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> What Ep is up?
for now, the thread is set up because 5050 commented this idea in the post gen 4 discussion thread and thus, it was discussed for a little bit and it seemed to convince enough in order to create this. 

However, as  >>/6985/ says, he is uncertain, I am uncertain as well and I still don´t have a clue either what site is going to be used for video streaming  (besides using yayponies) or how this thread is going to pan out. In theory, the episode in question is meant to be discussed for a specific week, share the thoughts and move onto the next one. 

For now, the thread is provisional and there are suspicions that it might overlap with the other discussion thread. So far, the seed has been planted just to connect it with the NMAiE index and make clear that this option/idea/approach exists.

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Currently basic plan is some sort of limited rewatch event. Most expansive being all pre twilicorn ep. Most limited being some sort of themed rewatch (all Rarity and Sweetie Belle eps). 

Been a bit chaotic IRL and none of us were sure if I complete rewatch was doable but I fully intent to try to kick off something once I hear from 5050 again. 

> Does it exist as a flip-book with associated transcription of the dialogue?
I still need to fully check out the Manga.

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I went looking on Only Comfy for signs of meme-twiley, but the overlap of "twilight" && "earthpony" in the realm of scenery, came up almost exclusively with Appilight.

 In thinking about suggesting, since the board is so slow and there's no civil war going on that we rev this back up, that *I* always felt season one was the weakest. At least the first half or so because the voice actresses had absolutely no chemistry, and the doubled up voices weren't well delineated yet.

 Lesson Zero was amazing though. I guess I just like ponies being creepy. Cue 3rd image.

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> In thinking about suggesting, since the board is so slow
Well, yeah. I have been mostly studying for these two weeks. I was about to leave a PoLS and well,it seems Bridgefag is focusing on other projects at the moment. This lack of activity may change in a week or so though.

> and there's no civil war going on that we rev this back up, that *I* always felt season one was the weakest. At least the first half or so because the voice actresses had absolutely no chemistry, and the doubled up voices weren't well delineated yet.

Well, there might not be any civil war around but if you said this on /mlp/, they would consider your opinion as a "guaranteed replies" or "low quality bait" one. 

Nonetheless, that's quite valid. You only have to hear the voices coming from Asleigh Ball, for example. AJ sounds in the first half of the season way too close to Rainbow Dash's tone and one could mistake the orange pony with the blue one. It would require a few episodes (like a dozen) so she would warm up and find the charismatic Southern accent that would become the standard for Applejack.

I must add that while season 1 doesn't contain big stinkers, it feels truly mundane and falls into the average territory for several episodes when it comes to the plot devices (such as The Ticket Master or Swarm of The Century).Indeed, the comfy vibes of Ponyville are quite appealing and that's absolutely respectable. 

However, there isn't much material to dig for a lengthy review/episode spotlight because...well, it mostly serves to warm up with the universe and the characters, have some fun along the way and not much else. Like any introduction, really. I think that the show becomes familiar when one gets to see Apple Bloom with the other two CMC. Around Call of the Cutie or so, it feels "less alien" (I can't find the right word for describing that transition)

With that said, in contrast...

> Lesson Zero was amazing though. I guess I just like ponies being creepy. Cue 3rd image.

I agree with that.

Personally speaking,I absolutely recommend watching from Party of One (S1E25) to Sisterhooves Social (S2E5) (and if it weren't because of the Spike episode, I would include The Cutie Mark Chronicles). That run is one of the strongest bunch of consecutive episodes in the entire show that deliver a great amount of quality all the way through. IMO,they truly stand out and any newcomer should experience that lot in order to see how much this show actually shines without needing to watch much material from this gen beforehand.

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> since the board is so slow and there's no civil war going on that we rev this back up
Not a bad idea. I was waiting for 5050 to pop up but I actually am considering that or some modification that would allow him time to join while allowing us to start in some capacity.  

> However, there isn't much material to dig for a lengthy review/episode spotlight because...
I disagree...  at least in part 

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> I disagree... at least in part
well, now that you mention it, maybe I should consider an episode spotlight (I have 3-4 candidates in mind) but for the most part, it doesn´t stand as the greatest season for analyzing but more like watching it in a comfy manner.

Now, here lies the problem, try to mention anything negative about season 1 (and season 2 to a lesser extent) such as the comments on these two posts  >>/7232/ and  >>/7231/ on /mlp/ and you´ll get a mix of these two moments:



Okay, maybe not to the point of being crucified on a personal manner but you´d better be prepared for very "beautiful" replies. Besides,anyone knows season 1 so I seriously wonder what one can even offer at this point. Watching the episodes is one thing but analyzing them with so much depth... 

As I have said several times in this board, discussing about MLP is often a more hazardous sport than discussing politics.
At least, the latter follows a predictable formula of arguing (ending up in the same circles at some point) but when it comes to discussing the 4th gen, you have no idea how any random fan can enter into the discussion and check where you fail in your logic. Falling into that dynamic demands a lot of effort and pretty solid convictions about your personal thoughts. 

People know about season 1 infinitely better than me and it stands as the main season that tends to be put on a sacred pedestal within the popular fan sites.

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>  I fully intent to try to kick off something once I hear from 5050 again. 
5050, reporting in
> I was waiting for 5050 to pop up but I actually am considering that or some modification that would allow him time to join while allowing us to start in some capacity. 
(always disappointingly late, that's me)

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> (always disappointingly late, that's me)
I wish I were disappointingly late for /endpone/ only and nothing else. Imagine having to delay things and professional advancements because of diverse reasons...

Oh well, at least there are signs of life shown after this crazy period so, that's certainly a relief to be honest.

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Alright, I have been thinking about several choices that I can present over here. While I can´t tell about the synchronization (I think that pony.tube and cy.tube should be the standard sites for making this thing possible), I have asked myself which episodes/routes could be juicy to watch:

> Related to gen 5 news,as they are related to include more species, perhaps this choice is one of the preludes that opens up the path of Equestria´s enlargement: 
Griffon the Brush-Off  ----> The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone 

> The evolution of a very famous character:
Boast Busters ----> Magic Duel -----> No Second Prances

> The comparison between the actual finale and the possible one that could have occurred in 2013:
Magical Mystery Cure vs The Last Problem

> Episodes that are seen as low points:
Owl´s That Ends Well, Mysterious Mare Do Well, Rainbow Falls...

> Any controversial episode that caused mixed reactions among fans
The Cutie Remark, Daring Don´t, To Where and Back Again...

> Random episode (preferably from the first seasons)

For now, those are the options that I can come up with for now. I have in mind a certain episode spotlight for season 1 but I don´t hold any rush to go for it.

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>  >Episodes that are seen as low points:

Princess Spike. Always wanted to see that just because of the pony with the fur cap. Never saw the movie whose character she's an homage to either though, so ... 

Maybe we can have a "spike is worst pony" collection too.

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> Always wanted to see that just because of the pony with the fur cap.
well, unfortunately she only shows up in a couple of scenes, I think. The one with the whole crowd and another one in which Spike offers advice, I don´t remember if she appears in the last third of the episode. 

> Never saw the movie whose character she's an homage to either though, so ...
me neither.

> Maybe we can have a "spike is worst pony" collection too.
well, Princess Spike turned to be the last (for the most part) episode in which he was used as a punching bag for comedy according to the stuff. Except for Secret of My Excess and Inspiration Manifestation, I don´t remember that the episodes focused on him were all that great. Dragon Quest has been revisited on the other thread, by the way (although anyone could add more thoughts/comments on top of those posts:  >>/6073/, >>/6074/...  >>/6079/)

In fact, I remember when /mlp/ repeated the meme of "it´s a Spike episode" as a trademark of its quality (this looks so far away because the Chad version of him has become so popular that you wonder if /mlp/ even hated him in the first place)

> Princess Spike.
well, considering that the episode spotlights make FiM look like the greatest cartoon of the decade...there are huge blunders too. You are playing for high stakes with this one.

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I am providing the necessary tools for synchronizing this and perhaps, a sticker should be set as a starter pack for getting the complete experience (almost all the links have been taken from /mlp/´s fan site general):

> Overview: 

> Streaming site (in case that one wants to become the host for watching the episodes together)

> Video sites (for MLP episodes and more stuff)

> Downloads (episodes, comics, DVDs,books,past generations…):

> General purpose boorus (for downloading images)

> Specialized boorus:

> Greentext sites

> File sharing

For this thread, you only need two sites: pony.tube and cytu.be (or even the brony streaming sites). However, I would use aid of boorus for finding images of any particular episode much quicker (or basically anything in general)
I would add archive.is to this list considering that there isn´t any archive on Endchan but that´s not MLP related (even though for a meta perspective, it´s the essential tool for saving a copy of these threads). Maybe this list should be discussed as well and we´ll have to see how one should organize this. 

As for now, I am simply providing a provisional list for everything that might be required carrying out a more synchronized project among users.

Hold on, I am including the https for the specialized boorus´ list:

> Specialized boorus:

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There we go, it´s fixed.

well, I still don´t have a consensus what episode should be watched yet but for giving anyone an idea, the ones presented here  >>/7251/ and the one picked on  >>/7252/ seem to revolve around this material so far.

Again, I could also watch a season 1 episode that I have in mind for a future episode spotlight (in case that nothing takes off)

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It's okay, 5050, I was late to you being late! So, what is your preference? Wanna do a test run or focus more on themed rematches like 

 and do, at least stick around for a gift I was working on for you 
Of this batch, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
> The Cutie Remark, Daring Don´t, To Where and Back Again....
Would be what I leaned to at the top of my head, though...
> Maybe we can have a "spike is worst pony" collection too.

I still am quite found of the idea of trying the first 3 seasons of the show, or at least a season, though regardless if we do that or not I wouldn't hurt to do a test run, as that is a pretty big ask  I think I have a way to make it work for both... at once, but I want to test first 

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> Would be what I leaned to at the top of my head, though..
I could also add a few combinations more, like watching  episodes that are similar in terms of plot or have a related theme between each other:

To name a couple of examples: Mysterious Mare Do Well with 28 Pranks Later or Castle Sweet Castle with Uprooted. Sure, they might vary in terms of quality but they might have a link that make the experience more compelling when they are combined and there isn´t any time lapse  between each other.

> though regardless if we do that or not I wouldn't hurt to do a test run, as that is a pretty big ask I think I have a way to make it work for both... at once, but I want to test first
how are you going to test it and what do you want to do here? I certainly imagine that it might be related to the handling for the stream/synchronization. 

Posting a character that CB Anon is quite familiar with, by the way...

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By the way, if you want to combine cytu.be with the episodes uploaded on pony.tube, keep in mind that cy.tube doesn´t let the peer to peer to be streamed, the format isn´t supported on that platform. 

I must report this so other people can find an alternative or find a way to fix that issue. If someone were to stream episodes together, one would have to rely on supported formats such as Youtube or Dailymotion. 

I could bring a list of "valid" videos for the episodes (720-1080p quality) from the Dailymotion format in case that anyone wants to watch them simultaneously, even though that might take up a little bit of time for compiling them entirely.

> Posting a character that CB Anon is quite familiar with

I went looking for an animated .gif, but couldn't find it.
Of Princess Twilgleywiggley, shaking or maybe just the camera. Looking very intense as the caption explains
there was a point, beyond which we shouldn't have gone. And we have clearly passed it.'''
but lets keep going, and see what happens.==

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 >>/7268/Just so.
> Eh, (re)spoiler as needed but ...
Bridgefag should get into it eventually

Indeed, the Marenheit 451 art pack, that turned out to be an epic move. Watching the entirety of its evolution was just priceless and one of the highlights of 2020. The whole thing escalated quickly with those donations, absolutely crazy...

...just like the users around here. Coming back to a pretty inactive board over the years  yet it keeps going, leading to a place that no one knows...

What I do know is that it's been worth it and it has led me to conclude that lurkers, when given a chance to become active and take the leading role, can be as crazy as the active users of the popular boards (if not,even more insane)

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> Did I do it right?
yes, it´s already in spoilers.

> Ya know what? Let's do these two. It'll be a test for the thread.
combining two of the considered low points of the series...

Indifference might not prevail while watching these two but it should be interesting enough

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While I have left all the tools that any user might need  >>/7254/ (even though it may not fulfill every single aspect for getting the full experience, hence the list is provisional), I want to provide another layer on top of that.

It´s certainly stupid to make this effort but there is a reason why I have been focusing on what I am stating right here. It might take a little bit longer than expected but it has around the 80% of its completion.

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I like the thematic approach a lot, seems like a good way to go about it I think!
> I still am quite found of the idea of trying the first 3 seasons of the show, or at least a season, though regardless if we do that or not I wouldn't hurt to do a test run, as that is a pretty big ask
since the 3 seasons are the best - what if we left them till last? or at least those ones we don't watch through? I think doing it in reverse would produce a little too much cognitive dissonance, but it might work well. then again, season 2 might work better as an overall conclusion, so perhaps we should finish off the sync, assuming it's gotten off the ground and gone well over time, with the last 2 seasons.
> Ya know what? Let's do these two. It'll be a test for the thread. 
oki doki!

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By the way Bridgefag, if you take a look at the top of the page, there is a link for a Cytube channel. 
That channel however is the one for the MLP anniversary (set up by either /mlp/ or /8pone/). Perhaps one could set up a channel dedicated for /endpone/ and adjust the link of that channel instead.

However, there are several drawbacks by doing so because anonymity would be absolutely gone by doing that move yet it would  accomplish the peak of watching episodes simultaneously. The thread would live up to its title but there are some questions and implications that would be worth debating here.

Still, I just simply wanted to point out that the Cytube channel could be perfectly modified for the purpose of this thread.

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We could try to arrange with a certain drinking channel/site, but there are always (still) quite a bit more than three there. And there would be drinking.

Magic duel is upward of forty calls to drink, IIRC. As an example.

But with a few days planning they could be talked into an agreed-upon ep. Especially if it was mid-week at four-PM EST or something awkward like that.

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> Especially if it was mid-week at four-PM EST or something awkward like that.
guess what? That´s perfectly suitable for me because in Spain, that hour is exactly at 10 PM and more or less when I can afford to be completely active on PC.  So in terms of scheduling the synchronization, you have nailed it, I must admit.

 Nonetheless, I am a pretty boring person for spicing up the experience so I seriously wonder how the attempt could even work for the intended tastes among the users

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Two points on live streaming:

*1* It's not a requirement for us to all watch together at the same time, just something being offered if one wants, so don't worry there if times that are off or it being a obligation.

*2* I am willing to stay up at a wonky time if you need me too, considering time zone. 4 PM EST or around would be fine as well. Just as long we set the date beforehoof.  and no surprise snow storms knock out my power  

> Nonetheless, I am a pretty boring person for spicing up the experience 
 I don't even drink, LOL 

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This thread is now starting for real. Somewhat closer to 5050‘s initial (anons watching along separately together and discussion afterward) proposal, albeit, slower and I am only going to start and try to get through Season 1 and see how it goes from there. Progress will be slow, like, maybe one episode review two weeks, every month.  Considering how anemic the board is at times, this might be a comfortable pace for anyone interested, at least when starting out and testing the waters. Maybe every week if things are really going good. I have toyed with this for awhile, but life has always gotten in the way.

Hence why I am being very conservative with it and setting a realistic goal of Season 1 because if life does get in the way, I think I can still trudge through and finish that. I do hope to go on longer (Season 3) and if things go well and I end up being able to maintain it (or this thread suddenly for some reason exploded and had some other anons take the lead) it. Otherwise I assume that it’ll be my responsibility to set the tempo for this. 

Any anon is welcome to join in and review or talk about it in whatever style they please. You don’t have to follow my lead on that and the quality and experimentation will probably be in flux on my end as well. If nopony does, that is alright too. Or if we get a poster or two sometimes. I think overall I will enjoy it as a exercise and a trip down memory lane.

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Well, here we are, where it all started. I went into this far from blind but having not watched it through in at least... what four years? Maybe longer depending on if all I did was just look up certain memorable scenes or skip through it for research and comparisons with fanfics. (Something I used to do often and still can do from time to time). 

As it is, I found Friendship is Magic Part 1 enjoyable enough. Not the kind of episode that holds too strongly on its own though. As typical with a lot of things that need to set up and introduce.  One thing I will note is that we get to see all the Mane Six and a basic idea of their ‘’archetypes'’ but not there ‘’personalities'’ and uniqueness themselves. Rainbow Dash is the brash tomgirl. Pinkie Pie is the silly character. Rarity is the “fancy” character or whatever one calls a rich girl stereotype and lastly, Applejack is that generic country/southern  amalgamation that occurs so often in modern media. Nothing really makes them standout, but nothing that makes them bad either. I think if one went in with the low to zero expectations many first checked this out with, they would be pleasantly surprised (and obliviously a lot were) that it wasn't trash tier or no effort put into it. 

Speaking of that, that cliff hanger! Nightmare Moon’s introduction was pretty dramatic and had a air of her threatening and villainous nature even if it wasn’t a standout for the show’s later standards or the standards of younger kids TV before things got really dumbed down. 

I don’t have any strong negatives to say on this. Some moderate roughness in animation and perhaps it still carries a feeling of a “dumb young kids show” at moments (now, these moments can be charming unto themselves, I will note). It wouldn’t be something that would carry on interest with extreme hype but it did it’s job. 

‘’‘7/10‘’‘ Is my rating for this episode. Is it the best thing in the universe? No. I could understand even finding it a bit boring but it does its job well enough at introducing the characters (or should I say archetypes?) and basic set up for the adventure in part 2.  I would say it is a range of above average, average to serviceable, with only some hints of roughness on the edges.

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My favorite scene was always in this episode is Pinkie Pie’s party for Twilight at the Golden Oaks Library. The place is just so comfy and I find Twilight alone in the bed looking up at the looming threat haunting. 

But upon watching this again for my review here: my new favorite scene is the one back in Twilight Sparkle’s tower at Canterlot Castle. I still love Golden Oaks as a whole, but this place also feels comfy yet spacious and I really found myself lost in the background more than I expected. I liked little details like the hour glass being animated and Twilight’s and Spike’s antics as she dictated the letter. 

Speaking of the hour glass, Duh duh duh, Nightmare Moon! That is another thing that elevates this scene. A nice ominous little Easter Egg.  I imagine most here would know of it by now but I didn’t know about this for years and I still have seen people who have been newly introduced to this recently. Feels like it should be included in a fic somehow (and probably has). 
Note: the gif is of relatively low quality.  For some reason ffmpeg wouldn’t let me generate a custom color palette. I could’ve sliced off a video but I felt a gif was better here. Alas, short on time, so this big gif is what everyone gets.

Another bit of interesting trivia: they had originally decided for the CMC not to be in this shot here and would’ve put a couple of placeholder fillies. Now, I had always heard this was Sun Umbridge (a Sweetie Bell lookalike from Season 1) and Archer (A Scootaloo lookalike but a earth pony, also Season 1) but when I revisited the topic I did not find full confirmation of this...

Rainbow Dash’s introduction in this episode. Her initial interaction with Twilight feels... I don’t know. Very organic as a person bumping into another person with slight awkwardness. Almost feels uncharacteristically reversed and normal despite her brashness still shining through here. I say this in praise as I think this vocal delivery feels very believable in IRL person sense. Maybe I am overthinking it. 

‘’‘The stars will aid in her escape.''’ I still wonder about this. Most discussion focuses on the idea of Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark or the Mane 6 being the stars but on screen the stars themselves move to free her (or so it appears) and I wonder how you could fit the stars as some sort of entity or power unto themselves. Even in a very conservative view of canon I do feel it is a question worth asking of what that was. Link to a fic that tried play with the concept of stars that I wrote once (and with somewhat poor formatting at points I admit):  >>/5108/

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This episode I think is where the series starts to show some of the ways it stands out. 

I'm going to do something a bit different here. I want to go through each of the Mane 6‘s manifestations of their elements:

Applejack, arguably the weakest and weirdest. Her line, ‘’Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe.'’ feels... odd. Why couldn’t she just say that Twilight Sparkle would be caught by Fluttershy? Feels more fitting for her to have been the Element of trust, faith, or as I have heard Faust wanted, integrity. Even then, this test felt like they could’ve built something a little better here. She would’ve had no reason to lie here. It doesn’t really show her character other than prove her general competency and being a dependable friend and ally. 

Fluttershy’s moment was much stronger. The ponies were all ready to fight. Though she was shy and timid to a fault Fluttershy asserted herself to stop the fighting and help the Manticore with a nightmare thorn in his paw. Overcame her stereotype some.

Pinkie Pie’s too was a strong character moment. I always liked her song here but her actively helping organically and defeating the “nightmarified” trees with laughter I feel is underappreciated. Why I mean by that is...

Rarity, as vain and looks obsessed and she could be (and certainly played up later in the show) was willing to cut off her tail to restore the sea monster (whom we’d later know as Steven Magnet). This moment might be a bit weird and oddly specific in a similar way to Applejack’s but I think it works better because Rarity defied her archetype and did so selflessly. 

Rainbow Dash’s I can see being laughed at a bit too. You’re in a emergency and you don’t find these strange shadowy ponies in the Everfree Forest, the spooky place supposedly nopony goes into, and you don’t imminently see this as a red flag!? Though I still think it holds for the stories purposes. Rainbow Dash’s archetype would call for her to have a easily flattered ego (which she does) and the temptation is there, but she still easily resists and sticks to helping her friends. I do admit that it would be insane otherwise but still I think this fits for the theme they were trying to go for.

With the exception of Applejack, what do these moments have in common? That each of the mane 5 defied, to varying degrees, their archetypes and in so doing, ‘’became characters.'’ (Applejack still proved herself in action of course, not to be  too hard on her, but the writing here was weaker).

And Twilight Sparkle realizes that in a sense. Each of these ponies  proves themselves and showed her the magic of friendship. In this she casts aside her eschewing of friendship and chooses to embrace it. Therefore growing herself.

This is where the archetypes became characters. Friendship is Magic, Part 1 gave us archetypes , but Friendship is Magic Part 2 is what gave us characters and the first sense of something deserving of more respect than anyone would’ve expected going on. This introduction was a worthy start to the show, even if it still shows some weakness here or there. My thoughts on rewatching is for this review that the level of writing on display here is relatively complex and did a lot, mostly correct, with very little time. 

7.5/10 is my rating. Not the greatest but underappreciated at what it did do. The range is more above average to outright good tier this time. 

[This is the 4th time I've posted this post due to errors in bold formatting, if this fails I just give up and continue forward.]

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Rarity’s scene I think might be the strongest when it comes to defying her archetype as I think she had the most “negative” stereotype with baggage to overcome. Heck, I remember her being still pretty disliked by a lot back in the earlier days even though she had her defenders because of being perceived as a selfish,  [aspiring] spoiled rich girl and what have you. It is not that her or the other mane 6 don’t have charismatics and negative traits of there archetypes, but they (to varying degrees) can move  past and aren’t totally defined by them is the point. 

I want to highlight some of the animation ad effects here. I think even in Season 1 there is still some things of interest. Like the camera lens focus affect with Rainbow Dash looking at Twilight Sparkle . Twilight Sparkle’s small moment coming out of a teleport in her fight with Nightmare Moon really impressed me and I made a crappy video highlighting it. Excuse the black bar in some of this. I was using a very old copy of Friendship is Magic Part 1 and 2 that I found in a USB I had. It had some weird issues with a black bar ‘’sometimes'' appearing, along with other stuff. (It is also not HD). Still, point is, I think even in this very early part of the show the animation was still showing that extra effort. From little moments like that to just how more alive the backgrounds felt (which of course helped spawn our background ponies!). It still was more rougher and some different things were being tried at times (like the mostly coffined to Season 1 sidemouth expression).

One thing that I do find honestly haunting about this episode is how many stories were and are being told using it or playing around with its concepts.  Especially around the scene with Nightmare Moon’s fight with Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Mane 6. Think about it, how many times we have seen this be broken down and sometimes picked apart in fics and artwork. Over analyzed to death from poorly made Youtube theories to various arguments on forums and imageboards over the years.  Or even just messing with and splicing that fight itself with a PMV set to a different song  a choice of either Twilight’s destroying Nightmare Moon or  sacrificing herself to save Luna.    The people who made this did not know how important this would be and it is weird to think about how many other stories and such spring from this one episode and especially that fight. It ‘’might'’ be the most  retold and analyzed part of Friendship is Magic though I might be getting ahead of myself there as I can think of other episodes that still might eclipse it; Season 2‘s intro and outro two parters for sure might. 

I tried isolating the music from the to be continued recap at the bargaining. Me having no idea what I am doing and a couple audacity plugins probably don’t produce the best results.  I haven't paid attention to the background music much but for some reason it has stuck out to me more on this rewatch.

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> but when I revisited the topic I did not find full confirmation of this... 

...and I spent waaaaaaay too long looking for some of this information manually when I could’ve gone to the FiM wikia and just found this.

The Friendship is Magic Wikia actually had a pdf backup of the form post where one of the layout artist does talk about that error. (the form does appear to be online but good on them for having backups). I don't always like the wikia much but will go ahead and link and highlight this PDF. Fully quoting here:
>  actually posed out that scene... so I guess it's my fault. I didn't know they hadn't met yet when I worked on it.

> Story time. When I get a scene, it comes with the storyboard, audio and the character/bg files needed. On this particular scene, the storyboard clearly had the CMC drawn there, but the characters sent to me weren't them. I assumed I was just sent the wrong characters and matched the storyboard. I didn't realize until later that I was sent different characters because of the events of the 'Call of the Cutie' episode later in the season. Either way, the scene was approved and ended up playing out as fun foreshadowing for our adventurous trio.

> To sum up, at first it was the CMC, then it was changed to not being them, then I changed it back.... /derp

Considering the presence of Sweetie Belle briefly in Call of the Cutie in Sun Umbridge place, while not (that I've seen) directly confirmed, I'd say it is almost certainly these two fillies here.

Link to PDF:
(also posted)
Note: haven’t checked if this form thread is intact but I assume so.

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Yes, your eyes don't deceive you, the gaps in numbering are from posting attempts and different errors. From what I can tell, Abiword somehow broke the triple single quote markdown. Now, I would delete and start this all over again but my time with a very good broadband connection that I trusted to upload those larger files wasn't long. So, this review stays with its odd quoting for now (maybe I'll use my BO powers to edit it later, but, eh, the edit notice below posts has usually annoyed me).  

Anyway, here ya;go, start of the sync rewatch that was suggested, what, 3 years ago by 5050 (need to find post). The proposal and discussion went off track from it but the old idea stuck with me (as I already said). Even if I only get through Season 1 and have more "bumpy" landings like this I am happy with even starting it.  

LOL, I just realized I can't say Sun Umbridger, due to our long in place world filter, no matter, she is now Sun  Umbridge too as Dolorest Umbridger is Dolores Umbridge.

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>  Considering how anemic the board is at times, this might be a comfortable pace for anyone interested
I've always been a slower kinda guy, used to be I'd check 8chan once a week and that was my dash basically. Dropped off even further since then, but the more relaxed approach always felt oddly comfy in some ways. Somewhere inbetween a BBS and a physical-letter mail group.
I'm a bit behind since I'll be starting out with episode one, but I might just watch some episodes without reviewing them to catch up, I'll see how I feel about it. I started rewatching some of the old pony fan content that I used to like and that got me to at long last try Equestria Girls, and that little taste of pony finally reawakened some of the old feelings in me. When did it end again...? 2019 a search says, I can scarcely believe it. Does that mean it's been half a decade since I've watched MLP? 
I'd need to really double-check that, but I'll go with it for now. I haven't touched the show at all since that tearful goodbye I gave to it that I shared here with you guys. I'm going to go a little all-out and personal with these reviews, which I hope people don't mind (just tell me if you do, I'll alter my style) - partly because often when I have revisited this board, it's initially to reread my old posts, since that's how I put my thoughts about this big part of my life together and in order. 
Back when I was a snotty little teen I watched some of those pony thread simulators, and it piqued my curiousity but I didn't want to watch the show directly since that'd make me 'like those weirdoes', so I started with Friendship is Witchcraft. Then I got to the end... And wanted more. So I rewatched it. Felt empty at the end again. Rewatched it again. With a sinking feeling (and a budding sense of attraction towards Twilight that I was desperately trying to deny and suppress, a portent of things to come) that I HAD to watch the show properly now, otherwise I'd never feel satisfied. So I jumped on in...
And it was this first episode that hooked me straightaway, I knew I was on the ride fully after watching it. 
I remember I said that I wished The Last Problem had been just one last classic episode, with the journal and everything, with some relevance to the end of the show but basically a flashback episode. Well, this isn't quite that but it does seem fitting that I both started and ended the show with a lingering desire for more of that classic season 1 MLP. 
With that said, I'll jump right in and give my thoughts afterward. First time seeing it in probably more than 5 years, I hadn't rewatched it recently when I saw the finale, and the first episode of the show I'll have seen since the finale. 
(The folder you guys generously gave me was on the other laptop, so I'll just post screenshots throughout.)
Alright, well... Time to jump back in.

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> I went into this far from blind but having not watched it through in at least... what four years?
Ah, covering similar ground! I deliberately didn't read these posts until after watching just so my rewatch was completely fresh. 
> One thing I will note is that we get to see all the Mane Six and a basic idea of their ‘’archetypes'’ but not there ‘’personalities'’
Something I noticed was that the opening here serves more of a purpose than it does for future episodes - by seeing that Twilight eventually befriends these six and sends letters to Celestia from Ponyville, the audience naturally infers that the foreshadowed threat of Nightmare Moon will be overcome with the help of these new friends, which I think helps to get people rooting for them to get along. It's a bit of a 'wink-wink' that somewhat gives a clue to Twilight's later revelation in part 2 about the element of magic/friendship, which I think is more satisfying if one's anticipating it. 
> Speaking of that, that cliff hanger! Nightmare Moon’s introduction was pretty dramatic and had a air of her threatening and villainous nature even if it wasn’t a standout for the show’s later standards or the standards of younger kids TV before things got really dumbed down. 
My memory is that Faust grew up with gen 1, right? I saw some of that when I was a very young kid with some female cousins, and I do remember the monsters being both pretty scary and captivating. I feel like that may have been a big inspiration for Faust's approach, since my recollection is that gen 2 and 3 had very little in the way of big threats or fantasy worldbuilding. The approach syncretises the goals in my view - gen 1 presents a dangerous threat so you root for the ponies, gen 2 and 3 focus on lessons, so gen 4's innovation is to make the solution to the dangerous threat into the lesson. And thus you get the core thesis statement of the show: much as Middle Earth is a world where morality has a real, tangible existence, in Equestria the values of friendship translate both literally and figuratively into magic. We also have here the beginning of redeeming the villains, which didn't always work fantastically as the show would go on but for the introduction to the show is another fantastic innovation. From what I recall of gen 1, minor villainous henchmen would sometimes be redeemed but never the main bad(s), so again this is an innovation for the franchise which drives the message home even further. As an episode I agree it's not the greatest, but in terms of being an introduction and a thesis statement for the message and values of the show, it's tremendously well put together and cleverly thought out.
I'm sure people have said all of that before, but it's what came to mind while watching it.

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That's my more review-y perspective, I'll get more wishy-washy from here on. So something I find quite compelling is the comparison of Twilight and Nightmare Moon - I don't think it's deliberately present in the episode (if it is I'm impressed), but I was thinking about how loneliness essentially drove Luna to become Nightmare Moon. The ancient castle of the sisters is in the Everfree forest, which makes me think that a thousand years ago, Ponyville was the  site of the original capital of Equestria - which implies to me that the Everfree is essentially the remnant of how Nightmare Moon destroyed the old capital. She uses elements of the Everfree to hinder the mane six, so that makes sense to me, and so the night and the Everfree go hand in hand for me as her vision of the world under her rule. Since Nightmare tries to use the Everfree to drive the friends apart, I think of both it and the night as extensions or manifestations of her loneliness. The fact that ponies mostly slept at night made Luna lonely to begin with kind of establishes that already. So Twilight's lack of friends in some ways parallels the environment that created Nightmare Moon I think, except Twilight hasn't realised it yet, given she's merely disinterested in friendship and not beyond the point of being able to make friends yet. Since she's in the middle between accepting or denying friendship, I was kind of thinking that it's not only that if Twilight fails the world will fall into darkness, but also that there will be individual consequences for her, that if she doesn't learn the lesson then she might end up like Nightmare Moon eventually as well. Again I'm near certain this was not an intended idea, but I like thinking that the stakes are personal as well as world-affecting. Plus it makes for a perfect thematic jumping-off point, where Twilight was at this crossroads in her life at the beginning of the show, and in this first two-parter chooses her path, and then the rest of the show follows that to the end. We already know what the other path would look like because we're shown via Nightmare Moon. 
Other paths were something I was thinking about a lot watching this. What if the prophecy really hadn't come true, for instance? What if the Sun Celebration simply went ahead as planned? What would happen to Twilight? It also made me think: there's been 1000 years since Nightmare Moon last kicked about, and then in the relatively short number of years that the rest of the show takes place in, quite a few ancient threats resurface. I wonder if Nightmare Moon's return influenced that? Anyway, it makes me think that somehow, if the celebration had gone ahead as planned, if Nightmare didn't show up, then it would lead into this weird alternate timeline where we didn't get Discord, or Tirek, or any of those major threats resurfacing.

> The place is just so comfy and I find Twilight alone in the bed looking up at the looming threat haunting.
> But upon watching this again for my review here: my new favorite scene is the one back in Twilight Sparkle’s tower at Canterlot Castle.
Excellent taste - but I am biased, as these are my two favourite too. I always found her tower extremely comfy - I love skylights and big open-view windows, they feel immensely contemplative. When I'm near one on a sunny day with a vibrant blue sky and clouds floating majestically by, I find I want to be quiet, in a sort of reverent manner. If I had the words I'd encapsulate the feeling it gives me, but whatever it is, it's perfectly placed here. The forboding nature of Nightmare's return seems perfectly paired with this sensation, somehow. As for looking out at the moon from Golden Oaks, I was thinking while watching that about how it's so late in the night that it's nearly time for the sun to rise. Made me think of back when I was a kid and we'd have to travel so early in the morning to catch ferries or flights to go on holiday that it would still be dark when we left home. The cold of the night combined with the feeling of setting out on a journey often beat out the holiday in terms of enjoyment for me - it was an utterly electrifying but also very comfy feeling that I love to taste again whenever I can. I hadn't gotten that impression from the scene any previous times I watched it, but that realisation that it was in fact early morning in the show in that scene made me connect those two, which even moreso put me into Twilight's... Hooves. I almost feel like I can exactly pinpoint the emotions she'd be feeling, heading out into the chill night air to go to the center of town.

I should have put those first two images with this post... but ah well, it's all kind of a run-on thing anyways. And I haven't even gotten into the second part yet - I watched it all in one go but didn't take any screenshots for part 2.

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> ‘’‘7/10‘’‘ Is my rating for this episode. Is it the best thing in the universe? No. I could understand even finding it a bit boring but it does its job well enough at introducing the characters (or should I say archetypes?) and basic set up for the adventure in part 2.
I think personally I find my opinion of these episodes to be the reverse of this – I prefer the first to the second. However, I think that’s not based on evaluation, but rather the emotional weight the buildup has to me on rewatch. The fact that these events are a catalyst for everything that comes afterward makes the first episode feel more like a glimpse into a before-time, a different era before eventually the world got so shaken up by everything that came after it, and that in itself is enticing. I think when I originally watched the two I was more invested in part 2, but since I already know it better from the stronger impression it made, it’s all the stuff I missed or didn’t remember as clearly that becomes much more interesting. For a first time viewer I think part 2 is what really sells the show though, and it’s still enjoyable in that regard even if it feels less apprehensive and reflective than part 1 for current me. The introductions to each of the pony’s manifestation of their element is I think fantastically done overall even if some of the individual cases are flawed (AJ’s made little sense to me even as a first time viewer, as previously noted in this thread). Once again like with part 1 setting up via the intro that Twilight will eventually befriend these ponies, I think the hidden strength of this episode is that it sets up which of the Mane 6 represents which element when Twilight lists them aloud from the book, showing each pony in the same order as the elements and with musical cues to drive the point home. So as a result, as the Mane 6 venture into the Everfree, the audience is anticipating for them to demonstrate their elements, rooting for Twilight to figure out that these girls are the elements, and to befriend them. These goals are not only achieved in just the runtime of this episode, but are also tied into an adventure through a mysterious environment to defeat a threat. In terms of tying all the themes together it’s very well executed, and the adventurous framing suggests that this sort of thing will be present in the show going forward, so it also all works very well as a hook. The ruined castle is very interesting – the rope bridge I can only assume was built much later, I can’t see wood lasting for 1000 years in even as good a condition as it appears in the episode and besides, I don’t see how a singular rope bridge could service a major castle housing both rulers of Equestria. In addition there’s not much in the way of ruins around it, which again makes me think about just how devastatingly destructive Luna’s initial rebellion might have been. I think it’s also quite fitting that the show starts with this adventure into a place so strongly associated with Equestria’s ancient past given that the show later goes into a great deal of both metaphorically and literally resurrecting aspects of Equestria’s past. The fact that the Elements of Harmony are here in the way that they are presented interests me too – it could be that they were put here after Nightmare Moon was banished, but it would be a weird place to keep them. Why not in Canterlot? And if Nightmare Moon was not actually involved in the destruction of the castle and it’s surroundings then why neglect a place that you’re using to hold the Elements in? So my interpretation is that Celestia had kept the Elements in the castle prior to Luna’s rebellion and her battle with Nightmare Moon finished right where the Mane 6 stand as they become probably the first ponies in centuries to lay eyes on the Elements, and Celestia simply left them there as they were after the battle, probably due to grief over the loss of her sister.

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> I've always been a slower kinda guy, used to be I'd check 8chan once a week and that was my dash basically. Dropped off even further since then, but the more relaxed approach always felt oddly comfy in some ways. Somewhere inbetween a BBS and a 

physical-letter mail group.
This is me, all the way. The way life has been sometimes prevents me from checking often and I just feel better "wired" for it for lack of a better word. 

> with these reviews, which I hope people don't mind (just tell me if you do, I'll alter my style) - partly because often when I have revisited this board, it's initially to reread my old posts, since that's how I put my thoughts about this big part of my life together and in order. 

I don't mind and I don't think anyone else does. I mean, to be frank, me and L23 could say a lot of the same  and a couple of the new comers, while not to that extent, have also had moments like this.

> Back when I was a snotty little teen I watched some of those pony thread simulators, and it piqued my curiousity but I didn't want to watch the show directly since that'd make me 'like those weirdoes', so I started with Friendship is Witchcr

Fanfiction out of morbid curosity, to fanfiction out of actual liking of the world, then show was my pathway to this mess. 

>  I hadn't rewatched it recently when I saw the finale, and the first episode of the show I'll have seen since the finale. 


> (The folder you guys generously gave me was on the other laptop, so I'll just post screenshots throughout.) 

I do not mind screenshots, but, the folders are still online btw!


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> 9763

>  the audience naturally infers that the foreshadowed threat of Nightmare Moon will be overcome with the help of these new friends, which I think helps to get people rooting for them to get along. It's a bit of a 'wink-wink' that somewhat gives a clue to Twilight's later revelation in part 2 about the element of magic/friendship, which I think is more satisfying if one's anticipating it. 


> The approach syncretises the goals in my view - gen 1 presents a dangerous threat so you root for the ponies, gen 2 and 3 focus on lessons, so gen 4's innovation is to make the solution to the dangerous threat into the lesson. And thus you get the core thesis statement of the show: much as Middle Earth is a world where morality has a real, tangible existence, in Equestria the values of friendship translate both literally and figuratively into magic. We also have here the beginning of redeeming the villains, which didn't always work fantastically as the show would go on but for the introduction to the show is another fantastic innovation.

> syncretises

< I'm sure people have said all of that before, but it's what came to mind while watching it.

Though it wouldn't surprise me if someone has made this observation before, I actually haven't seen this before. At least articulated quite like this. I imagine this is probably from the attitude the modern G4 fandom had to the previous generations; very dismissive and arrogant. From the cultural clash (the old adult fandom of collectors with nostalgia for the cartoons sometimes fought us, but I don't know many details) some attempts I do recall of merging and mixing elements but it was infrequent from my recollections. I think this is a interesting and potentially true. It certainly feels like it fits. 

> So something I find quite compelling is the comparison of Twilight and Nightmare Moon - I don't think it's deliberately present in the episode (if it is I'm impressed), but I was thinking about how loneliness essentially drove Luna to become Nightmare Moon.

> So Twilight's lack of friends in some ways parallels the environment that created Nightmare Moon I think, except Twilight hasn't realised it yet, given she's merely disinterested in friendship and not beyond the point of being able to make friends yet.

It is probably not intended but certainly works well it almost feels intentional. Heck, I think mmmmmrandering oranges PMV that so haunted me was working from a similar belief. 

I Took the stars in my eyes and then a made a map.
I knew that somehow I could find my way back.
Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too.
So I stayed in the darkness with you.
> PMV - The Stars Will Aid In Her Escape (Cosmic Love).mp4) 

(This here is also a choice, albeit, between a world with where Twilight destoryed Nightmare Moon or one where she gave her life to save Nightmare Moon.)

I think that Twilight Sparkle being somewhere on that path fits very well. Like, her name, Twilight she is touched by the darkness of night somewhere in there. Feels like you could connect something with the popular theory on Twilight's friends (as symbolized on her cutie mark) being the stars that aided in her escape. Maybe it wasn't just Nightmare Moon. 

Hehehe, now I am bordering on good headcanon to fandic territory but I do like thinking out these things.   

Oh, BTW, the reason why that YT video is so small in resolution was because of it being one I downloaded over 10 years ago.  Now deleted. It has a certain special haunting connection that makes me feel peek Season 1 in a... how do I say it, mystical and magical way? Anyway, I think I could best summarize this ramble of mine as: I agree it does fit and that the notions and concepts around Twilight Sparkle and Nightmare Noon's confrontation always haunted me.

>  I'll get more wishy-washy from here on

In other words, I welcome wishy-washy!

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> Excellent taste - but I am biased, as these are my two favourite too. 

Wow, neat, I find some admirers of it but seems more of a secondary interest to most.

> I love skylights and big open-view windows, they feel immensely contemplative. When I'm near one on a sunny day with a vibrant blue sky and clouds floating majestically by, I find I want to be quiet, in a sort of reverent manner. If I had the words I'd encapsulate the feeling it gives me, but whatever it is, it's perfectly placed here.

Are you me!? Gosh, I am not sure what to say other than I get that very well. Some of my most haunting memories with early fandom G4 was in my mother's old secondary room where I would just stand at the window and stair out while passively thinking on pony stuff (not the only thing subject and my mind would often drift).

> I should have put those first two images with this post... but ah well, it's all kind of a run-on thing anyways. And I haven't even gotten into the second part yet - I watched it all in one go but didn't take any screenshots for part 2.

For me, my posts are often bookends snuck inbetween busy times and can come out a little rough (see above) so it isn't a big deal. If you didn't post any pictures ever it wouldn't matter.

>  The fact that these events are a catalyst for everything that comes afterward makes the first episode feel more like a glimpse into a before-time, a different era before eventually the world got so shaken up by everything that came after it, and that in itself is enticing.

I can get that appeal. It is a glimpse to a world that is simpler and comfier than even Season 1 (or at least, could be argued). One with simple and mundane adventures and a lot of slice of life. 

> it’s all the stuff I missed or didn’t remember as clearly that becomes much more interesting.

Know this feeling, with FiM and otherwise. 

> the rope bridge I can only assume was built much later, I can’t see wood lasting for 1000 years in even as good a condition as it appears in the episode and besides

I've wondered, with how much fear the ponies showed of the Everfree who put it there and why. It seems somepony  somebody would have to be doing more than adventuring and scouting around and had to have some business that was recurrent. 

> and Celestia simply left them there as they were after the battle, probably due to grief over the loss of her sister.

My thoughts as well, minus the possibility of Celestia having her connection severed or them becoming unmoveable from the fight. A subtext that I don't think is there but fits with them being giant stones and possibly fits with lore later.

Alright, sorry for the somewhat long and rambling reply. I ought to post the Ticket Master review soon. Again, this kind of thing is no rush but I will try to keep a tempo to it.

> me and L23
I'm really sorry for forgetting this, but what do you go by again? I remember L23's name but whenever I think "I should check back on end/pone/ again" I can't remember yours.
> I do not mind screenshots, but, the folders are still online btw!
Aha! Thank you! I do have a big folder of pony-related pics on this computer actually, buuuut it's all related to a wordfiltered pony so I didn't want to risk breaking rules or alienating others by using those images.
> (the old adult fandom of collectors with nostalgia for the cartoons sometimes fought us, but I don't know many details)
I happened to know one, a friend of my father. He just wholeheartedly converted to the new Brony culture essentially, but it gave my father the confusion that the term Brony predated G4, since he'd known that his friend was into ponies wayyy before G4. 
> Like, her name, Twilight she is touched by the darkness of night somewhere in there.
That would be incredibly clever, but I recently read somewhere that the reason so many old generation names (e.g Applejack) were used is because Hasbro gave the creative team a pre-approved megalist of names to use. Twilight Sparkle was also a fairly prominent G1 pony iirc, she plays a big part in the pilot at least. I rewatched a bunch of G1 recently, it's weird that Twilight and Spike actually debuted together right at the very beginning of MLP in general, not just G4. 
> Are you me!? Gosh, I am not sure what to say other than I get that very well. Some of my most haunting memories with early fandom G4 was in my mother's old secondary room where I would just stand at the window and stair out while passively thinking on pony stuff
I'm afraid I may have to make you jealous here: I live in a top floor apartment where EVERY ONE of my windows is a skylight through the roof. I'm living the dream, some days I just cloudwatch. 
> I've wondered, with how much fear the ponies showed of the Everfree who put it there and why.
It's developed more later but I don't want to skip ahead in the series just to check: so at this stage I've got three possibilities. 
1. Nightmare Moon
This one seems most obvious to me since she manipulates the Everfree to try and stop the ponies
2. Discord
It's chaotic, sort of self-explanatory.
3. Celestia
It's possible she herself created not only the daunting forest but the strong fear surrounding it, so as to protect the Elements. 
> I ought to post the Ticket Master review soon.
I'll get started on my rewatch and noting down my thoughts, too.

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> I'm really sorry for forgetting this, but what do you go by again? I remember L23's name but whenever I think "I should check back on end/pone/ again" I can't remember yours.

> buuuut it's all related to a wordfiltered pony so I didn't want to risk breaking rules or alienating others by using those images

Is it with pick related? Nah, she is not contraband in the slightest In fact, Dolores Umbridge is actually the traditional board mascot (alongside Princess Candace) and the source of what I am most often called around here, bridge/bridgefag. A previous board owner had made that world filter in a negative sense but we ended up having a lot of fun with it and kept it. I took the bridge in Umbridge literately and memed the heck out of that, hence my name and the weird bridge motif that sometimes pops up around here.    

Also, no sorry needed, names can be confusing already enough IRL and in place like this without visiting very regularly I can see anyone forgetting. 

> I happened to know one, a friend of my father. He just wholeheartedly converted to the new Brony culture essentially, but it gave my father the confusion that the term Brony predated G4, since he'd known that his friend was into ponies wayyy before G4. 

Interesting.I mean, statically there would be some fans who were male of those older generations but I don't here about it too often. Also brings to mind this one comment I saw on some website 10(?) years ago that claimed that bronies predated G4 and that the current gen fans hijacked the term. 

>  I rewatched a bunch of G1 recently, it's weird that Twilight and Spike actually debuted together right at the very beginning of MLP in general, not just G4. 

Though I have seem some argue that Twilight shouldn't be counted as the same as Twilight Sparkle, their is a shared enough basis there that... yeah, it is weird to think about. And not in a hilarious Rainbow Dash being the Rarity of G3 kind of way. 

> so at this stage I've got three possibilities.

I actually think I disagree with all of them, but, that is also from future context. More on this later...

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> pick related

> pick

I am sorry, I make errors like this all the time but this is one I have to point out for pure pun reasons. pickaxe


> I'm afraid I may have to make you jealous here: I live in a top floor apartment where EVERY ONE of my windows is a skylight through the roof. I'm living the dream, some days I just cloudwatch. 

Goodness, that sounds heavenly!

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I always found it a little odd that Ticket Master was the second episode of the series – the first if you exclude the pilot. The conflict relies on the friendship between the characters being established, and it seems to me that it would be a little more concretely established if a different episode was between the pilot and this episode. It also provides foreshadowing to a future event, which also feels odd to set up immediately at the start of the show – though perhaps at this stage in the show, they weren’t actually intending to show the Gala and it was meant to be implied that it happened offscreen? Unsure. Perhaps though, they did want to test the Mane 6’s friendship early on so it could get stronger. Interpersonal conflicts are the heart of the early series, as is appropriate for a show about teaching friendship, so I guess a ‘make it or break it’ moment early on makes sense. It also occurs to me that the catalyst for the whole conflict is technically Spike saying he doesn’t want to go, since clearly the second ticket was intended for him, and had he hung onto it then Twilight’s friends would just have been mentioning that they would ideally want to go too and so Twilight would probably just write to the Princess about it to begin with and avoid the whole mess. In effect it’s really a big misunderstanding, although it is one which serves to illustrate the exclusivity of the Gala, and how generous Celestia is (I’m not sure where she got those other tickets. Did she take them from the invitations of others she was going to write? Was she planning for Twilight to go through a Friendship lesson and had them put aside? I think most likely she just clone-spelled a bunch of tickets, either way it’s a neat little show of her social power, since we’ve already seen some of her magical power). I don’t have as much to say about this episode in general compared to the pilot – I could watch these characters do absolutely ANYTHING and find it entertaining (which is often my measure of good characters, at least in my estimation. Just as I could happily watch Kenneth More’s Father Brown take a trip to Tesco, I could be entertained for hours seeing the ponies check out furniture at IKEA or something) BUT my eye is more tuned for details like worldbuilding, or at least it is in terms I find easy to express. There’s only so many ways I can say that I loved ponies doing pony, but theorising about fantasy worlds is easy. While I still forgive the later seasons a lot, I think it’s quite a bad mark against it that I so much prefer the earlier seasons in spite of the buffet of worldbuilding we get in those later seasons. But anyways – I moreso just noted innocuous details in this episode that I found interesting.
Rainbow Dash peeking through the clouds is probably the most screenshotted scene from this episode, but something I forgot about it in the actual scene is that Dash is framed with the sun behind her head like a halo as she professes innocence. That’s quite blatant for a children’s show, even though the religious imagery is just being used for a lighthearted gag. It just took me a little by surprise.
Spike’s outfit put me in mind of a young Charles II. There might be a more obvious historical or fashion allegory I’m missing, but it made me think of Rarity’s accent and whether the equivalent of England in this world would be wherever the ponies came from before settling in Equestria. Where was that, anyways?
And I don’t have a screenshot of it, but I found it neat that the tickets levitate for even the non-unicorn ponies. I don’t recall any other objects doing the same, but I’d hope such things would become more common in Equestria in future, it would make tasks like writing potentially much easier for non-unicorns. 
I have some more bits and bobs saved, but it’s all about the library, so I’ll save it for later.

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> some attempts I do recall of merging and mixing elements but it was infrequent from my recollections.
I feel like that is essentially what the show is. Now, personally I disliked the Lego Movie (I was a Clutch Powers kid and resented the success the dumb non-canon film had over the REAL Lego experience) but the approach of focusing on the world created with the toys was interesting, and I think that's essentially the jumping off point here, with Faust inspired by the much more interesting childhood games she'd invent with her G1 toys than what the actual show offered. I plucked one of picrel from the wiki, not only was the original plan to basically just literally resurrect G1 Twilight, but if you look closely she's basically just a tone-inverted or darker coloured version of G1. G1 ponies in general tend to go for light manes, darker coats, shetland style. Humans tend to have darker hair than their skin, so I think G4 taking the opposite approach helps to humanise the ponies more. Certainly there's an 'off' quality about the G1 ponies, particularly their colour scheme.
Ahh I see. I remembered the Bridge pun but not that it was your name.
> Is it with pick related? 
No, the *other* bridge. The one that turns into a Monster High student. I'm not sure whether Egg Quest reeeee girls are allowed here or not! 
> Though I have seem some argue that Twilight shouldn't be counted as the same as Twilight Sparkle
Well, it's true that most G1 named ponies are totally unrelated, coming off of that pre-approved Hasbro name list, but given that Faust originally designed Twilight with Twilight's G1 cutie mark and colour scheme... I just don't buy it personally. She is different, but she's basically Faust's childhood toy come to life at the beginning of the show so it's not really fair to say she's separate from G1 Twilight since Faust's toy was a G1 pony.

>  I'm not sure whether Egg Quest reeeee girls are allowed here or not! 

Didn't know that was word filtered.

> Clutch Powers

Not him, but I'll leave my two cents here. Clutch Powers was goofy and average, but something unto itself. The Lego Movie was a overall better product but the corporate and mass marketed in a way that makes it feel a little less in my eyes in spite of those factors.

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A bit "late" but here is mine. 

This episode is one that I have sometimes seen be called a bit boring or weak, but I overall liked it. The conflict was entertaining and certainly relatable enough to FiM's child demographic (of which we all were). Twilight Sparkle might be a "goody horseshoes" as Rainbow Dash put it, but her interactions and attempts to escape her friends were funny. This episode I don't have too much to say on the main conflict and I feel I have more to say on the various little details I noticed that I didn't remember (like the chase sequence, didn't recall seeing that). I think simpler episodes like this can give a very comfy and cozy vibe that really sticks with me sometimes.

Overall, my rating for this episode is a 6/10. Might not be my personal favorite but I liked it well enough. 

Odds and Ends
Of anything that stood out to me, the most was little touches of detail that surprised me. Even with the consideration of them reusing assets, it seems like a lot of work to make the first three, uh, how would you say, imagination sequences that the mane 5 had. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's standout for animation and random asset usage. Rarity is the only one that feels like they "cut corners" being a slide slow of still images that may not have been fully rigged flash assets. I suppose if they had fully planed from the get go to have the gala as a story arch such planning ahead make sense (I mean, all the core conflicts of the Best Night Ever were introduced here), but it still stuck out in what I would think be a "low budget" secondary episode. 

Speaking of effort, bees! I don't think I ever noticed them being animated in this episode. Another one of those little touches that makes the world feel more alive.

Worldbuilding, interesting to think that with earlier episodes like this tiny thrown away lines had more impact (like Twilight Sparkle's sandwich preferences) than in later episodes. Something I will note at this time in the fandom a lot of folks strongly insisted on  the world being pretty medieval/only limited magical tech but I think Granny Smith needing hip replacement surgery do suggest more things that were close/trying to be something approaching our modern world in some capacity even if we couldn't infer the existence of modern electricity and things like thatched roofing certainly suggest some "low tech" features.  (I naturally prefer things to be somewhat high fantasy, my stance on pony tech I'll go more deeply in later).

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> Didn't know that was word filtered. 

> No, the *other* bridge. The one that turns into a Monster High student. I'm not sure whether Egg Quest reeeee girls are allowed here or not! 

Equestria Girls is not actively filitered. I believe there was a filter back in 2018 but old BO removed all of them except our bridge and chief.

As far as Equestria Girls being banned, no, they aren't. I just think nopony here has ever shown a interest much. I have largely been neutral on them (the most negative thing being my dislike of it being sometimes included in otherwise wholly pony fics) and don't know of anybody who would begrudge you from posting here.  and a certain person who is a anon here has been pestering me on the merits of this troublesome trio and Rainbow Rocks, so you might see a review of that soon, lol

Now, hopefully I'll be back soon to reply better but I do have my review out. My internet has been unstable again and I have easier time uploading stuff away from home.

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>  The conflict relies on the friendship between the characters being established, and it seems to me that it would be a little more concretely established if a different episode was between the pilot and this episode. 

I agree. We don't know how the mane 6 are, normally, as friends and the dynamics haven't been established yet. While not as bad, It sort of reminds me of the third episode of Star Trek A Next Generation. A virus with the main characters acting silly and out of character when we don't even know much of how they are suppose to act in character. One or two episodes before this could've helped. 

> though perhaps at this stage in the show, they weren’t actually intending to show the Gala and it was meant to be implied that it happened offscreen?

That is a good question. As I noted:
>  I suppose if they had fully planed from the get go to have the gala as a story arch such planning ahead make sense (I mean, all the core conflicts of the Best Night Ever were introduced here), but it still stuck out in what I would think be a "low budget" secondary episode. 

Would possibly imply otherwise, BUT, you had stuff like Princess Luna being MIA for the rest of that season and I do recall the show staff's attitude being that a lot of things could be a bit arbitrary from episode to episode. Makes me want to look up more into the episode's production. 

> There’s only so many ways I can say that I loved ponies doing pony, but theorising about fantasy worlds is easy. 

 I do enjoy theorizing myself. On thing I think is neglected in this realm is intent of the season/episode versus trying to rationalize how it all works together as a whole. 

> While I still forgive the later seasons a lot, I think it’s quite a bad mark against it that I so much prefer the earlier seasons in spite of the buffet of worldbuilding we get in those later seasons.

I think part of it might be the worldbuilding, not from the act of worldbuilding itself, but how it a lot of it was handled: it became demythologized a bit. As fimflamfilosophy once said, the show went from small ponies, big world, to big ponies, small world (note, I don't fully agree with his criticisms, but that point I did). Some of that process I think was natural and would simply happen with time regardless of how the show was run but other things did hurt the comfy a bit (which I may go into later).

> And I don’t have a screenshot of it, but I found it neat that the tickets levitate for even the non-unicorn ponies. I don’t recall any other objects doing the same, but I’d hope such things would become more common in Equestria in future, it would make tasks like writing potentially much easier for non-unicorns. 

I am trying to recall of other objects with magical proprieties sort of like that. Tank's propeller is the first thing that comes to mind. I do wonder how such an enchantment works, how long it lasts, and easy or hard is it to "mass produce." Such a thing maybe limited and a sign of luxury from the effort needed than again, we do see Twilight create a door out of existence in a few episodes.

> and don't know of anybody who would begrudge you from posting here

*posting them here

> Now, hopefully I'll be back soon to reply

LOL, and now I am (I say such things because I am never sure when sometimes due to IRL stuff)

>  something I forgot about it in the actual scene is that Dash is framed with the sun behind her head like a halo as she professes innocence. That’s quite blatant for a children’s show, even though the religious imagery is just being used for a lighthearted gag. It just took me a little by surprise.

This is interesting to me as I didn't even perceive it as religious and grew up with stuff like this in joking gag form being pretty common:
Though I also know that the United States is a less secular society than some places and such things may not be present/edited out. 

> I could watch these characters do absolutely ANYTHING and find it entertaining (which is often my measure of good characters, at least in my estimation. Just as I could happily watch Kenneth More’s Father Brown take a trip to Tesco, I could be entertained for hours seeing the ponies check out furniture at IKEA or something)

Agreed (rain check this for a point I'll hopefully remember to make later but it is too early in the season to right now). 

> (I was a Clutch Powers kid and resented the success the dumb non-canon film had over the REAL Lego experience)

I haven't seen either but I remember seeing Clutch Powers being advertised. Though I can muster a bit of annoyance on the Lego Movie as a Bionicle kid just from how insignificant the cameo was for it. 

> Well, it's true that most G1 named ponies are totally unrelated, coming off of that pre-approved Hasbro name list, but given that Faust originally designed Twilight with Twilight's G1 cutie mark and colour scheme... I just don't buy it personally. She is different, but she's basically Faust's childhood toy come to life at the beginning of the show so it's not really fair to say she's separate from G1 Twilight since Faust's toy was a G1 pony.

Note, I don't aruge against or for that stance fully, been still thinking it over. Technical definition versus intent (though I honestly lean towards G1 Twilight being Twilight Sparkle, because I tend to favor artistic intent).

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> (like the chase sequence, didn't recall seeing that).
Ah yes, with the Benny Hill music. Might be the first reference in the show? I could see it endearing adult viewers a bit on their first time through.
>  I believe there was a filter back in 2018 
I thought I saw a more recent reference Sunset Shimmer that autocorrected it. Well, I just said her name so we'll see, I suppose.
>  I just think nopony here has ever shown a interest much. I have largely been neutral on them
I have to confess... I really loved EQG. The barebones structure is basically an average high school anime, and then it's got the show's energy injected into it. I've seen shows in the same vein but I still think by comparison that EQG manages to retain something uniquely pony. Anyways, if it's allowed I'll tentatively post a Sunny, though I'll be careful to keep it to pony-Sunny.
> Some of that process I think was natural and would simply happen with time regardless of how the show was run but other things did hurt the comfy a bit (which I may go into later). 
Ultimately I think where they missed the bus was after completing the Mane 6's arcs (debatable where their arcs end but I'd definitely say at least a season or two before the finale) to then wrap it up and switch to a spin-off, which is what they've sort of half-heartedly done with gen 5. The issue with what Faust did for the franchise is that it's much harder to repeat now that she's already done a lot of what works and rehashing it wouldn't get many folks on board. I was trying to think how I'd even follow it up in Hasbro's shoes and frankly a lot of what I concluded basically HAD to be done was what they put in gen 5.
> I do wonder how such an enchantment works, how long it lasts
The implication in the episode is that the enchantment lasts until the Gala I think, but if we don't see them hover later in the series then there's not a real way to know. Mind you, if Celestia enchanted them then I could easily see it being permanent. In The Wheel of Time series, enchantments or longer lasting spells are made  by 'tying off' a weave (a weave is the shape you make with your magic to cast a particular spell) and that's kind of how I'd imagine it working here. Honestly I find it easier to imagine unicorns working with WoT-style weaves generally, their horns and magic feel like it'd be an intuitive extra limb of their body, moreso than doing incantations in your head.
> Though I can muster a bit of annoyance on the Lego Movie as a Bionicle kid just from how insignificant the cameo was for it. 
The Bionicle Movie's even better than the Clutch Powers one tbh. Basically Lego should be about what the toys are intending to depict when it comes to official adaptations, in my mind. When kids make up their own stories with Lego that's not Lego-related as much as playing with Transformers or indeed Ponies, rather Lego is so versatile that it's more like Lego is the medium rather than the story being made up. 
> Technical definition versus intent (though I honestly lean towards G1 Twilight being Twilight Sparkle, because I tend to favor artistic intent).
The way I see it, child Faust basically created proto-gen4 as her sort of playtime fanfiction of gen1. The way I've heard her talk about it, (e.g one of the flutterponies being the original Pinkie Pie) it sounds like a lot of the most core elements were present, and I like to imagine that some of these early season stories are the fully-realised form of something originally conceived via acting it out with her toys.

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My first thoughts watching this episode were that this would make a better first episode than Ticket Master. Applejack is the first of the Ponyville ponies that we’re properly introduced to in the pilot, and it would make sense to have an episode about her come first too. But also, given that we have a conflict affecting just one character rather than all of them at once, it gives breathing room to fit in other character building too. Twilight’s stack of cue cards and Pinkie’s reaction to the stampede are both great little moments that say quite a lot about who they are, and I just feel like there wasn’t as much room for that in Ticket Master. And naturally the episode establishes a lot about Applejack’s character – though I will say it’s maybe easier to see the issue as being more balanced if you watch Ticket Master first, as if you see how hard Applejack has to work to keep the family farm going… Well, I’d certainly say it makes a strong argument for Applejack needing the money from the Gala stall. The cows being intelligent was an interesting detail that many people have noted before – since we know the ponies use milk, my interpretation is that the cows are allowed to pasture near Ponyville in return for donating their milk. It does raise a question though that I’ve considered before – is Ponyville an agricultural village, or a small town? The only farm I recall being in Ponyville is Sweet Apple Acres, but by that same token I’m not sure what else their economy would be based off of, being a mainly Earth pony community. Perhaps it’s a situation where it began as a farming village and is in the process of growing into a small town, attracting Pegasi residents and most recently Unicorns, and with new shops like the bakery and Rarity’s boutique opening. I live in a town a bit like this irl, but the thing is that our economy is not insubstantially boosted by tourism (and in fact recently with tourism dropping, something like half the shops in town have closed, and most of the office buildings too) but Ponyville doesn’t seem like it’s much of a tourist stop – at least not at this point in the show.
I also have questions about this “Prized Pony of Ponyville Award” – is it a regular award given out annually? The implication seems to be that the award ceremony was planned in response to Applejack saving Ponyville, and not just coincidentally coinciding. So I guess it’s something like a Mayoral medal of honour? It also makes me wonder if any other ponies have received the award. Surely all 6 of the Mane 6 have received it? And frankly Dolores Umbridge and her wife Trixie Umbridge would be highly eligible too, after saving Equestria from the Changelings. 
Another interesting detail I noted is after all the ponies who ate Applejack and Pinkie Pie’s botched cupcakes get sick, Nurse Redheart mentions that she asked for Twilight and that they need all the help they can get. Does that mean that Unicorns are regularly asked to help with medical emergencies, owing to their special skills, or is it Twilight that’s uniquely qualified in medical spells, OR is it just that she’s essentially a Civil Servant, such that notifying her is like notifying the government? The last one fits with her role giving a speech at the award ceremony earlier – certainly whatever Twilight’s role is in Ponyville, she’s more important than just the average pony.
The last detail I noted is that both this episode and Ticket Master end with a “gross little brother” type gag with Spike – in Ticket Master it’s Applejack thinking that Spike’s pretending to feel sick at the display of emotions, and in this it’s his proud declaration that he dug the cupcakes out of the trash and all the Mane 6 going “ewww”.
Overall, very solid episode, good clear lesson. I'm not great with ratings but this is where the show is starting to feel like it's getting into the swing of things.

Oh yeah - and why do all Applejack's barrels/buckets have a hole in them?

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PoLS (Proof of Life Shitpost) Uncertain when I'll get review out but should be in the next few days. Will read and respond better then. 

> I thought I saw a more recent reference Sunset Shimmer that autocorrected it. Well, I just said her name so we'll see, I suppose.

See, LOL. If anything anti-Sunset Summer I can recall was my comments here a few months ago: >>/8859/ Though that is just a personal "technology and ponies" thing as opposed to a strong hatred of the setting. 

> I have to confess... I really loved EQG. The barebones structure is basically an average high school anime, and then it's got the show's energy injected into it. I've seen shows in the same vein but I still think by comparison that EQG manages to retain something uniquely pony. 

Might want you to go more into this, if you want to, sometime. I don't mind seeing new perspectives. 

> Anyways, if it's allowed I'll tentatively post a Sunny, though I'll be careful to keep it to pony-Sunny.

Pony Sunset is 100% okay for sure, and I appreciate your consideration.  Though, as long as you weren't blindly spaming EQG on every thread and shitposting back and forth in a /mlp/ barbiefag versus MARES! kind of way I don't see the problem with the occasional EQG pic in the same way anthro is sometimes posted around here. 

> The issue with what Faust did for the franchise is that it's much harder to repeat now that she's already done a lot of what works and rehashing it wouldn't get many folks on board. I was trying to think how I'd even follow it up in Hasbro's shoes and frankly a lot of what I concluded basically HAD to be done was what they put in gen 5.

Another, the subversion of expectations that G4 had; it didn't have to be the most amazing thing in the universe to catch people off guard and be excited but G4 was way better than anyone would've expected, while G5 has a much higher bar to pass, at least when being compared to G4, because of G4's existence, for better or worse.

> Ah yes, with the Benny Hill music. Might be the first reference in the show? I could see it endearing adult viewers a bit on their first time through.

I remember it for a later episode in Season 1 moreso than here, so this is was something of a mild surprise that  it was here first.

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> Might want you to go more into this, if you want to, sometime.
Sure! I wouldn't mind at all. 
> Though, as long as you weren't blindly spaming EQG on every thread and shitposting back and forth in a /mlp/ barbiefag versus MARES! kind of way I don't see the problem with the occasional EQG pic in the same way anthro is sometimes posted around here.
Gotcha! I wouldn't want to make it a rivalry thing anyways - EQG wouldn't be much of anything without the pony influence after all, it would just be 'normal highschool', so I don't really understand the conflict. Plus I somewhat feel that after graduation, Sunset might just go back to Equestria in any case. The group of friends would have less time to hang out once they all got jobs, and they could just as easily get those special journals that Twilight and Sunset use to talk so they can stay in touch with Sunset that way.
> G5 has a much higher bar to pass, at least when being compared to G4, because of G4's existence, for better or worse. 
It's very tricky to balance adult interest in the show with marketing to children. As I understand it, EQG was actually an attempt by Hasbro to capitalise on adult interest in the show - and it pretty much mostly backfired. The issue with the Brony fandom in particular is I think as soon as you start marketing directly to them, they'll turn against the show as 'shallow' and 'manipulative', so it's a tricky demographic even if you were to ignore the children entirely.

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Alright, would've been here sooner but have been a bit sick.

What can I say about this episode? I enjoyed it much more than last week's. It got me to chuckle more than once and I actually outright laughed twice. Applejack's flinging Rainbow Dash into the horizon and her baking the cupcakes with Pinkie Pie. The hardest I laughed so far (however early this might be in) this rewatch of Season 1. I think this episode struck the right balance between having the point of view primarily being Applejack with just enough Twilight Sparkle as a side plot of her reacting to the aftermaths of their antics and trying to intervene. The lesson is also solid. Take it from somebody who has this mentality. I.. I actually can't believe I have never thought of this before. I am Applejack when it comes to work sometimes (and their is something of a country connection, my late grandfather was also like this) and yeah... sometimes would bite off way more than I could chew from a sense of duty. 

Solid 7.1/10 from me.

Odds and Ends
There is a lot I could point out here but I am going to make it brief. One thing that stood out to me was how many times that I saw many faces from this episode in screencaps and covers. I guess a lot of Season 1 and Season 2 were like this and this one was no different. 

What about all those relatives that I met when I first came to Ponyville, can't they help? Twilight Sparkle said this here and it got me wondering, how long has Twilight been in Ponyville at this point (some potential context in Season 2 I won't get to yet). I think more likely than not it wouldn't be more than two or three months but the way this line was said feels like she has been here longer than a few weeks.

...speaking of time, one week we have confirmed passing in this episode alone.  This is one of those things that probably should have not much thought put into it (one episode set in winter, another not) but I still like too.

Cows, we don't have much of an idea of Cows' relationship to ponies yet. From here:
> Sentient 

> Seemingly somewhat free roaming

Mules! Our first siting! I know, just the but of a joke, but I could run with questions:
> Mules, hybrid between donkey and a horse, (maybe pony?)

> Who was that particular mule on Applejack's property? Farm hand?

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> My first thoughts watching this episode were that this would make a better first episode than Ticket Master.

> Twilight’s stack of cue cards and Pinkie’s reaction to the stampede are both great little moments that say quite a lot about who they are, and I just feel like there wasn’t as much room for that in Ticket Master. 

100% agreed. I think the other character who is left out here is Rarity but it'd be natural to the show's structure to have the focus shift around and this felt a bit more organic... not that Ticket Master wasn't organic. 

> It also makes me wonder if any other ponies have received the award. Surely all 6 of the Mane 6 have received it?

If that award continued to exist, a whole lot of characters would have it by Season 9, that is for sure. Can't think of any headcannon reason why it'd be abolished after this.

>  I'm not great with ratings 

I'm not sure I am either! I just to do it because I like to attempt to qualify. I've gone back and forth versus how objective quality I feel this is versus my level of enjoyment.This run I am leaning into more of the latter.

> Oh yeah - and why do all Applejack's barrels/buckets have a hole in them?

I associate such a thing with fermentation of alcoholic drinks. 
Maybe the family's apple cider? 

> Equestria Girls. 

Friend finally showed me Rainbow Rocks and I have some new thoughts as well. Need to clean up around here a bit from the spamming incident and then I may make a thread or something for it  if we have a thread for Pony Life we can have one for Equestria Girls.

 >>/10043/ (continued) 
>  since we know the ponies use milk, my interpretation is that the cows are allowed to pasture near Ponyville in return for donating their milk.

I like this idea. 

 It does raise a question though that I’ve considered before – is Ponyville an agricultural village, or a small town? 
I have always leaned to it being a town, but that is a later context of seasons. I'd would wager though, from what I recall, that the interpretation of Ponyville being a farming village that grew into a town fits the best (with the Apple family being the originators, at least if my memory serves of a certain episode correctly).   

I live in a town a bit like this irl, 

> (and in fact recently with tourism dropping, something like half the shops in town have closed, and most of the office buildings too) 


As for the point on Ponyville's pony populace. It was something in later portrayed as somewhat unique but we have seen a few other places. Maybe proximity to Canterlot means it gets a little bit of business and passersby and some decide to settle down even if it isn't an active tourist destination?

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> Alright, would've been here sooner but have been a bit sick.
No rush, this is a thread on /comfy/ pace! And hope you feel better now, or soon if not.
> ...speaking of time, one week we have confirmed passing in this episode alone. This is one of those things that probably should have not much thought put into it (one episode set in winter, another not) but I still like too.
I like figuring out chronology personally, but it is tricky to determine whether this episode is actually before or after Ticket Master, given as you mentioned there's an out of place winter episode, suggesting the episodes are out of sync with the chronology. But if we assume Ticket Master is chronologically first, that took place over the course of a day, so this episode could be as little as 8 days into Twilight living in Ponyville. I have a feeling though that the writers probably have a rough benchmark of the show matching up with irl chronology when not otherwise specified - i.e there's about a week between each episode. So with that in mind, I'd assume something like a week after the two-parter is Ticket Master, and then a week after that is Applebuck Season. I think this theory, just as a rule of thumb since obviously the show will contradict it where it needs or wants to, holds some water given that this episode aired November 5, the tail-end of autumn, and autumn is the harvest season generally. That also would mean that the two-parter probably happened around late summer or early autumn, which I feel is very suitable for the outset of a story. It reminds me of a bit from Lord of the Rings:
"For some years he was quite happy and did not worry much about the future. But half unknown to himself the regret that he had not gone with Bilbo was steadily growing. He found himself wandering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.”
I often think back to this passage in autumn as it perfectly encapsulates the same wanderlust I feel in that season, and that's definitely a feeling I got from the two-parter when rewatching it for the thread.

> I associate such a thing with fermentation of alcoholic drinks. 
Ah, I see - so that really does kind of confirm the fan theory that Applejack is making "hard cider" as opposed to just the American word for juice, then?
> Friend finally showed me Rainbow Rocks and I have some new thoughts as well.
If you decide to watch any more EQG I'll just forewarn you that Rainbow Rocks is the high point. It doesn't really get better after that, though the other stuff is still ok. 

> As for the point on Ponyville's pony populace. It was something in later portrayed as somewhat unique but we have seen a few other places. Maybe proximity to Canterlot means it gets a little bit of business and passersby and some decide to settle down even if it isn't an active tourist destination?
This made a lightbulb appear above my head, and I'll need to give it it's own reply!

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> As for the point on Ponyville's pony populace. It was something in later portrayed as somewhat unique but we have seen a few other places. Maybe proximity to Canterlot means it gets a little bit of business and passersby and some decide to settle down even if it isn't an active tourist destination?
Ok, so - I've been looking into background ponies on the wiki as I've heard that was a big part of the early fandom was watching the background ponies. I was curious about the three on the way to give gifts to Moondancer, who have the first dialogue with Twilight in the show back in episode 1. I'd always assumed they were Canterlot ponies, friends of Twilight and Moondancer back in the city that Twilight left behind when she went to Ponyville. However, as it turns out, the trio of Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine and Minuette all go on to become background ponies in Ponyville!
I was puzzled by this and trying to figure out a reason why this would be outside of the fact that there were limited resources for background characters - I wanted to think of an in-universe reason. This bit you said here gave me the 'lightbulb', at least for a direction of a possible headcanon. In the UK, around London there's various suburban towns and villages that are populated in large part by people who work in the city, and who will ride an hour or more on the train to commute to London just so they can live in a semi-countryside pleasant environment. I wonder if that's what happening here - if these three work in Canterlot and get the train there, but live in Ponyville. Since Ponyville is very near to Canterlot and has a train station... 
And since they know both Twilight and Moondancer, and given that all three are unicorns, perhaps it's some sort of academic position or perhaps government job involving magical studies. Who knows! But I like the idea of it.

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> No rush, this is a thread on /comfy/ pace! 

I am glad we see eye to eye on it. 

> And hope you feel better now, or soon if not.

Thanks. I am doing better now. Mostly...

>  I think this theory, just as a rule of thumb since obviously the show will contradict it where it needs or wants to, holds some water given that this episode aired November 5, the tail-end of autumn, and autumn is the harvest season generally

I like where that line of thought goes. It feels like one of those things that, even if not actively thought up by the show staff, fits overall nicely with what has been observed thus far... the biggest problem being the Summer Sun Celebration itself. I will need to check canon and such but I usually see that thought of as the beginning of summer (watch something somewhere establish it later and the fanfictions and such that portrayed it otherwise being niche or a minority position that obscurely died early on and I didn't get the memo). Overall though, you could piece something pretty well together with that otherwise. 

> I'll just forewarn you that Rainbow Rocks is the high point. It doesn't really get better after that, though the other stuff is still ok. 

I am already aware that is the consensuses high point. Thanks though.

I recall their being some... something somewhere saying that Lyra visited Ponyville often due to her friend Bon Bon, ahem, Sweetie Drops. Though, to be frank, we have more sightings of those three in Ponyville and I think it would make sense for them to live there at least part of the time. The train, minus MMMystery on the Friendship Express, isn't portrayed taking too long to get there (how widespread is Pegasus Chariots anyhow, wealthy pony commute?).

>  I've been looking into background ponies on the wiki as I've heard that was a big part of the early fandom was watching the background ponies

If you are new to background pony spotting you might have some pretty interesting rabbitholes to go down. Major background pony fandoms declined in the face of popular side characters (a few exceptions for the really big ones, Derpy, Lyra and Bon Bon) and newer background ponies had a harder time gaining the same traction. Depending on when you entered in and what short of fan content you watch/read, I could see someone missing most of that post 2014.

 Don't mind any of the changes around here, just a minor regime change that has nothing to do with a certain date. 

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> Thanks. I am doing better now. Mostly... 
I'm glad to hear it.
> (how widespread is Pegasus Chariots anyhow, wealthy pony commute?). 
My interpretation was always that they're basically the Equestria equivalent to armoured limousines, the pegasi that pull the chariot are in uniform after all, right?
> Don't mind any of the changes around here, just a minor regime change that has nothing to do with a certain date. 
> Feel free to post your thoughts on episode 5
I shall do so now!

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The Gilda episode! I watched this one twice, this is where the show really starts picking up in quality for me. A few things stand out to me in the first part – first of all, what are those scrolls Spike’s getting? It seems like he’s getting them out of what I assume is the town hall. Maybe it’s mail for Twilight? And also, when the first scroll that Spike accidentally sends to Celestia appears in her chamber, she seems surprised. The only reason I can think of for why Celestia would be surprised by this would be that Twilight only sends her letters on certain days. I looked up a few airdates for the episodes, they seemed to mostly be on various different weekendish slots – Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, but I don’t know if there’s one in particular the episodes usually aired on. But it ties back in to that theory I had with the timeframe between episodes in Applebuck Season. At least so far in the show, my running theory is that it’s within a given week and the letter-writing portion at the end of an episode falls on a Saturday in-universe. I’m sure this will get disproven later but I like to think of it as being the case ‘for now’. It would mean Twilight’s been in Ponyville for 5-6 weeks, which feels right – she’s got a fair amount of background characterisation in this episode, where she’s reading books throughout. She reads one on the bench, she’s reading one whilst Pinkie talks to her, a theme which comes up next episode too. In addition, I’m interested that Twilight tries to give what SOUNDS like good advice but actually in the course of the episode turns out to be mistaken, showing she’s kind of trying to demonstrate almost to herself that she has learned a fair bit about friendship already but she hasn’t actually learned all that much yet, and in the next episode she has another misunderstanding about friendship in a similar vein. It makes it clear in both episodes that she’s taking her studies seriously, but hasn’t quite found her footing yet. Another thing I’m wondering about is what she was studying this episode – in the next one she tells us, but here it’s not clear. After reading through some books clearly to the exclusion of her concentration on other things – in both instances someone is talking to her and she’s only half paying attention as she reads – followed by this chemical experiment she’s doing. Is it somehow related to her friendship studies? Who knows, I’m probably going to keep pondering it though.

The other thing which stands out to me is the careful emphasis on SAFE pranking. When Spike’s hiccuping, Pinkie Pie is cautious to ask if he’s alright before laughing at the situation, which is frankly such superb characterisation that it actually makes me feel a little depressed at how the later seasons treat her, I think I’m beginning to see some of the pain the Pinkiefags were going through – steadfastly ensuring that she never laughs AT someone but always laughs with them is both a genuinely empathetic trait and a subtle one too, something which I think quickly got forgotten from her character. And of course there’s the relatively famous part where Pinkie doesn’t want to prank Fluttershy as she’s too sensitive, and Rainbow Dash veeery reluctantly agrees. Aside from characterisation, it’s also a good lesson to communicate, especially since it’s not even the main message of the episode. It is hard to distinguish between jokes which are harmless and jokes which are hurtful sometimes, especially for kids where so often it straddles the line between friendly joviality and bullying, pretty nicely demonstrated there with Rainbow Dash filling in for the potential bully role, even if it makes her seem strangely mean. 

And I haven’t even gotten onto the lesbian bird yet!

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It’s been commented on to death, but there’s just no way for an adult to watch this episode and see Dash and Gilda’s friendship as platonic, I reckon – at the very least it’s an angle I can’t imagine the creators being unaware of, even if it was accidental or unintended in some way. 

Anyways. I like that Pinkie Pie actually tries to take Twilight’s advice to heart as she watches Gilda in the market, attempting to judge her favourably. Taking advice is another thing that I feel like Pinkie increasingly does less and less and time goes on. Granny Smith's reaction to Gilda's tail was odd - does it ever come up that Granny has bad eyesight? Or do some snakes in Equestria really look like that? It has a weird parallel in the next episode too. I was also fascinated by the line “She’s also a thief! ...No no no, maybe she’ll give it back later.” and uh – Pinkie, she ate it! She ate the apple whole, even the core! Reminds me of that bit from the Boondocks about borrowing a french fry – you gonna give it back? Also it occurs to me that Gilda’s confrontation with Fluttershy was kind of set up earlier in the episode where Pinkie says that Fluttershy’s too sensitive for pranking. And it’s also the part where Gilda exposes herself as a New Yorker.

The party is a little weird – Rainbow Dash says she set up all the pranks, but clearly the electric buzzer Pinkie uses is something Pinkie was aware of. Dash also says not all the pranks were specifically for her, which seems potentially true, but some are definitely intended for her. The presents, for example – presumably those are all for Gilda, so naturally that prank was intended for her. The candles are an obvious one too. I find it hard to believe that someone so detail-oriented when it comes to parties as Pinkie could be unaware of the pranks Rainbow set up, so I find it tricky to believe that she was as unawares as she claimed to be at the end of the episode. If I were cynical I’d even say she might have suggested the idea to Dash, but who knows, Pinkie’s mind works in mysterious ways. 

I was also intrigued by the fact that at the end of the episode, Celestia begins writing out a reply to Twilight. Does she reply to all Twilight’s letters? In effect that would make it a correspondence. It’s also something left out when the journal gets published way later in the show, it occurs to me. The religious significance of the Princess in Equestrian society is overblown in the fandom, but it is based on existing themes within the show, and it makes me wonder if under Twilight’s reign as Princess, the journal and her correspondence with Celestia all get compiled together into a kind of Princess-endorsed philosophy on friendship, which, after all, we eventually find out is not just friendship as we understand it, but a kind of model of social harmony that makes Equestria both successful and free from creatures like the Windigoes. It’s the kind of book I could see future Equestrian colts and fillies having to learn in school. It’s interesting to think about, but for now I’m watching mostly without thinking about the fact that Twilight’s going to become an Alicorn, except for these posts. It is an interesting idea – basically you get to see over the course of the entire show what kind of life experiences go into making a Celestia-type figure (they say later on that Cadance’s daughter is the first naturally born Alicorn, so part of me assumes that far back in the distant past, Celestia began as someone very much like Twilight, and had a similar path to her ascension, probably with Starswirl as her mentor).

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>  but there’s just no way for an adult to watch this episode and see Dash and Gilda’s friendship as platonic

 I absolutely must disagree. This is the first I've heard there was an "official pairing" and it feels pretty forced tbh.

This, from someone who immediately interpreted Discord & Celestia to be ex-lovers of some variety.

I started to watch it - was immediately struck by the Pepe LePew bounce as PP chased RD down.

Have an AI attempt at making ponies into ogres & oubliettes PCs.
Badly, as usual.

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This is the first episode that I think I have a substantial criticism to so far in this rewatch, even if I did enjoy it.

The set up is strong enough, and while it took them awhile to introduce Gilda I don't think that was them meandering like I have felt sometimes in later episodes (or maybe I am just biased). Really did enjoy them setting up Rainbow Dash's and Pinkie's friendship here and it felt like a good character building moment. Gilda too, she is a alright character, I liked her slightly more than I recalled. I found her line:
Now make like a bee and buzz off!
Child appropriately cruel and mean spirited in a good way. 

To my slight surprise, I take issue with this episode's moral. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Gilda all work as characters but the moral lesson feels a little lacking. How do I put this? Either Pinkie Pie should've been wrong about Gilda being a mean (or have partly misjudged her) OR the point of view should've been on Rainbow Dash and have Rainbow Dash herself casting off Pinkie Pie because Pinkie Pie is "uncool." That second idea feels like a episode that would apply widely to kids and would be a great lesson. I am not sure how bad I would describe this lesson. Perhaps Gilda is unfairly antagonized. What drove her over the edge wasn't Rainbow's friends so much as all those pranks and feeling targeted, even with her previous behavior (even if it was supposedly random, and some of it was). It is good to show a tough cool person not being a push over to peer pressure when it comes to dealing with a jerk and I think you could still work with that, but it feels like it needs some smoothing over. Not that I think was/is going to be a major bad influence on kids or anything.

I am split on how I feel and this split feeling carries over to my rating. Honestly, I still enjoyed this episode, and I am not the type of person to really care that much on a bad lesson or two like how I recall some would back in the day. 6.5/10 is my rating for the episode, at least provisionally. Lesson wise, this episode is a 5/10. 

Odds and ends:
Stupid things that I notice and pay attention to. Twilight Sparkle used her muzzle to turn the page of a book in the opening shot with Pinkie Pie but later in Golden Oaks, uses magic. 

Ponies having limited interactions with outside of Equestria races shows up here. From Rarity's "oh there quite rare". To Pinkie's remarks on having never met a Griffon. Wonder if this is more of a Ponyville or Equestria in general thing (and a context that probably changed as the seasons progressed). 

I love Celestia being a second hand victim to Rainbow and Pinkie's Spike prank. Felt like a smart way to include her.

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> The only reason I can think of for why Celestia would be surprised by this would be that Twilight only sends her letters on certain days. 

> letter-writing portion at the end of an episode falls on a Saturday in-universe. 

> It would mean Twilight’s been in Ponyville for 5-6 weeks, which feels right 

I am not sure I agree with episode air dates equaling dates of the episode, but I do like the idea of the time frame and that is a interesting detail with Celestia.

> It makes it clear in both episodes that she’s taking her studies seriously, but hasn’t quite found her footing yet. 

Twilight Sparkle here feels very fresh out of her time at Canterlot avoiding social interactions here. She isn't acting anti-social but she feels more cold and distant. 

> followed by this chemical experiment she’s doing. Is it somehow related to her friendship studies? Who knows, I’m probably going to keep pondering it though.

On the chemical experiments, Twilight was the smart character and thus, at least in the early 3 or 4 seasons, she sometimes being studying random science stuff just because smart character trope. I don't mean this as a wholly out of universes explanation either. I think she has some side pursuits and such chemical experiment might be unrelated!   

>  but there’s just no way for an adult to watch this episode and see Dash and Gilda’s friendship as platonic, I reckon – at the very least it’s an angle I can’t imagine the creators being unaware of, even if it was accidental or unintended in some way. 

If it had been a couple seasons in, I'd might agree with you, but here, I am not sure if that would've been an intent at all. I don't feel a romantic energy so much as old high school best friend and Rainbow Dash discarded her rather quickly.  There is a longer point I want to make and I do want to examine this further but my brain is a bit tired to make it right now. 

> Also it occurs to me that Gilda’s confrontation with Fluttershy was kind of set up earlier in the episode where Pinkie says that Fluttershy’s too sensitive for pranking.

That is good writing there.

> If I were cynical I’d even say she might have suggested the idea to Dash, but who knows, Pinkie’s mind works in mysterious ways. 

I completely agree that the party was weird and that Gilda was right to feel targeted unfaily even if she is a jerk. As for Pinkie Pie, she and Dash aren't mean spirited enough for me to go the full cynical route either but the tone is still a bit odd. 

> The religious significance of the Princess in Equestrian society is overblown in the fandom, but it is based on existing themes within the show, and it makes me wonder if under Twilight’s reign as Princess

Especially at this time, when the assumption was that they were a goddess (well in fairness,Celestia's  name is used in that manner). Raincheck on Twilight roll and potential religious aspects to her roll.

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> My interpretation was always that they're basically the Equestria equivalent to armoured limousines, the pegasi that pull the chariot are in uniform after all, right?

That is... yeah, that makes sense!

> heh

If you didn't see the april fools post I did archive the site (archive.today is giving me infinite CAPTCHAs right now, so I can't link it ATM).

> feeling better

And now back to worse, sort of:  >>/10214/ So, apologies if anything is confusingly worded or incomprehensible.

> I absolutely must disagree. This is the first I've heard there was an "official pairing" and it feels pretty forced tbh.

I think Gildadash works fine as a ship but wouldn't be a ship I would take from the context of that episode, at least strongly  I do have one potential counterpoint but that would require a full other post, lol!

> I started to watch it 

If you want to ever want to join in, the more the merrier (and also, you don't have to be committed to every episode, as I have stated, anons me wonder in and out as they please, though it is fun to have someone like 5050 diving in full throttle with me). 

>  - was immediately struck by the Pepe LePew bounce as PP chased RD down.

Yeah, stronger energy there.   

> Have an AI attempt at making ponies into ogres & oubliettes PCs 

Badly, as usual.
Hey, it looks kind of like crappy offical vector's art, that gets some points there from me.

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> Honestly, I still enjoyed this episode, and I am not the type of person to really care that much on a bad lesson or two like how I recall some would back in the day
Coming from the company behind Transformers, it's more of a treat than anything. I love G1 Transformers but it's basically no lessons and all entertainment, which MLP seemed to be in earlier generations too. To get a balance of both here is not unusual per se, but could very easily have been absent altogether. I guess most people place value on children's entertainment roughly in proportion to how much learning of either a social or educational kind it imparts, though.
> I am not sure I agree with episode air dates equaling dates of the episode
Nothing that exact, I think it's closer to a time-feeling or like an Equestrian equivalent to the sort of time frame they're being made or released. Possibly mostly subconsciously, too. I mainly mean to say that I feel like I see more of a correlation than not, and really it's just my desire to get a feel in my head for the timeframe of the whole show. I'm not watching like I used to, where each episode is a discrete package, I'm imagining the things inbetween the episodes, imagining the entire show as one singular continuous story (something which I don't think was ever really intended).
> she sometimes being studying random science stuff just because smart character trope. I don't mean this as a wholly out of universes explanation either. I think she has some side pursuits and such chemical experiment might be unrelated! 
I don't disagree, but it's knowing that the research comes so much in handy with our next episode, Boast Busters, that gives me this suspicion that Twilight's got a sixth sense for researching topics that will come in useful to her soon.
> I don't feel a romantic energy so much as old high school best friend and Rainbow Dash discarded her rather quickly. 
I agree it's one-sided on Gilda's part, but as for the rest... Well, it's two against one, so I guess my senses were wrong. I don't really know how close friends interact normally, so I accept that I may have just strongly misinterpreted it all. 
>  As for Pinkie Pie, she and Dash aren't mean spirited enough for me to go the full cynical route either but the tone is still a bit odd.
That's really where the writing is twisting around in a spine-breaking way to fit the lesson, which is where I somewhat agree with your point that the lesson in this episode is a bit janky in delivery, on reflection.
> If you didn't see the april fools post 
I didn't really know how to respond to it but I did see it, twas a fun april fool's

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>  Well, it's two against one, so I guess my senses were wrong.

Don't be 100% dismissive towards your point of view just because of 2v1. A lot of closeness that would have been purely platonic often can be intended for shipping fuel. Had it been in Season 4 I might have agreed. 

> I don't really know how close friends interact normally, so I accept that I may have just strongly misinterpreted it all. 

 Know this feeling to an extent, at least in personal IRL experience over the last 10 years. 

> . I'm not watching like I used to, where each episode is a discrete package, I'm imagining the things inbetween the episodes, imagining the entire show as one singular continuous story (something which I don't think was ever really intended).

I find such things fun as well, btw. Overall... I need to get to how I treat show theories and such. 

> which is where I somewhat agree with your point that the lesson in this episode is a bit janky in delivery, on reflection.

That is a good word for it. "Janky" fits better than hostile. Feels like something is missing or uneven. 

> I didn't really know how to respond to it but I did see it, twas a fun april fool's

I am glad if you found any fun it, something of a tradition  Dolores Umbridge and Nightmare Moon  having done so in the past. 

Alrighty, in a bit of a hurry so I'll be off for now.

 Hoping to do something a bit special for next episode. Feel free to post your review whenever in case it takes a bit.

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First off, I like how ‘Boast Busters’ is a double pun. It seems a fairly obvious pun but I can’t imagine it was all that easy to come up with, unless the title came first and the episode was built around it. Or maybe the showrunners were just better writers than me. I’m intrigued by the fact that Spike refers to Twilight’s moustache spell as ‘growing magic’, and that it’s one of ‘25 tricks’. I assume he refers to them as tricks because Trixie’s magics are also ‘tricks’ later in the episode, but it  seems kinda weird to refer to them as that all the same, and I don’t think there’s much reference to spells as ‘tricks’ later in the show. I also ponder whether by ‘growing magic’, Spike really does mean magic that makes anything grow. Growth is a potential future state of a given object, so presumably that means that Spike already had the potential to grow a moustache of his own accord in the future. Does future Spike shave? See I’d assumed this the other way around – when I saw ponies with moustaches, mainly upper class types from Canterlot, I assumed they had theirs done via magic. Then again we have people like Starswirl and such… But dragon facial hair we’ve seen even less of, if any that’s naturally-occurring. Anyway, just a little nitpick.
Spike later follows this up by saying that most unicorns only have a small repertoire of magic that matches their particular talent, so that lends support again to the idea that this really was an example of Twilight mastering growth magic in general, as a category. 
Trixie’s fireworks caught my attention. I was wondering how she sets them off, and assumed she used magic, which made me think – maybe her big hat is to hide when she’s using her magic? I suppose that could help make the act more interesting in a world where people know how magic works already – kind of like how you look for where the switch is in a sleight-of-hand, ponies might look for where Trixie might be using her magic in a given trick, even though in both cases the audience already knows in advance the general idea of what kind of trick will be done and the rough outline of how. 
Then there’s AJ and Trixie’s competition – I don’t really understand what was going on with Trixie’s half. AJ’s watching the rope move about, and it’s not like she’s not used to seeing things moved around with magic, so why is she so distracted by it? Is Trixie using magic with like, an attention-grabbing property to it? Though sometimes it seems like the magic ‘glow’ is more for our benefit as an audience, and I’ve toyed with the interpretation that the visual glow is shorthand for the ponies being able to ‘sense’ the presence of magic – I guess this either confirms that the glow is in-universe as well, or AJ was distracted by a wiggling rope for some reason. 
When Twilight runs from the show with the excuse ‘I think I hear my laundry calling’, it made me think – in this world, laundry would be done by hand, right? Well, by hoof. Unless she means it was hanging up to dry. Or maybe, being Twilight, she used a spell to get it to do itself. 
Also intriguing was that Snails had trouble using his horn to light up the cave, whilst Snips didn’t even try at all. I took away two things from this: first, I guess light is more necessary for finding snails than snipping things, so Snails probably has this ability whilst Snips can’t use lighting magic at all, and secondly, given that Snails is so slow, I wonder if magical ability is tied to intellect. Now, that’s a fairly obvious seeming conclusion, after all Twilight spends so much time reading and learning spells, but I mean that if it’s so hard for Snails to even use his magic at all, perhaps raw ability is tied to raw intellect too. It seems fairly obvious for unintelligent characters to be less good at magic, but it hadn’t occurred to me to concretely tie the two together.
Anyway I like this episode probably the best so far, first we get to see Twilight do something really cool, and she starts to really properly find her place fitting in with Ponyville.

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I think this is a lesson here is underappreciated. Yes, this episode had a bit of a uniquer take for the time (compared to at least what I recall) that was more positive and affirming of talent, but they also did this while providing a character who is an example of a braggart and show off in a negative sense (beyond the point of being a mere charming  sometimes flaw like with Rainbow Dash) I think is very clever and gives a balance that maybe is lacking in our current era of online hype culture. Two lessons in one?  I disagree with the issues some had with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity  challenging Trixie. Trixie directly invited them to it and acted pretty antagonistic. This isn’t Griffon the Brush Off where the logic feels a bit weird (even if I don’t take it to where some do) and there is no way that this would be a negative  influence on kids. I am not a “it’s just a kids show, don’t think about it” kind of guy but I am the kind of person that thinks that shows of this nature do deserve a higher suspension disbelief and we shouldn’t judge the character’s actions in a fully adult rationalist perspective which would go against many moral examples (and the whole setting of this being magical ponies!).

Speaking of an adult rationalist perspective…
‘’Please don’t hate me…’’ 
Twilight Sparkle quietly pleaded this after she removed the Ursa Minor from the town. Rationally, as a adult, this monster was threatening the town and actual lives, at least to some extent. Of course her friends wouldn’t hate her for this and it is almost absurd for her to think otherwise. Especially after what happened with Applejack and the town with the stampede just recently. Now, this is a area where I think the lesson reigns supreme and deserves to, but it does feel a tiny bit weird for her character as presented on screen.  I think what Lauren Faust said on this ancient QaA on her Deiavrtart  is worthwhile before criticizing it though:
> The ponies' ages were left intentionally undefined.  I like to think of them as having  maturity levels anywhere between 12 and 18, (but remember that maturity is different than age.  You can be a 10-year-old with the maturity of a 15-year-old, and you can be a 35-year-old with the maturity of a 15-year-old.)  For story telling purposes, ‘’’they needed to be able to live independent of parents, but innocent enough for the type of lessons they learn at the end of the episodes.’’’ Since horses are full grown around 5-ish, I guess I sort of justified it in my head that they could be childlike young adults. I know this answer is frustrating for some people, but it happens often in cartoons. How old is Bugs Bunny?  Mickey Mouse?  Sponge Bob?  I don't know either.

Still, I like to think of this from an in-universe perspective as well. Perhaps it shows how little social experience she does have? 

This episode is 8/10. Solid/Great!!!!! This is my favorite episode of this season so far.

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Trixie’s appearance and mannerism certainly stand out to the few other single episode characters that we have seen thus far. Her bravado and bragging nature, though meant to be annoying, do have a certain charm to them and I can see why she is one of the Season 1 character’s that survived well past in fandom consciousness even before she was brought fully back in the show.  Now, one tiny thing I noticed and I am not sure if it is just me, but do some of these expressions feel a bit choppy in animation compared to the other ponies ? (Sorry, no examples, I was rushing a bit).

I like Trixie’s “uh oh” in the clip here. Real subtle and… IDK, I have the desire to use it for something. I don't squee over ponies as often as some but it is very cute.

This episode hit close to home in a somewhat weird way. I'll admit, this sort of moral I would be slightly biased against. Not strongly. Just the whole internet I feel there is a lot of... negativity sometimes, with overly affirmational and blindly positive even if I dislike those who want to bring back bullying and shaming behavior. Bit of a tangent. My father... let's just say that he probably needed this lesson growing up  and perhpas I as well. 

I may make a whole separate post on magic and some of the other elements mentioned here if I get the chance.

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> I’m intrigued by the fact that Spike refers to Twilight’s moustache spell as ‘growing magic’, and that it’s one of ‘25 tricks’. I assume he refers to them as tricks because Trixie’s magics are also ‘tricks’ later in the episode, but it seems kinda weird to refer to them as that all the same,
> I didn't realize  and I don’t think there’s much reference to spells as ‘tricks’ later in the show. 
> Also intriguing was that Snails had trouble using his horn to light up the cave, whilst Snips didn’t even try at all. I took away two things from this: first, I guess light is more necessary for finding snails than snipping things, so Snails probably has this ability whilst Snips can’t use lighting magic at all, and secondly, given that Snails is so slow, I wonder if magical ability is tied to intellect. Now, that’s a fairly obvious seeming conclusion
Me too. I can recall fanfiction trying to justify these spells as merely magic "tricks" like a branch of magic.As, later context it seems hard to believe that Twilight at this stage would know only 25! In the episode though it does seem this maybe magic more generally. 
To quote Spike:
> I though unicorns were only supposed to have a little nagic that matches there special talents!

And 25 is a lot of spells by pony standards it seems. What counts as a spell, considering that, Rarity created the gold parts of that dress from thin air seemingly. Is that a separate conjuring spell? Or is it some sort of single spell related to her special talent? (which is gems not beatify per see) Or is Rarity a slightly more advanced magic user herself considering we do see her learn and using some other spells relatively casually in the series!? 

This is what I mean with possibly making a whole post on the magic in this episode, I am racking my brain! It is fun though. 

>  maybe her big hat is to hide when she’s using her magic? 
I like this theory!

> Anyway I like this episode probably the best so far, first we get to see Twilight do something really cool, and she starts to really properly find her place fitting in with Ponyville
Okay, magic aside, I see we are in similar opinion on this episode! Ponyville feels a little more established here and all the attention is just on the characters.  

>  Hoping to do something a bit special for next episode. Feel free to post your review whenever in case it takes a bit.
Didn't get it done for the episode but still happening. It does relate to this episode.

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>  they also did this while providing a character who is an example of a braggart and show off in a negative sense (beyond the point of being a mere charming sometimes flaw like with Rainbow Dash) I think is very clever and gives a balance that maybe is lacking in our current era of online hype culture. 
having that juxtaposition to hammer home the lesson is a very neatly efficient use of the episode's runtime and characters, and I appreciate that from a writing point of view and that this was almost certainly the entire intention with creating Trixie, but I can't help but also think that Trixie is the sort of person Twilight could have ended up as if she let beating Nightmare Moon get to her head. Part of why knowing just how much she relied on her friends to win back in the first two episodes is so important, I suppose. 
>  I disagree with the issues some had with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity challenging Trixie. Trixie directly invited them to it and acted pretty antagonistic.
It seems like Trixie's standard act is to provoke audience naysayers and critics into challenging her directly to immediately defuse heckling and play up her power and prestige. It may possibly make more sense logically speaking for some more suited pony characters for that role to challenge Trixie, but since the whole conflict is centered around how Twilight's friend's feelings towards Trixie makes Twilight afraid of being seen like Trixie, it doesn't really make sense to skip out on our main characters interacting with Trixie, and this specific interaction serves to establish Trixie's quirks and personality too. It's again that sort of efficient, shortest-path method of achieving what the episode wants to get across that I think is on full display here and I find very admirable. We talked about how episode 5 kinda dilly-dallied a bit before introducing Gilda and it felt like the episode could have been a better-oiled machine, well this episode is run like a tight ship in comparison I'd say. Virtually no wasted space.
> Twilight Sparkle quietly pleaded this after she removed the Ursa Minor from the town. Rationally, as a adult, this monster was threatening the town and actual lives, at least to some extent. Of course her friends wouldn’t hate her for this and it is almost absurd for her to think otherwise.
It's possible Twilight had taken Trixie's initial claim of vanquishing an Ursa Major more seriously than the others and misinterpreted their skeptical reactions as ingratitude, or maybe she thought the townspeople wouldn't understand the threat an Ursa Minor presented... It is still a weird line though. 
> Still, I like to think of this from an in-universe perspective as well. 
Ponies clearly strongly value maintaining a very innocent, peaceful and sheltered society, which I think is an explanation I prefer to the specific mental maturity of the specific characters idea. Plus ponies are particularly conflict-averse as a species, something which can make them seem childish to a warrior species like ourselves where even simple debates are seen as a kind of contest of wills - like, a pony's reaction to adversity is never going to be that they've gotta toughen up or tough it out as is the adult norm among humans, with few exceptions ponies just seek safety the way human children do. That's part of why they're good for imparting lessons to children, because they grow emotional intelligence and maturity in their childlike adulthood rather than emotional callouses and numbness like human adults do.

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> This episode is 8/10. Solid/Great!!!!! This is my favorite episode of this season so far.
I can certainly understand that. For me it had that "bigger" feeling the first two episodes had as well, but I think that may be down to the persistent misinterpretations my brain loves to make as I rewatch, even though the more slice-of-lifey stuff reminds me more of what it was like before this show had the significance both of personal connection and of the epic fantasy scale of the story towards the end. In particular I think this episode fed into that feeling for me because it returns to Twilight as *main* character. She's definitely our audience surrogate, but we have other viewpoint characters and the story's never just about her, it's an ensemble cast right to the end. But this is the first of my mind's automatic misinterpretation: Twilight as the central figure of the story, and the overall arc of the entire show as being about Twilight and her journey and growth. The second misinterpretation is of the show as a cohesive narrative from beginning to end - this is easily logically picked apart but particularly when Twilight's on screen I keep finding myself reading her in context of foreshadowing and future events even though very little was really planned beyond the realm of a given episode's season. I'm sure it'd still be up there in enjoyability for me but I recognise my weird brain biases me since it applies more significance to Twilight-centric episodes than is actually there.
> Just the whole internet I feel there is a lot of... negativity sometimes, with overly affirmational and blindly positive even if I dislike those who want to bring back bullying and shaming behavior.
The internet at large is what I'd describe as "hauntingly hollow". The fact you can get a chatbot to scrape the internet and spit out an opinion is particularly weird, it gives the internet at large a personality and the dominance of social media and self-censoring corporate speak in all the trash shoved online so massively outnumbers everything weird, awful or wonderful elsewhere on the internet that you get this sensation as though the whole world or the inner thoughts of others are made up of this bland, emotionless, corporate robot view of reality where everybody is equally rational and has equal access to the facts, except for the crazies. Especially when the internet makes up the majority of your daily experiences, as it does for me, it feels like the sterile soullessness can surround you until you wonder if you're the last receptacle of thoughts and feelings left. 
> And 25 is a lot of spells by pony standards it seems. What counts as a spell, considering that, Rarity created the gold parts of that dress from thin air seemingly. Is that a separate conjuring spell? Or is it some sort of single spell related to her special talent?
Perhaps given how unicorns often use their magic like a pair of hands, lifting and manipulating objects casually and with little thought given to it, I wonder if to unicorns, a 'spell' can be articulated in so many different ways that it essentially operates as a whole class of magic, whilst to a more humanoid caster it would have more limited effects. That is the effect I'd imagine from having a wand plugged straight into your brain as like an extra limb, to be honest. 
> Didn't get it done for the episode but still happening. It does relate to this episode.
Looking forward to it, but no rush!

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Shower thoughts: old guard /b/ronies traditions are well memed but not well preserved or understood by newcomers. 

I have fair bit of half finished OC for this board that I ought to dump someday if I don't get around to finishing it.


Uh, I am sorting of writing from a sleep drunk state (I mean in this sense: >>/9287/). Had a bit of a rough week and this is the first time I have felt my mind somewhat clear in awhile. Cheap content for the board I guess.

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Wow, I am tired, wrong thread! Eh, oh well I make it work this time.

> We talked about how episode 5 kinda dilly-dallied a bit before introducing Gilda and it felt like the episode could have been a better-oiled machine, well this episode is run like a tight ship in comparison I'd say. Virtually no wasted space.

I completely agree. Pacing was perfect.

> Ponies clearly strongly value maintaining a very innocent, peaceful and sheltered society, which I think is an explanation I prefer to the specific mental maturity of the specific characters idea. Plus ponies are particularly conflict-averse as a species, something which can make them seem childish to a warrior species like ourselves where even simple debates are seen as a kind of contest of wills - like, a pony's reaction to adversity is never going to be that they've gotta toughen up or tough it out as is the adult norm among humans, with few exceptions ponies just seek safety the way human children do. That's part of why they're good for imparting lessons to children, because they grow emotional intelligence and maturity in their childlike adulthood rather than emotional callouses and numbness like human adults do.

If there is ever a featured hits of /endpone/ this is going in it.  I like this articulation nyself. Let's see if my tired mind can put together my thoughts on how I view the show real quick...

I think understanding the intent of writers and artists matters more than a lot of modern culture gives credit too. Like, Faust's going into the show with this mentality does give some context to Twilight's actions here. Though I think the show also can be looked at, and should be looked at through an entirely in universe lens. Not just as a thought exercise.

>  The second misinterpretation is of the show as a cohesive narrative from beginning to end - this is easily logically picked apart but particularly when Twilight's on screen I keep finding myself reading her in context of foreshadowing and future events even though very little was really planned beyond the realm of a given episode's season

Think about this for example. You can say that FiM, especially at this time, was just a kids show with no intent to maintain a coherent narrative and world. Yet, Faust had a lot of particular ideas of how the world work and tried to enforce rules. Certain things sometimes were set up or hinted out, maybe not with the level of a high fantasy epic with grand plans but look at Star Trek, I am not just talking about the Original Series. I'd make the bold claim that The average Star Trek show is often more internally inconsistent from season to season and episode to episode than FiM is. If the Trekkies can try to cobble together, rationalize, and theorize everything than so do we and we have greater grounds then they do!  

> Looking forward to it, but no rush!

Thanks, and always, if last week was any indication,my life is entering another doozy phase for a bit. Feel free to post next episode any time you please.

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> The internet at large is what I'd describe as "hauntingly hollow".

Oh, indeed I get that. For me, my experience with the internet has often been primarily little corners left behind by social media and what little groups that either formed organically or I could carve out myself in "what's left". 

> Especially when the internet makes up the majority of your daily experiences, as it does for me, it feels like the sterile soullessness can surround you until you wonder if you're the last receptacle of thoughts and feelings left. 

The problem with a lot of the places that are left and at least partly outside of it, they are often just soullessly reacting to the mainstream without having their own soul. Like... if you only speak in a billion wojak memes parodying the soullessness of pop culture, you're part of that souleness and have no spark left yourself. 

Speaking of "you're the last receptacle of thoughts and feelings left." I have enjoyed yours! If something ever happens and this board dies and no bunker is built I would like to stay in touch:
...though I would understand if you didn't want to. Anon posting as I do. This link up here is my only outside contact point from /endpone/ that I have publicly available at the moment myself.

> Feel free to post next episode any time you please.
I'll get on it soon, just need to find the time and the energy to write up my thoughts. 
> ...though I would understand if you didn't want to.
I do want to! I'll make an account sometime just in case.

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I love Fluttershy’s whole setup for the animals with the birdhouses and burrows everywhere. Particularly I like the pier she’s made for the ferrets, where their tunnel opens out onto it from under the bridge. Making comfy places for animals to inhabit is something I loved to do for my cat growing up and seeing this all makes me feel like I understand her a little bit. I also love how the cold open does both an establishment of theme with beginning on Fluttershy and her fear of the black smoke, but also a switcheroo where you think it’s going to be about Fluttershy taking care of critters only for the dragonsmoke-from-the-mountain reveal. I also love the cut from that dramatic reveal straight to the theme song, possibly the most hype I’ve felt for the theme song out of the episodes so far as it feels a bit like “hell yes, they’re gonna go and face a dragon” affirmation.  Also it struck me both from Angel’s actions in the cold open and seeing him in the opening that as much as he’s a controversial comic relief character, he’s also just a very odd creature. Reading the show more literally (I think a totally literal interpretation might be impossible given some episodes), my reaction is something like “maybe Angel’s a reincarnation of a pony, or a pony’s brains stuck in a bunny, or something?” which again I’m sure is a fan theory somewhere. Another curious detail is Twilight saying “smoke is covering all of Equestria” – naturally at this stage Equestria as shown has just been Canterlot and Ponyville, with the Appleloosas having their colony out in the west, so it makes more sense and even feels a bit gen1-ish, where a lot of the conflicts in that show between the various magical creatures were over small fields, forests and otherwise small plots of land. Now that I think is the real reason, but we could probably say something like this is a district called “central Equestria” or something and so it’s called Equestria for short. You could replace Twilight’s mentions of Equestria with the word “Ponyville” and it’d probably still make coherent sense as an episode, maybe somewhat confusing to some viewers as Celestia can clearly see the smoke perfectly well but as we discussed previously, Ponyville seems very nearby to Canterlot. And that sort of conflation could probably satisfactorily explain Twilight’s use of the term with regard to the later show.
However, I have an additional pet theory. It’s one which it’s just occurred to me as a result of this exact conundrum now to apply it, and honestly I’m only going to half-entertain it as a sort of “possibility”. I may have to return to the episode review in a second post as this is going to derail my post completely!
So, this pet theory of mine is carried over from another show I watch, Doctor Who. In particular I love the old black-and-white episodes, they have an inexplicably comfy-yet-uneasy quality to me. But there’s a lot of contradictions with the later show as it goes into colour broadcasting and then later is rebooted in the 2000s, and these are very much considered just par for the course for a show about such chaotic time travel. However, I had this idea one day reading about the original pitch for the show wherein the Doctor and his granddaughter are fleeing from these particular aliens, who have never shown up at all in the show and the reasons for their flight are still unrevealed to this day within canon – and it made me think of Stein’s Gate, and how in that show they drift across timelines such that eventually they end up in alternate universes and realities. It made me wonder “what if they were fleeing something so threatening, they had to escape via time distortion of constant time-and-space travel that they ended up in a different sort of universe altogether?” or to put it another way, the canon of the show with regard to the past AND future changed as it went along. This would mean that things said early on in the show that are later contradicted are still canon, just as the contradiction is canon. It basically fixes the fundamental paradox of the show.

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In MLP there isn’t so much time travel shenanigans going on, but there’s interesting elements, like the magic of harmony, the presence of discord, the alternate universes Twilight and Glimmy fight in, and the gradual return of both ancient threats and ancient heroes later on into the show. I’m not sure how specifically it could be applied or even if it really fits, but part of me likes to imagine just from that line Twilight mentioned in passing that at this point in the show, the canon really is that Ponyville and Canterlot alone are more or less the entirety of Equestria, along with other things like currently Celestia’s wiser and more powerful than in later seasons and is still effectively a goddess. I wonder if other fans have something akin to this, maybe headcanon/au setting type of things where it’s canon, but canon as it existed in this or that season as the fans at the time understood it. I don't remember the season 3 finale all too well, but I vaguely remember it being quite reality-bending which would fit in perfectly with this theory.
Anyway that’s the pet theory.
Once the gang get on their way up the mountain, I love the incidental adventurous violion-and-glockenspiel music that accompanies their journey. Feels very suited to a small, pony-scale adventure like this. The background music often gets overshadowed by the proper songs in this show but the background music here and the music in the pilot both stand out to me as quite enjoyable, at least to my ears. As far as the climax goes, I think it’s another example of mixed messaging with the lesson. I suppose the lesson in light of the climax is that you shouldn’t underestimate shy people like Fluttershy, but the lesson up till now to me would seem to be don’t force people to take part and then be cross at them for not participating effectively enough. 

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...while half asleep from muscle relaxers edition. 

Alright, this maybe more rambly than normal but that is the /endpone/ way so here we go. This was a cute adventure and I also really liked this, comparable to Boat Busters. 

All the way through I enjoyed this one, from the set up, to the little obstacles that they faced. Little things like Pinkie's song and the brief joke of Pinkie and Rarity playing Tic Tac Toe. Lots of little details in this episode I think make this show's world really feel alive. You see this whole little journey. I think that is my favorite aspect of this; a low stakes and comfy adventure. If there is anything where I find the newer seasons lacking a bit it is in that category, but bleh, not gonna go too much into detail with that. 

Never lose faith in your friends
Alright enough of a lesson, albeit within the episode Twilight didn't lose faith in Fluttershy so much as Fluttershy overcame her own fear to protect her friends if I was going to take a way a lesson from that. 

Overall rating, 8.5/10. Liked this one a lot and is a contender for a top fave this season.

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Permanent name change, I don't know? I just felt like calling it that today over "Odds and Ends."  

One thing I do remember from the episode is this little shot of Rainbow Dash rolling.  It is one of the things that feels short of primitive and cheap in the animation, they are just rotating the model. This is not a complaint but a observation. It doesn't bug me in the slightest but as the show dragged on this is one of the things that feels a little janky. 

...and a lot of the animation is a little janky at points, but I think where this show stood out even then was that it had, especially for a show of its budget and target demo, girls/TV Y, a lot of stuff going on. Like, look at this little clip that I labeled "Camera Effects" or whatever I called it It is Did they have to have two separate animation rigs for the front and side profile? They also make a effort, constantly, to have the effect of a camera moving around. Animating details in the background like the smoke here or the bees back in Ticket Master ( >>/9869/). Yes, with flash you can reuses stuff again afterwords so a lot of these little assets stack up but it still seems to me that even here an extra effort was being made compared to a lot of other shows

...speaking of that, Perspective shots, camera effects. The show would sacrifice artistic perfection (lines on characters or objects looking unnaturally big, some art looking weird) for this, and later got better at hiding those little imperfections. Like the storm clouds, I think such efforts were worth it and the imperfections that do show up from that give it a bit of charm to me. I feel like this is something I need to better show  from another episode then this one one.

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> Pet Theory

> I’m not sure how specifically it could be applied or even if it really fits, but part of me likes to imagine just from that line Twilight mentioned in passing that at this point in the show, the canon really is that Ponyville and Canterlot alone are more or less the entirety of Equestria,

I think that is a interesting theory, a model for canon, if you will. Most fans I've seen either try to reconcile it as one package or hate the show as non-canon past a certain point. (or "it's just a kid show, don't think deeply into it!) I can sympathize partly with the later two but I'm closer to you on the one. Here is my model of canon and how I go about theorizing that I have wanted to explain for awhile now but never got around too. 

I think, for analysis of Episodes and the shows' lore itself, it is better to view things through a lens of:
Season Canon:
There are patterns that hold for entire seasons but may not make sense in a future season. 
Episode Canon:
There are patterns that only hold for single episodes, or one off lines and implications that never went anywhere.

Certain things, like, for example, in Season 1, a throwaway line might just be that, in Season 4, a throwaway line you might be able to make a pretty elaborate theory of intent because the show was trying to build and consolidate it's lore cohesively. Or for example, as mentioned previously, Canterlot being over a day away from Ponyville in one Episode, but never being that way for other future episodes or even really previous. That would be an example of "single episode" canon in my eyes. I don't like just disregarding certain things or taking what later episodes and retcons without considering, and sometimes favoring, earlier implications and the like. 

So, from there, that is where I might try to "construct" a series canon, on the basis of what patterns held and what things were continually implied. For example: to go way further out from these seasons, in Season 8, Father Knows Beast really implies that Twilight is a mother figure to Spike, but Season 9's Sparkle Seven goes the complete opposite route and implies Spike is a younger brother. I would look through the series and see which one held up more over taking the newer at face value and/or coming up with a theory to explain the contradiction. Not that can't be still fun!  As for Spike, he really is more of a pet sidekick, a talking dog if you will! joking aside. The idea of all the powerful magic messing things up and making all the contradictions we see I think is a pretty cool idea. I have seen bits and peinces of that concept in fanfiction but never like that. I think you should hold onto that theory and maybe try to build it up as that is a pretty novel way to explain everything. Feels like you could build a case for it. 

> Making comfy places for animals to inhabit is something I loved to do for my cat growing up and seeing this all makes me feel like I understand her a little bit. 

Cute, I tried to make comfy places for my cat growing up sometimes but she had her own preferences. I can relate to both that and finding that detail interesting.

> Another curious detail is Twilight saying “smoke is covering all of Equestria” – naturally at this stage Equestria as shown has just been Canterlot and Ponyville, with the Appleloosas having their colony out in the west, so it makes more sense and even feels a bit gen1-ish, where a lot of the conflicts in that show between the various magical creatures were over small fields, forests and otherwise small plots of land. 

Every second longer that dragon sleeps is another acre of Equetria is covered in smoke!

> Now that I think is the real reason, but we could probably say something like this is a district called “central Equestria” or something and so it’s called Equestria for short. You could replace Twilight’s mentions of Equestria with the word “Ponyville” and it’d probably still make coherent sense as an episode, 

It would make sense, in regards to the scale of "a

(hit character limit apparently)
> Now that I think is the real reason, but we could probably say something like this is a district called “central Equestria” or something and so it’s called Equestria for short. You could replace Twilight’s mentions of Equestria with the word “Ponyville” and it’d probably still make coherent sense as an episode, 

It would make sense, in regards to the scale of "acres" and how localized everything feels at this point, albeit I'm probably a bit more keen on taking it literally, but that is neither here or there. (Might explain more later).

> So, this pet theory of mine is carried over from another show I watch, Doctor Who. In particular I love the old black-and-white episodes, 

Oh, boy, my brother has tried to explain Doctor Who canon to me, "everything canon, including changes, but somethings are disfavored and they pretend not exist, but later acknowledge" is what I took from it.

> they have an inexplicably comfy-yet-uneasy quality to me. 

Very much a side note, but that almost sounds similar to the feelings I'm trying to covey here >>/10439/

Also, I took a screencap of that same shot with Twilight just by coincidence. I just liked the way she looked there for whatever reason.

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Slumber party! I only ever had one and it wasn’t a great success, but I love the idea of slumber parties, and from my memory going into the episode, I thought I’d be in for a comfy time. The opening did not disappoint as I love cold, grey days, and the lampposts dotted around this sort of parkland-area of Ponyville had a nice contrasting glow against the clouds, reminding me of the sort of grey sunsets that happen here where the sun is not visible but it’s still just lighting up the sky, and the lampposts come on. Moments like that are so irresistably comfy to me that I’ll often dash out for a walk, even if it’s well past my bedtime. 

The episode sets up the slightly petty conflict in a way that I found somewhat believable, which passed my notice at first, but I was thinking to myself that I feel like I’ve seen this sort of argument done before all over the place, but annoying and blown out of proportion. Compared to other shows, this toed the line quite nicely, and though I obviously think Applejack’s being more rational, I’m not annoyed or perplexed by Rarity’s perspective either. The trading of insults was very schoolyardish, and we’ve discussed previously the slightly childlike behaviour of the ponies, at least compared to humans, and how perhaps it stems more from innocence than from being less intelligent or adapted, and this here is a great example. The two take issue with eachother and butt heads angrily, but unlike irl where two adults in this situation would probably quickly resort to swearing and personally insulting one another, Applejack and Rarity don’t even seem to think of going to genuinely hurtful insults. They’re cross enough that I believe they would, I don’t see much restraint here, I think it’s moreso that it simply does not occur to them to do so, the kind of mindset I would expect from members of a polite society where scathing insults are rare, unlike our species where scathing insults are even part of everyday ordinary conversation. Not to say the pony way is better as such, you’d certainly have to watch your mouth quite consciously as a human visitor, but it contributes to the comfy atmosphere for sure, especially in this example.

Seemingly the library faces out onto this park sort of area – in my mind I envision the street leading to the library going around the edge of the park. We usually see the library from a front-angle, so I could see the park being hidden from view a lot of the time. I was a bit annoyed seeing Applejack fumble with the hose at first, as I’ve always subscribed to the “suction cup hoof” theory, but then it occurred to me that it may be that she’s trying to keep mud off of the hose. All the same, there are moments where the show canon either works with the theory or works against it, and I think the latter is more common, so it does make sense that people continuously joke about Earth-ponies comically having to make do with their mouths, even if every time I see it I want to shout “SUCTION CUPS! SUCTION CUUUUUUUPS!”.

On a similar note – the mud masks. This is where I’m thinking, right, does mud rejuvenate even furred/fuzzy faces? Like, through the hairs, or even of the hairs themselves? Do the ponies even have fur on their face? Moustaches seem to suggest otherwise, as well as pony appearances generally, though tufts of fur appear in the film and on some character designs. Perhaps it’s regional hair growth? So the moustache and tail on one of our fancy Canterlot ponies would simply be where hair grows naturally on an otherwise hairless body, for example, and for later ponies with fur around the chest and legs, those are simply other areas where hair can grow but doesn’t always do so. Would hair blend in that well with the skin tone though? It stands out more on humans thanks to hair being a different colour I guess. Maybe it’s like a plush surface, or something like skin but not quite the same as it? I’m not really sure of the solution here, but I did like the marshmallow pony theory back in the day.

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Rarity refusing to shake Applejack’s hoof when she spits on it made me chuckle. As the episode moved on, I thought to myself, would I do the same? I’ve never had someone spit into their hand before offering it for a shake – apart from the disgust, my secondary concern would be correct protocol. I’m quite aware of where I stand with an ordinary handshake, but with the spit involved, am I supposed to spit into my hand too, or simply take their hand with their spittle? It doesn’t seem an equal exchange with just one person’s spit, but on the other hand I hardly wish to impose my spit upon someone when I myself don’t wish their spit imposed upon me. And I’ve no idea whether the shake is done with the same force or length in it’s “spit-n-shake” format. Perhaps the rules are identical, but with such a strange and alien custom, I don’t feel safe to assume. 

Anyways, that moment of surprising relatability in Rarity for me leads straight into a comfy outdoors shot of the storm, then the hair rollers, which sets off a feeling of sympathy for Applejack rather than for Rarity. It’s becoming a sort of see-saw episode. Whilst the overall atmosphere is still comfy, the idea of mud masks and hair rollers being fun rather than tortuous just doesn’t compute for me. It’s surprisingly rare that gender cultural divides crop up in MLP for me really, considering this scene – I don’t get the appeal of what they’re doing in this moment, and yet it stands out. Whereas in a show such as, say, Totally Spies, the “girly” activities are much more prominent and so they don’t stand out so much to me. In that show, I take it as a given that I would not want to live anywhere near where it takes place owing to factors like that, among other things. So once again I appreciate what seems like the relative uniqueness of MLP, a comfy fantasy slice-of-life in spite of, and not because of, it’s demographic (maybe worded a little harshly, but you get what I mean, I hope!).

As we get into the ghost stories, I’m realising that this dynamic is working perfectly for me. I love seeing Applejack and Rarity compete, it’s delightful to see them try to get one up on eachother for some reason, and this is balanced nicely with Twilight being blissfully unaware and just very adorably enjoying the slumber party. Moments like her getting way more into telling the ghost stories than the other two and her enthusiasm to break out one of her childhood books are particularly cute, and I think work well in making me both want to see Applejack and Rarity’s competition escalate whilst also not wanting them to burst Twilight’s bubble, which is also what Rarity and Applejack are wanting in the episode. The lantern being filled with fireflies is an interesting touch – though I have to wonder how it’s turned off, exactly. Obviously the fireflies sleep at some point – if they sleep during the day then that’s probably good enough, could always put a blanket over it or something if need be I suppose. I was thinking about how they eat, but perhaps with creatures as small as bugs, an enchantment could keep them sustained and also extend their lifespan a little so the lantern doesn’t conk out within just three days or something. Assuming, of course, that they are actually fireflies! Perhaps these are cousins of the magical Parasprites, Glowsprites if you will. Since ponies effectively engineer nature itself here in Equestria, it makes sense to me that domestication could lead to results that are almost like planned evolution. 

I love the way the resolution is executed. First Twilight’s bubble is popped with the argument over the bedsheets, and it seems like that’s the worst it’ll get, then we’re hit with the tree branch disaster. Whilst ideally it wouldn’t take adversity to bring people together, given that stories thrive on conflict it works perfectly here I’d say, and Applejack gives an excellent example of a genuine and sincere apology, which I think is useful since they’re very hard things to do irl and often I find myself not knowing what to say where a genuine apology is needed.

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> Alright, this maybe more rambly than normal but that is the /endpone/ way 
In our discussions it's serving as a sort of nexus of all sort of more abstract feelings, thus the rambling, and perhaps embodying those ethereal sensations so well is the "missing puzzle piece" of why I like the show so much. It's comfy, it's epic, it's got great worldbuilding, etc, all that is true but it doesn't quite do enough to explain the special place in my heart I have for it. Other things belonging to my absolute favourites like Space Force: Wings of Honneamise and The Wheel of Time tap into similar hard-to-pin-down emotional resonance. Honestly just those three might be my chosen examples of what I'm talking about, I feel like it's exceptionally rare, though I'd have to double check my memory in case I can think of other examples.
> I think that is my favorite aspect of this; a low stakes and comfy adventure. 
It's interesting that within the context of the episode, it's essentially a world-threatening event, at least the world as we know it so far. It's telling that the world serves as such an effective comfyness-protector - in this way it facilitates not only the mechanics of the story, but also the overall spirit of the show too.

> albeit within the episode Twilight didn't lose faith in Fluttershy so much as Fluttershy overcame her own fear to protect her friends
Perhaps in a way, Fluttershy's faith in her friends helped her do what she did, a feeling that they would do the same for her, or maybe given that she's been hiding whilst they go into the cave that they HAVE been doing the same for her, and such is her faith in them that she can no longer stand to hide and cower when their efforts fail. 
> Permanent name change, I don't know? I just felt like calling it that today over "Odds and Ends."
I like it, much as I like this sort of segment! It's worth saying since I often won't have anything to add, despite finding it enjoyable reading. I'm just not as good at spotting animation details, and that precisely is why it's a joy to read the perspective of someone who is gifted in that regard!
> a model for canon, if you will. 
There's a point! I could see it working well with Gundam, it kind of already has a similar approach in Turn A, and perhaps things like Star Wars too, where old expanded universe stuff can be regarded as belonging to the rolling-canon of the original trilogy whilst leaving out the prequels and sequels and all that sort of malarkey. 
> Most fans I've seen either try to reconcile it as one package or hate the show as non-canon past a certain point.
In this regard I think multiple fandom experience can be helpful, as with Doctor Who I think the fans approach something closer to my view in their approaches to the show, simply because with a show that long and vast, it reaches an event horizon where figuring out a coherent singular canon has long since passed beyond the realm of possibility. It's a curse and a blessing in a way - the Twilight Zone is basically early Doctor Who without the titular Doctor as a framing device, and whilst it had less longevity, it also remained much more coherent, though partly through there being not much of a canon to speak of to begin with.

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> (or "it's just a kid show, don't think deeply into it!) 
I'm glad that it's gotten pushed back this far at this stage, but that type of rhetoric still irks me. Once, the normie mainstream thought much the same of Lord of the Rings, by which I mean that "don't think too deeply into it" is a response which occurs in escapism. In pieces of art with clear overt messaging, this sort of transcendent dissociation with reality doesn't occur - for example, in allegorical works like, say, Infinite Jest (I'm not saying I understand it, but I have read it) the world can't facilitate escapism since it's a sort of mixture of allegory for the real world (at least in historical fiction you can sort of "escape" into the past, albeit much less so in my experience than in speculative fiction) and rhetorical jokes, like with the north American super-union being called ONAN in a reference to onanism, unserious joke details that intentionally burst any illusion that this world of the book is real. That's not to say escapism can only come from strict worldbuilding, or even has to be set in a different world (there are parts of The Count of Monte Cristo, for instance, where one is transported by the investment in the struggle and the vengeance), but ultimately any type of over-investment in anything is still villified and sneered at. The fact that it's children's media exacerbates this response, naturally, but "don't think deeply into it" is the phrase that really angers me as it crops up all over the place, this pervasive idea that really, keeping your nose in the grime and muck is what matters, as if the grime and muck itself could not convince you of it's own meaninglessness and worthlessness. To my mind it takes a special type of soulless person to not need even a modicum of transcendence beyond the mere material reality in their life to make things worthwhile.
> I think, for analysis of Episodes and the shows' lore itself, it is better to view things through a lens of:
Season Canon:
There are patterns that hold for entire seasons but may not make sense in a future season.
Episode Canon:
There are patterns that only hold for single episodes, or one off lines and implications that never went anywhere. 
I guess the insecurity is in the idea that the canon is flawed in some way, but since that's inevitable I think your way of viewing things is preferable. Ultimately I find at this point that I can view the reality behind the screen as "real" to me whilst also seeing contradictions and a changing canon, those changes are just part of what that reality entails. After all, my reality seems to change drastically in ways that break "irl canon" as I understood it up till that point all the time. If irl has inconsistent canon according to human perception, then I'm willing to give the same slack at least to fiction. 
> The idea of all the powerful magic messing things up and making all the contradictions we see I think is a pretty cool idea. 
Another way I think of it is a sort of ranked system. In Stein's Gate, the ideal timeline aligned to a particular point in reality, so in the same vein if I set Season 1 of this show as my "target" I can then sort of regard where the show contradicts Season 1 as "divergences" from the "true" or perhaps just "preferable" timeline. 
> I think you should hold onto that theory and maybe try to build it up as that is a pretty novel way to explain everything. 
In my mind it puts this idea that the original timeline has continued out there somewhere, and that the conflicts in the later show are mere echoes of similar things happening back in the "real" timeline. In that sense I doubt I could do the mysterious, half-dreading half-excited feeling that out there the "true" story is continuing justice. I'd feel I'd want to fill in what the "real" canon of the "real" timeline would be, which I couldn't do justice to and would dissipate that wonderful feeling of a phantom world just beyond reach. But if I focus more on the show's specific timeline, perhaps I could make it work.

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> Oh, boy, my brother has tried to explain Doctor Who canon to me
Frankly, it's a mess. The whole show is a mess at this stage but I still like mess... Sometimes. But it definitely makes the early stuff a lot comfier to watch, it didn't need to worry about these things.
>  "everything canon, including changes, but somethings are disfavored and they pretend not exist, but later acknowledge" is what I took from it.
The consensus at this stage is that there is no canon, except insofar as there's some things in the show which haven't yet been directly contradicted by things elsewhere in the show. Canon is a shrinking raft as far as any official Doctor Who "story" goes.
> Very much a side note, but that almost sounds similar to the feelings I'm trying to covey here
The Bionicle track you linked there reminded me of Dark Ambient - but then, lots of tracks I like in a similar vein would so the same, but for the fact that they hold special significance for me, so I imagine to you it wouldn't sound quite like Dark Ambient. The music in early Doctor Who also contributes quite a lot to this feeling - here's my favourite example. Short I'm afraid.
The screenshot from the episode works perfectly for it too, a similar kind of thing to the cover you matched with your song, a city dwarfed by the rather flat landscape around it. Minas Tirith is the same. Flat grassy plains stretching vast and wide are very very comfy to me, I love to imagine the old days of the steppe, with nothing but open blue sky stretching before you, able to go anywhere with nobody around for miles and miles. There's nowhere like that in Britain, you're never far from trees or hills or buildings, it is after all only the size of Idaho. I've heard of people going a bit crazy confronted with some of the truly, truly flat plains in the central US and honestly I envy just being able to witness something like that with your own eyes, though perhaps it can be as difficult for ordinary Americans to travel that far out as well, I don't know. But a land so flat you can see it stretch far away into the horizon, and a sky completely unimpeded, landmarks so absent you feel as though you might be unanchored and float off into the blue, that I'd give almost anything to see just once in my life, and so I'm sure that one day, I will. 
> Also, I took a screencap of that same shot with Twilight just by coincidence. I just liked the way she looked there for whatever reason.
It's a good shot in regards to that then, because it appeals to two things at once - for you, you liked how Twilight looked in the shot, but for me, I almost always feel compelled to take a screenshot where it's wide and shows off a lot of the environments and background. Taking little snapshots with the world itself as the focus helps make me feel like it's real, like Ponyville is out there, almost like I'm some sort of conspiracy-anorak collecting photographs in the rain, glimpses of other worlds that appear in quiet moments.

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Spike’s suggestion that the town might be empty because of zombies seemingly came back in later seasons, as I’m sure it’s been pointed out elsewhere. So, with some episodes, the lesson sneaks up on you, but before the theme song even plays here I’m sure every viewer has pretty much guessed what the lesson will be, that fearing people who are different is bad – the interesting thing to me is the mixture of what exactly this difference is. On the one hand, Zecora is a witchlike figure, as well as the kind of creepy odd recluse that children tell rumours and tall stories about – and on the other, she’s a Zebra, with rather obvious connotations given the accent and the witchdoctor stuff. But I feel like the message is a little mixed up with this in mind. See, if you’re going to do a… Well I hate to even say it, but a “racism bad” episode, then you need the ponies to actually be scared of the Zebra specifically for being a Zebra. But they’re not, not really – if a pony was acting like Zecora, they’d be scared of that pony too. After all, when Gilda came to town a few episodes ago, the ponies didn’t all run away and hide. It’s essentially that this is a provincial, superstitious rural area and the population therefore has a somewhat innate fear of “witches”, which I mean in the sense that even people even today will regard certain creepy old people as being “witches”, not that Ponyville has a distinct idea of what a witch is per se. Honestly, I would prefer if Zecora had been a Pony and not a Zebra, as not only would it make the message clearer, at least in my view, but it would also, at least I hope, keep the show somewhat more pony-centric. I dislike open and transparent analogy to the real world in general, really, particularly in my comfy Pony fantasy world where it’s chief atrractive element is it’s separation from the real world. 

When Pinkie Pie sings her song, and Twilight says “Wow, catchy” – I genuinely wasn’t able to discern if Twilight was being sarcastic, or genuine. It’s clearly not especially catchy… At least to me. I don’t know, but it puzzled me a little. 

The blue plants, I wonder if Zecora is immune to their effect, or if the cloak protects her, or if she’s simply very careful not to let them touch her. I also assume that they must have misheard Zecora as her warning is really quite clear, though perhaps one might think she summoned the blue plants or something.

Twilight comments that there’s “no such thing as curses”, another interesting little tidbit about the magic. I think I discussed with the gala tickets in a previous episode whether magic is something that can produce permanent effects, or if it’s always temporary, and notably here curses are typically expected to be quite long in duration, if not infinite in duration. However, since I concluded from said tickets that these lasting enchantments are possible, I think it most likely has to be some other aspect of curses that makes them impossible. A lot of the offensive magic we see in the show seems like alternative uses of otherwise peaceful magic, so perhaps the form of a spell can’t be intentionally harmful, with energy beams perhaps being something separate. Plus it could be another case of this season’s canon. In addition, we get a little clue about spells when Twilight describes curses as requiring incantations, suggesting the wording of a spell does not mean it needs to be chanted or spoken aloud.

When Spike comes up with nicknames for each of the afflictions, I wondered whether they came up with the afflictions first and simply were able to think of nicknames that fit, or whether they planned the afflictions around the nicknames. And Rarity’s long hair and fur here lends more credence to the ponies having fur.

I also like more of the innocent Pony culture on display at the end when the group go back to town with Zecora. Everyone runs and hides, but Daisy still answers the door when Twilight knocks on it. She’s too polite to not to answer even when she thinks she’s in danger!

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The first thing that stuck out about this episode too me was how this episode feels very much like... how do I say? Young kids show. Now, MLP is a young kids show, but certain aspects of this feel more on the nose and toddler than what the average baseline that was established later. Applejack questioning Twilight Sparkle on trees not being safe before she tells them of Golden Oaks' magical lightning rod really putting that feeling home for me, (among other things, like Twilight Sparkle for sure). I don't think this is bad though. Just Season 1 for ya. Honestly, I can find it a bit charming in a way.

Sheltering inside during a storm in an unexpected slumber party made for a comfy setting. Applejack's and Rarity's bickering I found humorous enough. Twilight Sparkle acting like a little girl who never had a slumber party is childish, but fitting for a character who was extremely anti-social. They had Twilight Sparkle distracted trying to have the perfect by the book slumber party and that being the excuse for her not noticing her friends tension; this is a fine enough excuse on its own, but, I think having her realizing there was tension to the point of calling them out only to retreat back into distracted book mode when the tree had befallen her house felt a bit like her holding the idiot ball. Of course, they had to do this so it could be Rarity and Applejack who saved the day themselves. This is at most, a nitpick though. It doesn't bug me and I could see a possible defense being made of Twilight Sparkle's sometimes neurotic personality retreating back to the book as a means of trying to find order amidst an unfamiliar situation. 
I don't have much to say on the lesson this time around. I thought it was fine (maybe kind of clever). Brain  is still scrambled some by medication. 

As for right now, my rating is 7/10. Another winner.

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Now back to being called Odds and Ends for the moment. 

Overthinking magic: 
1) Rarity trying to pretty up and fix the tree. Applehjack still pulls it down and based on her dialog when the other tree gets struck by lightning. It seems to imply there is limits to Rarity's magic reattaching the tree branch.

I would like to say that Rarity's transformation of the tree into several small statutes/decorative shrub whatevers. The mass of those clearly is not the same as the tree that was. I'd like to say that a lot of that mass was used to fuel the spell itself but Twilight conjuring a door just two Episodes ago, if even Rarity's own previous use of this ability this episode probably dispute this. 

Spike's on "royal business." I know it was just an excuse to not have him there but this line I have always remembered. What sort of business was he on?  Considering how they have usually acted with Spike being a child (relatively responsible to be entrusted with some duties) I wonder what he would be up too and traveling alone, if even to a safe trip to Canterlot for. 

Animation, not too much stuck out this time, lol. That is a given with a episode inside a house. Oh wait, one thing that I didn't screencap!

When Twilight Sparkle is telling her ghost story, the lamp disappears when it zooms out from Twilight's head! 
(Or considering how fast Twilight got that sheet on in a lightning flash may mean Twilight did something with it if I want to come up with an inunverse explanation.)

The lamp is using lightning bugs and I know that Faust wanted to avoid too many references to an advanced industrialized society so I wonder how much lightning bugs would have been a necessity versus a novelty in this situation? It also seems like Golden Oaks has light switches/some sort of powered light source that can turn on and off given the sound effect of a light switch.

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Much better review than mine (not that there is a contest!).

> The opening did not disappoint as I love cold, grey days, and the lampposts dotted around this sort of parkland-area of Ponyville had a nice contrasting glow against the clouds, reminding me of the sort of grey sunsets that happen here where the sun is not visible but it’s still just lighting up the sky, and the lampposts come on. Moments like that are so irresistably comfy to me that I’ll often dash out for a walk, even if it’s well past my bedtime.

Are you me (x2)? For me, I find such moments haunting, though comfiness is a secondary thing present, but yes, a similar draw exists.

> The episode sets up the slightly petty conflict in a way that I found somewhat believable, which passed my notice at first, but I was thinking to myself that I feel like I’ve seen this sort of argument done before all over the place, but annoying and blown out of proportion. Compared to other shows, this toed the line quite nicely, and though I obviously think Applejack’s being more rational, I’m not annoyed or perplexed by Rarity’s perspective either. 

Agreed. Actually, I can say with confidence I saw an entire social circle fall apart over  stupider stuff.

I am aware of the theory and have always been neutral on it.


It is weird though that ponies would have a lot of objects they can't manipulate with their own mouths/hooves otherwise. What I have seen, usually in fanfics, explanations like, "oh, they import a lot of industrial goods from Griffons/someone else who has fingers and thumbs" or "Nope, elements like that are made just for human convenience as us as viewers, and thus should be ignored in prosper world building" (I especially dislike this second stance). I am the type of person who doesn't care as strongly for an explanation on that-maybe magic field-but I'm not against suction cups theory. 

> I did like the marshmallow pony theory back in the day.

Haven't heard that mentioned in a long time!

> (maybe worded a little harshly, but you get what I mean, I hope!).

Yes, I do. Certain aspects of the show took awhile to really grow on me from such aversions even if I never was the type to dismiss things out of hand as "icky and girly" and could even enjoy or be okay with things others won't. 

> Whilst ideally it wouldn’t take adversity to bring people together, given that stories thrive on conflict it works perfectly here I’d say, and Applejack gives an excellent example of a genuine and sincere apology, which I think is useful since they’re very hard things to do irl and often I find myself not knowing what to say where a genuine apology is needed.

This is why I say your review is better here, as yes, that apology is very well delivered and very realistic. I feel like that is something that can be hard to portray well, at least what I recall from watching other shows with life lessons like this... which might not be the best example since I haven't watched most of those shows after age 10. Memory might be rusty.

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> In our discussions it's serving as a sort of nexus of all sort of more abstract feelings,

I like that wording, and yes I agree. I have often debated myself why I liked it and got so sucked in/still drawn to even the simpler stuff and I don't have one answer. I think a feeling of haunting inspired by some of the fanfiction and fan works played a part in getting me into it for example but... I don't know. community there is a slight brotherhood but also a feeling that I always was a bit of an outsider/minatory among there. How good is the show and why does it have it's effect? Taking off nostalgia and trying to be objective I do think this show has some areas where it does standout but quality itself I don't think is the only factor.  Abstract nexus of emotions it is. my own somewhat sucky teen years?

As for other franchises/things. This is in its own category but I am not sure if it is fair/easy to compare. Closest is probably Bionicle where I feel something sort of special like that, but even then, that is also different and abstract. Feels like a lot of it is Apples and Oranges and I don't know if I should be factoring in bananas! 

> why it's a joy to read the perspective of someone who is gifted in that regard!

Gifted is a strong word. I might even be stupid! My eyes though, always, since I was pretty young, would pay attention to background ideas in various things. Gradually developed an eye for it I suppose. My knowledge of flash is itself rudimentary. I have done some animation, mostly handdrawn when I was young, some experiments with ponies. I don't consider it the best but that also does play apart in me paying attention.  

> The fact that it's children's media exacerbates this response, naturally, but "don't think deeply into it" is the phrase that really angers me as it crops up all over the place, this pervasive idea that really, keeping your nose in the grime and muck is what matters, as if the grime and muck itself could not convince you of it's own meaninglessness and worthlessness. 

Allegory and meta can have  meaning and transcendence, if not for the fact often poisoned by cynicism and over seriousness. Actually, partial rain check, next episode review this may fit considering that is supposed to be an allegory for a real world thing. 

> To my mind it takes a special type of soulless person to not need even a modicum of transcendence beyond the mere material reality in their life to make things worthwhile.

I more often see people thinking darkness is depth and that kid's shows can't have depth like that because of being unserious, (Tolkien is for babies because his world was idealistic and thus simple). I would make exceptions because I think several different groups have made   I think some of that pushback can be exhaustion from battles of overly serious nerds and the artificalness of modern megacorps (Marvel content for content sake) I wouldn't call soulless in that way even if I have seen that attitude unfortunately come up sometimes in that sort of discourse.  Still, yes, get that frustration. 

> Ultimately I find at this point that I can view the reality behind the screen as "real" to me whilst also seeing contradictions and a changing canon, those changes are just part of what that reality entails. After all, my reality seems to change drastically in ways that break "irl canon" as I understood it up till that point all the time. If irl has inconsistent canon according to human perception, then I'm willing to give the same slack at least to fiction.

> Frankly, it's a mess. The whole show is a mess at this stage but I still like mess... Sometimes.

It as a property is so long around and gone through so many changes being a fan of it without that attitude must be trying. Still, I can see this background with your view of FiM as many timelines and, while I my reach for a slow mutation of genes as an allegory  and perhaps lean more into authorial intent of the person writing at the time more so than changing timelines in my head, I think our view

 >>/10708/ (ran out just barely!)
I think our views are functionally pretty similar.  Which is neat as I usually see the spectrum of opinion that I already described above.  

> I almost always feel compelled to take a screenshot where it's wide and shows off a lot of the environments and background. Taking little snapshots with the world itself as the focus helps make me feel like it's real, like Ponyville is out there, almost like I'm some sort of conspiracy-anorak collecting photographs in the rain, glimpses of other worlds that appear in quiet moments.

I get this, and have done so. This shot didn't trigger it but... well actually: >>/10705/  Rarity and AJ looking at Golden Oaks was for vary similar reasons. 

> The Bionicle track you linked there reminded me of Dark Ambient - but then, lots of tracks I like in a similar vein would so the same, but for the fact that they hold special significance for me, so I imagine to you it wouldn't sound quite like Dark Ambient. 

I'll check out Dark Ambient out of curiosity though.  

Alright, muscle relaxers hitting me and im about to passout. I do have more to say, here, and an upcoming PM.

Next Episode should be soonish, I don't mind you getting to it first btw, as I said, not strict on pace!

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> I more often see people thinking darkness is depth and that kid's shows can't have depth like that because of being unserious, 

Clarification, I more often now see that attitude, which I feel is related but somewhat different. Or at least something that can often be separated though also obliviously can be the root of such a dismissive attitude. Someone who still thinks and sees depth with some things but has a cultured superiority as to what that is. 

Wow, that was wordy, hope my clarification actually clarifies. My brain has been pretty foggy sometimes on muscle relaxers, lol!

> I love to imagine the old days of the steppe, with nothing but open blue sky stretching before you, able to go anywhere with nobody around for miles and miles. There's nowhere like that in Britain,

 more on this in a little while. 

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> calling them out only to retreat back into distracted book mode when the tree had befallen her house felt a bit like her holding the idiot ball. 
The irony of that moment to me is I love Twilight doing stuff like this in the early seasons, but it laid the groundwork for neurotic moments like that to define more and more of her character as the show went on. At this stage she's perfectly intelligent and capable, it's just that her obsession with books sometimes becomes her sort of nervous retreat. Which is how real obsessions work - it's a common joke to call her autism horse but having autism myself, special interests are kinda like that, they're just part of your life most of the time but in panic situations you can find yourself just shutting down and obsessing over it to calm yourself down. But Twilight being a fully capable person who just happens to have obsessive and anxious tendencies is tricky to balance from a writing perspective, and I almost feel that with any long-running show (see: jerkass Homer) nuances like this will inevitably get flattened. Mind you, my memory of Day Zero is that even in this early part of the show, they take it too far sometimes.
> The mass of those clearly is not the same as the tree that was. I'd like to say that a lot of that mass was used to fuel the spell itself but Twilight conjuring a door just two Episodes ago, if even Rarity's own previous use of this ability this episode probably dispute this. 
I feel like we've seen Twilight just "poof" things out of existence, though I can't recall any specific examples. But in my mind at least it's maybe that it's what you can best visualise doing to the tree - Twilight obviously is a master of magic so can just imagine it disappearing, but I could easily see pretty much all other unicorns having difficulty with that, and it makes sense for the easiest thing for Rarity to visualise being a transformation into orderly shrubbery. Whether it's a matter of power as to how much matter you can displace, I don't know. What would the relation be between intelligence and raw power anyway? So far we've seen a pretty much exact correlation, but to me I'd imagine that intelligence determines how effectively you can use your powers rather than their strength.

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> Spike's on "royal business." I know it was just an excuse to not have him there but this line I have always remembered. What sort of business was he on?
In spite of being treated as immature, he is in charge of Twilight's correspondence, so he does have a 'job' of a sort. In the early seasons "royal business" could mean anything, though in later seasons we learn more about which areas of government are run by the crown and which aren't. Given it's Spike and not Twilight, I would assume he's acting either as a messenger or a courier. Perhaps the elements of harmony are being inspected, or Twilight needed something said to Celestia in person, though I can't imagine how you'd even get a peek at their letters, since they get sent instantly.
> What I have seen, usually in fanfics, explanations like, "oh, they import a lot of industrial goods from Griffons/someone else who has fingers and thumbs" or "Nope, elements like that are made just for human convenience as us as viewers, and thus should be ignored in prosper world building" 
Then there's Anthropology with the theory that humans lived in Equestria in ancient times. I can think of another though, which is Equestria before the rule of Discord, when Grogar was said to control the region. In gen 1 Grogar had these goblin-type creatures enslaved, and they had hands. I wonder if there are still ponies living in the land they migrated out of, and whether those ponies have a different culture without things like plates, forks, and other seemingly hand-intended tools. 
> Taking off nostalgia and trying to be objective I do think this show has some areas where it does standout but quality itself I don't think is the only factor.
Another factor, those closely related to both quality and abstract feelings, is that it is exceptionally comfy as a world and as a show. In a manner that no generation prior was. It's simply a place you'd want to go, a bit like the Shire.
> Closest is probably Bionicle where I feel something sort of special like that, but even then, that is also different and abstract. Feels like a lot of it is Apples and Oranges and I don't know if I should be factoring in bananas! 
If two things produce the same feeling then that is related in my mind too - if I'm eating a banana and it's making me think of oranges, sorry objectivity-lovers but that's an orange-y banana. But you're right that MLP is fairly unique, and what I really meant in bringing up those other franchises is that they create the same super-immersion, although it's immersion in a very different setting than that of Equestria. 
> I wouldn't call soulless in that way even if I have seen that attitude unfortunately come up sometimes in that sort of discourse. 
I didn't even particularly mean people who like dark stuff, I like things which are dark, things which are realistic and even sometimes things which are darkly realistic. What I more meant is those kinds of people who say "don't think too hard about it, it's just a story" for ANYTHING, not just "childish" stories. The kinds of people that just go fishing or golfing in the spare time, who don't read anything apart from nonfiction, who maybe watch the news and documentaries but nothing else. I cannot understand those people, and that's what I meant by soulless - though in fairness, there used to be much more of people like that, I feel, and they're becoming much rarer. They're probably a minority by now.

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> It as a property is so long around and gone through so many changes being a fan of it without that attitude must be trying. 
Fans of the classic show only get new material in the form of the comics and the audio plays from Big Finish, so I think classic-Who fans are more loosey-goosey with that stuff in general. The nu-Who fans though? I think they maybe have more of an attachment to canonicity, though the reboot is intended as a straight continuation. I like both old and new to be clear, though I have a preference for the old show.
> Rarity and AJ looking at Golden Oaks was for vary similar reasons. 
That is a very comfy shot!
>  I don't mind you getting to it first btw, as I said, not strict on pace!
I think I got to it already! Here:

> Someone who still thinks and sees depth with some things but has a cultured superiority as to what that is. 
I am (or used to be? dunno) a big classical music and opera fan, and I have a familiarity with those elements that make it more cultured - and while those are present and I can recognise them, on the other hand, nobody's going to consume purely high-art entertainment, and nobody did in the time in which that sort of stuff was made. Shakespeare and Wagner are great storytellers, yes, but at the end of the day their meaning is very impersonal and their works are more of interest for the technical achievement of making something so masterful than anything else. Opera is constructed in such a way that it's semi-mythical anyways, and I'd venture to suggest that getting truly emotionally invested in high art is about as easy as getting emotionally invested in the Icelandic Sagas or the Iliad: not impossible, but very difficult to feel with any depth of emotion. If something's GOOD but that's all it is, at the end of the day it's mildly interesting to me and that's pretty much it. 
Watching all of the subtitled Ring Cycle on one half of the screen while I played Minecraft on the other half age 15 is still a fond memory though.

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This episode I know is/was slightly controversial but I have never understood why... well, actually I do. I think there can be cases made from it in different perspectives but I never had a strong problem with it myself.

What I liked about this episode. Apple Bloom's inquisitive nature and independence almost feel like a different character from later, though, I don't think they necessarily contradict. She was a little girl obsessed with a goal with cutie marks and thus she got a fixation over the more natural logic here. I also liked Pinkie Pie and the evil enchantress song, and how it kept showing up, it was catchy! Twilight Sparkle was mostly a good foil/voice of reason and I liked how she did get (relatively) rationally persuaded to the position that Zecora had placed the curse on them.

What I am mixed on: The moral in my mind I think gets a little too much hate when filtered through the lens of our contemporary culture. I athink I am overall okay with Zecora being strange and mysterious while that not equaling evil even if I do think a case can be made that the ponies had rational reason to fear her. They clearly aren't xenophobic, just scared of things unknown, and Zecora is very strange and from a forest that is a hostile place associated with bad things to them. On rewatch I might have a problem with Zecora being an analog from black/African culture of some sort.I do think there is problems though if you map human races onto pony/other races/cultures too directly.  I can see where someone would for multiple reasons.  Probably why we never got to see much of anything related to Zebras in the show (and the horrible contemporary political portrayal in the comics) I still think what was set up was something that could've been cool in a alternative universes where politics were less... high tension. It might have been better without as direct a racial subtext or slightly tweaked in some ways. 

Overall though, I don't have any strong personal issues with this episode and still enjoyed it. 7.5/10

Odds and ends:
It is interesting that Twilight Sparkle is so dismissive of curses. I don't find this irrational unto itself. Magic to her is still a science and such a science that can be tested and examined. I could see how a curse violates a world of where magic proprieties are pretty well known. Maybe magic needs energy to sustain and function and thus, a curse in the traditional can't exist (there I go trying to rationalize the magic here). It only feels a tiny bit weird with Twilight being the crazy pony whole believed in the Mare in the Moon!

Poison Joke... I guess is not a curse? Curses are confirmed later to exist in the show but I still wonder what this distinction is.  

Something that MAY just be me, the animation seemed smoother and less choppy. Like they had gotten a bit more of their act together compared to earlier episodes. I wouldn't be able and am too tired to point out exactly why. 

I had completely forgotten tiny Applejack using Rainbow Dash as a steed. Got some laughs and also made me wonder if AJ could repeat that feat with a much larger creature. 

Fun fact 1: I had a copy of this episode on an old cellphone. It was over 10 years old. I wanted to use it for viewing/screencaps but it was oddly cropped. My best guess is that is from being an early YT rip that was cropped to avoid copyright (at the time that could sort of work). 

Fun fact 2: I love Pinkie's song here, really I state again. Have an 8 bit version from the legendary RC88 that I thought was very well done for how short and tiny of a song it was (I guess it kind of sound slike Pokemon).

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> it laid the groundwork for neurotic moments like that to define more and more of her character as the show went on. 
> but having autism myself, special interests are kinda like that, they're just part of your life most of the time but in panic situations you can find yourself just shutting down and obsessing over it to calm yourself down
Interesting, I have always taken the obsessiveness and OCD in a slightly negative context, because I viewed as flanderization/low quality writing or it having a dark context to  Twilight's character if you take it with her increasingly having trouble with stress from "princesshood". Never hated all instances of it and do think it does fit her, just sometimes how it was used/where it went. Honestly? I've always thought of it from more a neurotic/OCD angle but her having autism almost makes a moment like this work better, albeit that context makes it a bit harder to laugh some of her freak outs.  Not autism but I did go into a OCD/Neurotic state pretty bad in my early teen years.

> Whether it's a matter of power as to how much matter you can displace, I don't know. What would the relation be between intelligence and raw power anyway? So far we've seen a pretty much exact correlation, but to me I'd imagine that intelligence determines how effectively you can use your powers rather than their strength.
That is a good question! The relative magical strength of ponies is hard to measure and there are few rules that were fully held over the course of the 9 seasons (one of them, few ponies ever teleported, which may be in favor of that point!). Most unicorns seem to have magic related to their special talent though Rarity does seem to be more expansive than some of them despit not being portrayed as adept. 

> In spite of being treated as immature, he is in charge of Twilight's correspondence, so he does have a 'job' of a sort. 
True, just usually think of him, especially in this season thus far, as the "kid" who was left behind during the adventure. So it does elicit my curiosity. (and desire to write/read a fanatic).

> though I can't imagine how you'd even get a peek at their letters, since they get sent instantly.
Maybe Spike's magic being used by Celestia for another purpose? I could soft headcanon that!

> Anthropology
A name I know... from long ago. Never read (or maybe I did but forgot, been so long) but seen many versions of that theory.Wasn't there a random human object hidden in a background gag one epsiode? Like a tire underground. Can't seem to find it.

> It's simply a place you'd want to go,
I like that phrasing.

> I didn't even particularly mean people who like dark stuff, I like things which are dark, things which are realistic and even sometimes things which are darkly realistic.
I think we are both talking about different types of people. I don't mind people who like things who are dark. I mean an attitude where dark and gray are only valid. and anything else is just for babies without much thought or depth.  

> who don't read anything apart from nonfiction, who maybe watch the news and documentaries but nothing else.
I might have turned out that way, had I not got into pony. I had a notion I would have to give up most "childish" things like that when I grew up at a certain age. 

> They're probably a minority by now.
That is my thoughts as well.

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> Well I hate to even say it, but a “racism bad” 
>  I dislike open and transparent analogy to the real world in general, really, particularly in my comfy Pony fantasy world where it’s chief atrractive element is it’s separation from the real world. 
I hear you ought on that. Though I consider the context here to be largely minor and inoffensive the mere touching of that topic can be really toxic. To be fair to the show, this was done in the standard 1980s to 2000s way. A standard lesson being taught to children and I don't think a lot of the details now we observe were even thought by the crew and in a world with a slightly cooler heads on the topic might not be so unconformable.  

For example: I think having Zecora being creepy and mysterious is fine as a learning tool for children in the sense of judging things not as they seem and how rumors can spread/those who isolated can have horrible things said about them, BUT, I completely agree that ponies shouldn't be viewed as irrationally xenophobic in this context either.

To add, what I said from my review fits well here:
< On rewatch I might have a problem with Zecora being an analog from black/African culture of some sort.I do think there is problems though if you map human races onto pony/other races/cultures too directly. 
< I still think what was set up was something that could've been cool in a alternative universes where politics were less... high tension. It might have been better without as direct a racial subtext or slightly tweaked in some ways.

> When Pinkie Pie sings her song, and Twilight says “Wow, catchy” – I genuinely wasn’t able to discern if Twilight was being sarcastic, or genuine. It’s clearly not especially catchy… At least to me. I don’t know, but it puzzled me a little. 
To me, she seems a bit surprised, and I take 'catchy' as half compliment at least, albeit more caught off guard by the whole thing. "Wow, that was a lot Pinkie." So I think your confusion makes sense! I do find the song a bit of an ear worm.

> we get a little clue about spells when Twilight describes curses as requiring incantations, suggesting the wording of a spell does not mean it needs to be chanted or spoken aloud.
Good detail to highlight. As I stated, I think it is fair to say that Twilight Sparkle views magic as purely a science and that the trappings of curses and superstition are removed. Now, where that line goes (good point on the tickets!) I don't know. Seems like a harmful spell could be a curse for all intents and purposes and that poison joke arguably is. 

>  think I got to it already! Here:
And now I have replled... here! As always, feel few to progress ahead with episode reviews. I should have a new one up myself this time soon though.  again, though, this is not a race.

> Watching all of the subtitled Ring Cycle on one half of the screen while I played Minecraft on the other half age 15 is still a fond memory though.
Get that (and that sounds comfy).

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Before I get into Swarm of the Century, I want to quickly go and rank the episodes I’ve already watched:

Ep1+2, Friendship is Magic – 9.4
Ep3, The Ticket Master – 6.5
Ep4, Applebuck Season – 8
Ep5, Griffon The Brush-Off – 7.6
Ep6, Boast Busters – 8
Ep7, Dragonshy – 8.5
Ep8, Look Before You Sleep - 8
Ep9, Bridle Gossip – 7.5

You see, when I saw the word “swarm” I instantly remembered that this was the real first episode that I ever watched. I saw it first as Friendship is Witchcraft, yes, but after watching the two-parter, my memory at least is that I skipped straight to this episode because it felt like a more natural “first episode” to me back then. So, I wanted to establish how good this episode actually was to me now before I even went into it, as in my mind this is the fondly-recalled first experience, and honestly I have at times forgotten that it isn’t actually the first post-pilot episode in the show. So I set out to revisit what I’d written about the previous episodes so far. At first I was thinking of doing a ranked list of my favourite episodes so far on rewatching, but it occurred to me that this would be a tricky process to keep track of, and if I score the episodes, I could simply go back at the end of a season or something and see what rank they fell into based on what score I gave them. So I played around with ideas of different scoring systems, but I decided I’d go with the same one Bridge has gone with. 

So there it is, albeit a bit influenced by hindsight. I’m ranking episodes based on a criteria primarily of personal enjoyment, including guilty pleasure without deducting points for the ‘guilt’, and on comfiness factor. Other things may factor in, but only really if they stand out to me as especially good or especially bad. And as I was saying previously, I’m not a great ranking person, so I may drop it later on in the show, but I felt a need with this episode to compare it, so here it is for now!

So, into the episode!

I like that the visit of Princess Celestia is set up straight away, it makes it so that this first line in this establishing scene is serving a quite neat purpose, very little time is being wasted here. Right after Fluttershy mentions Celestia to the squirrel, we’re introduced to the Parasprite. Fluttershy is timid to an extreme, I realise, but I found it somehow a little silly that out in nature, a small noise and rustle makes her jump with fear. Surely normal animals would be spooking her all the time like that? It’s always a bit of a selective fear and perhaps she’s in different states of fear day-by-day, but it just stood out to me a little. 

I liked the gag where she crushes the apple for the Parasprite to easily consume, only for the Parasprite to ignore it and go straight for the basket of apples. It’s both funny and, like everything else in this first scene, efficiently establishes future events in the episode. Even from just this gag I think adult audiences can probably surmise where the episode is most likely going. Finally having him nestle in her hair, Fluttershy saying she’ll show the ‘sprite off to her friends, and a sting on a close-up of the barrel, and we’ve got everything we need to know for the episode. Superb first scene, great cliffhanger before the theme song.

Twilight panicking here about the arrival of Celestia is great, but I can’t help but think ahead to future episodes where this type of panic goes into absolute overdrive. So far it’s quite tame by comparison, and a believable sort of anxiety that’s very relatable. Throwing off the responsibility of cleaning onto Spike seems very in-character for current-era Twilight, but I could see people disagreeing so I think it’s also good that you can interpret it as a certain obliviousness, which is also in character for Twilight. Somehow though I kind of like the slightly mischievous element of Twilight running off to do something more fun while Spike does the work, a likeable character flaw you might say.

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Twilight's journey to the bakery is nicely punctuated with her observing and overseeing the decoration-preparations. The episode could have just cut from leaving the library to arriving at the bakery, but it helps establish the preparations that the Parasprites will later destroy, and I also think it establishes a bit of Twilight’s position in Ponyville. Now, I know I already did this with Ticket Master and Applebuck Season, but unless I see something that violates continuity in this episode, I think it would make an even better first episode – here, Twilight still stands apart from the others, both the population of Ponyville and Spike. She’s leaning on her authority, she’s being a little bit selfish, and isn’t quite fitting in yet. If this came straight after the pilot, I think it would feel very natural, and then if Applebuck Season came after this, that I think would flow nicely into Twilight learning how to fit into Ponyville better as she gets closer to her friends. 

At first I was a bit exasperated by Pinkie Pie, as Twilight enters the bakery. My first thought was “how does she manage to bake cupcakes for people and cater for her big parties if she can’t resist eating everything before the party’s even started”? And then, thinking of how tired Mr and Mrs Cake seemed, I even got a bit cross at Pinkie Pie, seemingly taking advantage of them. However, saying she was taste-testing, whilst seemingly self-serving, is the sort of thing Pinkie Pie would try to take seriously, and so I thought I’d better give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that in her mind, at least, she’s doing the right thing. Pinkie’s never been one of my favourite characters, but at least at this stage in the show I don’t think she’s reckless to the extent where it’s bordering on malicious, as is sometimes the case in later seasons. In fairness, out of all of the Mane 6, hers is the character that is trickiest to get right, I think. It’s always a delicate balance with all of them, but for her this is the case twice over. 

When Fluttershy arrives with the Parasprites, Twilight is immediately fascinated. The fact that she doesn’t know what they are is interesting to me – they must be relatively unknown. I’m tempted to say that they’re from further abroad, but honestly the nature of the Everfree Forest is such that I’m sure there’s tons of obscure chaotic creatures abounding there that are relatively unknown, thanks to it being a hard area to study and full of all the other creatures taking up the attention. And then Pinkie knowing exactly what it is, and even sets off to find a trombone, anticipating what will happen - an early example of her mysterious depth of knowledge and abilities. In my mind, Pinkie’s abilities are a manifestation of Earth-pony magic. Earth-pony magic is always passive, at least until G5, and whilst that’s well understood where things like farming are concerned as with Applejack, I think it’s likely that there’s all sorts of latent abilities like Pinkie’s among Earth-ponies that go unnoticed or are dismissed as superstitions. It’s noteworthy that belief in the existence of curses is widespread in Ponyville but seemingly not in Canterlot given Twilight’s reaction to them in the previous episode, and that Twilight later on tries unsuccessfully to understand Pinkie’s premonitions. Perhaps Twilight’s attitude in both cases is prefigured with this urban scholarly perspective that Earth-ponies, particular of the rural variety, are superstitious – and perhaps the real explanation for this is that Earth-ponies observe the effects of their passive magic without understanding themselves as the cause. I like to imagine that being aware of how you use magic precisely as an Earth-pony makes it active and therefore nonfunctional, I.e you have to be unaware to use these abilities, such that Pinkie Pie’s odd degree of obliviousness and ignorance most of the time could instead be part of her method to maximise her abilities by remaining unaware of them. I don’t know, bears more thinking about, as I often say with these magic-matters.

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It’s interesting that Applejack isn’t involved until she bumps into the others delivering apples to Fluttershy. I wonder what it was that Fluttershy needed that many for? Probably not the Parasprites, since Applejack only becomes aware of them now that she’s delivering said apples.

Twilight’s spell to get them to stop eating the food backfiring is perfect. Right at the point where the threat needs to escalate in the structure of the episode, and a great ironic twist where you think Twilight should have been more specific with her words, even though that doesn’t actually have a bearing on how the spell is cast. And it led straight into the fantastic gag where the Apple family are defending their apples, only to have the Parasprites go and eat the barn. 

And – oh! I forgot Zecora was in this episode. So yes, I suppose there is a continuity issue with putting this one first. Ah well! Though my comment about Parasprites being from further away may be somewhat the case given Zecora instantly recognises it. Though even she doesn’t know any kind of solution for them. Once again, we’re left to wonder whether it’s Pinkie’s powers that gave her knowledge of Parasprites, or past experience. 

I like how, when Celestia mentions Twilight’s report, Twilight reacts exactly how I’d imagine someone would react if they forgot all about something in the midst of a bigger crisis. Just a small moment but just very well characterised, I thought.

The lesson is delivered in a more explicit way than usual at the end, though I have to say I think there’s some problems with the delivery. Since we know Pinkie Pie, we know that listening to her, a lot of the time, really isn’t the best idea. And she never really clearly or concisely explained anything, she just expected the others to understand what she meant. So it’s not really a mistake as such to have not listened to Pinkie, it’s more par for the course really, but I understand the message and there’s probably ones which are less well conveyed. Just more of a nitpick. Oh, and I loved the gag at the end too. Easily the strongest episode on comedic beats so far, I’d say. 

The only other point I have against the episode is that it borders on being a reference to tribbles – it’s not QUITE there, but it skirts the line a bit in places, I think. But really that’s it. I’d say I reserve full 10/10 for episodes which really strike me as absolutely flawless, and honestly I’d expect just one or two of those, so for most I’d say the maximum is 9.9. With those two minor points against it, I’d say I deduct two decimals… So something like 9.7? It’s easily my favourite so far, I think it holds up very well indeed. And that seems to have been reflected with the length of my review - 3 posts! I had a lot more to say about it, it seems!

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> Twilight Sparkle was mostly a good foil/voice of reason and I liked how she did get (relatively) rationally persuaded to the position that Zecora had placed the curse on them. 
This happens later with eventually giving up on finding an explanation for Pinkie Pie's weird abilities too. But I like to think moreso that it's her accepting that some magic doesn't fit the model she's familiar with applying to the understanding of magic in the world, rather than just accepting that some things are unknowable.
>  They clearly aren't xenophobic, just scared of things unknown,
It's a distinction people seem to find difficult to make, yet it's a fairly big difference - a real xenophobe, to my mind at least, is well versed in their hatred of others. If you don't know anything about someone and are scared of them as a result, that's really somewhat rational - hating them for being unknown, on the other hand, is rather different. Again which is sort of why I think making it a race thing was perhaps a mistake - humans are almost all, by now, aware of other races, at least those humans that watch my little pony, so the fear of the unknown angle gets mixed up with a very different irl issue. Certainly children might be unfamiliar with other races (I was, I remembering pondering as a 6 year old whether people with dark skin were wearing paint) but that's not quite the same thing as fearing the unknown, at least in my mind. You quickly learn that other cultures are different rather than unknown, it's not a mystery who or what these other people are. But it IS a mystery to the ponies, so it's really a very different sort of issue altogether. 
>  It might have been better without as direct a racial subtext or slightly tweaked in some ways. 
A creepy old pony with a witchlike reputation would have worked perfectly imo, though I like Zecora as a character so I wouldn't say I necessarily lament the choice they ultimately went with.
>  Got some laughs and also made me wonder if AJ could repeat that feat with a much larger creature. 
Maybe she could have tried that with the dragon!
>  I love Pinkie's song here, really I state again. Have an 8 bit version from the legendary RC88 
I definitely prefer it in 8-bit format!
> having a dark context to Twilight's character if you take it with her increasingly having trouble with stress from "princesshood".
Part of my exact issue with this is that for me, I have a lower tolerance for stress, but that doesn't mean that I'm neurotic. But again the issue with this show almost across the board seems to be that the characters start out with nuances that gradually get simplified away as the show goes on, simply because it's almost impossible for a show working off a freelance-writer model to maintain those subtleties effectively. Fanfictions sometimes reflect some of these nuances better insofar as the fandom picked up on some of the neat little details of the characters and really ran with them, but that too is a mixed bag, sometimes for similar reasons, and sometimes for very different reasons. 
> I've always thought of it from more a neurotic/OCD angle
From what I've SEEN of OCD (not a lot), it looks like it's more phobia-oriented. I have phobias myself, and whilst phobias can cause stress, when exposed to them I usually just shut down rather than get worked up. But as I say, I really don't know. I'd say my interpretation is that Twilight is neither OCD nor autistic, but merely is closer on the spectrum to both whilst still being a neurotypical. (and my understanding is that someone with one is more likely to have the other, so there is a certain link I think). And for the record I think ponies would necessarily have very similar psychologies to humans given the way we see them behave in the show. It kind of makes more sense of EQG even, where the two worlds are linked and mirror eachother.

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> A name I know... from long ago. Never read (or maybe I did but forgot, been so long) 
Well worth a read/reread. After a certain point I stopped, but all the early chapters are fantastic.
> I mean an attitude where dark and gray are only valid. and anything else is just for babies 
Oh, I see what you mean. I feel like they're maybe less outspoken these days too, especially since colourful Superhero films are more the norm now than gritty realism, but that attitude certainly still seems to make the rounds.
> I had a notion I would have to give up most "childish" things like that when I grew up at a certain age. 
I tried, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
> Seems like a harmful spell could be a curse for all intents and purposes and that poison joke arguably is.
Part of the trouble is definition. In our world, people will say magic is real, then say that it's not supernatural powers at such, but the ability to manifest a particular reality in your life, or something to do with sleight of hand. In the same way, poison joke could be viewed as a sort of plant curse, but I imagine ponies define magic as using life energy with a particular intent. Mind you, the tree of harmony breaks those rules, seemingly have intentions behind what it does. As for harmful spells, I would suggest that the difference is probably something along the lines of how reversible curses are, or how long the spell lasts. A curse is presumed in a lot of cases to last for a long time - we see Twilight do things like give Spike a moustache and turn a frog into an orange-hybrid creature, but perhaps these effects are strictly temporary. We see an enchantment on those tickets I keep going back to, which makes me think that a curse within in-universe magic-logic would essentially be a harmful enchantment rather than a spell. Perhaps, then, living creatures are resistant to all forms of enchantment, but even then, you can have cursed objects. So perhaps Twilight is referring strictly to interpersonal curses, since evidently objects can be cursed. Another angle is she might mean curses in an even more specific sense, like Equestrian versions of the evil eye, walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror. Obviously they haven't done the latter two here, but perhaps what Twilight means is that Zecora doesn't have a horn with which to perform magic, and that curses are a crude superstition of non-unicorn magic. That makes some degree of sense, though again with the later Pinkie premonitions episode, I think we see suggestions that Twilight is in fact mistaken about the magical potential of non-unicorns. Well, obviously we meet lots and lots more magical creatures later in the show, but at this stage I mean. Perhaps things like Discord and Tirek have faded sufficiently from memory that the academic consensus is that unicorns and alicorns are the only creatures that can enact active rather than passive magic. Though all that sort of "forgotten knowledge" stuff does always beg the question of why Celestia has ALLOWED these things to be forgotten, even to her personal proteges - speaking of which, was Sunset her first? Or maybe Cadance? Or has Celestia been taking on personal students for centuries by this point? Way later in some of the EQG stuff we discover that Canterlot Library has a restricted section that Celestia has access to, so there is certainly some degree of classification or even censorship with Celestia's authority, but the rationale behind it (maybe preventing Cozy-Glow types) and the technicalities of how it's enforced aren't clear. 
> I should have a new one up myself this time soon though. 
Looking forward to it!

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> lamp is using lightning bugs
I didn't know about this before reading your post today. I have an interest in insects and arachnids. Like being somewhat in touch with or entertained by nature and animals (thinking of a certain yellow pony). Images: (a) adult, dorsal view; IDK, maybe banded 'Attagenus unicolor' (b) larva, ventral view; IDK, maybe 'Malacosoma californica' (c) adult, dorsal view; unidentified dark-brown-colored beetle

> Fun fact 1: I had a copy of this episode on an old cellphone...
(You no longer have that file.)

> Fun fact 2: I love Pinkie's song here, really I state again. Have an 8 bit version from the legendary RC88 that I thought was very well done for how short and tiny of a song it was (I guess it kind of sound slike Pokemon).
I couldn't play that MP4 on the device I'm using, so here's a link to it:

That electronic music feels meh.

> Don't think too hard about it
A: This story has this flaw.
B: Yeah, but just don't think too deeply on it

It's an excuse to not care about bad narrative constructions. Person A is putting more focus on it than person B likes, so he wants to dismiss it. Like if you are really a fan of some story you are more likely to dismiss criticism. If you overall dislike a story, you are more likely to make it look like the criticisms are the main defining things for that story. "Don't think about it" may be said when fans and anti/non-fans/critics meet.

Should you feel bad about enjoying a story with flaws or plot holes? No. It means that you enjoy the good parts of it and didn't care so much about the bad parts. Just accept that some people have different views on how much the good/bad/other parts of a story define it. Life is fucking stupid, but I still enjoy parts of it.

> Attagenus unicolor
Really looking more like this instead: Dermestes lardarius
> unidentified dark-brown-colored beetle
Some type of ground beetle maybe, not Scarites. More likely to be: Prionus californicus. Still not sure what this is.

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>  Images: (a) adult, dorsal view; IDK, maybe banded 'Attagenus unicolor' (b) larva, ventral view; IDK, maybe 'Malacosoma californica' (c) adult, dorsal view; unidentified dark-brown-colored beetle
These are cool either way, but out of curiousity, did you take these pictures? They're very well shot if so!
> Just accept that some people have different views on how much the good/bad/other parts of a story define it. Life is fucking stupid, but I still enjoy parts of it.
Quite so, well put. I think earlier in the show's history there was more of an emphasis on demonstrating how the show was good, so as to defend one's interest in it back when it was much more weird and unprecedented to be an adult fan of the show, but nowadays I feel that I just enjoy the whole package. There are bad things which I enjoy not even as "so-good-they're bad", but just earnestly as they were meant to be enjoyed - my example would be Mighty Orbots, which I don't think is a good show by any means, except in terms of it's animation, yet I still enjoy it earnestly and without irony for what it is. In the same vein, although MLP is, by now I think, undoubtedly and uncontestedly a good show, I still ALSO like the parts that are plotholey and such without apology. 
> Ep3, The Ticket Master – 6.5
I rewatched this again just this morning, before I set off to work, which I will do five minutes from now. Rewatching it, I definitely enjoyed it more than a 6.5, but I think that's probably the trouble with this show, most of the episodes I'll want to rate quite highly. But maybe I should just go with that so that, should an episode come up in later seasons that I truly dislike, it demonstrates how far off the mark it is for me. 
Who knows, but I feel like it's more like a 7.5 at least. Even though I only watched it a few months ago, it's already better than I remember it!

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As we start this episode off, I find myself in the comfiest opening scene so far, if not the comfiest scene period. It’s the first day of the new year, early in the morning at the Golden Oaks Library, and the curtains are drawn with Twilight and Spike both tucked up cozy and warm in bed. This moment, more than those that preceded it in previous episodes, makes me want very much to be right there in the scene, just to experience the sheer comfyness of it all. And Twilight’s excitement is infectious too, so it all mixes together into just, one of my favourite things. Spike mumbles “Mommy? Oh. You’re not mommy.” When Twilight wakes him, which I get is a joke but I wonder if at this stage Spike being hatched by Twilight was in the show bible yet or not. I notice that Twilight even has a spare scarf, as well. I love the way she jumps into her boots all at once, I love the worldbuilding seamlessly incorporated with Spike mentioning how Canterlot just does it by magic, I love how Twilight tries to put on all her gear without using magic as if she’s already gearing up to do things Earth-pony style, I love how the solution to the problem in this episode is set up by Twilight saying how organised she is and having a checklist (I knew this bit in advance because like with Swarm of the Century, I just couldn’t resist watching this episode twice), I just love this whole intro to bits. And as she steps out into the darkness of the early hours the morning, I feel a warmth that reminds me of why I like to get up as early in the morning as I can. Nothing’s better than a walk in the dark at 4am when everyone’s in bed and everything’s quiet and silent. 

And relatively soon into the episode, we have what I think (?) is our first major setpiece song in an episode. Winter Wrap-Up is just so catchy and so well choreographed that there’s little I can add, except to say that I noticed there’s a gloomier tone when Twilight has her solo lines, which I think makes the song a lot better than just a simple happy exposition song. It does a great job of building up the conflict, illustrating Twilight’s feelings, setting up the premise and expanding the world, and it even takes time to characterise the characters, like at the beginning when each of the ponies mentions how winter ending affects them personally, each in a way that fits their personality. It’s just absolutely perfect. It’s easily one of my favourite songs in the entire show, and not just because of the music itself (though that’s obviously great) but because all this great story is packed and condensed down into this song, and relistening to it on it’s own is almost like an audible mini-version of the episode. 

I also noted Applejack saying that the food that’s been stored is running out, which was making me think about how, with human seasons, we eat food according to season (at least in the past) out of necessity, but the ponies could abuse the seasons if they wanted – whilst there probably would be negative environmental consequences, magic could probably overcome those. As such, another neat difference between Pony and human society in this sense is that ponies aren’t really faced with necessity as much, and yet they choose to continue to live in a way that brings them in harmony with their countryside and with eachother. In this sense, not only does Ponyville represent pony values as contrasted to human ones, but also pony values contrasted to Canterlot! I wonder if maybe that’s another element of why Celestia sent Twilight here. It’s never explored much in the show to my recollection, but it would be interesting to think of urban pony life as having degraded from the harmony that kept Equestria together in the past, and so from Celestia’s perspective, all this fun slice-of-life stuff is essential training for her protege to go through. I kind of like the idea that the fate of the world rests on this slightly neurotic socially awkward purple horse managing to make friends and fit in.

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Just as the first time round watching this, I find myself rewinding to watch the song again. So I’ve seen the episode twice and the song in the episode four times, now! Another thing that occurred to me on the second time watching the song is that the ponies don’t just represent a source of joy and optimism in a dark and scary world for viewers both young and old, but they also represent this very same ray of hope for their world too! The doom and gloom that we often feel in January and February is in their world too, but in Equestria it’s not the inevitable turning of the seasons that brings back the new genesis of Spring, it’s the ponies themselves! I just thought it was a neat little parallel, and made me think that in light of all the other species and such that get added later on, I feel like it’s easy to devalue or overlook the ponies compared to how special they really were, and still are.

Then we’re introduced to Rainbow Dash’s weather team. Twilight realising she doesn’t have wings takes on a different note on rewatch for sure, but what note that is exactly I don’t yet know how to say. I’m sure it’s also been noted by others before that Pegasi don’t exactly fit the “Earth pony way”. Whether at this stage the Pegasi and Earth ponies had been established to have magic or not, I  don’t know (though I’d assume from Faust that it would have been in the show bible, though perhaps it was overlooked) but if we take the later Hearthswarming Eve as retroactive canon, it would suggest that in the past, Earth ponies would have had to contract the Pegasi for the weather control. After all, without the Pegasi, the snow and ice doesn’t melt, so there can’t be much in the way of Spring otherwise. However, at this stage in the show’s canon, I’d assume it’s something more like Pegasi have either always been around Earth ponies. Indeed, at this stage, we don’t actually know of a period prior to Celestia’s rule: she’s more of a goddess who’s been around since the beginning of time. I’m not sure which I prefer. On the one hand it’s easier to fit in previous generations in the later show’s canon, but on the other, the whole social-environmental structure works much better with Celestia as effectively a deity. It also makes the world beyond Equestria much more mysterious and potentially scary, as it’s outside the protection of the world’s only known benevolent deities. Uncontrolled weather in regions like the Everfree forest and beyond the borders of Equestria would also be an interesting thing to explore at this stage of canon – perhaps it’s much more extreme and violent. Perhaps lands beyond Equestria are impossible to grow crops in. That would certainly fit in with the more nomadic and hunter-gatherer nature of the early non-pony species we see like buffalo and dragons, and from Gilda’s appearance we could infer that griffons are likely hunters as well. I wonder if some early fanfictions might have covered some of this ground? I’ve also been wondering since our last discussion on stages or phases of canon whether anypony’s tried to reconstruct, say, season-1 era fanon as a “replacement” canon for the later show. I’ve often pondered doing this with Star Wars – take for example all the stuff before Episode 5 came out in terms of novels, comics and even fanworks, if there were any or many – that would be before the big Darth Vader twist, so if you reconstructed a canon from there, it would be a very different story indeed. The best version of this in my book would be if someone reconstructed the season 1 canon of MLP, and using fanon and speculation on where the show was going to go, wrote out all of the rest of the show had it gone in that divergent direction (I did say BEST version, not realistic version). 

Then Spike takes a nap in a bush. Later in the episode, Twilight hides in a bush. It makes me wonder – are bushes in Ponyville (or even in Equestria generally) comfortable? It’s an old childhood dream of mine to live inside a giant, comfortable rosebush, weird as that is to say.

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Rarity using her mouth rather than her horn is great attention to detail. In other hands I guarantee she would have been using magic and it would have just been ignored, and if asked, the creators would have said “oh well it’s only for the other, bigger tasks that the no magic rule applies.” Not a major note, just a sign of good craftsmanship. And goodness me, what luxury these birds are living in! Presumably by the end of the year their old nests aren’t reusable, given that Rarity’s making new ones. I wonder if ponies clear out the old nests over the course of winter, too? I’d imagine these wouldn’t need much renovating, either. Given an intelligent and relatively physically articulate creature is making them, I’d imagine the twigs are more closely intertwined, plus it’s got ribbons holding the structure together. Twilight instantly organising them is another good nod to the later solution to this episode’s problem. I also enjoy how it’s clear that Twilight is not used to using her hooves. Also Spike references outhouses, which I would guess is the reason that I sometimes see ponies depicted as using outhouses in fanworks. 

As we move onto Pinkie, we have her line about having been doing the ice skating since she was a little filly. Was she doing that on the rock farm? Again I’ll assume this is canon for when it was made, but I wonder how that jives with the later canon. The line “there’s quite a few lakes in Ponyville” immediately made me think of Finland. As we meet Fluttershy and she explains hibernation, I wonder whether it was thrown in there to be educational, or whether it just naturally worked out that way. Leaning towards the latter. 

After Twilight gets stung, I’m not sure why she bathes in tomato soup/juice. Is it for the smell, or the stings? Regardless, I like the bathtub they have. I wonder whether they boil the kettle for water, or whether Twilight just heats the water magically? Also, does Twilight normally wash herself with magic, or does she always have Spike do it as he’s doing here? He is effectively her manservant, so the latter would make sense, but all the same. 

When Twilight goes to help Applejack, the fact that Applejack doesn’t immediately notice that Twilight’s using her magic suggests to me that it really is just unicorns that can see magical auras, as we discussed in Boast Busters. That, or the other interpretation I had, which is that it’s a purely visual aid for the audience, representing a feeling or sensation the unicorns have, as though they’re using their magic like a limb and thus can sort of ‘feel’ what their magic is doing. Then again, it looks a bit as though Spike looks at her horn and realises she’s using magic. Whether he’s noticing a glow or just putting the pieces together though, I don’t know. Additionally, I’m not really sure why Twilight loses control of the spell. Obviously for the point of the episode, but for an in-universe explanation, the best I can think of is something like the anxiety of getting discovered is distracting her thought process such that she loses her concentration on her magic. Then again, it was stated as a come-to-life spell, so perhaps it’s the snowplough acting on it’s own? Though that seems a bit unlikely to me. It wouldn’t be a particularly useful spell if you couldn’t deactive or counteract it. Or maybe she’s just not used to controlling snow ploughs with the spell in particular? Who knows. 

Mayor Mare says they were late for Spring last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. Maybe she’s leaving some out, but it’d be interesting to think that they’ve been late 4 years running, and why that might be. I don’t really have a guess as to the reason though, just something I thought about. And the pegasus that tells Rainbow Dash that Ditzy Doo went north, I don’t know whether it’s an easter egg or what, but she speaks in near-exactly the style of speaking the generation one ponies do.

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I like that when Twilight springs into action, Spike, who throughout the episode has been a bit snarky and not particularly supportive of Twilight, though not mean-spirited by any means, quickly salutes in surprise and dashes off. I feel like it shows that most of the time, he and her treat eachother as sort of equals, but when the chips are down, he’s more than happy for Twilight to take charge. The instrumental reprise of Winter Wrap-Up with the montage of all Twilight’s comfy little innovations for organising and streamlining the wrap-up process is as perfect as the initial song was, and I just enjoy it tremendously. The best part of it for me personally is when the Pegasi clear up the clouds – I adore clouds, I love storms, I’m interested in tornadoes/hurricanes, and a lot of those aesthetically pleasing elements of both are strongly present here. The spectacle, scale and even sound effects are so spot on at itching a scratch so specific it’s hard to know it’s there, again I’m a bit at a loss for words to explain quite why it resonates so strongly with me. Out of all the pieces of animation specifically so far in this show, this sequence, particularly the Pegasi but also the neat flat shot of the ponies carrying carts up the hill, is absolutely top of the list. It’s short, but encapsulates everything both comfy and immersive about this whole world for me. 

I like Twilight getting a jacket with all three team colours. It’s a perfect conclusion to having been unable to choose just one initially – she felt she couldn’t manage even one, and now, she’s all three! However, in terms of the lesson, I have to say I don’t even really like to think about it in terms of a real-life thing. This lesson is so optimistic and hopeful that it could only exist in Equestria, in my view. So many people are without a special talent, and don’t fit in with group activities or even the world of work. I myself don’t feel I have a special talent, I don’t feel particularly good at anything. But this is a world where everyone has a place, everyone can make a difference. And that’s so utopian that I’d rather escape to Equestria in my mind than even have it within the recesses of my brain that the part of me that’s experiencing Equestria is attached to a fleshy sack of water trapped on a rock called Earth. My Little Pony is at it’s best for me when I completely forget that I exist, and but for the fact that I was thinking about the lesson for this review, this episode excels at exactly that. And Spike by the fire in a dressing gown is a perfect comfy ending for this perfect comfy episode. Honestly, if there had to be a catch to going to Equestria, the one I’d choose is living through this episode as a kind of groundhog day. I really, really like this episode, as you can probably tell from this being the longest episode review I’ve done so far, and I think it was probably my favourite one back in the day. I can’t think of any flaws. It’s pretty soon after I first brought it up, but here it is, my first 10/10. I’m not even sure at this point whether I’ll come across another 10/10 as we watch through the show – I hope so, but I’ll be comparing it to this episode as a yardstick from here on.

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This Episode was another winner. I enjoy "puzzles" where each and everyone tries to tackle he problem and this certainly brings that feeling to the table. I liked the parasprites, simple enemy, simple problem, but enjoyable seeing them slowly messing up the ponies day (and later livelihoods I suppose). This episode really help set Pinkie Pie at her best; silly and whimsical, but not stupid, a distinction that was hard to pull off for characters with this archetype. Princess Celestia coming for a visit is a cozy and cute drive for conflict on its own. I like the backdrop. 

What else can I say? The lesson was good enough. Hehhehe, I feel like sometimes I spend too much time talking on these. I could nitpick this in a bunch of little was (the ponies weren't necessarily illogical at first for distrusting Pinkie being the one to hive such advice, but that is the point of the lesson! 

Something else that surprised me slightly: I liked Zecroa's little cameo. It is very minor but it didn't feel forced or out of place. It made sense that Twilight would seek her out after all other options had been exhausted. Something that I rmember thinking when I was watching Season 8 and 9 is that pacing felt off and moments liked that would've felt a little forced sometimes. I wonder if that is just nostalgia glasses or if there is any merit (I hazard the guess that a lot of things in future episode would be detours for fun/cameos for fan service, while this, as I said, did fit). 

My overall verdict for this episode is 8.5/10. This might be my a top fave this season and it had a lot of elements that I really liked. Honestly enjoyed it more than I recalled. Been years since I have seen it though, so that maybe a given.

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Twilight's Magic'
This brings a lot of questions, for as tiny and amusing of a moment this is. What sort of spell does Twilight Sparkle have in her "25" magic tricks that is causing monsters to change there desire and possibly digestive systems? I partly kid, but even without taking into account Boast Busters this spell that was cast here does get me thinking: what short of spells she can cast on the fly versus what sort of things she needs to read from a book before she casts it? 
Speaking of magic if I had the time, I wish I could keep better track of all the magic feats. Less so for a power leveling reason so much as trying to see what "rules" stick. For example, one thing I know that they were surprisingly consistent on through the years is how rare teleportation was. 

Rough cut of clip here, was trying to make perfect edit but didn't have the time.

Rarity and Paraspirtes
I find it interesting that Rarity was able to utilized them for help and was unfazed at their numbers increasing till she got grossed out. Does Rarity have a secret affinity for animals!?  

Applejack's plan succeeded' 
She drove the paraspirtes off out of Ponyville. Fluttershy just kept one. Funny enough, by creating chaos in Fillydelphia she still technically saved everypony the trouble from the damage caused from the town, even if they did cause havoc in Fillydelphia.

Fillydelphia's location
Has to be near Ponyville, even if we assume that the paraspirtes weren't rolled all the way there. This doesn't quite square with the map later (or maybe it does, considering how fast travel between places is). 

Celestia as an authority figure 
A lot of people point out on Celestia being a big deal authority figure with majesty and power in earlier seasons compared to later. I think this criticism is at least partly true (why partly? My memory of season 5 through 7 I consider weakest and I can come up with a defense even if I lean that direction). Celestia here is a big deal, but she also is an authority figure in the sense of a school principle or parant in how they are trying to avoid trouble from making a mess of things. It isn't a one on one but she serves a similar roll in this (and some other) episodes.

Twilight Sparkle's walk'
It is little moments like this again that stick out to me. Twilight Sparkle walking forward with trees moving on either side as opposed for just keeping a side profile shot zoomed in at different angles. I don't recall seeing many shots like this in shows that I would consider what FiM was being first stereotyped/stacked up against of the cheap flash animation variety. I stress I am no expert in animation though.

> very little time is being wasted here.
> efficiently establishes future events in the episode
Possibly similar note: >>/10840/
> Something that I rmember thinking when I was watching Season 8 and 9 is that pacing felt off and moments liked that would've felt a little forced sometimes. I wonder if that is just nostalgia glasses or if there is any merit (I hazard the guess that a lot of things in future episode would be detours for fun/cameos for fan service, while this, as I said, did fit). 

> Somehow though I kind of like the slightly mischievous element of Twilight running off to do something more fun while Spike does the work, a likeable character flaw you might say.
It goes with a older sister dynamic, that and her slight snarkyness. Hypothesis yet to be proven: was Twilight Sparkle's anxiety brought up to 11 to give her a charterer flaw because they felt those traits weren't appropriate for her as a princess?  

> The episode could have just cut from leaving the library to arriving at the bakery, but it helps establish the preparations that the Parasprites will later destroy, and I also think it establishes a bit of Twilight’s position in Ponyville
It is also one of those things that makes the world feel alive. 

> In fairness, out of all of the Mane 6, hers is the character that is trickiest to get right, I think. It’s always a delicate balance with all of them, but for her this is the case twice over. 
It is because Pinkie Pie is supposed to be carefree, happy, and weird, but the archetype is hard to not reduce to  random, stupid and annoying. I wasn't personally annoyed by her antics here but I can understand that. 

> anticipating what will happen - an early example of her mysterious depth of knowledge and abilities. In my mind, Pinkie’s abilities are a manifestation of Earth-pony magic
Always been split myself of whether I considered those traits relatively unique to her or some sort of manifestation of magic like that. I could go both ways but that would fit well here.

> Perhaps Twilight’s attitude in both cases is prefigured with this urban scholarly perspective that Earth-ponies, particular of the rural variety, are superstitious – and perhaps the real explanation for this is that Earth-ponies observe the effects of their passive magic without understanding themselves as the cause.
I like this idea. Neglected feild and Earth Ponies being the most industrial meaning that Earth Pony magic gets relegated to superstition among rural populations.

>  you have to be unaware to use these abilities, such that Pinkie Pie’s odd degree of obliviousness and ignorance most of the time could instead be part of her method to maximise her abilities by remaining unaware of them. 
I don't know if that is stupid or genius. Never heard that argument before. Honestly kind of like the idea... feels like a way to soft canonize the cartoon gags in a way that fits. If I am making sense.

> And it led straight into the fantastic gag where the Apple family are defending their apples, only to have the Parasprites go and eat the barn. 

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> Before I get into Swarm of the Century, I want to quickly go and rank the episodes I’ve already watched:
> So there it is, albeit a bit influenced by hindsight. I’m ranking episodes based on a criteria primarily of personal enjoyment, including guilty pleasure without deducting points for the ‘guilt’, and on comfiness factor. 
You have joined the darkside and starting rating things!

Don't worry if these numbers bonce around a bit. It is hard to quantify. I was always split between trying to rate "objective" quality versus personal enjoyment and now I lean much more towards the later myself. I say just roll with what you feel. That is osrt of what I am doing now even if sometimes other factors still come into play.

> The only other point I have against the episode is that it borders on being a reference to tribbles – it’s not QUITE there, 
I have heard conflicting information on how much they were influenced by tribbles. I think, IF, and that is a big if, I recall correctly, M.A Larson didn't conceive of parasprites being a tribbles reference but Lauren Faust did. 

> I’d say the maximum is 9.9. With those two minor points against it, I’d say I deduct two decimals… So something like 9.7? It’s easily my favourite so far, I think it holds up very well indeed. And that seems to have been reflected with the length of my review - 3 posts! I had a lot more to say about it, it seems!
And honestly fair, I think it might be my second favorite so far, but I am still debating. It certainly was top on funny factor.  

> Well worth a read/reread. After a certain point I stopped, but all the early chapters are fantastic.
This is me with a lot of fics!

> I tried, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
Slightly different life choices and I either would've been there or nearly so. 

> Canterlot Library has a restricted section that Celestia has access to, so there is certainly some degree of classification or even censorship with Celestia's authority, but the rationale behind it (maybe preventing Cozy-Glow types) and the technicalities of how it's enforced aren't clear. 
Yeah, post early seasons, a "Celestia trying to maintain a Utopia/pain of her sister" doesn't cover all cases well. I have debated it myself. Preventing knowledge to prevent the seeking of power almost doesn't fit either but is better. I wonder if after all these threats were gone and defeated she didn't bother maintaining there memory among the wider populous from a more... how do I say, she thought they didn't need to be remembered anymore and early Equestria history is unstable and she let it slide while keeping the info closed to her chest? Still doesn't fully feel "correct" in my mind.    

> But I like to think moreso that it's her accepting that some magic doesn't fit the model she's familiar with applying to the understanding of magic in the world, rather than just accepting that some things are unknowable.
I agree in Zecora's case for sure. 

> Maybe she could have tried that with the dragon!

> it's almost impossible for a show working off a freelance-writer model to maintain those subtleties effectively
I think fandom expectations and memes could also be "harmful" in different ways but not to the level of simple flanderization. At least I'd argue that right now. Later down the road for all I know I might come to a different conclusion. As I have stated, Season 5 to 7 is where my memories are the weakest of the show in details. 

> when exposed to them I usually just shut down rather than get worked up.
Opposite myself, though I imagine such a thing ranges from person to person. 

>  And for the record I think ponies would necessarily have very similar psychologies to humans given the way we see them behave in the show. It kind of makes more sense of EQG even, where the two worlds are linked and mirror eachother.
Agreed--though what does this say about dragons?

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And now, there it was, finally Swarm of the Century! Happened a little later than I thought. I still expect to have Winter Wrap Up sooner than later.

> Should you feel bad about enjoying a story with flaws or plot holes? No. It means that you enjoy the good parts of it and didn't care so much about the bad parts. Just accept that some people have different views on how much the good/bad/other parts of a story define it.
Very good point. 

> (You no longer have that file.)
Actually I do, but it was cropped to the point of being unsuitable for use of a review. Probably an old YT rip that was trying to get around the copyright ID system. 

> That electronic music feels meh.
Fair, it is sort, but I still love it myself. 

> These are cool either way, but out of curiousity, did you take these pictures? They're very well shot if so!

Who knows, but I feel like it's more like a 7.5 at least. Even though I only watched it a few months ago, it's already better than I remember it!
No shame in that!

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> This episode really help set Pinkie Pie at her best
Seeing it now, it really is an alarming decline later on, both in terms of how quickly the nuances of her character were lost, and in terms of how drastically she changed. Pinkie was never my focus originally, so I don't think I was paying attention to it, but I think I understand a bit more of the pain of the Pinkie fans now. Fun fact, another of my several introductions to the fandom, Tauberpa, had Pinkie as his favourite pony, and I believe his friend Xanauzumaki's favourite was Fluttershy. I got a new appreciation for the both of them after getting into the show back then.
> What sort of spell does Twilight Sparkle have in her "25" magic tricks that is causing monsters to change there desire and possibly digestive systems?
I'd say transmogrification. That detail, at least to me solidifies my belief in the "spells as categories" theory I posited prior.
> what short of spells she can cast on the fly versus what sort of things she needs to read from a book before she casts it? 
In Ticket Master she teleports without meaning to, and in Winter Wrap Up she messes up the "come to life" spell, so I'd say those are examples where she tries to cast the spell from memory and it doesn't go so well. 
In addition to spells being categories of magic, I'd suggest that a good analogy for how Unicorn magic seems to work is music. You can remember particular pieces easily enough, and perform variations on them when you know them through-and-through (thus being able to use one spell in hundreds of different applications, as per my theory), but more complex pieces are advisable to perform with sheet music, i.e books with magic instructions. You might remember parts of the process, as Twilight did with the come-to-life spell, but if it starts going wrong, you'll want to have instructions handy.
> Does Rarity have a secret affinity for animals!? 
She does the same thing with the Diamond Dogs iirc - I think it's rather that she has an untapped potential of commanding people, that is to say, she rarely does it unless it intersects with her interest in fashion, but when she does people fall right in line.
> Funny enough, by creating chaos in Fillydelphia she still technically saved everypony the trouble from the damage caused from the town, even if they did cause havoc in Fillydelphia.
You know, that didn't occur to me. I know that's what happened in FiW, but as a result I assumed that was a joke from that show - I just thought in this they roll the Parasprites into the Everfree and the infestation in Fillydelphia was a separate, unrelated incident. Do we actually know for sure that those Parasprites made it to Fillydelphia? I think you're probably correct that it was implied, I'm just curious as to whether something actually confirms it.

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> Honestly kind of like the idea... feels like a way to soft canonize the cartoon gags in a way that fits. If I am making sense.
That's the way I like to think of it. Plus it explains why she can't use them when they'd be really, really useful, like in Discord's maze. Sure, one could argue that they're just artistic representation of her randomness, or that she's simply totally unaware of her powers, but both of those don't really fit with the episode where she has those sixth-senses to me. And the fact that in that episode, unlike Twilight Pinkie doesn't even seem interested in discovering anything about her own mysterious abilities suggests to me that on some level, possibly subconscious, she's partially aware that knowing too much about her powers will stop them working. It could also go some way to explaining the Earth Pony interest in things like tradition and keeping magic away - Unicorn magic works essentially scientifically by comparison, and could interfere with Earth pony powers or else just make Earth ponies think more logically about their superstitions thus killing off some of their abilities, and having traditions, a set of practices you don't question, is a way for generational memory to practice Earth Pony magic where a singular Earth Pony could not, since their magic seems to shy away from being known or actively practiced. In this sense too, I like to think of Applejack and her family as actually being unwitting powerful magic practitioners, but they simply unknowingly channel their powers through their traditions. This could also go some way to explaining elements of the Everfree, being the corrupted side effects of superstitions or of incorrectly-followed traditions. 
I could even go further, saying that since they tap into the land and the universal principle of this plane is harmony and harmony is expressed in living creatures through friendship and we see both tight-knit Earth Pony communities fostering friendships, like Ponyville, and Pinkie Pie's particular obsession with friendship and everything associated with it, that perhaps by being so closely connected to the land, Earth Pony magic is perhaps being able to use, channel or apply some of that magic of harmony that our Mane 6 come through the course of the show to wield more directly. Then that can branch off into me asserting that unicorn magic derives from chaos, and that goes down a whole rabbithole, but I won't go too nuts with speculation and I'll just wait to see if the show bears out my theory or doesn't. Even if it does I regard the more extreme elements of my theories as just being interpretations or alternate universes, I do also like to have a separate conception of the show where it's purely what it appears to be, though that becomes more complicated once fan theories start to get incorporated into the show. 
>  I was always split between trying to rate "objective" quality versus personal enjoyment and now I lean much more towards the later myself.
The thing is, in life generally I don't tend to go all that much for objective quality in terms of things I consume. I'm aware of high art, I mentioned prior being a fan of Wagner's Ring Cycle and I grew up on books like Gulliver's Travels and The Betrothed Lovers, but generally the stuff I really, really love is not considered all that great, or at least mixed by others. My favourite director, for instance, is Ralph Bakshi, whose films range from "this is alright I guess" to "this is the worst trash ever made" in public opinion on his work, one of my favourite games is YIIK - I go out and find stuff that I LIKE, at the end of the day, not stuff that's good. Most people are like that if they're honest with themselves, life is short and it's better to actually enjoy yourself than spend all day reading The Iliad and such (not that such is necessarily unenjoyable, but you get what I mean, people don't usually consume something just because it's good)

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> she thought they didn't need to be remembered anymore and early Equestria history is unstable and she let it slide while keeping the info closed to her chest? Still doesn't fully feel "correct" in my mind. 
I'm also thinking of the mirror Sunset ends up using for bad purposes, and the seemingly everpresent risk of waking Sombra/the Changelings/Discord just by being around them. However, I think the explanation I favour most, even if we ignore the later seasons, is that she wants her subjects to live lives unafraid of existential threats like these. The friendship and harmony of the ponies is necessary to keep the windigos at bay, and to provide the environment necessary to train her successor in. Something I've been thinking about reading stuff about the Twilight transformation controversy is M.A Larson saying something to the effect of feeling it was always going to happen. And I have to say, so far in season 1 there is a conspicuous absence of actually using the Elements of Harmony, despite being introduced in the pilot. It DOES seem to suggest that this is essentially the calm before the storm, where Celestia really needs Twilight to settle into this community and solidify the relationships with her friends in order to have this whole Elements and successor plan work out. That is to say, it's comfy not just because that's how the show was made, it's also that way because Celestia needs it to be that way in order for Twilight to develop into who she needs to be. We later learn that fate has seemingly tied them all together, with the sonic rainboom, but whether Celestia knows that or whether had, say, Sunset been the student who ended up stopping Nightmare Moon there would have simply been a totally different set of friends, who's to say. Perhaps Sunset was affected by the rainboom too, if we take the fate/destiny angle to be true, specifically in terms of Celestia being aware of that destiny. 
> Agreed--though what does this say about dragons?
I think you could juuuuust about see them having doglike mentalities. Really it makes me think more what the other creatures would be. Griffons are somewhat close to cats, perhaps. Just gets all a bit mind-bendy really.

I'll probably get onto the next episode sometime next week. It depends on how much I write for it - I had so much I wanted to say about the last two, that it was really quite an effort to get it all down.

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> both in terms of how quickly the nuances of her character were lost, and in terms of how drastically she changed. 

I remembering thinking that Pinkie Pie was wirtten  badly more often on a episode by episode basis but I didn't feel that she was totally destroyed. Albeit, my memory, especially of the mid seasons, is less (as I have noted) and I could very well see myself a similar case to yours.

> I'd suggest that a good analogy for how Unicorn magic seems to work is music. 

I have heard this before but haven't thought about it in awhile, yes, that is a good analogy!

> Do we actually know for sure that those Parasprites made it to Fillydelphia? I think you're probably correct that it was implied, I'm just curious as to whether something actually confirms it.

That is how I have always took it, and have seen it at least alluded to by others. Though, this makes me want to go check around and see, just in case, if I can find anything to disprove it. 

> Plus it explains why she can't use them when they'd be really, really useful, like in Discord's maze. 

My thoughts exactly!

> but both of those don't really fit with the episode where she has those sixth-senses to me.

I will refer to this when we get to there. 

> I could even go further, saying that since they tap into the land and the universal principle of this plane is harmony and harmony is expressed in living creatures through friendship and we see both tight-knit Earth Pony communities fostering friendships, 

> that can branch off into me asserting that unicorn magic derives from chaos, 

Weirdly, I know of a moment, if I remember right, that would put unicorn magic sort of the way you describe earth Pony magic here. I still think it is an interesting idea of unicorn magic being chaos (transforming things being technically a "corruption" of sorts on the universe). My personal conception is... less detailed, harmonic magic and dark magic (but I have liked the idea of the dark magic being some sort of alicorn mgaic... I am about to go nuts on speculation too, I'll cover some of this later). 

> The thing is, in life generally I don't tend to go all that much for objective quality in terms of things I consume.  

> I go out and find stuff that I LIKE, at the end of the day, not stuff that's good. Most people are like that if they're honest with themselves, life is short and it's better to actually enjoy yourself than spend all day reading The Iliad and such 

The funny thing is, I might have an almost anti-intellectual attitude towards "higher art" in personal disposition (or more like, I disagree what qualities should be admired in art).

What I mean in regards to an episode,I sometimes get bogged down if there are some traits that should make me rate something lower even if I personally was okay/enjoyed it. I think I am increasingly in the enjoyed it camp. For example, I never cared about the Mysterious Mare Do Well's treatment of Rainbow Dash I still liked the episode even if still agree if it is off. I would get hung up if something like that on my arbitrary score calculations (this can occur in the other direction, me not liking something that I see as a objective positive). 

> is that she wants her subjects to live lives unafraid of existential threats like these.

That and perhaps keeping a disparity of information from general knowledge (as you suggest), does feel like the most logical answer. Even if some parts to me feel... hard to explain for whatever reason or another.

> I'll probably get onto the next episode sometime next week. It depends on how much I write for it - I had so much I wanted to say about the last two, that it was really quite an effort to get it all down.

Take all the time you want and make it as long as you want. I'll hopefully have Winter Wrap UP before that point. /)

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Might be the best episode of the season. I am saying that right now t start. 

This episode I always saw mentioned as a highlight by others in the early days (and still) but it was one I merely thought was good. I don't remember disliking it but there were other episodes in Season 1 that I was drawn to more. Sometimes watching something again with fresh eyes can change things and I think this happened here. Winter Wrap Up, the song, goodness, that ending. I've seen it before, why did it stick out to me so much more this time?! Twilight stole the show there!

The storyline was a cute and comfy conflict (though weirdly for me, not peek comfy, but I digress). If you feel like Twilight was shoehorned in to much but the early attempt to conform to an educational show with a message this was not one of them. All of the rest of the Mane 5 were highlighted well enough and each had there moment. My favorite of those probably being... Rarity's. I enjoyed the comedy Twilight's tragedy of a bird nest and the payoff of the joke that she only did that bird nest. Still, Twilight was cute on the ice skates, so Pinkie comes in a close second. I know Rainbow Dash's little moment was sort but she was still highlighted in leading the weather team. 

This episode is also one of the ones that I think really made the world feel alive in two ways:
1): All the characters, going about and doing things, showed Ponyville out and about collaborating on a task. A bit of extra effort in animation and secondary moments make this stand out.

2): The tradition of changing the weather, so manually and in some ways, surreal, is something that could've had a million jokes cracked at it's expense at the ridiculousness of it, and played it with complete sincerity. Now, I know that they do make jokes poking fun of the world plenty of times, but they don't (usually) treat it as stupid and here they played it with utmost seriousness that Twilight had her goal to help in this little project. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but, had the show been more self aware (and perhaps come out a couple of years later) this might not have been so and the world set out here would've suffered for it. This is one of the things that makes the show feel alive and complete. The world has its own set of rules and logic that is trying to follow. 

Overall, may rating for this is a 9/10. I am not sure it'll turn out to be my fav of the season, but it fully deserves my first higher than 8 rating.

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Animation/whatever moments:
Several things that stuck out. I don't have time through them all but will highlight these too clips here. Twilight Sparkle having this brief seen of running down the hill. I found it cool. It is very tiny yet a fair bit of extra effort for a little two second shot that is completely unnecessarily. At least for the stereotype of caliber of show that this was supposed to be.  

Rainbow Dash camera effect or whatever you call it here. Again, cool little detail. I am not sure the level of effort this takes but this is what I mean by little extras. This might be relevant to a scene that did get some fandom discussion in Season 2 as well.  I can show it now or save it for when we get there.

Golden Oaks Bees are back.
Seriously, need to keep track of this little beehive and see how often it was animated. Considering how easy an asset like that is to reuse I imagine a lot. 

"You're not mommy..
Twilight Sparkle awoke Spike...

That is what I am here for, sister.
...and what Spike said after Twilight   "thanked" him for his attempt at comforting her. This Episode is some of the strongest evidence for a more brotherly/sisterly dynamic between Spike and Twilight. Albeit I take sister to be more in a general sarcastic sense rather than him referring to familial relations specifically.

Who was the 'Mommy' Spike was referring too? Even in full canon, that is unclear, and here... well, the only thing I recall is that Faust said that he saw Celestia as something of a mother to Spike, but I don't recall much of any context in the season for it. 

Male population of Ponyville
...exists. I remember this being a point of discussion back when many would headcanon/theorize that Ponyville/Equestria being predominately and overly female (a gender imbalance still kind of exists though) . I like the idea that most of the stallions are just out working planting crops.  

Society and Culture
...as I already rambled about, this established a lot. I can try to twist my head around all day on bunch of factors on this. I like a lot of little facts, like, uncorns possibly being more dismissive/less ceremony with the changing of seasons (at least from Spike's attitude on magic being used to clean the show). It also means the reverence and tradition that we might see ascribed to Equestria is really rural Earth Pony with a dash of pegasi culture. Unicorns in Canterlot are the least connected with the running of the weather.  

Twilight in this was so cute!
I liked the context of her really wanting to play a part and her innocence, excitement and fears during this. Her getting up too early for even farm ponies was also funny.

I think I'll end it here, I am tired, but I am happy to have finally gotten this review out! Replies later! /)

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> but I have liked the idea of the dark magic being some sort of alicorn mgaic
In terms of Alicorn and dark magic being linked, I generally have come to see that as being Unicorn magic specifically, because most of the magic we see Alicorns using is unicorn magic - but perhaps since we see both light beams and the Sombra-esque dark magic being used by Alicorns, perhaps it's that they're tapping into the elements of harmony and disharmony. I guess I can't say for sure that the elements of harmony are diametrically opposed to dark magic, but it seems as though the show portrays it that way. Interestingly, neither Discord nor Tirek seem to tap into the same dark magic, animation-wise, that both Sombra and Twilight show the ability to use. Tirek fundamentally uses the powers of others, and Discord actually seems to fundamentally use the same magic as Pinkie - he doesn't really use his with a glow like unicorns or with the same effects Sombra's magic has, so I'd actually posit that Discord is a powerful user of the harmony magic the Earth ponies are able to tap into, and that it's simply his chaotic nature that allows him to use it so effectively, NOT that he actually uses any kind of 'chaos magic' directly. If the magic of the world runs along a different axis of harmony compared to material objects, I could see it being fairly 'random' to common sense to know in what manner things are connected. In this sense, the two 'paths' are either going with that nonsensical-seeming flow, as Pinkie and Discord do, or using a power from within to force and bend magic into the shape you need it to be. I'd then suggest that unicorn magic sits in a balance, where you have to allow your own inner power to work with the magic of the world to a certain extent, so that you don't go into the extreme where dark magic lies, where it's fundamentally perverting and twisting reality into doing what you want such that it violates it's harmony. As with all these things it needs more thinking on my part, but the thing which does seem quite clear to me from thinking about this is that, contrary to what you'd assume, the cosmological constants at work in this universe aren't especially directly present in the story. You'd assume that Celestia is the demigoddess of the 'good' axis and somebody like Tirek the 'bad', but as I went over, only Sombra out of the villains seems to directly tap into dark magic proper, and Celestia and Luna and the other Alicorns are ultimately just powerful ponies, with the real source of the opposing axis to dark magic being Harmony, which starts as disparate elements in the pilot and gradually grows in power along with the mane six throughout the course of the story. I don't even know if I'm characterising disharmony as relating to dark magic and the windigos correctly, necessarily. But I do find it interesting to hypothesise that all the events of the show are essentially the modern backdrop to a far older conflict between fluctuating forces of harmony and disharmony. 

Also another reason I link unicorn magic moreso to disharmony is EqG, where magic outside of it's proper place consistently causes evil results, but that's sort of the reason for my personal view - whether EqG is canon to how we interpret Equestria is a whole other question.

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> Even if some parts to me feel... hard to explain for whatever reason or another. 
With Celestia, eventually some of her decisions would come to be seen as less and less rational inevitably since she was originally written to be mysterious, leaving nothing there to stand up to scrutiny when contradictory or odd things come up later in the show. Frankly, and this suggestion will be harsh and obviously the show could never have done it, but for the sake of the story, Celestia needed to be killed off. Whether before, during or after Twilight ascends doesn't matter so much next to the fact that having her around for the entire rest of the show after that just snowballs into what really becomes the show's cluttering issue: simultaneously trying to move constantly forward, whilst never leaving a single thing behind. More and more new comes into the world of Equestria, but nothing ever dies to make way for it. It makes the change feel strangely unnatural - almost like how it'd be surreal to read Lord of The Rings but discover halfway through it's an alternate universe copy where Gandalf never dies and he's just Gandalf the Grey from the beginning to the end, Balrog or not. Really the story that was growing in these early seasons was too ambitious, in a certain sense - I don't think it could ever have grown to it's full potential due to the company that owns it and being a children's property. Because regardless of my specific point here or the outer trappings of the show, at it's core it is a Fantasy Epic, and you have to neuter an epic when it's for a children, sadly. 
In fairness to Hasbro, they did do something similar to what I'm suggesting with the 1986 Transformers movie, and it produced what is, for me, one of the greatest things ever. But sadly, the backlash to that "taught" Hasbro their "lesson", a lesson they ideally would never have learned.
> Might be the best episode of the season. 
Right on, brother. I think we're on the same page with this one.
> why did it stick out to me so much more this time?! 
How long after the pilot did this come out back in the day? Because I feel like Twilight's role in the story is very close to the one she has in the pilot, and so it complements that very well indeed.
> This is one of the things that makes the show feel alive and complete. The world has its own set of rules and logic that is trying to follow. 
I think MLP as a franchise succeeded in having a consistent throughline of a certain philosophy of Harmony which informs not just the lessons and worldbuilding, but the characters and direction of the show. I was questioning recently why I like EqG so much specifically as a PART of MLP when it's in many ways so disconnected, and I think perhaps it's that it draws from this exact same slightly vague notion of Harmony. Whatever it is, it's exemplified by Winter Wrap Up, both the episode and the tradition.

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>  As such, another neat difference between Pony and human society in this sense is that ponies aren’t really faced with necessity as much, and yet they choose to continue to live in a way that brings them in harmony with their countryside and with eachother. 

Feels like with this, one could argue, that, with their magic and control of the whether, ponies achieved relative abundance and stability and have partly resolved/better dealt with it than we humans here, but also... still not completely.
> In this sense, not only does Ponyville represent pony values as contrasted to human ones, but also pony values contrasted to Canterlot!

>  but it would be interesting to think of urban pony life as having degraded from the harmony that kept Equestria together in the past, and so from Celestia’s perspective, all this fun slice-of-life stuff is essential training for her protege to go through

I think there is a lot of support for this! Consider how detached Applejack's family was in Manhattan?  Heck, possiblily some stuff in the Equestria Games that really proves this point if I recall correctly. Considering how Ponyville was seen as exceptional with the harmony in the three races yet, we have seen other towns, like Rainbow Falls, that seemed pretty mixed (though a lot of towns are still Earth Pony. 

> Then we’re introduced to Rainbow Dash’s weather team. Twilight realising she doesn’t have wings takes on a different note on rewatch for sure, but what note that is exactly I don’t yet know how to say. I’m sure it’s also been noted by others before that Pegasi don’t exactly fit the “Earth pony way”.

Unicorn magic is unfair but Pegasi are essential for weather regulation?  

>  the whole social-environmental structure works much better with Celestia as effectively a deity. It also makes the world beyond Equestria much more mysterious and potentially scary, as it’s outside the protection of the world’s only known benevolent deities.

Never been Celestia as a deity (though casual evidence in earlier seasons you certainly can go with that route) but I consider her (and the other Princesses) as something that should be above simply being a really powerful mortal. Even if not a hint of the divine, there is going to be a reverence for her and fear outside of her realm.

> Uncontrolled weather in regions like the Everfree forest and beyond the borders of Equestria would also be an interesting thing to explore at this stage of canon – perhaps it’s much more extreme and violent.

A lot of early adventure fics do have this feel. 

> Then again, it looks a bit as though Spike looks at her horn and realises she’s using magic. Whether he’s noticing a glow or just putting the pieces together though, I don’t know.

He also is an active magic user, albeit, by that definition, so are some pegasi (later in the series I have better examples), if you wanted to go with magical auras existing in canon but only visible to magical users, that might work.

> ’s pretty soon after I first brought it up, but here it is, my first 10/10. I’m not even sure at this point whether I’ll come across another 10/10 as we watch through the show – I hope so, but I’ll be comparing it to this episode as a yardstick from here on.

I think that it is a perfect first 10/10. I very nearly and might rate it as such on rewatch, I tend to be very stingy with anything past 9 but that is how I personally see things.

> Right on, brother. I think we're on the same page with this one.

Yeah, /) I remembered respecting this epsiode but was surprised how much I loved this on rewatch. Especially the Winter Wrap Up song. Maybe it's just because I hadn't heard it in years but it felt like I really appreciate it now, when before it was one of the ones that, while respecting, I didn't really love it or anything. I am not the most musical liking but some of the song numbers I do enjoy and this has certainly become a contender for my top favorites.

> Celestia needed to be killed off. Whether before, during or after Twilight ascends doesn't matter so much next to the fact that having her around for the entire rest of the show after that just snowballs into what really becomes the show's cluttering issue: simultaneously trying to move constantly forward, whilst never leaving a single thing behind. More and more new comes into the world of Equestria, but nothing ever dies to make way for it. It makes the change feel strangely unnatural -

That is an interesting stance! I am not sure I agree on Celestia but do agree on the show being too cluttered in the latter seasons.  I think the show did a lot of botched half transitions, Dolores Umbridge was an aborted new audience surrogate. The old element barriers were supposed to be the focus of Season 8, but the school came, which itself was derailed by the the fact the show ended and needed to give a lot of focus to tying up loose ends. It never could give focus or do these varying elements properly. So, TDLR: I see where you are coming from.

Alright, I got to get for now, but I do have some more things I do want to point out on your megareveiw when I get the chance (tornadoes you say!? I have an interest in those too, and a story or two from personal experiences (though don't get too hyped, never saw one in person, just had them near enough for the siren to be going off and hear them)). Other than:
I am doing alright.

sorry that I've been absent for a while
I was going to do a post today but I got put on a surprise night shift at the last minute and that's been stressing me all day
I'm going to a con later this week, so I'll see whether I get something out before then, or when I get back

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This is an Episode that is fresher in my memory than a lot of Season 1. I once was working on a fan fic with the CMC and certain moments have always been a subject of interest for me from it regardless (like even earlier in this thread!).

Still, it has been awhile since I've seen it and some things I did forgot. How did this viewing affect my opinion? Nothing negative. I think this Episode is still of a fair quality albeit hard to top the previous episodes. I liked the sequence of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle all trying to help Apple Bloom in their own way. Apple Bloom's character is strong here. She feels like a real child character as opposed to an adult in a child's body with less anatomy and I think this feat is even more impressive when you consider that the adults in this show have that innocence to them to varying degrees.

My favorite of the helping sequences is Pinkie Pie's. The cupcake's song is a cute little tune. Though I found humor in them all. Next fav in order is: Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and then Applejack's. Applejack's had more substance to the humor than Twilight brief attempt to magic up cutie marks but I still have more fun at Twilight trying to begrudgingly alter the natural flow of nature!

This is one of the episode's that I see some say Twilight was shoehorned in but I disagree and I think her explaining the lesson from watching from afar was both slightly touching and stronger delivery than if the CMC had spelled it out (Season 2 style) or if there had been no friendship letter (most of show). As for the lessons content, bully dynamic, friends and peer pressure, I find my mind a little empty on what to say other than I enjoyed and think the story is fine (I could go into real world shortcomings and usefulness but eh, I am more in just watching my dump pony show mood).

7/10. I was thinking this would be a 6 but nope, it did cross just barely over to a 7.

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Or otherwise known as, "Odds and Ends."

Alright, already went into detail on this all the way back here: >>/8898/ but these two characters still dominated my mind. There whole existence was just as placeholders and were barely/never used again (Archer I know was used at least once or twice, but I don't know on Sun Gl3mmer--yes, bypassing our longstanding filter with this spelling). There is a certain level of undue haunted fascination with such a thing for me! There is just part of me that wants to make fan fiction/art/elaborate schizo posting.

The obvious in universe explanation is that Sun Umbridge/Gl3mmer/GIimmer was replaced metaphysically by Sweetie Belle! Archer escaped this fate by being an Earth Pony, and Scootaloo, being meant to replace an earth pony is the reason why she doesn't have fully developed wings and can't fly well. 

Hehehe, yeah, enough craziness for now. Some of these concepts though could be fun. I will be referring to this pair of mostly discarded background ponies kidnapped or otherwise missing ponies in the future. 

As for anything else:
> Twilight brief attempt to magic up cutie marks but I still have more fun at Twilight trying to begrudgingly alter the natural flow of nature! 

Mean this unironically. Twilight Sparkle should be more than cable of putting a fake mark on a flank if that is all she was doing.

The adults laughing along/softly abetting Diamond Tiara's behavior at the party does feel slightl weird though. In this case, it was just background ponies laughing along a bit. Maybe I'll headcanon it to older teens. Mane 6 themselves seem more ignorant or not caring of the bullying, but never in a way (that I can recall?) being more then ignorance. Twilight Sparkle arguably did see some of it here (though might have only noticed when Sweetie and Scoots did stand up for Apple Bloom and thus would've had no reason to intervene) . The crowd changes at a drop of a hat when Scoootaloo and Sweetie Belle defend Apple Bloom, we see this in latter episodes where ponies often rush in seemingly immature ways and I've always liked the idea that was "herd mentality" of the race, rather than everypony being just jerks and it would make some sense. I guess I'll have to watch more episodes before I can decide how much of at fault anypony is here though.

"I wish I could be a scientist." Is interesting throwaway line, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle having swayed the crowd towards Apple Bloom and convincing them (however briefly for one episode)  being a blank flank is cool. Can a pony be unhappy with their Cutie Mark? ( I lean towards no) but in this overthinking mode it is something I can think about. I recall seeing this in some fanfics way back in the earlier days (2011, 2012) but I don't remember much of anything about them.

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So, the CMC origin episode – this is I think the first one I remember not being so keen on. I like the CMC in general, I think they make a valuable contribution to the show (especially since this franchise has historically been a bit confused as to precisely what age group to aim toward, and the CMC in this regard seem to me like a fairly elegant solution), so what’s the problem with this episode? From my memory of it, I think it’s that Apple Bloom is having to carry the episode essentially on her own, where I think she in particular seems to work better as part of the CMC group dynamic. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle’s focus episodes stick out more in my mind, where they’re solidly supporting their own episode. 

The opening shot is neat, establishing the theme visually by moving from cutie mark to cutie mark. A point of interest for me was when Cheerilee is explaining how she got her cutie mark, and she details what it symbolises. The two obvious theories are that it’s either her interpretation or the cutie mark grants some innate knowledge of it’s symbolism. I have to say I lean very heavily toward the latter, symbology plays such an important role in the magic of this universe and in pony society generally that I simply cannot imagine the symbolism of a cutie mark being a matter of mere interpretation. It’s too innate to who the ponies are, and the reassurance in life that they draw from it I can only imagine would be a whole lot less reassuring if one could be uncertain of what a cutie mark meant. It serves a fairly limited purpose socially if there can be no guarantee of it’s meaning. It also occurs to me that society would essentially depend on the presumption that what the pony in question says their cutie mark symbolises is correct, lending further credence, in my mind, to the innateness theory. It is a very nice thought, down this thinking lane, to imagine being a pony and applying for a job. Unlike in our world where there’s total uncertainty of how to determine someone’s talents and so the entire educational system and structure of entry-level jobs revolve around ways of divining exactly what someone’s talents are (and quite imprecisely at that), in Equestria the talents of a pony shine through them so brightly that it’s even got a physical manifestation. The emphasis on the uniqueness of cutie marks (even though in background animation we see several duplicates all the time, the hourglass cutie mark is particularly common leading to a theory I’ve read where ponies with that cutie mark are in fact time travellers) also suggests to me that the Equestrian economy must be remarkably un-standardised, perhaps borne out by the pre-industrial society that we see in the show. After all, how could society in Equestria move past the reliance on the crafts? Things like the Flim-Flam brother’s machine don’t just threaten jobs, as they did in our world, they threaten the fundamental fabric of Equestrian society. 

When Apple Bloom gets home and is complaining to Applejack, Applejack talking about how Granny Smith and Big Macintosh getting their cutie marks last in their class, just as she did, was intriguing. I got the impression that Applejack got hers later because at first she had tried doing something other than being around on the family farm, and when she later came to accept it the cutie mark appeared as a result. But if it was predestined (which is implied but not entirely confirmed by the fact that cutie marks stay the same once you’ve got them, they don’t change over time) then seemingly the long-running trait of apple cutie marks in the family suggests you could hack the system and just embrace the family talent earlier, the exact idea Apple Bloom gets. So did Big Macintosh and Granny Smith not do that? Were they reluctant like Applejack was? I suppose the easiest answer would be that enthusiasm and passion can’t be forced, and it simply took them both a while to find passion in their family traditions, but again it suggests something about all their characters that it took them all so long.

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As we get into Apple Bloom’s… Shenanigans. It’s not an original take, but I do find her antics a little tedious. Not annoying as such, but just a little bit tiresome, where I’m not actively disliking what I’m watching, but I’m not really compelled by it either. However, it does occur to me that a younger viewer watching this probably gets these annoyed reactions from adults, particularly if they’re energetic and confident like Apple Bloom, so in a way my reaction to her antics might be reflective of her character’s accuracy. 

Poor Twist gets left behind after this episode, but I definitely remember having friends in school who I was friends with just because we were both losers. It’s an accurate element but a slightly harsh one, softened by it being more of a background detail. 

All the stuff with Rainbow Dash is quite fun – but that’s really all I have to say about it. I could pick apart details of the karate scene, but it seems like more of a gag bit to me. I also like Pinkie’s approach after Dash’s spirited but doomed attempt to help Apple Bloom, where it seems like Pinkie is moreso trying to cheer up Apple Bloom than actually find her talent in a relatively logical way like Dash was. When Twilight shows up, I’m interested that Apple Bloom knows of her magical prowess. Obviously she’ll know a bit from Applejack and a bit from the Zecora situation, but would she really gather that Twilight’s that good at magic without there being a reputation in town she’d have learned that from? I think possibly this is reflecting a post-Boast Busters situation where now Twilight has a certain reputation in Ponyville. 

I love the classic party music once the party starts. I wonder, did Pinkie keep Apple Bloom busy at Sugarcube Corner with the intention of helping her overcome her fear of going to the party? It’s always tricky to discern intention with Pinkie. 

Again no notes about the party and the reveal of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, just pretty solid and I liked it. After they’ve formed their group, though, I do like the detail that Twilight, writing the letter to Celestia, writes with the certainty that Celestia will genuinely want to hear about simply “one of her youngest subjects”. It’s almost like stealth-characterisation of Celestia, I really like it. Although the closing shot of Celestia’s cutie mark does get the brain jogging – how could she have gotten that before having the Alicorn power to raise the sun? Was she a unicorn before that helped other unicorns raise the sun? Or born an Alicorn but discovered the power to raise the sun later? Many questions, but I’m glad canon didn’t answer them. I don’t think the show could have pulled off an “how Celestia got her cutie mark” episode well enough to justify it. 

Somehow I mistook which episode number Winter Wrap Up was, so those filenames say episode 12 when actually this one is episode 12. I saw this confusion only after taking the first screenshot – I forgot to take them while I was writing the review like I usually do, and I watch the episode without pausing to take notes first so that I can enjoy it fully, so I ended up watching this episode three times. I have to say, Apple Bloom wasn’t as annoying as I remembered her being, but I’m still not as keen on this episode compared to later CMC episodes. It’s still got elements I enjoy, but these elements are moreso just a bit of fun, I wasn’t finding myself overly invested in them. With that in mind, I think I’ll put this episode at around 5.9.

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Well-restedness and comfyness acquired! (As represented by Sunny here) Although, I do seem to have come down with a mild case of con flu. (lemme know if you wanna hear more about con, I'll message you)
> She feels like a real child character as opposed to an adult in a child's body with less anatomy and I think this feat is even more impressive when you consider that the adults in this show have that innocence to them to varying degrees. 
Definitely. I think the main way I see them as having managed this is Apple Bloom still learning about things like trust and boundaries. She trusts Pinkie, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle quickly and easily, and she crosses boundaries more with her aggressive salesponyship and petulant complaints about not having a cutie mark to the Mane 6. It's more complex of a characterisation than that, of course, but those were the main things I noticed.
> This is one of the episode's that I see some say Twilight was shoehorned in
I agree with your points on this, but I also wanted to note that in this episode, following both Boast Busters and Winter Wrap Up, we see Twilight occupying a much more respected and integrated role in the community. She's regarded as important, just as she was in Applebuck Season, but now the awkwardness of this has dissipated and she feels to much more naturally occupy that role in Ponyville society. Once again, the show has a kind of continuity, one which at least in my experience can tend to go overlooked. 
> The obvious in universe explanation is that Sun Umbridge/Gl3mmer/GIimmer was replaced metaphysically by Sweetie Belle! 
I like this. Malleable reality does so much as a concept - it's close to feelings we have irl, at least for me, it explains certain plot holes, and it has a creepy unease more in the classy vein of Lovecraft than of cheap scares. Unnerving in that way that only phenomena beyond even enough comprehensibility to assign it malice can be. But also nice to keep such thoughts in the theorybox, where the show can just be it's comfy self too. I like to think of both coexisting, somehow.
> Mean this unironically. Twilight Sparkle should be more than cable of putting a fake mark on a flank if that is all she was doing. 
It kinda plays into my theory. Since the magic of harmony is stronger than that of any other magic that we see in the series, if harmony is the cosmic force driving the natural role ponies play in making the world a better place, then I'd posit that cutie marks are also one of harmony's many functions. Magic can override certain elements of the natural world, but where harmony is acting directly, as a force, the show is very clear that nothing can really stand up to it in the end. Even fake marks would go against the natural harmony of pony society, so I think even that makes sense. Canon changes on this later on of course, with Glimmy managing to alter cutie marks, although even there the best she can do is physically separate them from the pony, not eliminate or change them fundamentally.

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> Well-restedness and comfyness acquired! (As represented by Sunny here) 

Awesome, /) 

> Although, I do seem to have come down with a mild case of con flu. 

Not so awesome. Though mild is better than severe. 

> (lemme know if you wanna hear more about con, I'll message you)

Go for it!

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Episode 13 is off to a fun start with Applejack and Rainbow Dash showing their common interest in sport. In previous gens stuff like this wouldn’t have been possible, but here we’ve got a world where ponies engage in whatever activities take their fancy, not just parties and dress-up. Fleshes out the setting and our two characters here. When Applejack and Rainbow Dash are agreeing on their iron pony competition, they spit on their hooves, kind of like a handshake, but go in for the brohoof. This made me wonder if a truly correct brohoof would involve spitting on one’s fist first? Somehow it seems less hygienic than a spit-handshake, even though logically the handshake would surely be worse for hygiene. 

After the theme song, we get a shot down across Sweet Apple Acres showing autumn has arrived. I actually had to go back and check that it was autumn in the cold open – it was. For some reason it escaped my notice there. But it makes for more or less perfect timing, as it’s just about bang in the middle of autumn as I’m watching this! I don’t dislike Nightmare Night, but I certainly feel like autumn is much comfier in this episode, as I like autumn but have never been a fan of halloween. Applejack’s consternation with Rainbow Dash interrupting and talking over her as Twilight sets up the situation with her questions actually potentially foreshadows the plot development later in the episode, as I rewatch. It’s a fairly simple structure but I think it works quite well, where Rainbow Dash starts out irritated at losing, and Applejack grows irritated over the course of the episode at Rainbow’s arrogance. It’s a bit like Griffon the brush-off, where the first half of the episode is set-up for the second half. Spike mentions “first annual Iron Pony competition” just as part of pretending to be an announcer, but it would be kinda comfy if the mane 6 sort of did that every year as a small activity just between them I think. Idk. Seeing Rainbow Dash nervous before she does the barrels is intriguing – I feel like she grows less nuanced in her confidence as time goes on. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I certainly can’t remember many times that I’ve seen Rainbow Dash feeling nervous in the show. It’s also notable that although we begin to see Rainbow Dash unquestionably cheating, Applejack begins to get annoyed after losing the arm-wrestle, so it’s not purely from indignation at Rainbow cheating. But even as annoyed with eachother as they are, they’re still able to laugh with one another during the scene transition, which is a cute detail.

I’ve heard the Running of the Leaves be derided almost every time I’ve seen this episode reviewed, specifically in terms of it not making sense. While I concede that the Running is not as thoroughly explored as Winter Wrap-Up, I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss it entirely. Magic explanations may be seen as lazy, but fundamentally the idea of ponies taking part in the change of seasons for autumn as well is one I really like and the Running itself is a neat implementation of that idea. I would suggest that the explanation is essentially Earth-pony magic, with the actual cause being a sort of synchronicity between the thumping of hoofsteps and the readiness of the leaves to fall, which then evolved over time to include Pegasi and Unicorns in the tradition too even though their magic wouldn’t really apply in a practical sense in this theory. 

Pinkie Pie inviting Spike to join her as a co-announcer is a great showcase of the empathy she’s been showing through season 1. Just like last episode with Applebloom, she’s good at reading emotions and knows just how to cheer people up, with her comedic obliviousness more being for her own amusement than an actual indicator of her state of mind, seemingly. And in other character details, Twilight taking her time to enjoy the race and taking in the scenery is adorable. I think you could make this episode and more or less write her out of it whilst keeping the message intact, but I’d find it much less enjoyable, she balances it out very nicely for me.

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Spike keeps showing confusion at Pinkie’s tangents, but I think all of them are generally really good announcing. It keeps the flow going and avoids odd pauses in between the action – in particular I think the ketchup pun and the aside about hot dogs was fantastic, it makes it feel conversational. I almost felt like a pony spectating the race, grinning along to the announcing in that moment. In that sense it ever so slightly annoys me that Spike seems confused and/or exasperated by Pinkie’s announcing, but that is in character for him I suppose. Maple syrup is being harvested further along in Whitetail Wood, which probably implies something about Ponyville’s climate, but I’m not sure what it would be. It mainly makes me hungry thinking about how good pancakes in Ponyville would taste with all these locally-grown ingredients and local maple syrup to boot. As they reach the finish line, the ending twist is satisfying, even if it’s not a big surprise. I like that Celestia’s turned up, it shows that she drops in for visits that aren’t just major events, the note about her enjoying autumn is interesting, and probably my favourite little note of the episode is when she directly addresses Applejack. I don’t know what it is, but somehow referring to Applejack by name sounds much more familiar and less formal than when she declaratively refers to Twilight by name. And the fact that she actually knows Twilight’s friends, whilst not surprising given Twilight’s regular reports, is still a humanising detail I think. Applejack isn’t just “loyal subject” to Celestia, she’s Applejack, Celestia is not above talking to her directly. I’ve personally interacted with authority figures who will not use my name, will talk to one of my superiors in order to indirectly address me and talk to me, all that carry-on, so it is notable I think that Celestia is not that type of authority figure, although again this isn’t necessarily surprising. I think it’s just that the moment makes this assumed reality both confirmed and more visceral for me. 

So, in terms of rating this episode, there’s some superficial elements that make it a bit less enjoyable for me. During the race, Applejack and Rainbow Dash engage in some reality-bending and slapstick-esque tactics that just really take me out of the story, like Applejack slingshotting herself ahead with a branch, Rainbow dash doing the same with the maple syrup, the two of them becoming a tornado, that sort of thing. I’m really not a big fan of this sort of thing in general, as the best reaction you can hope to get out of me towards it is not minding it, for example I don’t really mind reality-breaking slapstick in Spongebob, but I don’t LIKE it either, it’s doing nothing for my enjoyment. And shows that primarily consist of it like Road Runner or Ren and Stimpy cannot hold my attention, I just totally lose interest within minutes if not seconds. This does bring down the enjoyment a fair bit for me, but there’s still strong positive elements, like the comfy autumn, Pinkie and Spike’s interactions, Twilight being adorable throughout, and Celestia’s appearance at the end. With that in mind, I’m going to rate this at 6.2. I liked it a bit more than Call of the Cutie, but not as much as Ticket Master, so I’ve put it bang in the middle.

On a different note, now that we're coming up on halfway through Season One, I was thinking back to: 
Since it was mentioned that we've got a realistic goal of season 1, I was thinking it might be a good idea to make a new thread for season 2 in case Bridge needs a break but also so it's clearer how the thread works in case anypony wants to join in!

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What can I say for this one? A little and a lot, actually. This episode, going into it, was another one I had better memories of then some. Similar to the episode previous, I had a perhaps slight negative impression but it wasn't a strong one, mainly finding it slightly boring (though still enjoyed background details) I enjoyed it more this time around but perhaps still rates a little lower than other recent episodes. Rainbow Dash and Applejack's antics earned a chuckle but not to the level of some others or whatever reason.

My favorite moment in this is hard to pin down. Nothing was negative in the slightest. I think I enjoyed the race the best but I have found that I enjoy montages and the little details that they sneak in there (little gangs, the crowd of ponies gradually getting larger and enjoying the rivalry, etc). Still, the race was charmingly whimsical yet true to the show's ininverse rules (nature doesn't work unless the ponies usher it along) and I found the idea of them running to shake the leaves from the trees somewhere between cute and wracking my brain on the logistics of that (more below in the Odds and Ends). 

Moral, this time I'll brag on it, I think this is a strong one. The theme held throughout the episode. The execution, interestingly enough, was more realistic and friendly (at least among some friends). Rainbow Dash and Applejack still had moments of friendliness and comradery during most the episode's run in spite of there increasing tensions.I don't mind to characters turning it up to eleven and hating each other for awhile but this was a nice chance of place. It was also really COOL how they had Twilight Sparkle actually beat them and win 5 place. I probably am overthinking it, but modern writing would have had either have Twilight be dead last (comedy)  or have won 100% outright.  This was cool to have her to do somewhat realistically yet unexpectedly well for a newcomer and shows someone winning in a small way in a positive light. I feel that moral is just as good as the main lesson. 

Okay, okay, now to my rating: 6.8/10. Why that number? Arbitrary, I have no complaints for this episode and still enjoyed it but rate it a little lower than what has come before. Competence is not bad and this is one I still may revisit in a secondary coziness context.

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> wracking my brain on the logistics of that (more below in the Odds and Ends).

Celestia said Rainbow Dash's and Applejack's antics meant that the leaves didn't fall and that they had to run again.



How? How did two ponies contribution matter enough that a significant percentage of leaves didn't fall? It doesn't make sense! Then, just them rerunning the course was enough to complete the task. Maybe I could reach on a limb and say disharmony vs friendship magic was at play here or that the element bearers magic is stronger and matters more though there is no suggestions for any of this.  Like, other things I can come up with elaborate theories with both fun and sometimes seriousness that just "smooth things over" but here I got nothing but cute magical horse show. For me though, that is an mostly alright answer. I remember a lot of fics early on tried to down play/rationalize these elements to the point that it feels disconnected from the sincerity of its whimsical nature. 

Twilight Sparkle being slightly athletic:
This is a trait that I've seen be argued was forgotten in latter seasons. This is a position I partly hold but I think I will have to rewatch more of FiM in general before I fully agree with that assessment. It is not as pronounced as her snarky attitude and I could see this being one of the things that is more incoherent. 

Pinkie said "Applejack is inches ahead." Very minor note. I have always liked the idea of some sort of ponified measurement system using things like, hooves or wings, over just the implicit US customary system. Not saying inches violates this, just noting.

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> After all, how could society in Equestria move past the reliance on the crafts? Things like the Flim-Flam brother’s machine don’t just threaten jobs, as they did in our world, they threaten the fundamental fabric of Equestrian society.

The former, I propose that harmonic magic itself might ensure everyone finds the most proper place. (A certain couple of moments from later seasons MIGHT threaten this theory, but a topic for another day.)

> family suggests you could hack the system and just embrace the family talent earlier, the exact idea Apple Bloom gets. 

Now that is an interesting observation! Apple Bloom, perhaps rightly, infered the exact opposite lesson from what Applejack was trying to say. Rather than assurance of "it'll be your time!" Apple Bloom put, in her own childish way, two and tow together.   

> Poor Twist gets left behind after this episode, but I definitely remember having friends in school who I was friends with just because we were both losers.

Twist had a unique design and traits, I wonder if anything more was ever considered for her?

> Or born an Alicorn but discovered the power to raise the sun later? Many questions, but I’m glad canon didn’t answer them. I don’t think the show could have pulled off an “how Celestia got her cutie mark” episode well enough to justify it. 

I thinking hinting at it = good, explaining everything and nerding out on something like how that would have probably gone down in a later season fandom episode = bad. The former adds to haunting and comfy, the later removes wonder and mysteriousness. 

> With that in mind, I think I’ll put this episode at around 5.9.

That is your lowest rating thus far but I certainly understand it. I can see how this didn't "click" with you. 

> I actually had to go back and check that it was autumn in the cold open – it was. For some reason it escaped my notice there. But it makes for more or less perfect timing, as it’s just about bang in the middle of autumn as I’m watching this

It did not escape my notice either. Watched it with the first (relative) cold front that came in for the season! 

> I don’t dislike Nightmare Night, but I certainly feel like autumn is much comfier in this episode, as I like autumn but have never been a fan of halloween. 

My personal thing is based on degree, joking spooky and childish spooky = comfy. Eerie can be comfy, but the outright horror not so much for me. I can totally see why someone would find fall/autumn comfier! 

> I’ve heard the Running of the Leaves be derided almost every time I’ve seen this episode reviewed, specifically in terms of it not making sense. While I concede that the Running is not as thoroughly explored as Winter Wrap-Up, I don’t think it’s fair to dismiss it entirely.

We are on a similar page. My background is more from fanfiction as I didn't watch/read many reviews (I did some, particularly on controversial episodes). To quote myself: >>/11234/
< I remember a lot of fics early on tried to down play/rationalize these elements to the point that it feels disconnected from the sincerity of its whimsical nature. 

> Earth-pony magic, with the actual cause being a sort of synchronicity between the thumping of hoofsteps and the readiness of the leaves to fall, which then evolved over time to include Pegasi and Unicorns in the tradition too even though their magic wouldn’t really apply in a practical sense in this theory. 

I'll take it, although I will point out that from dialog/what is shown on screen at the end, Rainbow Dash's did seem to matter. 

> reality-breaking slapstick 

I'd argue that the slapstick here isn't that reality breaking and the ponies have show some similar feats in other situations.

> With that in mind, I’m going to rate this at 6.2. I liked it a bit more than Call of the Cutie, but not as much as Ticket Master, so I’ve put it bang in the middle.

...but I still understand the distaste as a style. Sometimes I can laugh a lot with it, sometimes not, too me execution and timing matter and I did enjoy it enough but no

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> Once again, the show has a kind of continuity, one which at least in my experience can tend to go overlooked. 

I actually think I lean towards defending Season 1 on this more often than not, so noted and agreed, /) I am just going in with an open mind to certain criticism!  and maybe later emerging as a rabid crazed Season 1 defender.

> But also nice to keep such thoughts in the theorybox, where the show can just be it's comfy self too. I like to think of both coexisting, somehow.

The middle is eerie in the background but not a constant present thought or a full threat that "ruins" everything. Like something that makes you wonder about it. A fuzzy edge.


Since it was mentioned that we've got a realistic goal of season 1, I was thinking it might be a good idea to make a new thread for season 2 in case Bridge needs a break but also so it's clearer how the thread works in case anypony wants to join in!
I think that is a really good idea! I really like that idea and has my full support. The thread right now is... could use a better intro to explain what is going on,and the first 50 posts or so have confusion over what the thread is. A fresh start for Season 2 makes sense for all those reasons. 

I have some other things to reply to in a couple of threads, but for now, goodnight /endpone/! PMs coming soonish.

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The first couple of scenes in this episode are mainly setup, but when they pay off later it’s quite cohesive. First we’ve got the cold open, where Rarity is making her own dress, which will come up later on when the others help finish it, and helps establish how Rarity gets sidetracked by the amount of work she has to do and focuses on her friend’s dresses before her own. Secondly, we have Applejack and Twilight showing up. I’m not quite sure why Applejack was actually there, given that she didn’t want a dress and touching up her ‘work duds’ was Rarity’s suggestion. Maybe she just tagged along with Twilight to visit Rarity. As Twilight and Applejack accidentally irritate Rarity with their chat, we have foreshadowing for Rarity’s irritation at their bizarre design choices later on. And lastly we have Rarity having the idea to make all of the group dresses, where the beginnings of the issues that will come later sort of meets halfway between Rarity’s determination to please, and the others increasingly taking that generosity for granted as a result. It’s quite a clever concept, really – the core conflict is caused precisely by Rarity’s element being in a bit of overabundance, that is, she’s too generous for her own good in this episode. We also have some excellent characterisation of Rarity in full force in these first two scenes, as we begin to see the side of her that allows for her fashionable, sociable outer persona: a lot of hard work. In previous generations and in most girl’s shows, being like Rarity is typically shown as effortless and easy. But  not only does Rarity work hard, her comment to Applejack: “you make it sound like it will be hard!” demonstrates an ironclad work ethic and dedication as well. Rarity is a character, like many of the Mane 6, that is easy to overstate, push to an extreme and just get utterly wrong, but here she’s pretty much perfectly characterised. Even the environment is making this clear, with Rarity’s work floor being in her bedroom. 

On that note, we get into the first half of the fantastic song of this episode. It’s up there with the Smile song as one of the great character songs in the show, which I think is pretty uncontroversial to say. On the matter of Rarity’s hardworking nature, I was thinking while watching the song that whilst Applejack is just as if not more hardworking than Rarity, in all likelihood, the reason Rarity comes across as even harder working than Applejack to me I think really comes down to this song. We see and have described to us the rather painstaking process of creating a dress, and then have that process repeated five times, whereas with Applejack, we see bits and pieces of what she does on the farm, but we don’t really ever see the complete picture. The dresses make for quite tangible measurements of how much time and effort Rarity’s put into her passion. 

As Rarity reveals the dresses to the others, I particularly like Opal’s role in purring and nudging the dresses, nicely contrasted with how she hisses at the next set. She’s a good presence in the episode, making shots more interesting and providing someone for Rarity to interact with when she’s working on her own. Given the song we just had, we then share Rarity’s disappointment at the less than stellar reactions from the rest of the Mane 6. They do try to convince Rarity not to go the extra mile for them, and in fairness if Rarity just listened here the rest of the episode’s conflict would not have to happen, but again I think it’s fantastic that Rarity’s generosity actually leads her into a bit of trouble here. The lesson in a way is not only to be careful not to take advantage of generosity, but also to be careful that your generosity is not taken advantage of, too!

The reprise is even catchier, and we get the 20% cooler line. Oh yes, that old chestnut. The budget comment is interesting though – they’re paying for these dresses? I thought Rarity was doing it as a favour. It makes what they’re doing slightly less egregious if they are paying for them, though.

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When Rarity shows them their new dresses, it’s neat that the dresses are kept in shadow, with only the boots and a hem shown directly. It makes their reveal at the fashion show that much funnier. As Spike bursts in and explains that he mentioned Rarity’s fashion show to Hoighty Toighty, I was wondering, was he doing that as a favour to Rarity due to his crush on her? Said crush was established in the pilot, but I don’t really see any direct reference to it in this episode, so I’m not sure if that was why. Perhaps he was just passionate about sharing what his friends were doing. When Rarity hears about it, she could have asked the others to wear the original dresses, just for the show – but I suppose that would have involved putting down their dresses, and revealing that she wasn’t really happy with them. 

Hoighty Toighty, as he arrives at the fashion show, is interesting. A part of Canterlot high society, a fashion business bigwig, but also an Earth pony. Either the class structure is less stratified along unicorn/pegasus/earth pony lines than we often think (although the show regularly supports that type of stratification), or he’s somewhat of a rags-to-riches story, a bit like what Rarity aspires to. As the show begins, Spike gets to play his favourite role and be the announcer, and I have to grin as he just goes a bit overboard. It’s a show being held by a small fashion parlour in a small town – even if it’s near to Canterlot, it’s not really going to be anything like as prestigious as Spike’s making out, and there’s only 5 outfits being shown off. I’m not very familiar with fashion shows, but surely just 5 isn’t very much? So it’s hardly going to be the day of all days when the “perfect pony gown” finally arrives. And as we see the garish dresses finally revealed, they’re absolutely fantastically made – that is, in order to demonstrate by juxtaposition just how good Rarity’s original dresses were by comparison. I wouldn’t know what sort of clothes are fashionable vs unfashionable (except for a vague awareness that damaging jeans is still seemingly all the rage despite going on like that for what must be more than a decade at this point), so this episode does a good job of making it clear and obvious even for viewers that don’t know a thing about fashionability. However, I will say, Pinkie’s dress didn’t come out looking too bad. All things considered, I think it’s the best looking one of the bunch. Twilight’s “oh dear” moment is absolutely perfect. I love the idea that Twilight can get so wrapped up in technical details, and then suddenly have a rush of clarity and social awareness. Spike’s obliviousness and the crowd’s reactions are hard to sit through, I’m glad it fades away before too long. 

Rarity’s dramatic shutting herself away is hilarious and some more great characterisation, I love it. I also love the concern all five of them show – this episode isn’t just a great Rarity character episode, we get a lot of great interactions between all of the Mane 6, and get a better sense of how they work as a friend group outside of adventures. Just one thing puzzles me – how do they get the dress out of Rarity’s room? Twilight could probably magic it away, but wouldn’t Rarity notice? Ah well, it doesn’t matter too much. Poor Opal is clearly terrified, though it is a funny way to get Rarity to come out.

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Who organised Hoighty Toighty coming back? It could be Spike, as we see him closing the curtains. Perhaps he heard how badly the show had gone previously. Rarity using her magic to make a light show for the fashion show take 2 is impressive, and makes me think that magic is perhaps less so limited by a pony’s special talent, and moreso fueled by passion. I can’t really focus mentally on things I’m not interested in, and perhaps for unicorns it’s similar, where they get a significant power boost if the magic is related in some way to what they’re passionate about. 

I like Hoighty Toighty watching Spike’s letter fly out of the window to Canterlot. It seems like he and Spike might be friends in some capacity, which is kinda neat in a way, and so I assume he knows it’s going to Celestia and knows Spike has regular contact with the Princess. His ending gag is pretty funny too.

Also a fifth screenshot, because Twilight looks really pretty in this dress. I remember this episode as being a particular instance where I began to find her attractive, and I think the dress is a part of that.

Nothing really stood out to me as elements I disliked, and this episode had a lot of positives. I’m going to give it an 8.4, as I just about preferred Dragonshy to this episode, but it doesn’t fall far short. 

I'll respond to stuff a bit later, it's been a hectic couple of days! I did have this review earlier but I wasn't able to post it over the weekend, so this is just a quick paste more or less. I have enjoyed reading your review and responses though /)

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> How? How did two ponies contribution matter enough that a significant percentage of leaves didn't fall? It doesn't make sense!
I have a proposal, although the reasoning is still perhaps a bit flimsy. When Applejack is given a lift in Pinkie's balloon, as a result she would have skipped a large portion of the racetrack - and given that Applejack's a particularly strong Earth Pony, perhaps her contribution to that particular stretch of the race was the vital component to those leaves falling. It's the only thing I can think of, and it fits in neatly with my theory.
> Not saying inches violates this, just noting.
I would normally say that since Pinkie says it we can somewhat doubt it, but just next episode Fluttershy mentions France so this sort of thing isn't a one-off. 
> 1234
> Twist had a unique design and traits, I wonder if anything more was ever considered for her? 
She's one-note enough that I somewhat doubt it, at least in the form we see her. Perhaps earlier in development, though.
> That is your lowest rating thus far but I certainly understand it.
It's the sort of rating where I think it'd be pretty good in a later season. It's still above average, by being above 5, but in season 1 the norm is hovering around 7 or 8 in terms of enjoyability.
> My personal thing is based on degree, joking spooky and childish spooky = comfy.
Agreed. In a way I'd say the problem is adults and teenagers joining in with it and making it "theirs". Stuff like Santa in Christmas is more for kids with there being traditions that are more for adults, I'd much prefer halloween if the spooky stuff and dressup was just for kids and adults just did stuff like pumpkin soup or whatever. Mind you, here I am watching My Little Pony, so I'm not one to judge what adults do necessarily. 
> although I will point out that from dialog/what is shown on screen at the end, Rainbow Dash's did seem to matter. 
It does imply that, though again I just sort of assumed it was really just Applejack making the leaves fall at the end. 
> I'd argue that the slapstick here isn't that reality breaking and the ponies have show some similar feats in other situations. 
That is true, but it's just one after the other here to such an extent that I'm struggling to view it as "canon events", almost. 
> goodnight /endpone/! 
seeya soon /)

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In-between episodes, I’ve read through the My Little Pony manga, too. I like the artstyle a lot – the show uses simplified art, but when fans make My Little Pony in a manga/anime style, they tend to just add detail. This isn’t bad per se, but the style of this manga is closer to looking like what I think of when I think of a My Little Pony manga. It’s more clearly oriented towards children, understandably, but I think for what it is the manga stays remarkably close to the characters (unlike some other material that could be mentioned, like King Zebra) – they each get an introduction which is relatively faithful. Genuinely this would be a pretty good primer for the show for a kid. Then, each chapter is broken up into a little story or two. Some of these are roughly adapted from an episode, albeit simplified – Suited For Success is in there, for instance. Others are original – and the original stories, although I’m not the first to mention it, would make great concepts for episodes.  The one that stuck out most to me is where a particular tree that supports life for a lot of Fluttershy’s animals seems unwell – it’s branches are falling off and it’s sap is drying up. So, they bring the tree to life to ask it what’s wrong. The tree is depressed and so they cheer it up. This would make for a really solid episode I think – minus the ending, where they bring Golden Oaks to life and she and the tree fall in love, with Twilight gaining an extra reading nook in the new tree once it returns to it’s inanimate form. Each of the ponies would have something unique to bring to interactions with such a tree character – Fluttershy connecting with it on matters of nature, Rarity sprucing it up and trimming it, Rainbow Dash trying and most likely failing to psyche the tree up, Twilight reading it books on motivation or something to that effect, and Applejack trying apple-bucking, kind of like those aggressive Swedish sports massages they do. I think it would also fit in well with the pony-natural world relations theme of season 1, where we could expand more on how ponies relate to trees, and perhaps explore the difference between a domesticated tree like this one, and the wild trees of the Everfree Forest. 
Overall more of just a fun read, definitely a bit younger in orientation compared to the show but remarkably faithful in most respects.

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An alright episode. 

I found myself enjoying it on a average level. Rarity being people pleasing to her friends and her friends not appropriating her hoofmade (magic made?) dresses hits home to me in this odd way (I have know of cases of younger family members rejecting homemade stuff from grandparents in the family due to color and fashion considerations, which has personally mystified me). The dress sequences was fun, and I liked Rarity getting more haggard and strained while her friends gave there various detailed to vague and complicated instructions. Of course, can't forget, this is where the famous phrase, 20 percent cooler, came from. I did laugh with the whole first fashion sequence when the Mane 6 realized how ridiculous they looked! 

My perceptions of this episode where average but this is one that I don't remember as well. It did not change with this and I am neither overly impressed or disappointed. 6/10.

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Opps, was logged into BO. 

Anyways. The most important thing is this right here:
> Spike: You are never gonna believe this! You've heard of Hoity Toity?

> Twilight Sparkle: The bigwig fashion hotshot in Canterlot?

> Spike: Uh-huh. He heard about your fashion show. Well, maybe I happened to mention it to him... he's coming here all the way from Canterlot to see your work, Rarity!

This is another instance of Spike seemingly having some sort of other duties/life connected to Canterlot. I had completely forgotten about this. Actually, I am not sure if it has ever stuck out to me before to me. 
> Spike's on "royal business." I know it was just an excuse to not have him there but this line I have always remembered. What sort of business was he on? Considering how they have usually acted with Spike being a child (relatively responsible to be entrusted with some duties) I wonder what he would be up too and traveling alone, if even to a safe trip to Canterlot for. 

Now, this adds a little weight whatever happened here.

There is a lot of interesting implications. Twilight Sparkle talked about Hoity Toity as somebody famous and not personally familar with. A thought comes to mind of Spike having at least some minor brushes with Canterlot high society while doing, IDK, stuff for the princess. 

110% satisfied 
Rarity said in this episode, who is ready for a forced meme?

Noticing background details too strongly
The first catwalk scene overhead shot I thought the ponies where just one static drawing besides the lights. This would be common in other animation but I handled recalled FiM ever doing that before (obliviously because of the availability of rigs they could just copypaste as they please). The the more close up top down shot of Rarity though does have these ponies move some. These ponies are nothing to really write home about,there colors are off, movements stiff, and just feel overall basic and perhaps a bit rushed (and why not, just a couple of tiny shots less than what, 20 seconds overall? No problem with it). I wonder if these very simple top view ponies ever where used again or if there will be other instances of potentially one off wonky ponies like this?

Rainbow Dash's dress looks completely fine, tbh, not guady and mismatched like the others, just perhaps ill fitting for the setting/theme.

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> They do try to convince Rarity not to go the extra mile for them, and in fairness if Rarity just listened here the rest of the episode’s conflict would not have to happen, but again I think it’s fantastic that Rarity’s generosity actually leads her into a bit of trouble here. The lesson in a way is not only to be careful not to take advantage of generosity, but also to be careful that your generosity is not taken advantage of, too!

Worded better than how I explained it, but yes! I also think the idea of being appreciative of gifts is a worthy component as well that is laudable.  

> The reprise is even catchier, and we get the 20% cooler line. Oh yes, that old chestnut. The budget comment is interesting though – they’re paying for these dresses? I thought Rarity was doing it as a favour. It makes what they’re doing slightly less egregious if they are paying for them, though.

Nice catch and yes, that is a good question. I can come up with somewhat plausible theories but none with strong evidence (they insisted on paying for the dresses. Rarity charged them token prices for the materials. They decided to pay for the new dresses in some capacity). 

> Rarity’s dramatic shutting herself away is hilarious and some more great characterisation, I love it. I also love the concern all five of them show – this episode isn’t just a great Rarity character episode, we get a lot of great interactions between all of the Mane 6,

100% agree.  

> Either the class structure is less stratified along unicorn/pegasus/earth pony lines than we often think (although the show regularly supports that type of stratification), or he’s somewhat of a rags-to-riches story, a bit like what Rarity aspires to.

Another theory, though this can easily exist with the others. Culture is not 100% with race/class. We seen mixed familes most of the time with earth ponies, but that certainly exists elsewhere (and might have some prominent example that has slipped my mind) but an earth pony raised among unicorns in Canterlot may just be that, he still is culturally hip and a little snobby. Rarity has been shown to feel awkwardness with being from Ponyville after all! Racial associations with most of these towns still exist but the in-group/out-group dynamics may apply just as much to culture. 

> Rarity using her magic to make a light show for the fashion show take 2 is impressive, and makes me think that magic is perhaps less so limited by a pony’s special talent, and moreso fueled by passion. I can’t really focus mentally on things I’m not interested in, and perhaps for unicorns it’s similar, where they get a significant power boost if the magic is related in some way to what they’re passionate about. 

There is some later post-season moments that may support this, but that is far off! Very far off.

> I like Hoighty Toighty watching Spike’s letter fly out of the window to Canterlot. It seems like he and Spike might be friends in some capacity, which is kinda neat in a way, and so I assume he knows it’s going to Celestia and knows Spike has regular contact with the Princess

Spike's connection, however minor, is a curiosity to me, for reasons I have already stated.I admit that I probably spent too much time thinking about it, but that is who I am. That is an interesting idea of them being friends.

> Nothing really stood out to me as elements I disliked, and this episode had a lot of positives. I’m going to give it an 8.4, as I just about preferred Dragonshy to this episode, but it doesn’t fall far short. 

Here is how I think of ratings in my head, 
10/10, perfect, I have almost never felt this. about anything
9/10 Great/amazing, rare for me to feel this
8/10 Great/good
7/10 good
6/10 good/okay/something great with one or two flaw that mess it up a bit
5/10 flawed/mixed
anything lower,bad

Yeah,not very clear for and clean, and I think that everyone has slight different perceptions. That is just how I think it in my head and mine are a bit more arbitrary than some(I think).

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> When Applejack is given a lift in Pinkie's balloon, as a result she would have skipped a large portion of the racetrack - and given that Applejack's a particularly strong Earth Pony, perhaps her contribution to that particular stretch of the race was the vital component to those leaves falling.

> It does imply that, though again I just sort of assumed it was really just Applejack making the leaves fall at the end. 

It is fair enough, I think it just goes back to if one takes unicorns and pegasi ponies being able to contribute. My instincts are mixed on this and I have gone back and forth with thinking of what I remember of the show and might give the episode a rewatch just for more (over)thinking. 

> nice

> 1234

< mfw I didn't notice.

> Agreed. In a way I'd say the problem is adults and teenagers joining in with it and making it "theirs". Stuff like Santa in Christmas is more for kids with there being traditions that are more for adults, I'd much prefer halloween if the spooky stuff and dressup was just for kids and adults just did stuff like pumpkin soup or whatever. Mind you, here I am watching My Little Pony, so I'm not one to judge what adults do necessarily. 

This is actually a very interesting angle, one that I think is relevant but not often discussed and I think it is a multifaceted "thing." Something happened with our society, a nostalgic retreat is a major component but I am still forming fully on the why, reductionist views (technology, capitalism too far or the decline of religion) play a part, but I feel this is often other small nuances that are mixed, my tenancy is to blame tech more than the other two.      I don't view spookiness in Halloween, but agree on overall principles of this idea of adult colonization of childhood things being... something. I am talking a bit vague and unclear, aren't I? I hope you get the gist. I think to an extent the fandom is guilty of that, I never brought the complete self guilt or self aggrandizing behavior that the fandom  often adopts in viewing itself;we are complex and it is complex. 

> seeya soon /)

> I'll respond to stuff a bit later, it's been a hectic couple of days!

Same for the past two weeks for me! So we good. 

Manga, more on that later, but for the moment:
>  The tree is depressed and so they cheer it up. This would make for a really solid episode I think – minus the ending, where they bring Golden Oaks to life and she and the tree fall in love, with Twilight gaining an extra reading nook in the new tree once it returns to it’s inanimate form.

Fanfics enter the chat, but yes, I agree overall the concept is workable and the mane 6's interactions could be interesting.

Oh, and:
> Pinkie’s dress didn’t come out looking too bad. All things considered, I think it’s the best looking one of the bunch. 

I think Pinkie's is the second best, it is whimsical and she is whimsical and she makes it work, but I am probably as in tune to fashion as you are.

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Let’s  dive in!

‘’Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen. There's no other way!'’

So, we see Twilight Sparkle practicing magic with Spike helping as her “guinea pig” though admittedly that sounds a little too strong of a wording. I can always get distracted with little starting scenes like this and this one stood out for two reasons: Pinkie’s interruption. Upon Spike being distracted by Pinkie Pie, the rock that was turned into a hat reverts into a rock. Why does a slight distraction cause the rock to revert? Is there a window of time when something is transformed that it can revert back? Like it needs to be held in place? The tuxedo and leaves don’t revert back (but do vanish in the next shot, albeit, a lot of that happens this episode and I think it mostly should be taken as cartoon logic... mostly).  

Reason two: Upon ‘’Spike'’ being distracted by Pinkie Pie, the rock that was turned into a hat reverts into a rock. It seems like Spike himself also needed to have his attention on the Twilight/the rock for it to work. What roll does Spike play here?  This is 30 seconds in, lol, I am focusing too much on this scene  but I think it is weird and possibly is an attempt to justify something later on. 

Twilight Sparkle is at first, understandably dismissive of Pinkie Pie and her antics, but as bad luck ramps up, she starts to frantically try to disprove/understand it. At first Twilight is a little obsessive and as it goes on. I have often seen people say that Twilight Sparkle being a bad scientist who is more eager to disprove than to understand and analyze cautiously and something thinking Twilight having held the idiot ball to some degree. Considering the sequence of events:
> Frog

> Falls in a ditch 

> Mud splash 

> Alligator in bathtub

> Door slam by the front door of the library 

> Door slam in the basement of the library 

> Bees!

> Fell into apple cellar 

> Potted plant, anvil,  hay, a panio

I disagree that Twilight Sparkle was a bad scientist or being an idiot, it was just the trope of the skeptic being skeptical while reality proved contrary. Even then, while frustrated she was still trying to gather data and hadn’t fully “snapped” in the way of her freakout towards the end of Swarm of A Century or had retreated into her book like in Look Before you Sleep (and both of those aren’t necessarily bad either). I still laughed at these and enjoyed most of them. (Personal favorite being the basement door slam for whatever reason) and I considered it slightly surprising as show with a higher age rating had often censored direct impact cartoony violence like that and a discourse that suggested that sort of violence had gone very far out of style (at least that was my impression)  Grew up with boomerang (TV channel that showed old cartoons) so I might have greater appreciation than some. I do think sometimes stuff like that can be offputting and overdone as well. Actually, a lot of times when other cartoons tried (and perhaps FiM in a future episode if I recall) to do this in the 2000s something often felt off to me but not here.

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Enter the ‘doozy;.Twilight Sparkle is suddenly healed and aiding Pinkie Pie and Applejack in going to help Fluttershy. I laughed way too much at Spike’s and Applejack’s conversation, with felt weirdly realistic and yet still funny. Realistic in the sense that Applejack seemed like a stressed adult who was trying to not let her mind run wild while Spike being a stressed adolescent panicing. Fluttershy randomly exploding twice in a row also feels like Spike has been reading too many comic books or something (same with his zombie ponies remark a few episodes back). I think the Hydra was an alright random monster threat, perhaps a bit under utilized consider mythology (though it is not like anypony could’ve tried to chopping heads off in this at the time E/I TV-Y kids show) and not the most splendid design, but oh, whatever. 

Here is a part where the episode becomes problematic when your attempting to overthink every detail: Twilight Sparkle’s actions in this fight. I don’t consider it irrational at all for her to be panicked and not thinking straight. While I think it ‘’might'’ be reasonable to assume Twilight’s magic training and tutelage under Celestia had some combat training I don’t think Twilight was groomed to be a monster slayer or anything. This Hydra was huge and she and the others have been shown to be prone to some panic. It is the relative innocence of the setting here. What does feel off is when she does gain some confiendence not using magic, at all. I am not taking about in directly fighting the monster but stuff like telekinesis or the most glaring one I saw people point out in the past, teleportation! This is why I refer back to:
> ‘’Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen. There's no other way!'’

Listen, this is season 1 and I know that haven’t given super detailed thought to stuff like this, but, was this not just for a joke but an attempt to explain what happened here?  I legitimately wonder it. As for any theorizing, I am going to call a spade a spade and just say Twilight Sparkle doesn’t think straight in a panic sometimes as that explanation  makes less sense to me considering what happened with Twilight’s brief confrontation with Nightmare Moon.

The lesson, eh, that deserves its own section and probably the most shaky part of the episode.  
As for my rating for this episode, I am split, 6.1/10 or 6.5/10. I can’t decide! It was a good to alright episode despite certain controversy associated with it with my main problem perhaps being the wording of the lesson over anything that happened in the episode itself.

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‘’It's your only ho-o-ope! You have to take a leap of faith!'’

Now, for the main controversy with this episode, the potential anti-science and perceived religious influence here. I have thought about this before and have gone back and forth to how merited it was.  The wording can be taken here with a very symbolic meaning albeit “leap of faith” doesn’t have to mean  “faith” in a strong religious context but also as a figure of speech that just had an unfortunate timing/prescience. The trope of skeptic being dunked on is well established and minus that line, would I think that takeaway as merited at all? No. The end wording of the lesson though:
> I am happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have to choose to believe in them, and sometimes it takes a friend to show you the way.'’

I don’t think a strong religious context is there but I can see a supernatural vs science with that as a take away. They probably were aiming for something like not everything needs to be rationally explained and have a little fun with that. I can understand some having a problem with this. For me? Eh, mixed but I do find this wording to be a little questionable and am going back and forth on it myself Also to note, I myself am technically on the conservative to borderline traditionalist side when it comes to religious and science matters, but still, debating the logic here and probably wouldn't use this type of show as a platform for that!

How much does it matter? I don’t think this controversy matters as much
 as it did and I am not sure it would’ve had such a negative reception if it had premiered a few years before or a few years after. A lot of the fandom was fedoras and the peak culture war pastime when it aired was a subset of  mostly evangelical Christians (at least in the US of A) getting into fights/getting dunked on by a larger subset of atheist movement and terminally online internet users who were aligned with that for a variety of reasons. Now it seems to be an afterthought in our current culture wars sometimes with unclear lines. Nowadays I hardly see this episode mentioned in a negative light in the way some others still have and I think it shows how things have changed from then discourse wise. Not going to go any further into that, at least here, makes the thread /uncomfy/. It doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to criticize but it probably should be seen as somewhat poor and wonky over something that is a major faux pas. 

< And wow, strong counterargument. I possibly can talk myself into liking this moral from the angle that our word destroyed a lot of childhood wonder and magic. Twilight Sparkle taken in that light might not be so bad. Our world became sterile and parental standards have become overly prescriptivist on one end to the mere abandonment of children to a world of smartphones and parental neglect on the other. That is a rabbithole for another time.

‘’'The Door to the Apple Cellar’
Now, for the more important thing to speculate on...
WHO OPENED APPLEJACK’S DOOR TO HER CELLAR? It wasn’t Twilight or Applejack from what I gather from rewatching the scene. It seems like it just opened on it’s own! 

‘’‘Rapidash Twilight!''’
A classic and somewhat forgotten meme! Something minorly interesting. A character being injured or wearing cloths one moment and then not the next scene in the same place happens a lot in this episode with no explanation! This is fine and cartoony even if part of my mind wants to overthink it. On the other end though I found it interesting that they bothered to animate smoke coming off of Twilight after she got mad here (though the burn marks still disappear) compared to how most other shots it would just be gone. Need to find the fic that ran way too far with that scene.

‘’‘Observations from  Bridle Gossip Relevant:'’'
> It is interesting that Twilight Sparkle is so dismissive of curses. I don't find this irrational unto 

Character limit still got me

‘’‘Observations from  Bridle Gossip Relevant:'''
> It is interesting that Twilight Sparkle is so dismissive of curses. I don't find this irrational unto itself. Magic to her is still a science and such a science that can be tested and examined. I could see how a curse violates a world of where magic proprieties are pretty well known. Maybe magic needs energy to sustain and function and thus, a curse in the traditional can't exist (there I go trying to rationalize the magic here).

> Twilight comments that there’s “no such thing as curses”, another interesting little tidbit about the magic. I think I discussed with the gala tickets in a previous episode whether magic is something that can produce permanent effects, or if it’s always temporary, and notably here curses are typically expected to be quite long in duration, if not infinite in duration. However, since I concluded from said tickets that these lasting enchantments are possible, I think it most likely has to be some other aspect of curses that makes them impossible. 

Pinkie Pie:‘’What's not to believe? You do magic, what's the difference?'’
Twilight Sparkle:‘’Huge! For one thing, [clears throat] magic is something you study and practice. It only happens when you decide to do it, and it's meant to make something specific that you choose to happen, happen. With you, uh, it makes no sense at all!'’

‘’Just a hope skip and a jump'’
Nice continuity Fluttershy!

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Lot of formatting errors on my part! I guess that is what I get for posting while exhausted. All my larger posts always feel like air planes making near crash landing. I am not sad but I do apologize if this is a bit more of an eyesore than normal. This review, I tried doing a bit on what you did and noting things sequentially with side observations and a bit minor theorizing. My mind tends to organize things into lists and I have an easier time noting topics as an aside (sometimes perhaps too much so in some of these reviews) but I have fun with this one all the same. The episode is one that I have given a lot of thought about but it has been years... heck, maybe even an decade, that I have seriously picked it apart. A certain nostalgia with this one from reading some the controversy and discourse around it. 

I have only glaces at the manga in the past but I do agree the art style is cute and works. It deserves a full read and I think that sounds like a cozy pastime. 

>  It’s more clearly oriented towards children, understandably, but I think for what it is the manga stays remarkably close to the characters (unlike some other material that could be mentioned, like King Zebra) – they each get an introduction which is relatively faithful. Genuinely this would be a pretty good primer for the show for a kid. 
This is one of those things that people underestimate the value of.Not just for kids, but in writing anything pony, a lot of works assume too much foreknowledge of the characters and  setting in question. Whether be it a kids work or some AU fanfic, it is good to have a little bit of an introduction at least. That reminds me that Faust wanted a preschool spinoff staring the CMC (if I recall correctly) though that is tangential. 

> they each get an introduction which is relatively faithful. Genuinely this would be a pretty good primer for the show for a kid. Then, each chapter is broken up into a little story or two. Some of these are roughly adapted from an episode, albeit simplified – Suited For Success is in there, for instance
Makes me want to start reading it and comparing it, lol more crazy theories!

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I wonder why Spike and Twilight were practicing magic outside this time – if concentration is of the essence, it would have been better for them to practice inside the library so there were less distractions. But since they are outside, distractions do occur, in the form of Pinkie with her special umbrella hat, which I would be fascinated to see as a real hat in action. I’d try wearing one, just to see exactly how dry or undry it would keep one in the rain. But rather than rain, we get a frog splatting onto Twilight’s face.  Does Pinkie know how to speak frog from learning with Fluttershy, or is it perhaps her Earth Pony affinity?

Anyways, we then get Twilight dismissing Pinkie’s first prediction as a mere coincidence, before befalling Pinkie’s next prediction, ending up in a ditch. Here is where the endless questions around this episode start, and probably foremost among them since it’s brought up by the episode itself a little later on, is why does Twilight doubt so dismissively when she herself is a student and practitioner of the magic of this world? Well, one thing that I was trying to recall is instances where magic is shown to have predictive power in MLP, primarily within this season as that’s established canon at this point, but later on as well. I can’t say I recall any instance particularly = in Twilight and Dolores’s fight at the end of season 5 (I think) we see potential futures, and that to me would suggest that magic can’t differentiate between potentialities or probabilities. All of which would give a plausible reason for Twilight to both espouse magic and yet doubt predictive divination. The same seems to apply to curses at this stage in canon, going back to the poison joke episode, where maladaptive magic is as likely to adversely affect the caster as the target, and so doesn’t constitute a true ‘curse’. Pinkie’s predictions are proven accurate a third time in a row as Twilight gets splashed with mud, and whilst she runs Twilight a bath, Pinkie explains how different parts of her body will react in accordance with oncoming phenomena. I assume this was a conscious reference on the part of the writer to the real-life phenomenon where people can feel an oncoming storm ‘in their bones’, a real predictive ability as oncoming storms will affect barometric pressure, which can be felt as a sensation in the body. This has an interesting implication for the episode – if that is indeed a conscious reference, then we could take that to mean that the intended reading is that there is a real explanation for Pinkie’s Pinkie sense, but that we simply don’t manage to discover that explanation within the course of the episode. That seems to track with the episode writer, who has made it clear in the aftermath of the episode that they didn’t wish to convey a pro-faith message – not that such a message is undesirable or bad in any way, merely that it wasn’t the original intent as such. In addition, in this scene we see a sink with taps and a faucet, which is the first I’ve seen of plumbing to my recollection in the show. From what we’ve seen of Ponyville, it seems to me as though some buildings have plumbing but most don’t, a situation that puts me in mind of time I spent in rural Ireland as a child. In this context though, Ponyville is less of a truly rural area at this stage in history, and more of a market town (at least in my opinion), and as such, I interpret this as being some of the earliest beginnings of indoor plumbing for areas outside of Canterlot and some other major cities. Also, Gummy introduction, if I’m not mistaken.

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Twilight stands on a real soapbox to explain what magic is and what it is not, and she covers something I’ve discussed previously in our discussion: the role of intent. My working theory with the difference between unicorn and earth pony/pegasi magic was that the former is active and the latter passive. This passive side is what Twilight here refers to as a ‘special power’ – Pinkie would have been more apt to point out that Pegasi have a magical affinity with clouds.

After Twilight fails to get measurable readings out of Pinkie, she dons her pith helmet and observes Pinkie from afar. Something I love about this sequence is that both Pinkie and Twilight are being tremendously playful in their own way – Pinkie is frolicking about, and Twilight is incorporating pointless elements like her headgear and a ‘scientific name’ for Pinkie (revealing in the process that she does not at this stage know of Pinkie’s full name of Pinkamena) , both doing this just in the course of their everyday activities. This made me think about another aspect of differences between humans and ponies – we have discussed already how ponies in general seem like a much more childlike species in some respects, with Celestia even seeming reluctant to endanger the innocence of her subjects with regards to external threats, but here we have a specific aspect of that on display, playfulness. It’s not something we often think about, but play is an instinct which comes very naturally to us as children, and then disappears in adulthood, something which I would posit is caused by society, but I don’t know for sure that it is. Either way, playfulness seems to diminish less as ponies pass into adulthood, with adult ponies seeming quite happy to partake in parties and dress-up and sleepovers and other playlike activities without seeing a discrepancy or feeling it’s out of place, the primary barrier preventing human adults from doing these same things. Obviously as always this is out of necessity given the intended audience of the show, but it seems quite internally consistent and thought-out compared to other worlds targeting the same audience: yes this is the way it needs to be for marketing, but since the parameters of an imagined world are arbitrary in any case, it is delightful to see ideas taken to logical conclusions, since we get to see an entire speculative process play out that really helps Equestia feel truly like another world. 

The Hydra’s a great creature, though I’m a little puzzled as to how it remains upright on just two legs with a body like that. The adventurous conclusion with it here is something I’ve been itching for a bit with season 1, even though we’ve got a fair bit of action already with the pilot and Dragonshy among other moments. All the music in this part of the episode is fantastic too, from the swamp music to the dramatic accompaniment to the Hydra chase. And a cute little ending gag with Celestia, too. 

I had less to say about this episode on it’s own, but I think quite a bit more to say with regards to the debate surrounding it, which I think more or less sums up it’s legacy: an episode more significant for the discussion it generated than the episode itself. For the content of what it actually is, separated from the messy philosophical side of it’s lesson, I find it to be a fun and action-packed episode, but not one that especially stands out, again if not for it’s lesson. It is thought provoking, but I don’t know to what extent that’s due to the episode itself, or to the subject matter. I’d venture to say that due to the questions raised taking the limelight as well as a lot of the episode’s focus, I think it’s actually weaker as an episode in it’s own right than it otherwise would be. I compared it earlier to Dragonshy, and I think it basically is a slightly weaker equivalent of that episode. I was then thinking of putting it in solid 8, but Boast Busters, my benchmark for an 8, just stands out as a better episode than this to me, so with that in mind I think I’ll give this a 7.9.

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> It did not change with this and I am neither overly impressed or disappointed.
With regard to our differing levels of enjoyment of this episode, I think what really made this episode for me was getting to have the whole Mane 6 in play. It's obviously tricky to pull off, but I really love seeing them as a group - as well as loving the character focus approach, which sounds paradoxical but we got both in that episode and to me, that's a real treat.
> This is another instance of Spike seemingly having some sort of other duties/life connected to Canterlot. I had completely forgotten about this. Actually, I am not sure if it has ever stuck out to me before to me. 
This plus the seasons have been standing out to me a lot more on this rewatch - I think there had to have been a 'background timeline' or something similar for this first season, too many things line up too neatly.
> who is ready for a forced meme? 
...110% ready, perhaps?
>  but an earth pony raised among unicorns in Canterlot may just be that, he still is culturally hip and a little snobby.
Or even a situation like with the Cakes, where ponies from one group produce a pony from a different group via, presumably, recessive genes in their background. Which makes me think - when Mr and Mrs Cake end up with a Unicorn and a Pegasus for children, that's anything from a non-factor to a blessing for them, but I can only imagine a Unicorn or even Pegasi family having Earth pony children would be a little bit awkward, for both the parents and the children - so much of what would be life's experiences for the parent, they would be unable to share, and the child would almost certainly feel deprived of having those life experiences.
> Here is how I think of ratings in my head, 
I agree with all those, but the ratings are still quite abstract so I find it easier to use episodes as benchmarks for other episodes. 
> I hope you get the gist. I think to an extent the fandom is guilty of that, I never brought the complete self guilt or self aggrandizing behavior that the fandom often adopts in viewing itself;we are complex and it is complex. 
I think I get the gist, certainly the sentiment. Complexity is something I'm falling back more and more on as an excuse as I get older - my grandfather always used to say, when asked about something a bit too current or news-y, in a slow and serious voice, "I think it's very complicated". It baffled me back then for such an intelligent man to say such a thing, but more and more I find that on topics where I know something about it intellectually, that really, I can't know much for sure and have to throw up my hands and say "it's complicated". Even something as relatively small as this fandom is large enough that I don't think I could grasp fully what can be truly definitively said about it. The edges are fuzzy and it's more efficient to define it in microcosm than in totality.

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> Is there a window of time when something is transformed that it can revert back? Like it needs to be held in place?
My reading was that a transformation needs to be complete to ensure something won't revert, and that the first step of a transformation is an object's appearance, as the least essential of it's characteristics.
> It seems like Spike himself also needed to have his attention on the Twilight/the rock for it to work. What roll does Spike play here?
If intentions, even of non-magic-casting creatures, can help focus or strengthen magic, then perhaps that gives us our answer to why the running of the leaves includes more than just Earth ponies. The underlying magic is being performed by the Earth ponies, but they are aided in what they're doing by the participation of others, strengthening the collective intent. It also gives us potential explanations for things like the power of friendship itself, holding the windigos at bay and manifesting as the most concentrated form of magical power this world has to offer when used by the Mane 6 - since we have an entire nation, Equestria, following the principles of this philosophy of friendship, we could have there the most extreme end example of the power collective intentions have in the magical sphere. 
> As for any theorizing, I am going to call a spade a spade and just say Twilight Sparkle doesn’t think straight in a panic sometimes as that explanation makes less sense to me considering what happened with Twilight’s brief confrontation with Nightmare Moon. 
I think the key difference is that when Twilight was confronting Nightmare Moon, she was temporarily isolated from the others and fending for herself in the immediate sense (iirc), whereas here she's defending her friends. It is strange, but people's self-preservation has been known to snap under certain pressures, and Twilight's mind is portrayed throughout the show as in a relatively fragile, snappable state, unfortunate as that sometimes is. I got a chuckle out of it, as it kinda felt like the culmination of Twilight's increasing neurosis throughout the course of this episode.
> The wording can be taken here with a very symbolic meaning albeit “leap of faith” doesn’t have to mean “faith” in a strong religious context but also as a figure of speech that just had an unfortunate timing/prescience.
The fact that this was taken at the time to be religion specifically rather than just spirituality or even just superstition I think speaks to the way in which that early-2010s redditor type of atheism was so hostile not just to religion, but to any type of non-empirical thinking or even hypothesis in general. That specific area of the early fandom that was both vehemently hostile to all forms of spirituality and who emphasised the show's value in terms of it's "cleverness" above all else I just find hard to stomach. I never saw MLP as just an ironic, clever commentary on society or something, and sometimes the way early reddit-type fans seemed to talk about the show, it sounds like they viewed it as essentially an early version of Rick and Morty. 
> spoiler
I more or less come from the complete opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to views of the world, so I think it's telling that both of us found the criticism a bit bogus. 
> Now it seems to be an afterthought in our current culture wars sometimes with unclear lines.
As far as MLP's status in the culture war goes, I feel like it's managed to occupy a less contentious space than most other fandoms I dabble(d) in, which is refreshing. I'm in regular contact with both extremes within the fandom (from congoing pride flag types to /mlpol/) and I feel I can more or less get along with both. There is conflict, but compared to something like Star Trek where the core idea of what it's even about is disagreed on, I feel like both extremes in this fandom have more they have in common with regards to how they view the show than might otherwise be the case.

Better replies coming later, busy week, but I am doing mostly alright.

> If intentions, even of non-magic-casting creatures, can help focus or strengthen magic, then perhaps that gives us our answer to why the running of the leaves includes more than just Earth ponies. The underlying magic is being performed by the Earth ponies, but they are aided in what they're doing by the participation of others, strengthening the collective intent. 

That... wow, need to bookmark and write down this one. Simple point but a strong one I mean, arguably the show short of spells it out but we don't think of applying it to there. Speaking of magic, boy, I just watched Sonic Rainboom and that has had my mind already working on some ideas for that! 

> I more or less come from the complete opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to views of the world, so I think it's telling that both of us found the criticism a bit bogus.

Indeed, /) I can tell religious propaganda when I see it and that ain't it!

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Our opening scene is funny enough and gives us the iconic Fluttershy ‘yay’ meme, but in terms of information, all it actually tells us is that Rainbow Dash is going to involved in some sort of event at which Fluttershy will also be present. As a small moment between Dash and Fluttershy, it’s nice to see.

Speaking of small moments between characters, I enjoy the fact that Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were all helping Twilight tidy up. I wonder what Twilight was studying over the weekend? Then we have the introduction of the titular sonic rainboom, courtesy of Pinkie Pie.  As Rainbow brags that she can do a rainboom no problem, and we as an audience can see that she’s actually nervous, I really like that Rarity chimes in, demonstrating her knowledge and awareness of people. Between this and her focus episode, Rarity is getting some truly great characterisation in this season. It’s also her intervention that goes on to let the rest of the episode happen, as Twilight was more than happy to just go back to tidying up. Pinkie Pie fetching the right book and even knowing what page the right spell is on is fantastic, I even like the explanation she gives to Applejack – even if I do prefer to think of that explanation as an off-the-cuff excuse to hide her powers. Then Rarity even volunteers to be a test subject for the spell! The casting of the spell is also interesting, as Twilight describes it as very complicated and appears drained after casting it. 

As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash arrive in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy makes a good effort of being assertive. I feel like this is the first we get to see of Rainbow and Fluttershy’s specific relationship being fleshed out more, which carries forward into the rest of the show as I recall. We don’t particularly get this pair-up with the others, but that makes sense since out of all of them, only Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sort of grew up together, or at least in the same surroundings. After they confront the bullies, Rarity shows up and we get to see her wings properly, which are reminiscent of the Flutterponies from G1, which makes me wonder if those pony’s wings were magically formed too, perhaps by virtue of the Sunstone’s magic. But that’s beside the point. The other three disembark the Twinkling Balloon with a surprising degree of nonchalance – if I knew a spell was the only thing keeping me from falling through the ground, I’d be pretty scared. But then again, magic is a very reliable force in Equestria. Rainbow Dash’s statement of Cloudsdale being the “greatest city in the sky” makes me wonder if there’s more cloud-cities besides this and Las Pegasus. In particular, a lost cloudcity would be a very interesting concept to me. They then go to visit the weather factory – now, I would assume that Cloudsdale is the only place with a weather factory, given the way it’s presented in the show. And since Pegasi have controlled the weather since before ponies even came to Equestria, this would mean that the weather factory is incredibly old, as well as being presumably irreplaceable, since we don’t know of any other cloud cities with weather factories. But it’s fair to assume that it would be a difficult feat of engineering to reproduce, since the weather factory is able to cover all of Equestria with it’s output capacity.

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Now, as they move on to the cloud production floor, we see something that really just puzzles me. The clouds are made more or less as real clouds are made, by condensation of water. However, this raises the question of where Cloudsdale gets the water from. Normally, it wouldn’t be a big issue to get water from the sky, but since the water cycle does not exist in Equestria, they must be getting it from the surface below. All this water needs to be enough to water the crops of all of Equestria with rain, too. My best guess is that Cloudsdale has massive water storage facilities, and it periodically moves to the ocean to refill it’s tanks.

As if to contradict my earlier praise of her character, Rarity has a complete turnaround from her earlier generosity and decides to enter the competition, causing more stress for Dash. It’s not really out of character for her to be distracted by being the centre of attention, but she doesn’t do any favours for her likeability, either. In fairness, she does apologise for it later. Then, as Dash tries to avoid going out by swapping numbers, we see what looks like Dr Whooves (sorry, Time Turner, rather), but he’s a pegasus? I guess in canon they’d be separate but similar-looking ponies, or perhaps even twins. I’d say having the same cutie mark is an issue but there’s so many ponies with that cutie mark that it isn’t really. So Rarity and Rainbow Dash both leave it to the last second and go on together, then we get our Icarus moment with Rarity. And from there, we wrap it up with apologies and Dash getting to meet the Wonderbolts. Altogether, a very satisfying ending – and since I probably won’t have time to do another episode before the new year, a fittingly momentous conclusion to end the year on, I think. 

Overall, I would rate this episode 8.7. It mixes some of the character development of Suited for Success with the adventure of Dragonshy, plus some tasty worldbuilding, so it sits a little bit above those episodes for me.

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Sonic Rainboom, what can I say about this one?  This review is going to be on the shorter side,  had two family members fall ill and one injure himself after a surgery, my mobility isn’t 100% right now, been an interesting holiday season!

Something about the traveling here feels different to other seasons. More cozy, more ‘’intimate'.’ I think some of it is the fresh details we get and how fresh and young the world is. I really shouldn’t compare this to later seasons all the time but I can’t hep it! I liked it! I like the feeling here.  I thought the build up to the conflict and how it was executed was solid enough. I enjoyed Rainbow Dash switching her numbers and avoiding leaving till the last possible moment. It reminded me of the dread of waiting for a shot when I was young. Something that was quick and better to get over with sooner, yet, the fear of it is so strong that I want to avoid getting a shot at all costs and anything that delayed it, even slightly, felt like a blessing. The rainboom was well animated by season 1 standards even if it was outdone later on. 

There is a lot of world building that I should get into on Cloudsdale and the weather but I cannot help but focus on the spells here. It is interesting detail of this  is how they so causally let let Rarity compete in the race without prejudice. How everypony fawns over Rarity and shows an interest? You’d think that, especially with the context of some racial animosity that still lingered on and could rear it’s head that was established within the show even  in, well, next season, this should’ve been an issue! I think though this  “problem” in continuity   can be fairly easily resolved : unicorns are a, pun intended, a rarity!  I couldn’t find it from a few quick searches, but I know Faust before has said something to the effect of, Earth Ponies were the most common, Pegasi a hundred times less common than Earth Ponies, and Unicorns a hundred times less common than pegasi. Thinking along these lines fixes this and actually goes with a lot of the cultural dynamics were see in Season 1 and later on. Unicorns budding in  and doing shenanigans like this would be an uncommon occurrence and a speckle/sight of wonder.. They wouldn’t be taking the spotlight every day of the week.

Also, magical spells are common knowledge but unicorns who can preform a lot of spells, may be rarer still. We don’t see anypony else using that cloud walking spell after all! Goodness, thinking along these lines  could be used to explain a lot. Trixie being a performer to the smugness of Canterlot society even might partly be due to the relative rarity of unicorns in this world. 

This review is a bit of a traffic jam, my rating is a 6.9 out of 10. I liked it a lot, but isn’t isn’t in great territory for me for whatever reason.

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Now, for the one line that I have racked my brain for way too long:
’’‘Be careful with those wings, Rarity. They're made from gossamer and morning dew, and they're incredibly delicate.’‘

To start:
> a film of cobwebs floating in air in calm clear weather
the specifics of  what these wings are made of. Without these line I would just assume magical energy or material of some kind.  Twilight wrapped Rarity in a magic of sorts and the was under considerable strain from it. I logically think some sort of conjuring is involved but gossamer is a cobweb in  a specific ‘’‘state'.'’ Same for morning dew! I am fine with morning dew and evening rain having different supernatural properties and affects,  the thing that is weird here is that it seems like she generated the wings from magic and... I wonder how one would conjure something with properties like that? 

Flutteryay happened here. A classic meme. Though honestly the payoff of Fluttershy cheering Rainbow Dash the loudest was sweet and I enjoyed that more.

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> in particular, a lost cloudcity would be a very interesting concept to me. They then go to visit the weather factory – now, I would assume that Cloudsdale is the only place with a weather factory, given the way it’s presented in the show. And since Pegasi have controlled the weather since before ponies even came to Equestria, this would mean that the weather factory is incredibly old, as well as being presumably irreplaceable, since we don’t know of any other cloud cities with weather factories. 
> However, this raises the question of where Cloudsdale gets the water from. Normally, it wouldn’t be a big issue to get water from the sky, but since the water cycle does not exist in Equestria, they must be getting it from the surface below. All this water needs to be enough to water the crops of all of Equestria with rain
This is where your review complements mine. I had a singular focus on the magic and you foused more on the setting of Cloudsdale, as for what you propose here there is an interesting dichotomy with it that I'll (hopefully) highlight. One is a narrative inference based on the show at face value and one is a logical inference based on real world logic to some extent. I think that the weather factory, based on what we've seen so far, doesn't necessarily have to exist. Logically, it could be decentralized/or merely another place or process somewhere else. Hurricane Fluttershy I'll ignore, but considering what we have seen thus far, it doesn't necessarily need to be that much water given how magic works and how (possibly) small scale things often seem to be (one dragon being enough to put Equestria under fog for 1000 years). Now, I've done the reverse to you? Does that make me right, IDK. I actually lean towards taking the show at face value (sometimes though, that is impossible!) but I think calculating real world/real scale of things is still worth it!

> Speaking of small moments between characters, I enjoy the fact that Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were all helping Twilight tidy up
I like little moments of that nature as well!

> The other three disembark the Twinkling Balloon with a surprising degree of nonchalance – if I knew a spell was the only thing keeping me from falling through the ground, I’d be pretty scared. But then again, magic is a very reliable force in Equestria.
Agreed, you'd think a fear of heights more generally would still be in effect. Maybe just from the sheer size of Cloudale? It's hard to be afraid of heights with large buildings and places to cloudwalk? Though there still seemed to be a lot of scary places without any guardrails.

>  a lost cloudcity would be a very interesting concept to me. 
Yes! How long would it be before it decayed? A lost cloud city hidden in the eye of a hurricane? Lots of possibilities there!

> Overall, I would rate this episode 8.7. It mixes some of the character development of Suited for Success with the adventure of Dragonshy, plus some tasty worldbuilding, so it sits a little bit above those episodes for me.
My rating as well this time is just based on personal enjoyment and 6.9 is pretty good  oh no, do I consider this scale logarithmic? LOL.  Anyways, this part of my reply is in the new year and we've been at this for a year now haven't we?Happy to be the bridge to 2025!

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