile then looks crestfallen when he realizes she's just stealing his chair.

She places the other chair at the table in front of you and motions for both of you to sit. 

She then leans into Cat and asks, "is your friend under the table housebroken? I'm so very sorry but if not she'll have to be tied up outside. I can bring her water and scraps if you like?"

You can tell she's not sparing a single breath on anything but hospitality and care, you can also tell, Fey charm aside, she's genuinely doing her best to impress and welcome you as a good hostess should.

She waves across the room and points to the table, another woman rushes over and stands at attention, "Liz, please do get them whatever you want, all of them, Jack's party included, on me." 
"As you wish Freya," the wood elf bows to Freya, she similarly has a copper plate with the embossed words, "ELIZABETH and HOSTESS".
"I'll go look for a free chair for Quagg," Freya says and no sooner had the melodic words of her soft voice been uttered when several adventurers of various rank suddenly stand and push their chairs toward Freya. She smiles at each of them in a thankful way and points at one to offer their chair for Quagg. Part Fey or not, there's no question that this Freya is universally loved.

"I'm here to answer any questions and when you're ready I'll happily register you."

"We'll let you know," Ashley said dismissively.

You are free to order or interact with whoever you wish, and despite Ashley, Freya is still standing there with no intention to leave just yet.

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Cat swiftly puts Yulya on an empty seat with her free hand while kicking Alice in the butt under the table, causing her to fall flat with a loud thump. After taking her seat next to Ashley, a large paw pulls a little girl in pink Yukata wearing a fox mask from under the table and puts her on the free seat next to her that Freya organized.

Sorry 'bout that Nya she's a prankster but a good girl Nya!
And treating us to dinner is very nice of you, thank you so much Freya Nya!

''Cat is mesmerized by Freya like a cat baited with a treat yet does not look at Freya but only at Ashley's plate while talking. Using an extended claw like a skewer, Cat helps herself to a portion of meat. Her mind entirely fixed on the food, Cat pays no further attention to the other people around her. Who cares as long as there is delicious food?

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[Awesome but was missing Nya
Now it's perfect!]

Hey watch it Cat, I was just cleaning under that table!
Alice has salvaged the biscuit thrown by Ashley and is nibbling on it under her mask like a squirrel, giving Ashley a thumbs-up
Itsch good, thanksch Aschley!
Alice eyes the unfamiliar people around her behind an expressionless mask, then tilts her head backwards to look at Freya she hadn't seen until now from under the table. Unable to even sense Freya's charm, Alice views her as just another pretty waitress and ignores her. This appears to be mutual. Alice thinks to herself that Ashley has done quite a job. Secured free meals and our registration, but most importantly drawn attention to her.
Good, good! More attention for you means less attention on me! Let them think I'm a dog or whatever dumb creature not worth a glance. Guild infiltration successful! I'll eat what I can, stay quiet for now and assess the situation. I'm just a dog after all.

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Yulya tries to sort her thoughts. Freyas strange powers have rebooted Yulya.exe and made her forget Ashleys shenanigans at least for a moment. But cast her from one shock into the next. What was that just now? Without doubt she is one of the Feywild these guys are dangerous. But her powers are probably extremely helpful for her job maintaining peace and order at the guild. At least Freya is not an enemy and that skill appears to have limited effect and apparently none on Ashley. Yulya sighs and closes her eyes, puts a hand on her chest and casts GUIDANCE on herself just to be sure.

Having regained composure and casting aside potential murder-suicide options involving a blue-haired party member as impractical Yulya musters the other guests at the table:

An archer practicing pick up skills on a cleric he just met. At least he doesnt seem overly smart.
A female bard with unknown skills. But bards generally have scary manipulative powers and she sees Ashley in the same category as herself.
A high-ranking and probably very knowledgeable wizard with an interest in Ashleys origins. Not good at all those guys like to poke their noses into too many things.

Reluctantly Yulya returns to Freya.
I apologize for my partys poor impression. We had quite a rough day as you may have heard. So I am very grateful for your offer it has been a while since our last warm meal. If you dont mind we would like to register after we have eaten. By the way, we also need an affordable place to stay. How are the options here? We're a bit low on funds, we already saved up for the registration fee.

Yulya orders todays menu and a non-alcoholic drink and encourages Cat and Alice to order their dinner as well but reminds them to remain reasonable and modest with their choices. 
We are not to abuse the kindness and hospitality of others! And dont get totally drunk we still need to register!
glances at Ashley

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> glances at Ashley

"What? Did you want some cider?" Her last word cracked high, she might have hicuped. She rips it from Cat's waiting grasp and pushes it to Yulya. "It's a littllllle too spicy for me, but it was great. Whew! Is it hot in here or is it just me?"

The archer can't stop staring at Ashley fanning herself with her sacred collar. Freya is similarly both perplexed and intrigued.

Freya breaks loose of this web-like aura Ashley casts and bows to Yulya, "certainly! Um, just call me when you're um..." she's distracted by Ashley, "gotta go, customer's are waiting!" As she leaves you're left feeling cold, as if her firey nature was the only thing keeping you warm. 

On the other table a young Half Orc woman lookes at you consolingly, "heh, she does that to everyone, I don't think she realizes just how powerful her aura is. I'm Irgasha Sling, Proud Cleric of Tyr, your vestments are interesting, if you don't mind me asking, to whome do you owe your faith if not Tyr, Helm, or Oghma?"

The wizard also looks interested in chatting, you're fitting right in and in good company.

Elizabeth rattles off a number of dishes and drinks that are available  tonight then lists the accommodations. "The upper lofts are free for the first night after registration, one per party. The food today is gratis per Freya." And she reiterates that registration will be available as late as Freya says it is. "Freya herself closes tonight so just enjoy yourselves, the night is still young."

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After satisfying her worst hunger with Ashley's portion, Cat happily orders some more of the meat Ashley had and ale. While waiting she addresses nobody in particular on the table.
Oh do you know a big guy named Brutus Nya? A barbarian like me I believe Nya! We met him after taking down that rothé Nya, when we were questioned by the guards Nya. He seemed pretty cool Nya. Had this huge mace Nya he must be strong Nya. Not even I could wield that thing Nya. He said we would probably meet him here when we register and should ask for him Nya.

Cat gesticulates wildly while talking, enthusiastically swinging an imaginary giant mace and almost knocks glasses off the table with her huge paws.

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Oi what are you doing you fool!
Alice acrobatically tries to catch the glasses knocked over by Cat without spilling anything [DEX check anyone?]

then pulls Cat by the tip of her ear.
Be a bit more careful, do you wanna decapitate someone with your claws!?

a few drops of cider spill on Alice's brand new yukata but the stains miraculously disappear leaving it spotlessly clean again.
Having finished her biscuit Alice listens to the waitress listing available dishes and slightly disappointed that human isn't on the menu orders a roast chicken with cranberries and fried vegetables. Who knows when we will be able to eat something that normal again?

While waiting Alice curiously eyes Josephia sitting opposite of her, tilting her head.
Say what does a bard actually do? Sing and dance? I've never met one!
Then points at her finished plate only containing a few morsels of food and some gravy.
Also can I have that?

> casts GUIDANCE on herself just to be sure.

Garnering a strange look from Faren among others, Yulya Casts GUIDANCE on herself in an effort to set her head straight regarding trust and Freya's powers over her. Not knowing exactly what to do she seeks guidance from her insight to check if Freya is true or secretly trying to dominate the group. [1d20+7+1d4=14+7+3=24 vs DC30] though she fails to know for sure, a whisper enters her mind that she's sure isn't Freya...

[SheShe] Freya isn't your concern.

It clicks into place, Freya only ever gave you cursory glances and, professional treatment, unlike Ashley. This inexplicably pains you, why should Ashley get such attention and not yourself... You calm down, unable to shake this feeling in your heart but it is fading slowly. She neither asked for anything nor took anything, in fact, she's buying you dinner. You decide to maintain a professional attitude, to accept her at face value and move on. Though her charm was unmistakable, your inner voice has spoken: move on, she's not for you. In a way you're both saddened and relieved.

Now the prompting of Half Orc Cleric and the questioning look of a certain nosey Wizard draw your attention.

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Yulya gently refuses the cider pushed on her by Ashley and hands it back to Cat. But she cant help but smile everyone seems to have a good time and death is not imminent. A moment to be treasured. Yulya sighs and feels a little relaxed for the first time since entering the city.

> On the other table a young Half Orc woman lookes at you consolingly
> I'm Irgasha Sling, Proud Cleric of Tyr, your vestments are interesting, if you don't mind me asking, to whome do you owe your faith if not Tyr, Helm, or Oghma?"
Oh! Greetings servant of Tyr! I am a Peace Cleric of Eldath, the Goddess of Shining Waters. I have been living as a hermit at the south edge of neverwinter wood but as you know peace is scarce nowadays and conditions did not allow us to continue living in our remote home. So we came here to register and join the guild. Only by unity peace can be restored.
Yulya closes her eyes and talks more to herself thinking about her cabin and wondering when or if she will be able to return.

Not really eager to hold a conversation with a follower of a major church Yulya turns to Faren the wizard
Uhm excuse me do you know the fate of the wizard attacked by the rothé today? I managed to stabilize him but not much more. I hope he will be alright.

Yulya feels a little guilty about not doing more for the unfortunate guy but you gotta have your priorities and living a peaceful life staying out of trouble comes first.

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The group takes in the guild as they eat. It has a two story interior with a balcony, it was obviously a theater after it was a warehouse and has now been converted into a large open restaurant-like hall with many medium round tables and chairs set for six each. Parties are sitting with each other and enjoying a meal, drinks, cards, other gambling or just sitting back and talking. On what would have been the stage is still a stage but in the back is a long desk with a wall of marked set of files, a bulletin board of sorts, with dozens of papers tacked up with wax seals, some are open, some are headlined with metallic names, copper, silver, gold, etc. Presumably these are quests and wanted posters.

Another similar board is just by the main doors, filled with wanted posters and flyer next to the adventurer's list you noted earlier.

There is a kitchen to the left with a bread oven and grill. Up in the balconies seem to be windows into the small private rooms or 'lodging'. There is a large central firepit where slabs of meat are slow roasting. You can rest assured they're not horse meat.

It's awfully busy right now and the din is near deafening, a lot of the patrons are drunk and some have noticed your party, many eye you occasionally as you eat though many are looking at Ashley. She seemed to have made quite the impression. Your party is slowly drawing more attention.

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While eating, Cat speaks to no one in particular, concentrating more on the food as she goes, "oh do you know a big guy named Brutus Nya? A barbarian like me I believe Nya! We met him after taking down that rothé Nya, when we were questioned by the guards Nya. He seemed pretty cool Nya. Had this huge mace Nya he must be strong Nya. Not even I could wield that thing Nya. He said we would probably meet him here when we register and should ask for him Nya."

Cat gesticulates wildly while talking, enthusiastically swinging an imaginary giant mace and almost knocks glasses off the table with her huge paws, but the din slowly gets to her, there's so much going on and she can catch bits and pieces of conversations going on around her.

Cat's excellent and always twitching and pointing ears overhear:

"...they're all gone, all of them..." A group two tables far on the other side are discussing something, Cat glances over and sees another Tabaxi explaining about her tribe but she can't make much more out.

Another group of humans and half-elves are discussing something with concern. "...so where did they go? Why would they pay and then just leave town?"

Halflings with a dwarf are discussing someone who was missing who might have been spotted, One halfling says,"...I'm telling you it was her, I'm 100% sure of it..." and the dwarf responds, "... I don't see how we're going to get her now, if she's in the hands of that noble she's as good as gone forever..." the halfling pleads, "but she didn't have a collar yet..." 

"...who are these scrubs now? More fodder?" Cat glanced that way and at yet another table some Githyanki glance over to your group, a large half-orc woman, obviously a fighter, is leaned back with a large smirk on her face, staring at your group with confidence she looks especially drunk. She's trying to insight the Githyanki into a conversation but they appear uninterested.

Yet another table up near the stage is among a few that are a little higher quality than most, and a well dressed rather rotund man is sitting with an Aasimar and a wood elf, they're well equipped and look seasoned. Sitting on either side of him are two beautiful young girls dressed to the nines with jewelry and especially interesting among the jewelry are their slave collars, shining in the light adorned with large gems. He's confidently discussing something about a mine and pushes a large bag toward the adventurers. His companions don't look so confident or happy to be there. Thought they appear to be dressed like royalty, bruises on their bare arms and legs say they aren't treated as such.

Another well dressed and doughy man, likely another noblemen, laced with gold chains and multiple rings on each finger comes in trailed by three beastkin slave girls whos waiflike frames and commoner clothes appear as a sharp contrast to his. He is holding a long golden chain that is looped to a collar on each of their necks, they're obviously not bonded yet. He pushes between you and the Orcs' table and trails toward the stage. The last in train looks back at you and smiles apologetically, she has a large bruise surrounding her eye. The girls seem to shuffle, they're not wearing shoes and their ankles are similarly chained together, supposedly to prevent them from running before the enslavement contract is completed.

A dwarven man is standing near the desk on stage pleading with Freya. He sees the noblemen walk up and scowls at him then shakes his head. He looks toward the slaves with a helpless glance. He then shakes his head and hands Freya an envelope with a wax stamp on it.

There are many more such scenes playing out all around you, the place is a madhouse tonight.

Lastly Cat catches someone say, "I hate Mondays."


"Oi what are you doing you fool!" Alice acrobatically tries to catch the glasses knocked over by Cat without spilling anything [1d20+2=5+2 vs DC10] Ashley's mug is saved but Josephia's tankard spills before she catches it, thankfully it was nearly empty.

Alice then pulls Cat by the tip of her ear, "be a bit more careful, do you wanna decapitate someone with your claws!?"

The few drops of cider that spilled on Alice's brand new yukata miraculously disappear leaving it spotlessly clean and dry in seconds. Having finished her biscuit Alice listens to the waitress listing available dishes and slightly disappointed that human isn't on the menu orders a roast chicken with cranberries and fried vegetables. "Who knows when we will be able to eat something that normal again?"

Josphia starts to apologize but the stain seems to be gone before she can even finish.

"Say what does a bard actually do? Sing and dance? I've never met one!" Alice then points at her finished plate only containing a few morsels of food and some gravy. "Also can I have that?"

Josephia shrugs and gives Alice her plate, "Being a bard is everything you've heard and more, it's a wonderful life of documentation and mentorship, without me my poor party wouldn't have gotten past copper." She snickers and Faren eyes her with consternation.

After casting Guidance, Yulya looks momentarily pained but catches herself enough to address the half-orc next to her. She gently refuses the cider pushed on her by Ashley and pushes it back to Cat. But she cant help but smile everyone seems to have a good time and death is not imminent. A moment to be treasured. Yulya sighs and feels a little relaxed for the first time since entering the city.

"Oh! Greetings servant of Tyr! I am a Peace Cleric of Eldath, the Goddess of Shining Waters. I have been living as a hermit at the south edge of neverwinter wood but as you know peace is scarce nowadays and conditions did not allow us to continue living in our remote home. So we came here to register and join the guild. Only by unity peace can be restored." Yulya closes her eyes and talks more to herself thinking about her cabin and wondering when or if she will be able to return.
Not really eager to hold a conversation with a follower of a major church Yulya turns to Faren the wizard. "Uhm excuse me do you know the fate of the wizard attacked by the rothé today? I managed to stabilize him but not much more. I hope he will be alright."

Faren addresses her with very little emotion, "oh I'm sure he'll be fine, I don't know who you're speaking of but a wizard is a resilient sort."

Josephia then adds, "we haven't heard everything of the gate incident today but that means we haven't heard bad news either, so don't be too concerned, such things are a way of life for us adventurers. Once you start letting it get to you, your adventuring days are numbered."

Quagg says in response, "Patch em up, move along, that's the way!"

Irgasha rolls her eyes, "Quagg, are you planning on saying anything intelligible tonight? I'm sure he'll be okay, Ashley said there was a Cleric of Tyr dispatched, so they'll take care of him."

Only now does Yulya and Ashley see the  slave girls.

"It's disgusting," Ashley seethes, "how could they let those nobles in here?" 

She notes the silver rank on the belt of the noble leading the three beastkin. 

She leans back looking for someone on the board who might match his description but can't tell.

She pushes her plate away, "I've lost my appetite, I'm going to go get registered." She unwraps her tightly protected coin purse and hands 30 gold to Yulya, "I want to be level 20 yesterday and take the whole nobility of this whole town down. It's my destiny!"

[SheShe] It's not her destiny, she's drunk.

Herold catches Ashley's arm but she yanks it free, "Before you go killing every noble you see, keep in mind that slavery is legal, and who do you think supplies most of the best paying quests?"

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Alice swipes Josephia's plate with her hand and returns it perfectly clean.
Thank youu!

As Ashley and Cat leave the table, Alice tilts back in her chair and stretches her arms

Ahh, couldn't they at least have waited until I received my dinner?

then turns to Yulya pointing after them

You should probably follow them unless you wanna take responsibility for some dead nobles. Ashley may be a pacifist but The Cat isn't. I'll catch up with you but I'm not leaving this table without my chicken!

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Yulyas peaceful moment crumbles to dust faster than the twin towers on 9/11 and her positive view of the guild takes a serious blow from witnessing the slave girls. 

It is probably time to get registered now and then call it a day and get some sleep. Hopefully without starting a war with countless casualties. Yulya sighs in resignation puts 30gp from Ashley in her pouch and trods off after her troublesome companions. She then realizes Cat left without registration money and maybe not with the intention to register at all and accelerates her pace. A peace cleric might be needed immediately.

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[Only now does Yulya and Ashley see the slave girls.]

“I’m going! Where’s that Freya chick?” Ashley says in a determined serious tone and storms off.”

Cat silently watches Ashley leave, then drinks up her cup in one go, gets up, bows to the people on the table and follows Ashley without saying a word.

Ashley storms toward the front and is puzzled to see Freya cavorting with a noble and two adventurers up front. She pauses and blends in using stealth. [1d20+2=17 vs DC15] Freya didn’t see her and she is able to slip under a table. To anyone she was near she seemed to just disappear.

She sees Cat come storming up from under the table and with sister-cat like reflexes, she grabs her leg, tripping her under the table after her. [1d20+3=18+3 vs DC15] In the din and fuss of the guild at the moment, no one seems to notice the stowaways under the table.

Ashley holds Cat’s mouth and shushes her in her sensitive ears, “There she is, cavorting with the enemy, we need intel so shh.”

When they spot Yulya coming they grab her too [1d20+1=16+1 vs DC15], covering her mouth and shuching her. Now all three are safely hidden under an increasingly crowded table. Legs from it's above board inhabitants are hard to avoid but they manage. Now all can spy comfortably on the women they know as Freya.

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Freya walks past one of the visiting nobles up front, at the high end tables perhapse meant to hash out deals between quest takers and quest givers, he sees her and is noticeably nervous. His slave girls were beautiful though they were looking especially roughed up. Freya bent down between the two adventurers sitting across from them, “what  are we up to Gavero, Melodia?” They were what looked like a male Wood Elf Assassin and an Aasimar Cleric woman with a ghostly halo. They were both clearly displaying their silver rank plates.

Gavero rolled his eyes, “Oh Freya, this gentleman is offering something out of guild purview. I can’t imagine the issue,” even you could tell he was being sarcastic. 

Freya winked at him and flitted her fey-butterfly-self around to the girls, she hugged one, “Sandie!” 

This caused Sandie to squeal excitedly, hugging back like she'd not seen her best friend in ages. 

Then she went over and hugged the other “Kell!”

Kell was similarly happy to receive the affection from her favorite person in the world.
“How are things?” she asked Kell. 

“We’re… good?” Kell said and looked away.

She pointed to the bruises on her arm, a particular four parallel bruises were obviously where she was grabbed hard enough to break vessels. Her beautiful creamy legs were also spotted with half moon shaped bruises, they looked like she was kicked repeatedly with a boot, and some were slightly scabbed.

“I love your outfit, I’m so jealous,” Freya said and leaned back, admiring the high quality, obviously high fashion and likely very pricy outfit.

“I know, isn’t it posh? I love it,” She said and posed, unconcerned with the bruises by comparison.

She then placed her hand on the noble’s shoulder, she cleared her throat and wrapped gently on his forehead with her knuckles. 

His eyes blinked for every tap and he spoke nervously “Freya, darling, when will you stop this playing around and work for me personally? Don’t you like wealth and opulence?”
Freya pushed him back in his chair and sat on his lap. [Performance check passed without roll]. She wrapped her arm around him and spoke breathily into his ear “I don't know, would you treat me like one of your gorgeous girls here?” She could see the goose bumps raise on his skin and she had to try really hard not to throw up right on him, her gag was notable to you but he didn’t see it. 

His hands were at his sides, it looked like he knew if he touched her he’d not survive the trip to the exit, several of the nearby adventurers looked disturbed by Freya’s current seat, or jealous more like. 

Her closeness, her heat, her smell, her breath… well, he would need a change of pants if she continued. “Of course, I mean better! Way better!” his voice cracked. 

She looked him deep in his eyes, as lovers would do, “Jonas, darling, if I find another bruise on Sandie or Kell, well, I might never consider it,” she frowned.

The joyous look on his face fell. “Freya, I-“

“One. More. Bruise?” She said and wrapped his head for every word then counted the bruises on Kell and Sandie’s legs and tapped him for every one. Sandie lifted her shirt and he received six more raps for those, hard ones.

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“I’m sorry Freya, things got out of control the other night.”

“Mhm, as I was saying, one more bruise and my knuckles will be sore, I’ll have to ask Brutus to use his mace. Should we tell Brutus what happened now just in case?” [Intimidation check passed easily without roll]

“No no, I mean, I’ll make sure the issue of control is solved forever more. I promise dear, Freya... love.”

“See that you do, darling,” Freya said and got up, then it was clear she wanted to slap him as hard as she could, or maybe set him on fire but that would probably only cause more trouble for Kell and Sandie.

She hugged the girls both again, an uncharacteristically sad look in her eyes, but she recovered quickly, [Persuasion check passed easily without roll] “Jonas, darling, tomorrow morning, stop by and we’ll work out the contract for that mine issue. There’s room on the board I promise.”

Jonas lowered his head in defeat, “I just didn’t want to bother you, seeing that you’re so busy and all.”

She slapped him lightly, “bad.boy! For you darling, I’ll make time, or do you not want to talk to me anymore” she pouted. You could have sworn she cast something but there was no spell, it was as if her aura flashed momentarily.

“NO! No no it’s not that at all.”

“Good. Tomorrow then? And will you please bring your lovely escorts? I’d love to see them again.”

The escorts in question cheered quietly in their seats.

“Of course, they’re very special to me. As are you.”

“Don’t keep them out too late then, they need their beauty sleep.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

She held out her arms and Sandie and Kell both ran to her and hugged her tightly for the third time, they were barely beyond children, “see you tomorrow girls, maybe there’ll be a treat for you both waiting." she had a warning tone on her face, "if you’re good.” Then smiled widely at them.

They couldn’t be happier at the notion and both kissed her cheeks recklessly. She straightened and gave a thumbs up to Sandie, motioning to her outfit. 

She curtsied to Freya and smiled sweetly.

Jonas grabbed back his sack and when he stood, his escorts fell in line; he walked out… in an obviously turgid state.

She turned to Gavero and Malodia and winked, they both saluted and stood, off to find a seat at a less conspicuous table.

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Another well dressed noble, a doughy man, had entered the guild, she noted him as she was dealing with Jonas. Freya greeted him, she looked like she knew him but looked confused by the three beastkin slave girls trailing him. Especially the long golden chain that was looped to a collar on each of their necks and their gold manacles.

He passed the other noble and Sandie and Kell smiled at the beastkin girls as they passed causing them to huddle and whisper to each other. 

She met him a little ahead of his arrival at the stage, “Ferdinand, darling, how are we tonight?”

“We are doing very well. I have these three beauties out with me for the first time and I have a bit of an issue that I hope you can help me solve, you see, they need an escort immediately, I’m afraid I must impose!”

“Oh they aren’t to be yours?” She eyed them and they immediately became mesmerized and enthralled by her.

“Well, yes, but frankly I won’t be able to bond them until next week, there was a… disturbance of one of my trade carts and my gold backing was on board. It’s a very serious issue for me you see, it’ll take at least another week to order another shipment from Baldur’s Gate, I can't keep them at the manor, they're just too precious for my guards to handle.”

“Oh, who are you working with for them?”

“Janet de Luis, do you know her?”

Freya gasped, “I did know her yes! I hope she’s doing well? We used to visit frequently, though I'm sad to hear she's still dealing with... well let's say I'm sorry she's still dealing, I expected her to move up by now.”

He continued without skipping a beat, He took her hand kissed the back then said in a nearly exhausted tone, “Freya, why are you here in the guild and not at the Estates? You would be reinstated and venerated by the local nobility! Whatever you did to fall from graces would be completely forgiven, I’d make sure of it personally.”

Freya took her hand back and waved him off, “oh gods it’s all so tiring and anyway I couldn’t afford the smallest suite there.”

“Freya, darling,” he reached out and the look in her eye told him not to touch her again, he already got more than enough. He dropped his hand immediately and looked around nervously, “I would sponsor you in a heartbeat, the best suite available, larger than the whole of the guild if I could find it. One look at you and you’d be married off and welcome to all our parties. Why I’d be happy to take your hand myself if you wished it.”

She rolled her eyes and yawned, “you flatter me.” [Performance check passed easily without roll] She curtsied, ”alas I’m waiting for true love,” she feigned desperation with her wrist to her forehead.

“Oh how adorably droll of you. Well with your lineage, you have ages to change your mind. Maybe when I’m old and grey, on my deathbed, you’ll give me your hand and take my wealth as your own.”

Freya genuinely smiled at that notion, “perhaps.” She caught herself and looked surprised but quickly recovered. [Performance check passed without roll] “Anyway dear, sweet future late-husband, when are you going to introduce me to your lovely friends?”

The lovely friends swooned.

“Shii, Brea, and Darah, meet Freya, fairest of all the lands, the jewel of Neverwinter, star of the evening sky,” he bowed as he introduced her.

The girls each held out a hand and Freya took each one in both of hers, “a pleasure, a pleasure, a pleasure. Are you being treated well ladies?” she noted the chains and plinked one with her fingers.

Brea bowed her head and rotated her toe on the ground looking ashamed, “I tried to run, I was scared, I’m sorry.”

“Oh dear, it’s only natural, well let me tell you, Ferdinand here is a charmer but he'll make a wonderful host. He’ll not turn a sour eye to any of you if he values his life.”

He cleared his throat nervously.

“Let’s have a seat up front, a table just opened up,” Freya said and escorted them.

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Yulya finds herself under a table amid dirt and scraps of dropped food. Where is Alice our living cleaning mop when you need her?

After trying to make sense of the conversation Yulya turns to Ashley and Cat both relieved this hasnt turned into an outright battle but also annoyed by her companions reckless actions.
Ashley what are we doing here under that dirty table? You heard Freya and I am sure you noticed her powers too. Things appear exactly as I expected. Shes trying her best to help the slaves as she can and she is doing a way better job than we could ever hope to. This girl is [dramatic pause] good at what shes doing. Yes those guys are appalling and how they treat the girls is straining even me as a peaceful follower of Eldath to the point of snapping but I do not see what we can do here we are not even copper ranked adventurers yet. If we want to change things for the better we need to become stronger much stronger first.

And Cat what were you trying to do? Start a fight with nobles at the guild? Do you think this will improve anyones situation?
And wait, did I hear correctly that Freya said we were under her protection? It was weird enough she paid our dinner. And whats with that assassin? I do not quite understand it and I cant say I like that we have drawn that much attention but that girl might be a powerful ally.

So now what? You want to lurk more under that table or should we finally gets registered? Alice should be on her way here as well.

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> Ashley what are we doing here under that dirty table? You heard Freya and I am sure you noticed her powers too. Things appear exactly as I expected. Shes trying her best to help the slaves as she can and she is doing a way better job than we could ever hope to. This girl is [dramatic pause] good at what shes doing. Yes those guys are appalling and how they treat the girls is straining even me as a peaceful follower of Eldath to the point of snapping but I do not see what we can do here we are not even copper ranked adventurers yet. If we want to change things for the better we need to become stronger much stronger first.

Well yeah, I was going to register and start training or something, that's what I said right? I didn't want to start a fight in the middle of a busy guild full of high ranking adventurers, duuUuuh.

Anyway, it's exactly as I predicted, in my infinite wisdom, [13] I had already determined Freya was on our side. The issue is we need to stop slavery. Err, the wrong kind of slavery? I mean, if the slaves don't want to be saved or it's too expensive or something, I mean, it's not like I can buy them or anything but hey, If I was a high enough level I could definately do... something I don't know what yet. 

If there's one thing I know, it's that intel is important, so let's see how she treats this letch, I wanna see bruises, come on Freya!

> Did I hear correctly that Freya said we were under her protection? It was weird enough she paid our dinner. And whats with that assassin?

Oh that, well you see, I kinda started a fight with the leader of that group back at the table because he was a huge jerk and I won by the way, I only cursed him a little bit and I was going to release him eventually, but yeah, even the assassin chick thought so, um... Theilia Frost... something, so I was pretty pissed off and so this assassin was all touchy feely to me like all these perverts and she was like "I'll kill him if you want, for FREE." She said I was brave, and you know me, I turned on the charm and she melted. I was all "come on, I took care of him anyway." Then she said something like, "if you need anyone killed, I'll take care of it..." I think. But don't worry, I told her we didn't have any money, not the kind she's use to anyway. Plus, I'd rather see my enemies crushed by my babies than a coward's way out. 

She continued slightly nervously, Not that I'm saying assassins are cowards, but I'd be a coward if I didn't handle my own business.

Now shh! I gotta hear what Freys's saying.

[Ashley's rendition is quite crude, if you care to ask Josephia, the bard, you will get the full transcript from her point of view and probably be entertained as a result, but it's up to you.]

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Cat's ears droop upon being scolded
I'm sorry Nya!
I acted without thinking and without your order Nya! Forgive this dumb Cat Nya I didn't want to cause trouble Nya! 
But Ashley's right Nya. Maybe we can hear something important Nya! I can hear very well what that Freya is saying from here Nya! She's so cool Nya! She's playing that damn nobles like a fiddle Nya!
 Cat's right ear rises again and rotates into Freyas direction like a radio telescope picking up the signal of a distant galaxy

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Yulya places her hands on the foreheads of her companions and sighs not even surprised by their confessions
Good god are you in kindergarten? Ashley you are drunk. I dont mind listening in on Freya but if you really want to help those poor souls talking to Freya what we can do is probably the best option. We know nothing about those nobles their slaves or the entire business. If we act recklessly we will only make things worse for everyone including ourselves
Cat calm your temper. You cant just start a fight with other adventurers let alone nobles in a guild. Crude violence achieves nothing in this situation. We are a party and we are only strong together. So dont go wandering off on your own to do whatever comes to your mind ok?

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They said it was sweet cider, how am I supposed to know it was spiked?

Ashley slaps her cheeks lightly to try to gain her senses.

Wait, where'd she go and where's Alice?

/[Freya's moved since you began spying, the noble and the three beastkin girls are sitting at the table, the girls kicking their legs freely now and sitting on their hands, apparently their ankle chains have been removed and the shackles are on the table, gleaming in the lamplight, but they still have their chained collars linking them to the noble.]

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Finally having received her dinner, Alice yanks off a drumstick and puts the rest of the chicken under her arm like a teddy bear. Gravy soaks into her yukata and is readily absorbed. Alice goes to look for her party. Not finding them in a brawl with nobles as expected, she turns to look for Freya and spots her at a table close to the stage and moves towards her while chewing on the chicken leg.

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Alice, having finally finished her dinner, is walking straight for Freya. She'd gone to get the girls something to eat and is now speaking with Ferdinand, regarding a possibility of a guarding quest for the girls while Ferdinand's funds are transferred from Baldur's Gate.

The girls are overjoyed by the fare, and dig in heartily.

She looks up to check on the new adventurers, 'Where had they gone?' "Excuse me a moment, I'll be back, so while I'm gone, think about how much you're willing to put up."

She looks across the room and sees the halfling with the kitsune mask, a little relieved she makes a b-line for her. Surely she'd know where her own companions had gone.

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I attempt to pop out unnoticed.

[1d20+2=15+2 vs DC15 stealth pass]

Where the heck did that coin go! Can you all help me find the silver I just had, it flipped out of my habd and I swear it stuck to the ceiling or something because it just vanished.

I attempt a distraction using Deception so my friends can pop out easier.

[1d20+6=18+6 vs DC15]

Distraction successful, I'll lower DC to 10 for those at the table but with disadvantage due to multiple people based on the lowest modifier which is +1 for Yulya.

[1d20+1=16+1, 4+1 vs DC10 fails.]

[coin toss= heads] Yulya is seen emerging from under the table next to Cat, better explain yourself.]

[1d5=5] A Sorceress with a silver plate notices Yulya exit from under the table.

"Ummm, what were you doing under there?" says a slightly inebriated silver rank sorceress to Yulya.

[Freya is fixated on Alice and hasn't noticed you all emerge yet.]

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Getting caught Yulya panics and tries to hide under the table again but is pulled out by Cat who already has some routine pulling out people from under tables.
Uhm uhhh my apologies we have been looking for my party member a little girl with a fox mask who likes to hide under tables!

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The Sorceress looks at you three with a disbelieving stare but figures you're harmless and is soon distracted by conversation at her table.

You all catch up to Alice just as Freya reaches her.

"Oh," she's startled by your sudden appearance, "are you ready to get registered? Good then follow me."

You are swept away on to the stage in the back of the hall, through stage right, and into a moderately sized back stage room that might have served as a dressing room. It has a table for six like the ones in the main hall and Freya quickly lights some wall sconces.

As the lights come on, you notice a silent black sphere, about the size of a person's head. It's surface is a gloss reflection of lights. It has an unusual look to it that you don't immediately understand but as you study it further the lights it reflect don't seem to correspond to lights in this room. And the surface seems to swirl like the surface of someblack pond only curved into a perfect sphere. Then you realize it is floating about waste height from the ground with no apparent means to hold it there.

"I just need to settle with a customer, so stay put, I'll be back momentarily."

She rushes out, shutting the door behind her.

The room has warm wood paneling as might be seen in a library but no books. It is remarkably quiet, as if it is unnaturally dampened from the sounds just outside the door.

You get an eerie feeling of being watched.

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The arch-enemy has appeared!!
Alice patiently waits for Freya to close the door, then while the the others are distracted chatting with each other, she approaches the black orb and suspiciously eyes it from close distance. The expressionless smile of her fox mask reflects off the orb in an eerie way.
What the fuck is this thing? I have never seen anything like that but I don't like it. Its smug aura mocks me!
Alice takes the chicken from under her arm and parades it in front of the orb like a doll, wiggling it left and right. There is no reaction from the orb. Slightly disappointed, Alice puts her chicken closer and closer to the orb, almost touching it. Nothing. Apparently further escalation is needed to provoke a reaction. Challenge accepted!

Alice carefully places the chicken on top of the floating orb, then immediately takes a leap backwards and hides behind Cat. Only now do the others become aware of what Alice has been doing.

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The moment Alice lets go of the precariously placed chicken, it sinks slightly into the orb. Inconceivably, perhaps astonishingly, or even incredibly unfathomably, it rolls off harmlessly onto the floor.

Alice is left momentarily stunned.

The orb has not changed and the presence you feel watching you has not changed.

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Ashley approaches the orb and can feel the presence strongly, it's an all too familiar presence to her.

Uh, maybe back off, my God is not the most tolerant being. Imagine she just got a slimy chicken placed on her head or whatever. Though that would be hilarious, it probably wouldn't end well for us.

Clearly Ashley feels her Goddess, but each of you feel a different presence, no two are the same.

Ashley feels the Goddess of Death, the Raven Queen, the source of her magic.


Yulya feels the unmistakable presence of Eldath, Goddess of Shining Waters and surmises that Ashley isn't speaking of her.


Cat feels a presence she only briefly felt in tribal rituals, namely the Cat Lord.


Alice feels something she hasn't ever felt before, but the presence is clear and strong, stronger the closer she approaches the orb. Clearly she has a god whether she knows it or not. You'll have to wait to find out.

I attempt to decipher the mechanics or otherwise discover it's source of power or something.

[1d20+1 vs DC20... unbelievably, she rolled a 20! (Joy facepalms)]

Ashley touches the orb and is undeniably given GODSIGHT, a very rare and otherwise useless ability available only to sorceresses, useable only by proctors of the orbs who have been extensively trained in the art of interpretation. However, because she does, when she touches it she feels the whole of creation, hundreds of realms are connected here, places so fantastic that she nearly falls to her knees in awe. A stream of light emits from the orb like a gentle arc of lightning, it arcs through her hand and into her forehead. She falls back and is unable to comprehend the majority of what she was shown. let alone its relevance. To her the process felt like a few minutes though to you all it was only a moment.

I sit up and stare at the fading orb, with a little more respect than I had before.

It's not dangerous to us, but I wouldn't go playing with it either. Wow, so I don't know who I saw but my queen is obviously accessible through that orb, saw her clearly staring at me, I bet I could talk to her directly but I didn't try. I don't know who the others were, some tall woman, either wet or made from water, a guy who was surprised to see me suddenly, he asked me how I could transform into a Panther and I didn't say anything, and another guy, like... I don't even know how to describe him except he was golden like made of metal. I can guess who he's here for.

Looks at Alice

None of them looked amused.

There were others too, someone with golden feathered wings, and I don't even know what to say about the others, it's like looking at a crowd of people all at once.

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Cat is not amused
Alice thats not the proper way to give an offering Nya! And dont play with your food Nya, get that chicken off the floor and eat up Nya!

At least she thinks a roast chicken would be a proper offering for the Cat God, but not in this silly context

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There is a small knock on the door but it immediately opens and Freya comes in, she sees Ashley on the floor, Alice hiding behind Cat and a cooked pheasant under the orb.

She smiles, "Well I hope you're all having fun so far but the real fun is about to begin. So I'll need to collect your registration fees and we can begin with an explanation of what happened while I was away."

Ashley stands, reaches in her coin purse and hands Freya 10gp. Then she explains the situation fairly for once.

"... so then I was knocked back and you came in."

"Oh?" Freya is taken aback and has a furrowed brow, "you have Godsight..." she then mutters to herself "...of course you do." She straightens and says firmly, "Well then I'll have to ask you to sit at the table and not interfere with the interviews, the interpretation is a delicate operation meant to be done by only one qualified proctor. I had to be trained for a cycle to be able to perform it properly and then only under the care of the guildmaster to her satisfaction. So whatever it is you saw or heard, please disregard it for now. I'm sorry Ashley but if you interfere again you'll have to sit out. I'm glad no one is injured. Once the payment is settled, we'll start with Yulya."

Freya is asking for 10 gold from Alice, Cat and Yulya, then the interviews will start.

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Alice is a bit jealous the orb reacted to Ashley but not to her and stares back and forth between Ashley and the strange black sphere. Ashley's words about what she has been shown by the orb have not escaped her but she decides to remain silent about it. Ignorance is bliss.

Slightly but only slightly ashamed that Freya spotted the chicken on the floor Alice makes another artistic dive under the orb to salvage her dinner, then gives the orb a last glance from a safe distance.
Well at least it didn't steal my chicken. Maybe it knows its place after all.
For the moment an uneasy truce remains but the final battle is just about to start.

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Embarassed Yulya mumbles apologizes to Freya and hands her 30gp then nervously prepares for her interview. What a disgraceful display to Eldath. But the guardian angel had guided her to her strange companions so there must be a purpose behind this all. Yulya catches herself doubting this purpose for a moment

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Read this first

Additional References

Freya takes the coins and places them in a pocket with Ashley's. She then drags over two chairs, one on each side of the sphere. She motions Yulya to sit.

“When you’re ready, please place your hands on the sphere.”

[Yulya Optional Prompt #1]

Yulya has no other choice, she does as she is asked. When she places her hands near the sphere, she can feel a pressure, like a wind but with no flow, or like the surface of water but the temperature perfectly matches her hands, it's something but nothing at the same time.

Freya closes her eyes, “yes, do you feel her presence?” 

[Yulya Optional Prompt #2] 

A thin blue spark reaches out and touches Freya’s forehead. When she opens her eyes, they’re glowing a serene green as if backlit by some unseen source. Her face drops, “Eldath is here.”
In a eerie voice Freya channels
“It is I, Eldath, the green goddess of peace, mother of the waters, goddess of the singing waters.

Her voice unnaturally booms, especially to Yulya, 

Child you claim to have chosen a peaceful path yet you seek power and death, you scarcely contain your inner rage, doubting every penance, and you align yourself with those who seek destruction and pain upon others; warriors, sorceresses and mechanisms of doom. You claim to run from corruption but you cannot escape yourself-

Freya breaks through and tears her hands away from the sphere, gasping for breath like she’d just been drowning. She nearly falls out of her chair and coughs clear liquid onto the floor. She shakes her head, clamping her eyes shut, “forgive me, I am so sorry, I- That’s never happened before. Your goddess is here but she won’t speak to me, in fact it felt as if she was taking my air, I don’t know what I could have done to offend her or if I even did, I couldn’t hold the connection more than a moment. Give me a few moments to recover and I’ll try to contact her again.” She looks frightened and her hands are shaking.

“But you were just speaking like her, Eldrath or whatever,” Ashley says curtly.

“What do you mean?” Freya asks, obviously confused.

“Your voice changed and you started lecturing Yulya, not in a nice way either,” Ashley clarifies.

Freya seems genuinely confused, “sorry to sound so obtuse but I meant I merely had the connection for a second and I couldn’t keep it.” 

“Nuh uh, you were talking for like a minute at least,” Ashley corrects her.

Freya looks perplexed now, she wipes a clear liquid from her chin and then looks to the floor. She looks to Yulya oddly, “oh… d-did you get what you needed to hear? Did I cut her off too soon?”

[Yulya Required Prompt #3]

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> #3
Yulya is absolutely devastated by how she was treated by her goddess the first time hearing her voice. Looking at the floor trying to hide her tears she only mutters to herself
I-I was only following She-Shes guidance was that wrong? All I wanted was a peaceful life in nature as a hermit not power or to bring death and suffering I dont want any of that and I was scolded for it by that angel. Now I set out with those lunatics as told and my goddes hates me for it? What is this nightmare? What am I supposed to do?

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Freya clears her head and regains her naturally regal posture and disposition.

"This is somewhat new to me so I apologize but it's natural for the Gods to interfear with each other, so this SheShe you speak of, is she a goddess I'm not familiar with?"

[Yulya Optional Prompt #1]

"Apparently you were 'lectured', and this is something I have experienced, though they typically communicate with me and I do the interpretation in a gentle way. The notion is that there's no wrong way to follow, you have your own will and are free to make your own choices and where these misaligned there will be friction. We as sorceresses and sorcerers have far less leeway than clerics as our bonded gods can take away our powers completely. As a Cleric you have worked to achieve your powers, Clerics do not need to worship a god and I'm sure Eldath understands this. So her concern would be simply you besmirching her name. To follow a god faithfully, you would hold their tenents first and foremost. From what I know about Eldath, even fighting a rogue rothé wouldn't be holding to the letter of the tenets. I have to admit a peace cleric would be conflicted at every stage of an adventure's career."

She leans in and places a hand on Yulya's shoulder and speaks consolingly, "these decisions may seem life ending but they are common challenges in everyone's careers. You wouldn't be punished or thought less of if you backed away from your investment in Eldath, at least outwardly. I believe she would still accept you as long as you didn't associate your current activities with her and I know she would understand. It wouldn't be a rejection, from what I know it would be a show of respect."

[Yulya Optional Prompt #2]

She staightens and smiles kindly, the gesture somehow alleviates the majority of your stress, her motherly/sisterly radiance is remarkable.

"I have felt another presence with you but not to the extent of Eldath, would you be comfortable with contacting her? It may provide clarity we're missing."

&[Yulya Required Prompt #3]

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> #1
With her head lowered Yulya speaks with a monotonous voice like a criminal after breaking down during a harsh interrogation and confessing everything
SheShe is my Guardian Angel or Deva if you will. Through her prophecies and visions I met and saved my companions here. I assumed this was also Eldaths will but it appears I was wrong.

> #2
> When your goddess thinks youre so cringe she doesnt want to be associated with you
Yulya forces herself to smile and nods like a patient just diagnosed with terminal cancer and told by the doctor to still enjoy life
I devoted my life to Eldath its the only thing I ever felt I belonged to though I admit I may have interpreted this path in my very personal way. I even left the church of Eldath to live alone among nature and water.

> #3
Yulya nods silently having given up any resistance.

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Freya brings her hands back to the sphere and motions for you to do the same. She leans in and a thread of light passes to her forehead, not electric this time but radiant. “Yes, yes, I feel her, she’s speaking to me, I will convey what she’s communicating now.”

She speaks quickly but in her own voice, she seems to be struggling with some of it but otherwise seems satisfied by the translation, “the demons and spirits of this world have begun doing as they please, war is rampant, the nobles sit idle playing out their fantasies, fighting amongst themselves and those who are the most precious and vulnerable are harvested like wheat out of season, never given a chance to ripen to their full potential.”

She pauses and takes a breath, “for you I have collected the finest grass, and it is your job to shine your light upon them and give them the chance to ripen in time.”

She stops and thinks a moment, "I'm sorry but my translation is a little... lacking, it's the best I can do because she's using concepts that have no parallel here."

She continues, “I am not asking you to give up your quest for peace, I am instead offering you a choice and guiding you the way I believe you should choose.  One path will guide you to growth, power to save, power to bring peace, power to resolve crisis, comradely, joy, and countless lives saved… till harvest? No, she doesn’t mean that, she means more like, so they can spread their seed and bring about a new generation of… joy.  Sorry again, her thoughts are very beautiful but also complex.” She clears her throat, “I want you to show your light to this dark world.”
Freya looks happy to have translated that, "oh, that's good! I like this goddess of yours."

She continues, “The other path will bring you peace and for, no… but for you alone, you will live a quiet and solitary life, free from strife, free from choice, free from violence, and the world will continue to darken around you until it finally overtakes you with…" she gulps, "overwhelming force leaving only pain, suffering, loss, destruction and darkness.” Freya cringes slightly, “so it is your choice to make.”

Freya let's out a long breath as if trying to clear her mind and quiets. She starts to shake and then breaks free again. "I think this SheShe is doing things behind the scenes, she's in a place immune to the influence of other gods and they're not at all happy about that. Eldath tried to interject but she was blocked somehow."

She thinks a moment and then looks to Ashley, "is SheShe also your goddess?"

Ashley shakes her head, "I don't think so? My goddess is kinda possessive, I doubt she'd share."

Freya shakes her head as if telling herself no, "so I believe SheShe is listening to you, she is here to help, I sense only love and kindness, she is the epitome of tolerance." Freya becomes calm again, she closes her eyes and her expression becomes one of relaxation, her breathing is slight, she becomes still.

After a few moments of complete silence she opens her eyes, "she's an unnamed goddess, I asked her to tell me her name, to which domain she serves, or under which pantheon she may belong and she denied all. I find that very special, she's something of a unaffiliated goddess with no tenets, she merely wants to see this world survive to the coming age of enlightenment and she needs your help."


"What she showed me was two amazing scenarios, one that was Armageddon incarnate, the other, love and light. I have to say, Eldath's path will not foster the righteous outcome from this current crossroad she presented. I will meditate on what she's shown me, I'd like to know more but it's not my place to ask you to share her with me... sadly. Nor should you.”

She stands and bids you to stand, “I’m fully satisfied that you will uphold the morals of the guild, please have a seat and I’ll read for Cat next.”

Yulya has passed and furthermore Freya has indicated that SheShe is listening like a goddess would and may therefore be able to help in some way if asked. Freya is now asking that Cat comes and has a seat next to the orb.

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“Welcome and have a seat.” Freya says with a gentle smile and begins to concentrate on the orb.

The moment Cat touches it Freya smiles, “okay, mhm, I see. He’s here with me now.” Freya looks outwardly normal with her eyes closed until a thin warming light of orange and green energy touches her forehead, when she opens her eyes again they’re glowing with a beautiful emerald light.
“I have a strong connection, he’s telling me that he’s unconcerned with guild rules and regulations and that’s perfectly ok, wow he’s so beautiful as a panther. Okay, he says his only regret is that you aren’t more wild and care free, but he loves your spirit. This is very good, I certainly can appreciate his perspective. Adventurers are often neutral and if you were that would also be acceptable. He’s apparently chaotic neutral and he considers you good by what he’s saying, so either way you’d be accepted.”

She closes her eyes again and looks pained, but more of a sympathetic pain, “okay, he’s off on a tangent, mhm, not about you, okay, he’s venting about Ashley actually and yes for what it’s worth he would like her to embrace her animal nature and that’s his opinion, but we’re done Cat. He’s given his blessing so to speak.”

Freya breaks the connection and smiles, “he was a fun one to talk to. This thankfully was a lot closer to what I normally experience, often your god will have something to say, some sage word of advice that they would like to convey and his was to be true to your nature, and that's a sweet sentiment." 

"Thank you Cat, you passed." She motions to Alice, "So now Alice, would you please have a seat and touch the orb when you’re ready?”

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Alice opens her Yukata and stuffs the remaining chicken into her body where it is slowly digested. Eating is for amateurs. Then she gets up and carefully approaches the orb like it was a mine that would explode with the slightest disturbance before slowly sitting down on her chair. Skeptically looking at Freya Alice bats at the orb, only briefly touching it.

[please click on the gif to do it justice, the gif preview is only a few frames]

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You bat the orb, feeling only a momentary slight pressure.

"Don't worry, it can't hurt you, but if you're not comfortable touching it I believe I can still evaluate you, the presence of your god is coming in strongly now."

Freya closes her eyes and concentrates, "oh this is interesting, I wouldn't have expected this. I am getting the feeling you are an automation, though that's not an issue at all, you don't appear to have an alignment... ok, there is a god here but he... it? seems to be here just out of curiosity." 

Her brow furrows and she seems perplexed, with her eyes still closed you see her eyes move rapidly under their lids. "I'm afraid I don't have any way of verifying you through the orb... wait." 

She continues to concentrate a moment then nods, "I have successfully communicated with Primus of Mechanus, I believe this is who Ashley saw but he is not your god nor is he willing to vouch for you, he is merely an observer... he invites you to Mechanus by the way... his presence is masking another." 

She stops and opens her eyes, in her pupils you could swear you see intricate mechanisms whirring. She closes her eyes again,  "well um... this was unexpected and I welcome you to our realm Alice. I am in contact with a demigoddess who claims to know your creators and is herself a creation, she keeps repeating a symbol that I can only interpret as kin or sister, but she's unsatisfied by my interpretation. Oh, so she's a demigod..." she opens her eyes, a red glow of gears whirl in her wide open pupils, "... and so are you, Alice. Or at least you have that potential." 

She pauses then continues, "She cannot vouch for you but I can, because you have no alignment and no diety to vouch for you, I can only accept you based on your loyalty to your leader or current master, I will accept this if Yulya wishes to vouch for you. In any case, she will have to vouch for you whenever you wish to level here. " 

She concentrates a moment longer, "she's incredible, as are you Alice, though in different ways.  She's imploring me to accept you, and I will grant you copper status, but only if Yulya is willing to vouch for you... so she's imploring Yulya to do that. She won't tell me her agenda, or if she even has one, nor her name, but there is something I can only interpret as divine action at work by your creators."

An arc of lightning connects between Freya and the orb, then another arcs to Ashley with a loud crackle causing her [1d6=5] damage.

[Ashley has fallen out of her chair and has fainted but will recover in a few minutes as she still has HP left. She's injured however and a red scorch mark is left in her forehead.]

Freya breaks the connection and rushes to Ashley, "dear, oh dear." She frets a moment and then breathes a sigh of relief. "She'll recover, I believe this is due to her Godsight, it's not unheard of. Your demigoddess has made a physical connection to Ashley, beyond that I can't say what that will mean. We can provide healing if you don't have the means, Yulya, it's up to you, and I need to know if you will vouch for Alice."

She sits on the floor near Ashley, a hand on her arm, "this has been quite an unusual day."

Freya is withholding final judgment on Yulya's decision. If she chooses to vouch for you then you are accepted and can level here, otherwise you will possibly be rejected unless the guildmaster approves. Ashley is injured and can be restored through resting or healing either by Yulya or someone in the guild.

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Alice listens rather confused, no idea what Freya is talking about. But relieved none of the expected worst case guys showed up which would require immediately getting the fuck off this planet.

And even more confused that nobody in this world appears to ask any questions about her origin or what the hell she actually was.

> An arc of lightning connects between Freya and the orb, then another arcs to Ashley with a loud crackle causing her [1d6=5] damage.
> [Ashley has fallen out of her chair and has fainted]
Alice bursts out in laughter pointing at a smoldering Ashley lying on the floor. But laughter stops seeing that she's actually injured
Uhh, this isn't my fault, right? You still alive, Ashley?

Alice rushes over to provide some cooling moistness to Ashley's forehead with her hand

Oi Freya what do you mean you can provide healing, it's your fault this happened! Now help Ashley! Yulya isn't in a state to heal others right now, just look at her!

points at an unresponsive Yulya sitting motionless at the desk, now in a double-shocked state from both her encounter with Eldath and Ashley's accident

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Now that Ashley is being watched, Freya rushes out of the room, "I'll be right back with help."

She left quickly and in moments returned with a cleric.

He knelt down and assessed Ashley's condition. He laid his hands on her and in a flash of blue light he cast CURE LIGHT WOUNDS and Ashley awakened fully healed.

Ashley woke and immediately shuffled back, "don't tough me! What the hell is wrong with you people!"

Freya knelt on the floor next to her, "he revived you, nothing impure occured."

"Just get him out of here!"

Freya waved him off with a thank you and he left without saying a word.

"I'm afraid everyone else has to leave for Ashley's interview, I wouldn't want to see any more injuries until we get to the bottom of what happened," Freya said calmly.

"I already know what happened, that thing that knows Alice entered my mind and asked if I would be willing to help her to watch Alice. Duh, Alice is a phesant weilding mamiac so of course, then her presence shot into me. She's like in my head now or something."

Freya touched her forehead.

"Ow! Hey," Ashley squirmed.

"In your head?" Freya was intrigued. "Did she gift you with anything?"

Ashley closed her eyes, then furrowed her brow and opened them again, "actually, when I close my eyes I can kind of still see things, like an after image but it's permanent."

"Hm, well it could be more but we could ask her."

"Let's get this over with, everyone get out!" Ashley said and pointed at the door.

Freya will interview Ashley next, so they're both requesting that everyone leave. But remember that Freya still needs Yulya's okay to vouch for Alice.

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Yulya feels bad she could not even help her teammate. What a failure of a cleric. Before being dragged off by Cat she addresses Freya in between all the ruckus happening all at once

Uhm, of course I will vouch for Alice. I was tasked with looking after her its my duty so please register her!

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Freya accepts the endorsement, "Then I see no reason not to accept her and so  Alice is officially conditionally accepted, now it's just a matter of Ashley. I don't anticipate any other issues, but just to be safe, please wait outside, we'll only be a few more minutes."

You are ushered out leaving Ashley in Freyas capable care.

The care is in fact capable, I have deemed it so.

The door shuts and you hear the lock latch and you see a bluish translucent barrier form as a layer of protection from magic and sound. The guild hall echos in this dimly lit back hallway with music and merriment.

I will post again when we have internally handled the interview, Ashley will then report in Ashley-ease when she exits.

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You hear the door unlock and the protective shean dissipates. Freya and Ashley, both looking tired, emerge.

[You may ask Ashley what happened if you like.]

“Congratulations! You’ve all passed and I’ll provide your plates soon,” she bowed “welcome to adventure my copper rank sisters.”

“Now, let me just give you all a little information then you’re free to go off and be the heros you’re meant to be.” She motions you to follow and you walk back to the main hall. Against the back wall on stage left she shows you the active quests and bounties.  “You’re free to read any of these and you may look at quests one level above your rank so for you all that’s Iron rank.” There was a large set of cubbies with wax stamped envelopes, many were unsealed.
“Now, I don’t know your plans, but there’s one I’d like you to at least consider.” She pulled one off the board and pulled a official looking paper from it. She read, “'Gundren Roskseeker would like you to escort a private trade cart of supplies to Phandalin. The route should take two-three days and Gundren and his escort Sidar Hallwinter will scout ahead to make sure there’s no bandit activity,' so this quest is Copper rank and it should be easy money. You’ll be paid 4 gold for a successful delivery and a 2 gold bonus for arriving in two days or sooner. You may also ride the cart back with Gundren at your discretion. Your plates will allow free passage throughout Faerûn so you needn’t worry about tolls. Gundren has a trade token, so you shouldn’t experience any issues in that regard either. If you’re interested just let me know.”

She went on to explain the other bebefits of your membership, you are now eligible for reduced rent and meals:
1sp single room (sleeps up to 2)
2sp double room (sleeps up to 4) We can offer this for free because you registered today
2sp regular meal
4cp regular ale
5cp seasonal cider
1sp regular wine
10gp fine bottle of wine

"Your meal today is free of course, on me, and your room for tonight is also free, a double room upstairs, room 207.”

She also explained other services:
Washtub 5cp per night
Regular water free
Hot water 1cp per bucket
Soap 2cp (5 uses)

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Guild perks:
Provided you are in good standing, you may leverage 50% of what you pay in and anything you store with us to handle debts and losses, as well as resurrection or other temple fees. If you keep us up to date where you are going on a guild sponsored quest, you will be tracked if you are gone more than 3 days beyond your expected return. It is not necessary to leave a trail, we can locate you partially by your plate. If you become separated from your plate, we will do our best to find you and a quest will be opened equal to 50% of the money you’ve paid in or more if you authorize it and provide funds.
You may use the guild vault as a safety deposit location. No items are allowed but your coin, gems or metal bars will be secured indefinitely.
You may temporarily join other parties as long as we are notified, me, Liz or the Guildmaster.”
She took a breath, “we have many quests available in all ranks, some harder, some longer, those are compensated more obviously. Room, board, and expenses are included in the quest explicitly and not separately, payable upon completion. There is a 10% fee for cancellation, your next of kin will receive 10% if you should perish. Travel expenses can be requested for quests that require travel but they will need to be paid back pending cancellation or failure. If a quest expires while you are actively attempting it you will receive 10% and reasonable expenses as compensation. Quest rates are negotiable but we reserve the right to first arbitration, if we cannot strike a deal and it is deemed necessary to re-qualify a reward, we will do so with your input at our discretion.” She looked at her hands, as if counting her fingers, “I feel like I’m forgetting something, but if it comes up, after you’ve accepted a quest, cancellation will not count against you.

[You are now free to do what you wish though if you take Freya's recommended quest that would start one of the the arcs I have prepared. This is optional and I have two other arcs that may present themselves eventually.]

[Congratulations on a successful guild registration!]


[The party has gained 400AP!]

&[Use of the orb today has converted AP to XP! 1:1]

XP totals:
Ashley: 520 XP  
Yulya: 460 XP
Cat: 455 XP
Alice: 120 XP

Level 2 is 1000xp

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“When you're ready, I’ll escort you to your room where you can securely leave your things and the rest is up to you.” 

She then held up a finger and opened a drawer to the desk in front of the quest board. She produced 4 copper plates and handed them out. 

"They have a removable pin on the back to temporarily affix them to any outfit. They also had holes to allow sewing or binding directly onto clothing or belts. Most adventurers had them affixed to their belts."

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Freya shows you your room, #207.
"If you need anything else, you can simply come down and ask for it."

The room is large enough but there is only one bed. The other options are to sleep on the floor or in the chair. The comforter is very thick and could be used as a makeshift mattress.

You remember the last time you slept was in a ditch by the road, the journey from the cabin to Neverwinter was three days walking briskly from dawn to dusk. There is a wardrobe, a dresser a side table and a desk. In the desk is a straight razor, there's soap by a basin but there is a bucket of water, no running water. Hot water can be ordered, a tub can be ordered, cold water is free and available in the kitchen. The kitchen has hot water available and a pump to a cistern in the basement.

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> Of course we wanna know what happened

Ugg. Okay, so first there was a lot of awkward staring and then I got a really weird feeling in my head like someone licking my brain, it was my goddess and she said she wanted to "feel me" and asked my to touch the orb. I did because my alternative is basically live the rest of my life as a panther. I'm cursed you know. But nothing happened, at least I saw nothing when I touched the orb, which is silly because I touched it before and got a huge download.

Freya said she talked to my goddess but she didn't say much about it. She also looked really disappointed, but it wasn't me, I didn't do anything.

So then look at this:

Ashley opens her eyes wide and moves close to Alice, in her eyes were what appeared to be a projection of red hot gears. 

If that's not freaky, I don't know what is, apparently your demigod is 'a part of me' or something. I don't feel any different at least but when I close my eyes, I can still kinda see stuff. 

[Ashley has gained blindsight: 10ft radius]

Then Freya asked me a lot of weird questions, she showed me her jewelry and then asked me what it was, I have no idea. Apparently whatever I said was good enough and she passed me.

She told me my strength of will was too strong to connect to the goddesses, whatever.

Oh! She also said I might be a noble because she said I remind her of how nobles talk. Frankly I don't think so, I think she was just being nice.

She apologized for that whole lightning to the head thing and that was probably because of my Godsight, so it's not like it's her fault, it was your flipping demigoddess.

Other stuff, yada yada, I'm tired.

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Hehe now you can see in the dark too, that's pretty cool Nya! Too bad I didn't get to talk to the Catgod Nya!

I dont mind where I sleep Nya!
But if you want some privacy you better take the comforter, Ashley Nya! The bed will get a bit crowded Nya!
You wanna bathe before sleeping  Nya? I can groom myself and use Alice as a sponge Nya!

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While everyone is sleeping soundly after an eventful day, two gelatinous pseudopods emerge from under the bed and slowly begin engulfing those sleeping in it.

Enjoy your beauty sleep, Alice's skin care, peeling and delousing program has just started. You'll wake up clean and refreshed but a bit moist.

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The following is a dream, no interaction is required.

You find yourself in a crystal city, all around are megaliths of perfection, gleaming in an unnatural way like delicate perfect crystals growing tall from the Earth, perfectly aligned, perfectly in rows on an impossible scale. You stagger as you look up to the clouds these crystalline constructions seem to scrape the sky. 

All around you are humans in strange garb of all shapes, races and sizes rushing here and there, more than you've ever seen or known could coexist in one small plaza, none even glance your way as you stand on seemingly finely chiseled stone. Some brush by, some bump you as if you're not even there, but you can feel them as they pass, you can feel their wakes as they pass. You're perplexed by the looks on their faces, some determined, some seemingly in a zone, as if they aren't even cognizant of their path, expressionless and simply walking at a brisk pace, you wonder if they even know where they're going. 

As you acclimate to this scene other sounds assault your senses, giant shining metallic beasts of all the colors of the rainbow race by, growling and howling with an unnerving tones. No one seems to think twice about them, barely minding them as they pass, even walking directly in front of them, they are seemingly completely fearless, or completely oblivious.

You smell a scent of decay and waste amid sweeter scents, perfumes, colognes, leather and incense, chemicals, burning weeds, and somewhere in the distance, cooked meat.

Your eye catches someone familiar, you're near tears at her sight, someone who can make sense of all this, someone who can rescue you from this din before you collapse from overstimulation assuming a giant beast doesn't just run you over as countless humans walk by, uncaring, oblivious or otherwise engaged.

She approaches and at first you think she's missing her beautiful wings but they're just hidden under a small cape.

She takes you in her arms in a friendly and unassuming way, and hugs you quickly, then pulls away leaving you cold and missing her touch almost immediately. "Yulya, doll, you've been busy lately haven't you? Well I'm glad we had this chance to talk. Let's walk!"

You follow her closely, unable to concentrate on anything else but the sound of her angelic voice, as your senses and fears assail you. She talks about esoteric subjects you can't hope to fathom, no frame of reference to understand, it might as well be a whole other language. Then there's something you do recognize in the fog of her beautiful, melodic words.

"So I hear you got reprimanded for nothing, well forget about her, she doesn't deserve you. You'll work for me, and I'll get you what you need. I have assembled a team for you, sorry their all new, but you'll manage them and together you'll change the world, god knows we need a hero who cares about something in this crazy city right? Well four heroes will more than make up for that! Yay, I'm so excited for you."

You approach a foreboding staircase, descending into the steaming depths of hell itself, "I gotta take this, but it's been good to catch up! Keep it up and I have faith in you! I'm watching, make me proud! We'll catch up later."
She's quickly swallowed up, her and countless others descending to their doom. You want to scream, you want to cry but all you can mutter is, "yes, let's..."

A whirlwind of faces and sounds envelope you, there's no escape, no direction to walk without hitting is wall of flesh and crystal and metal beasts traveling at lightning speed and all goes black...

After this post, when you are ready, it is morning and the day will begin. In the safety of this ancient structure you know simply as the Guild, nothing otherwise exciting occurred this night.

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With eerie rustling, Alice emerges from under the bed like a macrophage hunting for bacteria. Cat and Yulya have been licked clean but there wasn't much to digest, time for some real breakfast!
The gelatinous mass creeps across the carpet in circles, then slowly shapes itself into the familiar form of a little girl. Lurking at the side of the bed she waits for Yulya to wake up. As nothing happens, she gently shakes Yulya until she wakes up.

Good morning!
Rise and shine, get up, I'm hungry! And a reward is waiting for us!

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Yulya awakes shaken from the dream staring at Alice who is sitting beside the bed like a dog waiting for food. She pats her head then gets up thinking Alice may be right about all gods being crazy. What was that about?

Yulya speaks a prayer to both SheShe and Eldath hoping not to become stuck in a struggle between gods. Why cant they just get along? Yulya proceeds to wake Ashley and Cat

Good Morning everyone! Today will be a busy day! Alice get dressed lets have breakfast and then collect our reward!

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"What a nightmare," Ashley says and stretchers, I kept waking up thinking my eyes were open but they weren't. I can just see through my eyelids now." 

She goes to the the exterior window and looks out to morning light, "it's pouring rain outside. Dear Santa, I want an umbrella."

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Cat yawns and stretches on the bed, reluctant to get up.
Good morning Nya! 
Wow my fur is all clean and shiny, thanks Alice Nya! I slept like a rock Nya, nice bed Nya!

turns to Ashley
Wait you can't shut your eyes anymore Nya? That sucks Nya what kind of gift is that Nya? I'd go crazy Nya it's bad enough with my ears Nya can't turn off hearing either Nya!
Oh, you're right, what a weather Nya it's raining cats an dogs Nya...

Within seconds Cat has woken up and become fully active, releasing a waterfall or more or less intelligible words while helping Alice get dressed and then dragging everyone down to the guild hall for breakfast

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You get up, get dressed and armored where appropriate, you have no others clothes so there's not much to leave behind, so you take everything and head down the stairs to the main guild hall. Elizabeth, the other hostess, is there setting up the guild for a new day. By some measure you can sense it's roughly 6:00.

Considering you have a couple hours to waste you choose a table and sit, Cat goes to the kitchen and looks around to see how she can re-cook and re-hydrate these rations of hers. Since no one has a water skin anyway, the rations will need to include water.

[If the candied apple wasn't already given to Alice, she gets it now it was still in Yulya's backpack in my records]

Alice can otherwise absorb the gum placed under all the tables I suppose unless someone wants to order breakfast. [Technically you only need to eat once per day by 18:00, you can do that now and Elizabeth will start the meals and get you something, though there isn't any more pheasant and no meat is yet being cooked, it'll be an hour before any of that is set up, but they will have dry foods, bread, cereal, fruits, vegetables, etc.]

[Breakfast, call it a buffet that can be consumed throughout the day, for 4 would be 8sp]

With two dry rations in Yulya's pack and 4 cooked dry rations Cat's pack she can make 8 cooked full rations in two hours, they'll be 4lbs each and worth the same as a dry ration but you'd have everything you'd need to live, for 4, for two days.

The guild wouldn't sell rations but you could also buy more meals and turn them into cooked full rations here. That would be even more efficient than buying groceries. So every hour Cat works, given 4sp (2 meals), she can make 4 cooked full rations.
[That's a great deal! Groceries would be 5sp for two rations worth and need to be assembled and cooked. Based on what you said on the other thread, Cat is now doing as I said. by 8:00 she'll have 8 full cooked rations and the rations in Yulya's pack and the 4 cooked dry ones in Cat's pack will be transformed to 8 full cooked rations in Cat's pack]

Ashley watches Cat go and says to Yulya
Hey listen, I got these really fancy clothes and shoes, all fine and good, and I appreciate you letting me borrow them, but here's the deal, I want my own stuff and money. I don't want to begging you for things in the future, so are these a gift or do I need to pay you for these! They're in good condition, that's fine and it'll be a while before I can afford the 40 silver to buy them from you otherwise you can have them back but if I keep them I'm selling them when I can.

Here's the deal, when we get that reward, I want some of it, like at least a third because I pulled my weight in that fight as you know, with that coin I'll gladly pay you back 40 silver for this robe and shoes or if I get at least 45 silver as part of my share, I will buy new stuff and you can have them back, either way, today, I'm hoping to have a new outfit, undergarments and boots. So in the spirit of that, you can keep the shield and I'll eventually buy my own. Also, I'm with Alice, let's go take that Quest.

[Consider Ashley's request and go to the Hall of justice when you're ready for your reward. "In the morning" so you could go now or later, doesn't matter, it should be ready. You don't need to stick together for this, Cat can stay and cook while one or more of you go and get the reward, go shopping as needed and return here.]

[The Quest has not yet been accepted, you can do that with Elizabeth if you want and she will contact the quest giver. You'll speak with him and set up the trip from there.]

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Ashley dear you are shaming me. Of course you need not pay me for my old clothes and you are free to trade them into something that suits you better.
Yulya smiles thinly
Its enough if you remember to pay me back the 10 gp registration fee for the guild at some point.

We will split the reward in 3 but keep in mind that everyones safety has priority so we may need to pool funds for the most needed equipment. Your shield has top priority but we cannot have one of us walk around with a purse full of gold while another party member dies due to lacking equipment. Alice needs things too and she has zero money. So we will decide the allocation of funds after we know how much we get.

Now lets collect our reward and then officially take the quest!

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Ashley looks disappointed to the point of being distressed, The 10 gold!? I can't keep my share if 'we need it'. I guess I could just steal it somewhere. she looks sickened by it all, yeah, just take everything I guess. I'll figure out how to repay you somehow and thanks for the clothes at least.

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Yulya heads off to the Hall of Justice, Ashley following a few steps back with her head down. 

They arrive and there is a line out the front door. Merchants, travelers, and sharply dressed men and women all together in a neat line, some with umbrellas, some with solid leather hoods and some getting drenched just like you two.

The rain is relentless and it takes roughly an hour to get through the doors and to some shelter. You show some guards your plates and are passed without questioning. You're finally inside and yet another line has formed in front of a frazzled looking clerk and his assistant stamping damp papers and trying to keep everyone in order. Every once in a while the assistant goes back and brings a box or bag or official looking document. Sometimes they collect the same and head back to place it in some unseen repository.

Another hour passes before it's your turn. You show then your plate and mention recompense and after searching their records they come up empty. By chance one notices Yulya's holy symbol and they spark to life, "oh yes, I did get something for you, priest of Eldath. He walks into the back room and comes back with small unassuming wooden hinged box with a small crude lock he hands it to you then hands you a small crude key. The box feels hefty and jingles when you shake it.


You quickly exit the building as if getting away with something.

Ashley looks at it with distaste.
Look, whatever's in there if it's more than what you need to get your money back then just take it all and we're even. 
I don't even care, and from here on out, if we earn anything or get any loot, I want a quarter of it if I earned a quarter of it or whatever I earned and that's my coin.
I don't want anything else, and I don't need anything. I'll sleep out in the rain and eat garbage like Alice. I'll still help you out and all that but we'll see for how long.

The box contains... 94 gold, 2 silver and 8 copper coins.

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A huge reward has been received but nobody appears to be happy. Yulya stops in the middle of the road and closes her eyes the pouring rain hiding her tears

SheShe sama how am i supposed to deal with this troublesome child you have entrusted to me?

She sighs and turns around to Ashley
What is it that you desire? What are your goals? The truth is I know nothing about you. I understand you want to be independent but is this a luxury you can afford? That WE can afford? We are a party a weak one to be honest and our survival depends on working together like the gears in a clockwork. Especially your survival as a pacifist non-combatant. You cannot fight for yourself you cannot even defend yourself. All of us will be putting their lives on the line to shield you from harm. Especially me as She She has entrusted you to me! Even though you are older you are like a daughter to me!

So what about you will you do the same for us? If you plan to keep to yourself and occasionally butt in if you fell like it you will kill us all do you not understand this?

We will always and never be 'even'. If you give me 10gp of your share now I will have to pay for your necessary equipment from my own share. Something you will not have to pay me back but I do expect you to give your funds to a teammate in need of equipment should the necessity arise. That is a minimum of common sense and companionship.

Actually I never wanted to bring up that topic it was you who did. 
Yulya grabs her mace and points it at Ashleys legs with a sad smile
Girl I never said you would have to pay me back until tomorrow or otherwise I would smash your kneecaps ok? It just would be a nice gesture if you did at some point even if it just was symbolic. In SheShe name, using your charm outside of scamming people once in a while would not hurt you you know!

So listen. I will give both you and Cat 31gp is that acceptable for milady? Do as you please but we need to assure each of us has the necessary equipment before we depart for our first quest. I want you to at least have a shield, thieves tools and a backpack so thats already more than your share. We can theoretically afford everything on our wish-lists with this huge reward but again others will invest their money in you. Me to be precisely as I need nothing but a cloak. We are in this together and we will always be here for you. Never forget that!

We will discuss everything with the others but now let us head to the guild and take that quest before its gone!

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> we may need to pool funds 

> She sighs and turns around to Ashley
> Ashley!
> What is it that you desire?

Ashley speaks from a hurt perspective, drenched, sore from a night on the floor, doubted by Alice at every turn, thought of as a troublemaker for doing her best.  
Listen, I appreciate what you did and what you gave me, I told you that. I'd have been eaten by an owlbear by now otherwise but that doesn't mean you own me. I owe you for room and board, for clothes and 10 gold for registration, fine. I have my own ID, I want to use any amount of that fund to pay you back, just tell me what I owe you beyond whatever you want to take from that chest, but after all that if you're saying I still owe you money, how am I supposed to think I'll ever get out from under this debt and then I'll have to find my own way to do that because how else can I?

If you call it even like what I think is very fair considering you said I could keep the outfit, next we need to talk about Alice. I know she's your friend and all, but her little snide comments to me are weighing me down. I tried to be nice, I tried to be friendly or haven't I?

Lastly, the room thing and equipment, I want to take care of myself, if I get something perfect and some coin of my own and you decide it needs to be "pooled for the greater good" than I'm not up for that. I'm also not up for the ascetic life. I'm no noble so I'm not going to be jingling around with platinum and all that but if I had my own funds I can take care of my own needs and safety. Isn't that fair?

> What are your goals?

I have no idea at this point, I'm all turned around with Freya and the slaves and it all sounds crazy. I'd frankly like to figure out who I am but from what Freya told me, my god doesn't want that. She's got me under her thumb too. Can't piss off a god right or I'll be a flipping panther forever. Everyone around me is making decisions for me, when can I make my own?

she holds back tears

Now this other bitch with the gears, like, I don't mind being able to see in the dark but wtf, she's watching everything through my eyes. Thank gods she's not yelling in my head, telling me to torture small animals but there goes privacy. She's compelling me to watch Alice and I can't even get away from her now. I didn't ask for this and I'm a little pissed about that too.

> The truth is I know nothing about you. Even though you are older you are like a daughter to me!

How do you think I feel? I'm not your daughter, and who knows anything? I don't even know how old I am? I might be younger than you. And this... this wild magic taints me blue sometimes, my hair, my skin, what kind of joke is that? Look, black roots. Who could even recognize me, and especially in these vestments? The best I thought I could so was wear something I wanted, maybe that's be something I could be recognized in and I can't even do that.

She shows the top of her dripping wet head.

>  >I understand you want to be independent but is this a luxury you can afford? 

Ashley darkens, with the rain falling down her cheeks you can't tell if she's crying
Can I, master?

>  >That WE can afford?
Take the money, take all of it, that's a lot, more than I'll ever see in any reasonable time, what more do you want from me? Blood?

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> We are a party a weak one to be honest and our survival depends on working together like the gears in a clockwork. 

Ha ha, now you're cutting deep.

she hangs her head and wipes her eyes

> Especially your survival as a pacifist non-combatant. 
Yeah, I don't want to hurt anyone mis peace cleric, I thought we were a good match you know? I thought we'd find a way to make a living without all that but apparently not now, now that we need all this money is that what it's all about? I like that quest because it's just a simple cart trip, if there's trouble, then my babies can help but no I don't want to kill anything is that so wrong? I thought you especially if anyone would understand that, maybe I was wrong. 

> You cannot fight for yourself you cannot even defend yourself.

Yeah, rub that in from the safety of your million coin scale mail and shield, I can't wear armor like that and expect to do anything else? Should I pick up a stick and bonk goblins? My babies protect me and if worse comes to worse I can transform and trust me, I'll defend myself then, I'll think of nothing else but the taste of blood and warm flesh in my teeth. Let's hope my panther-self knows who's the bad guy, because my human-self is questioning that.

> All of us will be putting their lives on the line to shield you from harm.

she starts openly crying
What do you think I was doing while Alice was playing in the sun? I was chasing after that rothé and you didn't think twice about casting some kind of bond spell on me, keeping me in harms way. I could have safely stayed on the cart and cast my babies, so ask yourself whether that statement seems ironic or not. 

> Especially me as She She has entrusted you to me!
I didn't ask her to do that, I don't know who she is and Freya said she was actively blocking my god's influence but my god gave me this power or I'd have died a thousand deaths in whatever plane I was stuck in, I had to make that choice, all the while gods, angels, demigods and Asimar are trying to control my life. Is that what life is? Being torn from all sides? Maybe it's not worth it, and when I ask for a little slack I get more demands and a lecture. It's f'ing ponderous Yulya, ponderous.

She sits on the wet pavers and cries.

> So what about you will you do the same for us? If you plan to keep to yourself and occasionally butt in if you fell like it you will kill us all do you not understand this?

Yes master. She says between sobs

> We will always and never be 'even'.
she only cries amid sobs

> If you give me 10gp of your share now I will have to pay for your necessary equipment from my own share. 

she keeps her head down, rain pouring off her hood

It's all about the money to you, are you even listening to me? Do you care about me at all? I don't want your charity anymore and no, you don't own me. You only give me things I need but take everything else as your share, then I have every right to find my own way. 

> You will not have to pay me back but I do expect you to give your funds to a teammate in need of equipment should the necessity arise. That is a minimum of common sense and companionship.

silence from Ashley, thunder cracks in the distance

> Actually I never wanted to bring up that topic it was you who did.

> Yulya grabs her mace and points it at Ashley's legs with a sad smile.

> Girl I never said you would have to pay me back until tomorrow or otherwise I would smash your kneecaps ok? It just would be a nice gesture if you did at some point even if it just was symbolic. In SheShe name, using your charm outside of scamming people once in a while would not hurt you you know!

rain relentlessly falls

> We will discuss everything with the others but now let us head to the guild and take that quest before its gone!

Ashley slowly follows, dragging her feet in her waterlogged shoes, trying desperately to regain her composure. Otherwise lost in thought. Feeling ashamed at her outburst, saddened that her wishes matter so little, unsure about anything anymore.

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Ashley and Yulya arrived back at the Guild, it was just past 10:00 and the rain was yet to cease. The hall was remarkably empty.

Ashley sat at a back table like a sad sack of rotten potatoes, head down, soaked, and looking every bit like a sad kitten who'd been caught in the rain. 

Yulya stepped to the kitchen and showed the box to Cat and Alice. A unreadable, likely frustrated, look on her face.

Elizabeth was preparing to enter the kitchen to prepare the day's menu and Freya was at the back of the stage pouring over documents.

While Ashley and Yulya were gone, Cat and Alice had managed to make 12 cooked full rations, from what was available in Cat's pack and leftover foods Elizabeth gave them from the night before. 

Remove 2 Rations, and 4 Cooked Rations and add 12 Cooked Full Rations from Cat's inventory. additional rations may be made in sets of 4 per hour for the cost of 1sp each.

Ashley is awaiting a discussion with little hope of resolution, feeling unwanted, hurt deeply, embarassed, and plagued with dark thoughts swirling in her mind.

Freya noted the arrival and began to move toward Ashley even if only to comment on her state and offer a towel. 

No one knows anything of the conversation but Yulya and Ashley.

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I see...

Struck by Ashleys words Yulya stumbles and sinks down next to Ashley as if weighted down by a huge rock

Thank you for telling me Ashley!
I guess on top of being a terrible party leader and peace cleric I am also not a very good friend either.

Despite my looks I am not human I do not understand human feelings and desires I never did. Thats why I became a hermit I never wanted to be an adventurer or party leader none of this. I hate ordering people around an I am also very bad at it. But this is the mission bestowed upon my by god and I will follow it to the bitter end. Even if I do not even know what this mission is and even if the gods themselves may hate me. None of this matters for I am just a tool. I guess you could say that is extreme or even insane and I do not expect others to understand. But I feel this is the best thing I can do to protect those important to me. Including you.

Yulya laughs bitterly
Just listen to me thats what I like to say but in truth all I want to do is run away from everything and hide in my cabin. If I could, if I were strong enough thats what I would do but as things are that would mean certain death out there. For all of us. Our only chance to survive is to stick together here at the guild and try to become stronger. None of us can survive on her own ok maybe Cat could with her survival skills but the rest would just die in no time. And despite all our differences I think we make a great party. I love our party and I would not want to be lumped together with anyone else. I am not good with people especially strangers but you are all my friends and family even if I do not much about you I feel safe around you. It is where I belong. And what I want to protect.

So Ashley I am sorry for hurting your feelings as I said I am not good with this both Alice and Cat are very straightforward with what they like and dislike. Maybe thats why we dont have problems. So please from now on tell me if there is something that bothers you. I will always listen and try my best to resolve the situation. 

Yes the battle against the rothé did not go as planned at all in fact it was a disaster and this is my responsibility. I would have preferred to stay on the cart but this was not an option as it charged away and toward civilians. Your summons would not have reached it from this distance. I also apologize for casting Emboldening Bond on you and Cat without warning. To be honest I misjudged its range it was the first time I used it in a real world situation ever. But to be fair I always kept you out of the rothés range while throwing myself into great danger. In the end I could not deal any damage at all only your summons and Cat did. Frankly I am glad in a way. I do not want to hurt creatures either I may not be a pacifist but witnessing pain and suffering in others hits me deeply. I do not want to destroy. I want to create aide and heal. But you know this world isnt about what we want but about what we must do to protect ourselves and the ones we love. And this is what I will do. At any cost.

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I also now understand you want your privacy and independence but still I am afraid you might get more and more isolated and left out if you distance yourself from everyone. So please give the others a chance to know you better even Alice. Especially Alice. She is actually really nice and helpful and also easy to get along with but she does not like being fooled or crossed over and amplifies and returns all feelings towards her many-fold. Both good and bad. Just giving her a small treat will greatly improve your relationship. But yes she may yell and even swear at you from time to time thats also her way of showing that you matter to her as strange as it sounds. As long as she doesnt fall silent all is well. 

But your bigger problem will be Cat. She is a proud tribal warrior from a society that has almost no concept of private property. You know all for the tribe. So keeping funds all to yourself wont fly well with her and remember you will be living off rations Cat has cooked from her own money. Refusing her food and bringing your own will be a serious insult and trying to pay her for it probably just as much. Just one word of advice. Never bluntly refuse anything Cat offers you. Never. Also she may see any perceived selfishness as illoyalty to the party and therefore treason. You will get yourself and the entire party into serious trouble beyond my capabilities to resolve. Cat may listen to any of my orders but she will probably never forgive you. This is exactly why I created the system of money distribution the way I did and put much thought into it. But if this is unacceptable to you we will work out something else. I do not mind giving you your fair share at your own disposal and I certainly will never take money from you against your will but keep in mind doing things your own way gives you a tremendous responsibility for the party. The same goes for your equipment. Anything goes as long as you can convince the others your choice is right but please try your best to coordinate with everyone before making decisions on your own.

I am glad we had this talk Ashley and while we may disagree I value your opinion and I will try my best to find a way that makes you happy. But Alice and Cat may see things less lenient. We are not an ordinary party by far. A party with very strange members bound by fate and watched over by gods. That comes with both advantages and disadvantages that is how it is. I pray your choice will not tear this party apart even before our first quest! This is all I can say and honestly I am out of options and ideas. You do not have to respond sometimes its better to let things settle for a while.

Now let us get out of this terrible weather and back to the guild before we freeze to death shall we?

Yulya gets up and reaches Ashley her outstretched hand

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This statement occurs here, prior to heading back to the guild.
> Ashley is awaiting a discussion with little hope of resolution, feeling unwanted, hurt deeply, embarassed, and plagued with dark thoughts swirling in her mind.
Ashley's Response Begins Here

> Thank you for telling me Ashley!
> I guess on top of being a terrible party leader and peace cleric I am also not a very good friend either.


> you are all my friends and family even if I do not much about you I feel safe around you. It is where I belong. And what I want to protect.


> please from now on tell me if there is something that bothers you. I will always listen and try my best to resolve the situation.


> I do not want to destroy. I want to create aide and heal.


> this world isnt about what we want but about what we must do to protect ourselves and the ones we love.


> I also now understand you want your privacy and independence but still I am afraid you might get more and more isolated and left out if you distance yourself from everyone.

I want enough space to show you my worth, to prove to you that I'm not what Alice thinks I am, you need to trust me a little and not keep me in a cage for my protection. I can't be your marionette, I'm my own person so right or wrong I will try to help the best I can with my own choices. I can promise you that I'm on your side and as long as I'm treated as a person with my own will and my own agency, I'm hoping to surprise you in a good way, in a way that you can be proud of being my friend. 

I don't want you to be my mother or protector or leader, or master, or obligation, or burden, I want you to be my friend, as equals, like I am with Cat. Happy to help if asked. 

I can't be caged, corralled or leashed and that means especially monetarily. Let me be less of a burden by giving me the leeway I need to prove I'm useful. Take that money, all of it, and do what you must do to help everyone now. I didn't officially earn it so I take back what I said and I don't want a third or any of it, but in the future, I will take my share so that I can do what I must do. If there's a quest payout, I will take my share. If you say I must give some back, tell me how much what percentage do you need up front, right now, and I'll pay my tithe but the rest is mine so I can save up for things I need to be useful and grow. If that means I don't get to share in room and board then I'll take care of my own from my own savings. But if that also means I want boots and underwear to be more comfortable, to feel more like a person than a marionette, then I'll buy them without your permission.

> So please give the others a chance to know you better even Alice.

I'll do that, but at my own pace, how and when I'm comfortable to do that, so don't feel bad if I don't participate in everything exactly how you want. I like to keep to myself a little too and I need time to be alone a little.

> Alice... Just giving her a small treat will greatly improve your relationship. 

That's what I want to do, for everyone not just her, and how can I do that without my own resources? Give me something that's mine when we get loot, even if it's not 25% that's okay but tell me what you're willing to give now. Later once I have something, if you need help to buy something for someone, ask me to help and I will gladly loan you what I can but I want to be paid back. I don't want you in my debt either.

> But your bigger problem will be Cat. She is a proud tribal warrior from a society that has almost no concept of private property.

She and I will work it out separately. We have different cultures and ideals but we're both cats at heart. You can't demand a cat to follow your will, they're awful on a leash, but if you show them respect and love, and give them the respect they deserve, they're loyal and fierce protectors.


> So keeping funds all to yourself wont fly well with her and remember you will be living off rations Cat has cooked from her own money.

It'll fly because it has to fly and I'll work that out with her. I don't need your rations. If I had a little of my own I could buy my own like any adventurer would, I'm also really good at talking to other reasonable people and I can barter, beg or scavenge when needed. In my puma form I can also hunt and there are plenty of rats around here, so don't worry about me starving. I can also just let all my mana out without summoning anything and transform, hunt, eat, then go to sleep. I was thinking I could wear my plate as an earring like a tag, so when I transform I'll still have my ID and I wanted to talk to Freya about that, if she could tell everyone at the guild and make that official. This is my curse but I could make it work for me.

I don't want to be a bondless mercenary, I want to be your friend and equal. I'm not making demands, I'm asking you to trust me. If you can't trust me to make my own simple decisions, and trust that I will help out without being a burden, then I'm not okay with that.

> Refusing her food and bringing your own will be a serious insult and trying to pay her for it probably just as much. Just one word of advice. Never bluntly refuse anything Cat offers you.

I'm okay with Cat just how she is, and I hope she'll be okay with me just how I am. She's my litmus test, if she's not happy with me then I know I'm wrong, but I won't allow her to leash me either. If she gives me something, you can bet that I'll keep track of that and I'll find a way to pay her back in kind, however she'll accept something from me. Let me work that out with her, we don't need your moderation. This is how I want to play it. 

> Also she may see any perceived selfishness as illoyalty to the party and therefore treason. 

So let me work that out with her, let me prove to her that I'm not a traitor, I care about her too. If this becomes an issue then I'll go my own way and do what I can from a distance. With such irreconcilable differences, then there are things I can do that will help those I care for without getting in their way. I'll find a way because I'm my own person. I may be stubborn and have an evil goddess and a thoughtless automation living in my head, but I'm not evil or thoughtless. 

I won't do things I'm comfortable with and nor would I ask Cat to do something she's not comfortable with either. I'm not comfortable owing anything, I'm not comfortable being a burden, and if that means you're not comfortable with me than I'll do what I can alone to help those I care about. This is how I want to play this game of life we live.

I can tell you're very disappointed that I'm not a dress up doll blindly following orders, that I follow my intuition more than I follow you, but that's me and you can tell your goddess that you're not happy with that arrangement, that you've somehow been stuck with this stubborn cursed burden who won't fall in line and I'd bet she'll tell you to trust her and I'm telling you to trust me. How do I know? Because I'm on your side, I'm on the side of good and so if she's good she'll know that. I'm confident in that whether you like me how I am or not.

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> You will get yourself and the entire party into serious trouble beyond my capabilities to resolve.
If I'm that much of a disturbance for wanting something I can call my own and not be in someone else's debt then I'll leave. That will solve everyone's problems. Cat will know that she can accept me as part of her tribe, as odd ball and kooky as I am, or she can reject me, and if she does I'll respect that as a cat-sister. I'll be sad, but that will be my own choice to make. I'm done being everyone's doll.

Say this quest, say you take it and I'm not there, you get less money overall because you have less bodies, if I'm there I can help as long as I'm not a burden, but some of that money will be mine, what I officially earned will be mine, some of that loot will be mine at your discretion. I said I would happily loan you what I don't need for my barest essentials, but when we have a windfall I'll want you to repay me because I don't want you in my debt either, loot excluded, you tell me how much or what I can or can't have, but if you give me anything, it's mine. You gave me these clothes, they're mine, I'll sell them or keep them or throw them out. Obviously I don't want to offend you, so I'll be respectful.

> But if this is unacceptable to you we will work out something else.

YES YES Yulya yes!

A ray of sunshine breaks through the clouds, she's illuminated in such a way that she looks both regal and beautiful.

I want to work something out with you and Cat and Alice so we will all be happy. I want to play this game with you but I'm my own person, as insane as that sounds.
> I do not mind giving you your fair share at your own disposal and I certainly will never take money from you against your will but keep in mind doing things your own way gives you a tremendous responsibility for the party.

I will not let you down, or at least I'll try my best. Only the gods know if that'll be good enough.

> The same goes for your equipment. 

I'll take care of my own, don't worry about me. I'm more resourceful than you think. I'm still thinking all kinds of things and learning as I go. I aspire to be MVP and not a burden and not in your debt or you in mine.

> Anything goes as long as you can convince the others your choice is right but please try your best to coordinate with everyone before making decisions on your own.

I'll do my best to work with Cat, I really like her and I want her to be okay with my as I am. I can't be someone I'm not.

You handle Alice. If she's nice to me, I'll be nice to her, but if she's not then don't expect me to bend to her will to placate her, especially not after how she's been treating me and speaking of me this whole time. I don't have any hope that she'll trust me and I don't need her trust. I'm only asking for yours. If that causes so much trouble that you hit your breaking point, again, there's an easy solution to that, and I'll be sad, but I'll be my own person.

> I am glad we had this talk Ashley and while we may disagree I value your opinion and I will try my best to find a way that makes you happy.

I'm sorry I'm so difficult, I'm sorry I feel like a burden and an obligation, I'm sorry I can't just go along with everything exactly how you so carefully planned, but regardless of what Alice says, I do care, in my own way. Who knows, some day I might feel comfortable with it all but not today. Today I feel exposed and beholden and torn and tramples and unwanted and unneeded and a burden and an obligation and it's not comfortable.

> But Alice and Cat may see things less lenient.

Alice can go pound sand if she doesn't like it. I will listen to Cat and do what I can to come to an agreement with her and I hope with all my heart she sees the light like you did. I appreciate you 10x more at this moment than I ever did. I know you heard my wishes and I know you care now.

> I pray your choice will not tear this party apart even before our first quest!

You and me both, but I can only be me and try my best to get along.

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> Now let us get out of this terrible weather and back to the guild before we freeze to death shall we? Yulya gets up and reaches Ashley her outstretched hand.

Ashley shakes her hand and uses it to get up.

Thank you for accepting me for who I am... I'm going to need some time alone though if that's okay. I know there's enough money to cover the 10 gold I owe you, thank gods for that but if you find it in your heart to give me 5 gold from that as my share, it'll be all that I need for my barest essentials, food, board and all that for this quest until I get officially paid.

Don't decide that now, we'll talk with everyone. You can explain it to them or I will but from here we can work something out. I have faith in you and in Cat. 

Now this scene occurs

> Ashley sat at a back table like a sad sack of rotten potatoes, head down, soaked, and looking every bit like a sad kitten who'd been caught in the rain.

She is deep in thought, worried about Cat's reactions and decisions to what was discussed, but hopeful. She's still sad but hope and promise are slowly winning over despair.

> Yulya stepped to the kitchen and showed the box to Cat and Alice. A unreadable, likely frustrated, look on her face.

There's obviously a bit left to discuss. Freya will gladly mediate if needed or warranted, but I am satisfied with the discussion as it has occurred so far. The campaign continues...

Ashley is no longer under the condition of Apathetic.

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> I'll take care of my own, don't worry about me. I'm more resourceful than you think. I'm still thinking all kinds of things and learning as I go. I aspire to be MVP and not a burden and not in your debt or you in mine.

Replace with: 

I'll take care of my own for the most part but I won't say no to a shield or whatever, but it's a loan or whatever and I'll pay you back, so don't worry about me. I'm more resourceful than you think. I'm still thinking all kinds of things and learning as I go. I aspire to be MVP and not a burden and not in your debt or you in mine, but I understand sometimes we need to make sacrifices for the greater good, I do care and I don't want to see any of you hurt because of my stubbornness.

Ashley is encouraged and hopeful that you can all be happy together despite her quirkiness and wants to be reasonable.

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Yulya stumbles into the kitchen and sinks in a chair, tossing the box full of money on the table. Physically and emotionally exhausted beyond her limit. After Alice and Cat rush to her and are confused about what happened Yulya tells them about her dispute with Ashley.

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Cat decides to resolve the unexpectedly tense situation with a traditional Tabaxi arbitration involving a special treatment of the behinds of the two troublesome party members which names start with A. With this bonding ritual any tensions and hard feelings should evaporate in a flash.

Nya, come here for second, girls!

rubs paws

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Unless contested, please do if you like, Ashley will keep any coins she earns through legitimate means. She will hand over any loot she finds to her leader. She will accept help and equipment on loan unless specifically given to her. She will in any case keep track of this and pay back anything she thinks she owes to anyone by any accepted means. She will attempt to save up coin for leveling and equipment purchases at her own discretion. If there is a party need, she is willing to loan some or all of her coin temporarily at her discretion. Ashley's inventory and current coin amount will be handed by Ashley and will therefore no longer be visible to the group; however, if asked or when she is in panther form this can be determined easily by inspection. To give or take anything from her, ask first. She will accept a share of loot from Yulya if offered, she may ask for a share up to 25% to cover her needs. If loot contains coin, she would like a share at Yulya's discretion. She is also asking for at minimum 5 gold (50 silver) from the rothé incident payout (nearly 1000 silver) to cover her immediate needs. She currently only has a robe and shoes to her name and she considers them hers to do with as she wishes. She will accept food and lodging as long as it is a gift but reserves the right to complain about it if it is considered unfair to her. She will additionally accept anything given to her from Cat without regard or obligation because of cultural differences and may give any item hers to Cat if asked without regard for repayment unless she needs it and that will be clearly communicated.

Due to exigent circumstances, Ashley's bonds have changed as follows and in this order:

Freya reaches Ashley with a fresh linen cloth, "Well good morning to you."

Getting no response, she sits next to Ashley and bends her head down to make eye contact, nearly resting the side of her head on the table, "why, whatever happened to you dear?"

Ashley initially shows no indication of a response and is maintaining a solemn, yet otherwise neutral expression. "Just got a lot going on in my head right now, but I'll live. Thanks for the towel."

She looks to her friends and smiles sadly, very sorry (and with a sore bottom), she reiterates a promise in her heart, 'I'll make it up to her, somehow.'


"You're welcome and if you need to talk through anything, please don't hesitate to ask." Freya follows Ashley's gaze to the only other people in the guild, wishing there was something she could do to help, she considers everyone in the guild family and she hates to see them so forlorn. 

Freya pats Ashley on her wet shoulder and looks next to Yulya, she approaches carefully with another towel.

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Cat pays 4 silver for enough food to make 4 more full cooked rations, she had 5 gold and now has 4 gold, 6 silver. The Rations will be done before 12:00.

Yulya currently has 3 gold and 4 silver

The box on the table contains as mentioned previously:
94 gold
2 silver
8 copper

Well I'm sorry Ashley, I did what needed to be done and I don't even know that demigoddess, a lot of weirdos are interested in me. I still guess it's better than the golden man and the winged creature though. They're fucking nuts and extremely dangerous!

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Naa, I still like you Alice and I don't blame you for the demigoddess thing, I just figure if a demigoddess injected herself into my eyes specifically to monitor you than I should be cautious [I blame Joy and her pushing me around, she's going to tone it down a little.] 

Pay attention to what Panther me does with you, that'll be more of a window into my feelings about you than I could ever be willing to express in this form. I'm not the gushy type unless I know you very well. Just don't expect me to ever let you give me a ameboid tongue bath or to clean my clothes while I'm wearing them.

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> Freya pats Ashley on her wet shoulder and looks next to Yulya, she approaches carefully with another towel.
Yulya waves at Freya, both exhausted and relieved this terrible crisis appears to be resolved.
Good morning Freya, thanks for the towel! Today has also been an eventful day or us as you can see!

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Freya sits next Yulya and smiles, patting the wetness from her hair gently with the towel. "Being a leader is difficult, it's not something I'd ever want to do. They say I'd be a natural but there's nothing natural about it, it takes a lot of work, way more work than any natural being can manage," she then rears back with a furrowed brow and raps the table with a balled fist, "I'm convinced of it!" 

She leans in again and continues, "So all we can expect of a leader is for them to try their best. Isn't that fair? The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things, she is the one that inspires her people to do the greatest things. If you can claim that then that's the best we can hope for, and look at your team, they're patting each others buttocks and apologizing to each other, it looks like whatever you said inspired their greatness; it looks that way to me anyway."

In a failed attempt to dry your hair at all she tisks and concentrates, closing her eyes. In a moment you feel a blast of warm dry air, above you is a swirling ring of fire, far enough away to prevent any possibility of harm, but the warming plasma is drying and funneling the air around you. In a few moments you're much dryer. 

"Better," she takes your hand in hers and speaks softly, "You know, I'm very jealous of you, not just you, you and your team. You've found your team and for that you can't mope about and lament perfection, there's beauty in their imperfections. I have no one, not that I haven't been offered but I haven't found my team anyway. I was told they'd come when I least suspected them and I've been hoping every morning for half a year since, but I suppose it'll never happen because I'm expecting it," she titters to herself, "now I'm rambling, the last thing you need is my problems, but what I'm trying to tell you is, I would love to trade your problems for mine. Here I am, hostess of a guild, surrounded by wonderfully unique people from all walks of life and I'm stuck like a baby bird that never fledged. Cozy, comfortable, surrounded by friends and loved ones but stuck all the same."  

She sighs and leans in, you can feel the heat from her breath as she speaks even softer and quieter, "Yulya, you need to address your team and thank them for being so beautifully imperfect, and tell them you appreciate their quirks. Enjoy every moment with them, the good ones and the bad ones. I'd give all my wealth for that and it wouldn't be nearly enough, while you have been gifted all those priceless moments for free. Try to appreciate that there are those of us who can only dream of such wealth."

She wipes her face with the back of her hand. "Sorry, I had a rough night." She looks at Ashley, "sometimes I forget I'm not everyones friend just because I claim to be. All I can do is offer it and try my best, and appreciate what I have as well."

She looks at the open box, "that's a lot of coin, not that I don't trust my friends but they like to prank, so I'd put that away before it disappears inexplicably in a puff of smoke," she smiles a warm beautiful smile and you see her expression change like she just noticed something and then smirks, "the dryer service was 100 gold, payable immediately. That chest should just about cover it."

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Before you can even gasp out a puzzled utterance, the chest shimmers and is gone without a trace.

"Hey! That's my coin!" Freya calls out to the air, "unless you want me to get Johanna involved, that chest better rematerialize exactly where it was without a single coin out of place."

There's only silence. 

Freya gets up in a huff, "banned for a wee-"

Before she can finish the chest reappears exactly where it was without a single coin displaced.

"Hee he he, Freya, you're no fun!" Comes a disembodied voice and in a flash a person shimmers into existence.

"Josephia, you nearly got yourself banned."

"I was only collecting the fee for the beautiful song I wrote about her team member," she defended with a wry smile, "would you like to hear it?"

Freya softened, "maybe that would be a good idea to cheer this lovely lady up," she winks at Yulya

"Well, if she asks nicely I won't charge," Josephina says and leans in to Yulya, fishing for positive signal.

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Thanks Freya I appreciate your words I was really anxious how our odd party would be received at the guild and I never expected the warm welcome we got from you.
But is the grass always greener of the other side? I could not do your job I am not good with social situations and strangers and the way you handled those nobles - we saw. I could not do this not for a minute so you have my utter respect. 

> Josephia.jpg
Yulya does not even look up too exhausted to deal with any shenanigans but eventually has to smile about Alices performance.
Oh you are the one we shared the table with yesterday! Thank you for having us but I am afraid we cannot spare a coin we still cannot afford even the most essential gear. looks apologetly at Ashley
But I would appreciate a song right now if you like!

And you are right we should not let a fortune like this lie around unguarded.

while she is speaking Alice brings Yulya the box full of money. She takes 8 gp and hands them to Ashley with a nod then returns the box to Alice

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Alice takes back the box and sits down. She sorts out all silver and copper coins, then lifts up the box - and pours the content into her mouth, swallowing 86 gp with a noisy rattle.

Alice throws the remaining 2 sp and 8 cp into the empty box and gives it to Yulya
I can't eat that, they'll get corroded!

Alice is now your living piggy-bank. She points at Josephia sticking out her tounge
Ha, just try stealing our money now! Over my dead body!

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I knew I liked you guys, never serious, that's my kind of people.

> pours the content into her mouth

Whoa! Can you teach me that trick?

> I don't remember signing a waiver.

Oh? I could provide a document and witnesses to the magistrate saying you owe me royalties. How do you think I got this lute?

Freya stands up, you'll do no such thing, let's behave. 

Sorry Freya, jewel of the guild, goddess of beauty, 2nd fairest of all the land! Josephia bows.

Another group of adventurers enters the main doors with Josephia's team.

Ashley eyes their leader as he approaches, ready for round 2 bub?

Jack bows and says, I am obligated to apologize for my drunken behavior. Will you accept my apology?

Ashley looks away with a hrumph.

Freya looks confused, what's this about Jack?

Jack looks nervously and apologetically at Freya, I just need to cut back on the ale.

Oh! Forget the song! Josephia looks excited, let me regale you all with a bardic tale of woe and strife of how we came to love Ashley, dearest of the dear.

Ashley rolls her eyes.

[I will post as a text file later today, it's 2500 words]

Ashley looks toward Freya, hey, can I speak to you privately later?

Freya looks surprised, of course, I'll certainly make time!

[Through the magic of a thoughtless demigod in Ashley's head and her connection to Alice, Alice will be able to faintly comprehend some interactions Ashley has even when she's separated from the group. It is presumed Alice will immediately tell the rest of the group when that happens. This will also sometimes allow Alice to know Ashley's location even when she's a panther.]

&[I will post again after Cat posts]/H

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''Cat is busy cooking standing with her back to the others. She briefly rotates an ear back to  assess the commotion Josephia has caused and if further butt treatment is needed but decides that's not necessary for now. The ear continues to picks up everything going on behind her back.

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Josephia smiles and says with a hearty tone, “so listen up fellow adventurers for a tale of legend, a tale of the blue haired sorceress and the cranky paladin” She clears her throat, “here we go.”

This was told from Josephina’s perspective with occasional accompaniment of her lute like a ballad at times but mostly spoken, don’t expect anything to rhyme. I’m not a Bard, so you had to be there to get the full experience. Just read it normally because otherwise it’s far more tedious than it should be, which is tedious enough. Written by SheShe, retold by Josephia.

Her party sits at a near table: Jack the leader, a human paladin, Herald the human archer, and Faren the older human wizard. The only other adventurers in the guild are: Therdon, a dragonewt fighter, Riri a dragonewt ice elemental spellsword, and Firia, a dragonewt blood hunter.

[See attached text file, happy reading.]

Ashley nods, "pretty close to how I remember it."

It's approaching noon and more adventurers have arrived for lunch. Notably a group of Teiflings with the three beastkin slave children from earlier though they're seemingly unchained now and their expressions are merry as they follow their horned hosts.

Ashley notes this but contains herself. Her stomach growls.

Herald approaches Ashley cautiously and places a hand on the back of her chair, "how are you today?"

Ashley rolls her eyes and doesn't look back, "I'm fine, hungry."

"Would you like to join us for lunch?"

Ashley looks up, considering her options, "buy my table lunch too and maybe."

Herald hangs his head a moment but straitens and nods, "of course, it's the least we can do for my boorish leader's behavior yesterday."

Freya adds, "I'll add it to Jack's tab."

Ashley agrees and pats Yulya's shoulder as she gets up. Soon she's sitting next to the wizard, inquiring about the dirt in his beard and laughing.

Ashley's charm has once again gained you all a free meal for the day. Go shopping, eat, ask questions, ask about quests, or just relax. The next scene will hopefully be about the quest regardless.

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Yulya listens to Josephias tale with slight discomfort wondering why a high elf would associate herself with those brutish unrefined men she herself calls smelly. Humans sure are troublesome. Yulya is however relieved that Harold has set his eyes on Ashley and not on her.

She notices the Teiflings with the beastkin slave girls unsure what to make of the scene and hoping Cat would be able to control her temper today. Maybe approach them and inquire about the situation? But how? Yulya dismisses the thought telling herself she is not Ashley and decides to leave the matter to somebody else.

She slowly rises from her chair and follows Ashley a free lunch is a free lunch and that party seems alright.
She calls out to Cat still cooking rations
''Cat when will you be done? Come have lunch with us and our fellow adventurers here!

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Ashley notices Yulya's mood and goes back to her.

I thought I had a rough day, again I'm sorry I'm such a pesky human ass. But listen, if you can handle my nonsense without falling apart then you can handle anything.

Meanwhile Alice is looking like an ideal citizen by comparison.

Ashley goes to Cat, still cooking but almost done.

Hey sis, can you lightly spank some sense into mis mopey over there? She needs cheering up and my overly generous hug did nothing. Ikr? Sheesh. I can only do so much with my human-ness.

Coming right up Nya!

Cat has been listening in on Josephia's performance, occasionally rolling her eyes. Also the smell and sound of the beastkin girls hasn't escaped her.

After finishing cooking the rations, Cat joins the others at the table sitting next to Yulya placing a paw on her head
Nya these people are quite nice, we can learn a lot of useful things  from them!

she turns to Harold
Harold Nya you are an archer, right Nya? We are thinking of buying bows Nya, a longbow for me and a shortbow for Alice here Nya!
she pokes Alice sitting on the other side next to her. 
Any recommendations Nya? We're not archers but close combat fighters Nya but we lack other ranged options Nya!

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Well met mis Barbarian! Ashley has told me you're her sister though it's hard to find a resemblance. Beauty is beauty though so it hardly matters.

Harold perked up and lavished the questions, he first regailed the joy and wonder of archery then began a short tutorial on techniques:

The trees are your friends, if the enemy can't climb, then they're sitting ducks.

Surprise attack is a huge benefit, you gain advantage if you can catch them off guard, sometimes you can pick one or two off before they even notice.

Flanking, for you and them, it's an advantage so always seek to flank if you can.

Range always wins, when they're throwing speers and you can kite them at range, you'll be hitting twice as often. So always buy as long a range weapon that you can afford.

He pulls his bow forward.

Composite heavy longbow. It's a masterpiece of engineering. It uses flight arrows but almost nothing can match its range, maybe a greatbow but if that only by a hair.

Cover is key so always have several spots scouted out, rocks, trees, buildings, you can easily get 3/4 cover and together with range, they'll never get you.

Don't be a target, try to remain hidden, often our opponents never find me.

Hit the weak ones first, a foe with 1 hp left is just as deadly as one with high health, it's your job as an archer to weed them out. As the tank, you'll try to pick off a few at a distance then engage the biggest one when they get close. The advantages are endless. Even a tiny foe can flank you, so getting rid of those first from range is a godsend. 

Then there's the magic users, they need to go quickly lest you become barbecue or entangled, they're lightly defended but heavily guarded so always try to get a good shot and take them out as a priority. 

Be nimble, don't let them have cover, run to their flanks, and devastate them.

He also said a few more tips for you to remember later.

I'll remind you through memories in battle if I can think of any more.

Now as an archer I have many skills that help me in the heat of battle, rapid firing, steady aim, hunter's mark, piercing shot, pinning shot and that's just to name a few. A good bow can easily turn the tides of battle.

Josephia stopped him, he won't stop on his own. I hear you'll be off on your first quest soon. I envy you, my first quest was over 200 years ago now. You never forget your first.

She glances at Yulya, I got a feeling you may be wondering why I run with humans, considering they're so short lived and generally boorish. Well I love them. They're so vigorous, so animated, everythings new to them, everything has a sense of urgency, it's their energy and before I have a chance to grow tired of them, they're already dead. I'm just barely becoming annoyed by Faren and I've known him 55 years.

56. Faren corrects her.

Isn't he adorable? He scarcely remembers what day it is and he thinks he knows the passage of years better than me. It's darling. They're like pups to me, and it's a bittersweet love, I know they'll be gone in a blink and I'll miss them terribly. But I'll always love them, because when they piss me off I know I'll outlive the bastards!

I didn't know you cared so much. Harold added.

She turns to Yulya, tell me then, what do expect to gain from your human companion? Take what she gives you all of it and charish those memories. She'll be dead a lifetime before you and you'll wish you'd been more tolerant of her antics.

Humans are very entertaining creatures, relax and watch the show I say.

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Captivated, Alice listens to Harold's lecture while grabbing the edge of the table. Whe would have thought, that guy can actually give some useful advice! We're both not overly fond of being ranged fighters but we both do have stealth which should come in handy.

As nobody else adresses the Elephant in the room, Alice does
Say, what's the deal with those horned guys and the slave girls? They do look happy!

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Ashley heard Harold and Josephia's interaction and didn't think much about the bow stuff, she'd never use them.  Yeah, see Yulya? Humans are entertaining, take it from grandma Josephia. Wait, you're 200 years old and you're still only a silver tag?

Josephia looks slightly offended, I'm a bard, not a fighter, and anyway they keep changing these levels, I was higher on lower scales. I just let Faren handle it, look at him, he's more interested in scrolls than quests. Frankly, I like just lounging. I'll take it seriously next party.

Faren looks at her squarely, You said that 56 years ago.

Josephia rolled her eyes.

Ashley looked around, Cool story, she continued to look and then seemed to have spotted something. She got up and walked off without a word.

Alice's pseudo ears twitched, she was getting a clear communication through Ashley, it almost seemed like she could sense what Ashley sensed a little.

Ashley made a B-line to Freya and pulled her aside to speak to her in private and she spoke so softly even Cat's ears couldn't hear but Alice could, she got an inkling about what she's saying anyway, and with small glances towards them she can pretty much make it out.

Ashley gestures to her plate and then removes it from her belt and hangs it from her ear. How do I look?

Freya looks optimistically supportive but also not quite impressed, well it's certainly unique.

Okay so here's my issue, I am cursed in case we didn't go through this or you don't know.

Oh dear, Freya says with genuine concern. Do you mind going into detail? Maybe I know someone who can lift it.

I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling that if it was lifted that would be exactly not what I want. I think I was killed and then reincarnated as a demon panther in the negative plane, and the curse is that I am human while I have mana.

Freya looked shocked, well no then we wouldn't want to reverse that.

Ashley held up the plate to her ear again, I transform into a panther when I run out of mana right? Well it's actually kinda cool except for the part that people would likely take me for a monster.

Freya nods, I see your issue, well I wouldn't want one of my adventurers to be accidentally murdered in polymorphed form. So yes, that's actually a very neat idea. she thought a moment once you have access to shift weave, the plate would shift with that but I understand it's very expensive and I suppose your panther form will shed any clothes.

Yeah, Ashley said and looked down, but at least I could have my plate and then people would know it's me, but I want you to kind of announce it maybe?

Of course I could and will, and we could even make a poster and post it up around town, well I have a feeling you'd be famous and people would certainly look out for you, what does your panther look like?

Ashley described it to the best of her ability making gestures and hand motions along the way.

Freya patted her on the shoulder, leave it to me Ashley, I'll have the town plastered with that by the end of the day.

Thanks, and I'm sorry I've been cranky lately, I just had a rough couple days, but I'm getting used to it. 

Not at all, don't worry yourself a bit. We here at the guild have pretty thick skins, though I'd advise against challenging anyone too far above your level, we're still just people with feelings.

Ashley nodded at that, but understanding it was was another thing entirely.

Freya continued, You can have that affixed at the blacksmith, give them my name and they won't charge you.

Oh! that reminds me, I need to borrow 5 gold.

Absolutely, and it's a good time to do that because you only need to pay interest on the change of season and that's many cycles away.

Freya walks Ashley to the back.

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In a few moments they return.

Thank you. Oh hey, um, I was wondering and since you have such colorful hair I figure you have the same problem.

Freya pulls her hair forward as if to verify its color

Am I stuck with the wild magic blue hair?

Freya looked at her oddly, did you think my color was due to wild magic? Well I won't be offended since you didn't say it was awful or something but I know what you mean and no, the color would grow out naturally but also you can direct normal mana through your hair and fade it back. The striking color you seem to have is indeed a consequence of the wild magic but you don't have to live with it. You would sort of wash it out with normal mana, follow my lead. 

Freya told her how to concentrate on her hair and in a short few moments Ashley had used 1 MP and her hair was markedly darker and less blue. It won't all come out but it will continue to fade to something more natural.

Ashley pulled her own hair forward and sighed a sigh of relief, Thank the gods. You're great Freya, thanks for everything.

I do try my best Freya smiled kindly though there was a hint of sadness in it which she quickly recovered from, Oh also, you could trim your plate back a little, the size is more for maximum visibility but you can't get more visible then hanging from an earlobe.

Ashley gave her a thumbs up and smiled. Also, I think we've decided on the quest you suggested, so talk to Yulya.

That's good news! I'll inform the sponsor that you may be interested and he'll likely be here this afternoon anyway but he'd be happy to come by and sell it. Freya looks relieved.

Hey, one more thing, what's up with the fox girls?

Freya looks straight toward the Teiflings, Oh, they're doing well, they're being looked after until some funding issue is resolved. She leans in very close and covers her mouth to whisper, I know how it seems for those who aren't used to it but believe me we are doing everything we can. They'll be well taken care of.''

Ashley controlled herself and nodded. Not satisficed but with other things on her mind, this could wait for now, at least no one is being abused, though she didn't think she'd ever understand. 

Ashley stepped back to the table and leaned into Yulya, Hey Yulya, I'm going shopping and I have to go to the blacksmith for a bit, so I'll be back in a few hours. They close at 18:00 so I can't miss it. I also told Freya we're interested in that quest so she's going to go get the sponsor. I'm good with any decision you make, I'll meet you back here before 18:00 certainly. In case you need me, I'll be at the blacksmith, the tailor, and the shops around, you won't miss me though.

she pulled up her plate, I'm going to go get this attached, Freya said I could trim it. Ashley is fussing with her plate, it looks like she's covering up parts of it to see what looks best.

Ashley is stalling, she doesn't want to leave until she at least sees Yulya's mood improve a little.

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> Say, what's the deal with those horned guys and the slave girls? They do look happy!

Ashley moved next to Alice.

Hey, I talked to Freya, she's got the fox girls under control, code yellow for now. She finished with a wink at Alice. Then stared at Yulya, hoping for some improvement in her condition before she left.

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> Hey Yulya, I'm going shopping and I have to go to the blacksmith for a bit, so I'll be back in a few hours. They close at 18:00 so I can't miss it.
Sure thing dont wory about me!
Stay safe and stay out of trouble!
We are planning to go to the public bath in the evening in case you want to join. And hey what happened to your hair just now?

Yulya turns to the others
I wonder if we should go shopping first or wait for the questgiver or split up? Let us confirm what we want to buy first while we eat!

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> Sure thing dont wory about me!

Ashley sighs as a huge weight is lifted from her shoulders... though she was the cause of the weight, still.

> We are planning to go to the public bath in the evening in case you want to join. And hey what happened to your hair just now?

Natch, but that's not normally my thing so expect it to be awkward. The hair thing, well apparently there was a fix so... good news all around. So see yall.

Harold looks dissapointed as she leaves, but that's not unusual for just about anyone who crosses her path.

> I wonder if we should go shopping first or wait for the questgiver or split up? 

Freya sees Ashley leave and comes over, I heard you're interested in the supply quest, the sponsor will be in this evening. Expect him around 18:00. I told him about your interest and he's excitedly handling business in preparation. 

She leans in to Yulya, I really hope you take it, coppers usually don't want to take mundane quests like this especially ones involving travel without travel expenses, but if you can stomach that then he'll be over the moon and it will help out our neighboring towns. There's just too much disinformation being spread and we need adventurers to verify if the roads still generally safe.

She lightly pats your shoulder and then smiles, and I'm glad to see you're feeling better.

With that she's called away to handle the growing lunch crowd.

Congratulations! Yulas recovery marks the end of the drama laden 'leadership' scenario which kind of got out of hand. The party gains 1000 AP for a successful resolution!


Cat waves Ashley off, hoping she'll be alright on her own

I say we go shopping now Nya! We also need to collect the spear and shovel Nya!

I think we figured out what to buy Nya and we need to save 9 sp for the bath Nya, actually 12 sp if we invite Ashley Nya!

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Yep, as soon as I'm done eating we can move out to go shopping! All that gold is weighting me down.

Alice turns to Cat
Hmm, I liked Ashley better with the blue hair, she looks too much like Yulya now, I might confuse them in a hurry. We should give her a funny hat or something.

While talking Alice stuffs herself with food including the remains on other plates
Alright, all done, we can leave! Gotta be back in time for the guy with the quest!

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As you all pick up to leave you notice Freya placing something on the wall.

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You leave the guild behind on a quest to buy all the necessary equipment you need to survive outside the city gates.

The sights, sounds, and smells of the market district intoxicate the senses with pleasures unimaginable outside such a large city. Almost everything is for sale.  

I will accept purchases within reason even if reasonably made up. For example, there is no 4 person tent in 5e but there is a 2 person tent, so assume a 4 person tent probably costs 50% more and weighs 50% more. as it's basically just adding a tube of material and struts in the middle. I'll adjust something if it sounds suspect.

As you walk the main cobblestone street someone bumps Cat and she feels her purse tugged [1d20=4 vs Passive perception 11] she whips around to see a small boy skitter off down an alleyway. 

You pay closer attention to people from that point on [1d20=1] your keen senses prevent anyone from even getting close the rest of the afternoon.

You visit just about every shop on your list and see a beautiful woman in black with a brilliant sapphire gem on her collar, her cloak sailing in the breeze, maybe it's the way she walks or the confidence of her expression, but she looks familiar. All you get is a glance and she's gone 
in a flash.

A quick visit to the southwestern gate to retrieve Cat's Shovel and Speer goes without a hitch. One of the guards recognize you and congratulate you on your copper plates. He asks if you got your reward for the rothé and you happily state the affirmative. [1d20=9]

Neverwinter is indeed a beautiful and eclectic city to behold. Around every turn is architecture of every style and age yet it all seems to work together.


After a last short walk around the market district you pass the confectioners. Time flies and you hear the dinner bell, it's 17:00, so you decide to head back to the guild to organize and await the sponsor's arrival.

Since Ashley's inventory is now under our control, don't worry about her. I will do my best to keep up if you explicitly state your purchases. I will be checking your encumbrance however so also state who has what. Don't be too concerned about fitting in backpacks or pockets unless you want to, I will assume things are hanging on belts and tied to back etc. For example, the shovel and bows just strap to your back.

I am expecting a complete list, explicitly stated here with cost, weight and who is carrying it. If it's not stated here, you don't have it. I assume Cat still has the shovel and spear on her when you reobtained them.

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> As you all pick up to leave you notice Freya placing something on the wall.
Alice looks at the poster, tilting her head and wondering if adventurers actually read such announcements. Probably not. It wouldn't be surprising to see some rough guy with a brand new shiny black leopard fur decoratively draped over his back in the coming days unless Ashley is careful.

> someone bumps Cat and she feels her purse tugged
No shit, that's why your gold is sceured in the Alice piggybank. Wait, I'm not a pig. Lolibank!

Going from shop to shop, the same scene repeats. After Yulya states the needed goods too the shopowner and a price is negotiated, Alice pukes the exact amount of gold coins onto the counter. Slightly wet but perfectly clean. Much to the shopkeeper's surprise, but money is money and no further questions are asked.

 A complete list of items as requested is in progress, please wait warmly while we work this out 

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> that's why your gold is sceured in the Alice piggybank. Wait, I'm not a pig. Lolibank!

You notice the coins that had been stored in Alice's body look a little less crisp. Then you notice a delightful golden sheen to Alice's skin in the sunlight.

Coins are best kept in purses, Alice will dissolve 10% of the weight of the coins she stowes in her body per day.

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With purchases neatly stowed, you all return to a busy Guild hall, Ashley's nowhere to be seen. You manage to find an empty table along the back wall and sit down, all loaded and ready for the trip, and all that's left is to wait for the sponsor to come.

Freya sees you enter and makes a quick move toward you all, "Looking well armed now and very dangerous! All ready for the quest I suppose? That's great news, your sponsor hasn't arrived yet, so can I get you anything?"

She waits for your reply.

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The door to the guild hall opens and the din of the crowd settles as she enters.

A confident looking, well dressed adventuress turns heads as she walks in the hall. She looked every bit a proper adventurer and she was proud of her choices. She smelled of leather and new wool and appreciated the choices available in this big city, she got exactly what she wanted.

She paused as everyone looked at her, stunning as she was, and took a deep breath before continuing.

All eyes were on her and she was feeling pretty nervous suddenly. One of the ‘party goers’ sitting in the hall met her at the door, an adorable wood elf with wild eyes stared at her hungrily, “did you just buy that? Wow.”

Ashley blushed and reached in her pocket producing a candy, “thanks for the compliment,” She said and offered it to her.

That was all the elf needed to push her over the edge, “can we be friends Ashley?”

Ashley smiled at her then mussed her hair and pushed past her, “what a sweet thing to say, maybe later.”

The wood elf puffed out a breath of shock as Ashley passed.

Ashley looked about and spotted her friends at a back table.

She came up to the table and stood there looking at her companions.

She reached in her pocket (yeah that's right) and gave each one a candy then pulled her pack forward, she rifled around and produced three items thoughtfully wrapped and gave one to each.

"Thanks for accepting me and my quirks."

First for Alice she handed a tiny wooden box, "I figured you might need these considering... well you know."


Then she handed a small, oddly shaped wrapped item to Cat, "I got this for you, cause you're so sweet to me."


And finally she faced Yulya and looked to her apologetically, "I hate being in debt, but I'd hate it a lot worse if you were still mad at me so I got you this. I know you're capable of using this and it'll be helpful for everyone I'm sure."

She handed a leather pouch to Yulya

She then pulled out a chair and sat, "I'm not the gushy type so keep praise and hugs to a minimum, well, go on, open them."

Ashley's good behavior has earned her another step away from Apathy.


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She stepped in like a fashion model, all in black and leather and velvet, a masterful display of dark beauty looking everything like a dark angel.

Freya was impressed as she looked her over, sure enough it was worth the glance. 

“Oh, wow. Ashley, I almost didn't recognize you.”

Ashley looked up and smiled, "I'm exhausted, you wouldn't believe how long it took to pick out all that, get it tailored, dyed and look," she pointed to her left ear, "it hurts and it's heavy, but it'll do."

"Very stylish. And you brought gifts for your friends, how fun!"

Freya watches as you all open the gifts.

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Cat detects Ashley's entrance by her sound and smell but is perplexed the image doesn't add up when she sees her
Whoa nice outfit Ashley Nya! You look dangerous Nya!

> Then she handed a small, oddly shaped wrapped item to Cat, "I got this for you, cause you're so sweet to me."
Cat exitingly inspects and sniffs the pastry from all sides
Ohh, thank you Ashley Nya!
This looks great Nya and smells nice too Nya! I have never heard about Pizzelle Nya but I will treasure this to the end of my days and wear it as an amulet Nya!
Cat raises the Pizella over her head with both paws like a priest does with a sacred host during a Holy Mass

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> She came up to the table and stood there looking at her companions.
Yulya stares at the extravagant stranger for a moment thinking that must be the mysterios Thelia that Josephia told about until realizing its Ashley and clapping her hands in praise
Wow, I didnt even recognize you for a moment! You look like a completely different person now! Definitely the face of our party!

> She reached in her pocket (yeah that's right) and gave each one a candy
Thank you!
Oh dear you all we got you is a piece of soap and some chalk! I feel ashamed now! At least we can exchange candies!
Yulya pulls a candy in the shape of a whitish disk about the size of a large coin from her backpack and hands it to Ashley
I dont recommend eating it right now you might be up all night! They are quite - strong!

> She handed a leather pouch to Yulya
Yulya notices immediately it is a healers kit and starts sweating and blushing while looking at the floor.

Uh uhhhhh thank you Ashley why did you waste your precious funds on me?
''Yulya thinks of a polite way of telling Ashley that a healers kit is pointless for her because she can do the same with a cantrip and her backpack is already filled to the brim. She still decides to keep it for now to respect Ashleys feelings.

> Uh uhhhhh thank you Ashley why did you waste your precious funds on me?
> ''Yulya thinks of a polite way of telling Ashley that a healers kit is pointless for her because she can do the same with a cantrip and her backpack is already filled to the brim. She still decides to keep it for now to respect Ashleys feelings

Ashley will respond once Alice posts but in SheShe's run and in mine now that you have the kit, magic can heal without any physical intervention but if a deep wound (from critical hit) is healed without first using a healer's kit, it will form a scar. So you do have spells like Spare the Dying and Cure Wounds, but without additional treatment with a healer's kit it will form a scar only healable with a 7th tier regenerate or many years, it may cause a permanent drop in charisma or a permanent pain. So although you don't have proficiency in healer's kit, you do have advantage in it so you can use it. 1 successful action will close wounds and stabilize where as your cantrip only stabilize.

For the sake of simplicity, outside of combat it is assumed you use the kit and if you attempt to heal a deep wound to full health in combat and forget, I will weave it in the story to say you did use it. So now that you remember that, you could be more appreciative if you choose.

To summererize critical hits, they can stagger with blunt weapons, cause deep wounds with piercing or slashing weapons, cause one level of exhaustion per encounter, cause double damage, and always hit regardless of AC.

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Alice eyes the strange guest dressed in all black with unreadable expression of her Kitsune mask for a few moments then burts into laughter
Awesome Ashley, now I'm not the only one in a weird outfit!

> She reached in her pocket (yeah that's right) and gave each one a candy
Alice gobbles up the small candy like a hamster stuffing seeds in his cheek pouches

> First for Alice she handed a tiny wooden box, "I figured you might need these considering... well you know."
Oh nice, thanks!
Swallowing all that gold didn't go so well after all, not to speak of that mould from under the carriage!

Now sit down! What equipment did you buy?

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> Whoa nice outfit Ashley Nya! You look dangerous Nya!

Ashley took down her hood, stands and spins as she smiles, "I'm super dangerous!"

> Cat raises the Pizella over her head with both paws like a priest does with a sacred host during a Holy Mass

I'm glad you like it Cat but it's meant for you to enjoy it, do keep it so long that it goes stale! 


> Awesome Ashley, now I'm not the only one in a weird outfit!

I like your outfit though. Ashley shrugs

> Alice gobbles up the small candy like a hamster stuffing seeds in his cheek pouches

I'm glad you... like it?

> Oh nice, thanks!
> Swallowing all that gold didn't go so well after all, not to speak of that mould from under the carriage!

I figured, I want to be more of a friend if we can, so at least if you have an upset stomach dealing with me, you can have some comfort.

> Wow, I didnt even recognize you for a moment! You look like a completely different person now! Definitely the face of our party!

Thanks. Her eyes sparkle as she smiles back

> Thank you!
> Oh dear you all we got you is a piece of soap and some chalk! I feel ashamed now! At least we can exchange candies!

Oh yum, thanks! Ashley puts it in her pocket.

> Uh uhhhhh thank you Ashley why did you waste your precious funds on me?

Because you're nice, keep it up.

> Now sit down! What equipment did you buy?

Ashley gushes about all her awesome stuff and how functional and necessary every single item is and how they're all mission critical.

[Joy] I'm still working on the other post with the sponsor, stay tuned.

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A dwarf and a old warrior enter the guild hall.

Freya looks up and says, "oh! That's your sponsors, I'll go bring them."

You turn to see the dwarf wearing trader's clothes and an older warrior following him in. Freya guides them to the table and introduces them.

"This is Gundren Roskseeker and his friend Sildar Hallwinter." Gundren is a middle-aged friendly faced dwarf with a gleam in his eye and his friend is a gruff looking salty warrior with a silver plate.

"Well met one and all. I'm so glad you've accepted my quest and I'm happy to inform you that the pay has been increased!" He's talking directly to Ashley. "So you must be the leader, Yuya? yuleah? How do you pronounce that?"

Ashley gives a thin smile with wide eyes and points to Yulya.

He looks down to the girl known as Yulya, looking all but overwhelmed as usual. "Eh, okay, oh a priest, well met. So as you might have heard there's a severe lack of shipments off the high road due to bandit and other activities, which is why I need you all. Now I'm obligated to inform you that this was merely a formality until recently but a band of scrub bandits seems to be the culprits in the loss of shipments along the Triboar Trail, and though I figure they see you four and they'll turn tail and run, this has quest has potentially become a little more dangerous and a lot more profitable. This shipment is going to be quite profitable in fact, so I'm offering extra incentive to get your blood ready for some excitement and even more potential to let you invest if you have any spare coin or supplies to trade. They're especially lacking in adventurer's gear at Barthen's Provisions and mining equipment at the Phandalin Miner's Exchange. They're offering 25% over retail for items in good or better condition. It's a rare opportunity to make a little extra. So presuming we make it there in one piece and on time, in addition to the 1 gold per day there and back for an estimated 2 day travel one way, and the bonus gold for delivery by Thursday at 18:00 per standard quest repayment, so 6 gold each, I'm offering another 4 gold each if we experience any trouble. So does that wet your appetite?"

Optional Prompt 1

"Now I've got a modest private cart and four strong horses to pull it plus my horse if we need to hook him up in a pinch, and they're able to carry you four and a driver over level ground on good road, they'll have no trouble pulling five with the current load on the high road at a good clip of 4-5 miles an hour depending on road conditions of course. The recent rains have softened the road in spots but don't worry them old horses are strong pullers and they've pulled me out of plenty a mire, worse comes to worse, we unload a little and get em unstuck quick. They're trained to travel 10 hours a day but we're going to push them a little this trip, and we're hoping to leave at 6:00 tomorrow and not stop until we're 40 miles south at the Reach rest stop. the following day, we'll leave again at 6:00 and expecting to pull onto the Triboar trail that morning where Sildar and I'll scout ahead and by watching me, by then you'll all be expert drivers. From that point one of you will drive until we reach Phandalin. It's about 80 miles total. Once we're there, there's plenty more opportunity for a group like yourselves to make a name for yourselves or help me and my brothers on something big we're working on down there. You could get in on the ground floor of an opportunity with great potential!"

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He looks genuinely excited to share this news.

"We'll meet at the southwest gate at 6:00 sharp! Let's go as fast as the horses will let us and be there the day after tomorrow, and you'll get your bonus. Let's see, all copper plates right?" He looks at Ashley's tag on her ear and shakes his head and mutters, "I'll never understand kids these days."

Freya speaks up, "did we hear news from the trail recently?"

Gundren looks nervous, "well no, and that's the trouble, my brothers sent word two days ago but I haven't heard since. I am supposed to hear from them daily. I'm not saying they didn't forget but the currier didn't show this morning."

Freya's brow furrows, "the southern currier didn't show here this afternoon either, he's not usually late."

"I'm not too worried but I felt it right to be up front about it, we could see some action if we're not lucky," he admitted.

Feel free to ask any questions, formally accept, and agree to meet him at the southern gate bright and early. The rain has let up so it shouldn't be an issue.

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>  I'll scout ahead and by watching me, by then you'll all be expert drivers. From that point one of you will drive until we reach Phandalin.
Cat can't contain her excitement and bursts out first while rising a  paw
No problem Nya, I'm proficient at driving any land vehicles and handling animals Nya! Leave your cart to me Nya!
Cat smiles proudly not giving much attention to anything else said

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Alice rests her head on her hands while listening to Gundren's story knowing that a lot, a LOT more trouble than anticipated will lie ahead.

> He looks at Ashley's tag on her ear and shakes his head and mutters, "I'll never understand kids these days."
Alice nods in agreement

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> He's talking directly to Ashley. "So you must be the leader, Yuya? yuleah? How do you pronounce that?"
> Ashley gives a thin smile with wide eyes and points to Yulya.
Yulya plays possum hoping that Ashley handles the talking but is startled when Ashley points to her''
Uhm thank you for having us!
We are aware of increased bandit activity which brought us to Neverwinter in the first place. We should be able to handle moderate danger though we are only copper rank beginners of course no seasoned veterans. But I am confident in our abilities and teamwork.
We are really low on funds but we would like to take up your offer and trade a few supplies.

Yulya turns to Freya
Freya may we also borrow 5 gp each like Ashley did? I know its a bit sudden but we quickly need to buy a few things to trade. Cat can I send you to buy some gear for 15 gp immediately before shops close?

Yulya turns back to Gundren
That said we will formally accept the quest and do our best to aid you! You can count on us and we are looking forward to working with you!

Yulya turns to Freya once more
Does Phandalin also have a guild?

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> Uhm thank you for having us!

"Eye it's a pleasure and a privilege on my part." Gundren says with a jolly chuckle.

> We should be able to handle moderate danger

"Well we can hope it doesn't come to that, but there's a good premium for a reason I would think," he says in all seriousness. "These blaggards are no more than disgruntled townsfolk, just by the looks of you all, they're outclassed. Eye ye'll be the talk of the town." He glances at Ashley and then at Alice. "You'll be highly respected and in high demand there no doubt."

> We are really low on funds but we would like to take up your offer and trade a few supplies.

"A tradeswoman at heart, I appreciate that, and there's plenty of room for what you need. We'll make it work. And hey, this doesn't have to be a one off, I travel there and back half a dozen times a season usually but we'll be busy soon, you might get a deal on a reliable cart and four obedient horses of you play your cards right provided you can get your trades license. I can't say more, but we'll take it one day at a time."

> Does Phandalin also have a guild?

Freya looks to Gundren.

"Eh, naa. Sorry that's why I came to this guild. But I do have a map you can borrow. I would have highly recommend the Sleeping Giant tavern, it's a lively place but there's been some local hoodlums making it hard to get a peaceful drink. Though you could probably sort that out too and if you did the mayor would be very appreciative. I don't know who they are but frankly their tomfoolery is wearing on a lot of nerves."

> Freya may we also borrow 5 gp each?

"Of course, I'll be right back with your funds." Freya says and dashes off. Though she's quickly sidetracked by orders, you know she won't let you down.

> That said we will formally accept the quest and do our best to aid you! You can count on us and we are looking forward to working with you!

He lets out a sigh of relief and shakes you hand, "it warms the heart of this old dwarf." He looks back at his partner and he nods, "well that's good news on a good night, meet us by the southwest gate a little before 6:00 if you have anything to load, I look forward to the company and the protection!"

With that he says his goodbyes to everyone separately and is off to tend to his work. 

Freya returns with 15 gold, placing 5 in the hands of Cat, Alice and Yulya. "It's a great time to borrow, the 10% interest won't be charged until summer and not at all if you can get it back to me before then."

"Gundren is a busy man, though I expected him to stay a little longer," she says with a slightly worried look, now will you be having anything?

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> These blaggards are no more than disgruntled townsfolk
Worries overcome Yulya. Fighting monsters is one thing but killing human villagers that are just struggling to survive in tough times is another matter. Yulya prays that her party wont have to kill humanoids on her first mission.

> now will you be having anything?
> Be right back Nya! Order dinner for me Nya!
Yes, 3x todays menu and the same room for tonight again please!

Yulya turns to her party members
Tomorrow is our big day! Want to go to the public bath this evening to celebrate our first mission?

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> Want to go to the public bath this evening to celebrate our first mission?

It's not really my thing.

So Ashley is in.

I really don't want to.

She follows dutifully.

I don't have a lot of coin left.

She gladly gives 3 sp as her share of the services.

Allright... the floor it is.

She also gives yulya 5 copper for her share of the room. 

Let's go.

Freya overhears talk of the bath and perks up, "Oh, you want to go two streets west, there's a little known outdoor bath for 3sp each, it's never busy and the services are reasonable. It's very nice. It's called Jewels Oasis."

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Cat returns with the supplies and brings them to the room, then returns to the table.

You all eat, except Ashley, she already ate, and the food comes to 6sp, Yulya opens her coin pouch and after her reserved coin for the room and spa, 4sp and 12cp spill out.

Ashley realizes she didn't pay for last night and gives another 5 cp, then she realizes after everything is accounted for Yula can't cover the bill for dinner. So she pitches in another 1sp for that. Her coin purse is so light now you don't even hear jingles. 

After all planned expenditures Yulya has a combined total of 7 copper left.

"And I thought I was poor," Ashley chuckles, "maybe I should have been a rogue."

With all bills squared away the team strolls out and down the dark streets of Neverwinter. Down two alleyways following Freya's instructions [1d20=8] and they reach an unassuming building labeled "Jewel's Oasis."

They enter to find two young girls and an older ma'am standing by a desk. Without saying a word a girl takes Cat's paw, another takes Yulya's hand and they guide you through a back door down a long hallway and into a beautiful open air pool. The lined tropical themed wading pool is steaming in the crisp night air. Next to the door is a rack of cubbies and towels and several dressing room stalls. 

"Let's get this over with." Ashley says with a gruff tone and starts removing her outfit layer by layer. Once she gets to her robe, she enters one of the stalls and comes back out with the towel wrapped around her. With a sigh she stows her clothes and then runs to the ample pool and steps in and sits on the bottom, sinking to her chin.

The two girls bow and stand in near the door, watching.

You may check my account of your coin but I am pretty sure it's accurate. You're very broke.

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Slightly skeptical Yulya enters the Jewels Oasis
Uh, this is a public bath right? It does look nice and there are no other people around!

After unexpectedly being led inside by the girls Yulya removes her robe and scale mail armor which takes a while even with the help of Cats strong paws. Speaking a prayer to Eldath the Lady of Waters she enters the bath.
My God it has been a while since I have been in a bath like this!

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Alice wastes no time stripping naked and only briefly covers herself with a towel after it is forced on her by Yulya. Not wasting any time Alice jumps into the water and begins swimming and diving in circles in the small pool like an otter
Awesome! The water is so warm and full of minerals! I told you it's worth coming here!

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> "Let's get this over with." Ashley says with a gruff tone and starts removing her outfit layer by layer.
Come on Ashley Nya! This will be fun Nya! I have never been to a fancy bath like this Nya!
Cat quickly joins the others after undressing and tries to keep Alice from splashing around in the water

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The brightly sconces and torches illuminate the space in a warm inviting glow, feeling more like a sunny day than the early evening. Ashley is momentarily apprehensive about Alice Otter but when Cat starts chasing her around she can't help but laugh and relax a bit.

Though she feels a little awkward and exposed, and intimidated by Cat's ample genetics, she begins to relax and enjoy the warming, sparkling water.

> Come on Ashley Nya! This will be fun Nya! 

Ashly can't resist chasing after Cat and Alice Otter, She tries to flank Alice in an attempt to corner the splashing Otter-like menace of the spa and is soon laughing and splashing more than Alice ever threatened to. Unintentionally splashing Yulya in the process.

[Joy] When you all are done gadding about the spa, make your next move.

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Yulya is happy that everyone is having fun playing in the water though that isnt exactly the way you should behave in a spa.
Seeing Alice collapse Yulya acts quickly by pulling her out of the water and seating her on a bench
Well we had a lot of fun but I guess it is time to leave before we cause a commotion. We need to rest so we are fit for our journey tomorrow!

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> Well we had a lot of fun but I guess it is time to leave before we cause a commotion. We need to rest so we are fit for our journey tomorrow!

With that everyone exits the pool, dries off and redresses.

Before the girls will move from the doors, they hold out their hands expectantly.

Yulya is about to give them the 12 silver, 9 of her own and 3 of Ashley's but Ashley stops her.

I've been fooled before.

She takes out 4 copper and hands two to each. 

They smile, bow and open the door.

Led by Ashley you walk back out and to the foyer where the ma'am is waiting. Ashley holds out her hand to Yulya.

Give me the coins.

Trusting that Ashley must know something with her strange intuition, she hands over most of the rest of her coins, 9 silver and 3 originally from Ashley.

Ashley holds the coins in her hand and addresses the ma'am, she faces the ma'am and stares her down a moment, then points down the hall then to the coins.

This is for the spa, 3 silver each.

The ma'am counts the coin in her hand, opens a ledger and writes a note down in beautiful yet indecipherable script. The girls appear next to her, they bow, and the ma'am takes the coins from Ashley then shoos everyone out.

Yeah, you're welcome. Ashley says as she's literally pushed out the door.

It's late, according to the temple or Tyr clock it's 21:15. 

You all walk down the deserted alleys [1d20=19] and find your way back to the guild without any issues.

Freya is sweeping the floors and the chairs are all placed upside down on the tables, no one can be seen in the guild other than Freya. She waves at you all and smiles as you pass.

You all find your way back your room and crash not unlike you did the night before.

Cat's 15 gold worth of supplies is piled up by the door. 

We were up too late, now we need to get up before dawn, maybe we can sleep on the cart or something because I'm going to be cranky otherwise.

She had a wonderful time with no regrets. Ashley interpretation provided by JOYVISION

Ashley drinks a lot of water and curls up in the corner on the comforter, a linen towel as a pillow and says I'll wake everyone up in the morning, good night.

You all can say your final moves at any point from the spa to the bed and the night will happen after I hear from everyone. In case you're wondering, Ashley drank a lot of water to guarantee she will wake up before dawn and able to get everyone up and organized for the 5:45 appointment with supplies in hand at the southwest gate. She'll probably get everyone up at 5:15 to guarantee everyone's dressed and able to get the crates to the cart by 5:45.

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Alice is stuffed into her Yukata and donned with her mask to remain somewhat presentable before being carried home slung over Cat's back like a sack of potatoes.
Damned, I'm sorry for being so weak and causing trouble for everyone! I gotta get back in shape, this is such a disgrace!
Back at the guild room the same procedure as yesterday unfolds. Cat shoves Alice under the bed before going to sleep next to Yulya. After some rest, long tendrils emerge from under the bed to probe the room. An unfortunate mouse hiding in the acquired supplies is caught and dragged under the bed as midnight snack.

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A battalion of heavily armed knights stand on a hill just before dawn...

Meanwhile hundreds of tuft eared tribesmen lay in a central tent after a night of celebration; a local hero has come home with tales far and wide...

The battalion commander walks the line, speaking of honor and tradition, of savages and saints, of justice and rewards, of spoils and slaves...

Just as the sun crests the horizon, the troops descend, the fur tufted peoples are caught off guard but fight valiantly a stalemate is soon evident, they fight hard and fast but the numbers aren't in their favor...

Amid the burning yurts and flattened tents and almost none of either side survive. The cold winter morning brings only death to this once prosperous tribe...

A lone cleric walks among the dead, suffering horrible anxiety and pain... the scene shifts and it's you, seeing through clouded eyes, stepping in blood red puddles, searching desperately for survivors...


Silent as the grave a small space devoid of all but barest necessities is hit by a unseen force, a rupture in the side makes deorbiting pointless, no it must descend or risk evaporating or killing it's only occupant. On the way down in controlled descent its struck again, this time a force of a fleshier kind, a brilliant emerald dragon rams the craft and it falls uncontrollably to the surface...

A lone cleric witnesses the event, she's called to action...

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It's a picturesque park, neatly trimmed grass seems to go on for miles, beautifully hued trees of an impossible variety rings the vast field and even more impossibly, there are thousands of people sitting on blankets, laying, walking strange creatures of every shape and size, some appear like war dogs, wolves, or foxes but stunted and misshapen. 

It's a beautifully sunny day, a slight cool breeze blows through the field carrying a fresh scent within. In the distance are a mixture of those crystalline towers and old stone buildings. You're sure this is the same place you saw earlier, there are those same familiar scents mixed in as before, the same perfumes, the same feint scent of meat, the same hint of sea air and... garbage. It's not all together pleasant nor unpleasant, but it's distinct and unforgettable.

The people are once again are clad in bright colors and strange outfits.

You look around and think, why am I here?

Then you recognize a voice, a very familiar voice, no... two. You turn and in those same strange clothes and sitting on a blanket are two people you know, but they looked different, they were wearing strange clothes.

You approach quickly, your robes flowing in the breeze feeling out of place compared to everyone else but no one seems to care or even glance your way.

Soon you're standing over them, "Ashley? SheShe? How is this possible?"

They don't respond to you, they don't even look up.

"Yeah, I have four more years if I hustle then I'm outa this place, maybe I'll go to jkd%la&s or hf$dj*ks."

You can't process what Ashley said, two places, the words were unintelligible.

"You should be thinking of your future, a future career, or dare I say college?"

"Pfft, are you nuts? Haa hahaha, naa, I'm going to start a business or just... maybe after I come back, I don't know."

You wave you're hand in front of SheShe's face and she doesn't respond to you. 

You listen to them chat, the accent is strange, they're speaking common but with strange words thrown in. Their conversation is mundane, what could all this mean?

"You'll meet someone and they'll change your mind, that's how it works, love changes all." SheShe says with certainty.

"Ha! Good luck stupid Cupid," she waves her fist in the air, "I have never liked anyone ever, my type of guy doesn't exist, trust me, they're all boring here. So some high school boy slobbering all over me? Yuck! Ew."

"High school has a lot of opportunities, it'll hit you one day and you'll forget you ever said that."

Ashley looks at SheShe with an incredulous gaze, "don't make me sick. I told you," she leans back and stares up at a passing cloud.

SheShe looks off to the distance, an unreadable look on her face.

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The wind picks up, it's a strange gust, smooth, cold, you can sense the mana in the air, a dark wind, an evil presence. 

"What's that?" Ashley says and points up.

You look up and there's an ominous swirl in the sky splitting the sky and clouds and seemingly turning day to night in the midst; a purple and green hued vortex and a foul laughter on the wind.

Ashley and SheShe scramble to their feet and their blanket is caught by the wind, dashed off like a leaf in a storm. They hold each other and a bolt of lightning cracks down from the vortex knocking them both to the ground, followed by insidious laughter of a raven haired woman with red glowing eyes. She reaches out a bony hand and grabs Ashley in a glowing violet aura, her clothes fall off her like rags and she's lifted into the air and drawn into the vortex.

You're speechless and desperate to do something, you try to cast something but your mana is depleted, or it's as if you never had any at all.

The vortex closes as the evil laughter fades and the wind warms and then stops. SheShe's laying on the ground, her eyes open, staring at the sky, and she's steaming from where the lightning struck her. You reach down to her, kneeling at her side but your hands go right through her, no, your hands aren't physical but one thing is clear, SheShe's life has been extinguished.

Your heart aches, you're in shock and pained severely you look around for help but no one is coming, no one around you has even noticed, you look back at SheShe and she's lighter, no, she's glowing. Her body raises and you feel a new presence... hers, the fragile person before you, lifeless and mortally injured woman grows large golden wings from her back and she begins to stir again, new life has breathed into her from some unknown source. She looks around and sees you.

Yulya speaks desperately, "SheShe, please help her, she was taken through a dark vortex in the sky, I can't be sure but it could have been the Raven Queen."

She tilts her head slightly and looks at you with a puzzled expression. Suddenly she brightens, so bright you have to shade your eyes and you can feel the radiant heat and her mana aura is vast. That's the SheShe you remember, that presence is unmistakable.

In a rush of wind she's gone, not a trace remains of what just happened and you're left alone with your thoughts...

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You're once again awake seemingly in a white room. A warm inviting breeze flows through large open windows. Beyond the portals are scenes of golden lined clouds, beautiful flower filled meadows and creatures of every hue, beautiful and mystical.

You find yourself kneeling on a gilded rug there's a scent of ambrosia in the air.

Two hands touch your shoulders lightly, "my darling child, you've seen too much death for such a young age. I refuse to let someone so dear be corrupted by the worries of this world." 

She comes around, and kneels, she's wearing a guilded robe and large beautiful golden wings sprout from her back. She looks into your eyes deeply, "I have a gift for you, one I know you'll need, and I hope it will bring you solace in these dark times."

You feel a surge of light energy and you recognize a strange feeling of divine knowledge.

Yulya has gained the ability "Revive" that may be used once per 24 hours. This spell replaces revivify at level 5 in Yulya's book as well. She may cast this without mana even at level one given she has met the conditions listed in the spell and it has not been cast within the last 24 hours. The focus may be charged instantly by any caster with some or all of the required mana. The mana in the focus does not dissipate over time.

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Hey, time to get up. Ashley says with a tiredness in her voice.

The sky outside is still dark, but a hit of light appears from the East.

[Spring 6, 05:45, Clear]



You all go down into the main hall, carrying the crates and all your packs ready for adventure. Some of the chairs are down and Freya's broom is laying on the floor near one of the disturbed tables and as you leave you see a new notice tacked to the wall, the ink is still fresh.


The crisp morning air, approximately 10C, feels refreshing as you warily walk to the southwest gate, remembering the other times you've made this journey, to get Alice, to get your shovel and spear, and just strolling while shopping yesterday. It seems much longer than just a couple days since you've arrived but a lot's happened.

The clear, moonless, morning sky is a good omen, it's just before dawn according to the light blue hue in the Eastern sky, Ashley's selflessness came in handy but she's tired and likely cranky as a result.

Mr. Rockseeker is standing by his cart with his companion Sildar riding an old horse, they see you coming and Gundren waves. He sees what you're carrying and rushes up to help. "Let me take those, I'll make sure they're marked and processed so you get your cut, I won't charge you my standard fee this time."

He sees Ashley's tired and grumpy face and says, "up late having fun hm?"

She twirls her finger in the air and says in a tired tone, woohoo.

"Well, we'll be our way soon, they're just opening the gates for inspection. We'll head quickly to the first rest area. Though my horses aren't fast, they're reliable, we should make it by sundown."

Gundren's Cart is currently being pulled by 5 horses, presumably the first is his. It's a small cart but looks to be in fair condition and well maintained. Several spare parts hang from the underside including an axel, bridal, and spare wheel with extra reigns and rope. It looks to be a converted war carriage meant to carry elite troops quickly but he's traded most of the riding space for cargo. There's enough room for a two bedrolls, likely what Gundren and Sildar have used instead of a tent. Though it's open to the air, it will protect from the weather.
The horses look restless and excited to go.

Do what you want, they'll be leaving soon, I'll continue once I've heard from everyone.

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Good morning Nyaaah!
Cat stretches and gets up with Yulya, then reaches under the bed and pulls out a wet pulsating blob that obviously is still asleep.
Eww now my paw is all wet! Get up Alice!

Cat uses the moisture to quickly groom her fur, then starts packing. Walking through the guild hall leading her tired companions, Cat spots and reads the notice on the wall

Arriving at the cart, Cat greets Gundren and Sildar and helps to loads the crates into the cart before inspecting the horses.
All ready to go Nya!

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> Cat stretches and gets up with Yulya, then reaches under the bed and pulls out a wet pulsating blob that obviously is still asleep.
> Eww now my paw is all wet! Get up Alice!
Alice slowly becomes awake and starts reshaping into human form while creeping into her Yukata
Maaan, it's still dark. And cold! Carry me, Cat!

Cat is already overloaded and hands Alice a crate of supplies instead

Passing by the square behind the gate, Alice notices the strange statue she handn't paid attention before.
Oi, who's that guy with the burning hand and why does he have a devil's tail? Am I still asleep or are the people here worshiping demons?

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Yulya awakes shaken from the weird dreams unsure how much of that was a dream and what is reality. she hopes she wont have to try out that revive skill soon. Not that the party could afford it. Yulya still says a prayer to SheShe.
Yulya stares at Ashley for a moment wondering what exactly she is and what place she came from. As Ashley notices the stare Yulya mutters:
Oh thanks again for yesterday Ashley. I am - to good natured to look through such schemes especially from children. Despite my wisdom level. Maybe I do not want to see how bad people really are.
Yulya is takling more to herself now. She decides to tell Ashley about her dream later when she is in a better mood.

Yulya reads the notice in the guild hall but cant make much sense of it. Bounty huntin gand poisoning people is not really on the partys agenda but double-checking quests sounds like a good idea. Especially since yesterdays encounter at the spa. Yulya daydreams about her hermit life in the cabin away from all the troublesome people.''

Arriving at the cart Yulya greets Gundren and Sildar
Good morning gentlemen! We are ready for departure she looks at a tired Ashley well more or less!

Yulya turns to the party members. Everything packed and distributed as we planned? Waterskins filled?

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Speed=3 (+.25) [1d20=19], Time expected = 12.3 hours, total distance expected = 40 miles
Encounter rolls: [1d20=1,9,18,15,6,20,15,16,3,10,12,6]

The caravan begins just before 06:00 and the rattling clank of the steel wheels against the cobblestone streets becomes a grinding roar of steel wheels crushing gravel on the High Road.


The horses prance with excitement pulling the cart with ease coming down the grade from the Neverwinter cliffs to the lightly forested planes.

A half dozen refugees are standing just outside of view of the guards of the southwest gate begging as the carts pass.

Further down in a low spot off the road, a few dozen refugee tents are erected haphazardly.

As you pass an old woman begs to spare her grandchildren "please, take them with you, they'll starve here, here is where we die, take them where they can live."

Gundren slows the horses and looks down the women and dirty children from his perch. He grunts, pulls his coin purse from his belt and tosses it to them. "There's enough for you three to enter, get registered and eat, then if you care about them take them to the orphanage and work like you've never worked before. I'll check in on you when I return."

"I'll never forget you, kind sir," the old woman says and runs with the children toward the Southwest gate.

Several others rush up.

With a "heyah!" the horses pull the cart to action and the grind continues. The steady, unyielding and uncaring clop of the horses pull the cart forward.

Sildar says to Gundren, "I envy the horses, look at them, unfazed by their plight. The horses have it easy, they'll sleep well tonight, their ignorance shields them from thoughts of this tragedy."

As you pass you hear a guard reading a proclamation to those who are gathered, "all refugees who lack means to enter must not loiter and must disburse hereafter or be judged."

Ashley sees this and spits toward the guard, so this is why there's a rise in bandit activity.


Dispite what's happened, Ashley crawls in the back and is soon asleep, completely ignoring the noise, vibration and anything else. To the rest of you, sitting in the cart is as uncomfortable as sitting on a gravel quarry industrial rock tumbler.

Not even 2 miles from Neverwinter and the carts have spread out far enough that the next is visible only as a light dust tail.
On the raised gravel foundation of the High Road, some protection is offered by the height and especially when riding the carts. At first you all ride with Gundren, the high views offer some incentive to offset the rough ride.

A mountain lion, approaching with stealth, brazenly hops onto the back of the cart. [1d4=1] Catching Yulya off guard, it lunges for her neck.
[1d20+4=1+4] The cart hits a large stone just as it jumps and the puma misses terribly, tumbling on its back to the ground below and narrowly avoids being run over by the cart. Startled, it runs off East toward the forest.

Gundren looks over at Yulya, "well now that's something you don't see every day, I heard rumors of the animals acting strangely but that puma takes the cake. The animals are acting strangely indeed. Be vigilant." He wipes his brow, the event has shaken him more then his words would indicate.

Ashley awakens with a loud yawn and stretches, That's better, what did I miss

She hops down and walks alongside one of the horses, watching the muscles of their legs pull against the reigns.

Ashley's watching the road ahead walking a normal pace alongside the horses and kicking rocks occasionally with her black dyed boots. She notices a glint of something along the side of the road, she rushes over but finds only an old hilt of a sword ground into the gravel.

The rest of the ride was uneventful.

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A cleared area is just up ahead where a line of carts have pulled over for the night. The sun has just set over the horizon and the horses are getting restless knowing somehow this is where they're supposed to stop. Gundren pulls the cart down a small ramp and into line with the others and ties off the reigns. "Well, find a good spot, this is the first stop and I'm glad we made it in one piece." He chuckles. "We made good time today, so our arrival in Phandalin is on schedule for tomorrow night."

Some are setting up tents, others have already done so. There's a central fire pit with a well used iron spit overhanging as well as several spots for pots.

You notice two other conspicuous tents that seem to be bleached by the sun with moss on their North sides; a red tent and a blue tent sit next to the fire pit. A driver is waiting outside the blue tent. 

There's a sandy area where the tent could be set, but since you have bedrolls, that shouldn't matter as much.

There's also a heavily armored road master standing near the carts, asking the drivers questions about their shipments.

Ashley stretches her legs and helps set up the tent. She seems satisfied with it's placement and size and smiles widely, Hey Cat, warm up the pot, I'm getting us some fresh meat !

She steps in the tent and in about a minute you see a flash of purple light and a large dark purple panther with a copper plate hanging from her ear steps out. She eyes you all and as if saying goodbye she growls once then dashes East toward the tree line.

The other cart drivers hoot and holler as they see her dash off. 

The road master is on his way over, watching this beautiful large cat run off across the field.

Ashley's clothes, boots, gloves and pack are neatly stacked in the corner of the tent with her night gown laid on top.

Rations may be warmed up or re-cooked to enhance the flavor, Cat can easily do this and it will at least feel more like a fresh meal. You can also attempt to forage but the lands near the High Road are pretty well picked clean.

The road master will come to investigate the strange Panther, not a native of this realm. He knows something's up and wants an explanation.

State your formation for the next day, you will be walking roughly 2/3 of the time, Gundren asks you all off over soft patches of road, up little inclines, and whenever you just need a break from the teeth rattling vibration. In addition once you get onto the Triboar Trail, the road will be rougher with one less horse pulling.

Subtract 1 ration each or otherwise eat something. It is assumed you rode at least a third of the time.

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Cat is appalled by the way refugees are treated but pennyless. She still feels privileged with all the equipment now. She is impressed by Gundren's generosity and wishes them good luck. But she knows there are more poor souls out there that all goods in the cart are worth.

> A mountain lion, approaching with stealth, brazenly hops onto the back of the cart. [1d4=1] Catching Yulya off guard, it lunges for her neck.
Yulya Nya!!
Cat rushes over but is too slow to do anything. She decides to sit furthermost back for the rest of the trip to look for potential attackers.

> Hey Cat, warm up the pot, I'm getting us some fresh meat !
Calculating for the expected meat Cat prepares to recook 2 rations from her pack for everyone but is startled by the panther dashing out of the tent.
Ashley Nya be more careful! Someone might shoot you if you pull that off in public Nya!

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Just after the journey appears to start so well Yulyas mood drops seeing the refugees in need and driving by in a cart full of goods doesnt help. She feels pathetic for being unable to help and even worse catches herself not really wanting to deal with desperate smelly poor people. Humans are truly troublesome.
Deep in thought Yulya is caught totally off guard by the mountain lion. To be fair who thinks of a mountain lion jumping into a cart but it could have been a bandit as well. The shock of being attacked out of nowhere and even worse being unable to deal with this situation lowers Yulyas mood even more and she is glad to arrive at the resting area.
Set up tent eat and then sleep and maybe tomorrow will be a better day this seems like a good plan but suddenly...

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Standing outside the tent Yulya is knocked off her feet by the sudden release of Ashleys mana. She finds herself face to face with a huge black panther dashing out of the tent staring and growling at her direction before running off. All this not long after almost being killed by the mountain lion.
Yulya staggers to her feet brushing off the sudden scare like a big girl - only to realize Ashley caused a huge commotion again by turning into a wild beast in the middle of a camp of travelers wary of being attacked by strangely aggressive wild beasts. And there comes an angry looking roadmaster yelling and storming toward her demanding an explanation.''
This is too much. Just too much. As if anyone ever would give her an explanation instead of constantly throwing her into a maelstrom of chaos. Yulya closes her eyes and starts talking to hereslf
Lalala I am not here I am floating on a cloud a beautiful soft white cloud in a blue sky
Without opening her eyes Yulya crawls into the tent and barricades herself inside while loudly reciting prayers.

[Yulya has suffered 1 level of apathy is currently unresponsive and wont come out or let anybody else inside the tent]

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Alice looks at the old headscarf-wearing refugee woman and her children with disdain
Subhumans! Feed and rescue them and let them into your cities and they will destroy your civilization.

> Sildar says to Gundren, I envy the horses, look at them, unfazed by their plight. The horses have it easy, they'll sleep well tonight, their ignorance shields them from thoughts of this tragedy.
Alice nods in agreement while thinking to herself,
To me, you are the ignorant horse, Mr. Sildar. You know nothing of the horrors that lurk beyond the stars. To me, you are the horse!

> Ashley crawls in the back and is soon asleep, completely ignoring the noise, vibration and anything else. To the rest of you, sitting in the cart is as uncomfortable as sitting on a gravel quarry industrial rock tumbler.
Even though she has no bones, Alice doesn't take the journey in the rock tumbler well and becomes sick from bouncing around in the cart.
What kind of stone-age vehicle is this? Why doesn't it have any suspension? Are the people all monkeys in this world?

Alice thinks about introducing Gundren to the world of leaf springs but realizes the crash destroyed most of her knowledge along with her original body. Exhausted she barely witnesses the mountain lion attack but later decides to walk after the cart clutching to her spear to avoid the shaking.

Like Yulya, Alice is glad to arrive at their destination for the day. Still wobbling uncontrollable in the rhythm of the cart, Alice  falls flat on her back, taking a nap while waiting for Cat to prepare dinner and totally ignoring Ashley's and Yulya's ruckus.

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Many of the drivers have set their horses and other animals free to graze and sleep in the cleared area and meadow. Others have tied their animals to their cart but given them more slack. [1d20=20] When Ashley left, not a single one of the many beasts of burdens noticed or cared, nor will they. However, [1d20=8] some of the drivers including the road master did.

> Ashley Nya be more careful! Someone might shoot you if you pull that off in public Nya!

[1d20=8] The road master heard Cat yelling at this mythical beast as it ran off though he didn't see or hear much else like where it came from or what it was going to do.

Gundren and Sildar, having spent all day with you four, and seeing the posters of the big Cat around Neverwinter, he knows who that Panther is and heads the road master off.

"Good evening master, it's a fine night for a patrol eh?" Gundren said and steps between the road master and the campfire.

"Gundren! Been a little while since I've seen you down this way. Now why do I get the impression that the Panther I just saw was one of yours?"

Gundren hands the road master a poster he took with him, "I'd like to be down more, I'm trying to supply Phandalin like I always do, and I know the road guard are doing their best, but you know with the recent events on the Triboar Trail I needed my own protection. Imagine this, we were on our way, just south of Neverwinter, not Three miles south and a mountain lion hopped on the carriage!"

The road master reads the poster and laughs, "damn those shapeshifters! I'll borrow this if you don't mind." His expression then turns more serious, "hm, been hearing tales like that more frequently," he looks off to the tree line, "yeah, something foul has overtaken the lands south of Neverwinter. Three miles you say? That's unexpected but with all the refugees on the roads lately I'm not too surprised. We've been finding gruesome scenes as of late, the owlbears and other predictors have been having more than rabbits on the menu lately. Yeah, we'll have to put out a notice soon to cull any predators that hunt the High Road. Anyway, let's go check out your load."

Gundren leads him off toward the cart and away from poor overstressed Yulya.

> And there comes an angry looking road master yelling and storming toward her demanding an explanation.

Yulya's imagination has run wild; thinking the worst and frustrated that nothing in her past has prepared her for any sort of leadership, let alone any natural skill to weather tough situations, the road ahead for poor Yulya seems unnecessarily dark. 

> Yulya crawls into the tent and barricades herself inside while loudly reciting prayers.

She pushes Ashley's pack and her own against the flap and tries her best to think happy thoughts and de-stress.

> What kind of stone-age vehicle is this? Why doesn't it have any suspension? Are the people all monkeys in this world?

Once they've stopped, Alice inspects under the heavy carriage and does find heavy leaf springs, but they're ill suited for a smooth ride. This is no leisure cart; originally used to transport heavy troops in full plate and war supplies, it's not set up with the modern convinces of a passenger carriage. Heavy duty, steel tracked wheels don't offer any sort of relief against the bumps and ruts of a gravel road either. The suspension on this cart is meant as a bare minimum of protection for the integrity tons of heavy cargo, not much else.

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Ashley Panther runs off and is soon amid the thickening trees of the outer stretches of the Neverwinter Woods. With her keen sense of smell, it's trivial to track down prey and avoid the top predators. Though her fighting capacity is decent, her hit points aren't, so she's careful to remain in the shadows and stalk her prey.

[1d20=7] She quickly catches an animal scent and runs after it. Leaping and bounding from tree to tree she stumbles upon a rabbit. Though it wasn't the game she was looking for, [1d20=20] it's an especially large, plump and juicy rabbit of high quality. She easily takes it down, scoops it up in her mouth, and runs back toward camp.

She approaches camp with stealth but her cover dissolves the moment she enters the light of the fire ring. It's 18:30 and Cat's still warming up rations when Ashley Panther returns. Not seeing Yulya she rushes up to Cat and places the large coney at her feet then rears up and rubs her face against the sides of Cat's head in a show of affection and ownership as a deep rumbling of a purr assures Cat that Ashley Panther is happy, safe, and likely proud of herself for the catch. She licks Cat's ears a couple times then hops down and sits patiently by her catch. Looking up at Cat as if expecting praise.

Cat's cooking proficiency includes dressing and butchering. Cat wastes no time skinning and gutting the catch.

This especially fine specimen has 4lbs of meat, enough for 4 people. That mixed with the two rations Cat added to the pot makes enough for 6 cooked rations. Cat soon has 20 cooked rations before anyone eats.

Ashley watches her intently with drool dripping from her open mouth.

Cat casts aside the organs and Ashley Panther immediately chases them, eating all but the intestines.

The drivers and guests at the fire ring all know by now that this large cat is an adventurer shapeshifter. Though it does nothing to decrease the tension, they're free to admire the beautiful black panther and they stay calm.

Ashley Panther next sniffs out a gelatinous pile of goo under a kimono, hidden among the weeds near the clearing, and delicately presses her nose against the slimy membrane a few times. Noting it smells familiar, she rubs her face against the rubbery blob then cleans herself with her large black paws and tongue. 

She next slinks into the tent, easily breaking through the barrier Yulya set up. Finding Yulya rocking slowly in the corner, chanting prayers in a near catatonic state. She brushes by, nearly knocking her over as she rubs past Yulya affectionately. She lets out a large cat utterance, something like a deep meow, perhaps in some way attempting to break Yulya free from her nervous breakdown. She rubs past her again and then curls up around her, as if attempting to form a barrier against anyone or anything that would disturb her friend further as her tail playfully, and autonomously, gently bats against Yulya's head and face.


Gundren is soon back and the talk of the fire ring is dominated by this peculiar and young group of adventurers running with Gundren and Sildar.

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> It's 18:30 and Cat's still warming up rations when Ashley Panther returns. Not seeing Yulya she rushes up to Cat and places the large coney at her feet then rears up and rubs her face against the sides of Cat's head in a show of affection and ownership as a deep rumbling of a purr assures Cat that Ashley Panther is happy, safe, and likely proud of herself for the catch. She licks Cat's ears a couple times then hops down and sits patiently by her catch. Looking up at Cat as if expecting praise.
Good girl Nya!
We can cook a lot with this catch Nya!

Cat pats Ashley panther's head and adds the meat to the cooked rations leaving bones and other inedible parts for Ashley

''Sighing at the weakness of her companions, Cat also adds a few spices to the meal in her pot. The stew soon develops an alluring scent. Cat fans it towards Alice and into the tent with her paws knowing that Alice and Yulya haven't eaten. Their hunger should bring them back to their senses quickly.

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> something foul has overtaken the lands south of Neverwinter.
Alice sneezes in her sleep making the gooey slime blob briefly hop an inch into the air. It continues its sleep with low frequency pulsations dreaming of synthesizing the perfect leaf spring alloy composition

> The stew soon develops an alluring scent. Cat fans it towards Alice and into the tent with her paws knowing that Alice and Yulya haven't eaten.
Alice's chemoreceptors go wild and the slime increases its pulsation rate, sending out tendrils into the direction of the pot. Soon the gooey blob creeps toward cat at an astonishing speed and slowly morphs itself into a little girl upon arriving there which eagerly stares at the food. Yukata and mask are left behind near the tent

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Yulya hugs the huge black cat curled up around her and calms down hearing the roadmaster walk away again. She almost falls asleep but then a delicious scent of freshly cooked stew enters the tent. After a short mental struggle she pops out her head to see what is going on.  Seeing Cat and Alice at the pot full of stew she reluctantly joins followed by Ashley.

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[Friday, Spring 7th, Clear night, 19:30, 13C decreasing to 10C overnight]

3 rations worth of food are eaten, leaving 17. Ashley Panther happily eats bones and gristle. She is amenable to the touch of those she is bonded with and skittish to others. Not aggressive, but not passive, she is not a tamed creature.

She sits near the fire sticking close to Yulya, unlike other wild beasts the fire doesn't bother her, and her aura does not disturb this group of tame beasts of burden in the least though this is not guaranteed in the future. 

Conversation is light, but a cloud hangs over the group.

Yulya is suffering from Apathy, resulting in -4 Charisma, in addition she has disadvantage on saving throws and dexterity checks for initiative. A good night's rest may improve her situation but weather she succumbs to it again is up how she treats herself and her mood. 


The night is almost peaceful, normally it'd be an easy rest, but Ashley's keen True Sight has her staring off at the tree line. The hairs stand up on the back of her neck.


Something big, something unnatural, has been attracted to the tame beasts of burden. It's stealth is broken only because of Ashley's sight and now that you know, you all now feel that same uneasy presence. 

The creature is close, within 100 yards, close enough to hit with a longbow.

All that is known is Ashley is uneasy and growing more unnerved by the minute, no other persons or animals are disturbed.


Make your moves.

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Cat happily hands out dinner to everyone. She is delighted to see how delighted her friends are by the great taste and smell of the stew.

> The night is almost peaceful, normally it'd be an easy rest, but Ashley's keen True Sight has her staring off at the tree line. The hairs stand up on the back of her neck.
Cat immediately notices Ashley's strange behavior
What is it, Ashley Nya?

> Something big, something unnatural, has been attracted to the tame beasts of burden. It's stealth is broken only because of Ashley's sight and now that you know, you all now feel that same uneasy presence.
Cats ears and eyes scan the area using perception. She quietly turns to the others even muffling her Nyas
Playtime's over nya! Alice, get your bow. Yulya, snap out of it nya!

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> Alice
> get the bow
The naked little girl sitting by the fire abruptly drops backward and dissolves into slimy tendrils. Using stealth, the strange being silently creeps away through the grass without a trace.
Spread out like a slime mould, Alice picks up the bow and quiver as well as the spear which were left with the yukata and engulfing them drags them away and up a nearby tree.

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Having somewhat recovered by eating Cats delicious food Yulya is surprised by the strange presence. At least its not a troublesome human but a real monster. Monsters are easier to deal with. But this thing feels big. Yulya slowly and quietly slips away to notify the other
I will alert the others dont be reckless and attack whatever this is on your own!

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Ashley Panther hisses in a frustrating tone, you can follow the movement of this thing, whatever it is, by tracking her gaze. Its approaching the Eastern reach of the cleared field.

Yulya steps over to where Alice is dragging her things and steps on them with her foot, halting Alice's progress.

Cat watches her carefully and sees she's being cautious.

Yulya taps Gundren on the shoulder and points at Ashley Panther.

Gundren notes this scene unfolding and then alone with others hears and sees Ashley Panther's gaze and behavior. 

"It's back boys," Gundren says as they stare off into the darkness.

A young driver sitting by the fire looks confused, "What's back?"

He's shushed and strains to see into the darkness.

Gundren looks at Ashley Panther's eyes again and looks her pointed direction, He whispers, "must be pretty far, I can't see it yet."

A sense of dread falls across the field and everything from nightingales to crickets fall silent. Even the wind seems to have stopped. Everything seems darker in that general direction, as if dampened by some magic means. 

The darkness itself seems to be spreading toward the East field.

"What is it?" the young driver whispers, terror in his eyes.

No one answers.

In the far East of the field, the horses and other beasts seem especially calm. They've stopped their grazing and moseying, some have laid down in place, others seem to have frozen in time, mid-chaw.

As the silent seconds unfold, a group of oxen furthest field seem to have noticed something. Three turn their heads to face an unseen foe, two fall to the ground as if fainting, feet straight up in the air, and the third disappears from view, not by any seen means, it just seemingly disappears, engulfed by the darkness.

You can see the extents of the darkness, it has a definite shape and it's huge.

The silence is broken by a sickly crunch, the sound of thousands of pounds of bone, meat and flesh forcibly and mechanically separated.

[Make your moves.]

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> Yulya steps over to where Alice is dragging her things and steps on them with her foot, halting Alice's progress.
The gelatinous mat in the grass jiggles from irritation upon being stepped on.
After a brief pause, Alice changes her course, picks up her Yukata, mask and all belongings and follows Cat and Yulya.

Arriving near Gundren, Alice stealthily morphs into human form wearing her Yukata, clenching her fists with visible frustration
A short while ago something like that thing would have fled from me in terror. What a disgrace I have become! I need to get stronger! 
Alice mutters to herself while putting on her kitsune mask

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> The silence is broken by a sickly crunch, the sound of thousands of pounds of bone, meat and flesh forcibly and mechanically separated.
Wait what is happening over there?? 
''Yulya cannot believe her eyes and ears but still tries to grasp what is going on with that creature.

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As you all stare at the black mass, now visible only by its occlusion of stars in the horizon, large iridescent green eyes, both beautiful and terrible, look your way reflecting the fire light like a cat. Long black vertical slits open near to full and suddenly everyone not immune to Fear becomes Frightened.

[Potential Response #1]

Everyone's filled with dread and fear except one peculiar purple Panther, she only growls angrily, staring out through those wild violet, gear-filled eyes at the responding eyes of whatever is in the field.

[Frightened status effect: A frightened creature has disadvantage for ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight. The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear. Someone already suffering similar effects by other means become Paralyzed with fear.]

[All wild creatures and summons not immune to fear attempt to flea and all tame creatures are Paralyzed with fear. Bonded wild animals will become Frightened but will not flea from their master's side.]

The eyes close and the sound of giant wings displacing air is near deafening as compared to the silence they displace, a heavy, biting cold gale soon picks up dust and embers from the campfire. [1d20=9] Embers streak and float harmlessly away with a shower of sparks from the stoked flames. An unusual icy chill lingers in the air and the temperature drops 5C near instantly.

The effects of fear slowly fade as whatever it was flies off East toward the forest.

Gundren sighs with relief, "I've not experienced anything like that for years, only the Gods know what it might have been."

The road master, visibly shaken, watches the silhouette of the beast fly off East and speaks in a near whisper, "There've been reports of a green dragon flying high over Neverwinter wood. You all did well not to antagonize it because after what I just saw, I say it's confirmed. I can't imagine it being anything else; not in 20 years of patrolling these roads have I seen anything like it, so this must be that dragon."

[Potential Response #2]

A young human woman steps out of the semi-permeant blue tent, rubbing her eyes, she approaches the fire and shivers in the cool air, warming her hands, "What in hell was that gale, it's freezing all of a sudden?"

"Never you mind Hanna," the road master says, "We'll send word get it taken care of."

She looks at him dubiously. By the look of her garb, scantily clad and dirty, smelling of ale and road worn men, you can conclude she's not a refugee. She rubs her hands by the fire and shivers. Several drivers can't take their eyes off her, some greet her and she smiles to them. She notices Ashley Panther, now laying protectively by Yulya and a look of fear crosses her face. She asks the group, "Is that thing tame?"

[Potential Response #3]

Ashley Panther glances her way dismissively and yawns then slinks off toward the tent and slips in.

After all animals are counted, one ox is missing.

Time seems to stand still, everyone begins speaking of close calls and horror stories from the road. They're all tame by comparison, a bear, a puma, an owlbear, but none even close to this. Soon enough it's time for bed. You find Ashley Panther curled up in the corner, seemingly using her nightgown as a blanket and laying on top of her pack, boots and clothes.

[I'll continue with the next day when everyone's responded.]

Congratulations! You now understand, hopefully, that not every encounter is meant to be a fight. Keep that in mind for the future.

[The party gains 100AP each]

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Cat stares at the dragon in horror. War is one thing but this monster is nothing she has ever experienced
D-dragon Nyah! I've only heard about them in tales of our elders, Nya! What unbelievable power, Nya!

Looking at Alice clenching her fists, Cat feels powerless too. What can anyone here do against such a beast?

Slowly recovering and deep in thought, Cat ignores anything else going on while trodding to the tent

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Alice stares back at the glowing emerald eyes, overcome by a strange feeling she cannot make sense of, basically paralyzing her.
A dragon! Of all things it has to be a dragon! I hate those fuckers so much it's unreal!

Alice attempts to throw her spear into the general direction of the creature but finds herself unable to do so. How is this possible? Trembling with frustration she can't do anything but watch. Yet she forms a creepy smile behind her kitsune mask while thinking to herself:
You may have the upper hand now but one day, the tide will turn. I will wipe you from the face of this world! I will make an omlette out of your eggs and handbags out of your young. None of you will escape, not a single one! Not one!
Her smile widens to a broad grin

Alice looks at her spear and bow with disdain. What a joke! This will not do. None of this is even remotely adequate. But fine, the game is on now!

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> A young human woman steps out of the semi-permeant blue tent
> By the look of her garb, scantily clad and dirty, smelling of ale and road worn men, you can conclude she's not a refugee.
> She notices Ashley Panther and a look of fear crosses her face. She asks the group, "Is that thing tame?"
The fact that you are alive to ask should already answer your question
Alice briefly responds without looking at the filty human.

Seeing Ashley and Cat move to the tent, Alice pulls Yulya by her sleeve
Alright that's enough for our first day! Time for bed.

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Yulya freezes but remains strangely calm in front of the dragon. At least it doesnt want anything troublesome from her. Live and let live.

When she slowly recovers from fear and chill Yulya overhears the conversation of Gundren and the road master
Just our luck we encounter this thing at the first day of our first mission!
Yulya ponders whether this dragon is responsible for the strange behavior of creatures and disappearance of adventurers. Or if there are more high level monsters out there

Yulya looks at the prostitute with a mixture of pity and disgust. Then she is pulled by Alice
My apologies this panther is our team member and fellow adventurer she means no harm to you!
Yulya adds to Alice's cold words before entering the tent.
After speaking a short prayer to Eldath and SheShe for escaping the dragon unharmed Yulya addresses everyone
What a day!
I would hand out a candy to everyone after this shock but then we probably could not sleep well. We will leave that for tomorrow morning! Good night everyone!
Yulya enters her bedroll next to Ashley. The panther feels warm and soft.

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She's standing, naked as usual, surrounded by foul smelling necrotic rats and ooze dripping giant wasps in front of a grand expanse of gears and mechanisms of insane complexity, a gigantic watch-like matrix of brass gears and gems. She sees the Raven Queen standing large but dwarfed by this grand mechanism, and she looks frustrated.

A bright, brilliant, and terrifyingly beautiful being of light descends on golden wings. She's Equal in stature to the Raven Queen but her light nearly washes out the Goddess of Death. 

This angelic being, none other than SheShe, touches the mechanism and it yawns and engulfs the Raven Queen in watch springs, gears and gen studded bars. Her angry screech is deafening. 

A doorway opens in this monstrous mechanism and another goddess-like being steps out from the doorway.

SheShe takes her hands and soon together their mana bathes Ashley in a deep orange light, that of metal soaking in a forge's heat then it's quenched by the violet remnants of the Raven Queen's curse.

The negative plane opens through this doorway and her summons run off, replaced by others coming through the portal. A merging of clockwork metal and nature, unrivaled abominations that the simple undead cannot dream of achieving. 

The giant clock tolls and Ashley's surrounded by creatures of the negative plane unknown to her.

[Ashley's summons have changed, she is no longer capable of summoning necrotic or undead summons though she retains her resistance to necrotic damage and so do her summons by extension.]

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> What a day!

Before long everyone's asleep.

[1d20=18,19,5,10,7,18,16,6] An otherwise uneventful night passes.

[Saturday, Spring 8th, Partly Cloudy, 05:30]

The sound of metal wheels on gravel wakes Ashley, she shakes off fur in wisps of violet smoke that dissolves into the air. She bolts upright and grasps at her nightgown. Looking around she sees no one else up and quickly dresses. She pokes her head out of the tent, the morning air is crisp and light. She sees Gundren and Sildar reading their cart.

"Everyone up! It's time to go, we need that bonus girls!"

She feels fuzzy on last night's events, she could have sworn she saw a giant housecat in the field. Perhaps it was all a dream. Then she remembers her dream with the Mecha-goddess and SheShe. "Naa..."

She dawns her pack and prods Yulya, "up and at'em sleepy head."

She exits and walks toward the cart, feeling bright eyed, invigorated and fresh as a daisy.

"Hey guys, we're coming."

Gundren chuckles, "wouldn't leave you, especially not after last night."

Ashley's slightly confused but lets it drop.


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The gelatinous heap hiding under a yukata in the corner of the tent comes alive and morphs into a human shape. Putting on clothes, donning mask, sticking needles into her hair and picking up her bow and quiver, Alice steps out of the tent, absent minded and sorting her thoughts.

Where do you start after getting thrown back into the stone age? So many limitations and on top of that pesky magic everywhere. Alice thinks about putting her vast technological knowledge to use but both her available information and processing power have suffered enormously in the crash.

Even worse, Alice realizes she knows absolutely nothing about this world and its inhabitants, especially mosnters and their threat level. That's not good. Not good at all

While helping Cat to dismount the tent, Alice turns to Gundren
Gundren, you mentioned you experienced something like this before? Do you know anything about dragons?

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> Gundren, you mentioned you experienced something like this before? Do you know anything about dragons?

Gundren looks at you with a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his face, more talking to himself than anyone. "Eye though I might appear to be youthful and spry, I've been kicking around Faerûn for many a year. It was the time of the last flight of dragons, back then many a horse or ox was taken. In the beginning we just thought they'd run off or met their end with a large owlbear but what was something that might have happened once a season became a matter of lottery every trip. Boy do we not need that again, but it ended as most things do, with a slow decrease until well, just last night. It was ages ago though lass. Back when a young dwarf's heart turned to fancy every lass he laid his eyes on. Though these old eyes don't see so well, and fancy is reserved for dreaming of the profits from an old mine." He continues in more of a nostalgic mumble to himself as he saddles his horse. 

"Ready for just you and me Nell?" He says to his horse. 

"Decide who you want to drive the cart, the horses know where to go, it'll scarcely be different from yesterday." He then talks your ear off about ruts and repairing the cart.

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Yulya yawns and unwillingly gets out of her comfy warm bedroll and gets dressed.
Good morning!
As promised I will hand out one candy to everyone for today!
Yulya gives a candy to Alice Ashley and Cat and eats one herself which instantly fills her with energy

> "Decide who you want to drive the cart, the horses know where to go" 
I would like to drive the cart. If things get rough Cat can take over.

> "it'll scarcely be different from yesterday."
Without mountain lions and dragons I hope...
Yulya laughs nervously

Ashley where do you want to be in our formation? Cat will be in front and Alice in the back.

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> As promised I will hand out one candy to everyone for today!
> I would like to drive the cart. If things get rough Cat can take over.

Yulya miraculously feels a little better today. She tentatively hops up on the cart and the horses whinny in anticipation, pawing at the ground, seemingly completely oblivious to the night's events.

> Ashley where do you want to be in our formation?

Ashley mulls about, kicking stones for a minute, "eh, I'm going to be the lookout or something. I'll hop up top for a while to start."

She takes the candy, climbs on the canvas top and lays down with her hands behind her head staring up at the puffy white clouds in the dawn sky.

[Possible interaction #1]

Gundren trots up to Yulya, "feels powerful don't it? Now just steer away from the ruts and you'll be fine. I never had an issue when I was paying attention. We'll be a few miles ahead scouting, so we'll meet you again at the fork, should be around 8:30-9:00 but don't stop for us, take the Triboar Trail East, we'll double back and report."

[Possible interaction #2]

Gundren and Sildar gallop off ahead down the High Road leaving you with 4 eager horses ready to pull.

[Possible Interaction #3]

[05:45] Everything is packed and ready and you're off! The grinding of the steel wheels against the gravel is near deafening by comparison to the peaceful morning silence of dawn.

[7:30] Ashley is staring off down the road from her perch when she spots something glint just off the road. She hops down and runs for it. "The heck?"

She finds a small patched backpack with a steel buckle, and inside is:
- Clay pot of salted herring in good condition, weighing in at 10 lbs and valued at 18sp with 10 servings of delicious fermented preserved fish!
- A large thick-walled glass jar with a cork stopper in new condition with a weight of 2lbs and a value of 10sp capable of storing 20lbs of raw dry goods or liquids.

"Just what I always wanted, a jar!" She says sarcastically and hauls the bounty into the cart. "I don't know, maybe we can sell it."

[Possible Interaction 4]

[08:45] Just like clockwork, the horses manage to make the nine miles to the fork in 3 hours flat but there's no Gundren or Sildar in sight. [1d20+1 = 15] Ashley looks down at the road and easily finds two sets of hoof prints heading East, "That-a-way!"

[Make your moves! What do you do?]

[Thankfully Yulya has high wisdom so she'll find traps and notice things but Ashley's the best one who can discover things, solve puzzles and pick locks. She'll have to be right behind Yulya for all dungeon crawls.]

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> I'm going to be the lookout or something. I'll hop up top for a while to start
Perfect I already wanted to suggest this!Tell us immediately if anything even feels off!

> Gundren trots up to Yulya, "feels powerful don't it? 
Yulya feels intimidated by the power of the horses first but quickly gets used to it. They know what to do and almost no steering is needed. Driving the cart is much more fun than riding in the back.

> Ashley finds a small patched backpack with a steel buckle, and inside is:
> Clay pot of salted herring in good condition, weighing in at 10 lbs and valued at 18sp with 10 servings of delicious fermented preserved fish!
> A large thick-walled glass jar with a cork stopper in new condition with a weight of 2lbs and a value of 10sp capable of storing 20lbs of raw dry goods or liquids.
I wonder how this ended up here its not something you just lose. We better be careful this could easily  be a trap. But food and a glass jar arent a bad find at all! Good work, Ashley!

> Ashley looks down at the road and easily finds two sets of hoof prints heading East, "That-a-way!"
Yulya doesnt even have to steer the horses know the way and turn east on the triboar trail. She doesnt stop but addresses the others''
This crossing looks like a good place for an ambush. Stay alert everyone!

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> Gundren then talks your ear off about ruts and repairing the cart.
Alice listenes with great interest. This man knows a lot!

> Yulya gives a candy to Alice
Alice happily munches the candy and then follows behind the cart as rear guard, carrying her bow ready to shoot anything that approaches. The spear is tucked in her obi and carried on her back.

At the road fork, Alice watches the continuing high road to prevent ambushes from behind.

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Cat gratefully takes and eats the candy. She walks in front looking aftwer the horses during Yulya's first driving attempts.

> Ashley finds a clay pot and glass jar
Nyah, what delicious smell. We can season our cooking with this herring Nya! The glass jar will be valuable too for storing liquids Nya, I am certain Nya! But what a strange find Nya! What happened to the owner Nya?

At the road fork, Cat investigates the hoof prints before the cart turns  on the Triboar Trail and looks out for potential ambushes

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All's clear, its a pleasant and scenic morning on the trail, and the horses know just how to go. They turn and begin to ride off the main road onto a mud packed road of ruts, puddles with cracked muddy edges and hard dirt.

Not even 10 paces in, Ashley notices another cart coming North along the High Road.

"Whoa whoa, check this out." She gets Yulya's attention to see a massive cart pulled by two large Rothés laden with supplies and trailed by a line of at least a dozen barefoot human children in decent clothing, mostly dresses because they're mostly girls, you would consider them dressed for school or even church, chained neck to neck and foot to foot by two long runs of chain with periodic shackles, awkwardly marching and occasionally tripping on the gravel of the high road. They're dirty from the waste down by the gravel dust and grime of the road stirred up by the large wheels and some look injured. Scrapes can be seen on their their legs amid bruises. Atop the cart is a driver in scale mail and an unaffiliated guard wearing plate. 

The cart is going a grueling pace for walking and the children are nearly being tugged by the chains as they keep up. One falls and quickly gets back up before being dragged, a fresh scrape on her leg as a result. They look exhausted.

Yulya's attention shifted to this scene and instinctively pulled the reigns causing the horses to halt. [1d20=1] Unfortunately as they stop the cart [1d20=16] it falls into a medium sized rut which will have to be dealt with.

[A medium sized rut has a good chance of being pulled free: everyone off, someone coaxes the horses to pull and the cart usually comes out of it. Medium ruts are routinely just rolled over without an issue but if the cart stops that requires a little more work. No significant time is lost but there is a small chance of damage to the cart without special precautions. Those precautions are entirely up to you.]   

With determination in their eyes, the Rothés pull at a consistent pace and are now within 100 yards of your momentarily stuck cart.

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Alice notices the children and clenches her fist. Briefly evaluating the chances of killing the armoured driver and guard, Alice tries to identify what weapons they are carrying. It doesn't seem feasible, let alone wise.
It will be your fuckers' turn even before the dragons!
Alice says aloud updating her kill list while hurrying over to Cat.
Cat, focus on the horses and give me your shovel! I will try to smoothen the rut!

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Yulya looks at the poor children in distress. What can she even do to help them?
Do not even think about it!!
Yulya shouts at her companions
We cannot just kill random people we know nothing about! We have no idea who they are and what is going on! Nobody attacks them without provocation this is an order!
But maybe we can at least make them stop and give the slaves some rest.
Ashley do you have an idea? We could make our accident look worse and ask for help. Maybe they will halt then.
Alice could creep under a wheel and pretend to be stuck and severely wounded. We are all helpless girls after all. That is the best idea I have. Other suggestions?

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''As they get close Ashley walks onto the road smiling and waving her arms." "Hey guys, I'm so glad you guys showed up, we're having a bit of an issue." [1d20+6=10 vs DC10]

They stop and look down at her and her cart. The driver calls, "Need some help?"

Ashley uses investigation [1d20+1=20 nice!]
Ashley clasps her hands and nods excitedly. The guard appears to have an identification tag but it doesn't look like an adventure's plate, it's silver colored so it could be equivalent to a silver adventurer's tag. He's wearing a fine set of half-plate in good condition and he has a fancy looking great sword strapped to his back, he's also wearing rings some of which have a slight aura to them. He looks strong and capable but a pouch on his belt seems to be a component pouch for spells requiring materials. She also sees a glimpse of a large focus just peeking out under his plate on his belt. To Ashley's estimation it has to be worth at least 200-250 gold but might be worth more because she can't see it clearly. The driver isn't a civilian either he has the garb reminiscent of a ranger and he has a very fancy bow Ashley can't recognize. It also has an aura meaning it's probably magic, and on his belt is a nasty looking short sword, again, this one has an aura. He is also wearing a pendant that has the aura of a large focus gem, it's smaller but still likely 100 gold or more. He's wearing studded leather armor. 

[The pictures attached are them for all intents and purposes so what you see is what you're going to get.]

The cart is laden with general supplies akin to housewares and provisions, furniture, and other furnishings in good condition. It seems like they have most of what you'd need to set a house but the dozen or so reading lamps in a netted bag makes her think it's more than a house.

The rothés are calm as they stop, two big ones about the size of the one you took down previously. Ashley notes they're very securely fastened and probably couldn't come loose unless released from their yokes

Ashley twirls, pretending to look back and as she does she tries to stealthily casts summon out of their sight. She feels the grip of a wasp on her back. [1d20+2=21] They didn't notice the cast. 

As the cart grinds to a halt, the children in tow all collapse, some rubbing their feet, some crying, some then harshly telling those to stop crying.

"Keep it down back there" the guard says with an angry tone. Ashley gets an intuitive sense he's evil.

[In any case these men are unaffiliated so if anything should happen to them it likely wouldn't cause any trouble for you. Remember that any crime requires a victim, living perpetrator or perpetrators, and a living witness. To make or corroborate the accusation.]

The children whimper softly, some reaching out to just barely touch each other's fingertips if they strain. The chains are physically keeping them apart unless they all grouped together as a unit but they're too exhausted to do anything but rest.

The guard and driver hop down and assess the situation, they see Alice with a shovel digging at the sides of the mud rut and otherwise it's immediately obvious to them there isn't really a problem. So they become wary of Ashley's story.

The guard turns to the driver and is whispering something to him.

[1d20=12] Cat's sensitive ears catch some of what he's saying, only interrupted by occasional gusts of wind off the sea in the distance.

"...four more... ...quality is good... ...Neverwinter plates, so we could turn back to... ...at least three..."

The driver gets a devious look in his eyes which gives Ashley the intuitive sense that he is also evil.

Their expressions change and Ashley clearly sees that somethings up. She glances back at Alice and gestures to the back of the massive cart where the children are chained, hoping Alice gets a hint but can't say more.

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"So are you going to help us or what?" Ashley says impatiently.

Just then she hears a slightly odd sound and whatever was gripping the back of her cloak hops off her back with a loud, tinny buzz distracting them momentarily as they watch it climb into the air.

"What in hell is that thing?" The driver says and readies his bow to take a shot.

Ashley is thinking the same thing, to her surprise a Mechathereal Dragon Wasp was grappled to her back instead of her Necrotic Wasp just like her dream. She doesn't have time to figure that all out now though. She's actually happy it's not her old oozy stinky babies, and it looks really cool anyway. She glances at Alice intently then stealthily casts another summon on the far side of the rothés. [1d20+2=(7,12) vs DC12] Luckily for Ashley they also don't notice this as they're distracted. She starts to back up, out of immediate striking range of the two. 

[When in doubt, run, but there's a lot of potential for a resolution, and of course profit, here so don't underestimate yourselves. Alice has chipped away some of the rut causing the cart to roll slightly forward. Yulya is the only one on the cart and her weight is negligible so there's only a very small chance of failure to escape the rut at this point. In terms of conventional battle, you're very very outclassed but you would have the equivalent of an ambush against them if you act right now which means full initiative and advantage on actions in the first round. SheShe's group totally owned a similarly lopsided scenario. The two are distracted, they're confused by the wasp, they're likely thinking unthinkable thoughts, so do your homework here before doing something you might regret either way.]

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You are technically in a turn-based mode at this point. This is a time where seconds count, each round is only 6 seconds long so 1 minute is 10 rounds.

If you attack, this is considered an ambush of the enemy by you.

Currently you have initiative, advantage for the next action and roll, and all enemies will have disadvantage this round for attacks and rolls. The Ranger would go before the Spellsword.

The Ranger and Spellsword are considered evil but they are still NPC citizens of the realm and that means their deaths have far reaching consequences, any witnesses will know what you did and that information is permeant and can be obtained by various means.

The Two are blocked from view of anyone but you and themselves at this moment.

Witnesses must have visual line of sight, be facing the direction of the event, and be within a reasonable distance.

There is no current means to extract witness testimony from a unintelligent beast.

At this moment both the Ranger and Spellsword are looking to attack Velma who they consider a strange, hostile, wild creature and they don't know she's Ashley's summon, so even if she attacks them, that will not turn them hostile to you.

Zelda is preparing to grapple the far Rothé but is awaiting Ashley's order. 

All visible terrain is about the same elevation.

The fuzzy green at the center of action is a very large tree, at least 50 feet tall, that has been faded out so we can see the action.

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Yulya closes her eyes and speaks a prayer to Eldath
Forgive me Eldath Lady of Peace but I cannot turn a blind eye to evil anymore. The kids are suffering. My words alone will not persuade this men to let them go. And I must stand beside my friends.

Yulya tries to contain her trembling as she clumsily climbs down the cart. She hesitantly approaches the ranger and spellsword and uses persuasion in order to distract them
Kind Sirs we are in a bit of trouble. We are absolute beginners and this is my first day of ever driving a cart. I am not good at handling horses and afraid to spook them. I am a cleric not a coachman. We do not want to damage the cart or injure the horses that were entrusted to us for this supply mission to Phandalin!
I am ashamed to say we are nearly broke but we are carrying a lot of useful cargo! We also have a variety of delicious food made by our cook and even candy! We will be sure to return the favor for any of your deeds! Many-fold!

Once talking and talking more to herself while lowering her eyes Yulya falls into a sermon than no good deed no matter how small is in vain and that is never too late to change ones way and about the importance of mercy in a world full of evil. She can barely stop talking

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As soon as the ranger and spellsword are distracted by Yulya, Alice carefully moves behind the carriage using stealth and tries to determine how the chain linking the kids together is fastened, unhooking the kids if possible, while signaling to them to remain quiet and trying to appear as non-threatening / creepy as an alien monster can be.

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Cat uses Feline Agility and Stealth to quickly move to the cart next to Alice. She tries to free the kids by removing the chain from the cart with her crowbar. She is whispering to the nearest kid
Quiet Nya! We are here to set you free Nya! Run west into the forest and hide Nya! Tell the others Nya!

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[Round 0] Sorry my last post said "Round 1", this is indeed round 0

[At the back of the cart]

Alice makes it to the back of the cart, she tries to reassure the kids but they are inconsolably already Frightened collectively and not just from her. They creep away until one of them notices her copper plate. They can hardly contain their emotions, they're desperate to be saved and accept Alice regardless of her 1920's porcelain doll appearance,' "You're a real life adventurer?" Says the closest one, a girl not more than 8.

Alice shushes them and then inspects the situation. [difficulty 1d20=14 higher is better, this is lucky]

The chain is attached with a keyless rudimentary locking mechanism. [DC10 dexterity check]

You notice this cart is quite old and rusted and has obviously been used near the salt air for many years so it is in poor condition, however the chain is relatively new. [AC19, 10HP for the chain] [DC20 Strength check to break]


Cat arrives in a flurry of wind and joins Alice, ready with her crowbar to help, she whispers to the little girl, "Quiet Nya! We are here to set you free Nya! Run west into the forest and hide Nya! Tell the others Nya!"

The children are stunned, these humans have likely never seen a Tabaxi.

[I have taken liberties here as to who tries what first per the discussions had previously. The best choice for Alice is the dexterity check and for Cat is the strength check. If you disagree, please let me know.]

Alice looks over the mechanism and attempts to open it. [1d20+2=7+2=9] She fails to decipher its secrets this turn and needs more time.

Cat uses her crowbar as a lever and attempts to break the chain using her strength. &[1d20+4=(20)+4=24] The crowbar breaks the rusted chain with a satisfying snap and the chain falls to the crushed gravel below.

Alice and Cat encourage them to run but the chidden are in no condition to run, they're Exhausted, Apathetic, and still Frightened, not just of their captures but also Frightened by the dark woods on either side and too Frightened to leave their Heros' sides so they don't move; however, they are no longer attached to the cart.

[At the side of the cart]

The Ranger attempts to hit Velma with his bow [1d20+4=7 vs AC10] The arrow misses her and sails gracefully into the air out of sight.

Velma climbs high in the air, and loses their attention.

Yulya timidly approaches the men and their attention turns to her.

"Kind Sirs, we are in a bit of trouble. We are absolute beginners and this is my first day of ever driving a cart. I am not good at handling horses and afraid to spook them. I am a cleric not a coachman. We do not want to damage the cart or injure the horses that were entrusted to us for this supply mission to Phandalin!"

"I am ashamed to say we are nearly broke but we are carrying a lot of useful cargo! We also have a variety of delicious food made by our cook and even candy! We will be sure to return the favor for any of your deeds! Many-fold!"

[1d20+4=(15)+4=19 SS persuasion vs DC 14, 1d20+4=(16)+4=20 R persuasion vs DC14]

Though she succeeds in stalling them, the Spellsword's brow furrows, Yulya can see her monumentally intense and overwhelming efforts of social interaction were wasted on him.

"I got a better idea, how about you give us two of your team and we let you go; not the little one, she looks off."

[Behind the rothés.]

Zelda and Velma both attempt to grapple the butts of the rothés as a bonus action but fail to grapple due to the rothés' natural strength, they're whipped aside like flies, however, that doesn't mean they can't attack.

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[In front of your cart.]

Ashley ducks in front of your cart and quietly summons with a sweep of her arms, tracing ancient sigils and a few arcane words of encouragement, [1d2=2] to her surprise two cats appear. They're a meld of flesh and metal, gears are visible through crystalline windows in their sides. Though she's sure they're alive, they look just as much a mechanism and emit an audible whirring sound amid ticks and clicks as they move.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth sit dutifully on the packed mud road behind the rear hordes, awaiting Ashley's orders.

"Oh my gods, you two are adorable!" Ashley exclaims a little too loudly and hugs them both, feeling the cold heft of metal, and the warm softness of fur clad flesh.

She breaks out of her gushing dote and looks to the back of the cart. She sees Alice and Cat working and awaits the signal to go.

She takes a nervous breath and then removes her panties and shimmies out of her mamillare, rips off her gloves, boots and stockings, and listens to Yulya's bluff and sermon, ready to run up and help her if they lose interest in her offer.

When she hears the Spellsword's proposition, she readies herself to action and runs toward Yulya.

[Round 1 is next, Ashley reaches Yulya this round but is out of actions this turn.]

[This round, everyone has advantage and the Ranger and Spellsword will not perform any actions this turn due to status: Surprised; however, they rolled initiative in round 2 so they will be taking actions just after you do anyway, it will just be in round 2 instead. It was 1d20+1=19+1=20 for you and 1d20+2=18+2=20 for them, the group with the higher modifier wins according to the rules. So you are now free to enact your plans. Currently Yulya and Ashley don't know the kids are free, and the two enemies will not make a move this turn. This means Yulya doesn't have to distract them any further.]

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Cat proudly shows off her barbarian strength by snapping the chain with ease. She turns to the kids:
We gotta go for a minute Nya! Don't be afraid and try to move south a bit Nya! It's gonna get dangerous here Nya! We'll be back for you Nya!

With a nod to Alice, Cat disappears using stealth and sneaks up to the ranger. She enters rage and attacks him from behind with her claws aiming for his face.

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Alice waves to the children, then uses stealth to quickly approach the spellsword and grapple him from behind, engulfing his head with her slimy body. Skillfully using the force of her impact, she shoves him prone.

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> "I got a better idea, how about you give us two of your team and we let you go; not the little one, she looks off."
Yulya sighs at the insolence of this man
I am afraid I have to decline. Even if I wanted to I have no authority to sell my party members and friends into slavery. But I think they will come to you on their own. May the gods judge you fairly for your actions!

Yulya casts EMBOLDENING BOND on Ashley and Cat

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Yulya casts EMBOLDENING BOND on Ashley and Cat.

Cat advises the children to move south [1d20+1=9 vs DC10] but they just stare up at her with terrified looks of surprise and confusion.

Alice waves goodbye to the children but they're near catatonic and don't respond.

I see cat and Alice coming, furthermore I see the children aren't moving. I send Mr. Bigglesworth their way to distract them. [CHA 1d20+4=15 vs DC10] 

The Children are enthralled by this cyborg cutie, sharing Ashley's abilities to some extent, Mr. Bigglesworth does a little dance on his hind legs and the children are mesmerized. The all crowd around him each wanting a turn to pet and see him up close.

Mr. Bigglesworth purrs like base boosted a sewing machine.

I instruct Velma and Zelda to attack.

Velma and Zelda both attack the Rothés' butts with advantage.

[1d20+4=(12,12),(21,14) vs AC15] Zelda hits for [1d4=3] poison damage.

The farther rothé enrages and jerks the cart forward. Not understanding the situation, the closer rothé momentarily stays put. This invariably causes the cart to jerk to the right.

Roll 6 it works in your favor hitting both men and will do 4d8+4 bludgeoning damage to them, knocking them prone. Then misses the rock and it will take 2 turns to exit the map without intervention.
Roll 5 it hits the Ranger and will do 4d8+4 bludgeoning damage to him, knocking him prone. Then misses the rock and it will take 2 turns to exit the map without intervention.
Roll 4 the cart barely misses the rock, but also misses the men. It will take 2 turns to exit the map without intervention.
Roll 3 both rothés stay attached and both are enraged but the cart breaks against the rock and they are stuck. 10 turns until they break free.
Roll 2 the furthest rothé breaks free, the other is still attached and not enraged, the cart stays put.
Roll 1 both the rothés break free and are enraged.

[1d6=5 wow]

The cart awkwardly jumps forward causing it to careen into the Ranger, a mystical bubble forms around the Ranger caused by his Shield Trigger giving him +5AC until his next turn; however, he is unavoidably hit for [4d8+4=24] damage and is knocked prone. One of his rings shines brightly and a blue aura surrounds him healing him for 12 but a matching ring on the Spellsword glows a red aura equally surrounds the Spellsword causing him 12 HP damage. 


The cart then jolts forward down the road at a charging pace and will exit the map in Round 3 unless intervention is taken.

Seeing what just happened, I'm overjoyed but there's work to do. I momentarily consider if I should use Dampen spirit boosted or just hop up on the cart before the enemy is triggered to rally my pets. I consider it's a wash at this point and go ahead with the plan.

I cast Dampen Spirit Boosted to level 1 on the Spellsword.

Spellsword is Demoralized, has disadvantage on all saving throws and rolls for initiative. Additionally his charisma lowers by 4. 
A forced reroll of initiative for round 2 was triggered [1d20+2=(18,13), 1d20+2=3 vs 1d20+1=17] you will have initiative next turn which means everyone will technically have two turns before they have 1

Ashley's cloak suddenly explodes open revealing a Taiianecro Panther you know as Ashly Panther.

Ashley Panther disengages as a bonus action, moves away out of sight and hides. 
She's as good as invisible to anyone on the scene the rest of this round.

Cat approaches the Ranger with stealth and attacks him with advantage, he's prone as well.
Cat uses Rage.
[1d20+6+1d4=(27,8) vs AC21] Her claws penetrate the hard magic field! 
She does [1d6+4+2=12] 12 damage!
One of his rings shines brightly again and a blue aura surrounds him healing him for 6 but a matching ring on the Spellsword glows a red aura equally surrounds the Spellsword causing him 6 HP damage.


Alice attempts to grapple the Spellsword from behind.
[1d20+5=10 vs DC14 DEX+ACRO] She succeeds to grapple and engulfs his head.

As a bonus action Alice attempts to shove him prone.

[1d20+5=12 vs DC14 DEX+ACRO] She succeeds in knocking him prone.

Mrs. Bigglesworth moves to and attacks the Spellsword. 
[1d20+4=(16,8)] Unfortunately she's unable to breach his plate.

If I missed something or made an error, please let me know. You may go again without any action from them, they are prone and have lost the re-roll for initiative. I couldn't have imagined a better outcome for this round.

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Alice is perplexed by the appearance of Mrs. Bigglesworth. What is this strange cyborg creature? Is this the doing of the winged creature, or even worse, the golden man? She has no time to ponder for now. While grappling the spellsword, she attempts to stab him with her spear in one hand and adds an unarmed strike as bonus action

[according to 2024PHB unarmed strike uses DEX and 1d6 martial arts die]

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Yulya readies herself emotionally, spiritually, and magically. A vision flashes through her mind, one of peace, light and shared friendship but it fades all too fast and the arcane words of Sacred Flame utter uncontrollably through her lips, her hands move on their own, and a radiant light descends down on the Ranger.

[1d20+4=23] Her spell nearly backfires as he adeptly dodges the radiant light. 

Cat continues her relentless attack with advantage on the prone Ranger, digging like a maniac at anything her claws can catch.

[1d20+6+1d4=(22,18) vs AC21] Once again her claws pierce his magically toughened leather and she hits for [1d6+4=6] damage! The shield audibly pops and the ranger stops struggling. [1d20+2=11] His ring glows bright blue, bathing him in a gentle light and healing him for 3 but it's not enough to rouse him, the Spellsword's ring additionally glows a bright red bathing him in an angry red hue, causing him to wince in pain.


Alice positions her spear to strike the prone Spellsword, using her martial arts knowledge and her advantage due to her grappled position, she strikes [1d20+4=(24,22) vs AC17] the gods must approve as she critically hits the prone Spellsword for [1d6+2x2=10] damage!

Ashley Panther emerges from her hiding place, having regrouped and adjusted to her form, she approaches and pounces on the already prone Spellsword, biting him, [1d20+4+1d4=(25,19)] [1d20+4=(19,9) disadvantage due to demoralization] the gods have spoken, she also makes a critical hit with +2 magic damage. These two men never stood a chance. 
[1d6+2+2x2=10] [1d20+4=(16,19) 


A blue aura engulfs the Spellsword, healing him for 4, but it's not enough, he is utterly spent. 

They say the only time you ever see a panther in the wild is when a panther chooses you as her prey, and then it's the last thing you'll ever see. What should have been good odds for TPK with a foolish and deadly encounter, through the luck granted by the gods, has miraculously become a flawless victory.

Ashley grips his neck in her mouth, unwilling to release him. She glances towards the children and notes their distraction is perfect, then rips out his throat, guaranteeing that this Spellsword shall never breath again in this natural life. 

She next jumps to the Ranger and does the same, pushing Cat aside, and with her powerful Jaws performs a death blow, handing his soul to the grim reaper. The look in her eyes seems to say, dead men tell no tales.

She eyes her companions, blood dripping from her panting jaws, then in seconds she strips the Spellsword of his plate armor, clothes, boots, gloves, jewelry and helm, and takes his lifeless corpse in her jaws, and with Adrenaline fueled strength, she runs off East toward the forest.

The ranger lies broken, eyes open and staring to heaven, his blood draining from his open neck into the gravel below.

As everyone is still reeling, in shock that this went so well, Ashley Panther returns, again stripping the Ranger of everything he has and taking his body East to the Forest's tree line.


You will have an hour to collect yourselves before the chance of additional encounters or visitors.

Though minutes pass, Ashley Panther does not immediately return. 

The gentle wind blows as the sound of steel wheels and hooves pounding the gravel road fades into the distance, their cart is long gone along with two enraged Rothés.

Mrs. Bigglesworth smells out the blood of the two men and kicks at the gravel, covering the spilled crimson fluids with fresh gravel, looks up at everyone with a sense of recognition, then runs off toward her equal and the arms of the waiting children who are overjoyed to see another beautifully strange and cuddly friend.

Velma and Zelda buzz around momentarily, floating in the sea breeze, and land gently on the cart.

One of the children glances over, "Where did they go? Hey everyone, they're gone!" The other children slowly come to the realization that they're not only free from the cart, the cart is long gone and so are their two capturers.

Congratulations! You have done not only done what could easily be considered a generous act by saving these children, but most certainly a heroic act and the gods have noticed. There is less evil in the world due to your actions. The party has gained 1600 XP! The gamble has paid off and you have additionally received 1000 AP for your heroic, generous, and barbaric act of banditry against two evil, though likely legally innocent, men.

You all have enough XP and AP to level up! But you will need to find a means to speak with the gods to do it, such as THE ORB at the guild.

Now there are several things that you must consider here in the aftermath of this unbelievable feat:
1. You should consider your next moves, as someone will undoubtedly come by soon, whether a currier or a trader, the High Road is a busy road though other than the blood on Cat's claws and Alice's spear and the deep ruts in the gravel from the accident, there's not much to much to worry about in terms of legal evidence. You should have a story ready anyway as there is one last piece of evidence to worry about, well, other than the pile of blood spattered armor, clothes and gear Ashley Panther so graciously left for you.
2. There are a dozen hungry, exhausted and traumatized children temporarily enjoying the company of two adorable android kittens. They will require food, sleep and healing as well as final disposition as they are still chained to each other 10 girls between the ages of 7 and 11, and 2 boys around 9 years old.
3. Don't you have an active and time sensitive Quest to complete and possible two missing men on horseback? Though the quest has a time sensitive bonus, there was no time limit, so you do not have to necessarily go directly to Phandalin as you've picked up other obligations. Though two men who entrusted you with their shipment, cart and horses may wonder what happened to you as time passes, they will likely understand the reasons, whatever they are. The horses have approximately 160lbs of feed on the cart and they would otherwise require 40lbs of feed per day, they eat at the end of the day. (5cp for 10 lbs. of feed where available).

The loot list will come soon, but for now it would be wise to discuss your options from here.


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> Alice being Alice

Alice is shocked as her prize is unceremoniously carried away by that greedy, mute Panther. Her unnatural connection through her mechanical demigoddess cousin alows her to exactly pinpoint the exact trees her property has been stashed. She further senses Ashley Panther hunting, unregretful and oblivious to your feelings (but you shouldn't take it personally) in the forest nearby, completely disregarding the perfectly good, and plentiful meat she worked so hard to hunt herself without even tasting it !!

Alice considers going for a short walk in the forest and taking Ashley's knife with her.

You may bring back cuts of mystery meat from your foray into the dark woods. Recognizable cuts may have dire consequences. It is better if you bring Cat with you so she can claw the meat off the bones so it looks like a wild animal ate the corpses.

If only Alice goes, she will bring back unprofessional but salvageable chunks of meat equal to 20 lbs per corpse and take two hours each to make it look like an animal gnawed at them. If Cat goes with her, the yield will be 90 lbs of hacked at and clawed meat but very useable meat and only take an hour for both as she will only be taking useable cuts.

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After the flawless victory, Alice has regained some confidence in her own abilities in this pathetic form. Maybe too much. Alice gets up and straightens her clothes which miraculously become clean, just as her spear as she stores it on her back tucked through her obi. Her expressionless fox mask stares into the distance as she addresses her shocked teammate in a monotonous voice.
[dramatic pause]
This is nothing for you, go look after the kids. Give them water and tend to their wounds. We gotta clean up here, then we will prepare some decent food for them. We'll be back soon.
Alice tosses her healing kit to Yulya, then slowly melts to the ground, engulfing the blood soaked loot and the gravel beneath it to remove all evidence of a fight. After the loot is stored in the cart, Alice notices Velma and Zelda sitting on top.
You guys do look vaguely familiar so you're also Ashley's new summons, huh? What the hell happened to her? Well, whatever, you do look much better than that disgusting undead! Guard the cart, Yulya and the children while we are gone!

To her even bigger surprise, Alice realizes she can feel Ashley's presence in the forest. This needs to be investigated but for now it sure is convenient. Alice borrows Ashley's dagger and turns to Cat.
Let's go, I know where we can get our main ingredient back. I will show you a special recipe of mine but I need your help! We need to hurry.''

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Yulya stands motionless in the middle of the carnage. Not sure if she is disappointed or glad her sacred flame had no effect - again. How did it come to this? Was it necessary to kill these men we know nothing about? Was it the right thing to do?

Yulya snaps back to reality when Alice calls out to her. Yes the children! We did all this for them! Yulya catches Alices healing kit and rushes toward them as they surround Ashleys mecha cats. This is a better place to be!
Hello Children! I am Yulya a cleric from Neverwinter! Please don not worry you are safe now. Uhm I only have water and a few candies for you at the moment but my friends are preparing a full meal for you. In the mean time I will try to tend to your wounds and of course remove your shackles. Please bear with it for a little longer! If you do not mind please tell me what happened to you! Where are you from and what were these men doing?
Yulya attempts to divide her 8 candy pieces so that every child gets something doing her best to socialize with the kids

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Cat slowly calms her rage and looks at her bloody paws. Removing this scum from the earth felt good.

Hearing Alice's proposal, Cat raises an eyebrow
Are you sure about this Nya?

Being eaten by children isn't exactly how warrior should end but those two would deserve it. And cooking is fun. Cat quickly regains her cheerful attitude and follows Alice into the forest

''After doing things that should never be told, they emerge with two pots full of meat strips. Cat sets up a fire, gets ingredients from the cart, and soon a delicious meal is being prepared.

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After sending Yulya to go take care of the kids, Alice and Cat go into the forest to harvest their perfectly good, nothing wrong, good for you, meat.


"Hello Children! I am Yulya a cleric from Neverwinter! Please don not worry you are safe now. Uhm I only have water and a few candies for you at the moment but my friends are preparing a full meal for you. In the mean time I will try to tend to your wounds and of course remove your shackles. Please bear with it for a little longer!"

[1d20=18] The children are in much better spirits, especially now that Yulya has come to answer their questions, and they each have a dozen.


After their curiosity has been sated, no less than 10 score questions later, Yulya has tended their scrapes and inspected their wounds. [1d20=15] They're mostly ok, they're physically well. Yulya tells them of the horrible yet fortunate accident and that the men are gone but they must leave as soon as possible so they don't come back. And now it's time for Yulya's question.

"If you do not mind please tell me what happened to you! Where are you from and what were these men doing?"

Now that they're in much better shape and rested, in a good mood thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth and a kind Cleric, and could have no possible knowledge of her true feelings about humans, they're in a better mood to share their story.

12 voices talk over each other and amid the chaos and din, Yulya gleans that they were in a small orphanage in Baldur's Gate, well taken care of by their directoress, but 4 days ago these men approached the orphanage with plans to take over administration. 

First the men came with official looking documents, but the directoress easily saw through them. Then they came with an offer of purchase, when they were rejected they left again and everyone thought for the last time. 

Their directoress assured them they wouldn't be going anywhere. The next morning though, the children awoke to find these two men packing up furniture, lamps, food stores, and everything they had; beds, clothes, personal belongings were next. They were told the directoress sold everything to them and when the children asked where she was, they said she left the city, but the children didn't believe them and protested. That's when the men became aggressive and forced them into chains. 

They also said the youngest and the oldest kids were already gone in the morning but they don't know where they went. The missing included 6 from the ages of 11-14 and 5 from the ages of 2-7.

They say they are worried about them, especially the youngest ones.

Of course you have no obligation to find them and the children understand they're now nowhere near Baldur's Gate.

[1d20+4=(8,17),(10,12)] Ashley Panther arrives arrives with a large boar in her mouth. Dressed, it would have 12lbs of meat. Initially the children are frightened but they see the tag and feel at ease, they understand shapeshifters are also adventurers and are soon crowding around Ashley Panther who graciously lets them pet her without a fuss.


Yada Yada Yada... you obviously decide to head back to the rest area just north of the fork, it's the best place to cook and you're not idiotic enough to just build a fire right in the middle of a road and in the middle of a crime scene.

So Cat loads the pots worth of uncooked meat and the boar into the cart, and Yulya first gets the cart unstuck [1d20=6] it creaks and strains but manages to budge and get unstuck, then turns it around and heads back North, the only sensible course of action given the multitudes of undiscussed circumstances at hand.

After unlocking the shackles with the keys found among the Spellsword's robes, and hiding them in a sack of wheat, The kids crowd on and enjoy the ride north.

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[1d20=17,2,6] You haven't seen anyone on the road but after about an hour of driving, you spot the other cart, it's been abandoned and overturned off the side of the road, the rothés are seen in a far field still hooked to their yokes but broken free of the cart, it's unknown if they're still enraged but they don't seem to mind you passing.


[1d20=9,9] You make it back to the clearing you'd stayed the night before, still unsure and oblivious as to what to do with a dozen kids, but no matter, Cat knows what she's to do and that's cook using a mix of perfectly fine meat, that's no mystery. Soon the pots are boiling over the re-lit fire ring. 

Hanna's out to wonder why you're back and with so many children. "Your party has grown!" She says and waves to the kids.

Being an extrovert with a high charisma, Hanna's soon gotten from them their names, interests, favorite colors and even started a game with them right there in the field.  

> 10 girls between the ages of 7 and 11, and 2 boys around 9 years old
1. Annie (F), 8, likes horses, blue
2. Bethanie (F), 7, likes mecha-cats and violet panthers, purple
3. Daren (M), 10, likes playing games, blue
4. Darla (F), 11, likes writing, brown
5. Kessandra (F), 10, likes drawing, yellow and orange
6. Kyle (M), 9, likes running but not on gravel roads, red
7. Melodie (F), 7, likes playing, Lavender
8. Olivia (F), 10, likes climbing, White
9. Pennie (F), 9, likes counting and singing, Yellow
10. Susan (F), 10, likes animals, Green
11. Tiffany (F), 11, likes good food, Red
12. Violet (F), 8, likes sleeping and is very tired, Periwinkle 

The meals are cooking, the kids are playing with the nice woman from the blue tent, Ashley Panther is lounging on the roof of the cart chewing on boar bones, and it's a fine, partly cloudy day, about 13C.

Obviously you need a plan, so prioritize that next.

Loot table see Loot01.xlsx or attached

In addition there is a small pouch labled ENTRY, REG, MEAL containing 60sp and 80gp, and in the two personal coin pouches of the two men there is 27cp, 35sp and 21gp.

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Alice swallows 100gp and the signet ring to keep them safe in the lolibank. Passing by the toppled cart, Alice tosses the cleaned silver guild tag into the bushes beside the high road.

Arriving at the road stop, Alice takes the glass jar and all waterskins to collect water, then helps Cat cook.

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Yulya is exhausted by the lively kids and glad she can load them off to Hanna. After a short pause she looks at the loot and hides it behind other cargo in the cart. She decides to investigate the prayer book and scrap of paper with the holy text.

When a delicios smell catches her attention Yulya thinks about yanking Ashleys tail hanging down from the top of the cart to wake her up for lunch. But she decides to let her sleep. Yulya joins Cat Alice and the kids around the pot full of stew.
Ohh that smells great Cat! Is that the boar Ashley caught?

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[12:00 14C, clear and sunny with a cool breeze blowing off the ocean. 1d20=14,13, no one has come by yet.]

Nothing was decided yet, but for now food was prepared Ashley Panther slept peacefully on top of her equipment, and Yulya fretted over scraps of parchment as Cat cooked and Alice performed unnatural feats in plain sight.

[1d20=2,18] No one was paying any attention to the mystery meat or it's odd scent, the strange girl eating coins however was noticed by several of the kids who rushed up to see "the magic show"

Several children have noticed Alice eating coins and will require explanation.

Yulya poured over the prayer book first, and upon opening it she realized immediately this was the Spellsword's spellbook.

Someone of proper class and capability who had their own spellbook could copy these spells, Yulya can't, Ashley doesn't have a book, her magic is innate due to her goddess' blessing.

Yulya then tries to decipher the 10 bits of holy text.

[1d20-1 Arcana = 12] She determines these are just random symbols of a torn holy text, words such as, "sacrament, waters, crown" are among the fragments of words but she realizes along with the spells she found in the book and the fact that they were in a component pouch, clearly these were just fodder for a spall, specifically Shield of Faith.

Ashley Awakens and quickly dresses.


She's momentarily confused as to why you're all here and not on the way to Phandalin, but then the battle flashes through her memory and she looks around to see all the children playing.

"It worked, we won! Oh, but what about Gundren..." she has no memory of him or even fuzzy memories "Hey Yulya, we need to go South not North!? What's the plan? They'll be waiting for us, one of us should at least meet up with them and say what's up."

She smells what's cooking and nearly loses her bone and raw organ lunch. "Sorry Cat, but I'll pass."

so what do we do with the spell book if Yulya cant copy the spells and Ashley cant use it either? it shows they were into some trickery. and about this focus things like scraps of paper cant a cleric substitute any focus with a holy symbol? Ashley should at least have a look at the book once the kidds are asleep.

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wrong threada my bad

Yulya enjoys her lunch. She has to stop Alices stunts before they get too weird and then speaks too the kids
Don't forget to thank Cat for this great meal! I know you're starved but do not overeat we need to leave soon!
We are going to Neverwinter. Is that alright with you? We will pay for your entry and registration but we need to find a place for you to stay there. Our mission was to go to Phandalin with this cart so we need to return there. We will consult with the guild and if possible look for your missing friends but we need to finish our mission first!

Cat needs to leave a message for Gundren. What a shameful oversight on my part! I am sorry to bother you but you need to leave with a horse as fast as possible!
We will meet up on the way back or at least in Neverwinter! Take what you need leave the rest in the cart!
Please be careful Cat!

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I look through the loot stash and take a few things.
Okay guys, here's the strategy as I understand it:
1. Cat, take the great sword+1, bow+1 and Half plate, the ring of obscuring would definately come in handy too so you can escape if you have to, then take a horse south and use the convenient chalk you had somehow and mark the rocks for Gundren to read, look for tracks to see if him and his bud have been there recently, they'd have at least gotten back to the main road to look to see if we are coming.
2. I take the Pendant Gem, I could use that.
3. I'll take a look at the Spellsword's Spellbook.
4. We load up the kids and head North, Cat, you'll catch up to us then drive the horses like mad till we're in Neverwinter.
5. We get a bunch of rooms and get the kids settled for the night, then get to the orphanage in the morning and negotiate with them. 
6. Make sure we have enough food for the horses
7. We sell everything we can, the goal is 20gp each to level up. I figure we have about 120 gold if we sell all but that Short Sword. I'll take my cut out of the 120-80 for leveling-whatever else we need to negotiate with the orphanage. I'll do that negotiating by the way.
8. We level up with Freya and tell her everything, she's going to know through the orb anyway.
9. We high tail it back down here in the same day, making sure make it here by tomorrow night.
10. We go to Phandalin like we were supposed to by the day after tomorrow, two days late but there.

Any questions?

I affix the 100+ gold gem where her fake focus is, then takes the book from Yulya and [Arcana 1d20+1=13] yeah, this is his spellbook alright. She then looks through all the pages for obvious identification. [Investigation 1d20+1=16] Nope, sell it. I hand the book back to Yulya.

Let's do this, are we good? Also, where's my cut of the gold? I expect at least 1/8th of the coins they had minus the special marked purse, we probably need that for the kids. My calculation is... 3 gold and 4 copper. I'm not worried about the stuff we can use anymore but if we sell anything after expenses I want 1/8th of that too. I figure it's fair that half of everything we get in loot is for expenses, then everyone gets an eighth. Put your share in the pot or not. Of course if we actually finish this quest, my pay will be mine. Maybe I'll have enough to pay back the guild. It's fair, a golden winged goddess told me so.

Sounds reasonable to me too, make your decisions and actions and I'll forward the scene.

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Ashley, I know you're a pacifist and all bit won't you take the short sword? I mean you're nit gonna let some goblins rape you wothout resistance, right? It's perfect for you!

> sell as much as we can
Isn't this a huge loss just to level up?
We will never get a half plate and longbow for Cat for this price. We can sell something but does everyone have to level up right now? We will have to do the math at the guild.

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> Ashley, I know you're a pacifist and all bit won't you take the short sword?

I can take it and throw it in the ocean, yeah.

> I mean you're nit gonna let some goblins rape you wothout resistance, right?

I'd like to see them try to do that to a panther. Good luck. Well I don't actually want to see that, it just won't end well for them.

> Isn't this a huge loss just to level up?

[You don't have to level up, but it's highly recommended.]

Cat, we got like 1000 gold net sellable in stuff, granted we're using most of it, 80 gold isn't much by comparison. 

> We will never get a half plate and longbow for Cat for this price.

I look with confusion toward the half-plate and two longbows we currently have.

What? Use the +1 bow and plate we have.

> We can sell something but does everyone have to level up right now? 

''Cat, snap out of it babe, what are you even talking about? Yulya wants to get stronger so we can make a difference, the gods demand tithe in exchange, maybe the guild is taking a cut for the service but this is what we do. I know we'll find more loot later, we'll be rolling in funds soon believe me, call it intuition, I can feel it.

[For reference, the combined wealth of SheShe's group is aroound 100 platnum in coin alone after their first real quest. They're about to level up to 3, I don't believe there is a charge for that one but they'll remain Iron Plates until level 4.]

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As Cat is about to leave Yulya sees her off with a worried look.
Take 2 of the potions and 10sp with you. Who knows what you migfht encounter! Try not to get in trouble I pray for your safe return!

After Cat is gone Yulya turns to Ashley
You can take your share of the money from the loot  but please do it before we leave so the kids don't see you!

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Cat prepares her gear. She dons the half plate, takes the great sword, elven longbow and ring of obscuring. She leaves all but 2 rations and also the shovel, hammer, pitons and tent in the cart. Cat takes 2 potions and 10 sp from Yulya
Thanks Nya!
Don't worry, about me Nya! I'm more worried about you without me Nyahaha!

Cat gets on the horse and rides back to the road fork as fast as possible
[Please look at the updated inventory!]

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There may have been an error on the loot sheets. There was 80GP and 60sp in the special purse, but on the loot sheet it may have said 60 gp and 84sp. I don't know why.

After a brief discussion with Ashley and Yulya, Cat gallops away south chalk in hand.
Ashley yells after her, "Use that smoke ring if you get ambushed and just bail! Don't forget to check the tracks!"

Ashley discretely takes 30 silver and 4 copper. And readies the cart by arranging the cargo and placing the bedrolls on the crates to make it more of a large flat landing under the tarp for the children to ride more comfortably.

"Alright kiddos, everyone ready for a ride?"

Annie asks, "where are we going?"

Ashley smiles sweetly, "Neverwinter orphanage! Yay! You'll see, Neverwinter is waaaay better than Baldur's Gate. It's an awesome place and you'll be well taken care of." [Deception 1d20+6=20] the kids cheer and all pile into the cart. Soon they're comfortable and some look ready for an afternoon nap.

Ashley wipes her brow. "Come on Alice, load up, Yulya, put out the fire, it's go time."

Ashley separates the remants of the stew into a full ration and loads it up, and prepares the meat (32lbs) for storage.

"Load 'em up and move 'em out! Let's giddy up! Yulya, run those horses all out, Cat should catch up in a couple hours."

With everyone ready, Yulya coaxes the horses to go and soon they're off on the dusty gravel road north.

Cat gallops down the road, but her horse isn't used to running over long distances and takes 40 minutes to go the 9 miles and makes it to the boulder in 40 minutes.

Cat takes her turn, as well as anyone else who chooses, to, everyone is headed north at [1d20=8] a moderate pace, about the same pace you normally. The horses just don't want to go too fast. Some incentive might help on Yulya's part. [1d20=14][1d6=5]

Yulya's team sees another large cart headed their way.

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Cat arrives near the rock and uses stealth. She carefully checks for signs of an ambush from high road or triboar trail. She looks for tracks or other signs Gundern and Sildar were here before leaving a message at the rock with chalk.
Returned to N
Will be in P 2 days late
Cat isn't good at writing but a paw print as signature guarantees the message is authentic.

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[It is indeed Spring 8th, Saturday 13:00, I had a typo earlier.] 

The approaching cart passes.
[Potential Interaction #1] 

[Stealth 1d20+3=16 for future reference stealth does not work when you're in plain sight, say on an open road.]

[Perception 1d20+3=9] Though cat sees no sign of an ambush, she can't be sure. The dusty gravel road is much as you left it, a skid rut clearly shows the slaver's cart tracks, you can see your own cart's tracks where you turned around. You look at your own tracks, they're light in the crushed stone and you aren't sure if you could make out another set or two but probably not. You move 30 yards down the Triboar Trail, beyond where the cart'd gone, [1d20+3=11] It's pretty clear there's been no traffic through the drying mud, you look for hoof prints and can occasionally catch a pair or two headed down the road, almost surely those of Gundren's horse Nell and Sildar's horse Bess but no sign of them returning this way.

Cat sees another cart coming up the road about a mile south accompanied by another rider in armor that could potentially be a road master.
[Potential Interaction #2]

[1d20=18] Cat successfully marks the rock and heads back North. 
[Cat's Horse 1d20=14, Yulya's team 1d20=18] Cat gallops back north with haste and her horse is warming up to the idea of galloping, and even though Yulya is managing over 4mph, Cat catches up yo her by [14:00]

Cat rejoins the group and [1d20=16] after quickly hooking the horse back up you're well on your way.

At this point the cart is roughly 7 miles north of the stop with 33 miles to go to get to Neverwinter. With the addition of the 4th horse, riled and ready to pull fast, the speed of the cart is a good 4mph.

Expected arrival to Neverwinter's Southwest gate: [22:15] 

Cat takes the reins and encourages the horses as the hours pass. Even into the evening, past dark, she guides the horses further north.

[1d20=13,20] 15 miles [16:00] 
Ashley's keen eyes spot something hanging in a nearby tree. She hops off to investigate and is dumbfounded, she finds another thick walled jar with a cork stopper in new condition just like the other one, 2lbs of sturdy glass worth about 10sp harnessed with a new hide belt (1lb, 5cp) hanging from the tree. What it could possibly be doing there is beyond her but she takes it anyway and runs to catch up to the cart.

You see a road master headed South, he's not the same one you dealt with earlier. He tips his helmet in greeting as you pass.
[Potential Interaction #3]

[1d20=1] 19 miles [17:00] Another 4 miles north, a family of raccoons cross the road ahead.
[Potential Interaction #4]

As the evening overtakes the day, it quickly darkens and the crescent moon offers little help. Knowing a little something about carts, Cat finds and lights the forward cart lamps offering at least a fair view of the road to avoid large rocks or blocks.

[1d20=18,14,19,1] 35 miles [21:00] It's well past dark and the horses are getting restless, Cat's doing her best to keep them going but they're well past their usual stopping point for the day. Though they did get a couple hours rest mid-day they're clearly protesting. You're so close to Neverwinter, the lights of the large city on the cliff are clearly visible in the distance so you push further.

[1d20=1] Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.

Required Interaction: Though you're within sight of the city, 5 miles is 5 miles and you can't budge the cart without the horses help, they're nearly asleep where they stand, blocking the center of the road. The kids are asleep, huddled under the blankets on the bedrolls, and Ashley's also asleep on the roof. A damp wind is lightly blowing in off the water making the air uncomfortably chilly, 9C.

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> Cat sees another cart coming up the road about a mile south accompanied by another rider in armor that could potentially be a road master.
Cat decides to stay hidden and out of trouble

> You see a road master headed South, he's not the same one you dealt with earlier. He tips his helmet in greeting as you pass.
Cat returns the roadmaster's greeting and stops the cart
Greetings Nya!
Cat lets Yulya give the roadmaster a message for Gundren before continuning

> Another 4 miles north, a family of raccoons cross the road ahead
Cat slows the cart so the raccoons can safely pass

> Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.
Poor horses Nya! I am sorry for the detour Nya!
Cat uses animal handling to move the cart to the side of the road out of the way. She gives the horses feed and water from the glass jar and pats them with her paws

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> Cat lets Yulya give the roadmaster a message for Gundren before continuning
As the cart stops Yulya turns to the roadmaster. She hoped Cat would do the talking but sometimes a party leader needs to take responsibility. Yulya sighs and uses persuasion
Sorry to bother you Sir but if you meet Gundren Rockseeker or somebody close to him please tell him we will arrive in Phandalin 2 days later than planned. There was an emergency and we had to turn around at the start of the triboar trail to return to Neverwinter. And please convey our apologies! Thank you for your hard work of keeping the roads safe in these difficult times may the gods bless you!

> Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.
What a blunder so close to our destination! We have used our share of luck for today it seems! Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive.

Alice please keep watch!

Seeing Ashley sleep on the cart in the cold wind, Yulya puts a blanket on her.
You will catch a cold if you sleep up there all night!

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You see a road master headed South, he's not the same one you dealt with earlier. He tips his helmet in greeting as you pass.

Cat cheerfully greets the road master.
> Greetings Nya!

The old man smiles widely.

Yulya awkwardly speaks,
> Sorry to bother you Sir but if you meet Gundren Rockseeker or somebody close to him please tell him we will arrive in Phandalin 2 days later than planned. There was an emergency and we had to turn around at the start of the triboar trail to return to Neverwinter. And please convey our apologies! Thank you for your hard work of keeping the roads safe in these difficult times may the gods bless you!

He stops, takes off his helmet and eyes the cart, seeing children piled in he scratches his beard and peers at Yulya, "Name's Stregren Morningstar, well met. On to Neverwinter? Leaving a little late though I see. Well, my advice is to stay on the road, just keep going, there's been more than a few reports of hostile animals and bandits alike. Yes thanks for the praise but we've got our hands full and praise won't see us though it. What'll help is your safe travels. God speed and don't take any unnecessary turns, get those kids there safely. We're counting on good news, that'll keep us going these dark days." he looks back down the road and sighs. "Any of you see an overturned cart on the way up? I'm headed down to check it out."

Ashley perks up and hops down, "Ashley at your service Steggie, yeah we did in fact, it looked like a wreck alright, the Rothés broke free and are menacing passers by and those things are tough. We just thanked our luck they weren't rampaging. There were no signs of anyone but they might have been hiding. That's all we saw." 
Deception [1d20+6=13]  

''He shakes his head, "Well met Mis Ashley, it just keeps getting worse. Well get to safety as soon as you can. I'll be back this way later tonight, so I might catch back up to you and escort you the rest of the way, Neverwinter has an obligation to reinforce this road."

"Let'em have it Steggie, don't worry about us," Ashley says with a smile and a wink.

He smiles back and with a good day to Cat and Yulya he's off down the road kicking up dust and gravel as his horse gallops with all haste.


Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.

> Poor horses Nya! I am sorry for the detour Nya!
Cat uses animal handling to move the cart to the side of the road out of the way. [1d20+3=10] The sleepy horses reluctantly pull the cart another 20 feet to get to the side of the road with Cat's coaxing and she gives the horses feed and water from the glass jar then pats them with her paws. They're so tired they barely eat, but they manage as horses always do where food is concerned. Soon they're snoozing right where they stand.

> What a blunder so close to our destination! We have used our share of luck for today it seems! Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive.

Cat, is to answer Yulya here and make her choices. Since she's been riding a good portion of the way she can run 5 miles in about an hour if she chooses to.

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> Alice please keep watch!

> Yes ma'am!
Alice grabs her spear and starts patrolling the cart

Seeing Ashley sleep on the cart in the cold wind, Yulya puts a blanket on her.
> You will catch a cold if you sleep up there all night!

Ashley doesn't stir, she's out...

[1d20=1] [1d20=8] [1d4=4] wow [1d6=3]
You're all startled by a group of humanoids dressed all in black robes, coming from behind. They have unknown symbols only visible as they pass near the road lamps. One looks your way as she passes, the expression on her face says she's as surprised to see you as you are her. Three of their hooded forms pass by without a word and they're gone. They seem to have come out of the mist, unheard and unexpected, and return to the mist just as quickly.

State what you'll do with your time. Assuming Cat leaves Yulya and Alice have some time to contemplate their near miss with whoever passed among other things. The story will pick up when Cat answers.

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> Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive.
Nyahaha of course!
Been sitting for too long today Nya this is a nice evening walk Nya! I'll hurry Nya! And I'll use that smoke ringy-thingy if there's trouble Nya!
'Cat rushes off to Neverwinter'

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"Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive." Yulya asks to her faithful friend.

"Nyahaha of course! Been sitting for too long today Nya this is a nice evening walk Nya! I'll hurry Nya! And I'll use that smoke ringy-thingy if there's trouble Nya!"
And with that she rushes off to Neverwinter

With her keen night vision, even with very little light, she's able to keep the road in sight, even starlight is enough to guide her. She sees no sign of the cloaked humanoids or anyone else as she runs the High Road in the last leg to Neverwinter. The city looms in the distance, its light house like a diamond shining in the night.

Cat pushes herself, running flat out, [1d20=16] and given the importance of the matter she's able to reach the gates by 22:00.

They're well lit, and unguarded and utterly closed. 
[Perception 1d20+3=10]

Though she can't make out any words, her sensitive ears can just make out a faint conversation beyond the door. There's no sign or otherwise marking of a reason for the closure other than it's well into the night and even guards need rest. There doesn't seem to be an emergency at least.

Action Required of Cat: Cat can decide what to do next here.


As Cat leaves, Yulya and Alice contemplate their next moves.
[Possible actions #1]

[22:00 1d20=19]
You hear the tell tale sound of hoofbeats in the distance to the south and a light wreathed in dust approaches. It seems to pick up the pace as it gets nearer. It's too far to make out but obviously someone on horseback.

[Required action]

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> Cat pushes herself, running flat out, and given the importance of the matter she's able to reach the gates by 22:00.
> They're well lit, and unguarded and utterly closed.
> Though she can't make out any words, her sensitive ears can just make out a faint conversation beyond the door. There's no sign or otherwise marking of a reason for the closure other than it's well into the night and even guards need rest. There doesn't seem to be an emergency at least.
Cat wastes no time and knocks on the door
Apologies Nya!
I'm Cat an adventurer from Neverwinter Nya! I have to report to the guild and Freya Nya! Please let me in Nya!

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Cat knocks on the gate and calls out to anyone who might hear.

A small hatch opens in the gate and Cat pushes her plate instinctively towards it.

She hears heavy thuds and clinks then the creaking of a large door cracks open. The gate opens a sliver, enough for her to slip through.

A tall thin guard in full plate checks her plate under lamp light then holds the lamp to her eyes. She removes her helmet and asks with a soft but commanding voice, "You're not a dragon are you? Cat ears, paws, eyes, no, no dragon would masquerade as catfolk, come in. You shouldn't travel the roads at night. Did the road master pass you? We're asking of anyone's seen anything strange, beasts, bandits, dragons, have you?"

[Required interaction]

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> You're all startled by a group of humanoids dressed all in black robes, coming from behind. They have unknown symbols only visible as they pass near the road lamps. One looks your way as she passes, the expression on her face says she's as surprised to see you as you are her. Three of their hooded forms pass by without a word and they're gone. They seem to have come out of the mist, unheard and unexpected, and return to the mist just as quickly.
Yulya freezes unable to act or speak. Only when they are gone she is glad and thanks Eldath and SheShe with a prayer that they were not hostile. Yulya tries to remember the symbols she saw.
What was that all about? Alice did you also not notice them? What a great skill! If they go to Neverwinter there must be a way to enter the city. I hope Cat can make it.
But what do we do? If they dont send us a cart here we may not be able to get to Neverwinter until morning. I do not know how long the horses need to rest but looks like we will be here a couple of hours. Thats dangerous.

Yulya decides to rest a bit herself while Alice continues her watch but  an hour later is startled by the sound of horses approaching.
Who is that? Is it the Roadmaster?
Yulya gets ready to wake up Ashley if needed.

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> You're all startled by a group of humanoids dressed all in black robes, coming from behind. They have unknown symbols only visible as they pass near the road lamps. One looks your way as she passes, the expression on her face says she's as surprised to see you as you are her. Three of their hooded forms pass by without a word and they're gone. They seem to have come out of the mist, unheard and unexpected, and return to the mist just as quickly.
Alice is impressed by their skills and raises a hand as greeting, also glad they don't want any trouble.

> What was that all about? Alice did you also not notice them? 
Nope, what am I even patrolling for!
''Fired up by the competition, Alice decides to practice her stealth skills. She takes off her revealing white Yukata and mask and leaves them in the cart. A shapeless form silently lurks in the underbrush along the edge of the road, occasionally creeping back and forth to observe the road on both sides of the cart.

> Alice!
> Who is that? Is it the Roadmaster?
Alice tries to determine whether the approaching rider is the roadmaster they met hours earlier before replying and potentially giving away her position. She readies her bow just in case there are signs of hostility.

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"Alice! Who is that? Is it the Roadmaster?""
Yulya gets ready to wake up Ashley if needed.

Alice tries to determine whether the approaching rider is the roadmaster

Indeed it is! He quickens his pace as he sees the stalled cart. When he reaches them he realizes he's startled Yulya.

"Oh, pardon my intrusion. I knew you left too late, horses aren't machines you know, they need care and rest as well," he lectures, "well I have no choice now but to stay with you. The High Road has become more dangerous by the day." He shows the trader's plate to Yulya, "Do you know what this is? No trader would just drop it," he reads "Yalen von Brassels, good lord he's the son of a Darren von Brassels, a prominent Marquess of Baldur's Gate." he frets "We'll never hear the end of this, the relations between Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter was never that great to begin with. This could cause rising tensions to boil over. Let's prey it doesn't come to war. Not now, now with everything else going on here. We may have to put an armed guard on every shipment. This, only days after the son of the Duke of Neverwinter, Ferdinand Holden's sizeable bank shipment was seized by bandits. If they weren't out of hand before, this proves they're beyond us. This plate was his only means of survival, his livelihood!"

The frazzled road master unloads his worries on Yulya.

Ashley awakens to the booming sound of an old man. She peers over the top of the cart and sees Yulya shrinking as the man spouts on about his troubles. She recognizes him as Steggie. [Perception 1d20+1=2] She thought she saw something in the bushes on the side of the road, but it must have been the wind.

The old man's complaining drone seems to be reaching a cacophony and Ashley is lulled back to sleep.

[1d20+4=20] Yulya keeps her cool, not looking suspicious at all. This makes the road master even more comfortable to gab on about his troubles.

The children are dead tired and even if they're awakened, they fall directly back to sleep.

"What do you think could have happened to them? The cart was filled with various sundries of little value, everything of value must have been taken." He shakes his head. "We'll have to do more thorough inspections, perhaps even interrogations, someone has to know something. We can't let anyone else come to harm." His paranoia is peeking and he looks to Yulya for support and answers. "First, bandits, then dragons, now even the bodies aren't left behind, could a Dragon have done this? Did you know dragons can take human form?! You or I or any one of those kids could be the very dragon. Say, about those kids..."

Expected response. No rolls will be necessary if you're careful in your wording as he's already comfortable. So please answer his concerns about bandits, conjecture about an overturned cart, missing bodies, and the dozen children sleeping in your cart.

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> "You're not a dragon are you? Cat ears, paws, eyes, no, no dragon would masquerade as catfolk, come in. You shouldn't travel the roads at night. Did the road master pass you? We're asking of anyone's seen anything strange, beasts, bandits, dragons, have you?"
Cat is overjoyed she made it into the city and shows it, gesticulating wildly releasing a waterfall of words
Nyahaha thank you very much!
Nyo I'm Tabaxy Nya no draon Nya but we saw one last night Nya at the rest stop Nya we spotted it first Nya the horses were acting strange Nya it was huuuge Nya surrounded by some darkness magic thingy Nya only saw green eyes Nya it had such power Nya we couldn't even move Nya I'm a warrior Nya but even I was terrified, terrified Nyaaa it paralyzed everyone and everything Nya then it dragged away an entire ox Nya we only heard it eat Nya, tore the poor animal apart Nya!
Cat makes a crunching sound with her paw knuckles
Then it flew off Nya whooosh Nya!
Cat thrown her paws in the air and jumps, imitating the dragon

'It could have killed us all Nya we almost attacked it with bow and arrow not knowing what it is Nyahaha crazy Nya that would have ended badly Nya I had never seen a dragon before Nya only heard stories Nya they are crazy crazy strong Nya I'll never forget what I saw Nya! But they can turn into humans too Nya? I didn't know that Nya!

Oh yeah the roadmaster Nya saw him go south Nya in the afternoon Nya what was his Name again Nya something with -star at the end Nya don't remember Nya but he was nice Nya!

So thanks again Nya gotta go to the guild Nya we have a cart full of kids stranded out there Nya 5 miles outside the gate Nya I ran here to report Nya! They're in danger Nya! See ya Nya!

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Alice decides to stay hidden in the nearby bushes so she isn't mistaken for a dragon disguising as a human and listens to the conversation between Yulya and the roadmaster. Also she is completely naked. If this poor man knew the flesh of the missing noble was both in the back of the cart and our stomachs...

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Cat assails the guard with a flurry of Nyas.

> something with a star at the end.

"Morningstar, yes okay good."

> See ya Nya!

She's not sure all of her questions were answered and more questions were raised but takes the report of danger to heart and works to get someone to go check it out. She notes the name on the plate "Cat" and decides she will follow up if necessary with the guild.

This guard has decided to send a team with horses south to help the stranded cart before the morning rush.

Cat quickly makes it to the Guild, it is in fact open till midnight and Freya is in.

Cat may enter and approach Freya as she wishes. Cat, put down as many questions and comments and confessions as you wish, Freya will likely pull you in the back room as the conversation progresses.

There is one other group of Adventurers in and Freya is sitting with them discussing current topics--they seem concerned. You recognize one of them as none other than Brutus. They technically haven't noticed you yet.

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Yulya sighs both relieved the approaching rider was the roadmaster and terrified he is showing her the plate of the man her party just killed and riddling her with questions. This cannot be real it must be a bad dream. What is it with roadmasters causing her such trouble? Oh yes they are humans! Yulya thinks about her cabin and swimming in crystal clear lakes. She speaks her mind to relieve stress hoping not to spill anything
I am glad its you Sir good to see you!
We are quite in a pinch. My party split to get help from Neverwinter and an hour ago we were surprised by a group of black robed people that came out of nowhere and disappeared again. They were not hostile but it was a shock. What a place to be stranded and this without our partys main fighting force. This is my first day of driving a cart and to be honest our very first quest as adventurers.
Yulya showns him her brand new copper plate

Yesterday a puma jumped on our cart from behind and we also witnessed that dragon. What a day! You say they can turn into humans too? Have there been such incidents? It did have extremely powerful magic. I wish I had such but I am not a dragon but a mere lv1 cleric. Yet I think I know some spells even a dragon cannot learn without the blessing of the gods.

Yulya keeps staring at the merchant plate
The son of a marquis you say? Is it not odd? What was he doing on such a mediocre cart? We did not get a good look at the cargo but it looked like furniture and household supplies. Is this man really that high ranking? Pardon my ignorance I lived as a hermit until recently. Only the increase in danger forced me to seek refuge in Neverwinter and become an adventurer. So I know nothing about the nobility of Baldurs gate. Did you know this man personally?

By the way did you manage to deliver my message to Sir Gundren or one of his acquaintances? We were on the way to Phandalin when we picked up these children in distress. They said they were from an orphanage but men came and took them away by force. They were chained and completely exhausted so we do not know the full story. It will take a while until they recover but it looks like illegal slavery. We turned around to bring them to Neverwinter hoping the guild can arrange something for them. That is why our horses became exhausted. We hoped we could make it back - we could not just leave the kids out there on the road right? And taking them to Phandalin would have been too dangerous. Even if we have to pay their entrance fee to the city we will bring them to safety. But we need to inform Sir Gundren about our detour.

You know when we left Neverwinter some of the many refugees stranded outside the city approached our cart. A woman with children that were starving. Sir Gundren gave them enough money to enter Neverwinter and register with the guild. Even promised to check on them after his return. He is a great man and we wish to follow his example. There are still good people even in these difficult times so we must not lose hope! We must try our best to return this world to order and peace! This is my mission!
Yulya is surprised actually shocked she managed to talk herself into an inspiring sermon. But she may have said more than she wanted to.

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> I am glad its you Sir good to see you!
Yulya details her experience so far and shows him her brand new copper plate

> Yesterday a puma jumped on our cart from behind and we also witnessed that dragon. What a day! You say they can turn into humans too? Have there been such incidents? 

He nods, listening intently, "unsubstantiated, but we were briefed this morning to be on the lookout for a humanoid who may be a dragon in polymorphed form. How are we supposed to know that? How can we tell? They didn't answer, no one knows if it's even real!" He throws up his hands in frustration,'' "I have actual banditry and actual dragons to worry about."

> It did have extremely powerful magic. I wish I had such but I am not a dragon but a mere lv1 cleric. Yet I think I know some spells even a dragon cannot learn without the blessing of the gods.

"Well I would say mind your magic and let it not be used for evil purposes. Banditry, theft, murder, these are capital crimes! We're blessed to have new adventurers still coming out of the wild. The gods may yet be on our side."

Yulya keeps staring at the merchant plate as his hand gesticulates with every word.

> The son of a marquis you say? Is it not odd? What was he doing on such a mediocre cart?

"The mind of the nobility is not my mind, I can't say what he'd be doing, why he'd leave the safety and luxury of the court, though nobility is known to travel between the two cities, the items were certainly puzzling, and the cart itself was impressive, stout, but old, it's not typical. Nobility wouldn't have rothés either, he must have procured passage, perhaps traveling in secret? Perhaps to avoid something or someone, their politics run deep. I would guess he was told to lay low for a while and chose to travel to Neverwinter but such an elaborate cart just to tow sundries is a mystery. There must have been something very valuable. A broken chain in the back tells me they were towing something, but what?" he looks down, puzzled. 

> Only the increase in danger forced me to seek refuge in Neverwinter and become an adventurer. So I know nothing about the nobility of Baldur's gate. Did you know this man personally?

"Only by name, we're briefed on the dignitaries and instructed specifically to guard them, I missed him by hours if not minutes! If I had only been a little faster..." He looks distraught.

> By the way did you manage to deliver my message to Sir Gundren or one of his acquaintances? 

"No one by that name or anyone I'd recognize I'm afraid."

> We were on the way to Phandalin when we picked up these children in distress. They said they were from an orphanage but men came and took them away by force. 

> They were chained and completely exhausted so we do not know the full story. 
[Deception 1d20+2=18]

"How could you know? This is a complete mystery even to me and this is my calling."

> It will take a while until they recover but it looks like illegal slavery. We turned around to bring them to Neverwinter hoping the guild can arrange something for them.
[Persuasion 1d20+4=13 vs DC13]

> That is why our horses became exhausted. We hoped we could make it back - we could not just leave the kids out there...

Yulya continues to tell him about what happened. 

Something piqued his interest, "Illegal trafficking," he mutters. "Where did you find them exactly and how were they disposed? This may explain a few things..." He pondered, wondering and awaiting your response.

Yulya must answer as to where they were left and how were they disposed as in were they free or restrained. He obviously suspects a connection. [1d20=7] He's lost a little confidence in your tale because you didn't respond to his request for conjecture on the overturned cart and missing bodies but won't press you further on it. Be careful to address all his concerns.

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Cat spots Freya and Brutus and rushes to them gesticulating wildly as usual
Nyaa Freya!
And Brutus Nya!
Good you are here Nya we need some help Nya!
Cat is out of breath and spills her story in short fragments full of Nyas
We're back Nya!
But in trouble Nya had to turn around Nya picked up a dozen children Nya at Triboar trail Nya couldn't go on Nya and Gundren was gone Nya went back to the stop Nya then I rode back again to leave a message Nya for Gundren Nya and then we tried to get back here together Nya but the horses are tired Nya broke down before the city Nya cart is stuck there Nya ran here Nya but the others are still out there Nya the guard let me in Nya thought I was a dragon Nya we saw the dragon Nya it was huuge Nya...

Cat aburuptly pauses, stops gesticulating, and her dramatic pose shrinks, her tail and ears droop
...and Nyaa other bad things happened Nya...
Cat looks to Freya for help with big kitty eyes

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The charismatic display of goodness Yulya has talked herself into shatters like glass. Yulya shrinks back thinking to herself:
Oh god why? What do you want to hear from me! Ashley help me out instead of sleeping!

Yulya sighs and continues her story staring into the darkness while dissociating from the world further and further
Indeed we found the children on the high road near the road fork to the Triboar trail. They were chained together with shackles at necks and feet but our Cat managed to easily break the chain with her strength and free the kids.

Now that you mention it there were some deep ruts at the road fork where we spotted these children. Maybe the toppled cart and the children are connected. Maybe there was an accident with the rothè and the cart left the children behind? In this case the perpetrators would likely flee back to where they came from I suppose instead of getting caught near their cart. Did you see signs of a fight? We did not inspect the toppled cart because of the rothé that had broken free. We had an unpleasant encounter with an enraged rothé at the Neverwinter gate just yesterday and had to take it down with the help of the guards. On our own we would have no chance against two of those beasts if they got enraged. I guess they would have defended their master to the end. That makes it less likely there was a fight. Maybe they had additional horses and fled taking their valuables with them?

No matter how you look at it it was an odd incident. What would anyone do with chained children and furniture? We saw lots of reading lamps. Let alone a noble? Would it be possible that bandits stole or robbed this plate from its original owner? I cannot reconcile the image of the son of a marquis and this toppled rothé cart and its mundane cargo. What if some bandit was impersonating the marquis son with this plate? Or even worse what if a dragon was impersonating him and dropped this plate when it returned to its original form and flew off? Who knows what dragons are scheming and what they might do with children!
Yulya plays her final trump cart blaming everything on the humanoid shapeshifter dragon

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Cat spots Freya and Brutus and rushes to them gesticulating wildly as usual. She sees others too, some she's never seen before.

Frey is sitting at the table with three other adventurers, two of which she hasn't formally met.
"Cat? You're back! So how did-"

> Nyaa Freya!
> And Brutus Nya!
> Good you are here Nya we need some help Nya!
Cat is out of breath and spills her story in short fragments full of Nyas
> We're back Nya!
> But in trouble Nya had to turn around Nya picked up a dozen children Nya at Triboar trail Nya couldn't go on Nya and Gundren was gone Nya went back to the stop Nya then I rode back again to leave a message Nya for Gundren Nya and then we tried to get back here together Nya but the horses are tired Nya broke down before the city Nya cart is stuck there Nya ran here Nya but the others are still out there Nya the guard let me in Nya thought I was a dragon Nya we saw the dragon Nya it was huuge Nya...
Cat aburuptly pauses, stops gesticulating, and her dramatic pose shrinks, her tail and ears droop.

Freya listens intently but only understands bits and pieces.

"We need to alert the city guard, they'll hel-"

> ...and Nyaa other bad things happened Nya...
Cat looks to Freya for help with big kitty eyes.

"Well, now let's calm down Cat, we can sort this out, the night's still young."
She gestures, "Cat, this is Brutus, Kessandra, and Grœt, everyone, this is Cat part of a team of four newly initiated.''

"Yes, I'd never forget a fellow Barbarian!" Brutus says proudly. "Are you ready to spar yet?" He chuckles.
"It's a pleasure Cat, though I wish it was better circumstances and I hope you can come to a resolution to your stuck cart." Kessandra says with a kind, silky tone.

"Excuse him, he lost a bet recently and is still sore about it. So, let's figure this out," Brutus says with a friendly tone.

"Excuse us Brutus et. al., I would like to speak to her in private first, better that we don't involve anyone in things that might get sticky." Freya's intuition was pinging her to take this carefully.

"We'll be happy to help if needed," Kessandra said.

"You're quite the chatterbox this evening Grœt," Kessandra said to him.

Freya escorted Cat to a back room, magically dampened for sound and listened to everything Cat had to say again. She paid carful attention and didn't detect any lies or deception.

"I see, so what exactly did you do, please do not leave out any details, you're safe here with me. I could care less about laws, I only have one obligation in this room and that's about whether what has happened was evil or not. Even then, circumstances matter." Freya had an inkling that something bad happened.

Cat, you can summarize and skip as you see fit, but tell Freya anything you thinks she should know in this private room.

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> Oh god why? What do you want to hear from me! Ashley help me out instead of sleeping!

"Zzzzzzzzz z z zzz"

> Indeed we found the children on the high road near the road fork to the Triboar trail. They were chained together with shackles at necks and feet but our Cat managed to easily break the chain with her strength and free the kids. 
[Deception 1d20+2=4]

Stregren strokes his beard with growing concern. [Strike 1]

> Now that you mention it there were some deep ruts at the road fork where we spotted these children. Maybe the toppled cart and the children are connected. Maybe there was an accident with the rothé and the cart left the children behind? In this case the perpetrators would likely flee back to where they came from I suppose instead of getting caught near their cart. 
[Deception 1d20+2=6]

Stregren eyes Yulya cautiously. [Strike 2]

> Did you see signs of a fight?

"Not as such, should I have?"

> We did not inspect the toppled cart because of the rothé that had broken free. We had an unpleasant encounter with an enraged rothé at the Neverwinter gate just yesterday and had to take it down with the help of the guards. On our own we would have no chance against two of those beasts if they got enraged. I guess they would have defended their master to the end. That makes it less likely there was a fight. Maybe they had additional horses and fled taking their valuables with them?

[Deception 1d20+2=14 vs DC13]
He nods, listening to her words but his mind is elsewhere.

> No matter how you look at it it was an odd incident. What would anyone do with chained children and furniture? We saw lots of reading lamps. Let alone a noble? Would it be possible that bandits stole or robbed this plate from its original owner? I cannot reconcile the image of the son of a marquis and this toppled rothé cart and its mundane cargo. 
[Deception 1d20+2=6]

He's no longer paying any attention to Yulya's rambling as he considers the possibilities. His trust in Yulya has eroded. 

> What if some bandit was impersonating the marquis son with this plate? Or even worse what if a dragon was impersonating him and dropped this plate when it returned to its original form and flew off? Who knows what dragons are scheming and what they might do with children!
[Deception and Persuasion 1d20+4=18]

"The dragon, yes, this is all falling into place. Why would they even mention a shapeshifting dragon, it must be the dragon! They could never expect us to protect against a dragon. His eyes brighten momentarily then you can see fear in his eyes as he looks at you. He looks in on the children and nods, seeing the deception in Yulya's eyes he suspects her involvement but there are many ways of dealing with this, especially given the circumstances. He leans in and whispers seriously to Yulya, "It was the dragon right," he points at Yulya and nods. Then puts his finger to his lips to shush any further words from Yulya. "The dragon has taken them." He nods slowly. "And you rescued these children. No... It was obviously an accident." He swallows and looks up at the stars, closing his eyes and seemingly saying a little prayer, he looks back down at Yulya, 
[Persuasion, 1d20+4=15]

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"So you're saying, you believe a dragon spooked the rothés, those skittish beasts are easily spooked, and then you rescued the children, thereby needing to turn around and bring them to safety. Risking your own lives and reputations." His breath indicates he's nervous. "Did you know, there's a real problem with trafficking lately, it's been a point of growing tensions lately, there's a demand for slaves, human children specifically, and far be it from me to understand the motivations of a Marquis' son other than coin, the nobility love their coin." His expression turns dark as he rubs his hands together. He seems to mutter to himself, "Even a dragon would know this," he turns back to Yulya, "Surely not all dragons are bad, surely they have intelligence and the capacity for decency, Dragonborns for instance, and if such a dragon could say, have mercy on the guards and innocent victims and concentrate her bloodlust on slavers and trafficker's" He chooses his words carefully, you notice his hands are shaking, he takes a stunted breath, "no witness no crime," he looks like he's gesturing to himself as if having an argument internally. After a few moments he smiles nervously. "Such a..." he blows out a breath, "such circumstances couldn't be blamed on anyone. Not the least of which guards or innocent adventurers."

He looks to you hopefully, "Is that what you're saying?"     

Yulya, response required

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> He looks to you hopefully, "Is that what you're saying?" 
Yulya has turned into a statue staring into the distance and is barely able to move a muscle. She puts all focus on suppressing her shaking.
Y-yes I-it seems plausible no? You are a wise man Mr. Morningstar. We are blessed to have people like you to weed out the evil that is so plentiful these days.

> "So you're saying, you believe a dragon spooked the rothés"
Dragons exist in all shapes and sizes and surely they have different goals and alignments. Maybe some can even be considered Good or at least useful if our goals happen to align? But what would I know of the motivation of dragons? Or nobles? Only the gods know what they are up to. I am a mere peace cleric and my first concern lies on bringing these children to safety. Whoever tried to enslave them or why is another matter. We have the funds to pay for their entrance and registration but we need to find a safe place for them to stay - safe from enslavement!

> "Did you know, there's a real problem with trafficking lately, it's been a point of growing tensions lately, there's a demand for slaves, human children specifically."
Yes even us greenhorns noticed at the guild. What shameful display. I wish we could make this inhumane practice stop. I may be an idealist but I think even nobles could find better means to increase their riches. Slavery only brings tragedy. Not just to slaves but also the slavers in the end.
Yulya falls silent staring into the darkness

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He nods and winks at you then he looks over at the dead asleep horses and speaks with determination, "You know, I bet old Sandie could tow this cart 5 miles." He pets his horse and as if confirming she bobs her head and snorts. "Not that she could do it all day, but five miles is easy." He pats her nose, "you up for it old gal? I'll help you."

He motions to Yula, "help me unharness these horses, we'll rope 'em up behind and let Sandie give it a try."

He's keen on helping you get the rest of the way to Neverwinter before something else happens. If you can manage to help he will take that as a good sign of cooperation. Technically it's not ok to stay on the road overnight.

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Cat more or less repeats the summary she gave the guard about the dragon incident but less lively and enthusiastic
So then next day everything was great Nya we went to the fork to Triboar trail Nya Gundren Nya and Sildar Nya went ahead on their horses Nya but just as we entered the trail Nya we saw a cart on the high road Nya going north Nya with 2 rothé Nya  it was full of household stuff Nya and lamps Nya very strange Nya but worst of all it had a dozen little childen in tow Nya well dressed but in chains Nya around their tiny necks and feet Nya.
Cat dramatically grabs her neck and ankles with her paws
The cart was gong fast Nya it dragged the children behind Nya it was horrible Nyaa!
There were 2 guys on it Nya well equipped Nya Yulya was driving the cart Nya it got stuck a bit Nya so we got off Nya and Ashley tried to stop that cart Nya Yulya thought we could give the kids some rest Nya if we pretended to need help Nya I didn't think it would work Nya but they stopped and got off Nya they were very shady Nya treated the kids badly Nya and whispered to each other Nya about taking us too Nya and returning Nya didn't hear where to Nya but they looked evil Nya like slavers Nya so Alice and me decided to free the kids Nya break the chains that hooked them to the cart Nya while Ashley and Yulya distracted them Nya Yulya asked for help with the cart Nya but they told her to give Ashley and me to them Nya as slaves Nya can you imagine Nya?
I managed to break the chain Nya it was easy Nya but then things got ugly Nya we had to do something Nya they had good equipment and looked skilled Nya we'd have no chance against them in an open fight Nya Ashley summoned some cool flying thingies Nya and made them sting the rothé Nya in the butt Nya!
Cat slaps her own butt
So the rothé went nuts Nya and the cart raced off Nya hit one of the guys Nya and thats when we attacked them Nya Alice and me Nya with Yulya's support Nya and Ashley turned into a Panther Nya I dont really remember much Nya everything turns hazy when I fight Nya but we killed them both Nya and Ashley dragged them off Nya into the forest Nya we took their equipment Nya look at my gear Nya that armor sword and bow Nya. Also that ring that makes fog Nya they had a lot more Nya one of them had some silver merchant guild plate Nya and a ring with some symbol Nya I'm afraid he was a noble Nya nobody saw us Nya we were quick Nya there were no withesses Nya and Alice cleaned up all traces Nya but I'm still worried Nya!
Cat conveniently skips the part about cooking and eating the corpses and feeding them to the children. A chef's recipes are well-guarded secrets

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Nyaa I'm sorry Freya Nya we didn't want to cause trouble Nya but we couldn't leave these kids be treated like that Nya and risk being enslaved ourselves Nya we abandoned our mission Nya couldn't continue to Phandalin with the children Nya Gundren wasn't there Nya he doesn't know what happened Nya he's probably looking for us Nya I left a message on a rock for him Nya that we went back to Neverwinter Nya we went back to the rest stop Nya saw their cart overturned with the rothé broken free Nya and then back here Nya but it was too much for the old horses Nya and carrying a dozen kids Nya they couldn't make it back Nya and our cart got stranded Nya 5 miles out from the city Nya the guard said she would send someone Nya she was nice Nya but I'm worried Nya without me they're not much of a fight Nya!

So what do we do Freya Nya? With the kids Nya? The bad guys had enough money so we can bring them into the city Nya they had some special purse Nya said something about enter register and eat Nya it was strange Nya and the kids said they were from Baldur's Gate Nya from an orphanage Nya but the guys came and tried to buy it Nya when the orphanage refused they took them away in chains Nya they say the headmaster and some older kids are missing Nya we should investigate this Nya you should hear the kids out Freya Nya I don't like lying Nya it only causes trouble Nya but we can't tell anyone about what happened Nya if that man really was a noble Nya they will come after us if they find out Nya I already lost my entire tribe because of such things Nya I don't wanna lose my friends too Nya please help us Freya Nya!

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Yulya almost cries out of relief
Thank you Sir that would be a great help! I will try my best but I am not used to handling horses. I wish Cat was here but she went ahead to Neverwinter to report our situation!

Yulya clumsily tries to unharness the horses in the dark

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While Yulya and the roadmaster are busy with the horses, Alice stealthily approaches the cart from behind and creeps inside. An amorphous alien shape looms over the children. Alice singles out Tiffany who is noticeably taller than the other girls and also has blonde hair. She is smaller than the girl Alice usually poses as but not by much. Good enough as replacement Alice
Sorry kiddo but 5gp are 5gp...

Tentacles encroach the sleeping child and Alice carefully dresses Tiffany in her Yukata so that the adventurer's tag is clearly visible. She places the Kitsune mask on Tiffany's head before retreating to the underside of the cart as silently as she came.
Neverwinter here we come!
One roadmasters, 3 adventurers and 11 children. Certainly nobody who could be a shapeshifting dragon among them, inspect them as thorough as you like!
Alice laughs to herself

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> they told her to give Ashley and me to them Nya as slaves Nya can you imagine Nya?
Freya takes note, her expression is one of mild shock.

> Cat conveniently skips the part about cooking and eating the corpses and feeding them to the children. A chef's recipes are well-guarded secrets
Freya is very distracted by the Nyas, too distracted to even notice any trace of a need for this detail. 

> So what do we do Freya Nya? With the kids Nya? 

"Mmh, mhm," she nods as she's thinking "there are several orphanages in Neverwinter, there shouldn't be a problem getting them placed tomorrow, what's important is they're safe, and we have plenty of room here for them tonight."

> The bad guys had enough money so we can bring them into the city Nya they had some special purse Nya said something about enter register and eat Nya it was strange

She smiles kindly, "well this is good... I suppose," she thinks again back to the bigger issue at hand, killing a member of the nobility.

> we can't tell anyone about what happened
Freya nods with agreement and equal concern. She holds her hand under her chin, thinking hard.

> they will come after us

"Witnesses!" She says abruptly, "Did you have any witnesses?"
[Required response #1]

> I don't wanna lose my friends too
Freya puts he hand gently on Cat's shoulder, "I won't let that happen, it won't happen period."

> please help us Freya
"Of course. Just relax. If the guards said they are sending help for the cart, that's taken care of, that's what they do. So, I will prepare a few rooms for 12, I'll keep the guild open late and prepare a midnight snack for everyone, the kids will love it, and then we'll get a couple tubs ready with hot water to clean the road grime off them, get them all cozy and clean in their rooms and you too of course, and tomorrow we have all day to figure it out once we're all well rested. The guild is closed Sundays, but I live here so I can help out tomorrow with strategies and everything else you need, like your own personal assistant. Say nothing to anyone else, follow my lead."

She opens the door and ushers Cat out. When they return to the guild hall Brutus and his team are helping clean up.

"Oh you saints, I can't believe it. Let's leave a couple tables open, we're going to have guests. Honeybun, we need that abominably adorable charisma of yours to help Cat this evening. If you want to help, go with Cat back to her cart, it's likely they'll already be on the move north via the guard horses. Please do whatever needs done and I'll have a special treat for you when you get back."

Brutus's eyes lit up like a schoolboy. In a gravely yet enthusiastic voice he says, "Is it my birthday? I feel like I'm getting presents."

"Kess, and Grœtiekins, can you two help me ready a few rooms and get tubs moved and readied? I'll need to do some cooking, we're expecting... 12,13, 16? 16 guests, many of them children."

Kessandra and Grœt both seem to understand what to do and immediately get to work.

"Room 202, 203, open them up together... aaaand 205 6, 6, and 4," Freya looks excited, "Cat, just tell them where to come and help bring the kids here safely." 

She moves to Brutus and puts her hand daintily on his ample chest, "Honeybun, we need their safe return to the guild, make sure the guards know we have this taken care of."

He melted, "leave it to me, and if they get smart, leave it to Bertha," he pats his giant-sized maul.

"We just need them here, not more trouble."

Freya, you know me. I'll smile and they'll do whatever I want.

"I knew I could count on you honeybun."


"I know I know! Only Freya could dare call him that and only because it's Freya would he accept it!" Kessandra sighs.

Cat, you have been instructed to take Brutus with you back south to the cart.

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> Thank you Sir that would be a great help! I will try my best but I am not used to handling horses. I wish Cat was here but she went ahead to Neverwinter to report our situation!

Yulya fumbles with the yokes and harnesses, [Dex and Int 1d20+1=15] she manages, then leads the half-asleep horses and ties them to the back of the cart.

Stregren harnesses up Sandie and gives her a nudge and word of encouragement. [1d20+5=23] Sandie beats expectations and with a triumphant neigh she lunges the cart forward and strongly marches forward, seemingly excited by the whole situation.

The cart moves [1d4=2] a steady 2 miles an hour. You'll expect to be at Neverwinter by [0:30].

[23:00 1d20=13] Road lamps are visible in the distance ahead, several riders are headed south at a high rate of speed, they'll reach you in less than a couple minutes.
[Required Action]

As long as Cat follows Freya's suggestion, you'll be likely reunited again. Cat and Brutus would be just behind the guards. 

Why do I feel dirty.

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> Freya puts he hand gently on Cat's shoulder
Thank you Freya Nyaaa!
Cat hugs Freya with her giant paws, squeezing her tight

> "Witnesses!" She says abruptly, "Did you have any witnesses?"
No Nya we were lucky Nya there was nobody Nya even the kids didn't see Nya! But you know nobles Nya they won't sit still Nya they'll investigate Nya so I'm worried Nya!

> Cat, you have been instructed to take Brutus with you back south to the cart.
Thaks for your help Brutus Nya! With someone like you we won't have any trouuble Nya! Thank you all for being so kind Nya you're true friends Nya I won't forget Nya!
Cat cheerfully races off dragging Brutus behind

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Alice uses the commotion to emerge from under the cart again. An amoeboid mass creep up to the roof of the cart from behind and forms into the shape of a little girl - well barely. Alice pokes Ashley and tries to wake her up with the tingling of gold coins stored inside her
Psst, heyyy Ashley, rise and shine! We're almost at Neverwinter! Wanna increase your share of the money? Then help me out! You need to make sure that girl I dressed up as Alice pretends to be me until we're in the city while I hide. One less child, 5 gp less entry fee, 5gp more for us!
Plus I don't wanna deal with paranoid guards mistaking me for a shapeshifting dragon.
Ok, gotta hide again, tell her it's a game or something! You got this!
The slime girl falls apart into a shapeless goo which retreats under the cart again and spreads out like a layer of mud.

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Yulya spots the riders heading south and tries to make out who they are

> Are these guards Sir Morningstar?
He looks their way and his hand reaches for his sword. [1d20=13] it is in fact the riders from Neverwinter, 2 horsemen on sturdy horses arrive in a cloud of gravel dust.

They trot alongside and call for the cart to be stopped. 

Stregren greets them, "Roadmaster Morningstar reporting, are you here to help?"

One of the guards takes off his helmet, "indeed, what happened to this one, broken axel, you got it fixed I see."

''Stregren simply nods and jumps down, "this old girl could handle it but two more would certainly get us there faster."

They work for the next 10 minutes hooking up the other horses.
The guards hop on the front three wide and instruct Yulya to sit on top and you're off again this time at [1d4+2=6] a fast trot as the three horses seem to be challenging each other to go as fast as possible.

ETA to Neverwinter is now right around midnight.

You hear the guards chatting about interrogations and investigations, dragons and bandits, and of course, a certain noble's plate and his possible whereabouts. 
[Persuasion 1d20+3=20] They're buying Stregren tale without question, hanging on his every word, most of them completely off base.

[Insight 1d20+7=11] Yulya can't be sure but she thinks Stregren is intentionally lying to them. It's clear the other guards want to interrogate everyone, every child.

Not more than 10 minutes later you see Cat with a towering hulk running down the road. The cart slows as they flag you down. Brutus is well known by the guards and they grumble as they recognize him.

"We got this covered Brutus, no need for your help tonight," one of them calls down.

Cat hops up on top with Yulya and a still sleeping Ashley.

[Required action #1: Cat can tell what's happening to Yulya here.]

"Sorry to disappoint but these folks are needed tonight for guild matters."

One of the guards expressed his frustration in a vulgar way directed at the Guildmaster and Brutus doesn't take kindly to that sort of talk. As Brutus hangs him inches from the gravel by his boots, he gracefully and completely recants his statement claiming it was all a simple misunderstanding. When Brutus pulls him back up and dusts him off, this particular guard is one of his biggest proponents of letting the guild handle this matter.

Stregren speaks with authority, "I'll write the report as I see it and we'll discuss it tomorrow morning. I assume the guild will give us any answers we need on the matter. I also agree, these are adventurers not traders." He looks back at Yulya, then to Brutus, "I appreciate you'll be able to get to the bottom of this, but let me tell you what's happened." 

With Brutus leaning in and listening intently, Stregren once again tells his side of the story. [1d20+3=22] 

When he's done, Brutus is laughing. Though he admits it's a fair tale, he can't believe that shapeshifting dragons are helping the road guard. "We'll take care of it," Brutus calls back to Yulya, "we're approaching Neverwinter, does everyone have Id's or so we need to negotiate entrance?"

[Required Action #2, Yulya must answer Brutus.]

> You need to make sure that girl I dressed up as Alice pretends to be me until we're in the city while I hide. One less child, 5 gp less entry fee, 5gp more for us! Plus I don't wanna deal with paranoid guards mistaking me for a shapeshifting dragon. Ok, gotta hide again, tell her it's a game or something! You got this!

Ashley blinks a few times and realizes they're traveling super fast and a bunch of men are sitting at the helm, their horses are being towed while new horses are pulling. Needless to say she's a bit confused and is having trouble resolving reality.


[Optional Response #3 Clueing Ashley in]

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Cat hops up on top with Yulya and a still sleeping Ashley.
Yulya Nyaaa you alright Nya?! 
And you even brought mister Nya-star! Hello Sir Nya! 
I made it Nya into the city Nya the guard was super helpful Nya and to the guild Nya and Brutus was there Nya and Freya Nya I reported everything to her Nya we're all good Nya Freya is awesome Nya don't worry Nya they will help us Nya and take the kids for now Nya all is ready Nya!

> "we're approaching Neverwinter, does everyone have Id's or so we need to negotiate entrance?"
Cat climbs over the cart roof to the back, almost jumping on top of Ashley who has just woken up
Alice Nyaaa!
We need the money for the children Nyaaa! Oh hi Ashley Nya sorry Nya where's Alice Nya?!

Cat finds 'Alice' asleep among the children
Alice Nya wake up Nya you can't sleep now Nya - Nya?

Cat immediately notices that's not Alice, doesn't look or smell like her at all
Nyaa what the hell Nya what did she do now Nya?

Cat thinks fast and leans over the back of the cart, secures herself with her foot claws and reaches under the cart. Pawing around she feels something soft and pulls firmly. A long brownish mat is dragged from under the cart and finally snaps back like a rubber string, landing on top of Cat with a loud tingle
Ow Nya wtf Nya!
Alice Nya what were you doing under there Nya we need the money Nya spit it out Nya!

Cat tries to wrestle the coins out of the wriggling mass but quickly realizes it will be way easier once Alice is in human shape again
She grabs the poorly dressed Yukata and mask off Tiffany who is still wearing her normal clothes underneath and tosses them at the ooze that is slowly morphing into girl form.''
Get dressed and in presentable shape Nya before you make even more fuss Nya!

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Yulya is incredibly relieved to see familiar faces approaching and deciphers from Cat's flurry of Nyas that everything has been taken care of. The huge intimidating Barbarian from the rothé incident also seems to be on their side. She still smirks when Stengren repeats the dragon story. Not even the children would believe this.

Brutus calls back to Yulya, "we're approaching Neverwinter, does everyone have Id's or so we need to negotiate entrance?"
Yulya flinches
Uh, the children of course have no ID, they are asleep in the back, 12 of them!

Just like everyone else, Yulya has no idea what is currently going on in the back of the cart

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Alice is caught by surprise and pulled into the cart by Cat. She tries to wriggle free but it dawns on her she forgot something important - the money! She morphs back into humanoid form and unwillingly dons her Yukata
Ouch, damn Cat did you have to pull that hard? And you pinched me with your claws! You can't get coins outta me like that unless you cut me into pieces!

But thanks I guess, looks like I forgot something important. My bad, hehe! Oh boy that would have been awkward if you needed money at the gate and someone tried to make that girl spit out gold coins.
Alice points at the still sleeping Tiffany with a laugh

Haa I just can't think clearly in this abominable form. I even feel dumb. But the plan was good, would have saved us 5gp! 5gp, Cat! Five gold pieces! Fiiiive!

Well whatever, it seems everything went great, I heard you got it all settled at the guild? Well done! Excellent! Maybe we can barter a bit with the guards, can't have poor adventurers paying for kids they rescued! Maybe I'll still manage to save us 5gp!

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Ashley hears everything and sighs in relief, "That's good news!" she streches and looks to Yulya, "did I miss anything?"


The cart grinds to a halt, the confused and invigorated horses in the back prance about like foals after getting a free tug to Neverwinter.

"Hook 'em back up Cat the Barbarian." Brutus says in an authoritative tone.

[Optional Response #1]

Brutus collects the 60 gold for the kids and walks with the guards to the closed gate. He bangs on it with such force it threatens to fall off the hinges. It cracks open and you can see him gesticulate as he talks to a certain tall feminine guard on the other side.

"ME! A DRAGON!" he yells in surprise then laughs heartily. He calls over the other guards. A brief discussion follows and you can tell he's lecturing them toward the end. He holds the coins free in his huge hand and slaps it down  on the waiting hands of a guard.

"Guild business, sorry. Take it up with the guildmaster." He then laughs menacingly and they back away as he singlehandedly swings the heavy gates open. He then whistles to Cat and Yulya and motions them to bring the cart along.

[Optional Response #2]

You slowly drive the cart through the gate, noting the glares of the guards as you pass. Stregren seems to eye Yulya momentarily, then waves as you all pass.

Brutus directs you all to a parking area and helps Cat lead the horses to the Market stables where they immediately quiet.

Yulya and Ashley wake the children and lead them to the guild with Alice. The kids shuffle like zombies, half asleep bur dead quiet. When they reach the huge guild building they begin to get excited. Entering the guild they squeel and hoot at the huge, impressive hall.

Freya and Brutus' team welcome them to have a seat, they crowd several tables and in every place is milk and large fresh cookies.

Once they're settled and eating happily, not even concerned with the giant toad wizard, Freya waves Yulya, Cat and Alice over. The look on her face isn't as welcoming as she had for the children.

Cat and Brutus enter.

"We should talk, now or in the morning?" Freya says and waves over Cat.

[Required responce #3]

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> "Hook 'em back up Cat the Barbarian." Brutus says in an authoritative tone.
Yessir Nya! Coming Nya!
Cat walks to the front of the cart with the horses in tow and hands Brutus the 60gp she extracted from Alice with a bow

> He then whistles to Cat and Yulya and motions them to bring the cart along.
Cat leads the tired horses while Yulya drives the cart into the city

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Having regained shape and with 60 gp less in the Lolibank, Alice stays among the sleeping children while the cart enters the city. She tries not to look or sound like a dragon as much as possible. After the cart is parked, Alice looks at the cargo
Hey is it safe to leave our stuff in the cart out here? I mean most of it is not our stuff but Gundren's. We are already late and the last thing we need is having the cargo we are supposed to guard stolen!

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> You slowly drive the cart through the gate, noting the glares of the guards as you pass. Stregren seems to eye Yulya momentarily, then waves as you all pass.
Yulya feels the gazes of the guards piercing her like needles. 
She waves back at Strengren and forces herself to make a painful smile.
How did it come to this? All I wanted was to keep a low profile and not attract attention. Our first quest isnt even over and now this...
Yulya thinks to herself

> "We should talk, now or in the morning?" 
Yulya stares into nothingness and says with a monotonous voice
Lets do this now I could not sleep otherwise.
After a moment of deafening silence Yulya adds
All I can say is I am deeply sorry for the trouble we have caused. I tried my best to avoid this outcome I even pleaded with them to overthink their actions and change their ways but alas I am afraid I am not a very good Peace Cleric indeed...
Yulya falls silent again and stares at the floor

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> Hey is it safe to leave our stuff in the cart out here?
It's a secure area next to the stables with 24/7 guards offset rotated in sets of two. A rogue could probably get something small they knew was there, but hauling away a crate of wares, no.

> All I can say is I am deeply sorry for the trouble we have caused. I tried my best to avoid this outcome I even pleaded with them to overthink their actions and change their ways but alas I am afraid I am not a very good Peace Cleric indeed.

Ashley comes up next to Yulya, "Hey Freya, thanks for helping. So yeah, I hear Cat told you a bunch, but let's go talk." 

As Brutus entertains the crowd of kids on stage with Grœt, Kessandra tends to their needs and begins to take them one at a time to get cleaned up and assessed for injuries and perform healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Being a shaman medicine woman, she has innate abilities to help them through this ordeal.

Freya takes you all into the back room and hears your story from every perspective in every way. She warns you several times not to embellish or deceive, she has expertise in such matters and expertly is trained in being able to sniff out deception.

She hears about how the cart was towing the children at a grueling pace and how the two men likely killed the headmaster of the old orphanage all the while writing it down in a formal statement. She's concerned about the missing children but asks that you leave that to her for now, she plans on making it a formal quest.

"I will get to the bottom of it, I'll send a message to Baldur's gate and inquire about it, you four need to concentrate on your quest for Gundren and by the time you get back we'll have more of a lead on it. He's a forgiving soul, so he won't be upset at you that you've taken this detour." She hands Yulya a sealed letter from the guild. "Deliver this to him."

The party gains a letter for Gundren from Freya

She then reads a statement as she's written it to give to the guards for their investigation. "You are not to speak to the guards about this. Simply direct them to me or the guild master Johanna Etherius." She takes the parchment in her hands and reads aloud, skipping a few minor legal flourishes.

"On Spring 8th, brightened receiving, Yulya's party encountered two men unknown to them, a Ranger and a Spellsword. They were dragging 12 exhausted children at a grueling pace so they stopped them to give the children a rest and assess their condition. After talking to the men, Yulya was propositioned and threatened to give two of their own party into slavery..."

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She goes into great detail describing the exact nature of the incident with the cart, how unseen forces spooked the Rothés and caused the men to be injured, and how the team took care of the children afterwards. She takes into account everything Yulya spoke to Stregren Morningstar about and weaves the statement around what Yulya could remember she actually said. Finally she cites several cases in the history of the guild where justifiable actions were taken to save innocents from grey market dealings, specifically forced slavery.

Though what she wrote was technically true and accurate, it's missing a confession of any wrongdoing and states that the children were otherwise left to the elements if not for Yulya's team and the final disposition of the children in the guild's care.

"Please sign here at the bottom if you agree with how it's written."

[Freya asks that everyone sign the statement.]

As you finish up, Ashley asks, "Hey Freya, we also need to level up. We have 40 gold right now, and I know it's 20 gold each, but can't we just immediately borrow half as we go? I want to get leveled up right now!"

"That's acceptable and each of you will have a debt of 15 gold to the guild as a result."

[Freya is able to level you all up to iron plate adventurer's immediately and adds that your payment for your current quest will double as a result.]

"Assuming you all get your iron plates, you'd be due 2 gold a day instead of 1 for the agreed 4 day quest. Though you've missed the bonus timeframe, your original payment was going to be 4+2 each and would now be 8+0 gold each to complete the quest."

[Freya isn't too tired to level you up right now, a good rest after leveling will be required anyway as the hitpoints and mana gains don't automatically fill without rest.]

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[Freya asks that everyone sign the statement.]
Alice's Kitsune mask helps her to keep a pokerface while she signs the document with a nonsensical doodle. Well everything went better than expected

> Ashley asks, "Hey Freya, we also need to level up. I want to get leveled up right now!"
Alices eyes narrow beneath her mask. Facing the orb right now without preparations and items from the cart wasn't part of the plan. It makes sense to level up right now but this will call for some creative thinking. Alice musters through her options to cause the maximum amount of trouble. The orb isn't an enemy to take lightly!

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> She hands Yulya a sealed letter from the guild. "Deliver this to him."
Yulya receives the letter from Freya
Thank you Freya we are indebted to you - in many ways!

Yulya signs the document with sweaty hands. She still doesn't believe to get out of this situation that easy

> level up right now
Yulya is also surprised by Ashley's proposal and nervously rubs her hands. It's a good idea but Eldath is not going to be pleased by her recent actions. Not at all! Yulya tries to resist the strong urge to run off back to her cabin in the woods
I-I think this is a good idea so we can start tomorrow well rested! Good idea Ashley! I am sorry to borrow even more money from you Freya but we have ample things to sell so we will be able to pay you back tomorrow!

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> Hey Freya, we also need to level up. We have 40 gold right now, and I know it's 20 gold each, but can't we just immediately borrow half as we go? I want to get leveled up right now!

> Nya we don't wanna bother you Nya but I'm ready to level up any time Nya!

> It makes sense to level up right now but this will call for some creative thinking. 

> I think this is a good idea so we can start tomorrow well rested!

Thus darkness descends upon the land...

[00:30 Spring 9th, 9C, A light mist has begun to fall.]

Freya collects 40 gold and notes that you now each owe the guild 15 gold for a total of 60.
[The lolibank is emptied.]

"It's been unseasonably cold lately hasn't it?" Freya remarks as she opens the magically sealed door to the orb's room. It's just how you remember it. Two chairs face it and four more sit around a table against the far wall.

The orb mocks you with it's tricks of light and shadow, seemingly real but ethereal all the same. Unwilling or unable to accept cooked pheasant, purveyor of destruction, bestower of woe, an unholy lolibane. It exudes a darkness that sends chills down your spine (if you had one), it seems to emanate the presence of many gods, all of whom laugh at your pathetic form and powerlessness.

You see the orb, it's somewhat familiar, you aren't happy with it, you don't like that the demigoddess attached to you through it, but it was somewhat fortunate, so your feelings are mixed.

"Please have a seat at the table Cat, Ashley and Alice, I'll level up Yulya first. Please sit here Yulya."

[Optional Response #1]
Freya sits and concentrates on the orb, "Yes, I feel her... the Lady Eldath is here."

[Optional Response #2]

Freya's eyes roll back into her head and you can feel heat radiating from her, "MURDERER!" Comes a shrill voice uncharacteristic of Freya. "You sully the title of cleric let alone one of peace. How dare you come to me with such despicable intentions and deeds!" 

Her eyes roll back forward and she smiles, "Are you ready to start? Oh there's someone else here as well. SheShe, yes, did you know I've taken to her as well? Of course Corellon will always be my lord, he is my savior and creator, but SheShe has brought me much kindness as well. She says she's here to mediate? I'm not sure what that means, but we will continue."

Yulya feels a chill run through her, like being plunged in an ice bath. Freya has frozen, seemingly stopped in time as well as everything and everyone else, even the flames of the lamps that line the walls are still. Yulya feels like the blood is rushing out of her face, even her heart has seemed to stop... She slumps to the ground.



A dreamlike scene unfolds before you. Freya, your team, the room, the orb are all gone and you're outside in a cold Autumn scene.

Standing before you is Eldath, frowning with darkness descending upon her as dead leaves swirl around her like a whirlwind. She's standing in nature, looking away. SheShe is sitting on a golden throne next to her, calm and collected. Smiling at you she crosses her legs primly. She seems to be holding your holy book, and begins looking through it with interest.  

Neither speak but you can tell SheShe is discussing something with Eldath. There are no words, no decipherable utterances or indications, but they are communicating, you just somehow know it.

Yulya Optional Response #3

The meeting seems to have ended, and Eldath walks away then transforms into a flock of birds. A whisper on the wind simply says, "I'll be watching..."

SheShe smiles and rolls her eyes, "Gods can be so temperamental. I hope I'm, not like that when I ascend. Well, that won't be for a while." She titters. "Yulya, love, you've done a very generous act, you could say heroic as well! The children will never forget the kindness you've shown; I am very proud of you! I hope you take solace in the fact that you've vanquished evil in the name of everlasting peace, and you have leveled up, Congratulations! I know that some day you will be sitting here next to me, a demigoddess incarnate. Oh, you have to go..."

She waves and everything fades to black.


From everyone's perspective, as soon as Freya finished her sentence Yulya dropped. Freya rushes past the orb and takes Yulya's head in her hands, "she's ice cold?" Freya conjures hot air to blow at Yulya and after a few seconds Yulya takes a deep gasping breath.

"Oh? Yulya, you've leveled already? Then passing out is not unusual, and that's actually a good sign, it means they don't even need to discuss it, there's no question I suppose." Freya says with surprise in her melodic voice. "Do you have any questions?"

Required Response #4

"Well then who's next?"

Required Response #5

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Cat sits down on the table and starts grooming her fur and tail with tounge and paws. Can't face the Catgod while looking improper

> "Well then who's next?"
Cat enthusiastically raises a paw and jumps up, straightening her clothes, adjusting her armor and wweapons. Then she sits down with Freya

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> [The lolibank is emptied.]
Alice hands Freya 40gp that appear to come out of nowhere

> The orb mocks you with it's tricks of light and shadow, seemingly real but ethereal all the same. Unwilling or unable to accept cooked pheasant, purveyor of destruction, bestower of woe, an unholy lolibane. It exudes a darkness that sends chills down your spine (if you had one), it seems to emanate the presence of many gods, all of whom laugh at your pathetic form and powerlessness.
Alice eyes the orb and makes a fateful decision. This opportunity is simply too good to let pass! Her grin widens under her mask. The Orb will get a 'present' - but it won't be a pheasant!

> "Please have a seat at the table Cat, Ashley and Alice"
Alice excuses herself
Sorry, I forgot something important at the cart! You guys go first, I will be back in a few minutes!
Alice disappears in a whirlwind, racing toward the cart at full speed.

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> "It's been unseasonably cold lately hasn't it?" Freya remarks
Yes chilly! I am glad the kids didnt have to sleep outside tonight.
Yulya responds glad for the short distraction

> "I'll level up Yulya first. Please sit here Yulya."
Yulya trods to the chair like an animal into a slaughterhouse

> Freya sits and concentrates on the orb, "Yes, I feel her... the Lady Eldath is here."
Yulya flinches and closes her eyes as if awaiting an impact
I tried my best I tried my best not to...

> Standing before you is Eldath, frowning with darkness descending upon her as dead leaves swirl around her like a whirlwind. She's standing in nature, looking away. 
Yulya looks at the scene with awe but also worry. What is this darkness? And why autumn in spring?

> SheShe is sitting on a golden throne next to her, calm and collected. Smiling at you she crosses her legs primly. She seems to be holding your holy book, and begins looking through it with interest.
> Neither speak but you can tell SheShe is discussing something with Eldath. There are no words, no decipherable utterances or indications, but they are communicating, you just somehow know it.
Yulya has no option other than watching and awaiting the outcome. Who would interfere with a discussion among gods? Well Alice perhaps. But Yulya is glad SheShe is there. Her presence is calming and she feels protected from Eldaths rage.

> "Oh? Yulya, you've leveled already? Then passing out is not unusual, and that's actually a good sign, it means they don't even need to discuss it, there's no question I suppose." Freya says with surprise in her melodic voice. "Do you have any questions?"
Yulya abruptly awakens like being spooked out of deep sleep. She stares at Freya with an open mouth, hearing but unable to comprehend her words for a moment''
Where... Who... How?
What just happened?

Yulya feels exhausted but also a strong increase of her powers. So this is leveling up...

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> Where... Who... How?
> What just happened?

"Confusion is normal for some, you've just leveled up, I will be getting iron plates just like mine!" She shows off her iron plate. "Congratulations! Now have a seat over there." She helps you to your feet and guides you to the table.

Freya smiles at Cat, "You're ready, good! I can already feel the Cat Lord's presence."

You both kneel and touch the orb.

She closes her eyes and when she opens them again they're glowing a soothing blue. She smiles softly, "He's happy, he's interested in what you did, I'm telling him... he wonders if you'll become a bandit and I said no." She flashes you a piercing stare, "he's quite handsome for a man. Anyway... Okay, he would like to bestow a gift upon you, he says it'll be a surprise, I'm afraid I don't know what that means. Since he frequents the material plane, it could really be anything. I told him if it's an object he could send it to the guild in Neverwinter but he declined. "

Cat feels energy surge through her and she feels stronger as a result, she feels slightly light headed but it passes quickly.

"Oh, he said he may see you soon and he's gone. I don't know what that could mean either."

"For example, Corellon bestowed a gift upon me recently, he gave me a very complex and unique magic weapon attribute, if I wield a two-handed elvish melee weapon with a focus of my choice embedded in it, I can use it to negate the need for somatic gestures in casting, and if it's an offensive spell, I can use the weapon using Charisma, Dexterity and proficiency to hit and Charisma for damage modifier and hit in addition to the spell I cast. Considering I'm a sorceress with high Charisma, it is quite a gift, odd though it's melee and I can still use it for ranged spells like a staff. So I haven't picked anything out, elven weapons are quite expensive if you're talking two-handed melee, that's a rare thing. I'd have to have something made I believe, an elvish crafted custom weapon would be very pricey." She shrugged. "You're all set! You'll have to rest to gain your full benefits. Ashley, are you ready?"

Alice runs to the cart parking zone and [1d20+3=18] one of them sees you coming and they stop you at the gate, "State your business?"

Alice required response

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Ashley steps to the orb cautiously, "I'm not sure I want to touch it."

"That's okay, but if your goddess doesn't arrive then we may need to call her. I haven't felt her presence yet." Freya concentrates and her eyes widen, "I wish you would touch it, you have Godsight, you could so easily see this."

Ashley sighs and touches it reluctantly, her eyes widen as well, "oh wow."

They sit there mesmerized for a few minutes, not speaking, just staring into the orb silently. They remove their hands and a slight lavender glow envelopes Ashley. "I think I leveled up."

"You did! So you've gained a clockwork soul, that's remarkable, you didn't have that before did you?"

"It's not my soul, this demigoddess is attached to me. What does she mean by Avatar?" Ashley asks.

"Well, you're not her avatar, but she has imprinted on your soul regardless. It sounds like she granted you protection from undead."

"Nope, that was the raven Queen, I already had that... no, I had resistance from necrotic damage and now I guess I have protection from undead now but it's barely different."

Freya smiles, "She just wanted to round it out. She's a precise demigoddess."

"So I have two demigoddesses and no goddess? What about my curse?"

"I believe they're working on unraveling and rewriting it," Freya surmised.

"K." Ashley says and streches, "Where's Alice? I'm tired again. Let's finish this up! I'll go look for her."

"Remember you don't have your full ability until you rest. Let me at least get your plates first," Freya leaves and returns with 4 iron plates a few minutes later. Each one is customized with your information, "This one's for Alice, I'm sure she'll qualify."

"I'm going after her." Ashley says, unloops her copper plate and loops the iron one in it's place, "thanks for putting the hole in it."

"I figured you'd wear it like the copper one, it looks quite exotic like that."

"Thanks, but it's not meant to be. I'll go get her and be right back."

Ashley leaves and you all wait.

You can wait for Alice and Ashley or set up in your lodgings. Small talk anyone?

"Could there really be a dragon masquerading as human? I wouldn't dream of such a thing, they're rare enough let alone a shape shifting one," Freya wonders aloud in your general direction.

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> Alice runs to the cart parking zone and [1d20+3=18] one of them sees you coming and they stop you at the gate, "State your business?"
I'm a mighty dragon disguised as a humanoid and I'm here to eat youu!
Alice responds waving her arms
No seriously, I left something important at our cart Cat and Brutus just parked here a short while ago. I need it for leveling up at the guild and Freya is waiting for me so may I pass? I'm in a bit of a hurry! 
Alice shows her copper plate

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> No seriously, I left something important at our cart Cat and Brutus just parked here a short while ago. I need it for leveling up at the guild and Freya is waiting for me so may I pass? I'm in a bit of a hurry!
> Alice shows her copper plate

The guards note your plate, but after checking, the cart isn't registered to you.

After a few minutes of Alice emoting, Ashley shows up.

"What's going on?"
Alice repeats that she wants tomething from the cart.

Ashley adresses the guards, "hey bub, look, why don't you escort us to the cart and see what it is Alice wants? I have a feeling she's just trying to get the meat for our dinner. We have a ton of it, do you want some?"

[1d20+4=11 vs DC15]

The guards begin to argue, one considers if Ashley or Alice can identify the contents then it's probably theirs but the other states plainly that rules are rules.

"Okay listen, we're tired and hungry, do you want us to go wake Brutus up so he can talk some sense into you? I'm sure he'll be happy to get up in the middle of the night to come out here in the cold and discuss the situation over some worthless raw meat." [Intimidation 1d20+6=22]

They decide that you'll have to leave your plate numbers and what's been taken will be recorded.

Alice, state what you're taking and take what it is you say you are taking and they will allow it.

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> After a few minutes of Alice emoting, Ashley shows up.
Oh hi Ashley, what are you doing here?! Are you done leveling up already? Did the orb behave this time? Good to see you! Can you help me out here? I really need something from the cart to level up properly! This will be absolutely glorious!
I hope

> They decide that you'll have to leave your plate numbers and what's been taken will be recorded.
I'm honestly glad you are guarding our things here! You are correct, this cart and most cargo belongs to Gundren and we are to deliver it to Phandalin. Getting the cargo stolen would suck big time. And of course our own things. So thanks for not letting anyone rummaging around in there. I just need these 2 rings as an offering to the gods, and as Ashley said a bit of preserved meat as a snack! It's all our party's property so record that! Our party leader Yulya will verify that all is correct tomorrow!

Alice takes the red and blue ring of shared suffering and a strip of Premium Grade Spellsword-Noble meat
I wonder what would happen if the same person wore both rings at the same time? Would this world explode?
Alice thinks before pocketing the rings and meat. Now let's have some fun with the orb!
Alright, sorry for making you come out here Ashley, let's get back to Freya, she must be waiting! Goodbye, guards and thanks!

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> You can wait for Alice and Ashley or set up in your lodgings. Small talk anyone?
Of course we will wait for Alice.  Not gonna miss this!

> "Could there really be a dragon masquerading as human? I wouldn't dream of such a thing, they're rare enough let alone a shape shifting one," Freya wonders aloud in your general direction.
I am afraid I know nothing about dragons or their motives. But the one we saw - it could easily have killed us all but it didnt. It just took an ox and left. I wonder why? But I know something very odd is going on on a grand scale. Something is disturbing the ecosystem an making a lot of creatures act crazy. And ironically if we are lucky its 'just' the dragen. But what if the dragon itself is a victim? Or even fleeing from something even more dangerous? That worries me. I saw Eldath surrounded by darkness and nature dying. This is not the doing of a mere dragon no matter how powerful. I am afraid we have a bigger problem than that. Much biger!

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>  I am afraid we have a bigger problem than that. Much bigger!

"There's talk of another flight of dragons, and I know that's just rumor and conjecture, but if there is, another... well things might make more sense in many ways. You're right, there have been an inordinate number of reports from the south, not just yours. Goblins, raids, brazen bandits, wild animals, even heightened political turmoil, it's as if someone's cast a curse over the land, or well, what I do know of dragons is they're very intelligent, cunning, and something like gods themselves, so they like to meddle."

Possible interaction #1, good luck

She seems to be enjoying the gossip.

"I wouldn't be surprised if some villainous dragon who somehow managed to shape shift, did so just to plant seeds in the heads of nobles and paupers alike, their propensity for neurological manipulation and telepathy is well documented, but to have one shapeshift into a human or elf and still have that ability would be potentially disastrous... Well, there are others who can read thoughts and others who can manipulate thoughts, and still others..." she sighs, "who don't even need to, they predict your thoughts." She seemed to have struck a nerve in her own rant. "A very powerful ability, but annoying." She seems to have some experience in this. "That's right, I said it, it's annoying."

Possible interaction #2

She cleared her throat and fixed her hair. "Well I'm having fun, I could gab all night."

There was a knock at the door. "Hm, I think your team is back."

She went to it and opened the door to Ashley and Alice.

"Welcome back Ashley and Alice!" She smiled softly. "So Alice, I have your plate but we just need to level you to officially grant it. If you could take a seat I'll get started."

"Yes, let's get this over with already, I'm about to fall asleep." Ashley said as she rubbed her eyes then put her head down.

The silent orb innocently sits, unware of the fate that will soon befall it.

Alice Leve up next.

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Cat listens with mild interest. Her general strategy is to beat anything that's in the way to a pulp, be it a human, dragon or dragon shapeshifting into a human. That is - if she can. Cat remembers something unpleasant
Nya when we met the dragon we couldn't even move Nya! How do you fight something like that Nya? They are not just insanely strong Nya but also really smart Nya and have high tier magic too Nya. Don't they have any weaknesses Nya?

Oh I remember Nya, didn't Alice encounter a dragon too Nya? When she fell from the sky Nya?

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Alice is deep in thought while returning to the guild. She musters the rings.
The dragon was a revelation. It managed to stun, even scare me! This should not be possible! It means I am susceptible to magic in this ridiculous form - how pathetic! But then, my dear rings, I realized, that's a two-way street! If dragon magic works on me, even you will! Hehehe!
Alice puts the blue ring on the ring finger of her left hand and marvels it from all sides. Then she briefly absorbs the red ring into her right hand and the human meat into her left hand before entering the room in high spirits.
Hellooo, we're back!
Sorry to keep you waiting at this hour but it was urgent!

> The silent orb innocently sits, unaware of the fate that will soon befall it.
Alice dances toward the chair while thinking to herself:
I am a monster but far from inhumane. I will give you a chance to prove you're on our side, Mr. Orb. Yes, Alice is a prejudiced orb-hater but I am willing to reconsider my feelings and admit mistakes. It's all up to you!

Alice sits down, takes a deep breath and puts both hands on the orb. She extrudes the human meat and red ring from her hands and firmly pushes them into the orb while thinking 'loudly', hoping the orb or some god behind it will hear
Here is my offering! The finest piece of that spellsword slaver faggot I stabbed! Isn't it super tasty? Haven't I made this world a a better place by removing this subhuman?
So you want me to continue working for you? To entertain you? Then accept this and do something for this pathetically weak me as well! I won't disappoint you, I will bring you even greater offerings but that comes with a price!  
I know you're the reason I'm even here and in this state, you can't play dumb! Not even ten dragons could wreck my precious spaceship, the pinnacle of technology in the entire known universe. Nosiree, not without some divine intervention. Well fine, I ain't even mad, this is quite fun! But today is the day we settle this - conflict or cooperation? Choose wisely, Mr. Orb! I don't care who gets this red ring as long as it does its job. Make taking half of my damage some party game among you gods or whatver! You're into these stuff, right?
Alice pushes meat and ring into the orb with all her might

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I understand Yulya didn't do anything, it's ok for this part.

Ashley mumbles, "yeah something,"

Freya begins to concentrate as she touches the orb.

Alice pushes against the orb with everything she has, causing the chair to screech against the floor.

Ashley look up at Alice, seeing her strain against the orb. "Alice, what the heck..." but closes her eyes again soon after.

Freya glances over, unable to see anything through the orb, she continues.

The orb acts as a force field, there's nothing either solid nor able to pass through anything. There's neither friction nor heat nor any sign of life. The reflections that can be seen don't correspond to anything in the room.

Freya closes her eyes, concentrating again. "Hm. After last time I was expecting an audience but I'm not sensing any specific gods. No wait..."

She seems to be understanding something only she can hear. "Well Alice, I don't see any reason to continue, you've been vouched for by  the demigoddess SheShe, and the demigoddess calling herself the Mechathereal Angel is telling me you're being watched so there's no reason not to level you."

Suddenly Alice feels an impossible force, pushing her away, she's knocked back [1d20=6] and the meat and ring drop out of her hands onto the floor with a ring abd a wet  slap.

Alice feels both exhausted and stronger. Freya somehow knows she leveled up and hands her the new iron plate.

"Congratulations everyone! If you're going south, I recommend you leave early tomorrow so get some rest and if you need anything else let me know. Though the guild and most shops are closed tomorrow, we'll see if we can manage what you need and of course the kitchen is open. Avoid traveling at night, make it to the rest stop and I bet Gundren is there waiting for you."

She bids you all goodnight, and ushers you all out.

There is a room available for you all and it will cost 2sp. The children are being takeb care of and are no longer your responsibility. The shops are closed tomorrow but Freya may be able to help certain things. She'll be up at 06:00.

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> Suddenly Alice feels an impossible force, pushing her away, she's knocked back [1d20=6] and the meat and ring drop out of her hands onto the floor with a ring and a wet slap.
Cat raises an ear and gets up.
Alice Nyaa!?

Cat discretely collects the ring and meat from the floor and drags a sulking Alice out of the room
Time for bed Nya!

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Alice is devastated. It was all for nothing, another genius plan ruined. Ruined! Not that it was unexpected, trying to make a peace offering to the orb was foolish. Once an orb, always an orb.

After being dragged into the room by Cat, Alice tosses her the blue ring and hides under the bed without saying a word.

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You had a restful night.

[07:00 Sunday, a light mist threatens rain, 11C] Freya is available to help with anything, otherwise it's time to go back on the road. So make you moves.

[For reference, all AP has been converted to XP 1:1, additionally you have gained 100 AP each for your testimonies and work to avoid being interrogated, and 100 AP more for getting to a safe place afterwards, and another 120 AP each for saving the children. So 320 AP each total prior to leveling means 320 XP added each in addition to the conversion.]

Ashley wakes from the chair she crashed in and streches, "yawn I think we're already late.".

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Cat yawns and stretches
Good morning, rise and shine!

Cat reaches under the bed and pulls an unsightly mass from under it that spreads on the floor like spilled paint
C'mon Alice, you still sulking?

Cat cleans and fills everyone's waterskins in the kitchen
Good morning Freya Nya!
Any chance to get some candy for 1sp? The one we bought last time was great Nya! We'd take 12 Nya!
And arrows Nya - heavy ones with a blunt tip Nya! 10 Nya!
Just if you can find 'em Nya! Thanks Nya!

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Yula awakes and feels cold and still a bit exhausted from charging the gem. She follows Cat to meet up with Freya
Good morning Freya!
Sorry to bother you with our necessities even today!

> "And horse feed."
Yes please, we should buy at least 80lbs for our 2day detour, that would be 4sp!

Thanks for taking care of the rest, Cat! We definitely need more of that candy!
Yulya appears to already have developed an addiction

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> 12x candy - 12sp
> 10x blunt arrows - 10 sp
> 80lbs horse food - 4sp
> Sum: 26sp

As everyone enters the main hall, Ashley's screeched out in a chair she took down with her feet on the table. "I got some candy, no charge this time."

Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.

Freya listens to the list and nods, "Thank you Ashley, I don't have candy here, they usually make that daily, but not on Sundays. I could make more cookies, but it'll take another hour and you should really get going now if you're headed south. The horse feed is in the stables, that's open every day, so you can just pick some up before you leave."

Kids start pouring down the stairs with a very tired Brutus and Grœt. "Freya help," Brutus says.

"Oh, okay Honeybun just a sec." ''She then has an idea, "Brutus, can you help them make some blunt arrows and I'll get the kids breakfast."

Brutus bows to Freya and approaches Cat with renewed vigor, "something I can do! How many you need?"

"Ten I think." Ashley says.

"Alright, give me 10 regular arrows and some rocks about this big." He holds up his large hand and shows a small gap between his fingers.


The frogman sorcerer hops up on stage and says, "Grœt."

The kids laugh hysterically at the large frogman.


Ashley gets up as if inconvenienced and heads outside. "I saw some in a planter, be right back."

Brutus puts his big hand on Cat's shoulder and grabs out an arrow from her quiver, "You need twine and wax, I have both." He squishes the hard wax in his hand until it starts to look pliable, then breaks off the tip of the arrow and begins to smoosh the wax on the broken end.

Ashley returns with an armful of damp rocks and unloads them on the table, slugs, dirt and all. "Enjoy."

He takes one, wipes it off on his shirt until it's dry and smashes it on the end. Then he takes the twine and with a rather intricate pattern of winding it's done. To show it's integrity, he bangs it against the table, "This will only go half as far so plan accordingly. These are great against skeletons and for non-lethal drops, in case you need to talk to them after. Can you handle this? Of course you can!" He hands cat enough wax and twine for 9 more and pats her head between the ears. "Don't forget me when you're a high level, I want to spar with another Barbarian." 

By now even Freya has her hands full with the demands of 12 kids and Brutus is off to help her. Surprisingly he has proficiency in performance and begins to to tricks for the kids.

In the end you will only need to pay for the horse feed. Your dealer Ashley has 13 more candy on her.

As you all get up to go, some of the kids approach and bow to you, "We'll never forget what you've done, someday we'll be adventurers too and we'll save you one day, you'll see." Though 8-yr-olds make terrible soothsayers they seemed genuine.

You thank Freya again and you're off to the stables without a minute to spare. You buy the horse feed for 3sp and Ashley chips in 1sp.

The gate is open, there are no other carts left going south so either you're late or there weren't any going south this day. The rain is light but the sky is dark, and the temperature is 11C. It's 08:00. You shouldn't stop till the rest stop.  

Ashley sees the semi-permanent state of Yulya and takes the lead, "The rest stop was 40 miles south and it took us over 12 hours last time, that means we won't get there before dark if we trot along. Cat, looks like you'll be driving, get us there as fast as possible!" She hops up on top and points to the gate. "Engage!"

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> Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.
Thanks Ashley Nyaa!

> Can you handle this? Of course you can!" He hands cat enough wax and twine for 9 more and pats her head between the ears.
Thank you Brutus Nyaa!
No problem, I got this Nya!
Cat emits a low frequency purring sound when patted and tries to fiddle with the arrows in her huge paws

> "Don't forget me when you're a high level, I want to spar with another Barbarian." 
Haha, certainly Brutus Nya it would be an honor Nya but that will be in a while Nya right now I wouldn't even survive a half-hearted punch from you Nya!

Cat pats and readies the horses, then drives the cart toward the rest stop at maximum speed
Go horsies Nya!

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> Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.
Thanks Ashley youre a lifesaver! I hope they have candy in Phandalin!
Yulya says goodbye to everyone in the guild including the children. Then she boards the cart and sits next to Cat to scan the surroundings with her high perception
Alice please watch the back and dont let pumas attack you!

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> Ashley hands out a piece of candy for everyone.
Alice silently nibbles on the candy she received which slightly improves her shape but does little to lighten her mood

> The frogman sorcerer hops up on stage and says, "Grœt."
Alice bursts into laughter seeing the absurd creature.''
The fuck is this? He's hilarious!

> Ashley gets up as if inconvenienced and heads outside.
I guess not your type of entertainment, eh? Or you just don't like frogs?

> Ashley returns with an armful of damp rocks and unloads them on the table, slugs, dirt and all. "Enjoy."
Ah thanks for breakfast-dessert!
Alice absorbs the dirt and slugs and hands the sparkingly clean rocks to Cat. But seeing her struggle with the twine and getting it stuck on her claws, Alice takes the matter into her own hands
Goddamned, gimme that, Cat! You handle the wax, I'll deal with fixating the rocks with twine! I can't imagine hitting anything with such crude arrows but we will see.

> As you all get up to go, some of the kids approach and bow to you, "We'll never forget what you've done, someday we'll be adventurers too and we'll save you one day, you'll see." Though 8-yr-olds make terrible soothsayers they seemed genuine.
Alice smiles warmly under her mask while basking in the memories of feeding them human stew and dressing up Tiffany to save 5gp. That was absolutely worth it.
You better stay alive, we didn't risk our lives to save you so you'd get yourselves killed at a young age! And don't worry, we will find out hat happened to your missing comrades!

> Alice please watch the back and dont let pumas attack you!
I'll try my best but that cart stil has awful suspension!
Alice readies her bow to shoot anything foolish enough to attack from behind on sight. Especially dragons. And nobles. But also orbs.

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> Go horsies Nya!

With everything accounted for, you're off. Although it does seem a little odd that you're the only ones leaving you push it out of your mind. A little stronger, a little wiser, you still have a good attitude and race off toward the rest stop.

Cat pushes the horses as fast as their willing to pull. [1d20+3=18] With a good pace, roughly 3.8 mph, the horses will make it to the rest stop before 18:00.
[1d20=12 The light rain remains steady but the temperature slowly rises.]

[1d20=16,16,1 Roughly 12 miles south 11:00] [1d30=16] [1d20=12] A rather large moose hops across the road ahead of you.
[1d20+5=10] Yulya's watchful eyes see nothing unusual.

[Possible interaction #1]

[1d20=15,17,18,20 27 miles south 15:00] [1d100=5,97] Regardless of the rain, ever riding on the upper canvas top, Ashley spots something behind a tree ahead. She hops down and casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx. As she's moving cautiously toward the roughly humanoid shaped object, she knows there's something fishy. With a large wave of her hands and a word of command, a beautiful cybernetic Lynx pops into existence. The sound is louder than it has been in the past and the horses jump a bit from the unexpected noise. Ashley herself is startled by the creature running beside her but smiles as she knows it's not only friendly but a strong ally. Though she looked like a regular lynx, Ashley could see glints of metal under her fur.

Helena the Lynx jumps toward the humanoid shaped thing and knocks over a long deceased halfling. A tree that was blocking the corpse from view of the road had fallen recently allowing Ashley to spot it. Ashley poked at the corpse and among the shreds of an old robe and foot wraps was a small pouch containing finely crafted divination bones valued at about 1 gold. Nothing else of value was there, Ashley figures she must have been jumped by bandits, taking her coin and anything else of value. Ashley and Helena take the bones and chase after the cart, placing it in the stash.
[1d20=20 31 miles south 16:00] Ashley lays on the canvas top, petting her Lynx friend and another item catches her eye. [1d100=23,49] A splash of color on what looks like a stick is embedded in the dirt about 20 feet off the side of the road. Ashley runs to grab it again. It's a poor man’s walking cane, decorated near its top with rings of colorful paint worth about 5cp.

"Garbage!" She sticks it back in the mud but it thuds when it hits a certain level. So she pulls it out again and throws it aside, then digs in the softened Earth and hits a small wooden box.  Without delay, she drags it up and runs with it back to the cart.

Once on her wet perch again she wipes off the box with a small lock on it. She shakes it lightly and checks it for traps. [1d20+3=4] Completely unable to determine if it's trapped but feeling brazen, she picks the lock anyway. [1d20+2=8 vs DC8] It's a very simple lock and she just gets it, springing it open. Inside the box is a note written in some language she can't begin to understand.

She hangs over the awning and hands it down to Yulya.
"It was a dud, here you go."

[Possible interaction #2]


[1d20=14,5] [18:00] 15C The sky is just beginning to darken helped by the dark clouds and you see the clearing of the rest stop with the two tents. There's no other carts parked nor can you see any in either direction. In fact you didn't pass anyone the whole way down either.

The deafening grinding of the wheels against gravel turn to a sloshing of wheels on slick mud as Cat pulls off. The rest stop is deserted. You see Hanna open the door in her tent and look out. She waves in recognition but closes the tent again.

[The rest area is wet including all the wood and pit. It will take an hour just to light it and it won't burn well and additionally will put off a lot of smoke, it's not required just to eat rations. Hanna might know what's going on lately.]

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> A rather large moose hops across the road ahead of you.
Nya! Too bad it was too fast Nya and we're in a hurry Nya. Moose tastes good Nya!

> The rest area is wet including all the wood and pit. It will take an hour just to light it and it won't burn well and additionally will put off a lot of smoke, it's not required just to eat rations.
Nya all wet Nya! No worries we have full rations Nya that don't require cooking Nya. But a fire to dry and warm would have been nice Nya! They should keep some firewood in a sheltered place Nya! Gotta tell the roadmaster Nya! 

Cat feeds the horses and begins to prepare 4 rations

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> She hangs over the awning and hands it down to Yulya.
> "It was a dud, here you go."
This road is full of strange objects. Where do they all come from? Robbed travellers?
Yulya takes the wooden box and tries to decipher the note.

> There's no other carts parked nor can you see any in either direction. In fact you didn't pass anyone the whole way down either.
How odd!
We didn't even see the roadmaster, that's not good!

While Cat is preparing the rations Yulya begins setting up the tent
Help me out here, Alice!
Ashley, could you talk to Hanna to find out what's going on here? Where is everyone? Should we keep watch at night?
Yulya tries to avoid interacting with the obvious prostitute more than necessary

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Alice is shaken through in the back of the rumbling cart with awful suspension even though she uses the loot bedroll as a cushion.
What a day!

> Helena the Lynx jumps toward the humanoid shaped thing and knocks over a long deceased halfling. 
Oi, shouldn't we report this to the roadmaster or the guild? Or is stumbling on corpses a normal thing here?

> Help me out here, Alice!
Alice gets the hammer and pitons and fixes the tent as Yulya holds it up. Soon the tent is ready with the bedrolls inside, a bit damp but quite comfy and so clean you can literally eat off the floor.
No going in there without getting cleaned by me, you'll drag dirt inside our precious tent!

> Should we keep watch at night?
Probably, there's nobody to guard our cart either. I wonder how Hanna does all by herself?

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> Oi, shouldn't we report this to the roadmaster or the guild? Or is stumbling on corpses a normal thing here?

"Mnmuh? I'm not reporting nothing, we barely got away with murder, the less I talk to authorities the better."

> Cat feeds the horses and begins to prepare 4 ration

"I guess I better stick around this time, I mean we got enough meat... wait, you better not be feeding me human, us humans don't like the taste. Where's that boar meat? Separate it out please or you'll be sparing with a disgusted angry Panther instead of your boyfriend Brutus. Juuust kidding. It feels wrong to razz you like that somehow, sorry. It was more of a jab at him, the guy's creepy."

The evening wind rustled the tall grasses. 

"Speaking of creepy, this place is a muddy wreck, maybe no one wanted to stop here."

> This road is full of strange objects. Where do they all come from? Robbed travelers?

"Mostly junk, I'm not surprised, people are pigs." She looked off into the distance, the rain was down to a light mist and there were breaks in the clouds.

> We didn't even see the roadmaster, that's not good!
"They're still probably looking for 'the real killers'."

> Help me out here, Alice!

> No going in there without getting cleaned by me, you'll drag dirt inside our precious tent!

"Uh, touch me and I'll be letting Helena and her sisters have their way with your corpse like the halfling... listen, I'm just a bit on edge, I got a creepy feeling about this, but seriously you may clean up my muddy footprints, but don't touch me, not even my boots. I'll leave them outside if I have to but I don't even want to see them clean when I wake up. And good luck if you try to clean my panther-self, she's not opposed to eating humanoid. She's not as civil as I am." Ashley hmph'd and looked away.

> I wonder how Hanna does all by herself?

> Ashley, could you talk to Hanna to find out what's going on here? Where is everyone? Should we keep watch at night?

Ashley sighs, "I guess, but she better not get any ideas either."

Ashley walks out to the red tent and sees Hanna inside through the slit. She has a lit lantern and has a book in her hand. "Knock knock, hey, can we talk?"

"Is this private or professional talk?"

Ashley rolls her eyes, "Just friendly talk, we're kinda new at this traveling thing and the place has us on edge since no one else showed up."

Hanna smiles and waves her in.

Ashley winces, "Hey uh, what's the blue tent for?"

Hanna's eyes widen, "You don't seem like the type for that one."

"Nevermind, um, I really don't want to go in there."

"Oh don't be so childish, I won't bite... oh, you think this is dirty don't you? I have Prestidigitation and I can boost it."

"Sorry, um, I didn't mean anything by it but I don't know what that means." Ashley tries to look adorable and innocent. [1d20+6=14]

"Oh? I thought you were a wizard with that outfit."

"Well, I was a necromancer but summoner is more like it now, I couldn't tell you what all the spells are."

"Ok ok, it's a cleaning spell, trust me, I'd go crazy if there was even one hair out of place here, it's perfectly clean, and don't assume entertainers are dirty. Now come in here out of the rain and cold." 

Ashley reluctantly enters.

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Ashley asks about the deserted stop, the safety, and how she manages out here alone.

"I've been out here for a long time, trust me, there've been times when I saw no one for days, so this isn't unusual especially for a Sunday. How do I survive? By the grace of gods I suppose. I haven't seen a bandit, though some of these drivers might as well be, I've been roughed up, though those type often meet unseemly ends. One of those type was just killed the other day I hear. I believe in karma, and a little curse here and there never hurts," ''she winks, then she softens. "So tell me about you? What's someone so young, looking like you do, doing out here in the wilds?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Shouldn't you be in school or married off to some prince or who knows what, I understand the Tabaxi, they'd sooner stab a prince than marry one, and the Aasimar, who can understand that type, but you, human, cute as a button, how did you escape the noble gaze? Concubine, slave, wife, whatever."

Ashley is wary of this line of questioning, "not interested. Like at all."

"They all say that at one point or another, even I was propositioned more than once in Neverwinter and Baldur's Gate when I was younger. It took some careful words and deeds to escape it."

"I was kind of busy like I don't know, I don't remember any of that, but hey, I should get back."

"You all are going to cram into that cold tent? There's plenty of room in here and I keep it warm with that handy cantrip, I placed this tent on a large stone slab, all I have to do is send the spell downward and it's warm for hours, or cold, it's the best spell I know. Seems like a waste not to share it."

Ashley is really skeeved out now.

"I'm not selling you anything, I'm not trying to get you in a compromising position, I just wouldn't mind some company is all."

Ashley gets a small pang of humanity and gets an idea. With a flash of violet energy and a loud pop another Lynx pops into the material plane. "Hanna, this is Helga, she's warm and soft and cuddly, I have another one to snuggle named Helena. If you want you can borrow Helga and you're right, it's kind of crowded in the tent and I don't think I'll get much sleep anyway, so I'll probably go sleep in the cart with Helena."

Hanna's eyes widen as the beautiful cat bats her with a slap of her tail, "Oh gods, she's gorgeous! Oh how I wish I could do that... oh! Thank you Ashley! I love her. So she can stay with me tonight?"

"Mhm, she will because we're tied mentally, so because you're so nice, consider her your friend for the night," Ashley says softly, "So I gotta go do watch for a while, I don't think we should be relying on the grace of gods."

They say their goodbyes and Hanna cuddles sweetly with Helga as Ashley leaves. Ashley then reports back everything that's transpired.

"So I'll be in the cart, Helena and I will watch out tonight, she can sleep on our trip tomorrow."

By the way, I believe I mentioned but Ashley's spawns no longer despawn when she's unconscious. They will instead guard her with their lives if she sleeps or is downed.
[Possible interaction #1]

Ashley crawls into the cart with a blanket and sits with Helena warmed and comforted thinking about all the memories she doesn't have and what they might be.


> Yulya takes the wooden box and tries to decipher the note.
[Intelligence check 1d20-1=14 Wisdom Check 1d20+5=17] After a closer look it's looks like crudely scribbled Dwarvish. There's no chance of deciphering it now but Gundren would likely know it.

[Possible interaction #2]

After a good meal everyone piles into the tent except Ashley and Helena of course.


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[02:00 Spring 10]

Ashley hears hoofs hitting the gravel on the road and a road lamp is aimed her way. She warily watches it approach, ready to scream bloody murder if she needs to. As it turns out it's another roadmaster. She has a brief discussion with him, he asks about anything strange and she reports on a stray moose. He laughs and reports back that it's a quiet night thankfully. He wishes her a safe night and soon moves on.  


Dawn breaks.
[0600 Cloudy, 6C, cold light wind from the southeast.]

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> wait, you better not be feeding me human, us humans don't like the taste. Where's that boar meat? Separate it out please or you'll be sparing with a disgusted angry Panther instead of your boyfriend Brutus. Juuust kidding. It feels wrong to razz you like that somehow, sorry. It was more of a jab at him, the guy's creepy."
Nyahaha fine fine I wouldn't eat a fellow Tabaxi either Nya. We got full rations I made at the guild Nya or the boar meat you hunted Nya or the salted herring you found Nya! Pick what you like Nya! I also have salt and spices Nya!

> Ashley then reports back everything that's transpired.
Cat listens to Ashley's report with visible disinterest. No useful information here other than the place's emptiness isn't unusual. At least no reason fo concern. 

> Dawn breaks
Nyaah Good morning! That was a quiet night Nya! Sleeping in that tent with bedrolls is a luxury Nya!
Cat uses the opportunity to fill waterskins and the glass jar with water. After giving water to the horses and packing up, we're back on the road.
Off we go Nya!
I hope we don't have to rescue someone again Nya!

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> "Uh, touch me and I'll be letting Helena and her sisters have their way with your corpse like the halfling... listen, I'm just a bit on edge, I got a creepy feeling about this, but seriously you may clean up my muddy footprints, but don't touch me, not even my boots. I'll leave them outside if I have to but I don't even want to see them clean when I wake up. And good luck if you try to clean my panther-self, she's not opposed to eating humanoid. She's not as civil as I am." Ashley hmph'd and looked away.
Alice's eyes narrow
As you wish, Miss Edgelord, outside you stay! There's a cart to guard after all. Have fun over there!

> Ashley then reports back everything 
Alice laughs at the 'stay in school' comment but is slightly irritated she wasn't mentioned. Not that any opinions of the filthy human matter

Without any warm and soft lynx to cuddle, Alice gets to work cleaning Cat's pots and cooking utensils before settling down in the tent for the night
Alright girls, clothes off, Alice's laundry and beauty session starts now!

> Dawn breaks.
> [0600 Cloudy, 6C, cold light wind from the southeast.]
A shapeless blob cowers in the corner of the tent
Soo cold! Yulya give me your blanket!

Unwillingly, Alice creeps into the back of the cart to get rattled through for several more hours on the gravel road

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>  >Oi, shouldn't we report this to the roadmaster or the guild? Or is stumbling on corpses a normal thing here?
> "Mnmuh? I'm not reporting nothing, we barely got away with murder, the less I talk to authorities the better."
Sadly Yulya has to agree but at least she speaks a prayer for the deceased halfling. May her soul find peace

>  >"Uh, touch me and I'll be letting Helena and her sisters have their way with your corpse like the halfling... listen, I'm just a bit on edge, I got a creepy feeling about this, but seriously you may clean up my muddy footprints, but don't touch me, not even my boots. I'll leave them outside if I have to but I don't even want to see them clean when I wake up. And good luck if you try to clean my panther-self, she's not opposed to eating humanoid. She's not as civil as I am." Ashley hmph'd and looked away.
> Alice's eyes narrow
> As you wish, Miss Edgelord, outside you stay! There's a cart to guard after all. Have fun over there!
Yulya sighs. A peace clerics work is never done
Now Now you two get along! Thanks for guarding the cart Ashley. We will manage here.

> the Aasimar, who can understand that type
Yulya sneezes causing black dust to fall off her face

> They say their goodbyes and Hanna cuddles sweetly with Helga as Ashley leaves. Ashley then reports back everything that's transpired.
Yulya slightly shudders and is glad Ashley took the burden of dealing with Hanna.
Thanks for the report! That is good news I guess. No bad news means good news. I was afraid there was some calamity again! Still a brave woman to camp out there all alone. How can somebody live like that having sex with brutish dirty violent strangers to make a living? Yulya shakes her head and is glad about her privileged position. She speaks a silent prayer to Eldath and SheShe to never end up like that''

I wonder where Sir Gundren is he must be worried. I hope we at least meet him in Phandalin. And maybe he can make sense of that strange dwarven message.

Tired and moist but completely clean Yulya wakes up and dons her equally clean clothes and armor
Thank you Alice thats a luxury!

Yulya takes the drivers seat of the cart while Cat is ready to shoot anything with her bow from the front and Alice from the back. Ashley and the lynxes are on the lookout.
Lets go, I wonder what other strange things we will encounter on this road. It is full of surprises.

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> Off we go Nya!
> I hope we don't have to rescue someone again Nya!

> Soo cold! Yulya give me your blanket!

> I wonder where Sir Gundren is he must be worried. I hope we at least meet him in Phandalin. And maybe he can make sense of that strange dwarven message.

> Lets go, I wonder what other strange things we will encounter on this road. It is full of surprises.

> unseasonably cold, 6C

Ashley talks to the group atop the canvas, "Man, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that dragon or maybe a different one was spraying the clouds with ice. I have no idea what it means."

[Possible Interaction #1]

The grinding of the wheels against gravel begins again in earnest as you travel on your way. [1d20+3=20] The horses are well rested and eager to go fast. [Speed is 4.4 mph]

[1d20=12,9,10,7,7] [10:45] The roughly 15 miles wiz by as you approach the infamous rock, though Cat's writing has run a but due to the rain, it's still barely legible. [1d20+5=17] No fresh prints are present. Any sign of horses passing are erased by the recent rains and even the ruts have smoothed a bit. you make the turn onto the Triboar Trail and if all goes well you should make it there easily before sunset. 

[Possible interaction #2]

The Triboar Trail is a rough and muddy road, the weeds have partially encroached on it in many areas and large puddles ringed with cracked sticky mud remain from recent rains. The horses have no trouble pulling it but they're getting progressively muddier and they occasionally slip or splash in the mud puddles making them appear to want to lift their legs up out of the mud they're coated in.

The wheels are getting encrusted as well, and you leave large ruts in some areas. There is a fainter set of ruts, before the last rain but likely much older if not half a season ago, likely the last shipment, possibly from this same cart a season ago.

Two set of horse prints trail along evenly every so often, where the road is a bit sandier and the rain couldn't so easily erase them. For the first 2 miles they're a fast trot but then suddenly become a galop and pick up speed from there.

[1d20=13,18,10,3] [02:30]  It's smooth sailing until you notice something in the road ahead. Two very wary horses covered in dried blood, and possibly wounded, stand as if staked to the ground. They look a lot like Gundren and Sildar's horses.

[Required interaction #3]

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> Yulya lends Alice the blanket from her backpack
> Here you go! You're not good with cold, right?
Ahh thanks, that's much better! Why is this place called Neverinter again? And we're south of it!
Alice guards the rear of the cart sitting on a bedroll and huddled in a blanket for warmth.

> "Man, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that dragon or maybe a different one was spraying the clouds with ice. I have no idea what it means."
I don't know but I don't like it! Messing with the weather is generally a bad idea. Especially when you make it COLDER!!!

> though Cat's writing has run a but due to the rain, it's still barely legible.
Alice stares at the scribbles and paw prints with bewilderment. If Gundren did see this he must be thinking we are mocking him after stealing his cart and cargo.

> It's smooth sailing until you notice something in the road ahead. Two very wary horses covered in dried blood, and possibly wounded, stand as if staked to the ground. They look a lot like Gundren and Sildar's horses.

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> Alice stares at the scribbles and paw prints with bewilderment. If Gundren did see this he must be thinking we are mocking him after stealing his cart and cargo.
Cat proudly points at her artwork while the cart is driving by

> Two set of horse prints trail along evenly every so often, where the road is a bit sandier and the rain couldn't so easily erase them. For the first 2 miles they're a fast trot but then suddenly become a galop and pick up speed from there.
Nya that's strange! They went faster and faster Nya. Could have been Gundren Nya and Sildar Nya! Did something happen here Nya?

> you notice something in the road ahead. Two very wary horses covered in dried blood, and possibly wounded, stand as if staked to the ground. They look a lot like Gundren and Sildar's horses.
Cat hops off the cart to rush to the horses

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Before Yulya can ask Ashley to send her lynxes, they are already on the way
Cat! Wait a bit! Let the lynxes go ahead this looks like a trap! Use the range advantage of your bow before rushing right in! Stay within 30ft and use your ring of obscuring!
''As Cat suddenly jumps off Yulya manages to touch her with her hand fast enough to cast GUIDANCE on her.

Alice get in front here so I can cast Emboldening Bond on you and Cat! Then hide in the forest and see of you can flank from the opposite side of those horses!

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[Round 1]
[The squares are 5FT]

> Nyaa!

[Lynxes 1d20+4A=(21,14)] [Cat 1d20+5A=(7,9)] vs DC16 Nya indeed, several Goblins surprise Cat. The lynxes keen smell noted the goblins before Cat and she was so concerned with the horses she didn't catch that foul scent before it was too late.
Cat is caught by surprise in this ambush and will not get a turn this round.

[Yulya 1d20+5=14] [Alice 1d20+2=14] [Ashley 1d20+3=16] vs DC16
Yulya and Alice are caught by surprise in this ambush and will not get a turn this round.
Initiative: round 1 goblins 12, Ashley 17

"I flipping knew it!" Ashley exclaims and calls to rally her lynxes with growth.
Helga's AC is boosted to 15, Helena's AC is boosted to 16 until and their damage output is boosted by 50% until next turn.
Ashley then uses the rest of her turn to grab Cat's shield off her pack, laying in the cart, and hides behind it the best she can. "Shouldn't I have this strapped to my pack?!"

4 Goblins and a Hobgoblin leader jump down from the trees and surround you, two around Cat with the Hobgoblin, and two surround the cart.

Yulya pulls the reigns to escape the goblins but the horses refuse to move, they're terrified and look every direction in confusion.

The goblins know better than to attack horses considering they won't attack unless attacked, so don't worry about the horses.

Know Thy Enemy: The Goblins HP don't appear to be much above level 1, not even 1 has HP more than 10, the goblins have both a crude three bladed spear, it likely can't be thrown, and a crude short bow. They each have what looks like hand made arrows coated in some unknown gelatinous fluid. They're wearing scraps of leather armor (AC15) The hobgoblin is young and carries an old longsword and a longbow on his back. He has what looks like normal arrows in a quiver. The hobgoblin is wearing torn and worn chain mail (AC18), but it's held together enough to still protect him.

Helena and Helga move to flank the Hobgoblin and attack [1d20+4=(17,7)(10,21)] Helena tries to bite him but her teeth only catch chain. Helga jumps for the Hobgoblin throat [CON1d20+1=12 vs DC14] and does [(1d4+3)x1.5=7] damage, the bite succeeds to knock the young Hobgoblin unconscious!

Goblin 1 and 2 move to flank Cat and attack her with their makeshift spears, [1d20+4=(24,6)(8,13)] One manages a critical hit! [(1d6+2)x2=10] [1d20=19]  Cat is hit in the upper back for 10 damage . She has suffered one level of exhaustion and won't be able to sleep well until her open wound is healed. A permanent scar may result if she is healed without first treating her with a kit.

Goblin 3 and 4 attack, Yulya and Alice. [1d20+4=6,7] They both miss.

[Round 2 is next. Since you managed to roll initiative, they Goblins don't get a bonus turn from the ambush. So make your moves. Please also correct me if I did something wrong.]


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So these are Goblins? Nasty smelly bastards!
Alice uses Flurry of Blows (2 unarmed strike bonus attacks, 1DP) and jumps Goblin #4 to stab him with her spear 2-handed.

Alice will keep attacking with her bonus attacks until the Goblin is down and then move on to Goblin #3 to continue attacking there

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> Cat enters RAGE and uses RECKLESS ATTACK to strike the goblin that injured her with her longsword. She uses CLEAVE to hit the second goblin flanking her too.

[1d20+7=(9,9) vs AC15] Note: Cleave only is allowed if the first attack you make hits. You rolled advantage and got double 2's Cat misses the Goblins! Cat will now take damage with advantage next round due to reckless attack.

Headache puppy falls supine to limit exposure on top of the cart and gains 3/4 cover, then calls Rally Growth again, boosting Helena and Helga [Helena AC+2, Helga AC+1 +50% damage]
Helga and Helena position themselves to flank and both attack with claw. [1d20+4=(15,17)(19,13)] [CON 1d20=16,10 vs DC14] They both hit, and Goblin 2 fails his constitution save so Golbin 1 takes &[1d4+2x1.5=6] and Goblin 2 takes [1d4+3=4x1.5=6] damage. Goblin 1 goes down, Goblin 2 is hurt but still very much engaged. 

> Alice uses Flurry of Blows (2 unarmed strike bonus attacks, 1DP) and jumps Goblin #4 to stab him with her spear 2-handed. Alice will keep attacking with her bonus attacks until the Goblin is down and then move on to Goblin #3 to continue attacking there

[1d20+4=19,9] Alice punches the goblin closest to her using flurry of blows as a bonus action and lands one good punch for &[1d6+2=6] damage. She hits his glass jaw and he's down for the count. Note: There is only one bonus action of this type allowed per turn.

Alice then jumps down to flank Goblin 3 and attacks with her spear [1d20+4=(9,15) vs DC15] and hits for I placed you in flanking position with Yulya because I could and it's the most advantageous move for the moment. if you disagree with this tell me where you want to attack from and you missed the hit. [1d6+2=3] damage. Goblin 3 is injured but shrugs it off.

> Yulya casts Sacred Flame on goblin 3
[DEX 1d20+2=12 vs DC15] The goblin fails its save and takes [1d8=7] damage. Goblin 3 is blinded by the light and falls unconscious.'' 

Goblin 2 attacks Helga [1d20+4=11] and misses, then uses disengage as a bonus action and runs off to the north then hides as a bonus action. [1d20+6=13] He fails stealth for everyone but Alice. This means everyone but Alice could range attack him, Alice would have to first do a search action. He's behind 3/4 cover for Cat and full cover for everyone else. Only cat can range attack him, but running up for a clear shot is good only from the Northwest of the goblin.

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Alice gives Yulya a thumbs-up, then continues to attack unconscious goblin #3 with her spear to kill him off. Alice will continue attacking the goblin with her bonus unarmed strike if still alive, if not proceed to unconscious goblin #4 and attack him.

Yulya, look out for more of them hiding!

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Missing the goblin, Cat takes her frustration out on the hobgoblin and attacks him with her longsword. Then she moves 20ft west using stealth to take cover under the trees.
[Rage is still in effect after attacking the goblin, right?]

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"Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then." You have not taken damage and you did attack a creature this round you will keep your Rage, however, I'll ignore that rule if you intend to keep it since you only get 2 between long rests. So you have 1 minute or ten rounds to use it or if you turn it off or take damage though even that doesn't make sense, if you you get hit I'd think your minute resets not your rage ends, so don't worry too much about the other details, let's assume Rage lasts 1 minute (10 rounds) similar to a Ranger's Zephyr Strike. 

> Cat takes her frustration out on the hobgoblin and attacks him with her longsword.
[1d20+7=(9,15)] Cat easily kills the hobgoblin goblin without mercy [no roll needed, the minimum damage was enough]. Then moves off to the bushes to hide. [1d20+3=17] She is well hidden.

> attack unconscious goblin #3 
Alice attempts to snuff out the goblin [1d20+4=(19,10)] [1d6+2=6] The goblin is skewered by her spear and takes his last breath. Alice then moves to Goblin #4 and uses 1 ki point for her bonus action to attack him with flurry of blows. [Alice has used 2 ki points during this engagement and is out of ki points I believe. She will regain 2/hour rest IIUC.] [1d20+4=(6,13)] her blows glance off his armor.  

Ashley calls for Rally Growth, "Get the runner my pets, find him, take him out!" [+2,+4 AC and +50% damage] Helga and Helena flank Goblin #2, Helena attacks and Helga pounces. [1d20+4=(13,14),(15,16)] Helena's bite catches only scraps of leather but Helga manages to contact, [STR 1d20-1=9 vs DC12] [CON 1d20=15 vs DC14] The goblin is grappled, knocked prone and clawed for [1d4+2x1.5=6] damage and is unconscious. She then bites him [1d20+4=(18,6)] [CON 1d20=11 vs DC14] and tears flesh for [1d4+3=10] The goblin's soul ushered to the ethereal plane.  

> Yulya searches the area for additional goblin ambushes
[1d20+3=22] [hidden rolls] Yulya spots two goblins hiding in the trees to the north. They realize they've been spotted and run off to the north and have escaped. Her perception also sees two sets of boot prints heading north from the horses and signs of a previous battle. The foot prints seem to be walking north, in no particular rush. In the bushes to the north of the horses are several goblin corpses that are at least a couple days old and the heavily decomposed body of an orc, possibly slain by the reaction of an angry dragon he tried to pass, but that is pure speculation.

[The encounter ends, and you may move about freely.]

Upon further inspection the horses are indeed Gundren and Sildar's and are in bad shape, they've been standing here for at least a couple days, shot at by the goblins, possibly for target practice, they're exhausted, thirsty, hungry and will likely fall unconscious if not tended to today. They do not require additional healing assuming they're taken care of. They will need proper rest before they can pull but can be pulled behind the cart.

"No, ambush or not, Gundren and Sildar went North, we need to investigate further," [1d20+1=20 1d20+3=16] Ashley hops off the cart and scouts north using stealth, she finds a path heading north with boot prints amid fresh goblin prints.   

Ashley's Lynxes go to the remaining goblins to finish them off.

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Alice moves up to Cat who is treating the horses
Come here you moron!
What were you thinking rushing out there? Are you insane? You're lucky to be alive!
Alice carefully treats Cat's wound with Ashley's healer's kit.
I hope this helps, my knowledge of Tabaxi anatomy and medicine in general is - limited in my current state. Normally my Living Metal would deal with such repair work on its own.
Yulya will have to heal you afterwards! And lecture you of course!

What do we do now? Looks like the goblins took them. What fools! Honestly I thought the idea to 'scout ahead' was idiotic to begin with. Unity and numbers are strength. Together we would probably have finished them off. But now, it looks like we need to split up again? I don't like this at all. We can't let the cart unattended and we can't take it and the horses along this path. And we can't let them in the hands of those subhuman creatures either.

Alice pauses for a few moments
Hey, saay...
I heard goblins like to rape girls. Do they rape men as well?
Alice lacks any sort of tact in such matters and speaks her mind while kicking a goblin corpse

What ugly smelly creatures!
Even I have doubts about their edibility...
Alice hesitates for a moment
But maybe...an ear?
Hey cat, do you think you could deep fry their ears if I clean them? Might be a crunchy snack! Well, you don't know until you try!

Whistling an alien tune, Alice takes her dagger and cuts off a few goblin ears, runs them to her hands to clean them and sticks them on her spear to let them dry.

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After Alices treatment is finished Yulya summons everyone to the cart
In Eldaths name Cat!
Look at you a goblin wounded you like this! Promise me to never blindly run off like that!

Yulya places her hands on Cats back and uses Healing Hands
Go eat a ration from the cart and drink something! Try to rest a bit!

Now what do you all think?
It really looks like they captured Sir Gundren and Sir Sildar! That is not good!
What should we do? Go all together and leave the cart behind to be looted? Try to hide it?
I hate to split up and I am afraid to end up the same as them. Ashley do you think you can handle this with Alice? You can borrow my shield if you like. And if you go I would like you to take that short sword of sharp tongue with you. Even if you do not want to use it. Who knows, someone else may. Just carry it with you please!

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Canceling rage, Cat sits down to be treated by Alice
Thanks Nya sorry for being reckless Nya! Could you also look after the horses wounds Nya?

Cat and Alice arrive at an angry and worried Yulya, Cat is bringing the wounded horses to feed them and give them water.
Nyaa I'm sorry Yulya Nya! I wasn't thinking Nya my body acted on its own Nya but the horses Nya! I will try not to do it again Nya! Sorry you have to waste your healing spell because of me Nya but thanks Nya!
Cat hugs Yulya

> Now what do you all think?
I worry about Gundren Nya and Sildar Nya but we can't split up Nya! Look what one of the did to me Nya! It's bad Nya but we need to go to Phandalin first Nya with the cart Nya. Maybe we can get help there Nya! So let's hurry Nya! I hope the poor horses will make it there Nya!

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"I'm with Cat on this, if they're in there trapped by goblins, hobgoblins, who knows what else, it's their turf, they're'll be traps, ambush points, and who knows what else."

"I don't mind ventuting in to the mouth of the beast but not alone, not with Alice, it's foolish. We'll need your good senses, we'll need support, whatever Alice does, and our Tank Cat. Gundren hires us together not half of us. He needs all of us. 

> And if you go I would like you to take that short sword of sharp tongue with you

"I'll give it to the Goblin's, maybe they can use it. Get that thing out of here. Look, my babies need me to tell them what to do, they'll do way more good than me fumbling around with a sharp implement. I didn't swear off weapons for some altruistic oath, I suck at it. My babies are my weapons."

"Now let's race to Phandalin, secure the cargo so the goblins think we got away and sneak back. In fact we should probably time it to come back at dark so it's easier to hide, but however it works out, leave that heckin sword behind before I fall on it."

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> Over my dead body Nya!
Alright, alright Miss Picky eater! I'll air dry the goblin ears then!
By the way - did they carry anything usable to loot? We should still get the corpses off the road. The hob is blocking it!
Alice searches the corpses before dragging them off into the bushes

Alice proceeds to disinfect the horses' wounds
Ok, let's get out of here! You really think these horses will make it to Phandalin, Cat?

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> By the way - did they carry anything usable to loot? We should still get the corpses off the road. The hob is blocking it.

[The party gains 300 EXP]

Ashley helps Alice drag the bodies to the side of the road. Alice checks each one, and finds the following items:

- A fragment of a map with words scribbled on it. (Not enough to go on)
- A sealed clay flask, very crudely fired, contents unknown (unknown)
- 3lbs of Some kind of dried meat, edible (1sp/lb)
- 4 water flasks but filled with a foul smelling alcoholic beverage (worthless, likely poisonous)
- 4 crude spears (worthless) 
- Crude bows and arrows, barely functional (worthless)
- Scraps of armor (worthless)
- Teeth of various animals making a necklace (3 total, worthless)
- 4 lbs, Pieces of Rough Amethyst, tourmaline, and cobalt ore (10 sp total but worth more if sold to a geomancer shop or gemologist)
- 6 copper pieces
- The longsword and longbow and chainmail carried by the hobgoblin are held together with twigs and twine (worthless scrap)
- a quiver and 10 arrows in fair condition.
"It's all mostly junk," Ashley says in frustration.

> Ok, let's get out of here! You really think these horses will make it to Phandalin, Cat?
The horses look exhausted but can walk and are in a good mood now that Cat's here. They look like they can be towed behind the cart. They're not badly injured and the poison on the arrows didn't have much of an affect on them, if anything it prevented infection. 

> So it be! I pray Sir Gundren and Sir Sildar will hold out long enough. Let us depart for Phandalin

The tired horses are tethered behind and Cat takes the reigns. With a jiggle of the reigns and a gentle word, the horses begin to pull and they're off on a average clip. [1d20+2=7 ~3.8 mph] Based on the map Cat expects to be in Phandalin in about 5 hours, or 20:00, once again in the dark. Walking back should therefore take no more than 7 hours.

A somber mood lingers heavy in the air as the dark road is barely lit by a quarter moon high above and the head lamps on the cart. The horses are in a fair mood and don't mind the little extra time on the road as they seem to be anticipating the rest at the end. Cat can tell they've been this way before. 


"Thank god nothing happened." Ashley exclaims when the lights of Phandalin come into view. 

You pass some farms and a farmhouse on the right, there are no gates nor guards to check any tokens, the general store comes into view on the left a large sign labeled Barthen's Provisions you vaguely remember something of Gundren's ramblings that lead you to think this is the place. An old man sitting out front smoking a pipe is startled by the cart and stands as you approach. The look on his face is one of joy but as his lights shine on your faces he's crestfallen.

Cat stops the cart right in front and he calls up, "Where ya coming out of? Need a place to stop? I could open the gate for ya." He peers into the cart and his face brightens, "Well those look a heap like provisions to me. Did that ole rascal Gundren send you down, heh, too much of a big shot to do it himself anymore? Well let me tell you, I don't care who's selling, I'm buying the lot." He catches himself "do ya have a token? I'd like to keep it above board." He says with a keen eye to Cat.

Ashley hops down and this man who seemed larger than life from above barely crests her shoulders, "Hey short stuff, we do need a place to park this heap, but if you're looking for a trade token, sorry bub, we lost it." [deception 1d20+6=25] "So we'd like to offload all this stuff before it gets taken by whatever it is that takes stuff out here. Gundren himself said there's a 50% premium on the goods down this way. Are you game or should we move on to Conyberry?"

He looks conflicted and leans in to her, "You look a little too clean for this, are you an auditor? You can tell an old Gnome who ain't trying to swindle the guild out of their share."

"Pfft, are you kidding? Naa, but it's 50% take it or leave it."

He sighs and looks over the load, "oh? oh! Mhm mhm, well it's all in new and good condition for the most part, yep, I'd say there's a good profit to be had for 30% over, but an old gnome needs to feed his family after all, I can't run this shop as a charity and I can't raise my prices any higher or the town would likely mutiny first." He continues grumbling and pulls out a pocket ledger, flipping through it and checking the stock in the cart for a good 5 minutes. He handles the pickled herring and then moves on to the other bibs and bobs. "If you said 35% over I got coin right here and now and a helpful hand to unload it, and I'll even throw in free room and board and wave the stable fee. If not, then maybe you can leave the cart there on the road and hope for the best.''

Ashley scrunches her face, "What you got for accommodations?"

He laughs and points to the big sign that says Stonehill Inn, "Unless you want to sleep with the horses in the stables, they'll treat you right, your horses will be well taken care of for the night and ready for the road bright and early. Just tell them Hobby sent ya."

Ashley looks at him straight, "we've got some other business, can you throw in taking care of the horses and cart for another few days or so."

He sticks out his wrinkly hand, "A gnome's word is gold."
Ashley shakes it with a determined look in her eye, "40% then" [persuasion 1d20+4=22]
He looks pained, "Sorry sweet miss, but my ears ain't so good in my old age, you said 35% didn't ya? Bah! I can appreciate a young swindler making her mark, you got it!"

He directs cat where to go and then begins tending the horses. Once that's done he starts unloading and calculating.

Technically that 40% applies mostly to Gundren's supplies, but the supplies and anything you want to sell right now would also benefit. You'll get wholesale price +40% for provision and supply type things which follows this scheme:

- New = 1.4x
- Good = .9x
- Fair = .62x
- Patched = .1 (cannot be sold wholesale)
- Scrap = .02 (raw ores and metals that aren't precious such as iron and steel, x5 for copper ore and other common ores and scrap, x25 for silver ore and other rare ores and scrap, x50 for gold and other exceptional ores and scrap)

The 40% premium is now only.

Gundren's stuff aside, all that coin will be reserved for him, or for someone with his token, for the 15 gold of things Gundren's token helped you buy wholesale, you'll get 21 gold since it's in new condition. Anything else you want to sell you should sell now. Make a list and he'll make a line-item offer on them regardless of what they are but not all will be wholesale or necessarily at a premium, he will at least make an offer on everything though.

[20:00 Clear]
It will take an hour to unload and make the transactions. Ashley was able to convince him that you have a trade guild token but she later told him that he should mark it under Gundren's name since it's his cart and he'll be buy to pick it up later. She also said to keep Gundren's proceeds for him when he arrives safely and soundly.


Later that night:
"I can be optimistic too. I say we revive him if he's dead.''



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Alice inspects the loot with visible disappointment.
I don't know what I was expecting but...
She runs the gems and ore through her hands.
Hmm, amethyst, tourmaline and cobalt ore...
This is not bad actually, especially the cobalt ore! The tourmaline also appears to contain some traces of lithium, chromium and vanadium. I could use this to strengthen my body if you let me have it. Not the amethyst though, it's just silica and a little iron. I can get that from soil so sell that one!

>  Ashley was able to convince him that you have a trade guild token but she later told him that he should mark it under Gundren's name since it's his cart and he'll be buy to pick it up later. She also said to keep Gundren's proceeds for him when he arrives safely and soundly.
Oi Ashley!
Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements. But hmm, might look suspicious again to have people disappear around us.

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> Oi Ashley!
> Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements.

Ashley shakes her head, "gimme a chance to get there, let's get this stuff sorted out first then I'll ask."

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Yulya is glad to arrive at Phandalin without further incidents and without having to negotiate prices as someone who would still rather walk into a goblin den naked than barter with a gnome. She still has a heavy heart thinking about Gundren and Sildar.

> Later that night:
> "I can be optimistic too. I say we revive him if he's dead.''
That unfortunately is the most optimistic outcome. Providing we even find his remains in revivable state and I do not have to revive any of us. I can only revive one person.

> This is not bad actually, especially the cobalt ore! The tourmaline also appears to contain some traces of lithium, chromium and vanadium. I could use this to strengthen my body if you let me have it
Fine with me we need to get Alice back in shape! So eat the rocks!

Ashley you handle telling them about Sir Gundrens fate the way you see fit. But try to keep 'alternative facts' to a minimum we are already more than suspicious. Arriving with Sir Gundrens cart but without Sir Gundren will raise questions we need to answer.

Now let us decide what to sell and what to keep!

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