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Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves

< OLD THREAD  >>/12552532/

""Go to the gym, or start a body weight routine fat ass. Don’t neglect cardio, go for a morning run. Take a cold shower. Get 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night, avoid stimulants in the late afternoon. Become a morning person and get up early.""

> h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=XtDc_iJ-j-M

""Hygiene is important. BRUSH YOUR TEETH TWICE A DAY FOR 2 MINUTES, don’t forget to floss. Make your own toothpaste. Get a tongue scraper too. Your tongue should be a nice pink color, not white or yellow. This is not some ancient, long forgotten secret, but its amazing how many people neglect oral health - it’s just as important as lifting. Deodorants containing aluminium salts are toxic, avoid their use at all costs. You can make your own spray from baking soda, water and a few drops of a nice smelling essential oil. This will stop body odour without making you sterile.""

""Lower your carb intake and eat more animal fat. Eat lots of organic meat and fish. The food pyramid overestimates the amount of carbs you should be eating - stop consuming excessive amounts. Do not eat feminized products soyboy. Treat yourself to an occasional glass of good red wine. Try intermittent fasting, a simple 18/6 routine can work wonders.""

""Do not breed with roasties or THOT’s. Find a wholesome waifu. Do not expect to meet a wholesome girl in a bar, nightclub or university campus. Plan a family. Raise strong men and respectable women who will lead in the race war.""

""Meditate. It calms the mind, builds discipline and is an ancient, tried and tested method of building mental clarity, control and spirituality. Start today, it only takes 10 minutes.""

> h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=Q-L2ZKYMsag

""Do not act like a nigger, do not steal, rob or vandalize. Violence should be used sparingly when there is no other option, you are not a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degeneracy of feminism.""

""Stop consuming pornography. Oh, you think that you’re not addicted to porn? Prove it. Try to go without porn or fapping for a whole week. Then aim for a month. Its harder than you think.""

> h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU

> h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=7oFVOJf0TzY

""Quit playing video games faggot. Do something productive, write something or build something. Plan your career, climb the ranks or start a business. Learn something useful.""

""We need more strong, kike-free men in positions of power.""

""Now get off the internet, go /out/side and get some sun. Go for a hike. Go camping. Join some wholesome clubs and make some normal friends. Do not reveal your power level to normalfags, drip feed them redpills. Stop smoking cigs and don't do drugs. Don't watch degenerate media and read some good books. You can easily source used books cheaply from local stores or online.""

> h ttps://w ww.abebooks.com/

""Work towards owning property and/or land. Don’t waste your time and money buying new cars on finance, it is a jewish trick.""

""Save 10% of your income for a rainy day, even a little will go a long way. Stash some money in safe alternate forms, like silver and gold (maybe a little crypto too, but be cautious).""

""Become informed on prepping and homesteading, make sure you’re ready when SHTF.""

""This is your life now.""

> Merely a /sig/ thread based off of the older format previously from the lost outpost. The usual drill gentlemen, useful tidbits, texts and infographs. Any Reddit tier shit can go with the rest of the degenerates elsewhere.

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Don't worry about it. This is a thread with actual effort. It's what end/pol/ needs more of. Though I disagree with the label "jews within ourselves". There may be vices and weaknesses typical of kikes, but we do not share their parasitic nature. Though it may seem like that as brainwashed footsoldiers do their bidding. As I've said before, pic related.

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Totally agreed.

Add up the need for belongingness. It is on the 2nd stage of importance at Maslow's hierarchy. 

Not fullfiling it is what causes addiction, which is a desesperate attempt at bounding with something. There is a great british writer named Johann Hari, that wrote a book about this. Portugal and Spain applied his ideas to social policies and vanquished with addiction countrywide within an year.

Here is a TED talk of his: h ttps://w ww.youtube.com/watch?v=PY9DcIMGxMs

OP here, decided to try expand with some concepts and ideas to help any good NatSoc or Fascist on the long path to becoming an overman. There were always a good few questions regarding mindset and how to steel yourself for the coming tide so i'll post something regarding that.

The first thing for any man seeking to improve is to understand the disctinction between motivation and dedication as hinted in the original image. It is the very core of your development. The best analogy I came up with is to imagine a forest and within the said forest imagine a great tree. This regal creation full of verdant leaves and ever expanding branches of noble oak expands and grows forever onwards and can weather come what may. The only way to destroy the oak, much like a man whose heart is filled with fire and dedication, is to fell it completely, to tear it assunder. Much like man, it can weather storms, bear deep scars and face almost anything thrown at it. Only the most cataclysmic event can fell the tree or the spirit of a steeled man. 

Motivation, by comparison, is the leaves of this grand oak. They come and go, felled by everything from a breeze to being displaced foraging creature. Much like a leaf, motivation is fleeting in it's nature, a fluid thing that changes form at the smallest whim. This is the defining difference between the two mindsets and must be understood before one is to start upon the road of achieving greatness. Once a man has taken this realisation, he can begin the path to mastering his own fate, free of semetic and degenerate influences. He no longer will require strength from outside sources but can find his own, whether from the drive to protect his family or to becoming a man willing to stand for his people.

So now we understand the fundamental idea behind real self improvement we move onto expanding upon the topic; the reason to fight. Not merely fight in a physical aspect but in what one could potentially term a "spiritual" way. Allow me to explain.

A man can steel his body, sculpt a perfect example of the European man's true form through hard work indeed. But there needs to be a deeper purpose to it. Merely identifying a deeper purpose is just the first step, it must become an entrenched bulwark for the mind to detect and defend against potential corruption influences (nihilism, ego death etc). Let us begin.

So, let us state an obvious goal we all share; the protection and propagation of the European peoples and their long term survival in a world of chaos and deeply embedded corruption. Now this sounds a rather grand and sometimes almost impossible feat but the truth is it is much simpler than it first appears. The initial routes to dedication must come from personal aspects and expand from that, the roots must be bedded deep as it were. Therefore a wise decision is to attempt to begin with family or a loved one. As a European man, your role, first and foremost, is the protection of those you hold dear. Blood. Ethnic nation. Race. For some expanding this to your entire racial group is fairly easy, for others it can be challenging, hence this approach. 

So, how can one protect those he loves? Each person decides different priorities when it comes to this but for the most part in my experience the overarching concepts are;

- Physical mastery. To become strong enough to protect them in case of attack. It does not need to simply be an immediate threat but a long term threat such as encroaching diversity or some such. Use that initial fear as a drive. Realise this is a fear to be conquered and overwhelmed by your dedication to physical improvement and sheer will. Once you have begun to improve and grow stronger you will find this fear replaced with instinctive awareness and the fight reflex in place more firmly than before. This is just part of mastering your physical world though for you must also remember the world you live in; food may be plentiful but the items of plentitude are rather vile and poor for you. A man can buy a Big Mac for a couple of pound but if he wishes to buy real meat without hormone treatment or factory farmed you'll be paying a fair bit more. As the old adage goes, you are what you eat so if you wish to master your physical aspects you must first understand the fuel you are taking in. I will expand further on this point at a later date however.

- A drive to provide stability. Any man of noble spirit and heart wishes to ensure his family and his people deserve a place to rest easy. We are often deprived of this by the hate fuelled semetic parasites who force the outsider upon us in an effort to drive us to the brink. We are forced to live among Negroes, Arabs and assorted other unwelcome offshoots of humanity resulting in a devastation of the European spirit for it is forced to live in a state of constant threat and unending aggression commited against ourselves. Thusly we must forge new homestead and bastions far from the maddening crowd and in order to do that we must provide both financial capabilities and emotional succor in the interim. As a man this is vital and must become a key aspect to any improvements you make, be it for personal or familial reasons. A man can begin the path to /sig/ but if he is trapped within the belly of the beast he can only go so far in such a vile environment. You must become the unmoving mountain of both physical and emotion aspects.

- Sacrificing the easy. The word sacrifice means to make something sacred. A simple concept is it not. So therefore, despite the association with sacrifice being bad as "muh aztecs human sacrifice", removing poisons of both the physical and mental (e.g. mass media) variety to follow the road of improvement means to literally embrace a path of greatness. You are bombarded at every oppurtunity by semetic poisons, be 

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- Sacrificing the easy. The word sacrifice means to make something sacred. A simple concept is it not. So therefore, despite the association with sacrifice being bad as "muh aztecs human sacrifice", removing poisons of both the physical and mental (e.g. mass media) variety to follow the road of improvement means to literally embrace a path of greatness. You are bombarded at every oppurtunity by semetic poisons, be them poor food quality (soy used in bread production, chemical use for preservatives etc) to media in the form of movies and music. "Hey goy, listen to this hot new beat consisting of three notes and a nigger screeching ass into a mic for five minutes, isn't it great?))) is an every day thing which no one outside those waking up to the state of things notices. The worst is subtle corruptions, such as placing Negroes in historical European fiction, making the American Civil War all about slavery, how noble ideals of virtue and honour are "dated" but wanting white women to fuck anything *but* whites or embrace ackbars is great. Seperating yourself from these poisons allows greater clarity, your no longer lethargic due to poor food and no longer mentally subdued due to media bombardment.

By soon I meant like tomorrow. Trying to itemise three years worth of knowledge and studies on semite free self improvement information is a tricky thing. I'm unsure whether to tackle the mental or physical aspects of self improvement first. For instance I could explain the rudimentary rules of weight training and cardio or I could move to the subject of reintroducing the concept of honour and nobility within one's personal manner and character, there's a lot to cover. A billion little strands that need tieing together, i'm struggling to know where to begin.

Eh, i'll throw down one last aspect of understanding self improvement before resting, mainly as it's prescient for myself after the gym visit tonight. Do not expect instant results. Assuming one has found his inner fire, his will has been strengthed and has finally chosen to improve, the first few weeks can be a true test of this new mindset. Once a program of fitness has been chosen, whichever one it may be (there are a myriad of approaches available) you will find it to be an uphill battle. I'll share a personal anecdote on this one. When my training began after realising what is required of me I threw myself into it the first week. I watched countless videos, read innumerable blogs, discerned what methods fit with my approach and went into it with a glad heart. It was a slog. Your body, the first couple of weeks, is incredibly tired, you ache constantly. You'll wonder why results are taking so long and the first test of resolve is issued; to stick by or surrender. If you surrender then you lack value, to yourself and to those who rely on you, you demean and shame yourself in this action but may try justify it with nihilism or pithy jokes. Initially, I did just that, it didn't seem worth it, I fell into a blackpill stupor that took some effort to get out of. But if you persist, if you refuse to lay down and die you will find results coming bit by bit. That protruding gut no longer appears a piece of sagging flesh but toned muscle. Your shoulders and arms grow, once shirts tight around the gut slacken and your arms now stretch them to a welcoming degree. You'll feel better mentally as well, gaining pride in what your achieving but that achievement will take some time. It won't be instant, not by a long shot. It'll take sweat. It'll take pain. It'll take dedication. But once your in the rythm, once your body is becoming more receptive it grows easier and easier. Upon getting over the hump you'll find results arriving incrementially over time with each one providing a new push towards the herculean goal of achieving your form. One must remember though, this is but a part of what must be done. A perfect body is lacking if it is not tempered by the sharpened mind in the same way a great mind lacks force if the body is weak and flabby. Achieving unison in both is the goal of the Overman. Most will never achieve it, it is a life long goal but it is the pursuit of it that makes it such a noble ideal. True perfection in that regard may not be achievable but that is what makes the challenge one worthy of any son of Europe, be him in the States, a far flung former colony or within the home continent. The strength you'll gain and in turn share with others by inspiring and teaching as a result of this road is something to behold. It may just be the thing that saves us. Remember always, weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men.

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> ego death
> implying it's a bad thing
This is the only part I disagree with. Ego psychology is a Freudian concept from jews pushing ego(self) over the collective(people). Your Volk are you. You are your Volk. There is no self. Selfishness has been ingrained in us. Their strategy is obvious. Those who think of self-preservation lose all connection with their people and they're easily manipulated/coerced. Then is when you become so concerned you may even submit for protection or gibs. Don't do this. Focus on everyone which you share ethnic origin with. "You are your Volk"  must be battered back into the minds of the brainwashed masses, or there will never be a significant enough uprising.

I wholeheartedly agree, I phrased that poorly. A more accurate description of what I was wishing to refer to was the understanding of what the European man's role naturally is within the realm of his thinking, in this case the unyielding spirit and where it once was within the psyche. I'm unsure the exact term of such a thing though, please accept my apologies. 

As an aside, if there is a particular aspects someone would like discussed regarding the macro level considerations of /sig/ please ask questions, it's a wonderful topic and there is no such thing as a stupid question in this subject. If not i'll just continue trying to muddle through the concepts to the best of my understanding as and when I formulate them to a worthy post.

Greenland seems unmolested by kikes and has rather nice preserved nature and environment.
I know most people here are cynical and not really bothered by anything, but it would be nice to contribute and try to protect places that still have sovergeinity and racial homogeneity. 
They should also pass referendum to become indenpendent, which means that relatively small population can create counter force to fight against the devils.
If anything at least i won't waste my time if i would create snow niggers there.

Has anyone here quit porn completely?

Let's be blunt, I'm a man and I have needs. I have a need to fuck. I'm not going to stop fapping. I did it for several months before and all that happened was I went really lusty around women who thought I was creepy, had constant awkward boners and jizzed at night during sex dreams so I had to wear underwear to bed. I didn't feel any more energetic or any of that bs, I just felt insanely driven to impregnate a woman.

Having said that, I do look at porn but that's the part I want to stop. Porn is generally quite sickening or just sad. After watching porn I get a slightly depressed feeling from looking at the ugly shit show that is humanity. Porn in general seems mostly driven by exploitation but more importantly there is no love there and certainly no joy. Even my own memories of having sex with women I'm left with a feeling of how horrible they were, like trash, certainly with no real care for me or perhaps even themselves. I go without porn for maybe a few weeks but then my own imagination isn't cutting it and I've forgotten how sad it really is. I fool myself to think I will see something truly fulfilling and satisfying just to scratch the itch and relieve myself but then I see it and by that time I'm already there and mostly finish to a feeling of disgust. I'm plagued by the thought of a better world where these girls could be happy mothers kissing me with deep appreciation.
I've felt this way for years but no matter how many times I walk away from it, I've always gone back. I'm willing to accept this if it's an unavoidable part of my human condition but I was wondering if anyone has achieved permanently quitting?

Grow some discipline then. If you have no discipline you will never make it because you will never be willing to do things which require you to have a strong will. Discipline is the key to a greater future and without it the future will become increasingly bleak. You must increase your discipline stop fapping and stop lusting after women openly. It takes a strong man to moderate himself it takes a great man to overcome himself.

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I haven't been into that vile shit (hardcore porn) since I was a teenager, which was over 18 years ago. "Softcore porn" such as just naked women to me is art. It's not truly porn unless you view it that way. It was art in the Third Reich and nudist camps were acceptable. Nudity wasn't sexualized after the NSDAP took over. Everything that should be sacred and beautiful is made sexual and degraded through various agendas by the jewish mainstream media, even more through hardcore porn industries which they have controlled for a long time. This is Weimar 2.0. The Fourth Reich will be just around the corner as soon as these kikes lose control of currency yet again.

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I've given it some serious thought and I've decided to concede. Now I'd like to talk practically about it, perhaps get some advice from those already doing it.

Coming off as a horny creep to women is kind of unavoidable, although I will do my best to interact with women as little as possible. I would like to make it clear, I never say anything inappropriate nor make sexual advances but women can just tell when you look at them like a starving man looking at a hot meal.
Having said that I'd like some more practical advice, particularly to erections. The wet dreams are pretty easy, as I said before I just wear underwear to bed and washing myself when I wake up just becomes part of my morning routine. However erections happen pretty frequently, probably a minimum of 30 times a day and I once got an extremely embarrassing erection in front of a teenage girl where she brushed my arm and I bent over with my butt out to reposition it to upright under my belt whilst concerned onlookers were asking what was wrong. The longest period I've gone before is about five months so I don't know if any major changes in this area happen after that, but in the mean time, any advice about hiding erections? I'm seriously considering a male chastity penis cage, pic related, but I'm a little concerned about if I suddenly need to urinate in public and people might think I'm some sort of sex freak for wearing one.

Don't go in urinal. Use the stall toilet. I mean, stand like a man don't piss like a woman. Still. I've been using stalls since an encounter in the 90s at the local park where some fag looked over and started complimenting my junk. As for women, don't interact with them less. Do so more. I'm surrounded by women at my job. This made talking to them not an issue at all, especially considering how much of an anti-social freak I was throughout Junior High and High School. Hung out with the jocks but couldn't talk to the girls. Even had them randomly groping me and I didn't respond right. If I could go back in time I'd beat the shit out of myself

Women are not angels. They're the same pissing, shitting, emotionally volatile creatures as everyone else.

Op here on the subject of import; understanding the Overman.

> To forge a man of action.

In these chaotic times, true men of action are needed. So often we consider our situation almost insurmountable, the semetic enemies weapons innumerable, their golems plentiful. In order to be a Man of Action, a true European, you must, as i've stated in previous threads and posts, embody the Aryan ideal of the Overman. But just what *is* the Overman?

I could acost you with long winded tales of European heroism and nobility (which is something you should most certainly learn about) but I shall cut to the very heart of the matter; it is you. It is the culmination of wisdom, strength and bravery that lies at the heart of Men of Action. It is one, be him a mighty giant or a short and portly fellow who recognises his weaknesses and fixes it not because he is told to, not because he merely wants to but because it *is* him. 

In a manner of speaking it's the realisation of just what you are underneath all the follies and vile degeneracy of the modern age. The Overman is a man who does not merely wish change but simply does it. Some would use a Hollywood trope from some semetic corruption of the idea but the truth is the Overman is what one could term "true" power. His power is not borrowed but attained by him through strife and struggle. 

Knowledge from learning of events from modern media, Reddit posts or shitty 4cuck threads, these are the hallmarks of a small man. It is from reading literature of old, understanding philosophy from Plato to Evola, scouring Historical texts banned or hidden from public discourse for the truths they seek hidden that one attains understanding at a level he had not believed possible for it is with this knowledge the European Man attained greatness.

An Overman does not rely on protein powders or steroids to gain physical strength and mastery, nor does he seek knowledge from jokes of "martial training" like Kike Maga or Brazillian Jujitsu but gains prowess and discipline through true martial training, be it boxing or a real martial art.

An Overman does not seek temporary relief or succor from things that would poison and weaken such as media or consumption of a product for he can find enjoyment in his own creation, whether through skills such as gardening, carpentry, art or writing. He can break the shackles of the modern degeneracy and in doing so becomes more than a mere man, more than a simple anon on a board. He becomes a true exemplar of what every far flung son of Europe is at his heart; a hero. 

Yes this is not a path for everyone. It can be lonely, soul crushing at times. You will find yourself torn, struggling to overcome concepts forced upon you and others by the semetic parasites who have taken your future. Your body will ache, your mind will bend but there is a light at the end. There is a strength you never knew you had, a wisdom you did not believe you could possess and in walking the path you do not merely galvanise yourself against the predations of those who seek your demise but you will become a beacon for fellow Men of Action. A light of hope in a world darkened by blood and treachery. You will become the Overman. The European ideal. Others will tell you it's not possible, to merely surrender to nihilism, to take the path of least resistance. But you are better than that. In your veins runs the blood of heroes, men who fought and forged nations for their sons and daughters. It falls to us to reclaim and build upon our birthright. It falls to us to raise our fathers banners once more against the gloaming morass of inhumanity that seek our eternal downfall. We walk this path together, even now with oceans seperating us. Division must end for only in unity can we defend against the coming storm, only in brotherhood can we stand shoulder to shoulder. This is our conflict, a battle for the very soul of our people, there is no retreat for we are the very bulwark that will protect our race from becoming the dust and echoes our enemies wish it to be. We will r

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Yes this is not a path for everyone. It can be lonely, soul crushing at times. You will find yourself torn, struggling to overcome concepts forced upon you and others by the semetic parasites who have taken your future. Your body will ache, your mind will bend but there is a light at the end. There is a strength you never knew you had, a wisdom you did not believe you could possess and in walking the path you do not merely galvanise yourself against the predations of those who seek your demise but you will become a beacon for fellow Men of Action. A light of hope in a world darkened by blood and treachery. You will become the Overman. The European ideal. Others will tell you it's not possible, to merely surrender to nihilism, to take the path of least resistance. But you are better than that. In your veins runs the blood of heroes, men who fought and forged nations for their sons and daughters. It falls to us to reclaim and build upon our birthright. It falls to us to raise our fathers banners once more against the gloaming morass of inhumanity that seek our eternal downfall. We walk this path together, even now with oceans seperating us. Division must end for only in unity can we defend against the coming storm, only in brotherhood can we stand shoulder to shoulder. This is our conflict, a battle for the very soul of our people, there is no retreat for we are the very bulwark that will protect our race from becoming the dust and echoes our enemies wish it to be. We will retake our future.

Hail our people.
Hail Victory.

Kinda depends on how much time you have. There's no quick way to doing it and everyone is different. Whatever you want to do you have to approach it with balance. If you have no equipment, you can do pushups, situps, pullups and squats. Do the latter on a seperate day. For each of these, especially with squats you want to push yourself. Unless you're completely sedentary your legs are probably a whole heck of a lot stronger than you give them credit for.  
Mountain climbers and running are good for building up a sweat, do these on the days you don't do squats or you're going to be harshing on your legs.
As for diet, it depends on what your goals are. If you can cut back calorically you'll lose weight. Things like pop and fast food are horrible for your diet because they have an excess of sugars, salts and oils, to keep it simple. They're also the most common dietary vices. The more you can cut down on these the better. I'd recommend trying to make simple, attainable changes, before trying to go full Spartan warrior mode as you'll like get burnt out and just end up despondent. 
From there if you want to get more serious, I'd recommend checking out the /fit/ boards of 4chan, 8chan, and 7chan. They should have some cumulative amount of resources to at least point you in the right direction to get some better information or give you an idea ultimately of what your ultimate goal will be. 
There's a board here >>>/ath/ that has some good write-ups on the science behind building muscle. But the important things to me are always mental, like you said you need a solid regiment, espcially when you're starting out that you can at the very least maintain, so it needs to be realistic.

You do me great honour by speaking so. There will come a time to lead, the horrors upon us are beyond comprehension at this juncture, from the invasion of our nations by innately hostile golems, the stripping of our cultue and spirit to the mutilation of our children by "social justice" lunatics, the tally grows ever taller. It will fall to us all to be the men our people demand us to be but the question is always when. Wait too long, it will fall apart beyond a fighting chance. Too early you get shut down instantly like many modern movements. 

I apparently do have a certain cadence to my voice (a subject of chagrin for my wife who claims I sound akin to a World War 1 officer) but from time to time I struggle with addressing larger groups which has cropped up on occassion in my field of expertise. Sometimes despite my ability to speak eloquently with a handful of people I trip over my tongue with more so any advice would be warmly welcomed.

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My career path involves public speaking to large rooms of university students by request. I'm aware of the tongue-tying when attempting a long speech. At first there is eloquence, then gazing out at the audience causes stammering and struggling over the words. It's all in your head. The common advice is to picture them naked. Don't. All you have to do is imagine the audience isn't even there.

Obviously drink in moderation. I heard Italians start at age 8, having wine with every meal. I hate it. Tastes like rust to me. One of my highschool girlfriends is a heavy wino. She used to be beautiful. Now she looks like the trainwreck in a Meth before and after picture.

Would rather have a bottle of Morgan. Actually, no. Can't do that anymore. I just looked it up. Seagram CEO Samuel Bronfman. Fucking jews. The goddamn parasites are everywhere. 2% of the population my ass.

OP here again, wishing for to discuss a little on the subject of the groundings of a leader.

In Revolt Against The Modern World, Evola mentions one of the key things for a leader to have is something akin to a divine right. The purpose of this is to cement his leadership beyond what one could possibly term the "physical plane" (I am loathe to use that phrase as it mostly corresponds to modern corruptions of spirituality but it's the only analogue I can think of at this moment). I can certainly see the appeal in this for the modern man is severely lacking in anything beyond the material, the consumption based lives they lead hollow and vaccous so offering something higher could be appealing if applied right but the question is how could such a concept be utilised beyond the classic trappings of modern semetic Christianity or one of it's more openly vile cousins. 

This "divine right" can take many forms, be it an origin story (see Wotan/Odin and so forth for examples) or some claim of direct communion with a higher power (see modern semetic religions as examples of this) so if one were to contemplate on how to adapt it, what would be the most effective method. I've heard it argued that Adolf himself, while not using this method directly, was considered a man worthy of adulation despite being merely an average gentleman in appearence so one must ask if it was his oratory that led to him being held in such high regard. If one reads his speeches with the correct translations it can be clearly seen his words have a power to them, include a passionate delivery it becomes obvious how it could illicit greatness in the hearts of men and thus it could be argued this was his "divine power" as it were, to lift the soul. I however believe there is something beyond this however. A glance over National Socialist propaganda shows it did not focus on him as a great leader nor any specific of the party itself but of the unbending will of his people, inspiring images of men building and creating, women being the matriarch and providing succor. It could of been easy to paint him as some grand hero in the public eye, warp him to a facsimile of a truly powerful Germanic male and yet in paintings of him it is not power that is portrayed but simply a man of decent bearing. Therefore we must look beyond the singular confines of what we percieve to be leadership in this current epoch which would be a focus on a mere man (Trump is a recent and ill fated example of this) and consider what the man himself is doing.

If one were to apply the concept of "divine right" while considering all of this I believe the success of Adolf and his message was infact perhaps speaking not merely to the people but speaking directly to the spirit of them or the volk as it were, bringing them together to form not merely a "faith" of what one commonly considers to be a collection of rules and obedience to a single entity but something a strata above that. This is the tool for which any budding leader of men must utilise. Many current "thought leaders", if you can even offer them such a grand term, attempt to do this, speaking of solidarity between the European peoples, speaking of uniting together and yet none can openly offer *positive* change. Oh, of course you'll get the usual "to survive" which is a vital reason but that is a defensive term. It is an attempt at a bulwark but not a vector of pushing forward. What a true leader of men must encompass is not reconfiguring the existing system but an entirely new system with an objective that transcends mere survival. I have written on various occasions on the importance of hope and that is what a positive objective must embody. Without a forward motion our people and our goals can never come to fruition for such a position is static, it is merely holding back the tide, not actively pushing it back. It offers respite, not hope or faith. Any new leaders words must speak directly *to* the European spirit, the grand mass of our people rather than focusing on small pockets of resistance or small objectives. Had Hitler focused efforts solely on ultra nationalists it's likely his movement would of struggled even with the horrors of Weimar, his encompassing of a dream for his people spoke not to them on a personal level but to the spirit that had been shackled by traitors and parasites. In speaking to the spirit of the European peoples this leader does not aquire the "divine right" in himself but creates it within the very people themselves with the leader himself taking the role of awakening it from it's long slumber within every man and woman seeking a future. This must be a lynchpin for any who seek to forge a path, it must be the core tenant at the heart of not merely White wellbeing but to building a future worthy of our people.

There is no retreat, no bastion that can hold forever. We must always push forward and to do that we must embrace the Spirit of ourselves and our people to do so. We must never rest nor stop, upon victory we must find new challenges and new goals for rest and becoming static will merely allow for the degeneration to repeat and for more atrocities to be put against us. Our children have been brutalised and raped, our women degenerated and used as puppets, our men stripped of nobility and pride. The enemy has attempted to strip us of all hope and crush our spirits, only offering kosher religiosity and "new age" spirituality to flourish for they are easy to control. The true Spirit of Europe must be awoken for only in faith in ourselves and our people can victory be won and a future made manifest.

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> In Revolt Against The Modern World, Evola mentions
Admiration of Evola does not belong here.
> Adolf himself, while not using this method directly, was considered a man worthy of adulation despite being merely an average gentleman in appearence
> so one must ask if it was his oratory that led to him being held in such high regard.
That belongs here. The rest of that..
and this, I agree with.
> Had Hitler focused efforts solely on ultra nationalists it's likely his movement would of struggled even with the horrors of Weimar
True. It's often a false statement that Hitler believed in "the master race" when the only time he ever mentioned it was to label jews. Hitler was for the German people, not the usual fake "blonde hair and blue eyes only!" narrative. The Hofbrauhaus, Friday the 15th on August 1920 was were he said, "Here everyone works exactly according to the instincts of his race, because the race, or should we say, the nation and its character, as the Jew himself explains, lies in blood, and this blood is forcing everyone to act according to these principles, whether he is the leading mind in a party that calls itself democratic, or calls itself socialist, or a man of science, literature, or just an ordinary exploiter. He is a Jew; he works aglow with one thought: How do I get my people to become the Master Race."
> There is no retreat, no bastion that can hold forever. (etc)
Yes, I read the rest. What we need though is a leader who's willing to step up and accomplish all of this. Not that I haven't been trying. This jew infested world is a pain in the ass when it comes to making an attempt at gaining a foothold. At least he came across six others who believed as he did, of the German worker's party. I'm constantly unindoctrinating others as they then take flight north when the realization hits.
> "to survive" which is a vital reason but that is a defensive term. It is an attempt at a bulwark but not a vector of pushing forward. 
That works metaphorically. Let's talk literal. If survival was top on Hitler's list, Germany may not have lost. I admire the man for the true inspiring leader he is, but I must also admit the two faults he had. Not setting up extreme defense for his nation, and believing in the kike doctor Theodor Gilbert Morell's prognosis that his "light would go out at any minute". This put survival the furthest from Adolf's mind. What Germany needed was heavily militarized border and coastal forts, anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun emplacements everywhere. What he did was set up German soldiers in defense of other territories to prevent Bolsheviks from invading them. Numbers of soldiers were stretched too thin to defend Berlin, with massive amounts of cowardly faggots from Great Britain, Russia and America ganging up on a nation barely larger than Idaho. In the end, it was a jew's vile propaganda that did him in. That destroyed Germany and they continue to taint Hitler's name with their repulsive lies to this day.

> Admiration of Evola does not belong here.

I agree with your stance on Evola's personal thoughts on the Reich but it would be foolish for us to ignore his analysis on how leaders are formed. They make for a good basis on which to work from in an effort to evolve the concepts in an effort to ascertain a model that would work in this modern era.

There's a delicious irony concerning Evola actually, a good portion of his work tracks and teaches of the tools and requirements of a leader and how the world is degenerating and yet when facing the nest of liars and manipulators of the post war period he acted the coward by claiming essentially "I am not a fascist like these other fascists, I am above them all" after which he then lived in obscurity as he allows his work to be mostly forgotten. Seperating the man and his work can be useful as his work is insightful, it's just ashame he doesn't practise what he preaches. I like to think of his work on this topic as a passion project from a man who thought himself brave and went out to learn bravery in it's totality only to find when challenged he could not emulate those he sought to understand.

> That works metaphorically. Let's talk literal. If survival was top on Hitler's list, Germany may not have lost.

I agree but only partially. The war Hitler fought was in a time where men, at least some, understood concepts of honour, duty and valour. Many believed in such things even during the first war when even on Christmas day, despite the blood letting, arms were lowered and men joined for a friendly game of football. Modern, underhanded semetic tactics such as infiltration and subversion were not practised by the common soldiery and thusly I think Hitler still operated on the concept he was dealing with actual European leaders, not their parasitic puppet masters. He thought they would see reason and join him in preparing the for Communist forces invasion of Europe. Had he known the truth of how far our nations had fallen, one must wonder how his plans would of changed.

The other issue is the battle we fight now compared to the battle of then. Both are against a corrosive semetic influence but the battle lines are vastly different. Back then, when the war began Hitler mounted a counter attack that while ill fated and stretched his forces, proved successful, we are in a uphill battle from the outset due to the nature of our conflict compared to his. We have been born into a battle we didn't know we were fighting, the subversion rooted deep. We've been relying on speakers and fringe politicians who fight against it in the open only to see them fail due to the cultural monopoly the parasite has. None of these modern leaders even come close to the men of the past such as Rockwell, Pierce or even Mosley. They shackle themselves out of fear, embarass themselves by lacking credulity. This is why it's important to understand the environment from which a leader can emerge and for us to go on the offensive to help *create* it, that must be our goal. Our message must reach those who have suffered at the hands of the beast, be they the lowly man working in a shoe factory to the highest echelons who have watched their surrounding community and culture die. It is from these ranks the men we need may arise but only if they know what is needed. I can even cite two modern example of this, ableit a poor one and an adequate one.

Let us look for a moment at National Action, the ill fated and sadly anti life movement that emerged in Britain. It held rallies openly naming the tribe and recruited directly from the working class, their ranks swelled quite a bit considering. They proved successful to a degree in rallying, however they also had multiple serious issues, the first one being a completely controlled organisation. Now I know some like to claim "no man, we werent controlled op, we were legit m8". Let me make it abundantly clear, they were not a natural movement. Every member found themselves on a list, *every* member. The second issue with them, as if the first main one isn't en

> Post got cut off

Let us look for a moment at National Action, the ill fated and sadly anti life movement that emerged in Britain. It held rallies openly naming the tribe and recruited directly from the working class, their ranks swelled quite a bit considering. They proved successful to a degree in rallying, however they also had multiple serious issues, the first one being a completely controlled organisation. Now I know some like to claim "no man, we werent controlled op, we were legit m8". Let me make it abundantly clear, they were not a natural movement. Every member found themselves on a list, *every* member. The second issue with them, as if the first main one isn't enough was their focus on the nihilistic nature of the movement. They wanted change, of course. But what they presented had no method of doing so. A brief look at their imagery or appearence reveals much, the stylised symbol of the movement, the corruption of Mosley's smartly dressed Black Shirts into hoodies and black jeans, their entire appearence was the corruption of positive aspects. No Men of Action, only Men of Death. They had an ideal of giving Britain back to the British only they failed to understand that their appearence and actions was merely a tool for the parasite to use to *supress* such a thing. But people kept flocking any way as they were the only group at that juncture doing it. Young working class men had something to believe in, they had a goal that aimed around doing something even if it was nebulous and unfocused beyond "fuck kikes". Had they the foresight to realise they were becoming puppets, well, let us just say hindsight is always 20/20.

Now to compare to another movement, namely Scottish Dawn. It is claimed that they had ties to NA, something that would allow the parasite to deploy the system into full shut it down mode however they had a few marked differences. Initially SD utilised a system similar to Golden Dawn with voluntary community improvements such as clearing the countryside of garbage and various other local projects. At first, it began with a few hundred and gained momentum in a short time among the working class in a similar vein to NA only with a focus initially on Scottish nationalism. The very sybmol they used was the life rune, a reflection of these values. However, much like most modern movements, it seems to of been infiltrated and eventually became NA lite. A brief look at this video is a good demonstration what with the moody visuals, the forboding music and the "FCK ISIS" hoodies. It was a devolution into the anti life nihilism of NA.

h ttps://w ww.bitchute.com/video/OTMlklCnkfTh/

When considering both of these movements there is a clear demonstration there are those willing to stand and to make a change. The issue is the need for a true leader for them to rally around which is why I promote so heavily for a informational offensive that would get the truth of the situation in the hands of these men and for someone with the wisdom, Will and foresight of what is needed to lead them from a higher echelon. Someone who understands the dangers of negative imagery and nihilistic rage and can turn it into a positive change for which men can follow to victory and glory. If you offer these men mere survival some may see that as something impossible as your merely resisting. But to offer not merely survival but an objective goal at changing their fates, well, then you offer them something more. There is little glory in survival, of course there is a nobility in the concept of sacrifice to make it happen but men yearn for something beyond being remembered simply for that. They want to know they made a tangible change to a dying system. We must offer them that.

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> "I am not a fascist like these other fascists, I am above them all"
> after which he then lived in obscurity as he allows his work to be mostly forgotten.
Makes sense. If he didn't raise or participate in a group of people, he was never fascist. Because that's actually all fascism ever was. Groupism.
> Hitler still operated on the concept he was dealing with actual European leaders, not their parasitic puppet masters. 
Hitler spoke frequently of their jewish puppet masters, especially involving America. He was well aware of international jewry. I respect Scottish Dawn, mainly because I'm a Scot by blood and it disgusts me to learn what's becoming of Scotland. National Action though, anyone named Benjamin (his last name Raymond) I do not trust. I agree with the majority of your message. National Socialism has been aligned with false images of darkness and false accusations of violence and atrocities for too long. The message needs to be positive. Anyone shilling violence and "terrorist actions" needs to be shunned completely. If Hitler is permitted to be viewed in classes or the public eye, it's always untranslated German which the masses don't commonly understand and when he was furious. It's never when he spoke calmly. His messages are not permitted publicly because they're afraid. Millions of Germans did not follow a "dark, brooding, angry leader". They followed a man offering positive change. One who actually made that happen and was appreciated by the German people. This type of event hasn't happened since. I'm reminded of Patrick Little who claimed he was running for the Presidency. Though his entire message was always true and pointed out kikery to the public, he gave up, whined about his wife (kissed Putin's ass) and forfeited his run. We need a leader with an indomitable will offering the positive, not a furious mob of rage fueled calls to violence which are easily villainized by the mainstream media, banned and discarded.

> I respect Scottish Dawn, mainly because I'm a Scot by blood and it disgusts me to learn what's becoming of Scotland

The situation facing Scotland is quite dire, I retreated to a more secluded forgotten spot in the south west of these darkened isles but i've been keeping up with what affairs I can. Scotland, as it stands, has condemned itself. It's choice is either stand with the SNP who are insistent on joining the EU and we all know how diversified it will find itself in that event thanks to the cash for migrants deals the semites will push (not that Sturgeon would need pushing). The other is follow Westminister who will do to the Scots what they did to the English; complete identity erasure. It's only a matter of time until Robert the Bruce or some such figure is hung from the branches of equality as a heretic. Also the state of speech up there is appalling from all reports, arrests for merely revving an engine "threateningly" at a Muslim and such. Throw in the finances being centralised to Edinburgh and it's a real shit show, most villages and poorer suburbs are now either being abandoned, filled with migrants or drugs or both in many cases. 

Wales and N. Ireland seem fairly forgotten compared to Scotland in all of this but thats hardly surprising. Considering how industry was executed in Wales, all thats left is rotting small villages left to suffer or a blood rivalry in N. Ireland fermented by traitors on each side. Mixed in between all of this is groups of "Loyalists" beseeching for unity under the banner of the Union Jack who fail to understand the Empire lays dead and we will too unless we reforge either as brothers in a united cause (actual brothers, not singular control from the cesspit of London) or individual countries finding their own future. I would rather unity with true power sharing rather than singular power but I know I am an outlier with such thinking thusly I would happily settle for complete dissolution. I know the wounds run deep and the sins we English carry are indeed heavy, trust must be earned by a hand of friendship rather than the bloodied blade our "leaders" once enjoyed. Whether we can either regain our honour and nobility to earn such trust for a truly unified Britain is a question i've not been able to answer for some years now.

As an aside, a mans blood will always yearn for his far off homelands and you honour your lineage by respecting it as you do. I do not know if it helps but I will be visiting some of the western islands of Scotland later in the year (Jura etc), if you so wish I can leave a message or a marker on your behalf (I would advise it be ambigious) in a region. I know in these dark times we can feel isolated from our history so if you would like something recorded and placed in a quiet corner I will endeavour to do so. All I ask is if you do wish it, it should be something not identifiable directly. Even the most careful of men can be caught out with a single careless word or item.

While I normally post more in depth views on /sig/ and so forth, for tonight I shall be sharing some recipes for a more light hearted offering. I am still unable to post images so instead I shall share the old fashioned way. These are some special ones I recovered from some archival old Vienna gourmets cook book from around a century ago, both of which are rather tasty as a pleasent treat. Do enjoy and remember; you are what you eat so avoid the modern poisons and savour the best you can get. These are good and hearty dishes and chosen specifically for the simplicity of them (for gourmet cooking their simple), if it's of interest i'll gladly share some of the more in depth ones at some point also.

- Viennese Goulash (Wienersaft Gulyás)
Crush together 2 teaspoons marjoram (failing that oregando will suffice, 2/3 tablespoon of oregano equals 1 tablespoon of marjoram) 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds (if lacking this try anise or fennel) and finely chopped lemon rind and 1 clove of garlic. In a large saucepan combine 3/4 cup of butter, 1 teaspoon of tomato paste and the crushed seasonings.

Add 2 pounds of peeled onions, sliced, and sautee them, stirring constantly until golden. Add 1 tablespoon of sweet Hungarian paprika (it's like regular paprika with a touch more sweetness) and cook the onions, stirring constantly, for half a minute more. Add 2 pounds of beef -chuck, rump or round- cut into large same sized chunks, 1 cup of water and a pinch of salt. Cover the saucepan tightly and let simmer until the beef is tender, about hour and half should do it. Add a little more water during cooking only if needed.

Just before the goulash is done, add 1/2 cup of water and let the sauce boil up once. If more sauce is preferred, sprinkle it with 1/4 cup of flour just before the water is added at the end and add 1 more cup of water.

- Ham Pockets (Schinkentaschen)

Sift 2 cups of flour with 1/4 teaspoon of salt onto a bread board. Make a well in the center of the flour and in it put 1 cup of butter, 1/2 pound of creamcheese and 1 egg yolk. Work the center ingredients into the flour to make a smooth dough. Chill the dough for one hour. 

Sauté 2 medium onions, finely chopped, in 1 tablespoon of butter. Remove the pan from the heat and mix the onions well with 1/2 pound of ham, chopped, 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of paprika (hungarian or regular) and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper. 

Roll the dough out 1/8 inch thick on a lightly floured board, cut it into 2 inch squares, and on top of each square place a teaspoon of filling. Pinch the corners of the squares together over the filling and press together the edges of the dough to seal them. Bake the ham pockets on an unbuttered baking sheet on a moderate heat (350f/180c) for 15 minutes or until the pastry is nicely browned. Serve hot. Makes for about 6 dozen.

Are these dishes particuarly good for gains? Not entirely. Are they particuarly bad for you Eh, carbs in the Ham Pockets but y'now. Do these make for a pleasent occasional treat for a man on the path of /sig Most certainly. Challenging yourself not just in body, spirit and mind is important and thus learning skills such as preparing a meal worthy of yourself is just as important. Remember, it's the effort you put in that makes the final results all the better in all things, having a fine treat once in a while can lift the spirits of any man.

You have the sort of intelligence this board could benefit from. I'm not sure it would matter if you placed markers across western islands of Scotland. What would be of more benefit is reporting back here with any news of non-immigrant locations. I long for my ancestral homeland, but then there's the Public Order Act of 1986 holding a 7 year prison sentence for "hate speech". I very much doubt native Scots are protected under the law. It's to punish those who wish to have their land for their people. And I'm incapable of not revealing international jewry for what it is. When America's 1st amendment is finally pozzed and people are being tossed in prison en masse, that's about when I'll give up and move to Scotland. The entire world will be ruined by then. Not that the U.S. isn't a grand display of ruin already. When the eventual removal of our freeze peach happens as it has across European nations, there will be no reason to speak out anymore. At that time I might struggle to keep my thoughts to myself and settle down, waiting for the door to door guillotine service for not accepting the mark of "David". Saturn in ancient cuneiform, Remphan, Chiun, Moloch, etc. Beast gods of human sacrifice. Fitting

There are some pockets of untouched populations, all of which follow a similar theme to what can be found in both England and Wales, namely financial barriers. The more affluent villages (usually made affluent by higher end farms breeding specialised cattle and so forth or have a unique tourist trait) have house prices usually around £300,000 and above which coincides with very close knit communities all of whom own decent chunks of the surrounding land, this all acts as a bulwark, at least for the most part. Up until a few years ago some of the western Scottish islands were relatively untouched, they did suffer from poor economy however the geographical isolation meant very limited access for drugs and other corrosive elements. They were mostly older people with the young flocking to the cities at around a 50% rate I think it was, give or take. It wasn't enough to maintain the smaller towns but if careful planning had been done by local councils it could of actually been made to work by simply downsizing however the SNP and Westminster at the time pushed for something different. What instead happened was a dumping of several thousand migrants in these smaller, outlying towns and villages of old Scotland which mostly consisted of older people. 

I remember one particular one was Rothesay. A small island, not much work as most of the people were of an older generation but relatively peaceful, it wasn't particuarly affluent *but* it did have a community. A friend of mine had family there and recalled many a summer where he would visit his grand parents, it had poor weather but the people were content and despite being out the way they had eachother. Well, in 2015, three thousand "Syrian refugees" were dumped there. On this small island. With a small community. The results? Well it's the same tale as so many once peaceful pockets; it fell apart. It began slowly from all accounts, some discontent, some arrests for "naughty thoughts" being posted as is now the standard in these darkened isles. But as time went on, so did the poison. It began with some sporadic robberies, a violent attack once in a while but soon, mysteriously, drugs arrived in significant numbers, more than had been recorded previously. Discussions on this were scrubbed around 2017 when it came to light, mostly in comment sections now moderated to the extremes but it painted a dark yet familar picture. You see, the migrants got bored. They expected, as the semetic parasites had promised them, entertainment, a free ride. Only instead they found a small, quiet community composed mostly of the elderly wishing to live out their lives in relative peace. Thusly, these people found themselves at the mercy of these "migrants". These same migrants even got hand outs the locals had no access to, special treatment in the form of free cash lump sums, even a small "music festival" was arranged to buy these people, I joke not, new iPhones. All of this, in a community that had been three thousand people, most of whom were elderly, all of which were "easy pickings" for these deranged, incestual golems. What is Rothesay now? It's hard to say, much like any place that has had "vibrancy" inflicted upon it the story remains untold. The last I heard it had degenerated further but most of it is swept under the rug. This is sadly a tale not isolated to this community. It has happened again and will keep happening until men find their Will once more.

So, where to secure a location. At this juncture, your best bet for a hold out in my opinion is;

Scotland - The rugged Highlands. Just above Fort Augustus there are a myriad of smaller lochs with a number of small hamlets. Building out in these areas can prove difficult however with a moderate budget it is feasable if you cannot find available locations. The best advice I can give is to seek somewhere with an exceedingly small population with very limited external connections. It will make some purchases and logistics strenous but the payoff is isolation in which you can operate as you wish. There is many a nook and cranny a cunning man could live and even build anew within. Knowing Gaelic can be a bonus the further north you go as it's more prominent (as it should be) but it is not an overt requirement. One thing of note I would add is thanks to media, many Scots when they hear of an American who has Scottish heritage may roll their eyes. This is mainly due to the deluge of "comedians" who the parasite has employed to ensure no brotherhood can be formed (the same is employed to ensure division among internal groups in Britain as well, such as north and south of England etc). Americans as an example are presented by Scottish comedians as "fat and lacking culture so they come to take ours" along side usual caricatures of a fat man wearing a Haiwain shirt with a fanny pack and a camera. The key to counter is simply to act and present yourself in a respectful way (but I think anyone reading this already understands such things, this is merely for anyone passing by wondering the situation).

Wales - Wales is a sad story. Many of it's once proud and welcoming villages lay precariously between poverty and ruin. However it is in the more northern and northwestern coastal regions one may find a pocket with some life left in it to make a stand, the coast by Snowdonia is most beautiful also, a man could find peace there. As an Englishman I have always had a budding respect for those I would call brother and the tale of what was done to Wales by a country who should of been it's kin is a shame that weighs heavy. They are a noble people we abandoned and a very proud people still. If anyone does wish to move there I would advise learning Welsh both as a sign of respect and for sheer utility. I know the respect part is not really needed to be added but it's just for those unaware of the importance of their language to them and for awareness of avoiding insult to anyone unfamiliar. It is used quite widely in street signs and general conversation and is quite a pleasent language to know.

England - My homeland. A land beset by conceited hatred of brothers enforced by Westminster, corrupted by the disease of unbridled finance from London yet somehow it grew to forge an Empire. An Empire dead by it's own greed and zealous self hatred of it's own kin driven by parasites and their lackeys. There are a few hold out areas, oddly the Scottish and Welsh border regions offer some pockets of defensive locations. The north of England suffered much like Wales did when it's industry was hung by Thatcher after the unions were infiltrated by semetic gaunts however there remains areas just north of the Yorkshire Dales one can find villages relatively peaceful. Just above the Northumberland National Park there are also some good locations worth securing also, old forgotten pockets of England. If one were so look south the areas to the north and west of Dartmoor make for good spots. Areas around Exmoor can also prove to be sparsley populated which can also provide a haven as well as offering significant access to cultural history.

Northern Ireland - A land I am sadly lacking in knowledge in "diversity" wise (although their folk tales are magnificent). What limited knowledge I know suggests areas just west of Lough Neagh can make for a decent retreat. The disease spreading through N. Ireland according to colleagues is focused out of Belfast but i'm afraid my knowledge is sadly lacking. 

As a general rule of thumb when assessing where to move I would advise the following options;

- Seek geographical isolation. It makes the job harder but it also makes for greater odds of avoiding both the disease of "diversity" and it's proponents.
- The further away from a significant hub, the better. You'll be hard pushed to not find a large mosque and shitskin section in any city within Britain. Consider this patient zero in an infectious disease situation. The further you are from a mosque the better. The same rule applies for a synagogue or local jewish place of worship, if they are present it's always for a reason. In the infectious disease situation they are the virus turning the patient into an animal.
- Be sure to have rudimentary skills concerning house maintenance. You do not need a full understanding of every facet but basic skills concerning repairs electrical outlets and plumbing can be exceedingly helpful in isolated areas. Isolation has it's pro's but it also has it's cons and this is one of them.
- Prepare to get dirty. Gardening can be a wonderful skill and basic skills concerning growing simple crops, while not vital, is *always* a good thing. It grants you pride in your achievements and means you can be at least partially self sufficient, a most definate useful skill if you seek to isolate to a significant degree.

Ah, a correction must be made concerning Rothesay. It was reported as 15 families which is correct but it also failed to report the other 900 individuals which bought the grand total to around 1,050 to 1,200 at last estimation onto an island of 6,500 with unconfirmed reports of several hundred more being moved there a year later according to rumour, the three thousand figure was a mix up by me. It should also be noted upon arrival the refugees were granted the main church hall of Rothesay as a migrant center and in an ironic twist the SNP actually initiated further cuts to the local infastructure supporting the elderly population after this event.

When you said affluent villages have house prices around £300,000 (and above), that's hopeful. It's equal to $382,504 and 50 cents. Affluent houses in America cost in the millions. Though the idea of building my own home in a small loch is more appealing. Some cozy cabin design, possibly adding a gathering hall near it later. I'm familiar with woodworking and gardening. My youth was in putting up sheetrock by measurements, spackling and working in a nursery (for plants not babies). Not tree felling though, nor electrical or plumbing. Might be a good idea to try trade schools on those first, as well as learn Goidelic Gaelic from a tutor. An empire dead by greed, self hatred, parasites and their lackeys is the very definition of the USA as well. Seems the entire world is in the hands of jewish bloodsuckers, yet most pockets of resistance are controlled. There needs to be one that isn't, yet grows exponentially similar to how the NSDAP did. The old methods should be applied to modern times, but never strictly online. That achieves nothing, as I've long known.

America may be now a corpse puppet much like Britain but it was a nation forged by heroes. Men of unyielding Will that charged bloodied and harried into a wilderness hostile to their very being with pockets of natives who when not consuming psychedelics enjoyed rape and butchery of local wildlife. No matter what the tribe and their lackeys do, never let that be taken away from you. Modern America may be dead but the forging of an entirely new nation from dirt and heroism is one of the noblest endeavours any wayward son of Europe has ever achieved. Things may be grim but the true spirit of America and those who forged her can never be truly crushed.

As for groups however, it is a tricky thing. 
NSDAP had an advantage in that media was a lot more limited in it's influence so that people would see the degeneracy but the media spin was fairly isolated to print. It was certainly still present, the parasite still manipulating where it could but it did not permeate every corner. What we face now requires true Men to stand, the who and how of it is... elusive. Our foes also have a myriad of tools, the key I believe is to deprive them of these, to remove them systematically to force a confrontation on the terms of whatever group takes a stand. The online component as you rightly point out is indeed static thusly is highly limited in what it can do and limiting to the individuals who partake, it's why /sig/ and any pro active components are so vital to building a foundation for Men of Action to emerge. 

As an example of pro active movements the Rise Above Movement while indeed related to the alt kike and likely infiltrated seems to of had the hammer dropped on it far harder than other alt kike components which demonstrates the innate fear of sons of Europe aligning with positive goals in mind. A more refined model of them could potentially prove useful if utilised in a wiser and subtler fashion. Preferably without the latent failings or homosexuality  of the RAM group. Mayhaps make the group a simple concept, improvement based upon the European ideals. While it would indeed "catch flak" for merely being *based* upon European ideals by the parasites media entity it has enough wriggle room by it's nature to lay foundations in a similar vein to the now cuckolded medieval fighting clubs. Of course it would need to be far less LARPy and present itself in a respectable manner but it could be a good breeding ground for men with similar ideals. There is issues with this however, namely finance and the ability to actually have a working group of trustworthy men, something exceedingly hard in an age where the parasites way of living by subversion and cowardice is becoming a recognised standard of living.

> but it was a nation forged by heroes. 
The germanics and anglos who settles in the American continent were heroes.  The state itself was never good, however.  The founders were masons and the republic was built on enlightenment values.  It was a revolution just like the one in England and just like the one in France, all orchestrated by their kikes masters.  American patriots are not on our side full-stop.  America has been the strongest and most obedient golem for world-jewry and needs to be dismantled.  If you identify as anything but your face, you aren't a national socialist.

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I don't "identify" as a Scot, myself. I am Scottish by ancestry. I'm also a devoted National Socialist. As far as the term American, that's what websites and newspapers are pushing off as a race these days. Don't forget, Christobal Colon, white-washed as "Christopher Columbus", was "sailing the ocean blue in 1492" the same year as kikes were expelled from Spain for being the destructive parasites they are. Other than that, yes, even though I live in America, fuck this nation for being the obedient golem to international jewry it is. Living here, I can tell you first-hand it's a fucking cesspool of degenerate bullshit and race-mixing everyone. Let it collapse.

However, you can't excuse Europe for doing the same. I don't. My ancestral homeland is fucked up thanks to kikes. Much of Europe is. The problem exists worldwide.

OP returning once more, apolagies for brief absense after July 4th. Upon the subject of hope and faith.

Hope is a subject of contention more often than not. To dare to hope, to dare to believe is often one of the most cruellest things for hope by it's nature is transitory. It can be struck down by a single flip of the coin and be used to sunder the soul of the strongest man by those with vile intentions. We have all, at one point or another, had our hope stricken and decended into the "black pill" as it were, ensconsed within the grim cage of nihilism as the will to fight turns to dust and our very spirit lay broken. The weight of it all stays our feet, the shimmering flame of resistance faltering as gusts of chill wind runs through our very core. It feels pointless to stand, our vision blurs as we try to find a new path forward only to reveal naught but more darkness. This is the cruel nature of hope and it's innevitable loss.

This is why a man needs faith. Not faith in the guise of religious dogma nor blind adherence to a singular entity but faith in both ourselves and our people. Faith simmers hotter than hope, it can grow from a mere flickering flame to a blazing inferno that can warm the spirit of the man who holds it even in the coldest and darkest of nights. Oh, of course it can be broken, it can be destroyed but *only* if the faith is placed wrongly. If one carries faith based upon something disprovable it is bound to end in disaster. But if faith is placed not merely in a deity or a single idea but rather into something real, something demonstratable, then it can achieve great things. This is why faith is needed not simply in our people recognising the threat to themselves but rather in ourselves and those who understand our struggles, those brothers in far off lands who despite the parasites propaganda and machinations still embrace those who stand with them whoever they may be. We have believed in ourselves as Men. We have believed in ourselves as Europeans. I have said before and I will say again, we have before us the greatest battle any sons of Europe have ever faced, a battle that goes beyond mere bloodshed, it is a battle for the very soul of our people. Every day the struggle grows harder, our enemy close in on us seeking to silence for any man with the Will to stand, any Man willing to make his voice heard in protection of his people is a threat of incalculable proportions to them. The parasite knows one man can change the course of a nation, can change the course of history. It is with the strength of faith in ourselves and faith in brothers forged upon the anvil of this age we can build anew.

It is frightening. It can be overwhelming. You like I are deliberately isolated and made suspicious of eachother and have doubt in ourselves for the parasite is skilled in dividing and corrupting. But there is a counter to this. You, the few men who read this and understand of what I speak yet sometimes falter for fear takes you, you are the men who need faith, this Will. There are many here who no doubt understand all this already but there are even more who do not. There is a reason Christian faith wanes in this modern age within the European man for his faith is unrewarded, he seeks succor yet is only offered "embrace the negro" or "wash the third worlders feet as you are kind" by their leaders within the church. He is lost for he knows this is wrong but he dare not speak for he fears his tongue will be removed should he. It is why we must believe in ourselves and those like us to stand amid the ruins of this decrepit age. It is why we must never lose faith in what we can achieve for our goal is, to use a slightly religious term, "righteous" for it is nothing less than the survival and unification of brothers against countless forces. Finance. Media. Politics. Even kinsmen who have been lost completely to the parasite. By knowing what must be done, by knowing we can never cease, never rest, by accepting that gladly within our hearts we must accept that this burden requires more than mere determination but a complete and resolute faith that *you* and those like you have the strength and will to do what must be done and speak what must be spoken. There will be some who fall by the wayside. Some who lack the strength or Will to fight, who give in to the darkness. But if you build a wall of faith strong enough against the forces of despair then much like as I spoke of inspiring men to stand in a previous post, you will give those around you faith in themselves, that they can embody the same thing you do. 

Have faith in your honour. In knowing you are a protector, a bearer of a truth unknown and despite our enemies we will succeed. There is no other choice but to succeed. You are the vanguard and the rearguard. There is no tougher challenge and no greater honour for any man willing to take that stand.

Have faith in your strength. Strength to not merely fight physically should a need arise but the strength to carry on should all seem lost, to carry the burden where other brothers have fallen. Have faith in yourself to do this, that you can achieve the herculean tasks before you for in doing so the parasite can never slow you down.

Have faith in your nobility. The European Man is an exemplar of what an unbridled spirit can achieve. Forging nations anew. Scientific feats thought impossible. Turning dreams to reality. We are the sons of men who fought and survived countless dark hours. You may believe yourself weakened or corrupted in some form by this modern age, mayhaps have surrendered in one aspect or another to modern degeneracy currently or in the past. But below that hidden away is the spirit of European nobility. Take heart in that and hold faith in that part of you for it is that faith in yourself and your forefathers that can help you conquer any semetic poisons inflicted upon you. Be noble in aspect and spirit, embrace it for that is not merely your birthright but your very nature.

Have faith in your brothers. You are not alone in this conflict even if it can feel so. All around Europe and her far flung colonolies there are men much like you, seeing the stagnation of our future and the tendrils that are burrowing into it to poison it further. Together we will build a new tomorrow. Every small action, be it a simple meme on social media or a propaganda sticker in a bars lavatory, builds the tiniest bit of momentum. Some have moved past that and are attempting other things but every action of resistance shines a light towards truth and thusly it should not be discouraged. We will march on, alone for now but soon arm in arm. Our aim, European brotherhood, demands we strive. Demands we struggle for the very lifeblood of our people. Together we will build a future worthy of our sons and daughters. Together we shall retake our destiny and build a better tomorrow, this I *know* for history has told this story before. The players are different and the enemies tools are changed but there is one thing that is the same; Us. We of the lost generations march on, we have watched our nations and civilisation die ignobly. It is time to regain faith in ourselves, the brothers who walk with us and in the spirit of our people. 

Until victory be won.

You have the sort of mindset to give public speeches, to start off small and increase in number. You could begin a movement and ensure it isn't pozzed at all like the jewish-ADL financed German American Bund or Frank Cohen+Dan Burros American "Nazi" Party. Simply by not permitting any jews at all, ever. No exceptions. Train your vocal chords every day, and everyone will cease their conversations as you speak aloud. I have done this and I'm asked to make public speeches for my job from time to time. What I lack is the swift memory of youth. Everything I provide on this board is from saved texts and site links that took some digging through all the deceptive jew bullshit. I can find what to say through those, as I'm given more than enough time to do so. In person, my memory has waned. A leader of such a movement that might potentially bring our people out of the jewish quagmire should be able to call up inspiring speeches such as yours at the ready.

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Forgive my late reply, summer time is proving chaotic and what few hours I have spare are often engaged with family activities.

You continue to grant me honour with such praise and it raises ones spirit to know my words speak to the soul. Within the grim lands of Albion I have... struggled to find men of a solid stock in these dark days. The British people as a whole have become despondent and lackluster. The fire that once forged an empire has died and the inheritors of the ashes have become either fat through self indulgence and apathy or blinded by the unending media of the parasite. In truth I am finding myself becoming apathetic towards them and repeatedly forcing myself to gently nudge what few I believe may have some steel towards truths they know but are unwilling to admit is beginning to grow tiresome. I shall march on regardless, as we all do, there is no retreat nor respite but the soul grows weary. One can only listen to the adulation of "Based Boris" and repeat for the umpteenth time if he is indeed "based" then why did he call himself an "ardent zionist" and offer amnesty to the morass of third world creatures that stormed in without even the usual pretense of "legal immigration". I believe I may take a break from dealing with them and focus on the concepts I share here, mayhaps it will allow some self reflection and insight by externalising the process in text form.

There is one avenue I am considering though of potentially scouting some "nationalist" meetings within our shores but I am doubtful to find anything beyond MI5 and alt kike shitposters. It would also mean breaking cover which is distinctly unappealing for such a poor trade off. No doubt it'll happen eventually, I would just it rather be for our cause than for watching Degenerate Woes announcing he's now the first alt kike lgbt activist or some such. I am sure among the line members attending there are elements which are sincere and perhaps worthy of attention but it's hard to tell often, especially in a nation where it's people are so hesitant to name the parasite. Maybe I'm being too harsh on them though. My gut however says it would achieve little.

> It would also mean breaking cover which is distinctly unappealing for such a poor trade off.
I have done so many times, and received little or no reward. My intention was always to free their minds from parasitic indoctrination. However, as I thought my work Gmail account was terminated due to it being linked to strikes on YouTube videos; on further reflection I'm beginning to suspect a coworker I thought I woke up as a traitor. The disgust on his face was more genuine than his honeyed words of passive agreement. The reward I kept seeking has been connection with a small amount of individuals capable of maintaining mindsets against the tribe. What it actually results in is white flight. Maybe they feel as I do and are spreading the message. I can only hope. Meanwhile, I'll keep trying to find enough people to start a movement. All that's needed is to gain the slander of the local press, and more will join. The larger we become, the larger the press slander, until reaching the pinnacle. Some problems exist. I could be terminated by mass media demand, either my profession or my life; I may be arrested on trumped up charges by ZOGbot police; or one of those FBI raids where they kill everyone and insist it was "terrorism". I understand your complacency and feel the same way sometimes. It's hard to bring forth strong feelings about fighting back when international jewry has such overwhelming control. When every time I attempt to release someone from their brainwashing outside of imageboards, they flee to protect their future or stay and refuse to accept the truth. It's tiresome.

I do not recommend the raw meat diet due to there being blood-borne contagions and even animals have their versions of immuno-deficiency viruses. However, during an archaeology course I took, they compared the remains of three ancient civilizations. This was in 2010. I don't even remember the details anymore, just that those with pure plant-based diets (by necessity) had the most skull lesions which was a sign of malnutrition, those in locations where they'd get partial meat and partial vegetation were less skull lesions and the primary meat eaters had the least. Of course these days we have vitamin supplements. I don't care whether you're a vegetarian like Hitler or a meat eater, personally. To each their own diet as long as it's not in excess towards grotesque obesity.

Of course I posted the one with poor editing. Delightful. Regardless, I do hope my message gets through. We often forget women, unlike men, lack our resolve and our will. We must protect and in turn let them temper our fire when it threatens to consume us. Only in understanding this dynamic can a man truly find a woman to build a future with.

You are only as corrupted as you allow yourself to be. If you allow the parasite to manipulate you then it follows you fall to their ways. Assuming you understand their methods and their reasons then it becomes fairly obvious as to how to rise above it. Is it easy? No of course not. But nothing worth doing is ever "easy" is it. 

If you give in, if you refuse to fight then you are already dead inside. You do not have to accept such a fate. You must merely make the choice to forge your own path in place of the one offered.

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Thank you kindly to the mod who deleted the posts requested, it is greatly appreciated!

Upon the topic of the fairer sex; Women.

In this dying age of degeneracy and misery, Men have forgotten the true role we hold within the dynamic of relationships. Our duty, our place, is that of the stalwart guardian and the guiding hand. Despite what modern women would have you believe, they are vulnerable, terribly so, within both the physical and emotional aspects. They do not always wish trinkets nor material desires but rather a much simpler proposition; someone who sees their weakness, understands it, and be willing to protect them. They may play the strong, the whorish, the tomboy, but at heart all proper women are the same, they seek a bulwark against those who would prey upon them. Women, like the wounded and fearful MGTOW, have been victims of the parasite, their role in balancing a Man's strength and drive blurred by subversion within popular media and culture. Gone is the pride of family, of love for her kin and a yearning for offspring, in it's place is confusion and a petulant rage at perceived slights endorsed and supported by the semetic powers. There is no greater community for her to be a part of with other families, there is no protector for her or for her to offer kindness and succor to (the tempering a mans wild heart being a core tenant of female ideals), all that is left is self adulation and whoredom and when a woman walks this path she fills the unending loneliness and emptiness with more and more degeneracy only for her to become miserable and hollow as time runs on, the lie of hedonism revealing itself fully.

She is lost and alone in this epoch for she has been told not to seek men who would fulfill her, to find completion with, instead she is guided to the basest of existences only to find herself broken as time waxes on, fulfillment forever out of reach. In it's place she witnesses the withdrawn MGTOW, the bearded man children within media, the vain and vacous "chads" and the adulation heaped upon shitskins and negroes by media leading to finding herself confused as so many have for the Man she truly seeks she cannot find within the world she is offered. Thusly we must lead by example regarding our fair sex. We must lead with strength, nobility and honour in our actions for that is what they *need*. Only in doing so will European Men not merely find the woman they seek but can find peace in a time of strife, finding the true warmth of love and the strength it can grant. Do not go hunting for just any woman though but seek the *right* woman. It will take time, years perhaps but as long as you can demonstrate that you are a guardian against her fears when you find her then she will love you truly. The MGTOW will tell you she is not worth it and to just self indulge and be hedonistic. The semite will tell you idolise the outsider for finding beauty among your own is evil. The pick up artist will tell you their all whores and to just fuck as many as possible. They are all liars. They just need you to be strong and wise within your interactions. Of course a woman can love certain aspects of ones personality but these aspects must be rooted within an iron Will and demonstrated with plans and actions towards a future goal. If a man has these then she is far more likely to stand by him for she understands come what may, the man will never buckle, never laze around on his laurels and in turn she herself has a drive to be part of that future, the paths intertwining forever more.

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One more thing to help you understand what heights you may acquire by taking to heart what I have said here, this is assuming you understand the heart of the woman you love and know she is true to you fully. There is no greater pride than the moment you first hold your child in your arms. In their face you see your future, your legacy. You see your peoples existence fortified just a little bit more against the forces arrayed before them. There is no greater love than holding your wife as you both share that moment of looking at your child for the first time and finding your heart swelling with pride, for the woman you love and the new life you have created together. It is a moment that can never be forgotten nor stolen for it stands as a monument, a summit upon which stands a symbol of a Man's greatest achievement. It grants strength untold in that moment, it truly does.

Please. Do not forsake all women for they are just like many of us can be. They are afraid, far more so than we understand. Only the bitter and the hateful would claim otherwise. Yes, some women are truly despicable, corrupted beyond hope. But most? Most just want a man who can protect, who represents what a Man truly is. Not some soy fueled man child, not some mid 20's layabout sitting in his pants watching super hero movies and playing video games all the time. Reflecting upon all of this, it makes one think on the old truism of women being like children and how it is partially true. She needs you to be something beyond just a man, just a standard figure. She needs you to be her hero, much like when a little girl hears in a fairy tale with knights years later as a woman she still hopes and dreams of finding for her love embodying those virtues. She needs you to be what you should be. A protector. Her champion. She needs you to embody all that a true Man is. Not a subservient simp or a weakling self indulgant layabout but a true Man of Action.

Your most kind, I think it seemed somewhat disjointed as I read it, overuse of certain words as well also made it feel a bit off. I sometimes fire off a post before fully re reading and mayhaps I was overly critical in a way of it, I think it's due to the importance of the subject I get concerned over how I present the point. There's a lot of semetic conditioning in people to try and counter and I want to try grab them best as I can when I post if that makes sense.

Again I disagree. That anon's message could stand to be more watered down for nor­mies so they wake up gradually. We're already aware. By "we" I have no idea how aware you are, but there's some here who are.

So there was a part about shitskins and negroes. I know when the old holocaust-is-a-hoax thread was shown to a member of my family, they freaked the fuck out about the word "kike". Nothing else was in that thread to trigger them, yet they wouldn't accept a damn thing. Nor­mies view the truth differently. Falsely. They're sensitive little bitches. You have to treat them with kid gloves or you lose trying to unindoctrinate the retards. What was beautiful about your message was how it could appeal to the masses. I admire Hitler, obviously. Though with your previous post before the images were changed, one look at him and they'd shit their pants uncontrollably due to the bullshit they've been brought up to believe. The message is already known to us. The intent needs to be to wake up more people. Gradually the nor­mies can come to realize Hitler was a great man after they accept other truths.
The trouble is Strasserists. People exists who are aware of jews responsible for this or that, but then a Strasserist comes in (who's just another Communist) and subverts those who don't know shit about Hitler. Painting him as a traitor, claiming Zionists and National Socialists loved each other, all kinds of stupid BS. It's difficult enough to bypass all the other lies without those asshats throwing a wrench in everything. The jewish goal of de-nazification continues through their 7th decade of nonstop subversion and blindsighting. We all need to wake up as many people as we can.
I believe this message could be an excellent start towards waking people up, if spoken publicly yet with nothing to trigger the brainwashed. If enough women read this without anything to set off their Pavlov conditioning, I'm sure they'd swell with pride enough to spread the idea. Women love to talk. The problem they're facing, as I've noticed, is that this half-assed dream of feminism is strangling them. The conditions they're subjected to are not under providers or defenders. They work long hours, leaving their children at home to be programmed by the idiot box and in schools of pure propaganda. Men rarely bring home the bacon entirely anymore. Women are forced into this equality narrative that completely disregards their biological needs. To become mothers, to actually raise their children and feel supported (I'm not talking emotionally) by their husbands. My profession is social. I've spoken to a few about this situation. They're not happy, and it's easy to understand why. This society has been degraded by jewish intervention, as have previous empires they've subverted.

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idk what the other parts were about so I trust the stated reservations on accuracy, effectiveness, and quality. However, the few strings on humanity, where maybe Anon loosely described a process of degeneration as applied throughout humanity now, followed by the rise of man, is what I am looking for.
I just want those feels again.

Being descendants of "the lower class" (plebeians) has nothing to do with it. Many kikes are upper class and the world's top billionaires. It depends on the (Gentile) person. I've been an indoctrinated idiot in the past. I woke up. I know it's possible to do the same for others. I've awoken a few nor­mies. Always, it only worked by first starting with kid gloves on. Like walking on eggshells. I have also failed a few times. When it was family, that was like a kick in the gut watching them spew their Pavlovian ZOGbot conditioning. Can't win them all, but you can win over some. It's worth it to try.
I too wish to see the day when the rise of man above the parasites happens yet again.

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> starting with kid gloves

I just go straight for "jews did 9/11".
Works every time.
And for people who ask "how do you feel about rayciss trump ?!?". I tell them trump is a jew and surrounds himself with jews. People eat that stuff right up.
Same with "puuuuuuuuritans !!!". I share the origin, Purim, and then the anti-religious energy is redirected from the American settler to the stinky jew.

I do have trouble with gas chambers, though. People want to believe Germans did such a retarded thing, even after pointing out the lice and typhus and the doors and the japanese and german "death" camps made by "allies lol" and the numbers and the fake pictures on the jewsenthal site and all the other "jews are bad" arguments that they agree with. And most people are too npc to be moved along a line of logic using the socratic method of asking questions that they answer themselves. Life is easy but unwashing the masses is hard.

It is not so much self doubt but doubt about presentation. In my personal view, when discussing something of weight, you must strike hard and strike true lest you get bogged down in the semetic "concepts" entangling most topics that deliberately blur the heart of an issue. Poor wording or formatting can cause the blow to be misaligned or to miss entirely, hence my trepidation.

The use of these words is a tricky thing, I ended up ingraining them into my posts some time ago back when Christian Identity attempted to subvert 8pol some years ago, it was the only way to scare the Nick Fuentes types back into their little pit. I aim these at anons but your quite right with the idea of forming them for more open consumption, striking a balance between board culture and the core of a message can be a tricky beast to tame. You also raise a good point on the images, in truth I... I actually do not know why I changed them. I wanted to reflect the values spoken of with a man who embodied them in his actions but as you point out the public perception of reality is warped beyond sane comprehension. I have considered formulating a PDF of a more "user friendly" version replacing the use of the harsher words while retaining a clear indicator of the parasites alterations to our culture and it's use of their golems but there is still a vast amount of /sig/ concepts that need to be covered before I undertake that project.

You are correct in a manner but you cannot see the wheat through the chaff. We will never win over everyone, that is a pointless goal. However we do not need to win them all, we merely need to forge a path for those with the Will to stand, to show them there is a path through the dark. Each of us marches on, coming to the truth in a myriad of ways, moments of clarity bestowed by both experience and knowledge. The goal must be twofold, to show the parasites machinations and to demonstrate it can be broken, that is the purpose we must have.

That "feel" of the rise of Man as you put it, while it may seem to be extinguished is in fact still ever present within you. It is subdued and understandably so, the situation seeming ever dire as the parasite continues it's unending gorging of money and blood. However, despite the grasp of the semetic manipulators being vast, it is also quite tenuous. It seeks control, more so than it currently has and grows more rabid with each passing day. One must remember however a man tortured and brutalised day after day will only endure so much. They wish us fattened and weak, the carrot of unending consumption and demoralising media combined with the stick of tearing out the tongues of Men who speak against them, these tools are slowly being eroded as the civilisation they infested begins to buckle, the fetid corruption making it brittle and unwieldy. There always comes a point where a Man will rise, take the stick from the parasites hand, break it over his knee and beat his opponent with the remains. People are noticing the cracks slowly, at least in my view, causing one of two reactions; a pursuit for truth or a pursuit for comfort, said comfort being self destructive and a mere illusion. We few here, we understand our history, our people and our nature. We steel ourselves because we have to lest the shadow consume us, the yearning for a rise from the ashes dim but ever present. However a true rise cannot occur until the stick is taken from the parasite, it will try and distract with changing the carrot from time to time but they will not change from their goal thus nor shall we. 

I would also point you to our people as a sign that a rise is not merely needed but inevitable by both our words and actions. Look upon what they have become, satiating themselves, numbing themselves to escape the horrifying miasma that has been created. The young crying out for a future, for a dream that was promised them by their grand parents only to be betrayed and lost to nihilism and darkness. Every blade ran across a vein in a moment of misery, every soul ending their own suffering in drugs and degeneracy, every vice that they use to numb the pain, it is a cry for help, a cry for a future they have been denied, the despair and sorrow unending. It falls to *us* to give them back that future. It is a burden to bear, a weight that tests the Will of every Man that carries it but it is a burden we carry none the less for no one else can. We must be the ones to clear the path for the Rise of our people, to give what has been denied by leading by example and inspiring them to something greater. When it all collapses, and rest assured it will for no amount of propping up can maintain it, it must be us who raises our banners among the ruins, who lights the path beyond leading our people from the death and degeneration surrounding us in the gloaming twilight of this era. Each step, each word spoken in resistance to this grim world, is a step towards us rising. *We* are the speartip of that rising, take heart in your brothers and find faith in your blood.

>  I have considered formulating a PDF of a more "user friendly" version replacing the use of the harsher words while retaining a clear indicator of the parasites alterations to our culture
> and it's use of their golems but there is still a vast amount of /sig/ concepts that need to be covered before I undertake that project.
You should. It would be an important undertaking. You have a way with inspirational speeches. One more thing. Don't let those who wish to do nothing but sow division on this board in the recent exodus bring you down should they choose to. I can already predict the foolish accusations. "Blog posting", when before it was "autism", before that "tl;dr". Those that hate reading are too dumb to change. Usually, they have an ulterior motive on the side of the parasitic enemy or they're actually of the tribe to throw insults your way anyway.

I've met such replies before on occasion, it troubles me not. If one wishes to live in stagnation without understanding he is allowing himself to be a mere puppet I usually lack sympathy. It is their own future they forfeit. Even if it is just a handful of men who take heed then it is more than I achieved before I broached each topic.

Now for a topic of great importance; Understanding the Battle.

Often, in my posts I speak of solidarity between those with the wisdom to see how dire our situation is. The parasite is cunning in it's ways, engineering events at an accelerated rate, it's push for degeneration and subjugation ever increasing. An observant man may note however, the poison of degeneracy, nihilism and hedonism seem to repeat throughout European history. Men of bravery and valour find themselves sublimated by the weak and the duplicitous for men grow old and when they do their wisdom is not always heeded by the inheritors for sometimes an outsider comes offering shiny baubles in the stead of wisdom and dignity. I could cite the now overly remarked upon Rome as an example of this (and a fine example it is) or one the countless stories of fallen empires however I will not belabor the point; the system as it stands now cannot be changed, only slowed. It has grown fat and cumbersome, the founding principals of all our nations forgotten. Not merely that but it has been corrupted to the point of being inimically hostile to it's own founding populations, each "democratic" systems supposed positives morphed into a vile mockery of it's previous form. Thusly the battle we face isn't just for the immediate but for the after as well. 

I've often heard an accelerationist say "yeah I agree so let's crash it" but such thinking is often lacking nuance. Let us say for instance, using a common piece of "fear porn", an EMP is discharged that immediately disables all electronics in a country. Now, despite the modern semetic concept of "it'll be chaos, rapes, murders, warlords, goyim it'll be horrible!" I would posit it would be more confusion for our people specifically. Undoubtedly the "diverse" population would, as is seen not merely in crime statistics within our own countries but within the nations they come from, rather rabid. But we sons of Europe? It would be confusion. With the suppression of community and family the lack of unity would illicit not a short sighted goal of "grab all you can grab, fuck dat bitch and load the gat" (or machete if within Europe) but rather questioning of what to do. It would be that confusion in the fog of ethnic chaos that would cause incredibly severe losses to our populations. It would grant the parasite it's goal with only some pockets of our people surviving if at all if things accelerated in such a manner. The battle for today is not merely to unite under a single goal of European survival but to forge the Men needed to do just that, and such a forging takes time. Time we already do not have. This battle, this war, it cannot end until one group or the other is expelled from the lands, ideally peacefully but the parasites machinations of inciting hate against Europeans is lowering that margin considerably.

The trite idea of coexistence is a pleasant, perhaps even hopeful concept, however reality is far from it. Yes some peoples can find joint causes with cultures of a similar vein (the Japanese concepts of honour, while partially alien, make an interesting cousin to traditional European honour) but to mingle populations is impossible as despite the cult of "modern science" ignoring all medical, sociological and cultural difference, the claim we are all one people is laughable and built upon a lie that ignores two centuries of scientific study on it. Simply put we are not "one race" and nor should we be for we are observing the results of such a sadistic concept in practise. Not merely this but when one group is deployed as a golem to not merely harass but to crush another, it is inevitable that at some point the targeted population will cease to be, either through bloodshed or self destruction. There is a reason the concept of the "well integrated" stranger is sold so often, it is to hide the bloodied shells our cities have become at the hands of the rest of the "based" strangers people. Our children violated, lives destroyed for the sin of being White in their own nations and the betrayal of our governments who hid the truth for the parasite. The rape of our very soil for those who claim it with nought a word of resistance being offered by those who should of stood against. Entire swathes of our homeland merely set aside for those who seek to offer only misery in return while still daring to ask for more. Meanwhile our future? Distilled only to consume and ask no questions and seek nothing further for it no longer belongs to you. 

I cannot lie to any of you reading this. Our situation is indeed most dire. It is an end of this epoch, the dying gasps of a body no longer able to hold on as poisons riddle it's veins. But we can and must slow down the rot as long as possible to ensure as many Men of Action are forged within the time we can amass. The darkness we face now will pale in comparison to the shadows that are forming just beyond our sight. The parasite knows what is coming otherwise it would not attack as openly as it does now, it seeks acceleration so it can have the excuse of forming new ways to suppress us before we are ready. We must slow the parasite as our immediate goal and forge ourselves and those like us into the Men we need to be. Though we are scattered individuals there is something that binds us as brothers. We have come to believe in ourselves as Men, we have come to believe in ourselves as Europeans. It is in our blood to face such darkness and never flinch, never falter. We know we must survive not merely to fix this sad state of affairs but to let it crumble so we can build anew, build something worthy of ourselves, of our people. All the things arrayed against us and yet we still live, we still resist the torment and the misery. We resist it because we can, because someone needs to bring light not to just today but to tomorrow. That is who we are and there is no one more worthy of such a battle.

> Let us say for instance, using a common piece of "fear porn", an EMP is discharged that immediately disables all electronics in a country. 
> Now, despite the modern semetic concept of "it'll be chaos, rapes, murders, warlords, goyim it'll be horrible!"
> I would posit it would be more confusion for our people specifically.
Markets would crash. Given that the majority of currency is absolutely nothing, not even paper but digital numbers in banks that only have to hold 3 to 10 percent paper money in reserve, a whole lot of people are going to go broke if not everyone.
> It would be that confusion in the fog of ethnic chaos that would cause incredibly severe losses to our populations.
True. It did so within Germany after hyperinflation. Over 7 million suicides in I believe an overall population of 67 million.
> It would grant the parasite it's goal with only some pockets of our people surviving if at all if things accelerated in such a manner.
I'd like to say it could also grant the goal of National Socialism rising, however, mistakes were made last time. Though it was a beautiful result, it was short lived. The longterm goals of the parasite came to fruition. In such a scenario of acceleration, the next to step up as leader should learn from past mistakes. It is during this time of lack of currency that the jew loses power of his deceptive influence to true and wise recognition. When none can be bribed, none can be bought.
> This battle, this war, it cannot end until one group or the other is expelled from the lands,
> ideally peacefully but the parasites machinations of inciting hate against Europeans is lowering that margin considerably.
I believe that is the most important point.
And I agree with this entire message. Well said. Consider public speaking, training your voice and attempting to reach those who would listen. I'll screencap this speech along with the others. This board is just a think-tank. Continuing to post here gives others of us who are like-minded ideas. We don't reach the masses from here.

What's needed is a plan to do just that. Get these types of messages out.

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Anyone know anything about that bronze age mindset book that's been memed about lately? Can't find a free epub copy. Am hesitant to purchase it legitimately, feel like it'll get a box ticked somewhere in a memetic susceptibility form in a government office somewhere. 

Also requesting it if anyone does have the epub laying around.

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Unrest. You have been in a prolonged period of alertness for potential threats and the concept of separating your mind for a brief measure of respite automatically triggers a fight or flight mechanism. It does necessarily need to be an immediate threat also, merely something impending is enough to cloud the mind. Even in a conflict as gargantuan as what we face a man must find respite, I would mayhaps suggest taking a brief period for yourself. If I find myself troubled deeply I will sometimes merely take a walk alone for a few hours somewhere isolated or listen to Clair De Lune (or an alternative you enjoy) with no distractions such as a computer or tablet, letting yourself float for a brief moment upon an ocean of serenity. It should help alleviate troubles, if only for a time.

As an aside i'm hoping to have a special gift for you fine gentlemen in the future, I've ordered a scanner for recording some of my older books concerning /sig/ related topics, namely physical fitness, cooking (although their not exactly "keto" as that seems to be the in thing, they are most assuredly enjoyable to cook and hearty dishes for men on the path to improving) and an assortment of pieces concerning European traditions from Hammertons Manners and Customs of Mankind (cover included as image for those curious) in an effort to offer grounding for any and all far flung sons and daughters of Europa. It will likely take a while to get the time to scan the books so do not expect anything fast though i'm afraid.

> Why do you say it's shitty 
lots of homo seks and glorifying the most brutish parts of ancient civilizations. It's pretty much

> we want a traditional life but not put in any of the effort to change it

> and the author is a faggot?
50/50 on this. Some of his content is okay but he's pretty much a nihilist YOLO degenerate type of person.

And some of the content he posts is too obscene for me tbh

I read a little bit after you linked it, he has a lot of typos, and says stuff like pussy. I don't know, kinda unnecessary shit memey shit. I'll give it a read but it really doesn't seem like anything groundbreaking at this point, guessing it's some sort of psyop or way to get alt-right memers to out themselves.

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I've read a quarter of it before getting so bored of it. From the parts of the book I've read, he's trying to convince gay people that they're not gay while claiming that the Greeks were more western than eastern. It doesn't help how his Twitter posts are retarded, he posts swole beach dudes on some thursdays and even tried to get Ben Shapiro to respond to him trying to make Ben look like he's into gay cuck porn fantasizing and insinuating that Ben wants people (people like BAP) to screw him but does it via his wife and to admit he's gay...that seems very gay of BAP to do that. It's basically the lol I'm retarded trolling by actually being a closet retard who wants to be known as a retard gets called out as a retard and no one respects him for doing so.

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So, i've done a good portion concerning mindset, rather than focus on that tonight let us talk practicals. The first step is always the hardest so let us start simple and build up to the more advanced aspects.

Firstly, I would ask any of you considering /sig/ but feeling daunted by the myriad of tasks to simply look around you in your room right now. What is it that surrounds you? For most (but of course not all) it will be plain walls maybe adorned by some generic Argos or Walmart art or even a movie poster, maybe a few objet' dart concerning some TV series or movie, perhaps even an action figure of some sort, maybe a few books of no real note and furniture-wise all generic, straight out of the catalogue items. You are, in essense, a mere cog, a mere speck upon the current tapestry of life in this dire era. All around you has no personality, no soul, no character, it is all mass produced tedium. You yourself are hardly to blame for this, it is all you know after all, bland hollow things to fill a space. It doesn't feel like a home does it? Not truly. This is where your journey to growing begins, breaking the confines of this mediocre cell and all it requires is the simplest of steps.

What are the integral things to the European spirit beyond truth, honour and dignity? Nature. Nature is a key component missing from many a life. It is abundant and simple yet so often forgotten about. So this is where to start. Bring some life into your home in the form of plants. It need not be some prissy thing requiring specific watering days and unique minerals mixed in, it can be simple. Simple as say a Spider Plant. Low maintenance, can grow to a decent size and it happens to be good for air quality, something especially useful if living in a city or a smoker. Cheap too! Want a touch more colour but still something fairly straight forward? Consider an Orchid, they can be fairly pleasant and spruce a corner of a dull desk or table up in a pinch. Aloe Vera plants are also fairly pleasant if a touch bland, they also hold some useful application if used right which is something to bear in mind. Having some nature in your living space can do wonders for morale and is a cheap and efficient way of doing it. It's a simple first step is it not? So what are you waiting for, have a shop around, online or a local garden store, it's such a simple thing.

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Now, let us say you completed this small task, what next? You feel partially motivated but what else can be done that's easy to keep the momentum going? Beauty. Beauty is what is missing. But mayhaps one asks, where can I put something beautiful? Walls of course. Take down that tacky movie poster, dispose of that generic mass produced picture of a sunset and seek something beautiful. But what do I mean by that, are sunsets not beautiful? They can be but they hardly represent true beauty or greatness in picture form when one has a window to look out of to see the real thing, it is a poor and very semetic simulacrum of what you already possess. You can often find framed art cheap in a variety of places be it in print or real replicas. Charity shops can sometimes yield something beautiful if you shop around and often at ridiculously low prices (at least in the UK they can, British Heart Foundation etc are places you can locate some art fairly cheaply at, I should think there is an analogue in the US for such shops). But let us say you have no shops like that close, then consider looking up specific framed prints on Ebay (yes I know it's a giant flea market but it is a useful avenue in this regard). As an example i've included a picture with this post demonstrating a piece I ordered via Ebay of the Battle of Rorkes Drift, a snapshot of heroism in the face of horrifying odds. This is but one avenue for you to consider however, there are so many beautiful moments of European history, heroism and culture captured in art (I find the Romantic style most appealing personally), it is these things that inspire that should ordain your walls, not the vacuous things reminding you of how hollow this age has become. What has a deeper meaning, Robert Downy Jnr wearing a tin suit pretending to be a hero or the Birth of Venus by Botticelli? Which one has a more intrinsic link to your being, to your blood? A gimp in a silly suit or a reminder of the beauty made specifically for you to inherit as part of your birthright?

These are but two examples, there are so many more. Looking for proper furniture can be good, I know it sounds trite but for instance if you need a desk rather than Ikea, for the same money and with patience you can find a beautiful oak desk in antique shops etc, something solid and grand rather than the tedious toughened glass desk or the cheap chipboard rubbish so often sold. The key is to rise, rise above the mire and embrace things that are beautiful by nature, not the things that your told to like by media and the mass produced garbage of this age.

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These are physical aspects however, what of the mental. One can create beauty in their living space but it means nothing if the mind is still made ill. To this end, I keep it simple as possible; if you watch TV, just turn it off. Skip the soy filled comic movies, abandon the degenerate "buddy" comedies where retards get into trouble by being retards, it's all a demonstration on how to live a ruined life anyway, what do you lose. The semetic power fantasy of magically being given power, not earning it or the entertainment of some fools trying to mount some prostitutes and getting drunk on a road trip? The entirety of modern mainstream media, in case you had somehow missed it, is designed to destroy your will and spirit. It's just as bad as the modern news cycle which most avoid, it's selling you self destructive ideas just in a subtler form. Same applies to online, it's all well and good watching some Lets Play or some idiot discuss his favourite character in a game or something, it's also incredibly hollow. It's a reflection of what you're trying to break free from thusly by consuming such media you become trapped in the cycle. Break that cycle. Even if you think you know the games being played and wish to watch it with a critical eye, it's still entrapment, those ideas are still being pushed on you even with the cognition to recognise it. It will still sap your spirit, mayhaps even more so as you know what it's goal is.

Now the big push for most, you have identified the areas in your immediate space and life and required change and began working upon it but something hangs over you. Take your shirt off and go look in a mirror. What do you see? Do you a see a paunch middle aged man with a protruding gut, mayhaps a late teens gangly form lacking definition and shape, maybe something in between both examples. Most men come to /sig/ wishing to reform this without ever understanding the underlying psychology behind how to become permanently stronger. Most will get physically fitter for a brief spell until they get out of the habit and slip back, their Will sapped. This is why I have spoken so strongly on the understanding of what it takes to define your form for if the body is to be reformed then the spirit and mind supporting it must be built to withstand the dedication it requires. Only with the strength of the spirit and unbending Will can lead you to a point where you feel truly content in yourself. I won't go on too long about these ideas, I would direct you to these if you seek understanding;

 >>/71160/ (and  >>/71164/  >>/71165/ for supplementary)

So where to start? First, you must bite a bullet and find a local gym. Now there is an addendum to this and that is find one with minimal diversity, even if it means going further afield than your comfortable with. The reason beyond the obvious is quite simple, in a gym environment some feel more at risk or fear of judgement than usual, having the risks of diversity nearby will only make the experience unassailable. Don't consider this an excuse though, you *must* find a gym if you want to stand the best chance at dedication due to the variety of equipment offered, don't fall for the picking up cinder blocks in the back garden crap you'll sometimes see on /fit/, no one ever does that beyond those already deep into /fit/. Identified a gym? Good. Now force yourself to sign up, don't stall and say you'll do it later, just get it done and out the way then go buy cotton shorts and a light t-shirt, none of the plastic sportswear of the ridiculous underarmour unless your now pretending to be an athlete. Also make sure not to get those useless extras gyms offer such as free juice or personal trainers and so forth, you can research technique and routines online easily.

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Start with simple things, don't go doing full out training regimes and pace yourself. I say force regarding signing up as let us be honest, while we each claim we will just buy weights and do it at home or jog around the block, these things can often be pipe dreams, you *need* to be tied into it in order to have the push to do it. Yes, gyms are annoying at times. It can be busy, the music and TV's always blare out degeneracy and shrieking music videos of negros lusting after white blonde women, it is designed that way very deliberately in this modern age. It has become an environment for the empty headed 'chads and stacies' as their known, a shrine for the vanity of the modern man or woman and designed to make them idolise both themselves and the outsider. You are entering the belly of the beast in that regard but the reward for such a thing is great. Pride. Achievement. Victory. These are the things you can attain. It is a test of your resolve and your success or failure rests squarely upon your own shoulders. There are ways to alleviate the negative aspects however. A brother to go with is always a welcome companion on the path but if you do walk alone simply headphones and appropriate music will do, it separates you from the degeneracy and allows greater focus. Also never allow self judgement to stop you, it does not matter how small and skinny your frame nor how corpulent and obese you are as long as you understand that your body is transitory, you are going there to fix it, to reshape it bit by bit. Yes there are muscled pseudo men of questionable sexuality and sometimes women of fair beauty but they care not for you or your form, they only care for their own empty lives and having a hole to fill or be filled by some whore of the male or female variety. You are better than them by your very nature and your challenge is greater than they shall ever know. You are there to conquer it, to face a battle with yourself, it is in such conflicts we build ourselves anew. You merely just need to drop the shackles the semite has placed upon your spirit and face it. 

As I stated in  >>/71162/ it is the first few weeks that are the killer, they are the hump to it. After climbing that though there are minor bumps along the way such as holidays etc, sometimes the motivation to return to the routine can be tricky, the comfort has made you soft. The key is remembering your purpose, your cause. It is to attain greatness, to build the form fitting for your spirit and mind. Even if it means walking through the pouring rain or snow on a day when you feel despondent, it is merely another aspect for you to push through, to conquer. Each step is a step forward, always remember that. You fight for your future in becoming a better man in all the aspects I have listed thus far, embrace it.

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This is for all of you on the path to /sig/ but are struggling or have struggled in the past. It's a lonely path we walk isn't it? The weight of the world can feel crushing at time, the loneliness, the despair, it hangs heavy upon you. We feel alone and abandoned. Boards slowly get subverted or outright removed, our tongues lashed as we watch those we fight for and live for fall by the way side. It hurts. We all feel it. But no son of Europa has to bear this burden alone. We persist not because it's all we know, not because we are merely waiting to die as time moves ever forwards but because it is our nature to survive, nay thrive. But in this miserable time thriving is no longer an option open so we survive, hoping one day something will arise, something will awaken. That faith will be restored to us, in our brothers, our sons and our people at large. To this end I write what I write not because of a need for recognition in my words or a need for fame for no one will likely ever know my name and nor should they. My words are not even mine in truth but our own, the things we have all forgotten in this time of shadows. I write these things because I love my people, I love each and every brother who makes their own stand among these ruins for they are the men who I will always believe in. It is *you* reading this who I believe in. I count each man who walks with us as the last defenders of Europa and will always find pride in knowing out there, among the chaos of this time, are men who I have helped find their way in the same vein as others who helped me. So don't ever feel alone in this. None of us are alone for we carry the fire of Europa in our hearts and the Will to fight in our spirits. We'll make it together.



It's important to note that in order to reap the rewards of hard efforts in the gym proper recovery must be in place. This means getting enough quality food and enough sleep. You can only train as hard as you can recover from. Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep, keep your alcohol consumption to the absolute minimum as this inhibits muscle protein synthesis, eat at least 1.5g protein x bodyweight in pounds, consume 8g total of iodized sodium throughout the day, spread your food out through at least 5 meals a day which will allow you to have a constant supply of aminos in your blood stream. I also would recommend takin an intra-workout supplement (anything with Essential Amnios and a fast acting carb source like Branch Cyclic Dextrin). This will allow you to get nutrients to the muscle while you are training and promote faster recovery and less muscle soreness. You don't want to train on an empty stomach as you will have 'empty blood'. We want blood that is full of nutrients, especially when training. 

The Split 

This split is rotational and allows you to train each body part 2 times within a 7 day period and gives two days of recovery in each 7 day period. Even if you feel ok to train again it is still important to use the recovery days as assigned. If you feel beat up it is ok and even encouraged to take an extra day off.. 
The sequence is 

Split Layout 

Shoulders / Triceps / Traps (can be put on back day instead)
Back / Abs
Chest / Biceps 
Legs / Calves 

I would also recommend at least 15-20 minutes of cardio each day. You will need to have a minimum level of condition to even be able to complete these workouts especially when it gets into drop sets, extended sets, etc.


Exercise Selection and Sequence 

There are 4 phases of training that we are going to use. They are Activation, Maximum Force, Super Pump, and Loaded Stretch and they work in that order. Personally, I think activation is more useful for body parts you have a hard time 'feeling'. So, if you can't feel your lats it's good to do an isolation exercises with lighter weight higher reps to build the mind muscle connection before getting into a moderate rep range with heavier weights to generate maximum force.

Sample workouts 

Shoulders / Triceps 

1. Shoulder Press. Goal = train explosively. Do a few warm up sets and then get into your working sets. Do 3 sets with ascending weight. Example, 135x6, 145x6, 155x6. The last rep of the last set should be hard to the point you probably couldn’t do another.

2. Over-and-backs. Super Pump / Time under tension. Simply take a barbell in the front rack postion and lift it over your head from the front position to the back position. This is one rep. Do 8-12 reps working up in weight with each set. 3-4 sets. 

3. Lateral delt raises. Goal = Super Pump. Do standard lateral raises here. Like always we are going to be working up in ascending weight. I like these in the 12-15 rep range. Make sure you’re keeping tension on the delts and not the traps which can happen if you go up too high or aren’t controlling the weight. Feel free to throw a drop set in here too.

4. Partial Dumb bell lateral raises. Goal = overload / Super Pump. Simply grab a dumb bell that’s maybe 20 pounds or so heavier than what you were doing your lateral raises with and do partial reps with it. You’re probably going to want to use straps for this. Do 3-4 sets in the ~20 rep range. As you get tired your range of motion will decrease just keep swinging but maintain control, don’t stick your neck out and tweak it. 

5. Close Grip Bench Press, Machine Dip, JM Press, take your pick here. We want a lift that’s a bit heavier here and go for a moderate 6-8 rep range training the triceps explosively. 

6. Close grip cable attachement tricep pushdown. We are going to target the lateral head here. Do reps in the 12-15 range and really keep tension on the triceps getting them full of blood. 

7. Behind the head tricep extension. Now that the muscle is loaded with blood we are going to stretch it out. Take your pick here, could be a standing or bent rope extension on a cable machine, a behind the head extension machine, or seated dumbbell extensions. Lots of options here. Make sure you’re going nice and controlled and on the last rep of each set hold the stretch positon for ten seconds. 

8. Rear delts. You can use a reverse pec deck or bent over dumb bell swings with a palms facing down grip (neutral grip is ok but not as effective). I want 3-4 sets of 20-25 reps here. If you are using a machine then hold the last rep in the contracted position for 10 seconds on the last rep of each set. These get tough, just keep swinging away. Range of Motion is less important here as the set continues.


Back / Abs

1. single arm cable row. goal = activation of the lats. 3x10-12 with ascending weight. use  a. good squeeze in the contracted position. Leave about 3 reps in the tank here.

2. single arm row variation. There are so many different row variations, find one you like. Some of the ones I use are Meadows Rows, 1-arm barbell rows (done on the t-bar), dead stop dumb bell rows, and Hammer Strength Iso Low Row. Remember to always pull with the elbows and not the hands/wrist. Work your way up to a hard set of 6-8 reps here hitting failure on that last rep. Example, 30x8, 50x8, 60x8, 70x7. Goal = maximum force

3. Dorian Deadlift (3.4ths deadlift). You can either do this from the floor or in a rack. Once you've got the bar in a locked-out position like you would in a deadlift lower it to about an inch or 2 below the knee, or to mid shin, now explode the weight upwards. Do not hyper-extend your back when you lock out, do not go past a neutral spine. Work up to a top set of 6-8 and then take a plate off each side and shoot for another 10-15 reps. Stop 1 rep short of failure, you don't want to get hurt. 
Example, 135x10, 225x10, 315x8, 365x8, 405x6, 315x15

4. Chest supported row. Use a slightly wider than shoulder width grip here. The goal is to hit your rhomboids, mid back, and some rear delts. Keep your chest planted on the pad and give 10-12 reps squeezing hard. On the end of each set let the weight pull you forward stretching out your back and hold it for 10 seconds. Goal = Pump and stretch

5. Horizontal pulldown. This could be a lat pulldown or a machine that is similar to it. Keep a slight arch in your back and drive your elbows into your back pockets. Get a good contraction here. do 3 sets of 10-12 here getting the lats nice and pumped. 

6. Pullover. If you have a pullover machine use this, Nautilus and Hammer Strength both have one but they are rare. If not the second best option is a banded pullover. If you don't have bands, you should get some at some point but for now just use a regular dumb bell pullover. Bring the weight only to your forehead if you don't have a band on it. Don't worry about the stretch depth the first couple sets / reps, they will get progressively deeper as you get loosened up. Goal = train the muscle from a stretched position. 

7. Abs, 3-4 sets to failure. I use either an ab wheel or do roman chain leg raises. Do something that doesn't stress your lower back. 

Off Day.


Chest / Biceps 

1. Incline Barbell Press. Work you way up to a top set of 6-8 reps here going to failure. Use a spotter and if you can get a couple extra forced reps that's great too. Remember to lower with control, and explode up, think about lifting fast and generating as much force as possible even if the bar doesn't move fast. Bring the bar a couple inches above your chest as to save your shoulders. Goal = maximum force

2. Machine bench press. I like using machines because they allow one to go to failure in a safer way, especially if they don't have a training partner. Use whatever machine gives you a strong contraction and best mind muscle connection without hurting. 3x10-12 here

3. Decline variation. Personally, I use a hammer strength decline bench but a dumb bell on a slight decline is good too. This will allow you train that outer and under portion of the pec, try to feel a good stretch here. 

4. Incline pronated grip (palms facing away) dumb bell chest fly or a regular pec deck. 
If you choose to use a dumb bell fly do not lock the reps out as this will take tension off the pec. If you are using a machine fly, feel free to lock out and squeeze the contraction. Add in some partial reps on the bottom portion of the exercise too if you'd like.

5. Hammer Curls. Work up to a top set of 10 reps here. This trains the Bicep Brachialis which is the muscle on the side of your arm and will give the arm a more full and thicker look. 

6. Curl variation of your choice excluding preacher curl or variations. Make sure you are keeping tension on the biceps and not cheating too bad by using shoulders and back to swing it. There are some advanced techniques that call for this but you aren't there... yet. Generate maximum force, squeeze the contraction, and lower with control. Flex the bicep the entire time and squeeze the shit out of the barbell / dumb bell / whatever. 

7. Preacher curl, or incline dumb bell curl (about 15-20 degrees incline) Nice and slow lowering, keep palms facing up the whole time, get a good contraction and let your biceps stretch out. 3 sets of 10-12



1. Single Leg Hamstring Curl or Seated Hamstring Curl. Do a few sets of 15 here superseded with your Squat variation of choice in exercise 2.  

2. Squat variation. Personally I like to use ether a power squat machine or hack squat. If you use a hack squat keep your feet at the bottom of the platform, closer is better but being at the bottom is more important than width. Work up to a top set of 6 reps. Get some rest, take the weight down to something you could do for about 12-15 reps and get 20 with it. 

3. Leg Press, you only need 1 or 2 warm up sets here, work up to a weight you can barely get 15 with. Do your set, rack the weight and rest 30 seconds, do as many reps as you can in one go and then rack the weight again and rest another 30 seconds, unrack and go again. As an example 15, 9, 5. This is called a cluster set.

4. Leg extensions. 3 sets of 30 reps with a 30 second stretch on each quad after each set

5. Lying Hamstring Curl. Work up to a good weight and do 3 sets of 10 with it. On the 4th set do a drop set with 2 drops. Example work up to 100 on weight stack. 2-3 sets with it of 10 reps. 3rd or 4th set (last set) 100x8, 70x10, 50x10 

6. Stiff Legged Deadlifts. Barbell or Dumb bell, work up to a top set of 10 reps. Go down nice and controlled. Think about pushing your butt back to lower yourself rather than putting your chest down. 

7. Calve machine of choice, keep weight on big toe / ball of foot. Do not roll foot outwards. Hold each rep in the stretch position for at least 5 seconds. Get a total of 100 reps in any fashion.



Add deload weeks as needed, usually every 5-6 weeks. During a deload week try to use about 80% volume. No drop sets, don't go to failure, don't use bands. 
This is just a sample, Adjust as needed. Add variation as needed. Try to add weight / reps each week. When that stops working you can start adding in more intensity techniques like drop sets, cluster sets, forced reps and accommodating resistance like bands and chains.Your training should be hard but not so hard you get hurt and not so hard you can't recover from it. Again, adjust as needed. Train hard but train smart. Take additional off days as needed, drop volume or increase volume as needed. Nothing is set in stone. If you feel like another rep / set / whatever is going to lead to injury just don't do it and live to fight another day. That one rep isn't going to make you huge but it can fuck you up for a very long time.

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Upon the topic of conditioning; reforging ones self against the corrosive self flagellation.

With the mere mention of conditioning no doubt many a reader will have the image of the rotund yet oddly still muscled form of Alex Jones ripping off his shirt in a fit of inarticulate scripted rage. To a degree he does have an understanding of what conditioning is but fails to see the degenerative seeds from which it has grown. When I refer to conditioning I do not speak of the push for "accept the mentally ill's justification of self mutilation" nor the "race mixing is great goy" for both can be easily dispelled with a mere glance at scientific data by the common man, rates of crime or mental illness or research into these subjects showing clearly the lie (even if the semetic powers are attempting to suppress such information it is still fairly well documented). No, what I refer to is our hijacked sense of altruism. In the European Man's very building blocks is the gift of altruism, it is a key component that helped lead to the formation of healthcare, public works and areas of great beauty such as monuments and public parks, the creators of these monuments leaving something for the generations that will follow after akin to the ancient Greek proverb of planting trees you yourself will never see. It is a key component to our ability to empathise, a more unique trait to our kin, one clearly lacking in the semetic, negroid and arab offshoots. One could even argue it is a part of our very 'soul'. It has also unfortunately become a tool for the semites to utilise our own downfall, it becoming warped into acceptance of all that is corrupt for "you should be tolerant, don't you empathise with your 'fellow man'" and "doesn't this stranger deserve the things you have, have you forgotten your blood libel, sorry, sins of colonialism" have become the standards of this corrupted form of altruism. The fool argues for these things, the soul darkened by hatred will argue that we should completely dispel the thoughts of altruism, I however would argue for a third position. That of reinvigorating it within our own people. I do not necessarily suggest you build monuments nor parks you will never see but a much more simpler approach. Support your own kin in the simplest form and offer nothing outside of it.

Let me offer the simplest of examples. Let us say you are getting a taxi. The driver that arrives is of arab persuasion. It is common place, at least within these grim shores of Albion, to offer a small tip at the end of the journey. Simply do not offer a tip. Now let us reframe, the driver in this case is a fellow countrymen or even just a general European. In this event, you do offer a tip. It sounds ludicrously simple does it not. You favour your kin and withhold favour to the outsider. I know this will seem obvious to some but for others, this is a point that they never quite realised they could do for they merely accepted it as common courtesy. This is an example of the inbuilt altruism, it has granulated so much that even a thing such as this is an act of rebellion, ponder that for a moment. We have become so used to this social interaction many rarely question it. It is one thing to offer jobs to brothers quietly or show support for White European identity in her homelands and her colonies but it is another to practise it in all it's forms. The same thing can be expanded to not just this minor interaction but to restaurants (although if you do indeed visit a restaurant ran by a non white it may be prudent to always check health certifications beforehand if it cannot be avoided). Only tip your waiter if they are a fellow countrymen, even if they are a degenerate with pink hair for despite the malady gripping at that moment they are still kin and mayhaps one day, when the dam breaks, remember your kindness.

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Let us look a bit more macro rather than these single incidents of social politeness however, let us expand a little further. For the sake of the board being mostly brothers from America I will use an example I believe most of you will be familiar with; convenience stores. It is a common trope that most 7/11s within America (known as corner shops in the UK and most European nations, they also fall into this trope) of being ran by non whites, mostly Indians or Arabs. They are usually not far away, easily accessible and offer basic amenities. They are, as the name suggests, convenient. This offers two serious issues however. Firstly, you are supporting the business of someone who has no right being there, some may make feeble arguments saying "well their not all bad" etc but make no mistake, they know and you know the very soil they stand on is not theirs nor should it be. The second is the weakening effect of convenience. It has made us soft, this easy access. One seeking supplies need only walk five to ten minutes to foreign owned shop, buy a subpar item of poor quality then waddle home giddy at his sweet treats and chemical slurry known as an energy drink. This is the pathetic state of modern man, one that should be countered and can be with the most simplest of mindsets; find an independent business owned by a brother and frequent there. Failing to do so due to diversity, simply find a chain ran by a brother European and be picky about what you buy. You tackle two birds with one stone as the adage goes. Firstly, you withhold support for the stranger and if a White European owned business offer support to it and secondly you help shake off the weakening effect of convenience, even if only mildly. 

Indulge me if you will on sharing a fundamental reasoning for this which can be observed by any man who has visited a heavily "diverse" city or location. I was taught from a young age the importance of manners and good form, that is to say pre emptively open a door for a lady politely if you see them coming, hold open the door if there is someone coming through after you generally, address people politely and with respect, never beginning a meal before the host has been seated and so forth. I am no highborn, quite the opposite but I was a keen learner as a child and was taught well. Now when visiting smaller towns with mostly White European populations such manners are met with reciprocation, the elderly lady will thank you and perhaps comment how there aren't many people like you left or the gentlemen behind you will say "cheers pal" as he follows through and shop keepers and pub landlords will always be warm in their dealings with you. As an aside I have always found they at first would be puzzled due to my stature and demeanor but after realising I am not a threat to them they always seem to warm up. Now such a thing is not a uniquely British trait despite our proclivity for being anal in our social interactions, it has always been a common courtesy for most Europeans. If one were to watch 1950's American TV one would witness such things as standard, the social contract between kin being one of reasonable respect, the same goes for every European nation and culture prior to the semetic subversion of our media. Now, if one were to do this in a diversified location and observe if it is returned, well, one finds the nature of the beast is truly revealed. The negro will flounce through nary a word of thanks, the third worlder will ignore your courtesy and remain haughty and vile, simply put despite the concept of the "integrated" individuals among them, by and large these groups simply do not see value in such things and prefer to live as close to barely above bestial as possible akin to their homelands.

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They do not think like we do, their natures diametrically opposed to what one could term the European standard. It is with this in mind thusly we should withhold our courtesies to these groups, they deserve not our method of society for they can never grasp it, at best they can form a degenerated simulacrum of it which perpetually falls apart when among their own. Reserve your respect and kindness for your own only, even at personal cost, for if we are true to our words of having faith in our people we must treat them akin to how we wish to be treated. We must escape the trap of treating the invader and the stranger as kin while deftly jumping over the nihilistic pit of in turn becoming like them that so many of our brethren have fallen in to.

While on this subject allow me to counter a common argument against this which is "hurrr well look at our people, they take drugs, watch soy shit and fuck niggers so their just as bad as the migrants". Yes, I will not deny you speak truth in that statement. I will not say treat our worst as brothers for despite being kin some have fallen too far from the state of the European Man to be recovered but I will say some among them may one day be salvaged. It is only due to the fact they *are* kin that I even hold that concept of redemption for the sad few who surrendered, mayhaps it's a weakness of my own I have yet to purge or perhaps I see a part of my old self in their self inflicted suffering. An ignorance to a better way, attempts to fill an empty spirit with the poisons that will only cause more misery. I cannot abandon them all and nor should you. The simple act of treating those wounded as a brother can sometimes give them a life raft to cling on too, never forget that.

So to summarise; exclude those not of your own kin from your altruism and embrace your people for they are *your* people. Withhold the spirit of European kindness from the stranger whenever you can for even this simple act can send a mighty message, one of defiance in the face of societal collapse. Uphold the greatness of your nature and never allow it to become denigrated for the sake of nihilism or hatred. It is this that made the semite and it's compatriots so afraid of our nature, the nobility of ourselves and these values. They sought to corrupt it, to make it as grey and vile as themselves. We must seek to repair it and embrace it in it's true form once more. If we were to lose this piece of ourselves, if we were to cut away this part of our nature then we would lose one of the most important aspects to ourselves and such a sacrifice must never be given, must never be offered lest we become the very things we are fighting against. No more hesitancy, no more cowardice. This was our way long before the parasite and shall be long after it is removed from our domain.

I agree whole-heartedly with not abandoning altruism, however, we must also fight the enemy at their own level. Selfless concern for our own people, not for the parasites.
Non-whites running convenience-stores (or "ice houses") isn't a trope nor figure of speech. I've been in America  for 38 years. I have only once seen a white woman behind the counter. She was a registered nurse coworker so had enough money but also had jungle fever. She moved to Hawaii so she could go to town on brown. I tried to convince that interracial skank of the error of her ways. It was like talking to the faggots that spam this board. No good results. I have never seen a single Arab at a convenience store. Only once in University many years ago. They're mostly Indians, Mexicans and negroes.
> find an independent business owned by a brother and frequent there
Therein lies the problem. There are none. We can thank Wal Mart for that, how they've moved in and muscled out small businesses.
> pre emptively open a door for a lady politely if you see them coming
Everyone does that for everyone here. It means very little. The elderly will thank you here as well. There seems to be a high population of other white people who are also elderly, which is strange given the extreme rarity of youths of the same skin tone.
> They do not think like we do, their natures diametrically opposed to what one could term the European standard.
Precisely. Neither the negro nor the mulatto white/negro mix understands mutual respect. There are many women of our displaced European blood guilty of constant nagging and disrespect as well, though in both cases they were not taught values growing up. The situation is that parents both work as the child is raised partially by jewish television propaganda. The other part by jewish educational indoctrination and falsified histories. Family values are not encouraged. Entertainment is. Laugh-tracks for unfunny unwitty bullshit sitcoms half filled with jews are the encouragement.

You are correct on all fronts but I have to say I could not of put your summation of the machinations targeting the young any better;

> The situation is that parents both work as the child is raised partially by jewish television propaganda. The other part by jewish educational indoctrination and falsified histories. Family values are not encouraged. Entertainment is. Laugh-tracks for unfunny unwitty bullshit sitcoms half filled with jews are the encouragement.

Many often try and pass off the effects of the subversion citing men who come to find the truth as examples that breaking the hold can be done by any but what they often fail to understand is the sheer struggle many a man has to endure as he comes to terms with the realisation of how dire the situation is, either buckling to nihilism or suffering through, wounds and cuts to the spirit marking each man as he comes understands the gravity of the battle we face and the scale of the lie perpetuated. It is a hard path, one that can break a spirit or harden him beyond all empathy to the kin who share his burden. Hence the push for altruism within our own kin, I know it's tradition to treat our situation with mockery and diatribe (which I cannot deny, has it's uses) to numb the pain and fears but I prefer the holistic approach, something I believe you yourself also favour from your viewpoints.

You don't need very much to get started.

I began with the accordion exercise;

"1. Close your eyes halfway. Clear your mind and concentrate your attention on your palms.

2. Allow your breath to become slow, easy, without force. In a way, you are creating the very lightest trance.

3. Bring your hands together, palms touching and fingers pointing upward. The palm chakras, called Laogong, located in the center of the palms, should be touching. These chakras are areas where Qi can be felt emanating from the body.

4. Slowly move your hands, keeping the chakras aligned. When they are about 12 inches (30 cm) apart, slowly move them together using the least amount of physical effort possible.

5. You will be compressing the air between them like an accordion would.

6. Feel a warm or tingling sensation at the Laogong points on your palms.

7. Move your hands slowly back and forth, varying the range of the bellows. Repeat the accordion technique in different directions: horizontally, vertically, and diagonally."

Do that for fifteen minutes a day and your life will genuinely change forever. After you get the hang of it, your technique will naturally develop. I only really use the accordion exercise to measure specific internal exercises and know when it's no longer necessary to keep going. Just remember, the development isn't your skill of the exercise but more your understanding of self and the universe.

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I am still formulating how to explain honour in an honourless world so as a break from expounding on that topic here are a few brief tidbits concerning a classic /sig/ staple; food.

Ah, a good meal, there are few things better than a hearty home cooked dinner on a chill autumn night, although maybe the feel of the first splash cold mineral water hitting the back of your throat on a hot summers day is a close second. So then why do so few enjoy a properly cooked meal or good drinks, why do they go straight for something slathered in preservatives or in permafrost from the back of the freezer? Two factors, convenience and a lack of knowledge. Now, this being a /sig/ thread I do hope I don't have to expound on the weakening effects of convenience for it is the bane of any man seeking drive so the second part, knowledge, is where I shall focus my efforts on tonight.

So a general overview. We all know the classic phrase "you are what you eat". Well, it is basically true, you *are* what you eat, if you devour preservatives, injected chemical slop, starchy carbohydrates and poor fats then you in turn will find yourself sluggish, lacking in clarity of mind, likely overweight and most certainly of poor skin complexion and possibly close to diabetes. The modern diet is a true representation of this miserable age, it is unfulfilling and frankly poisonous. So how does one break out of the cycle? 

- Firstly, drinks. Have you ever had a glance at the content of those foul energy drinks that so many seem endeared too despite them containing less caffeine than a black coffee, more chemicals than a meth lab and the supposed boost of vitamins? Or perhaps wondered about just what allows Cola to clean coins akin to soaking them in vinegar? Now good friend, consider just what these drinks are doing to your insides and your health overall as your body absorbs them. Full of synthetic ingredients and countless additives (yes that includes the sugar free ones, your still tricking your brain into thinking it's receiving sugar with those), they reap a tally on a mans body causing anything from caffeine withdrawals, vitamin imbalances, drops in mental acuity with the more sugary or chemically endowed ones, increases in body fat as the sugar is unable to be processed and a myriad of other problems. However in this age of boundless consumerism where everything is a commodity what does one do? Simple, you return to the basics. Those bottles of cola or whichever drink you enjoy on a daily basis, switch it to mineral or spring water (anything not listed mineral or spring is basically tap water, do not bother with it and be sure to check the waters source location). It is often cheaper, readily available and despite popular opinion, after a while of drinking it you'll notice different brands do indeed taste different. As an aside I personally favour San Pellegrino, it makes for a nice treat. If you struggle to surrender the requirement for a carbonated beverage then switch to carbonated mineral/spring water in it's place as a good first step, it helps trick the minds expectation of the usual fizzy chemical slop. Need a pick me up with a bit more oomph than a refreshing mineral water, well, black coffee makes for a great start, just remember no sugar. While yes there is a good argument for dropping caffeine all together such a step is a large one therefore offering an alternative to your average can of Monster or Red Bull is useful until a man reaches that point (I would be remiss if I did not admit that I have yet to quit it myself). Oh and do not fret about potentially losing those "vitamins" in these drinks as unbeknownst to most you urinate a good portion of them out, you'll get most required vitamins from a good diet.

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Oh and to "head it off at the pass" as they say, yes be mindful of the brands of water you buy due to the plastic bottles holding them (although this rule applies to *all* bottled drinks generally). Nestlé had a brief stint of fame for their bottles literally rotting into the fluids on store shelves and I shouldn't have to tell you of the dangers of plastic fibers within a human system. Yes, I know *all* plastic bottles pose a problem however buying mineral water in glass bottles is prohibitively expensive therefore unfeasible for most. We must operate within reality, not a fantasy where one can buy fourteen liters of Voss water a week. Oh and never buy "artisinal" mineral water, it is literally a meme designed for the stupid and those with too much money.

Milk is and shall always be excellent for you and if you can find it, unhomogenized is most excellent indeed. Needless to say, the homogenized and pasteurised milk most places stock is a rather far cry from the proper stuff which makes any benefits from it far more limited than what one could consider closer to the source. Also do not buy the half fat or minimal fat milk concept, it's essentially the watered down version, you want full milk with the least tampering possible, even if overweight. I do know the argument against milk is fairly well presented and if you do have a counter do not hesitate to share but as a general rule I have few qualms with it on it's own, as in everything drink in moderation.  Yes our bodies *can* struggle with it depending on certain issues but it's benefits at this juncture outweigh the negatives for most.

Fruit juices are moderately passable however you must bear in mind two things. One, they are full of sugar, often more than most carbonated beverages and secondly your natural diet would not have access to all fruits all times of the year, while they can be useful to supplement diets with vitamins and other benefits they are not a crutch to rely on. Downing a liter of Orange juice a day is not a healthy diet, it is merely an alternative to downing that two liter bottle of coke.

Regarding alcohol, beyond the vital rule of moderation, there are a few things to remember. Firstly, if you do not enjoy alcohol or just drink to be social then just skip alcohol all together. There is no purpose to it and it is far too easy for a good man to fall to it's numbing effects, it is a burden more than a joy for most. It is a greater man who rejects it outright than a man who raises a glass just to fit in.

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But for those who partake of these beverages, let us begin. Beers, IPA's and the like are indeed poor for you. The "man breasts" from certain chemicals does hold a modicum of truth to it and generally they are just hard for you to digest. It would be worthwhile just removing them all together if you intend to go full /sig/ but for some it is a small concession to enjoy a cold beer after a long day so I won't go too hard on it. Unless of course it's cider in which case unless your living a very active lifestyle and able to burn calories at an expedited rate you should just avoid. It's pure sugar and to be honest good ciders are just so hard to find these days that it's worth just cutting them completely. Most grain based beverages as a general rule are not the best for you which indeed includes the ever popular whiskey but very careful moderation means you can mayhaps have them once in a while but if you have regular social gatherings it is wise to just avoid all together. "Good" alcohols, or rather those with the least detrimental effects, would be Brandys, Cognacs, Red Wines (not the cheaper ones though bear in mind), certain Vodkas. My advice overall concerning alcohol is simple; do not drink to fit in nor to forget, if you wish to imbibe it just buy a middle to high end bottle of something nice that doesn't turn once opened (I personally enjoy a nice bottle of Augíer brandy that lasts a couple of months) and maybe have a glass every friday night, just one to savour as you unwind. Something to drink slowly, not something to down to drown out any concerns you may be having. It is too easy for a man to fall into this trap and frankly I feel uncomfortable even discussing alcohol but it is a subject sometimes touched upon in some circles.

There are other drinks which can be suggested beyond this basic primer, for instance I recall a discussion on Kefir which was interesting with it's gut bacteria and the ability to homebrew quite easily but that's out of my area of expertise so if anyone has a screencap of those kind of recipes of suggestions it would be helpful.

- So now we move onto the more malleable section, food. This in an ironic twist is far more simple; actually learn to cook. Now I do not mean learn some fine French cuisine or mastering some complex dish but rather advocate three simple rules;

Use fresh ingredients
Make the dish simple
Do not be afraid of failure

Now often you'll find when a man finishes work or seeks a quick snack he will seek the simple and easy, he has become accustomed to being lazy and will gladly devour any reprocessed garbage from a plastic bag no matter how disgusting it is. He lives in what one could term a "hyper reality" where instead of looking at the chicken tendie or nugget as the poorest cuts of meat from a hormone injected chicken mushed together with countless other chemicals then coated in cheap fats and breadcrumb, he will instead see a delicious piece of golden chicken and his gormless mouth will open and devour it, offering praise to his semetic overseers for such a fine offering as he was told he would get in their advertising. This is the bane of the modern mans diet, this illusion. True food, real food, must be crafted by yourself. So where to begin? Should you throw out everything in the freezer and make your own garden patch where everything is fresh and proudly tended to regularly. Well, yes, but let us be realistic here, only a few will go that far so a balance must be struck for those who will not (although you really should, it is quite a pleasant sensation cooking your own home grown ingredients).

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So firstly dispose of any and all snacks which are processed from your diet. Yes I do mean all. Crisps (or chips as their known in the state), bars of chocolate, those little packs of cheap cooked "meat" that are easy to eat through, remove it all. Beyond the clear nutritional problems these things cause, you have the fact that they are *too* easy to eat, they are too tempting. This goes for whether you are fat or slim, they contain very little good for you beyond maybe some protein in the meat and even then they will usually contain other negative attributes that counter that. Luncheon meats such as pepperoni and chorizo are passable to keep but even those must be eaten in moderation.

Moving onto the main components of a dinner, you also need to drop *all* processed meats, all of them. If you wish to eat meat then buy fresh, it's quite simple really. A good bit of chicken or beef will last a few days in the fridge and can be easily prepared within under half an hour with your own seasoning and garnish. There are a great many perks to switching to fresh, firstly nutrients will be higher, secondly you know the process of preparation for you yourself are doing it therefore no additional additives or chemicals, thirdly cooking is a vital and easy skill to attain. Yes one must be mindful of the type of fresh meat he buys for even this can contain hormone injections and the like, a good method is to bite the bullet and seek grass fed or organic meat. It is a bit more expensive but then this is a proper meal, you *must* get out the mindset of cheap and easy for that is what is trapping you. If your working on a budget a good method I used to use would be visiting the supermarket rather than a dedicated butcher an hour or two before closing when the remaining good cuts or packs are reduced, buying a decent amount of the good stuff, storing enough in the fridge to last a time then freezing the rest for later, it saves money and saves further visits to a supermarket. If your finding meat is close to going off consider a stew and leave it to slowly simmer over night or some such, there are many inventive ways to use meat even if it's just before it's going to turn. Also when cooking meat while oil is fairly common consider switching to either extra virgin olive oil or a decent quality butter (actual butter, not the horrible pretenders you get in supermarkets). Both have higher burning points and more nutrients in the case of butter. Rapeseed and it's cohorts is a hipster meme, don't even bother with it.

Fresh vegetables are usually a fair bit better than frozen but the frozen can work decently if in a pinch, they sometimes lose their flavour and nutrients a tad in the time between chopping and freezing in the factory compared to freshly cut ones but for the most part they *should* be untampered. I use a fair bit of frozen garlic and onion for my cooking due to the expediency and the fact it has nothing added, it's a good choice although I find the garlic can lack the oomph of freshly crushed.

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No doubt some will be of course craving a sweet treat as a dessert or maybe a snack, this is often a stumbling block for those who seek to lose weight. The temptation and habitual gorging of chocolate can be a hard beast to tame but it is possible, you merely need to be smart about it. Try switching to a fruit at first, any fruit, just to get used to moving from the overly sweet sensation of chocolates or candies. Now no doubt a nutritionist is reeeing as he reads that but allow me to continue as he no doubt will understand my next point. Now you have become adjusted to fruit, move from what I would assume is a high sugar one such as apples, grapes or bananas to one of low sugar such as watermelon (cue negroid meme in response), peaches, oranges or lemons. Slowly, over time you will begin to become adjusted to these lower sugar alternatives and find yourself no longer craving the high fructose, high calorie sugar you did previously. If you *must* have some chocolate then consider a dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentile, while still not exactly wonderful for you it is better than the milk stuff.

So these were just as stated, a primer for the arena of food and a very basic one at that. There are far more avenues to cover such as changing from plastic cooking utensils to cast iron, recipes, cooking advice, avoiding meme diets and so much more including things I have probably missed in the primer. If you take nothing else from this, at least take this away; there is a reason the poor quality food is in abundance and the items actually good for you cost more. They want you fat, lazy and unthinking, they consider you a unit to consume more and more. Like as in all things of this age you must find a way to rise above it and food is one of the most important aspects of it for it is literally our fuel. Take great care of your body and it will take care of the mind that inhabits it.

Your right to think that, their essentially just chemical garbage with less caffeine than a coffee with a significant amount more garbage in it. It's like the meme of taurine, there's been no proven positive effects yet people still drink it like their lives depend on it. I used to drink them myself when they first got introduced, stopped after a while as I realised it tasted like lighter fluid, vile stuff.

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Upon a topic that all should take to heart; the subject of understanding the opposition. I shall not be looking at the matter of "crying out as they strike you" or of pilpul as they have been covered extensively elsewhere.

A term often thrown around is the "End of History", a popular concept within the sphere of European well being. More often than not it is packaged as the idea of history no longer being relevant just after the fall of the Soviet Union, the "last big threat" to the world falling as the "Democratic" and "Enlightened" nations cheered on despite it's own peoples subtle enslavement and unending ignorance of the fates bound to them being a distorted mirror of the more overt semetic Communist concepts of the Eastern bloc. It is a queer thing is it not, to reflect upon these things. Especially when one looks at where things have arrived now, an age that sought to use Weimar as a template has not merely done that but surpassed it in various ways with nary an efficient push back nor victory by the supposed opponents of this degeneration. Oh, we all know why, the semetic puppeteers ensuring both sides dance to the rhythm of ethnic self hatred and self destruction, poisons so foul and permeating everything that those who seek to rid themselves of it still must wallow in their shallows to a degree as it erodes every last island of nobility and sanity in our dying civilisations. 

Many know this but for those who do not, this is the reason for the destruction and dismemberement of our history for in that, in epochs now passed, we have sought hope and inspiration from heroes and their teachings so that we may follow in their footsteps and that we may not merely become them but if possible surpass them while honouring their ideals. This is why in place of these Men we are offered the pathetic and corrupted simulacrum of greatness in the form of the modern "hero" be him clad in spandex or a vacuous action "hero" but also why for those seeking real leaders you will only find either approved psuedo Communist "revolutionaries" or supposed "thought leaders" offering only meekest and most kosher ideals available for public consumption for anything outside these bounds is "undemocratic" or "can't work". Thusly we must understand it is not merely the End of History that is sought but the very death of it, all that is to remain for most of our people being a brief epitaph upon a neglected memorial should the enemy complete their work.

Thusly the parasite, has in essense, perfected the drone. Oh, it is not purely done by history erasure of course, there are many more steps to such a thing but our history is a pivotal cornerstone to a man understanding his place within the world, shatter it and you make him malleable to all the other foul schemes you have in play for he no longer has his true identity, only the faux ideals you force upon him. Now this drone, this "last man" if you wish to employ Nietzsches concept, is a simple beast. Consume, submit to your own degradation and offer tribute. His nature is that of simple, rationalized machinery. Oh he will think himself "unique", an "individual" as he consumes and submits like his surrounding kin, all his protestations to the contrary hollow much like his soul. This is the fallen state of the European Man. This humiliation of our people by the semite is a very deliberate act you may notice for they will nary en mass partake in what they deem "good" for our society beyond an occasional "sacrificial lamb", most rather sell it then sit back laughing as they watch our fall from grace and their vile elevation to power brokers and masters. It is almost akin to the disgusting BDSM rituals where a "slave" is "broken in", their will subsumed by that of their abusers. Make no mistake, for them, this act is both sanctioned by their own texts and embraced as their racial norms despite the protestations of "based" semites decrying it. This is the very reason they call us "goyim".

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Now this drone, despite being a simple creature, is multifaceted in that it can not merely be used as a source of sustenance in both the financial and physical form (if you wish to know the physical please seek information regarding the Israeli sex trade, the financiers who partake in the vile act of child abuse and certain Talmudic rituals concerning blood) but also in the form of a weapon. Many view groups such as Antifa and their ilk as nary but "brainwashed liberals" which while not an inaccurate observation it does lacks understanding. They are what one could term "true believers" by and large, drones so reliant upon the semetic poisons offered that to exist outside it is akin to death. How many times have you heard of some "open minded backpacker" who was raped and mutilated in some backwater desert wastes because they were told "were all one race, the human race", how many times have you witnessed the soulless eyes and motions of these creatures as they parade through the streets, all cognition beyond their diseased false reality ignored as they believe themselves to be right even in the face of their own puppeteers and abusers tell them to hate themselves. In times past these men and women may of been shown a better way, a way to truly live and to serve a greater purpose but now the indoctrination is so great that to break them out of it would be to shatter their now darkened souls for they know nothing beyond the semetic illusion they live in. 

We must consider the greater ramifications of what has been done to these people however. Their existence is what one could term a heightened state of blissful ignorance when imbued with a false sense of power and righteousness. Power for they will not be stopped by corrupted and malignant state, righteousness for they do truly believe the illusion they live in. This is the ultimate humiliation ritual by the semite. To turn brother against brother with a lie is one thing, it weakens the bonds and weakens the bulwarks of unity, to instead reshape the mind, body and spirit to a lesser form is the ultimate form of degradation. Some believe the rape of our innocent and the selling of genital mutilation to those unable to defend themselves to be their gravest sins but I would posit that these acts are more spiteful and fueled by their own doctrines, the far greater horror lies within the ability to break our people down to become such vile animals serving their every whim. A rape within their key domains of power or the violation of sexual organs and sexual identity, while truly disturbing are only part of the overarching picture. To destroy a person into loving their abuser, this reaches far further than those actions (that is not to say these acts are any less an atrocity but we must remember to tally every count done against us and understand the threats accordingly). 

Yes, there is a significant increase in those waking up to the perpetrators of these acts, the internet has allowed the free flow of information (something they are desperate to stem the flow of) however the opposite is also true, the indoctrination within academia and media is degenerating more and more of our kin. An invisible line is being drawn in the sand, upon one side is us, the Men of Action willing to defend our right to exist, upon the other is the semite and his puppets and upon the line itself is the remaining confused masses, swaying back and forth until finally choosing to resist or to submit. Both sides will reach a critical mass at one point or another and when that mass is reached then the Steel of our spines and our Will shall be truly tested against the parasite and it's golems.

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They know we love our kin and will do what it takes to save them, this is certain and this is why they fight so desperately to denigrate them and reforge them into lesser being. They are human shields for the parasite and have been manipulated into believing this purpose is a "good thing". Alongside them are the golems imported from far off lands, barbarous people presented as "the same as you" despite their natures and actions against us, more subjects to offer tribute to puppet masters who they claim to hate yet suckle at the teet of, their insatiable desires used as a tool get them to attack the native peoples of Europa. The negro desires more welfare and more fatty foods, the arab and his kin desire more debasement of host populations and more entertainment, I could go on but I shan't belabor the point.

Make no mistake, they hate you. They hate everything you represent for they resent that their foul nature cannot emulate it thusly they must tear it down or corrupt it. This is why they fight us so, why they act only in cowardice and treachery. They wish to reforge us in their own image, submission to them is akin to death of the spirit. But we must remember we are above them, we are not kin to them and must forever resist lowering ourselves to their level. We must embody all that makes us unique as the sons of Europa, all that makes us noble and above their machinations. One could almost pity the parasite, such frothing hatred at those who could create while they could only subvert and corrupt. Almost but not quite.

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Decent posts, yet again. I hope you're spreading this message across multiple locations. As many have complained and I'm willing to admit, this board has minimal traffic. The shills must be outed even when numbers dwindle. There's no way around that, otherwise the board falls to degeneracy.

On the subject of he who believes himself unique and individual, I believe the concept of the parasitic psychiatrists pushing the ego is a major problem with that. To counter it, these drones as you called them need to be re-taught that they are not just a "self". Our people are us. We are our people. That there is no good to come of separating from our ancestral backgrounds and denying our heritage.
Antifa as reliant drones, yes. I have had conversations with Communists. They don't believe as we do that they're subversive, hateful, destructive footsoldiers of ZOG. In their minds, they believe they're "doing the right thing". In Universities where Communist professors are indoctrinating impressionable minds, the often-times jewish instructor impresses on them that the system is bad and there must be a revolution to fight it. The enemies they're taught to fear of course, are "Nazis" but they've no idea what National Socialism even is. There's only a cloud of lies to fuddle their minds with. They're taught "history has lied about Lenin he was really a good person" bullshit and the same about Karl Marx. Should the indoctrinated youth discover the fact that the last Tsar was brutally butchered by the Bolsheviks along with his entire family and servants, he or she is told that the Tsar was an evil man and there "had to be collateral damage". The mass starvation of Holodomor lied about as a "famine they had no control of" etc. Excuses abound. Constant semetic interference with every breath the parasite breathes into words being lies, but lies which (you're right) they do shape their minds, bodies and spirits towards the foul Communist way of thinking. I have converted a few. The way to reach them is not to declare the most logical choice of loyalty to National Socialism. That must come later after the light of true words shine through into their poisoned minds. I have attended Universities under Marxist jewish professors and passed through the fire of their deceptions. Can't say I came out unscathed. More that I came out furious at the filth being peddled. As you said, both sides of those aware vs. the parasite and their puppets will reach critical mass; I believe it will happen only as a mirror of the history of the Weimar Republic before Hitler took power. When no-one can buy bread and the rich no longer have any control due to the paper that is money finally devolving into what it always was. Nothing but garbage. The frog in the pot analogy. Gradually increase the heat, and the frog cooks alive. When heat increases instantly, it jumps out. The same will happen towards those whom instantly lose their luxuries and can't afford to survive. They'll be pissed. Following the illusion of semetic lies will no longer be a solution to them. Survival instincts should lead them back to proper thinking. I'm not promoting accelerationism here. I'm speaking of inevitability. Critical mass is bound to happen, as it has throughout history when the tribe has been involved. Nations have always eventually grown wise to their tricks and cast them out.
Nobility has it's place, but the meaning must not be misunderstood. One who is noble cannot hold onto their kingdom and people by letting foreign invasions tread on their lands. Nobility, historically, never survived or conquered without wise strategic maneuvers. Some lone shooters here and there dispatching very few of the low-hanging fruit of common negroes in shopping malls, arabs in mosques and parasites in a synagogue are never planning for the bigger picture. The larger prizes. All they're doing is allowing ZOG to increase their stranglehold through mock calls for sympathy of their kind against both European and displaced European American citizens.

This kind of thing is always useful, that was actually what I was thinking of originally but couldn't recall the name of. Instructions on how to make Kefir would be most welcome if you have the time!

> As many have complained and I'm willing to admit, this board has minimal traffic. The shills must be outed even when numbers dwindle. There's no way around that, otherwise the board falls to degeneracy.
Minimal traffic is something I think the few 8ch refugees after it's last fall who had a clue is something that is welcomed. A lack of the adulation of CIA assets and plans is a welcome thing for most I think. I have not been spreading the concepts discussed much as honestly at this juncture I cannot think of many places beyond maybe Neinchan (or rather fedpostchan) and maybe 4ch but I fear if I went there it would be deluged in a series of negro penis images. I had considered seeding it among some of the alt right groups but there's so many sub groups I don't know where to begin.

> The frog in the pot analogy. Gradually increase the heat, and the frog cooks alive. When heat increases instantly, it jumps out. The same will happen towards those whom instantly lose their luxuries and can't afford to survive. They'll be pissed.
Exactly right, it is this very aspect that gives us a chance. Convenience has made them weak, look at the boomers with their infantile attitudes, they embody just what a pampered soul becomes. Lazy, self indulgent and shiftless. We must re-purpose the anger our people feel into a fuel, an energy that propels them towards greater heights and greater goals, it is the only way we can survive what is coming.

> Nobility has it's place, but the meaning must not be misunderstood. One who is noble cannot hold onto their kingdom and people by letting foreign invasions tread on their lands.
Quite true, people too often conflate the noble with "being kind and fair" but it goes far beyond that. It means when in times of crisis being unflinching in your resolve to achieve something, keeping faith and Will even when all around you is chaos. A noble ruler may need be unjust at times, even callous, but as long as it is in pursuit of the greater goal the action is no less noble, mayhaps it is even more so for he is more likely to understand that he himself may have to become a monster for a period and shoulders that responsibility without fear regardless. He accepts these burdens without complaint and does what needs to be done. Upon the other side of the coin, as you rightly mentioned, the "lone wolf" types who often believe their cause just which in a fashion can be perceived by some as that but they never have the wisdom or foresight to see the outcome of their actions as you rightly point out. Their concept of nobility is a warped one, one lacking the true gravitas of the idea, it is entirely based upon the now, never the tomorrow. There is no greater plan than "shoot now", the bloodshed and horror caused only serving to tighten the parasites grip upon our throats. They react to the pain in an animalistic fashion, uncaring of the results from trying to alleviate it in the worst possible way. Yes there may come a time of blood, the parasite is ensuring it will be so, but needless murder for the sake of unfocused rage will only hurt those they claim to fight for. Wounded men that could of had a higher purpose, that *sought* a higher purpose, only to be consumed in their own pain and hatred. It is a sad sight.

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I have to re-read this thread once I have time, but comfy posts to say the least. I have to confess I like to read it because they share a sense of belonging I cannot find in any other place.

I'm surrounded by antifa/sjw, communist teachers, antifa, my brother seems to have converted to judaism, when did everything gone to shit? Or they are pretty good at convincing me it has. 

The main problem with this sort of people is that once you tackle them or let's say, they embarrass themselves, instead of have them changing their mind, what you get is retaliation of the worst kind, really vile shit. But if I do anything drastic, I will get my entire family against me and I can't afford it right now, since I'm having health issues. It is just something you have to deal with it, even keeping my sane distance is making people frown at me once I resurface. It is what it is, I'm focusing on my health.

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Upon a topic that has been preying on my mind as of late; the importance of unification of purpose. I have little doubt most present here understand this issue but many do not hence I believe it has a need for exploration.

We are a proud race and rightly so. We have achieved much, our history and development stretching far beyond what most can perceive of our history. Each unique culture and nation born from the peoples of Europa has a different character that compliments one another in a myriad of different ways creating a tapestry of such grandeur that it is no wonder the semetic tribe seek it's destruction, their darkened hearts filled with loathing for such a thing of beauty. Oh, it is most certainly true brother beset brother long before the parasite lurched it's way towards our shores, battles over resources, barbed words and religious schisms. But unlike those not of our ilk, we knew when to stop. We knew when enough was enough and returned to our homes to continue our lives anew, our teeth sharpened within the fires of conflict, those standing after it creating new generations of hardier men while cowards lay scattered and forgotten. Atleast until the age of unfettered semetic commerce and the seeping corruption it brings that infested the hearts of Men who should of represented our finest, their succumbing to the lust for gold inflicting a disease we have suffered for over a century. The times of those blood lettings have long passed however, and in it's place instead of a budding respect or a unity of purpose we instead find internecine conflict, what once was light comradery morphed into barbs of "le 56% face", "the eternal anglo", "cucked canucks" and so much more. Without question the source of this thinking was of a much more sinister nature than most know but the effectiveness of this sowing of hatred proved itself with the disunity common among brothers who share the same battle. Men we should be standing shoulder to shoulder with instead passing blame to everyone around with scathing tones. 

There is but one real way to counter this shameful conduct. We must each recognise the nature of our own subset of people and how it has been manipulated. I will offer my own as an example, that of the sons of Albion. We are a haughty people. We are obsessed with protocol, we can be uptight as anything yet by the same token distinctly unbecoming in conduct at other times. We can be welcoming yet quiet when offense is taken, the anger simmering until it is finally released in a wave of fury. We have grown arrogant in our perceived "superiority", the allowance of "British pride" being only in things that have served the parasite, be it the vile treachery of our leaders during World War 2, our cumbersome and crumbled Empire, our "humble acceptance" of "colonial subjects" into our lands or pride regarding the "power of London", an adulation of the most fetid and vile city imaginable, a nest of vipers and traitors. This unwarranted sense of pride in the false is what has set us apart from kin for so long, gone is the brotherly relations between the Germanic and British powers of the 19th century, instead we self segregate into pedantic mockeries such as /britpol/ (which in truth is little more than an English enclave), the degenerative self adulation never ceasing as men who should be standing with us instead utter the word "lad" after every sycophantic congratulations of the most trivial and pointless of discussions.

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Some attribute such a thing to a desperate need to have some "British identity" yet they fail to understand the greater ramifications of their actions, an abandonment of those we owe a debt of brotherhood to and the illusion that our identity is nothing else. There is no remembrance of Alfred the Great who forged a people anew, there is no pride in our ancient traditions and folk tales, at best I witnessed the joke of "druidpol" larping as neo pagans but never sharing deeper insights or teachings into the traditions of our people. The Scots, Irish and Welsh have managed to salvage some of their tradition but far too many have either had that identity hijacked from adulation of their history and culture into hating the common English (a subject I touch on a little more indepth here  >>/72192/ and in further posts offer examples of the deliberate manipulation of the peoples of Britain. We are not innocent but nor are our current people to blame) or have fallen into the same trap as the English themselves and hum the same merry tune of adulation of this Age of Misery rather than embracing the truth of their identity and an acceptance of the burdens we must bear. We must recognise this error and correct it. We must move from hiding behind our shields and embrace that challenge, clasp the hands of our brothers and understand the wrongs done to them by our leaders so we can thusly hold the line with them lest we all be lost. It is only through understanding our purpose as the guardians of Europa that we can truly make right the wrongs committed, even if they were committed in ignorance of truths that were hidden. We have been isolated too long and I would ask any son of Albion who claims he is true to his people to follow such an example for they are our blood. Honour must be restored for otherwise the parasite will forever divide us and complete it's vile task.

This however is a story not unique to the British people but is echoed throughout in different ways and by different means. While this particularly brief exploration of the modern British "nationalist" identity may offer some insight into where this particular group has gone wrong many other groups are inflicted with deficits forced upon them from the parasite also. We all in some form or another have developed conclaves, temporary bulwarks set in sand as we ignore the cries of our brothers, their lands beset by animals raping their children and defiling their women. In place of anger at the injustice done to them some sit back and mock. "Oh the effeminate Swede, we wouldn't take that". "Oh the cucked German, serves them right for accepting Merkel", it is all a mirror of the arrogance of the British as I mentioned before. Yes it may be done from a different perspective, for instance some consider it "tough love", hoping the brutal mockery will illicit some anger or reaction but when it is their own brothers enmasse doing so they feel defeated and abandoned for there is no one at their backs offering help.

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The true irony is that these things are already happening in the lands of the accusers themselves, the parasite already has in place what it needs to ensure every nation of Europa and her colonies will suffer the same fate. This is the inherit danger of the parasites machinations, to force us to mock in place of help, to distract us with our brothers dire situation in nihilistic delight so that we may ignore the atrocities happening in our lands for "something worse is happening to someone else haha". It is truly despicable. We must accept the things happening are not unique to our particular region but is part of a greater scheme and thusly each and every count must be taken, not just those done to our own. The crime done to one nation of Europa or her colonies is a crime done to all, this must be our mindset.

We must purge ourselves of these forced concepts of separation if we are to unite as a people, we must at a fundamental level understand and value the fact we are all European. We must stand tall and proud as exemplars of this and lift our brothers up no matter where they be. We must reinforce where they in particular are weakest and accept their aid where we need help none of us fight alone. The few of us here who understand Unity, we will raise the battered banners of those who fought before us and carry them to the end of the line no matter the cost even if it seems meaningless to some for we stand for every one of our people. But we are few and need brothers to help lift our standards higher so more may see there is still Men holding firm, that there is still a battle to fight. At this juncture, in this time of turmoil, it is not your money nor your materials we need to win this fight but your faith and your strength. The strength to raise your voice in unison with your brothers in saying we will not fall and the strength to lift him back to his feet when he is wounded. Your faith that the man by your side will stand with you no matter how dark the hour grows and that each of us will see this conflict to it's conclusion. With one voice we must speak, with one purpose we must fight. 

For all the peoples of Europa we march, unbound and unshackled until victory be won.

I am going to post a mix of some easily digestible/spreadable information about improving ones self by either means of diet/exercise, or simply survival knowledge as i believe being able to survive makes one not only an improved person by directly being better at surviving, but also it makes one more confident.
some of these are old, and most of them are from the days of innawoods threads. but i felt this thread was lacking them.

is anyone lurking? does anyone have any specific requests?

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i dont have it anymore, but its easy to find. look up how to make distilled water. you probably have everything you need. just 2 pots and 1-2 lids. you basically put the small pot in the larger pot. small pot is empty. fill big pot with the water. then put a lid that covers both upside down so that as the water in the big pot heats, it makes steam, the steam attaches to the upside down lid and because its concave (while upside down) the steam will run towards the middle. this will fill the middle pot with distilled water.

dont let the water completely boil out unless youre desperate because you dont want the remaining stuff to cake to the bottom of your big pot.

its just another name for emergency bandage.
theyre not even made in israel, i have no idea why they call it that. i dont even think they developed it either and it was first used in bosnia. its used for quickly patching a hemorrhaging wound.
its a combination of heavy duty and water proof so it makes a bit of an air/liquid tight seal. it also comes in sterile packaging so it can be applied directly to a squirting wound.

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So tonight is a somewhat melancholic topic inspired by another thread upon this board. Upon the subject of finding comfort, or more precisely that feeling of home.

It's a simple thing isn't it, recalling the last time you felt truly at "home", truly comfortable. No concerns, no worries, just the simple warmth of believing all is right with the world. Any man who claims not to miss it is an outright liar for every man desires peace in his time for both himself and those he loves. He desires the warmth of a comfortable place he had once called his own, be it memories of his childhood home, a place he spent most of his younger years with his friends or the simple feeling of love at close grandparents or family members. It all seemed so simple then did it not? I recall even in my own childhood looking from my open bedroom window of the seemingly endless vista of London and in my innocence thinking "I'm glad I'm home". I would sit on my bed with a glass of coke, maybe play the playstation a little before turning on the radio and listening to evening call in shows while the sun set over the metropolis before me. Even on the chilly nights I'd leave my bedroom window open, listening to the distant city for it's noises comforted me. In a way I still miss it to this day. Oh, don't get me wrong, I absolutely despise the city of London, what it has become and was probably already becoming back then with it's degenerative undercurrent, it's a pit. But in my young mind it was home, the sprawling suburbs where I'd meet with friends, play some football (or soccer as it is also referred) even though I was terrible at it. All of it gone now. Memories of a simpler time always seem so beautiful don't they? 

There in lies the issue though. They are just memories, moments gone. In desperation some seek to keep in that feeling, holding onto those brief moments in the hopes that even for an instant they can feel that again but truthfully it can never be done much. It always puts me in mind of a man looking back upon his first love and asks "what if" as if the thought of it will offer that feeling of fiery love once more. There's a particular phrase that comes to mind concerning this, "You can never go home". In essense this is true, we can never go home for home isn't there any more. Whether like me you saw your city engulfed in the unending torrent of diversity and it's ensuing corrosion, whether you grew up rural and seek revisit a place long abandoned, nothing ever feels as it did back then. The walls crumble, the people have left or passed on, the shell of it is just a sad reminder of all that has been lost. Even the strongest of Men feel a pang of melancholy at such things.

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For some this feeling, this need for the warmth back, it stifles, it hinders as you grasp around in desperation for that brief moment of reprieve, for just a mere moment of it back but it can never been found, not truly. This is something we must not merely accept but understand. For most of us, our family homes are long gone and the places that gave us that feeling forever lost. Once upon a time even when he left home, a son of Europa would still feel at home in his lands for even as a stranger he could still find belonging, still find a quiet corner to make his own, raise a family to share his love with and create this feeling anew. We have been deprived of this, this comfort, for our lands have been taken and given to all. Our communities dying, our people shiftless and lost in the misery of this epoch, it is no wonder the warmth of our people is replaced by the soulless, wretched commercialism so prevalent. Can they truly be blamed when all that is offered is the threat of encroaching ethnic violence and a hollow existence? The parasite has taken so much from us and this theft is one of the most egregious.

Part of our goal if we are to become the Men we need to be is to understand we can not go back, we cannot find comfort in the things we once had but by the same token we must realise it will not be gone forever. As we stride forward we must remember that a part of our goal is this, this simple concept of returning this feeling within ones own lands and among ones own people, this must be part of what we must bring back to our people even if it means we may never get it in our own lifetimes. I know it's hard along this path, it can be incredibly lonely being the Men we are and the burdens we carry, staring at the storm on the horizon, the prospect of stopping it can seem overwhelming but stop it we will. No, we will not merely stop it but turn it back unto those who forced it upon us. Our people, our families and our children depend on it. They deserve, nay, demand that we do so so that we can give them what we ourselves have lost. So they can feel that warmth and that joy of comfort, of not fearing for a future most uncertain. We must be the ones to return this gift to our people for who else is better suited than those who feel this sense of loss. There is no greater gift than that of love, anyone who has felt it knows this. That is what we once had and with it stripped a piece of our souls has been torn away and replaced with cold rationalised machinery. It is our duty to ensure those who come after us do not feel this, that they are stronger than our forebears who watched the world die were and that they themselves know that feeling once more. That they have a true family, a true people that is their own. Carry the memories of comfort with you but do not mourn them, use them as a reminder of what your fighting for. 

We'll make it together. As friends, as family, as brothers. Come what may, what we do shapes the future, it forms around our actions or inaction. So if you wish to find comfort again then help make it a reality. Find those who seek what we seek, raise them up as others have done for you and we can forge a better tomorrow free of this sadness.

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You have a really good posting style anon. Do enjoy reading your posts

Well, most of humanity lived in an agrarian society for most of known civilization. That meant that you would know and work with the people around you and with your family members for centuries until your death. Pretty much all of Europe, including England, was like this.

Society was pretty close knit until the industrial revolution happened. I can understand why it happened (less effort, more output), but it had a really deep lasting impact on most of human civilization though. People became more colder and distant after this and the countless wars that happened around Europe in the next decades.

It's good that we know it and strive for better, though. I don't think normies will ever care for it though. Current zeitgeist is pretty much being uncaring and detached from people in general

> 4th pic

Huh weird. Russia is very similar to the US. Most people live in the big cities(St Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd) and almost everything else is uninhabited wilderness

> I am going to post a mix of some easily digestible/spreadable information about improving ones self by either means of diet/exercise, or simply survival knowledge as i believe being able to survive makes one not only an improved person by directly being better at surviving, but also it makes one more confident.

Sounds pretty cool. I had a ton from a 4chan thread, but they got deleted from where I had them. 

Post some cooking and mechanical things. Maybe making a windmill, constructing things, etc

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I feel I have been neglectful in my duty of expounding upon /sig/ topics so tonight I intend to rectify my failings and offer some further thoughts. For tonight my brothers, we shall take a slight breather from the heavier duty topics and move onto what one could term a "comfy" topic, that of literature and your cultural inheritance within it. Many are already familiar with the work of Spengler, perhaps even E. Micheal Jones (although come now, while some of his work holds merit, his inability to conflate race with clear ethnic propensities does get tiresome) or even pieces such as the raw power of My Struggle or nobility of Tomorrow We Live or the ideals within the works of Hegel, these are all fine texts but for this night it is wish to bring you home. To gift you back what was taken.

Ah, literature. You know, a movie can attempt to produce a facsimile of the imagination with all the grand special effects, unending budget and semetic subversions as it wishes but little is comparable to the vistas a good piece of literature can present. It can deliver you from the mundane and degenerate into a beautiful if brief reprieve from the modern world. The greatest of these escapes can be found not within modern literature but within the folklore and histories of old, written by men once passionate of their adulation and wonder at the stories they recorded. It is with this in mind I have begun working on a selection of suggested texts to bring you, my brothers, closer to your homelands where ever you may be. So let us begin. As a rule of thumb each region/peoples will have a listing of two suggested books, these I have chosen based on my owning of the physical books and completion of them. There are many more I could suggest but without ownership and the reading of them first I would be remiss to list them in case of making a poor suggestion. One suggestion will be a fairly accessible book based around pure enjoyment of ones own culture, the other will be more scholarly and niche but a worthy addition.


Ah, so let us begin fairly early. Now while most modern men will only share a partial lineage if any at all to ancient Greeks, they do make for an interesting precursor to look at regarding ancient tales. One of the finest collection of stories regarding them would be the Herodotus Histories. Now do not be put off by it's grand and seemingly opaque title, a good translation of this book (seek a early to mid century release) is actually quite easy to read and enjoyable to boot. It tells many a tale of ancient Greece and paints a fairly good picture of the times. A good piece but one I would consider ancillary to the more focused folklore of the specific tales of our peoples (unless of course one is Greek in which case, well, most certainly read and treasure).

Now Greek myths and legends are widely recorded and choosing a single book on the subject is... troublesome. One of my personal favorites is the Aeneid however it is most certainly one of the toughest books to finish which can deprive one of enjoyment. The language can be prosaic, it's very dense and it can go into somewhat exhaustive detail on mundane things once in a while. If your the scholarly sort, then this is a must have. If your seeking pleasure, well maybe just go for a early 20th century text covering the myths at large, there's a great many to choose from that are less, shall we say, arduous. I really do have a love hate relationship to this book, I really do.

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Many a man can claim to, in some form or another, descend from the Germanic clans that once roamed the European continent and with good reason. Despite the fragmentation of these peoples through countless conflict and struggles, there is a myriad of texts connecting them none the less. Even my own kin, the now reviled Anglo Saxon (for good or ill pending ones perspective) can claim ancestry to these clans and it shows within the folklores sharing links and themes. To this end I have chosen a small selection of texts you may wish to seek to explore the themes and tales passed down. Now when discussing Germanic folklore and culture, there has been an ever present jewel, a location one may consider to be a thing of beauty; the Rhine. It is with this in mind my first suggestion for those seeking to get closer to their Germanic roots would be to seek a copy of Hero Tales And Legends Of The Rhine by Lewis Spence, 1918. It contains a wonderful array of tales and myths intrinsic to understanding the soul of the Germanic people. It is one I cannot suggest enough, I honestly cannot. I would most certainly suggest attaining an early 20th century copy, the art included is quite stunning and copies can be fairly cheap, usually somewhere between £15-40 ($18-45) pending it's state of repair.

To follow this up, for the man seeking something both a touch older and a greater understanding of the deeper roots I would ardently suggest Tacitus' Germania. Now for those unfamiliar with Tacitus, do bear in mind when reading this, it is taken from a very Roman perspective, essentially a man who had had a soft life. What is most interesting is though he does not paint them quite as barbaric as modern media would make one think, infact he does denote a fair bit of their honourable conduct, but again, do remember, he is viewing them from a hostile side. To suppliment this I would suggest also visiting Bitchute and seeking a chap called Asha Logos, he actually does a rather fantastic coverage of the ancient Germanic tribes here if you seek to understand them further;


Both offer enjoyable viewing and I believe he provides further sources for more texts I shan't go into at this moment for otherwise this both you and I would be here all day and we have quite a bit to cover.

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- Celtic

Good graces now here's a tough one. Celtic mythology has a vast array of myths and legends, each of which can be sourced to the Scottish and Irish. I won't include Welsh in the Celtic miasma as the Welsh have quite a deviation from the more common Celtic templates of legends but for the sake of ease of understanding I will include them in this section none the less.

So, firstly the Scottish. Now the Scots have been fairly ardent in their recording of their myths and legends but only to a partial degree. Sadly many pre Christian texts have been destroyed or lost by the more zealous enforcers of their docterine thusly we do not have complete mythologies untouched by partial Christian influences which I find a great shame. None the less we shall endure.

So firstly we shall look at not one but two books by the same author; The Celtic Dragon Myth (1911) and Popular Tales of the West Highlands (vol 1-4) (1890). Now these, these are something special. The chap in question, one J. F. Campbell made an incredible record of the slowly declining Scottish folklore during the 19th century. These two texts both suppliment each other in a number of ways with their discussions on folklore and ancient tales. Those who are of a more esoteric bent may find The Celtic Dragon especially interesting as it touches on potential Aryan roots with the tales reminiscent of certain Hindu connections, something I am informed of makes for an interesting read concerning the ancient Aryan migrations across Europe and North India, much like the symbol of the incarnations Swastika and so forth. Back onto the main topic however, the West Highlands mythology is an excellent read and definately worth your time, both are but if you only read one of these, go with that text in it's entirety. 

For the more heavy reader I would suggest History of the Highland (1857) (no PDF available) by James Browne. This is what I would truly consider to be one of the most important books concerning Scottish history and culture in existence. I actually came across it purely by chance in a visit to Aberdeen a couple of years ago and noticed it in a charity shop window. It's akin to an actual tome but I believe that is due to it being the combination of two previous releases by the same author. It details the clans, their locations within the highlands, examples of tartans, folklore associated with those clans, the service of those clans within the British military and honours recieved, clan traditions, maps and so much more. The real bastard is I am truly struggling to locate a bloody PDF of it. I did however find one of the older versions which was a four volume release which looks fairly complete, think it's missing a little here and there but it should provide *quite* a bit of reading. Around two thousand-ish pages I believe? It's quite an exhaustive text but one definitely worth preserving.

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Had to include the second part of the Scottish collection in this post, my apologies.

Now Irish folklore and history suffered not one but two devastating attacks, one at the hands of my own nations government and their vile predations, the other at the hands of the Church and their, as is always the case, subversion of the older lore of Ireland. Thusly I cannot begin to imagine what has been lost but it seems some valiant souls have attempted to record what they could none the less. The first and most accessable of the two suggestions for Irish history and folklore is the rather wonderful Heroic Romances of Ireland (1905-06) (two volumes) by A. H. Leahy. This is a delightful collection of Irish tales from Ireland's lost history and is thoroughly enjoyable to boot. The language can be a bit tricky to grasp on occasion but it shouldn't offer too much of a struggle for most. It also contains literal translations of the texts which also make for interesting reading and if one is inquisitive, perhaps even alternative ideas compared to the presented translation. This is one of those books that I would always suggest a physical copy of if possible although of course I have included a PDF for your convenience also.

Now this one is not so much scholarly but delves more into the odd folklore. Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry by W. B. Yeats (1888). Now two things of note concerning this. The first is this is less historical than other texts listed here and has a slightly light hearted bent here and there. The second is it's an amalgamation of work by other authors, an anthology of works concerning a specific topic of Irish mythology not directly attributable to Yeats. None the less it is an interesting read and worth a go if you fancy something a tad lighter than usual. Oh also do not mistake the mention of Faeries in the title to mean this is some children's book. Faeries in actual mythology are not the most pleasent of creatures if you believe the details concerning them, less Tinkerbell of the peadophilic depiction of Disneys Tinkerbell of Peter Pan, more an unknowable manifestation of nature. 

Ok gentlemen, the hour grows late where I am so I will try pick up again tomorrow or Friday at the latest. I'll finish off the British isles and Western Europe in general then post some Nordic, Central European and maybe some Baltic and Russian folklore and history for good measure. If anyone has any further texts that might help bring one closer to their homelands, please do not hesitate to post, preservation of our culture and history is of the utmost importance.

Man I really don't know where in heaven did you came from. You are doing god's work here, your words resonate deeply within my inner self, it feels like going to church. Please don't turn your back on us, keep writing. At best, what I can say in return is that your writing is one of the small things that gives me the strength to carry on this god forsaken world. Have you ever thought about writing a book? You should really think about that. I'm downloading the books you posted, thanks a lot for what you've been doing.

It is not, people were hurt and they are hurting back as a defense mechanism, it shouldn't be always like that.

Paradoxically, chastity devices can make you even more horny, since the surface of your penis has contact with the material all the time, which can be sexually stimulating, even if you can't get an erection due to the size restriction.

It can get uncomfortable if you are wearing it for more than a few hours at a time, it can even be very painful since it severely limits the range of motion of your privates, especially if you are doing something active which involves a lot of movement. If you move during sleep, you can wake up with a lot of pain if you end up in a slightly wrong position. Erections will pull your balls out of place and can hurt very badly.

Last, but not least, prolonged wear can shrink the size of your member and even make getting future erections more difficult.

Peeing standing with a cage is not difficult, aim is fine too as long as you don't get horny. The problem is that it tricks your bladder and pee-stopping sensors, so it's harder than usual to not spill the last few drops off piss.

I tried it a few times but always ended up taking it off after half a day with the urge to fap.

It does give me a swell of pride knowing what is being written moves you so. The truth is, the words are not my own, not truly. They are a culmination of all I have learned from not just from those that came before us in epochs past but from those of us still present, you, me, all of us. This Age of Misery, it has taken so much away from us, our sense of self, our Will, our futures. Too long we have watched each other fall into the black morass of what the parasite wishes us to feel, creeping dread and nihilism lapping at the shores of our spirits like a vile encroaching tide. No more. The bonds of brotherhood we forged in shared grief at the current state of our situation must be forged into something greater, something new. A beacon to push back the darkness at our steps. This is what I have chosen to do to help our people, to offer not merely to reinvigorate the worthy ideals our people once held but to gift back all that what was taken in it's greatest form. Our pride. Our Love. Our Will. Our Strength. This is my belief, this is my faith, this is what our forebears did and so we shall as well. Thusly I can never turn my back on any of our people for their fate is also mine, our blood and shared history is forever intertwined and to reject it is tantamount to severing a limb. The people of Europa, be they in the heartlands or in the colonies, are brothers and brothers do not abandon each other. We stand and fall together and I have no intention of letting us fall. We'll make it together.

On the topic of a book I had begun work on a PDF with some of the work i've posted in this thread (of which initially there were plans for two forms, one for those outside our sphere of understanding, a second more direct one for those within it) however after formating I was displeased with it, it felt too clerical, too soulless. I have opted to make it a full book you may be pleased to know with the initial version being a the more direct one with it's tone the same as all I have written here so far. It is in it's very early stages however and there is a significant amount of topics and concepts to look at before the work is complete. My plan is to seed it where I can but starting here first for it is where I find far fewer "external influences" and thusly can have more reliable opinions and feedback. Not to mention after the fall of the then federal agent infested 8chan boards and the lost /sig/ threads this board was not merely kind enough to welcome me in but to make me feel at home thusly I can think of no better place. This book is intended to be a gift for us all, an attempt to make a difference to all of us who are in this battle. I shall see it done come what may.

I'm most glad your enjoying it. You are quite right in your analysis concerning the advent of the industrial revolution for whether meant for good or ill it inevitably allowed for the most destructive of tendencies to occur over time. It led to an age of plenty which ironically has become an age of nothingness, hollow distractions for hollow men. Soft men. It is no wonder the parasite has had such an easy time with so many of our kin with offering fun little toys for boys who didn't have to grow up, having no duty to kin or a greater sense of community or even a sense of destiny, only self gratification and the pretense of being an "individual" in a sterile and vacuous domain. They engineered it well. Unfortunately for them not well enough.

I am still here, I got waylaid due to some minor issues over the weekend which limited file access. Normal service will resume tomorrow, as way of an apology for the delay i'll dig through my old hard drive and include a copy of the Race Life of the Aryan Peoples (1907) by Joseph P. Widney, both volumes of course. I think you'll enjoy.

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Man of my word. Race Life of the Aryan people and as for finishing off where we left off, here we go. Please note I intend to try limit my comments on the books for between one and two sentences as I could talk for hours on them and I don't wish to bore you or spoil them. 

- Celtic folklore cont.

Finally onto the Welsh. Again, I reiterate, while there are some connections between the Welsh folklore and general Celtic folklore, Welsh does deviate a tad with a larger focus on hero figures. So to begin we will have a look at one of the most valuable yet overlooked pieces of Welsh history and folklore, the Red Book of Hergest (1911 release), one of what is known as the Four Ancient Books of Wales. It is a collection of Welsh poetry and literature from around the 15 century with the pieces supposedly reaching back as far as 9th century. A worthy read for any man of Welsh blood. I have included both the Welsh version and the English translation as a courtesy.

The second book of Welsh culture and lore I chose is not the Arthuriad (the tale of King Arthur, I've included a copy as well) but rather the Black Book of Carmarthen. Now don't let it's ominous name fool you, it refers to it's original binding, in an ironic twist it speaks of the ancient Heroes of Welsh folklore beyond the widely recognised Arthur and Merlin (although interestingly this book contains references to both that pre date the work of Jeffrey of Monmouth who is known as the man who bought them to public light in the Dark Ages). This again is another of the Four Ancient books of Wales, I merely narrowed down the two that I think will interest people the most. Version uploaded is a single version with both Welsh and English text, I could not locate language specific copies separately.

French Folklore;

Again, we have an odd situation akin to the British, that of Breton and Gaul folklore's differentiating although in a slightly different way, in this case the Gaul staying true to the Celtic tradition, the Breton to the Christian. There is also the Frankish which focuses around the legendary Charlemagne and the Normans who held the Viking traditions. For the sake of efficiency I shall include the French folklore under the Celtic due to the rich connections but also throw in a single curve ball of specific French folklore in the form of a French/Christian piece of importance.

Now sadly my knowledge on French Gaelic folklore is sadly lacking, I have some rudimentary knowledge of the songs of the Troubadours and quite enjoy their epic poetry but I fear much is lost in translation to me. With my knowledge lacking I none the less two pieces I am somewhat familiar with, if someone can attest to superior suggestions, as usual, please do not hesitate to offer. Firstly we have Folk Tales of Brittany by Lewis Spence (1917). As it's name suggests it speaks of the tales from the Brittany region. While an observant reader will note the similarity of some of the folk tales to those of the British Isles, it has two key differences. The first is the observation through a more continental lens, the second, some quite unique folklore with intriguing implications such as the "Ankou", a female death spirit. Intriguing indeed, a worthwhile read.

The second book I was torn on so I decided to hedge my bets and go for an epic tale, that of Legends of Charlemagne by Thomas Bulfinch (1863) which tells the saga of, you guessed it, Charlemagne. While yes this can be considered a Christian text to a degree it does not take the beauty and grandeur of this tale away. If you have a single drop of French blood I implore you to read and enjoy.