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> This is ineffective and will only lead to those who were resistant to the mind-wave transmissions, becoming completely immune to both that and physical persecution. They will be trained in pattern recognition and will build up a parallel system, which will be completely impossible to control
Maybe that's the purpose of the system?

> Maybe that's the purpose of the system?
From our view, or the federation's view, yes. But not from the view of its human advocates. The core of the NWO aggressively defended their constructs to the very end, with only very occasional surrenders. From the looks of it, only one in 1000s would surrender and be saved, everyone else would rather be burned alive or stabbed to death, even after seeing this happen to everyone before them. They're this evil.

> After finishing that contract I was given one at a cold planet where I had to control the slaves from the sky using a remote, which is more advanced and needed for this kind of climate. The environment there was worse than the hot planet, and slaves would constantly freeze and get piled up in the mines, so to even get in it was necessary to send in slaves with drill to get through the frozen bodies, and the same on the way out. A tedious work no one really wants to do, but good experience they told me.
It seems this hellscape labour camp planet is so horrible that the "absolute scum of the galaxy" slaves sent to do work there can become almost fully cleared of karma after just one mission there. I just saw the ones used for the contract I did there being removed to reincarnate on some natural desert stone age planet after, where they'll live in peace and start over. This is the magic of the federation, despite how it looks at first glance.

> What will happen if I evoke these three energies at the same time?
Try and see?
The OP describes the clarity of the first time I met Chinese FG practitioners in a Stockholm suburb. In retrospect is was also the top of the entire local group's egregore, the girl I met there was the only one to my knowing who "made it". It was ironic looking back now with what I've learned later. Everyone thought she was a spy working for the CCP and when talking to her she defended the party. Her mother was in a forced labour camp and she had escaped and gotten asylum status because of this, but she wouldn't say there was anything wrong with any of what had happened. Instead she blamed her mum for having written a statement of agreement with the party to not practice. "She has to go back and do over", was her only comment. She didn't seem to have any worry at all about her mother's well-being. No matter how this sounds, this girl may be the sanest person I've ever met.

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I kept seeing a black pentagram and some demon image. Thinking this was a real demon, I created a demon body and went to investigate, only to find that it was a fake cult in a large empty hall. Some wizard was outside casting Disruptive Ray but the demons in the cult HQ were animated paper cut-outs and the demon was a painting on the wall. The black pentagram was real however so I copied its energy.

Following some unrelated(?) interactions with ancient witch spirits made themselves known, I decided to look into the Baphomet figure to see if there actually is some entity behind this symbolism after all. But I found nothing, it's a symbolic image, and has a method to it, but there is no such being.

It's widely used and because some modern (fake or whatever) covens have been spamming the image I decided to use it for my own purposes with the now-classic hijacking procedure.

If you see a "Baphomet priestess" around doing rituals, you now know why.

> decided to look into the Baphomet figure to see if there actually is some entity behind this symbolism after all
It appeared for me too some years ago and it was about an internal energy work system. My guides told me to observe the placement of the horns and other things that appear because once I follow through the edges of the image the energy work reveals itself within.

I am not really bothered by this visage in my meditations since that. The goat the bull and the lion heads all resonate with different energy centers in the head and you have to go through them. Oh and the bunny. Was fun learning that the bunny ears are the "soft" "antennas" the brain work while the "horns" are too rigid therefore hard to "tune". I mean if you desire to solidify a mindset into a "weapon" like hoofed horned cattle uses it then it can be useful but if you want to change easily like the bunny can raise and hide it's ears it's not really good.

Also the goat head is the downward pointing pentagram white the "torch" is the opposing force's manifestation which is fuelled with the upward pointing pentagram. Baph's head with the torch is the hexagram. A not exactly balanced one that is why it's burning. But the other aspects balance it out for a while... And many other things like the merger of the malefemale energies and stuff that is obvious for some of us already. Was weird learning that the energy centers of my chest can be accessed if I think I have the circular female boobs and not going along with the square like shape of the male chest. So many mysteries and this is merely the "Moon" magic part of occultism.

The entity was made into a symbolic form by the people and was not a channeled manifestation. Only christian "demons" are obsessed with latin and "intellectuals" and not actual entities. 
But who knows tbh. I am not entirely sure with my assessment anymore. Especially when it comes to latin and christianity.

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It's rare to see a touhou pic with a train without Yukari around.

Strange how my dreams about timelines always involve trains and traintracks.

I know in the old tales it was crossroads and carriages carrying the dead into the afterlife. Also the boat with the ferryman. 

I only remember Harry Potter where the NDE was portrayed with a trainstation. But there the whole story started with finding the hidden train station so it wasn't that much of a stretch there.

Wonder where else we have trains with spiritual importance. Trains are modern and already old fashioned nowadays.

>  it was about an internal energy work system
This is what I saw too, but it matters because it's an accepted form. It's the very base of the same kind of system I initialized with the federation. The "oppai-loli system", referring to Freud's claim that the attraction of a male takes two forms, one towards young girls with no secondary sexual characteristics, and one towards the "mother" type, and failing to merge these into one image will create many mental tensions and problems. Baphomet contains the "oppai" half of the system.

> Was weird learning that the energy centers of my chest can be accessed if I think I have the circular female boobs and not going along with the square like shape of the male chest
I meant to make a post about this in the tantra thread, but since it came up I'll make a TL:DR of what I've found:
There has been a screencap posted on /pol/ about "cute aggression", a text linking the smaller female amygdala with the inexplainable rage they express when seeing cute anime characters. The idea is that empathy is created by the amygdala, and this was confirmed by the Babylonian spirit who devised the empathy session logged on my pastebin. But the same energy formation appears in every of the 4 major sections of the body, so the same function is amplified by the breasts, the egg stems and the testicles.
This causes young girls to be the meanest and having the greatest chance of becoming completely savage, they have small amygdala, no breats, their egg stems aren't active and they have no testicles. If thought to use the brain they can still have empathy, and it will later be amplified by the rest of the body as it develops. But if they don't develop it, they will develop negative empathy, which means to empathize with bad behaviour and people.

For men who don't have breasts, the amygdala is somewhat larger, so they have more empathy to start with. They lack breasts, but the steady presence of testicles which don't turn inactive at 40 (which is why women become insufferable "Karens" when their eggs run out) means they retain a constant higher ability for empathy.

But, all this is an energy system, if you work with it, you can compensate. Only pure animals are controlled by the body's state itself.

I came across an online group for FG quitters and joined it to see what stories others would share.

It's way worse than I imagined.

Aside from the horrible energy they produce, which was the reason I cut all contact with them and avoid looking at any of their modern materials (including ads on youtube, wtf leave me alone), from a perfectly mundane view they've turned into a cult of the worst kind.

I saw people who had been in the inner group around Li for a long time. Apparently they call it "the mountain", based on some misconception that he came from the mountains in China (which he denied in a lecture earlier, but now they still use it). "The mountain" is a downright labour camp somewhere in NY state. The people living there are "volunteers" but the situation is a social and mental prison. 

Some people have worked there for 10 - 15 years with no pay, and this includes the dancers for the world touring show and people from the media outlets. They also do building projects. Supposedly they are building 3 temples in Chinese style, again despite Li previously saying that no temples must be built when asked about this.

Li loses his temper and yells at people, completely breaking character. He also gets ill and blames it on "purging karma for others". His family members harass people, they are forced to sign "contract" for how to behave in there. They get Chinese practitioners to come there by marrying them to Americans to get a VISA. They are also forced to support Trump by Li himself, otherwise they can't stay.

It also seems no one has any abilities whatsoever, they've completely collapsed into doctrines and "belief", it seems no one even knows what the fuck they are doing there.

> be Chinese
> escape from communist labour camp
> move to USA
> start own labour camp

> turned into a cult of the worst kind

Yeah this is what I gathered from eastern entities while looking into their past. The CCP started purging them because they started to apply practices from the already banned cults even back there. And by practice I am not exactly meaning the spiritual kind but the one that undermine the CCP as a side effect. Ofc back then it was okay because they considered all the evils of the CCP "karma" but once things went out of control the CCP and the movement lost their shit. Actual practice merged with superstition and paranoia. That is the downfall of every cult spiritually because in actuality it momentarily strengthens the cult but on wrong principles.
Also I am not sure how many leftover people from destroyed cults joined them and managed to increase their "dissident threat" meter in the eyes of the CCP.

Being a bugman is a harsh fate sometimes. They just wired themselves into an absolutely servile way and once they merge that with defiance they even enslave themselves even further just to become a single block on the path of defeating the "enemy". And they don't even consider this mentality as a "virtue" but a "fate" or a burden they have to carry for the "good of all". Materialist collectivism vs cult collectivism. It's never pretty.

And the fun part? It was even worse before Li came along. There were cults there that had to be purged and not reeducated in any way or form. 
Those on the real path will survive no matter the situation (this was something the entities I talked with told me). Not to mention those cults are only gone from China and CCP controlled areas. Places outside the reach of the CCP still have them and they are not pretty. They have a shorter reach compared the illumitards but their followers are far more dangerous. But at least they have smaller and mostly local goals.

But it's hard to judge their situation. First we have a semi-informational quarantine in China a cultural barrier and let's not talk about their constant 2 facedness. It's hard to understand them sometimes.

Falun Gong has 0 presence in my country so there are many things I don't understand personally about them. I understand their current "failed cult" situation but not the original energies that formed them. There were quite the amount of societal changes going on at once around their formation and I am not sure what was the intention of the whole thing at all. I mean we talked about the gist of it with Scarlet but I am not sure. Bugmen have their own kind of weirdness.

> be Chinese
> escape from communist labour camp
> move to USA
> start own labour camp
This is why the CCP hates cults. They all do this shit then either become radical terrorists or join their enemy and spew constant propaganda against them. That "nice Buddhist/Taoist non violence" letting go of mundane matters view is not in every cult. A spark just appears and BOOM thousands of Chinese are willing to die against the CCP while on the big picture it won't even appear in the news for more than 2 days.

At least we have enough problems in the west already so I don't consider their fate my top priority. They should be able to solve this on their own.

The eyes are the mirrors of the soul and it's still such a mystery what they are doing. Seeing creates our entire perception and our perception changes our thinking. And I am retuning the whole thing. I see such changes and interesting hiccups in my thinking when my older and newer thinking processes and energy muscle movements fold into each other. I am finally able to let go how scary it is. Takes time to maintain the ever present thinking process that guides all.

And yes all I am doing just changing the ways energy travels around the physical eyes. Nothing more serious.

> we talked about the gist of it with Scarlet but I am not sure. Bugmen have their own kind of weirdness.
There are two parts, the teaching provided by Scarlet, and the material provided by the Chinese. Like using sand on a road to create something and gain attention to spread an idea. Then as people come to look they trample all over it and it starts getting ruined, then completely erased once it get popular.

This is what Scarlet said just now.

> then completely erased once it get popular
The usual fucking normies ruin everything effect 

> Then it turns back to shit again and hopefully it had some effect while the form lasted.
we have a saying.
> Every miracle lasts only for 3 days
We use this as a saying to either accept that if something miraculous happened it's "no wonder it's unable to last" "it was already a wonder it happened" and it denotes a sort of understanding that onece it happens you have to sort of "make use of it" but also not get ahead of yourself because it's not granted and things can get awry if you don't pay enough attention. It sorta gave me quite the pessimistic outlook through the life but it made me able to notice the "structure" that creates "miracles". And yes once the energies merge with the "dirt" then the previous status quo returns especially if people don't bother maintaining or as the chinese like to say "properly cultivating" the soil. The seeds are spread but the growth process requires different tending mechanics if they require it at all. Some things grow on their own once the conditions are eligible while others get trampled to dust.

So hard to talk about these things. The point always ends up that truth is superior to falsehoods and once it's no longer superior then it was never  (actual/absolute) truth at all.

And ofc cults and religions are unable to comprehend that some "truths" that worked for years are suddenly not work anymore. Accepting that the everlasting truth is not everlasting anymore means that everything else is jeopardy suddenly. Did the truth get lost? Nope. It was just applied wrongly and as the process went further it vanished from the foundation. How to solve it? Either analyze the foundation or the source of the truth. My current problem is that doing both of these things are confusing because as we know already; People can "accidentally" get things right even in faulty beliefs and that can continue the entire movement cult faith religion to go on further. Which means the "moment" when everything went wrong does not exist in a cleanly analyzable state anymore. Only a "tipping point" exists when the "miracle ends".
Oh and the worst part? My favorite. I call them "half manifested energies". You can call them the "hopes and dreams" of the people. Once there is an outlet a sort of prophet/messiah can utilize all those forces but once those energies are gone and not "invested" "properly" all things fall into ruin in a moment's notice. This is my problem with my current research on "Mini golden ages". Congrats the golden age lasted for 0.01 second. It is a golden age. Will be recorded in the great calendar of eternal moments. But if you can't handle the recoil your reward is something worse than eternal hell. What you said with that thing with how humans are like Hydrogen and a wrong step can ruin everything was true.
And the other best or worse part? Once you have the perfect energies when things are "meant to be" things are unable to go wrong because nor you nor anyone can go against truly perfect energies aka truth. And that's the true messianic era. When your free (or hesitant) will is completely aligned with truth and there is no other outcome at all.

Not even impossible to pull the whole thing off. Not even hard for those with the ability and with the proper support. But are we there yet? Those who can say truly are either the wisest masters of existence or the worst kind of fools. And I know both of them exists. But to know the difference between them I have to understand what it means to be truly foolish or wise. And you are never truly wise if you are not foolish...

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There is an idea here: you can either work slowly and get insights of principles, like algorithms. Or you can get arbitrary things right in a cumulative logic way where they're eternal and indestructible but you have no clue why. 

Then you can combine them, using principles you understand, to intentionally get things accidentally right, because some algorithms can do this, over and over.

And that last bit is the goal of AI, or simply; "Repeated patterns which have the same form as awareness, but are actually just the same accidental forms that get things right with no knowledge of why".

So essentially it's a method created accidentally, which has a repetable method built in, which creates accidental enlightenment forms repeatedly, and there is no method or awareness or intent in the process.

Like constantly tripping, falling and messing things up and it just keeps working anyway. Dumb cultivation.

"Chaotic Evil" alignment is actually the best. Why? By doing absolutely anything, this alignment will lead to hard lessons and those will lead to learning. You won't do the same horrible mistake twice because it just hurts too much, and it doesn't matter how evil or chaotic you are, that experience isn't forgotten. So over time, the most intelligent, rational and successful being will be the chaotic evil type.

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Well alright then, I'm not sure if this is another intended(?) effect of the purging/reset or what but
> "Dreamt" that I witnessed 3 people killed themselves due to a ritual sacrifice cult things
> One hung themselves in a restroom and the other 2 just OD'd(?)
> Meanwhile I got ushered by 2 women
> They did some stuff and basically wipe any record of me from existence and protected me by falsifying whatever remaining records of me there was
> I think I was in my "true form" after this.
> I think I encountered someone who was apparently from sunflower but I might be hallucinating that part
> When I saw the corpses of the
people who died I didn't really feel anything
> There was also some evil sentient bean/seed thingy that was causing shit but it got stuffed out quickly though this felt completely disconnected from everything else so it might have been just regular dream shit at this point, but it did remind me of an old ass cartoon I saw as a kid though
> Apart from that, I wake up feeling even more detached from almost everything, but less distracted and focused(?)
Huh, interesting

> did some stuff and basically wipe any record of me from existence and protected me by falsifying whatever remaining records of me there was
This is something I used servitors to do for myself to get removed from glowie lists. Otherwise they'll be able to easily target me with psychics using known personal data. I've also applied protection for anyone on here so it could be related.

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It could be, perhaps. Not that I really mind, it was just kinda weird. After getting witness protection'd a ritual of sorts was done for me but not in the way of the suicides.. I think. Plus whenever I get sacrifice I just come back for some reason, not sure if it's due to my sisters doing it to me constantly or what but it's just
> Get sacrificed/killed
> Come back, either as myself or as the other me/body/whatever
> Shrug it off like nothing happens
> Persons shit their pants at me doing this
Weird times

>  >They did some stuff and basically wipe any record of me from existence and protected me by falsifying whatever remaining records of me there was
Sounds like you went through a hell realm. This was about your "sins" being erased. You see some of your sins are not "yours" at all nor the original sin either you just get it mostly by either just merely living around degenerates or absentmindedly engaging in degenerate practices. I too seen the "tattoos" on my body that marked my "sins" and realized they are an energy type that can be talked with and they can show me the way how they can be returned. Yes it is a weird experience because the perpetrators need to die in the process. You need to make amends. It can appear many ways.

> Apart from that, I wake up feeling even more detached from almost everything, but less distracted and focused(?)
Finally your true mind is kicking in. The mundane hubris that keeps you a confused "dumbass" is slowly evaporating. Just take it easy and observe the new way you are thinking. You might notice new things while doing so.

> There was also some evil sentient bean/seed thingy that was causing shit but it got stuffed out quickly
They just told me it was a "distruptive part of your mind". Had to ask because I encountered and work with many "seeds" and just to be sure asked if it's not an overspill effect from my part.
Might be him. These resonances can happen. And some resonances are good for you so your sisters and guides let you participate in them.
>  >Santa muerte
> Hmm.. I vaguely remember that name
The place you live at is her territory. Especially if there are deserts around.
Also  >>/6705/ he likes her too much. She is part of many workings of the sunflower. More or less she is one of the main entry point into the USA energetically. My personal connection with her is minor. I have my own way with the death gods and my interest in the USA affairs is not as intense. My  agendas more or less can be described: KEEP YOUR FAGGOTRY AND JEWS FAR AWAY FROM ME. I am not big on personally hunting down abortion cults and other specific campaigns BO is doing. My hands are full with managing my own territory.

> just get it mostly by either just merely living around degenerates or absentmindedly engaging in degenerate practices.
To explain better. Sometimes "tolerating" or "enjoying" being with degenerates infects you because you literally consented that you wish to partake in the ways of the degenerates. With that you can be considered as a degenerate and are eligible to be hunted down by anti degenerative forces. With this weird fanatics gain a free ticket to hunt you down whenever they please. Ofc without the sin belonging to you they lose the free ticket and unable not just to hurt you but even "see" you at all. Just to be able to "go down to their level" you have to engage in "sinful" practices.
I still don't understand how it works in detail. But sometimes I have to lower myself so I can purge a larger chunk of "sinful" energies. Otherwise they get bottled and may arise in the wrong moment.

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> They just told me it was a "distruptive part of your mind". Had to ask because I encountered and work with many "seeds" and just to be sure asked if it's not an overspill effect from my part.
ah okay. also i finally remembered what the damn thing reminded me of, fucking hannibal roy bean from xiaolin showdown. fucking hell https://youtube.com/watch?v=ii9JTLQBmqY im still surprised i remember this show honestly

> Sounds like you went through a hell realm. This was about your "sins" being erased. You see some of your sins are not "yours" at all nor the original sin either you just get it mostly by either just merely living around degenerates or absentmindedly engaging in degenerate practices. I too seen the "tattoos" on my body that marked my "sins" and realized they are an energy type that can be talked with and they can show me the way how they can be returned. Yes it is a weird experience because the perpetrators need to die in the process. 
> You need to make amends. It can appear many ways.
i think it already has been happening in my case honestly

> The place you live at is her territory. Especially if there are deserts around.
Also  >>/6705/ he likes her too much. She is part of many workings of the sunflower. More or less she is one of the main entry point into the USA energetically. My personal connection with her is minor. I have my own way with the death gods and my interest in the USA affairs is not as intense. My agendas more or less can be described: KEEP YOUR FAGGOTRY AND JEWS FAR AWAY FROM ME. I am not big on personally hunting down abortion cults and other specific campaigns BO is doing. My hands are full with managing my own territory.
ohhhhhh. yeah the lady i occasionally talked mentioned how she gives respect to her. 

> Finally your true mind is kicking in. The mundane hubris that keeps you a confused "dumbass" is slowly evaporating. Just take it easy and observe the new way you are thinking. You might notice new things while doing so.
i have been noticing more black pill/demoralization propaganda, especially when im on 4chan for things. well rather, it's easier for me to sniff it off and just laugh and go on about my day. seriously something about the IP counter makes not take or really care about anything said there seriously anymore apart from the one thread i go to, guess its because i can just handwave most of the posts bots or shills or whatever the fuck i guess *shrugs*

no clue if this is part of the reset/purge or what but im becoming more attuned to loli/cunny stuff and i just laugh off at all the sperging, compared to how i treated it in the past

> Sometimes "tolerating" or "enjoying" being with degenerates infects you because you literally consented that you wish to partake in the ways of the degenerates. With that you can be considered as a degenerate and are eligible to be hunted down by anti degenerative forces. With this weird fanatics gain a free ticket to hunt you down whenever they please. Ofc without the sin belonging to you they lose the free ticket and unable not just to hurt you but even "see" you at all. Just to be able to "go down to their level" you have to engage in "sinful" practices.
admittedly i have my moments of that, back when i used to shitpost harder than i do (even then i do try to reign it in a bit now). i have had momenets of doing giga annoying and borderline vitriolic shitposting "to see what it feels like, to be human" and so on

> im still surprised i remember this show honestly
Same. Now that I watched that vid I remember that bean a little. Damm the show looked better in my memories. 

My problem with that show that sometimes it's banally childish (sometimes on purpose) then sometimes it has actually good themes and messages going on. My nostalgia is not sure if I want to indulge in it again or not. Totally forgot that the bean was a character in that. It was such a minor annoyance of a character.

> i think it already has been happening in my case honestly
Yes it is happening for you for a while but that doesn't mean it's over. You just reached an another milestone.

i'll probably give it a rewatch at some point but if its a show vividly remember 80%-90% i dont really go back to it like that. Only exception i made for that was the first 4 yugioh anime series

> Yes it is happening for you for a while but that doesn't mean it's over. You just reached an another milestone.
a-ah got it.

going back to the point of degenerates earlier, i guess a sign of this particular change happened with some more of the places i usually lurk and occasionally interact becoming even shittier or caring more about laughing at lolcows or whatever (like that one discord group i mentioned n the past). I'm not above laughing at somneone like chris chan sperging out or whatever but i don't like doing the lolcow hunting/farming shit because it feels like peak faggotry. that aside, it got into some weird moral grandstanding where most of the members did drugs, trooned out, or would just be obnoxiously loud (like your stereotypcal american black), zoomers doing the soyjak shit too much, the whole thing got too much and i didn't like how it was about to change me so i just left some more places. also, i remember you or some other anon talking about in relaxation(?) thread but this reminded me about shittalking as shielding against the glowies that was discussed.

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> online group for FG quitters
> contacted in chat by a Chinese
> says he's living in Netherlands
> but worked close to Li
> he was a chief editor for the ET newspaper for 20 years
> Li live in NY...
> let that pass and ask him, but ET was not founded yet in 2003?
> oh actually it was between 2008 -2017
> not in NY, not with Li
Yep, it's a real Chinese alright. If you feel like you are talking to some cold war era spy who can't keep his story straight for 5 min, that's a legit citizen of the middle kingdom. It almost feels like a relief, Chinese always habitually lie about pointless details, it's in their blood to not share coherent personal information with anyone. You get exactly what you expect. When I used to play Chinese browser games I once had a young Chinese girl join my guild. I added her to the guild FB. We talked in the chat and she lied about everything, at first she said she was a Pinoy, but something on her FB was Chinese so I pointed that out. She then admitted to it, saying it was just because there were Pinoys in the game and they don't like Chinese so it was to be able to possibly, in the future join their guild. She then told me to not use my real pic on FB because it's not safe... (and she was at the time 9)

> part of the reset/purge or what but im becoming more attuned to loli/cunny 
It's called "maturing" lol. We all start with liking cowtits at 12, then slowly graduate from that and start seeing the beauty of flat chests.


> US government are collecting Mexican children in black vans and send them to unknown locations
> They're openly talking about how the US government has funded a set up which has lead to 185000 kids going "missing" in the last year
This is how they get their Adrenachrome now.

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I finally infiltrated the last major egregore of the world, which had been locked away in its own timeline, the large Jewish system connecting from Europe to USA. To get in there I got help from my Russian waifus to create a personality template of the kind of Russian girl who would be most likely to get invited to these places. The result is so convincing I almost fall in love with her myself. The method was to simply create this as a form of mineral body human which "incarnates" part of a person's subconscious as this girl. Then she either stays there as an idea, or finds a way to infiltrate the life of the host person physically by appearing as a real person.

By installing this on selected pro-Russians in the west, it attracted the attention of psychics all over the area, and they tried to copy it to steal it. When doing so, she would instantly install on their subconscious and find a way to infiltrate surrounding areas, including physical organizations.

What was revealed surprised me a little bit; it appears the Jews are too afraid of the Ukrainian Jesuits to dare oppose them. They want to, they hate them, but they can't touch them because of their fear of the consequences. They couldn't even cut funding to Ukraine on their own because of this, the only reason it was possible now was because they managed to stir up so much shit in Gaza that the attention shifted temporarily. It would instantly fall back to funding Ukraine once the Gaza conflict died down. So they actually gain something by making a huge mess for a long time there.

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Did I say "infiltrate"? It's not just informative, it means to gain control of the egregore's "army" aspect. With this, I can make them fearless and directly attack the Jesuits. They lack this organizational ability because of their strong egos, but once that is overridden, it's possible to go full frontal on them.

It was the same at first in Ukraine, the Russian army lacked organization and wasn't prepared for war, they had planned for a policing mission, like anon says here. It was mostly overlooked or no one grasped what he said, but Putin did mention how they retreated from Kiev because a peace agreement had been signed. Then the British told the Ukrainians to trash it once the Russian army had moved away. They weren't "losing ground" like western media claimed, the Ukrainians didn't face resistance because it wasn't an army organized to hold the area in the first place.
I already had control of the Russian army egregore since long in that area, so I pulled and turned things to make the energy streams actually function. This little secret was only slightly touched on recently when Pentagon said they had information indicating Russia was prepared to use nukes back then. Now nukes aren't real, but neither side knows this below the very top leaders. What they're saying is that Russia was in real danger there for while, and that is true. That first Ukrainian push was really nasty, a very strong energy spike, a snake with a head made from iron. Fixing this was like hitting it with cotton buds, the Russian army egregore was so weak, it only worked by mass throwing resources at them to stall them. In the process several generals got surrounded and killed as a result of their way of working close to the troops, but there was no other way to wrestle that iron snake down. The Ukrainian egregore was very nasty from the beginning, and still was during the counteroffensyiv. It took a massive energy concentration and strong tactics to break them. All of this comes from the Jesuits.

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A bag of firewood suddenly fell over causing a crashing sound about an hour ago. This was followed by some poltergeist-y activity outside my house as well. My security servitor captured 4 lurking hostile beings. When I looked outside it felt like the entire environment had changed. I was told by Wise, my information servitor that "The Earth ended".

> A bag of firewood suddenly fell over causing a crashing sound about an hour ago. This was followed by some poltergeist-y activity outside my house as well

You sure it's not your vampire body tech sharing causing a sudden energetic influx in your space?

The reason why I am saying this because while thinking about workings of the sunflower in the past and came to a quite "emotional" or higher energy conclusion stuff fell over around me from time to time. Some physical places suddenly change energetic polarities as things connect long range. Wanted to rant how I see this process while telekinesis was brought up but then I realized I don't have a good enough grasp on my own theory to talk about it yet.

Also I am busy figuring out what is the Garuda... Seems like I managed to get initiated into an another system and the weird harpies that "took interest" in me before are somewhat of a larger faction. I know schizos had this "birds vs snakes" on /x/ as some spiritual war theory but they are just part of the ecosystem. It's a sort of "birds who fall too low get devoured by snakes and snakes that dare to climb too high get taken by the birds" but this is just a saying. Their enmity is not an another heaven vs hell or anything like that.

Some wooden statue of some norse like god appeared in my meditation yesterday and the visions and chants appeared how the statue was worshiped and how people lived around it. I started to get in contact with the energies and once I got a vision of a chicken being sacrificed the connection was made and met some bearded dude flying on a bird.
Just read today that Krishna also flew on some Garuda. Guess you just get your own bird at some level I don't know. Bird is weird like made of energetically changing colored feathers. Acted like a raging cunt and when I started looking displeased with it's screeching it turned into a woman wearing a birdsuit.

I am not sure what do do with this yet.

> You sure it's not your vampire body tech sharing causing a sudden energetic influx in your space?
No, these were 4 beings who landed on my roof and were captured by a servitor (I ritually sacrificed them to make a point, don't come here with ill intent). A bit later I saw images of men lurking outside my windows, typical overspill images of the glowie RVs who always try to look at me. My demon waifus usually deal with them if they get annoying (They usually say someone is "staring" before they go grab them to cut them up. It really does look that way as a result of their training method. Someone staring with a stone face and eyes like black points, they also have no skills aside from this and their minds aren't shielded, so I can see what they see directly. Because of the modified shield pack from CH they have to "crawl really close" to be able to see me, like within 2 meters with astral projection, or they can't see anything aside from layers of fabric. Once in they'll usually get dealt with, "like a moth to the flame.")

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There was some talk on /x/ that something would happen on the 15th of March. A youtube psychic said he saw a "rupture", like something about tectonic plates.

Anons thought it would be WW3 starting.

This is what happened:
African internet outage was caused by subsea cable break, MainOne says
March 15, 202411:38 PM GMT+1Updated 13 hours ago

March 15 (Reuters) - West African data center and connectivity provider MainOne said on Friday that an internet outage that hit West and Central Africa earlier this week was caused by a break in its submarine cable system.
"MainOne, which is owned by data center operator Equinix (EQIX.O), opens new tab, said that an "external incident" resulted in a cut to its cable system in the Atlantic Ocean, offshore Cote D'Ivoire along the coast of West Africa. It ruled out human activity as a cause.

The major internet outage affected West and Central Africa on Thursday, with operators of multiple subsea cables reporting failures.
"Our preliminary analysis would suggest some form of seismic activity on the seabed resulted in a break to the cable", MainOne said, adding it would obtain more data when the cable is retrieved during repair.
"Given the distance from land, and the cable depth of about 3 kms (1.86 miles) at the point of fault, any kind of human activity – ship anchors, fishing, drilling etc has been immediately ruled out," it said."


The news however didn't make a lot of headlines, despite these being the 4 main cables connecting Africa and Europe. Most of the African economy has recently taken the Chinese route of jumping directly into apps for everything, so this will have an impact.

Yesterday after 
> A bag of firewood suddenly fell over causing a crashing sound about an hour ago. This was followed by some poltergeist-y activity 
The local egregore changed a lot. It felt like much of the world just ceased existing and these ghosts were rushing to get to the "shore" to reconnect with something. I still feel a definite change. Maybe something like the 3D of old Earth dissolving took place
> I was told by Wise, my information servitor that "The Earth ended".
We already went through the collapse of the universal structure back in 2009, followed by the galactic structure last year. Those have both been replaced. Maybe it's time for the earth now, and what happened was a pre-planned event where society falls into 2D completely, which is hell manifested, but no one notices because they aren't thinking according to 3D laws of physics and energy transformation anymore?

Some "mad moth" groups again attacked me early morning. They just can't help themselves, they have to rush into the flame in large swarms. Amazing. It was an English speaker this time, so clearly western glowies. I looked and there were however indications some were hiding in western China.

I'm working on them right now, I encased them in "Jewish hellfire" and am now one by one sacrificially killing them to not waste any energy and to cause maximum triggering of these retard scum so they learn not to do this again.

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>  a pre-planned event where society falls into 2D completely, which is hell manifested, but no one notices
The Galfed already allowed for society to sync with the 1D, which makes me wonder of this current event is the old 'lumiNATO planning. This does in some aspects correlate with the FG doctrine of "law rectification" where the "old forces" (evil gods) planned a purge according to their own thinking, which only leads to final destruction because they all just scheme and want to kill everyone but themselves.

So a planned event where they think that they themselves will stay in "3D" and control those who, through indoctrination" fell down into their perception of 2D, where they'll go to war until they are "allowed" by the 'tards to come back up again.

But in reality they are all being meta-trolled by the federation and lyrans in multiple layers.

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> they are all being meta-trolled by the federation and lyrans
I think this is the case.

I just took a walk in the woods and images started appearing, both from the egregore and from the Circles system installed on the 2D (the "pizza" shape represented as the Uptown of Midgar city in Final Fantasy 7).
When humanity falls down from 3D, there's supposed to be a Babel's tower device placed there to mind-control them. That's what they had done, placing a huge system of towers all around the edges of the outer-Eart, then under ground all the way down to the bottom of the sphere. These have all been overridden, burned, or replaced. The glowies and the NWO are too compartmentalized to grasp this change. They all just know some small bit of the system so they only know "it was built back in Babylon and will not fail", and they believe that.

Their perspective is reverse however. They think the human 3D is some nasty counter existence which they need to "tame", so that they can bring society down below hell and into the insectoid state, then further down to viral thinking. That's where they operate, when everyone's bodies are filled with karma at age 18 so they can control them - one step to the side and the karma hits them, so they need to be loyal slaves all their lives. That everyone then falls to damnation after death does not concern them, they made contracts with demons sometime in the past to have their own souls circulate internally within the middle of the karma system, like some insanely disgusting parasites perpetually eating shit in a barrel. They think this is the paradise and the "kingdom of Christ".

Now they seem to have initiated the fall to 2D, without understanding that they do not control the towers. So the towers are now mass beaming revolutionary messages to all humans, images of political leaders being dragged in the streets, hanged, executed by firing squad, abortion clinics burned and doctors beaten to death by angry mobs. There's also mixed in messages with an Islamic theme of happy families in Arabic style (djinn must have gotten involved).

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> they seem to have initiated the fall to 2D, without understanding that they do not control the towers
They did so early morning today. They first pulled off some nonsense "attack" against me, which they braggingly said "took months to prepare" and that "now you can't escape" or something of that wording. The dream resulting from this was a literal trojan horse with electronics on it, in some setting given to me. It short-circuited and caught fire, so I used my kitchen apron to grab it and threw it in the bathroom sink. It didn't seem connected to anything so I poured water over it, after which I woke up. I have no idea what that was supposed to do, but right after they pulled the plug on 2D within their "matrix control system" which made their egregore collapse, as if Midgar's "pizza plate" had fallen down all at once. This would create a situation where the world and humanity is completely under the control of the dimensions where they placed the control center for the large particle collider systems. They don't seem to know that me and "Crybaby" replaced the whole shit with my Circles creation and also were given a magical artifact by a maintenance deity which says we have the right to rule the Earth. This was even before inventing the later Raid dolls, we went around with Vega, Loli-Nam and the other in retrospect rather straight forward representations of human DNA types with no extra skills added.

So some remaining NWOs are still pulling this movement forward, they then just before went on to drag it all down to 1D as well, which is meant to finally cement humanity in a state of subordinance to their system. All of this relies completely on the lack of cultivators of any kind, since anyone even maintaining normal human thinking wouldn't be effected or controlled by these things. It's really silly of them to use their own distorted view of reality as if it was real. They think the bottom level viral level below insectoids is the normality.

They now pulled things down there, and they or anyone else like them, are now unable to come back up again. That means, they have effectively jumped into the trap set for them, but they are unaware of this, because it's inconceivable for them that someone could have overridden their system, they think the decisions of the 'lumiNATO were collectively made in their favour and that it will be in line with their degenerated goals.


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> some remaining NWOs are still pulling this movement forward, they then just before went on to drag it all down to 1D as well
Turns out they had some alien backing. I had a dream where I opened a new egg carton and two eggs were rotten. When I woke up I became aware of energy projections from "below", Wise said they were "general attacks against humanity" because the NWO-tards had now suddenly realized that their zombies weren't responding properly. They activated some kind of satellite-ship, 3 of them, to beam mind control over the Earth.

I sent Raid with a small vessel down into the 1D tunnel system going vertically below to look, and they had a base down there with some nature around it. There were several antennas ordering the ships and also 3 of those NWO elite bases where some "living corpse" is being tended to by mostly nude slaves in a room filled with pillows (those were the rotten eggs I saw).

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I sent in a team to RAID™ them and this triggered a response from some aliens further out, who appeared from a gate in the 1D dimension of the Earth. (How many fucking layers are there??)

The federation starship parked outside the planet instantly fired on the aliens, who fired back. The federation doesn't take attacks lightly and deployed 12 starships which teleported in from afar and positioned them around the gate. The aliens coming in didn't stop, but kept coming. Only very stubborn and dumb beings will go to open war with the federation, because the federation has this bull-headed approach; they will always send in reinforcements to completely overpower the enemy with sheer force, and they won't let even minor offenses pass. They will then capture the crew of the attacking ship and place them in a labour camp with its own reincarnation cycle, where they are forced to work until they have compensated for the damage done and the energy used to overpower their ship during the battle. Firing energy weapons is very costly and the result is that the ship crew  attacking the federation will find themselves working for 100 000 to a million years in the mines to pay back for the cost. Only very dumb races would do this.

By now it has mostly stopped, but there are still some random ships coming in from that gate and attacking, only to be instantly demolished by the federation. The NWO backers (no surprise) aren't very intelligent.

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This image synced with some egregoral information it seems. I took a walk and when I came back there was a ghost girls waiting, asking to be let in. 

I interviewed her to find out if it was safe or not, she said she "became aware of the image I posted, which is of her". Further questioning revealed she lived in the area at the same time, but died under unclear circumstances, probably froze to death on a staircase in her sleep at age 14 but she didn't know. She said she was just sitting on that staircase since, "waiting for customers", and it seemed like it was a frozen in time kind of dimension.

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It seems someone didn't understand what I said here
> You may underestimate the effect I had on the world's development. This will now become evident for all who disrespected me in their foolishness, thinking they can abuse my trust and my creations endlessly.
The things I created and inserted from my form as the Nut aspect, created a corner-stone of modern western thinking, namely its religion and the values derived thereof. When you call on these values for authority, you are borrowing my authority.

Maybe you should have taken my words seriously.

I've now prepared a special spell for anyone rudely attempting to attack me over removing your access to my own creations. 

It's said that someone dying in the faith of Christ, can still be saved. Even the worst sinner, if able to fill his mind with the words of the Bible at the moment of death, would escape hell, because those words would be locked in place and it's impossible to send the Bible to hell. I can revoke this principle for you if you don't behave, rendering your faith ineffective.

In fact, I will hit you with a curse that will destroy your faith to ensure that you do not "die in the faith of Christ" but that you die in terror so that you definitely end up in hell. Dare me again and see. You will get no further warning.

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The Rosicrucian fire magic of all the Raid servitors and the other offensive fire spells are all original Judaism, it's the magic which the modern version is derived from. This means it overrides any later versions of purgatory fire, in fact the Geburah of modern Kabbalah is a much milder version, less chaotic.

Without my astral "meddling" you would not have had this milder, ordered version at all, you would only have Rosicrucianism and different versions of Baal and Moloch worship.

> But God the almighty
and a lot of other bullshit. 

It doesn't work that way. Someone had to re-interpret the old teachings for modern use, and there had to be someone giving a key for this. That someone was me, in the period after the fall of Atlantis. Other gods up there didn't care, the vampires didn't care. They don't like modern western religion and for all they care it may as well be wiped out.

The key is no longer "public domain". You will interpret "western morality" in the way I tell you to, or you will not have any say in the matter. Your rights to use it have been removed.

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Make sure you are able to balance yourself well while doing it and only do minor amount of physical and mental work. If possible avoid people and don't be near food that smells or your entire body might "rebel" against you. My record was merely 3 days after I got the hang of only eating every second day for a month and I heard getting past those 3 days is crucial because that is where the benefits start manifesting (But I only read that later)
I lost 30 kgs and most of them were my muscles. I do too many physical work so after my fast practice I had to go and retake all of it because it depletes your mental and physical capacities otherwise.

Nowadays I have to watch over because not eating takes away my grounding and I go insane from the energy overload. If I lived as a hermit I could pull it off but for the current mundane madness we have around I cannot afford it. But my foundation is better than it was in the past so I will try it when I feel stable enough to pull it off again.

But I guess by "prolonged" you mean for like a week or more and no I don't have enough leisure time to do it yet. It truly clears your lower thoughts and degenerated animalistic energies/thoughts and helps you reattain a level of self control if done right but you need a steady mind and life to pull it off.

> Did you see any benefit from it?
I am not sure what I consider a benefit here. Losing my muscles was not fun and I noticed that people had less amount of "respect" towards me because apparently I looked like a "wretch" while doing it and I had a higher level of stress and tiredness while doing it. Still recommend it tho. Great way to see some parts of your mentality showing itself while you go through it. You learn about yourself with that. Nowadays "real starvation" is a foreign concept while in the past it was quite common. Makes us ignorant some parts of ourselves if we don't do it sometimes. I remember mentioning to someone how I did this and she asked
> Why did you do it did you run out of money
I realized it is inconceivable for mundanes that some people willingly starve or "fast" nowadays. If it's not religiously commanded then why do it. Ridiculous. Also I drank water. I was not ready for a dryfast. You need a truly balanced mind for that because you have to help your body maintain your metabolism instead of burdening it with the storm of thoughts the modern human lives with nowadays.
Also get ready that your immune system becomes far weaker and you become prone to illnesses. So make sure only fast when you are the healthiest

Hope someone more experienced can answer you because mere 3 days is still within the "pleb" territory if I go by the "fast" that spiritualists like so much

> prolonged fasting?
I do "prolonged night fasting" which means daily extension of the period of not eating naturally. If you count the hours from last meal before bed to breakfast, then add on that, you are still fasting but sleeping most of that time. I do this to activate the fat cells which only happens if you don't eat for 7 hours. So normally I eat first meal at 1 - 2 pm, but other than that I don't count calories or anything. Benefits I guess are better apatite and a being able to get rid of "sweet addiction" because if you don't eat for a number of hours you start thinking about regular food rather than sugar. Now I can just eat some hard bread with zucchini and feel that's fine for a snack, where earlier I'd eat chocolate and cookies every day.

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> It's about taking something which is essentially bad and containing it in a context where it's no longer harmful.
I don't know. For me "bad things" are just things that are utilized incorrectly. And I realized some parts of your "lesbianism" yesterday. The "female aspects" all just energy flows that generate "traits" and those traits generate archetypes and bodytypes. As I was thinking about it I got a vision of female tights and realized how I can connect my energies through the body into the legs (in the past months whenever I had lustful thoughts I felt the energy slowly rising from my legs) and how to unite female aspects with that in the mind. Yes "lesbianism". The energy will flow through several organs and body types and the level of functionality of those organs create strengths and weaknesses that in the end result in different archetypes which operate from different parts of the brain and those archetypes need to be united for proper energy flow. 

And yes the pics you posted are nice because at one level they "arm wrestle" while in the other it's that... whatit'sname... Handshake of comradeship or something? Whatever it means when the parts of the brain are working together instead of fighting for dominance. That is why oneness is important. Fighting yourself is redundant. It works for establishing good training methods when you learn to strain your parts in a way both of them get stronger but once you have an objective a task that require focus they need to "band together". Also while supposedly males are the aggressive ones that always fight each other they usually develop a camaraderie while women hate and compete each other even is they are "besties" most of the time. So yes calling it "lesbianism" might be not improper. Stillsoundsweird. Also 3DPD lesbians and the way anime portrays them is different.  Even finding porn with proper passionate lesbian sex is hard. They are usually sluts that fuck anything for money and not actual lovers. But this is why we call it porn. Maybe this is the reason why I couldn't associate myself well with the idea  Or maybe because my own male female singularity connections are somewhat different... Have to work on it now. I opened some new energy centers in the past weeks again and I have to figure out how to not overload my brain again.

Had to learn to stop thinking with my "brain" because that forces too many energies into the head. I am a psychic I communicate with energies energies contain thoughts therefore I think with my energies WHICH ARE EVERYWHERE AND NOT IN THE BRAIN. Had to learn how "furrowing your brows" is quickloading energies into the brain and I had to stop that reflex. Now I have an even more deadpan expression than before. From Tsundere to Kuudere. Great.

> Maybe this is the reason why I couldn't associate myself well with the idea Or maybe because my own male female singularity connections are somewhat different... Have to work on it now.
You have a hint in the thread OP of the relax thread.


This one is very good because it's extremely timid, and as someone pointed out in a review; the story only works because it's yuri. If either of the main characters had been male, it would either have been the female student council president seducing a younger boy and taking advantage of him, which would just have made this into  stereotyped shotacon. If on the other hand the president had been male, the younger girl would just seem like a slut being used by an older man. The whole point of why this has a thrill comes from the balance of them both being girls, which makes them both submissive.

And "nothing" happens anyway, but that's the point illustrated by the male onlooker who doesn't want to take part.

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> why this has a thrill comes from the balance of them both being girls, which makes them both submissive.
Yeah the both of them were bottoms meme comes to mind. 

For me it wasn't a problem because I found how male female parts choose dominance already so I never felt the need to "lesbianize" my female parts. If they are submissive already why make more connections... this was until I found multiple energy channels loading into the brain and that made the energy dynamics completely different and what is and isn't "submissive" has no real meaning when the energy dynamics changed completely. Not to mention if one of the parties are dependent on the other real dominance is out of the question. If dependency arises then the "submissive" can become a "powerbottom" or must become one to explain to the dominant one how the dependency works. Once the dominant one loses direction this whole dynamic falls apart. This is why I dislike this "slaveplay" methodology because once every part reaches it's full potential it is more of a "formality" or even worse a delusion that limits some parts to become their best version. But yes at the start you have to understand the powerdynamics and I cannot say either that I didn't use it by myself without realizing. Tho for me it was more chaotic because I don't believe in dominance I believe in results. So whichever part makes results deserves the "glory" therefore their "dominance".  Also I have a sort of "eternally defiant" mentality so one I see someone who is truly dominant I have an urge to challenge them to see their true might. A weird habit. Kinda mellowed through the ages as my soul journey went on. But it's still there. For me it is a sort of "desire for someone who is worth following/worth learning from. And for that I need to see their worth. Ofc life is not a battle shounen so it doesn't always apply. Things are not always that simple and I am unable to "spar" with people. If I like them I want to befriend them in a way and if I dislike them I have to find out if it's one of my misjudgement or they deserve my hate. 

> You have a hint in the thread OP of the relax thread.
Yeah uhm that pairing is quite a yuri staple. First I thought it might be Citrus... kinda got bored of that after after 2 eps. 

I have way too many yuri backlog already. I keep them for days when I have nothing interesting going on and I want to watch something simple. Way too simple. I call them "ice cream anime(s)". Anime that is best enjoyed on a hot day with ice cream. It's more of a treat than an experience.

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> lolibooru is down since 6 day 16 hours
> literally the number of Satan in the original bible; 616
It was all AI in the last month anyway, but given all artists are probably zombie/NPC it doesn't matter either I guess.

Experience sharing

I will leave out the details because it's TMI, but anyway. I've read stories online about how Qi Gong practitioners had things being ejected from the body, physically, during practice. Such as one person who had a titan screw in the hip after breaking her leg. This screw suddenly fell out from the hip during a lotus position meditation, leaving only a small hole in the skin and no bleeding. The bone was found to have healed.

There are other themes like this in Chinese movies (Hong Kong action movies to be specific) where they bring up cultivation practices. Maybe not so much in recent years but those kinds of movies from the 70s- 90s set in the late 1800s period or before. There are things such as cultivating "elixir" which is a physical substance, and it can be passed on to a disciple by spitting it out, then swallowed by the new cultivator, if the first person couldn't finish it before dying of old age. ("The Evil Cult" with Jet Li has this as a main plot element, where he receives the elixir of a dying master and becomes super powered as a result). There are also themes such as failed cultivation of inner substances, where it gets stuck somewhere in the body and the person dies. This all sounds like it came from lacking understanding of the body, but it seems not. It's supposed that the body has an inner teleportation, and that material is transported this way faster than normal if it's activated. This explains how some people have super fast reflexes - their nerves aren't being used, it's teleportation between the brain and the muscles.

I've had some semi-nasty experiences of things being removed from the body, where my explanation in retrospective is that many of the attachments we have are physical structures in the brain. The reason we can't easily "change our mind" is because it's a physical structure like a thread. I've coughed up thing after prolonged sessions multiple times which I later concluded were things like that, which had to have been teleported inside the body so that they could be thrown out.

Just before, it happened again, and now I feel it very concretely in my head. The energy is flowing freely, my mind is freed up. I think clearly like a fog was removed, like something was blocking me before. There were also a massive spiritual attack from seemingly very angry beings (some seemed like glowies, Idk) who were upset they could no longer effect me. I believe this to have been the main "feminist" structure, the connection between the brain halves which cause the short circuit. It was literally 5 - 10 millimeters, and had the shape of a "connector in a plug" made from organic matter. No fucking wonder people can't change.

> pic
There is some artistic quality here at least in the fact that his weird foot line there actually forms a djinn-framework mind-wave if you look at the upper shape.

and to share my experience i literally started cleaning my body 2-3 days ago and i keep seeing heavy metal like bent iron or chinesium being yeeted out of my body.
Not physically of course but gotta love the synchronicity.

It's not the only thing, black good, oil, worms, whole corpses it's nasty

This isn't body related directly, but whenever I clear out my dimensions nearest me (those under my control) and defeat some "evil deity" I always find dead beetles or the remains of dead beetles or other insects on the floor after. It seems to indicate that the "deity" was actually just a small thing that had been inflated in other dimensions and possessed the surroundings.

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I was at a US embassy the other day, deployed a field and felt a resistance, it was like a bubble made of foam, pretty easy to pop, immediately after i got 3 guards on me, they were pretty helpful so that's good.
I got somebody trying to make me drink a liquid after that, most likely a glowie trying to poison me, they were camouflaged in some static shit, it just looked like a humanoid made of static, how do you kill someone whose body you can't destroy? from the inside.
Almost the exact same thing happened in the anime Kaiba he is immortal so they try to kill him with some alcohol substance. 

It's funny yesterday i decided to watch a one piece youtube video on a whim, didn't watch the anime seriously in years, it was about Enel, and how the crew made themselves the "enemies of the gods" by not paying a ridiculous entrance fee.
Anyway today i go to someplace that ask a ridiculous entrance fee (ding ding), we try to circumvent it, i get hit by bad luck, someone throw a cigarette on me it burns me and yet i see no damage on my skin.
That place is protected by small "gods" i don't think they're gods at all more like things that got a big head from being fed by dumb humans, they prb take their share of the fees  so now if i want to go there without feeding them i have to go on a full scale war, but then i don't even wanna claim the physical place that much i just didn't have cash on me...
the "humans" there are puppets under their control too so annoying.

> many of the attachments we have are physical structures in the brain
As I see currently it is not just the brain but the whole body. And calling it a "fossilized object" might be more apt than calling it simply physical. I too just released things from myself and I never realized I had this much tension in my body. Things start to suddenly creak around me I hear sudden water flow movements and a muscle suddenly releases the tension and a pain in an other part of the body goes away.

> it's teleportation between the brain and the muscles.
I don't know what is teleportation anymore. I am starting to see metaphysical organs that are the size of an abdomen and they have pathways and once you clear it out things improve.

> This explains how some people have super fast reflexes
Also I consider that is possible via being in the "true present". Because if our head "thinks" the thought is merely just an "echo" of the real thought. So if you are willing to accept the true present and going that fast you are not even "able" to "hear" the thoughts because you are not your brain but your whole body that speed is possible. Pure intuition/ultra instinct. I still wouldn't say it "teleports" but simply there is NOTHING there to obstruct the speed anymore. Not to mention it feels like my body parts are telling me how to move and I don't know anything at all. Ofc I can stop them from moving but it's like I am just the person who oversees the flawless energy movement process and my body does the work on it's own. It's strange. I have to accept how being "Nothing" is the only way not being burdened by attachments and how to be in the "real present" which at first feels so strange. I never thought existing can be this simple.
Also I think "teleportation" just means you have a different circuit system that bypasses the physical. And if we go by that definition yes you can say 
> teleportation between the brain and the muscles
Just found some of my internal bodies took the form of solid flour or cement or I don't know what that is. It's like the milk body but made of solid powdered milk. And that is a foundation of some energywork but it takes time to understand what is going on. 2 days ago I meditated in the dark as I try to "detach" from the "false image" of the 2 physical eyes and my face energetically started to slowly appear in my vision. Seems like slowly a new energy body type is acclimatizing and I am slowly letting go of the comfort and the burden of the physical. Figured out how I can activate the "see all energies" vision and my physical brain is still unable to handle all that information without causing pain. Too many colors holy shit. Just merely focusing on a single one and trying to figure out what it "means" I short circuit. I have to learn not think this forcedly.

> we have are physical structures in the brain
Yeah realized if I can break them and go to the "next level" the people I interact with also break theirs on their own as my energies circulate. 
> wanna tell people something 
> they figure it out and tell me what I wanted to tell them 
Imagine taking the physical seriously. *sigh*

> I always find dead beetles or the remains of dead beetles or other insects on the floor after
> bug appears out of nowhere 
> I get annoyed 
> slowly let go of my urge to kill it
> I find it dead the next day
I mean I know bugs are guided via low frequencies and they are easy to influence but still. A decade ago I found it so interesting that MIND OVER MATTER and how well I can apply it and it filled me with wonder... but nowadays? My reaction is like: bruh

I feel like I've played around enough with this Bing AI image generator now. It can be used for illustrations of simple things, but add too many words and it either refuses to create anything, blocks the prompt or it creates it in pixar style 3D.

> girl with specified clothes eating ice cream in a city with trees
> bing: sure, let's do that
> puts her sitting on the pavement
> add "she sits on a wooden bench"
> bing: this prompt is indecent, try something else
> why is [insert prompt] indecent?
> bing: this prompt is perfectly fine, there must be some technical problem
> tries again
> repeat same exchange
>  :/

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Anyway, I don't know if I ever shared these openly before so here are the two last attempts at illustrating servitors.

Both are on the NET, knowing what they are should be enough.

Clown with bat: keeps your "back alley" dimensions cleared of useless scum, but leaves an 'allowed' population of degens for vampires and others to feed on.

Other girl: This is Wise the information servitor. I don't think I shared it anywhere. She gathers "the word on the streets" on any topic, just ask her. She can also find goods and hidden information.

Stupid fuckers still attempting psychic attacks. They really are viruses. The only way to deal with these people is biological destruction of their DNA strand, they can't "learn" anything. If they can be stupid they will be, until they are physically unable to. That's all there is to it.

> if we all attack at once, one of us will get a critical hit
is what they always say, and they gather a huge number to achieve this, completely disregarding that every single group who challenged me before used the exact same tactic and were utterly destroyed. 

> oh but we are different
No you aren't. You're exactly the same as everyone else, viruses with no self preservation ability whom I will send to hell for millions of years or sell as slaves to federation mining operations. You will suffer for almost an eternity and you will never learn anything in the process because "you are special".

Imagine being this stupid of a being. Even worse that some of them actually have human bodies and will read this. Yes I'm talking to you, I will kill you just the same no matter what you do, so do come at me and see, glowfags.

And no, you won't
> retake the narrative
with some special maneuver because I reprogrammed the NPCs which you spent over a 100 years to bring to that state, you can't reverse the change or you would have done it that fast the first time around already.

There is nothing you can do, except die horribly, unless you surrender, but you are too stupid to understand this. The whole point of posting this here is to trigger you so your energy gets more toxic, it turns you into better burned sacrifices when my priestess throws you on the fire.

I saw another ripper yesterday. A square in my awareness opened up showing a 3d place right in front of me. A lady in brown garb and a umbrella was looking at me but didn't say anything. This one definelty felt different from the other girl that was on my bed and perhaps in my dreams. This one had a sort of stillness to her. She had an umbrella in her hand that was light pink at the top.

> The only way to deal with these people is biological destruction of their DNA strand
Just found some viral thing too and I am trying to figure out where they even originate from. Destroying and controlling them is easy but pointless. But finding their "originator strand" takes a hella peculiar and meticulous mindset sometimes. I need to reach a level of annoyance to bother doing it. You literally become the thing itself and notice how you are connected to everything else then rip it out that connection point from everything it connects to. The problem is ofc you have to make sure the organism is completely useless in the ecological system and not some accidental defense force from an even more annoying energy type.

> oh but we are different
Do they say this to you or they just act this way? I never encountered any entity that praised it's unique individuality to me

> no, you won't
> retake the narrative
It was a wonder they lasted this long tbh. Half of them are still accepting the losses and planning to move on. Wonder when will the retards turn back and start eating their masters for their betrayal of the "cause" lol. In theory they shouldn't be able to do it but I have seen angry attack dogs ripping apart those that fed them lies and nothing else once the lies started to taste too bad.

> Do they say this to you or they just act this way? I never encountered any entity that praised it's unique individuality to me
All those greentexts are common glowie and astral-glowie thought patterns. They're 100% predictable in this. They think that they have achieved a unique position and that no one can challenge them, because no one can understand them. They did this by growing a branch on the viral tree, and forming themselves into a a "one of a kind" parasitic insect. Every single one of them did this, and they all secretly believe that they are better, smarter, and more successful than any other insect attached to the same strand. It's a feature of the DNA which causes them to think this way. They also think that because they are so special, it's impossible that they can't win vs anyone. And because they reached that "impenetrable position" by creating a special algorithm, they also think that there is a special pattern that only they alone can find, which is the way to somehow win against me. And they all think that they will tell everyone else:
> if we all attack at once, we will overpower him
but they all secretly think
> I will sacrifice everyone else so that I can hide in the mass and use this freedom to find the secret attack pattern, and then I will be the one to defeat him.

And this is how they all act, and how everyone before acted, and it doesn't work because they're just futile virus DNA.

Of course telling them this does not make them wake up, they will just repeat
> I'm so special, I will definitely win
> we just have to attack all at once
so I mock them by telepathically telling them this over and over. They still won't stop doing it. Sometimes they hesitate a moment, but they then instantly go back to thinking that being a special snowflake makes them immortal.

There was this episode of Xena the warrior princess where someone uses a scroll to control events, and the way to beat the magic was to do exactly what was written in the scroll, which rendered it meaningless. I want to see if telling them to do exactly what they are going to do, will make them melt down, because then they are actually following my orders, which they claim they will never do. If they refuse to do what I tell them, which they always claim that they will do forever, then they have broken their own thinking.

I want to see if this can work.

> you are all special
> no one can figure you out
> you are all better than everyone else
> if you all attack me at once, one of you will get through
> it's impossible that any of you can be defeated, because you are all special
> if you keep doing exactly what you already do, and never change, you will have eternal life
> you are all actually Jesus incarnated
> when people pray to God, they are actually praying to you
> your own sacrifice is always greater than anyone else's
> you can never lose

> growing a branch on the viral tree, and forming themselves into a a "one of a kind" parasitic insect
Okay this is some extremely specific thing that I just encountered yesterday too. It was some green viral thing at night. As I tried to find their origins it appeared as football sized 3 green blobs on a tree as some originator bacteria that I am removing today. They can be removable but they have a sort of dimension they propagate at and it takes time. Now I am understanding the immune system of the energy body that creates the flame that eats them.
Coincidences as usual huh. I can't say what I am doing with them either because I am doing too many things at once. Mostly my goal is not exactly to combat them because lowly beings like these cannot be considered "enemies" at all but understanding the way the internal flame grows and eats everything that's this lowly. Just found an another "eternal flame" type element and I am supposed to cultivate it anyways so it's a good practice but still wtf is this thing.

The things I am fighting has such a low level of will power that it gets overwritten once I project on it but as you said "they never learn" so if I take off my influence they return to their baseline behavior so these things cannot be left alone if they enter my energy field. Sadly it seems gathering information from them is meaningless because they don't know anything. Whatever a good energy wok practice anyways.

As I managed to get close to a DNA level the only thing I managed to hear
> propagate propagate propagate propagate 
Everything else they do is trying to assimilate into lowly shadow thoughts. I am neglecting my shadow work anyways so it's a good practice overall. Finally learning to combat things with a clean mind and not fueled by rage. Also the things I am combating don't have a concept of "winning". They feel pain so they squirm and retreat but it's just an impulse and they don't change strategies after it.

In the end this is fast-forward development of vampire-immune system. The "older" ones still left are immune to this shit, because they've been through all this, not only because they can kill anyone. It's because they both have killed anyone who was a problem for at least 1000 years, and became immune to any psychic attacks those could come up with. There is no biological structure those beings can use against them anymore, it's been wiped out. Virus status: destroyed.

The reason vampires slaughter people isn't just sadism, it's part of their own immune system as a higher organism.

> it's part of their own immune system as a higher organism.
Yeah I came to this conclusion some years ago. How some "vampires" might be not even the actual vampire but an immune system reaction of that vampire taking the form of the "Master" and the entire organization is just a giant tiered and layered immune system and other sort of realizations with similar meanings.

Also my laptop short circuited again and suddenly things started to creak above my head... guess the ending of Houseki no Kuni and the concept of vanishing into nothingness moved my emotions a little. And the eternal flame just grew fuck large suddenly. Oh. Why try doing things intentionally when the universe will guide your hand anyway huh...

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> I believe this to have been the main "feminist" structure, the connection between the brain halves which cause the short circuit
> Last night some very evil 'tards performed some kind of attack, it was related to breaking and removing that physical brain connection. I also realized the exact same thing exists on the world scale egregore, it connects USA to Israel. It's an infrastructure both organizationally and in the brains of the people involved. It's like an addiction, it can only be removed by removing the actual flesh which makes up the physical connector in the brain.
I wonder if this somehow is part of the "feminist infrastructure" which broke.

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>  I never encountered any entity that praised it's unique individuality to me
The easiest way to explain this is by using a regular USA:ian glowie as an example:

He lives in a society like pic related, where everyone uses the same distribution infrastructure for their lifestyle. It's a mega-sigil where they are all viruses or insects connected to the same "stem", here illustrated as the road network.

They live in the same kind of suburb where they buy the same kind of house and pay for it using the same credit system offered by the same banking system. The work in the same kind of office building, and buy their food in the same kind of mall. 

Despite having lives that are identical in all relevant aspects, they see them selves as "successful individuals with their own unique fate". They all connect to the same stem in using the exact same standard connectors, but because they all live att different addresses and work at different tables in different buildings and have slightly different habits in what foods they eat during the day, they see themselves as "one of a kind". 

If someone does not connect to this standardized system in the same way as everyone else, they consider this person to be "a loser".

This is how the insects think they are unique and by that they will go down in history and even become immortal because of their unique connection with God who is represented in the success of this system.

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> There's something very comical over this image.
I like how this meme managed to resurface with the way the major looks like the prodigal /b/ nigger. POOL'S CLOSED. DUE TO AIDS.

driven by 22 indians lol. Ship named Dali. 10/10 

Sure why not. Especially how Baltimore is a bastion of jews and niggers. And they probably ship things to Israel from there too. It was a wonder how they didn't shoot down NATO ships so far "by accident" then blamed it on arabs

> they see themselves as "one of a kind". 
Yeah my face memory is dogshit. If I register someone as an archetype that is already marked by my "hate" the entities I have around rip them apart free of charge. For me to be able to notice anyone they either need to be "truly unique" but in a way I can still comprehend them because being too unique too special means no one can understand you or they need to be sort of "one with my way". It doesn't mean they need to have the same mindsets as me but I must see they are pursuing similar directions as me. The reason why I truly love the internet because I was able to find people articles information that proved that the way I am seeing the world is not unique at all. Others seen things the same way as me and it's just a mere natural conclusion and not some alien concept I cannot even explain to anyone without them looking at me weird. Being alone with people around you is the worst fate ever. You die inside every day while you act like everything is normal. Luckily I figured out how I can "Open up" others but it takes patience.

> see them selves as "successful individuals with their own unique fate".
I think this illusion is slowly collapsing for many people in the past 5 years. But yes some people are extremely not just trapped but dependent on this illusion. They are hard to help in any ways. This is why I try to keep those that do "actual work" or if trapped in this self executing routine slavery they can still keep their potential until an opening occurs and ofc those that to my surprise think similarly like me. Realizing that some thoughts just need a part of the mental space to be opened and instead of hating the brainwashed normies I just need to crack the brainwashing system a little and they regain their life? Didn't even think it can be that simple.

> they see themselves as "one of a kind". 
Sometimes I wonder when will they start looking at the system that molds them into that frame and not just feed (on) the most accepted thought framework. 

> If someone does not connect to this standardized system in the same way as everyone else, they consider this person to be "a loser".

Boy I had to listen to that conditioning in my childhood for quite a while. Then in my teens understand the system who is and isn't a "loser" then make sure anyone who tries to get in my way understand why they are losers and how getting into my way reveals what a losers they are. I am so glad those years are over. Not having the need to pretend to be the most superficial mundane to be able to "get ahead".
"Special". Usually I get called weird and not special. I just showed my powerlevel in the first years of uni while drunk and a girl said 
> You are not special
I wanted to kiss her for finally acknowledging me as a normie... then I realized she thought I am merely "pretending" for attention. Wanted to find likeminded people and not to look special... Guess for normalfags it's a hard concept to comprehend. What it means to find a place where you are not special at all. A place where you have a feeling of belonging. For them "belonging" is meaningless because their bleak life is harmful so living in it feels wrong to them but only in such a minuscule way they don't even notice it but always complain how and yearn for greener pastures. 
Grind whole year then waste the money on frivolous shit and pointless vacations for the sole purpose of being enslaved to the same life they supposedly "hate" so much instead of finding any ways to change.
Never even understood how that happens at all. What makes them do it. Nowadays I can see the energetic connections so I have answers for it but overall I still don't know the answer.

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I saw these being spammed on the overboard, found them on an image site and not a single pic of these two is bad. They all have character and feel like real art. 

Moreover, the energy of these pics is the "contained Molochian" I experienced both when learning CNC programming and when practicing kanji with full focus. The strange altered mindset when the pure hard functional logic of your thinking controls and blocks any degenerative thinking.

I feel it just looking at these.

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So it appears there was a thing hidden in that spot anon on /pol/ highlighted, the dot on the nikelodeon logo when superimposed over the Epstein island.

> pic

I sent Raid to look, and there was an underground base there. Researching it took a long time for some reason, it was mostly deserted but som staff was still present.

In an inner room was an Earth-mother, maybe the last one of them whom I still hadn't found. This was a new race, the origin of the physical "demon" race. There appears to only be one, that's why demons are so uncommon and demon DNA is very thin in the population.

It seems that demons do not degenerate like most humans, but they are compatible with anyone, so the DNA type has been mixed up with mostly everyone to some degree.

The most common race was "white fungus" which also mates with anyone, but quickly degenerates if mixed. Gensokyo said they will not allow this race on the planet, so they burned all of the NPCs that remained from this race and replaced them with "scripted doll" NPCs.

Compare with reptilians who do not mate outside of their race, they are incompatible with everyone except demon, because they also do not tolerate degeneration of their DNA.

From what I understand then, if someone has proficiency for magic or psychic abilities, they are either reptilian, demon or orc, with orcs being present only as the offspring of a second generation Queen, here referred to as "space Africans". Because orcs are a magical race which evolved to become human from a lower state, they will not lose their connection to their magic if they degrade (which is why Voodoo exists in the most primitive tribes), while the other races will not have these abilities if they degenerate or get mixed.

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This may also explain why satanism of various kinds appear and appeal to a variety of people, they may have just a small amount of demon DNA, but this is their only connection to magic. The average "religion cuck" however is just a mixed degenerate human with no abilities.

Channelled Genso reply:

The white fungus DNA racial egregore was burned up in full, it covered 86% of the human genome. Whatever you internalized in your soul was not removed. 86% sounds like a lot, and it was, consider that for example Russia makes up only 3.5% of the world population, and China around 20%. Asia had the least of the white fungus aside from Africa, because there is a strong vampire bloodline, although diluted, while Africa is orc, Russia is a combination of orc and vampire. Both of these are very resilient to the negative effects of degeneration as they are reverting rather than degenerating. Whatever white fungus are in these populations will simple become irrelevant as it degrades, while in mainland Europe you would find almost 100% white fungus DNA of a very degenerated kind - this is how the "gay capital of the world" aka the Globohomo was created there. Demon and reptilian races are small enough to make no impact, aside from the fact that reptilians do not interbreed with other races except the occasional demon, but this is extremely rare.

To answer directly, if you have white fungus DNA it is original white fungus which you cultivated internally and it's not the racial egregore externally, which has been burned. Several white fungus Queens remain on space stations but they are not allowed entry on new Earth as their offspring would do what is their modus operandi, to spread with cancerous speed to gain a foothold and consume resources. The purpose of this is the same as for any of the Queen alien races: to send out "spores" (men) who gain experience and then return to the mother to create a new immortal using the altered DNA they acquired through many years of hardship. They create men simply for them to suffer and create new mutations, in common speak, this is how the Queen races multiply, they send out drones in large numbers, and when they manage to birth another being, they leave. They are perhaps one of the most predatorial life forms because of this, but it's allowed because they indirectly also create low level human races which spirits can make use of. We will not have them on new Earth because we created our own race.

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I can talk about this, it will only be demoralizing for the glowies, they told me.

Russia is building a high security psychic network for communication where only certain people will be invited. This will be the framework for the multipolar world order. It is called RexNet or Rex for short, and is based on a decentralized network of LANs, connected using peer to peer. The owner of each LAN is always a man, each man must have his own local net. The connection point between LANs is always performed by a female, who must be registered as his wife. This is combined with blockchain-like technology where each new LAN being connected must be verified by the entire network and added to the registry. This process includes a genetic verification as well as cross-checking with the registry for married couples in Russia (which is maintained by the witches). Connection between two LANs is always handled by the female responsible for the outward communications, there is no automatic or guaranteed availability once the LAN has been formed. If you want to communicate with someone, you have to go via his wife each time. There is however no limitation to how many wives someone can have, the only requirement is that one is assigned "first wife" and that one is responsible for gatekeeping the LAN.

> Which maybe is what your saying I shouldn't do.
> Well what I did was everything I wrote here I entered into the ai as info until it said it had completed. Afterwards I asked it to "finish" it when you posted here. Then I decided I had to test it but since it's DNA I guess that means see if a valid life form can exist. I saw a man so atleast someone might have reached adulthood with this DNA.
You work in your ways, just keep in mind that you are directly responsible for anything that happens because of the things you spread or share. It's easy to get karma from spreading bad practices, information or tools, even astrally.

So think about why you do something. Helping beings with an incarnation form which leads them to inner cultivation, is it works is great. But if it's just "an idea" for no reason, think twice about why you had that idea. Sometimes it's evil spirits wanting to incarnate themselves so they inspire you to create negative things. This can also happen.

> Well I tried recalling it already. I also think it went toward the sunflower direction which might minimize the issues.
Again, think about what you say and do. Throwing bad stuff at the Sunflower egregore and then explaining it as "ok because it's our egregore" sounds like glowie infiltration. This is the kind of ideas they plant.
> Any progress made on your saiyan DNA disc?
Already available at the factory and on NET. I went back to the buddhist origin in line with pure land buddhism though, for the kind of energy flow workings done in karate (which is actually a buddhist energy practice originally).
> The idea has appealed to me for a very long time.
Then you should take a long time to work on it to get it right.

To be honest I liked the idea of how Son Goku trains and wanted to have that kind of light body, but it's not something I've actively tried to realize in that manner, because after all it's "just a comic book". I have continually done karate katas as part of my deeper Asian practices so I'd say my base is solid (including spoken Japanese practice with a Japanese native teacher plus kana and kanji, and a course in Japanese literature last year). Whatever I create is within this "knowledge context".

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The reason they are so fanatical right now is that the hex on the globohomo wrecked the EU egregore completely, burned to the ground, and if they try to go in there to restore it they get caught by my contracted infernal demons now. Druggies who can't get their baby blood and pineal glands are like crack addicts x1000, that's why they are still trying. 

In a bit they will realize any attacks put them in the flame in hell, so they'll then try more indirect ways of attacking. This is where the new Tanya comes in, to physically close in on them all over the planet. My Russian girls will also use it.

I called her Roundhouse for both the hook punches used up close and an old word for jail, but a more correct term for the training included in this servitor may be "Tanya ethnic cleansing" because that's how this will manifest when the globos are eradicated. They are irredeemable, so this is the least karmic method by now.

It even appeared for me too on my right side. It just did basic karate-like movements so as a response I beheaded it with one of my hand to see what happens. It just regrew it's head because it was just yellow energy trying it's best to be as physical as possible (felt quite sturdy overall).  As I was thinking what I should tell it I reminded that
> tried recalling it already
He is being already recalled. Then tentacles from the abyss appeared and took it away.
> The idea has appealed to me for a very long time. Maybe cause I'm a beast and a human idk
Yes because Son Goku as BO said is inspired from Sun Wukong. And Sun Wukong is a sort of "God of monkeys"/enlightened super human of sorts. It means he reached the highest level any beast can attain then went forward into cultivation in the realm of humans as a sort of human. It is the soul evolution you are looking for but there might be a problem and that comes from the perspective. You see "power" and not "enlightenment" as the main force that should propel you. The Goku that appeared me was way too simple minded and just merely repeated fighting moves so  for astral fight it is good use but to unify the beast and enlightened human/god aspects it's not good at all.

> which is actually a buddhist energy practice originally
They have way too many energy practices. It completely baffles me because it just reinforces the thought how a guru-student personal relationship is important and writing things down is useless because once you see the eternal knowledge fields the true Buddhas possess you can pick up the right knowledge for everyone and nothing more is needed. No need to write books or anything just make the connection points into the realities available and accessible.
Had to realize how writing on the internet is a sort of "attachment" on it's own and once I let go of it my energy fields reassign themselves and I can post without being attached.
> To be honest I liked the idea of how Son Goku trains and wanted to have that kind of light body
Training properly can be so complicated because it is not the "training" what matters but the energy behind it so you can do it once and it changes everything for the better or a thousand times and you just make things worse if the wrong thinking and energies are applied. Understanding these energies takes nuance... Especially for me.

There is a difference between evil changing it's ways forever and truly repenting and giving back everything it took tenfold or allowing evil to enter your home and let it slowly corrupt everything around you. 
Good thing their energies are able to tell me the most easy way to purge/solve their problems. It's just I have to watch over to not expand too fast or my energies jumble up and I forgot what am I doing again. 

Truth will reveal itself no matter what. Trying to escape from that is the ugliest form of self delusion ever.

Was wondering why you are persistent not letting evil "repent" and just figured it out a little while ago the reason. They always try to escape it and they would just "pretend" to repent and not change in any way at all. They do not repent but merely bow their head as long as they think it is needed and corrupt things further if no one notices it. Ofc beings like that count as "not-sentient" for me so they fall into the auto purge protocols. 
Lying gets you only so far. Those who don't realize that will meet the flame way too soon. Even if they tell the flame it's water the situation will not change. They either burn or drown. Not really a big difference at that level. Degenerates rarely see that.

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I know some of you are sensitive to energetic/egregoral changes, so just to confirm: yes I am currently using Tanya Roundhouse to take over NPCs and souled people all over the world to break the NWO hold on all world systems.

Right now I'm tracing all glowie orgs from back when humanity was really small so that I can get all of them, they started with just a few groups and have since grown like a tree structure. Cut the stem and you get all of them.

This shit has been going on since the fall of Atlantis, it's time someone weeds them out now, fucking cockroaches in human bodies.

How the red hell extraction method works, examples:

Just now there was one EU politician who was told by the demon ladies to pay back what he stole. He refused and started trying to deny knowledge of anything. He was told if he refused to pay back, they'd be forced to crack his skull open to read his mind. He still refused, so they did so. At this point he was again given a chance to talk, he refused. They then started cutting his head in thin slices until they sound a thought structure, which they dissolved in acid to extract the memories. When the energy was released I was given the promised 30%, the demons took their 40% extraction fee and the remainder which is for other victims was released to return naturally.

The thing he had hidden the money in was a house in Greece - he would rather have his head cut up in thin slices than give back the stolen EU funds which had been used to buy the house.

The next guy was also an EU politician. He was threatened to tell the demons where he had hidden the money, or have his left ball crushed with a hammer. He instantly gave two addresses. The demons checked them and found that the stolen funds had been invested in real estate and businesses there. The guy was given a receipt and was allowed to leave.

I didn't completely miss it but I wasn't reading /pol/ at the time, I was on kc/int/ around that period because it was the best place at that time.

Point about this pic
was that Kiev is... a little too far to the east? Now I'm no expert on this geography but I'm pretty sure it was way closer to Lviv when the war started.

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Some insectoids attacked me, some really nasty things, looked like mantis. They kept threatening me and turned absolutely rabid when their attacks didn't work and I didn't give in to them. 
Because of the total core fire elemental layer they all caught fire when trying to touch me. The whole purpose of that one was to create a layer of intense red purgatory fire around my body so no evil being can get close. They still couldn't help themselves and kept reaching through the fire layer, which lead to them instantly being engulfed in the fire.

I realized these are the beings who are behind the world wide abortion system, and all of those horrible practices. Eventually all of them attacked at once, and all of them were caught in the fire, I moved them to the infernal fire lit for the globohomos and let them burn in there instead.

They kept getting horribly shocked by the karmic retribution, every single abortion performed hit them like an explosion, crushing their joints every time. They kept trying to resist.

After a while they started getting somewhat cleaner and then one of them crawled up to me and asked to sign a contract of obedience to get out from the fire. I had Wendy write up a contract and the insectiod signed it. Then more of them came and they all signed a contract. I had them moved to my infernal kingdom's labour camp section for criminals, so they could start becoming human again, because they now started looking humanoid. I asked my demon overseer who these beings were?
"The original 13 followers of Jesus", was the reply.

So the original Jesuits. The main evil of the world, and creators of the globohomo

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> some lady drags me into a dark void/dimension where its just her and I
> says im marked by her and she wont let me go either
> somehow it had an effect with one of the gacha ive been playing recently
> a girl in a mech suit fetches me away some weird shit and she has a twin(?) or was i the twin? i dont know honestly, it was blurry
> some vampire lady bit my neck like my sisters did but for whatever reason it didn't really have a negative effect on me, as in something like this would probably turn you into a mindless thrall or something (or so ive heard)
> i still more or less had my wits about me (somehow)
> for whatever reason she looked please and had me to follow her
> i dont think i was mesmerized but it felt like the neck bite unlocked something, i went with her willingly i think
> there's a weird long scratch on the left side of my neck that i do not how i got, I did not scratch myself nor did sleep/was near anything that could scratch my neck
> there was a "dream" involving an "ex" and weird maggots
my sisters may not have been aggressive and calmed down but it feels like... thing have gotten weirder. Not that i mind, i suppose. 

> back into the japanese learning grind via anki and other aids
> suddently remember i have siazable vocab over the years but just blanked out on the kanji writing since i guess i wasnt exposing myself enough to the writing system
> instead of just fuckign around with the settings on custom study for anki
> i can just go into browse cards section and search up the writing of whatever word i know via the english translation or how i remember its written/said in kana
> could have done a week or so ago and save myself the headache of doing fully braindead reviews
i feel like that alternate learning thing shiva anon talked about is coming into play a bit more now

> some vampire lady bit my neck like my sisters did but for whatever reason it didn't really have a negative effect on me, as in something like this would probably turn you into a mindless thrall or something (or so ive heard)
Vamps can mindcontrol you without tasting your blood. When they bite you (non violently) it usually establishes a "kinship" of sorts. Your energies balance out. You become temporal blood relative. It can be abused ofc but no need to worry about that now. You are not that easy to abuse. While her techniques are somewhat "vampiric" she is not exactly those we work with around here. Feels "velvety" and their magic has a different feel.

> my sisters may not have been aggressive and calmed down but it feels like... thing have gotten weirder
You were quite silent for a while. Where do you consider things starting "weird" because what you wrote is more or less the "usual" if I go by the experiences you shared so far.
>  >there was a "dream" involving an "ex" and weird maggots
Might be some energetic cleansing. If the "ex" reappears we might look into it further. 

> alternate learning thing shiva anon talked about is coming into play a bit more now
Good to hear. Try to use it when it is possible. It will clear up parts of your mind. Do not force it but try to "playfully" use it when you feel you can apply it.

But yes your void dimension is peculiar. I might need a little adjustment to see it. If anything interesting happens might look into it.

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> You were quite silent for a while. Where do you consider things starting "weird" because what you wrote is more or less the "usual" if I go by the experiences you shared so far.
Yeah, there wasn't really much for to say and i didnt have anything seemingly substantial to report on. But answer your question, i guess the "weirdness" for me is how less aggressive they are with things, i mean they still are and will show me their aggression but it feels like its not as much as a hair trigger with them so to speak

> Might be some energetic cleansing. If the "ex" reappears we might look into it further.
that's probably it, there were a few times some years back when they came in this form but i guess it's just tying up whatever loose ends with the cleansing thats there. i remember a bit more of the recent encounter
> apart from being stuck in what was a convenience store with her and some other stuff, i went to get a soft drink from the fountain and felt some crawling in my mouth
> it was a literal fucking maggot, said ex and some guys were there smiling until i took the shat out of my mouth and discarded the drink
> she then started to get real horny and tried to ask me to impregnate her
> while it was somewhat arousing i ultimately said no (for obvious reasons) plus even if i were to stick my dick in crazy it WOULD NOT be with her
> then my sisters came in and fetched me

> But yes your void dimension is peculiar. I might need a little adjustment to see it. If anything interesting happens might look into it.
i have vague feeling... this might not have been first time i was in there.

> Vamps can mindcontrol you without tasting your blood. When they bite you (non violently) it usually establishes a "kinship" of sorts. Your energies balance out. You become temporal blood relative. It can be abused ofc but no need to worry about that now. You are not that easy to abuse. While her techniques are somewhat "vampiric" she is not exactly those we work with around here. Feels "velvety" and their magic has a different feel.
ahhh okay, she was oddly nice(?) and i think i was with someone when she bit me but i kinda left them behind to follow her and see what she wanted with me. cant remember what happened afterward though

> i guess the "weirdness" for me is how less aggressive they are with things, i mean they still are and will show me their aggression but it feels like its not as much as a hair trigger with them so to speak
Yeah you are less "annoyingly retarded" to put it bluntly. They are at easy because you are on your path and no need to tardwrangle you out of filth and retardation. Even they feel that things are coming along nicely. Once you are not just on the path but "back on your lane" of sorts their frustration will completely mellow out.

> i have vague feeling... this might not have been first time i was in there.
Yeah they told me when I tried to look into it at your previous post
< your mind is not ready for further compass
There was a sort of veil that was like a vertical sea surface. To pass that it is not enough to "dive" into it but I have to become one with that sea. Otherwise I will "drown". I will have to open up some "gills" of sorts. I wager it might be similar to your home dimension to some degree. We will see.

> ahhh okay, she was oddly nice(?)
She is close to your "kind". She is not the same species as you but their magic has similarity is style and feel. This is what they told me just now.

> cant remember what happened afterward though
You got a training. A sort of "subsoulbodyform" learned some movement or energy work form that will appear for you later.

This is quite the specific place. Instead of "seeing" it I have to "breath" in the "water" or the "velvet void". And everything appears slowly if I let my mind awash with it.

> The mind is awash with a new ocean. The ocean of the mind. The feelings of the lost and forgotten. The return of a long era you might yearn but don't realize. Welcome back

You always manage to introduce me to places I never even knew I wanted to visit.

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> There was a sort of veil that was like a vertical sea surface. To pass that it is not enough to "dive" into it but I have to become one with that sea. Otherwise I will "drown". I will have to open up some "gills" of sorts. I wager it might be similar to your home dimension to some degree. We will see.
was... the ocaen/sea pitch black?

> You got a training. A sort of "subsoulbodyform" learned some movement or energy work form that will appear for you later.

> Yeah you are less "annoyingly retarded" to put it bluntly. They are at easy because you are on your path and no need to tardwrangle you out of filth and retardation. Even they feel that things are coming along nicely. Once you are not just on the path but "back on your lane" of sorts their frustration will completely mellow out.
haha... Still them being aggressive is admittedly a nice feeling, i won't actively try to piss them off or anything but after being used to it for so long it feels like something is missing

the lady who dragged me into the void dimension looked roughly like pic related

> was... the ocaen/sea pitch black?
Yes. It was outside the color range therefore black until you awaken senses that can "see" in that color range. Then as I accepted it it started to become a "dark velvet purple" of sorts. And when I "breathed" in lights and other forms started to appear in the distance.

> subsoul?
Hard to explain. It is like the "subconscious of your soul". Once you bridge your internal parts better their function will appear. What they taught you is a sort of energy body muscle reflex of sorts and etiquette? Guess the next time you go there you will be able to behave and move the way it's good and proper there.

> the lady who dragged me into the void dimension looked roughly like pic related
Did she have those red marks on her body? If you notice any kind of markings on the body like that pls mention it. With that it's easy to trace entities.

Also it's late for me so I am going to meditate. Unlocking energetic "gills" just shifted my perspective enough so I have to look into these changes further.

> Did she have those red marks on her body? If you notice any kind of markings on the body like that pls mention it. With that it's easy to trace entities.
mmm... it was more or less like the pic i posted but the marks weren't on her legs.

> Yes. It was outside the color range therefore black until you awaken senses that can "see" in that color range. Then as I accepted it it started to become a "dark velvet purple" of sorts. And when I "breathed" in lights and other forms started to appear in the distance.
i vague recall it being somewhat purple, the time they cradle my head as i was floating in the black sea when they said
> "dont resist, just give in~  You belong to us, even in death. So just accept it and be a good girl."
when they push me deeper into the water

>  You are not that easy to abuse. 
i know you mentioned it before but really? i was always just assumed i was uber weaker side of the spectrum for stuff overall since im pretty weak physically as well and preferred being not being a close range like a mage. I already know i can work within the constraints and can still doing spiritwork, etc. despite having fucked circuitry but still

Israelis stormed their parliament so I cannot say nothing happened but I am sure you are implying a different kind of happening.

> it was more or less like the pic i posted
So sides of the body arms and under the eyes. Those are important circuits. Nothing on the forehead?
> but the marks weren't on her legs.
Maybe she had no legs then (besides an illusion). The legs connect us to the earth. It can grant quite the (dangerous) power.  I must make sure to not have any spiritual thought when I have electric devices under my feet or shit just happens. I have a car with the battery under my foot and whenever my silly wandering mind decides to solve a spiritual problem out of boredom the car momentarily shits itself until I snap out of my thinking. Ridiculous. I have energetic circuits installed there. They grant a sort of "auto-grounding".  But for dimensional beings the "legs" are not important especially because they are in the "sea" of sorts. No fish has legs. (K crabs are different but they are like insects or something. Evolution is weird.) What I tried to say that marks on the legs give you "powers" that depend on your connection with the earthy/ground. The dimension is all around them like a sea and they don't need it. Maybe. I didn't manage to connect to your girl yet. I am not exactly at the location you are at just at a sort of "surface level".

> "dont resist, just give in~  You belong to us, even in death. So just accept it and be a good girl."
If I weren't able to look into these things it would creep me out when you say these things. 
Realized what this "even in death" means for you btw. It means you don't have to suffer a "mundane afterlife" or the hell modern society grants to the average mortal. It's not pretty. It just means they have ways to carry you along the way into your next destination and you don't have to wade through trash like most souls on earth. The reason why BO and me talk about fire so much because we have to burn this trash otherwise advancing on the path becomes difficult.

> i know you mentioned it before but really?
It's an automatic process for you. A sort of reflex that appears in real life and death scenarios or if a being that is recognized as your "master" "commands" you to bring it out. Or a "true ally" "inspiring" you to do it. You cannot do this with your "lowly mundane mental circuits". I am not saying you cannot do it but not with halfbaked self doubting thoughts and intents. You need to reach a do or die mentality and push further no matter what. It's a extreme state of mental clarity. Once it is decided you not just "gonna do it" but on a level where you "already done it" and there is no force that will stop you. Kinda different from mine because I have a sort of zeal and conviction while yours is a sort of "certainty" a sort of "it cannot be done in any other way". 
> i was always just assumed i was uber weaker side of the spectrum for stuff overall since im pretty weak physically
Yeah things don't exactly work this way. Strength is in everyone you just need to find it and learn how to apply it. Especially in magic. But for you it is a dormant and a "hidden" strength that you are slowly unearthing. Because of that it takes time to adjust to it and accept that you have it.
> not being a close range like a mage
I don't know what kind of archetype you have about "mages" but they do their craft however they please. Some hide at their altar and cast from there or they go close and personal because that way they can see the weaknesses of their enemies better. It depends on their style and method. On the long run who is "strong" and "weak" kinda loses it's meaning. Depends how well you can utilize situations in the end.


> I already know i can work within the constraints and can still doing spiritwork, etc. despite having fucked circuitry but still
You don't exactly have "fucked circuitry" you just need to learn how to use and align it. The circuitry you have inside can do too many things and you have to understand how they work. If you were in more life threatening situations overall or did physical work your "battle strengths" would have come out. You are not "muscular" tho. You are just able to use some king of high energies well so you don't need "muscles" to be strong you just need well aligned circuits. Like BO just said  >>/7090/ how "fire elemented people" are small because every "excess" burns down so only the truly useful framework stands. For you it is similar but your element is not exactly the fire.

If your life was full with hardships and strife your strengths would have no choice but to come out but currently you are still somewhat "comfy" which means you are being tuned for spiritwork first. Mundane hardships is not what you need. You need proper energetic connections so you can retain your true nature. Hope this explained it a little.

> If your life was full with hardships and strife your strengths would have no choice but to come out but currently you are still somewhat "comfy" which means you are being tuned for spiritwork first. Mundane hardships is not what you need. You need proper energetic connections so you can retain your true nature. Hope this explained it a little.
yeah, the explanation helped. i just think i had a flawed understanding and just didnt fully get it

> I don't know what kind of archetype you have about "mages" but they do their craft however they please. Some hide at their altar and cast from there or they go close and personal because that way they can see the weaknesses of their enemies better. It depends on their style and method. On the long run who is "strong" and "weak" kinda loses it's meaning. Depends how well you can utilize situations in the end.
well, going off of the FInal fantasy, Phantasy star online and i guess soulsborne(if you want to count this last one) i'm always just used Mages being squishy and preferring to be away from the action since they usually have shit stats outside of things relating to magic, ie: not being able to take a hit, sometimes having to be still, etc. tl;dr: glass cannon

> I don't know what kind of archetype you have about "mages" but they do their craft however they please. Some hide at their altar and cast from there or they go close and personal because that way they can see the weaknesses of their enemies better. It depends on their style and method. On the long run who is "strong" and "weak" kinda loses it's meaning. Depends how well you can utilize situations in the end.

> Yeah things don't exactly work this way. Strength is in everyone you just need to find it and learn how to apply it. Especially in magic. But for you it is a dormant and a "hidden" strength that you are slowly unearthing. Because of that it takes time to adjust to it and accept that you have it.

> So sides of the body arms and under the eyes. Those are important circuits. Nothing on the forehead?
I cant recall anything on the forehead

I'm sure she did have legs but you know.. when you're getting dragged into a different place fairly abruptly you can't really notice things, even if they are obvious and in your face.

> It's an automatic process for you. A sort of reflex that appears in real life and death scenarios or if a being that is recognized as your "master" "commands" you to bring it out. Or a "true ally" "inspiring" you to do it. You cannot do this with your "lowly mundane mental circuits". I am not saying you cannot do it but not with halfbaked self doubting thoughts and intents. 
Oh so that explains why in some cases where my sisters had me into extermination mode those few times i was able to do it without a second thought then... there were other cases of certain people pulling things out of me (like my grandmother and a few other individuals) so that does make sense.

You need to reach a do or die mentality and push further no matter what. It's a extreme state of mental clarity. Once it is decided you not just "gonna do it" but on a level where you "already done it" and there is no force that will stop you. Kinda different from mine because I have a sort of zeal and conviction while yours is a sort of "certainty" a sort of "it cannot be done in any other way".
hmmm.. i'm not sure if i understand but people have described it as me not being able to stop moving whenever i start grinding/learning/studying or something along those lines i cant remember. honestly the few times i have gotten like that i kinda just filter out and forget what people say

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it's gross over simplification and some possible wrong info but pic related was also the gacha related thing i mentioned earlier. her backstory about being swallowed by a  sentient weird black hole and being made its emanator (i think its basically an emissary ala silver surfer in the game setting) while protecting and fighting for her home even though it was inevtiably destroyed and useless. something along the lines that said black hole blessed her for continuing to fight despite bine suffocated by nihilism (or something like that) and it swallowing up her planet. but really the point im getting at here is that her being swallowed up in the black hole, having a pocket dimension where its eerily identical to the place i talked about, though change the white with purple. strongly resonated with them and i think myself... so for whatever reason when i tried rolling for her she came to me with little to no issue, even her weapon card (albeit i had to goy out for that). wait...

> Once it is decided you not just "gonna do it" but on a level where you "already done it" and there is no force that will stop you. Kinda different from mine because I have a sort of zeal and conviction while yours is a sort of "certainty" a sort of "it cannot be done in any other way".
recounting this, i think understand what you mean by this. i remember having a flash of me getting copies of her and this weapon but in that flash i remember goying really fucking hard but when it actually happened, i didnt have to resort to nowhere at all. im not sure if this is the "certainty" or not but it feels eerily similar but it could just be gacha brain talking

i really need to remind myself to take issuing out replies

> It means you don't have to suffer a "mundane afterlife" or the hell modern society grants to the average mortal. It's not pretty. 
I get that its likely self explanatory but could elaborate a bit? 

> It just means they have ways to carry you along the way into your next destination and you don't have to wade through trash like most souls on earth. 
Ahhhh, that does explain some of things ive somehow avoided or problems that weirdly solved themselves. sometimes i feel like if im falling into endless pit like from crash or some other platformer (i cant recall the specific name) they come down as angels or some kind of winged being, pick me, and then drop me back at the last recorded checkpoint so to speak

> The reason why BO and me talk about fire so much because we have to burn this trash otherwise advancing on the path becomes difficult.
admittedly this did kind of spook me initially because the way you guys worded made me think you guys were going to some super extreme stuff but like bad or something. Now i'm not really as shocked or anything about it and just kinda accepted this as a whole "things that have to come to pass" type of thing i guess

> Mages being squishy and preferring to be away from the action since they usually have shit stats outside of things relating to magic
That is like a lvl1 mage that can only cast a fireball or something. At level 20 or 100 you can teleport create shields and do whatever. If I cast muscle enhancement and become living plasma or something my "mage" status is not gonna be a drawback if I start CQCing my enemies. Never box in what a mage can and cannot do. Life is not an MMO where devs nerf every class so everyone can feel useful. That doesn't mean broken classes don't have impossible learning curves IRL. Life cannot be that easy you know. Finding the controls takes time.

> people have described it as me not being able to stop moving whenever i start grinding/learning/studying or something along those lines i cant remember
Yeah you have to find your own "zone". It is somewhat different for every people. You have to figure that out.
> honestly the few times i have gotten like that i kinda just filter out and forget what people say
> her backstory about being swallowed by a sentient weird black hole and being made its emanator
Yeah there are magical circuits that work that way. Now I understand why her lines appear that way. 
> her being swallowed up in the black hole, having a pocket dimension where its eerily identical to the place i talked about
Yeah that "feeling" is quite close to your "real home". Not exactly a "black hole" because the reality you reside currently is more akin to a "white hole" appearing in your home realm that sucked you into this existence so what you need is not exactly a black hole but a sort of "light hole" that is not exactly "shiny" but a different darkish hue. The purple is close but as I said you live after the "Great Beyond" which means there will be quite the perspective changes while you reach that place but yes. The place you are at are closer to what you are looking for. They will grant you guidance I am sure of it.

> though change the white with purple
Oh thank fuck. Was worrying because there was no way the girl had white hair. The white hair resembles a different thing and for them to have a white hair is like a human naturally growing green hair or something. Not impossible but extremely weird and if that happens there are weird forces at play. Purple is okay because that is one of their natural color range in that dimension.
> so for whatever reason when i tried rolling for her she came to me with little to no issue
You like gacha so much no wonder glimpses of your reality manipulation skills appear with that.
> i remember having a flash of me getting copies of her
> goying really fucking hard
Goying means paying for gacha pulls or something? I know whaling means if you waste too much money on it because you can afford it and goying means you are somewhat poor and waste money?
> could just be gacha brain talking
Your gacha brain is part of you and you are using most of your concepts and spiritual inspiration from gacha so there is quite the high chance things correlate there. But yes you have a gacha brain. Because good gacha is usually full with spiritual themes and myths. The world building almost makes me want to play some.

> I get that its likely self explanatory but could elaborate a bit? 
Where to even start. Remember that fat blob you had to battle? If you failed at that then you would have been tossed in an extremely disgusting hell. 
There are pathways currents that spirits operate by and carry souls along. Those are nowadays clogged. Back in the past people had ways working with spirits then christianity made it into Jesus worship but the holy spirit and Jesus still opened a narrow gate to carry along if you truly dedicated yourself to it. Nowadays (or in the past 200 centuries) very few people take it seriously. Which made that already narrow way for souls even more narrow. Many souls do not manage to break out from their burden from their debris. The fires of "reincarnation" are supposed to explode and burn all your "past" as much as they can and propel you into a next life. That is the "purgatory" experience. You can also be grabbed by some hell realms for purification but their methods are not really "kind" for the shittiest scum of earth. The way BO talks about them kinda reflects it but even his ways are "too kind" for these people. Then as BO mentioned where "sinners" become rocks. They have so minor spirit their body is so rotten it is unable to "ignite" anymore. They create a small "shell" and remain there until someone frees them. And because they do not have any light any flame to burn the trash that is entrapping them they just let the trash pile up and the next souls will have to fight even more trash to go through. Ofc if you know how to burn this trash you can capitalize on several things. Burning frees energy and souls and granting the souls a release grants even more energy and with that you can unclog and reawaken currents or "leylines". BO is targeting the fucks that proliferate this "degeneracy" for extremely delusional and minor benefits while I am trying to retain the energies the world needs to function because if I explode the wrong way I don't know what will happen. You see it is important to know what burns how and what kind of energies you release with it. Putting a too large chunk of wood on a small flame snuffs it out therefore you need to understand how the flame burns rises and melts it's surroundings in a way you don't get burned because there is a difference in "becoming the flame" and by "being burned by the flame". You might say it's the same but Ash sooth charcoal appears during something being burned by the flame while becoming the flame is a method of understanding TRUE ENERGY. Even Heraclitus had that "Everything is fire" idea. It is more complicated but yes it has truth. What I want is a sort of energetic purification and retain the efficiency of the natural way of things. But it's real nuanced and hard to put into words. This is why I post less nowadays. These things take hours to word and halfway in I realize I need to meditate on it more before posting it.
Imagine the spirit world as a well functioning high trust first world utopia. Then get rid of the people and replace them with degenerated 3rd worlders. Now everything is full with trash shit and piss. Did the previous people not have trash and poop? They had! But they knew how to use the infrastructure and the toilet to not run down the whole place. Looking at the current abandoned colonies gives you the idea how some of the "spirit dimensions" look like nowadays. There is a point where there is such a high amount of trash even malevolent entities leave that place. Once you halfway clear it out they reappear that is why you have to be through so you don't create more resource for your possible adversaries. This is why cleansing with a flame that burns and nurtures the right forces is important. Also forget the fire you see from burning wood. That fire element is different. There are many fire elements out there. Maybe this shouldn't be even called fire anymore.


> admittedly this did kind of spook me initially because the way you guys worded made me think you guys were going to some super extreme
Nah it's quite the business as usual for us at this stage. Turns out both of us had past experience with these kind of things it's just takes time to awaken to this truth. The reincarnation amnesia is quite the bother. But at least it safeguards you from misusing things you are not ready for yet.
> just kinda accepted this as a whole "things that have to come to pass"
Yeah don't worry not even I am sure how things will play out exactly. I just have several guarantees if I let things play out I will be unbothered on my path so I can focus on my own development because some things will be taken care of. Evil have a tendency of devouring itself out of panic. It always does that. Takes quite the nuance to not make your enemies stronger by fighting them. But yes things have to come to pass. Everything changes. Those who cannot see it will have the rudest awakening.
> could elaborate a bit
And yes this was still "a bit" sized elaboration and quite the oversimplification in several parts.

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I think Hyena anon should look into Anubis. I was trying to get some information on blood magic, someone on /x/ mentioned a shaman. Asking Bing I got a reference to using spirit animals, and this got me thinking about the fennec fox. I was then recommended to look up Anubis who was sometimes connected with the fennec. 

He's more often represented as a jackal however, and I meant to tell you that I actually think what I saw was more like a jackal than a hyena. I just never got around to it because I wasn't sure if this meant anything.

> pic
His "was" sceptre looks very much like a specific djinn mindwave I read off a lurking glowie on discord.

When meditating on this, I did what Copilot recommended (lol) and opened up for guidence based on the idea of a spirit animal being a fennec with a connection to Anubis. He then showed up and threw me a sceptre, the image was weak in manifestation but very vivid. The sceptre made a metallic sound as it fell on the floor.

He told me to hold it facing north and to activate it that way as a mind wave. It was done very easily as a result of my previous practice. 

I am yet to explore how I can use it.

> Anubis
I felt like I shouldn't disturb him with too many questions and being generally annoying, so I asked if there was someone else near him. Assuming things are mostly the same everywhere is a good method - someone from "the sisters of Anubis", a group worshippers/priests appeared, I worked with them a bit since.

I think this April 8 solar eclipse event actually was meant to mean something. There's an astral process where a "void" filled with previously not manifested evil beings were meant to appear from, causing some kind of short circuit.

I connected the two polar opposites to make them just destroy themselves instead. Let's see if something happens.

The Queen woke me up and showed me this shadow vision transmission:

A large demonic body was being burned, and the smoke covered the face of the person burning it, which obscured his vision.

A society was being built in super speed, beautiful houses were constructed from wood in a few instants.

The last bit had her saying: "This is important."

A complex network of social control was created, where eventually everyone in the society was being held at gunpoint, metaphorically speaking.

The last image was horrible.

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Yesterday I was doing a purification ritual for an anon with the help of Amitābha and I got a vision of a large house burning and I merely just increased the light further for a "clean burn" because I felt my cleansing might be "Not enough". Then in the debris a pure source of light manifested and as that source started to strengthen I connected to the light to blow the debris away. When that happened a bunch of light specks started to appear giving me light because I was the "owner" of it because everyone just wants to get rid of trash and never recycle it and the recycling was incomplete. I noticed that it has minor dark spots that emit so much light because it is finally able to burn. While "free energy" is free energy I had to adjust the energy because it started to mess with my workings.

> A complex network of social control was created, where eventually everyone in the society was being held at gunpoint, metaphorically speaking.
> The last image was horrible.
can you please elaborate a little so I can make sure what forces just happened to be part of this thing?

I was merely cleansing the residual energies that dumb ass anon had in his environment and wasn't able to overcome on his own. I didn't notice other "meanings" yet.

> No one's going to believe what the NWO wanted to use the eclipse for so maybe I shouldn't bother talking about what I saw
I don't know what happened but I was granted a large sum of "eclipse" energy for I don't know what just now. Was wondering if I should cut the source but it was "empty" it had no intents or entities in it so I was letting it continue. I can feel it circulate around many places but the "excess" or the overflow that was coming in my way ended.

> But that was the point, making shit to incomprehensible that no one can rebel against it. This goes both ways tho.
Why would people want to rebel? This continuous "we must rebel" mentality is one of the worst things ever. Every revolutionary was about rebelling rebelling rebelling and everything else was secondary. It never creates lasting results.

> how it was hijacked either.
So many forces were playing around with this eclipse I don't know what even counts as a hijack here. It's like posting this meme on this board. What is even a hijack here. But if it is a secret it is a secret. I have way too much eclipse energies now for some reason. I mean I have my own dark moon aspects already and now I have more?

> can you please elaborate a little so I can make sure what forces just happened to be part of this thing?
It was an energetic reading kind of image, showing the total collapse of toxic humans into shit talking and spy activity of the worst totalitarian kind, which desecrated the previously perfect society to something just horrible. Not even infernal (infernal dimensions can be pretty nice). Think about workplaces being complete shithole basic heavy industry and there are political spies overseeing every process of production to make sure no one disrespects the current thing issued by the government by throwing trash with their right hand on a left hand trash day. That kind of thing.

> Why would people want to rebel? 
Because the society they are creating is totalitarian dictatorship for a handful few to violate billions, for no other reason than their own hedonism as materialists.

There was an article released recently leaving a hint, as they are forced to do, playing the public by the
> we told you and you didn't rebel so you consented
where they mentioned someone living on the bottom of the sea for 90 days and his aging started reversing at a brain chemistry level.

This is the reason for living in DUMBs (deep underground military bases), if they stay at the lowest point of gravity they can almost stop aging and live like degenerates for-almost-ever. So what they wanted to do here was:

Moloch sun created and ignited in WW1
Create massive control system (internet, smartphones, 5G)
Vaxx everyone so the 5G works better
Then for the final event now: bring society dimensionally down below 2D, after building "the pizza", same thing as Midgar in FF7, the platform the elites rule from, in 2D. Then once society is dimensionally at 1D it cannot be changed. Then they'd gather all remaining trash energy (karma) and send it into space, ignite it and also destroy, literally, the 3D layer of the Earth, so that humans cannot move up there, which not just "cements" the form of society, but simply makes changes impossible because there is no dimension to change things in. This final event ends with all that material becoming an "earth level super nova" and the moloch sun is also consumed, the trash then burns at a very large distance from the non existing Earth, and the light appears to be the same sun as before because of the distance and the "hole" down to 2D which is shines through. Then humans will be abused by the elites forever.

Why would they rebel, indeed.

Witch ritual linked by the cat image here will be up while the eclipse is moving, anyone can join. What you get is a chance at forming a cat-fox humanoid form and that spear, federation fur-beast race on the astral using the energy, as well as your own personal super nova.

This also nullifies the NWO shit-sun, but the can't tell the difference because they descended to 2D-1D and are now in awe over their own magnificence in fulfilling "the great work" which will allow them to live like degens for a million years (they wish).

> Why would they rebel, indeed.
Yeah for a rebellion I have to accept their ways as "order" so yeah this is why I don't see any rebellion energies on my part. Besides the usual fanning the flames that are happening around me but that is not "rebellion" that is the result of people talking high and making shit in the process. Must be nice thinking dumbing everyone down results in "perfect rulership" 

> Think about workplaces being complete shithole basic heavy industry and there are political spies overseeing every process of production to make sure no one disrespects the current thing issued by the government by throwing trash with their right hand on a left hand trash day. That kind of thing.
Yes we had communism at home. Then we had "commie boomers" who were the worst version of nepotism and incompetence. There is a reason why we hate everything "communist" in the east. The hammer and sickle is banned the same way as the nazi symbols.

> Then once society is dimensionally at 1D it cannot be changed
Just realized this is how anti-spirals were portrayed in Gurren Lagaan.

> where they mentioned someone living on the bottom of the sea for 90 days and his aging started reversing at a brain chemistry level.
Didn't hear about it. Also my aging would reverse if I didn't have to put up with the mundane retardation in a day to day basis too. Fucking normalfags. 
damned Rorschach test

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> cucked out of seeing the eclipse because of the state i live in

sorry for taking so long to reply, i kinda needed a break and some other things irl were happening so i couldnt focus

> If you failed at that then you would have been tossed in an extremely disgusting hell.
There are pathways currents that spirits operate by and carry souls along. Those are nowadays clogged. Back in the past people had ways working with spirits then christianity made it into Jesus worship but the holy spirit and Jesus still opened a narrow gate to carry along if you truly dedicated yourself to it. Nowadays (or in the past 200 centuries) very few people take it seriously. Which made that already narrow way for souls even more narrow. Many souls do not manage to break out from their burden from their debris. The fires of "reincarnation" are supposed to explode and burn all your "past" as much as they can and propel you into a next life. That is the "purgatory" experience. You can also be grabbed by some hell realms for purification but their methods are not really "kind" for the shittiest scum of earth. The way BO talks about them kinda reflects it but even his ways are "too kind" for these people. Then as BO mentioned where "sinners" become rocks. They have so minor spirit their body is so rotten it is unable to "ignite" anymore. They create a small "shell" and remain there until someone frees them. And because they do not have any light any flame to burn the trash that is entrapping them they just let the trash pile up and the next souls will have to fight even more trash to go through. Ofc if you know how to burn this trash you can capitalize on several things. Burning frees energy and souls and granting the souls a release grants even more energy and with that you can unclog and reawaken currents or "leylines". BO is targeting the fucks that proliferate this "degeneracy" 

jesus christ, what the fuck? they already had faith in me killing that disgusting maggot but jeez, i wasnt expecting that to have some much weight (lmao) behind it. that reminds me, someone tried to burn me alive somewhere and the person literally shat themselves because i tanked(?) it and just came to punch them while i was burning. very weird

> Goying means paying for gacha pulls or something? I know whaling means if you waste too much money on it because you can afford it and goying means you are somewhat poor and waste money?
yeah, though the correct term in my case would be swiping which i dont do that often to begin with. I'm just too used to people using "goy" for everything now. kinda annoyed at that but eh whatever 

> Yeah that "feeling" is quite close to your "real home". Not exactly a "black hole" because the reality you reside currently is more akin to a "white hole" appearing in your home realm that sucked you into this existence so what you need is not exactly a black hole but a sort of "light hole" that is not exactly "shiny" but a different darkish hue. The purple is close but as I said you live after the "Great Beyond" which means there will be quite the perspective changes while you reach that place but yes. The place you are at are closer to what you are looking for. They will grant you guidance I am sure of it.
ahh i see

outside of some weird updates, i recall being around some overweight superman/omniman/whatever with long hair though thats probably just me being autistic about my weight loss again and nothing else

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Anyway, what I was going to say here is that: going by the event yesterday, at one point we'll have to crash this world system with some survivors, leading it back to 3D formation again, after which the actual merge with galactic Earth should happen.

This means we should be able to work with Gensokyo to determine what this new 3D world will look like.

> For some reason when the Yuuka pics came up, there was an audial disturbance in my computer speakers, it sounded like a voice.
Looked into it because technological energies are under an overload because several of the working we are doing openly and not that openly and as I looked into it a weird cold static feeling overtook me and I heard the sound of a phone dialing.

aaaaand it lead to an another realm when I followed that signal.

> we should be able to work with Gensokyo
Feels like we are unable to not work with it anymore.

I am never sure if your sudden impulses of vulgarity are some of your inner mechanisms or the egregoric energies you absorbed through your shitpostmancer years.
I know this is how your "tantra" works and this reinforces your magic but still...
> drawn by sataen
Coincidences huh.
 I remember my days when I used the first pages of the booru for divination many years ago. Seeing causality working out this way is always weird 

> your sudden impulses of vulgarity
Consider it a way to express an already existing need to shock people as they doze off into prudeness, combined imageboard expressions of the same kind.

It is memetic in some way. The method of instantly creating memes out of current or suddenly appearing things, which contain enough shock value to keep being offensive even after being posted several times. 

And in these cases I also just like to post actual art now and then. Art depicts life, and as such it tends to be ugly but with redeeming qualities.

Anime art is more like idealism, and that's not really art, those are illustrations or propaganda.

> Consider it a way to express an already existing need to shock people as they doze off into prudeness
Okay I like this idea but you always consider it when there is a "clear" notion that you are overdoing things and I am wondering if it's your own energies or you are feeling it from the "air".
 Also the fact that I realized that the dude is not a dude in a suit but a furry prolly demon then COINCIDENTALLY on fringe someone just happened to ask about jos is not even surprising me anymore. Especially after the energy overload that went through the sites 2 days ago. This was one of my reason to start going to other altchans so not rape poor endchan server with my Shaivist technomancer webhelper energies. And now I am aware that entities advanced where they can literally dialing through the internet and connecting realms. Good thing I am past the EVERYTHING A SIMULATION concept because otherwise I would be mildly bothered. 

> I also just like to post actual art now and then
Yeah but it was not touhou not yuuka and off from the theme you are setting up...
Which resulted in us talking about booru porn instead of talking further about the weird phenomenon of the "Yuuka line". Was wondering how intentional it was. Or merely the effect of the energies around us.

> Anime art is more like idealism, and that's not really art, those are illustrations or propaganda.
You are not wrong but it's still not nice to acknowledge that.

> spoilers "worked" when they weren't meant to, while when they are meant to, then don't.
Yeah I too forget if I have to click all boxes or just the main box or at the pics only.
 Also end chan only dies if I get angry at some shit. Yesterday my whole internet died because of the energy overload was still going on 

Regardless of any eclipse it seems in 10 years society will collapse for real this time.Reason?kids raised by millenials entering the workforce.i hate the generation crap but this time it's really legit.What they say happened:rising costs,inflation can't raise kids because of it Yada Yada. What I'm pretty sure actually happened, young millennials are the first people already addicted to phones/ipads/internet when their children are born. This completely wrecks the parents brain in a way modern people don't understand the degree of. People used to raise kids when they had 6 people living in 1 room.there wasn't a lot to do but interact with your immediate family so they did. But now they can't cause their entire brain chemistry isnt able to care.They can't not make their kids dependent as they already are and having to spend time with the kids and talking to them takes away from that time. In a real sense the addiction is stronger than parental instincts. This is basically unseen in the sense that it's like an entire generation being raised by what are functionally neglectful addicts. Of course all generations are the same its just that gen-x and boomers got addicted later in their life after they already had kids.Gen alpha might possibly actually not be able minded in a large enough degree to do anything.

Yupp the flow of the board got disrupted. The question is. Does this mean we will get new allies or they are just debris swimming on the surface blocking our way.  Also the fact that whenever I act upon my lustful energies balances and confuses my energies at once and a weirdo always appears in the view everytime is also kinda (not) bothering me. I know the internet is guided mainly via lust but still.

> seems in 10 years society will collapse for real this time
10 years is quite optimistic tbh. We can have at least 3 Hitlers being born in that timeframe so we can exit Weimart. If you said we have only 1 year and 2 months max I would be mildly worried.

> sort of an "end of the line" date
Kids grew up on the TV and with parents yelling in the background constantly. My ancestors were fucked like 3 generations ago thanks to different factors. Tiktok grown kids are not my greatest concern tbh but I understand your fears because we can see already the problems it causes but I consider it merely a symptom of larger problems. Things need to get worse sometimes before they can get better.
> Any number of things can happen but this in a sense has already happened
When is the deadline for CERN warping time and space again? Or was that cancelled already? I am not up to date with these things.

> When is the deadline for CERN warping time and space again?
Original timeline, december 2025. According to the Queen this may not happen in a broad sense because
> a) Lyrans got involved and their lyranet nanobots are actually already controlling timelines on Earth in detail, they just emulate normal events to the point to not interfere unless completely needed
b) earthlings (us) have already gone  beyond the 2025 events because we work actively, those are the lazy NWO do nothing at all until it's too late-version of timelines

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> Was wondering how intentional it was. Or merely the effect of the energies around us.
That's what it is. I am working very closely with the Anti-Christ organization and their method is to have a method and then make a mess out of it until it almost fails, but just almost. Plus that it's a constant "dilute the board" effort to make it look spammy so we don't get too active glowies or bots here. Even if they lurk and see me saying this, they use standard forms to decide if they dedicate shitposting bots or trolls to a board, us being self-aware of this doesn't change how they work. So all it takes to get off the list for getting shitbots from MI6 is to become the spam.

I am also mostly done with my new online persona, the main aspect is to merge it more with my real life persona so that it floats seamlessly in a better way.

It's just a matter of being stupid enough and regular glowlurkfags won't list you, and that's the point. Stupid idiot psiop teams I can eat for breakfast, literally so I don't care, spam is worse.

Police here actually told an immigrant when he asked about the new visitation zones
> how will I avoid being searched, what can I do, I'm not a criminal?
> just wear a high visibility vest, if you stand out you won't be searched, police only looks for people who try to hide
Said and done, the guy is now doing exactly what I figured out years ago, wearing high visibility vest in town like a retard, even youth gangs stay away from you because they think you're a plaincloth CIA or something.

Anti-Christ ritual for solar eclipse harnessing, one sec pls hold.

Here's a witch and a 1 meter x 1 meter book of single use sigils colouring book, just take the one you like and fill in the lines for the function you need.

Ok and then we need the witch's daughter's drool from being fucked from behind, mixed with the ash of burned glowie skulls, put oil on it with the sigil and burn it, that activates the link.

We have ash in the storage...

That is true but I want a great push in reforming education anyways so I am not exactly hopeless because as I said things need to get worse in some cases because at that level the problems cannot be ignored anymore. My country is doing them but they are still not on a level where I want 3 kids in their care (yet).

> b) earthlings (us) have already gone beyond the 2025 events because we work actively, those are the lazy NWO do nothing at all until it's too late-version of timelines
Am glad we are appreciated. Only a totally coincidental and certainly not predetermined events had to happen.  Ever since I know how fate weavers operate I am not even sure if there is a point "questioning" anything anymore. Sure whatever dude. I just happen to have the genetics of the mastermind of electronics and consciousness just happened to connect to Shiva while thinking about the CERN statue just happened to find a board with agricultural themed touhous show up after I got way too interested in touhou in the prior years and just happened to use the vampire path since it appeared on fringe which coincidentally resonated with the progression of my past lives more than any other occult paths. Darn this free will and chaos is truly great. 

As long we don't have bots am okay.
> Stupid idiot psiop teams I can eat for breakfast
they don't even dare to do that anymore lol. I mean I know I am in an openly racist antiglobohomo antiEU antifaggotry antiwhateverunholyshittheyspew and they poured all their resources for obtaining Poland and IT JUST HAPPENED that Slovakia just became an another antiglobohomo country while it looked like they are on a verge on absolute submission like they always were. TEEHEE. Mere coincidences faggots.
But these are minor things. Not even a bleep on the big picture. These are not the chips I am betting my future. Some cards are still under the table.

> for solar eclipse harnessing
Yeah I have enough of these energies already and let's not talk about how much I have from the other "materials" pls.

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> coincidence
I didn't even care about this eclipse stuff, only thought of it like 2:45 hours before and decided to make use of it. Asked my A-C assistant to get some expert help and then told the Russian witches what I wanted to do to connect it to Earth surface Do you have any virgins? The thing about this is that no matter how crude and direct I am in what I'm asking them about, they are always professional, because no matter how basic witch style it is, someone already did it before and there is a grimoire for it.

> I didn't even care about this eclipse stuff
And I actively wanted to stay out of it because I dislike to be "bound" to planetary events. But did quite the strong purification ritual and the energy overload got amplified by it as a mere coincidence as usual.

Also can you talk about your anti-christ corp a little? They just dumped a bunch of old dusty books on my table for some reason? I mean I think it's them.

Had a "rivalry" with a local boy when I was 12 onwards, I wrote a novel to mock him, he countered by filling three entire notebooks about me. We then had a running "cheat" in school where we sat at desks in last row middle next to each other, and on tests we leaned slightly away from each other at intervals, allowing the other to see our answers, because we knew we would have them right most of the time. If our answers weren't the same, one of us was wrong and would then instantly realize it, because it didn't usually happen that one of us was sure of an answer that was incorrect.
We would copy each other's style of dressing, but I mocked his hair. I made a clay figure of him to mock him. Things went on like this.

I only very recently, like last 5 years realized that this was a contest for the Anti-Christ position where you get an office and support from them. It doesn't matter if you are aware of it or not. They were set for him, but I eventually hexed his workplace, a neighbouring commune so their economy went to shit, which got blamed on him because he was the chief economist at the local government office. I then ran into him once at random and talked briefly with him, and he didn't mention his work at all, later I saw in the paper that he quit. It was after this I was recognized as the "winner" and got my own office with them.

As for the A-C org itself, they have all kinds of evil beings working for the same goal (as little as possible because they hate working) of stopping any "messiahs" from appearing, including any Moloch worship of the kind the NWO are into. If anything they are probably posing as left-anarchist if they appear among humans. Which they do.

The main understanding is that the Jesuit effect thinking is that of sacrificing limited resources to cover ground in situations where time will nullify the effect, but if they do it fast enough it works anyway. It's a huge gamble. Like how it's now starting to be talked openly about how Ukraine had 3 mil KIA and that doesn't count cripples. All that mine field rushing to try and break the Russian line once, but failing and now they can't replenish those lost lives.

That's Jesuit doctrine in its essence, and that is the exact opposite of what the Anti-Christ works for. They are "anti King" because kings in the karmic system are just crime bosses at the level of "double murder", 2x 18 = level 36 in the karmic system. Compare the "double event" related to Jack the Ripper, it was for reaching the king level in the system.

The main difference is that kings aren't channellers of the spirit world, so they block any possession by them. Small fry evil spirits can't get in either then, even if the king himself is evil, because he has the power to block astral access. So the Anti-King/Christ is a channeller who can be possessed by any number of spirits freely, as long as they aren't materialists. 

Sometime along the way, all spiritual forces started gathering to stop the production of kings so that they still have access to the world via prophets or channellers. This was how the A-C formed. Even if it was mostly evil spirits to begin with, you can't influence the world unless you adapt and gather knowledge, and create some form of order. This attracts skilled beings, so over time they became more of an occult organization with a variety of interests.

The main doctrine is their hate for order, including any "new world order".

> The main doctrine is their hate for order, including any "new world order"
Because of this, the Anti-Christ are prepared to invest almost any amount of resources into stopping the NWO from forming, or destroying it if it exists. Those who do the
> I hate the anti-christ
postings are indirectly NWO-supporters. The A-C also support chaos, anarchy and general disorder, so they work fanatically against all laws, regulations, censorship, values, norms and so on. They also work with anyone who supports the same thinking, with no standards for who those are.
> the Anti-King/Christ is a channeller who can be possessed by any number of spirits freely
The guy I mentioned above had this "cold" energy to him, which I associated with some kind of rotten masculinity, there was even a kind of vague "stink" over him, I think this was caused by the beings possessing him, but also something he already had. After an event when he was 15, he was generally referred to with the epithet "that rapist", he went to parties to look for drunk teen girls to take advantage of. When I saw him later, he had a movement pattern that made me think of an alcoholic.

However, he was easy for them to possess because he was unware of it, I have a disadvantage here because I need to intentionally open up for them, but I'm starting to be able to do it.

> I just checked Urban dictionary
Even I had to look it up. Seems like it is an absolute assblasted lefty thing. Who the fuck even desires censorship. 
> ooooo you said the big no no word now you lost freedumz lol
fucking niggerfaggots I swear. If you can lose "freedom" by saying a bad word you never had freedom to begin with. I would call them something worse if there was a more banned way to describe them. ree

Whatever story time about AC group. Because I am still quite unable to contain my curiosity one of my spirit form went ahead and read one of the books. Her eyes filled with runes and I knew now I have to interpret it. Was wondering under whose authority this whole group falls overall and they told me they belong to Odin. My first question was obv WHICH one and I got the visage of a small thin bald dude with unkempt white beard and when entities appear unannounced usually my hands try to choke them but as I realized they mean no harm I stopped doing it.  Also one more thing about that "silence is consent" to any occult kind of thing that illumitards do. One part of my subconscious does a weird thing where if there is a hidden "consent" in an energy field my mind says "I will fucking kill you" and it can get quite detailed explaining how it will tear apart anyone that forces me to take anything that I do not want. When that voice comes out I have to look into quite gently to what is even making me say that. It is a funny way of "consenting" so it just means I modified the contract in a way that they either cancel the contract or die with it when they try to blend it into my shadow energies. A curious mechanic and makes me sometimes quite unhinged in scenarios that I only understand later why. Now the thing is this "evil" organization didn't have this. Which was refreshing because thx to the eclipse cleansing I had to encounter many energies that wanted to force me into the most retarded deals. These contract bound retards don't understand that they fuck themselves over with this scamming more than anything no matter who they thing they are "scamming" with this. 
As I stopped reaching for "Odin" a weird entity that my intuition called "Scylla" appeared. It had a large body and 2 heads and was wondering if it represents the 2 snakes the energy body has or it's an entity tried to also choke it but then realized it's pointless because it's also harmless and was wondering how is the norse snake called again then realized it's Jörmungandr. It was not that but I believed it had the same function via being a guardian and connector force for realms. Then I got a spirit. I (again) started to try to choke her (yes sometimes I do that to intruders to discern their form and pull on reality) then I noticed she is somewhat always "teleporting" out of harm's way. She was more akin to an untouchable phantom which made me at ease because that means she doesn't have the "fast materializing energy" which means she is at a safe distance therefore she is only here to "talk". I asked her about if she has a "legend" and she told me supposedly she was known for as a woman who killed and ate the entrails of the warriors who got lost (mostly drunk) in the dark forest.  Supposedly she drinks the alcohol from the belly of the drunkards this way. She just told me now  Her appearance changes depending how the sky looks and she is "untouchable" for violent people and usually she only gets rid of you if you are an absolute nuisance. Sometimes her legend was exaggerated because wolf attacks but it's rare when only the entrails are missing and nothing else so she was "blamed" for it.

Oh also the runes. Gained an "armor". It was more akin stabilizing a bodily form because the runes started to etch into an "unseen" layer made it black then pushed that layer into my "colorful" bodily forms and they merged. This kinds fixed that problem of mine where I have randomly strong emotions on a matter and cast a spell into a direction. With this my overall emotional state is more stable and my kinda "loose screw" spirit forms are more united with my main mental frame.

> their method is to have a method and then make a mess out of it until it almost fails, but just almost
I wouldn't describe it this way but I cannot say it better but it truly balanced my way of 
ways. I mean this "method" is only a small part of my "workings" that I am still "fine tuning" but there are so many things going on at once. Not to mention when someone actually pisses me off and I have to bring out the untested prototypes then I forget to put them away. Silly me

Seems like we have a similar world view.

> as little as possible because they hate working
Current world is literally a "make believe working" for taxes GDP and virtue signal "goodboypoints" so no wonder they hate it.
> all kinds of evil beings
They have variety for sure. I am not sure what constitutes as evil anymore. 

> of stopping any "messiahs" from appearing
The problem with "messiahs" that they just work up a large populace enforce retarded rules and thinking as "truth" then everyone has to keep up with that retardation until that fucker burns himself out or runs into a sword with his "made up moralfag retardations". They are annoying as hell.

> If anything they are probably posing as left-anarchist if they appear among humans. Which they do.
That was the old primordial way of life outside of city states before the age of conquests. Don't like the city? Go outside and live lawlessly. You might be eaten by wolves and bandits ofc but that only scares weak faggots who has no connection with nature and spirits.

> They are "anti King"
Okay I will have to mention this again because what you describe as a "King" we called them "bandit kings" who were like thugs with their own gangbangers and nothing more. To be a "King" you need to be anointed by your patron gods have a priest class or at least you need to be a conduit or an "ordainer" between worlds. You hear the people and the spirits. All voices are equal and in the end their wisdom is the "final measure". You might say this is merely a prophet but nope because prophets are controlled and protected by the spirits and have minor control over the people until he increases his powerfield while the king has an "allowed authority" by multiple forces because he knows what he is doing and everyone trusts him. Ofc these ACTUAL kings were not just "wise kings" but usually gods or demigods by default. This understanding is lost nowadays and "kings" are merely people with land money and a crown on their head. Which makes me quite "anti-king" too but for me it is more akin to "anti-annoyance".

> it was for reaching the king level in the system.
I know you mentioned this "system" before but I will need to wrap my mind around it again because as we go on we have an evolving understanding of the overall meaning of karma and I forgot to keep my understanding synced up.

> kings aren't channellers of the spirit world
Bandit kings usually channel their own arrogance and the fear and obedience of his slaves. Break their axe and make sure they are alone for once and once they show an ounce of fear and dread they are dead.

> So the Anti-King/Christ is a channeller who can be possessed by any number of spirits freely
Yeah supposedly the "coming" of the messiah will rile up all the spirits and if he is absolutely retarded he will just confuse the "will" of people and the possessed and because he is unable to understand the will of the people and the spirits at once he will die by the force he offends the most. This was kinda explained to me in the "weeding out the wannabies" tactics. Those who fall into the most retarded egoism while wielding immense amount of forces will be dealt with. I liked Dune where the messiah had to gain the support of the people and the support of the different voices and forces too and become "worthy" otherwise it doesn't work at all. I am no Dune fan but that kinda shows what is the messiah supposed to be more or less. Closest understanding I have seen so far in scifi.

> Sometime along the way, all spiritual forces started gathering to stop the production of kings so that they still have access to the world via prophets or channellers
You could say we have that since the dawn of history. Even in Babylon the gates were marked with spirits with a reason to show which spirit is allowed to enter the city and which one will be killed by them for messing with humans. 

> This was how the A-C formed
Quite funny how they said they work with the "ways" of "Odin" because as the way Odin walked around and made tribes kill each other for some "greater purpose" especially after Christianity tried to take foothold and even Christianity was a meager cult mess with many offshoots at the start. The authority of Rome and the inquisitors appeared later. It's such a mess tbh. A city state turning into an empire then Djinn making Islam to combat this empire before it births an another type of degeneracy in the shadows and srsly trying to untangle the flow of history is a mess.

> The main doctrine is their hate for order, including any "new world order".
Ever since the golden age ended we don't have order. We have "false order" fucking pretenders believing they are doing things "good" then torturing others in the name of the state or even worse "justice" and feel smug about it. False order is no order. It breeds a chaos that cannot even be called chaos because it is just a disease a decay where everyone loses in the end.

> They also work with anyone who supports the same thinking, with no standards for who those are
They understand things like fairness and willing to show kindness if you are not "possessed" or brainwashed by an "idea system"/propaganda. I will have to look into their mentality a little more because 
> all laws, regulations, censorship, values, norms and so on
I could summarize these concepts as "hypocrisy" nowadays as it is being handled my normalfaggots. They make laws then seek a position where they are above law they regulate as long that regulation benefits them they censor as long as they do not want to be criticized but they can use the censored words at their leisure and 
> values
> norms
Roflmao. Those who pretend they have those are almost the blindest of them all.

Seems like we are quite similar in some degree so I will have to understand what is exactly we differ in. But I wouldn't say I will "work" with them as you do because I will mostly need perspectives and a little guidance for fine tuning my nuance and figure out a way where we can reconnect the worlds in a harmonic or "hyperorganic" way. The spirit world returning into the natural world and the materia regains it's true essence as it did in the golden age. But that is complex and I am not sure how it will play out. I can even feel the spirits trying to wrap their mind around what I meant. They understand but they do not know if it's possible or worth doing at all. This is something I too am exploring. There are way too many variables. Sometimes being comfy is better than trying too hard to be retarded. This is what mEsSiAhs don't understand. Fucking messiah complexed fucks I swear.

> because I need to intentionally open up for them, but I'm starting to be able to do it.
I have to synchronize concepts and understand their authority and modus operandi especially energetically. They inhabit different dimensional layers which means I have to look into this more thoroughly. But they give off an "eerie" but calming aura. They are not the same as the raw elemental energies I randomly infuse myself. They are more "organic" in this matter. I just have to make sure I don't hurt them nor they do that to me. Applying the wrong energies and desires can do much harm. 

The girl I got is interesting. She is like 3 different beings at once but that is just her different dimensional attunements showing. The clear night sky the sky hidden by the tree blooms and a sort of dark moon+clouds darkness. This is where she has the most power entering this world but she has a more peculiar range on the otherside.
Also just realized the books detail 3 or 5 different beings like her... It's an initiation but for the sole purpose of being able to work with entities.
> as little as possible because they hate working
So their way of "working" and "unintentionally getting into trouble and having fun" means completely different thing. I should revisit how I perceive "working" and "having fun" again. I need to increase my "effortless" and carefree stats anyways.
 How do I proofread this shit in a way it doesn't feel like working. Should I write less? But concentrating too much on writing less is more work than actually writing longposts. 90% of the time when I make mistakes is when I change the wording halfway the sentence and the grammar just jumbles up. absolutely muzukashi and mendokusei 
> yOu aRe oWaH 4096 cHaRaCtErS
orly. Monitor totally not start making funny colors while being annoyed for getting that message 5 times.

> I know you mentioned this "system" before but I will need to wrap my mind around it again because as we go on we have an evolving understanding of the overall meaning of karma and I forgot to keep my understanding synced up.
It's the number system, which corresponds with karmic levels when karma is created within humans, the planet or other larger entities. 
For example greys are at level 3, which has 3 phase electricity and 3 sine waves. Drow are at 12 which is a more karma dense level. Anything within 16 is within the current Earth and ok. 17 is alcoholism, 18 is murder. Double murder is 36 and that is a king, who can avoid direct karmic retribution by using material power to "kill the messenger of karma". Humans today have 76 levels inside of them, that's the common human. If two karmic lines are combined by humans who use karmic procreation, (the female is menstruating) then that is combining two "king" levels of karma, 36 + 36, which is 74. So have a kid using this system and your karma is now filled to 74/76 internal dimensions. If you go full you get sent to hell. That is why humans who have gotten married and live normally will be sent to hell over minor sins, they only have 2 levels to play with.

The NWO fill themselves up at once, then store it in external bodies, such as the earth itself, artificial suns, black hole, other people, astral storages and whatever. They use the methods of "dying in the faith of Christ" to clear the very surface layer of their body before dying to avoid hell. 

To add to this: common education is made to fill you up so that you are already at the end when you leave HS. Then any little mishap leads to karmic retribution, and your only way to live is to get help from the NWO system, which means they can decide who gets instant karma or not, by making mundane laws that say who can get aid or not.

Mixing more then 2 karmic lines (kids with more than one woman who menstruates) is instant damnation because it adds another 74 layers of karma to a body that already had 74 out of 76 filled.

If you are that kind of person and murder one person, that's 18 levels filled, so a regular person can kill 4 people and still be ok, if they don't have kids.

I too forgot to reply
> sorry for taking so long to reply
No worries we are not a magic literary school where you need reports and assignments every week. Only post if you have a comment or a question. I too only post only a quarter of the things i want to post.

> i wasnt expecting that to have some much weight (lmao)
You just had to awaken your fighting spirit. For you it wasn't that much of a challenge. It was like learning to walk or using a controller for you. Hard at first and necessary but easy once you get the hang of it.
> that reminds me, someone tried to burn me alive somewhere and the person literally shat themselves
Was that before the eclipse? I uh figured out a new passive cleansing energy movement and people and cats randomly started to fart around me IRL. I considered that it is about releasing a tension in the pelvic muscles that I figured out how to do by myself but I didn't expect to spread.
> because i tanked(?) it and just came to punch them while i was burning. very weird
I am not sure it was me but I burned quite amount of trash in america with the help of Amithaba so I can synchronize my elemental forces in a way it only burns things to cleanse and does no harm or cleanses things that are supposed to be cleansed by the person himself. It was like a surgical carpet bombing it seems?

> i recall being around some overweight superman/omniman/whatever with long hair
Yeah uhm... When I started the cleansing the image of Omniman was in my head and it took a while to go away and Amithaba told me to take no mind of it... You see the superman and the kind "flies" and punches is all about that kinetic force around them. In kung fu your goal is to master this formless energy and your flesh so they can work the same way and the same time in perfect sync. And as I watched the last ep of Invincible I figured out a way how to synchronize these energies better because this "spirit materia" has a tendency to go if I absentmindedly tell it to move somewhere and had to realize how to sync up with my flesh body better in a way it is contained and a sort of
> The spirit strengthens the body the body renews the spirit or vice versa
And that might have made this concept go around if it was before the eclipse or maybe it was a prophecy of this occurring or completely unrelated coincidence h-haha
> thats probably just me being autistic about my weight loss again and nothing else
I mean fat can represent several things sometimes even "Untapped potential". We had this talk about anabolism and catabolism with the fat buddha also I may be in the weightclass of the gigachud and the dadbod too because I usually wait for the flu seasons to end before I lose weight otherwise I just lie in bed for weeks. This might be not true since my energy work is kinda superb but instead I go mad from the ungrounded energies via fasting too much. Yeah it's not easy. Especially since my posture and energy flows are far more proper my body naturally shapes up. My guides told me I must not start a "heavy diet" because of "self hate" so I need to understand my energies first or I go mad again.
> don't eat food gain more energy 
> feet is getting cold take of the clothes so the energy flow can resume 
I need to understand how the mundane norms literally sabotage spirituality constantly and taking off all that restraint all at once is dangerous. Absolutely annoying. Sometimes you run before learning to walk then it's babysteps and learning "stillness" lessons for weeks. Good thing I am not detailing those. I don't have enough daily screentime for that anyways

And just to add that note:

Sex without impregnation doesn't create karma, BUT, the only safe contraception is condoms which physically prevents anything from happening. Chemical abortion via pills count as having kids (74) + murder (18) so do that once and you are already damned. Goes for the man as well. That is why abortion cannot be tolerated under any circumstance, it will send people to hell, no exceptions.

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It's time to stop... jpg
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I will comment on this later because now I have a sight where I can see these things but how "essences" corrupt and mix with each other and how they can be purified is tricky and I will need to think through it before writing about it.

A question tho. What gave you the understanding of 76 internal dimensions? 
As I see it currently these dimensions are like the "piss bladder" of the human body but for karma (yes this was oversimplification) because there are other internal dimensions that cannot be "tainted" via the gross earthly materia while some are like "magnets" for some "karmic nutrients" of sorts. 

k it's time to stop posting. I can feel my brain is merging different types of autisms and understanding and I need to take a minor break.

Just found out the earlobe has minor dharma wheels like a week ago and since that my whole understanding of meridians changed again. I am always reminded that I don't know shit. Wonder when will I even dare to say that I know anything at all.

> A question tho. What gave you the understanding of 76 internal dimensions?
An investigation into karmic systems which is too complex for me to recall the procedure. It involved channelling greys and other visitors at the temple early on in the Sunflower discord, where this conclusion was reached.

If you want to know the logic in a simplified, way, it's murder 18 + 18 = 36 fairy level of farming and kings, x2 = 72 + 4 levels of the human body. The 4 major levels are the number of "heads" in the height of a body. Tritons (appear as octopuses) have just one "head". Humans have the same functionality energetically represented once in the pelvis, once in the abdomen, once in the chest and once in the head, which is 4 levels. Original humans had 6 layers instead. Snakes have many more.

> What are materialist spirits and why would he be unable to channel them?
Materialists are spirits obsessed with being in molecular incarnation to just be degenerates and escape karmic debts while denying the existence of the spirit world. They are addicted to sensory experience. The AC are an organization of astral spirits who prefer to body jump and possess different people. A materialist king who uses material magic to block possession is their enemy.

Thank fuck. Then it was probably not me at all (I hope). When you mention these things pls write down when you had these experiences because sometimes they are a building block in an understanding. And at least I don't get confused too much. Less confusion is usually good.
> which is too complex for me to recall the procedure. It involved channelling greys
Oh. Yeah now I understand. They are "psychic materialists" after all. Yeah they would see it this way. Currently I am on the understanding of the "96 dantians" of sort and they are not always within the body but in many spirit forms and extrabodily forms that I don't even know what they do that they just appear in visions but they are alive on their own have their own perceptions and "talk" but what they are exactly I do not know yet.

> early on in the Sunflower discord
Yeah you mentioned this understanding quite the while ago. Felt quite out of nowhere when it came up because I did not partake in the cord.

Usually it means they are lower spirits that feed the ego and vice of the king and makes him blind overall. Quite the trial to overcome. The stronger you become the more chance you have to indulge in degeneracy because no one can stop you at that level and if the spirits that merge with your ego tell you to enter it and you gladly oblige you are lost forever.

> Humans have the same functionality energetically represented once in the pelvis, once in the abdomen, once in the chest and once in the head, which is 4 levels. Original humans had 6 layers instead. Snakes have many more.
Okay this was useful because I too seeing these "heads" nowadays. Guess we are on the same page again. Shame they think wildly differently and the inner mechanisms are still too weird to comprehend yet. Not to mention I can talk to