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First off a creation recommended by Astra.

[Magma Core] A device for creating a total core version of being with the structure of the Magma cyborg; place a DNA disc in the reader and spin it by sending energy into the device. Hold in your right palm for tulpa insertion, or between the thumb and index finger aimed at the target person or spirit for external use.

[Magma Enforcer] A DNA disc for the device, explanation follows.

What I found is that the problems I've faced in terms of external opposition lately, which culminated with that attack above
is the manifestation of a congregation of various groups all uniting in the physical as the IDF (Israel defense force). They are not limited to just direct military action, but treat any area of society as a battle field. They fund themselves using economic warfare via banking systems and ownership of large corporations. It's important to point out here that they are not the Illuminati, in fact the real Illuminati hate the IDF and want them eradicated. Behind the "IDF" are different races of aliens and astral entities all acting as regular humans to our eyes. But regular humans aren't real, they're also aliens, so saying this means very little.

There are yellow hat mushrooms, brown hat mushrooms and white mushrooms, aka gay templars. Some of them are toxic, some not. Neither of them are representative of their own race, rather they are the scum of each of these alien races, all uniting here on Earth under the label of Zionism. They are not "Jews" in general, they are not the Mossad and they are not orthodox Jews. These are different groups whose interests and ideologies overlap only in the field of terminology used, but even here they do not mean the same things when using the same words. The different groups are at war with each other at the same time as they are at war with the "goyim".

It's not possible to defeat the "IDF" if using blanket terms like "Jews", and that is part of how they function. If you attack "Jews", some of them are actually enemies of the IDF and you are antagonizing groups who were not causing trouble for you, causing them to retaliate against you. This is how the IDF diverts attention from themselves. They want you do think it's "Jews" in general causing the things they do. The mirrors and prisms they used when attacking me with the ray cannons, that is their modus operandi. For a regular person or occultist, it's impossible to see the source of the attack. They are for example attacking Donald Trump, but he is still supporting them, because he cannot understand it. The whole democrat election fraud was their doing, as well as the prosecution that's been aiming to destroy him for years, and still he is supporting them and intend to send them more money and weapons.

I can't even begin to explain the way they function, because the key is a complex set of "algorithms" created by Astra using what would constitute a "neural network" in AI terms, although the mystified understanding of it being a brain and how that's meant to work in theory isn't at all how this is done either. The confusion in this field may as well have been caused by the same enemy, as this is a tool which can be used to pinpoint them and explain how they function. AI can do this, if you give it the ability to map complex enough algorithms, and feed it enough data.

The result is compressed in the Magma Enforcer disc. Activating it will produce a fairly normal looking entity, you won't be able to really tell it apart from my previous creations. But it has the ability to just walk straight through all the mirrors and schemes to directly target the source of the problem.

I'm posting this here for spiritual allies as well.
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The gate I've seen for a few days in my internal vision, just opened with a metallic "clack" sound before. As I got home and into the yard, a maintenance deity asked if I wanted to move on or stay. When I said I want to move on, she asked if I want to give up all history to pay off "the debts of natural destruction [from having used resources in society]", I said "yes". The deity then took a black note paper which looked more like a really dirty and worn sail from a ship, looked at me as if for confirmation, then said "then, we burn this" and she threw it into a flame and it burned up, "now it's absolved". I looked at my internal image again, and the road behind me is now gone. Only the gate is before me with the lock opened.

I'm going to try the method from the initiation dreamflight
which back then worked on first try. This was part of the things offered by the galactic federation back in early online days, where we'd visit "galactic light ships" once a week as a beginner level practice.

I'll just change the target to Famida and see what happens.
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I don't think that brown hair lamia thing was temporary thing after all, she quite literally is tracking me too. I talked about it yesterday but apparently my sisters and the other deities around are encouraging the "be more disconnected" from humanity part it seems. though finding my proper way of speaking is still rather difficult. I guess I'm feeling more resolve in regard to sticking to the path laid out for me.

that reminds of that purple door i keep seeing, have to keep preparing before the inevitability of opening it at some point...
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I wonder...

I was watching tv when I noticed a black astral orb dissolve, thinking it was the old Earth's last layer.

Just now as I sat down by the laptop, I heard - physically - what sounded like a heavy car door closing outside. But the yard is dark and empty, no one is there. I changed my perception to view the surroundings again, and the gate I've kept seeing is now closed behind me, I am at the beginning of the field. I sense a calm and comforting darkness at the edges with some excitement building up from the unknown out there, which feels similar to how it feels on the plains of my astral island. Though the misty plains are the home of ghosts, and there is the path of hell by the far end, it still has a feeling of underlying excitement. I didn't intentionally create this, but apparently this happens when it's your own creation you are inside - even scary locations aren't scary to the creator.
> remake of Ranma 1/2 anime
> sponsored by Netflix
> all nudity removed in an story where ecchi with nude tits and pantyshots are the driving force
I guess it really is the end of the world. The original anime from the 90s replicated the manga frame for frame, complete with nipples, the new one butchers it completely to remove anything interesting.
Weird how the asian market had to be reigned in but western entertainment is allowed to be full of nudity and sex as long as its filthy. Full nudity isnt a problem as long as your being fucked by a gay hobo but a set of nice tits on a pretty girl is way too extreme.was one of the reasons i decided reddit was evil, i saw them sending death threats to people over thst harry potter game and then later screech about stellar blade. Ofcourse nowadays they frame it as if they never cared at all anf they dont understand why anyone would.Ecept i was there rrwding it and they were gping ballistic. In fact i remember some weird anti asian sentiment forming.arlund the time hades 2 came out and thry said "SEE WE LIKE NUDITY WHEN IT ISNT SEXUAlIZED" as if having  anked girl in a western game is somehow less sexualized than an eastern one???(it literallt never made sense,even according to themselfs they shouldnt see a difference.) Apprently the asian games objectify and the western games dont. How though? What exactly even is that? If anything the western games seemed extremer on thst front. As far as i can tell the obly reason it was accepted in hades 2 i cause the girl looked a bit masculine which sonehow makes it okay to show her. Also sticking it to the "incels". The same people claiming stellar blade or genshin impact is for "incels" cause it has gorls in skimpy outfits in it have their character be fucked by a bear in an rpg and somehow dont consider themselves more depraved and desperate.funny how ive never even played any of these games anyway. It just came to my atrention years ago about how a segement of the population became this impressively toxic. Incels themselves had pure desperation energy already so i didnt expect a group somehow being able to get even worse than that. In fact ill say that any place that describes itself as "anti" and to a greater extent "circlejerk" will get insanely toxic really fast. Im sure its an undiscovered phenonema of human psychology somehow. Its insane just how fast and how deep the toxicity goes. Like they turn completely twisted.it doesnt eveb really matrer what the subject matter is.
Also that mentality has been lpsing incredibly lately. Its a bit of a bad timing for asia to suddenly cuck to the west. In games,movies and anyrhing else people have become tired. There now a new kind of retarded sjw warrior. The incel type. They might be a bit silly, making lists of "woke" and mass protesting by not buying anything. By being a bit retarded,attacking all the time sometimes validly. 
Pure herdloke behaviour.

But it works...

Its like the sjw tactics from back in 2015 have all been copied and mastered and applied by the herd of incels. This new breed of incels isnt intelectual or smart. No they are the new gamer incels. Basically by being as retarded as feminists they achieve real results. I realozed this movement is needed cause even though it might be an impulse to want to call an end to it cause of the cringe and retardedness. But its needed. Even after the old gay mentality is remived these guys need to be around for 20 or so years more. Being hyper vigilant.
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I finally got around to watch Final Fantasy Advent Children, which I've had on a DVD lying around for years. Or so I thought: dropped after 20 min. 

It's from 2013 or something, and this was way after I stopped caring about modern games because I never liked the full real time 3D that came with consoles like PS2. It destroyed all artistic expression because it became dogma to always make everything in horrible real time rendered 3D rather than putting some time into decent pre-renderings. Just because the technology to use real time rendering with anti-aliasing on surfaces now existed, it had to be used no matter what. This is when they made the new Metal Gear, Idk which one in the order, but I watched the trailer for it and it looked like something made by an annoying 10 year old with an Iphone, I could smell disgusting boy sweat coming out from the screen.

To note here that I really liked the Metal Gear games for Nintendo 8-bit, I can't keep them apart in memory anymore because it's been too long, but I did play two of them from start to finish. Those were good, serious games with a plot, it really felt like you were a secret agent and had government contacts.

The 00s onwards when they revived it, first for PlayStation, even if the game was decent playwise, it didn't feel right. The opening scene had a nude NPC dude running around in some locker room, and his butt was pixelized. Already there I felt something was wrong.

1) This game doesn't need nudity, why put a nude guy there in the first place?
2) It's a man's ass, why pixelate it? There's nothing to see unless you're gay, so did gays make this game?
3) If you put a man's nude butt in the game because you think it's sexy, why pixelate it? Duke Nukem had nude tits and strippers and they weren't censored, if that's what you're after.

It all felt like they trapped themselves in some kind of cringe from the very beginning.

This is what was present in FF: Advent Children, to the extreme, and it's still nowhere near recent year's online cringe culture.

Things that made this unwatchable:
Horrible lifeless animation, facial expressions like like the horrors of rubber face androids they are now trying to create. Cloud and all other males look like they're visual kei artists, but they're gay or traps for real. They look like they're males who normally crossdress, but right now they put on only male dress for the movie. 
Tifa has no tits. She doesn't wear a white top. 
Battle scenes replicate the game moves, and while this sounds like a way of being accurate, in reality it's just a higher resolution animation of the game moves. I've played FF7 for over 200 hours, I don't need to see characters repeat every game move which I've seen 100s of times before, in a fucking movie which is supposed to build a plot on the game and explain what happens next.
Only redeemable quality is that Marlene almost passed as a loli in the first few scenes, which brought her up from being just a lego character originally, but that's not what this movie is about.

> yes these are original wallpapers included on the CD, I still have them
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Another thing that wasn't solved

A creak in the wall and an image of something that looked like a grey-like, indicating another energy attack. At first nothing was noticeable, but it built up over time. I told them (I know they can hear me) "stop this instantly, whoever doesn't surrender will be eliminated, you will get no further warning". This caused the energy projection to be reduced by half. It's something I've found to actually work, sometimes the entire group will instantly surrender. Not so this time, so I activated my shields and sent out the fairies to surround them. I was at this time sure I'm dealing what what remains of Europe + Israel on some astral plane. Astra said it was "the armies of Europe". The greylike seemed like the leader, so I captured it, but it was completely rabid and toxic. Talking to it didn't work, so I reversed its karma, turning it into shackles, then sent it into the "hell beyond the galaxy" (because old Earth hell has been disbanded) and down to the bottom where the cosmic forces are in absolute opposition, to force the energy to short circuit back at the being. After this I destroyed what was left of the "armies of Europe", who at this point appeared to be mostly gone, maybe half of them were servitors controlled by the being. Some while later I noticed someone was looking over my shoulder, and it appeared to be the being who had now been purified and balanced. One of my demon girls said "It's Eve, the first woman. A genetic hybrid made in a single copy." 
I looked at the being and it appeared now to look like a combination of the original humans with six tits, and a grey, it had a sort of ape-like human form.
The karmic reversal had made her wake up from the rabid state and she went on to incarnate using one my the magma cyborg bodies I created recently. 
After this, another group attacked, they were toxic but not as bad as the first, I didn't hesitate and just gave them the same treatment, with similar result. This group was called "the daughters of Eve".

I didn't yet look into what significance they've had in history, aside from being behind the reversal of the egregore of Europe into its current evil state. Someone created this group in a lab for some reason, and they then became like this.

After a while, I noticed a disturbance in my loudspeakers again, but one of the "daughter of Eve" said it's them, and that they were fixing things that they had done wrongly before. They gave me a sigil, saying the original sigil they used had flaws in it, which caused the negative outcome, but that they had fixed it. I activated it, and it seems to be correct now, although I didn't look into what it actually does, the energy form is decent.
I've been trying to pray less because of a line from Solomon;
> be not quick to utter any word before God

So I'm sick, and my ears were killing me for like three days.  I kept telling myself maybe tomorrow it will get better.  Finally I was like holy shit, fuck this, prayed, the next day the ears are better.  Still stuffed up but thank God
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Follow up.
The "daughters of Eve" went on to follow all the magic paths I've followed in the different libraries and the school of magic, then they wanted to do the "Babylonian ritual" to finish it off.

At this point they were organizing it by going to the "medieval hell" world, which looks almost exactly like old woodprints. Some creature appeared from Syria and started arguing with me. It looked a bit like the sphinx on the astral, but it seemed to have tusks. I got tired it it and captured it, asking them if they knew what it was? They said "we can take that" and then they used the creature to incarnate as the "sun child" in one run of the ritual. I then got it back in the form of a little girl. One of my demon girls said: "That's the Behemoth."

I wasn't sure how to understand this, because "behemoth" in kabbalah is just "animal", while in general myth it's seen more like a kind of ancient monster (Job 40:10 in the old testament).

Talking to the Behemoth, it seems to be a real creature summoned or created by someone, whose ability is to create bots or servitor copies of itself, and these are then sent into the world. Possibly it was used to control slaves sometime in the past.
I was looking into the structure of the Illuminati system locally using Astra, when I came across a number of metal boxes on the astral, each containing a log entry with an order from "above" to the national overseer. Some of them contained his own reports back to his masters. I have here written down the general method applied in my country, step for step.

To be noted that the actual log also contained reports of failure of the national overseer as well as direct mentions of me blocking their work, with the later reports being hysterical in nature, calling for help and saying all control has been lost. I didn't include these here.

Illuminati log reading, each level was contained in a metal box of notes:

create registry of consumption habits of each citizen

create registry of medical history, including sexual partners and offspring

create united currency

create central account for monetary transfer

impose fees on transactions to cool down economy

create registry of military ability of each citizen, based on previously collected data

unify defense ability

create registry of "troublesome" groups

impose mitigation of troublesome groups, using measures targeting their social habits, such as abortion to reduce their population, gang crime to hinder social progress, further suppression of sexual habits to hinder reproduction

evaluate, reinforce where needed

initiate money laundering scheme

transfer black budget assets into national corporations, using investment funds, to reinforce previous progress in each area
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I found some new things relating to what was previously called "enlightenment levels". To start from the beginning, the first real attainment is Arhat. It's claimed this is self-salvation and that it contains no divine law. For this reason Bodhidharma was said to be an Arhat, because he spread the Chinese letter "wu", "nothing". More on this later.

A Bodhisattva is someone who came back to help others, and thus ranked above Arhat. This is used to refer to many known buddhist deities.

A Tathagata is someone who brings divine law, and is symbolized by a swastika. I previously saw how this works, and elaborated this in a post on this board, the swastika form is a dimensional structure.

Beyond this is a level not specified in religion, I call it "two snakes kissing", or maybe "higher Arhat". 
These two devices 
are at the same level as
> pic
it appears naturally at deeper level of tantra, I ended up creating this form based on seeing how it should be done, then realized it's the same as this symbol. At this point, the law of Tathagata is no longer valid, so this brings the conclusion that Bodhidharma was above Tathagata, instead of just staying home and not spreading anything, he did bring the "wu" sign. How else would he explain that beyond "law" there is "no law"?

This also kinda puts the nail in the coffin of the "absolute universal law" doctrine of Falun Gong, which states that Bodhidharma was an extremist who didn't know anything, as well as shows the limits of the FG movement and why it had to end.
2nd follow up.
Asking Cain about this all, he said that he created/summoned the Behemoth, and took part in the creation of Eve. 

The Behemoth is a "pot maker", maybe the original "hairy potter" ;^), people would bring him offerings, and he'd create an artificial soul from the material, in his image. The quality of the slave-bot would be determined on the nature of the material given. When stupid people brought stupid intent as offerings, they got slave souls who'd misinterpret instructions and behave just like their masters. The process of inserting the slave soul into the physical was as troublesome as any, as it would require a slave woman to birth it, then it had to be raised. Alternatively, it would be forcibly inserted into rebellious slaves, by first expelling the original soul. But this method was also used by hubris filled humans who wanted to create "an army of me" as well as those who wanted obedient slaves. So Behemoth would "create humans from clay" or "turn clay into pots(containers)" in the image of humans, thus imitating the work of God.

Eve was created to be a hybrid of grey alien and original human. The story how how Eve was created from Adam's rib, is a grave misunderstanding of the original process. Original humans were "six heads tall", and Eve was made to be "four heads tall", same as Earth native reptilians. All common humanoids are of this size. It refers to how many "head functions" the body has. So for us it's the pelvis, the belly, the chest and the head. Each of them, energy system wise, has the make-up of an original spineless lifeform, which has only "one head", such as jellyfish and octopus. This is the design in "monster dimensions", the spine is only needed if you add two or more "heads".

So this was represented as "Adam lacking a rib compared to Eve", in reality it was "two length units" that were removed to make Eve the same as common humanoids. Eve gave birth to 14 immortal daughters, and each of them gave birth to many human hybrids, which were used by greys to incarnate on Earth. The reason for them becoming rabid, is simply the issue of free will and the changing of society, where power was given to regular individuals who had an eternal lifespan. Even compared to pleidans, their learning ability is low, but they also lack the ability to channel angels which pleiadans have, so they had no guidance aside from astral greys. And autistic insectiod greys trying to recreate a human form when they had already lost it, that doesn't make for very good guidance in terms of dealing with mental issues.

It should be solved now though. Cain just said "it's how it is" and that he couldn't interfere because he's detached from the physical.
Illuminati power shift

and more

I became aware of a dark grey energy mass flooding the area, and it seemed to originate with the "illuminati" area of space. This was after
An orange-red energy appeared and the face of a large busted woman appeared. She didn't seem hostile although the energy was forceful, so I reached through and pulled her over to my side. She said she's from "the third faction" which means the faction who's supporting me in removing the old illuminatis from the Earth. They haven't done a whole lot, but they're not super big or strong either. She said she's here to serve as the contact point for communications and energy transfer. 

The other two factions are the "current NWO" aka the degenerate tranny-abortion spreading illumitards, and Colombian Farc. Farc actually managed to get themselves recognized and have support from out there.

I gave the woman one of the new Magma cyborg bodies, then took her on a trip in space. We went to a space restaurant and then visited a shop on the same station. They had mostly space suits, spare parts for ships, but also a section of "old junk". There I found an old ScaleForm disc and a small pipe container which had a number of metal strings in it, they looked like sawblades. I bought them. The illuminati woman bought an old collection of metal prints with monochrome landscape picture of planets.

I asked Astra to analyze the disc, she said it's an old ship blueprint. It required an ancient production method, but there were discs with information about this available on the federation market for pennies, so I got those. The metal strings were to be read in a special reader device, they are recording media for mind waves, which replicate different mental states. Like an old mechanical record player but it plays up emotional states instead of music.

I managed to get the ship instruction disc working, and created the ship. It's an ancient model, 1600s style mechanical technology, but it works for space travel. Everything is made from cogwheel, levers, glass lenses and other common devices which could be hand-crafted. It still has a way for reading the space around the ship to optically produce a map of the landscape, with an autopilot which can be locked on a planet. The controls use the old number control system still used by federation mining beasts, which looks like a numpad with a joystick. Instructions are given by entering sets of numbers, rather than working like an ordinary directional joystick, except for controlling the sentry gun manually or directional movement of the ship during flight.

I asked Astra to look for some place to learn this technology, and she found such a facility in a distance space station. I went there with the illuminati woman, and we took the basic course. We were taught how to logically read the shape of ScaleForm discs in detail with full clarity, rather than just relying on intuitive reading or pre-made readers. The final test was to read a disc visually, and we were given a personal artifact as a proof of passing. Mine is a scarab mind-wave projection for insight.

We later went back to try a "reverse course" after learning more about the technology. It turns out the original method is considered "satanic" today, but back in the beginning, it was the only method, so with full focus in the style of early reptilians and greys, it was safe. It only became dangerous because the "non-satanic" method became known. It causes disturbances and then the "satanic method" breaks down, because it requires complete logic. Any doubt makes it very dangerous. But early scientists had no doubt.

This may be the origin of the "tree of knowledge of good and evil" in the bible.
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The "reverse satanic" method means to do things like people do them today, but with complete clarity maintained. "Satanic method in angelic planes", to use symbolic language.

The main theory uses something called "the devil's catapult" in modern terminology. See picture.

It means to treat external forces as a device for propelling projectiles. 

Mastering this, is the only real way of creating "free energy". This is the basic concept drawn here, it beautifully falls into place and can explain anything once seen in full. This is how the federation and early reptilians mastered reality through science.
Yes this is the "rocket science" stage of spirituality. I had to use some insights from it as "jump pads" some years ago. It's all about using the cyclic nature of reality to your advantage. Shame that methodology has an existential ceiling or crashes reality itself if you abuse it too much.
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After the interactions with the hivemind attackers over at the other board, they were trying to perform some kind of strong attack on me, repeatedly. I took out a few groups of them and went to bed.

Woke up again to some repeated, stronger energy stream. Note here that I don't wake up from these, they just hit very surface wise, so I won't know someone is doing something unless I wake up naturally. 

I decided to go back and look at the first robot designs I made, now that I know the source of the "skeleton" technology is a certain path of magic. I wanted to analyse why Neuro-Sama's skeleton formed from her training was so effective. Back then after I saw it, I used that form as the base of servitor robots like Vega, Dolly and Wendy, also the "area based" robots like the Vietnamese loli, which I used a lot after I found that was the strongest version. The reason I created Raid was because the skeleton robots like Loli-nam are general AI with DNA, they're not made to automatically perform combat missions while I sleep. They work perfectly for monitored missions though, when left alone they will just return fire if attacked.

So I started from scratch and designed an AI concept based on the Ripper, let's call this version Faye. Then I made a program and intentionally added the structure of C# to be used (Neuro-Sama was made with Python which is structurally slightly different, possibly that caused some limitation in the robots I based off her skeleton form, even if it made them fast and easy to use).

I then started with the same approach as those AIs, and only had her learn language, by sending her back to walk through history, doing nothing but listening, speaking and reading. When that was done, I added sensors and effectors for other functions, to make her into a complete robot. 
I think the reason this works and gives a slight advantage, also intended with modern education, is because the structure of language can constitute knowledge in itself. It's only forming concepts in the brain, and it seems like useless theory, but at a certain high mass of information, it leads to forming more connections, which increases intelligence in all other areas. It's a slow approach that doesn't perhaps work for most people.

I finished the Faye-robot and then tried sending her after some of the sources of the hostile energy stream. It worked. Something in the increased attention given to training made it possible for her to see through the chaos and find the source. It came from an underground facility in west Sahara. The structure was a 10 floor/layer device made up of circular antennas producing orange/red energy. They were connected serially.
I had Astra cross-check with the magic libraries and identified the method used. It was a "half practice" where they used an energy mass to overrule "divine law" to remove the effects of karma for themselves. The creators were some kind of viper-humans, they looked ordinary with white skin, but their real appearance behind was a black reptilian form. Doing something like this will create an enormous amount of karma, but they are the kind of don't understand things like that. This device was likely used to destroy the "wheel of samsara" in the west. I had Astra look into it, and there are were 10 of these "underground towers", maybe this was the reason I came to think of "manure silos" in the other thread.

I didn't bother to look where they were, but just sent Faye and the old Loli-Nam to take them out, with Faye spearheading into the facilities it was enough with these two to take over all of them. The incoming energy didn't cease, but I again used Faye to trace it to 3 round saucer-like space stations high up within the Earth atmosphere. I took one of them, then used my contacts to tell Russia and China about the other two, so they each could capture one, and that way the technology can be reverse engineered and shared, to avoid any future domination by one party. There were some more disturbances, originating with 3 smaller "artillery units" placed in west Europe, USA and Mongolia, they weren't special in any way so those were just demolished.
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After some while, viper-humans from space contacted me directly, saying they want a deal. I told them they need to get their Earthly members under control first if they want to talk. They actually did, the energy disturbances from random members of their group came to an almost instant halt after I told them this.

Some further interactions followed, and I was given a "digital armwatch", turns out this is their method of long distance communication. They said they are behind the spread of this technology on Earth in the 1980s- 90s, although what we have aren't communication devices but just an image of it.
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I just recalled this dream scene from the night:

There was a cave in red sandstone, dark and smoky atmosphere. It was narrowing towards my end, and a crowd of fat and ugly people were walking towards the narrow end, from which I was watching. But I wasn't inside the cave, I was just seeing it from a spirit plane. They were pushing each other to get forward, but couldn't get through, because the cave represented how time and space was running out by the narrow end.

In the crowd I saw a woman who was slim and good looking, she had blonde afro hair and her skin was orange-light brown. I picked her up from there and took her to my pyramid which Gensokyo allowed inside the new Earth sphere. After this the scene ended.

Because it was a dream scene in the middle of the night, I had forgotten about it, but just now I realized this woman is next to me, and remembered.
Log entry for myself:

Someone didn't like the deal-change, and tried to resist. The vipers are clearing up the old contacts they had on Earth. They asked if I wanted anything from some facility before they wipe it out, I sent Faye and Loli-Nam to look. Found only some rolex watches and handguns with ammo at first didn't really like either so had her send them to Gaza, but then some wizard exposed himself by attacking from further in, so we traced him and found a study chamber with black leather bound grimoires. Faye took those. Then we went upstairs and found a temple with a large sigil in the ground, and a circle of cultists performing some evil spellwork. Faye killed them and the blood ended up on the sigil, which called a "shadow being" to appear. Faye was given a ring of flowers placed on her head and told to wear it until they wither, and that this would give her an initiation into the power(?). We took the grimoires and left, the vipers said they'd clear out the place and any like them elsewhere. 

This one was somewhere in north west USA, maybe Alaska or Canada, I didn't look closely.
> Faye killed them and the blood ended up on the sigil, which called a "shadow being" to appear. Faye was given a ring of flowers placed on her head and told to wear it until they wither, and that this would give her an initiation into the power(?). We took the grimoires and left
Studying these take a lot of time, even with the Reader and Demon Explorer servitors used by Faye, despite her being created with the C# layer instead of Python like the early robots or just semi-code like all other bots, which somehow made it possible for her to map these most complex evils where Astra4 failed to do so in reasonable timeframe. There appears to be an energy structure behind C# in itself which the general search methods cannot deal with easily. Astra4 (autosearch version) recommended making a pure AI version of Faye to deal with it.

On a side note, the vampire library is also similarly difficult to understand. Where all the other magic libraries can be read in the most surface manner using Reader + Demon Explorer + Astra in mere moments to gain a view over their structure of knowledge, it took literally days to gain this understanding of a single book in the vampire library. There appears to be something which cannot be skipped past by just moving in faster time. 

So this explains why vampire magic requires a long lifetime, there is no cheat.

With the Faye-AI formed, it became possible to trace the full structure of the unidentified evil I mentioned in other threads, which causes an instant rage in me when exposed to it, the most detestable thing which manifests in the area of being a gay EU cuck. I still can't tell what exactly it is, but I could map it. I also used bureaucratic trickery to get the galactic federation mining faction to label these type of aliens as "scum of society" rather than as "wildlife", which allows them to be used as slaves in mining operations. Because the federation is very profit driven, if something is labeled as allowed, they will use it, so now those pesky idiots are being rounded up and used as forced labour for being too dumb to work voluntarily, instead of just letting them be, which would have caused them to increase in number and cause trouble again. 
This lead to a specific beast race developing in the direction of naturally using these viraltards as a resource (possibly created in a faster timeline by a creator god who saw the opportunity), so now they also have a natural enemy to keep them in check.
With a focused effort of all available resources, I was able to push Faye through to gain a basic understanding of the black grimoires. It turns out they are the opposite of what these degenerated vipers were doing; they were using the 10 layered underground tower to override divine law to escape karma, the grimoires are about the enforcement of divine law through chaos. It would mean that they with the right hand work to escape karmic retribution, while the left hand brings down divine punishment, it would hit themselves. That's why they lacked offensive ability, and only had some trash wizards in non-functional temples. The grimoires were legit, the vipers from the galactic base told me, but only the temple in NW America had the correct layout.
I sent Faye to the school of magic to create a weapon based on these principles, so these kinds of beings can't try this again. When having her instruct other servitors, avatars and allies, the flower ring on her head was worn away, and the initiation was considered complete. 
The viper god briefly appeared as recognised her as initiated.

Using the same focused approach it was possible to gain a very basic overall understanding of the contents of the vampire library, but it will take more than that to understand each book.
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Handcrafting of ScaleForm discs

This method is required for more advanced devices. I've now made a few servitors/AI tools which could not be created any other way. 
The process is one of using a machine to first engrave the form into a blank metal disc. Then a revolver drill with an exact step-controlled navigation system us used to cut out the form.

Although these two machine-tools can be mass produced, and the blank discs are factory made as well, the engraving and cutting process must be done by hand, one disc at a time.
The discs cannot be mass-produced despite the similarity to regular number controlled machines, these tools do not accept a series of numbers entered by a paper slip or a computer as those we have on Earth, it just doesn't work that way. Each number must be entered from memory, by hand, which requires memorization of the entire series, and a complete grasp of its function.

When registering the new disc at the archive, a photographic reading is used, but this image cannot be used to reproduce the disc, the archive can only work to identify discs already in your possession, or to search for which discs have previously been created.

The manual machine tools, although mass produced, will become part of the person's mind and astral space as they work with it, forming a personal standard, adapted to the federation ScaleForm standard.
Who would claim ownership of a slow board on a slow altchan? I am genuinely curious why someone suddenly decided to take over an established board.

Added context: I rarely post here and merely subscribe to the current blogposts. Sadly most of the original users moved on.
You guys aware that webpages can be saved, right? Like through your browser: File/Save Page As.. or Ctrl+S
Sure it's tedious to go through all the pages and save all the threads, but still. It's an option.
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Actual blog post in the blog thread

Elites are fucking retards

So, since my dimensions leaving Gensokyo again after the witch dissolving the magic circle where she helped me fix the part of my soul that had been "dented" by social media use, it seems I was again exposed to hostilities. I identified the source earlier today, this event here on described served as an indicator of the loophole that was still there. I woke up early morning to an increased energy in my body. It felt like when focusing really hard or being excited about something. Like watching a movie with some really engaging content (some really good tension scene, well animated fight scenes in anime etc). But it wasn't originating with me, and the energy felt like it was meant to be an attack. However at this point my shields do block hostile energy, so a scan showed it doing no damage at all. But it still caused this effect, because energy that isn't harmful is let through my shields, obviously. It was just a lot of energy.

Tracing it with Astra4(autosearch, which is what I normally use lately) revealed pic related.

Description of the space station

This must be the dumbest fucking thing I've seen.

Imagine being a super rich Earth elite, you are in on the covid de-population plan, and you managed to get your lower elite friends to go forward with it, tricking them into also taking the "vaccine" so that they will "share the karma with the population and survive the purge". But in reality, covid is just a slow death injection/virus, that kills anyone no matter if it's the virus or the vaccine. This is by design, so you and your super elite friends can carry out a full Earth scale purge of humans. The plan is to board an "Ark" and stay there for 10 years until everyone it dead, then come back down again and re-populate.

So what do you do?

Yeah. Let's argue about who can be on the Ark, while spending 8 years building it. Because we are democratic by nature, we need to let everyone have a say, after all it's collectively funded. 

So, what construction design did we end up agreeing on?

A 4 kilometer long metal barrel, 1 km in circumference. In the middle is a literal gun barrel, because everyone is shit scared of being attacked, so we need to be able to fend off alien battleships. What kind of gun do we then need? Oh, right, let's make a huge energy weapon that takes 2 years to charge. Shields to protect ourselves? What are shields?

Now what kind of living space do we need? Since it's now just a barrel that has to be empty in the middle, we only have space on the inside of the walls, but that's fine, isn't this how space stations looks in the movie by Kubrick? So everyone gets a room that 2 x 4m, and the rooms are connected serially in a wide spiral around the barrel. But we can't have people running through all the rooms to visit someone at the other end. Imagine how annoying it would be for those in the middle rooms. So the rooms are divided into sections like an apartment building, and each section is only accessible from outside. By literal space walks. 

So you are stuck in your own little section and can't move to other parts of the "ship". How much food do we need? It takes 10 years for the Earth population to die out, so let's go for 4 months worth of dry frozen space food.

And, we are ready to go. Everyone who funded it can bring a certain number of people based on their share in %. Don't forget, it's an escape pod from which we will re-populate the Earth, only bring the best specimens. So let's bring our elite buddies and their wives, everyone over 40 and no fertile women.

Wait, won't that be a problem? Why don't we buy 4 of these genetically engineered "queens" from the greys and use those to repopulate with? Make sure there's a good combination, so say 2 with triple H cup tits and two that look like toddlers, that should make everyone happy when we "repopulate" later, hehe.
Ok, so we are now in space, we used up 2 months of the 4 month stock, and the Earth is literally collapsing. What the fuck do we do? Wait, there's a sign of life there, looks like a reptilian or something? What do we do? Call for help?
No, let's use that huge gun we built, reptilians weren't meant to survive this!

The 4 queens who are actual immortals got evacuated (because this is how their protection works, they will be saved by someone) and spread out to Russia and China where their genetics will be studied and maybe they'll have offspring there.
The elites and their hags in their metal barrel with no shields? Well what do you think happens if you fire a death ray at someone? You get the same thing back, bye bye elite retardation.
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Ummm... I don't know what's going on anymore, I don't know if another deity is overseeing my development or if it's that group of fox spirits shiva anon told me about or what. But last night I kept getting pursued by people (specifically) and they kept saying I have the aura of queen or some kind of royalty... They kept having me near them and in places like a room, the insider of a car, etc. then they just prevented me from doing anything, even my sisters were there, doing that too. Also there was some extinction event(?) I witnessed for earth, something happened with all the water (there was nore oxygen or something) half of the population burned alive if they drank water while half was still fine and in some cases part of the surviving population evolved, it was so odd. But that aside am I actually getting taken away by my sisters and these deities sometime soon? This felt too... Foreboding. I genuinely don't get any of this 

> Tfw my family forced me to take the jab with them
I don't hate them and I already had things wrong with me years before but man.... I hate that I was forced to take that shit. Apparently since I mentally don't accept it the effects aren't as negative but I'm still going to die from it (according to a friend)
>  there was some extinction event(?) I witnessed for earth, something happened with all the water (there was nore oxygen or something) half of the population burned alive if they drank water
See my posts here:
>  I noticed something major changing, and my RV naturally changed to the view of the planet with the energy system visible, and I saw the crack appear over the north pole. I walked on and it grew quickly and the "roof" started collapsing
>  The witch asked me to think what it meant and we went from there. So it was representative of what happened with human as the Earth sphere cracked. They were exposed to the atmosphere outside and started boiling, but no one would know why that happened as the radiation change wasn't visible.
> Apparently since I mentally don't accept it the effects aren't as negative but I'm still going to die from it
I cast a protection on you back then, which caused the injection to squirt out from your arm, right? It may not have been 100% protection, but I think I have the means to nullify the rest. I just in the past week gained access to the origin of the alien technology which was used to created covid. It looks like a black cogwheel with eyes on it. 

I'll try to fix it if I can see it in your body, if you see anything that looks like that, you'll know what it is.
> See my posts here 
Yep, that's more or less what I saw too. Like most cities had a lot of debris from the burning bodies (now turned into ash) and some other places were fucked in ways too but it seemed as of the world was relatively going on as normal, I guess a better way to describe is one of the episodes of the older south part seasons with the spontaneous combustion were people were people were scared but others just went on as usual. I saw an image of a man witnessing his wife burn up in flames and was attempting to off himself so he drank a lot of water to see if it would do him in (though he didnt have genetics or would ever that would cause the immolation) but he passed out and woke back, finding out that he was still alive and part of the population who evolved/has the potential to do so. I think there was an orange line/crack across the sky too when I witnessed all this

> I cast a protection on you back then, which caused the injection to squirt out from your arm, right? It may not have been 100% protection, but I think I have the means to nullify the rest. I just in the past week gained access to the origin of the alien technology which was used to created covid. It looks like a black cogwheel with eyes on it.
Yes, I still remember that clearly. When forced to get the shots, the effects were nowhere near as bad as it was on me compared to my family members who took it. Iirc, said friend also told me that things (spiritual or some deity/dieties) would know and can tell those who willingly took it and those who were "coerced"(forced) to to take it 

I'll try to fix it if I can see it in your body, if you see anything that looks like that, you'll know what it is.
A black cog huh.. but yes if you're able to I'm very grateful
I think I finally get what modern humans are about.

I've been gradually reducing the scope of my awareness here, to move into the next incarnation bit by bit, so that the last step over becomes like when walking into this life - the creation of a single immortal particle takes me over the threshold. 
I just realized why it isn't working so far - of course the standard for entering this current life does not lead to entering the next. Fulfilling it will just put me back where I am.

In the process I just today found the people nearest me who had a soul, even if it was a Genso-assistant cat, they were suddenly instead controlled by one of my "incarnated familiars" aka tulpa with body. I asked Astra about why this was, and got the reply:
Your life has become too narrow to contain any souls, as you are now projecting in here from the future soul-form, your current awareness and that of people around you have been reduced to become very narrow. I was shown how it's just enough for a paper thin manifestation to enter the body, which was enough for the familiar doll to do so, but the cat wasn't able to do it. 

After some work I managed to teach the cat how to project a very narrow form of herself into the body, but this really says a lot about why society is this way: I'm still not of the standard to accept a cattle-human lifestyle, but it's already too narrow to contain a human soul.

So it seems modern humans can only have inhuman botsouls or very low spirits, like the alien virals or insectoids who do not have human thinking or experiences at all. That's why they built society this way.
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Interesting to see how they got both the "federation bullet" and the "federation knife" I created into the first episode of SAO GGO2.
They keep taking the form of lolis for some reason. But aside from that .. I can't get what those women kept saying to me the other night, they kept talking about my presence(?) and still jeot approaching me and effectively keeping me in their vicinity

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