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Welcome to Bridges General /bg/. This thread is for the discussion of our beloved Dolores Umbridge and bridges in general. Feel free to comment, discus or post greens about our beloved excommie pone and her true calling.

Bridge discussion is not necessarily limited to those in the structural sense, though it is generally recommend that the object of discussion must function as a connection between to points (Space Bridge, ants forming an organic bridge, etc).    

Basic information on bridges and there purpose.

Basic information on Dolores as she is canonically portrayed in the show.

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Dolores has crossed over. What was once a wide gulf has been crossed. She is the ultimate bridge master, for within a year, we reached 10 times our original goal.

It's been a time, hasn't it my fellow anon  or should I say anons?  . As small as it is, I cannot help but feel a little pride for this moment. I keep it in perspective of course, but I am happy we got here

Now as we move forward, regardless how long the /end/ or /pone/ last, may we reach to 4000!

Cadence can't believe it that we...



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At first I though it couldn't have been sportschan, it's not a GET and it's not in the tracker. Seems like I was mistaken. Moved out of endchan, but couldn't forget your home after all, could ya?

Have a precomposed post ready in the reply-box before the get, don't leave a gap of 13 minutes like you did, just small piece of advice for the future.

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so they have a tracker just to fuck up with the digits in several places and.  At least, the shitpost was manual to the rules but damn, they are speculators of GETS. Good to know, it´s never too late to discover what their database of warnings. 

They are also using the next GET for mlpol.....so I guess /endpone/ won´t be the only ones to get exposed to this device whenever this reaches the 10000 mark so I wouldn´t consider the theft too personally. Mostly because they are people who suck the fun out of them (not only here by the way).

Also,you are right, he moved out from endchan and left /sp/ dead. 

Fortunately enough, I didn´t need these tools in order to achieve 7 digits on /mlp/ so this stuff barely matters in comparison to previous obsessions with it, much more after noticing the tracker. 

> Have a precomposed post ready in the reply-box before the get, don't leave a gap of 13 minutes like you did
the board owner is right,you know. Basically  >>/3002/,have it prepared in a Word document and leave the board a little bit inactive before getting into it. Opening a thread and then having a 13 minute time lapse for the celebration is a lot for getting digits. Much more when /pone/ has turned as one of the main boards from this place.

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> What was once a wide gulf has been crossed. She is the ultimate bridge master, for within a year, we reached 10 times our original goal.
Even without the rounded post, one cannot deny that trajectory behind this board. The funniest achievement is that the owner of this board has decided to stay a little bit more active after watching this rhythm. I don´t know if he would have thought we would arrive at this mark (neither I).

I wouldn´t have bet for a month yet the same three anons are here shitposting about cute ponies while Celestia is getting a bigger HI Anon! face that occupies like three quarters of my screen. The bridge meme is just something that well, for just one simple wordfilter, all of this happens. 

> It's been a time, hasn't it my fellow anon or should I say anons? 
In theory, we are three: Bridgefag, L23 and the owner, who is  the first owner back in 2016  >>/22/ or  >>/257/, and I believe that the latter is the one posting these days.

By the way, his only rule is: 
> Do not post any boner-inducing pictures in the OP. 
well, I´ve seen less tolerant mods than this. 


> As small as it is, I cannot help but feel a little pride for this moment. I keep it in perspective of course, but I am happy we got here
you said that you felt like a nobody as a fan back then. If we consider that this bridge started in  >>/273/, you can make the math. 
If we take into account that around 100 posts approximately have been made by outsiders, spammers, random visitors etc, it means that the two main users have shitposted around 1300 messages during the entire year. 
Sure, those are few messages but some of them have entire holy bible contained between the lines. 

> Regardless how long the /end/ or /pone/ last, may we reach to 4000!
I don´t know how that will happen, the less that you think about it, the faster you get over there. What matters the most is that meme thread has been created and while I didn´t expect it to happen today (what a madman, RIP MS Paint), it was bound to happen someday. 

I guess the brony fanbase,even if it´s small, refuses to die....for another year....

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> who is the first owner back in 2016  >>/22/ or  >>/257/, and I believe that the latter is the one posting these days.
Actually neither of them just the  >>/273/ guy. The board was ownerless one year ago when all of this started, and I grabbed it at the start of January.
I didn't set up any extra rules, basically left everything coasting as-is, spare for adding and deleting few banners, and deleting all wordfilters spare one (you know which one).
There are some rules in https://endchan.xyz/pone/rules.html made by the old 8chan mods, I haven't bothered doing anything with them. If you fancy I can put some code of yours there, should you feel the need to have "the law" materialised. Or delete them altogether, or leave them be, whatever really.

This board didn't need any form of moderation for entire year besides un-checking one box to allow duplicate files and deleting like 3 posts tops. And adding banners. All I'm doing is nothing more than what qualifies as simply squatting the board.

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> the board owner is right,you know. Basically  >>/3002/,have it prepared in a Word document and leave the board a little bit inactive before getting into it. Opening a thread and then having a 13 minute time lapse for the celebration is a lot for getting digits. 

Agreed. Considering /pone/ has been number 2 on board rankings for the past couple of days I should've been more careful. In my partial defense, it was 4am and I had only decided to post rashly over a little uncertainty over if I had time to do it later.

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> I wouldn´t have bet for a month yet the same three anons are here shitposting about cute ponies while Celestia is getting a bigger HI Anon! face that occupies like three quarters of my screen. The bridge meme is just something that well, for just one simple wordfilter, all of this happens.

I wouldn't have bet it either. Now things feel like this board is evolving and gradually gaining in power level. I can't believe that one year later, the triad has been reunited. It feels like meme magic if you pardon the often overspammed /pol/ and /b/ saying.

> I don´t know how that will happen, the less that you think about it, the faster you get over there


> I guess the brony fanbase,even if it´s small, refuses to die....for another year....

I guess so... let the meme continue on and see how it goes.

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One thing that confuses me is, if you where the board owner, how was L23 able to do things like change the CSS? It seemed like he had some kind of secondary mod powers or something,  or am I super retarded 

> I didn't set up any extra rules, basically left everything coasting as-is, spare for adding and deleting few banners, and deleting all wordfilters spare one (you know which one).

You helped create this very meme by doing that. 

> This board didn't need any form of moderation for entire year besides un-checking one box to allow duplicate files and deleting like 3 posts tops. And adding banners. All I'm doing is nothing more than what qualifies as simply squatting the board.

In away that's the best type of mod. Thanks for adding the banners and stuff and not letting somepony else claim this board.

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> What matters the most is that meme thread has been created and while I didn´t expect it to happen today 

I struck because there was some stuff that arose that threatened my ability to do it before new years. It wasn't that I couldn't post but I was not sure I'd get another chance to just sit and post like crazy, as I noticed it getting closer and closer I decided just to aim for it then.

(what a madman, RIP MS Paint), 
I was using GIMP with a crappy drawing tablet that doesn't seem to entirly work with my OS, but yeah it's the same result.

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> if you where the board owner, how was L23 able to do things like change the CSS? It seemed like he had some kind of secondary mod powers or something, or am I super retarded 
What do you have in mind? April Fools perhaps? I mean, there are still few people left listed as Board Volunteers (I haven't removed them, didn't see a reason to), but only BO is able to set CSS as far as I know.

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> Actually neither of them just the  >>/273/ guy. The board was ownerless one year ago when all of this started, and I grabbed it at the start of January.
so....you were the one who shitposted it and at the same time, you claimed it and left after the race for the 300 mark...

are you aware of what you have created?

> spare for adding and deleting few banners, and deleting all wordfilters spare one (you know which one)
alright, I did notice that part. 

> There are some rules in https://endchan.xyz/pone/rules.html made by the old 8chan mods, I haven't bothered doing anything with them. If you fancy I can put some code of yours there, should you feel the need to have "the law" materialised. Or delete them altogether, or leave them be, whatever really.
alright, we have usually applied the 3 global rules and reported spam or flood (in this case, double posts for the most part and spammers who not only do it for this board but on several).

The NSFW rule is a pretty questionable one, mostly because there were anons shitposting that without spoilering when 8chan mods were there  >>/22/, not to mention that I did it as well before. I was either thinking about applying that rule in general but as for dedicated NSFW thread, it doesn´t apply. I don´t know, that one is a grey zone because by browsing a chan, in theory you should be over 18 or at least, know how imageboards in general work in this day and age. It depends how much flexibility one should follow with this one.

The problem I find with the 6th rule is that this board has found activity because of metaposting (a huge circlejerk, I am not going to lie) and off topic stuff and after that, create pony content from those posts. Not to mention that Ponychan has huge circlejerks and an entire boards for off topic stuff with ponies in the cover.  

The biggest problems that the /end/ might find are spammers and outsiders who barely give a shit. Those rules anyway are a good standard if it went in a chaotic rhythm.

As for now, leave them as a guidebook for messy situations and avoid disasters. These are my comments and I still find the 3rd global rule as the most practical one. 

> This board didn't need any form of moderation for entire year besides un-checking one box to allow duplicate files 
yeah, I actually posted a couple of pics in /operate/ and mentioning that this board had a big problem with the duplicated files and at least myself don´t have a huge gallery of ponies to shitpost so I use repeated ones at times. Also the notification was getting somewhat unbearable and consumed us a bit.

> and deleting like 3 posts tops. And adding banners. All I'm doing is nothing more than what qualifies as simply squatting the board.
I´ve seen more chaotic squatters even though you were here right at the beginning of the 300 project. What I ask myself is how much you have lurked of the posts made around here meanwhile.

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> it was 4am and I had only decided to post rashly over a little uncertainty over if I had time to do it later.
> there was some stuff that arose that threatened my ability to do it before new years. 
> I was not sure I'd get another chance to just sit and post like crazy, as I noticed it getting closer and closer I decided just to aim for it then. 
ouch that hurts in retrospective because you are shitposting tonight and you could have left it at  >>/2991/ and do the shitpost (even though I thought you would require just one).

Shitposting at the 4am is more or less midday around Europe. I was talking to myself that you were a madman for doing that and I could have mobileposted during those 11 minutes as well. And definitely /pone/ holds a pretty active status these days. Nothing in comparison to last year when this board was found at the 2nd page....

> Now things feel like this board is evolving and gradually gaining in power level.
> I can't believe that one year later, the triad has been reunited.
that´s the funniest thing and I pointed out several times that there was someone behind and that the mods were putting the banners because of our activity. Turns out that in the /end/, it was the 3rd shitposter,the owner himself.  It´s never too late to realize a few truths before the ending of this fascinating, yet consuming as hell for two MLP shitposters.

> It feels like meme magic if you pardon the often overspammed /pol/ and /b/ saying. 
nah, there had to be some kind of activity in the meantime. This is why I ask myself if the 6th rule should be that harsh,mostly because the meta posts have translated into content. I wouldn´t have written the Mirror of Fire if it wasn´t because of the political (yet we realized they were excessive, feeling burnt out in September) posts. 

> let the meme continue on and see how it goes.
8 years of lifetime behind sound ancient for the internet age, let alone the meme category when there are memes that barely last a month.

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> how was L23 able to do things like change the CSS? It seemed like he had some kind of secondary mod powers or something, or am I super retarded
alright, now about me (L23 or that Spanish guy who is still surprised to shitpost the holy bible in English over here).
Okay, the only time I have had the moderation in my hands was on Nextchan. I don´t like having the power because I don´t use it that well, I prefer being a supporter or one that makes loyal observations in the 2nd row. I have just served as if I had to act as the leader whenever there is no leader nor direction to go.
I hardly had any rule in mind but reporting the shitposts and spam. I deleted the edits of a Celestia pic but then I reuploaded them because someone (or maybe karma) would reveal them instead so I went in and posted them again. I have an account on endchan and the only function I have used is for deleting my own posts. The rest is beyond my functionality as a user. 

I cannot change the CSS at all because that´s up to the owner himself (from my experience on Nextchan) and I was constantly pointing out the mods for listening to us when in reality, the 3rd shitposter or owner was behind all of those changes in the banners. I only made a petition on /operate/ and that was the double post annoyance because it limited way too much the shitposts and ponies we wanted to show, forcing us to bring a new image every single time from Derpi. 

> I was using GIMP with a crappy drawing tablet that doesn't seem to entirly work with my OS, but yeah it's the same result.
lol the stable version of that program was released recently. 

I wonder what the differences are between both programs.

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> are you aware of what you have created?
No, not created, I wouldn't say that. It wasn't one man effort, but group effort, pulled forward almost exclusively by You two. More like gave a nudge in a right direction, if you want to give the appropriate credit. It's like invent vs discover kind of thingy, in a way.

> As for now, leave them as a guidebook
Got it.
> and avoid disasters
Well can't promise something I'm not in control over. Kind of like the liability disclaimer you see in every ToS.

> What I ask myself is how much you have lurked of the posts made around here meanwhile.
Mostly breezing through the front page once every few weeks. I haven't read any of the fics you two written, spare for most recent one. Which is mostly the reason why I haven't posted anything at all, being so behind on the culture of the board.
 >>/3056/  >>/1142/
Actually I've got a cringy story to spare related to April's CSS that's on topic of the above. 
I asked if you would like to see some more permanent custom CSS, and you replied you'd like to see something based on what you have already produced. And as I said before, I haven't read any of the fics, so being so unaccustomed, I simply put "ran away". It wasn't before around September or so until I started lurking more regularly that's why the duplicate file fix took so long you even posted on /operate/ before I fixed it.
So there you go, stupid and cringe as hell, but maybe you will have a single laugh out of it.

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> It wasn't one man effort, but group effort, pulled forward almost exclusively by You two. More like gave a nudge in a right direction, if you want to give the appropriate credit. It's like invent vs discover kind of thingy, in a way.
it dignifies you saying those lines of awareness and having the feet on earth. But keep in ming that if there were no replies at that time, I would have probably got bored or forgotten about this place and stayed on /mlp/ all the time. 
> can't promise something I'm not in control over.
at least, make it seem like you try (even if it´s for saying "an attempt was made")

> I haven't read any of the fics you two written, spare for most recent one. Which is mostly the reason why I haven't posted anything at all, being so behind on the culture of the board.
feel free to consume them or whatever. While they don´t sum up 100% the board, you would know where their writers could come from. Instead of writing about the mane 6, the /end/ has focused more on alternative characters, especially the princesses, the most important ones are already mentioned in the OP of NMAiE save the last one written in December. 

> I simply put "ran away". It wasn't before around September or so until I started lurking more regularly that's why the duplicate file fix took so long you even posted on /operate/ before I fixed it.
huh, really funny. It´s like: "I don´t know shit about this, gotta go fast and leave this place before touching anything".

Not a bad strategy though I´ve got to admit. Retiring when you have time left before making mistakes is a win and you avoid all the problems. 

If you still asked the custom CSS or even material drawn for the board, we would ask for the same stuff: the wordfilter, Cadence as a bat, Celestia, Amore, etc; basically things that we have been posting during this entire year, even if it´s something minimally related to them.

> I can add you to the Board Volunteers if you fancy.
 thanks, I will think about it.For now, I am staying as always. Bridgefag once told me he wanted to try that though.

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> But keep in ming that if there were no replies at that time, I would have probably got bored or forgotten about this place and stayed on /mlp/ all the time.
I claim unforeseen consequences.

> at least, make it seem like you try (even if it´s for saying "an attempt was made")
We full PR now?
Our highly specialised team of qualified staff is currently putting their best efforts to committing for the cause of major disaster prevention. Rest assured that the supremely trained assembly of the best sort keeps watch 24h a day 7 days a week to ensure absolute certainty that no major or minor downfalls will occur. Thank You for keeping loyal to our services, we aim to provide only the finest for You, and cannot express enough gratitude for trusting us to satisfy You.

> feel free to consume them or whatever.
Honest or full PR answer?

> Retiring when you have time left before making mistakes is a win and you avoid all the problems. 
Yeah it rocks. Too bad it's not possible to run away forever. That'd simply be awesome.

> If you still asked the custom CSS or even material drawn for the board, we would ask for the same stuff: the wordfilter, Cadence as a bat, Celestia, Amore, etc; basically things that we have been posting during this entire year, even if it´s something minimally related to them.
Yep, still no idea whatsoever how to transfer those from one medium into another.

> thanks, I will think about it.For now, I am staying as always
oh noes, but my influential power clique!

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> I claim unforeseen consequences.
well, you already hold that title. Although that pic is fitting for this reply.

> We full PR now?
I am Spanish, do you think that I like cold posts all the time? Obviously not. Keep in mind that one should know when to shitpost and when one talks in the mood and seriousness of the other shitposter. 

> Our highly specialised team of qualified staff is currently putting their best efforts to committing for the cause of major disaster prevention. Rest assured that the supremely trained assembly of the best sort keeps watch 24h a day 7 days a week to ensure absolute certainty that no major or minor downfalls will occur. Thank You for keeping loyal to our services, we aim to provide only the finest for You, and cannot express enough gratitude for trusting us to satisfy You.
alright, that message is cool and all but I am just saying, that´s formal as hell for a chan format. It feels like I am reading a message from the Mod team from their blog page....and you are just one owner. 
And I have stayed loyal for...I don´t know, several reasons that would take me a lot of time to explain. Just that prevention and an archive (wish list for the future) and call it for a day.

> Honest or full PR answer?
It´s a kind of Pony Christmas.....
okay, I was just typing it effortless by saying that if you read them, it´s for entertainment, get something out of them (message, context, understanding....), I don´t know. Those fics represent a reflect of our minds and the closest thing to the most "original"(everything has been invented) content from this place. 

I only say that if you are going to consume them, feel free to experience them to the fullest and reading the self criticism and posts related to them.
They haven´t even been posted on FiMFiction yet and I have been wondering if someday, we could compile them into a pastebin.

> it's not possible to run away forever. That'd simply be awesome.
mostly because if you run away too much, you will find a place in which you cannot escape even if you try....because that same place is the one you had visited before.....

> still no idea whatsoever how to transfer those from one medium into another.
ideas spark randomly. Just whenever you have one or feel like doing something, test it and see how it goes.

> but my influential power clique!
let´s see how you can defend yourself. I prefer reporting posts and let the mods check if they are worthy to delete or not instead of having the full power. I am a bad leader actually.....but as a supporter, the situation changes...

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> alright, that message is cool and all but I am just saying, that´s formal as hell for a chan format. It feels like I am reading a message from the Mod team from their blog page
Well it was full PR modeâ„¢, and seems like it did its job.

> archive
You and me had the same thought. Arguably, it wouldn't be very hard to whip up some crude JSON-based archiver, just gotta have enough will to do it. Other than this you can always save the more important board moments on archive.is or web.archive.org.
As far as disasters are concerned, I have contemplated keeping the previous board vols as-is, because in rare case of a raid and an even rarer case of any of them coming back here 4 men is way more than one to stop a flood from sliding content from the board although I set up 4 threads per hour creation limit too, although if moderation weren't active daily and the flood would be persistent enough this would't be effective.
On the other hand board vols can easily wipe entire board clean, and those 4 men are 3 that aren't me so I may never know whether one of them one day decides to have mass deletion urges...
Kind of weird and very edge-case scenario decision to make, although with each passing day the second option is growing on me, because out of two extremely unlikely scenarios, the former is at least order of magnitude less likely than the latter.

> it´s a kind of Pony Christmas.....
Well if you ever decide on which version of the answer you want, you know who to call.

> let´s see how you can defend yourself
Technically I don't have to, because board's approval is not a necessary condition to keeping the power[spoiler] keeping users on the board is another thing[/spoiler] Vote for democracy today.

> I am a bad leader actually
Isn't that judgement for the subordinates to make, actually?

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> But keep in ming that if there were no replies at that time, I would have probably got bored or forgotten about this place and stayed on /mlp/ all the time. 

And I didn't come around till new years day. If I hadn't seen the activity in my random online wanderings, then it I would've likely never found this place. 

> Bridgefag once told me he wanted to try that though.

Honestly may go ahead and step up to it, let me see how my year looks  as there is a possible medical thingy or two that could arise  but if things don't look to serious I'd like ta give it a shot (and get shot when the great /pone/ /sp/ whoever else war).

> archive (wish list for the future) and call it for a day.

Archive? What do you mean? Interestingly enough I'm about to launch a long term project here that is sort of up that alley. 

> mostly because if you run away too much, you will find a place in which you cannot escape even if you try....because that same place is the one you had visited before.....

 and than whom you've run away from before may wanna claim vengeance  

>  I am a bad leader actually.....but as a supporter, the situation changes...

I understand the fear of being too strong and deluded with power or too weak and not being about to make critical decisions... I know it myself... those massive park lightsaber battles weren't fun and games. 

> On the other hand board vols can easily wipe entire board clean, and those 4 men are 3 that aren't me so I may never know whether one of them one day decides to have mass deletion urges...

That is my only fear with them, them decding to drop evrything and maybe start fresh  like 314chan has done so many times  

> Well if you ever decide on which version of the answer you want, you know who to call.


> Technically I don't have to, because board's approval is not a necessary condition to keeping the power keeping users on the board is another thing[

We are not part of the selectorate (those you have to please to keep power), but the global mods and admin are, and it is possible we could remove you through that rout [spoiler] though I'm taking this is all in jest 

>  Arguably, it wouldn't be very hard to whip up some crude JSON-based archiver, just gotta have enough will to do it. 

Would we have it archived somewhere else? Another site? If we went that rout.

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> And I didn't come around till new years day. If I hadn't seen the activity in my random online wanderings, then it I would've likely never found this place.
Well, alright, alright. If you want to put the blame on me then so be it. Guilty as charged.

> I'm about to launch a long term project here that is sort of up that alley.
Huh? Got any more details to spare?

> I understand the fear of being too strong and deluded with power or too weak and not being about to make critical decisions
Well on the other hand taking the head role when there's no clear leadership defined leaves you in a leeway of having things done your way ^:)

> ????
Nothing to worry about.

> We are not part of the selectorate (those you have to please to keep power), but the global mods and admin are, and it is possible we could remove you through that rout
That's true. Just take a look at /sudo/. It's full of those threads. Though I'm guessing here, by a virtue of being a smaller chan, the global moderation is less detached from the userbase, and would respond to such request more promptly.

> Would we have it archived somewhere else? Another site? If we went that rout.
I thought more of having a local copy of all posts and images scrapped, maybe shared on demand should someone want it. Hosting it offsite is perfectly doable, but far more ambitious than initial aim.

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> it was full PR modeâ„¢, and seems like it did its job.
don´t have doubts about it
> I have contemplated keeping the previous board vols as-is, because in rare case of a raid and an even rarer case of any of them coming back here 4 men is way more than one to stop a flood from sliding content from the board although I set up 4 threads per hour creation limit too, although if moderation weren't active daily and the flood would be persistent enough this would't be effective.
that could an alternative/seasonal adjustment for securing the board, even though there are not many threads to archive. 4 threads per hour would give use us enough time to save them, except the bumplocked ones.

> board vols can easily wipe entire board clean, and those 4 men are 3 that aren't me so I may never know whether one of them one day decides to have mass deletion urges...
it seems that you have in mind what happened recently in November on /mlp/. It´s the worst case scenario but I wonder what could drive them to do that to a board like this. However, this board has stayed in the top 10 constantly so I kind of suspect that /pone/ could fall as an easy target in comparison to last year.

> if you ever decide on which version of the answer you want, you know who to call.
archive and taking care of the 3rd global rule. I am not asking for anything else.
Memes and pony content will come by itself.

> keeping users on the board is another thing
not to mention that you encouraged to the one you replied back then. It would be basically shooting yourself at the feet. 

> Isn't that judgement for the subordinates to make, actually?
it´s called self criticism and it didn´t involve this site. I tend to look at the bad things first...

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> I didn't come around till new years day. 
and I created the Celestia thread because I had thought you brought the HI Anon image.....when it was the owner. I have to lurk and tell who is behind the posts. 
> If I hadn't seen the activity in my random online wanderings, then it I would've likely never found this place.
well, there are always a little prize for having the bravery and curiosity to check other places. I had discovered this chan around 2017 when 8chan had to migrate over here because /8pone/ didn´t work around that time. I knew there was a board over here but until someone shilled endchan in December on /mlp/, I didn´t bother. Then I used it for a few days for posting images I wouldn´t have the proper chance nor fitting threads for them so I just posted them as if I were in an echo-chamber for myself.....the rest is history. 

> if things don't look to serious I'd like ta give it a shot (and get shot when the great /pone/ /sp/ whoever else war).
ufff,that would require some heavy weaponry. Keep in mind that while they could be defendless of any attack, we are not doing much better. There have been miracles in the past that were carried out by very few people though. 

> Archive? 
like the 4chan/8chan´s one in case the threads arrived at page 15 and get deleted.

> whom you've run away from before may wanna claim vengeance
especially if there was effort behind the celebratory post.

> being too strong and deluded with power or too weak and not being about to make critical decisions
I can make critical decisions. What I find worrisome about being a mod is that there is no useful feedback and if you make mistakes, other anons believe that it´s censorship or anything related. Well, that and any random reply that could drive to serious business. I would never apply for it, especially in chaotic boards like /b/ where you get tense responses for doing it badly. The most plausible behavior is by no giving a fuck about what you do but people do notice it instantly. 

> the global moderation is less detached from the userbase, and would respond to such request more promptly.
much less detached when the actual owner is aware of those events from happening over here, not to mention that the subject by itself is the core of having a sane board in terms of activity and "flowing" posts in each thread.

> I thought more of having a local copy of all posts and images scrapped, maybe shared on demand should someone want it.
we could use the NMAiE general for pastebins and stuff, compiling the links, threads and all the stuff. It´s easy to copy it from any user and by just simply using CTRL+V from any Word´s user, you recover it. 

There are several routes/solutions for that, most of them really effective and instantaneous.

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> Huh? Got any more details to spare?

Well. It's kind of hard to explain at the moment. I'm not sure exactly what I'd call it quite yet, but it is sort trying to keep a record of sorts, but in a vague broad way on various parts of the fandom. Hopefully I'll have it up in the next couple of days and I'll show y'all what I meann.  originally planed to post today but some other minor stuff has come up that took my time 

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> but I wonder what could drive them to do that to a board like this
The thing is, you don't need a reason to do something like that.

> archive and taking care of the 3rd global rule. I am not asking for anything else.
Not that question, but okay also, following the law to the letter, 3rd global rule allows flooding, as long as it isn't of advertisement nature

> it´s called self criticism and it didn´t involve this site.
That's a good trait to have. I'd say something, but they say that the humblest of man can't say he's humble himself and now I blew it, even the joke, this is an example of me posting for the sake of posting
> I tend to look at the bad things first...
Yeah, me too. On a sliding scale of rose-tinted glasses to doomsaying I tend to hang out more on the latter side.

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> I have to lurk and tell who is behind the posts
And here I am, having legitimate trouble telling definitely you two apart at a times, or telling who is who. Imagine my confusion back in January '18 when I started getting double replies

...Actually, why are you trying to credit me with kicking this whole thing off, when my post was only a second? If there was no post to reply, I would have not made a reply. Checkmate.

> that would require some heavy weaponry
Snatching the GET? Not quite. Just mostly luck, probably. Dealing with fallout, if any, maybe. But how mad and vengeful can one be over 1 stolen post of round digits? (famous Internet last words)

> What I find worrisome about being a mod is that there is no useful feedback and if you make mistakes, other anons believe that it´s censorship or anything related. Well, that and any random reply that could drive to serious business
Now I kind of see why 4chan mods went quieter and quieter as time went on, from plenty of interactions and public bans, to behind-the-scenes invisible moderation. Though it certainly did create a positive-feedback loop, which didn't help their case any.

> actual owner is aware of those events from happening over here
He is? Well I guess if I were the owner of small chan, I'd also poke around any boards that had a sign of activity, at least once in a while.

> we could use the NMAiE general for pastebins and stuff, compiling the links, threads and all the stuff. It´s easy to copy it from any user and by just simply using CTRL+V from any Word´s user, you recover it.
Actually, saving a local copy of all threads (just text) is very simple, really trivial even. Just did that today, in fact (the attached zip file)
(btw there are ~2977 distinct files posted on this board, if I didn't fuck anything up)

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> you don't need a reason to do something like that.
yeah, I meant in comparison to pick just this board and not another one. Either way, it´s a pretty stupid question.

> 3rd global rule allows flooding, as long as it isn't of advertisement nature
really? It says floods that compromise the operation of the site. Maybe I am interpreting it wrong.
> that the humblest of man can't say he's humble himself
mostly because it´s pretty easy to lie. You have all the mediums and the site for it yet I don´t want to use them all that much because it´s too easy to go for that route?

> I tend to hang out more on the latter side.
the fanbase has always hung out on that side and it doesn´t surprise me at all that the pessimism inhabits in the majority of the fans, especially when the show is taken way too seriously or wasn´t supposed to reach this far.

We are all pessimistic about gen 5...and we will complain a lot all the time. So yeah, that´s the standard attitude that one sees in channer side of the fanbase.

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> having legitimate trouble telling definitely you two apart at a times, or telling who is who. 
we could tripfag like Ponychan does (and they use secure tripfags by the way for each thread, the anti chan principle applied over there)
We kind of get now where one stands but if there are more people involved, not even lurking hard can save you of confusion. 

> why are you trying to credit me with kicking this whole thing off, when my post was only a second? If there was no post to reply, I would have not made a reply. 
I am one of those that is either an introvert as fuck and doesn´t say much but short answers or extend the conversation to limits it wasn´t intended to achieve. Basically, what I tried is sum up in building something out of nothing until something actually important to talk about happens.

> Dealing with fallout, if any, maybe.
yeah, I was thinking mostly about the backlash, not the achievement itself.

> how mad and vengeful can one be over 1 stolen post of round digits? (famous Internet last words)
eeeerm, the person who said those words must have been pretty innocent before putting them on practice and something tells me that one can discover Pandora´s box.
> Checkmate.
nice dubs
> I kind of see why 4chan mods went quieter and quieter as time went on, from plenty of interactions and public bans, to behind-the-scenes invisible moderation. Though it certainly did create a positive-feedback loop, which didn't help their case any.
well, it could a possible explanation about what happened over there as well. However, I think Hiro taking over the site makes you wonder if that´s the only reason for them to stay silent.

> if I were the owner of small chan, I'd also poke around any boards that had a sign of activity, at least once in a while.
if I had too much time, yeah I would do that. However, I am one of those that has a bigger preference for the ride than the chan. The chan state is somewhat secondary even though one has to keep track of what´s happening in general.

> saving a local copy of all threads (just text) is very simple, really trivial even. Just did that today, in fact (the attached zip file)
it´s pretty indeed. In fact I saved the bumplocked thread as well because that´s the only one that could fall off easily if any raid happened.

> there are ~2977 distinct files posted on this board, if I didn't fuck anything up
not a bad number actually

> we could tripfag like Ponychan does (and they use secure tripfags by the way for each thread, the anti chan principle applied over there)
I'm not against namefaging or tripfaging in general, though even on chans that had it I usually refrained. It wouldn't bug me though as I could see the benefits. Though I wasn't their for those early chaotic threads on /b/. I always heard their was a chaotic group of tripfags and tripfags used to be more common on /mlp/ as well... 

> well, it could a possible explanation about what happened over there as well. However, I think Hiro taking over the site makes you wonder if that´s the only reason for them to stay silent.
This right here. 

You too! Thanks for the zip! 

Alright. I'm too tired to complete replies at th moment but I got Golden Oaks posted so I feel satisfied. 
 and why are you here again? 
 and some anon mentioned us once.,, 

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> really?
> No flooding/spamming for the purpose of advertisement.
> for the purpose
The wording clearly implies the context under which the action is forbidden, all other contexts are not. Granted, that's obviously not what the chan owner meant, and enforcing it pragmatically means no flooding/spamming whatsoever. But there You have it, the spirit and the letter of the law. Sometimes can be really two different things.

> We are all pessimistic about gen 5
Yeah. G4 was once in a lifetime.

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> However, I think Hiro taking over the site makes you wonder if that´s the only reason for them to stay silent.
The mods switched into backseat moderation before moot left, but that may well be another factor contributing to the fact even more.

> if I had too much time, yeah I would do that. However, I am one of those that has a bigger preference for the ride than the chan. The chan state is somewhat secondary even though one has to keep track of what´s happening in general.
Well speaking from the hypothetical perspective of the owner, what's going on on the website you own would rather be of major importance. There may be no 'ride' for the owner, or several 'rides' picked up over from communities residing on his chan.

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> we could tripfag like Ponychan does
> I'm not against namefaging or tripfaging in general, though even on chans that had it I usually refrained. It wouldn't bug me though as I could see the benefits.
Eh, I'd rather not. Besides, there's always thread IDs (I'd rather not as well). So far my biggest aid in telling You apart is posting time. But I'm by no means saying that You must stick to regular or unique, non-overlapping posting times, no, far from it.
I'm also not allergic to namefags and tripfags per se (although I went on with the rising tide of the anti-name/trip of recent years). Funnily though, despite that I've still refrained from using a tripcode or role signature in places where it was actually appropriate >implying me contributing
I guess I have some sort of fetish for the anonymity of the chans ethos.

> (and they use secure tripfags by the way for each thread, the anti chan principle applied over there)
Or even custom made tripcodes (though I think it's just staff)
The plus (maybe not for them) side is that they're not portable.

> not even lurking hard can save you of confusion.
As it should be, in principle. Death of the author, yadda yadda.

> Though I wasn't their for those early chaotic threads on /b/. I always heard their was a chaotic group of tripfags
You could stil see occasional pony thread popping up on /b/ as far as 2014/2015. They probably pop every now and then nowadays too, but I visited /b/ maybe twice/thrice a year back then, and do it even less now. Also there's "Official pony thread" as a legacy of old /b/reads on /trash/, though I never visited them, spare for one or two singular times. You can check them if you're curious.
Anyway, if those threads are anything like the old /b/ threads of 2011, them man was it bad.
Again, I'm not that allergic to trips per se, but seeing every post with tripcode and 5-10 people avatarfagging tbh avatarfagging tips me off more than tripfaggotry with the same set of images over and over was rather cringy experience tbh... I get the same feeling when I visit ponychan once in a while.

> tripfags used to be more common on /mlp/ as well... 
May be well true, though I haven't noticed. But the general sentiment against using tripcodes rose in force over recent years, so many decided to drop them.
I think that the board that still has most friendly attitude towards trippers is /sp/ (on 4chan at least), and in a funny way of fate, on the other end of that spectrum, from what I've heard, would lie a board no other than /a/.

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> I'm not against namefaging or tripfaging in general, though even on chans that had it I usually refrained.
yeah but i think I will stay nameless for a while unless I write something new. 

> I always heard their was a chaotic group of tripfags and tripfags used to be more common on /mlp/ as well...
there are actually constant tripfags over their generals. Particularly MLPG and probably the CYOA?

> and some anon mentioned us once
yeah, he visited this board around early December/late November I think and he screamed because of the amount of content posted over here. He had thought that we were a community because of the bug in the normies number.

> The wording clearly implies the context under which the action is forbidden, all other contexts are not.
> 3.No spamming; no flooding that compromises normal operation of the site. 
> right at the front of the page
> but the 3rd rule was actually since the beginning

My life is a lie, everything I knew was a lie.

> G4 was once in a lifetime.
at least, they´d better let us enjoy a better gen than the previous ones.

> The mods switched into backseat moderation before moot left
I was right around that period on /mlp/ but I didn´t actively lurk that much to tell the difference before Moot leaving in January ´15, especially while I was discovering the chan dynamic in general.

> that may well be another factor contributing to the fact even more.
yeah, I wonder how that will pay off....

> what's going on on the website you own would rather be of major importance.
in theory, it should be like that but I eft that board around there like endchan did before the arrival of Christmas ´17.

> There may be no 'ride' for the owner, or several 'rides' picked up over from communities residing on his chan.
the ride is the same just that I wasn´t that comfortable as I would have imagined, not to mention that endchan has a little bit more moderation that I personally like in comparison to no rules. That site is certainly a bit underdeveloped for my taste so I preferred continuing over here despite the mess with the images in spring.

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> I'm also not allergic to namefags and tripfags per se (although I went on with the rising tide of the anti-name/trip of recent years). 
it´s not like I care too much but yeah, it can perfectly feel like Ponychan and I don´t see us jumping into that level of circlejerk.

> despite that I've still refrained from using a tripcode or role signature in places where it was actually appropriate >implying me contributing. I guess I have some sort of fetish for the anonymity of the chans ethos.
yeah, anonymity is a bless. I suppose I will keep the same dynamic. Save for fresh content, I certainly don´t need to use that option.

> The plus (maybe not for them) side is that they're not portable.
huh, what a curious detail

> As it should be, in principle. Death of the author
in an imageboard, nobody knows that you are a pony!

> seeing every post with tripcode and 5-10 people avatarfagging tbh avatarfagging tips me off more than tripfaggotry with the same set of images over and over was rather cringy experience tbh... I get the same feeling when I visit ponychan once in a while.
erm, I dont´t have a huge gallery to begin with. I will try to rotate and add new images but I have to reuse them sometimes. Not in the levels as MLPG does every time but I am yet in the process to post different stuff. 

> the general sentiment against using tripcodes rose in force over recent years, so many decided to drop them.
especially when there are conspirators in /pol/ that claim that social media bosses/google/CEO are trying to kill anonymity. That could explain why there is a big rejection these days. (and let´s not enter in the political topic again but that truly is a shitshow)

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Let's look at both sides of this coin, shall we? This board is very small. I know my post is either going to be addressed to you or L23. Stop right there. Their is times were I have to address ya or him, so I have to refer to y'all as something, even if it's a causal BO or wordy nickname "anon" nickname. As it has been said, there is no crowd to hide behind.

Then there is the fact that the canvas of much of the OC that has already been posted here often draws to various degrees from the personal realm. The personal has been been discussed already here; though it is not the only topic, it has come up. There has been some discussion  on life details and such being brought up. These two points is where the the temptation to tripfag/namefag arises, as there is a identity with each poster  even you  and personal has already been breached. Yet...

Notice. I have never taken a name here even in my stories?. Bridgefag is a placeholder given to me simply by L23 to call me something when I need to be addressed (such as referring to the fics I wrote). There has been a reluctance on my part to take one. I have always been more of a lurker who doesn't like attention even if my exposure to smaller sites and different dynamics makes me more liberal on expression on the chan front. I detest certain social media dynamics quite heavily, though I see this place as more laid back and I can think of plenty of things that I am open to here but wouldn't do on a more proper chan, for experimenting sake anyway. I understand the reluctance to namefag, I have it even here. Though I am open to it as it could make sense from a utilitarian standpoint here but if  reminds you of the dynamics of social media and attention whoring I can relate. 

> same set of images over and over was rather cringy experience tbh... I get the same feeling when I visit ponychan once in a while.

Ponychan, oh what can I say about that site? I don't know how to explain it but I've always felt very uncomfortable there, but there are aspects of it that are hard to articulate for me. I've tried to ponder upon it in the times I've visited there. Is it the tripfaging and social aspect? Maybe to an extent but not to itself. Because there are other places that have way more of that dynamic yet I don't really care at all. Is it the bad taste from the old moderation? Perhaps that plays a part, even with the new administration I had one incident where I felt a little weird about the logic of, but it isn't something I could pin to just that. It feels like something else is missing to describe it. There is something about the community dynamic of it and it's related websites (including ponyville.us) that gives me pause, reluctance, and distaste, even with places that have ostensibly similar practices not bugging me much. 

Maybe it's somehow a warning on what not to do with a chan? I remember some people freaking out on stuff that they found on web archive that they thought was cringe and sometimes worse info from that site. which wouldn't be the case for a more anon cautious chan (though it isn't the namefaging as much as tieing into other social media and connecting it there). And the site's existential crisis between how much it should police everyone.   

Yeah, I think I probably overall agree with ya on the whole on tripfag when I sit and think about it, even if I'm more open. With significant  caveats towards some lines that have already been crossed a bit and experimentation. Ponychan is a place that makes me give that same Twilight face and I wouldn't want to have that same "icky" feeling.

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> it´s not like I care too much but yeah, it can perfectly feel like Ponychan and I don´t see us jumping into that level of circlejerk.

Indeed. I think from a pruely utilitarian perspective it makes since, but when I thought about ponychan I remembered that little freakout about stuff on the achieve. I've always had reluctance for namefaging tough I will likely take one with my major story project anyway.

> especially when there are conspirators in /pol/ that claim that social media bosses/google/CEO are trying to kill anonymity. That could explain why there is a big rejection these days. (and let´s not enter in the political topic again but that truly is a shitshow)

Some truth to the aversion but such paranoia often takes out hurts even old traditions. Let's not enter into the political area  right now thhough...

> tbh avatarfagging tips me off more than tripfaggotry

Nope. Avatarfagging doesn't bug me one bit. Especially, when one is running low on images.  my pet peeve is thread IDs, because everything else is a choice, thread IDs are forced on you  I have actually considered doing it in the event of all of us live posting together just to help in the chaos. I suppose I can understand to the extent of being pissed off at it with the way I see ponychan staying on the same few images every post and it making things kind of boring though.

 note: been interpreted so it maybe awhile till I get back to the replies here 

> Ponychan is a place that makes me give that same Twilight face and I wouldn't want to have that same "icky" feeling.

Minor clarification. I didn't think we'd have that type of feel even if we did namefag but I was saying this in the spirit of I can relate to that feel.

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> at least, they´d better let us enjoy a better gen than the previous ones.

Certainly. I will stick around unless it sucks really bad because I'll curious what they do with the characters. Wizzard unicorn fanservice Luna and Celestia could be an intrsting prospect ya'know? They can't go back to the previous level of mindless little girl crap and if they go mess up in a different way their still could be interesting elements involved.  Heck, even if it does suck to the point I can't stand watching it I'll stick around to monitor the fandom and keep track anyway 

> the ride is the same just that I wasn´t that comfortable as I would have imagined, 

I know it's been a bit bumby hasn't it?

> not to mention that endchan has a little bit more moderation that I personally like in comparison to no rules. 

Distrust of the mods or is there other rules or incidents that I'm not aware about besides that 3rd rule?

That site is certainly a bit underdeveloped for my taste so I preferred continuing over here despite the mess with the images in spring.
Yeah. As it stands right now at least. All other chans that have been checking around either are in a worse state (nextchan do to the beta state  still may tried to reclaim the bunker moderation soon  ), died (old polish 8chan clone that allowed other boards) or are way more unstable 64chan (died... twice than came back) and 314chan (has died and came back mutiple times. Are considering a comeback again after they made that whole dramatic annocement and went offline earlier this year). or just suck all around  (mewch which I thick is dead or something). 8chan of course is completely out of the question as we'd have to be hidden least /pone/ would declare nuclear war and it wouldn't be fun just to hide and not raise the /pone/ banner.  I'm still looking around though. 

> My life is a lie, everything I knew was a lie.

 the cake is a lie 

I could have compressed this down a little I suppose. TDLR: I'm of a different mindset and principle, though I too have had some reluctance on that and will be refraining for now.

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> let us enjoy a better gen than the previous ones.
Really doubtful on that one. Although that's nothing new that I haven't said before.

> difference before Moot leaving in January ´15
Haven't paid that much of attention really, so didn't notice anything. Note that there was (or wasn't, and Hiro just admined from the shadows, we don't know) also around a year of interregnum before Hiro took over.

> I wonder how that will pay off....
Just peek at recent trends in posting and you will have the answer
*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

> endchan has a little bit more moderation that I personally like in comparison to no rules

> the mess with the images in spring
tfw wanted to restore them all, but managed to pull only 216 from desu just days before it stopped serving images (that's all desu had out of those missing here). I had only 12 on my disk, and DB doesn't allow searching by md5, so I'd have to find other ways to search them. Those things disheartened me a little, so the project fell kinda flat. Only have 228/958 missing collected.

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> I dont´t have a huge gallery to begin with. I will try to rotate and add new images but I have to reuse them sometimes.
> I have actually considered doing it in the event of all of us live posting together just to help in the chaos. I suppose I can understand to the extent of being pissed off at it with the way I see ponychan staying on the same few images every post and it making things kind of boring though.
It's not the reusal of the same images alone that ticks me off (although that is surely an aggravating factor), it's the "X is my waifu, so that means every image I post must feature her, preferably in the focus" and the actual avatar posting mindsets that somehow gets me. And you need not even repeat images for that. But it's all defined in terms of "I know when I see it" style judgement, not some objective and clear requirements one has to fulfil to fit the bill. It has to have that particular "feel" to it, if you know what I mean.

> especially when there are conspirators in /pol/ that claim that social media bosses/google/CEO are trying to kill anonymity
I don't know how much of that is a conspiracy, really. Going rhetorical, the less anonymity, the easier control. Yeah, let's not delve into that.
> That could explain why there is a big rejection these days
I like to think actually though about that only at the time of writing this post, but it makes for nice expression in writing that it's actually contrarianism spirit of chans at play with the rising tide of all-connected social media and online presence all around.

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> Their is times were I have to address ya or him
That is what quote function is for. yes I'm being dense on purpose
> even if it's a causal BO or wordy nickname "anon" nickname
Yeah, pseudonimity, a step further from anonymity, is a good compromise in its domain.
> The personal has been been discussed already here
> as there is a identity with each poster
Ideally there shouldn't be any. Or something. I don't really know anymore. But we're all only human, after all.

Actually, damn You. Damn You both for making me think about conceptualising the ideal so much. From the romantic (as in, relating to romanticism ideals, not the love connotation) aloof and vague idea perfect in every shape and form, diluted to mere ...something with lot of holes and unanswered questions. I don't exactly know.
It's exactly like the "never meet your heroes" says.

> Ponychan, oh what can I say about that site? I don't know how to explain it but I've always felt very uncomfortable there, but there are aspects of it that are hard to articulate for me
To clarify a bit what I said before, Ponychan is to me like any other website, so to say. There are some perfectly fine threads etc. just that some parts of the website/threads invoke this feeling.

> It feels like something else is missing to describe it.
Don't worry about it. I understand how it is, I get that a lot. Sometimes something just is, in and of itself.
For example I'd give You this answer if You'd ask me why I like ponies. I don't know why. I just like them.

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> I know my post is either going to be addressed to you or L23.
addressed to the spanish faggot who cannot stop praising that gospel band.....reporting in.

> there is no crowd to hide behind. 
that´s true but I like to have a philosophy that if someone reads this, they get something out of it with that anonymity virtuosity outside.

> These two points is where the the temptation to tripfag/namefag arises, as there is a identity with each poster even you and personal has already been breached
yes, it almost feels like the poster behind is playing a character. Now, watch out! Most fags repeat the avatarfagging to be attention whores of the thread and derail it for trolling or whatever. I personally have explained a lot and I don´t have the need to use that technique not to mention that there are better ways to express the personal thoughts you have behind.

> Bridgefag is a placeholder given to me simply by L23 to call me something when I need to be addressed (such as referring to the fics I wrote). There has been a reluctance on my part to take one. I have always been more of a lurker who doesn't like attention even if my exposure to smaller sites and different dynamics makes me more liberal on expression on the chan front.
yeah, that´s true. Staying out there as a background lurker holds the magic of privacity and if it gets broken, well, everyone else is watching you. In fact, that Bridgefag address is something that I apply to differentiate to what I guess I am referring to. Not to mention that another one can replace you and shitpost the Dolores memes more than you and lose that name for someone else. 

I can hold a name but not because of social media, but because I think I can deal with exposing myself in the front. I have found a technique to deal with it over time.
> though I see this place as more laid back and I can think of plenty of things that I am open to here but wouldn't do on a more proper chan, for experimenting sake anyway.
that entirely relies on the posters who participate in the thread. I am not saying that this board will get out of its own dramas but yeah, in comparison, it´s way less hostile and more like discussing behind the cameras. Like /mlp/ conveys an attitude to the rest but here, it´s simply another side....for now. Experimenting and using this place for alternative ways is what I consider key to move forward to some place that...well, I don´t know, use content and discuss it where others don´t.

> I am open to it as it could make sense from a utilitarian standpoint here but if reminds you of the dynamics of social media and attention whoring I can relate.
I can certainly see when one namefags himself for the sake of attention whoring. But do you know a way to make it less relevant? By making the thread boring even if there are baits thrown around. Either that or taking its attention whoring to the absurd level by exposing him beyond the intended levels to the point he is too involved into the thread to escape and leave without saying more things after it. 

One would say that hide and report is the solution but this is not /mlp/, so there have to be other ways to deal with that case.

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> There is something about the community dynamic of it and it's related websites (including ponyville.us) that gives me pause, reluctance, and distaste, even with places that have ostensibly similar practices not bugging me much. 
then it´s something that only you sense with it and that´s fine. I personally haven´t had any attachment to it save for a few threads about the episodes around 2015 early 2016. But for the most part, I feel indifference about that site despite having tripfags all around their threads.

> it's somehow a warning on what not to do with a chan?
probably but I am telling that it cannot be the only one that throws the principles to the trash.

> they thought was cringe and sometimes worse info from that site. which wouldn't be the case for a more anon cautious chan (though it isn't the namefaging as much as tieing into other social media and connecting it there). And the site's existential crisis between how much it should police everyone. 
ugh, throwing policies to anyone just to keep the identity is complicated and I personally wouldn´t know how to deal with that. The brony term has always carried the cringe tag by itself and if it´s because of NSFW stuff, 
it impresses me less.

> Ponychan is a place that makes me give that same Twilight face and I wouldn't want to have that same "icky" feeling.
alright. That´s fine. At least, it serves as a reference and one can point it out to see how the results would go by applying the formula. Checking what others did for future directions is a wise idea to know what to do...or at least, what it shouldn´t be done (even though the verb should implies subjectivity).

> when I thought about ponychan I remembered that little freakout about stuff on the achieve. 
yeah, even if that brought a scary feeling, one has to face with the past events and what others did with the same tools.

> I've always had reluctance for namefaging tough I will likely take one with my major story project anyway.
well, you already can use the one you have or get different ones for each fic. That´s up to you.

> Some truth to the aversion but such paranoia often takes out hurts even old traditions. Let's not enter into the political area right now thhough...
yeah, sadly it twists and distorts things that were considered as nice things. Don´t worry about the political discussion, you had September and November for that. It´s overexplained and it ends up with the same stuff with a different cover. Call me for another month for that or for the next part of my fic. But not now.

> I didn't think we'd have that type of feel even if we did namefag but I was saying this in the spirit of I can relate to that feel.
it truly depends on the faggots that you are discussing with more than anything else. Even when someone when you get hurt and get a few bounds, either they hurt more because you feel in a hostile environment or hurt less because you are with someone who won´t keep going beyond it. And even get a laugh...

who knows.

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> I will stick around unless it sucks really bad because I'll curious what they do with the characters. 
they cannot be that stupid of committing career suicide. That´s up to them anyway. As if kids really have that long attention span and attachment beyond the first years of hype. 
> Wizzard unicorn fanservice Luna and Celestia could be an intrsting prospect ya'know? They can't go back to the previous level of mindless little girl crap 
this is why I mention that gen 5 can easily become the 2nd best gen...mostly because they have opened Pandora´s box with this gen. A point of no return for them. And even if they fuck it up, someone will decide gen 6.

> if it does suck to the point I can't stand watching it I'll stick around to monitor the fandom and keep track anyway 
be sure that gen 4 fans won´t leave its old content if the new one sucks. For the golden days, there is still a lot to milk,  remember and appreciate in retrospective. 

> it's been a bit bumby hasn't it? 
yeah even though I feel like this year is having a nostalgic phase for the fanbase because time is running out and the dreams that every fan had with this franchise...are going away and write the last canon words.  There´s not much left to do but wait until the bittersweet end.

> is there other rules or incidents that I'm not aware about besides that 3rd rule? 
well, more than anything it was about dealing with myself in a dead board. I have already mentioned my problems with it.

> As it stands right now at least. All other chans that have been checking around either are in a worse state,died or are way more unstable, or just suck all around (mewch which I thick is dead or something).
goddamn. Well, quality has to better than quantity. I, for sure can compare in comparison to those imageboards. I already had a impression that there were not better alternatives around there so, same old same works despite the image mess.

> 8chan of course is completely out of the question as we'd have to be hidden least /pone/ would declare nuclear war and it wouldn't be fun just to hide and not raise the /pone/ banner.
the funny thing is that THIS board was the project of 8chan at one period and they forgot about it. The hidden /pone/ doesn´t have any place on 8chan.....because the seat was already created. 

> the cake is a lie 
Portal intensifies*

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> Really doubtful on that one.
as if I haven´t thought about that. My expectations are zero in fact but time always proves what it´s worthy to make and what it isn´t. 

> there was (or wasn't, and Hiro just admined from the shadows, we don't know) also around a year of interregnum before Hiro took over.
yeah, even though everyone was posting memes about Moot leaving the boat before it sank. 

> Just peek at recent trends in posting and you will have the answer
on /mlp/? Nothing has changed that much. Save the deletion of certain memes, overmoderation of meta threads and the roleplaying rule, the board itself hasn´t noticed a substantial change. (that immunity may come because of the generals)

> Hm?
ehem ehem the board owner is behind to check it ehem ehem. 

> but managed to pull only 216 from desu just days before it stopped serving images 
ah, damn. Well, that´s something at least. It´s mostly because it turns off the viewer for having no images around the posts.

> Those things disheartened me a little, so the project fell kinda flat. Only have 228/958 missing collected.
don´t think that it was that fun for me either. Between that and the 500 errors, well my patience was being tested. 

Fortunately, the board has recovered itself over time and the important stuff has remained untouched and even completed.

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> "X is my waifu, so that means every image I post must feature her, preferably in the focus" 
I don´t have a waifu but characters to get a personal attachment. Either it´s because I write about them, because I want to give them the spotlight (and I wouldn´t be the only one) or because it´s the image I feel like feeling posting a that time for some reason. 

> it's all defined in terms of "I know when I see it" style judgement, not some objective and clear requirements one has to fulfil to fit the bill. It has to have that particular "feel" to it, if you know what I mean.
yeah, the practical cases serve to understand what you explain much better. Lurking on /mlp/, one might get a few daily cases of it.

> Going rhetorical, the less anonymity, the easier control. Yeah, let's not delve into that.
1984 all over again in steroids. Anyway, moving on.

> I like to think  that it's actually contrarianism spirit of chans at play with the rising tide of all-connected social media and online presence all around.
not a bad speculation actually. In fact, I wonder if some boards didn´t care that much about having a name during the late 00s or even in the era of Myspace.

For the most part, 4chan has been carried by /pol/ more than /b/ these days. So that´s why I imply that rejection due to political paranoia rather than social motifs. Your point makes sense even though I see it as contributing factor more than the main reason. 

> damn You. Damn You both for making me think about conceptualising the ideal so much. From the romantic (as in, relating to romanticism ideals, not the love connotation) aloof and vague idea perfect in every shape and form, diluted to mere ...something with lot of holes and unanswered questions. I don't exactly know.
Life by itself....is a problem.  The feelings invoked may have come on purpose or not. The posts before these ones also carried conceptual themes and not easy ones to discuss. This is what happens when someone wants to decide the next direction when no one actually knows but only discussing where to go by checking mistakes form the past. And even then, the steps are being made even if someone is blind to the path he is taking. 
> It's exactly like the "never meet your heroes" says.
I have no heroes to admire. I am trying to find someone close to that but after discovering how the world works, heroes don´t wear a cape nor incite to claim themselves as one. The hero is what you consider down to your preferences and subjective judgements more than anything else. 
I have met people that one may consider ideal but those are just simply nothing outlandish. They may look fairly right in front of the cameras but behind the scenes and commercial speeches, do they hold those values all the time?

I don´t think so.

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> I like to have a philosophy that if someone reads this, they get something out of it with that anonymity virtuosity outside.
This. Tho I don't fit the bill as of now

> Either that or taking its attention whoring to the absurd level by exposing him beyond the intended levels to the point he is too involved into the thread to escape and leave without saying more things after it.
Doesn't always work. I have a theory that it mostly depends on the mentality (winner/loser) of the user in question.

> on /mlp/?
on 4chan, in general.
> Hm?
That was self-explanatory.

> ah, damn. Well, that´s something at least. It´s mostly because it turns off the viewer for having no images around the posts.
Maybe I'll post them some time, but will need to look more into automated posting first.

> I don´t have a waifu
Based, same.

> I wonder if some boards didn´t care that much about having a name during the late 00s or even in the era of Myspace.
From what I've heard, /a/ cared. A lot. Don't know about the others.

> I have no heroes to admire
Not sold on the idol meme either. Double based. Same.

> The hero is what you consider down to your preferences and subjective judgements more than anything else
Well that's more les the definition of a hero, yes.

> They may look fairly right in front of the cameras but behind the scenes and commercial speeches, do they hold those values all the time?
> I don´t think so.
Is it really that bad as everyone makes it sound?
I don't think so.

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(Sorry for lateposting to post from before, but reading the text int green, or at later date sometimes gives me additional thoughts)

> They can't go back to the previous level of mindless little girl crap
~ 2019, Anon, colourized. © 2029 famous wrong predictions collection, used with permission.

> we'd have to be hidden least /pone/ would declare nuclear war
Don't think they'd care that much. Anyways 8/pone/ IS DED NOPOSTS LOL

> I remember some people freaking out on stuff that they found on web archive that they thought was cringe and sometimes worse info from that site.
Mind a little spoonfeding?

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> I don't fit the bill as of now
it´s more about a personal mindset for not regretting in the long run what I am shitposting. One always wonder if someone is spying us from behind and become too paranoid. However, if a faggot reads this and wants to know about something, they are doomed to learn something new. And mostly everybody stays in the comfort zone by learning almost nothing, so I highly doubt they care.

> Doesn't always work. I have a theory that it mostly depends on the mentality (winner/loser) of the user in question.
of course,everything is relative when facing a problem. Life is not a formula, neither is dealing with anonymous people you don´t know nor are consistent at what they say all the time. It´s just a method that could serve at certain times but that´s it. Like you said with your compression method, nothing is the panacea.

> on 4chan, in general.
ah. Well, I cannot speak about the entire site because I don´t lurk around the site that much save /mlp/, /mu/ and /v/. I sometimes lurk /co/ for a thread or two but for the most part, I barely visit any other boards with a certain frequency. They have stayed mostly the same I guess? I am definitely not the biggest expert of the site honestly and what boards have changed all that much or not.I would need to lurk constantly and see the changes and how threads get deleted.

> but will need to look more into automated posting first.

> Based, same.
I will say however, that a couple of faggots considered me once a Rarifag during mid 2017 because I had its general as one of my central threads to visit. Although that could be said for Twilight´s, Star Light´s and Fluttershy´s. 

So basically, despite having my attachment to certain characters, like I have made with Celestia in this board for example, I have never reached to that zone where some faggots cannot escape.

> From what I've heard, /a/ cared. A lot.
wow, I didn´t know that. Maybe they rejected circlejerkers of certain animes. I could imagine /a/ getting a contrarian behavior because of namefags that would keep mentioning Naruto or I don´t know, DBZ.

> Not sold on the idol meme either. Double based. Same.
> Well that's more les the definition of a hero, yes.
the ideal heroes are specialized at one or two things. Ad for the rest, they cannot physically hold up to those standards for different matters. there are idols that did absolutely awful things yet they are admired and follow their actions.
Up to one´s head I guess but yeah, like I had said, it´s down to those preference on does have at a certain time.

> Is it really that bad as everyone makes it sound?I don't think so.
nope. Not everyone has those cases. I am just talking in extreme cases where its fans follow it too blindly. 
I could put the example of a few "heroes" that not only shine at their musicianship (I mostly know about musicians) but also are great at what they think in their lives. But then, you wouldn´t put the hero tag but more as a normal person that had its problems and hits. 

Hell, MLP does this all the time. Not only the supposed gods are good at what they do, but they also show their charm and flaws in their daily lives and actions. Part of the reason why I love Horse Play or slice of life stories around the princesses. Seen as heroes or outlandish figures yet the myths around them are not actually spectacular.

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> reading the text int green, or at later date sometimes gives me additional thoughts)
you are nor first nor the last fag to have those thoughts because of passive replies. I have to give myself a few breaks as well between shitposts of a day or two. As long as you make the post clear to what you want to say and who you are talking to, the rest doesn´t matter that much.

they have a 30 PPH rhythm fortunately. However, /endpone/ is not ready to stand on its own without a backup or main sites for the general brony activity. I wouldn´t like seeing 8/pone/ dying and having to surivive for ourselves alone in the alt chans territory. 

But as one of my idols would say:

> But if you want wasted, loaded, permanently folded.
> Doing the best that he can.
> I'm your man

and that´s what I would say as well if someone thought to have the /end/ as his hope to survive in terms of MLP content.

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> I cannot speak about the entire site because I don´t lurk around the site that much
Neither do I. But some site-wide trends are pretty noticeable once you leave the enclave of /mlp/ (though the do still manage to seep in there, but with lesser force).
> They have stayed mostly the same I guess?
Getting all philosophical, nothing ever stays static and unchanged. So they've changed. In reality, I don't know either. In truthfulness, so many things have changed, yet so many have stayed the same.

> I will say however, that a couple of faggots considered me once a Rarifag during mid 2017 because I had its general as one of my central threads to visit. Although that could be said for Twilight´s, Star Light´s and Fluttershy´s.
There is nothing wrong with having favourite pony/ponies.

> Maybe they rejected circlejerkers of certain animes. I could imagine /a/ getting a contrarian behavior because of namefags that would keep mentioning Naruto or I don´t know, DBZ.
I don't know anything more than simple "/a/ hates trip/namefags with passion. Period.", so I can't help You on that one.

> Ad for the rest, they cannot physically hold up to those standards for different matters
Well if they could they wouldn't be called heroes but mary sues
> But then, you wouldn´t put the hero tag but more as a normal person that had its problems and hits
"normal people" if those exist can be heroes too, yes.

> Horse Play
it was 4D chess all along
> slice of life stories around the princesses
too bad we didn't get any

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> they have a 30 PPH rhythm fortunately
I thik we must live in different universes, or different timelines (2015 /pone/), because 30 Post Per Hour would be a contemporary /pone/'s wet dream. If they get 30 posts in a day, boy that's a lot by today standards. They mostly oscillate around 10-15 posts per day.
It doesn't surprise me one bit that they died, considering that the whole foundation of their identity was based around being "not /mlp/" and hating thereof.

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> some site-wide trends are pretty noticeable once you leave the enclave of /mlp/
I won´t deny that  but I cannot enter into specific things. Just more SJW topics around I guess.

> In truthfulness, so many things have changed, yet so many have stayed the same.
that´s what you can extract out of 4chan. It feels the same, it still has the same design (save the ads) yet the memes used for that year or appealing threads and tastes may have changed. Some stay but certain things collide to what you would have expected at a certain time. /mlp/ has changed but mostly about the show rather than the 4chan spirit. They are less hostile about the events of 2013 but that mentality was achieved in an inner timeline. 

> There is nothing wrong with having favourite pony/ponies.

> I can't help You on that one.
no expert on /a/ but they usually meme a lot about Naruto and their fans. I implied a reason why names could offend them.

> if they could they wouldn't be called heroes but mary sues
that´s what I mostly get about the cinema these days. Superheroes usually bore me a lot, especially in the marketing and imagery department. Their backstories might be alright and relatable to an extent though.

> "normal people" if those exist can be heroes too, yes.
well, ordinary people. Normal is a word that origins from subjectivity.

> it was 4D chess all along
Trollestia did it again. Still, it offered a closer dynamic than the fans would have expected from her (mostly because of her godly part)

> too bad we didn't get any
don´t remind me about that.

> 30 Post Per Hour would be a contemporary /pone/'s wet dream. If they get 30 posts in a day, boy that's a lot by today standards
lel, I was mistaken (and awfully blind). The 30 mark was the Active ISPs in that board, not the PPH. That would imply reaching a speed like /a/ does over there. 
What was I thinking? 

> the whole foundation of their identity was based around being "not /mlp/" and hating thereof.
I mean, there are counterculture movements that prevail over time but a board that offers nothing different but a remorseful feeling about their own fathers...

it might not be a good idea.Wrath may have caused technical advancements (for war) but as a counterculture board, they wouldn´t survive for too long without giving it a different identity. 

More dead than Ponychan (funnily enough, /mlp/ memes a lot about Ponychan being dead but I think that the meme was misplaced in the end).

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Five bridges in a row!

That's already more successful than my kill streaks in Call of Duty

Gameloft did create a good meme with that text ,I've got to admit

No need to explain the reason why I am posting these (even if it's on mobile) but for sure,time has changed the opinion about this character. Otherwise,she wouldn't have 30k images nowadays (and very very good material)

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Definition of insanity:
When you realize that the bridge that she is building falls apart and it´s completely wrong in its architecture.That would be seen as an accident, no problem with that because there is time to fix it....

 the twist is that she built up a hundred of bridges before with that same design and she expected different results...

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Bridgefag,I believe that...you might not have received the GET as the 1st prize back then. But I am starting to believe that the silver medal for these posts might have more value in hindsight...

...just saying...

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Nevermind on me being in the skeptical "well yeah it's funny but not that big of deal camp even if it's a bit freaky" I am now pic related.  Guess what?! Two family members, completely separate without knowledge of each other and for different reasons made jokes relating to me and bridges. One of them calling me the master of bridges after  finding a slightly funny childhood drawing of mine.  and the other going on a lol random joke that ended with him saying that I would one day become obessed with bridges... Neither of'em has knowledge of the other joke. No way either of them know of this place. It is one heck of a freaky coincidence. Maybe cosmic meme magic is at work after all?

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I mean, it´s not that freaky and the meme itself arises questions from the fans and some wonder where this actually came from. One day, they will figure it out. Here is the fun part and all but your post...:

> Guess what?! Two family members, completely separate without knowledge of each other and for different reasons made jokes relating to me and bridges. 
> One of them calling me the master of bridges after finding a slightly funny childhood drawing of mine
> the other going on a lol random joke that ended with him saying that I would one day become obessed with bridges...
after reading these sentences for the first time, my eyes were wide open and now I am asking a question and it only consists in a word which has four letters:

W H A T ? !

Add "tf" to it if you want more info. 

> Neither of'em has knowledge of the other joke. No way either of them know of this place. It is one heck of a freaky coincidence. Maybe cosmic meme magic is at work after all?
when the memes become your actual character... 
I mean, I knew that the MLP fanbase has been entertaining by itself  but I believe that this is the first personal case in which I am astonished to hear this. I came to see ponies and stayed for the drama and fun but I never imagined that I would find freaky paradoxes about IRL situations of a fan, have we gone too far in memes that we are reaching Kingdom Hearts levels of outlandish coincidences? You have never posted your name here that would reveal your identity and I highly doubt that they have seen any pictures of /endpone/ in your PC or mobile.

Oh boy, seeing this post makes wonder if /endpone/ is more random than /b/. 

So, we could say that you have been doomed since your childhood with that drawing just that time and a random wordfilter triggered the character inside you and...the obsession might not be there 24/7 but the constant repetition of your alias and the search for an icon in this board could be taken as an enthusiastic mindset towards it....and in 2020, the meme magic happens.

I mean, this is too specific and really out of place for any outsider but experiences/stories like these are those that one elder would tell to the kids.

Whatever freaky coincidences manage to happen in the end, you have definitely earned that name and...this might reinforce it.

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So here we are 6000 posts. This post is dedicated to Dolores, ruler of the bridges. We apparently struck meme gold and didn't know it. This one snuck up on me so have yet another hastily put together Dolores bridge. I don't really have to much to say other than that I wish everyone well, regardless if you are lurkers, sometimes posters or newfags who just bumped into this place. 

 BO you will not be forgotten either. 

Onward to 7000!

Congratulations for reaching this far, /endpone/. Without noticing it, this board has reached the 6k posts and watch out, this number is quite remarkable for Endchan´s  standards so who would have guessed that the race for the 300 posts back then in December 2017 would reach this far? 

This backup board is still going and honestly, each time that the milestone arrives, I am becoming more speechless but yeah, this board has gone through several transformations in mindset and in its concepts. Especially, this:

> We apparently struck meme gold and didn't know it.
how something that was inside joke for this board only has become a meme and people wonder why where it actually came from and it haunts me to have witnessed the origins of it. 

> I don't really have to much to say other than that I wish everyone well, regardless if you are lurkers, sometimes posters or newfags who just bumped into this place.
same here honestly. I believe that this is the board that no matter how small or irrelevant it is, it celebrates itself.

> BO you will not be forgotten either.
perhaps he has been lurking without saying anything. One can simply hope.

> Onward to 7000!
okay, so the script has been written for these 6k posts but,what about now? Do we cross the bridge? Do we go over it or under it? I need some directions here.

> become a meme and people wonder why where it actually came from and it haunts me to have witnessed the origins of it. 
I don't know. My logical mind says that this is just a coincidence as long ponies existed before and I bet if I dug around deep enough I could find a her drawn like that in some form. Yet this happened:
Regardless there is a chance that someone could've gotten her from here. That's freaky and amazing. 

> perhaps he has been lurking without saying anything. One can simply hope.
For all we know this could be him. 
I always hope that if he still walks this earth he'll stop by again. 

>  Do we cross the bridge? Do we go over it or under it? I need some directions here.
I say we charge forward on it. To 7000K!

Hail Dolores, Queen of the Bridges and  guardian of /endpone/!

> long ponies existed before and I bet if I dug around deep enough I could find a her drawn like that in some form.
> there is a chance that someone could've gotten her from here. That's freaky and amazing.
despite knowing that long ponies existed before, Derpi didn´t have registered any picture of her with her body extended. Who knows if any random lurker could have got the idea from this place and decide to make a picture of her for the jokes? It´s quite hard to tell.

> I always hope that if he still walks this earth he'll stop by again.
no doubts about that.

> we charge forward on it. To 7000K!
the ride never ends!

> guardian of /endpone/!
the banners approve this statement.

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> Man are there ever some scowling images early on in this thread.
Reffering to stuff like this I presume?  >>/3018/

> Have the pony of Bridges considering a broader array of thoughts.
Thanks for the diversification!  Ew, "diverse" that word has almost too much a negative connotation for me at this point to use at all. 

> PoLfp

> That really is a gay-ass kite.
Too tiny if you ask me

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I will always wonder if /endpone/ has made an impact on the artists who decided to deliver a few pictures of her long body. Either any random anon was lurking on this board and decided to make fanart out of the banner or those artists simply decided to make her long just because and then, it would explode for a short while.

Either way, the bridges were already settled within the fanbase after that short phenomenon.

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As for the last picture of the bunch, she is turning around and making evil plans all over again.

Perhaps she is coming up with thoughts that are more twisted and unsettling than the ones she applied before in season 5. Despite going back to the origins (sort of), she has kept the new mane. I guess that Rarity's footprint, when it comes to the hairstyle, still applies to this day.

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A majestic PoLS related to...

...well, Dolores and majestic aren't exactly the most fitting words that anyone would come up with at first. However,there is some serious room in order to make her look like that without any issue. 

By the way, after such a long time since the last reply,I would like to point out that if you see the tags category (on Derpibooru),she (52349) has just surpassed Derpy Hooves (52115) in terms of registered pictures/material related to her in general. 

A silent growth that we take it as a given but one should realize about her impact whether one likes her or not.

For now,I'll let that sink in and thus, bump this thread to page 1

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Dolores might be silence but she has spread heavily, for better or worse. 

> she (52349) has just surpassed Derpy Hooves (52115) in terms of registered pictures/material related to her in general.
That I admit, almost feels wrong, though she, techically, as a antagonist, main character for two seasons, side character of significant importance for two more does make sense. As Glimglam, she has been somepony I have always felt iffy about, but as our mascot Dolores Umbridge I can't simply dislike her. 

> For now,I'll let that sink in and thus, bump this thread to page 1
Worthy bump. Worth trips.

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