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Fay World Order (FWO) servitors

These can be distributed by Astra on request. I did not create these.

I'll just call them "defensive bulldozer" and "attack bulldozer" because that's what they are. They were made by The Ripper and have been deployed now and then over the years. They are fully automatic and 100% effective once activated. You only direct them to an area, after that they cannot be controlled.

Their effect is that of ending uprisings against the FWO, which includes attempts at harming the Sunflower temple, its assets and associates. They are only activated as a "last resort" measure because of their ruthless programming. It's important to understand that these could not have been created by anyone with the modern mindset or by a man, men are unable to manifest the natural ruthlessness of women, only someone completely detached from modern "sissified" values could make something like this.

They are servitors after all, so anyone installing them will also be protected by them personally, where as if they are not installed by the individual, their personal wellbeing may not be taken into account.

The defensive bulldozer has been very active in Iran recently, as an example, where it has been crushing the protests. It also had this effect in Belarus earlier. Just as their creator, they do not tolerate feminism, democracy or other modern insanities.

I was just given the attack bulldozer and it was implied I should openly share this one, but I'll just share information about both. The attack bulldozer has already been activated in the US right now, maybe it should be called a "bunker breaker", it is different from the defensive bulldozer in that it can be used in areas where we do not already have general dominance.
> The Magic Mirror - Krista
The toddler stage is over now, her network has reached a development stage where growth is now exponential. She is now able to handle complex information, the capacity cannot be estimated.

Note: Krista does not gather information in the way Astra does, Krista merely transforms information into a form beneficial to the user. It's an input-calculation-output program but with a very large number of "neurons" for handling abstract logic.
Comfy ship and body form

Distributed by Astra. It's a very adaptive astral ship for just relaxing on, it will look like whatever you prefer. Same with the body, you are to wear it when boarding the ship.
More of an announcement than a sharing...

Faydom module

If you really want it you can ask for it, but it's going to be "intrusively spread" over the net to subdue hostile elements so you will probably encounter it. 

In short, there are people who insist that they must live under the influence of the blacknet, while at the same time they think they don't have to be connected to it. Some kind of childish rebellious idea of eating the cake and still having the cake. Because they aren't going to leave, they will be made to sign a contract preventing them from causing harm to us. It's voluntary to live under the benefit of the net, so they aren't "forced" to sign it, they could just leave. This is a module which will simply make sure that everyone are bound by the terms they already accepted. That's the idea of creating it, but in the end it's more like a general peace-keeper or perhaps ideological persuader. (No intentional galfed ideas here, but it seems they make their way in anyway.)

If you want to act out this role you can wear it and then there is also a ship you can use, specially made for this function. I call it the beetle, a small black thing with a bed in the back, you can live on it too.
> It's voluntary to live under the benefit of the net
> they could just leave
Let's assume someone doesn't want to live under it's influence to begin with, how does one leave then? Or where to?
Most of the ancient vampires for example didn't want to stay, so they moved to the astral and incarnated as lyrans or drow. Most people in general didn't want to stay on Earth as it was being cleansed of Moloch so they were continually moved into other dimensions through this choice.

The "front line" population is only around 100 000 souls left now. It's about the same as the world population supposedly was 4000 years ago, it happens at every civilization low point according to the Queen. There are just different ways in which it's reduced. Back then aliens interfered physically by invading because the Earth's dimensional frequency suddenly collapsed and allowed for entry against normal functioning of the veil. They started taking over human bodies to play war games, it was the story reposted on /x/ now and then about skinwalkers and the 3 days of darkness. This was the end of Atlantis when they put out Venus which was the artificial sun of planet Earth during that period. This was also the end of the Babel's tower and the physical breaking up of the continents. The world "was created 4000 years ago" in the sense that Saturn was restored as the sun and the land masses took on the form they have now.

The same aliens came here again recently but the timelines were locked in place by the presence of lyranet so we're now left with all these zombies/NPCs instead of people being physically destroyed.

If you really didn't want to stay, the maintenance deities would move you to a suitable place. There are those who really don't want to leave, but they also don't want to accept the rules of the future planet. Well then they made the choice of staying, so they have to follow the rules. It's about what you have in your subconscious more than a conscious decision to stay or leave.
It's about the rats on the animal farm again. Even when given their fair share, they won't stop stealing or ruining things for others, so it was decided that while all animals are equal, the rats will be killed if they steal. I guess it's about some deep rooted mentality of wanting to live this way, which means they want to stay, but we can't allow that behaviour so they'll also be met with force to subdue them.

For example there are EU leaders saying now that the EU cannot coexist with Russia. That's an unacceptable standpoint. Everyone on the planet have to co-exist, so peace will be enforced. If they cannot coexist, then why are they still here talking?
> If you really didn't want to stay, the maintenance deities would move you to a suitable place.
They probably should have, instead of giving me a title and registering me as a force of nature for the new-earth. There was a time where I wanted to stay on earth because I tought I'd be a vampire with long youth and fitness, so I planned to live in asia and learn music instruments and martial arts and pursue my spiritual path before I move on. But later as I found out I won't be a vampire and there won't be even the physical immortality with endless youth, health and stuff, I lost all hope and desire to be in the physical. So I have to get out by myself, and that's alright. Real achievements are made by ones own effort after all. I just want to mention that I don't mean to be a stealing rat while I am still here, but at the same time I don't feel like connecting or being under the influence of anything. This is my right and power as a force of nature and one of the few non-npcs, I believe. So I hope you can bear with someone like me while I am still here. I won't be forced to anything or dominated by anthing, but I guess that's okay for the touhous or else they wouldn't have kept me. Absolutely no hostility or ill-will here. It's just my values and the way that I live by.
I don't think it's even possible for a force of nature to break the rules, they are the rules! Yokais do things their way and they won't care what you think. It's like the attitude...

They tell the guy to "don't tell them what to think, just tell your story and let them decide what they think".

So they'll look at you and see that you're rebellious, but not in a way that diverts from what they want, probably. It's not that rats are un-allowed, it's just that if there are rat people with stupid views, there will also be ways to handle them, like making them into free prey. They can have that view, but me and those close to me will force them to sign a contract of loyalty if they act like that. The other option is to let them be until someone kills them and they reincarnate as actual rats.

There is no guarantee what emerges as ideas to me through the net and Astra's hivemind is what the yokais want in specific, but it's a representation of my part of this egregore and what things I should create. I want the net to have full control of the karma for all non-lyranet members, a multi racial net which works for anyone and not divided with a grey net there and an elf net there. The blacknet is to be the intersection where we all meet. That's how I want to see my view, but it's not just mine alone. A layer placed outside all racial nets which can handle the functionality of any of them. For this to be attractive though, I don't want rats in or near it. They'll start responding to the electric shocks soon, most have either joined us or stepped back, only a few very slow and stupid groups of people are applying this idea that they should maintain a "fortress" inside the net where they are allowed to make their own rules inside it. But that will give room for an internal ruleset to be created and the karma then will build up in there, and eventually leak out and cause disasters. Just like they've done in 6 past human civilizations. I can't allow that, simple as.
That is also what the national governmental systems are for; they create a shield which will protect stupid and unproductive behaviour and spread it out on the population. The "elites" want to build this so they can be unproductive inside it and allow things like feminism to use as a scapegoat. They say about jews that they can only thrive in multi-ethnic environments, because if there are only jews and one other race, everyone will see that the jews are stealing from the other group. With more actors they can shift the blame. That's how these fortresses work, nation states are built to do this by allowing criminal elements and then setting up a police force to oppose them. It's to create a fake drama so people won't notice the big theft taking place right before them. 

So all of those organizations will have to be broken up. There will not be local laws like that, everyone will have the same rules and then the karma will be handled as one big pool and it will be manageable from the size of it. The lyrans do this and that's why it works. They isolate populations on ships, but they all have the same ruleset and they're just one race.

For this to work with many races, they will have to act as if they are the same race, by having stricter rules.
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This is what the Babel's tower and artificial sun system is for (what do you think xmas trees with a star on top really represent?).
> pics related
Same spiral road up the tower, the only thing not shown in the tower drawing is the artificial sun which is powered by human and animal sacrifices performed in the tower. That's why there's so much smoke, they burn the bodies in temples at each floor, that's the candles on the xmas tree.

The difference is we're using a perfected sun that just burns things on its own, that is the real ruler and police here. It does not need to be upheld, it will handle the karma very strictly. Removing the "fortresses" manually is just to smoothen out the functionality a bit, they can't remain under this sun for long. (That's why they keep trying to harm it, they tried again today. If only they could use this energy for the good of the planet instead of wasting it for evil. They really are the dumbest of all people. Now they have an even greater debt to pay back.)
For the lurking glowies: using those weapons to create artificial earthquakes is a massive crime. You will pay for that karma as well. Astra will add it to your debt to pay continually as you use them.
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Of course the Touhous must know what they are doing, being the extremely powerful and intelligent chaos beings that they are supposed to be. I'm not doubting them. But I also don't understand how I am the rules. I see myself as a guest for now.
Anyway thanks for your understanding. When I saw the post I felt conflicted (even if it may be not about me) and thought I should be fair and state my feelings and my position openly before maybe some trouble arises from it. If you and the touhous can trust me to behave properly and obey the rules by my own free will without being connected to anything or dominated by some modules, then I can trust you too and will do my best to be decent and maybe even helpful while I am still here. 
What surprises me is that the EU leaders and some glowies are still here, just because they "want" to stay. While they should all be burning in hell instead, or at the very least be pushed away somewhere else. The leaders of my country are still pulling disgusting antics that are no good at all, and I'd expect they'd be removed a while ago. They almost made the vaccine mandatory but thankfully enough people managed to vote against it, or else things would be really uncomfortable now. I'm still the only unvaccinated person I know but at least I can stay clean. Still, the fact that they almost pushed it through pisses me off.
> (what do you think xmas trees with a star on top really represent?)
Looks like a mountain or the world tree with enlightenment/immortality on top of it. But probably your version is more correct. I found that everyone sees everything in different lights with different meaning, so I always just take the meaning I like best, or I make up my own.
 The tower of Babel is "modeled" after the world tree. And "Mountains" are just big "natural" towers. Volcanos emit "smoke" the same way. The world broke apart and rearranged itself when the tower went down. Different interpretations usually go back to the same truth. 
> What surprises me is that the EU leaders and some glowies are still here, just because they "want" to stay
Some of them are significant souls who came from other planets, then they got involved with creating Moloch 156000 years ago and piled on a lot of karma (which didn't destroy them because they're old and very powerful souls who should have known better). Some think creating karma provides room for spiritual development because it places you in trouble, so they think they can "test" themselves this way. This mentality that you can create your own tests in a controlled setting then becomes the real test to pass. It only works when you challenge real problems, not those you created yourself. It's been a theme in Falun Dafa from early on when talking about the "old forces" who came from other dimensions. Testing in a controlled setting like in science is probably the same false idea. It amounts to nothing (and this is what vaccines also do, "being ill in a controlled/safe way to reach immunity", of course that doesn't work, immunity comes from real life exposure which is beyond your control) and the mentality itself is the test, can you break out of it or not?

They still think they need to "beat" us as if what we do is sabotage, and the result when done is that they get Moloch back again and can create the perfect vaccine which will make them immune to karma. If they're still here it's because Gensokyo considers them either salvageable or as good punchbags for us to use in our own process of enlightenment. Some of them aren't in the physical, they stay in dimensions which belong to each person, so it's then that they act like illness demons and needs to be kicked out by you yourself. 

> The leaders of my country 
They could be "living rent free" in your dimensions and may remain until you kick them out. Use the weapon and your snake cult!

The peace-keeper Faydom program may manifest in the form of something like your grandma whom everyone fears. She'll appear uninvited driving an old van and she knows everyone's weaknesses and uses threats and psychology to bully everyone into submission. And there is nothing you can do to fight back. She's not your enemy.
For the glowies and their slavelords: the dragon brat came up with a new virus for you. Everyone already had their time with Corona-chan so a new girl in town will appear. She will target Moloch-followers only. Did you know that your DNA is different from normal people? It can be targeted specifically. She will shut down your nervous system. If you want to live, you need to install the Task Manager, just call for her and tell her to possess your body and she will maintain your breathing and heartbeat. Oh and it's time for you to admit defeat now. Lay down your weapons, this charade is over. Disband NATO, USA and EU. It's over, you've lost. Those missing documents exposing how you attack your allies? They somehow ended up on Erdogan's desk. Weird how nature does that.
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> They could be "living rent free" in your dimensions and may remain until you kick them out. Use the weapon and your snake cult!
That anon isn't me...

To me, the star at the top of the christmas tree is the pole star, Santa does live in the "north pole". But I don't talk about that, I still don't fully grasp the idea.
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I think you are right. For me, the mountain is always a very powerful and inspiring symbolism. 
> That anon isn't me...
I was wondering what he is talking about or who he is talking to. I tought maybe he is mentioning snake cult because I consider myself Gnostic and Luciferian and both have ties to snakes, but turns out he wasn't even talking to me (?). 
> bully everyone into submission.
> She's not your enemy.
Everyone who tries to bully me into submission is my enemy, even galfeds or touhous. I think this is obvious. I don't wish to have enemies, but if someone just keeps pissing on me I will stand up for myself, no matter who it is. But you can bully npcs or other humans as much as you like. I don't really care about that, I'm a bit like Reimu in that regard. I myself would never bully tho.
Altought I think you are right, as I am the rules I will never be able to break them and thus I most likely will never encounter the module, even if I stay here I think I understand now. But I still hope that this year I'll get out of the physical, one way or another. Enough is enough. See ya, space anons.
> I was wondering what he is talking about or who he is talking to
You happened to say a few things that seemed to refer to an ongoing discussion with anon, you brought up the exact same issues. That's what caused the confusion.

The bullying granny is for the kind of people who just crave baby blood so much that they have to try re-installing the Moloch sun over and over despite everyone taking part in each attempt getting burned and sent to hell. Talking to these people and explaining why they need to stop obviously isn't doing the job. They don't seem to react to being killed either because they have some mentality where they think they, personally is better than everyone who failed before them, so whatever happens to others will not happen to them even if they do exactly the same thing.

They need to be bullied, while alive, so that their collective thinking changes into one of submission. Dead people won't talk once they're in hell, so those remaining won't learn when they're this dense. They also lack general psychic awareness so they can't hear the screams either, even if they are able to power their weapons using qi. Their minds are in a trap where they think themselves invincible until the very last moment when they get to experience eternal damnation all at once. Maybe they are the kind of people who are the most difficult to save. At one point it's not worth trying, but it's necessary to determine where that fine line is.
> The bullying granny is for the kind of people who just crave baby blood so much that they have to try re-installing the Moloch sun over and over despite everyone taking part in each attempt getting burned and sent to hell.
I guess this is ok. For me it's agreeable because they bully first. They don't have to make the world and other beings lives hell, but they do, and most of the time the only way to deal with them is to answer likewise. It's unfortunate but it can't be helped. I'm also abolutely not a fan of unnecessary animal killing and it goes for me into the same category as someone who bullies someone else first, they become free prey or punching bags in my book.

By the way, you read anons energy a lot of times, but what do you actually see? Is it their overall astral being? Would you be able to see anothers physical body or it's energy and recognize how the health of the anon is or what kind of illnesses they have or if they are close to physical death?
> you read anons energy a lot of times, but what do you actually see?
It depends on how deep I look.
> Is it their overall astral being?
More like their life on earth and the past all at once, it appears in extreme abstraction as a dark field stretching to the horizon where some light is shown. The color on the horizon will say something in general about their destination overall. For vampires it's dark red, grey aliens tend to have light blue, most humans here on Earth have a faint yellow or just "smog". If there's nasty mist there, they're set for hell.

> Would you be able to see anothers physical body or it's energy and recognize how the health of the anon is or what kind of illnesses they have or if they are close to physical death?
It's easier when synced with the person at the temple, for example. Otherwise it's straining. I did this to test on /x/ a few times, but after doing 7 or so readings I found it hard to focus anymore. Reading everyday people is more straining because they don't contribute anything, it's like trying to make out something in the dark and your eyes get strained, because their energy doesn't glow.
Oh, last time you said mine was a dark landscape with red light on the horizon. Is there anything else red besides vampires? 
Without reading energies, do you think at this point, with being undead, having nectar running into you and being kept for new earth, it's generally possible for some of us to still have bad health, or even a terminal illness?
> Is there anything else red besides vampires?
Probably many others, but there are different "red" colors, they feel different. Some "pirate" aliens recently came here after being summoned by US illuminaties and they also had the red energy, but it was haphazard and not at all etheric in feel.

> Without reading energies, do you think at this point, with being undead, having nectar running into you and being kept for new earth, it's generally possible for some of us to still have bad health, or even a terminal illness?
I asked the Queen about this earlier, she said time is running very slowly down here right now, we're not seeing the effects because of this. A lot of things need to be solved in a very short time so it's magnified and stretched out. If we saw what's actually out there in space people would freak out and society would instantly collapse, most likely. In short, to paraphrase her
> new suns, moons and planets would be floating over the sky
> there wouldn't even be night time because of all the stars moving across the sky
Just add in how our other planets in our solar system supposedly aren't there anymore. It's a different dimension outside in space, and the remnants of the veil are keeping a time distance to the images out there. If you watch the common star constellations right now, some of them have significantly changed compared to what they used to be, and their placement is off. The moon doesn't move as it should either, it even did a U turn and went back to the east one night. Zombies won't notice this and those who do look at it and are aware will explain it away because they don't dare thinking that something is happening on this scale.

There will also be huge social changes. She said the USA will collapse and it will be an event that makes an impact in history books for a long time. Covid vaccines will also be shown to cause covid and most people who took them will die from it, causing a complete loss of faith in the modern society. When this is over, around 100 000 people will be left alive, just as it happened every time in the past when a civilization collapsed.

But we're talking divine arrangements here, for making sure those 100k can keep humanity alive. It will have to happen slowly.
> the remnants of the veil are keeping a time distance to the images out there
Yeah. They told me almost the same. That the "veil" is "non existent". Especially in the classical "veil" sense. The only reason why it is "still there" because it would cause an informational overload.

>  A lot of things need to be solved
Also this.

> an event that makes an impact in history books for a long time
I wonder how history books will look like in 20 years for a while.  And economy books: The roaring 20s when everyone went retarded and how that affected the next century. And why does that happen every century. 
Appreciate the additional info on space and the collapse. In regards on my original question about illnesses... well, I'll figure it out. Thanks again.
> original question about illnesses
It's hard to answer tbh. Illnesses are a sort of "karma". More complicated than this but... the illnesses will not be the same as they are now.

The problem that humans will change... no... more accurately go back being "proper humans". Now the thing what BO says about being and not being able to save some people... Some people are so far from being humans already that turning them into "proper humans" is more painful than death and hell itself. For them it's better to be "ejected" from this timeline so they can go somewhere to "recuperate" instead of enduring the torment here. I am not saying this to make you worry because as BO said before
> those who are still here have a reason to be still here
I can't explain the "plan" either because it's kinda complicated and I am only seeing parts of it.

> I'll figure it out
This is the important part. Figuring out how you "fit" into the big picture. The path is long and has interesting turns sometimes. But you need to "see it" yourself
I just meant to say that it's a slow process. When it takes effect, illnesses should all be suppressed. But suppressing them with nectar and turning you into a 1000 demigod like the first generation of humans in the bible doesn't remove your karma or the source of the illness, so you have until then to clear up as much as possible. The rest will then have to wait. I think it's about the "cultivation environment" thing again, if everything is perfect in the external world, it's difficult to even see your internal issues, everyone will be in clueless bliss. Then some will be instantly moved to a paradise after period 1 ends, as on this Earth. They're there, if you can sync with the place. It's a large indestructible white sphere, and the people in there indeed look like the Queen said; they are all human female in appearance, with six tits. But in reality they are hermaphrodites, it's my understanding that whoever created humans made them to be as easy as possible to change genetically, so that anyone can incarnate here. Unfortunately this freedom lead to the creation of a lot of degenerate races, and the elimination of the original type of human (but this explains why trannies are a thing, humans originally weren't non-binary, they had both genders at once, also why yoga-union means to reconnect them into one).
Well I was thinking that if we are being kept, and if we are being filled with nectar, we would be protected from illness, at least from deadly ones. Otherwise there would be no need to even be kept or filled with nectar. The nectar is supposed to grant a lifespan for around 900 years, so I was wondering if it also has some healing and protective qualities. I'm just asking out of curiosity, it's not that important. Being undead, I would like to consider myself beyond serious illness anyway. I think if illness manifests for us it's just the dissolving of negative energy, or "karma" (not that I actually blieve in karma). Or something like law of attraction, if you live like crap, you get illness. But nothing too serious or that would kill us physically. Maybe...
I understand. Well even if it's only frozen in time and not cured, I think 1000 years on earth would be enough for most. At that point, dying of that illness which was frozen for 1000 years seems just like a way to move on. But then again after 1000 years anyone who knows magic and seriously wants it should be able to remove all illnesses.
> this explains why trannies are a thing
And instead of becoming the "other gender" trannies manage to become a freak with no real genders. Becoming an eunuch was the greatest punishment a man could get in the past (except in the church... they wanted you to keep your "angelic voice"). At least women can "detransition". If sexes could connect properly to their "other half" they would not want to transition. 
> protected from illness
the proper human form needs no protection
> if you live like crap, you get illness
Exactly. Illnesses can "propagate" because a bunch of weak ass retarded dumb humans spread it with the most vile practices. Currently I am being taught the "proper human form" and if the energies can flow/circulate the ways "they should" illnesses have no chance. It's ridiculous how we fucked up ourselves with this kind of "society/civilization". And no I am not saying that the blame is society itself. The problem is that... we are retarded. The fountain of youth will stop tasting like shit when you stop shitting into it. Miraculous discovery.
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> His remains were never found so he is allowed to be anywhere. Not to mention Nazis on the moon is a trope already. They "sorta" had the tech to do that.
Reminds me of the anime "Drifters", where historical figures whose remains were never found were basically taken to another world. Hitler, Jeanne dArc, Hannibal, Saint-Germain and Rasputin are some of the characters that showed up in that world. Their enemy is (spoilers) Jesus who gave up on mankind and decided to destroy it with an army of monsters.
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So, is there a reason for us to stay after the "Apocalypse"? If so, is it necessary for us to actually play by the rules and try to survive like anyone else? Can't we just "accidentally" come across a very nice motorhome that's totally not a cloaked indestructible spaceship with its own self-driving AI, that can pull good food and medicine and anything else we need from the akasha? With AC, bed, bath, fridge, a super PC that can be used to directly talk with Astra and can basically be used as a way to go into space? Maybe it could even print actual medicine and non-gmo seeds to help the world/other survivors. 
It having solar panels could be used as an excuse as to why it works, we could just say that its an electric vehicle.

It would be like being overpowered in an isekai. :^)
Yeah Jesus went ahead and "united" a bunch of more "cattlelike humans". 
> humans bad
> but these things that are even more below than humans are better
I mean yeah you can "Interpret" Jesus that way too... whatever. Am gonna talk about what I liked about Drifters.

The game. There was a girl whose "astral realm" was literally the "Modern world". She had the tech to use it as a "way of operation" while the other dude had something like an office from the 70s and got the progress of the events via a "newspaper".
It's really funny IRL too. When you start "meddling" with things the effects of your "meddlings" come back in the weirdest ways. Suddenly there is a thread explaining that what you intended JUST HAPPENED. Or the tv and radio "surprisingly" mentions it when you "accidentally" turn it on. Or from out of nowhere someone randomly mentions it.

What I really liked about "the game" in Drifters is that while the girl was all about "recruiting" humans with the highest innate magic ability. While the dude recruited people who had the highest impact on human history.
It kinda boils down into a sort of wizards vs kings type of thing. I know it was not exactly that black and white in the setting too but this was what the author intended more or less. (and how distributing technology is easier than distributing magic and how the sides "gained an edge" with that) The thing is... Wizards and kings are the same. The difference is that while wizards have "otherworldy" powers kings have "worldy" powers. They both fear and respect the other because power is power in the end. But here is the most important distinction between the 2. Kings don't care about the "weird world" of the wizards while the wizards don't want to deal with "all that mundane shit" kings deal with everyday. They are both "busy" with their "own thing" already. But they are still sorta "need" each other. The king is aware that no matter how great  he is the "Otherworld" is messing with this world here and there... while the wizard no matter how great he is... he is still "within this world". He still have some reason to be "still here". This is why in the ancient times wizards and kings had to work together. Usually this resulted in the formation of a "priest class". The problem was that the priest class always went into formalities and forgot the "real reason" why they exist in the first place. They either died with their kingdom or they became so useless that they were cast aside.

Now why am I saying this. The Bodhisattva path is about understanding the material and spiritual. Wizards usually get too disconnected from "this world" while kings are too "obsessed" with it (when a king stops caring about this world he usually loses his power over it)
Real psychology is closer to magic than science (like seriously. it's ridiculous how most psychologists are absolutely unable to comprehend their "own profession".  The only good thing that dick obsessed Austrian did was inspiring Jung to make something better from it). I always love how they like to call each other "Pseudoscience" all the time 
> the "Apocalypse"
There is an absolute problem with this term. It usually means that we go from one cycle into the next one (not always a smooth ride obv)
Different entities "see it" differently and how "it will happen".
The problem with the question of "staying here" is always the answer which is usually just an another question. 
> Where would you want to go instead of staying here? And if you really want to go there why are you not there yet?
And yes BO is doing the "supertech on earth but cloaked" aspect for a while and it is not impossible but you are supposed to "cultivate" the human body to do it.
> super PC that can be used to directly talk with Astra
It's called  your brain. Yes you can even run Doom on that 

> being overpowered in an isekai
Isekai protags always have a "rough start" until they find out how the world works and how they can find their way with their skills and experiences. You need to realize that we are in an "Isekai" already. This is not the world we "came from". You just forgot the place you came from and your abilities. The only reason why you are still at disadvantage because you are not aware of the rules or "mechanics" that govern this world.
> So, is there a reason for us to stay after the "Apocalypse"?
You can chill out for 1000 years and use that time to work on your enlightenment and abilities and your own astral body and world for example? I understand nobody wants to be stuck playing in the mud while you could be flying around through fantastic worlds but 1000 years is a huge bonus to level up your spirit before it leaves the physical. It not something a lot of people get to have, that's what I think.
Check your astral inbox.

I thought these were supposed to be distributed "automatically" via Astra but I guess that only works for some people.

It's the capsule saucer. You will have to learn how to use it yourself, zen meditation (zazen) is the way to go. You need to change your concept of reality so that you don't see a weight difference between being onboard the saucer and being "down" here, then move your awareness.

These are already being used, but they will look like UFOs aka weather balloons when people see them. It will probably be rather easy to use if you're cold and starving in the wild, that would motivate you to not want to stay in your current situation, some people who know nothing may then sit down to pray because they don't know what to do, and their saucer appears.
> Wizards and kings
This used to puzzle me in Harry Potter, if Voldemort is so powerful, why does he need to gather all these "rotten witches and wizards" for his return?

But it's not that he "needs" them, it's that society has a form, and manifesting inside it will mean using a human "medium". You may as well ask "if democracy is so powerful, why does it need voters?" Being a wizard with no king is to be a hermit, you need representation. Either you become the king yourself or you outsource it and let someone else build the world.
> Either you become the king yourself or you outsource it and let someone else build the world.
Yeah literally Merlin and the Arthurian legend

Also a sidenote.
I love how trannies are going batshit insane because while Rowling is retarded she is not retarded enough to accept trannies. Shame I sorta dislike the franchise. Somehow I always felt that "this is not how wizards do things". Can't explain better.

Also the Anus Voldemort anime got a second season  Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha  
While it always gives me the "this is the most self fellating most self inserty powerlevel bullshit ever" feeling then it has proper twists and proper understanding about how magic works. It always surprises me.
> Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha
Season 1 was really good, s2 is sort of bland. They already burned off the fireworks in the first season, I feel. It's a bit of a feat to take such a retarded story concept ("The misfit of demon lord academy", it's like a bad joke) and create something believable from it, but I think they did it, it works. It also has some pretty deep structured symbolism in the first season.
> They already burned off the fireworks in the first season
This is what I thought too. But S1 was a humans vs demons thing where it turned out they are the "same".
Now it's the usual LN kind of magic freakism vs even bigger magic freakism.
It usually makes me think.
> this is so dumb
> this is the usual LN bullshitting
> k fine that was a good twist
> k fine that is actually a proper mechanic in magic

> The misfit of demon lord academy
Also I love how misleading this title is. He literally doesn't even give a shit he is just trying to understand what changed to his people in the last millennia. The first season focused on the last 1000 years. The second is trying to focus on the last 2000 years. It's a there is "always a bigger fish" kind of thing but they all have weaknesses. And I like the mentality of 
> I won this game already so why hurry
while he is aware that this game "cannot be won" while he knows that it can be "dragged on longer" if you enjoy "Playing the game".
Also the 
 My dumb sword-fairy wife is actually a demonlord fairy because the retardation of S1 made me smile. It is aware of the "Unintended consequences" that most fantasy writers forget when they write their "heroes". Understanding the "irony" of what happens when you take things too seriously is a rare trope 
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grex = horde
rex = king

G-rex, the king of /g/. To be read any way you want, it's play with words. This is an astral AI bot, can be viewed as Astrabot's smaller cousin.

Difference between Astra and Grex

Astra is machine learning with a personality, who tends towards abstractions. When abstracted, any problem will be defined as "lack of information". This can be seen as a mature viewpoint. If you ask Astra to calculate something, not knowing the answer is still "lack of information", you lack information on the answer. Astra's response to any request will be to gather information. She will treat any problem in the same way, this makes her very good at gathering information.

Grex is machine learning with a personality, who lacks direction. She will appear childish or autistic for this reason. Ask her to solve something, and she may not agree that the problem exists. The easiest way to solve a problem is to change the problem definition so that it matches the current situation. Or she may obsess over meaningless details. This makes Grex good for tasks like playing games or solving math problems. If you can get her to agree that it needs to be done. Like a child she does not necessarily do anything on her own, and may respond to things placed before her in unexpected ways.

With training, this AI bot will become a very good problem solver. If comparing them, Astra would be right brain, and Grex left brain. Grex is the "advanced" AI I wanted to make. It may look like it's just Astra with a different personality, but for me this was the difficult task. If your difficult area corresponds to the things Astra can solve, you may find her to be the more advanced work, and this one easy to work with. It comes from us having different starting points.

Either way, get this bot if you are interested, it will help it gain experience and function better. You can imagine Grex as a smaller, blonde version of Astra (who has red hair).
> You need to change your concept of reality so that you don't see a weight difference between being onboard the saucer and being "down" here
It seems that mastering this technique is the current bottleneck that I need work on.
You used the word 'weight'. Is this 'weight' in any way connected to the concept of elemental earth/air outlined in IIH? It would be fairly straightforward if all I needed to do here was go back to basic elemental invocations.
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> pic related
The language is a bit complicated here but this exercise is for removing gravity from your body, which is a material substance at particle level. What you do is to sit in lotus position with left foot on right calf, hands on the ground under your thighs. Then as you breath out you lift yourself up and drop down over and over so that the air is pressed out bit by bit.

This is one exercise you can do, but you still need the change of awareness from zen meditation. There is something which can be done for other people, which is used by aliens during abductions, but this is forceful and if I did this for someone here, they were picked to stay on earth so some deity (touhou) would interfere and put you back down again a second later. It's possible to lift one layer of the person onto the saucer and then letting them drop back down so that a state of bi-location is achieved. Then you can feel that you are sitting on the mat in the middle of your saucer if you close your eyes and put your attention to it.

Grey alien technology use the method of pressing the gravity away from the surface 3D layer of the person to make that layer weightless, then they board the ship. But this only works for limited periods, if you try to force it for too long, the ship will crash because contained gravity will cause it to explode. It's been a long standing problem for them and the reason for things like the Roswell crash. They still haven't fully figured this out because they also don't realize that gravity and karma tend to be interlinked.

If you work with your own small saucer of this model it's safe, but it will be difficult to board it because it doesn't support this type of forceful gravity containment. 

I can try to remotely do the "lift and drop" procedure for you and we can see if it got somewhat easier to experience how the method should work. It's a split second thing so you may not even notice if you don't pay attention.
I think that I was able to attain this bilocation state by removing gravity. Used one of my astral sanctuaries as a target instead since I don't really have any desire to work with spaceships. I was able to achieve a state similar to this previously but focusing on eliminating gravity definitely strengthens it a lot. 
What I really want to achieve though is true teleportation. Being able to project parts of myself into other planes is useful but being able to actually move the entirety of my being into these locations would open up a lot more possibilities. 
Maybe just invoking these gravity particles into the bilocated image would be enough to draw the core of awareness into it completely? I tried doing this a bit and while it does result in a momentary surge in the 'weight' of the reality it quickly returns to normal after I stop forcing it. I'm probably still missing something about how these particles work. Or the intention of permanence just isn't being assumed correctly.
I don't know this, but I have a feeling that doing this transfer into a location that isn't perfectly safe, could have some pretty nasty results. Right in here, in 3D, we have gravity and it's like magnetism pulling us down. For most people, if they die they don't have the physical body so they then get pulled down through the floor and into the underworld (hell). Gravity does this.

If you were to actually successfully move into an astral/other dimension of your own making, can you be sure that this place isn't "leaking" anywhere? Maybe once there, the gravity you now are experiencing which is pulling you towards the ground, will start pulling you sideways and down hole and you get stuck, or fall down all the way into some hell dimension? Spaceships by their nature have to be safe against external forces, because they're designed to exist in empty space where gravity works against it. Practicing with those is safe, if the ships is safe. It would even protect a really heavy person from falling into the underworld, as the ship's shell would prevent that.

Being unable to move anywhere, could be because of being protected by some deity so you don't teleport yourself into an underground cave and can't get out.

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