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Father Knows Beast

Okay, what a curious appearance from Sludge isn´t it? You know, like a meteorite and colliding just right at the moment for the plot?

Well, if the previous episode was about how to deal with the trush and arguing, this one is about how detect someone whenever he is lying. Oh boy, back to politics favorite´s weapon.

It´s immediately obvious that the faces he is doing show that they are not true and this leads to funny moments like feeling too lazy to fly, just drinking cider or eating all the cupcakes with gems. A real truant ladies and gentlemen with use of tears and pity in front of the rest.

Now, about the father title (this is a good one). Sure, that crash wasn´t an accident and for sure while showing himself to feel pity and some kind of sympathy, he doesn´t hide that he only wants what ponies offer with good will. 

He exaggerates it a lot and it truly represents what  beggars do in my capital city, taking advantage of people for a little bit of money. That´s actually an injustice because it makes other people look bad when they truly need it. 

Really, just with the Mount Aris, you would have to put a red alarm or at least question it and it´s too exaggerated that it actually shows the worst plot stories from Hollywood, an with an obnoxious sad tone. This episode shits and laughs at a ton of real life stuff out there believe it or not.

About Spike´s list moment, yeah,Sludge at least nailed and faked it pretty well. You can´t troll so easily if you don´t let some kind of genuine spirit in front of the gallery.

I will say that the Heart´s Warming fake setup felt really genuine though.

Again, this episode plays like as Dragon Quest, how Spike feels more pony like rather than a pure dragon. This is set up pretty well with the feathers detail in the beginning. 

The song, alright, while Sludge may not be the most likeable nor as design wise as nice as the kirins, he brings a lot of comedy around, especially on how picky he is with the stuff around Spike. The songs are usually for cute things but for this one, it serves its purpose at least on how corrupted the average dragon usually is (besides Spike, Ember, Torch and Smolder).

Also, wow, pic related has to be one of the closest sexual innuendos there has been ever in the series hahaha. Why should a horsefucker draw clop if we already have it here? 

 Thanks Twilight for raising up those questions but damn Spike, you broker her heart. Literally. 

And Smolder, well, she proves again that her character is not only worth to show it up for the students but for any slice of life situation, she sure has learned enough lessons to bend between what dragons are and what friends/family should act.She has proved that dragons while rude and "ambitious", they don´t reach those levels as her story told back then in Heart´s Warming. I am surprised that Sludge was so easy to leave with that resolution but what easy comes, easy goes.

A lesson that one should learn, you may not have the family you wanted but for sure, you feel more comfortable and more like you when you live with the ones who have loved you for years. A typical lesson for any show but with a greedy character this time. 

A filler episode? Probably but I enjoyed it more than I thought because of the comedy it brought, how Smolder was supportive again to Spike, how Sludge represents a certain kind of people that take advantage from everyone and doesn´t care about the helpers and how one shouldn´t trust on what one stranger says so easily.

So, here I end my own marathon of season 8. I am reviewing School Raze later....
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So, what do I have to conclude about my own thoughts about this?
It´s been a fun  day while watching and reviewing these episodes. I didn´t expect to enjoy them so much like the good old days.

Maybe it´s not the show what´s changed but my vision about it. Well, it has partially changed because the protagonists may not be the same all the time nor morals are written in the same way as the first seasons did, feeling so simple to write in the last two minutes of each episode.

I kind of felt discouraged to review or even watch them because I have had a complicated month and there hasn´t been a single day in which my mind felt like doing it, even less when my Wifi loads 1080p so slowly that it lags. I guess I have spent too much time for the community in my free time and not for myself and enjoy the root of it. 

Sometimes I even asked myself: why bother? I often wondered if I would feel forced by watching them, like an annoying task that I shouldn´t care or that consumes my time for nothing. Feeling tired or fed up of it. 

I was proved wrong, I am glad it went this way. I have been somewhat ill with a pallid face for these two days (maybe three) and I had no idea what to do. I decided to jump directly on this and I may have rediscovered what´s the show I love while sick and staying home after so much activity IRL. 

Season 8, while it may not have had the most memorable nor greatest episodes out there nor the most admired for the fandom, it sure delivered a strong 2nd half. Along with season 7, it delivered solid episodes in my opinion. There hasn´t been a point in which I have wanted to avoid them nor cringe, just have a nice time. Maybe my standards have set a low bar without noticing it, but I...cannot complain much about these. Maybe Yakity Sax if anything and it wasn´t that horrid as others said. 

No Non Compete Clause this time and they left the best for last. All the messages shown for the episodes reviewed hold a subtle yet deep lesson that one should take into account. All of this combined with adventures, challenges, comedy, lore and diverse interactions between the protagonists for each episode.

No matter what character they shoehorn in, they have made it like a natural development for the show. 

I am not getting paid for saying this and even when I look at the MLP logo, I question if MLP is all that great as people say, but here, I cannot prove that statement wrong. I wish it had a few better episodes in the 1st half but the 2nd half shows virtuous aspects from this show, as fresh as ever despite having 8 years on its back. 

Again, I have restored finally my faith and have a bit of time for myself. These thoughts are just improvised while watching them. 

I may reply to your thoughts as well and sorry for not giving any sign of life in this thread but I am finally here....ready for the finale and take it off with the top best and top worst episodes. 

That´s for the future but what has happened, won´t change. I have had a great time watching these 6 episodes and hopefully season 9 keeps that level of enjoyment. 

Pic related: the protagonists for School Raze....
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I was watching your thoughts while downloading the season finale and it seems that you haven´t explicitly disliked any episode so far and that you personal highlight is What Lies Beneath.

I have to agree with your postive thoughts overall because there is not a single episode that has bothered that much to me.

Cluttering a lot of places and characters is somewhat hard these days with so many characters but whenever you see the intro of this season, one cannot believe that this is as intimate as before....and still at times, the show manages to go for personal moments between two characters,even three that feel genuinely personal. The End in Friend actually set up that resolution despite the school watching how Rarity and RD acted, this is why I like the episode a lot.

But yeah, I get that criticism. 

> Those never load for me either. My habits are a bit more haphazard Rarely have access to TV. 
I don´t have TV....well, partially lying, I have it for the PS3 but I don´t have any TV control nor I have tuned in on my TV.

I have got to admit that this season feels a bit weird to watch but there you have the two links put in the main general. I have watched these 6 episodes in Nightmaremoon.xx and they are on 1080p. Very smooth by the way. 

They have yet to upload School Raze, it´s in German so far and I am not streaming it in MEGA, it lags way too much and even cancels the load, recommending me Google Chrome....*yay* them

> Sometimes just looking up fragments and clps and clips or worse... Reactors 

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School Raze (Season 8 finale) 

Alright, how do I sum up this finale with one line?

Uhum uhum...


You know, there are times when adults cannot even get that evil nor reach those cold plans to the point where you are a psychopath with no remorse at any moment.

Episodes needed before this finale: School Daze, What Lies Beneath, Marks for Affection and Friendship University.

The definition of Cozy Glow becomes somewhat confusing about what her backstory is. A little detail that lot of fans skip is that we all knew the backstory from the mane 6 and the CMC(we knew them from the start obviously but I want to remark it), the students with A Heart´s Warming Club, Surf and Or Turf (for Silver Stream), the two Spike episodes (for Smolder), What Lies Beneath (for Ocellus); and Dolores teen years with the Parents Map, so they had nothing left to hide and their intentions were pretty clear. No mysteries left around them. 

The only two CHARACTERS that didn´t show all the reasons behind them were Neighsay and Cozy Glow. You only knew that Neighsay was competing against Twilight for proving his vision right and that Cozy Glow....the only two signs you would notice are the little gestures, how she is attracted to the Tree of Harmony and that her answer for the 6th element for her was power, not magic. 

I swear, you cannot leave behind background or subtle things at any moment because they will caught you out of guard for a few aspects. Sure, they deliver a pretty predictable plot but that predictability doesn´t mean that it doesn´t hold surprises for your own expectations.

If you paid attention to Friendship University, it subtly hints that Cozy Glow had worked for Neighsay as a spy but it turns out that Neighsay didn´t even know her in the first place and even looked at her down when she was in charge of the school when Equestria was in great danger with the lack of magic around the continent. 

The EEA "racist" vision would have worked in season 1 (this explains why the mane 6 acted so harshly with Zecora) and the bubble that preventS for anypony to leave the places they know and dwell. Basically, an education for them exclusively because the other species have caused trouble in the past, so in theory, they wouldn´t get those lessons. However, that doesn´t mean the EEA doesn´t teach the values of friendship, just that it´s for ponies.

This last line becomes relevant when Cozy Glow captures him by using Neighsay´s view against his own creator. 

The partner for this plan is Tirek and he accepted that deal just for capturing the mane 6 in the Tartarus and leaving Cozy Glow with all the power. However, Tirek is also stupid for not thinking that he cannot escape from the Tartarus so he has to endure Pinkie´s jokes all the time. GG, well played buddy. 

So this leaves us to the actual character that matters: Cozy Glow. 
There were hints that she was planning something evil inside her mind.....but not THAT level of evil and that´s where the predictability becomes a joke and you analyze how manipulative she is.
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There are some funny reactions and even arguments in which a few fans say that Cozy Glow is redeemable, that the authorities were too harsh by capturing her into the Tartarus and that they left no room for her. 

Well, guess what, you had a filly in the past that was selfish as well but she didn´t harm beyond a certain group and saw how her actions had consequences: Diamond Tiara. Even in Flight to the Finish, she had to use the crippling argument to make Scootaloo feel bad and when that happened, DT was insecure about doing it because going into that route passes the normal limits. Not all the times she was that bitchy with CMC (Twilight Time) and her actions only put her class at her service (Ponyville Confidential)  but after that, she was getting more infamous and that´s why Pipsqueak won the elections in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, with Silver Spoon´s vote behind him. 

What I mean is that she knew the limits, she did have a room for feeling remorse about her actions and got redeemed because she figured out what her problem was with the help of the CMC.

Here, the process is in reverse. Cozy Glow has had all the friendship lessons in front of her, she learned all of them and became an exemplar assistant/student for the school, to the point Twilight relied on her even for the equipment for going to the Tartarus. She was a reference for the entire school but all of that was a slow process, they all were a means to an end. 

Pretending to be fine by studying all the concepts of friendship to twist them, gain friends (more like gaining an army of ponies) in order to become the ultimate leader....but she doesn´t know what to do with it. However, the manipulation went very slowly in a seemingly innocent way. It´s beyond the usual level ordinary of politics the skill of manipulation she has offered in this finale. She was going to show it sooner or later, but the execution just crosses a black zone. No wonder other fans whitewash all the other villains in comparison because sweet mother of Celestia, some lines sound like she is a renegade of the society when she has had all the facilities and skills to apply them correctly. 

The analogy is that those lessons give power. Nonetheless, this is like using a knife: either you use it to cut food or you use it to kill people; or chemistry: either for medicines and industrial products or for making drugs and nuclear weapons. It´s up to you to decide what to do with that knowledge. That´s the final result with friendship, the actual concept pushed in this show. What´s worse is that by her being a pegasus, all the ponies betrayed Neighsay and the ones who rescued him were the subpar creatures he had feared. 

In contrast, there were other 6 students who were taught with the same lessons that Cozy learned during this season. Just that we knew their development, where they came from, how they act together from the start and how over the time understand what the concept of friendship is with different experiences. The finest example for it, besides School Daze, is What Lies Beneath, in which they prove how to overcome that challenge from the Tree of Harmony itself.
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And here we are, with the protagonists and saviors of the finale.

You said that Sandbar wouldn´t become that relevant for the group but turns out that he plays an important role with his pony status. He manages to trick Neighsay in order to get free by pretending he is not related to them. That development from What Lies Beneath was stuck with him and he came with the help of the CMC. These 3 fillies serve to sacrifice themselves in order to leave some time for the students to resolve this threat. 

They weren´t aware at all that magic was disappearing and even Smolder felt that Cozy Glow was up to something for leaving Dolores out of the way. Neighsay just unexpectedly interfered Cozy´s plans by keeping an eye over the school with the EEA principles. Not only Cozy had to get rid of Dolores, but the Chancellor and the CMC as well....just that the Student 6 showed how friendship actually was with the help of the Tree of Harmony (an entity by itself by the way) by showing the elements and aspects of how friends actually are forged.

One scary line from Cozy was: "If I don´t make friends here, I will make them somewhere else", meaning that her rook cutie mark defies the central principles of harmony, replacing them with her manipulative skills. 

I also forgot to mention A Matter of Principals. This is where the two parter feels like the season 4 finale with the little objects as keys for the chest. Here they work for containing all the magic inside down below the school. 

Here, the students glow (pun intended) different colors for each element (I may be implying on this part, correct me if I am wrong): 
Purple- Magic for Gallus
Orange- Honesty for Yona
White- Generosity for Ocellus
Yellow- Kindness for Sandbar
Pink- Laughter for Silver Stream
Blue- Loyalty for Smolder

The Tree of Harmony checked that they were worth of those titles and so, they released the magic of Equestria. However, like in To Where And Back Again, just because you save the world once, it doesn´t mean you have learned everything you will need in the future. So it means that we are left with the same setup for season 9. However, the school was pointed to be not only a school, but the students residence, ready for any situation that happens in Ponyville. 

So what do I think about this finale? It put a whole lot of characters for this story, only a few secondary ones were left behind, but the relevant ones are here. Nothing new, considering that we have had this plots in The Crystalling or Shadow Play. I think there will be no more save maybe another villain, there´s enough cast for any episode that will happen in season 9. The intro gave us an idea of all the cast that are into this show and so, I think we have almost reached the limit for it. 

Solid finale, I expected that because I was spoilt because of some leaked images on /mlp/ but I enjoyed it anyway. Not as epic as season 4 nor as dramatic as season 5 but I´ve got admire how it compelled a lot of lore and subtle things for it. It´s not difficult at all to get it but the try is welcome either way, it makes the episodes entertaining whenever you repeat them. 

If I had to mention a flaw, it would be that the Mane 6´s part in the Tantabus felt like filler,  the comic relief part in comparison to the rest of the episode. It was necessary for Cozy´s plan though. 

As for the rest, I admire those little details and how the manipulative words can take all the power for one single innocent filly that in the end, went beyond the EEA vision and the magic from the royalty. 

I don´t know how to conclude these reviews but I will never get tired of saying that the 2nd half of this season saved it from being average. In the end, it offered more things than expected fortunately, but it took a while to pay off.

There is still stuff unresolved and unexplained, especially surrounding Cozy Glow and tha cliffhanger....no wonder, there could be another villain behind her....
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 What was all of that!? 

I don't know what to say, caught me off guard, a lot of things where said and done that have interesting implications, some awesome some confusing. And now my scattered thoughts:

Like how the handled the mane6, thy were nerfed and tricked but not selectively stupid or incompetent. Probably the first time that they have been nerfed in a high stakes situation and I didn't feel any arbitrariness to it.  Tirek's drain of them didn't count because I only consider nerfing to apply when it is to remove them and their skills  to make a plot situation more convenient  
I LOVED the complex politics with this episode. The fact that Neighsay was a independent actor in all this blew me away. Cozy's manipulative tactics and they way she switched tactics and tried to manipulate everypony really surprised me in a very good way. Maybe the best aspect of this episode.     
I really felt a strange feel with the mane6 part of tis episode. I don't know how else to put it that an ascended season 1 or 2. It felt like how the fandom would've  imagined things from that time, mane6 traveling alone going off with some fantasy and mythical references, but it felt to me as if I saw a alternate universe where even season 4 didn't happen the way it did. I don't know how to fully explain it.  
I liked the tree save at the end. It surprised me with the fact that this episode had so much long term set up (magical artifacts, investment in setting up all the characters and story elements right, tree of harmony, etc) and the fact that this was still a set up over a conclusion to all elements presented. The story, though I do not know what the future holds, was handled excellently from a technical standpoint. I say this not just for this episode but for the season.    
The episode's  pacing was extremely good for all the myriad of characters involved.
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Though I was still left with a lot of questions some major some minor. 

What exactly is Cozy Glow? How would, from what I understand it as, draining all the magic help her? She siad that she'd be able to take over yet wasn't all the other artifacts gone too? 
it seemed be that Dolores was having to actively maintain a cloud walking spell, I know this was done to have the drama but it still is a little strange.
I don't understand tartarus. So there is Tirek and a bunch of mid level monsters that sometimes were treated as part of the ecosystem? I understand it from a meta perspective, recycling creatures is easier then making a whole bunch of new villians and it them not wanting to make it a hellish, but it makes little sense from universe, as these monsters were both prevalent in the everfree and had been relegated to a mid level threat at most. There is a potential interesting path with this though; what if Equestria starting locking these monsters/the few monsters who made it out and attacked towns? It could be a good Fluttershy episode though it still seems a bit ridiculous for this to happen in the first place. 
Though what is weirdest to me is that Tirek was pin pals with a foal. Why is there even mail to that place?!?  How did Cozy Glow get all this knowledge and lust for power? Is she really just a foal? I was kinda expecting her to be good ol' chrissy or some kind of evil creature of some type. Now I'm back to my first question.
They did a good job with the set up, but I do wonder how are they going handle all of this. With so much from previous seasons it seems like something is going to get left out  if 9 is indeed the final  It seems like they had different things planned at season 7 final with what happened at that end but it seemed to be all pushed aside for the school. The pillars are just in Equestria now. Pony of Shadows is still a thing I guess. I admit, in some ways I could even like the school better over what they could have done, because it just felt wonky to me to have the pillars in equestria alive in the modern day, and I think if they played a larger role they would've been more of a problem from a plot standpoint (hey, you know all these old mysteries and spells that we have always attributed over the years to these old figures, well we can ask them right now!).
As for my thoughts. I loved some of the stuff within this episode, I was even blow away, but it ultimately depends on what happens with the elements introduced in this before I can say that I loved it as a work itself. Tough with all the stuff that was introduced and plenty of time to ponder and wonder, this opinion could easily change, but this is my first impression.
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> You said that Sandbar wouldn´t become that relevant for the group but turns out that he plays an important role with his pony status.

I was fearful for his future developmet, I though he did awesomely in this. Pleseantly surprised.

> meaning that her rook cutie mark defies the central principles of harmony, replacing them with her manipulative skills.

She makes friends without a heart. She has kindness, generosity, laughter, loyalty, honesty, but she only uses it for her own purposes. But in this world, most of equestria's villains were completely devoid of it and acted out completely opposite to them, she could embody them at times. With a rotten twisted concept of friendship to glue it all together into  something that maybe pretty uncomfortable to look in the minor. 

>  Here, the students glow (pun intended) different colors for each element (I may be implying on this part, correct me if I am wrong): 

Actually didn't get catch that. Thanks for poitig that out!

> If I had to mention a flaw, it would be that the Mane 6´s part in the Tantabus felt like filler, the comic relief part in comparison to the rest of the episode. It was necessary for Cozy´s plan though. 

I actually liked it for the most part though I feel those criticisms. Could that time have been used for better? 

>  Solid finale, I expected that because I was spoilt because of some leaked images on /mlp/ but I enjoyed it anyway. Not as epic as season 4 nor as dramatic as season 5 but I´ve got admire how it compelled a lot of lore and subtle things for it. It´s not difficult at all to get it but the try is welcome either way, it makes the episodes entertaining whenever you repeat them. 

Sounds similar to my thoughts. From a technical standpoint it is well done and different, though it's not my fav. It is a whole other animal compared to season 6 and 7 in terms of complexity and it's villains were at least different.    

> There is still stuff unresolved and unexplained, especially surrounding Cozy Glow and tha cliffhanger....no wonder, there could be another villain behind her....

I mean there has to be. It'd be pretty crazy if it was just some crazed filly.  though honestly that is possible  I do wonder how all this is going to factor in season 9, because if 9th is indeed last and they try to do this endgame plus EVERYTHING else and bring back every one off and minor character  and solve every question  it could be a wild ride. 

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> caught me off guard, a lot of things where said and done that have interesting implications, some awesome some confusing. 
I predicted it. Yep, this is one of the strongest aspects of this season in fact. If you don´t pay attention to those little details, no wonder someone gets caught by surprise. 
> Probably the first time that they have been nerfed in a high stakes situation and I didn't feel any arbitrariness to it. 
keep in mind that they have nerfed not only them, but the entire continent. So, they were in the same conditions anyway. They still know how to deal with the adversities, they are not little ponies anymore. Even without magic, try to stop Pinkie, I dare you to do it.  
As you said, they were and are competent. In fact, I think the experience of how these things work are what made them partially solve the situation in the sense to save themselves from the trap.
> LOVED the complex politics with this episode.
do you think we got rid of politics after September? Kek, it turns out that the show also delivers...phew lad. 
> The fact that Neighsay was a independent actor in all this blew me away. Cozy's manipulative tactics and they way she switched tactics and tried to manipulate everypony really surprised me in a very good way. Maybe the best aspect of this episode.
I´ve mentioned a few times in my previous posts  >>/2263/  >>/2264/. Whether you predicted or not that Cozy was evil, the ability to manipulate everyone on her way is masterful and the show has entered in a somewhat uncommon trope with her. Truly a highlight to consider and discuss a lot. 
Neighsay, contrary to what it seemed, wasn´t the one who collaborated with Cozy Glow. His EEA view came from himself and no one else and he went to the school when Equestria was in an unusual threat. The little clip or image from SDCC tricked us to believe that Cozy Glow was at service for the Chancellor and his evil plans. At his worst, he only wanted to communicate that he was right about his view....just that he didn´t realize he was pointing at the wrong target. His redemption doesn´t consist in a change of attitude but a change of point of view after these events.

> It felt like how the fandom would've imagined things from that time, mane6 traveling alone going off with some fantasy and mythical references, but it felt to me as if I saw a alternate universe where even season 4 didn't happen the way it did.
Keep in mind that having lore back then in season 1 or season 2 was like fireworks for a little girls show, cutting edge for its league. However, this show has gone through a lot of phases throughout these 8 years. They are as used to dealing with villains and having Ponyville in constant attacks as we do nowadays. Fantasy and myths are just another thing that adds something to this world AND integrate them over time. 

This reminds me as well about how the fandom misses the early days because there was potential for everything, it was new and you had a sense of mystery. What this show has done is not only add more material (myths, races, places) but saying: "Hey, it´s over here. You have discovered it and you visit it at any time, not a secret anymore". This has happened to the Tartarus in this finale, we never knew how it was exactly but now, we see it as a typical prison. This show gets rid of the mystery after the introduction of anything and even, it gets to play with the new added things for more slice of life stories

> It surprised me with the fact that this episode had so much long term set up and the fact that this was still a set up over a conclusion to all elements presented. 
I had mentioned that there are 5 mandatory episodes (from this season) in order to get what everything comes from. I know that the season 4 finale is a must watch as well, but that´s obvious.
> The story, was handled excellently from a technical standpoint. 
> The episode's pacing was extremely good for all the myriad of characters involved.
Like 21 characters or so for a finale. I wonder how one would handle that.
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> What exactly is Cozy Glow? How would, from what I understand it as, draining all the magic help her?
if you knew her context behind, then she wouldn´t hold any surprise. She is one of those characters that works without context, look at how picky this season is for all the characters involved except for Neighsay and Cozy. We knew the backstory of everyone but them. That should make you think. I am needing a comaprison and a little bit of politics to explain why it was written like this 

> I know this was done to have the drama but it still is a little strange
traitors never warn. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three is the enemy. 

> I don't understand tartarus.
> So there is Tirek and a bunch of mid level monsters that sometimes were treated as part of the ecosystem?
> these monsters were both prevalent in the everfree and had been relegated to a mid level threat at most. 
maybe that explains why the Everfree Forest feels like another forest? Maybe they use it as a medium to prevent that ponies gets hurt because of those creatures while going through it. A little extreme though. What we know is that the Tartarus (despite its Greek name)is just another prison but I wonder what standards hold for putting anything in jail

> There is a potential interesting path with this though; what if Equestria starting locking these monsters/the few monsters who made it out and attacked towns? It could be a good Fluttershy episode though it still seems a bit ridiculous for this to happen in the first place.
I had to see these lines before replying... But that would mean that Fluttershy is actually more powerful for being able to control them. Oooooh boy, I think having Discord on her side wasn´t a coincidence after all.

> Though what is weirdest to me is that Tirek was pin pals with a foal. Why is there even mail to that place?!? How did Cozy Glow get all this knowledge and lust for power?
Those are pretty good questions. No answer for this unless they used magical artifacts for the mail like the teleports from Chancellor´s medallion. 
> Is she really just a foal? I was kinda expecting her to be good ol' chrissy
No, I don´t know why everyone expected that she would be Chrysalis. She remains in a grey zone where the writers have no long term plans for her. Her resolution will come in the last hour. However, I ask myself if we are dealing with an actual filly because goddamn, what a child. This ep gave "I need an adult" vibes. 

> I wonder how are they going handle all of this.
They have dealt with a few holes created in the past but they aren´t stopping in creating new ones. I ask myself how many characters or questions will we have to await and resolve because there is not much left? Unless they are lying and they are preparing season 10 as an answer for the leaks event. 
> I admit, in some ways I could even like the school better over what they could have done, because it just felt wonky to me to have the pillars in equestria alive in the modern day, and I think if they played a larger role they would've been more of a problem from a plot standpoint (hey, you know all these old mysteries and spells that we have always attributed over the years to these old figures, well we can ask them right now!).
this season has tried somehow to fix this with two episodes, which is not much considering that they are living history but this show somehow manages to make everything integrated. As if anything that was special at first, the spark of novelty and mystery gets lost as soon as it enters to the current timeline dynamic. We are used to seeing epic characters and epic situation for more epic content but here, it goes in reverse. What it´s epic, it becomes the routine and what it seems boring, it drives to an unexpected adventure.FiM plays a lot with that 
> I was even blow away
> this opinion could easily change, but this is my first impression
well, that´s nice to hear that one can enjoy it after 8 years on the ride
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> I was fearful for his future developmet, I though he did awesomely in this. Pleseantly surprised. 
yeah. A pony may look average and hold nothing special but still, one shouldn´t judge a book by its cover. I also did that as well, so I am not the most indicated one for saying this.

> She makes friends without a heart. She has kindness, generosity, laughter, loyalty, honesty, but she only uses it for her own purposes. But in this world, most of equestria's villains were completely devoid of it and acted out completely opposite to them, she could embody them at times. With a rotten twisted concept of friendship to glue it all together into something that maybe pretty uncomfortable to look in the minor. 
Well, having a villain that owns those elements and virtuosities of friendship for her evil intentions....that´s almost if not worse. An anti harmony villain brings cliches and patterns that one could expect. The Mane 6 handled perfectly Tirek because their fears were gone while facing him, they knew what´s the deal.

I am putting you two examples that also held certain virtuosities: Dolores and Tempest. 
Dolores showed kindness. Sure, she twisted it in order to build the communist town for herself but she showed it and kept that aspect as well after the redemption. What´s the difference if she also twisted it? Because she lost a friend, used magic as a medium of power and created her own bubble to feel satisfied by fabricating fake friends (her objective). However, she felt remorse while she was feeling alone and she couldn´t stand Twilight´s words whenever she was getting defied and tried to deny the truth. After that, she holds a kind spirit whenever she can and occasionally, she reflects her anger. She needed time and an emo phase to create that, she was an adult and communism is an old news path in paper. 

Tempest, she held the elements of honesty and loyalty. She didn´t twist them, she was loyal to the Storm King orders, she had troubles to lie with her emotions so she doesn´t have a personality to hide her secrets. She just doesn´t care and while she had Equestria and the power with her leader, she didn´t bother about that but her horn. Whenever, she realized that she was a fool, her villainy disappeared because it was useless to her objective. She,in the comics and after her betrayal,stayed loyal to Twilight and was honest about some truths (like that Cadence conversation). Just that she stopped eventually about going after something she cannot recover and was just blind about not seeing her friend´s perspective. 

Why do I talk about them again? Because they are consistent and have those aspect inherent to their character, before and after. Cozy is worse because not only she acts like she owns them, but she plays and uses them for her purpose: power. When a politician lies in order to get the power so desperately, pray that he doesn´t reach it. Whenever one touches the power, one can have a free card for any totalitarian regime, including Dolores´s one

Can you see why one would whitewash other villains? Old disharmony is expected. When you have the enemy at home, that fear is new. Not only you have to set up your mind, but delete the good moments you have had before the wake up. That period of confusion is when the villain stabs behind you at your neck and...success. 

> Could that time have been used for better? 
I say in comparison. It´s mostly nitpicking but it had to be there, it was part of Cozy´s plan to resolve. In general,everything flowed pretty well. 

> From a technical standpoint it is well done and different, though it's not my fav. 
Not a top 5 but it uppers the quality of this season a lot because of a refreshing situation

> It'd be pretty crazy if it was just some crazed filly.
> because if 9th is indeed last and they try to do this endgame plus EVERYTHING else and bring back every one off and minor character and solve every question it could be a wild ride.
we don´t know yet. Some say that Grogar and Sombra are going to appear but I am not an expert for guessing games
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I wanted to add some extra thoughts about this season and I think this will speak for the political side of this material analyzed.

MLP- Friendship is Magic
Season 8- Guide Book for a Civilized Contemporary Society 

There is a very peculiar pattern from this show that could be really exploited in order to judge it and we seem to have seen it in that way: politics.

MLP has entered into politics as /mlpol/ predicted...just that it isn´t the simple way like the US elections in 2016, where the SJW and progressive forces would win in the end. Here, the show has taken a political path that goes beyond the cliches expected, it takes an universal view about our society.

Not saying that this show is profound or that deep nor groundbreaking to create an important influence. In fact, one great achievement is that it doesn´t always take itself too seriously and it rotates the message with tons of humor, mundane character interactions, legends and myths, a school setup and tons of different characters. 
Yet, whenever you watch it, while here we have described the message hidden, it subtly displays it while you are comfortably watching it and you feel good for finding an escape to the usual routine. FiM has survived tons of challenges and this one is no exception: they have managed to find a natural dynamic to blend its universe and send a realistic message that represents a certain sector of any audience that is easily interpreted as such for the viewer. 

If you notice the episodes, they vary from: 
-Punch in the face and question the education system (School Daze)
-How parasites act and take advantage of good people (Father Knows Beast)
-How to grow up and say hi to your unavoidable maturity (Molt Down)
-How you take responsibility and run a business you may not be an expert (Fake it until you make it)
-How to overcome your fears,alone and in company, staying together (What Lies Beneath)
-How you act when you see a family member change and prefer one over you (Maud Couple) or even struggle at the beginning of it (Breakup Breakdown)
- How an excess of elitism can drive to grave dangers after a while (Non Compete Clause)
-How you should have your own voice and control it in different situations(Sounds of Silence, On the Road to Friendship) 
-Remind yourself that you have to refresh and find charm over your old friendships because they also get consumed (The End in Friend)
-How competence works, disloyal even (Friendship University)
-How you are willing to accept and sacrifice yourself in order to learn about other culture (Yakity Sax) or universal values (the entire students arc)
-When the system works, even when it´s theoretically perfect, one can create a monster and be aware of ourselves (Cozy Glow arc)
-How you adapt yourself into a modern society despite having a relevant name that hardly matters anymore (A Rockhoof and A Hard Place), learning new things that you didn´t take into account (Starswirl)
-How to accept that your parents will love you in any situation because you are his child and they have raised you(Surf and or Turf, Parent Map)
-How loneliness can drive you crazy if you don´t control it (Mean 6) 
-How even the elders take part on anything mundane despite their distant exclusive title (Horse Play)
-How to accept your annoying friend/partner and order him a few productive activities for the system (A Matter of Principals) 
-How one should be aware and take responsibility  about the power your society has (School Raze).
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This could all be projections from a personal view and overanalysis of a little children show.
Did I say little children? The fact that these lessons can be easily interpreted as a certain social groups, stereotypes, interactions,sacrifices... makes you wonder if that´s the only target audience here.

If this season was so uninteresting, I wouldn´t have written all these paragraphs nor we could have concluded realistic views of them. Yet, that charm still remains without any apparent change, the show is still as cute as ever and the deep messages are brought through subtle gestures, details, obscure lore, attention to certain lines, etc; it rewards the audience who keeps an eye on everything. Then, Hasbro knows that this show is not limited to one single age limit. As we have grown up, the characters and the writers have grown up as well with us. This show has a tomorrow, feels like we are watching a reality show (Coronation Street) but with all the fantastical stuff and magic behind. There could be months between certain episodes.

FiM has definitely stepped, while not into the deepest zone of animation, into a territory that in theory, no one would have put a penny. The real world is as uncertain as the next arc/menace that could happen over there. However, along the way, these lessons are not written in a book/letters like in the past but through experiences, very diverse ones. 

Every slice of life episode faces a challenge for characters that should have certain principals or common sense from the start and it only works when everyone looks for the greater good and want to leave something in this world, no matter who you are or even, what you did in the past (sometimes).

I am taking the title of this Unwound album from 1998: Challenge for a Civilized Society. In it, we see ourselves in a world map, how all the globe has enough power to drive ourselves into chaos and blow ourselves by any argument we have. 
Here, it´s the same. They could all fight and take over between the races, fighting each one over the other. However, there is just one world for all of us and we have to deal with ourselves one way or another. The magic is lost because diplomacy has become relevant in order to find something magical for all of us. 
The show optimistically with a sense of humor, tries to convey and encourage us that it´s possible to move forward and apply values that are universal and bring a common idea of what our past, present and future generations should overcome at anytime,carrying the torch no matter who you are. Keeping our legacy alive for a new event. 

That doesn´t mean it forgets the real stuff. It doesn´t rely on magic and rainbows like previous gens opr seasons but psychology, diplomacy, cultural values, experiences, challenges, fears...all kinds of circumstances for convincing us that we should understand us and prevent ourselves to get hurt in the future. Even then,there will be failures that will cost some property damage and have a messed up head. That means this system is flawed but it´s the least worst that we have found and one that the majority can find peace with one self.

Information and lessons for a new generation. The elders represent our ancestors and old historical figures, the protagonists are the adults who are entering into the world and the students will carry the torch and knowledge of those who left us behind. 

That´s what I have been thinking during this afternoon, a show made for the 21st century (mostly the West). Reminding ourselves that each other is all we´ve got here in this universe....and that´s alright.
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> I was watching your thoughts while downloading the season finale and it seems that you haven´t explicitly disliked any episode so far and that you personal highlight is What Lies Beneath.

> I have to agree with your postive thoughts overall because there is not a single episode that has bothered that much to me.

I think this trend is in part do to my tendency breakdown, perhaps overly, things I like/didn't like in a episode. I rarely ever hate individual episodes themselves but trends across seasons that I pick up on. Also, I try not to pass judgment to quickly on the school and such. I remember twilicorn   and when EQG first arose and how everypony thought that was the end in quality and their even was holdouts during season 4 who nagged on about the show being ruined, yet now season 4 is held in a reverence only behind season 1 and 2 by most of that crowd today. (Did you know that during season 2 their were even season 1fags who hated season 2 for it's fanservice and how the show changed, they were much tinier then twilycorn and later hold out groups though). Honestly, I'm still not fully sold on the school idea but I feel like that the season was just above average, mostly okay with a few cool surprises, and some things that were well done. 


 I am darker than I let on, arn't I? 

> MLP has entered into politics as /mlpol/ predicted...just that it isn´t the simple way like the US elections in 2016, where the SJW and progressive forces would win in the end. Here, the show has taken a political path that goes beyond the cliches expected, it takes an universal view about our society.

> Not saying that this show is profound or that deep nor groundbreaking to create an important influence. In fact, one great achievement is that it doesn´t always take itself too seriously and it rotates the message with tons of humor, mundane character interactions, legends and myths, a school setup and tons of different characters. 

 Good observation. The show realizes that the people who watched it are growing up, while their are still obviously new fans who are little girls  and boys  there are also tweens and even teens now who grew up with this show from the early days on the hub. Now that I thik about it, they could even count as a third audience group besides the children who have the surface plot and adults who get the fanservice, with perhaps some of the lessons for us too. 

>  This could all be projections from a personal view and overanalysis of a little children show.

Did I say little children? The fact that these lessons can be easily interpreted as a certain social groups, stereotypes, interactions,sacrifices... makes you wonder if that´s the only target audience here.
There is a lot to look into. I'm going to have to give this season a rewatch. It amazig me how sometimes I discover stuff after it's been out for years and me having seen it already. I agree with you on that, ad though perhaps some of it could be projection, I really think that this has more then one layer to it. 

> I am taking the title of this Unwound album from 1998: Challenge for a Civilized Society. In it, we see ourselves in a world map, how all the globe has enough power to drive ourselves into chaos and blow ourselves by any argument we have.

Here, it´s the same. They could all fight and take over between the races, fighting each one over the other. >However, there is just one world for all of us and we have to deal with ourselves one way or another. The magic is lost because diplomacy has become relevant in order to find something magical for all of us. 
I'd say they've been building up the diplomacy angle for awhile but this season is where it is really starting to show.  

> If this season was so uninteresting, I wouldn´t have written all these paragraphs nor we could have concluded realistic views of them. Yet, that charm still remains without any apparent change, t

I know. There are several elements that I could write little mini essays on. Perhaps I get around to it at some point. Even then
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> I think this trend is in part do to my tendency breakdown, perhaps overly, things I like/didn't like in a episode. I rarely ever hate individual episodes themselves but trends across seasons that I pick up on. 
well, trends in writing also matter a lot and in fact, that form of analysis includes if the show goes in the right/wrong direction. I could rate the episodes by little parts and lines as well but I tend to do a global analysis instead in terms of enjoyment and feeling about it. 

> I try not to pass judgment to quickly on the school and such. I remember twilicorn and when EQG first arose and how everypony thought that was the end in quality
wise words so the first impressions don´t drive you into rushed conclusions that one might regret in the future. The school for me, felt like another setup that its origins re bit questionable, it served as another setup that my mind didn´t bother as much by the time I watched the 2nd half. 

> their even was holdouts during season 4 who nagged on about the show being ruined, yet now season 4 is held in a reverence only behind season 1 and 2 by most of that crowd today.
I knew from the start that season 4 felt like a well rounded season. Very few episodes brought down the quality and it pioneered the seasonal arcs for this show. I will never understand that overpraise or untouchable throne of season 1. I mean, yeah, it´s comfy and it was focused just in Ponyville, it felt private and personal in comparison to these recent seasons. I will say that its second half also has GOAT tier episodes. If MLP repeated a season like that these days, most fans would look at it as uninteresting for the most part. 
> (Did you know that during season 2 their were even season 1fags who hated season 2 for it's fanservice and how the show changed, they were much tinier then twilycorn and later hold out groups though).
No way. How the hell is season 2 fanservice? Sure, you can point out Derpy (the most obvious example), the changelings for being edgy by that time and Luna. Season 2 didn´t have those drastic changes for the fans. In fact,Discord was planned by Faust from the start, Luna as well (funnily enough, they didn´t have anything prepared for Celestia until the fans asked for episodes about her....in season 7), and Derpy appeared for a minute or so, the rest of The Last Roundup focused on AJ´s fears of letting down Ponyville. 

> I'm still not fully sold on the school idea but I feel like that the season was just above average, mostly okay with a few cool surprises, and some things that were well done.
the school is somewhat questionable but the writers pointed out that they didn´t feel like writing that much about it. Just Hasbro asking for a new toyline whose sales have yet to prove its success or not for such sacrifice. 

> I am darker than I let on, arn't I?
Just that watching reactors on YouTube just feels off, unnatural and ruins the experience by having someone else commenting at it. A fan should go for the episodes without anything in the middle between the watcher and the actual series. I had to give my disapproval when I read that.
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> The show realizes that the people who watched it are growing up, while their are still obviously new fans who are little girls and boys there are also tweens and even teens now who grew up with this show from the early days on the hub.
Indeed, I think Hasbro realized about this fact when they saw where the sales came from. This is why they have changed the way to call their franchises. Instead of saying girls and boys brands, they have called them 1st party brands or something like that in their latest quarterly reports. What I meant with those comments is that whoever watches it, it sends a message to basically everyone in different aspects of life. 

> Now that I thik about it, they could even count as a third audience group besides the children who have the surface plot and adults who get the fanservice, with perhaps some of the lessons for us too.
nailed it. It has found a way to mix all of that with so many changes along the way yet it keeps the same spirit after all, it entertains you as if nothing happened. You won´t notice at first sight that it has changed but whenever you try to go deeper, you notice subtle changes that actually matter and no, you don´t have a letter to find it out so the interpretations are more varied with those implied but not obvious signs. 

> There is a lot to look into.
indeed, I am not going to lie on that. 
> I'm going to have to give this season a rewatch. 
in fact, when you have less fears about what´s already produced, you cannot change it because it´s already there. Some fans have changed a lot their opinions over ti...
> It amazig me how sometimes I discover stuff after it's been out for years and me having seen it already.
well, you said it. 
> some of it could be projection, I really think that this has more then one layer to it.
FiM doesn´t go in just one direction anymore. It seems like there is a dominant line for any episode but depending on how you get those interactions and little nods, you see it with another eyes that you didn´t notice. I am still confused about what Fake It Until You Make It tried to imply with Fluttershy. I only watched it once but I didn´t get it.

> I'd say they've been building up the diplomacy angle for awhile but this season is where it is really starting to show.
I could say that as soon as the map existed but I would have to be a visionary for that, considering that the show has usually been written in the short term. I could say that they have tried to solve problems for Manehattan, Las Pegasus and pony related places but as soon as the non pony species were included, you can notice that all those friendship problems paid off with this season. Kirin may have been a discovery but if a second episode happened, I would bet that the lesson would consist of improving their relationships or opening up to the world in general. 

> There are several elements that I could write little mini essays on. Perhaps I get around to it at some point. 
Time will tell...
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>  I will never understand that overpraise or untouchable throne of season 1.

I'd say nostalgia for the time period plays the biggest part, and perhaps the atmosphere surrounding things as well. Along with the worship of Faust. 

> No way. How the hell is season 2 fanservice? Sure, you can point out Derpy (the most obvious example), the changelings for being edgy by that time and Luna. Season 2 didn´t have those drastic changes for the fans. In fact,Discord was planned by Faust from the start, Luna as well 

It wasn't common, but did exist. Though in a form that was all out I hate Twicorn tier was extremely rare. The most prominent example of any split was Season 1 vs Season 2 Luna, there was a sigificant amount of fans who held out preferring the personality of season 1 Luna... well the fan made one. Of course Woona arose from this but that became more of her filly personality.  a lot with ship fics with a more shy less loud luna  Their was also a differnce in tone between fics written in season 1 vs season 2, though that was merely a result of whe the writers wrote their fics and it was rare that any absolutely hated season 2. It was a variety of reasons, some just desired a show that wasn't anything more then a what it started out, considered the season more simplistic, and the rest, as crazy as it may sound to some, was a preference for some story element or implication of season's one world over perceived differences in season 2. I did a little searchig around, but I didn't find too much referencing this split. From the mlpforums I did find some expressing a preference for season 1 or for the show to be more simple but they weren't quite season 1fags. This is the only place I could find any season 1 fans in my two hours or so of searching and is the most relevant to  what I mean:  https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/14986/on-a-plurality-of-equestrias
Though even then, I do remember a few times someone saying the show just wasn't the same for them now and a bit more negative the the commentators there but that was on 4chan if my memory serves me right and I"d be lucky to find anything from some random thread from years ago that I barely remember. 

Anyway, it's amazing to me how they are treated now, being lumped together. Season 1 and Season 2 used to be treated as different eras by many in the fandom, with different many considering to be different characteristics to fan works that separated the too (though it varied in fanworks on how true a split actually was). 

> Just that watching reactors on YouTube just feels off, unnatural and ruins the experience by having someone else commenting at it. A fan should go for the episodes without anything in the middle between the watcher and the actual series. I had to give my disapproval when I read that.

Totally agree.  it isn't my first choice, but my computer doesn't stream HD well at all, it's somethig I try to avoid 
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> FiM doesn´t go in just one direction anymore. It seems like there is a dominant line for any episode but depending on how you get those interactions and little nods, you see it with another eyes that you didn´t notice. I am still confused about what Fake It Until You Make It tried to imply with Fluttershy. I only watched it once but I didn´t get it.

Certainly agree. I actually didn't fully grasp that oe either and have only seen it once, funny enough.

> nailed it. It has found a way to mix all of that with so many changes along the way yet it keeps the same spirit after all, it entertains you as if nothing happened. You won´t notice at first sight that it has changed but whenever you try to go deeper, you notice subtle changes that actually matter and no, you don´t have a letter to find it out so the interpretations are more varied with those implied but not obvious signs.

Oh man, makes me want to sit down and watch all seasons and take notes. If I actually complete that task in the hiatus expect one long thread. 

> in fact, when you have less fears about what´s already produced, you cannot change it because it´s already there. Some fans have changed a lot their opinions over ti...

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> I think we know who Cozy Glow really is.
not sure if Discord would have turned him into Cozy but it makes sense. 
Cozy Glow knows way too much for a filly of that age. I mean, not that there could be intelligent kids with admirable minds but that twisting brain about putting the things into her perspective, that makes you question where she came from.

If we knew her backstory, she would be much less impressive, this is why the writers only showed her actions and not her motivations....
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oops meant to  >>/2310/

> I actually didn't fully grasp that oe either and have only seen it once, funny enough. 
I only saw it once and I was left with a wtf conclusion. Thankfully, I watched Grannies Gone Wild immediately after and my mind stopped thinking about it. 

I haven´t reviewed it over here and I wouldn´t know how to project it.Like Yakity Sax, I have to put a bigger effort on a questionable episode like that before commenting stupid things just because of the first impressions. So, maybe I will have to rethink about it. For now, I cannot give an answer for that. 

> akes me want to sit down and watch all seasons and take notes. If I actually complete that task in the hiatus expect one long thread. 
wow. I would have to tip my hat and put that thread in the headline of the NMAIE general if you went that way. That would take you time,a lot actually. I have fortunately watched the 2nd half and I had to push myself a bit.

FiM, while I love it, it costs me a little bit of effort because my mind doesn´t rememeber it as greatly as I did back then and then, I end up proven wrong...almost all the times. 

Again, I would tip my hat if you put that bonus passion of 7 years on your back,keeping loyally the love for it.
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> I'd say nostalgia for the time period plays the biggest part, and perhaps the atmosphere surrounding things as well.
yeah. You had to be there to feel the explosion and how things were shaping a defined form along the way. 

> it isn't my first choice, but my computer doesn't stream HD well at all, it's somethig I try to avoid 
I think there were sites in which they let for 480p but not sure if the sites linked here provide that low quality. Anyway, I just said that because going into that route ruins the experience undeservedly. 

> The most prominent example of any split was Season 1 vs Season 2 Luna
> a lot with ship fics with a more shy less loud luna 
yeah, Woona and the real Luna with the mane completely restored. I remember a few threads that were around season 5 or 6 saying that new Luna was written as too stupid for their taste, so they considered S1 Luna too pure to be appreciated. I wonder how you can imply one character that looked like Fluttershy and barely had any/ no lines before her redesign (that was made by Faust). To me, that consideration was too stupid but that fandom created backstories for background ponies (Lyra likes humans for sitting in a bench). I guess that was the dumb part of having too much creativity. 

> Their was also a differnce in tone between fics written in season 1 vs season 2, though that was merely a result of whe the writers wrote their fics and it was rare that any absolutely hated season 2.
consdering that the first and last episodes were that good, I highly doubt anyone could dislike it. I can understand the hate for some episodes (Baby Cakes, Dragon Quest, Mare Do Well although I don´t mind this one) but in general, it deviates very little from the achievements of season 1 in comparison to the material followed by it(with a few exceptions like A Canterlot Wedding or Lesson Zero) 

> some just desired a show that wasn't anything more then a what it started out, considered the season more simplistic, and the rest, as crazy as it may sound to some, was a preference for some story element or implication of season's one world over perceived differences in season 2. 
the lines you are describing are very funny in hindsight because not only the seasons now carry on and build story elements but also bring that sense of simplicity. What makes the episodes complex are the subtlety and continuity of certain events/actions. Sounds of Silence is simple yet it does embraces the political correctness solution to arguments. Not much difference from Over a Barrel for example. The show still manages to do both desires at the same time surprisingly enough despite all the ride behind it. There were a lot of fears for the show´s direction back then.
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> This is the only place I could find any season 1 fans in my two hours or so of searching and is the most relevant to what I mean: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/14986/on-a-plurality-of-equestrias

two Equestrias...wtf? I mean, sure, season 2 relied on more slice of life writing than season 1 but Faust also wrote it except the finale and a counted number of episodes. But keep in mind that the writing staff share a very different version of what they write and maybe their vision to write an episode with so much liberty, probably collides to the episodes placed around it. FiM presents flaws because it was hard to settle a defined line of its own direction. 

In the seasons, you have it defined to write it but back then, you had any liberty to do whatever because it didn´t have that high regard save a big hype from unexpected fans. Larson said that Hasbro didn´t limit that freedom until McCarthy took Faust´s place. It had to be cohesive at some point. Season 2 by the way, uppers the target audience a bit because of the absence of the letters and 2 minutes getting wasted but that doesn´t disappear completely until season 4 with the pages for the diary every now and then. Until then, FiM barely changes its purpose in the first two seasons. For me, when it uppered the target audience was in season 4 because of the long arc for the Crystal Empire. I could say that season 3 introduces the setup but the results are seen a year later. 
> I do remember a few times someone saying the show just wasn't the same for them now and a bit more negative the the commentators there but that was on 4chan if my memory serves me right 
4chan has always been dramatic and I have seen chaotic conclusions and tons of doomposts saying that this show was over, there was nothing to redeem the tragic end of it. Some anons hold those years as fun but I see that there was as much drama as the post Twicorn days. 

> it's amazing to me how they are treated now, being lumped together. Season 1 and Season 2 used to be treated as different eras by many in the fandom, with different many considering to be different characteristics to fan works that separated the too (though it varied in fanworks on how true a split actually was).
I....just cannot see that either because they are not that different. Except maybe the slight lack of adventures (episodes like Dragonshy were missing), the general charm was there in season 2. The CMC were getting a better treatment, Fluttershy showed her two cents and we got to focus a little bit more on Spike and a few secondary/one off (back then) characters (Luna, Granny Smith...). It simply expanded the cast a bit and Twilight didn´t feel like an outcast to Ponyville anymore. Season 3 received a few changes that would become more relevant over time (Twilicorn, The Crystal Empire and the games arc for S4, Trixie´s 2nd part, Luna visiting the dreams of the CMC, Lightning Dust, Babs Seed...) and while it could be considered as the original 65 plan, the season was leading into another thing. 

The beginning of the end for that innocent era of season 1 and season 2 started with A Canterlot Wedding when McCarthy relied on continuity for Cadence and Shining Armor and the introduction of the The Crystal Empire, leaving with Ponyville out with more frequency and extend the map veritably. 

> First pic
That comment (last paragraph) is even funnier than the 4chan shitposts. That user must be throwing fireworks happily with season 8 (especially the finale) and the movie because it barely had personal episodes focused on just one character for the 22 minutes. 

while the CMC have improved vastly and capture that feel (sometimes) and there are several characters that act adorably these days (Silverstream, Ocellus or pic related). I pity him if he cannot handle the introduction of more complexity implied in the background for it (not much more though, just a higher level but the sense for an episode alone get the same feel or similar to it).
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Well, let´s begin with the LAST REVIEW of season 8. 

The Christmas Special of 2018: The Best Ever, Episode 27.

So, one should be asking before watching this: why are we celebrating Christmas on Halloween? I guess FiM prefers October for all their own anniversary instead of December. However, that´s odd as hell and kind of funny. Seriously though, this special aired today just to have the DVD ready to sell on December. If I had trouble to even buy the movie, then imagine this one with a less impact. 

The impact may be less important because what actually matters is one thing: enjoyment and a comfy time. I have another question for the writers as well and this is more relevant:


So, this is a mane 6 episode and it reunites almost if not all what you have known about Friendship is Magic. We have been talking about fanservice and stuff but I think this is the closest to it that you will ever see.

There are a lot of things going on and the plot device is simple: give a surprising gift for the pony you have are ordered to do it. The ending is basically that everyone fails yet at the same time, find charm between themselves because they are friends. Alright, that should fit into a simple filler episode. Nonetheless, the path for it sums up the trajectory of this show in many levels.

-Flim Flam striking back with their usual corrupted business, this time selling bad quality toys for a money grubber price just to expand their business in Las Pegasus, like they tried in Friendship University. I cannot honestly believe they have actually used the line of 20% cooler for the plot unironically. and not as a meme. Consider me shocked when I heard that. Mike Vogel proves where he actually comes from with that touch. AJ is sure used to proving them wrong all the time and ruining their dirty strategies.

-Pinkie´s quest shows her family, Yakyakistan as her 2nd favorite place to visit and the Santa deers dedicated for the best presents. There are little details that are worthy to be watched than describing them. I can mention that you understand why Yaks are not fans of giving presents back in a Heart´s Warming Club and how the deers serve as a medium for resolving part of the conflict. They are like the writers saying to Pinkie that she will need that gift for future events and they were: cookies. Nothing sort of amazing but it´s funny that out of all things, they resolve the mess from Twilight. 

-Now that I talk about the bookworm, she gets stressed as usual for the best recipe for Pinkie. Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurry come back, the latter messes it up like she does all the time (The Crystalling), Shining knows about a few cool moves and Cadence shows her view about Ponyville´s traditions. She mentions again that the Crystal Empire feels too boring for her and has a positive calm view about the misadventures that the Mane 6 have. This line appeared back in season 4at the end of Three´s A Crowd with her boredom in a samey place for her. 

-About Fluttershy,she may have been the least interesting out of the bunch despite sharing the story with AJ but she went completely fine. She just got tricked as any other customer and she still has that innocence at buying materials and lacking that picaresque mentality (Putting Your Hoof Down). Nonetheless, why didn´t AJ and Fluttershy got paired up before season 6? They do such a great teamwork together and they prove it here again like in Viva Las Pegasus or Sounds of Silence. Nice chemistry coming from those two and AJ has been fantastic all around. The background pony actually stands out in this one.
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-Now, about Rainbow Dash and....yep, Discord. He plays a part of this plot just to annoy a little bit Rainbow, or maybe helping her to find the best gift for Fluttershy? Sure, he knows her the best but as you would expect from him, a bit of chaos is guaranteed with him,with a good heart despite its looks. Surprisingly enough, Discord delivers his own character without putting the viewer in a painful cringy watch like other times. He shows a supportive personality from The Breakup Breakdown and a playful side like in Three´s A Crowd, pretty well balanced for spicing Rainbow´s arc. The winterzilla was the odd gift that accompanied the mane 6 in the end. By the way, the face from its evil side is the closest Halloween vibe that you are going to get from here. 

-About Spike, he gets the Sparity treatment again, utterly obsessed for finding the Best Gift for Rarity and the paper that indicates that he has to give it to her, asking a AJ, Pinkie and Fluttershy and change it. So many things to give her, yet he gets tired and gets some sleep while creating his own personal one. His sparkly body serves as well to distract the winterzilla and starts the 2nd song for Rarity as his gift, delivering visual highlights that delight the viewer in the last couple of minutes, seeing how the secondary characters and species celebrate Heart´s Warming for the 8th anniversary.

-And the last member of the mane 6 and probably an unexpected arc that has the most Christmas feel good vibe: Rarity and the hat dedicated for AJ. One doesn´t simply voice two iconic characters for advancing the plot after so many years. Yes, Tabitha voices both Derpy and Rarity for the package mess up from the flawed post office. The magic of Christmas is felt when she visit that poor family. Pistachio receives the gift by mistake and Rarity shows her generosity moment right there. One personal standout is that Pistachio mentioned that Rarity was too famous to give such a gift to someone who is nothing in comparison to her. He felt like a nobody and claimed that Rarity (along with her friends) has become an idol for the rest of Equestria. That visit felt like a dream come true for him. Now if /mlp/ had that visit.I am sure we would get the same reaction as him (with different purposes though)
So yeah, definitely a satisfying watch. This special shows how much FiM has evolved, how the cast has expanded over the years, how the morals are more subtle despite their simple message behind and the most important aspect of it: the character interactions. They nailed them and no, despite celebrating Heart´s Warming, make no mistake, this is a pure FiM episode that reminds you and puts its actual soul in 44 minutes. It´s one of the most precise summaries for a show like this. The spirit, the feelings, the comedy, the comfy vibes and the conflicts are all compiled here with 7 different arcs and a collective resolution. 

The ratings have reached the top because anons missed those season 1 vibes. However, i said that this shares the comfy vibes from season 1 but that´s it. The humor, the arcs, places and secondary characters have come from different seasons that the nostalgic one didn´t create at that time. 

what can I say? Top 5 possibly because how it manages to sum up all the magical aspects that have made this show so great, with background and secondary characters having their own cameos in the two songs (like pic related with the Royal Sisters) and how 2018 and season 8 come to an end for ponies in general. 

I cannot make enough justice by describing it on here,I think its way more enjoyable to take a blanket,a comfortable seat and just realize why you have loved this show for so long. It doesn´t disappoint because it´s pretty well thought, it has a pretty natural pacing and it gives me some hope and trust that they are putting effort to give this series a good ending. If we don´t get that, at least this special episode ended 2018 with a top notch note, making FiM even greater and bigger than before. That serves for the best gift to this fandom: enjoying a franchise after so much time, making it almost timeless for any fan of this franchise. 

Friendship is Magic, that´s the most important gift revealed over here. It´s not found in the end but on the road while looking for any objective. 

My rating: A 
Totally deserves those scores in  >>/2357/ and it´s not hard to figure out why
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> sees that score... 

Looks like a goodie. Currently right now had a few things come up, but I've been working on my October surprise as well, I probably shouldn't hype it up because I'm not sure I'll be able to pull it off in time, but I hope to at least have something ready. 

Will hopefully be back in a couple of days or so!  Looking forward to seeing the special from what I glanced at your thoughts!!!  though I only peaked a,bit didn't wanna spoiler myself. 
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> Looks like a goodie. 
> Looking forward to seeing the special from what I glanced at your thoughts!!! though I only peaked a,bit didn't wanna spoiler myself.
don´t get me wrong, I honestly thought with just the first 2 minutes that it would be the standard Chistmas episode to sell a bit of merchandise here and there as companies usually do for the event. TBGE is a FiM episode with a Heart´s Warming setup and not in reverse. The objective to make each other happy with a gift sounds cliché and absolutely unoriginal but the way they use that plot device is very clever and natural for the characters introduced for the conflict. This is why it shines, it manages to entertain and even surprise you in a good way despite predicting the ending from the moment you read the synopsis. 
> Currently right now had a few things come up, but I've been working on my October surprise as well, I probably shouldn't hype it up because I'm not sure I'll be able to pull it off in time, but I hope to at least have something ready.
that´s how you want to make it and how you see it fitting for you. There are no limits for the original content you want to create especially if you feel inspired. I will be posting a few pics of Celestia and the bats to keep this a bit active meanwhile. 

> Will hopefully be back in a couple of days or so!
enjoy your personal time lad.  

Also I forgot to mention that there is another "Halloween" moment.....in which you should run whenever you see this face
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Alright well, my thoughts on the best gif ever are broadly positive. It was nice, cute, and self contained. 

I'd have to say despite having seen this twice, I still can't decide what my favorite subplot is. I'd like to lean to Pinkie Pie, or Twilight's, but Rarity's little moment was sweet too. Fluttershy's was perhaps too manipulatable by the Flim Flam brothers, but I mean, little inconsistencies like that don't bug me too much when it isn't that certain to the story and only minor gang use. Rainbow Dash maybe my least favorite do to it being more of gangs but that is still far from disliking it. (and depending on how you look at it AJ either shared Fluttershy's or was a background horse again).
All and all pretty solid. 

Now for some very minor nitpicks:
AJ said her pa gave her hat but hasn't there  been a couple of times were fans were the origin of her hat was in contest to that popular head canon. Like that one time when she had a full closet of them?

Quick travel to the max with this episode. Though I have my problems with it it certainly didn't bug me here. 


 You obviously don't have ta reply as the focus is on the new season, but I finally posted it! 
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> It was nice, cute, and self contained. 
basically what one would expect from FiM. For me it was a summary of the whole series.

> I still can't decide what my favorite subplot is. 
yeah, it´s actually pretty complicated to decide when nothing lets down the episode. More like picking which one is your favorite and why it´s the best,you end up sooner by picking the worst moments of it. If you want a challenge of bashing an episode, this one doesn´t put those complaints so easily.

> AJ said her pa gave her hat but hasn't there been a couple of times were fans were the origin of her hat was in contest to that popular head canon. Like that one time when she had a full closet of them?
I didn´t notice that. That detail may come because of different writers transferring the scripts and getting into little contradictions. 

> You obviously don't have ta reply as the focus is on the new season, but I finally posted it! 
it took until season 9 in order to make this review a reality. Better late than never. Even though I could have made a couple of jokes about this time lapse but it´s understandable that you waited until season 9 in order to warm up with the next episodes.

Ironically for your expectations, this is the first post I have decided to reply even if it wasn´t needed at all. It has served as a way to give some activity from my part. Now, I don´t want to derail the thread nor be an attw for the sake of getting replies, just to make clear that  I am feeling a bit of apathy these last two days. Yes, even if I should be hyped for season 9, I have no expectations for it and it has come as simply more content to speak rather than the main material to be circlejerking about for now. That sense of fatigue may come because of oversaturation since October (maybe the efforts of trying to be original and interesting all the time have made their effects as well) and I cannot believe that we have arrived at this point of the ride alone.I will have to reinvent myself and recover the right attitude for it after this hiatus of pure endurance. I was about to review the Mare in The Mountain tonight but I need to give it another spin and I haven´t watched the premiere nor I haven´t felt anything towards it yet.  If the BO reads this post, I let him to be more active so you don´t feel alone at discussing the 9th season. 

 Basically,if I am not replying much,it´s not because I want to fuck around with you. It´s just that my body hasn´t found anything worthy to post for now.
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> More like picking which one is your favorite and why it´s the best,you end up sooner by picking the worst moments of it. If you want a challenge of bashing an episode,

That's exactly that. I have no major complaints. 

> I didn´t notice that. That detail may come because of different writers transferring the scripts and getting into little contradictions. 

That probably is it, or them deciding they liked it better afterwards since I think it was two or three seasons ago.

> it took until season 9 in order to make this review a reality. Better late than never. Even though I could have made a couple of jokes about this time lapse but it´s understandable that you waited until season 9 in order to warm up with the next episodes.

Yeah, I had more free time than I expected I watched a few episodes that night.
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> I am feeling a bit of apathy these last two days. Yes, even if I should be hyped for season 9, I have no expectations for it and it has come as simply more content to speak rather than the main material to be circlejerking about for now. 

I had that feel during season 7 premiere actually, I just felt like I was going through the motions. It was busy around that time and it just felt like another stressful thing I had to keep track with, so I think I can get that. 

 >I will have to reinvent myself and recover the right attitude 
 >(maybe the efforts of trying to be original and interesting all the time have made their effects as well)  
 I'd say especially on the second, anon. You have talked before of your pressure on your posts, though not recently.  Remember, don't let it be a burden. Even if it means you fully can't reply or just shitpost. If there is any advice I can give is to simply not sweat it. Take a few days, just chill and get through the day to day and reevaluate from there how ya feel. Don't worry about posting, don't worry about being a negative or trying to force positivity. If ya don't feel like watching right away thats fine too 
 On top of that, don't think "the first thing I gotta do when I get back is review the fic and the show" that'll just make it a stress on your mind, you'll review it when ya feel like it and besides that was a prototype anyway. 
 Besides, with what I know about your schooling that is a pain itself. 
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> It was busy around that time and it just felt like another stressful thing I had to keep track with, so I think I can get that.
until you get to watch an opener like season 9´s one and you feel the magic all over again. Every prejudice is gone after giving the show another try.  

>I'd say especially on the second, anon. You have talked before of your pressure on your posts, though not recently. with what I know about your schooling that is a pain itself. 
yeah, you mentioned that I made an effort for the image editing thread and it´s true that I have wanted to express way more than I usually offer. I fear a little bit of getting too repetitive so I try to go a little bit further. I suppose that ambition has a price for what it´s worth. 
>Remember, don't let it be a burden. Even if it means you fully can't reply or just shitpost. If there is any advice I can give is to simply not sweat it. Take a few days, just chill and get through the day to day and reevaluate from there how ya feel.
[/spoiler] Yeah, I read these lines back on Sunday and I decided to take a break save for posting a few nice images on Tuesday I think. I have been active for these two days so the things stay a little bit fresh and alive. The stressful period of the lab sessions is gone. I will say I still don´t promise anything and that´s why it feels like I am box full of surprises. But I am fine, thanks for thinking about me. [/spoiler]

Don't worry about posting, don't worry about being a negative or trying to force positivity. If ya don't feel like watching right away thats fine too 
> that'll just make it a stress on your mind, you'll review it when ya feel like it and besides that was a prototype anyway.Besides, with what I know about your schooling that is a pain itself. 
I have watched it, twice in fact. My problem is not with the show, the show will stay, it has made its memories. That will never change. About your fic, I don´t know when I will make it justice but I will say that I had a good experience while reading it, the concept of Cadencebat is much more defined, it was a more plausible story for this franchise, much more straightforward and less chaotic than the revolution fic. There it is, taken with a general perspective. There are a few questions but for a prototype, it seems that the main sketches have already been made. Congratulations for defining her so clearly. If the review doesn´t come, at least, these words are posted for you to see.
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Well, enough talking about myself today because I am not the only user that posts right here nor this is the thread to draw the attention to another target all the time, that should be directed at the show. 

Let´s give this to these pessimistic posts a spin with more energy,providing a momentum for what comes next!

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> until you get to watch an opener like season 9´s one and you feel the magic all over again. Every prejudice is gone after giving the show another try.

For me that was Discord that really made it feel magical...

 > I have wanted to express way more than I usually offer. I fear a little bit of getting too repetitive so I try to go a little bit further. 
 Again, my only advise here is what I have already spoken. 
 > I will say I still don´t promise anything and that´s why it feels like I am box full of surprises. 
 And that is wise. Because if ya promise ya only have pressure to deliver and the pressure prevents you from being spontaneous with random things you may just want to do over the course of the day and random post for fun. 

> Congratulations for defining her so clearly. If the review doesn´t come, at least, these words are posted for you to see.

You can say the review for whenever the core project arrives...

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