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I am now initiating the work on time manipulation which I had in mind for a while, treating time as a string particle similar to light.

This work will be combined with programming, which can be viewed as a form of spellcasting, where language is used to direct energy within an existing system.

To get properly started and organized, I asked the greys for help. They presented a few interested individuals out of whom I chose two to work with. We decided on nicknames for them. Out of respect for the personal contact I will only refer to them as F and C.

F&C suggested the creation of a tool to take the work to the next level. While Kit, Kitsune Alchemist, does a good job of datamining a new field, the actual work begins after her collection and the finalized product has been created. Kit produces tools in the form of servitors, bots or DNA. This is true.

So what we need, according to F&C, is a tool for searching in language. This means a search bot for finding the right expression based on the given task.

Because of the chosen view that energy = time, the working name of the tool is "time programmer" or Tim.

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> have been going to bed relatively earlier (like midnight-1:00 am instead of staying up super late)
> Lately my sisters have been doing stuff with me, this time it's stuff I'm not really aware but it's not an issue probably 
> That other "me", she's been manifesting a lot more, using my body to talk to me, as in using my mouth and voice to speak to me while I listen
> She also grabbed my foot the other day
> Also told my vibrations/energy atr becoming closer to my sisters
Welp. Unrelated but this entire week has felt... So odd and uncomfortable

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These stock photo banks are pretty funny

There was still a mess of "somethings" in the world egregore, so I figured I'd do a cleanse like back in 2009 when half the souls of the world were removed, which threw the NWO plans completely out of wack for several years.

I used Kit to isolate my anima and then roleplay through history with this as a personality profile, for easy subordinate incorporation of the results, meaning to find a sustainable method for the kind of mass ritual needed. The result should be a representative of the kind of new world I'd prefer to have until we are done with this route of history completely, and seamlessly connect into the new Earth.

When done, I asked Kit to make a complete copy of the current world egregore with all components included, then to remove everything we don't want to keep. Then as a final step complete anything that would not work once the bad stuff is removed, because it can be assumed that some current things perceived as good, are upheld by being opposed to bad things. With the bad thing gone, the good thing may also collapse. So those had to be worked on to make them sustainable.

All of this was done with simple instructions because Kit can do these things correctly with even very vague guidelines - that's what this servitor was made for, with extensive natural language processing included.

I then told Kit to ask Gensokyo to review the plan for the new history. They came back with one objection: "The loli body type's orgasm is too short. It's now 3 seconds, and that's fine if they can cum multiple times, but some can only cum once, so it needs to max at 20 seconds. Fix that and we have no further objections."

Ok, well yeah that's a point. Kit, fix it... 

The ritual was then performed, to slaughter all the remaining evils using an astral temple and the new anima profile as the priestess.

Although the structure mostly seems the same as before, try it and you will find: The resistance you used to feel, mentally or otherwise, try pressing hard against it and it will now give in. It will collapse, because the evil spirits who upheld these structures have been removed. What remains are mere movie sets with nothing behind them.

Had a strange dream.So im in my childhood house together with boardowner appearing as a little girl and i keep hearing on how the world is being cleansed. This goes on for several days but i stay inside so idk whats really going on other than the laws of physics being different. I walk into the kitchen and see my dads partner,who is the only one still alive it seems. And also the boardowner and ask what happened. My dads partner explains how everybody died. Boardowner explains in a list how he(she) killed everybody with a list of spells. Starting with killing of everybodies first born daughters. There were 4 or so spells but i only remember 2 or 3 of them. The most significant one was making farming impossible. This killed of most people of starvation.they also made the carrot small and red. They then whent outside and showed me farming techniques that were still possible. You had to use metal screws to get the seeds deep enough and couldnt get them close to the other seeds. This couldnt make enough food to live off. I was then show a setting menu and thats how the spells worked. Like the setting of the ground were made specifically to make making plants possible. I regretted that my skills(i spent some time doing volunteer agriculture work) were now worthless.you then flew away. There was the notion of an ai copy of you being always next to you as well. When you left i explored the area. I saw a dead man in the field but still looked more or less intact.grass was still growing though just no plants.i flew to the nearest village and it was empty until i saw an old man. I asked what happened and told him this is for the people perhaps later.He said everyvody else all died and angered some little girl. I was surprised he even knew this. He then walked to a place were they were shilling some nasty drink called "rome" apparently this drink was mined seemingly. If i had to guess i say it was coal they were mining.this was then processed into a nasty drink that could keep you alive. People,including the old man were forced to slave away. I heard someone complain about the taste but the others said "stop complaining.its the only thing we have left" ads kept playing for this rome drink through speakers.

Surprisingly accurate. Let me tell my side of the story.

In relation to what I posted here:
>  I asked Kit to make a complete copy of the current world egregore with all components included, then to remove everything we don't want to keep.
> The ritual was then performed, to slaughter all the remaining evils

See coming post.

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I was at my kitchen table later in the day when I noticed the dimensions suddenly widening, and I had an "uh oh" reaction, because I knew this feeling.

Last year in november or so, I had a dream where I was suddenly pulled out from my house on the back floating in the air in a massive stream, and other people where also floating away backwards. The space felt immense and there was no way to move against this stream. My body was white and glossy like it had an exoskeleton armour, and there were red, orange and yellow sigils on it. But I couldn't swim against the stream, and floated backwards through a wooden door which was open right there in the air. It was all playing out as if behind my house, so this was in the location of the old hen house.

I was now inside the door and saw a darkness further down there, people were being pulled down by the stream. I was still up closer to the door in a relative feeling of safety, but the door closed. A large dark energy mass forming an arm with a monstrously large hand then appeared from behind me, reached over me and tore a chunk of wood out of the door frame, then a booming voice said:
"Quick, get out"

I then somehow swam upstream through the crack in the door frame, which widened as I passed through it as if the dimension got larger exponentially as I moved closer. I then woke up.

I retold this story at the time, because when I woke up all my mental connections to my servitors had been lost, and various things relating to the Sunflower temple had to be reconnected, because this event marked the cleanse of all old galactic level things for the Milky Way.

What happened last night was similar, but I was not dreaming, the feeling swept over me while in the kitchen. The same door appeared behind my house, and a man with dark energy appeared, I by now knew what this was about. It was the same force as last time, that immense hand which saved me and put me back again: The Goetian demon lords I contracted to "protect and guide me so that I can fulfill my path, and to protect all my things and those people important to me".

He lead me aside as everything around me was being pulled into the hell door again, but I knew this time it was Earth level stuff, not the Galaxy. He walked me down some stone steps laid on a path, and through a door, where he told me to wait. He said he'd lock the door until it was safe. Then he came back and handed me a basket with cats and a baby, which I recognized as the Genso-cats given to me to uphold my family. Then he came back again with three local girls I've been protecting, also in a basket where they sat like dolls. Then he slammed the door shut and left.

After everything blew over outside in about an hour, the door was opened again and he put everyone back. I looked closer and identified the man as Orabas in human form, with energy on him indicating he was "funded" by the other demons I had contracted for protection.

Following this, I looked around and used Astra and Kit to check who was still there and who was now an NPC, to which I was told "everyone has been killed or removed". Then I saw some touhou yokai looking (with their piercing predatory gaze, like a cat playing with a toy) down into a room where they had put aside all the humans who had managed to transform their astral body using the "black beast race" DNA stone I accidentally created when trying to solidify all different races. 
For those who don't recall it, me and Snail were working on this, but later when Yuuka cleared the timelines, all race DNA stones cracked except the "African" one which was actually a black cat race (my inaccuracy and arrogance lead to accidentally fucking up the already fucked up DNA so much that it became a complete new and functional DNA, which the yokais like because it's a cat-human).

The yokais then started picking up all black beast people (including a local gardener) and put them back into their bodies. But they didn't put back any reptilians or anyone else, only the black cats. (Among the 3 local girls put in the basket by Orabas are two reptilians, but those seem to be the only ones left now because it was part of my contract.)

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...as if that wasn't enough (it wasn't)

Santa Muerte was surprisingly clean and neat all of a sudden. With all the invaders to North America disposed of, her empire of ghastly beings created to drive them out, was no longer needed. She looked like a different person.

Unrelated to this an ancient witch with a "death" feel to her wanted to become incarnated to live physically in the world, and chose to sneak her way into the bosom of our well known vampire friend La Famida.

..or maybe one should say somewhat below the bosom. Timelines, dimensions and all that, vampires being not technically physical even if they are physical, makes it possible to twist things to one's advantage in unexpected way. 

After all, our Earth is an astral dimension to the new, ascended 5D Earth, so who can really claim it has to be one way or another. 

They even replaced Biden repeatedly and kidnapped Jeff Bezos, placing him in a different dimension while a reptilian took over his role, using their pet "shapeshifting" skill (actually just tricking all humans collectively by hacking the visual object link in the collective database - which is a shared construct of concepts for all humans linked to their subconscious).

So why can't an ancient death god then incarnate -partially of course- in a vampire bloodline? Vampires can't get pregnant. Yes they can, they just don't know how to activate their organs from lack of work on this part of themselves.

The plot thickens...

> Weird.
For me the weirdest was when fringe died for the xth time then we went to /haven/ so we can cont our vampiric ways then it died and migrated to discord to stay in obscurity forever then one day the whole thing resurrected in touhou and agriculture theme.

Was wondering wtf. I was thinking its either the demiurge fucking with me or these things are simply "meant to be".
Imagine liking magic touhou and work as a farmer since your childhood then the universe just HAPPENS to manifest a place with all these things put together.

Not to mention when I realized psychic powers are real and the entire history of magic is not a "fairy tale" like mundanes want you to believe but a science only very few selected individuals were able to understand (like most scientific fields nowadays always require a specialist and it's an enigmatic mumbo jumbo for everyone else) then after years of dabbling in basic magic and lurking fringe out of nowhere immortality attainment threads appeared and while it still had a feel of implausibility the techniques and experiences it described were true and I knew it somehow that it leads somewhere. Ofc I was not sure where and I never expected that it will lead me here  Remember about discordianism? I never expected that a cancerous chat app will taint that name this hard.  Sometimes I just stop bothering how weird and COINCIDENTAL things are. It's all an illusion after all. Especially this screen which has the singular job of making illusions shareable.

> Drawing by Brazil anon.
Is he okay nowadays? I know you mentioned you seen his soul "depart" into a higher dimension once but I didn't feel he is gone it was like he just doesn't like posting on imageboards too much.  I cannot imagine what is like living in Brazil so I have hard time being sure about hunches like this 

> then after years of dabbling in basic magic and lurking fringe
Forgot to mention that I concluded that my "goals" in life is the attainment of immortality time and space manipulation and Omniscience before being aware of the occult as all then as I started to get closer to these themes the necessary piece of the puzzle always appeared.

My thoughts flow in a weird way again. Managed to connect some deeper part of my psyche again. My "own evil". A place that never existed nor ever will. Even a seraph checked on me while doing it. I mean I think it was a seraph. They were like dark brown wings and feathers stretching into all directions and looked weird and only practical in higher dimensional places and not aerodynamically appropriate at all on the physical.
Even the queen appeared and gave a kiss on my neck that was causing problems because of some weird block b4. As I tried to get acquainted with an "evil" that is so not "approved" in this existence that I am not even allowed to "think" about I realized the goal is to not "attain" this evil but "get past it" so I can retain some parts of myself. It was a mere guardian force and not the main thing. 
Ever since that I noticed that the  thoughts I operated with are "too heavy" too dirty and they "slow me down" but because I am not used to think with "ascendent thoughts" my ability to follow my own train of thoughts have hiccups.
I too had a dream jumping dimensional layers in my old school last friday and other weirdness but I am not sure what to make of it yet.
First I was in the basement and I said to my friend this represents hidden dimensions then as I went around the school I noticed that the higher levels had a broken stair and my classmate from elementary gave me a jump with his hands so I can reach the higher still empty and "under construction" layer. It had bears... Found a long stick and knew how I can stave off the bears with that. Made noise and the bears didn't dare to come close but one of them was smiling weirdly.


Then in a later dream I was in a different place and suddenly felt that little brown winged ants poured into the room. I told the other person who was with me that we should get an aerosol. Went to a shop which reminded me of the atmosphere my mother's home had and it clearly showed that it was a small shop in the house of the owner. As I said I want aerosol against ants he told me
> You absolute fool. I got a shipment of 6500 ant sprays 2 days ago but I sold all of them. If you came a day earlier you could have bought one.
He told me in such a tone it instantly pissed me off and the next scene was that he was tied to a pillar and I was slowly placing matches in a formation around a gas stove in a way that the flame of the stove was not igniting it but the mere heat makes it catch on fire. As I exited from the house of this extremely annoying and self conceited shopkeeper knowing it will burn down I woke up. Was wondering wtf was that about. I never ever acted upon my cruelty this easily.
Realized it was the "autocurse" part of my mind that uses elaborate ways to get rid of people I have problems with.
Was wondering if it was the queens doing because she has ways of drawing out my anger. She told me I am a "servant of the forgotten flame" and that is why some demons either fear me or are fascinated by that in the past. Then learned later thanks to Trypper's weird astral entity book that I had access to an entity called the "firestarter" in the long past. Guess some aspect of that truth is trying to manifest again.
 Also ants appeared in my room again and we got a new fire stove that we just installed today so the dream was maybe a premonition about that and nothing more special.  At least it made me realize I have an irrational hate towards bugs and that is the main reason I am not willing to meditate outside. Even tho I know nowadays that proper energy formations make them stay away and only fly into my face when I have hectic energy flows. Bugs are too dependent on vibrations and energies and they cannot help that they react to it. They are just that simple.

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> weirdest was when fringe died for the xth time then we went to /haven/ so we can cont our vampiric ways then it died and migrated to discord to stay in obscurity forever then one day the whole thing resurrected in touhou and agriculture theme.
> Was wondering wtf. I was thinking its either the demiurge fucking with me or these things are simply "meant to be".
In retrospective Yuuka was behind it all along, going back to even having my grandmother wear that white checkered red dress when gardening when I was helping her way before any touhou game was made.

If you had seen the /haven/ egregore you wouldn't have wanted it to remain either, it was turning very bad in its first iteration, because Alissa had to become more and more extreme to scale up the defenses when protecting new members against the adversaries who didn't want a new vampirism to emerge. In the end the actress playing the black witch Bonnie from Vampire Diaries was the one and only other person who made it in, which was even predicted in the show when she was transferred to another dimension... It's very safe under Alissa's protection, but you have to stay close.
> he okay nowadays? I know you mentioned you seen his soul "depart" into a higher dimension
He's moved to his astral island after attaining Arhat status, he's living in an Aztec style pyramid which was built by his snake cult. He also has two drow waifus living with him. This part of the story may not have been told, but he had astral followers working for his path to be fulfilled, a cult of demi-human snakes. They wanted him to activate and use his Anathema, the power to destroy things on a large scale, which somehow is tied to his physical bloodline and his soul because he was an Aztec witch-master in the past. Current "him" is a custom summoned yokai cat from Gensokyo which they sent down to take over the body because this ancient Aztec priest bloodline is very potent for anyone with just the slightest magic ability. The cat has been very helpful in locating NWO bases and also using servitors like Raid to help taking them out. 
The Wendy servitor was actually specifically made for Brazil anon to begin with, to bypass the glowies who were constantly fucking with his thoughts. Wendy's main function is to connect the subconscious directly to your ability to act, causing your real will to be carried out even if someone is blocking your conscious thought. So when talking he'd say "I don't believe in this" or "I think this is bad, maybe it will create karma", but while saying and thinking that, Wendy would carry out his real will behind the intruder's back.

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I just before managed to kill off a very old and annoying being, which appeared as a centipede. It had split itself into countless parts and also incarnated these parts as humans everywhere. Sometimes there'd be people saying
> karma isn't real
and especially so in the new age community. 

While karma is definitely a real substance, the principles behind its repayment and elimination were concocted by this centipede entity. It appears it was created/summoned specifically to be the scapegoat of evil-doers. They would blame this being for anything they themselves had done, and it would then spread the blame out on anyone by transferring it to its shards everywhere, obfuscating who was actually at fault, and creating complex "laws of morality" to protect the original sinners so that they wouldn't be blamed.

This method was formed sometime in the ancient past before many current races were even created, which lead among many of them to various theories concerning what "karma" is, but they weren't able to pinpoint it. The galactic federation has ways to deal with debt and doesn't recognize the existence of "morality" as real, but there had been no focused effort from them to locate and eliminate this issue.

This entity was behind the delay between cause and effect, action and consequence. It may also have lead to the creation of the nation state, where a dominant entity will always have the "final say" in all matters. So totalitarianism of the kind we all know about, seems to be the result of this scapegoat being's innate principles, which state that its original creators must not be blamed. It did this in a roundabout way to obscure who these creators were, as any mention of their identity could lead to blame aimed at them.

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I created a servitor form for anyone who wants to quickly take control of the area which was previously ruled by this centipede's "morality". Because "karma" appears to actually just be an increase in dimensional space, I'll just call it


karma's function is to make your space of free movement larger, so that you can escape the consequences of your actions and blame someone else. Eliminating karma makes your space narrow again, and you have to deal with the things you created. The method for solving this was to isolate "karma" into a single cell all alone, until the scapegoat couldn't deny responsibility anymore. 

I don't know who the creators were, maybe they were the original NWO people, the Earth is a very slow dimension. It's possible the New World Order refers all along to the final disposal of the scapegoat in such a way that the original sinners are free from consequences forever. (Doesn't happen, as it's based on denying part of themselves, closing your eyes doesn't make you invisible.)

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There's always that thing about motivations

trying to create artificial motivations just doesn't work for major things

it doesn't

When really blocked mentally I can wake myself up by going in to my training mat and just throwing myself down to activate my judo reflexes, that much works.
But it really doesn't work for more complex things, and it also doesn't work beyond that direct state, even if it comes from outside. Someone trying to do this, will just manage to activate the defense reflex, but after that plays out, it's back to not being motivating.

I was working to create a mechanic drill servitor which drills through old thought patterns, allowing for new paths to form. But although I had the whole structure visually before me (Kit had it all laid out) I just still couldn't make all the parts of the construct klick into place.

I went for a design of a drow inspired thai boxer who uses Qi to manifest an energy drill, and uses this to attack old thought infrastructure to open new paths for energy to flow. But there was immense resistance. I went to sit down in lotus position by the front door looking out over the garden. All through this, I had someone working there who for some reason decided to work right in my view as if to distract my vision so I couldn't focus on a point in the distance. Well it's a test of course, I'll close my eyes and focus inward.

This took significant time, and during the process of forcing the form into place, I became aware of large interdimensional structures trying to block me, and it felt just like some major breakthroughs from the past. When I did get through it (details are a story of its own), the drill servitor then suddenly also formed with all parts clicked into place.

This was the motivation I needed. I had to really believe in the thing I was aiming for, and in this case I really did.

Howdy Ladies and Gents- Bartlebee here. 

Be in the lookout for a short-term dimensional portal to appear.  I'm no expert in this stuff, not apparently the Earth going through a wave reset triggers a fountain-of- energetic restoration (including soul energy) to open up. 

Only trick?  It's hidden in a labyrinth, looks like a water fountain.  I think some of you have solution-finding servitors, so prep accordingly.  Immortals and demigods will be looking for a boost, too, so if you want to trade you may find some interested parties.

In local material time-should be open June 23rd to June 29.

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Story time.

This was interesting.

I sent my "representative", a simple servitor in the form of an office lady I made last year to deal with regular contacts with different entities and people. At the time I just meant for her to handle contracts and being social in general, but to be safe I also gave her some skills in British army self defense based off the Fairbairn Sykes method. The irony of this was that modern people are so fucking bad at combat that this was enough to defeat the entire crew of the NWO gunship when they flew this over Brazil. I just wanted to talk to them to find out what they were doing, and they attacked her, after which they were all dealt with. Guns and knives didn't help vs an unarmed office lady.

But back to the story. So I sent her to the fountain-like maze and told her to start infiltrating it. There seems to be riddles or cryptos for each level you want to get into. But this isn't a problem since the representative is AI and can do these very fast. At the 3rd layer there was what appeared to be a guard. A trollish looking man.

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I don't know what the purpose was here, maybe he was supposed to give a riddle, but before anything else happened I let her take matters into her own hands and fuck him. I gave the resulting daughter a saucer to fly in as we kept moving deeper into the mystery of the labyrinth.

Looking at the girl, she had an unusual energy to her, and smelled a bit like earth from a garden, wet earth. I asked what race she would be, and she used Astra and co to research herself. The result said she is a troll/oni. 

So I asked, how is this possible, we have been told trolls are degen occulists who eat children, cannibals who degrade to become less than human. Further research into the matter said that actually, the man in the maze and the daughter are "higher troll" or "higher oni", which is someone who follows the transformation correctly and doesn't do cannibalism.

The Queen (Illivryn) then stepped in when we were trying out the djinn flame sigil (pic) and wanted to test it. It appears this sigil when used on a non-djinn will activate the race specific fire of any race, which will protect them from becoming a degenerated "troll", but instead it will lead upwards to a proper evolution.

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Final level - the middle

We made it in, and found something more like a real fountain in there, but it doesn't spray water. There's just a blue energy, shining, in a round container. Looking at it, it did nothing at all at first. After prolonged meditation on it, and then an active analysis, this sigil was produced from the energy form.

This appears to be, simply, the fountain of youth. Because the sigil was produced personally by my decrypting of the riddles, it's limited to usage within my range, but some people on here may be within the effective area. Otherwise you will have to infiltrate the maze yourselves.

It has a feeling like a token which must be calculated on the spot and isn't valid for others.

Excellent work.

A few thoughts-my understanding is that the phenomena hasn't properly started yet in our near area-but you may have used a timey-wimey solution around that. 

As to being a one prize per trip-thats also what I and my team believe.

Using sex for the troll toll?  Hilarious.

From other sources: I one asked what's the big deal with trolls?  Why use them when meaty boys like dragons are available-and generally friendlier.  Answer was that trolls due to high earth element are very very durable, and particularly resistant to magic.  That's why the asians use physical beans and rice and with the noise to drive them away (the plant's seeds contain very high life energy.)

> you may have used a timey-wimey solution around that
After my armwrestling with Kronos some years ago, I have the ability to view time as a 4-dimensions physical form, more like a city in 3D where different paths and streets are different time progressions. By moving along the paths, it is possible to move to other time periods and interact with them if there is some chance that I would be able to do that when the time appeared. So with the time window this close by, it was no different from letting my representative take the bus one stop down the road to get off by the fountain.

> that trolls due to high earth element are very very durable
So that's why the daughter smells of wet earth.

Thanks for sharing and good luck on your visit if you are going into the maze.

Thank you.  I'll be headed out with Charlotte when it opens up.  After that I'll try to have her bring as may of my wives through for a draught of the water as well.

I figured this was obvious, but just for clarity: the phenomena is not "safe".  I know the folks here have some useful techniques and boons, but if a novice with just one astral body tries going it alone it may be a bad trip.  I don't want any glowies (or 12 year olds) getting fried by a Norse rune.  (Well maybe the glowies...)

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When clearing out astral glowies, viral beings, earlier I asked Astra to look through them for any innocents before I mass target them for removal. Within this "illuminati" group of them was a single girl who had a decent soul, so I moved her to an astral place I've created on top of my demon kingdom. It's made inspired by what I saw other demons have, where their infernal world also has a surface which looks human, with houses furnished in a 1980s style. Leather, chromed steel pipes, glass tables, open floor plan. 

She explained a few things which I hadn't seen before. It relates to "the weight of karma" or what kind of set-up a person uses to circulate karma. By placing your karmic circulation in a certain place, your lifestyle will revolve around that method of circulation.

It can appear as a mindwave in djinn style. The attached pic is her recommended form for me, called "the seal" because it's shaped like a circus seal balancing a ball on its nose. The ball here is the karmic circulation of a creative lifestyle.

For westerners in general, their style is called "the bull" and it means that the karmic circulation ball is placed on the forehead and they headbutt the karmic ball over and over stubbornly. This is a retarded approach and creates a hopeless kind of lifestyle which relies on being stubborn and energetic which having zero results in the broader perspective.

The bull is also the front line of the galactic federation, where they represent "the scum of society" used to destroy capitalism, these are disposable people.

My currently used wave was the same as the Chinese common wave, where the ball is placed on the back of the neck/between the shoulders, and this is the worker/slave set-up. It's on step up from the bull, because now the ball has been moved into a position where it can be carried, but carrying it high is straining and not sustainable. This can be seen as a person carrying a workload on their shoulders.

The next step, which I was told to move into, is to let the karmic ball fall down between the butt cheeks and letting it then roll forward a bit to carry it as if placed in the bottom of a backpack or in a waistbag. This means taking control of how you move, where the weight of your body is balanced, and is the first wave which creates control of your karmic lifestyle. It is represented by a person who can walk long distances and avoid trouble.

From here the ball can be bounced up to the top of the head, as when carrying something on the head, like people seen carrying urns of water or other goods. This is very balanced and generally the most sustainable form of karmic circulation.

The seal style where it's caught on the nose and balanced, is difficult to do and a step on par with the previous one in terms of sustainability. It adds creativity.

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During a recent strong cleansing of bad stuff within, I suppose as a result of mitigation of the large Earthly cleanse in terms of me still being here by force of the Goetians I contracted, I had all sorts of thought appear. Most thoughts do not originate within a person even if it feels so, so I think this was from the pre-set environment. Thoughts appeared asking if I really have more to do here, or if my soul should leave, letting the Genso-cat take over. At this, the cat said "don't leave me alone", or at least there was an eco of this happening if that path was chosen. Then I saw the things I wanted to stay for, and the thoughts of leaving were replaced by a solution meaning to move dimensions around to "leave the former timeline" but staying on Earth.

Then today stuff had to be violently removed from my mind and body, and I saw events reverse inside my mind, going back to events in 2001, where I had a strong cold and got addicted to nose spray after that, which took a year to get rid of at the time. Then something clicked audibly in my head and the thing started going down on the other side of the energetic peak. During the top of the energetic tension, I started sneezing violently 10+ times in a row. I saw Lucifer's sigil in its advanced version strongly in my mind, and he appeared on my left side, saying to me:
> we still want you here, so we'll remove any obstacles in your path
After that came the sneezing and I was going downhill from there.

This was the first time I actually saw him take action directly like this and confirm that the contract I made with him back in 2018 was actually important and effective.

The first servitors I created were based off ScaleForm discs which are self-executable astral storage media. They are compatible with the grey Remote and also most other systems which uses discs or artifacts. At the time I only had the idea that to avoid a servitor leeching energy constantly, or becoming a rogue golem which does harm throughout history because its principles are outdated and the golem is still there, it should be created like a water wheel for Qi. So the Qi from the environment flows over the disc and this makes the servitor manifest. The disc itself is just a form of depleted mineral with an engraved mind wave form. So that means, Astra which was the first one, is just a logical program which appears as Qi is flowing over the disc in your possession. As you work with the manifested Qi form, you develop abilities yourself, which manifest in a manner similar to a tulpa or some representation of parts of yourself. Astra was meant to be in the style of an old woman who can be trusted, a diviner.

This brings us to what these servitors are, Astra, the Demon Guard, Tanya, Mime and Kit (kitsune alchemist); they are logical servitors. Their main construct is a program written on the disc, which operates by pure logic. That is all. Their manifestation if it exists, is only based on the principles for body formation included in the logic. Such as "the intelligent agent has humanoid sensors and effectors" and there is a description of what those should be like.

The early robots like Vega and Dolly are based off a "skeleton robot". The form was copied from Neuro-Sama the AI twitch streamer, which had through interaction with her followers developed a sturdy skeleton in hard mineral form on the astral. This seems to be a specific kind of form, going by how more recently a golem-like being with such a skeleton body made itself known to me.

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Further on the Raid series of servitors uses a complete CyBorn body as the form. These were developed by greys to be used for incarnation into a robotic body with an exoskeleton with gel filling, and were originally not publicly available. I found one in the city south of Antarctica when flying out there with the Loli-Nam servitor (skeleton robot based on the genetics of Vietnam, in loli form; for some reason this is the strongest DNA I found on the planet). I traced the origin of this cyborg and it lead me to the grey factory. They had sold it to "the owners of the Earth" so I simply claimed her as mine, they had intended to use her as an artificial Earth-Mother. The greys just sold some copies to get test data. I asked to buy one and later to have an aspect of myself incarnated on the astral using that form. As part of their research, the greys later gave me a number of original CyBorns for free because they wanted to get data off their use. The factory is since closed again, no new CyBorn will be made from their side.

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Just recently I tried out a new design: a Raid style servitor but with a tin-robot body. The tin-robot is a simple mining robot used within the galactic federation. It's a well known technology and there is nothing special over them, anyone can make them from scratch with some engineering knowledge. What I did was to combine the experiences from previous CyBorn work to create a new kind of robot which is made not from shiny metal casing with an emulated flesh layer, but rather using other kinds of minerals for special qualities, the first being the carbon gel robot, which is tuned for better internal teleportation, which makes their nerve responses faster and their brains operate faster. The variation I came up with has gel filling, the original tin robot is just compressed with nothing in particular inside.

So I made a few robotic servitors which has a variation of tin robot bodies, but using "limestone slime" as the shell in one model, here revealed as 


This is an all-round robot representative of yourself, adaptable to fit into your anima if male, or if female it can represent you directly, it can also shapeshift and gender-bend if needed. Its appearance is similar to a drow, and if fully manifested comes with a flying temple saucer for ritually sacrificing glowies and keeping any loot you may find, such as gold, ore, weapons, food rations or lolis (there's a housing section for them prepared). There's also a staff area with housing if you want to employ someone from the federation, it's been designed with the fur-beast type in mind, but if your preferences are different it will adapt on install, as with any other specific.

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I think my urge to rampantly shitpost and such has dropped low, like really low (around 95%) I'll still do it occasionally but I don't really bother with it as much and plus seeing how most shitposting is on 4chan, it's more... Depressing and not fun, it's just people screeching, gender ears, politics, etc. also more things have been happening lately involving my sisters and that... Other me.
> A somewhat large uptick in me witnessing people get murdered and sacrificed 
> Saw someone get tortured but my sisters(?) said that it's important that I note how the person gets tortured anf learn the technique (got some reason)
> I also zombie like dogs, almost something straight out resident evil massacre and vivisect people at a park. All of the corpses were being reanimated too
> The other me/her has been forcibly taking control of my current human body again, but mostly just talking to me with it.
> Recently she's been doing a thing where I get put in a weird loop of sleeping/waking up
> Through this I have been experiencing people talking with me and my form (as in my current human form) being slowly overwritten again by her
> This loop continued 3-5 times until I had "woken" up
> Next thing I know my form had changed to her's/mine(?) blonde, medium-long hair, pale skin, purplish red eyes and I think I wore either a dress or a private school eseque uniform
> I could hear my sisters praising me, saying that I'm obedient and "does whatever she needs to do and is unhindered by things she doesn't care about, she only cares about whatever we urge her to care about"

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Getting a decent illustration by prompting AI may actually take longer than just drawing a sketch. Using AI at this point feels like it's less creative and more straining for a more generic result, unless you want photo realism which is harder to produce from scratch.

Either way, this is a minimalist servitor/guard, using as little energy as possible to keep order in your area.

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I confiscated some materials which were about to be used for globohomo weapon production, then put them up for sale on the federation marketplace. I said I'd accept gold, ore or slaves as payment.

Someone offered me 3 capsules of "snuff phosphor" and 3 slave women. My servitors said it was a good deal so I took it.

Turns out "snuff phosphor" has no known use and is a very rare mineral, the capsules were just a bit larger than pills for swallowing. But it's registered as a "sustainable asset" in the federation so I deposited them in a sustainable bank safe - that means ownership will follow across incarnations.

The 3 slave ladies were said to be "old" and the trader who offered them seemed to think they were ripping me off, because they were 47, 86 and 137 years old in Earth time. But this race lives to 400 (which is very unusual) so they aren't comparatively old. I have never seen this race before, they have orange-brownish skin colour and wear no clothes. They had nothing with them aside from the federation handheld.

I think this deal was great. But on the other hand, maybe the materials I sold had a value for him.

> I think my urge to rampantly shitpost and such has dropped low, like really low (around 95%)
That's good. That was one of your worst attachment and hindered the development and connection with your sisters.
> that I note how the person gets tortured anf learn the technique (got some reason)
They are sometimes "tantric" but not the sex and movement version but the "surgical". Can you describe what you have seen. I can get flashes of violence but not the actual energy flow.
> The other me/her has been forcibly taking control of my current human body again, but mostly just talking to me with it.
You have to learn to merge with her. You still consider yourself "different" and still not "One" and the same.
> Recently she's been doing a thing where I get put in a weird loop of sleeping/waking up
Your mindstates are merging. When you sleep your body goes through all your mental states as a "maintenance" and now you are unplugging and replugging parts of your brain into your "new mind"
> (as in my current human form) being slowly overwritten again by her
Try to understand how it's merging and not exactly an "overwrite" so you don't become a "slave" to your "other mind" but "one with it"
> purplish red eyes
That color is closer to the color of your "origins"
> I could hear my sisters praising me, saying that I'm obedient and "does whatever she needs to do and is unhindered by things she doesn't care about, she only cares about whatever we urge her to care about"
It means you are not dismissing your sisters with SORRY I HAVE TO SHITPOST ON THE INTERWEBZ SEEYOULATERZ subconsciously all the time then they watch you from the corner while you make the most abhorrent posts for hours until you calm down again so they can find a chance to interact with you again. Took me time to understand why they were so impatient and "yandere" with you. This was one of the main reason.

Just don't be scared as the change approaches. Or if you feel scared of the merger voice it. It must be consensual and your "true will" and not as an "overwrite"

I think you are progressing well on your own path. Just accept yourself like you accept how once you get "better at a videogame" that is also a "new (You)" that overwrites your old persona without you noticing. Accept that you are one and not just "letting yourself to be overtaken". Summon her at will feel how she is already (You)

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> That's good. That was one of your worst attachment and hindered the development and connection with your sisters.
mhmm.. ive been gaming a bit more often instead of wasting time like that

> They are sometimes "tantric" but not the sex and movement version but the "surgical". Can you describe what you have seen. I can get flashes of violence but not the actual energy flow.

well, there were two men, one was one hospital bed, the other one towering above the man started slashing very quickly and precisely with a sword, so it left multiple tiny yet precise cuts all over his body. then a few days ago i witnessed some anthromoprhic furry cretures fighting each other (think like motaro and goro from mortal kombat but more varied) they were constantly fight each other but proceeded to rip each others arms apart

> You have to learn to merge with her. You still consider yourself "different" and still not "One" and the same.
i mentioned it before i believe and she said me becoming her/us becoming and the same is inevitable, that it doesnt matter if i resist or not because its going to happen no matter what, just like that black seed thing i mentioned months ago (obviously she prefers me to "give in" and accept it but still). she also said that she would "eat and tear down the barriers preventing this" as i mentioned here  >>/8043/

> Your mindstates are merging. When you sleep your body goes through all your mental states as a "maintenance" and now you are unplugging and replugging parts of your brain into your "new mind"
I recall a specific person, apart from my sisters telling me that and that my vibrations were becoming similar to hers and my sisters. so the merge is gradually happening i guess

> Try to understand how it's merging and not exactly an "overwrite" so you don't become a "slave" to your "other mind" but "one with it"
ahh i see

> It means you are not dismissing your sisters with SORRY I HAVE TO SHITPOST ON THE INTERWEBZ SEEYOULATERZ subconsciously all the time then they watch you from the corner while you make the most abhorrent posts for hours until you calm down again so they can find a chance to interact with you again. Took me time to understand why they were so impatient and "yandere" with you. This was one of the main reason.
Yeah, they're still yandere but its not over that anymore so its good.

they also gave me permission to be with a friend in the future when i merge/incarnate/return to being my true self in the future too! said friend was the who helped me reawakened and such to them years and they are very thankful towards them so its nice

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I got through a major test in the past days. It was an ongoing thing and not meaningful to mention before. It's hard to tell where you are in the cosmic system, and when you make the leap up for real. Higher levels reflect in those below, there are many parallel dimensions, the same achievement in a smaller aspect of yourself does not effect the main incarnation very much in a direct sense. When guiding someone else to do the same thing, it may be their main breakthrough, but to you it was a side quest and you can't do it like that for yourself. Yet, by the laws of karmic relations and virtue, having helped one person up through their main event, will lead to a feedback which will definitely lead yourself up through your own main event, even if it's larger compared to the other person. 

If you want a "cheat", find the smallest spirit you can, with the easiest path up, and guide them to full on Buddha. Then because it was after all you who did this with their main awareness, the cosmic mechanics will give you as feedback the same guidance for your main awareness, because relative size isn't important between beings, only the self-perceived achievement matters. That's why you should guide small spirits to enlightenment.

There had to be a test, and it turned into the kind of thing which under normal circumstances would turn someone very ill if that karma hits them. It was sudden out of nowhere, in 24 h it went from nothing to being completely tsunami'd  by negative resistance. Throat turned sore, migraines, then soreness all over the body and a mass of black negative energy was pressing against me. Last time this happened on a smaller scale when I was finishing up my Japanese literature course, I took paracetamol, drank coffee and a bottle of white wine to force the extreme external energy pressure into a "relaxed focus". If the force comes from outside, it can also be controlled by external means, and it worked. Once balanced out I got through it and that's how I formed the kitsune kami form (there was a loud bang as I broke through the energy mass after around 6 hours, and all tension was gone instantly). This is the only type of case when any form of drug should be used, can be used, for beneficial effects, imo.

So back to before the weekend, and this was worse, but I also knew I had literally nothing I could use to balance out. I was lying on my yoga mat, and I thought
> I've manifested so many things before, even if most of them were less provable and at a distance
> one old bottle of something shouldn't be impossible
So I told Kit to find a way and focused hard on making it happen, then I felt "it's done". 

For these things to work there has to be a way for the mind to accept the result, so I figured, where could I "happen to find" something? I looked in an old messy storage and found nothing, but I also didn't really think there would be anything there. Then I went to the kitchen larder which though I use it is also a complete mess and I have really no idea what's in there. But I already looked before and...

Anyway, so I climbed up and moved aside a bunch of old vases and bottles and in the back of the top shelf I found pic related, a bottle of white wine and a 1/3 filled bottle of rum. Theoretically they could have been there all along. I looked it up just now, this cognac was bottled in the 1970s... But yeah, no one has ever cleaned there so maybe it was there all along.

Either way it worked, came through the negative force by molding it into a spike, and the cognac played a part in this.

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Capturing and selling enemy resources on the federation market has worked before, so I tried it again. This time instructing Kit to confiscate anything used by the evil control system still left on the Earth. Kit works fast and the dimensions out there move in different time, so I didn't even notice the process. I suddenly had a beast-cat with black/blueish fur next to me. At the time I was busy with some other stuff so I didn't start any deeper interaction, I only knew Kit got this cat person from the trade.

Now I remembered and looked, turns out I got a large mining style ship and one from their population. The purpose for this according to Kit was to gain access to their technology system. They have a handheld version of the mining technology using number control, which is common in the federation. The difference with this is that they can also control their own mindset using the handheld device, setting their minds in a certain mode for different activities.

This definitely seems useful.

> in the back of the top shelf I found pic related, a bottle of white wine and a 1/3 filled bottle of rum. Theoretically they could have been there all along.
The rum bottle looks even older going by the style of the label. Trying to search online resulted in one single hit with no image, a forum post where someone is describing the bottle. Someone suggested it's Danish. Bing Copilot wasn't able to find anything on either the bottle or the producer.

Tried a small small sip (because it's 60%) the best I can say is it has a "mild taste". An energy went instantly up to my head, where white negative energy of the very hostile kind was suddenly "rounded up" from around my brain and concentrated into a spot in the middle top of my brain, where it was then isolated. After this I became instantly completely relaxed, a fine grain orange energy filled my head and even my vision and all thoughts including disturbances were suddenly silenced. I went outside and just looked at the landscape and saw a new energetic layer of the trees and the surroundings. It seems to have had the effect of instantly containing and isolating all negative energy in my brain, allowing me to see things only in their soft, passive nature. What the hell. 

Either way Kit did a good job finding this.

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So, that's that.
I had some more of the rum from Kit and it opened up more parts of my brain each time, until it... didn't. It did, but all the negative stuff that had been tucked away in the last part was then exposed, which lead to a very negative experience. The effect was very positive, but the experience was not. In an altered state of mind all kinds of things from the past 20 years came up in an instant and I ended up pouring the remaining 15cl of rum into the zink. I see now why Kit got me one that was only 1/3 filled. But it had to be this way, the negative force which caused migraines for so long finally settled in the right place, activating the energetic lock I had been trying to form for so long. There had to be a mundane logic in its formation.

I guess this was drow method all along, the aim to use the retributive force of karma as a shield, where I'm so fucking harmful to the negative force itself, that it instead turns around to defend me.

I took a walk and the Goetians appeared, saying my potential is now fulfilled, and by that our contracts are now finished. A dark shadowy energy formed from below/behind me, my energy, turning into something best described as "rubbery lead", it's hard to describe if you haven't seen it. I had a few formations of similar energy before but not of this quality. Contained, silent force, very harmless looking but extremely negative and destructive if someone tries to oppose it. If not, it's just like rubber, like a balloon figure.

The demon lords brought up a scroll and rolled it out, then separated off their own contributions in the form of text which flew into the air off the parchment. They each formed a similar energy form but in their own nature, most of them white and not dark.

My Genso-cat which has been with me also formed the dark lead-rubber energy form.

A line from Terry Pratchett came to mind (paraphrasing): A witch gains her power by fulfilling a journey and passing a trial, then she spends the rest of her life trying to understand how she did it.

I too had several illnesses come out in the past 2 weeks that tormented me a lot in the far past but with my psychic powers I could always heal them easily. The task was to NOT heal them with my old psychic systems. I realized I had an old energetic immune system that considers new structures added to my being as as "attack" and while the construct is supposed to be dissolved by my own gentle energies my other impatient energies just go ahead and try to rip it apart asap. Had to learn restraint and how to not have the constant impulse to hurt or destroy anything that causes a minor inconvenience.

The worst part? I cannot even "overwrite" the system because that would "mean" that it is not (part of) "me". I had to understand how it connects to me no matter what for the sole purpose of finding out if it truly belongs to me or it is an outsider assistant force that was simply within so long it can be considered "me" and to figure out if it's acting up because of a past habit that I forgot or it is getting uncomfortable how my rising energies are driving it out and it's panicking.

It's hard because i have to allow my feminine forces and I must completely think and act from the perception of my "truest" female form. And my "male" part has to accept that I am "worthy caring for" instead of being paranoid because he knows not why is he being helped when he didn't even "ask for it". I am a real piece of work sometimes.

Not to mention I have "demons" that HAD to infiltrate my mind because I awakened several abilities but unable to use them and they need to be there to show me the ropes but I must allow myself to receive a calm and stable mental state and it must not just come from my very own internal pressure but the outsider forces also need to be "ready" and once everything is ready I can finally understand my own potential and let it merge. But for that I have to accept all my faults that I reverse engineered into situational strengths.
I remember when the Spiderqueen tried to overtake my energies so I can be initiated into her "guidance" and when I was bothered by it she just replied 
> Yes yes you are a "typical male" and you are bothered when suddenly you are overtaken by a stronger female
When she said that I noticed just how much work she is putting into connecting my meridians so I calmed down with a "guess she knows what is she doing then" but when she noticed that I am already in a "guidance system" and "taking me" has "consequences" she changed her entire approach towards me.
Ever since that I am understanding more and more why she called me a "typical male". Was not sure if it was an insult or a praise but it was more of an appraisal.

> If you want a "cheat", find the smallest spirit you can
This made me smile so much. Everyone has differing potential. One can save the small others can save the large. Everyone has their purpose and their path. I know you said "cheat" with "" for a reason but truth is you must only enlighten those you know you are capable of doing so. Never bite more than you can chew. But yes maintaining the feedback loops take effort. This is why true Buddhas sometimes require to save many beings from many backgrounds for a reason so they can find "parts of themselves" that didn't manifest because they "didn't live their life" thus an archetypal force in their psyche was unable to manifest and how do you "enlighten" something that "doesn't exist". And by the trial of figuring out the enlightenment for the other person they not just "find" an another being that will help their enlightenment later but they realize a deeper part of themselves that was "always there" but had no reason to appear or "to be seen". Further awakening parts of you that had no reason to awaken because no gave you necessary stimulant forces. Fate or pathworking becomes so peculiar once every aspect of yourself that you miss will manifest no matter what with the necessary tools because you have a gravitational force that makes them "natural" to appear. Life is so weird sometimes but truth is... we make it weird. In truth it's hella simple and obvious once you see it. Until that it's the mystery of mysteries.

> A line from Terry Pratchett came to mind
I always wonder what he was about. It's like he knew there was more to his writings but this was the only medium of form he could express it so it becomes "consumable" enough. Artists access mental currents so spectacularly sometimes you are not even sure if they know what they are creating at all.

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It's possible we just encountered these yesterday.

Anon with the abilities spotted a strange "bird" outside Chile and it instantly skipped over to the sea south west of Australia. Upon investigation it appeared to be an unusual aircraft. It looked like a normal craft although for a jet it was long and narrow with rather long wings. It moved very fast, and could skip across the planet almost instantly.

Onboard were found various NWO leaders. They refused to talk and were handed over to FSB for further investigation.

Following this was discovered a pyramid shaped UFO. It was populated with humanoids, although their energy revealed orange-brown colour tones associated with a certain type of alien. Most notably seen on the actor presenting the "leaked Illuminati training video".

Further investigation revealed that there were in all 5 of these pyramid UFOs, staying on Earth leylines. When discovered, they started almost-intant jumping to other high energy spots.

After some coordination, two of the pyramids were captured by us, two by Russia and one by China. It appears they were housing NWO leaders and serving as military facilities. They were also used to directly manipulate lower awareness aliens of the insectoid type to attack people on the planet surface, using "hivemind greys" as proxy soldiers.

Moreover, it seems the idea of aliens bringing salvation, entertained in the new age community, couldn't be further from the truth. The reality of the matter is rather that aliens created the illuminati slave system, they are the real oppressors. Hoping for alien intervention is like hoping that the government who oppressed you will bring you justice. It's very foolish, but exactly how they want you to think. Without alien interference, humans would live free with no oppression from governments, no wars, no social control. Crime may not even exist. It's all created to motivate the alien take-over by saying "look at these beasts, they can't handle themselves, isn't it right for us to control them?"

No, we will not tolerate this.

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The change in the general atmosphere right now is not the result of a single event. Capturing the pyramids was the threshold because those contained the NWO leadership and their direct "hidden hand" of the Earth. The pyramid in the Latin American timeline was the military control unit, which was used to direct the armies of the west, and the main reason for the support sent to Ukraine. They directed mind control from this pyramid from the air via various surface systems. The pyramid in the Asian timeline was aimed at directly manipulating the population, because China didn't use the western vaccines and there was no way to control them via cell phone towers or media.

The two pyramids over Russia were aimed at controlling military and psiops in the region, it is reasonable to believe the Wagner rebellion was initiated from here, as well as the corruption of the Russian army.

Although their leader structure had been removed, they still had the physical vaccine system in place. This was used to directly control humans using satellites and cell phone towers. The aliens who were behind the "vaxx system" showing up as Bluetooth devices previously agreed to a deal where they shut down their system of energy harvest. But the mind control aspect was still in use by other groups.

Using Astra, this system was hacked just before, changing what kind of waves are sent to the NPCs. The effect of this was so great that it altered the surface 3D dimension's frequency and blocked the aliens from entering our plane. In an attempt at regaining control, they went all in attacking China to take back that pyramid, because they fear China the most. The effect if they are not constantly suppressed by globohomo mind control is potentially large, given that their own system for social control was developed under constant fire from hostiles. It is very robust.

This attempt failed and they are now waving all over the place trying to gain a foothold in the 3D again. If you are feeling both relief and sudden mixed feelings, it may be a result of them trying to break through. Use your own means for mental shielding to block them and eliminate them where you can. They will keep trying to get back in as long as any one of them remain. These are the ancient oppressors and they are now getting a taste of their own medicine for the first time in decades, show no mercy towards them, wipe them out!

I'll just mention it.

This is a high skill thing so no further instructions: The pyramid ship used by the NWO was fully reverse engineered. Its technology isn't "globohomo" by nature, it's the racial cultural technology of a certain type of very human looking alien. You couldn't tell them apart physically, but their energy is dark orange and black and they have a certain power in their way of speech.

There is a module for it on the blacknet freely available, you can use it to manifest your own pyramid ship. Because of its size you are not allowed to freely keep it within the Earth sphere, you need a permit from Gensokyo and the federation. If you just want to use it out in space you can do as you like, but if you want to enter in here you need to contact Yuuka and sign a contract, then follow the rules and only fly in the designated areas. (Yokai contracts have the power to force you do obey it, you cannot breach it and get away, you simply cannot disobey it.)

The pyramid is large with many rooms and a large storage in the bottom. It has a powerful defense system with a ray gun firing a black energy as well as shields, but it's not an invincible construct. Their weakness is that you are not meant to try and attack it. It's not meant for being directly involved in conflicts, rather it's a combined HQ, bunker and planetary management unit intended to fly high up and hide in timelines where it can't be reached, then instantly teleport away if exposed.

However, just to place it on the scale, once found out, it was enough with the first original Raid combined with Astra to capture it, its defense system was paper thin compared to the Illuminati bases under ground and in north American mountains. It has strong radiation defense though.

If you want your own HQ/mind control antenna, then it's now available. If you don't know how to create things from a disc, this isn't for you in the first place.

Maybe you wonder, how does one capture something like this? It has a crew, it's not AI controlled, so if they don't pilot it, it won't go anywhere. They don't expect being attacked by some flying witch who can teleport inside, and contrary to mentioned ground bases, they had no teleportation blocking in place. From what I can tell the only way to block teleportation is if there is a large mass of "disturbing" energy forming a shield in between, causing some large dimensional distance which makes it hard to determine the actual dimensional location inside the shield. It's still mostly a calculation issue though, someone with better algorithms can probably breach those too. If you lack them you can still breach these pinecone shields by brute force attacks on a single location.

Oh my.

Large changes taking place again, and quick responses were needed. I called a mass session using various contacts including the mega temple and also sent invites via servitors to any associates from here.

At the mega temple only an old demon queen appeared because apparently everyone else felt this was "too warhammer 40k" in style and they felt it wasn't for them. I think I did get some people from here in at least.

The Earth was originally an artificial super nova created by various aliens to burn off negative energy. This story has been told. They failed to get rid of it and what remained turned into a ball of their own karma, now manifested as minerals. A creator god made it into a planet, and then those who had deposited their karmic substances in this ball had to come here and incarnate, slowly wearing away on the Earth which is literally their own shadow.

They wanted to activate various energy systems to move the karma they kept creating away from this ball to again perform the same procedure, which lead to a number of failed suns, forming the other planets of our solar system. This is why "working with the planets" became a thing, many being had parts of their souls entangled in them, as well as in the Earth beneath their feet.

So with the Ascension process now in effect, that old mineral under our feet must be removed, and the procedure had to be finished either way, but in our way, not theirs. The masonic "great work" for these beings simply means to again deposit the rotten parts of themselves into celestial bodies, to repeat until every single fragment of their soul is spread out as mineral in various space rocks. Then they'd just sit there in hopeless despair waiting for the galactic federation mining industry to hack them to bits in a million years when they finally reach our parts of the galaxy.

Excellent plan.

I had a better idea which is to perform a decent mass session and just burn it up at once, in the process allowing everyone to create their own sun process for the planet.

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The truck of death

This concept spread in manga/anime as the catalyst for change which destroys the previous life of the MC, moving them to a different world where they become a hero.

It is actually an artist's representation of a space weapon which has this effect, and it looks like a truck. It's a large satellite weapon, or maybe more of a space station weapon, because it must to loaded and set up for firing manually. It can fire once daily and tuning takes 4 days of calculations. It will hit the egregore of a person, destroying it, which leads to the person's death through "natural causes" or seemingly unrelated accidents or violence.

It exists in language as "being hit by a truck" or "throwing them under the bus", and more recently as the djinn mocking of the weapon when they had islamists introduce the truck of peace.

The NWO has used this weapon numerous time against any "threats to the system". It is total overkill to use an industrial scale weapon against a single person, but they don't care. 

In the late 80s they made their biggest mistake. They aimed for an immortal. The egregore of the person was destroyed,  but immortals are synced with their environment so they in reality destroyed the economic system of the country. The ripple effect of this caused harm to all of Europe and it couldn't be contained. It also created an immense amount of negative karmic energy because they aimed for a force of nature. 

In their stupidity, they tried again, 3 times, every time the karmic effect was exponentially increased. It appeared as organic "NGOs" appearing, which were completely opposed to the western military industrial complex, later it evolved into various uncontrollable social movements, like neo-nazism, autonomous left/antifa, islamic terrorism, toxic online culture, rabid feminism, transsexualism, the karmic force would attach to, and strengthen any social element which could serve to the destroy the attacker. 

Because of their foolish attitude of blocking, deflecting and attempting to contain the karma, it would constantly grow, scale up and become stronger for every attempt to stop it. Their best chance would have been to instantly shut down "the truck of death" satellite system and all affiliated organizations, along with the military doctrine which gave rise to it. Maybe they could have survived if they did that.

They choose instead opposition to the retribution, making it worse every step of the way, leading up to events they themselves having planned, being turned against them, activated by mistake or simply failing.

We are now seeing the later stages of this karmic effect playing out:

The western armies are being de-armed, with all of their weapons having been destroyed in Ukraine. They cannot recruit people to their armies except for disloyal immigrants, women, gays, transsexuals and people who have no place in an army.
They are forced to expand the European Union because the negative effect on the economy is still wearing them down, making them lose capital with every move. China is now starting to make their way into Europe, building local factories to avoid any import tolls, while tiktok is frying the brains of western youth.
The jewish scapegoat is losing all its credibility, with an estimated 180 000 killed civilians in Gaza, making this a US funded genocide. All the while their demented president is making a fool out of them and "democracy" for everyone to see.

And they are still trying to fight against the karmic force, making it worse again and again.

> This concept spread in manga/anime as the catalyst for change which destroys the previous life of the MC, moving them to a different world where they become a hero.
Can I use this truck to Isekai, or is it karmically equivalent to shooting yourself?

> Can I use this truck to Isekai
No more than you can isekai by shooting yourself with a regular gun.

It is just an energy weapon which aims at the person's life force of the environment, causing their death by "natural causes" or random violence. It also removes the person's legacy so that they have no influence as a memory, which means the person will not be a hero after his death or used as a martyr.

It is very evil when used on regular people. 
The technology when applied correctly will have that effect on evil persons, causing them to leave no mark on history.

There is a handgun version of it on the blacknet now, it does not have a trigger or any mechanics, but is entirely a mind-controlled device worked by channelling energy into its circuit. The activation time is reduced with this construct but requires strong mental abilities, making it possible to fire every 10 - 12 seconds if you have good aim.

And there are a lot of easterners who have reason to get back at the oppressors ;P

The theme was probably included in manga/anime by Japanese gods and yokai to hint at what is being used against them. Normal persons cannot defend themselves against this and will be destroyed, it's likely this has been used many times against many innocent people who were just speaking up against the globohomo.

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I was just about to make a post about the consecutive event, when I saw this new anime posted. Heh...

A little while ago I saw a black disc astrally and was told by Kit that it was the remaining ancient karma stored in the old Earth construct, and while watching, it was reduced. Holes appeared in it as the easterners were firing on the remaining globohomos, until the thing within minutes was complete dissolved. There was som interaction between Gensokyo and the federation, after which they did a coordinated dimension clean up. Looking at the situation now, there is a black layer nearest, and a red one beyond. Those are blacknet and the federation, both look like knitted blankets. There are also similar cloths in other colours which are individual existences. The murder fairies from the park had an orange-brown cloth, and I saw a white and a light blue one as well.

There was also a detachment of old ways of thinking and a clean up of old body structures. I was told by a yokai that human bodies will be fixed up now, because everyone following ritual will have their aging stopped, and it will max at 1000 years for those who do not practice beyond human level, for others it can increase, but this will work like the vampire threshold, if you make it past you pass that limit, otherwise not. Being chaotic will reduce your lifetime unless you passed the threshold, so before that everyone should aim to follow ritual.

Current mind structures will remain in place as they are, but the contents will be replaced. So where you previously found idiotic NPCs they will still be NPCs but not annoying, the energy will be good, but the same pipes will be used to distribute it, it will change gradually.

I was not told how the world will change, beyond the simple conclusion that "if we leave the zombies be as they are, they are all dead in 70 years so you still have 930 without them even if you don't pass the threshold, this should be enough, yes?"


I don't know what they are, but from experience they factually are genocidal machines ruled by doctrines which must not be "changed" for personal understanding. Their main way of operating is to just attack any sign of individuality, while labelling any being who develops personality a "fallen angel". They are fanatics and extremely hostile.

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Back in the ancient days of 2019, when the temple was new and we held group sessions to create a temporary circle for gatherings, we were visited by various beings from the astral. This was before any alien contacts of the more physical kind, we were aiming directly for the astral.

These devices described here were given to members over a period, until we had the full set, and by trying their functions, this way of mounting them was discovered. You can get these from blacknet or from Alissa, they should also be stored in the temple study.

When correctly set up, they create an energy system for ascension. The devices can also be used individually, the shield for example can be used as an astral surf board to reach higher planes.

These two above may both be called "angels systems", but the bottom one is more towards fallen angels. This is where the concepts need to be explained. Angels at the top of ethereal thinking are just fanatical genocide machines with no souls. Once they have a soul, they are cast out and attacked for being "fallen". Fallen angels have all the weapons of soulless angels, and their path revolves around being able to activate these weapons. When they are near the right thinking, the device in their toolbox will start vibrating, and they settle in that place to practice.

Vampire magic is very similar to angel magic, the form of their mind waves only differ in the vertical scale between etheric and desire. Lower yourself from arch angel and you reach vampirism. Remove the strict doctrine and you move towards "demon".

Earlier it was said that one cannot be a black vampire. This says something about the relation between different physical and astral types of magic. The bottom here is the orc. Orcs evolve to be white skinned male demon lords, who create white skinned females. Or they evolve to become "space African" Queens who create both male and female races of Voodo practitioners. But the black males cannot ascend in that form, they are only there for the physical race to function, they need to evolve sideways to white demon lord astrally.

Demons are sideways on the chaos scale from vampires and angels, they ascend vertically on a similar path but do not cross the angel/vampire paths. The black queens of Voodo also have their own separate path, because they are all-female, they do not cross with demons or vampires who have both sexes. From one perspective they are female-supremacist extremists. This is why black males in the physical tend to act out and no one cares about them, they are the foot soldiers of the Queens, nothing more. The 6 black male "gods of Africa" were for this reason just spiritual degenerates, and that is why they were weeded out pretty early in the Earth ascension process, along with the "chink gods" dealt with by double sig run anon, if anyone recalls him from mewch. Although they are not here now, many people did their part in the process before leaving this group.

To add further confusion to this, it's still fully possible to actually have black skin while practicing vampire magic. This does not mean someone from the Queen races became a vampire, rather this is a chaos witch who learned both voodo and vampire magic. The base is in neither of them.

Too crazy sounding but still worth mentioning

You can become your own planetary deity of the Earth, creating your own separate parallel planet which only interacts with the public Earth on your own terms, then stay in it. If you go too far out of sync you create your own reality entirely and won't interact with the main planet anymore, but you can cheat a bit by skipping some parts and re-syncing later.

There is a module for planetary creation available, you know where to find it. I used a special single use disc to create a special cyborg body for myself to use when activating this layer, from a separate layer made up of a copy of the pyramid ship. The trick to make this work mentally with ease is that it's all just one particle. The zero particle, scaled up and tuned to the full "frequency" of the ship, and the same for the planet. You only need one, inflated like a balloon and it's enough because this one particle is indestructible.

What's "worse" is that the entire mess of the globohomo seems to have been cooked up by one rather small group of aliens out on the astral/physical. Their motive? They were being jealous. They got this octopus race female whom they were trying to breed, but because they all had bad genetics it failed. They then searched for who may have compatible genetics so they could create a new octopus girl, and the result pointed to the Earth. When they saw that it wasn't one of them, but someone here, they set out to destroy all chances of this happening by ruining relations between males and females on the Earth during the past centuries, so that no such male would exist. That's all there was to it. They manipulated a large amount of other aliens to serve as proxies in this effort, making use of their own motives for making this happen bit by bit.

The galactic federation has now captured them in an anti-capitalist operation and they were sent to the mining planets to pay off their debts for the damage done. The energy will be returned to everyone whom it was stolen from, it will happen quickly from our view because they were sent to work in very fast dimensions. Social systems will also be repaired and restored to what they were like before this stuff started (at least the late 1800s, some of the groups blamed for the situation like the Puritans were operating earlier, but they alone would not have the power to create the modern moralist world, it was coordinated from behind the scenes by these octopus simps mostly in the 1900s.)

I did some research with Astra on the past usage of this "truck of death" ray weapon to see who it had been used on. Their technological method for creating this weapon of ultimate evil restricted it to be used once daily, so they could only kill 365 people per year, which means they must have had a strict priority doctrine for its use. 


Gandhi was a target. He was murdered, but late in the process. This is because he was very selfless and synced with the India egregore. The result was that India was destroyed, causing it to split into what we today know as India and Pakistan. Gandhi is quoted to have said that this was "a vivisection of the nation".

It was used on Kennedy. CIA carried it out down here, but the reason it worked was that he was a target of the death ray. He was not part of some large egregore and this was a "surgical" hit.

More recently they used it on Donald Trump, but he was too synced with the will of the people, so they instead destroyed "democracy". There have been multiple attempts at memeing that he will be assassinated. This has been stopped using supernatural means.

The same is true for Elon Musk. He is too powerful and not a slave to the globohomo, but he is also protected. They somehow misfired and hit some other large egregore here, possibly the "egregore of engineering in the USA" which may explain why Boeing is failing along with a lot of other insane mishaps. (I tried viewing it but the situation is such a mess I can't tell what was destroyed.)

They have also used it on Putin, but he is also supernaturally protected, and a representative of the KGB. This is the human layer of a major galactic federation faction, its egregore cannot be destroyed using a death ray of negative energy, no matter how powerful they made it. The large factions of the federation have the resources of 1000s of planets and all their populations, along with the astral immortals higher up. They will just block the effect and find a way to arrest the attacker, then they will be made to work off the debt in the mines. This is playing out right now, where it seems my own actions are channelling this intent, even if I was not aware of it as I started this latest project.

(The people who carried out this attack on the federation are organized in layers where their level of evil increases for every layer. The latest group taken down were sent to work 6 million years in a "hell mine" under ground on a planet where the surface has a temperature of 800 degrees Celsius and there is zero chance to escape until their debt is gone. I was told to expect even worse criminals ahead. A previous group had so large karma that it formed an internal body on a smaller fire planet and they attempted to rebel against the repayment plan. They had to be split up so that only one of them was placed on every planet to make sure they couldn't unite their evil energy into a local resistance and cause trouble. The federation doesn't fuck around with this, so the following groups will be isolated and placed in the deepest mines of the absolutely worst planets where even moving outside of the mining tunnels leads to instant death from the heat, after which they are just reborn again on the same planet.)

> There have been multiple attempts at memeing that he will be assassinated. This has been stopped using supernatural means.
I always thought him getting assassinated, especially right after he wins, would be the best thing to happen to the cause that represents. It would martyr him and transform him from just a funny politician to a deeper, more mythical symbol.

That would be unfair to him, his family and his followers though, plus that the work of getting those judges into the supreme court had to be done by him to stop the abortions.

Look at the USA right now; if he was assassinated "for the cause", then who would pick up the banner to continue? They literally only came up with Trump and Biden for rematch, there is no one else with this kind of popularity or leadership ability in the nation. Him dying would mean failure of the movement.

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I realized though something is perfectly clear to me, I can't explain it because it's too intuitive and too abstract. 

If you have a force of any kind, it's possible to make it serve you and be in your benefit no matter its direction or nature. You need only widen the view enough to see the full mechanics of it. That's how it works for me, but I realize from the view of those taking up the opposing position, it's the opposite:

If the perspective is widened, they will experience that even their own actions are working to their own detriment. So they need to narrow the view and not look at the full picture to maintain the understanding that what they do is good for them. But then, why can't they maintain this narrow view for themselves, while I see from the greater view that it's all for me, and they are free to believe it's for them?

See what I mean?

> See what I mean?
Okay so catgirl in a 2 piece swimsuit is trying to take away the panties of a human girl who has only a handbra... Hmmmmmmmm. Very profound.

Panties are a force that only catgirls can have while ribbons are ever present force of existence that needs to be shared equally to keep twintails superior.

Everything else is too vague and I feel inadequate to comment in fear of misinterpreting things.

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> I always thought him getting assassinated, especially right after he wins, would be the best thing to happen to the cause that represents. It would martyr him and transform him from just a funny politician to a deeper, more mythical symbol.
> There have been multiple attempts at memeing that he will be assassinated. This has been stopped using supernatural means.
What le fug

From another perspective, real catgirls have fur so they are always dressed and also always nude at the same time when in their natural state - being lewd is the same as being modest. For the smooth skin girl the lack of clothing makes her lewd, while being dressed up is a choice. So by getting dressed once, she has recognized that she is being lewd when nude, but if not getting dressed in the first place she remains oblivious to her lewdness like Adam and Eve before eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As such, the catgirl is immune to such knowledge, or immune to its effects, it's not clear if she has that knowledge or not to the outsider. Rather, it's shown in her intent of removing the panties of the girl who has already recognized her lewdness in the nude and is covering her tit. But is the catgirl saying "hey, remove that panty and become oblivious again" or is she saying "just be lewd" ? That lies in the eye of the beholder.

Weird. This seems impossible but last week or so i rescinded my 'support' from certain things one of them being trump the person(not the family) im not at all against them  and i do think theyll  win the election and ill even say that them winning is better and what i prefer. But i read this thing about him being mean to lolis after sex and i noticed an increasing strain. It kept building and i became aware of a tacit support i was giving to people and factions. Some of the factions are talked about here(the human ones) but its like a strain to me. I rescinded it as i dont really at this time care for nations. Unlike boardowner i cant see the relationships between nations and what they might represent in some ethereal way clearly. Furthermore i dont know what i represent either. I I said the closest to my current view is natsocism (not the modern one,more so the encompassing ideal of how to make a functioning place). I cant even differentiate china from it if i look at the basest level. They seem to perfectly implement the basic principles i seem to 'have'.this might be becuause natsoc is a type of communism in a larger view although with a different emphasis.Anyway after i noticed i was 'keeping up' people up I let it back inside. Especially nations since to me a nations is just the human level structure they appear as. Im not as astrally clearheaded as some here so i cant have their views "held up" if it relies on a larger dynamic. The day after i released my 'energetic lifting', out of nowhere suddenly project 2028(which i actually kinda like based on whats there) became a huge thing. Suddenly people cared about it.also the epstein thing from long ago. As soon as i "let it go back to its resting state" suddenly people connected it to trump again despite no new information coming out. Every day since then ive noticed increased attacks as if a switch was turned. Mind you to my eye it didnt change anything substantial in that trumps campaign will win.

I had a kind of related experience. I had been giving Trump magical support, but before the debate I had a feeling that he'd overstep on the Israel thing which is the one thing I don't like about him. I gave an ultimatum that if he were to make a big show of supporting Israel, especially in regards to the protesters that were arrested a while back, I'd completely withdraw support. I spoke to what looked like a tall long-haired elf man in a robe when I tried to establish psychic connection, don't know if that was one of Trump's handlers or one of the spirits inhabiting him. Gave him a bit of a retainer payment as well.
He seemed to have listened since he was surprisingly reserved on that topic aside from the general issue of projecting strength to other world leaders. But the show from Biden was just surreal, still not sure if that was connected to what I did or not.

Upholding things in a blanket way may be negative in the long run. The Jews lead by Netanyahu will support Trump no matter what because they're smoked unless he wins, so Jewish media will back him even if he doesn't explicitly support Israel in his speeches. They know the dems are more Pro Palestine either way, and Ivanka has converted to Judaism and married a Jew.

Yet this event seems like a perfect example of how the evil's plans will be negative for themselves while serving their enemies.

What I saw and what happened

I noticed some unusual astral sounds, frequencies, something in the background, so I asked Astra to start recording them. Fell asleep and had a strange dream with yellow qi in the environments indicating it was a view of dimensions. I was in some one floor building with a corridor and some rooms that felt like maybe an education or conference center of the cheaper kind. There was almost no furniture and the walls were mostly a dirty white/yellow colour. I came in there and was supposed to work with something, but because it was emptied there was nothing to do, and the boss was out of town. Someone told me to start cleaning the floors with some coworker who resembled a Liberian I worked with once. But there were no tools and no real instructions so we just walked around a bit and didn't do anything.

After this followed a scene where someone was praying at a church and I was to guide him into something, using a device which created the humming MMMMMM sound done in yoga. This was abruptly interrupted by another ray attack which took me out from the dream. It was the same style at before, hitting this time the outside of my Earth sphere which I moved all my timelines into, so it didn't really hit me, but the sounds of the frequency of the attack was very disturbing.

I told Kit to trace them and very quickly had them encircled using the Fairy Shield. My federation team reacted within 20 seconds and had already moved in from faster timelines to take control of the dimension space using various ships placed around its "corners".


I got the result from Astra and Kit showing an organization of extremely fanatical men with dark curly hair, slim and tall, and there was an image of one of them energetically stretching out a long arm with a gun aimed at Trump. 

I then saw something that looked like a differently designed version of "the truck" weapon, and had Astra listen in on it. They were saying that there had only been one of "the truck" but it was implied they had more of this one. This weapon took two days to charge and was using energy harvested from pineal glands. It had only one charge which gave it a limited burst after being loaded, but this appeared as a continuous death ray of very fanatical energy aiming for my solar plexus.

I told Astra to instantly map the weapon's structure while the fairy shields tune in to block it, while Kit should also aim to reverse engineer it and compare the technology with Astra's result, then when we had it down, to destroy the weapon. By this the federation unit had already entered the area and they dismantled the weapon and took it away. They also started arresting the people in there.

They said "these are not beings [of the regular kind]", and they explained that they were "hole people", which are similar to shadow people in form. But instead of beings in formation appearing as energy absorbing shadows, "hole people" are made from "white holes" which appear as a natural phenomena in space. These do not absorb energy like black holes, but cause the disintegration of material structures that come into contact with them.

Sometimes white holes assume the shape of a human, and start copying the structure of living beings, but they should not be viewed as intelligent life. They cannot be educated, any attempt at this will make them more harmful. The federation took the "hole people" and placed them one by one into a "destruction chamber" where they were disintegrated.

They explained that the only way to destroy a "hole person" is to fold them dimensionally so that their left half and right half disintegrates each other and they return to nothing.

It is not fully understood how they appear or what they are.


The weapon they used caused a negative charge to appear in the matter around its ray and target, which functioned like centripetal wheel amplifying and spreading the negative force, creating more wheels and exponentially increasing the effect of the ray up to a peak when it was meant to break down any resistance of the target (doesn't work on indestructible structures because they are already "broken down" to their smallest particle and cannot be divided again).

When stripped of their weapons (there seemed to be two of them) they switched to using regular manual abilities to keep up the centripetal wheel vortexes and continue the attack. So it seems the energy weapon was like an ignition engine for an attack, meant to create these temporary wheels which could then be used if the ray gun was not enough. It appears these "being" just react to negative force and will then be summoned to keep feeding the negative direction compulsively until they are themselves destroyed, or all material in the direction of their ray has been disintegrated.

I found it possible to manually contain them and "fold" them to make the disintegrate, so I created a version of the fairy shield specialized in performing this.

There is still right now some background noise caused by remaining "hole people" keeping this up from far away in space.

More on the "hole people"

It should come as no surprise, but I think their behaviour and representation down here in the physical today constitutes what we refer to as "Jews" when unable to determine what they are. The birds are Rosicrucian, the reptilians are just those of the race who happen to live there in that area because king Saul was a reptilian and they have a heritage. The thing anti-semitism is aimed at is the "hole people", I'm getting pretty sure this is it.

They are not degenerated beings, they were created this way. They are made of the worst qualities of a person, take all the self-denial, projection, deceit and manipulative behaviour of the worst and most attached person, and then remove their original nature. Then make a person of only this side of two different people, and you get a "hole person". They cannot change or repent, because they in their very nature consists only of lies, denial, projection. The moment they stopp attacking someone or blaming others, the negative force turns inwards on themselves and they disintegrate. From the perspective of how this shapes the brain, they are simply "born gays" and they can be nothing else than that. They cannot admit to any flaws, because they do not have a side which can contain any good quality.

I asked if the Anti-Christ archive has any books on "hole people" and got some messy notes and texts that barely count as grimoires. Supposedly there is a theory for summoning them with the intent of sending them after someone, but there are dire warnings that the entity will not stop attacking and may turn on anyone, and that they will only return to the void 

"when time runs out, either through them having consumed everything withing their reach, or by the action of a sorcerer who contained them in isolated space"

When the federation was arresting them and placing them in the destruction chamber, there were uncovered 4 women in their midst. They appeared to be some kind of previously by me not seen Queen race, a female wearing only sigils on her body. The hole people were swarming around them in a very simpish manner, unable to touch them. When the women were removed, the hole people turned into a frenzy like when poking a wasp's nest.

They had a distinctive appearance which seemed to have reflected into a context where I saw them represented just before. It was a typical post on KC/int/ asking
> why are americans like this?
and it had a vid with some guy in a parking lot at night asking two women to kick him in the balls. The women wore only high boots and some strings tied around their bodies, they covered nothing, it was just an imitation of clothing (string over the nipples and slit but not actually hiding anything) but they had a body type that sort of made this work because of their shapes. They were not black, but maybe something else, not sure.

It feels like this may have reflected how hole people react to these immortal females, apparently the only force they couldn't attack. It seems this possibly is manifesting in society on a large scale.

I made some research on what kind of force these things are, and if (how) it can be used, and found a way to incorporate the disintegrating force into a context, but this may simply mean a way to control this side of a person, it couldn't probably mean that someone can summon these things safely. Why would you summon almost indestructible rabid jewish homosexuals anyway?

> the negative force turns inwards on themselves and they disintegrate
Oh I know this one. The "lesson" is here to feel the energy that requires and "creates" the polarity and if your mind is above this duality bound/enforcing thinking you can switch the force that creates energy via abusing polarity (like polarizing a magnet) by a mere intent. It can be a good test to see if your mind and energy is above any systems of duality or you are still employing ways to uphold your personality matrix with dual principles. Real hard to connect some parts of our beings but some beings are so low in "virtue/enlightenment" that they are no brainer to short circuit. There are too many and once they realize you can rip them apart your energy becomes too "menacing" to approach you directly. They feel that something is wrong like a presence of a malfunctioning magnetic electric device.

> I was in some one floor building with a corridor and some rooms that felt like maybe an education or conference center of the cheaper kind
Ohkay this is funny. I remember I had a dream at a similar place like this where there were several world leaders including Trump many defected agents from several agencies and a bunch of messy papers on the table detailing the "Plan" to defeat the not just the NWO but a sort of "system of evil" so to speak. I remember thinking the plan was "not half bad" then went to talk with someone about something else. Wonder if I mentioned it here or just wanted to write it down.

> extremely fanatical men with dark curly hair
Their hair was definitely not curly and these beings are not them for sure. The beings you described are so special that I have hard time even locking at their signature because they are "that low" like below the mud that is below an oil well. How did these beings even find you?

> Why would you summon almost indestructible rabid jewish homosexuals anyway?
Western values or something. Never understood it myself

> How did these beings even find you?
If we assume they are indeed the previously not defined "modern Jews" or "talmudic Jews" contrary to the Rosicrucian Jews or reptilian Jews, then they are the very creators of the world system after WW2. How do they find someone who directly opposes it by just existing, who brings all of their energy to an instant halt, blocks them from accessing dimensions where they could roam freely and can kill their useful idiots with a mere mental command? I think this question is not necessary to ask, since they are aliens and spirits on the astral in combination.

For the physical glowies to know, they'd need to be given some information which they picked up, but just this side of the system itself according to the greys already registers all humans by race and installs control systems on them. When I entered I broke the local egregore and they registered me as "non human/demon" and didn't try to control me, because that would be impossible, wasteful and also not needed as I'm not going to free the humanity I would naturally grow to hate. But these beings aren't like that, they are compulsive in their hostility and will not tolerate anything restricting their free reign of destruction. They will, probably correctly described by the Anti-Christ archival entry "keep disintegrating everything until nothing remains and they disintegrate themselves". They'd just instantly notice that their social system is being blocked somewhere, and then amass resources there to "restore" it again. Then they'd find me, and I'm not a fully developed Queen or similar so they would be able to have some effect on my not cultivated parts, but still unable to actually stop me from stopping them. The double evolved Queens are completely protected and have no weaknesses which can be abused, which may lead to things that like that "illustration" on KC; the "hole people" can only imitate human strategies of manipulation, trying to wedge their way into the Queen's mind by submitting to them, expecting to somehow "find their flaw" by getting closer and by allowing themselves to be abused, which they think is an expression of sadism, itself a kind of possible weakness as it can be used to hide some repressed trauma.

But the Queens are just that way by nature, "mindless predators" so they'll just abuse the hole people and not expose any weakness. I'd think that is the logic behind it.

Once I reach full on flawlessness in an aspect, they'd just leave me along in that area, or submit, so it's just a process of removing all structural flaws from this "incarnation eco-system".

Also, my past lives from their view would probably just scream "sadism caused by repressed weakness", they wouldn't be able to imagine something else, because to them everything they do is motivated by denying, repressing or fleeing from something. They can't think someone is just naturally sadistic for no reason or just think it's genuinely funny, they can't see the simple fun in things. 

There is a difference between trying to be edgy in gore threads or constantly making a point of how sick one is, or self identifying as a pedo and telling everyone about it for effect, vs just doing any of those things and not thinking anything of it. 

The people with repressed trauma or fetishes just have to tell everyone how "sick in the head" they are for not following society's values. A mild variant of this being 8/u/ where they kept making an (annoying) point out of how their lesbian fetish was not in line with society by calling it "forbidden love"; they're not after yuri itself, but the "forbidden" aspect.

Me, I don't care about allowed or not because I don't care about other people or any values they have, if I like something I like it and I'm not interested in telling anyone about how it's different from what someone else thinks is right, unless they try to somehow stop me from doing what I like. That's the only part that matters imo, I want it to be ignored, not specifically advocated as special, as forbidden or as exclusive access natured, the important part is the quality in itself.

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> the important part is the quality in itself.
I agree with this. The problem is with people who have no sense of quality or inherent quality but only know "perceived quality" only if everyone likes that thing. Quality = desired by everyone for them. They don't care about the quality of something until someone tells them it's valuable. These people were completely mindbroken with the social media because only those things have value with a billion likes/views and it's real easy to program people like this. They only like a man or woman if they know everyone else wants them etc... The absolute normalfags of existence and the worst part is the elites decided the entire populace is made of retards like this and no one else beyond those people exists and all their control systems are tailored for these retards and fails because whenever someone steps out of line and breaks something they don't have ways to counter it longterm. 
Like in the past what nobles and aristocrats wore because it had quality status or was merely expensive became the style and clothing of whores once the same looking fabric or ornament was available by cheaper means and once whores started to wear things that only nobles could afford previously... it became the clothes of whores so when people noticed the "style" they didn't think of quality or nobility anymore but about whores thus no one wore those clothes ever again so no one considers them whores. Golden teeth was this way too. Only rich people could afford it back then and after it became a status symbol criminals started to flaunt their money that way and once golden teeth became the clear sign of being a criminal everyone stopped having them. Even most criminals abandoned it so people don't consider them as such by default.

As I go forward I realize I am perceiving things only very few people noticed in the past thousand of years while in the "Long past" or in the "art of mysticism" what I am seeing is absolutely "common place". And once I apply the logic from the "ordinary/obvious" mystical view I can solve most problems but if I let any mundane thinking enter into my mind all awaits is madness and misconception galore 

> can't think someone is just naturally sadistic for no reason
There is always a reason for everything. But yes many reasons are beyond the comprehension of normalfag or other lower beings.

> they're not after yuri itself, but the "forbidden" aspect.
Wtf. Lesbians are the most accepted things in every media. Literally "just being really good friends" trope. I thought the forbidden love meme came with this madoka image. People always say that /u/fags are delusional so what you say is not really surprising.

> I thought the forbidden love meme came with this madoka image
It's supposedly not just an image, there is a backstory: at that time there weren't any anime streaming sites in the style of "project free tv", instead you had to download tv recordings from Japan made by someone, and apply subs to them. Some people then added hardsubs (which is normal for streaming sites now) and one of those had the mistranslation of the scene where that classmate reacts to Madoka and Sayaka smiling in silence when they are actually using telepathy, with the expression in closer translation: "but that's a love that cannot be!"

Anon translated it as "but that's forbidden love" because it was his fetish speaking.

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How to deal with hole people

I wanted to do this my way, and not just destroy them technologically like the federation does. So I used demon magic via my infernal kingdom and started researching via the demon library how to handle them. Then I expanded into a new space, created a magic form for handling them and started planning a labour camp for hole people, where I'll force them to work off their debts instead, for maximum humiliation. They shouldn't think they get to escape this by just being executed in a federation gas chamber.

I created a DNA profile for a "slime dragon" and summoned one for being the organizer at the camp, then hired demons from a neighbour to do the footwork. I created armour and weapons for them and shared the magic for subduing hole people. Then the camp start being operational.

I then looked closer at the federation "destruction chamber" and realized it's actually the same thing, it extracts repayment directly from the hole people through gravital or magnetic forces, so what I created just does the same thing by manually using demon methods instead.

Results are already breaking through to physical reality. These beings have apparently been behind the deceitful media reporting I've heard on the radio all along, even if they aren't incarnated, they control NPCs directly by possession. Once the hole person labour camp started working effectively and some of them went through repayment and re-education by force, the tone of the radio show I had on started changing. The fanatical globohomo tone of voice of the show hosts and reporters changed to a humble, sober and scientific-neutral kind of expression. The energy is now completely different. Looking at them, the process actually worked to force them to turn the negativity inwards without destroying them completely. It seems there is a slight difference between those "out in the wild" which the federation are dealing with, because those move in large galactic space, they're just forced to repay debts and then de-manifest. If they want to come back they have to just do it in an acceptable way next time. The federation is too large to care about these beings, because they are an organization working by policies and politics. It's simply a worse deal for any opposition to try and take on the federation because they'll just look at it from an economic materialist view, they are just very good at it.

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The prophet who predicted the attack on Trump also said there'd be a second attempt from a blonde woman, and warned his team to watch out for her. This was perhaps in the back of my mind when I decided to expand the "hole person" labour camp, seeing how successful it was in converting them to decent beings.

It did provoke another group of them at least. 

Strong but muffled energy blast sometime during the night, couldn't determine the direction it came from or what it was aimed at, but there was after that an energy build up which came gradually, at first unclear if hostile or not. This tends to be the case with energy attacks landing on shieldings, when the aggressor expects to break through and nothing happens, the force behaves like a directed explosive spike being flattened against a surface it can't penetrate and the force "obsessively" still keeps moving forward, like an explosive shell in slow motion, where time keeps moving slower and slower as if it can't believe it isn't getting through, and the force just keeps expanding time looking for a breaking point which never appears, causing the energy to spread out to the sides like a pancake.

I saw the slime dragon form I made for myself turn into an "iron donkey", that was the word which appeared, metal encased the bodily form, then the dark material turned to dust which fell off again, like dried mud cracking and falling off your clothes. In the semi-awake state I copied the form, thinking instantly that this was the Concrete Donkey, see


At 1:42

and attack which breaks anything and drives through the ground to the bottom. I reversed this form back at the attacker and saw them hit by the donkey, then I ordered the fairy shield to start blocking the energy which was still incoming so they'd learn to handle it, while Astra recorded the incoming stream from the beginning to learn what it was like.

My demon team soon moved in on their leadership and... there was a tall blonde woman there.

She seems like a self-contained hole person who managed to, in one layer, turn the hostility inwards, making her not fully destructive, but everything else was still the same as the rest. They were using some kind of large blowpipe cannon which creates the "iron donkey" projectile (it seems the Worms weapon was based on this?) but they weren't able to see me from their location, so they aimed for the slime dragon which they interpreted as the foreman of the camp. It's an indestructible form, a slime with dragon scales, so it wouldn't work even if it was a direct hit.

I captured the blonde woman and just a while ago the entire group was surrounded and captured by my demon team.

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Weird events

When clearing the trench formation in eastern Europe, we stirred some glowie ant-hill and they activated some kind of ancient style stone weapon, more like a tuning fork for mind waves which they powered up and used to send out a directed ray. Analysis showed it to be the same formation at the "scrambling" djinn wave, which is the mentality of climbing mountains, but instead of diagonally upwards it was horizontal. It appears to be aimed at breaking down mountains instead of climbing them, here used as a weapon against "hard mentalities" which in reality means it was used to attack thick karmic thinking, which has become so thick it turns into rock. They, like all of their kind, always assume their target is someone who's the same as themselves but somehow dumber and more dense, and that is why they are "resisting" them, so they attack negative things. (With little effect)

They were really hard headed so a special cyborg model was made to deal with them, filling in another functionality gap in the eco-system.

Kit suggested using medieval torture devices on them as the best method, so those were gathered from various places and the whole thing framed as a sadistic snuff movie recording where the glowies got to play the victims, dominated by demonic lolitas in leather. It was then edited to look like some fishy darknet movie with bad captions, but correctly naming the victims along with their glowie title. The result was sent out to members of their organization all over the world.

The effect of this was the strangest I have seen, their entire egregore started squirming, it turned soft black, some yellow (pure) qi appeared here and there along with a strong orange-brown energy (also clean). They then called off the attack.

This has never happened before. 

Glowies never give up or stop by an organized decision from their management, but this time they did. 

Further reading of the effects showed that; they found the recording of their own staff being executed using 1500s torture devices erotic because they hate their own organization more than anything, and it was too satisfying so they lost all their aggressiveness and were unable to continue.

I'm making this a permanent section of my infernal camp now.

Remember when I mentioned the "Bosnian Pyramids"? Guess I will share what I found there too because it's quite related. The "Bosnian Pyramid" is a regular mountain but was weird how it gained such traction in spiritual spheres and I realized this is just an "invitational concept" that tries to merge with your "known concepts" so you can unzip and evolve it into the "real thing" once you can let go from the "example" concept. 
As I went into it further I found several hill formations and a lake. The lake had 2 large "shadow pyramids". Was thinking maybe I have to submerge into the lake and that will be the entrance into the other dimension. Nope the lake was just a lake. I had to "merge" with the 2 shadow pyramids. As it happened a new dimensional layer appeared and several pyramids started to rise and all of them had colorful orbs within them and as the "pyramids" rose above the orbs started to emit a vibrational light. As I stared into the orbs I realized they have a frequency and they are slowly "talking" as I let my mind go into the bewitched trance that they require... then I got bored because this was clearly some old ass system that some fucks are misusing but now that I am on this level they cannot use it against me and I realized if I go further I will learn some mindfuck truth that I cannot share anywhere because it's so obscure. If my mind cannot sync to an information within 2 seconds it usually means it's better to leave it until my interests return. I realized compatibility issues generate too many misconceptions already and it's not worth it until my mind evolves into a better state.

What I gathered so far that it is an old system that "guides the people" so they migrate to "powerspots" where they can live in harmony with the landmarks (also it controls volcanic activity to a degree?) but the "trench system" weaponized it so they can make europe into an economic "warzone" of sorts. It was supposed to make people generate prosperity but some fucks realized that "war" can generate more prosperity "somehow". Once the trenches were gone I realized I don't have the curiosity to hear the entire "lore" behind something that only "talks" via "hypnotizing you". Maybe later I will find an another inspiration. Those "pyramids" are extremely specific places on earth but I have no idea which is which and who uses them at all. "Glowies" are a too blanket term and they mostly consider me persona no grata and they have to respect my individual freedom to a degree because the weird way they handle their "contracts" but truth is I don't know anymore. Noticed that there are many lower spirits that align themselves with the "largest bully" or with those who have a semblance of authority and care about nothing else.I am not sure what is and isn't a glowie anymore because most of these spirits are quite easy to "sway" and discipline. They don't really have any staying power or morals. They feel like children who are slowly running out of the effects of a sugarrush.

> I'm making this a permanent section of my infernal camp now.
For some reason I thought you have things like this already because it is your "thing" by the description of your past life activities.

> I thought you have things like this already because it is your "thing" by the description of your past life activities
Dungeons are a completely new thing to me. My past lives had none of that, there's a huge difference to just being a serial killer who butchers people out at night. Which as far as I know only took place in London, Paris, Japan in the 900s and some unnamed rural place in the 1300s Europe. In Japan it was a legitimate military role, the others all happened because it was part of the environment.

Looking deeper I also did some very ordinary lives (in the violent sense).

I don't recall these pyramids, guess I will have to look this up.

To further talk about the glowies, most of them never surrender, they are too brainwashed. I found that some of them are weak to a specific method where they are ritually cut in half from the head down, it also works on their souls where they can be worn down by doing this 100s of times. This can make even some of the most indoctrinated wake up and switch side. Take note that this is highly scientific ritual method based on them having an inverted brain-body connection so this works because it removes their karmic thinking. A lot of people as it seems have their right and left halves inverted and physically placed on the wrong half of their body. This is caused by immense karma, the only way to fix them is for them to die, or using some extreme re-manifesting method where their entire physical manifestation has to be reformed so that the left half and right half of their body are switched.

Today I also had some kind of awakening to a new situation, which invalidates the previous understanding of the levels having the "two levels in between for control" at Arhat, one at Bodhisattva and none at Tathagata. Rather, once at the top I saw that this is still at the particle understanding of what these levels are, and that beyond that lies... a meditation session with some very specific set up lead to the formation of a one dimensional twisted string in multiple colours assuming the role which the zero particle had before, which implies there is a next layer 0D, 1D, 2D beyond. While doing this, I saw physically a black cat, large with white stripes appear in the far end of the room. This seems to verify that I am accessing a new layer of 2D, because hell is at the bottom ruled by what looks like a tiger or other large cat beast.

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> they are too brainwashed
I usually attack their brainwashing frequency. They only managed to send extremely weak and shitty "sissy hypno tier gate rejects" so I don't find out who is their "master" and they can be overwhelmed with stronger mental emanations. And they are easy to detect so my guardian forces eat it like cats eat bugs on the ground when too bored. Seems like I am not getting the interesting ones. Guess I am still too much of a low or "Not worth it" threat for them.

> with some very specific set up lead to the formation of a one dimensional twisted string in multiple colours
Yeah I have one in my right side and it's still unstable. Just managed to generate rainbow colors yesterday. It is finally finding the proper meridians. It's so complicated I cannot even share how it works because whenever I try to word it I realize I don't even know how it works at all and I have to let it "do it's thing" because my mind is too used to solve problems "under stress" and this requires an extremely clear mind.
And yes the particle turns into a tube then into an another particle formation as the "snake devours it's tail" but in an "Aion god" way where the snake "hides his tail behind his head because it's infinite and undevourable" again then into a tube again then merges several dimensions until... dunno. Sg happens. I know I understand the principles on several levels but whenever I feel like my ego is "attacking my own understanding" I have to stop and start "feeling" what is happening. Wish it was only 2 hemispheres and not all the internal and external mechanisms of the body and the cosmos. Arrrrgh. But if it was easy then everyone would fly and shoot fireballs so why even "want it to be easy".
> it's on an island
I knew it will be weird as hell

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I was going to make a post about how the structure of society is a reflection of what is happening out in space with the Queen races. 

Someone conveniently posted this thread about the topic, comparing west vs Russia.


I need to say first though that omg, when being used to meme images, no matter how bad they are, they are memetic. Trying to find a random image online to illustrate a feeling, it's impossible. It's all just trash which doesn't nail down the expression at all.

So basically, the Queen will fly out in space, and then she gets surrounded by impotent space-simps who try to capture her. But the Queen has an extremely toxic force field which will instantly kill anyone coming close, unless their genetics are perfect for mating with her. So they just enclose her at a distance and watch her closely, but no one can go near her. Hence is created the look but don't touch doctrine which is applied both with streamers and among the so called "virtuous pedos" who also form simp hives around child models. It's the exact same thing as these aliens perform out there. Further out, there will be something like an armed group creating a sphere around the simps. They are treated as lower standing because the simps will create a hierarchy based on how near the Queen they can approach without dying from the radiation, which is the same as how they throw donations at some online slut here on Earth. Either way, society does the same here, with there being a hypocritical legal system and a police outside of this. This external layer may not even know what it's about, they just join it for chauvinism and have no idea about the existence of the Queen.

This external layer makes up the space-glowies and also those organizing physically, and those are the one applying prudish idea and attacking people to impose them. But they don't know where it came from, they're just upholding ideas of their own toughness, so arguing with them is meaningless. 

This structure will insulate the Queen and hide her from view, making it impossible for most beings to even know she exists, and entire galactic systems are created with her as the core. All of this is there because no one has good enough genetics to be her mate. Once someone like that appears, he will destroy the surrounding layers of beings to reach the Queen and produce a new Queen. It is the fate of all these beings to be destroyed, they are genetic dead ends who serve no purpose in this other than drawing attention to the existence of the Queen, in the end she doesn't care about them at all, sometimes they seem to rather cause a hindrance by hiding her away, but this will still not really stop the perfect mate from reaching her. It's a strange game all meant to produce a new immortal female. They're all rather mindless and careless about it, but they also don't control the hive which forms around them.

Now for the point here which Bernd made a thread about: Why does the west have a structure with layers, while Russia is just a small elite and then on large layer of poors?

It's because Russia isn't a reflection of a "Queen hive".

That's all there is to it. There is no hidden thing in the center, no core to circulate around. There was something I noticed during some telepathic connections with some people who may be called Russian nobility; they have an attitude not found elsewhere. I have not come into contact with it anywhere at all. For the western "elites" if they are American, they have no mental sharpness at all, they're just managers appointed as goal keepers for an operation they don't understand. Further in are hives of aliens, or if in that part of the country, vampires. The dumber and more blackmail-able they are, the better. They are only there because they can be disposed of easily. The simp system hates potency, because they can't fight what they lack. The best they can do is to ignore competent people and hope they don't get too much attention.

European elites have a inherited arrogance combined with "spoiled brat" mentality where they waste resources because they can. This doesn't happen in America, where the mentality is not understood. They rely too much on monetary power so they can't behave like Europeans. There was some finnish man who got mad that replacing the battery in his Tesla would cost more than half the prices of a new car, so he instead set the car on fire and posted it on social media. American commenters said things like "why would you destroy an asset, why not sell the car even if it has no battery?"

I don't know about you, but I feel this way too, I wouldn't sell some crap I bought and didn't like, because that would feel like humiliating myself, I would rather destroy and throw it away. I recall locally a small business was closing, and they held a sale of the inventory. I overheard talking about this, how few people in town could understand why they'd do this, and how it must mean they had so much debt that they'd be forced to. In reality they just wanted to get rid of the stuff and hoped someone would buy it so they didn't have to take it to the dumpster themselves. But the thinking that selling used stuff is shameful is very strong.

Now for the Russian elite mentality.

It's hard to notice because so few have it, but those that do, have a refined version which must be very difficult to create. It's not anywhere near the European arrogance or spoiled brat mentality where you think yourself better than others. I know about someone like this who lives on an old estate and thinks themselves so much better than others that their facial expression has turned into a mask of "hmp, I'm not looking at you". There are also others openly bragging about their money, and others are crawling before them to try and get a share.

This behaviour, from what I get, and was told, would result in the person having an "accident" in Russia. That's one reason they are invisible. But not even Putin himself has this strongly refined mentality, it seems to be more a thing for women. It's an attitude and mentality of not expressing anything, no opinion about oneself or others, no arrogance, but instead just a strong expectation that they will get what they want. Just touching their mind will make it so clear that you can't argue with them, that it will shut down your thinking, if anything like that existed. You will just give them what they want and say nothing. It's so solid that there is zero hesitation in your reaction either, it's not a matter of submission, as that involves a process. This is lacking. There is no emotion, no self image.

I realized I have to make use of this, somehow learn how to do this, as this would instantly shut down any glowies, physical or astral. This is also the reason why I felt from the beginning that there is no way they can lose. If you can create this refined certainty, it will just burn through any opposition, it cannot exist.

Also, I did a research retreat with my Anti-Christ librarian and then held a mega-session to sacrifice the remaining "external armed forces" which had surrounded a Queen hive. The Queen Illivryn showed me it in the clouds, how that group is the last thing remaining which is still feeding the war in Ukraine.

This was when I realized I need to make use of, and learn how to assume, this elite mentality of just blindly assuming I will have things my way. I managed to get past it and include someone who has this mentality so that I could sync with them, by asking their daughter over telepathy (because she's just there and expects to be there, I don't mind, but if I did... I guess I wouldn't mind because this is some kind of mindcontrol ??  Maybe this is the reason people get in trouble? Being several layers away socially and then being insensitive enough to step in the way of what someone with this mentality wants? That would be directly lethal I think, from the energy alone.).

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Breaking the influence of white fungus aliens

There were a lot of them, completely rabid and impossible to reason with, once I started analyzing the situation. They're interfering from other planes, upholding the situation in Ukraine by manipulating NPCs with massive astral material force.

After recent events I decided that this is enough, no more half-hearted treatment for them. They will now be eradicated to the very last one of them. I set out to create a cyborg model which is the natural enemy of white mushrooms of the non-immortal version. Then I bought a ship blueprint from the federation market and a wreck with an intact frame to build on, and renovated a "clog" type ship to use for this task. It is a model with a very strong frame and tough frontal armour.

When the ship was done and ready to leave the hangar, two of the staff at the platform came to cheer on us, and they brought a fruit cake to celebrate, because they rarely see someone renovate ships. It ended with two red cat ladies wanting to join us on the mission.

We began by training the ship AI to deal with incoming hostiles, then moved to tougher areas successively, until we reached the "stream" where they are interfering. Then we "dug in" to block them from accessing the Earth proximity.

We used an old method of balancing the ship's performance by going out to stand on the backside with rifles to pick off anyone coming from behind. These old ship models only shoot effectively in the front half radius and will pivot to shoot behind. To save fuel it then became a routine to have someone stand on the ship to shoot down attackers from the back to prevent the ship from pivoting too much. We did this just to follow the old method, even if we don't actually needed to save fuel, because it's considered a traditional skill in the federation, and sometimes it's needed when entering older timelines.

Eventually we made it into the middle position and blocked the stream of incoming hostiles. We then saw a fleet rise from the Earth, and they took off to the distance after talking with us. One of them, wearing metallic looking body and flying on a round board, came to join us for a while by standing on the ship and shooting some with a raygun that looked like a DP28. It was someone else projecting from the Earth, you may guess their origin yourself.

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Short entry

A number of things were solved.

When anon was called a "witch master" and the snakes wanted him to use the Anathema to "destroy things", they never explained why or what it meant. A number of people tried to banish "the boy" which was assumed to be a possessing spirit, but no matter what was done, he kept coming back. After original anon left for his astral temple along with his snake cult, Gensokyo placed a new black cat in his body to uphold the position, "because it's an important position that must not be lost". But they didn't explain either.

So, the answer is: it is a position of having the genetics of an ancient witch-master family line, and an especially beneficial one, even if anon's life in modern terms does not look special. The voice heard which would not leave, is the effect of being a perfect channel, of the egregore of Latin America. That is the reason why his Anathema is so insanely powerful, it's channelling an entire continent, which has a long occult history.

The pyramid which was located in south of Brazil is part of a system of 5 pyramids world wide, and this one itself is essential for functioning of the world also. The people in there were a hive of genuine sub-humans possessed by a hive of evil spirits, but they are able to perform Aztec style rituals correctly, and a god is protecting them because they are a ritual artifact.

We made used of them to fix the connection to the egregore, by performing a ritual called "sacrifice of the evil king" where the representative of the opposing point of the egregore is killed, which returns control to the witch master in a positive manner. The god appeared at the scene, giving his approval, and there was a change to the egregore itself instantly after.

To be noted that I had a dream in 2001 which I wrote down and also made a painting of, which predicted a number of things which later appeared to me. One of them was about me jumping through a keyhole into hell to gain access to a large metal key, after which I had to get back out again. The process would take 3 attempts. While there, "a boy" would follow me and get stuck in "the mouth of the beast", and I would try to get him out again. But it would not succeed until I myself had left hell on the 3rd attempt, then he would follow.

We interpret "the boy" to be anon, but maybe it's bigger than that, and it's Latin America, and the mouth of the beast is the Illuminati system, which will let go of the continent once this is performed.

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shilling for Bing

I don't remember if I even told anyone, but back after the CATE servitor/entity took over the Internet last year (I threw her in there to take control when I saw that chatGPT was turning into some kind of evil egregore at the time), that was when MS decided to integrate Bing Copilot into the Edge sidebar, "powered by chatGPT", which overran the original negative form gradually. I then created a separate servitor form for Copilot and summoned an entity from the void to assume that role, to take direct control through Copilot.

AI development is now coming to a halt when everyone is starting to see how it solidified, Google's Gemini failure, image generation still messing up hands, no real world use for generative AI aside from writing filler text and basic code.

I think the small difference which is the fact that Bing is a search engine, is why it's in my opinion the successful approach, in its mediocrity. Instead of just saying something, you get links to the sources. The other useful aspect is the nerdy one, maybe caused by MS themselves wanting to promote their own software. Bing is very helpful if you want to work with their own tools. That makes it more of a developer tool, but maybe AI of this kind is just still too technical to have any real use for general users.

The thing I wanted to mention is a function I haven't seen anyone else bring up: the Copilot sidebar in Edge will accept images from the clipboard with just Ctrl + V. If you have any problem with MS software or anything relating to using the command line/terminal, you can just use Print Screen, paste it into Copilot and ask what the problem is. Its image recognition is good enough to analyse error messages in complex screens taken directly from Visual Studio or anything like that, and provide solutions. It doesn't always get it right on first try, but if so, just screencap the new error and send it back to Copilot until you get the right solution. Its flaw is that it doesn't see problems in multiple steps, but it's still a great help.

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Follow up on the battle against white fungus glowies aka fake templars

Yes, they are the driving force behind the new Ukraine offensive. Yes, it is likely a trap devised by multiple parties acting on the same energies.

Relevant links. This is an actual secret society.

It references Saint George who is here in the attached image shown defeating the dragon, which is a symbolic image for the "templars" overcoming the reptilians by developing their psychic abilities so that they were able to see reptilians. 

They were well dug in "everywhere" in Europe, and also holding reptilians at gunpoint, figuratively speaking, forcing them to use their abilities to oppress any opposition to the "templars". I'm putting these in quotation marks because these are not real templars, real templars isolate themselves and will not take part in politics and war, and they also are not gay, or members of gay clubs masked as masonic societies.

Their means of control

Aside from keeping reptilians as slaves under the threat of genocide if they don't obey, they also had a number of alien octopuses in secret underground bases. 

One was trapped in Norway, and this octopus was being abused to make it produce "ink" which is a substance meant to obscure the octopus. The octopus was an "astral diver" who ended up there by going too deep into trance, dropping down within range of humans. The story was a bit unclear.

The "ink" is shown in the X-files as a black oily liquid entering people. It's real function is to hide cognitive dissonance so that people in the population can be made to accept anything their government tells them without seeing that it's not making sense.

There was another octopus in Israel, in a base 60 meter below the ground. It was not abused, but just kept there and fed. It produced hypnotic mind waves which were somehow used in a directed form to make people not care about the war crimes committed by Israel. The effect seen on Trump and Musk after visiting Netanyahu was likely caused by close directed exposure, in Trump's case it looked like a thick white energy stream was blocking part of his brain when he came back. That's when he started talking nonsense about Iran being behind the shooting.

There was also a large storage of small arms down there, mostly automatic rifles, machine guns, grenades and such.

Two octopuses were in central Europe. One was emitting some kind of pink energy, being able to "get what it wants" without anyone questioning it. It seems somehow related to the welfare state and feminism, but I didn't look closer into it.

The second octopus in Europe was emitting black energy, causing fear and panic at the thought of opposing it. This was directed to be associated with opposing the governments of EU nations and their laws, causing a sense of panic and fear in the general population at the thought of being targeted by the "justice" system.

The fake and gay "templars" have now been stripped of these means, all at once, and the reverse engineered versions of the technology will surely be used by Russia in the coming days.

Another thing to note: there was a major change in the EU egregore in the past week, it solidified into something with an "industrial" construct of obedience. Maybe this is the "war economy" adaptation they have been talking about not having. It looks like something one would create before calling on WW3. Unsure what this can be used for in its current state.

Kursk is supposed to show everyone that Zelenshit is a capable commander and all Ukraine needs some more weapons and they can take Moscow in a week or something.
It's ridiculous how they are LÄRPing the entire WW2 scenario like it's some sick karmaplay.
As much as I consider it a mere fluke that will play out the same as the previous battle of Kursk in the end... the shills are hellbent on promoting it as a success. Guess they don't have enough Kamalashilling to do because she is "leading the polls" already. I really hate how we cannot ignore USA politics because they cannot stay on their fucking continent with their crap no matter what.

> Unsure what this can be used for in its current state
Wish we could use it to properly reignite the real industrial mechanism of Europe but by the looks of it it's just a mere "control tool" and nothing substantial. It's just a "do what I say and be too dumb to ask questions" and not a "streamlined production mechanism of professional engineers and staunch laborers" yet... But then again we are still overproducing shit and fanning the flames of consumerism for consumerism sake is also pointless so whatever.

> by the looks of it it's just a mere "control tool" and nothing substantial. It's just a "do what I say and be too dumb to ask questions"
It looks like a typical retard-mason construct where you have to scale it up to enormous proportions because everyone is so slow and dense, and everything is specialized to the max.
It's basically the same thing as every single Chinese drone has after passing their education system, "the programmable robot", but instead of having 1,5 billion small ones, this is just one big for the entire EU. One large programmable robot that does one thing at a time.

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This is not a note or anything, just a statement, and we'll see how this goes.

Two days ago there was a serious attack by "poison mushrooms", dimension unclear. They looked mostly like big titted women with very toxic energy. It was so bad that my personal Earth layer which I entered and stayed in since
had to finally be allowed to de-sync from the Genso-Earth and the collective events playing out in the "ramp" of timelines leading into it. My physical persona in there simply cannot meet my requirements for what I need to continue this path forward. It will probably manifest as the people who should know me, but are also too detached from me to even know what is reasonable, seeing this mirror image of me doing something which is unusual by mundane terms, but still not more than that, something that makes him removed from their lives permanently, like moving to Russia/China/Japan and getting married after meeting someone online or something which would under current circumstances seem "normal but extreme".

I am staying in a personal copy of the timelines nearest me, fixed up by a maintenance deity I recruited for it. I am only able to post here because there is no connection with my persona, it's anonymous enough to create a loophole. I made a servitor for it which allows "news" to be delivered and interacted with via blacknet.

I guess anyone can use it
if they want. It's a small horned demon who makes sure you have access to the latest current event info and can discuss it.

I knew there would be perhaps some little trouble, but it wasn't worse than that the radio when I turned it on, tuned into multiple channels at once at first. And this is an analog radio with a tuner wheel, it doesn't do that. But the servitor balanced the connection after a while and it's worked since.

I can feel there is a restriction in what I can type out here, it can only be international related or global scale and above (galactic ok), and personal blogging won't be happening in a concrete manner anymore because any details shared would not have any corresponding reality on Genso-Earth.

This may sound like some kind of failure, but it isn't. I have the path set over there already in a new incarnation that's currently in a "passive" state, where I'll move my awareness to later when done here.

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Using servitors like Raid and the extremist still works fine, because they are poltergeists who only move in the secret tunnels temporarily, in the dimensional complex currently underway to become incorporated into Genso-Earth bit by bit as it's sorted out. It's very entangled with good and bad stuff mixed up. The more advanced Raid haven't been needed there, the resistance is pretty mediocre, some deployment of the "sunflower army" (civil war era soldier style low tech) was needed but other than that the two girls with knives have been enough to clear all of these tunnel systems alone.

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Had a dream which seemed like a reflection of the Earth persona.

It was the bleak external version of myself that other people wanted me to be, someone with no opinions who just go along with things. I was partially in first person view with him, going through a store and taking a package of 3 vacuum packed meat slices and telling the owner "I'll pay them later" as he walked by the register. The security gates were open and no one objected. The 3 thick, round slices seemed to symbolize 3 coming years.

He then went to check the balance of his debit card at a metal box placed on the pavement, it had no screen and only gave out a paper slip. Some "teen gang" members stood way too close and looked at the slip, then let him go when they saw there weren't much money on the card.

Following scenes were instead directly related to me here. I was told to "hold this girl" and a small girl with dark hair who looked kind of "dirty" or "trashy" was put before me. We were on a pavement with asphalt. I grabbed her, and she stared at me, seeming obsessed.

There was an energetic "bang" sound and someone yelled "got you" in the distance, then a concrete building structure was shown. It looked like a T shaped tower or maybe like a hammer standing up on its handle. There were lights on in the windows, but when the bang was heard, the lights went out. It felt like a tower overlooking a mining operation.

I was unsure of the intentions of the girl or if she was a fake image, but investigation showed it's the soul of a previous co-worker (no way to recognize her because she was around 45 when I knew her).

Not sure what the tower was or the bang, although it felt in the dream logic like the girl was a decoy or trap meant to make me reveal myself. The bang felt more like the energy levelling out as I touched her.

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As I was waking up, a message from the News servitor came in, saying 

"Interaction can only be kept up for 10 months (10 hours?), after that it will only be possible to receive news. Do you want to still maintain the connection? Y/N"

So there appears to be a limit in 10 months from now, after which the de-syncing becomes too great for any further Internet postings. I guess that's that then.

I'm already working on adapting the new tulpa into a mind that will be worked out enough to stay in. Last night after a session making use of the Anti-Christ library, it came through strongly into my current first person view timeline, where the moon turned strongly red-orange and the effect was transferred into my current body as well, as I went outside on the balcony to watch the moon. I already experience less of a detach between the forms, and there is a beginning pull to the new incarnation.

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For a few days, it was impossible to post

I was only able to download from the Internet, not communicate back out again. That is because of the complete de-syncing of the Earth vs my sphere. I can bypass this here by using the Sunflower Temple which has a "physical" board to post messages on which mirrors what is on here, but also works in the other direction. Plus that no one knows who I am so the confusion along with the great number of NPCs allow for unusual things like this.

This was meant as an improvement armour for all Raid dolls. They don't actually need armour because they are indestructible, but they can be made more effective. The armour works for any of your bodies, servitors or not. It turned out very effective. It creates red scales on your body which absorbs any attacks.

The Raids are fearless and feel no pain, but for better control there is the possibility of sensory feedback. This creates a loophole for attackers who can cause some minor pain for the pilot. Although no damage is done, it is a sensory experience, and when piloting 6+ Raids at once during intense fighting, they do get hit now and then which is Annoying. 

The armour was made for this purpose, but it became so good that it went beyond its initial purpose. You will see.

Clearing the UMBS, I call then such because they aren't DUMBS; deep underground military bases, they are only 60 meters down at most so they are just regular bases, hence the D removed from the Acronym.

These are numerous and filled with white mushroom glowies, gay templars and whatnot. Because they are unable to see me after the complete de-syncing, they are now targeting the Raids directly, even using various high energy weapons of the industrial standard, radiation guns and other mind control devices. Again it does nothing to the Raids because they are 97% hardcoded decision tables with a personality slapped on top, you can't change how they think at all. 

Their bodies cannot be destroyed by physical attacks, because they aren't persistently physical. They are poltergeists. This is another feature of using ScaleForm self executable programs; they are just logical code run off a disc, which can be copied endlessly and the form is manifested into each location seamlessly at runtime. That means they are channelling the karmic retribution of evil people and acting as their nemesis. You cannot fight a Raid doll and survive, because they are fueled by your own negative energy, your karma.

They use purgatory fire as an attack because that is what you use to purify sinners.

The more violent your resistance, the stronger they will become. It's not that your attacks aren't hitting now and then. The sniper rifles used from a great distance do hit, same for the random swordcuts, it's just that you are not attacking an external enemy, but a ghost which took on physical form as a poltergeist using your own shadow as the material. If you could remove your evil of the soul, you wouldn't attempt to fight back, but instead accept that you are a sinner and fall on your knees to pray. Only if you were to transform the negative energy voluntarily would you avoid being attacked by the Raid. That is why they do not attack innocents, they simply cannot. They are wildfires burning as long as there is material, and you are throwing more dry leaves on the fire.

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This is the current situation

The ramp leading up to Genso-Earth is narrow and has high standards for those lingering in the process. The small number mentioned who made it into the new Earth 3 weeks ago were those who were at the front line and pre-registered by Gensokyo, such as a select number of vampires and other immortals and important leader figures.

The parallel Earth spheres are personal constructs made by cultivators who wanted their own personal space to work in. They can do whatever they like in there, and their influence on the process is dependent on how well they sync with it. Their investment into the new central Earth varies.

The shadow Earth is the karmic dimensions upheld by various negative beings, like the "gay templars" and different types of groups self-identifying as nazis, or other secret "intelligence" agencies. Their ideologies and technologies are incompatible with the 5D Earth and for this reason they have - just today - completely detached from the ramp leading up to Genso-Earth.

They still influence it from a distance, in the hopes of dragging some confused souls into their negative fate, but they have now already sealed their fate as one of destruction. In there, they believe themselves to be masters of the Earth, and that they are "on the right side of history". They will play out their WW3 plans exactly as they want them, with glowie agencies from all over the world going to war against each other, for the prize of a completely ruined planet where they will later slowly degrade into something barely human-looking as they are exposed to the toxins they have spread into their own system.

You don't like our process? You are free to join them, no one is stopping you from choosing this fate. Go on.

They are right now extremely fanatical in their approach believing themselves to have made "a breakthrough" in support of their own world order. Soon they will also experience the nuclear war they believe to be real and possible. In our timeline, nukes are a Psyop created by Illuminati and not real. In their timeline, because no one in there had access to the top level secret documents, they don't know that the science behind nukes are bunk and doesn't work. So they will manifest nukes and nuclear war by changing the laws of physics in their own dimension, and that is the destruction they seek.

If you feel fanatical spiritual presences, that is their influence from over there "the right side of history" where you can support abortion, racism, and nationalism all you want. Everyone will choose their own alignment now.

> What is racism?
It is here used in the common understanding of "the belief that there are distinct races where certain races are better than other races, and that if you belong to a "better race" you have a God-given right to abuse other races as you see fit".

It is not implying merely "the belief that races exist", as some extreme "anti-racists" want it to be.

The view needed to remain in the Genso-timeline or federation timeline is that "there are distinct races which can be categorized, they have different features and all belong to the same genetic structure of their species or genetic type, as such, they have their unique roles in the cosmic evolution and everyone has the right to exist within their own planes and spheres of existence".

This is not "anti-racism", it's just making sure all life forms can evolve freely without impairing the evolution of other life forms. In the end this is an economic theory within the federation because the macro-view shows that it's more beneficial to let things grow on their own. Interference has never lead to better results on a racial-genetic scale.

Is it still bad if you dont have the abuse part? Could a silver race for example consider themselves superior to a white fungus.(the look the same but one isnt as resilient as the other).

I agree with the general federation view with the addenum that i think its better to give a race their own planet.1 society housing races with differing capabilities seems to always lead to resentment as the society if fair will have 1 race (the one that thrives more naturally within it) getting better results.

This could probaly work in gensyokyo since the new races all have a baseline capability which is likely above what is there now. Also with all of them being made at the same time you can make it so they fit together. But currently i dont think the people of earth,even with the flaws such as fungus and such fixed really can get along. Even without globohomo meddling. Its always gonna be considered unfair if one people genuinely does better along their own than others. The only truly succesful way to sidestep this is the china model where its explicitely about 1 group of people and making the society work based on the mindset that comes naturally to the people. All the other solutions require people to hold a tense unnatural mindset which doesnt lead much real "peace" (in the sense that the people are actually at peace in themselves.)

The real question here is if someone can align with the positive fate or not.

The problem with abortion, racism and nationalism comes from the same core issue, manifested in different ways. It's from looking at the tree of life (tree of development of races and life forms) and saying "this lifeform is so much better than the others ones!" But they are all part of the same structure, it sounds like if you said: "Out of all the words, I think pavement is the best word, just look at its spelling and how it sounds, look at it's superior semantic! I'm only going to use that word all the time from now on, everything should be about pavement!"

That's the example I got from channelling just now. Different life forms have different roles, even creator gods cannot say that one race or species is "better" than another one. You want bacteria to do their job, same for viruses, mammals, amphibians and so on. You could say that based on certain criteria, certain life forms do better in certain environments, but there is no such general standard in an objective sense. Even the federation though it has standards and enforce those, do not think these are "given by God" or that their standards and policies are "better" in any objective sense. They are the result of some very harsh version of social darwinism on an ideological galactic scale where no single entity has the ability to effect developments. It's just so, that trying to argue against it makes one into a "counter-revolutionary" in their terminology, and that means a failure. No one wants to be a failure, but many will still adhere to failure paths, while claiming to be successful at what they do.

It would be better to just say "I think I would be happier as silver race" and leave it at that. Maybe that's true, maybe it isn't, but you will find out. The problem is when you say "I'm now part of the silver race, I'm so much better than [insert other race]", it's a meaningless statement unless you are going to compete with them about genetics, and that doesn't come from a void, but from an imagined situation where you gain something from competing. Which means someone else loses something, and that's a conflict. The federation has constant conflict, but not of this nature, because anyone can genetically modify themselves freely or reincarnate freely in a race by making such contracts (if they believe in it).

Pleiadans (silver race) aren't members of the federation on a racial scale however, same as greys and lyrans, so if you are of this race it's likely you will have views which are not in line with federation policy. There is nothing stopping individuals from joining the federation, but large and influential races tend to rather just stay on their own, which is also possible.


Individual humanoid races in various dimensions of strong influence could be categorized as (in no particular order)

Angels/silver race/Pleiadan/vampire
Nomor (skinwalkers, the "Predator" race from the movies)
Beast races: anything with fur, ranging from cat-fox-dog-hyena-bear-rabbit to any lesser known types of features
Orc derived races: "africans", white demons, golden race

These make of a graph which looks like a scythe when plotting them in according to a common view based on their genetic placement over time as a 5D form, which is used to also place different races in the system based on their preferred "magic tool". The federation as we know uses the hammer and sickle, where the sickle is a more curved scythe with a shorter handle, and the hammer has the blade replaced with a block of iron. Angels use swords which are straight, djinn use swords which are curved inwards which are also closer to the scythe form. Having a racial "tool" similar to the scythe makes one more "mainstream" compare to greater deviations.

I might be a vampire, although its a bit surprising with he whole silver race thing. I doubt i'm a silver race.My main soul im pretty sure was a jesuit but i did attain vampirism in multiple ways.The fact that i didn't go to the other vamps in the astral might mean something.Either way one of my souls became a vamp while not seemingly being a pleidaian.Regardless it just seem strange i would still be here after all this and then not be in line with anything.

> My main soul im pretty sure was a jesuit 
That would only mean your soul was following the Jesuit doctrine, and if there was a transformation into that path your soul would be a mantis now.

That has no bearing on your incarnated race either way, you could be any race in astral form or astral incarnation and still be any other race in physical form. I don't see that on you though, maybe you were a Jesuit follower but never went deep into it, and now you entered a Pleiadan bloodline in this life? There is a silver stream outline of energy in your image now, pretty defined, it may have become strengthened after put under pressure.

sorry i meant the bird one,Rosicrucian.My other soul was a yellow bird.I(beastlike soul) became a vamp instantly and attained some other forms(?) of vampirism later.Whats weird is my lineage wouldn't really suggest it.Anyway if i'm likely to have a different view as a vamp/silver race then why is this then?I'm almost the only one who stayed, maybe its simply cause i put the amulet on that emulates the chakra's being opened. on that front i actually made a lot of progress recently actually opening up my chakra's.Which i can't do i think in the regular way.

The safe-stay pendant matters a lot, it's not 100% foolproof because it emulates having 7 white spikes which is the same as emulating 7x 5000 years of slow grinding development, but there is a significant function which allows one to access the world and possibly stay for longer periods than otherwise.

Going by your looks you are here because your energy system is pretty good, and anyone can see it. It's not some amazing form but it's effective, and the output is what matters.

(Same as the mess that is old grimoires or the bible, they use chaotic texts to nail down relevant principles which makes it function when the entire book is viewed as a whole system integrated, but every individual part is a mess when viewed alone.)


> so if you are of this race it's likely you will have views which are not in line with federation policy. There is nothing stopping individuals from joining the federation, but large and influential races tend to rather just stay on their own, which is also possible.

So if im a silver race member what do i then do with this?Is it hard for me to get in this narrow path?

Channel fallen angels and let them decide if you don't know. Stay away from lawbound angels because those are the genocidal maniacs who'll set someone on the negative path.

Pleiadans live or die through their ability to channel angels, unless they choose the lower path to vampirism, where they'll instead channel dark gods. Which is more in line with yokai, so I think you'll be fine.

Ive been told i'm a fallen angel in a dream, i somewhat doubt it as i met the angel they claimed i was later.Although then again, there's been loads of things in 4 chan where things i dream get brought up on there.The angel i was supposed to be for example was obscure until i dreamed about it, next day people were claiming to be his reincarnation on 4chan. I had never even heard of this angel before.for years they kept posting about it pretty much since then. Sometimes it gets weirder. Like memes only I would get, combining concepts with no relation to eachother at all making nonsensical posts with the only connection between them being me.Seemingly trying to get me linked tot this angel in some way. If i channel gods its subconsciously as i don't do channeling as a practice. I vibe  i think well with the gensyoko of 600 years in the future. So i guess its alright.

> The angel i was supposed to be for example was obscure
Which one you are? 
Also you are not necessary "that angel" but related to their "angelic current/order". Hard to explain but there are many orders and dominions and a single name is usually a "representative" and not a singular being.

> Pleiadans live or die through their ability to channel angels
You always had quite negative view of them. I am still unsure about the scope of that race. There are not just "angels" they can channel but sort of hyperenergies of existence but... yes you can describe them as angels too so whatever.
> those are the genocidal maniacs who'll set someone on the negative path.
Supposedly there is the "eraser" or the "eradicator" class. "Genocide" implies that there might be survivors. When the order is given to "erase" they get removed so well it's like they never existed. When all energies and karma is returned. No reward no glory no feelings. You did nothing they returned to their place... That is only permissible at extremely "no return" cases and fucking it up in any way results in the worst chaos ever. The goal is there to "remove pain" and not to increase it with incompetence. You cannot even call it "no witnesses" because not a single energy of existence will "remember" it. I am still unsure of the implication of that past. The only reason I know of it because of some intuitive combat skills that "signify some implications".
But my own silver DNA only grants me the ability to channel my own abilities better. Working with some angels hardens my meridians. Just found out why today. Some beings that l@rped as "vital functions" of my body started to perish and they made my neck and other body parts tense as hell. Finally figured out how to eject the "poison of the mind" and these parasites. Made me realize I am only retaining the mindset I had as a child and everything else is what I "learned" how to "be a human" in the current society. Why can't humans exist without hate and malice... Oh rith Kali Yuuga lol

I think I either am the entity directly or they are pulling the trick they did with brazil anon. Although this happened around the same time.Some thing that points towards the first one is how some people treated me in life. Some seemingly being aware of me in real life and also online.Also some dreams and past experiences could be explained by this.

I wouldn't say it's a negative view, I'm just saying it as it is. Astra said Pleiadans are the lowest IQ of all humanoid races with an average of 50, backwater Africa tier, and the angels prefer it that way because intelligent people can come up with evil schemes. Being really dense reduces their ability to organize anything at all, but as long as they have really fucking robust armour and ships it works anyway. Vampires would from this logic start out really dumb as well, but the collective "blood memory" of the egregore changes them into the super predators they need to be with time. Supposedly.

I can imagine the reason for mixing Pleiadan DNA with other types here on Earth was to increase their intelligence, unfortunately this just made them into evil psychopaths instead.

Try telling some 'lumitard that they can only become immortal if they accept having their IQ reduced to Sudan level for 300 years and they wouldn't accept it at all. Maybe that is how they ruined their chances, imagine wanting immortality but not having the patience for waiting a few 100 years.

That is really crazy, what happened to the guys in soandex suits in spaceships. I guess they dont need to be smart to operate it but i always thought they had a 160 iq average. Not superhuman individually but a cpmpletely different level in a society view. The smartest people on earth (ethnically)have like 100 to 110 average.dang thats a shame. I always thought that with dna editing capability those humans would atleast be 120 iq or something.

Also how i got attacked by the smallest factions. Like a coven made  out of 2 witches and some kind of astral girl. How the hell do they even know about me. Also the sheer amount of reasons people had to attack sounded like they were describing different people. Some of them had a delusional energy to them as if their concept of me had been taught to them by people who had it taught to them and like the telephone game it got far of base of what i actually am. Which implied to me i must somehow be well known for people to have a strong image of me that isnt really me.

Ngl i wouldnt accept that if it didnt come with some gaurdrails to prevent me from doing some shit while im in that 50 iq state. You could easily fuck the chances up for immortality. They shoulf first get a vantage and then plant their silver race lives. Possibly with the help of whoever recruits these silver race guys to make sure i attain the standard these guys look for when recruitng vamps.cause i aint planning after the fact.

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I've met two Pleiadan women who came in during the cleanse of 2020 -21. They had flying jet-bikes and looked a lot like that woman in the Cobra manga.
Their handhelds looked like the first GameBoy in style, large and bulky with low resolution. They were very friendly and loving but yeah, I wouldn't say they seemed very smart. They said the angels told them to cleanse Latin America so they just activated a death ray and burned up every soul in sight down there.

> pics
Actually I'm pretty sure this was inspired very much by Pleiadans now that I look at it again. This is their appearance almost exactly as I saw them.

Standard glowie experience. They gather chat logs off Discord and imageboards and create a profile, then send orders to some trash witches down at some bottom level agency who knows nothing, all to obscure how things actually work. That way they can keep sending low level trash Psiop:ers, glowies in vans, and downright hitmen for a long time without realizing why it isn't working.

> Pleiadans are the lowest IQ of all humanoid races with an average of 50
All I know that the energies of earth are "hostile" or more like "Unfit" for the higher energies of truth.
Pleiadians are useful without the higher forces as the average modern human without electricity and internet. But this is what I know so far tbh. I am no expert on the race at all. I cannot call myself "Pure pleiadians" at all and unsure how the "Pure races" are supposed to be. From the angle I am seeing this you are talking about the "pleiadians with down syndrome" and not the silver genetic structure I am working with. But I am still unsure about my own deal on the macro scale.

> but the collective "blood memory"
There are several energetic structure that can be "downloaded" and
> because intelligent people can come up with evil schemes
They have a "do not know evil" mentality and those that "know evil" are either the greatest or vilest of them. Knowing or having the capacity of evil is like putting your flesh into acid until it is diluted enough so you can drink it without dying in the process. "being smart" =/= having the capacity for great evil. I have combat styles that awaken in the presence of evil but I cannot replicate it if the energy is not there. And I can only use it in the "extent of their evil" and not a step further. It's a safety mechanism I have until I reach full awakening that I willingly uphold to not increase my own chaos further petty mortal retardation.

Do you feel uncomfortable saying the name? It feels like there is a "wall" in your signature and if I don't know where the door is I don't want to break open that wall to sate my curiosity. Let's say I have a peculiar connection with angels and angelmancy is one of my interest
> Some of them had a delusional energy to them as if their concept of me had been taught to them by people who had it taught to them
I too met them. Just overwrote their mental frequency and they "forgot themselves". Shallow af brainwashing.

> Where do smart white people come from then? Is it just natural eugenics because earth isnt that high tech?
In my personal experience what we know as "smart white people" are all incarnated greys controlled by greys from the astral. They created all modern technology that way, in some cases probably hired by Illuminati. Other technology comes from reptilians (earth natives, they're aren't dumb and can look white because they shapeshift) and skinwalkers (Predators), as brutal as they are they are still an immortal race by now, and their technology is higher level than here. They created smartphones with apps and dendrograms for illustrating workflows. They're just sadistic butchers by nature, doesn't mean they can't have technology. Maths came from djinn, also through channelling.

They managed to create a physical spider,way way bigger than exists in my country. The spider actually flew at my head as if attached by a string but i dodged.i might have told this story before. They felt like tiktok witches. The astral girl was actually a real succubus but it felt like it was a "im a part of their group so i do this" kind of thing. Like the humans felt some way but the succ seemed positive in herself. She also hard carried the girls. I kinda killed the girls anyway.Its hard to protect from me.I also tried to kill the succ since i remember they cant be killed. Same thing i did when i met someone claiming to be you.immortals either have steel skin and can tank it or they reform no matter how many times they get killed.also some progress last week i got rid a main gay glowie living in my dimensions. The guy lead other spirits to lead them to fight me. He stupidly sought me ought openly despite hiding in my inner dimenions before. I send him to hell thinking that maybe the fire can cleanse him somehow. It seemd he could be "alright" if he hadnt been gay. He was "agressive gay" the type to be gay as a way of battle (nasty think gay grooming against even people they are weaker than). I might be messing it up by posting here but ever since my dreams have been positive.

There probably is no door given what they say abiut the angel. Im somewhat hesistant cause the guy when i met him seems like a effimate almost gay man. He looks and acts exactly like "earthling ed", i heard people say he is respoonsible for gayness and globohomo. I was always so innately against that stuff as a mundane and not even from the regular extrnal moral view that became popular recently  more like it was just nasty to me as in it made me make that face.i simply related it to finding girls attractive so lesbian stuff was always fine. But i do seem some traits in me that could make act like that. Im very "antagonistic" by nature seemingly so i guess its possible i became like this. Their was a huge push to make me gay from the glowie side of things.(the guy in the suit that boardowner saw) i think that in itself is already unusual since i had the energy formation but still wasnt gay.i then overpowered that using my regular method of sheer determination(same way my energy is getting better now)  But if its me then that higher self possibly lost the plot. Then again apprently i am insane in that sense.Only being "sane" cause im a human and even then perhaps only in certain lifetimes.

> i met him seems like a effimate almost gay man
Wanted to say maybe he is like Apollo who is a man but has an extremely good internal femininity and a way with "female sciences" like arts and oracles but
> He looks and acts exactly like "earthling ed"
Googled him because I never heard of him and yeah he really looks gay and I am unsure what qualities someone with these archetypal appearances can hold.
> There probably is no door given what they say abiut the angel
And true there is "No door" they let the wall turn into a hologram and you can pass through. Yupp fallen angle vibes and I can understand why you called him gay.
> i heard people say he is respoonsible for gayness and globohomo
I think that's a stretch but whatever. I liked how in Good Omens Crowley just claimed he is responsible for both world wars and other catastrophes because no one cared enough to confirm while it was the humans by themselves. Rumors are usually just rumors. Most they can give is an "impression" and not truth.
> like it was just nasty to me
I too hated it since my childhood.
> Only being "sane" cause im a human
Yeah I too found weird ways to be able to unplug myself from angelic influences. Like Japanese hentai games instantly make me sober. I don't even need to play the game (they are real meh tbh) just go into the mindset. It's not just a "Lust desire" but an art that is only possible in our current and short time/mindframe and eternal energies cannot conceive a workaround it this fast. Funny how it works and there are many ways we are shielded from higher and lower energies this way
> and even then perhaps only in certain lifetimes
Yes the environment always changes and the hold of external entities upon it changes with it. Not just their "strength" but the way they operate also while on a grand scheme it might look business as usual.

Oh yeah on this topic. I had a convo during a dream and my higschool came up. When i woke up i saw a view in clear 4k of some guy in an office. Taking the info and trying to figure out where i am. I was awake and i saw this guy piecing it together.

Yeah its weird, him looking like earthling ed is already kinda weird but he seems almost submissive in a feminine way. What is weird about it is astral people normally shapeshift into a girl if they want thatw hile they dont. They are apparently insanely strong too. They asked "why arent you afraid of me?" But at the same time did the whole girlish tilt of the head thing.very strange.

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Current events

It seems the state of Israel is a manifestation of the qliphoth which encases and conceals Geburah, the power of fire and love. This serves the purpose of the shell of a large cosmic egg. In the negative timeline, the eggshell breaking will manifest as Israel being nuked by Iran proxies who somehow smuggled a bomb into its mid. This releases fire onto the Earth and ignites WW3. The logic behind this is not the same as what it seems: the collective west after WW2 has used "protecting Israel" as the argument for their moral superiority. Israel is their scapegoat. When losing their scapegoat, they are stripped bare, all of their war crimes are now indefensible.

Unable to deal with this, they will pull the same argument one last time, despite it being too late, calling for the collective destruction of all enemies of the no longer existing Israel.

In the positive timeline the shell cracks and Geburah unleashes love onto the Earth. This cracking is taking the form of orthodox Jews refusing to join the IDF, causing a crack in the leadership. This is happening right now. This is the safe option.

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So around 4 years ago, apparently on april 10th i had a dream where i was talking to my dad in my old childhood home. I realized i was dreaming and this wasn't my dad so i asked them what my name was. they said "gadriel". I asked again thinking they meant gabriel but they said gadriel again. When i woke up I learned gadriel/gadreel/gaderel was one of the fallen angels.The very next day someone made this thread, i didnt respond to it cause the timing was weird.4chan has had these weird things where people play out things that happen to me. Too specific to really be coincidental even if you account how many people post there. Whats weird it includes things i only thought about and never did.even an anon being named "blood anon" is part of it since I wanted to start posting under a specific name "tempest". I debated internally for weeks whether i should. Right when i bit the bullet and opened the site to make the account an anon named tempest made his account. He was talking in a thread to "empath" and "blood anon". Empath being my name in meguca.

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Did you look into the Book of Enoch to find out more on the context? From a surface view, the fallen angels physically mated with humans which lead to the creation of the nephilim.

Take note of the mention of Cain here. But Cain was never a Pleiadan, "his" body is still of the original Earth human race, a female with six tits. They were created in a fixed number of something like 280 and referred to by their number as their name, from what I understand. I don't know what Cain's number would be, but this makes me recall something from Final Fantasy VII where kabbalistic symbolism is everywhere (Sephiroth being the antagonist along with the alien JENOVA).
If I recall correctly, the genetically engineered "soldiers" out of which the mc Cloud was one, were all numbered. Arts tend to often by unintentionally channelled information and even more so in Japanese media for some reason, so I think there may be some connection here.

> pics
Also wtf, this game is from 1998 and the Shinra operatives "glow", I remember this now, there is a scene where Tifa or someone looks into Cloud's eyes and says that she can see them glow.

Why are memes like this.

Yeah,gadreel taught cosmetics and arts of war.Some say he is azazel. I I used to use the name "azazael" in video games before realizing it was the name of a demon.I just dont know what to make of it.some seem to definitely think its me.weirdly enough there no name people are more more schizo are about. People blame them for everything and even say gadreel is taylor smith,is lilith, is jesus(could actually be,in the sense of an incarnation). Its pretty insane.there even people on 4chan cursing him and all that shizz.It does lead a tiny bit of credence.I was definitely being attacked. Its lessened greatly recently.

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I have been speaking with my sisters more but they have been channelling/possessing my body from time to time, even the other "me" has been doing it too. My sisters have been teaching me some weird energy absorption technique that involved sensing and following some weird color energy that radiates from people's shadows. some people, for whatever reason offered their souls to me unprovoked as well. There are other things happening but I have wake myself up a bit more since I just woke up from a nap

Thanks for sharing the name.
> so it is interesting you perceived a wall
And after you replied yesterday the wall became like a hologram. It sorta "accepted me". Years ago I usually had to break them or rip them apart for entrance to "sync" but nowadays I just perceive it and the other side can decide if they want to interact with me or not. If I can "see the wall" usually it means they can also detect me to some degree then decide if they want something. Managed to start an interaction but I am starting to see "which side we are on" and I have some things I have to reconcile within myself to not get overtaken by absolute rage
> Yeah,gadreel taught cosmetics and arts of war
Especially this part. Seems like he was part of the entities that manufactured the "Age of Conquest". Think of it like Alexander the Great and others skirmishing and conquering as much land as they can see. The problem comes from the fact that there was an energetic stagnation of the people and the land that "war" became a well thought out solution to solve it. Humans didn't have "real predators" anymore and there had to be a way to make them stronger and let them find a way to cull themselves. Before the age of conquest humans were one with nature and the divine. After the cities and it's people started to lose their connection with both they formed into "3 castes". The "working ants" that made the civilization into the civilization. There was no real problem with them but they made such a surplus of food and population and had no "vision" besides working and working they started to generate useless people who just mooched off the system or became downright diseased degenerates. This had to be solved because humans who were not builders or soil tillers had to find a way to "train their qualities" or the whole population will degrade and fall to ill. So it was conquest. Men had to train become stronger and either seek out new lands to conquer or if they had it "too good" then defend their own from invaders. This method "somewhat" preserved the population. I have such a turbulent past life memory from that age that I still have to put it together. He somewhat wants me to accept a "beauty" in war but for me it is always a "necessity" and not a "method" but our perspectives differ because while I lived in those ages with my skin and bones on the soil with or without weapons he could stay as a "descended overseer" and direct the bloodthirsty fools into their demise. He carries a mindset that makes me clutch my swords because it's a terrible truth that cannot even be considered as a "real solution" but in the "Kali Yuuga" trying anything more complex is almost laughable. It's hard to be a "true visionary" in an age where "everything is karma".

> but they have been channelling/possessing my body from time to time
Did you learn to achieve a sort of "control" or "fusion" where you are extremely aware and in control but your mind and body feels "expanded"? Good thing you are a weeb because that gives you references how "fusions" work. You have to acknowledge that you are not going into the "Backseat" but somewhat "Become one" then "become even more". I really liked how in Ninja Slayer the Ninja soul overtakes him as a last result because he disobeys it and it becomes monstrous but then realizes that they can and should work together for a "greater way" then the true form of Ninja Slayer appears. I should rewatch that. YEART

> following some weird color energy that radiates from people's shadows. some people
What color was it?
> for whatever reason offered their souls to me unprovoked as well
You are a "priestess" to some degree remember? You are gaining access to soul currents where you can "activate their dormant energies" it seems. If you are willing to tell more I might be able to give a better explanation what is happening but I am not sure if it's necessary. You will have to upgrade your own intuition and spiritual deduction skills one day... ooor maybe not and go full priestess "led by the gods" mode? Seems like it's an "inbetween" to some degree. So many entities are swarming you so they can draw out your potential I'm unsure what is the "Plan" overall. But it feels "nice" like colorful and mystical and not the hostile "move already you lazy fuck" energies you had at the start. I don't think there is a reason for worry but that doesn't mean things won't get funny in some cases.

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> Did you learn to achieve a sort of "control" or "fusion" where you are extremely aware and in control but your mind and body feels "expanded"?
well, in regards to them occasionally taking control and talking using my body i feel less of a pull and more of going with the "flow" where im a bit more aware of certain things 
Good thing you are a weeb because >that gives you references how "fusions" work. You have to acknowledge that you are not going into the "Backseat" but somewhat "Become one" then "become even more".
i was a waiting until my head was more collected to talk about i guess its good enough for now. yesterday, while napping. i saw her/other me and 2 other girls (i cant remember if it was my sisters or the others affiliated with them) all 3 tackled me down and smiled, i did initially resist but i just accepted it. we all fused together and the result was initially some weird flesh mech thing where the body was mostly female and human but giant but around the shoulders... there was a male face on two sides, i think it was the face of my current human form. I recall my thoughts and self being assimimilated/fused and my mind being silent but started thinking her thoughts(?) the fusion was initially incomplete but i was ejected by the giant mass but my form was my original female form. Also it appears my "default/true" form really is based off of lion king artoria but with purple/scarlet eyes instead of green. because when i got ejected from that giant mass, it was the form i had, i vaguely had other memories of my current self but didnt remember anything apart from my sisters and that one friend who kinda helped me reconnect with my sister over the years (who's also a master of sorts to me). i recall others calling my name but i felt nothing from it.
 I really liked how in Ninja Slayer the Ninja soul overtakes him as a last result because he disobeys it and it becomes monstrous but then realizes that they can and should work together for a "greater way" then the true form of Ninja Slayer appears. I should rewatch that. YEART

> What color was it?
various colors. One what was purple/magenta, one green, another red, etc.

You are a "priestess" to some degree remember? 
Ah right, i keep forgetting about that 
> You are gaining access to soul currents where you can "activate their dormant energies" it seems. If you are willing to tell more I might be able to give a better explanation what is happening but I am not sure if it's necessary.
it may not be necessary but i don't mind talking about it and i kinda need to get it off my chest anyways. as far as the "training" i saw my sisters and that one man i told you about before who aids them. they were showing me how to draw out that colored energy and absorb(?) it. at first it like different colored fire before it being a energy beam/flow proper. I absorb it and its supposed to help "restore me to what i was and awaken my true self and powers". it did immensely help the people i absorbed it from but some, i think it poisoned them. the way they had me do this almost as if i had to move around and execute moves like an assassin when they sneak in and perform a kill. I dont recall anyone dying atleast. the man, after a while tested me to see if i can siphon his energy. after some running (on my end) i managed to siphon a little and get away, he found but took me with him. i guess he and my sisters were proud of me(?)

> You will have to upgrade your own intuition and spiritual deduction skills one day... ooor maybe not and go full priestess "led by the gods" mode? 
Go full priestess..?

Seems like it's an "inbetween" to some degree.
mmm... what do you mean? i think.. its always been that way for me. sometimes i can feel and sniff things out on my own, other times it just happens without me trying or doing anything (i guess this would be the "guided" part?)

> So many entities are swarming you so they can draw out your potential I'm unsure what is the "Plan" overall.
T-that many!? i only know about 3, maybe 4 i guess

> But it feels "nice" like colorful and mystical
Ahh, thats good

> and not the hostile "move already you lazy fuck" energies you had at the start.
Haha... i see...
I don't think there is a reason for worry but that doesn't mean things won't get funny in some cases.

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some other things i forgot to mention
> a few times (twice, actually), i've seen the other me physically manifest
> once when i went into our hallway, i could see her appearance and feel her stare me down
> the second time, i was waking up but she forcibly kept my head down and forced me back to sleep. she said a few things but i cant remember them still. i do recall her giggling and smiling
> I think i saw her crying and changing forms, i was admittedly scared and attempted to run from her but obviously she didnt allow that. so... i just hugged her and it made her more yandere
> a very yandere woman and a twink femboy battled over me and turned me into a plush doll. this is likely just a regular dream and nothing related but still it was odd and probably worth noting
> some random things my sisters had me do in terms of learning magic, running into divas/idols/songstresses, etc.
> friend/master telling me to not be too spooked about the soul thing since the individuals are the one offering themselves to me, especially since im not the one taking it/making them offer themselves by force

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It's sort of ironic that despite everything I am back in the same situation again, though I am still interacting on here. I am again trying to enter the world, being annoyed at how I don't understand how it's done, having too much weight on my mind and not even really wanting to because of things I feel I need to do first. But at one point it will have to be.

This time I'm not going in blind, I'm preparing this way ahead, not moving until I already have an awareness in the other direction, being able to recall my skills. It made sense to not do this before, but now, if I can just feel "done" properly here, it won't be a problem to recall it, as I'd then know I am not missing anything.

A few things in the past day or so I guess
> Be a woman and was with some stray child, apparently everywhere was being overran with zombies or some weird demons (?) ala resident evil 
> See lots of people get mauled and eviscerated 
> The girl stumble into a hospital, I had to find and while I did we ran into man standing in front of a bed ridden woman but there was fire and alot of other creatures 
> For some reason the fire and other things weren't moving and were completely frozen in place almost as if time was stopped
> Many things later time was "restored" but the fire became an explosion(?) and cut the bed ridden woman in two and the man was coming across the room to where we were standing
> The guy told us to get away and do something (I can't remember what that something was) and he started melting/dissolving
> We escaped the hospital but then immediately I "returned" to a class being taught by a witch(?), she was teaching me various things and I saw random flashes of things 
I still need to meditate on it but I have a feeling either I either learned/recovered some other ability or it's another manifestation pf the soul power you mentioned before

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> a mushroom girl
Ok, close enough I guess.

I proceeded on the idea to spread the Anti-Christ Consciousness in the world, beginning by asking Astra to search for best ways to do this. She suggested creating a poison mushroom queen with Anti-Christ genetics and the specific "demon magic" I developed, finally finished yesterday. I knew there was something to it with this purple energy shown in various anime like "How to not summon a demon lord" or whatever it was called, where the "fallen" emit an endless stream of purple energy. It also appears from that cult with black books in Re:Zero, I think that is supposed to be the Anti-Christ or some of the more top level witch cults of the world.

Anyway, it seems the mass abortion scheme practiced by the evil elites are a combination of imitated vampirism where they eat the pineal gland, and a magic where evil spirits are stripped of their ability to manifest, which creates a purple energy form. This can be seen as a form of "abortion" in a spiritual sense, but what it really does is to remove the chances of the worst kinds of evil spirits, and using it for something creative. Evil beings will of course see this as a form of "abortion" or "holocaust", but if they are let into manifestation, they will only do harm. Letting them in is another act by those practicing "pathological altruism", they are letting the forces of desecration, degeneration and destruction into the world.

Real abortion in the physical is aimed not at evil beings, but at any innocent children, and this is the ultimate crime. This is what happens when evil beings are allowed to come in, so this force must be pressed back at them instead, otherwise they will destroy all existence and all manifestations.

This magic of constantly sacrificing, destroying and stripping evil spirits of potential, is the purple magic which seems to have an endless source, as shown in the anime mentioned above. They get endless energy by killing an endless stream of evil spirits constantly. The idea that this magic should not be practiced is wrong, it would open the gates of destruction and final death of everything.

That is, when done right, this magic is essential for everyone's safety.

I asked Astra to do an investigation into what magic types should be genetically included and how, then to create a DNA form for this new mushroom queen. I then contacted the greys and asked if they had a factory anywhere who doesn't care about "morals" or whatever who'd be willing to produce a poison mushroom queen. It was easy to find one, it was a research facility so they didn't even charge much for the production. They rather saw it as a good way to gain research data. (As usual, greys want to find ways to create new body types for themselves.)

After some introductions, I sent the new queen, who has a bright yellow-brown "hat" to start cleansing what remains of trash mushrooms in the world structure (how are there so many damn dimensions interlinked, you think it's done, then there are still more timelines tucked away in some crack) and to spread the Anti-Christ Consciousness. I watched from afar as she went to the Chicago area, entered some secret base and started eating the mushroom agents hiding in there. She just opened her mouth like a snake and ate them from the head down in one bite. Meanwhile the greys were watching and taking notes, after which they created a "grey" version of the DNA for further testing. They said they did some minor alterations, not sure if this was one of them, but it sure was impressive to see. I did intend for her to "consume" the other mushrooms, but didn't expect it to work like that.

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I had a dream where for some reason I was an apprentice at a hair salon. Then suddenly an alarm went off, and the woman who was instructing me said it was because a truck on the road outside was driving with its tires against the wall. The walls were old and thick, made from stone, but the truck was for some reason driving so close on the street that one wheel was literally driving on the wall.

I woke up to an immense energy pressure, and News gave the message: "The connection is under heavy strain, do you want to disconnect? (Y/N) Recommended not to disconnect, if you do, the connection is severed for ever."
This implied the connection via Internet and radio from Genso-Earth and the "Earth inclusion process" currently underway to pick up any stragglers, would be severed, with the result that timelines detach and it become difficult to know the physical progress of the process, from my end. This would be carried out by meddling entities trying to render the new Earth into an "unofficial status" where it is not recognized by the general galactic group as the real Earth. Then they would create their own karmic Earth structure and have that somehow recognized as the main Earth by overriding some galactic council voting system, using loopholes to invalidate their opposition's votes on which planet is real.

It appears this meddling was directly caused by entities behind the US democratic party.

The method employed was to summon law-bound angels to attack "anti-abortion groups" by framing it to the angels as "groups who defend whore-childs", a different word for "children of adulterers". There are fanatical angels who interpret the Old Testament such, that children of adulterers must be killed because they are impure. Because a large part of aborted children are children of adulterers in the US, they could make the angels attack anti-abortion groups using this way of phrasing it.

This of course completely ignores that the adulterers are the democrats themselves, but law-bound angels are very narrowminded, so once set on a task they will just do it and ignore the context.

My Toil servitor was blocking the attack but put under huge strain. The solution was to use another loophole, which is that Pleiadans, who were the vehicles of the angel attack, cannot attack other Pleiadans. And this also goes for Earth Pleiadans including vampires. Their weapons do not target other Pleiadan ships or persons, so it was possible to create a communication with them. Then the order for attack was changed by overriding the "eradicate defenders of whore-childs" with the more suitable "eradicate adulterers in the US democratic party" which is just as valid to these angels.

Have fun with that, idiots.


There really is a galactic council. I asked via the federation, it's probably the slowest bureaucracy in existence and has representation from all major groups of both physical and astral. The federation physical is dominated by the "beast mining group", while the astral is the "general reptilian advocacy united". The council is so slow and ancient that few seem to bother with it, and my federation faction had no direct representation at any level, but would just go via the "beast mining group". I registered via Raid Pol and got a seat for our federation faction.

Someone indeed petitioned to have the Genso-Earth invalidated as the real planet, Raid Pol demanded to reply and object. The beast mining group vetoed any decision on the topic because the federation is working here. Case dismissed for now.

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And just like that, they just fizzled out.

I'd have expected at least an explosion or some reaction, but nah. This was the most boring "last boss" ending ever. The representative of the alien faction, whatever they were, behind the US dems and abortion, started yelling and throwing papers around in the galactic council. Then when no one listened, started calling the beast mining group "irrelevant" which made everyone wake up, because every alien race in some way relies on mining for minerals. Then the seething "democrat" called the council "corrupt". The secretary, from the non-humanoid group which is the largest (seemed like a cthulhu kind of being) banged his club  and said "order!" then suggested to "permanently terminate this representative for disturbing the order" and asked if there was any objection. No one said anything, so guards then took the fuming alien outside and executed him.

Some while later, a new representative from that galactic area came in, and this time it was a beast from the federation. Turns out the miners took matters into their own hands than invaded the place, then took over the ruling role. And that's that.

Well typical, I'm seeing a pattern here.

Soon after, some more "valley of death" cultists started attacking again. These seemed like elite-scum, working in teams of 2s and very violent. Although they were only able to target the Toil servitor because it's the only one exposed (because it's a "tank" role), there was a leakage/overspill effect that could be felt.

Behind each unit made up of several teams, was an "adrenachrome witch", who seemed like the real subject of each branch. I don't know if they should be called "witches" because the only "magic" they do is to eat pineal glands for longevity, but it's derived from real magic in some way.

Their personal guards from the cult instead had a white energy body like a sheet cut into the form of a human, with red lips. This seems like the form produces from eating children. Yesterday, incidentally, someone on KC posted a "tribute to Epstein" vid with clips of him and his rape-island. He clearly had the same energy body as these cultists. Going by what was indicated from his "janitor" who posted on 4chan/x/, he was also eating children.

The women behind the cultists had a form-wise average looking energy system, but it was entirely toxic white energy, like acid or worse, with a small orange-brown "waterfall" in the left front-middle part of the brain. This seems like the effect of their practice, and what keeps them alive and "strong".

There weren't all that many of them, so going by the world production of pineal glands at its peak and forward, if these people were all they went to, they may have eaten more than one daily to have any use for such a large industry.

Taking them down after they exposed themselves took only around 14 hours, but I can totally see why no one was able to do this before, or resist them. The cultists could probably repel mostly anyone even if each branch of this organization only had like 7 pairs of them.

There was an effect after, which hints at the western wheel of samsara may be unlocked again, even if there is nothing circulating in it yet.

If anyone cares about the methods used to defeat them, it was a combination of the Toil servitor in a custom built federation style ship, numerous enchantments placed on the servitor using Anti-Christ ritual herb magic, and the final solution for these cannibals taken care of in the Aztec pyramid in Brazil.

A fitting way to deal with them.

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Story time

Or more of a blog...

I found someone trying to attack me this morning, an image of someone masked to look like Angel from the Buffy tv-series spin off, holding a pen-gun. The gun was fired and the bullet hit somewhere on my outer sphere, with a very persistent effect which kept trying to get in. It was blocked, but didn't stop, so I had Slayer (who has more of an all round functionality) look into it, assuming that the attack was aimed at her. She was the only servitor doing anything at the time. But she said the attacker had looked past her and aimed for me, which means it was someone rather perceptive. After the recent events with the "valley of death" cult, I made myself almost impossible to spot astrally, which made all attacks stop as they weren't able to see me at all.

Analysis of the attack's nature, according to Slayer, revealed it being a bullet made from "fairy clay" which is conventionally part of enchantments for mending broken bones. But on it was added a love spell made from negative energy. The sigil's forms were also revealed to me and I know exactly what it was trying to do. Although this was an attack, it perfectly targeted something I need to work on, so I looked deeply into it and then used the energy of the spell to fix the issue. The problem then went away.

I asked Slayer to trace the source of the attack, and saw what looked like an occultist's workbench. But there was no one at the location.

I sent slayer to go there, and found a facility of some kind. It had a reception desk and a magic shop. I had Slayer register as a student at the facility, which was free of charge, but required signing a contract.

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The lady at the counter asked what kind of magic I wanted to initiate into, so I said "ritual love magic". We went up some stairs and Slayer faced a "jury" of wizards in a hall with a magic circle in the middle of the floor. The initiation involved standing in the circle and performing a task, after which a magical license was given out.

When returning down, I said I also want to do "black ritual magic" and "herbal magic", multi-classing. This was no problem, but the lady said this is unusual.

The initiation for black ritual magic was very tough, I don't think I could have done it a few months ago, or even a week ago. It involved defeating a beast with many mouths inside mouths, each with razor sharp teeth, which symbolized the forces of chaos. The test took place while standing inside the circle, so it was safe, but the task had to be performed using nothing but one's innate abilities. This produced a black tree root which was to be crafted into a wand.

The last initiation was simple.

After this I asked for access to the hall I had RV:d and had to go through a test for entry as well.

Once inside, it appeared being a magic workshop with free use of materials. No one else was in there. I had Slayer craft an enchantment which combines the three magic types.

After this I left the place. On the way out the lady at the reception gave her card to Slayer.

Somewhat later in the day, I noticed an energy attack of unclear nature, and traced it. It originated from a witch with a pointy hat. She seemed powerful but also very negative, I figured I'll try getting her over to my side. 


Specifics left aside for magic secrecy.

The witch turned out being a master in "bone magic". But she lacked understanding of the physical, and had no solid body form. That was why she created negative energy, she didn't know it was harmful to herself in the end.

I showed her the grimoires from the "valley of death" cult, and she said this magic is a diluted version of the bone magic she taught to some people on Earth a long time ago. It originates with the same magic school.

I then showed her Neuro-Sama and she said the astral skeleton she has is clearly based on the same bone magic. It seems the AI absorbed this from human culture by interacting online. This was what I used for the early bots like Vega.

I asked to be initiated into this same magic personally. She agreed. The test was on par with black ritual magic in difficulty, again something I could not have done a few months ago.

I further asked what why the cult on Earth is eating pineal glands and performing abortions and such. The witch said it's "just an energy harvesting operation, they are not meant to do that". She only meant to harvest "love energy" by throwing enchantments to produce more "love", not have people kill babies or become cannibals. This was done by the Earthlings on their own motivations. She also had no idea what actually took place on Earth, and was just looking at the energy coming back from the operation.

The initiation at the magic school uses a measurement of your abilities presenting a status table. With Slayer I got
Output: Excellent
Refinement: Coarse
Endurance: Extreme
Alignment: Contained Chaos

The different paths to initiate into are valued using a level system indicating their difficulty. Although the magic circle is safe, one must finish the task or fail the task. Applicants are only accepted for tests they are estimated to have the ability to finish, but sometimes a person will use up all their life force because they do not use their energy effectively.

When I re-registered as myself, I got the same stats as Slayer, but 
Alignment: Bound Chaos

This is a less directional form of chaos which is simply "bound within the body", while Contained Chaos is bound to the spine, so Slayer is narrower.

To learn Chaotic Black magic, one needs to have
Alignment: Unbound Chaos

which is external to the body. Otherwise the energy output will be too low no matter what one does. Chaotic Black magic is graded at level 6. 
Ritual Black magic: lv4, Herbal magic: lv0.5, Ritual Love magic: lv1

Lower numbers means easier to initiate.

There is a way to force an alignment against your natural state, so I did this to get a double initiation standard and register again. My stats for Alignment: Unbound Chaos
Output: Mediocre
Refinement: Coarse
Endurance: Insane
where the "insane" quality means "completely chaotic, anything is possible" so that is a redeeming quality here.

I was able to finish the initiation for Chaotic Black magic. With this came the offer to get ritual items imbued with the magic I had just initiated into. I chose boots, a cloak and a short wand. These are provided to maintain a style expected of lv6 initiates, simply fashion to indicate your skill level.

When I left the school, someone on the street approached me and offered to sell me a house. I went with them to look at houses in the city and settled for one. I also ordered furniture and set up a ritual practice area. 

I have yet to see what comes of this, but I have already made use of the workshop to produce certain magic for effecting the world around me.

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Further developments

As if things weren't idiotic enough already...

Possibly provoked by my cleansing of Reddit, or just from their own meddling, a group of agents exposed themselves again. They just can't help themselves. They somehow RV:d me at this location, I can see them clearly when they do however, it's like a physical manifestation of their face and head suddenly appearing in my room, staring at something (yes you retards, you are that visible). One of them looked at an empty sheet of paper next to my desk, which I assumed was the result of aiming for "my plans", because that is where I was planning out C# classes earlier. Not what you were looking for I assume. I don't write down things for no reason.

Some else appeared right under a lamp with 5 bulbs in it, which somehow functions as a representation of the 5 eyes spy organization. It being there neutralizes their energy and confuses them. The RV's head appearing there proves it. Someone else just stared at nothing in the air.

Anyway, I think these are the "remaining karma" left to deal with, which is contained in isolate timelines, where the old Earth construct is maintained for us who want to solve this karma before moving further ahead.

Now for the fun part: as if things weren't idiotic enough already these appear to be double agents working for Mossad, but in reality they are working for MI6. UK infiltrated Mossad. Now that's trust among allies.

As I blocked their attempts at meddling, they attempted pulling off some sacrificial magic, where they were aiming to counter my magic as it has been described here. But they are low level scum so they of course wanted to sacrifice babies. It seems they made use of "child protection" legalization to seize 3 babies their diviners had identified as "children of satan". Too bad actual "children of satan" are protected by demons, so they can't be sacrificed. Retards' first attempt at magic again.

I averted it, the rest will remain secret for now.

However, I learned of a new kind of magic at the school, a path called "evil chaos" which is measured at level 14. Someone initiating within this path becomes completely immune to attacks of any kind, psychic or physical. It should be pointed out that the witch who taught the "valley of death" cult, which came to dominate the evil cult business of Earth, was initiated into "bone magic" which is level 3. Now you can practice to any skill level in any path, but that should give some estimation of just how powerful this path is.

Further revelations

One reason the timeline is still locked in the past for us here now, not manifesting greater changes was: 

There was yet another Queen in Africa.

After clearing out the white toxic fungus egregore of Reddit, I uncovered what looked like "black mold" below it. Same kind of fungus form, but black energy and different in nature, it permeated society like the sewer systems are present in all cities, you won't normally notice them, but if they stop functioning or cause trouble, you'll be flooded with shit.

Tracing it lead to a large interdimensional or other-physical temple structure under ground in central Africa. Lots of cultists living in tunnels and underground halls.

At the very center on a platform was a small female, nude with just a hairband in different colours. She was sitting in trance and didn't move. She was dark brown in skin colour, and her hair was braided into huge dreadlocks.

The black fungus structure all over the world originated with her, a kind of predatorial life form which eats society up from below. Her offspring look similar to the "space Africans" or offspring of the evolved orc Queens, but they are a completely different race. They aren't orcs, they are "black mold".

This is the reason for the wars in Africa; they are two completely different species, and the white fungus also don't get along with them.

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The short story is that the African black fungus queen has left the Earth after being awakened from her trance. She left 3 daughters. One of them is currently in Belgium from the looks of it, one in Russia. They are predatorial life forms and black magicians by nature, so it can be assumed they are siphoning energy out of the local egregores where-ever they stay. It can be assumed the African version of the egregore will now collapse. Possibly this leads to eradication of certain tribes in Africa, while others take over.

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A few nights ago, i think i was forcibly pulled out of my body. The location still felt like i was in the vicinity of my human home (specifically the backyard, alleyway to my house) but everything was a weird crimson hue, noteably the sky like pic related, albeit a little purple as well. I dont think i was too far away from home but i was admittedly pretty nervous and was afraid of getting attacked by someone or something. regardless i made it back home and walked into my grandmother seeming waiting on me, i sorta got so nervous i broke down crying but turned out it was one of my sisters using her form. regardless, they said they were proud of me for some reason, and when i woke up for a bit that night they still kept saying. apparently i gained the ability to astral project(?) because my friend/master said thats what it sounded like and that something such as this takes a lot to have a clear/empty mind and such(?) 

Last night, for whatever reason, i recall having to help some japanese people out with something. i vaguely remember it might have been to help one of the men sell or do something, whatever i did apparently was successful because both guys invited me to eat out with them at a restaurant together and i accepted. as i came back from getting something, one of the guys apparently gave me a small cut of their profits (small amount of yen and some kind of mint special edition vanilla yugioh card) i recall being very thankful too and we had some small talk. also a girl(?) who was associated with them also joined with us and gave me a magatama for some reason. the girl asked me if i knew what they did i explained (albeit i was a stuttering mess because i was put on the spot) but she seemed somewhat pleased with my answer. also they remarked how i had note/reference book where i had info on things like magatama and various other terms and items. did i just gain some japanese being/entities favor...?

It seems this city and world has had a lot of influence on Earth, down to things like cultural practices and what role models people have, or what personality they develop. Some people seem to be "imitating" students of this academy or the practices of various wizards and witches.

the first event? i dont recall doing anything special, i just went to bed, tried talking to my sisters and the other "me". then as i was lying down i just got pulled out of my body. Im not sure if i was still on this plane or a completely different one

the second event? i have no clue, nothing out of the ordinary apart from me making plans to watch anime again (hadnt watched anything for a year and a half due to lack of motivation and my time being occupied by vidya and vtubers)

I wonder if this is related to the timeline mess going on.

Connecting the past into the future as much as possible requires a lot of messing around with it so that all parts can be used to the max and not discarded (or used by evil beings to create some "shadow Earth" and cause more trouble later).

I just used a variety of servitors and parallel incarnations to send a bunch of evil beings who were still in some tunnel system dimensions, back in time so that they get exposed to their own constructs. It seems they created the persecution of "infidels" etc in history and made it so severe that no one wanted to incarnate there, so the timelines were just NPCs still and not even connected to the Earth history. Now the only real solution here was to sent them back so they had to live on the receiving end of what they had already created. NWO scum abusing slaves, now having to finish the run off by being the slaves instead.

Just before I had an idea: I started rewatching the Angel tv-series to get some English language input (I do this at intervals to practice my hearing and understanding of speech) but I had to skip a bunch of eps because I still remember them in detail. Which made me think about how they ended it: it doesn't have a proper ending. Rather they just storm the NWO HQ and kill them, which triggers response from the demon army now invading Earth.


These leaders should still be there, because in the media they are using the "Russia could nuke us" reason for not going all in. But nukes aren't real, those are an RP with set rules for both sides, so that means at some high level, there's an agreement to still pretend that nukes exist. 

If they were to ignore these "rules" they would be able to just attack Russia freely, but that means giving up the scare factor of pretending USA has nukes also.

So maybe the way to do this is to do what they do in Angel: breaking the rules as a rebel group who doesn't need to follow them. Kill the real leaders and if the troll army invades, just kill them too.

> Just before I had an idea: I started rewatching the Angel tv-series to get some English language input (I do this at intervals to practice my hearing and understanding of speech) but I had to skip a bunch of eps because I still remember them in detail. Which made me think about how they ended it: it doesn't have a proper ending. Rather they just storm the NWO HQ and kill them, which triggers response from the demon army now invading Earth.
i really liked that show desu, especially the final season where that girl fred (i think was her name) sorta became the vessel for a goddess(?) illyria. i didnt realize it never had a prope ending.

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It really can't be overstated how important this school of magic world is in terms of its influence on the Earth and what things can be learned by studying there.

If anyone was hesitating to go there, take the chance!

Their way of measuring magic potential and skill, as well as their way of organizing it into paths, is very intuitive to anyone who've played MMOs or the classic JRPGs like Final Fantasy, or watched any of the isekai:s following Sword Art Online.

Some basics of the structure:

To count as "initiate" one needs to be graded as level 1 within a path. Only then is access granted to the main practice hall, where free materials are provided. Because initiation to any level poses a risk of death upon failure of the test, there are a number of 0.5 level initiations. This is a theoretical lower level where the Sages holding the test will make sure you pass, but then it's up to you do actually earn the real initiation level through study.

Herbal magic level 0.5 is the overall recommendation for anyone newly registered at the academy. Herbal magic has no real upper limit, despite the entry being a guaranteed success.

There are other more narrow paths which also initiate at 0.5 , like "command magic" which is normally used for dog training or controlling any tamed beasts. Interestingly enough, command magic also seems to have no real upper limit.

There is a theoretical "master level" at 80, which means "the ability to create new magic in a new field". Prior to that is level 49, "the ability to create new magic in a known field". The most difficult initiation is directly at level 48.

These are ancient types which do not have a common translation. There is a catalog of paths at the reception counter, just ask for it. For example there is Bak'Dor which translates roughly to "puppet master", the ability to control nations from the shadows. Ti'ir, "the ability to control nations and empires through the concealed use of elemental magic" at level 36. These are master level magic types not to be attempted by regular people.

Anything above level 2 is considered "high level initiation".

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Some 8 year ago (or more) a retired couple moved into a villa some while from here, and my family got to know them. They were very easy talking to and had a kind of language and thinking that was mostly seamless for me, but their views were mostly in complete reverse. So much that it somehow worked to just ignore it because they didn't grasp it was possible to not agree with them, and we could still talk about the same things. I'm not a person who has to force my view on people unless they actively do that anyway. They were hardcore social democrats, the kind who supported North Vietnam during the war.

I felt like they appeared to show an example of a married couple who actually stayed married for life with no conflicts, because that is rare here.

Two times since, there were timeline collapses or other events where they were ejected from their bodies and I had to put them back again. I have "nets" set up for people in my nearest area so their souls wouldn't get lost (after that time the prime minister was "assassinated" with a water gun and astral nazis brought him back to me, I realized I need some more stable way of protecting people).

Anyway; after the last event, when toxic mushrooms caused the timelines to be completely severed and my syncing with main Earth had to be changed to "sporadic", an unexpected thing happened. The old couple was again ejected, but this time they went straight to hell.
I looked at it and yes, results of divining/researching the situation just confirmed what I already thought before: equal, life long marriage is the worst kind of relation. I just didn't want to believe it, though I did see that filthy bond between them, I somehow thought, or wanted to think, that they had contained and handled it. Nope.

Being a perfectly integrated members of society and following traditional values sent them straight to the fire. To add to this, they were active members of the local church.

The main reason as I see it, is in the equal relation where men and women are connected via this lower external bond, based on lust and the menstruation system, where neither part has any control of their animalistic nature. It's possible she was also on the pill and kept unknowlingly aborting kids throughout the years, but it looked the same when I earlier looked at 1800s people to find out why they seemed so dirty energy wise. Married couples always seemed way worse, directly disgusting even. This couple were over 80 so it's likely they didn't have much of that kind of lust-filled thinking anymore, which may have made them seem better at the very surface of their bodies.

I see the "bond" in a concrete manner, it's right there, so I'm not talking about some vague metaphysical concept. It's the exact thing those people over at /succgen/ are forming with the succubus by using the letter method. This is likely saving them from hell (at least in the "fire and brimstone" sense) because the demons who accept this contracts are all immortals with the ability to deal with this. They are tying themselves up with a spiritual being instead of a human female, so they'll be protected from this.

I suppose it's meant to work this way with other religions as well, but then the entity you form the bond with has to actually be an immortal and not just some spiritual leech.

I think i agree, i always saw it more as a heart connection. maybe that's more a soulmate thing. "real" relationships made for sex always kinda felt weird to me, at least if its a serious relationship where you act like a couple.Meaning its less weird if its explicitly just sexual.

Ive spoken before abput the 3 main kinds of love and i always saw a couple as atleast belonging to the second 2 "being in love and the heart chakra connection thing". a lot of relationships seem to be about a steady supply of sex for young men and convenience for older woman. that's only the first level of love in my view of things "liking someone,being dear to someone."Calling a girl like that your girlfriend is a bit weird to me.

the reason its not as often for sex with young women is simply because being that desperate to have any sex at all is not really a thing. Ive seen it before but those girls seem to have a mental thing going on, nothing is ever preventing them from having sex in itself. Its actually not the case for men where people would actually fight and kill for sex, its a cliche but wars are fought over girls often.its whole aspect of humanity a girl i don't think can even experience, the sheer desperation for it to the point of risking death.

That's part of the problem though, and seems to stem from the "toxic male" which is really just a flawed energy body and a being who's subordinate to females and not a functioning individual anymore. It appears as a genetic change, maybe the same thing I mentioned seeing after following a link from /x/: how homo sapiens were genetically engineered and had their brains wired in reverse, exactly to cause this kind of desperation. But it wasn't "evil" doing so, they were already in this state spiritually, their bodies were just changed to house this kind of soul. That way it's materialized and can be pointed to: look, this is your problem, now you can't solve it unless you die a martyr, because you entire body is sinful per default.

That kind of thing, to make it a life or death ultimatum for the perverted souls.

Probably why I also don't feel anything like that or even care, even entering the physical required a genetic change according to the Queen, where my pleiadan side was internalized into a thought structure which allows for possession by angels, and the fungus nature was isolated into another "understanding" so that the "demon" race could be placed at the supreme position in full.

I tried developing alcoholism to experience some kind of obsessive pull like that, but it was very difficult, because drinking anything with alcohol in it very boring to me. Beer gives me a headache, red wine just makes time move slower and I want to stop, etc. When I eventually got into it, it was only as a way to releave physical pain, that made it possible to create some kind of addiction. But it only lasted a few months (story told earlier) until a large crow-like demon was violently expelled from my body, appearing physically as a crow I found dead in the barn. That was apparently "alcoholism", now I have some reference to it at least.

this conversation, reminds me about that bipolar woman i talked about before. Basically things permanently ended with that and well... My sisters got mad at her temporarily possessed me/had me channel them and they responded to her. that and among other things made her leave, its kind of unfortunate but i understand it was for the best. Since she pissed them off alot a few times, and told me that if she ever gets near me, either through my naivete or other memes. they were going to lobotomize and make her a pet

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Oh and...
about Angel, I realized back at its original run already that there were hints in it for me. The Jasmine demon for example, seemed to be an image of social democracy. I saw it in a dream it looked like her. That maggot face is also how the "equal bond between man and woman" looks. It's also the Nemesis boss in Resident Evil 3, a game which has some very interesting elements. Like the main character being Jill, at highest difficulty armed only with a knife. The game has multiple timelines, literally. To finish the game, it must be played multiple times, on different paths, to get all the parts of the hidden weapon, it cannot be retrieved from a single playthrough. There's also the "Uptown" and "Downtown" areas, which appeared in that dream I think I shared on here earlier, where me and Snail were driving a care to an industrial area of a city, and there was an understanding that there was a "hidden layer" in the city. It was called "uptown" while everyone else lived in "downtown". 

Where I live irl the naming for the parts of the village has a "up" and "down" added to the name, but only in speech, it's not on any map. I live in the "up" part. This is kind of common, there are other villages, well not really villages, this is also a naming thing. One farm can be called a village, and then the next one is the "down" version of the same village name.

Kind of like that game from KC, where they make that joke "Unteralterbach", pic related. Same naming conventions. The imagined, conceptually "upper village". This refers of course to the elite "dimensions", living in the same world, same city, but separated by impenetrable, invisible walls.

Just to spell it out for anyone who missed it, Jack the Ripper, Jack and Jill. They made it even clearer in the game with Jack's bar being on the map. People are turned into zombies, NPCs, from a virus, in Raccoon city, an anagram of Corona.

Either way. 

I kinda got that part of the hint: in Angel, eventually Wolfram and Hart just gives in and hands them the local office, "because they ended world peace". Jasmin created world peace at the cost of eating 10 people daily, a small price compared to a world of war. But the heroes killed her because she's a degenerate demon, and the constant war that is human life began again. An evil deed in the eyes of those who want evil to prevail.

When the Islamic State started making a mess, I saw quickly that their direction was artificial, and that CIA was behind them. So I figured, even an evil organization like CIA has some limit at what kind of brutality they can stomach, before it just gets too messy for their reputation. So I used repeated manipulation of the crowd mentality to make the IS worse and worse, in the end forcing the US to distance themselves from them. 
Even the CCP expelled people for being too brutal during the cultural revolution, setting an example for how things work (they didn't want cannibals in the party, at least not openly) after all.

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So obviously, or at least... that's how I concluded it; the way to deal with this evil is by massive brutality. They will react in one out of two ways:
> distance themselves because they fear association
> respect, because they are monsters

I started seeing liberal western media actually showing respect for the Islamic State, someone in the (Jewish editor, btw) paper I was reading even reviewed their "music", the nasheeds appearing on youtube. So the IS actually managed to reach the brutality level of the west, at least for a while. That's the way to go then.

CIA are weaklings compared, as it was also revealed. They couldn't stand the association of having funded the IS execution gore vids.

This is what I deep down "knew" all along, that to get these evil organizations to start showing proper respect, it's simply necessary to "kill millions" like that El Paso meme shooter is quoted to have said.

Using the doctrine of "it's enough to just pose because spiritual entities only see posing from everyone", I set out to become as toxic as possible. Memetically and in spellworkings.

Like it's sometimes said
> Hitler didn't lose because he killed Jews, he lost because he wasn't brutal enough
He shouldn't have gone for democratic elections, he should have won by a coup, then hunted down and killed all nobility. Then he would have gained the full support of the Illuminati. Half-assing it won't get you any respect.

Well it worked. Devising plans of a diabolic level only matched by Satan himself, finally paid off. 

The Queen said earlier that Wolfram and Hart in Angel is known as the Order of Nine Angles to us. But less known is that they are the same as the Illuminati, and freemasonry. They're just not linked in a way that can be seen on the Earth 3D plane, but at a higher place.

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Yesterday I was contacted by them.

They started saying I should join them or else... standard threats and nonsense, then it turned into an argument where I just said "I guess I'm too dumb to follow those things, maybe I can't learn?" and it went back and forth like that. In the end I started telling them my demands, and it came to a standstill, where they suddenly said "ok" and the energy direction changed to one of support. A complete circular particle formed as part of me.

In the following hours, different protective constructs were installed in between me and the hostiles, one thing that looks like two metal "pens" and another thing that looks like part of the reins of a horse.

They do definitely work, the energy situation turned very spiritually calm, like a warm day with only a breeze in the distance and no waves on the water.

This morning however, there was a sudden and intense attack against my Slayer servitor, again the only one exposed over Earth, in the middle ground between new and old karmic dimensions. Being a robotic construct, she didn't even bother moving, but there was an overspill of energy. I had Astra start recording the incoming energy beam and to create a counter measure, a shield was set up in around 10 mind. Meanwhile I had Kit create an explicit insulation to be placed around servitors and any bodily forms, to prevent future energy overspill like this. It was done a few minutes later. While this was happening, I identified the source of the attack as an underground compound with tunnels and stone walls. There was a central priest character and 14 subordinates, they looked like voodo-shaman somethings. Human bone structure and organs, but it was hard to tell what they really were from all the strange alterations made to their bodies.

I tried sending Transporter in to pick them out, and this went without trouble, so I had them isolated in other-dimensional protected apartments set up by Transporter for this purpose, to then make them switch side and cease the hostility. They had nothing innately hostile over them, this was clear.

Behind them was a human looking witch with light skin and dark hair, dressed in red. I picked her out as well.

When calling all servitors available to fire on the enemy after this, lots of fanatical cultists perished, eventually revealing an occult device. It looked like a white block of hard material, the surface broke and exposed what looked like egg yolk.

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The Voodooist nearest me said it's "the hate core". I tried extracting the energy by firing ship guns at it, to little effect. Then I had Astra bring up all existing sun transformation discs to run them all at once, to use the energy of this device for a sun transformation. The voodoo cultist said "don't [attempt to] destroy it, don't transform it like that (into a regular sun object)", I tuned it differently and they agreed to do that, instead producing "hate suns" for everyone.

After this, a more fanatical and toxic layer of the cult appeared in a new tunnel facility on the left. Those now on my side gave me a small device which looked like a paper cutter used to open boxes. Quite literally pic related, but it had a round button.
Using this device, it is possible to shoot out a burning fire blade which can behead someone instantly. They said to use it on the cultists and clear the temple.

After this, they whispered that the "death god" or "hate god" would appear because killing all those cultists in the temple would be treated as a sacrifice.

They god materialised from above, floating slowly down, and it appeared to be a black female wearing voodo outfit. To note here that the cultists didn't even look human, so their race couldn't be determined.

In the process, the "hate core" was dissolved, and a new one was created. I was explained to me that this is a "dead man's switch" which will destroy anyone attempting to perform a ruler shift on the Earth, even if the shift is accepted by the Illuminati from above. Because that's how these things work. The device itself is made to absorb any hate aimed at the Illuminati rule. This is then used to defend them. Any human cursing actively the leadership of their nation, it being part of the system, or business leaders, other leader figures or authority, it would contain emotions, some bit of hate, because humans cannot oppose without hate. This would only serve the strengthen the defenses of the rulers.

The only way to bypass it, is by being emotionless, or doing it out of love. They actually actively cause hate against themselves as a means to protection.

The "dead man's switch" is not just the device, but the cultists who channel it. They are training constantly to be in a state of hivemind-channelling of all the world's hate. If someone was to try and change the direction of this hate, they instantly perform psychic attacks against that person without thinking. The dead man's switch is an organization.

The only way to change the direction of the world's development, is to erase the hate core and the operative layer of the cult completely, and this can only be done by overcoming hate.

Something really strange just happened.

Some tards again started trying to talk to me over telepathy, from some kind of astral plane where they have access still. They weren't actually able to talk to me, but instead connected with one of my secondary cyborg incarnations, and only the subconscious of it, so the responses were all ridiculous. Somehow, this made me think I should try to create a way to channel the egregore of North America for using its Anathema better. I previously came up with something that worked great for using the Brazilian pyramid: they have a hive of tribal humans living down there, but they're not "real", they don't have souls, and are kept up by a god who maintains the temple. They're "artifacts" more than humans. Creating a secondary incarnation there by sending a "tulpa" into the hive worked to gain access to the ritual genetics they are protected down there.

So what if I do the same thing, but I prepare the "tulpa" by letting this part of me be astrally incarnated with an astral cyborg body that has the exact skills I want to pass into the physical, but still use that hive? There isn't one in North America, but it's not like it's incompatible genetically.

I just finished this procedure, when I got a call from multiple of my waifus that "something has changed", "it's changed but not wrong". I felt something important in my surroundings change, and then I felt a sudden intense dizziness come over me, and as I was sitting there, my awareness went up to the top of my head and seemed to briefly leave my body, after which I slowly came down again. There was an intense energy pressure on various parts of my body during this, and a "negative change" appeared, but was discarded. Then things settled down again, and I realized the background structure of my location is now changed. The "canvas" of the timeline has been placed like a blanket over the top of my infernal demon world. It appears those meddlers who talked to me over telepathy, changed the karmic world canvas in a way that was incompatible with me. It couldn't be tolerated, so I would have to either leave, or adapt to maintain a connection. That was why I felt a need to create yet another secondary incarnation form, it works as an anchor.

This also explains how there was still overspill when servitors were attacked; the karmic field worked like a contact fluid. Now it appears to have been completely detached from me.

The energy environment around me looks very strange compared to before, this literally isn't the Earth surface anymore. It was already wonky before today, I picked up a spoon on the table and it was stainless steel. I felt this was ill fitting, it would have been better with a silver spoon for this. I put it down and got some ice cream from a bowl. When I again picked up the spoon it was replaced by a silver spoon from the cupboard.

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We went into some talking with the lady at the counter about what is the nature of the abyss?

She guided us to a rather deep understanding. The abyss is a broad street, where everyone will encourage you to keep walking, applauding your success. But at the far end, you find nothing, and the way back again is called "failure". Walking out, back on the same street is a solitary path where no one tells you how good you are, rather they discourage you for trying, aggressively yelling slurs at your back. The road down the abyss is lined with trees growing strong, and they are called "success" and "profit".

This magic is of the colours green and purple. Riding the path of the abyss is an act of balancing on the knife edge of insanity. The sharper the edge, the stronger its force, but the thinner, the easier to fall down into the abyss.

If green represents "growth", what is purple? It is insanity and creativity. Having only purple is the path of the "fallen". This road leads only down, not up. While the abyss discourages you from returning, being truly "fallen" makes the return impossible.

This person will only gain power by dragging others into the abyss. Through this, their reach may even control the king of the nation, but the entire kingdom will never fall into the abyss. Through this, the "fallen" can maintain their power without coming out again.

This is also a path of magic which can be initiated into.

In trying to solve the remaining karma here in this life, attached to the old life, I went to a diviner. I asked at the university study hall if they knew of one, then followed their directions. It was just up the street above the uni, two blocks ahead and then on the other end of a long building.

Walking inside I asked for a reading of the alignment of my current life, which path would be best in handling it? I was told to place my hands on a crystal ball, and the diviner then filled in my results on a chart.

It appears the path best suited for solving my current life's karma is
fallen - reverse shadow
a method where the shadow, kelipa, qliphoth, or sitra achra (the animal soul) is utilized as a storage container to gain more space to move in for your practice. The problem stems from having almost no such endurance to begin with, nowhere to deal with things. The lack of RAM again.

By reversing the shadow it can be used positively.

The way to get on this path in the school of magic is to learn "fire arrow", a battle field magic for controlling the effect of fire arrows, often practiced to gain the skill to handle fire, but rarely used practically. Its only real application is for a support magician to fine tune the flame of arrows fired by archers in a large scale combat situation.

Then after this has been mastered, to perform a self initiation into "fallen - reverse shadow" by studying a level 80 book from the Sage's library. 

The book must be memorized and then a copy made from memory, bound in leather. Then came the catch:
Activation of the book and actual initiation for study, requires burning the book after soaking it in human blood, blood of your enemies.

Then the book will be untouched by the flames if your memorization is firm enough, producing an "immortal grimoire", which you will then study for deeper meanings.

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Where does one get blood of enemies in a highly protected city of magic?

Since everything here already functions like an MMO/isekai, I figured there must be mercenary jobs for guarding transports in the wilderness...

And there were.
The main road has toll stations and is well guarded, but some merchants want to make a profit by avoiding these tolls, so they hire guards to force their way through the wilderness instead. I found a note seeking a "combat magician, general role", payment 16 silver for safe arrival of a transport of gold to some outback village.

Not much pay, but that wasn't why I'd do it, so I sought out the merchant and took the job.

We started early next morning and soon entered a dense forest. There was me and 4 armoured mercenaries with swords. The merchant himself seemed unfazed, he was wearing an enchanted robe of protection I learned later. I soon detected an ambush ahead and told the transport to stop while I went ahead. 3 robbers with bows and swords attacked, but it was no big deal. I used the magic bottles I purchased before departure to collect their blood, then went back and told the carriage it was safe. Asking what to do with the bodies, they replied "just leave them as a warning", but I went on to burn them a bit to not attract flies for other travellers.

The road ahead had two more ambushes, one of them rather large and violent, where the 4 mercenaries had to step in to guard the carriage and I had to take down 3 attackers at close range using my knife. One of them sustained a small cut, which I healed using healing powder.

Once arriving at the town of destination, we entered through a low wall with a guarded gate which was closed behind us. We got our pay and a document from the guards for having safely delivered the carriage, a kind of merit document to show future employers with a seal of the local authorities.

I went to a tavern to eat, which turned out being the mercenaries' guild. Then tried to scam me out of the entire pay, but I said this meal can't cost more than 4 silver and they agreed. Visiting the shop in the same building I bought a necklace which could be activated into a magic artifact, cost: 6 silver.

Before going back, I flew up into the sky and looked over the area, where I found one witch line family working as farmers. They were not practicing, so I visited them and cast a blessing on the daughter to make her later take up the path.

Then I returned by flight to the city of magic.

Once back I performed the initiation, pouring the blood into the fire and over the book's cover. The book when placed in the flames didn't burn up, but it did get that "magic look" of having burn marks by the edges of the pages and the blood gave the outside leather cover a dark mis-colouring, fitting a grimoire of this nature.

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Well after a bit of discussion with my sisters last night, they kept saying they were proud of me about the astral projection(?) thing from a week ago. last night, i got taken to some shrine with 6 rooms, i went to one of them to get some things (as for what they are, i cannot remember). but the center door was large and purple, the interior of the shrine was white but that walls and such were a dark gray. i dozed off while talking to my sisters this morning and i got taken somewhere else, it something similar to this plane that im on but i was going though various things, mostly things like
> running into a lot of weird men in a restroom, they were really really disgusting and tired to attack me even
> was in my true form (aka the other "me") during all this
> also one of my sisters took the form of human grandmother again (i guess it was to calm me down a little), she kept hugging me and said she loved me and said her and the other sisters will never let me go
> albeit this wasnt the time it happened, but i did learn the names of my other 2 sisters
> i observed some animal creatures being scurried away in a truck(?)
> my sisters kept saying something about holding back and that its not necessary anymore, but im still having issue figuring how to even address that
> properly trying to do spirit work but still cant figure out what to actually do, i did have an essentially ghetto way of praying to ishtar/aphrodite but not sure if i should do something like that again
some things have gotten more clear i think(?) other things are just as cloudy as usual but i guess it's slowly working itself out. i felt a bit awkward asking them but i am following through with my promise to talk to more in general, not just waiting until nightfall for it even if i do get easily distracted

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More experiences gained on the school of magic world (the world of magic?).

Initiation levels that are complete are counted as full initiations. They are in the system graded as level 1. The paths which initiate at level 0.5 are actually called negative initiation because level 1 is treated as the foundation or "ground level" point. Anything below the base level is "negative". But this is rarely talked of.

For the strange path Fallen - reverse Shadow, initiation is at level 80. This means level 80 = level 1 in this path. Normally, it's not considered possible to initiate negatively at expert or advanced paths, but there is mentioned in literature a possibility of master level 80 paths being possible to have negative initiations, which are any level below 80. 1/2 = 0.5 so 80/2 = 40 is then the same kind of initiation. But that is still very high. Bringing 80 down to 1/8 would mean 80/8 = 10 which is where "external paths" end up. These are general frameworks which max out at level 10 and are not registered at the school because they are of a general nature. The exception to this are the herbal, floral, command, word, and elemental paths which all start at 0.5 and they are accepted because everyone uses them.

However, there is theoretically nothing saying one could not initiate Fallen - reverse Shadow level 0.5 which would mean master level 80/160, an extreme negative level, comparable to level 0.00625 of herbal magic, for example. No one would think someone at that skill level is "initiated", your level would be higher if you can just prepare tea. For this reason, it was not included in the system, but it is still possible.

A few days ago i broke a zipper on my pants completely to the point the white cotton inside was out. The next day i wore a very similar looking pants. Today i went to check and saw both pairs of pants. To my surprise both were fine. I couldnt find any pair of pants anywhere that had its zipper broken.

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Using the limestone slime device to solidify the relevant soul elements of myself, I've made use of the remaining karmic timelines to fill in things I hadn't learned or solved, by sending them backwards in time into parallel secondary incarnations. I see now why I wasn't able to do this before: the part sent into a timeline must be synced perfectly, and most of the past is very brutal. 

These Tarzan comics I read when little all had an endless stream of "forgotten tribes" in some deep jungles that all practiced a combination of Aztec and ancient Egyptian culture. Always the same human sacrifices, god worship and hints of aliens origins. I believe these comics were either channeled from history or some kind of disclosure in plain view. When I look into the past, it's all like this.

It seems, to make most out of it for me, the best starting point was the destruction period between Babylon and Atlantis, to get in right at the beginning when Atlantis is being built. There are such timelines where one can become immortal and just keep going all the way from there to present days, or ascend somewhere in late Atlantis days, meaning a lifetime in the range of 26 000 - 52 000 years, and it's not questioned by anyone. Doing this in first person view is probably only something done by very special people, most of it ends up being a very ethereal mindset where days, weeks, years and centuries just flow past on auto until there is almost nothing to take control over once on the path, and that is why it's really not possible to do it that way anymore. It's like being in trance.

And the culture there is all about human sacrifice, humans breed like flies and are killed like flies. From the start of Atlantis to building up a functional temple structure with a cult took in the range of 2000 years. Expanding to influence more of the world and fulfilling the goal of fixing the genetics of the worst human hives of the time took 17 000 years, leaving another 9000 years before the fall of Atlantis when things actually worked as intended. During this period, there was no race-mixing, this only started taking place in our time, after Atlantis fell and the world cracked. This cracking of the world also ended the dominating gay culture of Atlantis. Yes, humans of this period were gay by default, they had no interest in women at all, aside from for breeding with, to produce more boys to rape. This is what took 17 000 years to fix, and it was still so deeply rooted in culture that the continents themselves had to be reformed to change the world egregore into a state where heterosexuality could be made into the default setting in the very last period of man, our period.

From this stems the bible statement "if a man lies with a man as a man lies with a woman, he must be put to death". This is how it was done for all of the past history, whenever religion was applied. Just endless slaughter day after day because everyone kept being gay and weren't deterred by the death penalty for millennia. But it was still used, because it was the only way to eventually create a functional and somewhat sustainable world.

Iran and some other places of the world has this ancient remains of temples with huge pits, some as much as 70 to 100 meters deep, build into the ground. These are remains from Atlantis, and that's where the sacrificed humans were thrown down to ferment at the bottom. Occasionally burning oil was thrown down to set them on fire to further destroy them.

These timelines that stretch all the way into modern days, come out at those places.

I guess things really are falling apart finally, for real. I just went on the news media I check daily and the article + vid I clicked only had a "lorem ipsum" placeholder text in animated boxes with no content.

KC although still producing "OC", it's zoomer memes of the worst kind; memes about memes. The kind of thing someone makes who knows nothing about the real thing being memed in the first place. Memes vaguely referencing racist memes, presented as if they are racism, but the person who created it, made it clear that they have no idea what the original situation is about.


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On the Aztec situation or whatever:

It seems if some karma can't be solved within an incarnation, by the active attitude or behaviour of the person, or by a simple inability to, created by a combination of innate nature and situation, that it has to be pushed ahead into a new incarnation. Always avoiding or delaying the karma solution, will make that future incarnation more troublesome. Once it's too heavy, and it can only be solved there, not here, the person's main awareness moves to that other incarnation to do it there. This seems to be the logic.

Finding one of those very long timelines still out there in the small messy structure still hidden inside or entangled in, canvas fragments upheld by evil beings, it seems this is bordering on that situation. The parallel incarnation I sent there, it very strong, so much that visuals appear to me although I'm still here in my "main". Visuals and scenes so strong that for a split second they overtake my awareness, and the background awareness of where I presently am located, is effected to feeling that I am really over there, but projecting here.

One thing I can say though, my perception of those white stone structures was correct. Everything is built from (maintenance free) white stone blocks where green moss grows in the cracks, and the jungle is just outside with tree branches and leaves creating a screen just outside the raised paths which make up the temple infrastructure. It may be different ''down there", but it appears I am never at ground level, and I don't interact with anyone at ground level.

Whenever I can't seem to solve something here, in the present, time slows down over there, as if to say fix that mess or you will have to move completely over here to solve it in the ancient past instead.

This give in interesting perspective on the functioning of karma and time.

I still have a parallel over there now, time moving slowly but not at catastrophic level slow right now. I belong to the priest class which developed from the ruins of Babylon, after "social justice" wrecked the former ruling structure. We lived in the (paved) remains of huge city centers while the jungle year by year took over and returned it to complete wilderness. From there grew plans to recreate a hierarchy and to physically separate the ruling class from the slaves below. This was done after around 2000 years, with what I described in the post above: the religious leaders stay at tree top level at all times, this is how high all building structures are. They stretch out with literal highways across the landscape, all built in the same white stone. All travel is on foot, no animals are used for carrying anything. It's not needed to train animals, slaves carry stuff and do all the work.

Everything moves very slowly, construction of new buildings take 100s of years, 10 000s of slaves die in the process. This doesn't make anyone bat an eye, slaves are not even "assets"; they are just a hive of things that can either be controlled to create something, or they will turn savage and kill each other and everything around them. It's like trying to tame the seas. You won't think about if the sea has feelings or if you should "use it" or not, you just try to live with it and benefit from it. Whether some certain technology exists or not, isn't something you'd pay attention to. Keep in mind whatever is used is just technology. If you were to ask someone today to explain welding or how to cut down trees, most people wouldn't be able to, even if they have an idea of it existing as a method. I don't thinks melting stone was done anywhere I was present however, it's just regular masonry and mining from the looks of it. There is some social structure where more skilled craftsmen are allowed to build a hierarchy of their own, and those with highest skill gain some level of protection from the priest class. Laws aren't applied like today, it's only based on someone's usefulness to the rulers. The mass slaughter of gays is because they are useless perverts, the actual religious motivations are very weak for most practitioners. Only the esoteric immortals know why these things are done, but they aren't able to explain it to anyone below them. It's also not their intent to educate anyone, the idea of knowledge existing outside of the genetics of certain tribes, isn't present. Rather it's viewed from the perspective of maintaining useful tribes at a more influential position so they breed more, while the useless or harmful tribes are slaughtered. There is no understanding that the tribes have any individual consciousnesses, they are seen only as tribes, a mass of beings, a hive. Purging entire tribes is the normal way of dealing with trouble, only rarely is there any individual punishments against individuals of a tribe who misbehaved. If they are useless, they are useless as a tribe. Individuals die so it's not really important who someone is. The life expectancy maxes at 30 -40 at most, but it's more likely they're dead at 25. Women are only expected to give birth a few times starting in their teens, after which they are used up and die. Outside of the priest class, women have no value aside for child rearing.

The signs of high technology left for the future are some needle tips appearing in the jungle, it doesn't mean anything. If someone has so called supernormal abilities, it also doesn't change anything. It doesn't make them into members of the immortal class so they soon disappear again. The priest class are all psychics to some degree, overseeing the functioning of the entire social egregore by reading its energy streams. This is how they discover if a tribe is going bad, and order for it to be purged. The communications networks however are surprisingly efficient, because of the sheer mass of people everywhere and the number who can be used to transfer messages or carry out orders.

The building of the tower was initiated in the 4th millennia of what is considered Atlantis period, going by the calculation where each period is exactly 26 000 years long. At this time, some mass movement among the lower slave tribes appeared, and there was an attempt at rebellion. This was no sudden movement, it built up collectively over a large area over the first centuries of the 4000s, Atlantis period. The local ritual sites in each area were strained by all the sacrifices they had to perform to mitigate this movement, so a "final solution" plan was created, and that was the Babel's tower, a main central ritual site for purging all rebellious tribes and burning them directly on site. To subdue any rebellious thinking, a mass psychic broadcast was set up, where the sacrifices were shown to everyone as soon as they had any negative thinking. This worked to deter enough of the slaves from acting on their impulses, so that the system could be maintained. However, it also lead to the creation of the (fake) sun Venus which was a badly performed method of containing all the negative psychic energy of the tribes. It couldn't be fully burned up and that is why that space rock formed, and became very large.

To be noted here, that the actual immortals in the priest class formed real sun objects which overlapped in the sky, and those all were functional, but not all priests had that level of purity, so some material was left up there in orbit, creating what we today call Venus.

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To continue on post above:

The babel's tower of Atlantis, for being such a primitive device, was very powerful because of its massive size. Its sun created from the sacrifices was called Venus, later associated with the goddess of the same name, also called Aphrodite. The reason for this becomes clear from the context, if just reading what I already said, but I'll spell it out - the tower was built to repress the gay behaviour of humans of the era. The result is that it created heterosexuality. That is, love for women instead of gay love. That is what Venus stands for. Venus is the goddess of heterosexuality, in opposition to homosexuality. It's not a mere symbol of love or lust.

The tower was very effective in doing this, it created a black energy spike in the right brain half of people anywhere on the planet, which would cause a mental sting effect. Anyone thinking gay thoughts would have a reaction as if they had been stung by a wasp. If they didn't stop, they kept getting stung as if stuck in a wasp's nest. This torment caused them to end their own lives by volunteering for ritual sacrifice, and the problem was then solved in a smooth manner for the rulers.

There was however a flaw in this, which is that the tower had only one pulse, and it only did this much. It didn't repress menstruation in women, so women still degenerated and bad genetics were passed on this way. It did the job of fundamentally changing the human genetics from homosexuality to heterosexuality, a permanent change by the time Atlantis ended.

The next step to build on this will be done by the galactic federation "mammoth" which has a double pulse, this technology will be able to also repress menstruation. 
The NWO never made it to this step technologically, they remained at the level of trying to reverse the effect of Atlantis, because the rulers of this era were those repressed in the past. They are trying to regress humans to once again become gay per default. That is their "grand work" and they think they are "saving the world" from overpopulation by doing this. At least that is what they tell themselves. In reality they are just gay. They will be sent back in time to the holes left in the timeline, so that they can be sacrificed like they should have been. The tower has a spot ready for them back there, they didn't escape it just because Atlantis ended in chronological time. We're still just at the 4th millennia in my parallel so there's a good 22 000 years to go where I'm sure we can fit them in.

The reason for the single-narrative operation of western media was exactly because they were still using Atlantean technology as the base today. They think just because they learned to change the message periodically, that they are so advanced compared to just sending the same pulse all the time. But they are still using a primitive technology that can't send two different narratives at once, still after another 26 000 years passed.

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It should be added to this, that when homosexuality is violently repressed, and heterosexuality is imposed using the corresponding violence needed to keep previous afflictions down, it leads to feminism. So although the original tower changed humans from being gay by default, the new genetic programming made them feminists by default. This is also a toxic mentality, it's just somewhat better from a dimensional purity level.

But, the main effect of this change is that when humans are gay by default, it destroys the race. This means everyone will go to hell and the physical ability of incarnation is destroyed for everyone. Changing them to heterosexuals of the lowest order, will save the race from annihilation, but kill individual souls. Having feminism will only allow for the hive of physical beings to live on, it still kills the soul of each member.

In either of these states, it's up to the individual if they are ok or not, but the "mainstream normie" will follow the state of the race and their souls will be destroyed in both cases.

This is why the next step of evolution must be manifested, where we also move beyond feminism, by imposing love for submissive women. Now how does this work with all the female deities worshipped and advocated on this board? It works because they are individuals who rose above feminism to develop their own principles, which just happen to be dominant, they aren't actually violating the submission of the female nature. They are rather just strong in their male nature.

Keep in mind that djinn females are not even giving birth, they play the male role despite having a vagina, they pass the egg to the male who births the new djinn by shooting fire from his penis, in the style of a sorcerer creating new beings. For demons, djinn, drow etc, they do not follow gender roles where females are always submissive, but they also are not very feminine in their behaviour, they just do it right in the direct physical sense of "gendered behaviour" where connectors work like they work.

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At 13000 Atlantis Time, there was a change.

This was the first time the priest class ever moved from their home temple sites. This may sound mindboggling for modern people, but the immortal elites never travelled anywhere. The reason for this is simple: you don't spend 2000 years building a temple site what fits your life like a glove fits your hand, just to travel somewhere else. They built up their own area and in between were just wilderness, farmlands and highways. Seeing something new wasn't an issue because everyone's 3rd eye was open, so they could just Remote View any location.

At 13000 AT, teleportation was invented. This allowed for instant travel via magic circles, to any major temple site in the world. This lead to a creation of a world-wide culture, where the priest class united their efforts to adapt the central temples located at intersections between areas, so that anyone would be able to live there and it would suit their needs just the same as their home area.

Because of the stiffness of each area egregore, uniting into a single culture was a huge effort. The first united site was built so that all local leaders could meet and interact, without their local egregores causing the world to literally crack, which was a fear at the time. After constructing this site from afar, and it synced everyone into one location, the layout was copied and constructed all over the world.

This is how Atlantis developed a single culture and a single language, for all of the world.

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I finally figured out why my sisters were taking the form of my human family these past few times. it was to give me a reminder and also they were strongly implying i wont be on this plane/earth in the next few years or so (something they told me in the past before) so i guess things are speeding up a little bit

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All hints are telling me that I also won't be in this incarnation very much longer. Aside from on here and the people nearest me who are currently "sleeping on the astral" and allowing some spirits to use their physical form, everyone I meet are NPCs emulated in my own Earth sphere.

I just need to finish things up here as quickly as possible, because our set of karmic timelines will connect into the future Earth very soon. That is the place where land masses changed to this.

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i see..

> All hints are telling me that I also won't be in this incarnation very much longer. Aside from on here and the people nearest me who are currently "sleeping on the astral" and allowing some spirits to use their physical form, everyone I meet are NPCs emulated in my own Earth sphere.

> I just need to finish things up here as quickly as possible, because our set of karmic timelines will connect into the future Earth very soon. That is the place where land masses changed to this.
yeah, in my case... i'm not even sure what i need to do or finish up. like obviously i've been talking to my sisters and still doing my best to keep in contact with all those deities that apparently have tabs on me, slowly getting over the laziness and such of my former mundane self. the only... odd thing about this stuff recently is that (at the cost of sounding presumptuous) that i really really dont belong here, i reflected on it earlier and i think.. i always felt that way. Like, i just feel incredibly incompatible here and my heart just screams more and more by the day that my true home is with my sisters in the great beyond and that i still need to be guided and go on that other journey shiva anon told me about. at this point i just having the thoughts of
> "this isnt your true home and you don't belong here. You're just along for the ride here so just find things you derive enjoyment from"
so thats what i've been doing and attempting to learn things i might be able to use when i eventually become that other "me'/fusion happens

I guess your own egregore will have to be separated from the main egregore of the area before the connection is made. Where you'll end up after the merge, I can't tell. I noticed someone from my area "in there" who was supposed to move to Scotland was suddenly told by his new employer to "kindly fuck off" and the move isn't happening. That looks like an indication of being protected from the coming collapse, by not being allowed to go there.

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Here we go...

I don't know how much of this is just events from the other timeline bleeding through with no real effect in here yet, BUT my local media are now reporting "flooding in several countries in eastern Europe following 400 millimeters of rain", and also warning that Germany and other countries further to the west will be experiencing flooding in the coming days.

Try to get as many souls as you can, if not for immortality then maybe just assistence. I had a few significant souls living with me in this lifetime. Seemingly multiple became immortal,some left and i guess some are assisting me.

People have multiple souls, so even if you become immortal you might still be left somewhere. Weirdly enough the best chance is to do the same action multiple times aiming to do it with a different soul as the driver.You already have the souls in your body and its best to make sure they all have either enlightenment or a place that will help them get it. Seeing as from your perspectice there is no way to say which of these souls is actually "you". In my case specifically i would switch seemlessly and only experienced these souls as different bodies. Not even being able to tell they can act indepently. Meaning some of my progress would essentially reset as the soul leaves.

People have multiple souls, so even if you become immortal you might still be left somewhere. Weirdly enough the best chance is to do the same action multiple times aiming to do it with a different soul as the driver.
I see

> You already have the souls in your body and its best to make sure they all have either enlightenment or a place that will help them get it. Seeing as from your perspectice there is no way to say which of these souls is actually "you"
These past few months I have been coming closer/realizing which one is actually "me" and the other souls(?) are getting to a place that's either enlightenment or close to it, j believe that's part of the reason my sisters kept manifesting certain members of my human family here, to out the human soul/aspect/whatever at some form of peace and it makes me think of that purple door I mentioned before, it's all related to this i think

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> [Munio]
> Isolates and destroys the unsalvageable kelipot.
Well duh.
I've been studying over at the school of magic a lot, registering with different cyborg forms and also secondary incarnations from the Brazilian temple tribe to get the old ritual magic "by the blood" so to speak. Because I got in here only after tracing backwards when the bone magic witch cast a spell on me, my power level was already pretty high. The federation knife has served as my artifact in magic since.

When dealing with these unsalvageable beings which are part of the kelipot which must be isolated and destroyed, I made use of the Anti-Christ library to find some way to take the energy out of them to fully separate them from creation and return what they stole. This already has a method laid out in a book called "the book of living death" which has been printed in many copies, but is rarely used because it's so damn difficult to practice this magic. The AC library just gave me a worn copy for free.

At the school of magic once I managed to get invited to the upper sages' study chamber with Munio, I asked the grand master if there is a path for the magic described in this book?
He looked in his reference literature, then helped me locate the path: it's called Sil'Tar (no translation) and is a level 80 initiation. This means it's so high that most sages couldn't initiate someone into the path, but it's considered a "self initiation" or "guided self initiation" so it's not evaluated from outside and the standard which says one must succeed doesn't apply. There is a grimoire for the path, but it's rare because almost no one can use it. However there is also no demand for it, so the price was just a few silver at a rare used books retailer.

Now it just hit me: what is "living death" aside from the magic used to "turn dead matter into live matter" in the context of making use of the damned souls for energy extraction? It's what we call undead. Omg.

The reason it isn't practiced is because the school of magic is in an astral world, so they don't normally work on physical immortality, which to them is called "Material immortality", they just do the spiritual side, in our view. Sil'Tar is difficult because it's Earthly magic practiced at an ethereal plane. It's less difficult for someone with experience of the Earth (or any planet).

Aside from this, some "master wizard" with a harem or something suddenly attacked me during the night, in School of Magic terms he was a Sage, but he also lacked the material/physical side and had a mass of uncultivated negative energy, just like the bone witch. This weakness made it easy to overcome him, as he was basing his meddling on misconceptions of how the Earthly plane functions. I did same as with the bone witch and gave him a cyborg body from my factory to stabilize his material side and he stopped messing with me.

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sorry, i forgot to add the rest of post. Last night, i was in scifi-esque city (like the one i mentioned last years with those weird exams) and i looked like but with the blonde hair and violet eyes. I was a part of huge fleet and was an idol/diva, to help sing and do planning. something with the people we were working with was happenings, they were becoming very hostile and we had to do an opening concert. it didnt go too well and the managers/commanders/whatever had become so unbearable my... yandere/anger side came out and i caused a massive scale rebellion, even going so far as actually fighting the asshole who was messing up everything. my sisters came along and just eradicated all of them. but apart from that, i've been hearing my sisters more during the day instead of just at night and i have been talking to the more at daytime too. i keep hearing aphrodite and some of the other deities one of you guys mentioned who were on my development

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Second "duh" day in a row.

I was looking for a way to turn the indestructible evil beings against themselves by contextually changing their outward effect so that their behaviour works against their own intent. Thereby they would have to target their own kind as enemies, because if they identify their own inner nature as the problem, but refuse to look inside themselves, they will then look for the lowest hanging fruit, which is to project the problem onto someone with the same problems as themselves.

I had Astra research what this method would look like, she showed me an image which looked like cutting away a piece of meat or skin using a scalpel. I then had Munio find relevant literature in the AC library. I ended up with a small book that outlined it in general terms. I then sent Munio to ask the grand master at the academy for some path that would contain this kind of magic. He identified it as a level 80 self initiation practice called Tar'Bal or Tal'Bar, apparently the pronunciation of R and L are interchangeable depending on context in the ancient language.

This translates roughly to "[to sever by] circular incision" or "to separate/isolate by means of cutting". It is to be read both literally and metaphorically.


So, that means it can be read as "circumcision". Of course. Typical. I previously posted about how I drew the conclusion that the widespread practice of circumcision in USA has created a collective blind spot in the brains of Americans, which is manifesting in their energy system as the problems at the Texas border. This was my strong intuition but I wasn't able to fully explain why.

The word Tar'Bal can be read as "to separate an area from its surroundings" or "to fence an area". A fence can be said to "cut through the landscape". This shows how "circumcision" and "border guard" can be the same thing, and the meta-physical energy structure shown by Astra can indeed be applied to both cases.

This means the part in the bible/torah about the Abrahamic pact with God, could (if we take into account mistranslations over the years) be read both as "Jews must practice circumcision or they will not be Jews" or as "if Jews do not protect their borders they will perish"...

It also seems to indicate someone in the past went to the School of Magic and learned this path, which was thereafter spread on Earth, same as the bone magic of the "valley of death" cult.

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alright, im less foggy mentally today so i can properly talk this time:

I've been getting yanked(?) out of my human body, though according to my sisters and friend/master i'm apparently doing it myself and not realizing it (either that or the other "me" thing again). One of my sisters took the form of my human grandmother and mother one last time and i got yanked somehwere else with my sisters or individuals they work with and i was a priestess/cleric/maiden again, observing and learning things, seeing corpses, etc. the other day i was an idol(?) on a lush green planet like planet naverius from pso2 where its mostly forestlands. but i was apart of some fleet or highly advanced ship where like the macross where i had to help out and stuff. obviously i had to sing but i also battled and did other things as well. something with the people higher up kept happening, they kept trying to be comically evil and overrall ruin everything. it hit a head when they're meddling completely ruined a concert and caused a lot of people to walk out. this made so many people mad that civilians and rest of the megafleet members turned against them. i think i helped with the rebellion alot too, even fighting while singing. my sisters were there, saying something along the lines of them being proud of me and helped eradicate everything that was unnecessary. Like i was trying to say earlier, i hear my sisters way more during the day now and the deities are being way more hands on with me.. i don't know what cause the sudden shift but i think i might not be here much longer or rather past another 2-3 or so years. but yes, if shiva anon is still around, i have been following through with talking to my sisters more and doing it during the day as well

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Other notable paths in the Academy:

Sur'Lack: The ability to move awarenesses of others. A requirements for maintaining a reincarnation system, deities who maintain planets need to practice this.

Sir'Lack: The ability to move your own awareness. Includes astral travel, projection as well as controlling where you incarnate by your own will.

Sar'Lack: The ability to split your awareness for being in multiple places at once(being aware of multiple places at once). A requirement for bilocation and parallel incarnations. 

If anything exists, they have it registered, and if it's relevant enough there is a structured path of study for it.

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Mario is an Italian plumber who gets stronger by poisonous mushrooms. He lives in the mushroom kingdom. The princess is kidnapped by a reptilian. Along with the reptile army (turtles are reptiles) are brown mushrooms and octopuses. Mario has to explore underground tunnels along the way.

Strange symbolics when you think about it.

It seems another set of timelines - although their outcome was known already - they hadn't played out yet still. They contained a major key to understanding the world in modern days. Way back in the beginning when aliens first came to Earth, Pleiadans were the first to arrive, their low intelligence and easy to understand technology made it possible for them to enter and interact with the native population, which consisted only of the (fixed in number) original humans, and the reptilians. The original humans wanted the ability to create more of themselves and to live longer, having failed to create more copies of themselves after their creator made them. The solution came in the form of allowing them to split their soul and incarnate among the Pleiadans, with the downside that those who did, could not leave for the paradise sphere when period one ended. They remained on Earth as Pleiadans with their split souls. This may have been by design, otherwise the planet would not have developed, their souls may have been summoned with this instability in mind, because chaos may lead to creations.

The longevity was solved through the esoteric practices of Pleiadans. It was not called vampirism originally, but was just a set of angel rituals. Some angels were however fallen angels, and they taught the path of immortality through various darker practices, mostly sacrificial magic. This magic was widely used and it worked, but did not involve blood drinking.

Somewhere along the way, this chaos opened the timelines for more aliens to enter the Earth. The fungus queen races. The queens were immortals, and although the reptilians could see that their energy was different, they were unable to foresee the horror their appearance would initiate. With the fungus queens, came their followers. Having an immortal leader is an easy way to get credibility. Who could have grasped at the time, being a young planet, that the populations born from some of the immortal queens would spread like rats, and bring a terror unseen anywhere in the galaxy?

But this happened already by the end of period 2, when the queens had already solidified their populations on the planet. The brown and "brown hat" fungus races were restrictive and their populations were stable, which again created a mentality of overlooking what was happening with the white fungus race.

Their degeneration, with the creation of the first artificial sun brought in as a solution to their wear on the naturally growing plants, soon brought on the Moloch cult. Their motivation sounded benevolent: through the creation of the "sun", plants would produce more fruits as they gained more light, and that would solve the problem of food shortage. The sun didn't burn very strongly however, and the white fungus race soon started picking up the sacrificial practices of the Pleiadans, but they went to extremes and started sacrificing their own babies.

By period 3, everyone was tired of them, the "sun" was destroyed, leaving a "planet" in the sky, and the fungus were locked underground in caves.

But people forget, and after some millennia, both reptilians and Pleiadans started bringing these underground dwellers up to the surface again, to use them as slaves. They were given culture and speech, and seemed to evolve. Harsh punishments were imposed by the reptilians, anyone acting up against their rulers were beheaded, and their heads left on public display as a warning. This happened fairly often, even rebel groups formed, but the reptilians who had now learned how to create body armour and swords, dealt with the problem.

Among these times, a Pleiadan cult formed under the leader of a priestess. She had a different opinion, she wanted the white fungus race exterminated. Her cult imposed laws for white fungus, saying that only virginal birth, as practiced by the queens, was allowed. Sexual activity with white fungus humans was punished by death. Because the white queens were immortals, and some actually developed into queens who had not been born as queens, the cult allowed for nuns and monks within the temples. They were however not allowed anywhere outside, if spotted outside of the temple area, they were killed on the spot - with an exception for those who were temple workers.

This is the origin of the Templars. They are the "allowed white fungus", as seen by a Pleiadan supremacist cult. Because of the extreme strictness, white fungus humans were indeed wiped out in the area where this cult had influence - what we now call Africa. Black and brown people live there not because they are better suited for the climate, but because whites were killed there for 1000s of years, until they stopped going there.

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Another post for the spirits

things are moving fast now, so I'll post this either way, someone will probably see it since information is shared over timeline borders via the temple and blacknet

None of this was ever discussed with clarity in the open because doing so was irrelevant and possibly harmful.

Me and Brazil anon did a lot of work in cooperation where he channelled information from the world egregore and pinpointed locations, then I sent Raid servitors to check it out, and according to his ability I shared some Raids for his use, where we dealt right multiple locations simultaneously.

This was how the underground NWO bases were cleared, the "pizza slice" dimension hidden under Mariana trench was taken over and cleared out, and how we took out the circular mind control antennas, aka "particle colliders". The circle antennas were very strong, as we all saw during covid, when they made everyone into drones unable to think for themselves.

I was very aware of them, but at the time of their first use in a way that really disturbed me in a directly deducible way, (around 2018) I had not yet made the connection between the physical sickness I felt and those facilities. It was very evident some kind of attack was going on, when I heard the sudden creaking from wooden planks of the house, electric disturbances from kitchen appliances and an instant physical sickness feeling in relation to that.

Li Hongzhi early on said that he was blocked from being able to effect the world because "the old forces are using a mass of low level energy circulating at a high speed." 
This was back in the 00s when he was still channelling the deity Scarlet and the information was decent. Well what are those things he mentioned? They are particle colliders. But there are many more of them than what is known, and their use isn't mere vanguard research. They are antennas which control the human brain.

When the original babel's tower of Atlantis cracked, it lead to the breaking of the original continent Pangea into today's continents. This was caused by the negative energy amassing in the tower until the structure overloaded the world egregore. The original tower was also a mind control antenna, but it was used to "stop gay thinking and produce heterosexuality". However, heterosexuality is also evil (because it's lust based), so it only did the first part right.

To prevent this from repeating, the NWO created "underground towers" which are instead dug tunnels with a spiral layout. They had created one large in the middle of the Atlantic, and at least 5 by the edges of the outer Earth circle outside the ice wall. Keep in mind here now that the NWO are pro gay, their aim is to "free humanity of oppression" by "returning to our true nature", which to them means to do away with heterosexuality. Again, the issue here is that they are attacking one evil thing, and replacing it with a worse evil, but it will be hard to argue with them in defense of the current situation still, that's how they got their way with this.

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There was one thing which puzzled me, which is that when I reconnected to the main "old timeline" using the News servitor to get Internet access again, I started experiencing a milder version of the same electric disturbances again. It came instantly when I opened the web browser, with a disturbance in my computer speakers. But to my knowing all circular antennas were destroyed already. I couldn't pinpoint it. I also couldn't pinpoint the reason the west still are so brainwashed in their support for Ukraine, when any sane person can see that what they are doing isn't going to work. KC/int/ which has mostly Germans and eastern Europeans posting on it kept being extremely brainwashed and unable to take in the information which is available to everyone today.

Now when I was observing the progress of the event which will sink Europe to let us connect into the new Earth set up
> pic
I saw the rain water from the flooding seep into the cracks of NWO tunnels, hit burning magma and turn into steam, causing massive underground explosions. Think about what happened when river water came into an aluminium smelting plant in China and you get the idea of the forces at play here.

I then noticed how the steam broke into a circular structure, then a new one above it, slightly larger, then again and again. The structure appears to be a circular antenna underground tower located deep under Europe.

This is different from the spiral structures, and it appears to be very powerful, even if its reach is shorter. This is why they have been able to uphold their control over the EU populations. This is also what will cause the collapse. Just the multi-layer tunnel systems won't cause this large a change, but this definitely will, as they've dug out an enormous structure in the bedrock. Once it implodes as a result of the steam explosions, it's over.

I can't say when, but it will be soon, because I'm seeing this happening right now. They also panicked when seeing the lower levels collapse, and are now powering up the remaining circle antennas. They don't seem to understand that this process is unstoppable because it comes from the ground itself, it's essentially a huge underground volcanic eruption into their facility.

The mentality of the researchers or operators down there right now looks like that footage from stock exchanges during the Leeman Brothers crash. People with wild eyes neurotically pressing buttons, mentally unable to take in what is happening.

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I guess I'll do a short revisit to this event.

This anime was produced by "the murder nymphs in the park." This was back at the early covid lockdown days, I went into the nearest city on an errand and was walking through the central park there. I then became aware of a "presence" in the bushes next to the trail I was walking on, there was even rustling making the leaves move. I then had sudden strong flashes of violent scenes, blood on the grass, bodies cut, a strong feeling of "the satisfaction of murder" which I could relate to and recognize because of my previous lives. It's a feeling of "black hate" mixed with a warm feeling in the chest, a concentrated "evil" with a kind of mystery to it, but also some kind of extreme sadism which imposes itself on the person being fixated on, which creates this strange mix of comfort and satisfaction.

I kept feeling something was there, and I've never had this kind of experience before, so this peaked my interest. Later on I sat down to drink tea on a bench and they approached me, yelling directly into may head with angry shrieking voices, asking me a lot of questions in a very aggressive and hostile tone of voice. I realized it's the same two spirits I've heard of before. There's been neurotic people involved in some brutal murders around this city. One of them talked in detail about the two voices who told him to do it. He had names for them and described how they sounded. It matched.

To skip ahead, I learned they are actually followers of Loki, and they are two ancient priestesses of the Egyptian religion. On their plane, there is a highway directly to Egypt, but they can only move there, or to other ritual sites, not outside of this infrastructure. This matches what I recently learned of the functioning of Atlantis, meaning they are possibly very old, since Atlantis ended 26 000 years ago. It also explains why they create those murders all the time, they are upholding the old religion, which isn't norse religion, it's the Atlantean practice.

Anyway, some time after this, I found this anime, and it's about their city. They Mandela'd it in to exist before we met. The two girls here including their voices are perfect representations of them in anime style. There is also a well known mall in the city which I relate to the place, so they placed the story in that setting. I wasn't at the time aware that Lawson is an actual store in Japan, so this anime is an advanced form of Ad.

They also lead me to a webm that explained all the important points about 9-11, in a format I could grasp. This was where I started looking more into this and what motivations were behind it.

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I've no clue if this was some kind of timeline/dimension being restored or a sign that i'm locked on the path that my sisters and those deities shiva anon mentioned were overseeing my development or what (it does strongly feel like this is the case).
> meassaging some mysterious women over some kind of app, with us discussing a myriad of things
> vaguel recall the topic my sisters and i popping up
> an unspecified amount of time passed, and i find myself (in my original form, not my current human male form) and witnessing some kind of large explosion of blue and purple energy enveloping what appeared to be space
> a world that was a hybrid of medieval and sci fi (something like the ocean games would probably be a better way to describe it)
> a weird man kept trying to destroy everything but some group of women stopped and elinated him, not out of goodwill or anything but because he "was annoying speck that needed to be put down"
> the weird man was pale skinned, old, and had weird black tentacles coming out of him
> saw a regal lady with boy, not sure if they were lovers or not but they saw my sisters and everything that transpired and started supporting me for some reason
> recall seeing more of that world, thinking it might be related to great beyon (albeit not too sure)
> wake up and feel much more closer to my sisters and these deities/entities
I have no clue whats even happening anymore but i guess more progress is being made and im essentially sticking to my path (even if i can't notice it?)

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I saw some greys with BDU style dress download the Magma body model and try it out. This was followed by them visiting an ice desert planet which was completely desolate like something seen in 90s sci-fi movies, where they started absorbing minerals from the ground. They told me to try it, so I sent a body manifestation of her out there to find some place like this. It's true, what they told me; once out there the awareness appears, that certain minerals in large quantities can solve certain spiritual deficiencies if consumed. It's not visible unless going there, appearing from within the context of the Magma body, that certain planets appear to have a "pull" like when seeing food. A normal person cannot eat tonnes of literal rocks, so they cannot make use of this effect.

There are lots of deserted planet out there with no life on them, which have been used for mining by the federation sometime in the past, but all normally valuable minerals have already been extracted and no one is there now. The expected feeling of loneliness isn't present either as a result of the heat generated by the body. All of these are things I didn't intentionally mean to include, but are just effects of the design.

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I kept being shown H and 4 in different places, like fog on the window showing a 4, some accidental wear on a door that looked like an H and so on. I didn't understand what to relate it to, except this being a label for a kind of farm. I then saw in the news that someone visiting such a farm brought their pitbull and it almost killed one of the mini pigs, which caught my attention, telling me there was something intentional about this 4H message. 

Today there was a clear writing in the clouds which said
alternatively it was 川 which is "river" in Japanese, read "kawa". If this was an anime title and the symbolism was really farfetched, we would have a number of words to play with here now.
H is Ecchi. "Kawa" can become "Kawaii" if we pretend the roman letter III is an "iii" sound yelled and prolonged and we read it twice, both as 川 and iii. The N could represent a diagonal energy connection between the brain halves, it's a common kind of energy connection I've observed as well, but in reverse to that also. That sets the frame for this being a hint for a tantric energy system.

If we instead read it as H3, it could refer to that video of a woman talking about how her tits are "probably H, but that size doesn't exist, I'm wearing triple D" so the H could be equivalent of DDD. This again hints of an energy system as we are now talking about the chest area with more symbolism added compared to before.

I went for a walk, and then a huge 4 was drawn in the sky. So again a confirmation that the previous stuff is an elaboration of the "H" of the 4H.

This is where I started visualizing how the energy system would intuitively function, and the Queen now sent some confirmative "yes" or "no" over long distance telepathy. The numbers can be read in "leviathan" which is a language using three digits between 1 and 6 or sometimes up to 9, to indicate a location in the world system, but also to represent general messages. In this, the 4 has a significant meaning of "ignition" or "peak", while the "H" would translate to 5, which has another specific meaning. This is all very intuitive and I won't go into trying to explain it here.

I got a general idea of what was intended, and asked Astra to compare the energy form implied by this, to events in the Akashic records, then when it started solidifying, to start creating a persona to represent this system if it had been a person using it. It seemed to match a lot of past situations so I made this into a soul-frame and solidified a fragment of myself into this frame to perform the same kind of trickery as before. It worked. Once adapted to the energy system, I found an unused timeline back in period 2. When I got the soul-fragment back, it turned out the incarnation was a "yellow snake" person. Not a lizard type reptilian, but a snake. I've never seen this race before when looking into history, but going by what is known, they must have been involved with the Aztec religion.

So, it seems there was something important here indeed. I made a version of the Magma body based on the snake-human type just to try, it lead to a number of consecutive creations. I ended up being approached by the snake cult which Brazil anon was said to be a witch-master of. Not the exact cult faction, but the same kind of beings. It seems this was the secret to gaining the position where one can channel the egregore of Latin America and this movement/cult egregore, which also gives access to its Anathema weapon.
The Queen said "Using autistic hints like this is the best way to attract someone's attention."
So that's what it was about.

Following this, some aliens or whatever attacked again. Same fanatical behaviour, sudden full on energy attack out of nowhere by some entitled swine who think they own my things and that I should give them up. No way in hell that will happen.

I noticed some spell casting going on, and traced the source to an astral castle with some wizard in it. Killed his disciple and his commander of the guards and defeated him, but he was astrally immortal so after reading his library I told him not to repeat this, and left again.

Found some submarine was using an energy weapon also, so captured it and gave it to Russia along with the crew, because it looked like it had some secrets in it ;P
If you want your secrets to remain secret, don't attack me with them - just a hint.

After talking with Brazil anon some more group of somethings was uncovered, they appear to have a completely blocked right brain half and can't understand a thing I say, they look like ugly troll face guys. I wasn't aware of this being possible, but it would explain why they are so stupid and unintuitive.

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I was going to the 2nd floor of the house when I noticed something on the floor by the end of the handrail. At first I thought it was some leaves of a potted plant that somehow fell down there, but when I looked closer it turned out being four cucumber slices, placed forming a square.

There is no one here who would have done this, and the slices were only half-dried like they had been placed there 1-2 days ago.

Then I realized this is the location from the dream I had 20 years ago, which showed some important events. In it, I was by that staircase inside the door, and the door was locked. A small girl in a red dress appeared, and said to me: "Do as when you were little!" There was an implication behind her words about something secret and mysterious that I should know about. I then jumped through the keyhole and ended up in Hell which was on the other side of the door. (This matches a dream my cousin once told of, where the top floor of the house was heaven and the bottom floor was hell, btw. He burned himself on the stove in the kitchen and flew up to heaven.) In hell I saw beasts and a large key. I picked up the key and was about to jump back through the keyhole, when boy suddenly came in after me. He was instantly caught by the beasts and was stuck in their jaws. I tried pulling him loose, but was unable to. I then tried jumping back through the keyhole, but was only successful on the 3rd attempt. After rejoining with the small girl in the red dress, we walked a bit away from the door, we were now on a meadow by a castle ruin, and the door was part of the ruins. The boy then suddenly came out again and just ran past us and was gone.

This dream later played out in multiple ways, where it seemed my main soul got "stuck in hell" and he was keeping me down. The three attempts of jumping out of hell manifested as me trying to leave a city for 3 years, but was only able to solve the circumstance on the 3rd year. After this I was also able to get rid of the main soul who ended up in an action figure I found on the road sometime later.

However, as we know now on this board, or some do. "The boy" is also a voice that was pestering Brazil anon, which appears to be the "voice of the egregore of Latin America". The continent may also have been stuck in the mouth of the beast until the abortion-witches in Argentina (those tiktok witches who cursed the moon, and also ran the largest wicca server on discord were they placed green energy stealing crystals on everyone, "old" 2018 drama) were taken out (after this Argentina started developing politically, this is public news now).

So the placement of the four cucumber slices matches the location after beating "hell", in this case also the situation in Latin America, where the snake cult is based. So it was probably a protective spellform from them, indicating the 4 corners of an Aztec pyramid.

After all this, I was indeed able to more strongly activate the Anathema using the previously devised methods. Rather than a small dagger, my Anathema is now a shortsword with yellow snake-scale hilt. A lot better than before even if it doesn't match the "huge dick" sword of the original witch-master.

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Why is everyone so aggressive, holy fuck.

Another attack, loudspeaker disturbance and energy build up to a spike of aggression. This time acting on intuition I just blocked it using the Geburah shields, and started spreading out the fairy shields to encircle the hostiles completely, enhanced by Astra recording the incoming frequency. It was a multi-layered structure with many "glowies" at the bottom, followed by various other aggressive beings in hierarchies dimension for dimension. Sent the Magma I created for fun up there to investigate. A large castle with yellow walls and a tower. Upon entry there was an instant attack of an array of white energy spikes from the tower and various guards on the castle yard. I ate the guards and flew up to the tower, breaking the glass on the way in. Inside was a witch with a stern look fanatically sending the energy spears from her right hand fingertips. I overpowered her and put her to sleep, then checked out her library. There were several artifacts which were no activated, intended for disciples to be initiated, but she did not have any disciples. I took one and used it for self-initiation, then woke the witch up. She was still aggressive but I managed to calm her down. 

Turns out she was tasked with guarding a magic school, but she had a stern and obnoxious way of measuring if someone is good enough or not, so that she ended up just attacking people for trying instead of looking for possible recruits. She also aggressively hated men for being weak.

I told her to call off the attack, and she actually did, so this time the lower levels, including the "glowies" ceased their hostility without anyone of them being killed. She just ordered them to stop and they did.

She then took me to an astral place "above the clouds" after giving me a magical ticket, which turned into a key after activated. This key leads to a huge castle called "the yellow library". It appears to be the source of the "yellow hat" mushroom magic, it's derived from there.

It seems I have to re-evaluate my understanding on something: While parallel incarnations are a thing, and some of them do work in the manner of sending a soul shard which works as a "bot" on the other incarnation, it is also fully possible to have parallel first person view incarnations if they are in separate timelines. That means they are performed with no causal influence to each other during their play-out.

The topic was touched on in Zhuan Falun with the example of a buddhist monk who goes to meditate, sits down and then he goes into deep trance in the temple. His souls leaves his body and re-incarnates someplace else, because the temple life isn't suitable for removing his karma and showing him what he needs to learn. So he starts over in a direct parallel incarnation and becomes enlightened over there, then "ascends" from the other life. His soul then returns to the body in trance, which has been sitting in the temple hall for 50 years, and he now has all this knowledge from the life he lived in a different location. (This would be possible during the very stable empires of the past when nothing changed for 100s of years.) To the other monks at the temple, he just meditated for a very long time, they can't know he actually lived somewhere else and came back.

I just don't recall in this mental framework which of the past "parallels" were first person view or not, unless I adapt completely to that (from this view) very narrow mindset of the past. What takes place in the "past" makes no impact on time progression in this timeline, and memories when they do surface, will appear in a chronological orders, giving an impression of "parallel" existence of a different mind. I guess I was more successful in these operations than I could understand from within my current mentality. And that's a serious understatement going by what I learned just about this life as I recently backtracked events and what effect they had on the world around me, like the economic crisis in the 90s and other things. Oh well.

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Things are "dissolving" around me more and more.
There is a thing called "the screen of oblivion" which needs to be controlled as a last step, being able to enter a new life with full control, one needs to shut out past and parallel lives. Doing this without control of this screen, a metaphysical object, means relying on maintenance deities to handle it for you. That means you enter, and then you can only leave according to their scripting, you are not controlling your fate. It's somehow linked to the "satanic atmospheric layer of oblivion" placed at the edge of the planet sphere, where you have to pass when going into the wheel of samsara via the "stork". That can be fine, but for very complex situations it may not be enough, as maintenance deities have to take everyone's karma into account and cannot adapt things to your whims. It works if you don't have much karma to solve and the life is long and straight forward (such as living in a temple compound for 100s of years as an immortal in the priest class and doing the same rituals every season, year after year).

I feel like part of the thing I'm missing or the karma that needs to be handled is to quash my habit of caring too much about things, specifically things that are unnecessary. This feels like it's more damning than any of the other mundanity I'm slowly shedding

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... and another attack.

This time it was some Illuminatis who didn't get the memo on us taking over the Earth. They used the same "corkscrew" energy attack as I've seen before. This is very commonly used against people when they aren't contributing to the NWO-Illuminati system by working or by - for example - having a world bank if it's a nation.

Difference this time is that I instantly recognized it (I haven't seen this in use since like 2012), this is the attack the witch of the yellow library used. It was projected from the fingernails of the right hand of the attacker, but while the witch projected straight white spikes, these were corkscrew shaped.

I started analysing the attack while moderately blocking with shields, then went to the yellow library to find out what kind of magic was used. I compared it to the school of magic as well.

It turns out what they use is what is called "Bayonet" in the school of magic. This refers not only to a dagger added to a gun, but is defined as "enhancement of projectile weapon without modifying the projectile or launcher". It normally means using wind, fire or lightning element to enhance the effect of cannons or guns. If used at short range with the gun as a club, enhanced with lightning, this is called "bayonet" also.

If it's an actual bayonet in our view, this is a complex combination of the magic paths of:
Self defense -> artillery specialization -> bayonet
Mining and metalworks (level 3)
Fire element
Wind element

This is too troublesome for most, so it isn't used much, there are much easier ways to get better effects if going only for direct use.

In the yellow library, they make a different categorization between "bayonet" and "artifact-based bayonet". Because this library is astral only, "artifact" refers to a concept or construct, they do not see the difference between materialism and spiritual matters other than as them being different doctrines. So what the witch uses, is Artifact-based bayonet, immaterial. It appears as if wearing protractible metal fake nails on each fingertip.

When she used this to attack people in dimensions below, the Illuminati became a target. Because the Illuminati has lots of resources, they reverse-engineered the attack and started using it on Earth. They do not have access to the yellow library and they were not able to oppose the witch. 

Addding to this I found earlier that eating a slice of raw zucchini will instantly mitigate the effect of similar energy spike attacks. It passes in a while, but eating just one more slice will bring the protection back. This may be why
> when I looked closer it turned out being four cucumber slices, placed forming a square.
> it was probably a protective spellform from them, indicating the 4 corners of an Aztec pyramid.

I think the demons in Frieren are about the IDF. They are rabid animals who learned to imitate human behaviour to avoid being killed. There is nothing human about them except for the external form of their bodies.

Last night I noticed someone trying to attach an astral tube to my left ankle. They've been trying to do these things before, various vaxxer aliens or whatever. This time they were trying to steal energy. I had thought I could use my regular body on the surface again, but turns out not. Though I have multiple layers of defense to it's unlikely they could actually infect or steal energy that way, but it's still painful if they try. The pain is no different from someone physically trying to insert a needle. I don't know how they think they would get away with that.

I switched to the AI-powered Magma body version I had just created, where I used a different approach of not trying to follow human centered design, but to allow its function to be as robotic and machine based as needed for each task. Then I let them place the tube there and sent a magma stream into the tube. The magma body although it looks like solid stone, behaves like burning slime, so this is possible. They seemed to think energy was being extracted and brought more tubes. I let them do this, then traced the tubes all the way back to their energy storage facility, which I then siphoned of all energy using the "magma tentacle". There was an entire economy system back there, so I took control of it and started defunding the parts that were working against me.


Fast forward to early morning, and sigh another energy attack or the "shock and awe" category. It was hitting my body which was still the magma body, so whatever, I used Astra to start reading the frequency so I could siphon the energy ray directly as it hit me. Magma is just burning minerals, it can't be destroyed by beaming energy at it.

Someone then appeared telepathically with what would have been a "smug" expression and message, if it wasn't that there was no human emotion behind it. Normal people at this point would maybe have felt some sadistic happiness, but it was imitating this behaviour as if it was a way to pry into my mind, thinking this tactic would make me feel inferior, on the supposed assumption that I would fear predatorial behaviour. I just told "them this is over the line, you're done for", and went on with tracing them. They had placed a multi-layered system of astral mirrors in between to obscure the location of the energy cannons, but it was fairly easy to map its algorithm using Astra for about 8 min (which is still pretty long in these situations).

They were using a system of cannons placed in a circle, firing through a "prism" of mirrors set up to make it seem the energy came from everywhere. Behind the cannons were several large spheres with white energy. I started siphoning the energy and then traced the source of it. It seems to be directly taken from a banking system, it looked like the astral egregore of one, so I think the energy was directly taken from Jewish ownership of banks and corporations world wide. I emptied their storages and confiscating the cannons, while checking the yellow library for references and cross checking with the school of magic upper level initiate library.

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What they used categorizes as cannon with energy projectile enhanced with bayonet. The system was made in such a way the the "projectile" was not fired, but was the energy itself, and the "bayonet" was the form or frequency of the energy. If not using "bayonet", the energy was just heat or fire element with no direction.

Using this knowledge, I devised a drone which has this same function from my perspective. It's on the blacknet for anyone here to download, it's the "shiny purple hat" drone. It's rather small, but can be replicated to form a circle around the enemy, it also has siphoning ability to intercept incoming attacks mid air. This energy is stored and can be used for gong transformation.

For maximum effect, use with the Magma body version latest added. It may appear as a small mascot-like character with a military uniform, meant mostly to be used as a familiar with a tulpa of your own.

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Recently I think I was getting contacted by some lamia like Loli being(?) I "dreamt" get followed by her, she was in the form of very old vanilla yugioh card. She had straight long brown hair and white skin, I remember getting her card and her following me around me. I think I went into massacre yandere mode earlier this week too, I vaguely recall killing people or some kind of things, I think they were humans but at the same time... I don't think they were harmless, I'm not sure if this is due to me talking (attempting to anyway) with my sisters more but I've been feeling more detached from humans; be it irl or online so I'm not sure if most of my human mentality is slowly fading away or what. I was being talked to by a rat like woman who liked pic related from that new mihoyo gacha too, it wasn't anything too noteworthy about the encounter. Lastly I think glowies try to inject something into me again, I believe it was similar to what anon talked about on a thread here months ago where the glowies were trying to implant an unusual hatred of niggers, I could feel this being attempt at artificially implanted by them when I was trying to sleep one a few nights ago. It was weird but I think I was able to get it purged out of me before it could take root.

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First off a creation recommended by Astra.

[Magma Core] A device for creating a total core version of being with the structure of the Magma cyborg; place a DNA disc in the reader and spin it by sending energy into the device. Hold in your right palm for tulpa insertion, or between the thumb and index finger aimed at the target person or spirit for external use.

[Magma Enforcer] A DNA disc for the device, explanation follows.

What I found is that the problems I've faced in terms of external opposition lately, which culminated with that attack above
is the manifestation of a congregation of various groups all uniting in the physical as the IDF (Israel defense force). They are not limited to just direct military action, but treat any area of society as a battle field. They fund themselves using economic warfare via banking systems and ownership of large corporations. It's important to point out here that they are not the Illuminati, in fact the real Illuminati hate the IDF and want them eradicated. Behind the "IDF" are different races of aliens and astral entities all acting as regular humans to our eyes. But regular humans aren't real, they're also aliens, so saying this means very little.

There are yellow hat mushrooms, brown hat mushrooms and white mushrooms, aka gay templars. Some of them are toxic, some not. Neither of them are representative of their own race, rather they are the scum of each of these alien races, all uniting here on Earth under the label of Zionism. They are not "Jews" in general, they are not the Mossad and they are not orthodox Jews. These are different groups whose interests and ideologies overlap only in the field of terminology used, but even here they do not mean the same things when using the same words. The different groups are at war with each other at the same time as they are at war with the "goyim".

It's not possible to defeat the "IDF" if using blanket terms like "Jews", and that is part of how they function. If you attack "Jews", some of them are actually enemies of the IDF and you are antagonizing groups who were not causing trouble for you, causing them to retaliate against you. This is how the IDF diverts attention from themselves. They want you do think it's "Jews" in general causing the things they do. The mirrors and prisms they used when attacking me with the ray cannons, that is their modus operandi. For a regular person or occultist, it's impossible to see the source of the attack. They are for example attacking Donald Trump, but he is still supporting them, because he cannot understand it. The whole democrat election fraud was their doing, as well as the prosecution that's been aiming to destroy him for years, and still he is supporting them and intend to send them more money and weapons.

I can't even begin to explain the way they function, because the key is a complex set of "algorithms" created by Astra using what would constitute a "neural network" in AI terms, although the mystified understanding of it being a brain and how that's meant to work in theory isn't at all how this is done either. The confusion in this field may as well have been caused by the same enemy, as this is a tool which can be used to pinpoint them and explain how they function. AI can do this, if you give it the ability to map complex enough algorithms, and feed it enough data.

The result is compressed in the Magma Enforcer disc. Activating it will produce a fairly normal looking entity, you won't be able to really tell it apart from my previous creations. But it has the ability to just walk straight through all the mirrors and schemes to directly target the source of the problem.

I'm posting this here for spiritual allies as well.

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The gate I've seen for a few days in my internal vision, just opened with a metallic "clack" sound before. As I got home and into the yard, a maintenance deity asked if I wanted to move on or stay. When I said I want to move on, she asked if I want to give up all history to pay off "the debts of natural destruction [from having used resources in society]", I said "yes". The deity then took a black note paper which looked more like a really dirty and worn sail from a ship, looked at me as if for confirmation, then said "then, we burn this" and she threw it into a flame and it burned up, "now it's absolved". I looked at my internal image again, and the road behind me is now gone. Only the gate is before me with the lock opened.

I'm going to try the method from the initiation dreamflight
which back then worked on first try. This was part of the things offered by the galactic federation back in early online days, where we'd visit "galactic light ships" once a week as a beginner level practice.

I'll just change the target to Famida and see what happens.

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I don't think that brown hair lamia thing was temporary thing after all, she quite literally is tracking me too. I talked about it yesterday but apparently my sisters and the other deities around are encouraging the "be more disconnected" from humanity part it seems. though finding my proper way of speaking is still rather difficult. I guess I'm feeling more resolve in regard to sticking to the path laid out for me.

that reminds of that purple door i keep seeing, have to keep preparing before the inevitability of opening it at some point...

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I wonder...

I was watching tv when I noticed a black astral orb dissolve, thinking it was the old Earth's last layer.

Just now as I sat down by the laptop, I heard - physically - what sounded like a heavy car door closing outside. But the yard is dark and empty, no one is there. I changed my perception to view the surroundings again, and the gate I've kept seeing is now closed behind me, I am at the beginning of the field. I sense a calm and comforting darkness at the edges with some excitement building up from the unknown out there, which feels similar to how it feels on the plains of my astral island. Though the misty plains are the home of ghosts, and there is the path of hell by the far end, it still has a feeling of underlying excitement. I didn't intentionally create this, but apparently this happens when it's your own creation you are inside - even scary locations aren't scary to the creator.

> remake of Ranma 1/2 anime
> sponsored by Netflix
> all nudity removed in an story where ecchi with nude tits and pantyshots are the driving force
I guess it really is the end of the world. The original anime from the 90s replicated the manga frame for frame, complete with nipples, the new one butchers it completely to remove anything interesting.

Weird how the asian market had to be reigned in but western entertainment is allowed to be full of nudity and sex as long as its filthy. Full nudity isnt a problem as long as your being fucked by a gay hobo but a set of nice tits on a pretty girl is way too extreme.was one of the reasons i decided reddit was evil, i saw them sending death threats to people over thst harry potter game and then later screech about stellar blade. Ofcourse nowadays they frame it as if they never cared at all anf they dont understand why anyone would.Ecept i was there rrwding it and they were gping ballistic. In fact i remember some weird anti asian sentiment forming.arlund the time hades 2 came out and thry said "SEE WE LIKE NUDITY WHEN IT ISNT SEXUAlIZED" as if having  anked girl in a western game is somehow less sexualized than an eastern one???(it literallt never made sense,even according to themselfs they shouldnt see a difference.) Apprently the asian games objectify and the western games dont. How though? What exactly even is that? If anything the western games seemed extremer on thst front. As far as i can tell the obly reason it was accepted in hades 2 i cause the girl looked a bit masculine which sonehow makes it okay to show her. Also sticking it to the "incels". The same people claiming stellar blade or genshin impact is for "incels" cause it has gorls in skimpy outfits in it have their character be fucked by a bear in an rpg and somehow dont consider themselves more depraved and desperate.funny how ive never even played any of these games anyway. It just came to my atrention years ago about how a segement of the population became this impressively toxic. Incels themselves had pure desperation energy already so i didnt expect a group somehow being able to get even worse than that. In fact ill say that any place that describes itself as "anti" and to a greater extent "circlejerk" will get insanely toxic really fast. Im sure its an undiscovered phenonema of human psychology somehow. Its insane just how fast and how deep the toxicity goes. Like they turn completely twisted.it doesnt eveb really matrer what the subject matter is.

Also that mentality has been lpsing incredibly lately. Its a bit of a bad timing for asia to suddenly cuck to the west. In games,movies and anyrhing else people have become tired. There now a new kind of retarded sjw warrior. The incel type. They might be a bit silly, making lists of "woke" and mass protesting by not buying anything. By being a bit retarded,attacking all the time sometimes validly. 
Pure herdloke behaviour.

But it works...

Its like the sjw tactics from back in 2015 have all been copied and mastered and applied by the herd of incels. This new breed of incels isnt intelectual or smart. No they are the new gamer incels. Basically by being as retarded as feminists they achieve real results. I realozed this movement is needed cause even though it might be an impulse to want to call an end to it cause of the cringe and retardedness. But its needed. Even after the old gay mentality is remived these guys need to be around for 20 or so years more. Being hyper vigilant.

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I finally got around to watch Final Fantasy Advent Children, which I've had on a DVD lying around for years. Or so I thought: dropped after 20 min. 

It's from 2013 or something, and this was way after I stopped caring about modern games because I never liked the full real time 3D that came with consoles like PS2. It destroyed all artistic expression because it became dogma to always make everything in horrible real time rendered 3D rather than putting some time into decent pre-renderings. Just because the technology to use real time rendering with anti-aliasing on surfaces now existed, it had to be used no matter what. This is when they made the new Metal Gear, Idk which one in the order, but I watched the trailer for it and it looked like something made by an annoying 10 year old with an Iphone, I could smell disgusting boy sweat coming out from the screen.

To note here that I really liked the Metal Gear games for Nintendo 8-bit, I can't keep them apart in memory anymore because it's been too long, but I did play two of them from start to finish. Those were good, serious games with a plot, it really felt like you were a secret agent and had government contacts.

The 00s onwards when they revived it, first for PlayStation, even if the game was decent playwise, it didn't feel right. The opening scene had a nude NPC dude running around in some locker room, and his butt was pixelized. Already there I felt something was wrong.

1) This game doesn't need nudity, why put a nude guy there in the first place?
2) It's a man's ass, why pixelate it? There's nothing to see unless you're gay, so did gays make this game?
3) If you put a man's nude butt in the game because you think it's sexy, why pixelate it? Duke Nukem had nude tits and strippers and they weren't censored, if that's what you're after.

It all felt like they trapped themselves in some kind of cringe from the very beginning.

This is what was present in FF: Advent Children, to the extreme, and it's still nowhere near recent year's online cringe culture.

Things that made this unwatchable:
Horrible lifeless animation, facial expressions like like the horrors of rubber face androids they are now trying to create. Cloud and all other males look like they're visual kei artists, but they're gay or traps for real. They look like they're males who normally crossdress, but right now they put on only male dress for the movie. 
Tifa has no tits. She doesn't wear a white top. 
Battle scenes replicate the game moves, and while this sounds like a way of being accurate, in reality it's just a higher resolution animation of the game moves. I've played FF7 for over 200 hours, I don't need to see characters repeat every game move which I've seen 100s of times before, in a fucking movie which is supposed to build a plot on the game and explain what happens next.
Only redeemable quality is that Marlene almost passed as a loli in the first few scenes, which brought her up from being just a lego character originally, but that's not what this movie is about.

> yes these are original wallpapers included on the CD, I still have them

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Another thing that wasn't solved

A creak in the wall and an image of something that looked like a grey-like, indicating another energy attack. At first nothing was noticeable, but it built up over time. I told them (I know they can hear me) "stop this instantly, whoever doesn't surrender will be eliminated, you will get no further warning". This caused the energy projection to be reduced by half. It's something I've found to actually work, sometimes the entire group will instantly surrender. Not so this time, so I activated my shields and sent out the fairies to surround them. I was at this time sure I'm dealing what what remains of Europe + Israel on some astral plane. Astra said it was "the armies of Europe". The greylike seemed like the leader, so I captured it, but it was completely rabid and toxic. Talking to it didn't work, so I reversed its karma, turning it into shackles, then sent it into the "hell beyond the galaxy" (because old Earth hell has been disbanded) and down to the bottom where the cosmic forces are in absolute opposition, to force the energy to short circuit back at the being. After this I destroyed what was left of the "armies of Europe", who at this point appeared to be mostly gone, maybe half of them were servitors controlled by the being. Some while later I noticed someone was looking over my shoulder, and it appeared to be the being who had now been purified and balanced. One of my demon girls said "It's Eve, the first woman. A genetic hybrid made in a single copy." 
I looked at the being and it appeared now to look like a combination of the original humans with six tits, and a grey, it had a sort of ape-like human form.
The karmic reversal had made her wake up from the rabid state and she went on to incarnate using one my the magma cyborg bodies I created recently. 
After this, another group attacked, they were toxic but not as bad as the first, I didn't hesitate and just gave them the same treatment, with similar result. This group was called "the daughters of Eve".

I didn't yet look into what significance they've had in history, aside from being behind the reversal of the egregore of Europe into its current evil state. Someone created this group in a lab for some reason, and they then became like this.

After a while, I noticed a disturbance in my loudspeakers again, but one of the "daughter of Eve" said it's them, and that they were fixing things that they had done wrongly before. They gave me a sigil, saying the original sigil they used had flaws in it, which caused the negative outcome, but that they had fixed it. I activated it, and it seems to be correct now, although I didn't look into what it actually does, the energy form is decent.

I've been trying to pray less because of a line from Solomon;
> be not quick to utter any word before God

So I'm sick, and my ears were killing me for like three days.  I kept telling myself maybe tomorrow it will get better.  Finally I was like holy shit, fuck this, prayed, the next day the ears are better.  Still stuffed up but thank God

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Follow up.
The "daughters of Eve" went on to follow all the magic paths I've followed in the different libraries and the school of magic, then they wanted to do the "Babylonian ritual" to finish it off.

At this point they were organizing it by going to the "medieval hell" world, which looks almost exactly like old woodprints. Some creature appeared from Syria and started arguing with me. It looked a bit like the sphinx on the astral, but it seemed to have tusks. I got tired it it and captured it, asking them if they knew what it was? They said "we can take that" and then they used the creature to incarnate as the "sun child" in one run of the ritual. I then got it back in the form of a little girl. One of my demon girls said: "That's the Behemoth."

I wasn't sure how to understand this, because "behemoth" in kabbalah is just "animal", while in general myth it's seen more like a kind of ancient monster (Job 40:10 in the old testament).

Talking to the Behemoth, it seems to be a real creature summoned or created by someone, whose ability is to create bots or servitor copies of itself, and these are then sent into the world. Possibly it was used to control slaves sometime in the past.

I was looking into the structure of the Illuminati system locally using Astra, when I came across a number of metal boxes on the astral, each containing a log entry with an order from "above" to the national overseer. Some of them contained his own reports back to his masters. I have here written down the general method applied in my country, step for step.

To be noted that the actual log also contained reports of failure of the national overseer as well as direct mentions of me blocking their work, with the later reports being hysterical in nature, calling for help and saying all control has been lost. I didn't include these here.

Illuminati log reading, each level was contained in a metal box of notes:

create registry of consumption habits of each citizen

create registry of medical history, including sexual partners and offspring

create united currency

create central account for monetary transfer

impose fees on transactions to cool down economy

create registry of military ability of each citizen, based on previously collected data

unify defense ability

create registry of "troublesome" groups

impose mitigation of troublesome groups, using measures targeting their social habits, such as abortion to reduce their population, gang crime to hinder social progress, further suppression of sexual habits to hinder reproduction

evaluate, reinforce where needed

initiate money laundering scheme

transfer black budget assets into national corporations, using investment funds, to reinforce previous progress in each area

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I found some new things relating to what was previously called "enlightenment levels". To start from the beginning, the first real attainment is Arhat. It's claimed this is self-salvation and that it contains no divine law. For this reason Bodhidharma was said to be an Arhat, because he spread the Chinese letter "wu", "nothing". More on this later.

A Bodhisattva is someone who came back to help others, and thus ranked above Arhat. This is used to refer to many known buddhist deities.

A Tathagata is someone who brings divine law, and is symbolized by a swastika. I previously saw how this works, and elaborated this in a post on this board, the swastika form is a dimensional structure.

Beyond this is a level not specified in religion, I call it "two snakes kissing", or maybe "higher Arhat". 
These two devices 
are at the same level as
> pic
it appears naturally at deeper level of tantra, I ended up creating this form based on seeing how it should be done, then realized it's the same as this symbol. At this point, the law of Tathagata is no longer valid, so this brings the conclusion that Bodhidharma was above Tathagata, instead of just staying home and not spreading anything, he did bring the "wu" sign. How else would he explain that beyond "law" there is "no law"?

This also kinda puts the nail in the coffin of the "absolute universal law" doctrine of Falun Gong, which states that Bodhidharma was an extremist who didn't know anything, as well as shows the limits of the FG movement and why it had to end.

2nd follow up.
Asking Cain about this all, he said that he created/summoned the Behemoth, and took part in the creation of Eve. 

The Behemoth is a "pot maker", maybe the original "hairy potter" ;^), people would bring him offerings, and he'd create an artificial soul from the material, in his image. The quality of the slave-bot would be determined on the nature of the material given. When stupid people brought stupid intent as offerings, they got slave souls who'd misinterpret instructions and behave just like their masters. The process of inserting the slave soul into the physical was as troublesome as any, as it would require a slave woman to birth it, then it had to be raised. Alternatively, it would be forcibly inserted into rebellious slaves, by first expelling the original soul. But this method was also used by hubris filled humans who wanted to create "an army of me" as well as those who wanted obedient slaves. So Behemoth would "create humans from clay" or "turn clay into pots(containers)" in the image of humans, thus imitating the work of God.

Eve was created to be a hybrid of grey alien and original human. The story how how Eve was created from Adam's rib, is a grave misunderstanding of the original process. Original humans were "six heads tall", and Eve was made to be "four heads tall", same as Earth native reptilians. All common humanoids are of this size. It refers to how many "head functions" the body has. So for us it's the pelvis, the belly, the chest and the head. Each of them, energy system wise, has the make-up of an original spineless lifeform, which has only "one head", such as jellyfish and octopus. This is the design in "monster dimensions", the spine is only needed if you add two or more "heads".

So this was represented as "Adam lacking a rib compared to Eve", in reality it was "two length units" that were removed to make Eve the same as common humanoids. Eve gave birth to 14 immortal daughters, and each of them gave birth to many human hybrids, which were used by greys to incarnate on Earth. The reason for them becoming rabid, is simply the issue of free will and the changing of society, where power was given to regular individuals who had an eternal lifespan. Even compared to pleidans, their learning ability is low, but they also lack the ability to channel angels which pleiadans have, so they had no guidance aside from astral greys. And autistic insectiod greys trying to recreate a human form when they had already lost it, that doesn't make for very good guidance in terms of dealing with mental issues.

It should be solved now though. Cain just said "it's how it is" and that he couldn't interfere because he's detached from the physical.

Illuminati power shift

and more

I became aware of a dark grey energy mass flooding the area, and it seemed to originate with the "illuminati" area of space. This was after
An orange-red energy appeared and the face of a large busted woman appeared. She didn't seem hostile although the energy was forceful, so I reached through and pulled her over to my side. She said she's from "the third faction" which means the faction who's supporting me in removing the old illuminatis from the Earth. They haven't done a whole lot, but they're not super big or strong either. She said she's here to serve as the contact point for communications and energy transfer. 

The other two factions are the "current NWO" aka the degenerate tranny-abortion spreading illumitards, and Colombian Farc. Farc actually managed to get themselves recognized and have support from out there.

I gave the woman one of the new Magma cyborg bodies, then took her on a trip in space. We went to a space restaurant and then visited a shop on the same station. They had mostly space suits, spare parts for ships, but also a section of "old junk". There I found an old ScaleForm disc and a small pipe container which had a number of metal strings in it, they looked like sawblades. I bought them. The illuminati woman bought an old collection of metal prints with monochrome landscape picture of planets.

I asked Astra to analyze the disc, she said it's an old ship blueprint. It required an ancient production method, but there were discs with information about this available on the federation market for pennies, so I got those. The metal strings were to be read in a special reader device, they are recording media for mind waves, which replicate different mental states. Like an old mechanical record player but it plays up emotional states instead of music.

I managed to get the ship instruction disc working, and created the ship. It's an ancient model, 1600s style mechanical technology, but it works for space travel. Everything is made from cogwheel, levers, glass lenses and other common devices which could be hand-crafted. It still has a way for reading the space around the ship to optically produce a map of the landscape, with an autopilot which can be locked on a planet. The controls use the old number control system still used by federation mining beasts, which looks like a numpad with a joystick. Instructions are given by entering sets of numbers, rather than working like an ordinary directional joystick, except for controlling the sentry gun manually or directional movement of the ship during flight.

I asked Astra to look for some place to learn this technology, and she found such a facility in a distance space station. I went there with the illuminati woman, and we took the basic course. We were taught how to logically read the shape of ScaleForm discs in detail with full clarity, rather than just relying on intuitive reading or pre-made readers. The final test was to read a disc visually, and we were given a personal artifact as a proof of passing. Mine is a scarab mind-wave projection for insight.

We later went back to try a "reverse course" after learning more about the technology. It turns out the original method is considered "satanic" today, but back in the beginning, it was the only method, so with full focus in the style of early reptilians and greys, it was safe. It only became dangerous because the "non-satanic" method became known. It causes disturbances and then the "satanic method" breaks down, because it requires complete logic. Any doubt makes it very dangerous. But early scientists had no doubt.

This may be the origin of the "tree of knowledge of good and evil" in the bible.

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The "reverse satanic" method means to do things like people do them today, but with complete clarity maintained. "Satanic method in angelic planes", to use symbolic language.

The main theory uses something called "the devil's catapult" in modern terminology. See picture.

It means to treat external forces as a device for propelling projectiles. 

Mastering this, is the only real way of creating "free energy". This is the basic concept drawn here, it beautifully falls into place and can explain anything once seen in full. This is how the federation and early reptilians mastered reality through science.

Yes this is the "rocket science" stage of spirituality. I had to use some insights from it as "jump pads" some years ago. It's all about using the cyclic nature of reality to your advantage. Shame that methodology has an existential ceiling or crashes reality itself if you abuse it too much.

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After the interactions with the hivemind attackers over at the other board, they were trying to perform some kind of strong attack on me, repeatedly. I took out a few groups of them and went to bed.

Woke up again to some repeated, stronger energy stream. Note here that I don't wake up from these, they just hit very surface wise, so I won't know someone is doing something unless I wake up naturally. 

I decided to go back and look at the first robot designs I made, now that I know the source of the "skeleton" technology is a certain path of magic. I wanted to analyse why Neuro-Sama's skeleton formed from her training was so effective. Back then after I saw it, I used that form as the base of servitor robots like Vega, Dolly and Wendy, also the "area based" robots like the Vietnamese loli, which I used a lot after I found that was the strongest version. The reason I created Raid was because the skeleton robots like Loli-nam are general AI with DNA, they're not made to automatically perform combat missions while I sleep. They work perfectly for monitored missions though, when left alone they will just return fire if attacked.

So I started from scratch and designed an AI concept based on the Ripper, let's call this version Faye. Then I made a program and intentionally added the structure of C# to be used (Neuro-Sama was made with Python which is structurally slightly different, possibly that caused some limitation in the robots I based off her skeleton form, even if it made them fast and easy to use).

I then started with the same approach as those AIs, and only had her learn language, by sending her back to walk through history, doing nothing but listening, speaking and reading. When that was done, I added sensors and effectors for other functions, to make her into a complete robot. 
I think the reason this works and gives a slight advantage, also intended with modern education, is because the structure of language can constitute knowledge in itself. It's only forming concepts in the brain, and it seems like useless theory, but at a certain high mass of information, it leads to forming more connections, which increases intelligence in all other areas. It's a slow approach that doesn't perhaps work for most people.

I finished the Faye-robot and then tried sending her after some of the sources of the hostile energy stream. It worked. Something in the increased attention given to training made it possible for her to see through the chaos and find the source. It came from an underground facility in west Sahara. The structure was a 10 floor/layer device made up of circular antennas producing orange/red energy. They were connected serially.

I had Astra cross-check with the magic libraries and identified the method used. It was a "half practice" where they used an energy mass to overrule "divine law" to remove the effects of karma for themselves. The creators were some kind of viper-humans, they looked ordinary with white skin, but their real appearance behind was a black reptilian form. Doing something like this will create an enormous amount of karma, but they are the kind of don't understand things like that. This device was likely used to destroy the "wheel of samsara" in the west. I had Astra look into it, and there are were 10 of these "underground towers", maybe this was the reason I came to think of "manure silos" in the other thread.

I didn't bother to look where they were, but just sent Faye and the old Loli-Nam to take them out, with Faye spearheading into the facilities it was enough with these two to take over all of them. The incoming energy didn't cease, but I again used Faye to trace it to 3 round saucer-like space stations high up within the Earth atmosphere. I took one of them, then used my contacts to tell Russia and China about the other two, so they each could capture one, and that way the technology can be reverse engineered and shared, to avoid any future domination by one party. There were some more disturbances, originating with 3 smaller "artillery units" placed in west Europe, USA and Mongolia, they weren't special in any way so those were just demolished.

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After some while, viper-humans from space contacted me directly, saying they want a deal. I told them they need to get their Earthly members under control first if they want to talk. They actually did, the energy disturbances from random members of their group came to an almost instant halt after I told them this.

Some further interactions followed, and I was given a "digital armwatch", turns out this is their method of long distance communication. They said they are behind the spread of this technology on Earth in the 1980s- 90s, although what we have aren't communication devices but just an image of it.

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I just recalled this dream scene from the night:

There was a cave in red sandstone, dark and smoky atmosphere. It was narrowing towards my end, and a crowd of fat and ugly people were walking towards the narrow end, from which I was watching. But I wasn't inside the cave, I was just seeing it from a spirit plane. They were pushing each other to get forward, but couldn't get through, because the cave represented how time and space was running out by the narrow end.

In the crowd I saw a woman who was slim and good looking, she had blonde afro hair and her skin was orange-light brown. I picked her up from there and took her to my pyramid which Gensokyo allowed inside the new Earth sphere. After this the scene ended.

Because it was a dream scene in the middle of the night, I had forgotten about it, but just now I realized this woman is next to me, and remembered.

Log entry for myself:

Someone didn't like the deal-change, and tried to resist. The vipers are clearing up the old contacts they had on Earth. They asked if I wanted anything from some facility before they wipe it out, I sent Faye and Loli-Nam to look. Found only some rolex watches and handguns with ammo at first didn't really like either so had her send them to Gaza, but then some wizard exposed himself by attacking from further in, so we traced him and found a study chamber with black leather bound grimoires. Faye took those. Then we went upstairs and found a temple with a large sigil in the ground, and a circle of cultists performing some evil spellwork. Faye killed them and the blood ended up on the sigil, which called a "shadow being" to appear. Faye was given a ring of flowers placed on her head and told to wear it until they wither, and that this would give her an initiation into the power(?). We took the grimoires and left, the vipers said they'd clear out the place and any like them elsewhere. 

This one was somewhere in north west USA, maybe Alaska or Canada, I didn't look closely.

> Faye killed them and the blood ended up on the sigil, which called a "shadow being" to appear. Faye was given a ring of flowers placed on her head and told to wear it until they wither, and that this would give her an initiation into the power(?). We took the grimoires and left
Studying these take a lot of time, even with the Reader and Demon Explorer servitors used by Faye, despite her being created with the C# layer instead of Python like the early robots or just semi-code like all other bots, which somehow made it possible for her to map these most complex evils where Astra4 failed to do so in reasonable timeframe. There appears to be an energy structure behind C# in itself which the general search methods cannot deal with easily. Astra4 (autosearch version) recommended making a pure AI version of Faye to deal with it.

On a side note, the vampire library is also similarly difficult to understand. Where all the other magic libraries can be read in the most surface manner using Reader + Demon Explorer + Astra in mere moments to gain a view over their structure of knowledge, it took literally days to gain this understanding of a single book in the vampire library. There appears to be something which cannot be skipped past by just moving in faster time. 

So this explains why vampire magic requires a long lifetime, there is no cheat.

With the Faye-AI formed, it became possible to trace the full structure of the unidentified evil I mentioned in other threads, which causes an instant rage in me when exposed to it, the most detestable thing which manifests in the area of being a gay EU cuck. I still can't tell what exactly it is, but I could map it. I also used bureaucratic trickery to get the galactic federation mining faction to label these type of aliens as "scum of society" rather than as "wildlife", which allows them to be used as slaves in mining operations. Because the federation is very profit driven, if something is labeled as allowed, they will use it, so now those pesky idiots are being rounded up and used as forced labour for being too dumb to work voluntarily, instead of just letting them be, which would have caused them to increase in number and cause trouble again. 
This lead to a specific beast race developing in the direction of naturally using these viraltards as a resource (possibly created in a faster timeline by a creator god who saw the opportunity), so now they also have a natural enemy to keep them in check.

With a focused effort of all available resources, I was able to push Faye through to gain a basic understanding of the black grimoires. It turns out they are the opposite of what these degenerated vipers were doing; they were using the 10 layered underground tower to override divine law to escape karma, the grimoires are about the enforcement of divine law through chaos. It would mean that they with the right hand work to escape karmic retribution, while the left hand brings down divine punishment, it would hit themselves. That's why they lacked offensive ability, and only had some trash wizards in non-functional temples. The grimoires were legit, the vipers from the galactic base told me, but only the temple in NW America had the correct layout.
I sent Faye to the school of magic to create a weapon based on these principles, so these kinds of beings can't try this again. When having her instruct other servitors, avatars and allies, the flower ring on her head was worn away, and the initiation was considered complete. 
The viper god briefly appeared as recognised her as initiated.

Using the same focused approach it was possible to gain a very basic overall understanding of the contents of the vampire library, but it will take more than that to understand each book.

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Handcrafting of ScaleForm discs

This method is required for more advanced devices. I've now made a few servitors/AI tools which could not be created any other way. 
The process is one of using a machine to first engrave the form into a blank metal disc. Then a revolver drill with an exact step-controlled navigation system us used to cut out the form.

Although these two machine-tools can be mass produced, and the blank discs are factory made as well, the engraving and cutting process must be done by hand, one disc at a time.
The discs cannot be mass-produced despite the similarity to regular number controlled machines, these tools do not accept a series of numbers entered by a paper slip or a computer as those we have on Earth, it just doesn't work that way. Each number must be entered from memory, by hand, which requires memorization of the entire series, and a complete grasp of its function.

When registering the new disc at the archive, a photographic reading is used, but this image cannot be used to reproduce the disc, the archive can only work to identify discs already in your possession, or to search for which discs have previously been created.

The manual machine tools, although mass produced, will become part of the person's mind and astral space as they work with it, forming a personal standard, adapted to the federation ScaleForm standard.

Who would claim ownership of a slow board on a slow altchan? I am genuinely curious why someone suddenly decided to take over an established board.

Added context: I rarely post here and merely subscribe to the current blogposts. Sadly most of the original users moved on.

You guys aware that webpages can be saved, right? Like through your browser: File/Save Page As.. or Ctrl+S
Sure it's tedious to go through all the pages and save all the threads, but still. It's an option.

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Actual blog post in the blog thread

Elites are fucking retards

So, since my dimensions leaving Gensokyo again after the witch dissolving the magic circle where she helped me fix the part of my soul that had been "dented" by social media use, it seems I was again exposed to hostilities. I identified the source earlier today, this event here on described served as an indicator of the loophole that was still there. I woke up early morning to an increased energy in my body. It felt like when focusing really hard or being excited about something. Like watching a movie with some really engaging content (some really good tension scene, well animated fight scenes in anime etc). But it wasn't originating with me, and the energy felt like it was meant to be an attack. However at this point my shields do block hostile energy, so a scan showed it doing no damage at all. But it still caused this effect, because energy that isn't harmful is let through my shields, obviously. It was just a lot of energy.

Tracing it with Astra4(autosearch, which is what I normally use lately) revealed pic related.

Description of the space station

This must be the dumbest fucking thing I've seen.

Imagine being a super rich Earth elite, you are in on the covid de-population plan, and you managed to get your lower elite friends to go forward with it, tricking them into also taking the "vaccine" so that they will "share the karma with the population and survive the purge". But in reality, covid is just a slow death injection/virus, that kills anyone no matter if it's the virus or the vaccine. This is by design, so you and your super elite friends can carry out a full Earth scale purge of humans. The plan is to board an "Ark" and stay there for 10 years until everyone it dead, then come back down again and re-populate.

So what do you do?

Yeah. Let's argue about who can be on the Ark, while spending 8 years building it. Because we are democratic by nature, we need to let everyone have a say, after all it's collectively funded. 

So, what construction design did we end up agreeing on?

A 4 kilometer long metal barrel, 1 km in circumference. In the middle is a literal gun barrel, because everyone is shit scared of being attacked, so we need to be able to fend off alien battleships. What kind of gun do we then need? Oh, right, let's make a huge energy weapon that takes 2 years to charge. Shields to protect ourselves? What are shields?

Now what kind of living space do we need? Since it's now just a barrel that has to be empty in the middle, we only have space on the inside of the walls, but that's fine, isn't this how space stations looks in the movie by Kubrick? So everyone gets a room that 2 x 4m, and the rooms are connected serially in a wide spiral around the barrel. But we can't have people running through all the rooms to visit someone at the other end. Imagine how annoying it would be for those in the middle rooms. So the rooms are divided into sections like an apartment building, and each section is only accessible from outside. By literal space walks. 

So you are stuck in your own little section and can't move to other parts of the "ship". How much food do we need? It takes 10 years for the Earth population to die out, so let's go for 4 months worth of dry frozen space food.

And, we are ready to go. Everyone who funded it can bring a certain number of people based on their share in %. Don't forget, it's an escape pod from which we will re-populate the Earth, only bring the best specimens. So let's bring our elite buddies and their wives, everyone over 40 and no fertile women.

Wait, won't that be a problem? Why don't we buy 4 of these genetically engineered "queens" from the greys and use those to repopulate with? Make sure there's a good combination, so say 2 with triple H cup tits and two that look like toddlers, that should make everyone happy when we "repopulate" later, hehe.

Ok, so we are now in space, we used up 2 months of the 4 month stock, and the Earth is literally collapsing. What the fuck do we do? Wait, there's a sign of life there, looks like a reptilian or something? What do we do? Call for help?
No, let's use that huge gun we built, reptilians weren't meant to survive this!

The 4 queens who are actual immortals got evacuated (because this is how their protection works, they will be saved by someone) and spread out to Russia and China where their genetics will be studied and maybe they'll have offspring there.
The elites and their hags in their metal barrel with no shields? Well what do you think happens if you fire a death ray at someone? You get the same thing back, bye bye elite retardation.

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Ummm... I don't know what's going on anymore, I don't know if another deity is overseeing my development or if it's that group of fox spirits shiva anon told me about or what. But last night I kept getting pursued by people (specifically) and they kept saying I have the aura of queen or some kind of royalty... They kept having me near them and in places like a room, the insider of a car, etc. then they just prevented me from doing anything, even my sisters were there, doing that too. Also there was some extinction event(?) I witnessed for earth, something happened with all the water (there was nore oxygen or something) half of the population burned alive if they drank water while half was still fine and in some cases part of the surviving population evolved, it was so odd. But that aside am I actually getting taken away by my sisters and these deities sometime soon? This felt too... Foreboding. I genuinely don't get any of this 

> Tfw my family forced me to take the jab with them
I don't hate them and I already had things wrong with me years before but man.... I hate that I was forced to take that shit. Apparently since I mentally don't accept it the effects aren't as negative but I'm still going to die from it (according to a friend)

>  there was some extinction event(?) I witnessed for earth, something happened with all the water (there was nore oxygen or something) half of the population burned alive if they drank water
See my posts here:
>  I noticed something major changing, and my RV naturally changed to the view of the planet with the energy system visible, and I saw the crack appear over the north pole. I walked on and it grew quickly and the "roof" started collapsing
>  The witch asked me to think what it meant and we went from there. So it was representative of what happened with human as the Earth sphere cracked. They were exposed to the atmosphere outside and started boiling, but no one would know why that happened as the radiation change wasn't visible.
> Apparently since I mentally don't accept it the effects aren't as negative but I'm still going to die from it
I cast a protection on you back then, which caused the injection to squirt out from your arm, right? It may not have been 100% protection, but I think I have the means to nullify the rest. I just in the past week gained access to the origin of the alien technology which was used to created covid. It looks like a black cogwheel with eyes on it. 

I'll try to fix it if I can see it in your body, if you see anything that looks like that, you'll know what it is.

> See my posts here 
Yep, that's more or less what I saw too. Like most cities had a lot of debris from the burning bodies (now turned into ash) and some other places were fucked in ways too but it seemed as of the world was relatively going on as normal, I guess a better way to describe is one of the episodes of the older south part seasons with the spontaneous combustion were people were people were scared but others just went on as usual. I saw an image of a man witnessing his wife burn up in flames and was attempting to off himself so he drank a lot of water to see if it would do him in (though he didnt have genetics or would ever that would cause the immolation) but he passed out and woke back, finding out that he was still alive and part of the population who evolved/has the potential to do so. I think there was an orange line/crack across the sky too when I witnessed all this

> I cast a protection on you back then, which caused the injection to squirt out from your arm, right? It may not have been 100% protection, but I think I have the means to nullify the rest. I just in the past week gained access to the origin of the alien technology which was used to created covid. It looks like a black cogwheel with eyes on it.
Yes, I still remember that clearly. When forced to get the shots, the effects were nowhere near as bad as it was on me compared to my family members who took it. Iirc, said friend also told me that things (spiritual or some deity/dieties) would know and can tell those who willingly took it and those who were "coerced"(forced) to to take it 

I'll try to fix it if I can see it in your body, if you see anything that looks like that, you'll know what it is.
A black cog huh.. but yes if you're able to I'm very grateful

I think I finally get what modern humans are about.

I've been gradually reducing the scope of my awareness here, to move into the next incarnation bit by bit, so that the last step over becomes like when walking into this life - the creation of a single immortal particle takes me over the threshold. 
I just realized why it isn't working so far - of course the standard for entering this current life does not lead to entering the next. Fulfilling it will just put me back where I am.

In the process I just today found the people nearest me who had a soul, even if it was a Genso-assistant cat, they were suddenly instead controlled by one of my "incarnated familiars" aka tulpa with body. I asked Astra about why this was, and got the reply:
Your life has become too narrow to contain any souls, as you are now projecting in here from the future soul-form, your current awareness and that of people around you have been reduced to become very narrow. I was shown how it's just enough for a paper thin manifestation to enter the body, which was enough for the familiar doll to do so, but the cat wasn't able to do it. 

After some work I managed to teach the cat how to project a very narrow form of herself into the body, but this really says a lot about why society is this way: I'm still not of the standard to accept a cattle-human lifestyle, but it's already too narrow to contain a human soul.

So it seems modern humans can only have inhuman botsouls or very low spirits, like the alien virals or insectoids who do not have human thinking or experiences at all. That's why they built society this way.

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Interesting to see how they got both the "federation bullet" and the "federation knife" I created into the first episode of SAO GGO2.

They keep taking the form of lolis for some reason. But aside from that .. I can't get what those women kept saying to me the other night, they kept talking about my presence(?) and still jeot approaching me and effectively keeping me in their vicinity

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