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Not Much Activity in /Endpone/

Comos has sure taken the fandom for a wild ride; though chaos can be exciting, it is also tiring. So why not let harmony reign for awhile?

After all, we maybe at the end of the universe, but sometimes that can be better than the center of the storm.


/endpone/´s sticky thread (with the updated rules):  >>/5559/

The /chat/ thread (meant for casual conversations among /endpone/ users):  >>/5562/

Post Gen 4 Discussion Thread (including several episode spotlights):  >>/5314/

The /Seapone/ thread (created during the 10th anniversary):  >>/6625/

The Writefag general:  >>/4724/

The /Night/ thread:  >>/4924/

The 2nd edit thread (including a compilation of edits from the 1st thread):  >>/3779/

The NSFW thread:  >>/5560/

The /fileshare/ thread:  >>/6627/

Games thread:  >>/6921/

Pony Life thread:  >>/6253/

Synchronized Rewatch Thread:  >>/6985/

-OLD MATERIAL (with more posts and several updates)

Golden Oaks general (still trudging along):  >>/3148/

Comic Thread (For both fan made and offical):  >>/1627/

The Mascot General, Dolores Umbridge:  >>/2992/

Season 8 discussion thread:  >>/1060/

Season 9 discussion thread (reviews of all the episodes, including an index):  >>/3583/

Bat Pony General:  >>/125/

Princess Celestia general:  >>/1857/

/endpone/'s recommended fics:
The Revolution fic (Bridgefag):  >>/2747/
The Mare in the Mountain (Bridgefag):  >>/3835/
The Second Chance (L23):  >>/5417/
The Mirror of Fire (L23, Unfinished):  >>/2131/
The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape (Bridgefag):  >>/5108/
Roboticized/Slipped Through the Cracks (CB Anon, Unfinished):  >>/5897/
CB Anon's NaNoWriMo2014 Fallout Equestria Project (CB Anon):  >>/6817/
CB Anon's First Fic (CB Anon):  >>/6540/

Previous thread:  >>/4969/
3rd thread:  >>/3485/
2nd thread : >>/2168/
First thread:  >>/233/

It seems that somepony stumbled unprepared for this moment. 

And Scaredy Cadence doesn't like surprises.

I'm afraid though, that yes you have gotten that GET, Cadence.


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> Endchan does eat pics sometime but this one truly surprises me as it was tiny.
well, even after all these years, after getting rid of the 500 and 502 errors that popped up very often back in 2018 (and in the previous years, I imagine),  Endchan still manages to mess it up with the pictures (it has happened to me several times). Classic Endchan. 

The day Odilitime decides to fix all the bugs and add an archive for this place, the world will actually /end/ for real, the Endchan that we all know will be long gone if those changes manage to happen.

And yes Candy, you got it. 

well, congratulations /endpone/, another one thousand posts to add on the track record with a new thread and a different index from the one displayed in the previous thread (very diverse by the way)

There is still a long way to go for the 5 digits (even though it´s getting closer) and one of the reasons why it feels so far away is that...

> Cosmos has sure taken the fandom for a wild ride; though chaos can be exciting, it is also tiring. So why not let harmony reign for awhile?

...(as I see it,) 2020 has felt like 3 or 4 years combined and as a consequence, there is a unique sense of weariness that I didn´t get from the previous years. I hadn´t imagined back when I wrote that opening post that this amount of chaos would happen a couple of months after creating the thread. 

Let´s balance a bit the previous trend, shall we?

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> the Endchan that we all know will be long gone if those changes manage to happen.
Yes. Though I must say the past 3 days have reminded me too much of the classic eddition though. 

> 2020 has felt like 3 or 4 years combined and as a consequence, there is a unique sense of weariness that I didn´t get from the previous years. I hadn´t imagined back when I wrote that opening post that this amount of chaos would happen a couple of months after creating the thread.
IRL already felt this way before that, so for me it's been like 8 years. 

> Let´s balance a bit the previous trend, shall we?

Pretty good. We just got to the end of season 1 and she's stopped calling me gay. She's started trying to make my nickname "princess sparkle" but I'm not having any of it.
She likes it more than I thought she would, but it is a good show, so I'm not too surprised. I count it as a win

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> We just got to the end of season 1 and she's stopped calling me gay.
That's a funny dymanic to me. 

> She's started trying to make my nickname "princess sparkle" but I'm not having any of it.
What about Twiguy?  Whose your fav pone anyway. 

> She likes it more than I thought she would, but it is a good show, so I'm not too surprised
Is she into other nerdy things? How far do you plan to take her on the ride?

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> What about Twiguy? Whose your fav pone anyway.
I am NOT accepting an mlp nickname from her. that's RIDICULOUS!
And Fluttershy I guess. Though I'd argue that Applejack is best pony. Is there a consensus on who's best here? I would imagine that RD being the worst is just common fact.

> How far do you plan to take her on the ride?
Season 3, anything after that i remember just being ok.

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> I am NOT accepting an mlp nickname from her. that's RIDICULOUS!
Don't be such a Cranky Doodle Donkey! MLP nicknames are all the rage and you can do so much with'em!

> Is there a consensus on who's best here?
Easy meme answer would be our bridge, but that probably wouldn't be the true answer. Cadence too, and the two variants we have of her I suppose could be given the same treatment. For real though? That is harder to say. When I have seen it brought up most would say they didn't have a strong preference for one best pony.
> And Fluttershy I guess. 
Even you seem to fit that. 

> I would imagine that RD being the worst is just common fact.
The most "controversial" ponies I can recall were a couple of season 9 characters. 

>  I would imagine that RD being the worst is just common fact.
 I know one anon who would argue AJ... 

> Season 3, anything after that i remember just being ok.
How far did you get?

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>  don't be such a Cranky Doodle Donkey!

>  >RD being the worst
Nope; marshmellow. I honestly have no problems with athleteH0rs

> I know 1 anon that would argue Bkground Pon3
What's wrong with working for a living?
I'll grant being dumb as a brick doesn't help but she's either loyal or honest, and once her VA figured that out everything was cool.

> how far?

Season five was amazing.

>  I am NOT accepting an mlp nickname
Bah! Humbug!

I'd be amazed and amused if my significant other (wife of 12 yrs) called me Twiguy. Or Flutterguy. The best I can get is a 3rd-person-on-both-halves Sparkle Hooves.

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> What's wrong with working for a living?
I, if I remember correctly, her being too much of a archetype over a character. It wasn't a hatred so much as finding her weaker than the rest of the mane6. 

> Season five was amazing.
Season 5 is probably the season I've watched the least. I think my verdict at the time was "good not great". 

>  called me Twiguy. Or Flutterguy.
I think it depends on the context, for him, I think his wife called him gay over FiM at one point so perhaps it was a bit mocking or emasculating to him.TBH, probably find it funny or enjoyable myself.

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> Don't be such a Cranky Doodle Donkey! MLP nicknames are all the rage
Maybe it depends on the dynamic. She tries to emasculate me all the time, so take my word that "princess sparkle" comes with no sincerity. I'd probably accept it otherwise.

> How far did you get?
season 5, thats why I don't know any of the newer side characters.

> I know one anon who would argue AJ..
Hey, Applejack is best pony.

> I honestly have no problems with athleteH0rs
I just finished watching an episode from season 2 where she forces a bunch of animals to compete for the "honor of being her pet". And after putting them all through a grueling competition, she picks the tortoise that she bullied all day which she refused to consider and it had to save her life before she finally decided  that maybe it was ok.
Maybe she gets better as the show goes on, but almost every episode where she's front and center involves her being extremely self centered

> Season five was amazing
I don't remember the side episodes, but the Dolores Umbridge episodes were pretty sick

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What is this?


> She tries to emasculate me all the time, so take my word that "princess sparkle" comes with no sincerity. I'd probably accept it otherwise.
That sounds rad. 

> I just finished watching an episode from season 2 where she forces a bunch of animals to compete for the "honor of being her pet". And after putting them all through a grueling competition, she picks the tortoise that she bullied all day which she refused to consider and it had to save her life before she finally decided that maybe it was ok.
I think Rainbow Dash or Rarity is the weakest in morality of the mane 6 from what I've seen.

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> comes with no sincerity. I'd probably accept it otherwise.
Yeah I can see not liking that. 

> Maybe she gets better as the show goes on, but almost every episode where she's front and center involves her being extremely self centered
Not a bad point, tbh. Not sure if that fact would make her worst of the mane6 in morality. 

>What is this?
I don't know who it is or what pic related means, but it's on my radar.

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Bold claims, Bridgie.

You have less than a full day to respond to yourself.

Or else.

//For some reason today, I looked for clips from Trading Places
//Where the black guy pretends to be an exchange student, and shouts "HAPPY CHRISTMAS!"
/* and MERRY NEW YEAR  *
 *  or maybe I just remember it that way */

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> Bold claims, Bridgie.
To be fair, I was thinking of early eps since he mentioned he stopped at season 5 and didn't even remember it well. Yeah, that is still too far on wording though.

> a full day to respond to yourself.
To myself? 

> Or else.
pic related

> //Where the black guy pretends to be an exchange student, and shouts "HAPPY CHRISTMAS!"
//I am unfamiliar with that one

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/endpone/ wouldn't be /endpone/ without its last PoLS of the year, wouldn't it? I might have been quite absent lately but still, the board deserves to know that there are signs of life over here.

While this counter  >>/7079/ remains unclear, we know the actual end of the year with absolute certainty. I will deliver a few words before leaving this chaotic year behind. Shitposting might not require any effort at all but shitposting after living the entire 2020 experience...

...it might seem as low quality as ever but the context behind holds its merits. That's what deserves a little bit of attention before venturing into the next year. 

Anyway, I am here to report that I am okay and hopefully, you are all doing alright as well.

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it seems that 2020 is finally coming to an end. For those who are still lurking, posting out there or visiting the board casually...you can take a break and relax. 

You´ve made it. That alone holds more merits than ever.

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If I had to describe and sum up the entire 2020 , I would use this word: uncertainty.

Huge amounts of uncertainty everywhere and you wouldn´t know what could happen the following day. When this board  >>/4969/ announced this post gen 4 transition as a chaotic one, one would refer to an unknown for a new transition for this community and that variable, new for the fanbase, would be one to keep track and see how the community would adapt itself to the new decade without the show.

However, that overwhelming amount of chaos was unexpected and not one that would come from the community (except for its inner dramas). 

Shitposting might be always frowned upon for bringing a low amount of quality when its comes to the posts and the practice alone. However, being able to shitpost and showing legitimate signs that you are still out there posting on an imageboard and following the ride, with the same tone as one would display in the past, holds quite a lot of merit.

If one looks at this year in hindsight, while you might say that nothing really happened on a personal level, in reality, there are a few factors to consider. While it´s true that the capabilities of adaptation for the average person are quite praiseworthy, that doesn´t change what one has had to face this year.

I consider this year 2020 as one of those that contains several years in one and definitely, it has challenged the minds and health of many. You might be alive and keep the same attitude after all, but if one stops a little bit, then you realize how many people have been knocked down. Not only when it comes to Covid-19 deaths but also those people who have been going through a rough mental period for digesting all the doubts, fears and an unstable outlook about what could await in the future. To a greater or lesser degree, anyone would show signs of worry about this matter. In case that you didn´t, your respective country/environment would remind you about it instead (confinement, limitation of movement, masks,the vaccine race, information about the virus, economic impact,...) so it´s been basically impossible to live inside a bubble, much less when everything is more connected than ever and so, you will become instantly aware of it one way or another.

If anything, the bubble would have to be improvised...in terms for your personal comfort in order to get ahead and survive in some way. There are times where it ´s been so chaotic that you only care about those who are around you and nothing else. This was a year that has basically consisted in this pattern: save yourselves and make an effort for those who are around you.

In theory, that effort would be made by wearing  a mask and taking cautious measures but...nobody said that one would need a psychological support too, especially to those who have had a loved one affected by this whole thing...

after considering that, perhaps you might value that surviving this whole year has more merit than one would give credit.

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And if that bubble was MLP, then you wouldn´t be free of its issues.

Never in my life I would have predicted that a little girls show would also deliver a true mess on its own as well. Not even one year without Friendship is Magic and...you can´t even tell if this post gen 4 transition has been more intense than the years in which the latest seasons aired. 

While it´s true that new fans would emerge by being able to watch the entire show without waiting at all, not everything would consist in advantages. Actually, the supposedly "franchise about horses living happily under the rainbows" would even deliver more issues than one would expect.

When it comes to material delivered for this 2020, we expected that Pony Life would bring down the quality and thus, it would be the controversy that could have caused chaos. However, the spin off seems to have little to no impact within the community and thus, the legacy of MLP still relies on gen 4, as if that spin off didn´t even exist. More than controversy, it has been ignored because everyone expected what to pull out of it. Nonetheless, people expected the comics to shine with the season 10 arcs, there have been little to no releases, not enough in order to keep the interest of those who are sticking around.  What has managed to induce a few pictures are the Gameloft designs (alternate hairstyles, outfits,Nightmare versions of the mane 6...) but that is pretty minor in comparison with what could have been delivered this year and be more rewarding in terms of content. 

So, everything would rely on the fanbase,again. About that...

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While it´s true that many people have decided to stay aside and don´t get me wrong, there might have been a few great stories, fics, videos, music and tons of pictures for anyone out there to enjoy.

Nonetheless, there would be one episode that would affect the main circles of the community (except for Fimfiction, relatively speaking) that would be worthy of a study: Derpibooru´s mess during the summer.

For those who have been unaware of it, I envy you because the more try to understand, the more you realize that it consists in an utter annoyance that reveals quite a bit about the decisions taken and the users involved. I am not going to put view on it over here but I will say that it has been quite exhausting to follow, pretty intense at keeping that tense tone. It brought even more uncertainty  (As if there wasn´t enough) and no one could predict the ending either. It led to more inner conflicts and a certain amount of division, driven by politics. 

That entire mess has led to the creation of alternative websites for hosting MLP images with the Philomena/Booru on Rails interface and the most positive outcome out of this is that there are several copies of your favorite images secured (working as archives) and with all the warranty to stay there just in case a site decides to get rid of them. While this department has been technically covered (so a fan doesn´t have to worry about any dramas of any kind when it comes to MLP material in the future), we´ll have to see if one can create a Nightmaremoon replace for streaming the episodes because some people cannot even have access by relying on DVDs and/or Discovery Family. I suppose that the next aspect to deal with is going to be that one.

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As for /endpone/ itself, I would even wonder how such a small imageboard has managed to get this far. 

Even with its periods of inactivity, this board has delivered more than 7000 posts and I wonder if this will stay alive for the 5 digits. For so few users and relying on quite extensive posts written passively (for the most part), that´s not a small feat. 

There have been a few rules set, a few new stories to share (some of them displayed in the OP), a few episode spotlights and discussion about the show seen in hindsight, a small celebration for the 10th anniversary of gen 4 with the species that marked the spark of this 2nd wave of activity in this board (3 years since those posts in the first NMAiE), its own set of rules, an icon that has managed to get a short lived meme within the community (you can says thanks to the wordfilter) and other threads that would accompany this experience (NSFW, the /chat/ thread and the threads aimed for archiving files).

But for everything that has managed to happen, this board has always stayed there: between the mid point of staying either alive or dead; and while this formula isn´t the ideal one, it has managed to get through this period with this dynamic that it has managed to surpass any expectations set back in the day.

Anything coming from the outside might have been rough but this board... /endpone/ somehow has managed to earn that comfy status and considering all the uncertainty surrounding it, this place has surely worked as a column to hold onto. 

I am not claiming that this place is the most recommended one to visit and definitely, not one that would be active all the time. However, it has its own appeal, relatively speaking and, while everything can be wiped out, this side project keeps going...

What a timeline, really. 

I suppose that anyone who has been active and has kept track out there...yeah, one might have found some relief and one deserves a hug for making it, even if it´s for shitposting purposes only.

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What can I say, really?


I mean, I could extent myself to the point of oblivion, trying to explain what has happened in this 2020. I personally feel fortunate that the end result has turned out to be this one and not any other one. While it´s true that this year could have been better, I am fortunate to be here in the way that I am doing right now. It could have been worse and  lose my father from a heart attack and while there was potential to improve some aspects...I cannot complain, I could have lived a more difficult year than this. I look around and I see that other people aren´t doing so well unfortunately, so relatively speaking, all my circles and I have managed to make it through, pretending that nothing has really happened when a part of me keeps that inner feeling of uncertainty. 

I could write a book or at least, a few worthy pages for making a compelling story (out of this experience on the fan MLP sites alone) because this year has been an adventure and I have my own reasons behind that statement.  But I suppose that I will need more time than this. The only thing that is relevant here is that you are reading these posts and thus, you have enough health to say and shitpost that you have passed this 2020. Now, the problem hasn´t ended but at least, you have a point of reference to hold onto and say to anyone else that you have lived the entire 2020 alive. 

Very few hours remain over here. I would like to set up the prelude for this new year (2021) and while there are still many uncertainties, the certainty of ending this year is absolutely legitimate.
My prelude is this song in order to build up the process before and after the clock sets the needles for the midnight. I remember hearing this during my childhood in some TV programs that aired in the national TV (perhaps an international contest or in advertisements) but I rediscovered this track this December and I am leaving it right here so you can illustrate your own perspective and remind yourselves what has happened to any of you throughout this weird chaotic year.

I guess that these will be my last words for this 2020 and there is no other way for me to end this last discourse without saying this:

Congratulations /endpone/, you´ve all made it! Happy New Year!

...see you in 2021, it´s been a pleasure to have shared these moments with you...


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> after considering that, perhaps you might value that surviving this whole year has more merit than one would give credit.
Yes I do. I consider myself lucky in a way. For a lot didn't make it or had their livelihoods ruined in ways that will have ramifications for years.

>  induce a few pictures are the Gameloft designs
Gameloft, who'd new that be a major force in our fandom. 

> For those who have been unaware of it, I envy you because the more try to understand, the more you realize that it consists in an utter annoyance that reveals quite a bit about the decisions taken and the users involved. I am not going to put view on it over here but I will say that it has been quite exhausting to follow, pretty intense at keeping that tense tone. It brought even more uncertainty (As if there wasn´t enough) and no one could predict the ending either. It led to more inner conflicts and a certain amount of division, driven by politics. 
As someone directly involved in actively in the conflict... yeah. Not much more to say here.

> Anything coming from the outside might have been rough but this board... /endpone/ somehow has managed to earn that comfy status and considering all the uncertainty surrounding it, this place has surely worked as a column to hold onto. 
Never would've believed anyone if they had told me /endpone/ would be alive post G4 and in some ways more stable than the rest of the drama filled fandom I wouldn't have believed them. 

Happy New Year /ENDPONE/




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> Sometimes it's so weird, being on the US west coast, and trying to talk on the Internet.
I've always felt out of snyc a little do to central time, but I imagine that there it's just worse, especially for a event like this.

> Have some entertaining webms. 

> Hopefully I'll be back before the night is done here because I want to revisit fan-music.
I will be here.  Though, unfortunately for L23, not for the next two or three hours 

Happy New Years!

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I would be surprised if anyone posted here or replied to me before the end of the year...

but I am celebrating it and I cannot believe we have been on this during 7 (+3 on /endpone/)  years!

Merry Christmas,my little end zombies! And Happy New Year  2021 for this edition, first post of the year for me  in advance.


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It is. Two hours of 2021 have been already lived over here. Confirming it with a screencap. I have turned on fireworks with my friend and came back soon to my home because there was only a margin of 90 minutes (coming back home after 1:30 AM would imply a fine of 600€) There wasn't much quantity but at least, we could follow the tradition despite the restrictions.

So, it's been nice overall. Spending this night with my brother and my parents, chatting with many contacts on mobile after not talking to them for so long. It turns out that some of them haven't free of issues either.

But all of them and my family are alright and as I said in the long posts, it's what counts the most after all.

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After dark and just before I get off work, but ... does anyone remember I guessed that "glitchhop" was specific to fan music, maybe MLP in particular?

I present three songs performed using pony voices, cut, restrung and stretched/squashed nearly out of recognizability, but sung nevertheless by talking ponies.

I had never heard this style before pony music-videos started gaining steam.
I grant you, the last two are covers, if you will, of existing songs, but I think the description holds true even I can't easily find further examples in my MP3 directory right now.

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In addition to saying happy new year (neighbor is saying it with what I believe to be full sticks of dynamite) I'd like to point out a few more 'fun' videos I recently found/was reminded of.

I never fail to laugh at Rarity blithely saying the sculptor must have a fetish for sadism.
And during the tail end of 8ch/8kun's hay-day they collected a bunch of anon's voices for the third video.
So here's to all the newfags cluttering up our end-of-the-internet image board!

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alright, so you are not going to believe me. Alright, I am leaving you there, I see that you are having a fun time hanging on those rocks. 

But you are right. Nothing truly could make you think otherwise and trust on what I say...


... definitely, you shouldn´t do that. Like at all...

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First one is by Tridashie right? Second one I haven't heard before but is pretty cathcy with AJ. Third one it seems like a can recall. Like it was done by a artist who did this awesome castlevania theme in a similar fashion. 

> I had never heard this style before pony music-videos started gaining steam.
I honestly want to do research this. For this is something I could totally believe with all those who started out as YTP editors. 

> I grant you, the last two are covers, if you will, of existing songs, 
Is AJ's always true not a cover? That's the only one I don't recognize though its in the middle. 

> but I think the description holds true even I can't easily find further examples in my MP3 directory right now.
Here is my go to that I have posted before a couple of times.

> though its in the middle
Right I somehow posted in an order that doesn't match the text I'd decided on beforehoof.

> Here is my go-to
I was not familiar.
But yes, like this.

Completely unrelated, there were a few nightmare night mashups I could find, but I guess nopony celebrates new-years because it's not in the show?
But here's an hour of fanmusic not tied to any holiday:
Only 8 years too late for tonight's revelries.

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>  Confirming it with a screencap. I have turned on fireworks with my friend and came back soon to my home because there was only a margin of 90 minutes 
Neat, and better than nothing.

In my city, fireworks are illegal but it the law ain't enforced on my side of town much so it goes on anyway. 

> But all of them and my family are alright and as I said in the long posts, it's what counts the most after all.

> 1st one

> I never fail to laugh at Rarity blithely saying the sculptor must have a fetish for sadism.
Wow, New MAS, that's even not very old and yet I have a whiff of nostalgia. Never was the biggest fan of Flimflamfilosphy but I tracked it all as I watched him continue to toil and than finally gave up.

> And during the tail end of 8ch/8kun's hay-day they collected a bunch of anon's voices for the third video.
They are holding their tune pretty well tbh. 

> So here's to all the newfags cluttering up our end-of-the-internet image board!
Here here! /)

> I was not familiar.
Oodorato2. I think most of their stuff is still up on YT. And if not, I have it all downloaded.

> But yes, like this.
I consider that one to have been Oodorato's best. Perfect example of what you mention.

>  I guess nopony celebrates new-years because it's not in the show?
I guess the vauge passage of many moons ain't the best indicator for something based our own one either. 

>  Only 8 years too late for tonight's revelries.
Thanks for the link though! Have it playing right now.

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> In addition to saying happy new year (neighbor is saying it with what I believe to be full sticks of dynamite) 
your neighbor is surely going to have a blast with that. 

> Neat, and better than nothing.
You bet. I mean, even with all the restrictions, at least there was some room for fun.

> In my city, fireworks are illegal but it the law ain't enforced on my side of town much so it goes on anyway.
well, then you will get them in the surroundings at least. We went to the outskirts as well so we would avoid any possible complaints coming from the neighbourhood. Even with the regulation open to do whatever, we would avoid the closed off streets and pick an open area just to ensure everything.

> Indeed!
and you are all here as well. Not sure if more lurkers are tracking this thread, but I am glad that all of you have made it.

I am just waiting for it to come over there . Then, /endpone/ will dive into the full transition and well, define this 2021. 

Enjoy the countdown!

> well, then you will get them in the surroundings at least. 
And close. Man some our loud!

> and you are all here as well. Not sure if more lurkers are tracking this thread, but I am glad that all of you have made it.
3 is better than 1!  Though if any lurker are present feel free to join in! 

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> Now, that's one would call a party...outside the house.
Yep,  the view is quite beatiful at midnight. 

> TOR has been glitchy this week but it comes up now.
Same here. Usually one of the onions works but this week my experience has been all three down. 

> Two and a half hours, for me.
I will be here till then.

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> Yep, the view is quite beatiful at midnight.
Don't make me jealous, who said that anyone here would be jealous?

Cause I don't  well,I happen to live in the middle of the village and I don't see all the angles...so maybe a little bit 

> I will be here till then.
/Endpone/ first New Year's day with the complete tracking for each main user.

That's a first!

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> You're the first one to dip your toes into it. How does it feel? No Alien invasion awaits right?

The first thing that I felt after coming back home was....comfort. After the fireworks, checking the health state of my contacts, the nice dinner with my family...

Just relief and comfort. 2021 will have yet to be defined but after 2020...I have just got a nicer feeling.

Dive into it and enjoy the process!

> Alright, heading out to watch the fireworks, but as traddition

Fun fact, Bridgefag's first post was exactly 3 years ago. So he wasn't there for the third anniversary but actually during the New Year's Day, wandering around small MLP fan sites...

> Fireworks, depite being a cold and wet new year, tied with 2020 as the most I've ver seen.

Impressive, that must have been a breathtaking moment.

Even though I live in a village, the capital city's lasted like...basically 10 minutes. There was no one around in the main square (something that was never seen since 1936/7, completely empty)

So, visually I only managed to see them through the TV but there were plenty in the other villages/smalltowns as well.

What a trend your city is taking really. 2022's celebration is looking great with this path then!

> Impressive, that must have been a breathtaking moment.
Indeed it was. From the horzine to a few that flew right above my house.

> Even though I live in a village, the capital city's lasted like...basically 10 minutes
You guys sound better than what I saw of New York's..

>  never seen since 1936/7, completely empty
That's a haunting reason though. 

> What a trend your city is taking really. 2022's celebration is looking great with this path then!
If it was this way in the wet and cold, you bet!

How about you CB. I know you live more in the country but are y'all gonna shoot any fireworks or anything?

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> Indeed it was. From the horzine to a few that flew right above my house.

Now, that's a true experience! Very nice!

> You guys sound better than what I saw of New York's..
I wasn't counting the time but it lasted way longer than I had expected. Like my family and I were about to set up the bottle of cider and the fireworks kept going. The TV presenters could barely find time to speak in order to be heard. It seems that they decided to spend most of the budget on just the fireworks and a little scenario.

> That's a haunting reason though.
Yeah, much more if you tale into account that during those years, the war prevailed all over the country.

> If it was this way in the wet and cold, you bet!
Well, another reason to be excited then.

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> but it lasted way longer than I had expected. Like my family and I were about to set up the bottle of cider and the fireworks kept going. The TV presenters could barely find time to speak in order to be heard. It seems that they decided to spend most of the budget on just the fireworks and a little scenario.
LOL. New York. Balldrop. Confetti. Camera panning around trying to awkwardly ignore the lack of people. Your legal fireworks show and my city's illegal one beat it by far it sounds like.

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> New York. Balldrop. Confetti.
It seems that I haven't missed much then.

> Your legal fireworks show and my city's illegal one beat it by far it sounds like.
Yeah. Well,look at that, it deserved to end/start with a huge blast honestly. No need to envy them then. You've got to experience them with a proper show, so did I. 

And we are sticking with that. 

> Camera panning around trying to awkwardly ignore the lack of people. 

The news and TV reporters have been announcing that detail for days. Everyone knew that the main square (Sol) was going to be empty and the camera showed many angles of it just to prove that there was literally no one. The police had to set up the perimeter a few hours before midnight and except for a little scenario for performing a couple of songs during the build-up, they displahed the entire square in its most explicit nature and they had to use clapping samples in ordee to convey the proper environment. We all knew that they were fake but those are made for the purpose of bringing a more proper feel for partying. Even the journalists who were there felt overwhelmed so we all have witnessed history right there.

Yeah, that makes it even more memorable. Not sure why NY has tried to make it seem big so awkwardly by trying to avoid the obvious.

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> Yeah, that makes it even more memorable. Not sure why NY has tried to make it seem big so awkwardly by trying to avoid the obvious.
To be fair, that was probably just a choice of the event organizers and/or network. The mayor there has been practically bragging about it half the time cause he loves being a wet blanket.

> How about you CB
Don't have any.

Before I moved to the actual country, my acreage on the edge of the suburbs would prove quite the sight on July 4th -- hours of heavy rumbling, bombs bursting in air in every direction. From 9 until 1AM, it sounded every bit like a warzone should, as is fitting.

Here, it seems more sedate. In exchange, during the day someone is shooting a gun at least once in pretty much any average day. Usually just one or two shots, oddly. But the fourth here, was pretty blase. Couldn't see or hear much of anything.

It's mostly the one neighbor with the dynamite -- nearly a dozen sticks of whatever it is, shaking the windows every time. But just a few 'bangs' every half-hourish.
So far. We'll see what happens ten minutes from now.

> To be fair, that was probably just a choice of the event organizers and/or network. 
I suppose that they would do that in order to cover that regard because it was aired for the whole country. Most likely, it seems to be coming from them.

> The mayor there has been practically bragging about it half the time cause he loves being a wet blanket.

Well, definitely that's an approach which could come from either one of them or both.

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> From 9 until 1AM, it sounded every bit like a warzone should, as is fitting.
That is exactly how I would describe ours as well. 

> Here, it seems more sedate. In exchange, during the day someone is shooting a gun at least once in pretty much any average day. 
Same in rural texas.

> It's mostly the one neighbor with the dynamite -- nearly a dozen sticks of whatever it is, shaking the windows every time. But just a few 'bangs' every half-hourish.
You weren't speaking figuratively then, eh? That sounds like it would be mighty startling to have the quiet interrupted like that.

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You should be, technically you should have been there before midnight. You didn't say anything Expoti, nor was anything you said of meaning, since as usual you were mumbling to yourself about suicide by insomnia. Go ahead, make up some story about sleep being bad.

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I'm just assuming he's too drunk to keep track of the conversation.

'booms' lasted about a minute. Not really even two.

As to 2020, and the new year?
Pic related: (sing along, won't you?)
When you're rife with devastation
There's a simple explanation:
You're a toymaker's creation
Trapped inside a crystal ball
And whichever way he tilts it
Know that we must be resilient
We won't let them break our spirits
As we sing our silly song!

'Cause these chords are hypnotizing
And the whole world's harmonizing
So please children stop your crying
And just sing along with me

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It seems there are more gypsies than just a certain pastry chef.

A approve.

And with that, while I'll be up a time playing video games, I suppose ... A good night to you all.
May you dream of small equines (2nd princess bride reference tonight!)

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>  since as usual you were mumbling to yourself about suicide by insomnia. Go ahead, make up some story about sleep being bad.
I'm sorry but I am a bit lost. Happy new years though!

> I'm just assuming he's too drunk to keep track of the conversation.
I'll agree, yeah, it's probably drunk posting. 

> As to 2020, and the new year?
That's a classic!  and honestly, fitting 


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Stop calling me by that name, please, this isn't 2011 /co/.

> /out of ten.

Straight answer! Were you or were you not going to show up during the blackout? Not if, were, because then that means I stayed up last night for zilch. No lying

> Better question, were you kept from showing up dramatically at the Taco KFC?

< Hmmmmm.

If you refering to the name, CB, that ain't referring to you, but another user.

Also, this  >>/41884/ post hasn't happened on /endpone/ yet. 

> Straight answer! Were you or were you not going to show up during the blackout? Not if, were, because then that means I stayed up last night for zilch.  No lying

I have no idea what any of it means. I just think your drunk.

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I forgot to reply to this and I would like to point out and it´s...

> I consider myself lucky in a way. 
me too. I mean, there are legitimate reasons to complain but when you look around, they are tame in comparison with people who...

> For a lot didn't make it or had their livelihoods ruined in ways that will have ramifications for years.
...that´s the main reason why I have posted  >>/7084/ this post. That tone of self reflection was transmitted because when you take into account the amount of lives ruined because of this, I find it quite admirable that this board and the people (still) present in the community seem to be doing fine as usual. At least, the people who I know around my circles are fortunately doing well but they admit that 2020 has been horrible and what´s worse...

> https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/12/cdc-drug-overdose-deaths-in-2020-on-track-to-break-record.html

and the US had faced an opiate crisis in 2017. The internet sales when it comes to drugs must have skyrocketed really hard.

> https://www.massgeneral.org/news/coronavirus/depression-on-rise-during-covid-19
> https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewbender/2020/07/29/covid-19-claims-nearly-73000-us-businesses-with-no-end-in-sight/

these other two explain the reasons behind the suicides. There are people who haven´t felt prepared for facing this period and that social distancing and anxiety built around this whole phenomenon leads to this. On top of that, if your company or small business goes bankrupt, there you have a lethal combination, psychologically  (and financially) speaking. 

I must say that (wet blanket comment), unfortunately, just because we are living in 2021, it doesn´t mean that things have magically changed overnight. There are people who have thought in a delusional way  that this sudden change would happen. The best analogy that comes up from my mind is that 2020 has marked the Autumn period where you face the cold for the first time, with a very harsh transition throughout the entire process. 2021 happens to represent the full winter season (so far), the biggest change is that you are more prepared towards this situation (it doesn´t come as unexpected but just an acceptance, living with it as if it were normal) but you don´t exactly know with certainty when the light at the end of the tunnel will happen. 

It will eventually arrive at that point but definitely this period doesn´t help at all for those people who are restless...

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On the bright side, /endpone/ has tracked the celebration of New Year´s Day with three different time zones on live and the main users involved along the process. I honestly didn´t expect that  this would actually happen but oh boy, that peak of activity has balanced the scarce activity displayed in December. 

For an atomic board like this one, that spike in activity shouldn´t be overlooked at all. My respects.

> I've always felt out of snyc a little do to central time, but I imagine that there it's just worse, especially for a event like this
this post hasn´t aged very well. At least, that hasn´t been the case for this edition...

> Gameloft, who'd new that be a major force in our fandom.

well, that game has delivered the show vectors of comic characters so artists could have a faithful point of reference for them to draw. That doesn´t take out the fact that the game is a scam and the microtransactions there are just ridiculous (the business practices on mobile are just pitiful and nasty at the same time) but oh well, you get the "official" design just to clear up the doubts for more fan content.  

> Never would've believed anyone if they had told me /endpone/ would be alive post G4 and in some ways more stable than the rest of the drama filled fandom I wouldn't have believed them.

alive and still kicking for the New Year´s Day (from  >>/7083/ to  >>/7139/, 56 posts in less than 24 hours). This board has always been at risk for its demise yet it keeps going and the show left us 15 months ago. I suppose that the downhill trend no longer works as soon as you deliver something more than this. There has been no new content of FiM released and this still runs with the same speed. I suppose that the "hiatus" mode was adapted long ago and the reliance towards the show´s presence has been diminishing for sticking with the ride (even though the fandom has always filled the dead times) 

I will say that, while I haven´t watched as many episodes as I did in the previous years, I have been enjoying gen 4 content more because of a more relaxed mindset without having to worry about future content and not being forced to catch up with the new episodes aired.

For a side project in which everyone could leave at any moment, it has displayed more stability than many other places indeed. 

I wouldn´t have believed anyone when it comes to that statement. I suppose that its irrelevant nature (within the community) has prevented it from facing problems of this kind.

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> booms' lasted about a minute. Not really even two.

well, that truly sucks. At least, you have sung Gypsy Bard in exchange.

> I'm just assuming he's too drunk to keep track of the conversation.
> I'll agree, yeah, it's probably drunk posting.

I wouldn´t understand at all if someone came here and posted while being drunk. I mean, I get that drinking a glass of red wine and champagne/cider for a toast are quite the tradition for that night but...

Shitposting randomly in a lonely alternative chan (out of hundreds of imageboards) for a day like this... I mean, where is the fun beyond doing it on /b/? One gets drunk with company, never alone (otherwise, that would be alcoholism. I hope that no one actually does this).

> That last episode of dragonball heroes didn't bring the message home quite.
Don´t always expect that people get the references (especially when very boring people like me are around). Either it is related to the franchise (and even then,  >>/7131/ getting Gypsy Bard took me a while) or very famous/well settled in general.

> Also, this  >>/41884/ post hasn't happened on /endpone/ yet.
in 2038, maybe /endpone/ will reach that number...maybe...

and I am implying that it keeps the same average pace displayed for these 3 years. So, maybe we´ll see pigs actually fly by the time said number becomes real.

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> One gets drunk with company, never alone (otherwise, that would be alcoholism. I hope that no one actually does this).

More than half the full episodes I've seen, were on the alcoholic, brony implementation of twitch.
Granted the developers that made it would shout and scream if they saw me call it that, but for relatability, let's call it that.
Although I grant you, it was a bunch of alcoholics gathered around collective computer screens to drink socially while alone.
But alcoholic bronies? totally normal.

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> unfortunately, just because we are living in 2021, it doesn´t mean that things have magically changed overnight. There are people who have thought in a delusional way that this sudden change would happen. The best analogy that comes up from my mind is that 2020 has marked the Autumn period where you face the cold for the first time, with a very harsh transition throughout the entire process. 2021 happens to represent the full winter season (so far), the biggest change is that you are more prepared towards this situation (it doesn´t come as unexpected but just an acceptance, living with it as if it were normal) but you don´t exactly know with certainty when the light at the end of the tunnel will happen. 

To sum it up, the cake is a lie.

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The cake is not a lie and I hate having to even respond to this after the near wtf victory of this morning. I'm so tired of this, but it's another night of fucking bullshit to grab a victory that always just moves out of reach. I'm curious what would have happened too. Like always.
>  >"the cake is a lie"
< I've tried fairy cake, don't bullshit a bullshitter. Worse than is believing in things. You listening Stardroid?

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Oops, I wanted to write first but I hit the new reply button accidentally (I am on mobile)

It wouldn't be the first time (or the last). Is it  >>/7151/ part of a script then? Very common to have these posts on altchans. Whenever you see anything similar in other places, then that suspicion of being pure spam/custom bot posts arises.

Perhaps Bridgefag should take this into account as well.

> that line coming from Luna

Woah,the moon princess surely wanted to win the battle right there.

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> More than half the full episodes I've seen, were on the alcoholic, brony implementation of twitch.Granted the developers that made it would shout and scream if they saw me call it that, but for relatability, let's call it that.
> Although I grant you, it was a bunch of alcoholics gathered around collective computer screens to drink socially while alone.

Honestly, I prefer the traditional manner of going out to a bar,hanging out while having laid back conversation with two or three friends. But even then, when people around here in my country notice the edge, then one realizes where to stop. For the most part,young adults in their 20s (or even in their 30s) dare to surpass it in the urban discos. 

I get that one watches certain media and plays the drinking game or said material is so bad that one uses alcohol in order to find it fun. But I don't share it nor I would find myself capable to do it.

I mean, while I have a certain amount of tolerance, I just tried to drink a tankard one afternoon (without eating for four hours beforehand) and I just couldn't finish it (I left aside a quarter of it) because I noticed that my mind was reaching that blocked state of consciousness and I had to be aware enough in order to come back home consciously. I am not an Asian when it comes to tolerance towards alcohol but because of my mother, I cannot afford to drink it so happily. Just very few degrees with a small quantity but I would never attempt to take shots while watching an episode (and that episode is What Lies Beneath, why does a fan need alcohol for enjoying it?) 

> But alcoholic bronies? totally normal

Well, there you have (partly) the reason behind the "autistic" moments that fill up the brony cringe compilations and why depressions might be really intense around these circles. Unlike the presence inside a bar where it starts and mostly ends there, at home they leave a mark behind on the net sometimes (and not in a good way).

Oh well, everyone is free to do whatever but I find that pattern...concerning...

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Yeah, we could still have a dark winter, and for some darkness will not end even be gone by 2021. It still is a milestone to have past though.  >>/7148/

> For an atomic board like this one, that spike in activity shouldn´t be overlooked at all. My respects.
Virtual toast even.

> well, that game has delivered the show vectors of comic characters so artists could have a faithful point of reference for them to draw.
And costumes! 

>  That doesn´t take out the fact that the game is a scam and the microtransactions there are just ridiculous (the business practices on mobile are just pitiful and nasty at the same time)
There is a reason why I never would've thought the game would get any attention or start any trends...

It's trash, and though I've heard they have cleaned up their act somewhat, I don't think it'll be much better. It is our trash though, and, in a era when the comics don't come often or you find "season 10" sucky, I can perfectly see the appeal of memeing and taking what few hints of a new concept it brings to table and running with it. 

> alive and still kicking for the New Year´s Day (from  >>/7083/ to  >>/7139/, 56 posts in less than 24 hours)
/endpone/ FTW! Is that most we ever had in such a sort time?

> I will say that, while I haven´t watched as many episodes as I did in the previous years, I have been enjoying gen 4 content more because of a more relaxed mindset without having to worry about future content and not being forced to catch up with the new episodes aired.
Chill fic and art consumption.

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> More than half the full episodes I've seen, were on the alcoholic, brony implementation of twitch.
That got a laugh outta me. So true. 

> I get that one watches certain media and plays the drinking game or said material is so bad that one uses alcohol in order to find it fun. But I don't share it nor I would find myself capable to do it.
I have never even gotten drunk, though have tasted beer and especially wine, a few times.

> Oh well, everyone is free to do whatever but I find that pattern...concerning...
I know a lot who drink a lot alone and aren't abusing themselves with it. Though I, in my personal conservatism and with the thoughts  
depression and achololism does put a darker tint on it for me.

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there is a huge problem when people assume that Fluttershy acts like an angel. Of course, she does behave accordingly to those standards that are proper of one:her bunny. 

 In addition to that, one tends believe that she has remained as innocent as she was in the past,  but after living a good amount of time with Discord, I am not so sure if said behavior has managed to stay all that pure, has it?  

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*posting a picture of a certain unicorn that /endpone/ is familiar with...

> we could still have a dark winter, and for some darkness will not end even be gone by 2021
definitely a dark one for these 3 or 4 days around here. You don´t see my country covered with this such an overwhelming amount of snow, suspending the activity in the capital city. 

So, in the literal sense, yeah, these nights are going to look dark...because no one is able to see anything beyond a few meters! So, there you have it, starting 2021 with a punch.


> Virtual toast even.
eeeyup, the first one for this board...but there was any plan to actually go for it beforehand!

> And costumes!
< Dat screencap with so many Octavias...
I don´t feel so good though.

> Is that most we ever had in such a sort time?
I recall that /endpone/  reached 40 posts or so in one single day. Not sure if this board has beaten the 56 mark at some point. So you can technically take it as the new record for this board. As we don´t have ay data to hold onto, you can stick with this one for being more memorable than any other random day. 

So, you can smile because of this aspect.

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Was there supposed to be a winter huddle up
 I distinctly recall a plan to have that miniature ice age happen regardless or in spite of mans first interference????

Don't eeyup partner, try the answer and play method.

Costumes, well I do feel like if that were what would make you happy while cooped up inside for several days with someone celebrating multiple birthdays, that'd do splendidly.

How many gift unwrappings, that's simply perverse to consider! Count me already in.

> guy Friday winner

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> There is a reason why I never would've thought the game would get any attention or start any trends...
> It's trash, and though I've heard they have cleaned up their act somewhat, I don't think it'll be much better. 

I...I can´t tell which industry is more messed up: either the music industry or the video game one.
Articles like that make you truly miss the old era of video games when they used to release complete games without bugs and passing through quality controls.

Not only that, but the industry in the 2010s decided to lean towards the direction of abusive microtransactions, lootboxes and paid content. All those practices that you find on mobile have been absorbed and are being applied on the big titles (the triple AAA games) and companies go fully rampant and while they get more net gains than ever (especially the CEOs) and the industry is more profitable, the direction that the industry has taken is just absolutely ridiculous. I could write a few paragraphs and extend myself why this industry is rotten to the core and how that hobby is quite expensive to follow and how they play with people´s psychology in order to suck more money out of everyone, including games meant for kids.

There will be a point in which politicians will study this matter and begin to regulate these business practices (for example: Belgium banning lootboxes) but in the meantime, the pay to pay system is going to stick around for a while.

> It is our trash though, and, in a era when the comics don't come often or you find "season 10" sucky, I can perfectly see the appeal of memeing and taking what few hints of a new concept it brings to table and running with it.

well, that´s the unexpected outcome out of it but the fanbase is the side that makes the whole thing worthwhile...and I can´t complain about that.

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I can only assume no one is posting because we're all collectively holding our breaths to see every other pony drown, thinking if we can stay conscious long enough we can watch the world explode and burn in its victory candescence of sudden socialism?

I hold out hope that America will continue to exist, but it's no longer obvious what our path forward will be. And yes, if America falls, the other holdouts will deteriorate into either chaos, authoritarianism, or become a lifeless wasteland like the last alternate future Glim-Glam & the princess worked together to create.

 Or perhaps, as per the 3rd image, the illumidonti, the caballo, the deep pony's states, will find they've chosen the wrong place to stick their slimy appendages, and will soon experience a sharp burning sensation.

> You mentioned this before.
The thread I'd linked, to the other site, had a particular bot show up whose behavior was pretty stylistically clear, but the thread he normally clutters up is in the research of the 17th letter of the alphabet, and discussions that come about from a very large roomful of people talking about the letter, the illumidonti, possibly flying objects and their captains, and whether the 5-gen of things overlaps with really bad colds.

 The discussion is cluttered because so many bots are there, and also it seems some ill-advised thread bakers are trying to direct the discussion ... to here.

 Don't believe me? Check /_research/ and you can figure that whatever moneypot / energysource connects these semismart bots to the things where talking happens, has followed all the not-die-hards over here to what's being used as a backup discussion board in case 8kun goes under as suddenly as Parler just did.

 We may have found ourselves so far out on the fringe, it attracts attention to us, is all I'm implying.

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> I can only assume no one is posting because we're all collectively holding our breaths to see every other pony drown

Not sure if pic related can even drown in the first place...

I am over here though, I should have left a couple of PoLS around here for these last few days in order to bring a sense of relief. If you want to accompany me by studying bioinorganic chemistry, there is a seat available and some room for more people.  

Anyway, this is the board located at the end of the universe so, it´s natural to get that sense of fear and doom all the time. In fact, this site/board could have been wiped out at anytime. So, in any case, the question shouldn´t be when it´s going to actually end...but how it has even managed to stay in the same place for so long.

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> I can only assume no one is posting because we're all collectively holding our breaths to see every other pony drown,
I've just had IRL stuff arise. 

> thinking if we can stay conscious long enough we can watch the world explode and burn in its victory candescence of sudden socialism?
 Well, I'm placing my bets on a compromise be more of a corporatism  

> I hold out hope that America will continue to exist, but it's no longer obvious what our path forward will be. And yes, if America falls, the other holdouts will deteriorate into either chaos, authoritarianism, or become a lifeless wasteland like the last alternate future Glim-Glam & the princess worked together to create.
I think we are far from total collapse but near on a way of a repression/unrest of some form. I don't like to be hyperbolic but I'm not going to be blindly opportunistic either. 

Yes, it has occurred to my attention that endchan coming under attack is a possibility. Been in on the fringes of my mind sense Christchurch and has only intensified after the summer. I've been shopping around for bunkers  among other considerations  among broader considerations on resistance to a possible repressive wave on the internet as a whole. 

I will share this chart I was working on (it sucks, but it's only a very eary WIP).
Red is complete repression or near complete repression.
Orange is under strong attack/in progress.
Yellow is under mid level attack/scrutiny. 
Blue is not under attack or strong scrutiny but while it maybe "safe" today it is only a few steps away from attack. 
Green is safe/not on the radar at all. 

And the horrible cyan to red backgrounds represents mainstream to underground. 

Mixed colors represent complex situations, say, Tor, both "safe" and a hot bed for all the main players, or decentralized social networks, often run by complete SJWs yet the model itself is pretty resistant and useful for this time.

I, honestly have some issues with the colors. You could make arguments for all the big social being a different state of bad. Should altchans be blue, with those crazy honeypots and other mysterious antics? It works for my example atm. 

In this environment one of the most critical things will be keeping the "battle" on the larger social networks for as long as possible; hopefully until viable alternatives can be made and hardened. At the very least having a broad swath of the public off the larger social networks to the point that those social network and other services will be unable to control and be a all consuming filter. Ideally this would be alternatives large and small but in practice it maybe one or two "punching bags" gaining some stability while being a filter to a wider ecosystem. 

Wait, what does this have to do with endchan and /endpone/ at this point? Well, perhaps I got a bit carried away in explaining the situation but the basic picture is that I have been alert and contemplating this and won't let it take down /endpone/ so easily  or elsewhere.  I maybe a unredpilled moderate compared to some but I do  not intent to take this laying down.

> The discussion is cluttered because so many bots are there, and also it seems some ill-advised thread bakers are trying to direct the discussion ... to here.
Everytime I've taken a look on there it's such a mess, but this makues me what to try to track this bot activity.

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indeed, it´s lovely. 
However, Twilight needs the winter in order to complement her and stand out with the appropriate lighting.

For this picture though, one can only point out the only part that is lovely: just Twilight looking at the viewer with a smile. So, in case that there is no environment to accompany her, one doesn´t need to worry about it. Just her presence alone will guarantee you a pleasant time.

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> I can only assume no one is posting because we're all collectively holding our breaths to see every other pony drown, thinking if we can stay conscious long enough we can watch the world explode and burn in its victory candescence of sudden socialism?

Nah, I just can't stand the holiday background. And I think it subconsciously drives people away. Which is good, because you should spend time with family over the holidays

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> Been having trouble with video rendering though, so it maybe only one thing and not 3
wait, three videos? Interesting...

one can do both things for that period: reunite with your family and take part of a virtual toast for New Year´s Day. So, why not both? 

>  I honestly dig a green asthmatic ever since CB showed his format on his fics, I can certain see it being off.
the options from the bottom offer the other colors (even when there are special colors for a certain event). I personally use the Tomorrow*  (mostly because it resembles the night mode the most). I don´t know why any user would be turned off,one can actually switch the background at any moment.

thumbnail of 2755413__safe_artist-colon-shore2020_derpibooru+import_starlight+glimmer_alicorn_pony_alicornified_commission_female_flower_looking+at+you_lying+down_mare_race+.jpg
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I also wanted to ask a little observation:

Does anyone notice the changes in the thumbnails? I mean, it seems that Endchan has gone through another image blackout (like it did in 2018) but the archives/images aren't damaged (you click on them and they are perfectly displayed) 

The thumbnails randomly work each time I refresh the page. I wonder either if it's just me or if Odilitime has recently messed up the servers or Lynxchan because I don't remember seeing these random changes last month.

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Glad to hear contingencies are on the radar.

> asthmatic
You have asthma too? I'd look for an asthmatic pony image but that would just skew the aesthetic I was going for entirely, like too much topical anesthetic or something.

>  drop
>  weakened

Drop the weak sauce; at least for a week or two.

> The thumbnails randomly work each time I refresh the page.
It comes and goes. Seems to be more up than down today.

I'm sneaking in 8kun-the-pony, and hoping there won't be a battle about this but I'm sending Chromepony out here for awhile because I don't want to see Chrome on my computer.

 Also, there are some saucy images with the caption "are you ready for your private browsing session, Anon?"
Somehow, I had no idea.

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Not even the Chromepon img I was thinking of. Also Have another bat.

No inauguration-day wars yet, but 30,000 NG of whom now 2K have federal-arrest-rights? This isn't about a few rioters, is it? This is prepping for an actual on-our-soil war.

Derpy is on patrol, though so nothing should slip past.

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I have seen this exactly. 

> You have asthma too? I'd look for an asthmatic pony image but that would just skew the aesthetic I was going for entirely, like too much topical anesthetic or something.
That is my bad habit. Often times I post right before going to bed and end up typing the wrong word completely or misspelling something horribly. 

> Drop the weak sauce; at least for a week or two.
I have two finished... well things. For whatever reason it hasn't been letting me render'em.

>  but 30,000 NG of whom now 2K have federal-arrest-rights? 
Hate to bring up politics but I'll say that I found that creepy. It's a bigger military presence than 9/11 or so I hear.  

> Not even the Chromepon img I was thinking of.
Still cute.

> Also Have another bat.
I dig the big apple. 

> Derpy is on patrol, though so nothing should slip past.
/endpone/ gearing up.

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> However, there is no global board list. Instead, there is a single global board, the entryway. Users can create transient, local connections between boards, and visitors can traverse the resulting board network. This allows users to spatially distribute themselves in whatever way is correct.
Interesting concept, but with all those crazy Dolphin honey pots plus google? Be cautious.

thumbnail of 2744425__safe_artist-colon-heavysplatter_derpibooru+import_ocellus_queen+chrysalis_changedling_changeling_changeling+queen_changedling+queen_changeling+hive_con.png
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(1.96 MB, 2500x1339)
> Is there any point in using it?
well, it has been created recently so it´s getting that initial boost in terms of activity. I don´t see the format as convincing as other imageboards. Nextchan provided more options that this one. While the concept of keeping the boards interconnected is something that sounds fresh (it´s the first time that I have seen this system in my limited experience with the imageboards), besides the Captcha relies on the technological powerhouse (Alphabet) that along with Apple domain the internet and serve as the editorial for setting up a global narrative...

...for that, I already have /mlp/. I wonder why they don´t use the one with the letters.  

With that said, the attempt to set up a certainly uncommon system is appreciated.

angry trips checked.

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(1.42 MB, 1600x1200)
> It comes and goes. Seems to be more up than down today.
> I have seen this exactly.

so I am not hallucinating. Thanks for confirming it.
However, I am trying the .org domain and I have been checking several threads and it seems that the performance has gone back to normal. So either the .net domain has been touched for the worse (and checking it again makes me confirm this suspicion) or the servers aren´t working all that well and the site delivers inconsistent issues.

> I have two finished... well things. For whatever reason it hasn't been letting me render'em.
I am expecting a trip to the 1960s (considering the sample that you have left so far).

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There was a flurry on this coast yesterday, but not a flake stuck.

While I may be funposting, rain at 35F is decidedly NOT fun.

Using a different browser just now, which doesn't have a means to turn "colors" off -- I usually don't notice when text is 'spoilered'. This looks weird, using the web this way.

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> There was a flurry on this coast yesterday, but not a flake stuck.
That's a bummer.

> While I may be funposting, rain at 35F is decidedly NOT fun.
No I it ain't.  Especially having to drive in it! 

> Using a different browser just now, which doesn't have a means to turn "colors" off -- I usually don't notice when text is 'spoilered'. This looks weird, using the web this way.
What browser is it? I've been messing around with a few myself (mostly obscure crappy ones built around webkit though...).


thumbnail of 2739212__safe_artist-colon-yakovlev-dash-vad_derpibooru+import_twilight+sparkle_deer_deer+pony_original+species_peryton_reindeer_antlers_ice_open+mouth_raised+h.png
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> There was a flurry on this coast yesterday, but not a flake stuck.
that´s a real letdown.

Honestly, even though it has managed to snow over here, getting it  within the exams period has turned out to be a psychological annoyance for me.  Except for a couple of days, my life has repeated what you would exactly watch in a cartoon where the main character has to stay at home while other people are having fun. There is no need to be jealous because I haven´t done all that much and after the first two/three days, the following nights reached temperatures below -8- -10ºC and the snow became ice (and it became very tricky to walk through my village without relying on the roads)

You can bet that a snowball wouldn´t make much difference from throwing a stone to your colleague...

> No I it ain't. Especially having to drive in it!
At least, I haven´t had to go through that.

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Alright, if one wants to check a little bit the state of /mlp/, EQD and other circles, you will see that dedicating a thread of 700 posts doesn´t appear every day.

This means that we´ve got more drama incoming and without releasing any trailer...this means that there are news related to gen 5:


> The Friendship is Magic series may be riding off into the sunset, but My Little Pony is saddling up for a new era with Entertainment One. Hasbro has big plans for the franchise, including consumer products tied to the upcoming feature film and a new animated series, My Little Pony: Pony Life.

> Following Hasbro’s December 2019 acquisition of Entertainment One, the toymaker appointed eOne as its global entertainment arm just in time to help launch Pony Life. The 2D toon bowed in late 2020 on platforms like Disney Channel and Cartoon Network.

> The upcoming CG-animated movie, meanwhile, is slated for a September 2021 release and will mark the start of the brand’s transformation—now under the purview of eOne. Not only will new pony characters be featured in the film, they will also boast a new CG look. The introduction of new characters and a departure from designs featured in Friendship is Magic and Pony Life is intended to shift the brand’s focus to more modern themes like diversity and inclusion.

> “The final season [of Friendship is Magic] brought that storytelling to a satisfying conclusion, and it felt like the right time to close that chapter of Pony history,” says Emily Thompson, VP of global brand management for eOne (previously VP of entertainment production and development for Hasbro). “Generation Alpha has a higher emotional intelligence, and they expect a lot more from their entertainment. We know it’s important to Gen Alpha that they see their peer groups represented in their entertainment, and that shaped how we built our core cast.”

> The movie’s main character, for example, is an activist working to make the pony world a better place. My Little Pony will be one of Hasbro’s biggest initiatives in 2021, says Casey Collins, SVP and GM of global consumer products.

> Upcoming toys will be informed by the feature’s updated animation style, and in addition to launching classic offerings like toys and apparel, Hasbro will focus its consumer products program on categories that saw significant growth in recent months, including food, health and wellness, puzzles and games, publishing, personal care and home goods. The first SKUs are set to hit shelves at major retailers around the world in August.

> “Consumer behaviors have changed so much due to COVID-19, and we’re taking a look at categories that have been spiking in terms of sales,” says Collins. This strategy of focusing on trends while still paying tribute to the classics also applies to eOne’s upcoming approach to content.

> “With the movie, we started development and made the decision to expand the world of My Little Pony, rather than starting from scratch with a total brand reinvention,” Thompson says. “We found ourselves with this whole decade of storytelling and really rich lore, and it felt wrong to walk away from all of that.”

> Friendship is Magic premiered in 2010 and ran for nine seasons. The series inspired a kid-hosted online after-show, as well as a live stage show. Instead of abandoning the franchise’s characters and stories, the movie will take place in the same world featured in Friendship is Magic and Pony Life, but jump ahead in time to focus on a new generation of ponies and unexplored corners of Equestria. This creates opportunities to include nods to the property’s previous iterations, both in upcoming content and consumer products offerings.

> “If you’re brand-new to the franchise, I think it will grab you and pull you in,” says Thompson. “And existing fans are going to be picking out Easter Eggs for months and years to come.”

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alright, so how do I take this announcement? Well, for starts, my hype and expectations towards future material have been rotating the zero value. I prefer waiting how everything turns out in the end. Even for gen 4 episodes, I have had to apply that so...how do I personally interpret this?

> they will also boast a new CG look.
so no flash animation on this one. Either it goes Toon Boom or we can practically guarantee that they are going for the 3D formula. Still, I need to wait for pictures that display the artstyle that they are drawing on.

> is intended to shift the brand’s focus to more modern themes like diversity and inclusion.
There are two interpretations coming out of this:

1. They are going to go full progressives and therefore, trigger the politically incorrect senses of the fanbase. 

2. They are using the word inclusion because,besides following a globalist attitude, they want to have an excuse for opening up to the markets. That is to say, if you have seen Disney with Raya and The Last Dragon or Coco, you know that they have bene making those productions in order to appeal to other countries for making more money (Mexico, Southeast Asia or even more juicy: China). I have read several headlines about MLP getting a certain amount of popularity in Malaysia and Thailand so, perhaps they are aiming for those emerging markets with this move.

Nonetheless, you can almost guarantee the first interpretation and spark tons of drama because it also says:

> The movie’s main character, for example, is an activist working to make the pony world a better place.

prepare the popcorn.I just advise that you might need a bowl...or two.

> the movie will take place in the same world featured in Friendship is Magic and Pony Life, but jump ahead in time to focus on a new generation of ponies and unexplored corners of Equestria. This creates opportunities to include nods to the property’s previous iterations, both in upcoming content and consumer products offerings.

I am not sure how they are going to combine FIM and PL´s universes (introducing Potion Nova perhaps?) but what we know is that they are expanding the world.This might explain that season 10 of comics serves as a transition for becoming familiar with a sample of what is going to come (posting the covers of the latest issues)

By the way, one last small thing: Does this imply that /endpone/ can turn into the most fitting board for gen 5? Because it says World of Equestria in the title...

...oh dear...

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> My Little Pony: Pony Life.
So, wait, they have Pony Life and the new show is called My Little Pony Pony Life That is just odd and concerning.

> prepare the popcorn.I just advise that you might need a bowl...or two.
8... you need 8 at least.

> I am not sure how they are going to combine FIM and PL´s universes (introducing Potion Nova perhaps?) 
I'm going to have to watch Pony Life after all if Hasbro suddenly decides it's part of the cannon, somehow

> Does this imply that /endpone/ can turn into the most fitting board for gen 5?
No, watch it be worse than that watch us be the only board that survives Gen 5...

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In all honesty, it being called Pony Life probably means Pony Life as a toy line did sell, how will this impact the plot? No idea. It would be awfully weird to make a new show spun off a movie exactly in the same manner as your old one. I would think it'd be a little grander in scope at least. PL though main appeal is its meme chibi qualities.

thumbnail of 2766211__safe_artist-colon-willoillo_derpibooru+import_luster+dawn_pony_unicorn_clothes_coffee_collar_ear+piercing_female_horn_jacket_letterman+jacke.png
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> they have Pony Life and the new show is called My Little Pony Pony Life That is just odd and concerning.

what the...? I have had to read it again and it´s true. They word it as if gen 5 will be called like that. Either the article mixed it up with the spin off (season 2 is being released) or they are going to repeat the names, which would overlap and cause some unnecessary confusions. It would be as confusing (and stupid) as Nintendo calling their next gen console Wii U and people believed that it was a complementary peripheral for the previous console. 

> 8... you need 8 at least.
how about using a big bucket and a barrel instead?

> I'm going to have to watch Pony Life after all if Hasbro suddenly decides it's part of the cannon, somehow

I think that time will tell us what they will be based on or how they are going to mix it for this new gen. It should take you a shorter time to catch up because episodes follow a 11 minute runtime, so maybe you could easily watch entire season in a single weekend (or even less). 

> it being called Pony Life probably means Pony Life as a toy line did sell, how will this impact the plot? No idea
I think that Hasbro does an annual report later this month about their yearly economic development. However, I believe that Hasbro mixes the net income of all their 1st party franchises, not just MLP, and this might make it harder to spot if said toy line has turned out to be successful. I must say that there hasn´t been any toy line as deployed as Pony Life´s since the movie at least.

> PL though main appeal is its meme chibi qualities.
does this meant that they are going for the chibi toys with gen 5? If that works for them, then it should come as no surprise that they release toy lines with this aspect.

thumbnail of 2771396__safe_artist-colon-inuhoshi-dash-to-dash-darkpen_derpibooru+import_princess+twilight+2-dot-0_twilight+sparkle_twilight+sparkle+28alicorn29_alicorn_pony_.png
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(3.04 MB, 2700x1600)
> No, watch it be worse than that watch us be the only board that survives Gen 5...

Woah woah, hold on there. Surviving gen 4´s ending and 2020 has cost quite a bit and plenty of ups and downs that could have made this board disappear at anytime yet it doesn´t fall short in the insanity ranking.

But surviving the entire gen? For 5 years at least while other places like /mlp/ crumble? I have checked the data on 4stats.io and /mlp/ has returned to levels that resemble quite closely the activity displayed on late 2016. The board has managed to beat the numbers of 2018 and 2019   in these last couple of years so...

/mlp/ might lose interest in the gen because of "Insert any reason here" but we are talking about the huge titan that even recovers quite a lot of activity throughout the drama episodes. So, putting /endpone/ as the only board that survives...I buy that with 8kun but not with the mother of all the boards (yes, I know that other imageboards were created before /mlp/ in 2012 but you can see what i mean with this statement)

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If I understand it right, Hasbro's quartely report call or something will happen in a couple of weeks and we should know more then. 

> they are going to repeat the names, which would overlap and cause some unnecessary confusions
Has happened before with Hasbro, with a series in a somewhat similar position too. Transformers Robots in Disguise was a quick replacement done to hold over while they worked on a new show. Though the new show wasn't done till much later in 2015, so it ain't a exact one on one comparison here. 

> Woah woah, hold on there. Surviving gen 4´s ending and 2020 has cost quite a bit and plenty of ups and downs that could have made this board disappear at anytime yet it doesn´t fall short in the insanity ranking.
To be fair I was thinking of the fires of drama destorying everywhere else. 

> /mlp/ might lose interest in the gen because of "Insert any reason here" 
I actually think that is much less likely to happen because it is a sequel. It'd have to mess up in a very weird way to not have a hatedom following it at least as they make Twilight Sparkle a crazied authoritarian that needs to relearn her diversity lessons.

thumbnail of 2773128__safe_alternate+version_artist-colon-dumddeer_derpibooru+import_daybreaker_midnight+sparkle_nightmare+moon_twilight+sparkle_equestria+girls_trio.jpg
thumbnail of 2773128__safe_alternate+version_artist-colon-dumddeer_derpibooru+import_daybreaker_midnight+sparkle_nightmare+moon_twilight+sparkle_equestria+girls_trio.jpg
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(7.21 MB, 1900x3000)
> If I understand it right, Hasbro's quartely report call or something will happen in a couple of weeks and we should know more then.
yeah, I think that /mlp/ has dedicated a thread or two related to that report cal and even rumours that there could be news related to gen 5 so speculations are going to escalate as soon as either /mlp/ or EQD report something.

> Though the new show wasn't done till much later in 2015, so it ain't a exact one on one comparison here
but that would happen to be a similar case like it went for Samurai Jack with Season 5 or The Incredibles with its sequel, the amount of time given for both Robots In Disguise takes over a decade, 14 years of difference. Hell, they could even sell that cartoon as a reboot/remake of the series and anyone would understand that it´s a brand new cartoon, those two don´t overlap because they weren´t released next to each other. 

Hell, Hasbro could even use the name My Little Pony Tales (and add of Equestria) for this 5th gen and repeat the same names from previous generations that aired more than a decade ago and that would be an understandable marketing move. Here, however, they are overlapping the names of a spin off that is currently airing and could lead to mistakes. 

In the end, we will have the Derpy Hooves meme of Hasbro´s security department (with the leaks) when it came to their incompetence with the leaks that occurred in the later seasons and apply to everyone else involved in the marketing department as well.

> To be fair I was thinking of the fires of drama destroying everywhere else.
another /mlp/ and politically incorrect fags vs Twitter users? Why would anyone need superhero movies when you have guaranteed drama and people fall into the same clichés over and over. 10 years and there are going to be more dramas (as if Derpi´s one wasn´t enough).

Look, as long as they don´t dare to erase content or censor heavily among each other, if the duels don´t cause as much collateral damage as the last one or less than 2013, the community should know better than this. Oh well, the only thing that I can say is that we´d better get prepared as events come into play and check if said episode of drama could potentially hurt something. 

> It'd have to mess up in a very weird way to not have a hatedom following it at least as they make Twilight Sparkle a crazied authoritarian that needs to relearn her diversity lessons.
fair enough. Although I must say that /mlp/, while not tame, they aren´t as savage as one might think. What you claim may be correct because the common interest that they hold towards the series are the waifus.  Therefore, if they reuse the mane 6 and twist Twilight´s role like that. Not because /mlp/ dislikes evil characters or Twilight as the villain (in fact, Midnight Sparkle got its threads and even got pics of Twilight from fans of EQG) but because of the whole message of activism and remaking her character by getting rid of all her knowledge gathered in the 4th gen.

If they touch one of the waifus like that, /mlp/ users and even other unexpected circles  are going to start, while not a fire, that radical change could forge some really tense situations within the mixed/negative reactions towards that direction.

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I found these on my desktop. I don't remember saving them there. This is my work PC so I doubt very much I was drunk enough to forget, and I don't usually forget important details just because I was drunk anyway, and I haven't been drinking much this fall/winter.

 Since Discord is in one of them I'll blame him. There, problem solved.

thumbnail of 2772206__safe_artist-colon-ask-dash-colorsound_derpibooru+import_rainbow+dash_pegasus_pony_cloud_flying_high+res_open+mouth_sky_solo_spread+wings_windswept+mane.jpg
thumbnail of 2772206__safe_artist-colon-ask-dash-colorsound_derpibooru+import_rainbow+dash_pegasus_pony_cloud_flying_high+res_open+mouth_sky_solo_spread+wings_windswept+mane.jpg
2772206__safe_art... jpg
(1001 KB, 3553x4096)
> I don't remember saving them there. This is my work PC so I doubt very much I was drunk enough to forget, and I don't usually forget important details just because I was drunk anyway, and I haven't been drinking much this fall/winter.

well in a way, you have answered yourself. If these pictures had been truly important to you, you would have cared more about them. It tends to happen that whenever you are looking for pictures, click on them and save said material to a folder takes very few seconds for the whole process. Easy comes, easy goes.

thumbnail of 2776000__safe_artist-colon-redheartponiesfan_derpibooru+import_princess+cadance_pony_high+res_ice_solo.png
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> Let's hope Cadence don't case to much chaos. Maybe I need it though? certainly a bit too chilly in Texas right now.

Welcome to the club of places that get historical snowstorms this year (even though the snow around there will melt in a matter of days instead of weeks) 

Just because Cadence feels as a safe choice to pick, she still holds a certain amount of chaos so I wouldn't get my hopes up at getting rid of chaotic events (maybe in a couple of weeks though...)


Anyway, I hope that everyone out there is doing alright.

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Well, it seems that we are entering into the period where leaks are huge and people tend to intensify quite a bit the speculations. Will these designs become real for gen 5? Perhaps on Friday, we will get the confirmation...


Nonetheless, I think that these designs will get a few fan art pictures in the upcoming  days while we are waiting for the official announcement. It has set off that interest in which everyone will find their expectations colliding with reality (Hasbro´s actual plans).Basically, Seth expresses very well what I would say about this potential style:

> Not only is it a completely different style from the other products scheduled for release, but the September release date puts this new bedding out in stores around the release date of the MLP Movie. Now we can't say for certain this is the new G5 style going forward and we have also seen that merch in the past has had a mixed track record looking like the media it is based on, but this is all very curious considering the timing.

Time will tell whether these designs are official or not but if you want to jump onto conclusions by overreacting immediately, you can already start...

thumbnail of 2777867__safe_artist-colon-epicvon_artist-colon-up1ter_derpibooru+import_princess+luna_alicorn_pony_christmas_female_holiday_looking+at+you_manepxls_mare_pixel+.png
thumbnail of 2777867__safe_artist-colon-epicvon_artist-colon-up1ter_derpibooru+import_princess+luna_alicorn_pony_christmas_female_holiday_looking+at+you_manepxls_mare_pixel+.png
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(3.47 KB, 915x945)
> PoLS, still having some after stuff from the snow.
and we are in March already! The fact that you still have to recover from that snowstorm speaks volumes about the state that you have found yourself in. Anyway, focus on that stuff first. Besides...

> I have a lot to say on this later...
can you believe that I still don´t hold any clear approach on this announcement? I could point out several aspects out of it but I haven´t figured out what to say as first impressions yet.

I would certainly claim that I have mixed feelings towards it so you can understand what I am trying to convey here in a way (but not in the traditional sense that you would tend to imagine). It leans more towards uncertain thoughts in general.

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> PoLMp
yeah, PoLS for me as well.

> Music is good though.
I can confirm this. Nonetheless...

> Radiarc is musically detailing his 'shroom trip, or something.
I´d better avoid the obsession of genre tagging for trying to describe this. However, if I were to place my bets on it, I would claim that this sounds like a trip hop song, from an ignorant standpoint. I am not all that familiar with the trip hop genre (not enough for telling the defining elements that could make any piece related to it. I wish I knew how to discern all that well the electronic genres) but sound-wise, I would say that it comes close to that territory.

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> I´d better avoid the obsession of genre tagging

Next time you listen to this, go to Radiarc's bandcamp page, and read the description of the piece he uploaded.
Then repeat the process for I'll Go & There. Then tell he he's not on some tortured-musical-soul 'shroom trip.

Of course, Radiarc has been doing that a while now. Scroll down to the Unjust and read this (emphasese mine):

A stairwell eternal breathes with sorrow, her lingering despair beckoning me forth, ascending, ascending. Beneath me lies the ruin of my works, the blood of the fallen and the unforgiven, a dark inferno burning quietly seeking only to be, not to reach. The answer lurks ahead but I pay it no mind; I will see it in time, and deal with it.
And so I ascend.

But...of course, there is another. It writhes in a furl of the demonic and angelic, rising with a deep and overwhelming presence. Judge and executioner, she. Fault is found within me, though I am pure; she, the dreadful forgotten plague within me is mistaken. MISTAKEN and I will prove my worth and my purity. What is this being, to stand before me?
And so I ascend

It rises in a hellish blaze, albeit radiant as the morning sun; this, too, shall set in time. I am guiltless. The nightmares, the visions, these... things I've seen, all of them cruel and malformed manifestations of a PERFECT being. She must know this. A Jacob's Ladder. How foolish. All things come to an end.
And so I ascend...

That was ... mid '19.
Haunting, beautiful. Not part of the reality I usually see.
And believe me I do what I can to see the beautiful, the haunting, the vast. But Radiarc is somewhere else, and I can't really relate, for as much energy as I gain, and lose, trying to see it.

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> PoLMp
A new one, proof of life music post! Perhaps I'll try that sometime.

> Then repeat the process for I'll Go & There. Then tell he he's not on some tortured-musical-soul 'shroom trip.
I can see it some here but especially here:
As I walked, I began to notice shifts in the wind, and the sky opened to reveal a vast and ever changing amalgamation of vivid colors, some near incomprehensible. The fields were similar, stretching far beyond what I could see, the blades of grass waving in intricate patterns, changing with every step I took. I thought to look behind myself, but it was all the same, beautiful and all-encompassing, an atmosphere comprised of perfect harmony. I continued on, noting a greater sense of self than ever before, an overwhelming freedom surpassing anything I could imagine. I was alone, but it was as though I was one with the world. For the first time, I felt that I was whole...I felt everything.
It certainly sounds like a trip. The music produced is haunting and beautiful. I'm not a avid listener of all of his tracks butI've been a fan of Radiarc since this: 
His tracks have always felt haunting to me and brought upon me strong feelings. Always felt a little sorry for'em to for not hitting it as big as some other artists despite a clear talent above many who did and his personal struggles. Haunting how he has stuck around the fandom for so long  
 including /mlp/ 

> And believe me I do what I can to see the beautiful, the haunting, the vast. But Radiarc is somewhere else
I remember being fascinated yet creeped out by drug trips since I was a young teen; would look up bad trips on some website devoted to the study of drugs that would allow users to self report. 

My morality and my fear would never let me take such substances through I'll admit being drug free I've had my fair share of odd experiences and sensations. Most powerful though was a religious experience I had out in a field, but that's too long a story for now.

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I am going to leave a PoLS tonight (I cannot add the M because I am not getting into the music discussion yet). Still, I have been catching up with this stuff and...

I am leaving these pictures first for the video that you have linked (if you use any other booru, you can use the reverse search option, whether it´s by using the downloaded pics or just copying the URLs). Surprisingly enough, I have been checking out if this Pinkie track was listed among his releases and it turns out that  don´t see it registered anywhere in his Bandcamp catalog, as far as I can tell.


considering that you love his works, I suppose that you might help him in a way that...while it´s just planting the seed that might grow or not in terms of interest, at least, one could edit and complete his page on Rateyourmusic with all the releases shared on his Bandcamp. I would put the standalone tracks in the singles section (such as the couple of tracks that you have linked over here) and the rest as album releases (except the Forgotten EP).  

I cannot guarantee that completing his entry would get any additional attention from other circles outside of the brony ones but this registration on RYM should help at identifying that these releases exist and can be spotted in a universally site where people of all kinds of interests come in order to rate any discography. Still, a potential small gesture that could be made and be translated as a sign of praise towards his productions.

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> Next time you listen to this, go to Radiarc's bandcamp page, and read the description of the piece he uploaded.

yeah, I have been checking that and the tags. I could have perfectly done that before typing the reply but I wanted to figure out on my own how to identify the genres out of an insane one such as electronic music (https://music.ishkur.com/ or pic related display how insanely huge the genre has been evolving over the decades and for understanding all of it, the average person might need a course for labeling everything correctly). 

I said trip hop because it didn´t go too specific and I compared with a couple of references within the subgenre and most likely, it resembles to that style (although someone more snobbish than me could come out and become really picky)  The other tags are correctly put, I think  (even though I do wonder where the hip hop one comes from in I´ll Go, perhaps it´s due to the beats sampled?) 

At the end of the day, any artist will do whatever they want and these labels become mostly irrelevant, not to mention that Bandcamp, the spiritual successor of Myspace, has a catalog of artists that blend so many genres and so many scenes are popping out of those production that it becomes really hard to keep track of it. It builds an entirely new universe in which the musical discoveries never end. 

I commit the sin of relying on really known stuff of the past, barely visiting the site for checking out the releases, not because of its quality or the premises that each artist can deliver, but mostly because there are so many options to pick that you don´t know where to start. Either you go for something really specific or you could venture yourself in a mix of releases whose quality vary greatly. In short, I am not a music pioneer at checking out these independent releases until I check out some recommendations that other people recognized beforehand.

Anyway, let´s stop talking about myself, let´s focus on the releases and how I think that Radiarc can be associated with (according to what those descriptions intend to express)

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Where do I start with him? Well, I suppose that I´ll Go seems to be easiest one for me to approach:

> I´ll Go 
If we were to guide ourselves with the flow of this track, the downtempo/ambient nature of this track doesn´t have to be necessarily associated with a mushroom/drug trip. Just because an instrumental track portrays a feeling that the author wants to convey, it leaves enough space for the interpretations of each listener. Until you read this:

> It appeared benign, but I felt differently. All of nature, even so far as the sky above, waved softy in uncertainty, in infinity; it was as if I was peering through time itself, bearing witness to a place surpassing comprehension. A sacred place, perhaps, unfathomably far from any mark of civilization...

these lines DO describe a metaphor that he may be going through that phase of trying to find some kind of purity within his soul by relying on landscapes that are pretty common in the themes related to drugs. Still, if we were judging the track alone, it provides a relaxing mood with pretty whimsical passages.Immediately after listening to it, I couldn´t help but checking out Elegiac,released in 2001. 


You can see that the vibes transmitted over here are mostly the same and I don´t think that transmitting emotive instrumental music should always be associated with the mental pains of the musician who composes it. Said correlation shouldn´t be made because of the personal instances unless that the artist wants to put a heavy emphasis or themes throughout the productions. Any artist could do the same just because of the love of said genre without having to deal with that context in order to create something of that style.

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But let´s imply that everything is necessarily correlated to drugs and a mushroom trip. Actually the track There is presented with an actual trippy part in the last third of the song that doesn´t last very much but:

> I began to notice shifts in the wind, and the sky opened to reveal a vast and ever changing amalgamation of vivid colors, some near incomprehensible.
> I continued on, noting a greater sense of self than ever before, an overwhelming freedom surpassing anything I could imagine. I was alone, but it was as though I was one with the world

considering the string arrangements (which reminds me of the track The Long Road (1983) https://youtu.be/KDwxm8AfqYg, namely in the last minute of the song) and voice accompanied with the repeated layers heard within the track, we are finding ourselves with a production of neo-psychedelia. In this case, considering that psychedelia was born out of the use for using psychedelic drugs and the heavy implications that the artist might convey, then we could perfectly imply that Radiarc might be repeating similar steps which Jason Pierce (Spiritualized) had to go through. 


He composed songs that portrayed the sense of reaching the space but feeling a sense of void from the inside. You get higher and higher but you realize that, despite the sense of greatness, there is nothing there.To sum it up, he made this 1998 production as a response of losing her girlfriend, transmitting those pains and relying on drugs behind his works. Radiarc, though,he relies more on events that transmit a sense of a flawed memory. If we take look at the Remember Me description, you can tell that  before and after taking said trip, he doesn´t particularly hide it very much the implied meaning behind these lines:

> Tessellations and fractals surged through the flowers and grass, and I, too, emanated an aura infinitely intricate, yet idiosyncratic; no other soul was to be seen, yet I felt as though I was not alone
> The rest was a blur. All I can remember now are thoughts and emotions, and the beginning of a sense of clarity. Perhaps I did remember, but not completely. I was sad, nostalgic...I recall the scent of ashes scattered in the wind and a pain gradually welling in my heart.

I hope that Radiarc doesn´t follow Jason´s actions when it comes to the personal life otherwise, one could visit the hospital more than once 

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> I don´t think that transmitting emotive instrumental music should always be associated with the mental pains of the musician who composes it

Words and images are also part of what an artist presents to the world. And many of the song covers are, themselves out of context haunting.

From Dream No More:
< A dream, I tell myself, yet, if it was just a dream,
< perhaps I should fall and rest forever, peacefully, and dream no more.

It's true, you could just listen to the music. And usually I do, loaded up and playing as I drive my car, or write my 'fic or play vidya.

But so seldom do songwriters take the time to write a poem, or short story to be read as part of the song. It needn't be the thing the artist experienced directly, but they say in writing, "write what you know"
Thus I assume that Radiarc is, indeed, going through some personal issues and letting us see a glimpse through their music.

> I hope that Radiarc doesn't follow Jason´s actions

As I said above, about Unjust, he's been doing this a while. I wouldn't worry directly.
I was just appreciating the artist's willingness to their their soul, and their trip, with us bronies.

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And I want to end up my thoughts by replying to what   >>/7315/ says here:

> I remember being fascinated yet creeped out by drug trips since I was a young teen; would look up bad trips on some website devoted to the study of drugs that would allow users to self report.
> My morality and my fear would never let me take such substances through I'll admit being drug free I've had my fair share of odd experiences and sensations. Most powerful though was a religious experience I had out in a field, but that's too long a story for now.
now,this raises an interesting point that I should bring up. We are talking about an era where drugs were new and became quite rampant back in the 60s and the psychedelia genre and the way of living of those consumers and artists happened to deal with those trips. 

Nonetheless, just because music induces to deal with those blurry imaginative trips, it doesn´t imply that both the artists and listeners contribute to those sense because of said substances. The soundscapes arise because of talent and as psychedelia has continued to grow as a genre, the artists can create said musical landscape that boost the connection and a fantastical environment that other genres don´t get to wrap up all that much the listener. This boosts the sense of beauty, getting drowned and completely connected with his music. 

I could imply that Radiarc´s recurrent themes written recently in his latest releases might connect him in feelings in some way but unless that you know him in private or publicly states his life in his social media/interviews, he could be delivering the impression of a character and not necessarily his persona. We can´t exactly tell if he has been writing those paragraphs with a personal and/or artistic standpoint until there is enough evidence. We cannot clear up this fine line where the listener is left with an open interpretation, much more wide open considering that all that we´ve got are instrumentals with orchestral arrangements (Neo-psychedelia)

Yet I see people trying to replicate similar sounds or even styles that envelop the listener even further (shoegaze/dream pop, space rock,chillwave...) and I don´t think that they listen to it for getting an acid trip neither said composers have to live an acid trip for creating these landscapes. Neo-psychedelia, I will admit, is quite expensive to produce so I would understand why someone would stress out quite a bit because of the budget (although technology and these platforms have made it easier and cheaper to make, hence Radiarc might have been able to deliver all of this for a decade)

So yeah, I wanted to reinforce the point that certain correlations that settled the norm in the past doesn´t necessarily have to do anything that the people involved in it need drugs for consuming/creating a musical trip that resembles said experience (even if the original roots of this genre were spawned because of it)

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> Words and images are also part of what an artist presents to the world. 
exactly. Keep in mind that you cannot exactly tell and apply the realistic perspective to it. It has to be judged case by case but if you don´t have any reference to keep track of his personal life. So said productions remains impersonal or even transmit the exact opposite of what he is going through. 

I just personally disagree with the mindset of everything being taken as emotional purity of his thoughts. The feelings transmitted in the works are left on their own, just a piece inside the creativity of his mind. Nothing else.

> But so seldom do songwriters take the time to write a poem, or short story to be read as part of the song. It needn't be the thing the artist experienced directly, but they say in writing, "write what you know"
> Thus I assume that Radiarc is, indeed, going through some personal issues and letting us see a glimpse through their music.

watch out with that assumption. In literature, anything could turn out to be a lie. How do I put this? What the author pulls off in his creative outputs, you don´t know which parts are either actually true or not. The author can perfectly play with the minds of the public, it´s literally /b/ in a creative work. You could assume this interpretation and despite the reasoning, find yourself with the wrong theory. On top of that, poetry even intensifies that distortion. Poets are some of the greatest liars that you could ever imagine. All that you can find throughout their words are lies and people love to be lied....which is absolutely fine at the end of the day.

So, am I saying that Radiarc should be having a low self esteem period in his life where he expresses his actual sadness/uncertainties? Not necessarily. Robert Smith (The Cure) in 1989, composed Disintegration and he wasn´t living a bad life in comparison with what he went through in the early 80s with the goth trilogy. In fact, he got married and lived happy moments while creating that album.


He just took the inspiration of the burning that happened in a studio (it doesn´t mean that he is not sincere about his fears/concerns about not feeling anything strong after reaching his 30s though). Smashing Pumpkins, more of the same, they deliver the image of an edgy band in front of everyone but at some point in their career, it didn´t match with their lifestyles at all.. and they admitted this in the interviews.

> I wouldn't worry directly. 
yeah, me neither.
> I was just appreciating the artist's willingness to their their soul, and their trip, with us bronies.
now, that´s an understandable take. You are appreciating with this positive commentary his loyalty for sticking with the ride for so long.  I think that said viewpoint expresses more about what you think than what he might be thinking inside his mind nowadays. 

Anyway, I am leaving my comments on the board tonight right here. Have a good night over there.

> I could have perfectly done that before typing the reply but I wanted to figure out on my own how to identify the genres out of an insane one such as electronic music
Oh, the chaos of musical genres.

> At the end of the day, any artist will do whatever they want and these labels become mostly irrelevant,
Unless they themselves stick to some hyper-specificity, say the genre has a really specific goal or defining trait, otherwise I agree, at least for electronic  

> I commit the sin of relying on really known stuff of the past, barely visiting the site for checking out the releases, 
Maybe in the /mu/ world but I'd say it's pretty normal to stick with what  ya know and not reach out too much once you've reached a critical mass of stuff to listen to with a defined taste. 

Anyway, on to the topic:
> it provides a relaxing mood with pretty whimsical passages.Immediately after listening to it, I couldn´t help but checking out Elegiac,released in 2001.
Those are very similar in spirit. Only difference, in my mostly untrained mind, Radiarc has more instruments his orchestral background shining through a bit at points. 

>  I don´t think that transmitting emotive instrumental music should always be associated with the mental pains of the musician who composes it. 
Oh, I completely agree, heck same could be said for a lot of trippy stuff, but I had heard that he had been having some actual struggles in life.

> Radiarc, though,he relies more on events that transmit a sense of a flawed memory. If we take look at the Remember Me description, you can tell that before and after taking said trip, he doesn´t particularly hide it very much the implied meaning behind these lines:
I mean, I suppose it could be a just a narrative, but usually when I see something that looks drug influenced by an artist it is at, least a little bit.  

>  otherwise, one could visit the hospital more than once 
As CB said,  >>/7320/
> As I said above, about Unjust, he's been doing this a while. I wouldn't worry directly.

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> Nonetheless, just because music induces to deal with those blurry imaginative trips, it doesn´t imply that both the artists and listeners contribute to those sense because of said substances.

I happened upon it, her, the dark crystal in her. All at once.

Was it Zecora? It... She was next to me, yet there was something in the trees.

And it felt like her presence. Like her soul was beckoning me to leave my body and join her in the trees.

She was the trees.

It she though was both the most comforting presence I ever felt yet the maw of I huge beast that wanted to engulf my soul.

Then it a moment" it she was gone and my chance for eternity taken.'' 

See? I can do it too with no drugs. I don't assume with 100% it is drugs just that with that subtext in some of his words just my first instinct to take it at face value.

though consulting his descriptions and comments on YT reveal a  darker drive beyond a trip:
< This song has a bit of a dark origin, but it's been on my mind for a while, and it was nice to finally throw myself at it. Not sure I have much else to say other than, for once, I'm really happy with how this came out, even if it isn't quite perfect.
< This is one of the first songs on an album I'm working on, meant to be a follow up to The Fulcrum. I wasn't really too sure what to do for this, because everything I'd attempted just didn't get the point across, but it clicked eventually, after listening to other songs that dealt well with bitter souls and feelings of regret. It's kind of strange; I ended up taking a break from this to clear my mind, and when I came back, I just understood it because I felt it. I've been feeling rather isolated as of late both by and without choice, and I feel this is the lingering sentiment that I'll be leaving with. I don't know when, but for all of those that weren't there for me despite all the times I was there for them, I'm going, and I'm never coming back. I've sacrificed so much of my life for others that forget I even exist, and I'm done.

...Oh and a drug trip:
> I don't even know what to say about this, other than I've never made a song that I felt represented me more than this one. This is going to be the art used for the album when I complete it, and I feel it says everything I want to convey. I've gone through many things in life, but this year, I feel completely different, like I'm seeing a world that I couldn't before. And it's wonderful. The last trip I took was so beautiful and vivid, and I'm so incredibly positive that I'm on the path to live the life I truly want. It was surreal...it's as though I've never been happy before. 

So yeah, I wanted to reinforce the point that certain correlations that settled the norm in the past doesn´t necessarily have to do anything that the people involved in it need drugs for consuming/creating a musical trip that resembles said experience (even if the original roots of this genre were spawned because of it)
This is still 100% correct though.

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> I was just appreciating the artist's willingness to their their soul, and their trip, with us bronies.
Indeed, and more than that. Though I still lament his lack of popularity I can respect that he stuck to his passion. So many left the fandom seemed to just chase bandwagons. Not to hate on them and it's understandable as a tactic of survival but the sounds of a FNAF cover just feel a little... soulless at times. 

This is not to say that Radiarc can't leave if he wants or that I consider leaving a moral folly at all, just appreciation that he has stuck around and made music for us for so long out of what is a personal expression. 

 On the very off chance ya see this Radiarc, God bless you. I wish and pray the very best for ya wherever you go 

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Mini news reaction roundup

My thoughts on G5 are low but not 100% negative. 3d is okay for the movie but 3d for the show does concern me as if I go by what I hear second hand of 3d shows general reputation: not bad but often formulaic and a little bland at times. I think, based what I see, the framing of a activist going to fix Equestria is going to be mostly a PR framing over how the show is though I would still expect some social justice to show up considering the times. 

Though, bigger concerns are the nature of it being a sequel itself. Are the mane6 figures of legend and a whole lot of time past or did Twilight fail or some calamity happen? Was the last problem really a tragedy like I feared? They market it as it being in the same canon, the same world so I would be surprised if it takes place too far off...  at least Twilight is going to be there, right? 

Only thing I say that is positive atm if it does not go for full mediocrity or lackluster Rainbow Falls style kid friendliness I will be actively interested in it way more than I ever thought I would be due to its connection to G4. Won't be a fav but may have stuff that I could at least use for fan content  Twi being a sad exile of her fallen kingdom?  

So, new Transformers/MLP crossover in may? Need to read the first then, LOL! Still totally out of the loop in the comics world.

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> Oh, the chaos of musical genres.
It´s an absolute mess to label everything. This past week, I watched a video about the origins of IDM during the 90s and that person, despite his knowledge and passion towards the genre, he didn´t know what theory of saying what could be defined as IDM and where it exactly comes from, which theory from music journalists turns out to be actually valid in the end. He gave up at trying to be so precise trying to explain it because there was such a huge burst in electronic music in such a short amount of time that there was not enough time to digest everything that was going on during that effervescent period in Europe for electronic music.    

So even experts, journalists and dedicated people tend to discuss and find a lot of obstacles trying to define a line. Even for many people when it comes to most known genres, people use indifferently the label hip-hop and rap. You bet that this task moves into a chaotic territory like...all the time, basically?

> Unless they themselves stick to some hyper-specificity, say the genre has a really specific goal or defining trait, otherwise I agree, at least for electronic
or a movement, yeah (for example: krautrock, vaporwave..). What I meant with that phrase is that the elitism of sticking with one genre alone...I don´t use the these labels in that way but more like as a description in order to resort to an universally agreed word so I can certainly give an idea/point of reference to the reader of what it sounds without listening to it.

> Maybe in the /mu/ world but I'd say it's pretty normal to stick with what ya know and not reach out too much once you've reached a critical mass of stuff to listen to with a defined taste.
well, there has always been that elitism of defining users as plebs, contrarians and patricians; normally those who would reach the most underground circles would qualify as patricians. The problem is that many albums that /mu/ discussed quite a bit at the time have become popular in other  music sites/circles and said material has gained a broader audience over the years (becoming very well known among dedicated music fans). So, most obscure stuff comes from either Bandcamp, Soundcloud and/or artists who haven´t surpassed a certain barrier of popularity for truly underground music. That´s where exploring artists becomes like an investment for trying them out, that´s my sin. I simply stick with the already discussed and known stuff (on music sites such as Rateyourmusic) because I can tell if those records are worth checking out and then, explore more if I want. I wouldn´t get to know anything of what I listen to without the internet though. 

In my defense, I will say that in 2020, I finally checked out more post-rock (Sigur Ros, Talk Talk), a couple of Daniel Johnston records and especially, entering into the world of ambient music (and I thought that it would be boring, I couldn´t be proven to be so wrong). 

Don´t think that I was a fan of electronic music until  3 or 4 years ago though. Nowadays, despite not listening to it all that much as my main preference, I have turned around my views and respect it much more than I did in the past. I didn´t realize what that huge world could offer because I thought that it would be boiled down to dubstep and noisy stuff (grinding the ears) but when one grows up, you realize that said world holds a much more fascinating spirit than my first contact towards that world.

Anyway, let´s end a little bit my blogposting here (even though I could continue if you wanted)

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> Those are very similar in spirit. Only difference, in my mostly untrained mind, Radiarc has more instruments his orchestral background shining through a bit at points.
before linking that track, I mostly linked it so I could use a point of reference and prove that nothing gets to be created in a vacuum, even inadvertently.  It simply means that there is similar stuff that one might like and share something of that style in order to call Radiarc´s track Downtempo and Ambient so you could see that I wasn´t inventing anything for calling it like that. 

I wanted to compare it with something reminiscent that I had heard before and wouldn´t stay all that far away from what I heard somewhere else. Still, all this exercise doesn´t intend to downplay Radiarc´s creativity at all. In fact, pushing the boundaries, moving forward, putting your own spin within the music...even if they sound similar, I still can appreciate perfectly when I hear both tracks. After all,what matters the most is that the artist gets to find his own sound,blend it with more experimentation (change) and reappropriate everything to their own with a different context (in this case,seen in the descriptions and not in the lyrics because we are talking about instrumental music) 

> heck same could be said for a lot of trippy stuff, but I had heard that he had been having some actual struggles in life.
then that real evidence can actually be correlated within the context of his creative works because this would explain the process behind for that production. Otherwise, people wouldn´t get it all that clear even though drugs getting to interfere among music artists has become so recurrent and incredibly common since the 60s that it´s understandable why people would instantly think about drugs as soon as they notice a reference related to them...which is...

> I mean, I suppose it could be a just a narrative, but usually when I see something that looks drug influenced by an artist it is at, least a little bit.
...what you have claimed right here. Just don´t be surprised if it doesn´t always get to be the case of what you imply though.

> As CB said,  >>/7320/
yeah, indeed. Just that I compared him with another artist who was writing about similar topics of transportation and actually composed orchestral music with trippy vibes like Radiarc does. Of course, I fall into the fallacy of A led to B, so C will arrive at B in the same way for being similar in terms of music sounds and themes when it doesn´t have to work that way at all.

> See? I can do it too with no drugs. I don't assume with 100% it is drugs just that with that subtext in some of his words just my first instinct to take it at face value.
well, more than drugs, I would even connect it to spiritualism even. 
What I mean here is that people tend to look at things too literally (I do this sometimes, I am not free of this pattern either) What I wanted to transmit with all my posts has been about judging the words in the literary sense. Like poetry does with repetition,rhymes, recurrent elements, how the words are structured, amount of syllables in each verse, the literary figures (metaphors, allegories, similes, hyperbatons...)... stuff that is completely independent of the context outside the creative work.  

You can imply about the context/intentions from the author but that doesn´t always correlate that you will always turn out to be right for approaching it in that manner. In short, I meant that if you want to venture implying about some personal/psychological context of his words, that´s fine (music is often used as a therapy for many people). Just that I would need some real context in order to associate the work with the   artist, finding himself in a drug trip and said context would help at understanding the work in a way.

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> though consulting his descriptions and comments on YT reveal a darker drive beyond a trip:
oh boy, it sounds like something really personal is going on. 

< I've sacrificed so much of my life for others that forget I even exist, and I'm done.
Why do I feel that I could say these words at some point in my life? It haunts me to know that I have known this sense in my life  as well.

> The last trip I took was so beautiful and vivid, and I'm so incredibly positive that I'm on the path to live the life I truly want. It was surreal...it's as though I've never been happy before.
this would confirm it then (assuming that he is talking about his actual life and not playing a character or taking his personal context with a narrative of spiritualism) 

> So many left the fandom seemed to just chase bandwagons.
nobody has a contract to stay around really. Actually, I find certainly fascinating that /mlp/ has bounced back and become more popular/active within this generational hiatus,considering that the show ended in 2019. I expected that there would be fans who would hop onto other trends (and there might be quite a few who have decided to follow that path) and call it a day but nope, there are people still around...including this board.

> This is not to say that Radiarc can't leave if he wants or that I consider leaving a moral folly at all, just appreciation that he has stuck around and made music for us for so long out of what is a personal expression.
Besides, when you take this and other factors into account, you get to appreciate it more and I suppose that fan material of this kind is what, while this franchise won´t be respected from the outside circles,helps at giving this whole scene a greater value for those who are into it.

> I wish and pray the very best for ya wherever you go
so be it.

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> So, new Transformers/MLP crossover in may? Need to read the first then, LOL! Still totally out of the loop in the comics world.
yeah, you are missing so much in comparison of what I do,it really shows how much I talk about those releases!

> My thoughts on G5 are low but not 100% negative. 3d is okay for the movie but 3d for the show does concern me as if I go by what I hear second hand of 3d shows general reputation: not bad but often formulaic and a little bland at times. I think, based what I see, the framing of a activist going to fix Equestria is going to be mostly a PR framing over how the show is though I would still expect some social justice to show up considering the times.

I still don´t have it all that clear but I cannot refute what you have said over here. You´ve perfectly summarized it pretty nicely.

> Though, bigger concerns are the nature of it being a sequel itself. Are the mane6 figures of legend and a whole lot of time past or did Twilight fail or some calamity happen? Was the last problem really a tragedy like I feared? They market it as it being in the same canon, the same world so I would be surprised if it takes place too far off... at least Twilight is going to be there, right?

whatever plot device they come up with that justifies why they are in conflict. If all of them were friends, perhaps they would find it too cheesy and difficult to establish a conflict among the characters. So I suppose that they will add something tragic in order to solve it throughout this generation. So many sequels have relied on this trope in order to justify the existence of subsequent productions. But yeah, it seems that they have completely ditched the climax achieved in The Last Problem. It will be interesting how they exploit the context and the reasons why this setting occurred.

> Only thing I say that is positive atm if it does not go for full mediocrity or lackluster Rainbow Falls style kid friendliness I will be actively interested in it way more than I ever thought I would be due to its connection to G4. Won't be a fav but may have stuff that I could at least use for fan content Twi being a sad exile of her fallen kingdom?

Gen 5 is going to suffer the same treatment that I have seen for many artists (at least, in music). Whenever you drop the magnum opus, the next release is going to be unavoidably compared with that peak of creativity by the fans (boosted by their hunger of more of that type of content). I am not claiming that gen 4 is the greatest cartoon of the decade or anything like that. I am just saying that, for the known delivery of this franchise on its own, FiM reached a creative explosion that fans will hold as the golden standard and thus, the next releases would be conditioned by those standards delivered at the time.

I highly suggest that gen 5 stays as their own thing because it´s truly difficult to recapture the same momentum twice.Not even Hasbro can pretend that FiM doesn´t exist and treat the franchise in the same way before 2010 (which is nice because this will encourage the company to upper the quality if they want to get money)... but we´ll never get exactly the show of the 2010s either. Will those changes be good without sacrificing the nature of MLP or becoming a parody of itself? We´ll have to find out.

Although I must say that among the characters presented, Izzy Moonbow is becoming an instant fan favorite.

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> his descriptions and comments on YT reveal a darker drive

 The hidden truth about "write what you know" is that, you're really good at writing about your own experiences, potentially good at writing about vicarious experiences ... and we can all tell when you're guessing and/or just sympathizing.

 That's a little harder to tell with music, because just like people respond to music differently, musicians interact with their music differently. But I still posit that you can't perform angry music if you've never been angry enough to justify the music and how angry it is.

 When everything for a time from an artist is a little bit creepy ... it means they've been places they probably shouldn't have been. The particulars, and how it relates to the particulars in their art could certainly seem to divert, trading one tragedy for another, but the emotion it caused vs. the emotion they're causing should be, roughly at least, comparable.

 I've seen that pan out too often to disbelieve it entirely, even though I remember arguing with my parents that listening to rock'n'roll didn't necessarily mean I was trying or planning on living a life of excess.

> whatever plot device they come up with that justifies why they are in conflict.

I know but honestly, everypony wore their mane like that back then.

In other news, PoLMp by Seventh Element. We had the Ministry Mares, In Her Mind, and the Equestrian Wasteland albums, all incredibly dark.


To misquote Humperdink from that dream sequence, "perhaps you will not find him so dark, now."

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>  that´s my sin. I simply stick with the already discussed and known stuff (on music sites such as Rateyourmusic) because I can tell if those records are worth checking out and then, explore more if I want.
I can understand you considering that a sin. Rather than giving something a chance you judge first by popularity, and though that may act as a filter on mediocrity but also discovering cool stuff. I actually have felt this with fanfiction before. 

>  I mostly linked it so I could use a point of reference and prove that nothing gets to be created in a vacuum, even inadvertently
Indeed, Tridashie made an interesting point with that but I'll have to find the video. 

>  downplay Radiarc´s creativity at all.
Didn't take it as such. 

> What I mean here is that people tend to look at things too literally (I do this sometimes, I am not free of this pattern either) What I wanted to transmit with all my posts has been about judging the words in the literary sense. 
And this is a very good point. 

> Why do I feel that I could say these words at some point in my life? It haunts me to know that I have known this sense in my life as well.
Freaky enough, me too to a extent. 

> Actually, I find certainly fascinating that /mlp/ has bounced back and become more popular/active within this generational hiatus,considering that the show ended in 2019. I expected that there would be fans who would hop onto other trends (and there might be quite a few who have decided to follow that path) and call it a day but nope, there are people still around
Doesn't surprise me that their would be a lot still kicking but I expected things to bleed out more than they did for sure. 

> ...including this board.
Weirdest timeline. 

>  when you take this and other factors into account, you get to appreciate it more and I suppose that fan material of this kind is what, while this franchise won´t be respected from the outside 
It was a major reason why many, especially on the music side of things, tried to memory hole their work. Out of a fear as they moved up of it being cringe that would ensnare them and hurt them professionally. 
> helps at giving this whole scene a greater value for those who are into it.

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> When everything for a time from an artist is a little bit creepy ... it means they've been places they probably shouldn't have been. The particulars, and how it relates to the particulars in their art could certainly seem to divert, trading one tragedy for another, but the emotion it caused vs. the emotion they're causing should be, roughly at least, comparable.
Now, that is interesting. Have any examples? Sounds like me with drugs influences. Naturally one shouldn't assume that is always the case but seeing play out often leads you to believe there is a connection. 

> I've seen that pan out too often to disbelieve it entirely, even though I remember arguing with my parents that listening to rock'n'roll didn't necessarily mean I was trying or planning on living a life of excess.
Consumption is different than creating is what I would say. 

> In other news, PoLMp by Seventh Element. We had the Ministry Mares, In Her Mind, and the Equestrian Wasteland albums, all incredibly dark.
I dig it. Like many tracks, vocals a little amateurish but the beat more than sells it for me.

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> The hidden truth about "write what you know" is that, you're really good at writing about your own experiences, potentially good at writing about vicarious experiences ... and we can all tell when you're guessing and/or just sympathizing.

and what happens if those feelings translated on the story are imprecise or pretended? What happens if those emotions are heavily exaggerated? What makes you imply exactly that what the parts in which the reader emphasizes with the writer are correct? In this case, the artist is writing those descriptions are if they were personal, which make you believe that he is writing a diary and he is being honest to himself in order to not hurt his public image. 

I am simply saying that even while writing about personal matters in a creative work, the writer/artist can shape or twist them with a lot of room for confusion and making harder at finding any sympathy that actually matches with said person (or the artist could do the whole thing for mocking at this practice).Furthermore, in a more twisted manner, the writer might not express his inner thoughts and instead, he could work as the messenger of other people minds/references/voices and you mistake the whole work as if it were his own mind.  

The reader is completely at the mercy of what the writer wants to transmit but you don´t even know to what degree and therefore, I claim that interpreting the work just from personal assumptions, while they could turn out to be correct and say a lot at understanding said person, it could lead to a lot of misunderstandings (especially if said fans interact with him and are active on social media). 

This might sound hyperbolic but, even though emotions are universal, your statement could be translated as: "In order to write about unicorns, I must feel and experience the life of a unicorn beforehand" 

or even with music where interpretations are left too open and ambiguous for the listener to imply at first glance:

> musicians interact with their music differently.
well and that´s implying that said artists even compose their on music (it tends to happen with pop music but don´t be surprised if you find out that one member of the band composes all the songs or even an outsider member that does the job for them instead)
> But I still posit that you can't perform angry music if you've never been angry enough to justify the music and how angry it is.
is it a requirement though? I certainly disagree with that statement.

> The particulars, and how it relates to the particulars in their art could certainly seem to divert, trading one tragedy for another, but the emotion it caused vs. the emotion they're causing should be, roughly at least, comparable.
 for the singer/songwriter label, I could see it happening really often. 

> even though I remember arguing with my parents that listening to rock'n'roll didn't necessarily mean I was trying or planning on living a life of excess.
well,you could always blame The Rolling Stones as the scapegoat whenever that argument would come up though 

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> everypony wore their mane like that back then.
woah, 80s synthpop, folks! Time to dance!

> that pic
that´s more like it.

> vocals a little amateurish but the beat more than sells it for me.
well, there is a phrase of "All my favorite singers couldn´t sing" (and said singer who sung didn´t have a great voice either,ironically enough) and it turns out that . If you´ve listened to New Order for example, you would see that the beat and/or instrumentation are what make up the tracks and the singing works as another instrument. As long as the voice is serviceable (or it doesn´t sound terrible), this genre doesn´t demand very much when it comes to the singing so...eh, it works.

> Consumption is different than creating is what I would say.
agreed with that statement

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> and what happens if those feelings translated on the story are imprecise or pretended?

They look imprecise and/or pretended.

> while writing about personal matters in a creative work, the writer/artist can shape or twist them

What I've seen, mostly, is that the more they try to hide / lie / twist their presentation, the more they present themselves openly.

Do you remember one of the things I said about NaNoWriMo? It's like writing about dreams -- it exposes your subconscious, which is unfamiliar with/bad-at lying.

> "In order to write about unicorns, I must feel and experience the life of a unicorn beforehand"

Not disagreeing. Or at least, the unicorns in the audience would know you're faking it.

>  >Consumption is different than creating is what I would say.
> agreed with that statement

you ... know you're effectively agreeing with me here, right?

> woah, 80s synthpop, folks!
Have you checked out the rest of his album? Homage to the '80s all the way through. Wow & Flutter and I don't even need to have meant the pegasus though I'm sure she's in there somewhere.

What's the opposite of disappoint? Pride?
< I am pride.

Have I ... mentioned my age? Being 45 might affect this conversation. Maybe it's just the impetuousness of youth that insists the art and the artist can be taken separately. Or maybe that was a postmodernism that I never actually ascribed to.

Whatever. Peace, and enjoy your weekend.
I want to buy a motorcycle to enjoy my weekends with.
//midlife crisis, much?

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> and it turns out that...
...most of my music catalog, the singers of those albums I tend to listen to aren´t exactly very talented people with huge vocal ranges or voices that you would normally judge as any worthy member of any opera. Either the genre/the music they play doesn´t require much from them or they sing good enough for fitting into the song and it matches accordingly to the tone that they are singing. A perfect example:  punk music 

> Rather than giving something a chance you judge first by popularity, and though that may act as a filter on mediocrity but also discovering cool stuff. I actually have felt this with fanfiction before.
ironically enough, while looking for obscure seapony images (among images of the princesses as well), I have had to navigate through all kinds of stuff. I suppose that I don´t do that with fics and/or music because they would require more time than scrolling down a single page full of images (and this statement could be quite stupid because I could listen to a few songs of any new record while I am seeking those pics)

In reality, everything is mostly boiled down to passion, eagerness, interest and curiosity of exploring more; it´s unrelated to the mediums and accessibility. Either way, you´ve nailed it, I tend to consider Bandcamp and the unknown as a risky bet and a swampy territory where your job consists at finding the gems within the underground. Now, if you get to find the music that clicks and resonates with you, the feeling of discovery, at the time,must be satisfying. 

I will also say that I didn´t start exploring music for real until late 2015, expanding my tastes and listening to experimental/diverse stuff and even after 5 years, I would only fit as the average /mu/tard at best. So, I had to catch up quite a bit in the matter in order to shape my tastes and push myself so I could have a minimum amount of knowledge related to the matter.

> Doesn't surprise me that their would be a lot still kicking but I expected things to bleed out more than they did for sure.
they reached the 5 digits not long ago with gen 5´s announcement. Back to the numbers of 2015/16, I think (edit: around 14000 posts)

> Weirdest timeline.
not so weird if you consider the users who normally use it...

> It was a major reason why many, especially on the music side of things, tried to memory hole their work. Out of a fear as they moved up of it being cringe that would ensnare them and hurt them professionally.
exactly the same pattern that happens with the fanart. I suppose that the curse applies to all the departments. All lies within the same problem: the social stigma. Each time I see a line like this one, I certainly have the theory that, while a brony doesn´t have any contract to stay, it seems that there is an invisible rule where professionalism and social standards are sacrificed whenever you are into it. Otherwise, you would have to remove all traces of it in order to progress as an artist...and this doesn´t seem to go away anytime soon...

we are talking about a business and money here, so there is another layer on top of that social factor that enhances the likelihood of making said transition and said norm of removing MLP stuff becomes a standard by force. Either you swallow up your pride or no company will offer to you anything (unless that you found your own independent discography and create a market out of it).

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> you ... know you're effectively agreeing with me here, right?
as a standalone phrase, I agree. Within the context that was said here, I don´t share it. 

> Maybe it's just the impetuousness of youth that insists the art and the artist can be taken separately. Or maybe that was a postmodernism that I never actually ascribed to

actually, no. The theory of this comes from a teacher who is specialized in literature and it deals with the roots of what´s literature (both the theory and its criticism)

Perhaps this discussion stems from the theory itself. Because for judging properly a work, the interpreter should be qualified enough in order to judge scientifically a piece of work without entering into doxology, moral or ideological territories...that is to say, said interpreter would have to study quite a lot for avoiding those traps and the scientific research of a creative work requires a systematical organization in terms of form and matter, connecting all the elements that come into play.

Literature doesn´t exist within the postmodern world because everything for a postmodern interpreter has to be related with phenomenology and psychology which prevent the interpreter to see any form of literature, therefore, the philosophical materialism theory considers that postmodern literature is an oxymoron by itself.

Now, what you´ve referred to the rest of your post means that...

> Not disagreeing. Or at least, the unicorns in the audience would know you're faking it.
> It's like writing about dreams -- it exposes your subconscious, which is unfamiliar with/bad-at lying.
> Being 45 might affect this conversation. 
> What I've seen, mostly, is that the more they try to hide / lie / twist their presentation, the more they present themselves openly.

whatever you and I discuss...is doomed to not be literature and thus, we all have already entered into a hellhole that no one knows how to escape. We´ll never arrive at the actual form of interpreting it scientifically because we are all insisting in the psychological/phenomenological matter (especially the former) 

As much as people want to criticize postmodernism, it seems that we (neither does 95-99% of the population really) aren´t doing any favor to get rid of it and you´re 45 (almost doubling my age, by the way). Your education and values (while postmodernism wasn´t completely shaped during the 70s) might have avoided many holes that postmodernism holds but it seems discussions like these prove that we are, in reality, pedestrians pretending to be intellectuals. Whatever we say here, it´s going to fall into postmodern territory for not making a proper research and judging/reviewing in a biased manner a postmodern franchise (consumption for the masses) such as this one (coming from the 80s)

We can all argue and end up staying convinced within our comfort zone but we won´t arrive at any intellectual approach of taking things in a scientific manner for taking the psychology of the author into account and taking any kind of relativism into account within the research (much less if said material was produced during this period). 

And by we...I mean that no user is exceptional here from falling into the traps of postmodernism (not even the prompter).

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> What's the opposite of disappoint? Pride?
huh, not even a single word appears as an opposite for disappoint in my 2001 dictionary. Only  with the verb, the opposites show up: entrust and excite.

> Have you checked out the rest of his album? Homage to the '80s all the way through. 
yeah, I have noticed that the entire album is tagged as synthwave and it indeed follows the themes of the 80s. I wouldn´t be surprised to find out something that falls into the vaporwave zone.

> Whatever. Peace,

yeah, don´t worry about it. 
I mean, maybe without this discussion, I wouldn´t have decided to ask myself several questions that I don´t normally think about. There has to be some discussion because…well, without any movement, this would look completely static so I guess that this board forcs (or at least, encourages) to push this forward in some way. I wasn´t looking for the victory anyway, the whole ride is what actually defines all of this  because I believe that the thoughts displayed actually offer more than just declaring a winner. 

It doesn´t consume all that much just that I´ve got to think about the post (and take my time) before delivering a proper response. 

> and enjoy your weekend.
yeah, you too CB. Good night.

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One note here
> When everything for a time from an artist is a little bit creepy ... it means they've been places they probably shouldn't have been. The particulars, and how it relates to the particulars in their art could certainly seem to divert, trading one tragedy for another, but the emotion it caused vs. the emotion they're causing should be, roughly at least, comparable.
In a way, this is very similar to the poststructural critical race theory somewhat marxist stuff that is currently in vogue. Their obsession with the authenticity of the various identities of the artists. For it is impossible for anyone but them to truly write or even know how to feel empathy for, said states without experiencing it.

What I'll say is that, I'm not sure  how much I extent that too all art but I am open to those with experience in X usually or often writing X. 

> Have you checked out the rest of his album? Homage to the '80s all the way through.
I am certainly going too!

> Have I ... mentioned my age? Being 45 might affect this conversation.
I think it certainly would have something of affect, nearly twice of us pre 25 year olds.

> Whatever. Peace, and enjoy your weekend.
You too!

> //midlife crisis, much?
Only partly, wanting to cruise around and travel I would consider universal desire of any age. 

> they reached the 5 digits not long ago with gen 5´s announcement. Back to the numbers of 2015/16, I think (edit: around 14000 posts)
Post G4, still posting pone it seems.

> not so weird if you consider the users who normally use it...

> Otherwise, you would have to remove all traces of it in order to progress as an artist...and this doesn´t seem to go away anytime soon...
I wounder if it is just social stigma and fandom drama or whatever. It's just so weird when I see people leave pony but maintain interesting in several other fandoms at once.

> postmodern franchise (consumption for the masses)
I disagree on G4 being postmodern, but that would be opening up a can of worms that would require some digging on a few Pdfs I saved some years ago.

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My first PoLMP and something a little easier to think on: 

General Mumble - She's A Pony original or remix? 

It is one of my fav early fandom songs and I think the original and remix have strengths in opposite areas that make it a interesting question.

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Well, it was time to come back and show up over here. I haven´t been in the mood for anything for this last week (even though I left a few replies last Sunday, the inner tensions were growing at the time) and I have needed quite a lot of psychological support for facing my personal situation. This mess ad huge turn of events has turned out to be tense, feeling a great amount of uncertainty and plenty of mixed feelings and fears throughout the resolution. 

The bad news is that I will have to make more effort for my studies  (fortunately enough, it´s not an essential subject but an elective one. I have faced worse, it means that I have to study all the subject matter at once...not a big deal but still, it´s a bummer) 

The good news:  I don´t have to take part in anything else and if one sees it in a positive light, this hasn´t happened in May/June (finals) and this was bound to happen to me anyway. 

Just that I haven´t been able to do anything either for fun (MLP related) or academically related. If you want a hint of what I am talking about and happened IRL, just  read the last episode spotlight I wrote about right here: from  >>/7057/ to the latest posts related to it. 

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Even though I have been facing very rough times for these last few days...

...spring has come. 

I can fortunately say that I am here after all and there will be room for better times. This place might be dead in the eyes of everyone but I can still leave a mark with the PoLS, as usual.

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So, either a relative's health has collapsed, or your parents are separating. I suppose there could be other implications but I can't guess at them right now.
My parents talked about it, but after living in a motel for two weeks they managed to get back together.

> original or remix? 

Remix. I actually think I could post the some question with NambyPamby, having an original and a remix. Actually nearly everything has a remix anymore.

Here we have a picture that inspired a song. Not the usual order, but Pegasus-Device the song inspired a fan-fiction for it, so it's not unheard of to mix the order of creativity.
It's soothing. For about the first two minutes, the devolves into Pinkamena's problems of not knowing what's real.
Puts me a little in mind of trying to play Senua's Sacrifice on my headset, except this song doesn't frustrate me to tears.


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> either a relative's health has collapsed, or your parents are separating. I suppose there could be other implications but I can't guess at them right now.
yeah, you´ve nailed it. It´s the latter. 

 You can´t even imagine what has been happening and I have been thinking over the course of this past week. It´s very complicated to explain and putting all of you (or any outsider) in context with proper explanations... I would have to write like the length of that episode spotlight or even more. It´s not worth the effort because the whole situations has been gravitating around a rambling territory (besides personal and intimate matters that I would have to mention as well for getting it).

But yeah, in short, the procedures for the divorce are starting. Even today, I have had to rest mentally because the mental charge from extreme emotions or thoughts within my head have been changing in a matter of hours (especially from Tuesday to Saturday) and the whole situation has shaken up completely my mind as well as the familiar matters. 

Tonight, I feel more rested and everything mostly boils down to managements and fortunately enough, the tensions are pretty much over.  
> My parents talked about it, but after living in a motel for two weeks they managed to get back together.
I don´t think that this case will work out in the same way as yours did because in my case, we are talking about giving many chances to my father, eating up many shortcomings and problems from his part (that could have even cost us the house)  and I believe that this one doesn´t stem from a heated decision but more of a progressive one that has been kept in silence for decades. It´s just that the bubble burst all of a sudden and it was bound to happen eventually, one way or another.

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> Post G4, still posting pone it seems.
and we are still doing it over here as well after all these periods of inactivity. 

> It's just so weird when I see people leave pony but maintain interesting in several other fandoms at once.
stigma for the most part. For example, you could be a freak in the 90s or 00s and be a fan of video games, leave them and join into a soccer club or the cool group of friends because those trends were more socially acceptable. Of course, many people were stuck with the geek stuff but the stigma was there. 

But this will happen with many things really, just that on the internet...well, nothing is obscure anymore and MLP, while not accepted, I would say that if one looks a little bit into it (even the wikipedia article or comments on youtube; whatever that tackles a little bit the matter), anyone can realize that adults follow it...there is not much mystery beyond that. Everyone was caught off guard with gen 4 back in 2010 but I think that, among the internet circles at least, anyone gets surprised by MLP. Besides, trends come and go, one will have to appreciate and take care those who are into it for real and not just for the hype. 

> I disagree on G4 being postmodern, but that would be opening up a can of worms that would require some digging on a few Pdfs I saved some years ago.
that´s a pretty bold statement and interesting to read as well. Many shots may be fired if you bring it up but at least, the board would get a little bit spicy with that topic. As long as I find the reasoning defensible and I get where that standpoint comes from, I won´t have a problem with that statement...but still, everything should be put into question,especially for a show which is interpreted according to personal opinions and not scientific interpretations. 

> You are not a fish, you're a human from somewhere or a carrot

you know, more than the statement itself, I smiled for a litte while after reading this because I realized that we are both recurrent shitposters on a backwater board that doesn´t follow the label "dead board" in the same way as many people among the chans consider at first glance. It´s pretty funny to think that this board can be like...one entire month inactive and then, in a single night, you get 50-60 posts and end up in the top 10. 

I am saying this because you didn´t deliver any signs of life and it seems that the board, more than dead, it is always hibernating, stuck in a dormant state. 

Given that you have posted what you like, maybe I should be posting on the other thread as well.

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Dear Celestia I hope not!
This site would die a further death.

Of course this place dying is a little like Cthulhu dying, who cannot die and in enough time death will die first. Which is just plain awkward.

and I'd hate to see this place get even more awkward than it is, so lets assume bridgefag knows not to turn off TOR.

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> Random lurker here. You aren't going to be getting rid of it are you? endchan now allows that apperently.

I think that pretty everyone uses it. But as far as reports go, I think that both Bridgefag and  >>/7356/ have reported in the past about their use. After last summer though, it became even more essential. 

I wonder if Odilitime is mental with this. I suppose that this option has been set for BO to identify those users who try to ban evade by resorting to other IPs. The problem with that is the owner could turn that seasonal option into a permanent one and leave the users truly naked in this matter.

> Tor switch is an optional tool. Just like captcha, or the hourly thread limit.
except that with those options the BO could mess up with you whatever he desires. Fortunately enough, I am not the BO (and after my short experience on Nextchan, I don´t have any desire to hold that position) and I know Bridgefag pretty well, he uses Tor most of the time...although he could always mess up with all of us (including himself) and turn that option on in order to see what happens if he felt like doing so...

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> Dear Celestia I hope not! This site would die a further death.

the image blackout of spring 2018 wants to say hi.
This option barely tickles with what this board has had to face so far. This feels like a small happening to me and oh boy, any board owner has the option to turn it on and turn this into a ban fest. 

> Of course this place dying is a little like Cthulhu dying, who cannot die and in enough time death will die first. Which is just plain awkward.
death is boring when it comes to an imageboard getting to have a lower/minimum/zero activity. Death has stayed here 99% of the time and I think that it wants to take a vacation at this point because of boredom and lack of purpose here. It´s probably more entertaining to have a tea party than killing this board (even the chaos entities would agree with this) so even for its standards, it´s better to let us post like we usually do so there is something to read in the meantime. The axe has remained so unused that Odilitime has been holding it for a longer time than death itself. 

Keep in mind that if this board """died""", we could leave on our own [spoiler](unless that you want to know about my personal account on the boorus or Fimfiction)[(spoiler] and go back to our former state of lurking on other places. 

As for seeing me around, I still lurk on /mlp/, I have been uploading pics , downloading images from Ponybooru and keeping an eye on my familiar situation.  But I check this place plenty of times each day so...there are always potential ups and downs in terms of activity. If you want me to post like 20 replies each day, I can perfectly do that (although it wouldn´t make much sense and I would have to organize my folders for the images) 

> and I'd hate to see this place get even more awkward than it is, so lets assume bridgefag knows not to turn off TOR.

more awkward? in what sense? at coaxing blindly Bridgefag for being the board owner? 
Besides, I had argued with him for an entire month about politics only and we had ended up tired, so in terms of off-topic matters, this board isn´t unfamiliar with that stuff. If you can´t trigger him with politics, then you will have to find another weakness for offending him.

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Hello. I'm  trying to keep in touch with all the stragglers of /pone/. This is the first board I've seen of our various stragglers and offshoots that is alive and organized. I know this place has its own culture but my I use it as a emergency rally point/coordination with other anons? If the BO is active then that makes it in a much more secure status than some of them.

Like this:

That is a cucked move even if optional.

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> I have been uploading pics
and what I have claimed over here is not a meme at all. Besides seapony stuff such as  >>/7362/ and  >>/7363/, I have run into several images that have been stuck in the underground, inside a chaotic mess called Deviantart.

After a certain period of their original upload, this redistribution to the boorus triggers Seth´s radar and these pics get featured on Equestria Daily. 

While I find myself incapable to create my own content, it seems that giving the already existing material a greater exposure on other places, at least, it gives the impression that these images are new in the eyes of the entire community. I could stop looking for this underground material at any time  though. It doesn´t affect the board directly but it might determine the possible posts that could be delivered in the future though (and not just this place)

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> Hello. I'm trying to keep in touch with all the stragglers of /pone/. 

/endpone/ user number 23, letter: L, reporting in. 

> This is the first board I've seen of our various stragglers and offshoots that is alive and organized.
alive... about that...
you know, for many, this board is dead but as I stated in my previous post  >>/7369/, death has become truly bored with /endpone/. I would change the terms and say this board is constantly hibernating, gets a few ups and peaks of activity and then, stay dormant for the most part.

> I know this place has its own culture but my I use it as a emergency rally point/coordination with other anons?
I will have to wait for Bridgefag´s response but we do have alternative boards as well in this same site. 

But...I think that the point of reviving 8/pone/ doesn´t consist in just activity. Activity is the means to an end and the objective of trying to replace /mlp/ was setting the bar too high for its own good. Nothing can replace /mlp/. 

If you want to revive it, you don´t need what you assume that you want to achieve. You only need ideas, compromise and see where it goes with a more proper approach of 8kun´s instances. If this board has taught me something is that few  loyal users (even via circlejerking slowly) can keep a board slightly active over time than seeking the hype and the stardom with the numbers in terms of activity. 8/pone/ seems to be more obsessed with the competition against /mlp/ so, good luck at trying to offer an appealing alternative that gets to beat it. 

My advice from the experience that I have had with this side project since 2017: focus on creating the board that you want to see and have fun among yourselves instead of getting obsessed with /mlp/. Don´t get disappointed if you cannot achieve the projects that you want to do, just focus on the road and what you can personally offer. If you look for success as the main objective, you will meet death as other alternative boards did in the past. But again, I haven´t handled any competitive imageboard that wants to fight  against /mlp/ so, I am not a valid person for giving  any valuable advice for this ambitious purpose.

This board only has like 3-5 main users + lurkers and you see, I am not a straggler but more like I can adapt myself for any place (and even visit /mlp/ each day), just that /endpone/ is the closest board of calling it a home. It seems that /endpone/ looks like a powerhouse but in reality, this board has kept a comfy chat tone since december 2017. Nothing else. 

> If the BO is active then that makes it in a much more secure status than some of them.
look, I have been interacting (and even personally) with Bridgefag for 3 years and even completely alone in this board face to face for a long time until lurkers showed up and CB came back. He is going to reply to you (if he doesn´t, I will force him to watch gen 3.5 as a genuine punishment) . 

As for now, wait a little bit for his opinion and CB´s as well (although secondary and background users can perfectly comment too, just that I cannot predict when they are going to pop up) and we´ll see what this board can do in this regard. Again, /endpone/ is  a very slow board so if you want to progress with your plans (don´t use it as your own personal army), you´d better focus on reuniting with other users  and getting familiar with them  in the meantime. 

I have already given enough signs of life over here so you can all stay serene. Have a good night. 

PoLS. L23 out.

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> but my I use it as a emergency rally point/coordination with other anons?
Yes, I see no problem with that. Just as long as y'all keep in mind  >>/5559/
> This board is not /mlp/, 8/pone, /mlpol/ or Ponychan. Not saying this board is the most unique or wonderful place in the world but a posting style and a limited culture has arisen that is distinct from those models and is arguably in sometimes in contrast. 
if any of y'all drift out of the  thread who are linked from elsewhere. Though I think by your tone and the fact your asking means your already thinking that.

My suggestions:
1  >>/7372/
> If this board has taught me something is that few loyal users (even via circlejerking slowly) can keep a board slightly active over time than seeking the hype and the stardom with the numbers in terms of activity. 
You can do it, though it will take something besides a bunch of anons just drifting in and out. /endpone/'s model works for a small number of users but I think in order to retain the various scattered anons who look in boredom as they wander various altchans dissatified with the current pickings you're going to need to give 8/pone/ a reason besides expecting them to post out of sheer based loyalty. Make some OC. You need to take the first step and establish something before others will follow.  
*2* Some anons may not even be aware that 8kun exists. Have some sort of basic rundown of all the happenings and status of things.
*3* Make pastes that have all of this information stored and keep it updated. Especially all threads  like this and other bunkers. 8chan's demise and rebirth was a near death blow and I wouldn't be betting on 8kun's long term stability. 
*4* Set up any "infrastructure" on non SJW fandom controlled platform or websites you know won't cuck out and purge stuff! You probably know the altboorus but I have still seen  some that were clueless about some of the other stuff like pastes. 


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> Remix. 
I agree. I think General Mumble has  better instrumentals but Wooden Toasters vocals are superior and have a haunting quality to them that pushes it over.   

> I actually think I could post the some question with NambyPamby
This NambyPamby?

> Actually nearly everything has a remix anymore.
Including other remixes! 

Here we have a picture that inspired a song. Not the usual order, but Pegasus-Device the song inspired a fan-fiction for it, so it's not unheard of to mix the order of creativity.
Brings me back. 

> It's soothing. For about the first two minutes, the devolves into Pinkamena's problems of not knowing what's real.
I actually don't think I've heard this one before. It's a little unpleasant to my ears but I still admire it. 

> Senua's Sacrifice on my headset, except this song doesn't frustrate me to tears.
I don't know what that is but I'll take your word.

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Messing up markdown syntax
> pic related 

> although he could always mess up with all of us (including himself) and turn that option on in order to see what happens if he felt like doing so...
> (if he doesn´t, I will force him to watch gen 3.5 as a genuine punishment) .
I don't think I am the one dealing in punishments here User 23. 
> pic related

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Thanks for the advice and info. CB dropped by and I'm in contact with a  couple of oters. i'm reevaluating plans and I'm not sure if I'll set up a thread here. May just dump all the info into a paste and just link it around.

This place is comfy. I think this board makes a good board outright and will keep it on my radar as a potential bunker or another home to recommend  to lost wandering anons if /pone/ dies but only some type of anons would like it here do to its bar like atmosphere.

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> No, we are never ever going to disallow tor posting I am one myself.
I want this sentence to be signed in front of public notary and framed in a picture (or a banner) so my sons and my grandsons can see this statement. As it´s never going to happen in that manner, I am screencapping this post so I save a possible future candidate that would fit perfectly in the top of brony betrayals instead.

> I don't think I am the one dealing in punishments here User 23.
very nice, a  clever 4d chess move...

 but if time proves you wrong, I will play with a 5d one instead. 

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> endpone/'s model works for a small number of users but I think in order to retain the various scattered anons who look in boredom as they wander various altchans dissatified with the current pickings you're going to need to give 8/pone/ a reason besides expecting them to post out of sheer based loyalty. Make some OC. You need to take the first step and establish something before others will follow.

totally. Besides, 8kun is doomed by nature to set higher standards than any other alternative altchan because of its fame and a richer track record than the rest of the imageboards (save /mlp/ and maybe, Ponychan) It´s supposed to create a different trend that will have to mark, not only the board itself but an special appeal that draws other anons with different interests.

Guessing the right formula and pull it off seamlessly...I admit, I would admire and respect the geniuses who manage to find the proper reset button and get away with it. As you have said, /endpone/ works because of its small number and the lack of ambitious goals (dominated by a down to earth mentality) so its formula cannot be applied in the exact same way that would be required for 8kun. One would have to find a twist that actually fits and works out for them but holding a huge appeal that consists in the obsessive reliance of pursuing a greater activity...it doesn´t work out either.

> Thanks for the advice and info.
you´re welcome.

> i'm reevaluating plans and I'm not sure if I'll set up a thread here. May just dump all the info into a paste and just link it around.
take your time at how you want to approach it because this board, while slow and very laid-back, it´s not going anywhere (as long as Odilitime doesn´t forget to pay the monthly fee for the servers)  

> This place is comfy. I think this board makes a good board outright and will keep it on my radar as a potential bunker or another home to recommend to lost wandering anons if /pone/ dies but only some type of anons would like it here do to its bar like atmosphere.

well, the comfy nature can disappear overnight. It´s pretty easy to mess it up with spam and become a sudden killjoy, spoiling the atmosphere. I would say that it has happened to be comfy because of its awareness at not aiming for high stakes and not being on the radar of chan users who only seek for activity (or I could simply say that we´ve been lucky but that doesn´t foresee anything). This board isn´t for everyone and I don´t mean it with either an exclusive or elitist tone. It´s just that people, as you say, except for the atmosphere, not many candidates would spark any interest for a backwater place like this one. 

Still, thanks for the comment and your praise.

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> You're planning on breeding?
Lol no, I was displaying an hyperbolic tone for the laughs. Even if I got a girlfriend, I wouldn't have a high enough income to face said situation. 

I could have mentioned that I do have a nephew and a niece...they wouldn't pay much attention to it though.

> I don't know that I could handle having foals around. I don't even like puppies.
I did have a puppy (but i didn't buy it,my sister did). It (well,he) died in November 2013 because of age and a sickness. We could have used a remedy but the suffering would extend itself for two additional months. We resorted to the sacrifice and end the pains completely.

Was the whole experience worth it? It had its good charming moments as well as many arguments among the family because of his recurrent bad temper. After his death, my family and I agreed that we don't want to have another one and we still hold this mindset.

Slightly more than atmosphere tho quality too. 

> Still, thanks for the comment and your praise.
Your welcome

> We could have used a remedy but the suffering would extend itself for two additional months. We resorted to the sacrifice and end the pains completely.
Would the  "remendy" (herbal?) save him or just extent his life while suffering

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> Would the "remendy" (herbal?) save him or just extent his life while suffering
unfortunately it was the latter. The remedy served mostly as a delay of his death because his illness wasn´t reported at the right time and his energies had plummeted for the last couple of months in silence. He could barely walk and the face was...disheartening to say the least, he would try to welcome us each time we would come back home but he just couldn´t do it, he couldn´t maintain a standing position. 

Before replying to this, in my PC, I have had a gallery of photos  in which he looked completely moribund (the day before his goodbye) and I have just decided to delete all of them (a pretty disgusting decision to take photos of his state, by the way. I didn´t come up with this idea to do it) except one. 

It´s in black and white and if anyone looked at it, you could perfectly be assured that he was truly suffering from the inside, with the eyes barely open, lying down in pain.The image and his whole appearance are just way too much. 

I am going to keep it in private, keeping that memory in a corner and leave him in peace.  I personally don´t want to taint the memories and the whole move would just transmit pain and pity (as if we didn´t have enough in this life)  

> Slightly more than atmosphere tho quality too.
that´s because... well, I personally haven´t delivered anything truly remarkable except for maybe the last episode spotlight back in December  and that was 3 months ago (if we are talking explicitly about MLP). The rest comes and goes spontaneously, I guess.

It´s true that I take my time for picking pictures that I didn´t post earlier so I have to invest a little bit of time in organizing the folders and see what picture  I feel like posting for the time. So, even for the most casual posts, I have to spend a little bit of time at finding a picture to share and I usually keep a tab open for the booru so i can pick them up a little bit quicker. 

> Your welcome

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I think I found out why 8kun hasn't rec'd a post in quite a while now.

I saw that it's up for grabs, and sent an email requesting consideration as their BO but my email provider for online interactions is blocked by IP for too much spam.
I tried again, it bounced again, so I figured I'd post to complain about it ... completed the per-post captcha and poof! I was redirected to the index of /random/ which did not have my post and neither did /pone/. I ... tried again. Yep, it definitely went through to >/dev/null

 Something similar happened a few months ago when /horse/ & /gtpone/ came back but were frozen in time, although those at least generated an error claiming I'd attempted to post to an invalid board.

Folks, /8pone/ literally doesn't exist anymore. What you're seeing now is a moment frozen in time of what was, but is no more.

 I hope Jim is happy.
 Per these images' theme, I hope Jim gets locked outside.
 Bonus points if anypony can sing the theme song in the 3rd image's filename. Negative bonus points if you're old enough to have heard it on-air the first time around
{cough, cough}

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> I saw that it's up for grabs, and sent an email requesting consideration as their BO but my email provider for online interactions is blocked by IP for too much spam.
I tried again, it bounced again, so I figured I'd post to complain about it ... completed the per-post captcha and poof! I was redirected to the index of /random/ which did not have my post and neither did /pone/. I ... tried again. Yep, it definitely went through to >/dev/null
You were actually trying to be BO CB? I find that respectable that you would do such a undertaking considering how demoralized others   had been in the roll. Rainbow Dash salutes you.  

> Something similar happened a few months ago when /horse/ & /gtpone/ came back but were frozen in time, although those at least generated an error claiming I'd attempted to post to an invalid board.
/flutter/ had the exact same thing occur. I thought it had to do their anniversary event but if /gtpone/ and /horse/ did the same thing I guess it was something with 8kun.

> Folks, /8pone/ literally doesn't exist anymore. What you're seeing now is a moment frozen in time of what was, but is no more.
Awful. This is worse than simply dieing off as 8/pone/ still had a chance at least. Shame that other anon didn't get his list of bunkers and threads ever posted there and any attempt to unite the stragglers will now be harder.

CB, you will always have a place here on /endpone/  and I am about to do a really significant update to the site.   For real, not apirl fools one  but I know that was your old stomping ground and it must hurt.

Is there anything that I can do?

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> Folks, /8pone/ literally doesn't exist anymore. What you're seeing now is a moment frozen in time of what was, but is no more.
Well shit. So /8pone/ is being quietly purged?

> Bonus points if anypony can sing the theme song in the 3rd image's filename. 
Not sure I could type it out but I  know which show it is Blue Giant 

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> Blue Giant 

Does it have a different name over there?
I know it as Red Dwarf.

> You were actually trying to be BO CB?
Yeah. I mean, there's not much I could do aside from turning off the per-post captcha to drum up more traffic, but I've been a BO of a nearly forgotten board before and I could find ten minutes a night to delete CP-sales posts regularly.

> Awful

> Is there anything that I can do?
Nah, man I just needed to vent. Which I have now.

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> I saw that it's up for grabs, and sent an email requesting consideration as their BO but my email provider for online interactions is blocked by IP for too much spam.
> I tried again, it bounced again, so I figured I'd post to complain about it ... completed the per-post captcha and poof! I was redirected to the index of /random/ which did not have my post and neither did /pone/. I ... tried again. Yep, it definitely went through to >/dev/null

what you have posted right here is one of the most devastating things that one could imagine about an imageboard. This isn´t simply about the announced death that everyone would claim whenever one slows down or barely posts on a site...

this,however, as displayed right here  >>/7389/, is an actual death (with all the letters) because the chances for attempting to revive it again are either incredibly minimal or basically, non-existent. The most shocking part out of this is that...

> I know that was your old stomping ground and it must hurt.
not only it was the old site that he would resort to quite often in the past, it´s the fact that we have all forgotten that 8/pone/ created this board as a refuge because of the Infinitychan test (the servers of 8chan didn´t work for a while so this was the place where exiled users would meet until 8/pone/ would work again. /endpone/ was...basically the illegitimate child that was quickly forgotten except for CB and who knows if the 8/pone/ lurkers remember about this place.  The joke here consists in the fact that this represents a weird case in which the son outlives the father, even if the former tries to revive the latter. You don´t see this very often when it comes to imageboards.

We had seen /8pone/´s death in the past with the 8chan´s block (the conversion to 8kun) but I never imagined that the board would absolutely cut off any chances to give it a breath of fresh air in the future. It has become completely sterile for any further development/change coming from the userbase.

> /8pone/ literally doesn't exist anymore. What you're seeing now is a moment frozen in time of what was, but is no more.
at least, the boards that disappear or give you the verification that said places are technically dead, at least, we wouldn´t have any hopes and people wouldn´t focus on worrying about them. However, this freezing state gives unnecessary hopes that something could be done and outsiders/nostalgic users spend energies on an illusion that, the more you dig, the more you realize that you are seeing a corpse (but in this case, it´s bleached and withered) but until you reach that point, you grow more disappointed and spend efforts on something that is useless. 

A real pity.

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> Yeah. I mean, there's not much I could do aside from turning off the per-post captcha to drum up more traffic
as Bridgefag said >>/7389/, the act of attempting a revival or at least,your gesture of giving some life support to that board dignifies  you so, you did what you could.

> I've been a BO of a nearly forgotten board before and I could find ten minutes a night to delete CP-sales posts regularly.
keeping a BO position in almost any alternative imageboard implies spam or scripted posts. That´s a non-written rule in which /endpone/ hasn´t been free of it. 

> CB, you will always have a place here on /endpone/ 
this, although this twist of events must leave scars 

> man I just needed to vent. Which I have now.
well, if you want to continue and post your thoughts/memories related to 8/pone/, feel free to do it.

> Nah, man I just needed to vent. Which I have now. 
Well, there is one thing I can do: >>/7394/

>  /endpone/ was...basically the illegitimate child that was quickly forgotten
Though I have seen anons on their end characterize as odd ball cousins I guess being the bastard son would be a better analogy wouldn't it?

>  this represents a weird case in which the son outlives the father, even if the former tries to revive the latter. You don´t see this very often when it comes to imageboards.
Even when the parent board is sick usually the others just die off  cough cough, ponychan and co  I'm trying to think of a case were the offshoot ever outlined or became something else other than a lesser version of its parent and I am falling short.

This year has been pretty bad for imageboards, hasn't it? poni.fun died, 7chan died and now it appears 8/pone has as well.

> However, this freezing state gives unnecessary hopes that something could be done and outsiders/nostalgic users spend energies on an illusion that, the more you dig, the more you realize that you are seeing a corpse (but in this case, it´s bleached and withered) but until you reach that point, you grow more disappointed and spend efforts on something that is useless. 
If 8/pone/ follows the path of the other boards that froze it is like a terminal comma.

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Never underestimate the true power of a PoLS. You know...it worked in December 2017, why shouldn't it work this time for that board?

 >inb4 turning it into an undead board like /endpone/ has always been because of posts of this kind and the father copies the son 

Anyway,I have left my mark over there and I am ending my session for this place tonight. PoLShitpost here on this thread. I left the Seapony for 8/pone/

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> Though I have seen anons on their end characterize as odd ball cousins I guess being the bastard son would be a better analogy wouldn't it?

yeah, mostly because...except for counted exceptions (and the possible lurkers who have been wandering at some point around here), /endpone/ has been left on its own. Now, I am not going to blame anyone here and one has to put it on the context that no one else would come here and care about an insular board that didn´t stand out from the rest. It was meant to be a refuge for a while and that was its initial and only purpose that everyone seemed to assume before the end of 2017 (including me by the way). 

The bastard son characteristic that fits after the fact, not at the time of its creation.

> Even when the parent board is sick usually the others just die off cough cough, ponychan and co I'm trying to think of a case were the offshoot ever outlined or became something else other than a lesser version of its parent and I am falling short.

eh, don´t think that this way to outlive the parent is by a landslide. It´s simply that the same users keep replying loyally but if you ask me, this board has always been prone to get wiped out all of a sudden at some point. The blackout of 2018 hit hard but curiousity and a strange loyalty kept this board alive (for its standards of course). 

If anything, we are simply checking the levels of death for each imageboard. Anyone would assume that /endpone/ is dead for the normal standards but it keeps running mostly with the same pace and certain peaks that happen every now and then. Here, we have decided to check if 8kun was just either dead or a corpse without any remedy. /endpone/ never entered into a freezing state but a latent one that was waiting for its moment to come.

However, we have checked that one can post on 8/pone/ (and I did that while I was lying on bed and posting on mobile at 2AM!) and thus, it seems that the board finds itself in a state of normal death (except that the BO doesn´t show up and the process to claim it is pretty messed up)

> This year has been pretty bad for imageboards, hasn't it? poni.fun died, 7chan died and now it appears 8/pone has as well.
and /endpone/ saw the birth of poni.fun.... 2 months of activity and then, it falls apart.

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> If 8/pone/ follows the path of the other boards that froze it is like a terminal comma.
well, you can still post over there. 
What it is actually in a terminal comma is the seapony image that I registered on Derpibooru back in February (I´ll have to check if it was registered/featured on Equestria Daily as well)


404...it haunts me quite a bit to have rescued this picture before its deletion. Yes, the seapony picture that I decided to use for checking 8/pone/´s Captcha...the original  Deviantart source is actually dead. 

The definition of dodging a digital bullet... I...I definitely don´t know what to think honestly. 

That´s all that I can say.

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> eh, don´t think that this way to outlive the parent is by a landslide. 
Totally not.

> It´s simply that the same users keep replying loyally but if you ask me, this board has always been prone to get wiped out all of a sudden at some point. 
Oh indeed that is the case  in the /endpone/ 1.1 era and before. 

> If anything, we are simply checking the levels of death for each imageboard. 
The /endpone/ imageboard death audit. 

> and /endpone/ saw the birth of poni.fun.... 2 months of activity and then, it falls apart.
Never thought something, even as tiny as that, would die before us. We are not the new foals on the block anymore.

> 404...it haunts me quite a bit to have rescued this picture before its deletion.
I get this. I am haunted especially on the stuff that I have saved from smaller conors of the ponynet where I may have the only record of its existence. 

It is such a tiny thing but almost sends chills down one's spine at times.

> PoLS. 
> That´s all that I can say.
< entire post above

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> Oh indeed that is the case in the /endpone/ 1.1 era and before.

oh, a new happening is coming. I suppose that even the deadest places can still offer surprises every now and then. You never know but..alright, new gen, new version...I guess?

> The /endpone/ imageboard death audit.
I would find it pretty funny if  this same model of death audit gets to be copied or becomes influential for judging the state of other boards. You know, according to the usual standards, this board must have been considered as dead like a thousand times already. Another description of that kind after so many...yeah, it becomes quite tame and dull to hear. 

Yet, as much as you can red that this board is dead...

> Never thought something, even as tiny as that, would die before us. We are not the new foals on the block anymore.
...other imageboards (even more recent) have died in front of /endpone/ without doing anything coming from this board. We have been sticking with what we have on our own and not much else. Their deaths "or inactive periods" stem from their own dynamic,not from anything coming from the outside. 

I have simply stared at how things come and go but after trying to race for the 1000 posts, just in spring 2018, this board hasn´t been considered as a worthy competitor for anything so...in this case, the actual race doesn´t come from the pace or posts per hour but their own coexistence and way to keep going over time. I have always thought that this board could die at any moment but...that day hasn´t arrived yet.

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> I get this. I am haunted especially on the stuff that I have saved from smaller conors of the ponynet where I may have the only record of its existence.
> It is such a tiny thing but almost sends chills down one's spine at times.

This cannot lead to any sort of indifference.
You know, I have imagined (not many times but it has turned out to be a recurrent theme) that /endpone/ actually manages to fit for the line "The board located at the end of the universe" and far from what you believe, it´s not because of edginess or getting a cooler aesthetic than the rest. 

I envision this board as that undead entity that wanders around without making any noise, checking the underground and see how many things that the board conceives become dead eventually. By underground, I am not referring to dark/messy stuff like the darknet, but little pieces, overshadowed material that no one cares about (especially when it comes to the /go/ thread) and /endpone/, instead of executing their deaths, simply compiles the stuff retrieves/organizes the ashes from those places.

I swear that I have seen myself as if I were playing a role in a series or movie with this whole experience and what´s worse, I don´t even have any idea what can happen tomorrow. Despite contributing to this board and picturing the board with a clearer mindset, I hold almost as much uncertainty as I held back in 2018  towards the board (and this whole project) 

So, if this haunting feeling has turned out to occur, I swear that we didn´t exactly predict that certain accidental achievements would happen. You know, for these situations, we are all unprepared in a way and it´s understandable to be dominated for a while by intriguing thoughts that one never expected to imagine at first. If you are the only one with the only record for those small corners...

...how does one set up the right mind for it?

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that was for  >>/7414/

> We back?
on Discovery Fami...nope, we are back with gen 5 news.


I hope that you all have a better smartphone than the one that Pipp Petals is using...otherwise, you will have a legitimate reason to believe that Equestria is better than the actual world.

I am not sure if owning a mobile of 128 Gb with 8GB of RAM will beat hers (maybe Pipp´s one is an IPhone 12?)

> We comfy?
we always comfy. Several threads are designed for that. If those reasons aren´t enough for you, I am posting pic related to even reaffirm this answer.

> Anybody know why endchanners were watching horrible Indian action movies this whole morning instead of funposting?

I can´t tell the last time I watched a movie. Maybe this last Christmas? 
I don´t know.All these procedures and this whole pandemic are making me feel as if I am living inside a movie/series...don´t think I am missing Netflix or my collection of DVDs very much...

However, I have been emulating the Gamecube lately on my mobile, displaying its screen on my TV so, there has been its fair share of entertainment lately in my case.

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/endpone/ will be back, just dealing with a illness that knocked me out pretty good.

> a new happening is coming  
 /endpone/ 1.5 

I envision this board as that undead entity that wanders around without making any noise, checking the underground and see how many things that the board conceives become dead eventually. By underground, I am not referring to dark/messy stuff like the darknet, but little pieces, overshadowed material that no one cares about (especially when it comes to the /go/ thread) and /endpone/, instead of executing their deaths, simply compiles the stuff retrieves/organizes the ashes from those places.
Maybe that should be /endpone/'s mission statement.

> https halleylabs com album i-cant-wait-to-be-sad-and-alone-on-the-edge-of-the-universe
Yeah that fits.

> .otherwise, you will have a legitimate reason to believe that Equestria is better than the actual world.

> we always comfy. Several threads are designed for that. If those reasons aren´t enough for you, I am posting pic related to even reaffirm this answer.
We could use more /comfy/ posting in some spots though...  let me fix that 

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> just dealing with a illness that knocked me out pretty good.
are you resting correctly these days at least? That doesn´t sound very good, considering that you have been announcing the update for a while and that happens...

well, I see that you are still posting regardless of that event so, you are still alive and kicking. Badly...but with a blanket.

> Heresy.
woah woah calm down. Not everyone can spend 1000€ on a mobile and the people who do it, they do it for the same purpose: the camera (except for maybe gaming but that´s for a more specific audience). If Equestria has advanced so much in technology, I could call them cheaters...because they have magic (it works inconsistently, but the difference cannot be overlooked). Perhaps I should have been born in a higher social class so I could beat the gen 5 pegasus but I was born for turning into an average plebeian. I was never lucky in that sense, I guess. 

Although I wonder if she uses the mainstream social media, her followers would leave in her profile some """fascinating""" responses to check out every now and then...

> Maybe that should be /endpone/'s mission statement.
the ride never ends as they say. The problem with /endpone/, that other people might not get at first, is that whenever you genuinely assume that the ride has ended for real, it keeps going as soon as you look the other way.

> We could use more /comfy/ posting in some spots though... let me fix that
yeah. I do have a seapony picture prepared for that purpose (and was uploaded recently) but I am reserving that image. Instead, I am posting a more unusual species that you don´t see here very often. Mostly because of the environment in general.

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> I hope that you all have a better smartphone than the one that Pipp Petals

While the FLOSS GSI was a disappointment, I feel pretty okay about it.
Although I'm not sure what collection of buttons got mashed to create a screenshot. The side buttons get accidentally mashed a lot, actually. My one complaint about it.

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> are you resting correctly these days at least? That doesn´t sound very good, considering that you have been announcing the update for a while and that happens...
Yes, though did a tiny bit of pysical work.

How the heck does food poising leave me with light headedness six days later I don't know. It's almost gone now but not completely.

> Not everyone can spend 1000€ on a mobile 
LOL, I was talking about smartphones existence. 

Mobileposting joke.

> The problem with /endpone/, that other people might not get at first, is that whenever you genuinely assume that the ride has ended for real, it keeps going as soon as you look the other way.
I remember some thinking all the way back in 2015 that the fandom was dead. 

Maybe it is, but the ride hasn't ended and /endpone/ is a zombie...
 or a unkillable Sithlord. 

> nstead, I am posting a more unusual species that you don´t see here very often. Mostly because of the environment in general.
I dig that Breezie pic.

> While the FLOSS GSI was a disappointment, I feel pretty okay about it.
Honestly been thinking about getting a alt OS myself for awhile. Just to finally fully unplug from the botnet.  Other than owning a smartphone at all puts me at some risk. 

What type of build did ya use?

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In particular my favorite is Atlas. Something about his style brings some nostalgia to me...

 Also, I see he has a few pics that did reach pass 1000 upvotes on derpi, so maybe I should just say that I didn't notice him but I had heard he was new. 

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> How the heck does food poising leave me with light headedness six days later I don't know. It's almost gone now but not completely.
well, that depends on how sever you have been poisoned and how the first days impact you. If you have been knocked out (therefore, weakened) because of it, you cannot assume that it will go away like a headache. Food poisoning, from the times that I have dealt with it, I personally never recovered from it until the 5th day and the worst times happen during the first 3 days. So I guess that the symptoms have pretty much vanished already.

> Mobileposting joke.
Imagine writing a post that makes fun of mobile phones on the PC... and it turns out to be replied by a person who uses the mobile phone for it.

That´s the joke

> I remember some thinking all the way back in 2015 that the fandom was dead.

why do you think that I am tired of hearing the phrase of "X thing is dead"? Sure, they could be always right and claim themselves to be the greatest seers that you could come across...but they happen to be right after repeating the same phrase (as if it were a meme) like a million times. Of course someday it can turn into a reality...but I guess that the community never changes in this regard.

> Maybe it is, but the ride hasn't ended and /endpone/ is a zombie...
> or a unkillable Sithlord.
 I suppose that you are referring to the Twilight Era of the Republic. /endpone/ is too small to even form a decently built Empire. If you want to execute Order 66 and become the Emperor of the Galaxy, you will have to recruit more soldiers for your army (or Odilitime´s army) 

> I dig that Breezie pic.
yeah, I wanted to add a little bit of variety over here (even though I haven´t heard complaints about the images, I am not going to post the same all the time)and the comfy vibes are delivered from that pic all the same so...it works and it has done its part already.

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> In particular my favorite is Atlas. Something about his style brings some nostalgia to me...

what do you mean with nostalgia? What I would imply with the early 10s from the show s that the material would deliver a cute innocent outlook that doesn´t transmit any vibes that are reminiscent of reality (I am implying that from the show)

But when it comes to art, I could assume even more what you are trying to say but I

> Also, I see he has a few pics that did reach pass 1000 upvotes on derpi, so maybe I should just say that I didn't notice him but I had heard he was new.
Atlas has been around for 8 years at least (that post must be a relic) but it´s true that the valuable artworks wouldn´t pop up until 2017. 

Indeed, it´s no wonder that his material would get featured on Derpi eventually (or gather a group of fans who would look forward to his next pieces and get like 150 upvotes). The artstyle works as a very powerful eye-catcher and then, you understand why he has managed to deliver 3 pieces that made the cut of the 1000 votes.


> I have noticed there is a lot of newer and artists that I haven't recognized before of with more mid sized galleries and less prominence that I am really starting to like.
it´s never too late to appreciate it. Contrary to popular belief (in this day and age of social media), things aren´t always meant to be enjoyed by the time of release but work over the years,whenever it clicks for each user.

And all the images posted are pleasant to look at. I already knew leafywind and atlas before (and perhaps I have stumbled upon artworks of the other two but I didn´t get to memorize their names).

Anyway, the quality provided here, you are pretty much for a great gallery when you resort to artists who easily get 200 votes...

> So enjoy some pictures from, anticular, leafywind, atlas-66, tessa key, /NMAiE/.
...and it works,thanks  /)

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 >>/7477/  (/night/)
> classic era post 199

Yeah as has been discussed elsewhere, I've been around a while. Sometimes I forget what I've said.

 It looks like the End forgot too, though so here they are again and a few to go with it.

 Would anybody beside me find utility in renewing the idea of a /webm/ general?

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Was considering commenting in /night/ about another theme in my dreams -- that of a flooded house but all the water is rushing into a vast opening underneath.
This dream also had several very large possums, and at the time I wondered if because zz's /b/ posted in a 'this is your girlfriend now' thread that one anthro/furry possum goth-chick. Possums aren't normally the spirit animal furrae reach for so when I saw it yesterday it sort of sent me down memory lane but the possums in the dream weren't cute, or anthro, they were just angry.
Oddly in the dream I was drunk the whole time and spent all my time trying to look sober but couldn't stand up, stay still or follow anyone's conversations so I ended up trying to figure out where the burst pipe's water was damaging things and it was safely draining into the power outlets on the wall ... which apparently opened up to a fairly sizeable, well lit subterranean tunnel system.

 None of that has anything to do with the music I posted -- that's just old pony music.

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thumbnail of BestAnimationYouHaveEverSeen.mp4
BestAnimationYouHaveE... mp4
(11.64 MB, 640x360 h264)
So /endpone/ april fools draws to a close. I went ahead and changed it to Shark Luna. Barely keep my eyees open but I am posting to a bous PoLS to /NMAiE/ for the heck of it.

> zz's /b/ 
Don't know what chan that is.

> Oddly in the dream I was drunk the whole time and spent all my time trying to look sober but couldn't stand up, stay still or follow anyone's conversations so I ended up trying to figure out where the burst pipe's water was damaging things and it was safely draining into the power outlets on the wall >... which apparently opened up to a fairly sizeable, well lit subterranean tunnel system.
This is giving me vibes to a series of dreams where I was very disoridented and off. Often something felt wrong but I couldn't put exactly why. Not outright scary though. Did you feel scared in anyway? Or was it just "meh" another dream.

> None of that has anything to do with the music I posted -- that's just old pony music.
>  PrzewalskisPonies
Not a faverote but descent. 

> Rocking is Magic
I think I've heard this before but not sure where. Maybe  Darkyshadow's  RPG soundtrack? I like it though.

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> Don't know what chan that is.

crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd onion (/b/catalog html)

 So, fun fact, when I went looking on e621 for the particular possum girl, I couldn't find her for anything and had to resort to yahoo-images, found the artist, went back to e621 and found she's tagged as a virginia_opossum not a possum, which shows a completely different set of critters.

 Do you know who else is a Virginia opossum? Tiberius!
So have a shot of him aboard the fuzzy princess as drawn by Inuhoshi to Darkpen, whose fuzzy images I've always adored.
Oh, and yes tiberius shows up in that other thread too. "feral on feral" per their tagging rules.

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Okay, this little short has gotten /mlp/'s attention and I am posting a microreview of it here because it fan art is starting to spread on it. Right now I wouldn't call it a explosion but it has gotten the boards attention and it has the potential to get some fandom of the wider fandom as well.

7.5/10 it is good. A bit generic but the characters for rip offs/parody are a not designed okay enough. Athena looks enough for me to call her slightly original  though, she does bare a resemblance to Princess Molestia  Not-queen Chrysalis is just... well Queen Chrysalis. The live action props and photoshoped stuff feels above average and pretty well integrated for a short ( probably because this guy is a ex Disney animator)

8 out of 10. I can the Disney here. Times when things in most other web animations look a little jaggy don't. Little extra details and some subtle gestures do make this standout some in this regard. The mix of animation, IRL scenes, photoshop and just still photos is surprisingly well done and ingratiated as opposed to what I am used to seeing with projects that mix stuff up like this. One critique though is that the animation on /mlp/ is being slightly overpraised. It is a worthy accomplishment but nI am not willing to say that it is something that has exceeded FiM in all aspects or our top level fan content even with that hint of a Disney feel and I can still see a hint of the cut cornors of a normal web animation as well.  at least to my amateur eyes 

5/10 Tricking Athena into fighting something something apes something  just to take her out on a date wasn't very compelling and cringe.  It has this feel of lollygagging around through various shenanigans. The homages to the end with older cartoon's while individually alright don't fully fit well the previous thing Athena wondering around in a slightly spooky Snipe hunt. Then again, from my understanding that this is a Disney animator just messing around in retirement and looking at the stats on his channel this was probably made for his own amusement as much as anything else so it's not something I'm going to be mad at or anything.

Voice Acting
> and do it carefully and sparingly, relying on visual storytelling to cover up how similar all the characters sound.
Relevant for here actually and it's not that. 4/10 Not awful. I would say him as the wolf actually does fit perfectly, Not-Cryissy is decent, but the Anthea  don't work with his voice even through a filter and I  want to say that have heard efforts before even back in 2011 doing this that sounded more female then him. Also, I have a hard time understanding his voice as a human and sometimes I couldn't make it out at all (I rarely use headphones or have my volume too high though so take that into account). In his favor he knows how to act, that is for sure, and he certainly doesn't sound wooden in his dialog and that is in itself a talent but I think his older gruff voice has a harder time pulling off all that it needs to.

So all and all, perhaps a 5.5/10 experience for me? I don't hate and like some of the animation but I am far from a fan of it. 

Side note:
> Muttley
What of all things I wouldn't have expected to see Muttley in anything remotely related to pone. I had forgotten about Dastardly and Muttley's cartoon but I used to see it fairly often on Boomerang while growing up. Now the theme song is stuck in my head. 

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> crghlabr45r5pqkgnbgehywk5nxutdks5iss7tabyux5psikqqjirryd onion 
thanks for the link!  Wow it looks like this chan has been through a bit of a wild ride hasn't it 

So, fun fact, when I went looking on e621 for the particular possum girl, I couldn't find her for anything and had to resort to yahoo-images, found the artist, went back to e621 and found she's tagged as a virginia_opossum not a possum, which shows a completely different set of critters.
I wonder why they went with the full techincal term over just opposum at least: 
> Most English speakers who encounter the creature drop the Virginia and refer to it simply as an opossum. Except that's not quite right, because most of us call it a possum. 

> Do you know who else is a Virginia opossum? Tiberius!
  Tiberius, stay away from the furries. 

> So have a shot of him aboard the fuzzy princess as drawn by Inuhoshi to Darkpen, whose fuzzy images I've always adored
I really like this image. Brings a small smile. 

> 7.5/10 it is good. A bit generic but the characters for rip offs/parody are a not designed okay enough. 
are not designed  okay enough. Also, didn't capitalize art.  I am typing though after s1 night of no sleep so more mistakes may make themseleves know. 

Looks like we are getting more Guardians of Ponytonia. I am certainly curious to see how this goes.

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Addendum to previous post
> Wow it looks like this chan has been through a bit of a wild ride hasn't it 
So, if I get it right, fatchan died, (possibly twice because I remember it being dead and back) and then zchan died, so now we are on zzzchan? Wew, that makes endchan's old troubles seem like nothing in comparison. Shame that it had to die all those and blackpill 8/pone's BO. 

> Tiberius, 
I thought I typed out my thoughts on him. Always been split on him if I am being honest. Sometimes I think he wouldn't be as appropriate as some creatures (bat, black cat, some sort of creature that is the opposite of a phoenix) but in an odd sort of way he does fit her and is kind of cute. 

> stay away from the furries.
Speaking of which, I forgot to mention the guy who made Guardians of Ponytonia is a big time early furry, so I have little right to warn Tiberius, LOL.

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Another video! This is the first time I enjoyed the animator well. For some reason the shark scene got to me.

> While researching ponified forms of Elfen Lied, I learned something interesting.
That music sounds fitting of something like Elfen Lied and Tempest. I know little of Elfen Lied other then it being real... intense. 

Honestly though, that music box is haunting.

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> I went ahead and changed it to Shark Luna. Barely keep my eyees open but I am posting to a bous PoLS to /NMAiE/ for the heck of it.

Bridgefag,what have you done? You have decided to take the whole into a dive? Aren´t you aware that this could affect the overseas as well...?

> though, she does bare a resemblance to Princess Molestia
even though she resembles Molestia, I think that there other videos that you link later shows a few small nuances in her personality that complements Shawn pretty well.

> The mix of animation, IRL scenes, photoshop and just still photos is surprisingly well done and ingratiated as opposed to what I am used to seeing with projects that mix stuff up like this.

Not all the visual shitposts are meant to look this artistic but...when someone puts enough effort into it, it surely blows up and rewards that creator at the end of the day. 

> Then again, from my understanding that this is a Disney animator just messing around in retirement and looking at the stats on his channel this was probably made for his own amusement as much as anything else so it's not something I'm going to be mad at or anything.
definitely this. Besides, the fanbase shouldn´t treat him harshly because Shawn expected this to be a one off or just a fun project that he wanted to make for the laughs. However, Guardians of Pondonia is his most popular video by far and he has had to record the 60 frames a second video  >>/7595/ in 4 days and a half.

> Speaking of which, I forgot to mention the guy who made Guardians of Ponytonia is a big time early furry, so I have little right to warn Tiberius, LOL.

yeah but he has  become part of the fanbase for one single video that he produced for fun in a very short period of time. Watch out here with this twist (from furry to brony) because he has kind of entered into the scene by making his own style of videos while staying as an outsider when it comes to the community´s idiosyncrasy. As soon as Shawn has decided to appeal to pony fans, his channel and his three videos have become his most popular videos by a long shot (especially the first one). The fact that he is more passionate about this stuff proves how well received this project has turned out for him.

I repeat, the first video was meant to be a shitpost and he would call it a day. This is like asking The Animals to record 11 songs for an entire album all of a sudden in the studio when they intended to just record House of the Rising Sun. The same applies in this case, Shawn Keller is forced to improvise and he might become a victim of his own success so...I should remind anyone out there that he didn´t expect to make more content so fast for so many people, with the entire fanbase supporting his debut. Don´t expect him to always deliver top quality content all the time but if he  manages to do so all the way through with Athena´s spontaneous arc, I will greatly applaud his effort for making very entertaining MLP content unexpectedly during this post gen 4 era (even inspiring fanart of both Athena and Lustrous)

> Tiberius, stay away from the furries.
the question is: why are we dedicating our posts to one of them if you want Tiberius to stay away from furries? You have written two incoherent posts next to each other lmao

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> I don't care for the swearing 
uh, such a language!  joke, many rappers do this even thouogh one of the greatest doesn´t get to swear at all. He died last year unfortunately

> but at least the rhyme flows well.
I can confirm this.

> PoLMP, with something we all want: Security.
yeah, this is what anyone is seeking for but... does /endpone/ fit the standards for it? Holding onto this place as if you found yourself inside a shelter?  

> This Discord image makes me feel odd. A mix of uncanniness, loneliness and kind of finding a slight appeal all at once.
heh. In a way, the same feelings I hold towards this Nightmare Moon image  >>/7600/. This board doesn´t fall short of weird material to share in public.

> Goodnight /endpone/ for now.
after a fair amount of time inactive, I have finally posted a few replies over here today. I wanted to report in tonight so I would deliver some evidence that I am passively lurking over here. 

Anyway,  have  a great night, /endpone/.

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> even though she resembles Molestia
I really don't see it. Molly is just a desaturated Celly, and Athena isn't even an alicorn -- just a large pegasus with a winged crown.

 I will say I watched the second one, and while the underlying idea of traveling to scotland to do battle with tibeten land sharks deserves a laugh ... his acting does not. The whole thing would have been so much better if he'd left himself out, honestly.
He can't act, and can't figure out any way to emulate walking better than rock awkwardly back and forth ...
Nope, it was pretty bad overall.

> does /endpone/ fit the standards for it?
> Holding onto this place as if you found yourself inside a shelter?

See ... that was a double entendre.
the FoE:ProjectHorizons mare /main-char nicknamed 'Security' has the given name of Blackjack -- see her cutie mark? She got it playing 21 with the other security mares. More about camaraderie than gambling IIRC and also her given name is Go-Fish so Black Jack is actually her taken name but I digress.

BlackJack compresses to BJ, and since she sleeps with anyone she meets, more or less, her fan-nickname is ... well, you can probably guess.

 So am I looking to ponies so I can be inside "Security"? Sure!

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> Bridgefag,what have you done? You have decided to take the whole into a dive? Aren´t you aware that this could affect the overseas as well...?
I don't care if CIA, NSA, Woot, Derpi, United Chans, Sportschan, or whoever else takes up arms against cute Shark ponies. She stays

> I think that there other videos that you link later shows a few small nuances in her personality that complements Shawn pretty well.
Agreed. I've seen some anons think that she was based mixing Cadence and Celestia togather but she is drawing on some 1980s cartoons a bit as well with her crown and "guardian" theme over being a Princess. 

> I repeat, the first video was meant to be a shitpost and he would call it a day. 
> The fact that he is more passionate about this stuff proves how well received this project has turned out for him.
This 100%. It'll be interesting to see where he takes it and how far. For him, he has already had the height of his career so I could see this being him just goofing around for a short while or him really running with it because, well, height of his career, why not? Whatever he does, it'll be determined from his own enjoyment. 

> Tiberius to stay away from furries? You have written two incoherent posts next to each other lmao
It was supposed to be a joke due to those anthro opossums (as in, they would corrupt him) but the irony is strong there. 

>  one of the greatest doesn´t get to swear at all. He died last year unfortunately

> after a fair amount of time inactive, I have finally posted a few replies over here today. I wanted to report in tonight so I would deliver some evidence that I am passively lurking over here.

> Molly is just a desaturated Celly, and Athena isn't even an alicorn -- just a large pegasus with a winged crown.
Athena, from her height and size, seems more a stand in for Celestia then being a mere pegasus, as Ilustrious is a stand in for Chrissy.

> The whole thing would have been so much better if he'd left himself out, honestly.
Honestly, can see this, as I initially said,
> I don't hate and like some of the animation but I am far from a fan of it. 
For me I have warmed up on it some but I think that it is understandable to be turned off by it and I still find parts of it hard to watch.

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PoLMP, barely counts, it's some FiM set to some music from a speed racer video game. Have a cute gif too. 


> Actually not a bad rap song. I don't care for the swearing but at least the rhyme flows well
Rhyme is okay, but I am just not feeling it with this one. Compared some of the others.

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In looking for the safe-queen made to look like the Queen (a cute double entendre but it makes looking for the actual IMAGE very complicated)
I've discovered that Derpi employs the tag #MyLittleArsenal

I am overjoyed to know I'm not the only one making pony guns that actually shoot things.

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Not much. Velvet's is chambered is 7.62x39. I had started out thinking I'd also get/make an AK, so they could share ammo. That didn't happen, but there can be an in-universe reason for the ammo choice, that being that Velvet hopes to force you to keep trade relations with your enemy open during warfare so you don't run out of ammo.

Calamity's nickname was 'deadshot' so I chose his coat colors for my grendel build -- a caliber intended for long range accuracy and effectiveness.

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Having come to within a tailhair of 115F, it seems I've survived the heat wave that has been drifting across the US for a while, finally reaching the coast and good riddance to it.

Attempted to pay to sleep at a hotel here in town because their AC presumably was better than the shade/elevation/insulation I've relied on at my house.
The hotel's AC broke, they weren't accepting any checkins. SO! Gave up, went home ... and it's dropped already to 65F outside and will get cooled that far inside soon.
I should be able to sleep, finally.

> Having come to within a tailhair of 115F, it seems I've survived the heat wave that has been drifting across the US for a while, finally reaching the coast and good riddance to it.

115!? Awful. That hotel too is funny now but I bet was frustrating when it occurred. 

> was better than the shade/elevation/insulation I've relied on at my house.

Ever get a portable AC for a room?  I would link to one but my internet has been awful right now and keeps going on and off 

Okay, that is cool that you have some actual lore behind and influencing your choices on those weapons.

I hope the whether has continued to improve for you and everyone else caught in this heatwave. Strange, for Texas, we've had a lot of rain that has kept us cooler then normal... cooler then canada.

Originally it displayed the top 10 busiest boards (what counts as busy here), but we decided to give exposure less used boards, so raised the number to 15.
Since so few peeps post on End, it's not too hard to get onto the top list, or jump a couple places up. Check the board list for the numbers.

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For a good reason and even without the expansion of the top with 15 available spots to fill.

If we take into account that you (Bridgefag) have left 4-5 posts on several threads last night, your mutual partner (Mr YT comments) left his mark as well on the /go/ thread, CB anon also replied on his webm thread and I left a PoLS on the /seapone/ general,the admin making his appearance (maybe debut) on this board and the three posts over here...

all of that adds up and legitimately to the counter, /endpone/ got into the top 10 (I am posting the position where it is placed right now:11th) but I have a screencap where Bridgefag had  just left and the board ranked at 8th place. 

Yeah, this board can look like your average corpse that apparently won´t get any peak and all of a sudden, you reunite a little bit of activity as soon as the main users and a couple of lurkers begin to synchronize their posts...et voila, the Equestrian board takes its own seat at the /end/ of the universe all over again.

This is why I repeatedly claim that there are way more states of death than one might think at first glance...
Whenever someone else claims that X board is dying, perhaps that person should take a look at this case. I swear that I would love to see the reaction from doomsayers of that kind.

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> we decided to give exposure less used boards, so raised the number to 15
heh, /endpone/ has always stayed as one of those secondary boards that silently creep in near the top 10 but barely manages to make the cut. 

> Since so few peeps post on End, it's not too hard to get onto the top list, or jump a couple places up.
/endpone/ has also taken advantages of those server failures. I have a couple of screencaps where /endpone/ became the most popular board because Bridgefag and I replied right after the maintenance and during the first 24 hours, other boards wouldn´t register their activity and surpass the numbers of this board.

I am not going to say that one needs an organized raid but as soon as one gets to feel like leaving any post because another user (mainly the same 3-5 ""anons"") gets to reply, the other feels encouraged to give it back. Yeah, 4chan has historically taken steps for rejecting MLP but here  you are giving /endpone/ the spotlight. I´ll let you jump onto your own conclusions with this observation...

Maybe it´s because we are either living in the 2020s or it is because you want to boost a competition among the boards for the top. Or maybe the staff wants us to keep Odilitime a little bit entertained with this battle so he wouldn´t feel so bored. I am making bold implications here...

Not sure if /endpone/ was the only board taht cared about the top 10 though...

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Right,I am writing this post on mobile because I took this screen capture exactly 10 hours ago and /endpone/ got into the 8th place in a legitimate way.

No edits here,except for cutting the last 5 places for this pic because I expanded the top too much. I cannot change the thumbnails on my mobile (I would have to do it with a copy of it on the PC),just in case that anyone wants to take me as a liar.

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CB, this is Bridgefag. I have no intention to leave or abandon this board. I was actually just getting ready to make a couple of announcements but got preoccupied with the saving of pony pictures. Not the most major stuff but a... update of shorts, so don't fear on that front and stay tuned.

> Also you guys are my only friends

Not going to abandon you over COVID! Though I am not sure I share the same level of skepticism on the vaccines I find the efforts mobilized... creepy if I am being honest.   
> r calling those with four-chins sub-pony filth who no longer speak Ponish.

4chan bans anthro pretty agressively so it is probably the former though I know you could have easily gotten hounded there depending on what thread you stumbled on.

> I'm angry, sick (still) and tired.

I wish and  praying unironically  for your health and well being. 

Goodnight for now, /endpone/.

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> Though I am not sure I share the same level of skepticism

Outside of characterizing it as "the death-shot" what I spoke are documented facts. Some doctors, I saw, are suing VAERS because they have evidence the death toll is closer to 50K than the 9200 that's documented now.

And there's the CDC's own FAQs, discussed here

Meanwhile I still can't make my 80% glockalike dryfire, so I'm off to find hard measurements to see if the jig was far enough off I need to fill and re-drill the two holes.

Here, have some FoE themed ministry emblems for inscribing on your own builds.

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You know, I was going to post a long post on why I disagreed on some of this but there is no way to earn any trust from any sources at this point, only logical conclusions based on their behavior and to truly illustrate that it would take me awhile to convay what I mean. And honestly, once I have all the data, all the odd incidents, stupidity and misinformation, perhaps I might even agree with you. I already had other certainties blow away recently and even if I disagree (partly anyway) right now I really can't call any of this irrational. 

> Here, have some FoE themed ministry emblems for inscribing on your own builds.

Thanks! If I ever get around to it I think I just might use one of these.

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> This picture is from a year ago, and we think we've fixed it but ...I wasn't joking about the rain.
You definitely weren't. I have never doubted about that despite not knowing the state or area where you are living/reporting this climate. As for other aspects,it is natural to notice that change. For me,it goes a little bit more progressive than this. Rain hasn't arrived with that level of intensity yet

What HAS changed from last year though and leaves me perplexed...

> or stuff flipping. Meet the new BO for that place. Except I can't log in from work because of absolute DNS nonsense.
Expect per-post-captcha to be turned off some time tonight though.

...is that I am surrounded by people who are running entire imageboards and I have been personally interacting for years (unless that you count me as a BO for a sporadic board on Nextchan for a very short while). It seems that you have managed to succeed in applying for the ownership of 8kun's /pone/. That's not a small feat really because you are handling a historical board right here! (I am starting to believe that /endpone/ is silently influential on the fanbase because of moves of this kind but that's overestimating in a delusional manner its limited influence) 

You have been looking for it for so long. You reap what you sow and we are just witnessing the natural consequence of what you have truly wanted to achieve in that place. No one else would have dared to take this step.

If 8/pone/ has had no future in recent times,any direction that aims to guide it in some way is way better than nothing. Good luck and congratulations!

Bridgefag is going to be very excited whenever he reads this announcement...

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So, you are newly in charge of 8/pone/? I am not sure how active I could be there again. I mean, I hate to post there now with all the glowing over the past few years, but if you keep it up and maintain it I will be happy. For as long as continuity is maintained, even if it 8kun dies, /pone/ is not yet lost.

A salute is order. 

> ...is that I am surrounded by people who are running entire imageboards and I have been personally interacting for years
I haven't run anything and have no inclinations for leadership! So that is at least one lurker who is lower rank!

>  am starting to believe that /endpone/ is silently influential
/endpone/ maybe a faggy bastard son of /mlp/, /pone/ and /flutter/ but it's existence in this case ensured /pone/'s continue existence—iwould CB anon have stuck around in chans if all he had was /mlp/ and Ponychan? I somehow doubt it. This place managed to be a redoubt that, while not /pone/ in culture, kept some type of spark alive. /endpone/ also came to /flutter/'s aid on it's deathbed. /go/ was saving comments before /mlp/ even tried to. It's influence is relative in what is now a small conor of the fandom but most latter day rump boards such as this just fuck around till they die. /endpone/ is leaps and bounds above many boards far larger for actually getting shit done sometimes.

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CB, you are in charge of /pone/... Congrats!!!!!!!!!!

> I wasn't joking about the rain.
Been dealing with that some this year.

> No one else would have dared to take this step.
After BO left. Similar situation. I guess it is sort of like a designated survior kind of thing of the last one left in line. Though I think taking charge of 8/pone/, even if in this state, is a bit bigger step then I taking over here simply out of the more rocky waters from 8kun and the possible "deep lore". 

> If 8/pone/ has had no future in recent times,any direction that aims to guide it in some way is way better than nothing. 
Yes. Anything better then the apathetic decay.

>  Nextchan
 Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that is suppose to be at the bottom of our iceburg picture.

> go/ was saving comments before /mlp/ even tried to.
True, though I think /mlp/ did exceed in that effort when the first COPPA wave it I was completely alone from what I could tell. 

> /endpone/ is leaps and bounds above many boards far larger for actually getting shit done sometimes.
Leaps and bounds maybe a bit too much but I would agree that we at least try and that makes a difference from the cynical cycle that I often see in most places of complaining, shitposting, and more complaining.

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I didn't even suspect that this Rarity was anything more then a random meme.  That little animated bit was pretty lovely, wasn't it?   Or painful. I imagine it was for a few and I wouldn't blame them. 

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> So that is at least one lurker who is lower rank!
and even those who are in the lowest ranks, status has to be proven and earned anyway. Even with the assumption of ranks in this place, who is there to recognize those ranks if one stays mostly anonymous, anyway? Even the old polish BO (I am saluting him), while he had all the tools to whatever he felt like doing,he apparently showed a mundane mindset without displaying any sort of ownership in his behavior for one year and a half. I guess that the executions of that gesture (whether it was from abandonment or lack of motivation to get involved into the board) is what truly counts at the end of the day. I might have spent almost 4 years on this board yet every new posts feels like a soft reset and thus, ranks means nothing in practice. But oh well, I´ll let you to interpret it in that way.

> /endpone/ maybe a faggy bastard son of /mlp/, /pone/ and /flutter/

Because that influence of that mix comes from the main recurrent users that visited those sites prior the project for this one.I cannot measure the exact amount of influence that each place has had for /endpone/ but I will say that I have done things on this board that I wouldn´t have been capable to do on /mlp/ . Maybe the faggy nature might come from the fact that I don´t tend to display a shitposting side for the most part (there are posts that in which I deliver that mode but it is not the dominant tone) so maybe, taking out the mask for performing in front of the masses (or other fans), it leads to what one would say behind the scenes and reveal what one truly thinks about X topic.

> /endpone/ also came to /flutter/'s aid on it's deathbed. / but it's existence in this case ensured /pone/'s continue existence—iwould CB anon have stuck around in chans if all he had was /mlp/ and Ponychan? I somehow doubt it. This place managed to be a redoubt that, while not /pone/ in culture, kept some type of spark alive. 
Indeed. That combination shows actually the track record of the us
it would shock me quite a bit that fans in hindsight associate /endpone/ as the board that assassinated /flutter/.

> /go/ was saving comments before /mlp/ even tried to.
Bridgefag is the true seer. Actually, not only that but there was a thread on /mlp/ from a few months ago where they have mentioned this same thread (NMAiE), by linking the other threads and set up all the organization for locating things in a much more accessible manner. 

And even when /mlp/ jumped onto the ship for saving comments, Bridgefag and his YT comment partner were involved in it. So, basically, even outside of /endpone/, the people from this board actually took part of that YT comments project.
> It's influence is relative in what is now a small conor of the fandom but most latter day rump boards such as this just fuck around till they die.
I visit this place because of tradition and pretty much, one gets a transparent/faithful idea of what any of its recurrent users are going to show towards any topic because of constant presence/activity on the board.

> /endpone/ is leaps and bounds above many boards far larger for actually getting shit done sometimes.

I appreciate the praise but that´s way too positive for this board. /endpone/ has had many problems, especially when it comes to activity (you can blame me for this) and getting into periods of crisis because of lack of ambition or the undefined direction that one has to face each day. This cannot be seen as the holy grail for altchans and even if one had delusional expectations to beat someone else, reality comes in and what you find is an incredible amount of freedom yet you find yourself limited because things work accordingly to the circumstances. 

One has to simply acknowledge what one actually has and avoid any unrealistic projections/expectations towards this board´s future. 

I will give you one thing: the board has lasted way longer than expected and that´s not a small feat. Otherwise, I don´t see it much different from what it was back in 2017 to be honest.

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> Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that is suppose to be at the bottom of our iceburg picture.

I thought that the tire of revealing that L23 was a secret BO on Nextchan was the actual bottom of the iceberg, not Nextchan by itself. The true ascended level would be the revelation that L23, while not a BO, was the secret BO behind the secondary project that /endpone/ intended to expand its influence on other minor places

> Leaps and bounds maybe a bit too much but I would agree that we at least try and that makes a difference from the cynical cycle that I often see in most places of complaining, shitposting, and more complaining.

Well, this board has always had shitpoting. In the sense that nothing prevents anyone from doing so.Just that one does that for certain times in which one can clearly tell that one is leaving a quick post on purpose. No one is free of committing that sin,absolutely no one. The only thing that would prevent someone from shitposting is the lack of tech in general. Otherwise, except for a permanent IP ban, it´s a free real estate for doing such practice in a short amount of that.

Just that /endpone/ doesn´t display such posts with enough frequency in order to consider this as a shitposting board. One has so many better alternatives for doing that and appealing to the masses with a greater success rate than this place.

As for complaining, I don´t demand anything from anyone  because there isn´t a single contract in which someone should be committed to get stuck here for a period of time or telling me that one is selling X board out. No, that sense of elitism doesn´t work because one can always visit any site at anytime. I can visit all the fan sites in a matter of seconds/minutes simultaneously and I could just deliver a post on /mlp/ right after delivering this one (for example). 

The only factor that matters and has become the main landmark of this board is the PoLS, just to give a sign that X user voluntarily decides to be active around here and deliver a sign to the other users so they can notice said presence. 

> That little animated bit was pretty lovely, wasn't it? Or painful. I imagine it was for a few and I wouldn't blame them.
well, we have been used to seeing Rarity as evil (well, either nightmarified or with a book that would corrupt her, both ultimately count for that), so it´s not like one could be surprised towards that ""plot twist""

it turns out the image portion of the 8kun image board is still on the fritz.

Whatever hosting code monkey arranged for, it "wears out" after not too much time.
Naturally no one wants to use the site all that badly if you can't see what the previous poster said last week.

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Been doing some heavy work, so a PoLMP for now. Hopefully will be done with it soon. As for the song, yes, your ears don't decieve you, that is Twilight Sparkle singing Complicated by Avril Lavigue. From the pony preservation project on /mlp/, apperently have been messing with training to sing, I find the end result both rough and impressive. 

That sounds worse then the issues we have had here in the past. I suppose it is natural if it is being bombarded by spam, actively boycotted and no doubt constant DDOS will do that to you but that site feels less functional then endchan lately.

Mitigation... I need to check of a certain thingy is doable and if I do I might have a suggestion for you and 8/pone/. 

> . Maybe the faggy nature might come from the fact that I don´t tend to display a shitposting side for the most part (there are posts that in which I deliver that mode but it is not the dominant tone)
I would argue the presence of sincerity without irony, something avoided on most imageboards for completely understandable reasons, maybe a better way to word it.


> Well, this board has always had shitpoting. In the sense that nothing prevents anyone from doing so.Just that one does that for certain times in which one can clearly tell that one is leaving a quick post on purpose. 
We shitpost for fun, but we don't shitpost instead of fun.

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My goodness! This is worse then just having the image be unavailable.I don't mind the symbol itself but having images be auto deleted and replaced with this ruins immersion and aesthetic. Don't even the fast boards have threads that stay up for at least a week, or used too? I'll have to check up more on this.

It's unacceptable, frankly.

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And not only /endpone/ has managed to see how 8kun falls apart by slowly tearing itself into pieces (even though I bet that CB will do whatever he can to damage control that) 

But it seems that ""someone else"" has unexpectedly overtaken us in this regard and...


...this proves that times have definitely changed for everyone. After 11 years since FiM's debut,this October has delivered another twist:

The only actual ending consists in resting in peace...

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Wow. Even if he maybe part of the elite and I am uncertain of the effect, positive or negative, he had on FiM, this is still something that saddens me on some level. 

I pray for his family. On a much more secondary note: I hope it doesn't have any adverse affects upon us... I mean, I doubt it, a CEO like him could be easily insulated from much of the choices made regarding everything and life could go on as normal, BUT, such leadership changes can roll a company as well and have domino effects knocking out a lot of people. I have seen both in my limited experience from talking of people working at these types of environments.

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So, here's a few more, and if you were to go to YT, and look up the vid whose URL ends in bOMRcqxZe4I
You'd find a way to etch these yourself with a strip of vinyl, cut out, and a glue gun and some lexan. Also a charging cable. I've read online of someone using a cell phone wall-wart, so 5v 1A given the age of that advice. Takes a lot longer but does exactly the same thing to the vinegar/salt solution.

Now, most of these designs expect at least two colors plus the background. It seems to me I've seen comments to the effect that, you could etch to a slight depth, for one "color", then remove some of the vinyl, continue etching so the first portion is now double the depth of the second exposed section, and portions are at the original height of the base metal.

I also saw another video, much more painful to consider but, given lexan is really hard to come by nowadays, you can just build a wall of two layers of hot glue, spoon your vinegar in and hold the anode on a qtip which is submerged into the puddle of solution. You have to dump that out every minute and refill with fresh solution and maybe a fresh qtip but it will after five runs, etch deep enough to have your pattern be visible.

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So Nightmare Night is fast approaching and I had to update the pinned board message. Honestly wanted to due a bit more but at least it helps it feel a little festive. Sharkpony Luna was completely removed so I am posting a screencap here for memory.

Don't give up just yet. Ya here me? I have a couple of suggestions, just,  hopefully IRL won't interfere  let me test how viable they are.

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For many time zones, you're already into tomorrow. The west coast not so much.

< What are YOU writing about?

This is straight cringelord GaryStu-OC fantasy, but I've half a mind to start on quasi timeslip where glim-glam sends herself an ever-changing photo album that helps explain why she pursued immortality. This is the only way she could assure she'd be around in 300 years, and now she can save Celestia's life by convincing the mane-6 not to start a fight with the inter-dimensional interloper.
Or, you know, this might end Twilight's life much sooner if she screws up her own directions.

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This is straight cringelord GaryStu-OC fantasy, but I've half a mind to start on quasi timeslip where glim-glam sends herself an ever-changing photo album that helps explain why she pursued immortality. 
That actually sounds like it could be fun.

> mane-6 not to start a fight with the inter-dimensional interloper.
Is this the oc self insert?

> For many time zones, you're already into tomorrow. The west coast not so much.
 I am keeping board in Nightmare Night mode for a week or so. It still is here. 

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> Is this the oc self insert?

So, I'm up to 2700 words, and remembered I have to leave to visit family the day after Thanksgiving. So if I want to "finish" this I need to keep up this pace.

But as I wind down, I found old NaNo projects, including an RPG-turned-tale from '13. Here's a favorite clip:
”The government pegasus mare. She said they were escapees. But you all saw them; they weren’t prisoners. What did they escape? I’m going to start by reading about the schooling of young pegasi. Maybe the clue is in what they threaten each other with during flight school. Foals are so cruel.”

”I like fire. Seiko does the library have books on fire?”

To which the jennet Seiko responded in a tone so flat even diamond dog Sharp Wit, with his many years travelling amongst the ponies did not know if the donkey spoke in jest or in honesty, ”None of their books are on fire right now, Flarestar. I daresay they’d probably prefer to keep that ratio, too.”

(Img not related)

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> CB here, still typing. But I lost a day so I'm only at 5145 words, and considering I'll for sure be missing more elsewhere I figure I won't actually be able to cross the finish line.

Hey CB, don't feel like that. Nobody has demanded you to set up a deadline. If you feel fancy for finishing before the holidays,then that's perfect and the task will be done. If you cannot do that 
, you will have time to ponder about it without having to rush those ideas.

At the end of the day,it is what you decide but remember,we aren't exactly going for a necessary deadline in which you have to stick with as if it were a job. Even if you don't finish it for this second half of November...

> This is the story that's in my head this year, so that's what I'm writing.
...then, the end of the year will work out as a nice alternative too.

What matters the most is that you have broken free from the writer's block that you talked about quite a bit in the past. Going back to business like this holds a great achievement within this context so,just keep going and you will improvise how the development plans go along the way.

We can wait,my friend. There is no need to get concerned about the release date.

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> Nobody has demanded you to set up a deadline
Deadlines are sorta what NaNoWriMo is about. Fifty thousand words before the end of November; anything else is just 'writing' -- which I do, but of late I've played video games instead.
So this month I'm forgoing video games entirely to focus on putting what's in my head, onto paper.

Also I think this will fall into same category as 'stable bastard' about the pegasus that was sired by rape but the stable's eugenics program allows that so long as the bloodlines are improving. So the pegasus youth finally figures out his dad isn't related to him and he has a snit-fit and leaves the stable only to save the life of a slave-filly who thinks selling the only thing she has, her own body, is the only way to buy her freedom. Then the colt, the filly, and the griffon that initially raised the filly go back to the stable to find out the entrance tunnel is cursed so only family lines can walk through it without believing they're drowning.

Awkward, is what I'm trying to say. I'll probably just file it away and not go back to clean it up.

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> Awkward, is what I'm trying to say. I'll probably just file it away and not go back to clean it up.
> but I've half a mind to start on quasi timeslip where glim-glam sends herself an ever-changing photo album that helps explain why she pursued immortality.
I remain unconvinced that it will be fully cringe and not worth reading with ideas as interesting and fun as this swirling in your head. 

 I mean, even acclaimed fics like EastHorse do have a lot of OCs and fanfiction trobes that others complain about in newer fics from time to time. 
 I am talking about Austraeoh. 
 From what I remember when I tried to read through that monster of a fic. 
 To be fair, I didn't get very far... 

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So, now we have reached 8000 posts. Feels like something more special should be planned but I didn't have the time. Have the usually messing around with my slightly damaged drawing tablet and a minor 3d thing in a program that I'll go more into detail later if I find a pony specific use for it  no, it's not blender, probably very obscure. 

May /endpone/ reach 10.000 posts!

These Cadences feel like a bit of a downgrade from the previous one but at least Cadence is actually fully here this time. 

This time period feels both very long and not so long ago...

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8000 posts on /endpone/...

..and the 7000 milestone happened almost a year ago. 

> This time period feels both very long and not so long ago...

That strange feeling is what conquers my mind. If it weren´t because of the dates and one only remained at /endpone/ only, one would imagine that this time lapse feels shorter yet so many events have occurred throughout this 2021 that makes these dates look far closer than they should because of how isolated this board has remained from everything else.

> These Cadences feel like a bit of a downgrade from the previous one but at least Cadence is actually fully here this time.

And the faster speed in which the internet makes things grow old, these two icons feel relatively ancient. It doesn´t simply refer to these two alone but more like the main users are here alive and kicking, the presence doesn´t have to be limited to the fictional matters but also in the IRL aspect.

> Have the usually messing around with my slightly damaged drawing tablet and a minor 3d thing in a program that I'll go more into detail later if I find a pony specific use for it 

this is what happens when drawfags aren´t around...yet Cadence states that because of the fact that Bridgefag decided to draw her in the first place.

> The Nightmare Night CSS theme will be going away soon. Living it up for a couple of more days just because, well, I posted this didn't I?  >>/7995/ In an case I will hopefully get the chance to tinker with it and make it a more functional theme.

and this little detail also sets the end of the 7000s era. We are just seeing the remains of it at this point.

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> May /endpone/ reach 10.000 posts!

Hopefully the next 1000 posts take less time than this but if I have to wait another year for turning such achievement into a reality, I guess that we will have to reach the 5 digits in 2023 at this rate. 
For now, what does the future hold for this board? What´s the next direction that /endpone/ will embark on from now on? 

I cannot tell exactly what´s going to happen but at least, we are still here after all. Let´s taste a little bit that sense of careless freedom that a blank paper means for any writer. 

We have an undefined story to write along the way, full of waves for this breezy bumpy ride...

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> 2021 that makes these dates look far closer than they should because of how isolated this board has remained from everything else.
/endpone/ is nowhere, but nowhere is still somewhere.

> these two icons feel relatively ancient.
They do. I really need to give them, especially Dolores Umbridge, more attention. 

> .yet Cadence states that because of the fact that Bridgefag decided to draw her in the first place.
That is /endpone/ in a way.

> Hopefully the next 1000 posts take less time than this but if I have to wait another year for turning such achievement into a reality, I guess that we will have to reach the 5 digits in 2023 at this rate. 

> Hopefully the next 1000 posts take less time than this 
I think we can do it.

> For now, what does the future hold for this board? What´s the next direction that /endpone/ will embark on from now on? 
Watching other fandom commuities rise and fall with various splinters and being slightly freaked out at all the history that has happened after /endpone/. I mean, my thoughts /endpone/ was a little dying ember in a era of decay and consolidation but post G4 MLP has proven me wrong. Entire sites and have lived and died even. We get to be the oldfags now.

> Let´s taste a little bit that sense of careless freedom that a blank paper means for any writer. 
I love that theme. On a slightly sour note but fitting with the begining and endings of eras, check out that like and dislike bar, soon to be just a like bar...

God bless /endpone/. As I said before, onward to 10.000

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It is time, I think, for hard music
Titanium is a metal known for being hard; let us dance.

Note: You'll need some good subwoofers for this one. If you're a batpony you probably won't even hear three quarters of the song.
Confusing batponies to prove I exist! I feel successful.

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> It is time, I think, for hard music. Titanium is a metal known for being hard; let us dance.
Sonically? Do you refer to it when it comes to its physical properties? Or both? 

But it cannot be denied that it can be used for making a harsh beat that goes hard for dancing. That use might be worthy of being exploited one way or another.

> Note: You'll need some good subwoofers for this one. If you're a batpony you probably won't even hear three quarters of the song.

Not all that unpleasant without resorting to headphones, surprisingly enough. However, the highs still cause some ""impact"" that are a consequence of listening to that track on a surface level and thus,said lack of balance makes it less appealing. I appreciate the use of going for a metal route (in the literal sense) but I am not all that fond with the swirling noise that takes up certain sections of the track (even though they deliver a contrast with the periods of silence).

> Confusing batponies to prove I exist! I feel successful.

Perhaps I should follow that same practice more often. I guess that a PoLS should show that a certain user with numbers on its trip should ensure the success of providing some presence around here.

So,there are two PoLS now (three if you count Bridgefag's one with the S for referring to a seapony)

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Only 24 hours remain around here before New Year's Day occurs in a country located in Western Europe..

I miss the days when a pink mane Celestia would say hi around here for seemingly no reason. I guess that things always /end/ in the same way that years come and go before our eyes,another one will close the chapter of this endless ride.

Oh well, at least I can always post the pictures that I personally like as I intended to do 4 years ago,I guess...

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Happy New Year!
Although I am quite surprised because very few countries must have celebrated it so far. Only in the Pacific Ocean we would find a few countries who are experiencing 2022 and overtaking the rest of the world. I have 12 hours left to live the 2021 chapter. Even though it's just midday for me...

> Hugs?

Sure! /)

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Well, less than 5 hours before 2022 arrives over here.

I even wonder if I can even deliver a long message for finishing this year because considering the hype, there is little to no time to ponder about anything honestly, I cannot blame anyone. I am going to shorten this a little bit in comparison with other years (and the dinner is getting prepared)

Anyway, how can I sum up this year? In my personal journey, it´s turned to be chaotic and a pure rollercoaster.

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Basically, you wouldn´t know much about the personal stuff because sharing my thoughts and my experiences would have been pointless and an utter annoyance. I would have turned /endpone/ into a personal blog and that´s far from being a desirable direction to take as a reference.

Instead, I have decided to rely on my loved ones and keep that stuff in private. Not only my personal context is long but also quite complicated to understand and even me, one wouldn´t be able to remember/point out all the details that would be required to understand what has been happening behind the screen.

What has this entailed for the board?Well, it means that I have returned to my roots prior this project: take a role as a lurker who would track the activity around here but I wouldn´t take part in it except for giving some bumps,supportive posts or a few updates related to what I have been doing in the background. 

Yeah, my actual roots before the /endpone/ project consisted in being a background user and it has even taken place in a project in which I was supposed to take a main role for boosting the replies around here and drive the direction of the board. It hasn´t turned  out to be that way: either because of burnout,lack of ideas or just outright fatigue from what has been happening IRL. I would only focus on gathering pictures so anyone would be able to use them in the future. This move of compiling Deviantart/Furaffinity pictures would become a personal investment so one wouldn´t run out of content so easily. I might have uploaded like 1000k pictures or so without exaggerating in the slightest but  considering that this has been happening in the background and I have wanted to keep it in an inconspicuous manner, without pointing those pictures out, it would be hard to notice them.

Anyway, I have been actively taking part of this ride, I haven´t abandoned it yet...just that I went back to my original nature and kept like 90% of the stuff in private so it wouldn´t hinder what should occur around here.

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I remember that either the old polish Board Owner or CB Anon told me that asking for life to be exciting would be a dangerous desire to have...and he wasn´t wrong. I am quite literally fed up of the noise that the pandemic is causing and on top of that,plenty of ups and downs throughout my personal journey.  Perhaps I should have shut up my mouth that day by claiming that my life was boring at the time...

If there were a single thing that I truly crave for this 2022, it´s stability.

I hope that this mess slips away and let the rest to live a little bit more in peace.

For now, let´s see what 2022,this franchise and this board have to offer after these last moments for celebrating the end of this episode (even though it seems that half the globe is already living in the next chapter  >>/8082/). 4 times in a row in which I have managed to celebrate on this board both Christmas and New Year´s Day from Madrid. I wouldn´t have even imagined to even to repeat it once yet here we are.

I don´t have much to say and there are other people that are having a blast out there, I am not going to be an exception at delivering some good vibes for once.

Happy New Year, /endpone/!

Best regards,

Background Anon L23 (Amcom)

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New Year's Eve/day is probably the most important date in /endpone/ history and I forget. Well, actually, I didn't forget, but thought it was tomorrow. 

Happy New Years /endpone/!

I know for the eurofags it has already arrived but us Texans/Americans it has not. 

I naturally have more to say, but right now I am fixing to get to making a late supper.


Countdown to closing this chapter is fast approaching me now. Kind of freaky to think 2021 is already over!

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If I am not wrong, Texas should be celebrating New Year's Day in a couple of hours.

> I know for the eurofags it has already arrived but us Texans/Americans it has not.

Here in Spain,the introduction to this 2022 happened 5 hours ago. I have managed to release more (low profile) fireworks this time around than last year because there hasn't been any time limit for coming back home whatsoever in my region. In other parts of my country,they didn't get to be so lucky with the unreasonable restrictions of forcing people to stay at home after 1:30AM (which is ridiculous in the current pandemic situation that doesn't have any scientific backup but things are that corrupt and messy for handling these matters so it's a little bit all over the place). Anyway,I have come home like an hour ago because I have been either at a friend's home and/or using the material that we bought a few days ago for this event.

> Well, actually, I didn't forget, but thought it was tomorrow.
Well,I wouldn't like to put myself into that confusion for any exam.I have been witness of a friend who studied for organic chemistry a few years ago and he messed it up completely because of that same logic that you have. He showed up for the final the day after it occurred and as a result, he had to attend to the recovery exam. 

So, it's pretty funny when people have a tendency to think that way when it's seen as something anecdotic but when it happens to you and desl with the consequences,it doesn't become all that funny.

> Happy New Years /endpone/!
You are about to experience it in a matter of minutes. Enjoy those last moments as much as you can!

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> I have managed to release more (low profile) fireworks this time around than last year because there hasn't been any time limit for coming back home whatsoever in my region.
We got'em in the sky right now. Legal in rural texas but illegal in my city but they haven't enforced it well for _years_. It has been going on longer and harder too due to how unusually warm and pleasant it has been this Christmas. 

> He showed up for the final the day after it occurred and as a result, he had to attend to the recovery exam.
That sucks, though I can emphasize with being a bit mind scrambled right now. Though my is probably of my own doing this time (mostly) as opposed to external factors (like most of the year).

>  Enjoy those last moments as much as you can!
I am! Looking forwards to the big light show.

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> Legal in rural texas but illegal in my city but they haven't enforced it well for _years_. It has been going on longer and harder too due to how unusually warm and pleasant it has been this Christmas.

I remember reading something similar last year so this means that they haven't changed the laws related to that practice. If they are kicking harder than last year,then the fun is basically guaranteed in your case at this point.

> That sucks, though I can emphasize with being a bit mind scrambled right now. Though my is probably of my own doing this time (mostly) as opposed to external factors (like most of the year)

You bet! Fortunately enough,he has already passed that subject (even though he had to repeat it another year in order to achieve it). Anyway,I understand why you would have your brain so...out of place (?) but no one who wants to make a party forgets about this event.

> I am! Looking forwards to the big light show.
Daybreaker approves this*

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> Sees a couple of seapony pictures for celebrating the fireworks
> New Year's Day YouTube link

> Talks about the legal issues in the outskirts while there is a nice temperature amidst the winter.

Eeeyup, definitely Bridgefag has already entered into the fresh 2022 territory at this point. Texas is over when it comes to this process.

Only CB Anon remains here and not many people in this world that are currently accompanying him during these last few hours. 

We are getting closer to the actual /end/ of 2021 in its entirety.

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And we have closed the chapter completely around here on /endpone/.

 CB Anon has set the /end/ of 2021 in the West coast with a huge scream in red letters (that's a sick way to end the whole collective process) now,we can finally get some rest from the hype.

I hope that all of you get to rest and have a wonderful night.

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drinking eggnog with the missus.
Whazzit you that stopped by the Hearthswarming thread over on the other board?
We don't get many visitors, now that it's more board and less image. Even if the image is Floor Bored, or Christmas Rock as I seem to have dubbed Maud.

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> drinking eggnog with the missus.
Nice. I hope it was/continues to be fun!

> Whazzit you that stopped by the Hearthswarming thread over on the other board?
It wasn't me. Have tried to post there through tor more then once and have successfully done so once without tor  I feel a little leery without it there, just from the glow, though I know I am probably already on a watchlist anyway and I don't have much to hide. 

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You know, in the early years, I was a pretty big fan of the CMC, I recon. I am not sure they were above preference to the mane 6 but I had forgotten how much I enjoyed some of the fics staring them anyway. Do I have anywhere to go with this? I don't know? Just a random thought in the early morning. 

Goodnight and PoLS /endpone/.

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I hope to come back here today or tomorrow with a misquote of that bartender from the Blues Brothers
>  "Oh, we play boath kands. drum AND bass!

For for today for sure this morning enjoy bacon and pancakes.

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Funny enough, I have actually eaten waffles this morning.

> Pancakes and bacon. 

Makes me want some Cracker Barrel. They have the best pancakes and bacon. As for shipping goes, I am more of a panlight shipper myself. Twilight Sparkle needs less stress and a pancake is very low maintenance.

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drum AND bass!
First off we find out Pinky is moonlighting as a shadowrunner. "Scream all you want but she still has your data"
Exiark had what seems to have been a flop EP in Life Left in Me but Otherworldly Journey seems to have made up for that.
It was either Umbridgeism or Spirit Animal that got 'psytrance' added to my vocabulary. In addition to pony psytrance (and oddly, I guess? There is an artist who's stage Pony Psytrance, or something close to that) being anywhere from 'pretty good' to 'fantastic' it's also useful for trips with coworkers where we vote for music style. Normal-human psytrance compilations makes for good background music too.
Tripon again, remixing HayTea's song mostly by adding speech clips and redoing the image to make it more melancholic.
Lastly, Blood Flavor was published to Cider Party's channel on my birthday in '20 so that was a pretty okay gift, I think.

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> First off we find out Pinky is moonlighting as a shadowrunner. 

For some reason this gives me a vibe of Playstation 2 soundtracks, like Off Road Fury and I have no idea why as that is mainly alternative rock from the 90s and a few smaller 2000s bands.

> Exiark had what seems to have been a flop EP in Life Left in Me but Otherworldly Journey seems to have made up for that.

Don't know enough on either of those. As for the song linked here, to me it's someware between meh to okay. Though electronic music is often a mixed bag for me. I still can appricate and respect this over normal *wub wub wub* that destorys all good beats of a song.

>  SonicRainboom-Umbridgeism

I kind of like the vibe of this one. Comfy haunting creepyish. I guess that is what one gets with that genre though. 

>   HayTea_(Tripon-Rmxd)-Defect

Haunting vibe but not my taste.

> .Lastly, Blood Flavor was published to Cider Party's channel on my birthday in '20 so that was a pretty okay gift, I think.

The song here fits you as for me, neutral  but reminds me of the times of Twilight Vampony fics that I tried to read through a couple of times.

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As for a update and PoLS on my part. IDE drives. I am trying to get into my first computer's hard drive which is a IDE drive and it is proving to be a small bit of a challenge. Broken first laptop surprisely still works but I have no good batteries so it only can power on for like 20 seconds and it's power jack is damaged; I also don't have a adapter card or enclosure that is compatible with Laptop IDE. Spent the last couple of days trying to jerry rig something (using another broken but less laptop broken of the same model, but it is having issues itself that make me leery to plug me in my old drive till I get it solved.) 

> In addition to pony psytrance (and oddly, I guess? There is an artist who's stage Pony Psytrance, or something close to that) being anywhere from 'pretty good' to 'fantastic' 

It was my faveriourte of what you posted and I believe that some of my favorite electronic  music in the fandom is at least related to that if not it.

> Normal-human psytrance compilations makes for good background music too.

I can see that.

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CB here; the missus & I are going to the river to walk, maybe stay long enough to see the sunset, certainly stop for a hot drink.

I'm surprised how many images have an overlap of 'snuff' & valentinesy-imagery on Twibooru. Have some more healthy couples.
Although none of these is all that healthy, are they? Considering Flutts doesn't exist Marble ended up getting turned down.

Enjoy the day anyway. I'm going to.

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> CB here; the missus & I are going to the river to walk, maybe stay long enough to see the sunset, certainly stop for a hot drink.

You make me feel certainly jealous. That's at least more of a passionate activity than my attendance to uni classes in the afternoon. That's definitely not a very high bar to surpass, to be honest.

Anyway,I bet that you will take some photos and have some laid back fun out there,just relying on the enjoyment that happens as it comes and goes during the moment.

> I'm surprised how many images have an overlap of 'snuff' & valentinesy-imagery on Twibooru.
Weeeell, that's easy to explain. Twibooru doesn't stand as a very different booru from the rest. It all boils down to the fact that the default filters display questionable images,unlike the other ones like Ponerpics or Ponybooru that only display safe and suggestive pictures without any changes in said filters,hence you see that overlap without making any effort.

> Have some more healthy couples. Although none of these is all that healthy, are they? Considering Flutts doesn't exist Marble ended up getting turned down.

Just post what you feel like sharing really. I mean,does anyone care about the elitism of picking one over the other?(unless that we behave like the Tumblr stereotypical fans from the mid 2010s) As long as the pic displays anything appealing to the viewer,fun (shipping for the sake of shipping) and personal passion are what ultimately define this practice for the most part...and we don't control it at all, anyway. Only a handful of those ships become canon and the other 99% of those pairings have less of a bright future in the official canon than Titanic yet this material keeps flooding the boorus every single day.

> Enjoy the day anyway. I'm going to.

Well,the day is already over for me (midnight passed before writing this post). Therefore,anything that I can do will be related to the comfort of my bedroom. Your case sounds way more fitting for this day so, don't waste it.

Have a nice day with your lady,CB.  /)

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Considering this was her day that just passed, I should've done something more special, alas, others in my life had different plans. 

A walk by the river sounds lovely. Hope you had a happy hearts and hooves day.

> Just post what you feel like sharing really. I mean,does anyone care about the elitism of picking one over the other?(unless that we behave like the Tumblr stereotypical fans from the mid 2010s) 
From what I hear from my brother, such attitudes are spreading and creating more conflict over being merely a dated stereotype. I never saw such a strong shipping conflicts in our fandom, well I did actually, but not with the moralistic level. Closed hints of it was EqD and I am not sure how much that counted.

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Alrighty. I have naturally been tied up a little with IRL and the ongoing conflict on Ukraine  like prepping for nuclear war.  Not going to let that inference fully disrupt pony posting though.

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New headcanon: of COURSE they seem magical

The reason the sun and moon in Equestria are always opposite, and the reason Equestrian magic can reach the sun in the first place (eight and a half light minutes distant for us) is that the world is actually in a twin-star system; the orb we perceive as their moon* is actually a blue-dwarf or pulsar or something. The seeming m-class star is incredibly close also, meaning only a minute's travel round trip to interact with it.

 That the surface of their world seems "normal" is because we see it through ponies' eyes, who are well adapted to the constant bombardment of radiation.
Even an alicorn would seemingly be de-energized, and probably begin suffocating, if transported to our cold, forgotten world.

 This means also that us visiting the ponies would be ... inadvisable.

As a side note we shouldn't find it strange Spike can swim in lava. The stuff ponies call "water" can hardly be much oooler.

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Well, drat, had a April's Fools that was actually planned and endchan seems to have foiled it  or may own tired mind triggered a lockout of my account by mistyping my password, though I double checked and thought I was typing it right.  

So, uh, the April Fools this year is that...


Speaking of April Fools, something I have noticed over the past 10 years of web surfing is a lot less elaborate and fun April Fools jokes than there used to be on many websites and sometimes none at all. COVID I know accelerated this and the call to "be serious, people are dying" but I had noticed it before and I wonder why.

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> the End ate my joke

I'm going to heavily paraphrase an email my DnD group got from the DM late March/early April, to be corrected the next day with "April fools."

System was DnD 3.5; I was a gnoll sorcerer, we had a fairy rogue, and I don't remember the rest of the races honestly. But fairly standard slash'n'kill group.

Due to the currently boring nature of our dungeon crawl, I will be moving the party to the national capitol city of New Haven for some intrigue-based role-play.  Each of your characters will be provided with a patent of nobility (landed squire) to expand your role-playing options; I will contact you individually with a list of your character's court contacts and acquaintances.  Your lordly estates are as follows:

Carr: Forest of Al'durin, 100m²; cottage, stream, forest.
Coll: Seared Plains of Quaal, 25 km²; vineyard, small estate w/20 serfs
CB: Spine-of-the-World mtn, 100m² unexplored.
Carrots: Capitol city church, Acolytes of Pelor, 250m² + Seared plains of Quaal, 40km² of desolate sand
Bridgie: Capitol city mansion, 100m² w/butler + 2 generic servants;
also 40km² of desolate sands also in the seared plains of Quaal.
L23: Forest of Al'durin, modest estate of 20km² w/12 serfs; stream, forest (dense)
Spicy: Seared Plains of Quaal, 1km², run-down tower with keep and six guards.

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That is honestly, genius. Or at least it feels like a interesting concept to play with. 

I am trying to find a fic (spent like a half hour searching for it), that if I recall correctly, that had a elaborate and well thought out headcanon that Equestria had lost it's magnetic field and magic was a force that arose to hold everything together (like weather having to be controlled). I can't do it justice by recollection but it was really well thought out and I need to see if I can find it as it might work well with this idea here.

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PoLS. Lots of stuff going on that slipped my radar I imagine over the past few months. Trying to catch up might be a hassle but I figured I ought to note some stuff of significance here. 

Hasbro battle with activist investors
Has been brewing for awhile. From my knowledge of these conflicts in the past I usually am not a fan of either side, as activist investors can be often right on some of the issues of the company but all they often want to do is just pump up the value of the stock at the expense of long term thinking. I don't think it will affect us much as it seems to be more over Wizzards of the Coast though some of their grumblings over Hasbro's brand bluepoint strategy might be a issue if they try to weaken Hasbro's media division. 

Here is the investors website:
And Hasbro's response website:

A Canterlot Wedding 10 year anniversary 
Need I say more? Goodness. Some of my most vivid earlier memories of the fandom were from just after the Season 2 final and the speculation of Season 3. It was a comfy time. FiM being ten years old is somewhat haunting but this is much more for some reason.

G5 series on YT
Still haven't watched it, LOL!

'PinkiePieSwear turned up for a interview recently
I have no idea how good or cringe this is or what was said, but I will link it here:
Considering the last time he posted and how he had just disappeared off the face of the earth I never would've expected to see any update on his status so I am interested when I have the time. 

Athena is coming back
Apparently been nearly a year. I still keep going back and forth some aspects of this. In particular, Athena's voice. Don't know why as I am used to male voice actors doing female voices but I guess there is a certain uncanny factor do to Shawn Keller actually trying to sound female. Oh well, I still am happy for him and it's little microfandom and hope it does alright. 

I guess this is also a PoLMP considering this post comes with a song.

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> Wow that is somewhat more lore and world building then I expected even in a joking tone.

> Now its Jurassic Park.

> Now its Scooby Doo.

Greta Thunberg!?!

That was a interesting experience. I still am a bit divided on it as... I don't know. Can't say I hate it though. It's really a bunch of random jokes and allusions coming at you at once and I am mixed on delivery and personal taste. The beginning animation and art looked a little subpar at parts but the rest was higher quality--I should note, considering this animators skill level even a lot of his shortcuts feel above much of the animation I see today. Another note on the beginning: that was a lot of lore being set up there. Not sure how serious or not I should take it considering the other sections of this were completely devoted to jokes but I do wonder if he was giving a little bit of setting up for the world. 

I did laugh at Greta being the "villein" as little as it mattered. It was a joking and unflattering but in a old school cartoony reference to a political figure as opposed to the sanctimoniousness of our modern age. I can respect that.    

No rating right now. This was just initial impressions.

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>  >Now its Jurassic Park.
Top three image-search results for outdoor raptor.

I mostly knew my Jurassic Park lore, but I had to look that one up.
Weirdlings being weird is not weird though. Cute, but not weird.

>  Lore building
I can dig it; ten of ten, would write fanfiction in.

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I remember noticing, when these first songs came out, there were two missing. Of course, now I don't remember which two, but foreverfreebrony insisted on a full re-record of the set anyway, so here's a few of them.

As to Shufflehorse -- the title needn't be political at all.
< (Or maybe it is?)

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> No idea if their needs are the same or not.

Definitely not the same as mine. I am surprised that it wasn't just simply CB who has been asking for it but still,I am around here. On top of that,I do want to leave something else in another thread.

> I just wanted to keep the ball of updating rolling, as it were.

A respectable choice. I stopped that pacing a while ago. Maybe I wasn't meant to be the protagonist who would be carrying it for the most part...

...my life has changed so much since I stopped doing so...it would be really hard to explain.

Anyway, I am still lurking despite the looks even though I am more active within the boorus rather than here for a personal project of mine.

Anyway, you can keep going as usual.

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Spooky pony. I don't trust you. Seems like something one encounters in the wasteland.

> As to Shufflehorse -- the title needn't be political at all.

Why would the title be political (isn't that a horse breed or and a couple of gaits?)?

Don't have headphones handy, ATM, so I can't understand the song lyrics that well with the fan blasting on me.

>  >

> I am surprised that it wasn't just simply CB who has been asking for it but still,I am around here. On top of that,I do want to leave something else in another thread.

I don't quite understand. I think this is CB. I don't think Spooker pone is though, but the rest is him and you (L23). Unless in my tiredness I misunderstand.

> Anyway, you can keep going as usual.

Here is to another post to keep the update ball rolling.

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8244 Zalgo text
8245 L23, being confused but helpful/hopeful
8246 ThatsaMe! CB being musical because it was time
8249 Carrots, avatarfagging.
8252 Bridgefag, actually posting Little Pip. In response to h̷̰̲̜͐̀͜ę̷̡̙̖̘̘̙̥̲̣̮̇̐͑͑̆̇͒̉̐̏͘̚͠͝ ̸̨̫̗̖̱̣̦̦̫̎̍w̶̧̧̧̩͖̰͍̖͉͉̩̯̦̞̣͍̻̿h̷̢̡̦̮̳̦̳̖͒́̓̀͋͒͌͐̊̇͑̈́̉͝ỏ̸̫̦̟̬͖͉̭̣͚̘͙͌ ̶̖̖͔͈̹̬̍c̷̨͕̤̳͝ͅo̴̯͚̝̮̮̹̺̪̼̳̱̩̻̳̠̪̾͜m̶̭͓͉̭̀́̐̉͌̕e̵̡̟͎̮̥͂̀̈́̍̅̏̈́͒̕ͅs̷̢̢̺̻͊̄̓̊͗͗̔͂̔͑͐̕͠ͅ ̷̨̼̝͍̝̱̓̅̅̎̽́̉͂̾͋̉̽̒ţ̵͔̝̼̝̙̗̘̱͓̥͔̯̭̺͌̍̄͑̇̐͋͌͑̑̀̚͜͝h̷̙̝̪͙̋͂̈́̑̍̈̎̒ͅr̷̘̭̩̮͖͕̼̿̃̽̈́͒̐́͌̿̎͗͐̎̚͝ŏ̸͉̻͔͈͉̯̣̝̮̤̤̞͖̉̉ū̴̖̻͚̬͈̞͑́͜͝g̵̻̜̻̖̹̯̯̑̾̊̽̏̈̉͘ḧ̷̰̝͙̯́̒̀̔ ̸̻͉̭̫̦̃̔̌t̴̥̗̥̹̱̀̿̾͆̕h̴̛͚̞̥͙̖͋̇̿͆̎̍͐̀͐́̀e̴̢̡͔̞̭̰̰̞͚̻̮̠̼̞̓̍̾́̄́̿̾̆̑͂̄̓̑̈͝͠ ̸̢̧͈͔̖̝̝̗̊͗̈̓̇̇͒̊̽̈͝͠͠w̵̡͙̬̝̦̦̬͔͕̏́͛̓̈́̔̄͛̀͝͠a̵͖̾̃͌̑̈̓̈́̃̄̚͘ļ̵͓̺̤͈̲͍̮̦̄̓̍l̴̫̤͎̱̹͓̻͋s̷͈̯̘͓̹̘͈̫̔̉̾̿͊̾́̂͗̽̈́͛̏̕͜͠͠ no less.

> I don't quite understand. I think this is CB.

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Also came just to keep the posts rolling through, but couldn't last night find that image of a horse playing with an excersize ball in the field but it had been redone so it was Pinkie faling down and getting back up.

Still can't. *boop* your turn; I'm off to lunch now.

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Good timeline, though I think the second second post is L23 still. I recognize the writing style.

Speaking of  >>/8244/ the text appears to be from the description of pic related. 
Though I suppose it could be a coincidence, I imagine it was copy pasted from this. 

> actually posting Little Pip
 A habbit a picked up from you. 

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> your turn
Then I will do a PoLM withTwilight Sparkle singing Complicated that I posted before (at somepoint) with her now having the lines in the intro. This is one of those things that is interesting though somewhat uncanny valley to imagine a AI doing it. Freaky how far it has all come even if it still very clearly has a ways to go.

Alrighty, goodnight /endpone/!

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I imagine pony cats would be a great deal worse. Especially with magic. 

> 1) 'habit' has one 'b'

Often when I type, it is at night and sometimes with interference. I often catch myself with a great deal of spelling errors.

> 2) Why didn't Flutts upload correctly? Trying again.

Sometimes endchan doesn't like certain images for whatever reason. I would've thought them switching the backend would have fixed it but _nope_ still happens. Recently here  >>/8224/  with this:

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Also, this recent activity has put us (barely) back in the top 15. Not that the threshold for that is impressive or anything but it's been awhile since we showed up on the front page so I thought I would note it.

The bridges still continue to be crossed it seems.

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Scared myself half to death thinking I had somehow lost ownership or been hacked when I accidentally typed >>>/pony/ instead of >>>/pone/. I stress, only half a second, but it was a very scary half second.

Random note number 2: looks like our /mlpol/ board that was briefly set up here was deleted. Not that it matters other than a slight curiosity that makes me wonder why someone would go out of there way to delete it when there was hardly any information or activity there  was some /mlpolfag/ mad at /endpone/ posting? 

Anway, PoLS. The bridge is still under the control of /endponer/ anos and is still devoted to bridge making.



...just one advice:  don't make the mistake to put all the eggs in one basket 

...especially considering that you have said friends at some point... just take this link from this post into account,you just deserve to know...

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Sorry, been dealing with the aftermath of a serve storm (of all things in this drought stricken age). 

I think this week is going to be a bit better though. 

> don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Very much agree.  Hopefully I can find a suitable backup for /endpone/ itself. 

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 >>/8401/ (cross post)
> 8kun offline

I am going to be optimistic and assume it is just their normal issues. 
Overall though, I am moderately concerned with the attempted nuking of Kiwifarms their will be similar attempts/issues in the future with other sites staying online, like this one. Even though I don't think it'll ever be a direct target in the same way Kiwifarms I can conceive the possibility of suddenly a bunch of services saying "ew, chans icky and too bad for bussiness" and dropping it suddenly if pressure like this continues. I have yet to find a site that I fully trust to serve as a bunker in the event of endchan's fall though I may have to bite the bullet if things don't cool down. 

So much is going on right now. From the death of a Queen Elisabeth to the attempted nuking of Kiwifarms off the internet (and let's not forget what Russia and Ukraine are up to!). I have been trying fruitless to track a array of things and it feels like I am constantly missing something  and you would be surprised at how much of it is at least relevant to /go/. 

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and how could I forget the death of Internet Explorer?  

Good old IE, venerable would be a word that I would never use to describe you but you were such a fixture in the Internet's ecosystem and culture that it feels strange with it finally gone even if there still is a few old grandmothers and other stubborn hold outs  trying to continue to use it (https://www.vistax64.com/threads/ie9-last-supported-browser-for-vista.305228/). It is not the same from a continuity standpoint.

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Tried to post there with Tor, got pic related. Actually, I have tried to post on 8kun several times, ya'know, to say high or help show just a little activity, but 8kun has never played well with me. 

Tor only worked once or twice for me. (always heard supposedly that good old Jim likes to keep Tor a little broken for various reasons.) and when I have tried to post via a more normal IP  I will never post on 8kun with my home IP, too many feds watching.  it has just... not worked in ways I could not figure it out. 

I am not sure if it would be a good idea to stress over the board settings, CB, as I am only a sometimes lurker and poster and I am not sure with how much activity from spambots and stuff that I imagine 8kun has to endure if it would be worth it--if it would even work considering the history of the site.  

Also, from what I hear this is all from 8kun's ddos provider taking on Kiwifarms, which is under a massive attack right now and probably will be for awhile.

Holy shit, there are still people who check back on Qkun every now and then? Everyone else on 8moe and other chans don't even give a shit about it anymore. That site and all the dead boards there are long gone now.

There is a difference between finding a new home and losing one.  8/pone/ never successfully formed a bunker after two attempts. The BO quite and left--yet, scattered through the the dreary abandoned  altchans and sometimes on /mlp/ you can see anons who dearly miss it and sometimes try to reconnect or reunify each other somewhere. No other place had that feeling and the /pone/ board on 8kun is the last common point where everyone would know to go.

Maybe it'll come to nothing. Maybe 8kun will die a final unceremonious death and that will be that. Or maybe the right anon or two will bump into each other and the community might become alive again in some form--8kun or elsewhere. I see no reason why it is not a good idea to maintain a small torch burning and seeing what is drawn to the speck of light amidst the darkness...

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Alright CB.

I think that you should come out and say how those thoughts actually are. I don't want to play guessing games all the time and while I find subtleties compelling to some degree...

...they are not the best choice for personal health/social interactions from person to person though. I am more of a fan for rudeness and aiming at the core issues. Feel free to express whatever you want but personally, revealing all of that in a public space might not be ideal (at least,for my own standards)...

...well, whatever. I will respond to whatever you want to say (if you get to actually tackle it and focus on yourself).However,I don't have other interests that you could bring up because I am not interested in other unrelated issues. Only on a personal level that involves you and nothing else.

In the meantime,I can wait patiently because I have all the time in the world around here and...yeah,I am not leaving.

I do really have the entire internet for me indeed....yet I keep coming back for a few reasons... 

...and to be fair, this one in particular is one of them...

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You keep thinking I'm dancing around the topic. But I've broached the topic: it's ponies, and they're here.

I don't want to blindly timestamp my approach with a "proof of life" -- you can guess the state of my pulse by the fact I post something topical, timely, and teetering 'twixt true and troublesome.

In short I'm selling ponies, and boy are my arms tired.

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> You keep thinking I'm dancing around the topic. But I've broached the topic: it's ponies, and they're here.

With one minor plot twist: you forget that you are here as well.

> I don't want to blindly timestamp my approach with a "proof of life" -- you can guess the state of my pulse by the fact I post something topical, timely, and teetering 'twixt true and troublesome.

that combination dismantles your previous sentence (even if it doesn´t contradict it at first sight). There is a personal aura from your posts that I cannot sense anywhere else. Not all the time but that approach surely stands out as being...


> In short I'm selling ponies, and boy are my arms tired.
I see that you have become a salesman apparently without hiding that nature of yours. Right.  

I´ll end my reply with this reflection of mine: do you sell them because you stay passionate towards them until you get tired? Or is it until your hands become untied? 

I´ll leave it at that for now.

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It is rather irksome, all the technical malfunctions brought on by the whole Kiwifarms drama. Though I know with 8kun has always been prone to this (endchan too, but 8kun feels like a drunkard/abusive dad while endchan feels like someone with a handicap who still cares). 

I have tried to post on there several times. Even if unseen. Just know this,  Dolores is always lurking.. 

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> that combination dismantles your previous sentence (even if it doesn´t contradict it at first sight). There is a personal aura from your posts that I cannot sense anywhere else. Not all the time but that approach surely stands out as being...
I don't think the personal aura is a contradiction. /endpone/ it is natural to be this way and so few anons the posting styles will stand out regardless  that said, CB's posting style does stand out more than some.  

> I´ll end my reply with this reflection of mine: do you sell them because you stay passionate towards them until you get tired? Or is it until your hands become untied?
Well worded question, I might think on tha

I might have more to say later but right now my mind is very foggy.

> I don't want to blindly timestamp my approach with a "proof of life" -- you can guess the state of my pulse by the fact I post something topical, timely, and teetering 'twixt true and troublesome.
Fair enough. Though I do enjoy your PoLMP that you do from time to time. 

> In short I'm selling ponies, and boy are my arms tired.
I'll take twenty.

To anypony here I drop this:
Something of a emergency contact point I guess, in the event the end goes down for awhile. Really, I would like some sort of way to maintain contact with the lose away of anons here and this is probably not the best (though I can attest that I have had way to long conversations in the PMs of such websites). 

Better would be to set up a bunker and a secondary contact point or two. After this next bunch of IRL stuff maybe I can finally find a site I feel comfortable with.

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Two unrelated notes.
C-sharp, and b-flat.

...No, wait.
Okay, so e621 has now two images tagged 'tikbalang' - but twibooru has seven.
The tikbalang is an attempt to spell a Filipino word for a mythological horse-monster that looks like a bipedal anthro-horse with super long limbs and probably wants to eat you.
I think they look cool, actually. The one on e621, smoking dejectedly while drinking coffee from somebody's skull is almost SCP-worthy; an odd conjunction of creepy and depressing.

Second, A State Of Sugar has a new album. I'd drop some tunes from the new Ponies@Dawn album but it doesn't release until next Saturday, a week and a half out.

Everything in its wrong place, eh?

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On the front page once again.

> I think they look cool, actually. The one on e621, smoking dejectedly while drinking coffee from somebody's skull is almost SCP-worthy; an odd conjunction of creepy and depressing.

This made me go on a long tangent of thought and I have been trying to figure out how I would make a good post in reply to this and the little journey I took.  

 depending on how I take the hair on that middle flutter pic I suppose it is in need of spoilering 

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Been cold in Texas but it seems like a lot of other places in the states got it worse. In the US or not. Hope everypony is alright.

Anyway, this image was me bringing out the old, slightly damaged tablet that I used to draw Scared Cadence on. The Tablet wasn't playing well with Linux and just stopped working half way through, hence why the lettering truly looks MSpaint kid tier  though Scared Cadence is supposed to be bad anyways, oh well. 

 >>/8519/ (cross post)
Probably right. Even for myself I keep finding old deleted stuff that I thought was gone forever only to find I did back it up in the past. Though this was often spotty and often aplied to random obscurer stuff I liked or noted and was very spotty.

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I wish you all a Merry Christmas. Hopefully you get to have fun today. 
If anyone had told me that endpone would reach this point,I honestly wouldn't have believed that person. 

And here we are again for another one...

...five years in this place...that truly makes me wonder how it's even possible...

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>  If anyone had told me that Endpone would reach this point
Usually, a scarf means you look cold.
That one's easy.

It will be Christmas here in an hour and a half. Family get togethers are complicated for a few reasons, and I don't want to get into that, though I'll also point out that I've never liked the commercialization of gift-giving, so my wife thinks I'm a scrooge, though we've managed these years without actual incident.

In the world of pony, there have been attempts to interpret commander Hurricane & princess Platinum without their actresses' faces, but it seems Snowfall Frost looked exactly like Glimmypoo.
> "Happy Hearthswarming!"
< (he thinks he's so sweet)

It's going to be weird, carrying this much "pony" during the second great depression.
>  See you around, space pony.

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> That one's easy.

picking up the scarf is easy...surviving 5 years, not so much.

> Family get togethers are complicated for a few reasons, and I don't want to get into that, though I'll also point out that I've never liked the commercialization of gift-giving, so my wife thinks I'm a scrooge, though we've managed these years without actual incident.

I guess that the celebration itself is what counts the most. Not all the people that I have met out there were that prepared for this Christmas. Sometimes we wish that the masses followed our philosophy but I guess that the hardest lesson that one could is by letting others live. Said commercialization was bound to happen anyway.

> there have been attempts to interpret commander Hurricane & princess Platinum without their actresses' faces, but it seems Snowfall Frost looked exactly like Glimmypoo.

well, I guess that the characters from the fairy tale are the ones that consume the real entities after playing such roles. 

> It's going to be weird, carrying this much "pony" during the second great depression.

I wonder what you mean with that last word though....

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> Hope everypony had a happy Hearth's Warming. Here's a throwback to a decade ago:
> MLPG came together to produce this christmas book for the season. Looks pretty nice. Couldn't find the mediafire download a while back because I thought the original link was broken, so I'm linking it here in case I forget again

before my last post, I wanted to bring up the background work from you, the archiving process and those who have been popping up as background users for this ride, in general.

The clock is ticking and I want to leave one last speech before turning off the PC. I am definitely finding some struggles to figure out what one should say in this situation. Only 6 hours remain around here and I have a couple of hours before my commitment with the loved ones....let´s see how I can flesh this out...

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So...here we are. Another year is coming up and it´s been 5 years since the involvement of this project.

I know that this speech is going to be overshadowed because of the fact that the users involved will display a greater excitement towards the countdown, fireworks and the family reunion. And that´s fine because I´ve run out of original ideas that could induce any sort of excitement for this event from my part. I always acted better as a background user when one would stay shut up most of the time...here, however...it hasn´t turned out to be the case.

How has the board managed to survive? What did anyone have in mind before giving this board a try? 

I definitely didn´t have in mind that it would last this long and a few twists along the way have caused different degrees of activity from my part. I ask myself how all of this spiraled out of control and how curiosity would drive me to click on the New Reply button towards both CB and a person whose existence is...unknown as far as my sources can go because my information is pretty limited when it comes the news related to the old board owner. Perhaps someone from /flutter/ will enlighten us in that regard but I unfortunately cannot provide answers to that.

I just simply didn´t know any better and I have asked myself if this was purely a make-believe until the constant repeating process would give me signs that maybe all of this was actually real. And that´s where things become interesting and take a deviation from what was planned (assuming that there was any plan back then).

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Have you ever wondered if the character that one displays in public turns out to eat you up over time? 

Well, that´s what more or less has been occurring throughout these 5 years. Latching onto diverse perspectives that one could show in public just to end up turning into another mirror of broken glass. I wonder how this board faced such processes of metamorphosis in which said rejuvenated energy would keep it alive while there wasn´t a clear objective for a final landing nor any climax to cherish and contemplate for a long time in which everything stops. I guess that the closest climax that I have considered for such feeling is the end of the year that pretty much matches with the anniversary of this 2nd wave of activity. 

Is there anything that one should explain? Basically, I have stopped focusing on how to falsely thrive on this project for my own personal ego. My personal circumstances have made me throw it all away by returning to the same place where I was before embarking on a journey that pretty much reflected my own problems rather than focusing on what one should do and pull off as a proper fan. But I guess...that being the ideal reference to inspire others was pretty much a delusional ego that would never happen. Who would have guessed that said selfish motivation came from a family inheritance (namely one of them)? 

I think that endpone deserves better than this and I cannot put all my energies on something that will never escape from being a small backyard. Others should define it better than anything that has been pulled off. As a consequence, I have been focusing on paying attention to my loved ones and saving my own circumstances as well as the ones that come the closest to me. Should this board be considered as part of that? I always lean on the perspective that the people is what make something special, not a place nor a site like this. 

That is to say, I have stayed pretty much on retirement because there hasn´t been anything interesting to say and there were much deeper problems to solve that needed my attention. The question remains if there is anything else that one can deliver beyond staying behind the scenes or just sitting on the fence...because standing out as a protagonist in public surely feels tiresome after a while.

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I guess that as much as one tries to word it, it won´t matter very much. One ends up falling in circles or just rotating inside the same spiral despite gathering some lessons that should have learned but would never pay off in practice.
Constant exposure was never meant to be a role for me to take at the time because I have always been more familiarized with passiveness rather than coming up with different reflections that would age with varying degrees of success/failure. I suppose that the same people stick to this board, expecting to hear something from someone else...and that shouldn´t be me (at least, all the time). There weren´t any promises to take this board anywhere but I imagined that such harbour would exist in a delusional way.


Would have things been done differently with the current experience? I certainly believe that such evolution would have occurred with pretty different outcomes...but I guess that some thing would have stayed the same, like this reflective speech. I just think loudly for this in order to give this event some contrast that might be important or not...but my mind just cannot stop spinning. I am unsure whether this reply is meant to be aimed towards me or the board...as if I am putting the final nail in the coffin to a period that doesn´t seem to exist anymore. Or at least, as far as my senses can detect...but I stopped seeing the same signs that we displayed 5 years ago.

Anyway, I see that, while all of them aren´t here lurking on this board, the active users still pop up and another year is going to be added to the counter for endpone.  Is there anything else that should be said from my part? Well, nothing interesting comes to my mind. I guess that your respective families pull off that role way better than me. One final song to share in this place and the trajectory of 2022 comes to an end for me.

Have a nice dinner/night out there. Next time, 2022 will be history for any future posts of mine. Yours will eventually follow the same route too. It´s only a matter of time.

I will be waiting for all of you on the other side of the calendar.

See you in 2023, /endpone/.

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> Have you ever wondered if the character that one displays in public turns out to eat you up over time? 
"over time" ? Takes me about ten minutes to realize I need to just be me or I'm too exhausted just trying to keep track of what's going on.

> What did anyone have in mind before giving this board a try? 
I came here because TOR posting worked and there was discussion of the MLP universe.
There are other universes, yes. I'm reading the dragonet prohpecies right now and it's a kick. But the only "fandom" that exists are some individuals trying to create ever more snowflake-y dragon tribes for themselves. Also, apparently I'm late to that party and the three-arc universe-arc is done, and the author got tired of exploring "animus magic" so one of the most powerful dragon wizards set in motion a spell to destroy access to animus magic, and no one noticed it, per the spell's structure and requirement, so no one can cancel it, and it will never come back.


I dunno, I was never creeped out by Luna's dreamwalking. I guess I'm weird and alone; protagonist, antagonist, or drunk hobo, here I am. I'm just me.

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Just wanted to wish everypony a Happy New Year and post one more post in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be back to respond better later. 

I find myself in a state of slightly haunted nostalgia, albeit brought on in part by something weird  Windows 8 of all things.  

> How has the board managed to survive? What did anyone have in mind before giving this board a try? 

Such a question haunts me as well. I mean, simple on the surface but I see other places where anons bump into each other and try to keep contact and they just... died. I don't claim /endpone/ as the most magical place in the world, but somehow we are still here and that ought to count for something. 

> Next time, 2022 will be history for any future posts of mine. Yours will eventually follow the same route too. It´s only a matter of time.

As mine as well. God bless and happy New Year!

> Takes me about ten minutes to realize I need to just be me or I'm too exhausted just trying to keep track of what's going on.

Depending on how you mean this, I think I get it, but not 100% sure.

> Also, apparently I'm late to that party and the three-arc universe-arc is done

Basically me when I discover a comfy site that is either dead or on life support after the rise of Discord. 

Happy New Years as well.

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New Years may have arrived on /endchan/ but for some users it still hasn't reached yet. Three hours before New Years in Texas. I can here fireworks in the distance. for some reason it feels especially haunting. Also, for the first time in two years, we will need a new /NMAiE// Probably could use a update/reorganization in description.  

Happy New Years to all! 

< If the poster is in a timezone where the New Years Hasn't arrived yet but the sever where the post is posted is in the new year what year did this post take place?

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You've been ... invited? I guess?
Davey left yet another board behind (friends of his say he does this on the regular) and it got un-wiped but is rudderless. I post there, so said I'd put my name in the hat to be the new BO so there'd be a place for stragglers to post there.

 I mentioned I was a brony, and posted to 8kun to prove I do in fact exist as a BO of abandoned boards.

8chan's Moe, 404/res/16610 it was suggested I DRAG YOU ALL OVER THERE and this is the second time in as many moons that I internally respond with "Well! I never!"

...before 8kun went paid-subscription as their "necessary evil" I posted to No Hooves No Business, to remind them they could come over to the "real" board and several people conspired together that they would not be seen in so gay a place as the Face_Bucket Interface that was 8kun therefore it would be reasonable if I dragged ALL MY ZERO  POSTERS to nhnb so they wouldn't be inconvenienced by using more than one board.

I didn't intend to drag any of you into this
and I don't understand why this keeps happening.

8kun /pone/ is kill? No, with you still BO of the board on 8chan.moe (you are talking about 8chan.moe correct?) /pone/ still counts as alive if you ask me. 

I don't speak for /endpone/ proper because I am more of a lurker but I will try to stop by 8chan moe every once and awhile. Safer than 8kun that is for sure.

No wait, I am retarded. 404 is being abandoned and you have put your hat in the ring for that board, I see. 

I, are you thinking of setting up on 8chan. or are you just annoyed at /404/?

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> You've been ... invited? I guess?

> I didn't intend to drag any of you into this
Hey, it has TOR posting and is more stable then some chans I have seen. frankly I was considering setting up a bunker for /endpone/ there but I was debating how I felt on the place.  If you took over the local /pone/ board:
I can't agree to a merger but I would be able to contribute easier and at least stop by every once and awhile. Frankly, 8/pone/ deserves a bit of help from our end. 

> and I don't understand why this keeps happening.

Small chans hungry for posters plus dismissal of outsiders. To be fair, from what I can tell of:
> Start up a /pone/ board here. Get the guys stranded over on Endchan to hop here instead

Didn't seem particularly rude in and of himself, I understand the frustration as you were trying to present yourself as BO candidate for /404/.  

For nbnb I can't judge as I have not seen the conversation.  Overall I think of them and their purity is admirable though I do think they can be a bit obtuse and let that get in the way at times  banning even Pony depictions of Sunset Shimmer.  8/pone/ was of a similar stalk but more based on freedom and has a different culture to that. 

I think he is just frustrated at being talked past and not taken seriously/running with the wrong thing.

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> I can't agree to a merger

Well, it seems I have both /clop/ and /pone/ over there, so at the very least it can function as a bunker.
Not sure if you can 'dm' another user but I've created an account as alleycorn, and would happily make you a vol though I don't know if that gives you access to css or anything.

>  just frustrated at being talked past
That's the one.

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> How has the board managed to survive?

> I just simply didn´t know any better and I have asked myself if this was purely a make-believe until the constant repeating process would give me signs that maybe all of this was actually real. And that´s where things become interesting and take a deviation from what was planned (assuming that there was any plan back then). 

I don't know. It seems like /endpone/ somehow passed some sort of filter or threshold to exist over just being a brief few anons bumping into each other on a chan once or twice and just being a ghost town (even if it can be still sort of a ghost town at times). This board has something of a identity and culture, and something causes a certain small amount of users to come back and a slightly larger amount to check in on us sometime. When I look at the landscape, at the other, larger imageboards that were set up with more promise and had more skill and care put in, only to have died in a shorter span than we did, it is hard to process.  It is not like /endpone/ the greatest chan in the world, but it is alive, and that is something. 

> Have you ever wondered if the character that one displays in public turns out to eat you up over time? 

Not here, but elsewhere yes. Though that story might be long and a little tangential. 

> I have been focusing on paying attention to my loved ones and saving my own circumstances as well as the ones that come the closest to me. 

That is certainly the wisest choice one can make. Between a chan and family/dear friends, the choice should always the latter.

> Should this board be considered as part of that? 

No. Not that level.

> I always lean on the perspective that the people is what make something special, not a place nor a site like this. 

You are right. In this life, the place doesn't matter so much as the people and our actions while on this earth  and living the will of who runs it all.  Still, the place and culture that arises from it have value of their own. There is a certain charm that can arise from sticking out so far from the mainland of the fandom on a site as broken and sometimes half functional as endchan can be. Would that experience had been the same if /endpone/ had been rather than a chan a Discord or IRC chatgroup? I think not. 

> The question remains if there is anything else that one can deliver beyond staying behind the scenes or just sitting on the fence...because standing out as a protagonist in public surely feels tiresome after a while.

If anything does remain to be delivered, let it be out of the joy/interest of it and not out of any burden to carry anything upon one's shoulders.

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> Constant exposure was never meant to be a role for me to take at the time because I have always been more familiarized with passiveness rather than coming up with different reflections that would age with varying degrees of success/failure. 

You still underestimate the value of some of that. I did, have,  and will, if not here then elsewhere.  enjoyed your perspective and outlook on the show and some of the analytic skills you bring to the table (like a certain episode with a subtext of divorce).

> I suppose that the same people stick to this board, expecting to hear something from someone else...and that shouldn´t be me (at least, all the time). 

> but I stopped seeing the same signs that we displayed 5 years ago.Agreed. I am not sure if it is a dramatic change or a silent passing, but, things certainly have a different feel than when we first started. 

Though I suppose one could argue that we have had two or three eras by this point but I digress. I am not sure if /endpone/ is moving rudderless by dumb luck or blessed in some way. If we live awhile longer or finally just play out, I think I will be at peace. We made it to the final and past that and lasted longer than the some of my favorite places in the earlier fandom. 

>  See you in 2023, /endpone/.    

Welcome to 2023, L23, hehe, maybe it is your year. Even if you won't be posting much anymore,  I know you that when do see you pop up:  that will always have been lurking.   

Now, speaking of songs, I seem to have forgotten a /endpone/ tradition. New Years Day by U2, my first post here. 

God bless all anons, whether posters or lurkers, and I hope y'all have a wonderful 2023!

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> Well, it seems I have both /clop/ and /pone/ over there, so at the very least it can function as a bunker

Depends on where and what you aim with it. If that place becomes even a partial revitalized 8/pone, it still might make more sense for me to set up a separate bunker board  due to culture clash from /endpone/'s end (as in, if they didn't like /endpone/ sometimes more personal posting, use of names, extra lonnnnnnng posts at times, among other things). Though if whatever spark there (if any) wouldn't mind us, using that might make more sense. Regardless we are in alliance in the sometimes cold and lonely world of the left overs of old 8chan, 8/pone/, /flutter/ and the task of maintaining pony presences in these rougher lands.  

> , and would happily make you a vol though I don't know if that gives you access to css or anything.

Eh, why not? At least provisionally. I am still debating on how I feel on the place, the atmosphere, Mark of /v/, etc. I wouldn't be the best in a monitoring  position in some sort of set "you take x day" patrol kind of thing (considering I have often have forgotten at points to maintain my claim over /endpone/ when IRL issues arise, LOL!) but if while I was there I saw spam and or hostiles I could at least respond.  

 My account there is the TheBridgePone. If you need any more details I will PM/DM you on Twily. 
> Not sure if you can 'dm' another user but I've created an account as alleycorn,

You can  thanks for reminding me that account I made exists! 

> and not taken seriously/running with the wrong thing.

Just for the record, I meant this in the sense of them running with "oh you're a ponyfag!" and getting side tracked on /pone/ related matters when you only mentioned that as a qualification. Not that you ran with things yourself.  

< Agreed. I am not sure if it is a dramatic change or a silent passing, but, things certainly have a different feel than when we first started. 

Should not be greentext. I said this part in reply.

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To be fair, now that the over-energized BO has created an /mlp/ on .moe, it seems to me to be everything they left behind on halfchan, only with unspoilered porn.

Which is to say, it's nothing but porn with some angry insults sprinkled throughout.

So I'm just as glad they aren't gloming on to /pone/ and with my congratulatory "enjoy your isolation" thread still up, any stragglers that wanted more than rasters of show-accurate AJ know where to look to discuss the broader implications of the show, its universe, and said universe's intersection with their personal lives.

Oh, stupid interboard drama. Not the most regular poster but I find their attitude coarse--at least what I can gather from the conversation. All you were doing was holding down the fort.You weren't retarded, 8/pone/ never was able to coordinate elsewhere anyhow. 

Hopefully things settle and they don't pull any stupid attempts to make a "reflationary front" like some other chan I know back in the day.

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> coup failed, they moved north to 8chan .se ... and found it already occupied.

That sounds like a bit of a show. 

> Which is to say, it's nothing but porn with some angry insults sprinkled throughout.

Probably worse, 4chan/mlp/ does have some spark of life to it and some good projects/threads  albeit I hardly visit there, LOL.  Eh, I wish them well, but not sure how sustainable that is because most places you can do that and from what I see at first glance they are only defining themselves over being   slightly more shitpostery and no spoilers. 

 I will be monitoring if ya need in backup, CB /) 

Also agree from what I can see.

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> That sounds like a bit of a show. 
Poor guy was so wound up that I was "in denial" that he wrote to CM the site owner, using the "I don't like what the BO is doing now" FAQ point, and wrote to cuckchanners to follow him so I would be ousted.

Then called CM a cuck for not ousting the established BO who had demonstrably kept the fundamental character of the board intact this whole time.

 Finally found the image I've been looking for, not sure whose board I might want to post it on. If they like swimming in the stuff, leave 'em be, I think.

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>  that he wrote to CM the site owner, using the "I don't like what the BO is doing now" FAQ point, and wrote to cuckchanners to follow him so I would be ousted.

He really try to have you removed formally? Wow. If I give the him any benefit of the doubt, for any rational /mlp/ poster mods/adminstration are the bad guys and he was overeager to set up and try to find some outpost outside of /mlp/ (I guess /mlpol/ being too political and /nhnb/ being too censor happy). Though he and his little group were treading on scared ground there and, as I said on 8moe/pone, it would be nuts for you to burn it all down and make changes for that group. 

> Finally found the image I've been looking for, not sure whose board I might want to post it on. If they like swimming in the stuff, leave 'em be, I think.

I'm still trying to piece together who is who in that little group. Like, for example: The guy who avatarfags as AJ seems to be the most cocky/enthusiastic but I don't think he is the BO (if I go by the AJ posts on that board with that same tone talking to the BO and not liking the diaper fetish thread).

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 >>/8588/ (cross post)
> One I would partly dispute (not as a description, but as a zeitgeist) , but that would be a long tangent.

What I mean from this was branch of people were arguing that neosincerity was the next cultural movement that would displace postmodernism as the "thing" to some extent. I need to see if it was first coined with pony or if, and I think this is the case, it was some term floating around in academic circles before. I think pony being a reaction to postmodernism is correct on some level but the not only force or even a fully successful one. 

Of course postmodernism likes to be nothing and dance around several definitions (as a age, everything is postmodern, including FiM, no postmodern is already dead and has been replaced with postpostmodern, metamodernism, etc, but is also the final inescapable state of human existence) though I often find people who highly lean into the term just use it and it's "themes" in some evasive circular debate even if that attitude has faded a bit as of late. 

Whatever. I just wanted to mention this while it was on my head in case I forgot what I meant with that later. 

 I also have noticed a bit more typos creeping into my posts, though that has been more of a upward trend for awhile since I even started posting here. Lots of intense IRL stuff and all that.

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Happy (belated) Fourth to all anons who celebrate. To the rest of ya? Happy average day (belated). 

Wow, this /NMAiE/ is kind of getting close to the /end/, ain't it? Better be thinking of a fitting way to close it Despite the lack of direction and how these threads always ebbed and flowed without purpose a lot of the time it is a thread that still haunts me. This whole place does. I cannot believe it has been 5 years now and /endpone/ is somehow still limping along.

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non US anon, but I celebrated all the same. the 4th feels wholesome to me in a way that local holidays don't, I don't know if can articulate it better than that. never did restock my pony images folder, so I'll have to post an old one again. I shouldn't have deleted the old ones, really.

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> non US anon, but I celebrated all the same. the 4th feels wholesome to me in a way that local holidays don't, I don't know if can articulate it better than that.

Well, there is a certain family wholesomeness (everyone together partying and cooking out) and happy spirit that sparks forth despite the division and cynicism that still manages to rise through in my experience. Though I have a pretty high respect for some foreign national holidays I wouldn't trade it for that reason. Thanks and respect back  /)

> never did restock my pony images folder, so I'll have to post an old one again. I shouldn't have deleted the old ones, really.

Also, if you mind me asking. 5050? Is that you? If you are I do owe ya something...

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> Though I have a pretty high respect for some foreign national holidays
We don't really celebrate ours, not on a large scale. There are some who quite loudly insist on celebrating it, but they're seen as quite weird for doing so. In general America has an optimistic spirit at it's core that makes me quite envious. /)
> Also, if you mind me asking. 
I don't mind, it's me. Anybody could say it's me, of course. I don't like feeling as though I come back once a year just to say 'look it's me!' and then disappear again though, so I didn't say it was me this time.

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> We don't really celebrate ours, not on a large scale. There are some who quite loudly insist on celebrating it, but they're seen as quite weird for doing so. 

I hope it is more from comfort and stability than loss and/or cynicism. Even if I would agree that I would still see at a negative regardless. 

> In general America has an optimistic spirit at it's core that makes me quite envious. /)

Well, it's not all sunshine and roses, some places in the US are like that or have hints of it now (or did like 5 years ago, seems like in a weird way large factions of the left and right both went more nationalistic in their normal hatred of each other but that discussion is beyond the scope of comfy) but yeah I do agree compared to some places I know of that certainly applies.

Making me think of loss, meaning and shared cultural context. Right now too much of a shower thought and I am not sure I could link the weird cultural wound that exist in the USA with the death of Kmart  (how consumerist of a American I suppose, LOL) to whatever this is here, so, a fleeting thought it remains for the moment.


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> I don't like feeling as though I come back once a year just to say 'look it's me!' and then disappear again though, so I didn't say it was me this time.

Actually, seeing you brought a little smile to my face, if you can believe that. You are always welcome here, whether be lurking or posting various shower thoughts. 

Actually, I do hope you stay for a second longer this time before disappearing/going back to lurker mode. I have something to give you. It is not much but I'd like to know you got it.

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> I hope it is more from comfort and stability than loss and/or cynicism.
Depends on who you ask, I guess. 
> Well, it's not all sunshine and roses
Yes - but it's not all sunshine and roses anywhere. However, in America it feels like one can look up from the drudgery and hopelessness of the present, and feel an optimism - that alone is quite a bit, when it's relatively unique.
> the death of Kmart 
The worst part is remembering places you went, and being unable to go back to those places. There was a playbarn I loved as a child, and it got demolished and a pub was built in it's place - my brain assumes that I can go back there, since it was a physical place and I remember where it was. Places in the natural environment don't change that violently on their own typically, so I think that kind of modern impermanence helps create the feeling of alienation we all feel.
> Actually, seeing you brought a little smile to my face, if you can believe that.
I'll have to come back more often, then!
> Actually, I do hope you stay for a second longer this time before disappearing/going back to lurker mode.
I intend to, we'll see what happens.

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> Yes - but it's not all sunshine and roses anywhere. However, in America it feels like one can look up from the drudgery and hopelessness of the present, and feel an optimism - that alone is quite a bit, when it's relatively unique.

I also would agree. I mean, I am a Texan, so see that attitude and love of country in a doable dosage.

> The worst part is remembering places you went, and being unable to go back to those places. There was a playbarn I loved as a child, and it got demolished and a pub was built in it's place - my brain assumes that I can go back there, since it was a physical place and I remember where it was. Places in the natural environment don't change that violently on their own typically, so I think that kind of modern impermanence helps create the feeling of alienation we all feel.

THIS, that worded better than I could. At least a aspect... 

> I'll have to come back more often, then!

Hey neat! /)

> I intend to, we'll see what happens.

Alright, trying to get situated after a rather lengthy set up of a new system with a lot of detours. I'll take me a little bit to find the thing I wanted to pass on to ya. So PoLS and stay tuned for the moment!

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> Alright, trying to get situated after a rather lengthy set up of a new system with a lot of detours. I'll take me a little bit to find the thing I wanted to pass on to ya. So PoLS and stay tuned for the moment!

Almost, almost ready. I hope this doesn't come across as hyping up anything too big. My delay is due to other factors but I am throwing a PoLS because it has been, what, two weeks, I am slow aren't I?

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 >>/8722/  (cross-thread
>  >We're in the middle of what some in my circle are pronouncing twenty twenty free

That wasn't a typo; this was in church, someone waxing prophetic about the political.

Meanwhile, I've moved to the new office, a sardine can in a high crime district. Also, summer is here and we've crossed 100F a couple times since last I posted.

POLI -- could be political posting, or proof-of-life_images. Sadly, I have not 3d printed anything like these, and indeed I would not trust any 3D printer I've worked with to be capable of printing in all three dimensions. Clogging my nozzles in thirty seconds flat, yes. Printing? Less so.

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> never did restock my pony images folder, so I'll have to post an old one again. I shouldn't have deleted the old ones, really.

Well, 5050, here is what I mean with:
> I do owe ya something...

> I'll take me a little bit to find the thing I wanted to pass on to ya. So PoLS and stay tuned for the moment!

> Almost, almost ready

Okay, FINALLY This is not the biggest thing in the world but I wanted to pass on to you something I started awhile ago. Do you remember when I offered to give you some pony images? Well, yeah, life was chaotic then and that request went unfulfilled (not that was the largest thing in the world) but it always stuck with me and I even had a folder labeled 5050 where I would sometimes put images I think you'd might like next time I bumped into ya. Now, I had some technical difficulties ( >>/8711/) and lost the main folder, I had a backup in one of my USBs but it took me awhile to find it and it was a bit outdated from the main folder on my external drive. 

Now, neither this or other are anything too special and I am uncertain of your full taste. I tried to mostly do with what you requested: not too many TS pics, less show style and not too many. There is a couple of exceptions, gif sections of each character and some parts of Other which is a bit closer to how my folders are organized ( a chaotic mess of screencaps, memes, edit attempts, etc).  I also did slip in a Twilight section in Other as well, in case you had changed your mind. 

EDIT: Let's it in smaller parts.  I've tried 3 times. 

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Excellent! Finally it uploaded. Though it didn't follow the 133 MB glitch so I suppose some other issue  (like my own Internet) perhaps might be a factor.  

> That wasn't a typo; this was in church, someone waxing prophetic about the political.

I see. 

> Meanwhile, I've moved to the new office, a sardine can in a high crime district. 

That sucks. Especially in the region you live in and the, ahem, particular complexities in how cities there tend to be run.

> Also, summer is here and we've crossed 100F a couple times since last I posted.

 It has crossed it 30 times this year, last I heard where I live. 


POLI -- could be political posting, or proof-of-life_images. 
I like Proof-of-Life_Images, it goes good with PoLMP. 

> Clogging my nozzles in thirty seconds flat, yes. Printing? Less so.

The only 3d printer I have access too only works with Windows XP so I am in a similar boot. 

I have toyed around with the idea of using styrofoam and sand to make more complex molds. Some small manufactures of car parts use this, cutting styrofoam in the exact shape of a part, putting it  in sand, and then pouring metal which instantly vaporizes the foam and takes the exact shape. This probably has a lot of stuff to get through before getting this to possibly work with ABS plastic, if even I can set up a spot where I think I can do that safely.

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> I'll have to come back more often, then!

> I intend to, we'll see what happens.

I hope you do too. This place sometimes feels like Cheers (sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and their always glad you came --line from the theme song of that show about a bar) and you seem to be one of the ones, despite your limited postings, who is remembered by the anons who frequent here more than I.

> out of time

> two weeks for a folder dump

You have a real busy life, don't you?  With a lot of technical issues. 

> It has crossed it 30 times this year, last I heard where I live.

pic related

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> You have a real busy life, don't you? With a lot of technical issues.

I will ask this to anyone on the board. 

Has anyone had the misfortune to work 15 hours a day for two weeks entirely, with so much intensity? 

As if that wasn´t enough, has anyone faced sleeping problems that causes so much sleep deprivation that one would have to work 10-12 hours for monitoring passive activities with an unreliable/unpredictable schedule due to the inconsistent mood of the boss (while he is changing plans constantly)? Note: By sleep deprivation, we are talking about 2-4 hours of sleep in one or two entire days, by the way.

Has anyone been a people pleaser in order to get by in the routine?

That should give all of you an idea about what might be happening around there...


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Now, I think you over exaggerate oppression, when in reality it is more of a problem with chaos  mostly.  as the prime factor I deal with on the day to day.


Cheers... bar analogy  might not actually be too bad of a way to describe this place. Small tight knit group of regulars with a few strangers here or there.

Stupid question, any particular fondness for that picture or just pragmatism/a lack of pictures on hand like  >>/8710/
> shouldn't have deleted the old ones, really.

My impression hasn't been that (though I am less privy to what goes on than I imagine some of you are). Certainly some kind of "struggle" though and effort on his part to keep this board running and other stuff going on IRL.

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I hope everypony is doing alright out there, though I don't think we have any anons who were in the recent natural disasters (some might be cutting it close).  L23, CB, YT anon, 5050, BO, and other lurkers and posters, I wish you the best.  Not that I am leaving or anything dramatic, just general well wishes. 

I've still been thinking on how I want to end this thread. It itself is a little haunting to me considering how much, yet little time has past from when it was made, still in the height of COVID.  

And also... 5050, I hope you got your pictures! 

Can I just stop and focus on that Celestia? Something about her is just haunting with a certain look of contemplation. One that is possibly sad, burdened, but has a certain numb neutrality to it, not crying in tears, but thinking on things deeply, deeper than I think many pics of Celestia and Luna portray (which is usually rooted in active pain or angst).  It perfectly fits a certain anon I know. 

> Stupid question, any particular fondness for that picture or just pragmatism/a lack of pictures on hand like  >>/8710/

I just forgot that I used it, nothing too fancy. 

> Certainly some kind of "struggle" though and effort on his part to keep this board running and other stuff going on IRL.

I can accept struggle, yeah, it has been that at times...

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> L23, CB, YT anon, 5050, BO, and other lurkers and posters, I wish you the best. 

Seconded from one of those "others". 

> And also... 5050, I hope you got your pictures! 

I think he will. You just need to keep a reminder of it next time he wanders over here. 

> Can I just stop and focus on that Celestia? Something about her is just haunting with a certain look of contemplation. 

It is details like observations like this that make me really curious to see /endpone/'s reaction to Gen 5. You guys are good at describing and noticing subtleties.

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Oh my goodness
Thank you! 
> and you seem to be one of the ones, despite your limited postings, who is remembered by the anons who frequent here more than I. 
there are so many anons that I remember from all over the internet, and more often just for single posts than a group of them. It's nice to shed the extraneous parts of humanity and just become a conduit for memories and feelings. In my case the show ending gave me a bit of a breakdown and crisis, I'd assume that's what's most memorable about my posts here.
I got them, yes!

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> Thank you! 

> I got them, yes!

Awesome! I hope you don't mind the long delay. Hopefully at least some of them are to your taste. 

> It's nice to shed the extraneous parts of humanity and just become a conduit for memories and feelings.

Though I have a bit of a different philosophy for how I think of anons, I do get what you mean. A random poster, free of a identity and social media personality can speak to you and leave an impression. At least with those precious few souls that standout and still use their anonymity to speak their mind, heart, or otherwise still willing to break the mold in contrast to the spirit of defeat and overall anti-conformist-conformist behavior I do often see, but even there, you still can have standouts (and smaller chans still  certainly have some gems). 

> In my case the show ending gave me a bit of a breakdown and crisis, I'd assume that's what's most memorable about my posts here.

Believe it or not, for me, that wasn't the case. This might be a little in contrast to how you think of it but something about you despite  your relatively limited postings, has always stuck out--as in you yourself.  I imagine you would dispute there being much notable about you yourself outside the emotional undercurrents you transited and I can't put my finger onto exactly why myself. 

I guess it is like how we debated with old BO (forever known as BO). /endpone/ was too small for a collective to hide behind and the personalities and little traits of users can stick out. 

Just in case endchan ever goes down:
Technically, this is our bunker, or a bunker anyway. CB set this one up and he is BO (and I am a BV).
Technically my "official" personal contact point for /endpone/. I probably need to make something better than this but I'm one of those people that stayed off of most social media  I mean, I have a couple of options for Discord(ish) style chatroom things , but I don't like broadcasting those on here.  but I have found having a public personal contact points useful. If you ever needed  or just wanted to  get in touch this is the one I have left up broadcasting to the internet. If you ever wanted/have another suggestion though I wouldn't mind.

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> Seconded from one of those "others". 

Thanks. /)

> I think he will. 

You were correct.

> It is details like observations like this that make me really curious to see /endpone/'s reaction to Gen 5.

Well, that maybe giving us a little too much credit at times, but thanks again. I have just finished chapter 2 and will hopefully getting around to writing out my thoughts on it soon.

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>  I hope everypony is doing alright out there, though I don't think we have any anons who were in the recent natural disasters (some might be cutting it close). L23, CB, YT anon, 5050, BO, and other lurkers and posters, I wish you the best. Not that I am leaving or anything dramatic, just general well wishes.

what words can be said towards one of those who has been mentioned? 

Perhaps being too blind to understand and take a look at your surroundings, how that sense of joy throughout the journey is taken away because of other struggles behind the scenes and how stupid one feels to approach things in an improper manner. That´s what ego does to a subject and perhaps, one of those who I interacted with at the time might be dead/permanently inactive.

Here´s some advice for those who believe that they are going to eat the world:

Don´t get carried away by your egos. Your opinions will most likely add almost nothing new to the table. 
Only the small details, gestures, personal charm and certain subtleties will make you stand out in the long run. 

Never let your ego consume you in the vision of success because that will be short-lived and eventually, (most likely) no one will care because everyone else is too busy doing their own lives unless that your art/literature/music stands the test of time as it were a different being from yours. That depends on luck and the fascination of 3rd parties towards those things.

Perhaps the greatest mistake was to mistake this project in order to fill up other holes/issues in my personal life. Either you tackle those problems at some point or they will get to you someday.

I am one of those and I still feel unsure if I should be proud of appearing in that list...

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> Perhaps the greatest mistake was to mistake this project in order to fill up other holes/issues in my personal life. 

When I was one of the primary caregiver of my grandparents, a welcome distraction, even it did eat too much of my time at times. was it really negative though? No. For someone else, just messing around, ambition or not, can you  say that was a mistake onto itself? 

> no one will care because everyone else is too busy doing their own lives unless that your art/literature/music stands the test of time

It depends on what counts as "success" in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes a few stray eyes or even just putting thoughts. Here or even in PMs on some random website talking with a friend.

> Only the small details, gestures, personal charm and certain subtleties

will make you stand out in the long run.
Weirdly fits with  >>/8787/
> something about you despite your relatively limited postings, has always stuck out

Even if I still have seen 5050's point count as well. 

> Your opinions will most likely add almost nothing new to the table.

They do count, or at least, they can count more than what one may think. 

> Perhaps being too blind to understand and take a look at your surroundings,

We both were in some ways.

> how that sense of joy throughout the journey is taken away because of other struggles behind the scenes

But every mistake a learning experience. The struggles did pay off, if you ask me...

> That´s what ego does to a subject and perhaps, one of those who I interacted with at the time might be dead/permanently inactive.

 And suspect he is still out there now... 

> I am one of those and I still feel unsure if I should be proud of appearing in that list...

And now that I have walked backwards, I return to here.

So, ?

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And now, time to bring this /NMAiE/ to a close. I had wanted to do something a bit bigger but, eh, didn't have the time for it, besides, while special it isn't like this sort of thing had the most drawn out planning anyway.

So I bring this thread to a close with Cadance. Hopefully the next thread and whatever stuff is happening in the world is going to be less bad than the ones this thread has seen.

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