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> What is this thread about?

Talking about how it feels to be in the /end/. The darkest place where no one comes.
> What is this project about the so called end?

Difficult to know, but when no one is watching,you act differently. I have a project in mind about that aspect for this thread.
> How is it going to last?

Either very few posts (10 or so) or a very long one.
> Does it have any purpose?

Basically my thoughts about some things transferred into a pony body. Nothing that fits completely on character or my full  personal attention to get "fame". Just a guide or vision I want to share in a grey place. Several threads have pointed them out but I especifically want to focus on something else inspired from those first posts.

Nothing is planned and I can't promise anything....
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> inspirations for this thread
the main general (not much here), the bat pony thread and  the 400 GET one(fanfic dedicated to bluestar and headcanon about  Dolores the bridge). Happiness doesn't shine too much over here.
> content of this topic
if possible,darkness. Light hearted images are a nice contrast but mostly,if everything goes alright,darkness: ambients,bats,related stuff (not overly edgy nor gore) or ambiguous images to post.

This can either go well or really wrong. Not much left to introduce it. Just a personal experiment to test the first steps of this board. Don't ask me to hurry about it.
Also,I am not going to namefag through the thread but I am posting these two replies under a certain pseudonym to identify my style of writing.

And so,let this personal random experience begin....drowning myself into a sea of autism.

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so,when my thoughts about this fandom spark and come to my mind in a cold way, I just cannot leave to think that the colourful horses would bring some of the saddest groups of people. 

Not going to mention any cases but it seems that Friendship is Magic (and EQG to an extent) has covered and saved certain people from suicide. One of those reason to find yourself living and caring about pastel horses. Generation 4 came as the next Jesus Christ for everybody back in 2010...

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I cannot speak for anyone but myself and I have to clarify that a fan from 2014 cannot understand how the "golden days" were in reality. I haven't lived them nor experienced a single convention.

However,I have to say that after years of lurking,autism and the post season 4 ride events have given me an idea of what it was and how this fanbase gets involved around. Everytime I think about it deeply, I cannot post this on /mlp/, I feel like an actor, I feel like I am playing a role to make the fanbase look natural and give its normal rhythm of pony dosis.

Considering that everything or the mother earth of this fanbase is 4chan, the image has to be kept and trigger outsiders with a pony image. Defending themselves from attacks or trigger warning for those who desire them to be dead. Almost 8 years later,it's not dead. In fact,since 2016, the fandom has been through the pace of bigger established fandoms(PKMN,Star Wars/Trek to some extent and all the new born trends:SU,FNAF,Undertale...),surviving what could have been gone in the blink of an eye.

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little interactions from background ponies,memes from random places,etc); everything as fresh, full enthropy mode and explosive to the society. The huge spam and shock to normal people put into their faces left nobody with indifference. Who would say that liking a little girls cartoon could be considered normal?

Powerpuff Girls and Sailor Moon did that before but Friendship is Magic has developed a trend in which no adult can be ashamed of liking this childish stuff. The target audience doesn't mean only little girls anymore. Target audience involves everyone who watches and has an interest to the franchise(actually puts money into it). Hasbro has changes in the financial earnings of each quarter from boys and girls stuff to brand stuff. That means MLP is actually as valid as Transformers,Monopoly and all the franchises Hasbro could have. They have no difference but being a product that can be afloat,no matter what public consumes it.

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Everything has changed. 8 years later,we are here with a different mindset,all our desires have come true and have oversaturated us. 
This is the only franchise along with Touhou and PKMN that has created an insane number of porn images and has covered every little fetish that could exist. Some failed miserably but this franchise gave the chance to do literally everything,literally. A new world to discover and an cybernetic obsession about horses that we didn't know it could be that huge.
Particularly,the anime touch and fantasy set up have helped to attract many followers of Japanese stuff,where every idea gets posted and not really seen in Western animation.

This is literally the franchise of building something out of almost nothing. I have to say that this fandom js really creative and has inspired others to do some impressive stuff that over time,could earn some actual respect and not just cringy compilations.

I have to clap and admire what this fandom has achieved in almost a decade.

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This fandom has laughed together to the rest,created conflicts and constant drama, made it into the news for the laughs and memes, creating songs,reviews,stories and art about everything pony related....just for the sake of having more ponies into your gallery or folder. Achieving numbers and tons of content that wouldn't have happened earlier. This phenomenon could not have happened without the internet and the chan culture which surrounds it. Neither the creator had expected more than 3 years of this stuff.

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other fandoms secretly envy you and cannot get out of their minds how this surprise has become so surreal. It has achieved a standard in the internet culture,to the point where a pony means a fan more than a little girl being passionate about colourful innocent stuff.

There is a point that we shouldn't have reached and we have passed it,so let's keep going to see what happens and the ride never ending are two memes that HAVE ACTUALLY APPLIED to this fandom. They have become a reality. The people who joked about it didn't believe this phrase unironically,just your typical image macro that everyone could shitpost in two seconds.

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All the fanservice achieved from this fandom is actually more than Nintendo or other more beloved companies has reached levels of pure meta stories to the point where the fandom has become an inspiration and the reason why this franchise is relevant to this day. It would have been your typical girly cartoon and now, it has turned into something like Pokemon: jumping from generation into generation of ponies. 
Thing is Gen 4 has actually become the most commercially and critically successful generation of ponies. It has the standards of the franchise, more than 30 of girly image turned into a mainstream show for everybody. No matter who you are, you can enjoy it as what it is and it doesn't feel inclusive to one range of ages.

It will influence gen 5 and all the related future plans for it because it will be looked as a golden era for profit,meaning that a toy commercial of a quality similar to non commercials shows,can achieve as much if not more success than all of those. When everything goes in context,has lore,a moral,ponies doing cute things,expanding the universe and different interactions between characters,seeing them evolve and becoming more relevant and real or relatable....that quality actually gives money. The reward for that good effort should be give. for caring about these things that make a franchise richer,even revitalising what previous generations couldn't or didn't want to care less about it

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But let me take the Satanic words here. The twist of all this paradise has a dark side.I have said that FiM came as the next Jesus Christ to the people. People seemed to care about it and love it on every instant. The golden era they said, the show promised a lot of things and it would reach inimaginable borders,delivering llve and tolerance to the world...
Well guess what. I simply say that the golden era is a lie. The comfort and hugs may have been there but after those 4 faggots of /co/ and the /b/ trolls that cared about ponies. NO LOUD OR PROUD FAN actually really cared about it. Those who appeared in the news and the documentaries about bronies are not the fandom I know from these days.Those people were driven for money because it was the latest trend that everyone on social media could post a pony pic as a profile to hop into. It was made out of posers pretending that they gave a fuck.
They gave money and sparked an interest to the franchise but guess what? Not many of them watched the show and just jumped into pony stuff by not knowing how each character worked. If anyhting,they left after season 3 or 4. The love and tolerance came from Tumblrinas who wanted their diversity show (which explains why Steven Universe is a fandom created from "exbronies").They wanted an identity to feel cool and look hip to everyone in social media.
Do you want to know who the real fandom is? The people who are here,caring about they like without pretenfing. Those people came from the huge fuss and geniune actual interest to the show to see what it had. The show promised something really big when it was never meant to be. The early fans created an image that couldn't exist yet,it happened.

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But the genuine people who sparked an interest by information and not looking for an image,just looking about what is the charm behind it are the actual fandom created. This fandom was supposed to be small but fighting against the stereotype,the pretentious importance of a "life changing show", all the explosions and drama drove this into some genuine fans who didn't know that they would be fans of but they stayed over the years.Everything here is artificial to the point where the initial image was a manmade product that would become true in a very different way.Seaponies?A fucking meme taken from the constant shoo be doo in the comments. Bat ponies? Your typical shitposting pony race on /mlp/ that has gone too far; just a version that found luck on the show. Equestria Girls? The desire of humanised versions of ponies and Mattel. Post season 3 and alicornification? All from the fanbase. The show was never supposed to pass the 65 episode mark,yet it's getting close to 200 episodes. This is why the "post season 3 is not  canon" is true...for the wrong reasons. It was never meant to exist yet,it's canon for the show events because their lives go on.The movie? A reward for lasting. AJ's parents,Starswirl,Derpy, the Trixie comeback and some post season 4 stuff? All because of the illusions,overhyped things and dreams that Hasbro saw as money.
All of this because the people behind it.....are depressed.They have these ideas and illusions because of how sad their lives are. A chan youtuber could have reached the edge if it wasn't because of his waifu. This type of consumism has gone into something that has marked them. I don't find those happy people from the Brony conventions over the fandom I see everyday. I see a bunch of depressed people who have pending accounts with the show,they feel as if they needed to contribute as an exchange for finding a reason to live.
These sad people are covered in the face of autism and a few of them wouldn't be living if MLP wasn't here. The cover prevents them to show how sad this fandom is. I see the brony fanbase as a  ttsundee character: rough and from the outside,sad on the inside.

The memes applied,the stories behind the innocent content of pastel ponies have some dark meaning that this franchise didn't deserve,yet,the feedback and constant desire to keep going forward fulfills both the company and the fandom...

I believe that the fandom and Hasbro have a certain harmony that admitting it might damage it. We fear what could happen and that's fine because they love ponies in the end.

I guess this experiment was actually welcome and enjoyable for our meaningless existence on earth...

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> Talking about how it feels to be in the /end/. The darkest place where no one comes. 

> Not going to mention any cases but it seems that Friendship is Magic (and EQG to an extent) has covered and saved certain people from suicide.

> Everything has changed. 8 years later,we are here with a different mindset,all our desires have come true and have oversaturated us. 

Lots of deep, sincere thoughts here. Man I have a lot that I could say but It would take me awhile to get my thoughts togather. Depends on how busy I am but I'll hopefully have something more articulated in 2 or 3 days time.  Things still crazy from Granddad's stuff  

> This phenomenon could not have happened without the internet and the chan culture which surrounds it. Neither the creator had expected more than 3 years of this stuff.

>  Almost 8 years later,it's not dead. In fact,since 2016, the fandom has been through the pace of bigger established fandoms(PKMN,Star Wars/Trek to some extent and all the new born trends:SU,FNAF,Undertale...),surviving what could have been gone in the blink of an eye.

You bet on that one. One of the things both funny and strange to me is that even in this state, there is stuff that was still memed harder then us and yet never had near the output. Even in the state right now that are things that are still heavily memed but never reached are levels of output that we have in this day ad age. One way I suppose I could say is that the other fandoms are competeing for different groups of people while we have become are own true subculture. As I stated before. We exist outside of social media. 

Side note: one of the only other fandoms I considered close to us in are levels of self-sufficiency and content creation being touhou. Which also is its owm subculture. Though they are smaller and more fragmented, they too have a pleathora of hangouts  heck, mainly exist outside of  social media and also are heavily part of chan culture. Though I do not consider them as segmented as us.

> The love and tolerance came from Tumblrinas who wanted their diversity show (which explains why Steven Universe is a fandom created from "exbronies").They wanted an identity to feel cool and look hip to everyone in social media.

I mostly agree with this. Notice that most of the people who are still only focused on pony on tumblr or social media in general are at least lightly in chan's orbit? At the vary least those who are still active will have a account on one of the fansites that at least lightly chan influenced. Not all people who are involved now are creatures of the chans but most who are eve a bit seriously involved wiith this fandom have to at least have some of the same sensibilities (or at least tolerate ) chan style memes and ideas.

> I cannot speak for anyone but myself and I have to clarify that a fan from 2014 cannot understand how the "golden days" were in reality. I haven't lived them nor experienced a single convention.

> NO LOUD OR PROUD FAN actually really cared about it. Those who appeared in the news and the documentaries about bronies are not the fandom I know from these days. 

> Well guess what. I simply say that the golden era is a lie. 

You know what, I'm had a rambling wall of text and I do't want to derail this thread. I actually mostly agree with you (I think, lots of stuff to think about though) so let me say this: I do agree that a lot of people at the time saw it as a joke, or were trend riders who didn't actually care of the show, though I don't quite take as far as you. There was some I remember  myself included  who used to watch each ep with actually care, as in not as a joke even back then, woundering what various one off lines and implicatios could mean  though Celestia certainly wasn't a Tyrant, there was some subtexts and implications that could be made from those early eps that were not too far a stretch into just stupid theory nonsense  Perhaps I was part of a  minority at that time (actually I certainly was). I honestly was't too involved in the activities in /b/ or /co/, 

> Me thinks I found character limits! 


but I was in vauge orbit. I certainly never could have imagened how far I would've gone into this wild ride. 

Though I am an old-oldfag from 2011, you did not offend or ruffle my feathers. I actually have gotten flack before for not seeing those days as an apex point that we will never reach again like some have. I was just oftering my two bits since I was from that time.
I also never was into conventions either

There is so much more I want to say, but I have to get my thoughts togather. Let this project be a personal canvas for your thoughts wherever they may lead and whatever color you end up  painting. Leave behide any facade you have at /mlp/, /pone/ or whatever else you post and write freely.

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> in the wake of darkness
> how am I supposed to tell that I exist?
> how am I supposed to say that this story will never get written?
> how can I say all the dreams I have visited and all those nightmares and illusions came true?
> when someone thinks about this territory,you feel uneasy,you feel disgusted and you don't want to talk about it
> the less I know about them,the better because we all try to pursue the light
> but what happens if that light closes the door to you?
> what happens when the mistake of a young sister could cause all this trouble?
> what happens when my life gets thrown away in the most necessary moments from familiar ponies?
> was my support fake?
> should I take that for a revenge against her?

"Dear Sister Celestia,why did leave me behind?"

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> If I didn't feel comfortable before,the situation of these days isn't any better
> in fact,all the cute moments could be shattered away over time
> all this time for a revenge and fall into corruption
> my sister left me,only because she was the favorite from Starswirl
> I felt jealousy,I felt envy and I felt favoritism
> I can't believe that her joke about raising the moon was so easy for her to do
> not only raising the sun,but she could replace me for both tasks
> how can she be that elitist? didn't she know that her constant ego discouraged me? 
> not even that way,she could prefectly do that alone
> for a price in the beginning,how could I admire those days? glorified because now I am alone..... with these species

> they are bat ponies (or at least,that's what they said)and fortunately,they have followed my message
> they took me as a leader. My wings attracted them and took me as one of their cult.
> they were primitive and wild,much like every zone beyond the Everfree Forest in the harmony world
> harmony,because now,while I am in the castle where I shared the place with my sister
> the door was closed and the painting was changed. My sister is not here.
> my sister wouldn't have the will to face this
> we are facing troubles and the days never appear
> a dream come true for me, but a daily nightmare for our lives
> so I still live worrying about those creatures and getting along with them
> is this my future Republic? The moon will have the answers
> my body however,while I feel the power to do everything,I feel the void
> the tomorrow is a challenge to face and those little mistakes make me wonder if I should have all this power
> a nightmare.....in the moon

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> however,those bat ponies weren't that easy to convince them
> in fact,those little subjects,didn't have that good look nor cuteness that I could appreciate for now
> they had a tribal language, mostly making noises like "Eeeeeek" between them
> when they heard me talking in the Equestrian ways,they opened their eyes
> they would menace me if I didn't follow them but when they saw my gestures of weakness and despair,they decided to stop and give me a little bit of attention
> looking around their eyes,they were as lost as me. I considered them as ponies and it seemed that my mistake was accomished in the end.
> they learned slowly the words from me and repeated them like babies around me.
> mostly one or two words at a time. Some of them wanted to choose the wild ways around the forest but others followed my lessons
> how ironic,I was teaching them the values of my Journal written along with my sister,I wonder if she is applying them as well
> they saw that my message was effective,they found it easier to talk between themselves
> and so,some were allienated and could follow me. Others learned by force or by circumstance,they saw others speaking it and they fell accidentally or by purpose
> in the end,while there were conflicts during the process (two or three big fights in fact),they all argued.....with my weapon. The same I used for them
> they had different ideas but no bat pony wanted to recover those ancient noises. They felt developed and more effective
> I was doing something for once and I felt proud of achieving something. I even got the coronation from them and put me as a figure to protect. All my orders were understood and applied.

> however,if I didn't have a bit of sanity,I wouldn't be writing this. My body has fallen and the positive message given to them didn't feel as positive. 
> I adoctrinated them, the language was the method to understand and spread the hate and despair I felt about you. Those achievemnts server for nothing but building drones to my cause.
> If you are reading this my sister,then it's because I still have good feelings about you.
> but for everything else,what could wake me up from this despair?
> whatever you want respond,whatever you want to feel,it feels mostly useless to me

> if you are going to visit us,you could see what I have built for myself
> tell me if this task was that easy,feel welcome and take a seat
> and find comfort....in this darkness.
> Because the night will last whatever it has to last.....forever.

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Fanfic: Introduction to the comforts of darkness.(first take)

This is a prototype for what it has to come. Not all the darkness has to be possesed with edgyness but the intentions and bad purposes from every being,even if you loved them in the past, could still care only about themselves and not for those who should be loved.
The corruption of Luna,at least,my interpretation from her Lunar Republic and take on the bat ponie,comes from a personal experience that I don't want to talk about much. 
Much like she feels about Celestia,her corruption comes from some elitism and never took that gesture that well. Little she knew about her innocent and childish thoughts but her twisted vision was only focused on beating her.

This is more like an explanation and I have fortunately found some time,to introduce how bat ponies got under her treatment. All of this with rushed thoughts and feelings in heat,so this corruption feels like a diary or letter to a being of good will but failed to see the eyes of someone else.

The adoctrination comes from my fear of leading this project. All the products could benefit ourselves but if the background doesn't come in the right place, everything else is easily ruined if other variables don't come around to change it and focus on the morals that we should follow to get ourselves a little bit better.

Luna takes the lead,as a young figure for a bunch of drones that blindly follow her in a short period of time,yet,nothing fills her feelings about her sister. Only the easiest thoughts come to her with her actions and coldly,focus on advancing her method of justification....of despair.

Anyway,darkness doesn't imply over the edge moments,just an assumption to a personal level over past events and interpretations about them.

The comforts in a parallel world will be found in the bats,not in her lead. She will discover a few of them in the meantime though....

Looks interesting. Unfortunately had some  albeit happier  stuff come up so I'll probably won't get to telling my thoughts till tomorrow. In the mean time, may you cross the bridge and find comfort in the quiet calming darkness of te /end/.

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> Looks interesting
I wondered when I could start this thing and finally I took the step and make some plans about it. The next stories will hopefully be more down to earth and less over the edge thoughts. 
I didn´t know how to start this one and I wrote this really fast, it´s surprising that this doesn´t feel awkward. 
> may you cross the bridge and find comfort in the quiet calming darkness of te /end/.
may the darkness calm down us and take quieter thoughts for everything else. I hope to convey that feeling despite the tensions during and behind the story.

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Overall, I really liked this. I can make some pretty good guesses on the some of the impetus for this. Your thoughts on fanaticism and the ease of corruption others coming first to mind. One thing that especially interests me is your perspective prevented you from going down a certain path with this that I have seen many others follow: You seem to be actually showing Luna's perspective while still having it go to a possibly ominous place. Usually fics I see have such rebellion either justified or mostly justified and have characters being quite self righteous. (Luna is remorseful but it's still 90 percent Celestia's fault. Twilight turns against her mentor an second mother quite easily and Celestia is a tyrant). Though I haven't seen all fics and can't give and my perspective isn't fully comprehensive, I can say that I rarely see such point of views with emotional validity yet still being morally questionable, especially with somepony like Luna. Though I'm not sure where your going with future installments, and I don't want to pressure you to deliver on something you didn't plan to do, I still must say good job!      

> The corruption of Luna,at least,my interpretation from her Lunar Republic and take on the bat ponie,comes from a personal experience that I don't want to talk about much. 

Interesting. As I said I could tell you where writing it based on some things you said/done. I have found myself writing stuff channeling personal experiences (or at least emotional states) way more then I thought I would, even stuff that I'm not necessarily willing to talk about freely.  As opposed to an inane story of Dolores fighting a losing war  against living corn with several mid level obscure us congress members and psychic snail that bleeds fire. Yes, that randomly stupid. 

> This is more like an explanation and I have fortunately found some time,to introduce how bat ponies got under her treatment. All of this with rushed thoughts and feelings in heat,so this corruption feels like a diary or letter to a being of good will but failed to see the eyes of someone else.

That is actually may favorite part, it feels like an organic flow of her consciousness and confusion. I can picture Celestia reading it. I can picture Luna writing it, with a mix of emotions and perhaps unstable penmanship. 

> The adoctrination comes from my fear of leading this project.

As I've said before, don't worry about getting it done and work on it when you want to. Though I can understand some people can only get things done when they put strict schedules in place, and everyone is a little different. Regardless, treat this as experimentation and don't be afraid to veer off the beaten path.   

> Luna takes the lead,as a young figure for a bunch of drones that blindly follow her in a short period of time,yet,nothing fills her feelings about her sister. Only the easiest thoughts come to her with her actions and coldly,focus on advancing her method of justification....of despair.

Like so many in our world. My first thoughts that come to mind is some of the mid tier leaders of the SJWs movement and fresh faced e-celebs. Strong yet simple moral convictions and armies of young waiting and ready to attack and fight against the injustices of the world against there perceived enemies. Either get blied by power or are caught off guard when there army starts going too far.

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> I didn´t know how to start this one and I wrote this really fast, it´s surprising that this doesn´t feel awkward. 

You didn't intent that? I thought you meant Luna had written it in the heat of the moment. It actually came out quite well honestly. I liked the vibe I got from that. 

> I wondered when I could start this thing and finally I took the step and make some plans about it. The next stories will hopefully be more down to earth and less over the edge thoughts. 

Go whever your heart takes you, yeah that may sound gay and retarded but I mean that. Don't fear it being low quality and focus on personal satisfaction. It's supposed to be a bit of an experiment anyways. 

> may the darkness calm down us and take quieter thoughts for everything else. I hope to convey that feeling despite the tensions during and behind the story.

I actually have been thinking about that to. The quiet of the dark leading somepony to a revelation... maybe one that can't handle well, yet can't go back to before. Yeah, you did a pretty good job conveying that this time around. 

> a nightmare.....in the moon

This is my favorite line. It's like she was actively thinking about the words and how they related to her current state. How she was a nightmare in the moon and that being the seed for the name. I know it's a small and perhaps unintended detail but that's what I drew from it.

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> You seem to be actually showing Luna's perspective while still having it go to a possibly ominous place. Usually fics I see have such rebellion either justified or mostly justified and have characters being quite self righteous.
I just wrote it in a time when I shouldn´t have spent writing on it.But as that time was going to be wasted so those regrets of feeling wasted because of personal trouble then came out with this. 
> I haven't seen all fics and can't give and my perspective isn't fully comprehensive, I can say that I rarely see such point of views with emotional validity yet still being morally questionable, especially with somepony like Luna. 
me neither and the worst thing is that this material has been overdone during the years. I am adding nothing new but questionable points to someone´s morals. All the art has been focused on these two, so take it as personal view of them and not a masterpiece like Lullaby for A Princess. In fact, I have not seen it. No fanfics read over this, I just simply know Luna is way too overexposed and this doesn´t cross nor achieves more than political statements and how to manipulate a society.

>  I don't want to pressure you to deliver on something you didn't plan to do, I still must say good job!
Unfortunately, while you are going to see the part that shouldn´t have come after it. Take a huge time lapse after it because as soon as I wrote the beginning, the next one followed immediately.

> I could tell you where writing it based on some things you said/done. I have found myself writing stuff channeling personal experiences (or at least emotional states) way more then I thought I would, even stuff that I'm not necessarily willing to talk about freely.
basically I have put some thoughts to a certain member of my family who I shouldn´t care about that matter yet I have to do because it´s my family.Instead of looking like a crybaby, I try to put them in context and reflect something else around the way instead of trying to feel so open at exposing emotions. Yet, they appear at some point
> an inane story of Dolores fighting a losing war against living corn with several mid level obscure us congress members and psychic snail that bleeds fire. 
top kek
normally real life stuff with ponies doesn´t work unless you apply it in their universe with some care in putting the concept. Rebellious things can perfectly come but more like implied or with different enemies around. I think that idea came because of a disappointing political news or events during that point around the US.
> an organic flow of her consciousness and confusion. I can picture Celestia reading it. I can picture Luna writing it, with a mix of emotions and perhaps unstable penmanship. 
I haven´t thought about that. Even when politicians are young, they have enough skill to write properly. But that nervous feel and even uncomfortable time at writing it could come out of it. 
Truly a nice touch that I hadn´t pictured.
>  Regardless, treat this as experimentation and don't be afraid to veer off the beaten path.
I have experimented a lot during these 6 months and I cannot tell the difference between shitposting from carrying on new content or discussion ideas. Except a few ones, every shitpost feels really relevant.
> Strong yet simple moral convictions and armies of young waiting and ready to attack and fight against the injustices of the world against there perceived enemies. Either get blied by power or are caught off guard when there army starts going too far.
When you feel that you have something to say but acts like childish at first. The original SJW (a few of them) may have rejected some of their ideals see that the things are going way too much into a direction they wouldn´t have wanted. She sees injustices and asks why she has fallen into this rabbithole and banned for a very long period of time. She was actually vanished into the moon but I have implied that she is living in a parallel universe full of darkness. She cannot get over because she has not faced the original root of her frustrations.

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> I thought you meant Luna had written it in the heat of the moment. It actually came out quite well honestly. I liked the vibe I got from that.
I basically don´t know if it´s Luna, me or if it´s Luna writing my thoughts to Celestia.

> Go whever your heart takes you, yeah that may sound gay and retarded but I mean that. Don't fear it being low quality and focus on personal satisfaction. It's supposed to be a bit of an experiment anyways.
and my heart took me somewhere else. Are you ready for it? 
> the quiet of the dark leading somepony to a revelation... maybe one that can't handle well, yet can't go back to before. Yeah, you did a pretty good job conveying that this time around. 
she is a villain but good villains must have good or understandable points of view for taking that direction. Psychology and past events are key for those changes.

> This is my favorite line. It's like she was actively thinking about the words and how they related to her current state. How she was a nightmare in the moon and that being the seed for the name. I know it's a small and perhaps unintended detail but that's what I drew from it.
If that was stuck, yeah I am glad it did. I just tried to justify the origin of her name. A desperate moment between her reasonable yet insane and dangerous thoughts ended up as a title she would unironically claim sooner or later. 

Anyway, are you ready for the /end?

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>  when the party ended, I felt relieved
> relieved that I have found out all my efforts for the bats were worth it 
> they felt almost like ponies
> I couldn´t even tell them from those ponies I met for almost a thousand years ago
> the Journal….worked. It seems that Equestria found harmony with those values
> but I wouldn´t like to know about that place, Celestia cannot take the lead by herself
> her overprotective and peaceful manner to control the ponies from the wild is a sign of decadence and a encouragement to weak drones 
> they feel free in their circles, but they see themselves weak for places like a natural forest
> unlike me, the princess of the Night, conquering them, manipulating them, found those hostile creatures a new place and feel free under my leadership without hesitation
> ”Hmmm hahahaha. I have won my sister. I will be the one to control Equestria!” Nightmare Moon.
> ”With all my powers, I have found the maximum to carry the pony society better than you” she said  
> even with corruption in my veins, I can transform and keep the experiment for development, all by myself.
> your good will prevents them to grow my sister. One day, I will show you the truth of your other side and when that day comes, you will see it with all of your eyes
> a brighter place doesn´t have to be correlated with neither happiness nor caring forms, just that it shines more on them. It´s appealing to the eye
> the three races of ponies together? Not a problem, they had been jointed before you and I were students of Starswirl.
> You can raise the sun and moon without any problem. Nonetheless, I KNOW how to drive them.
> ”Come here my sister! Come here and prove me that your way of thinking is superior to mine” Nightmare Moon exclaimed.
> ”If I beat you, the night will last FOREVER!” Nightmare Moon shouted, rising her hoof to the sky pointing at the moon……shining more than ever.
Shining more than the usual moonlight Nightmare Moon was used to watching, she was left wondering what was happening. Her face changed to an expression of both mystery and fear. 
A radiant shining whiter alicorn appeared into the Castle of The Two Sisters, with her horn turned on, she was turning the moon to the land and putting the sun above it. 
> ”It cannot be! No way it´s her!” Nightmare Moon shouted with a worried expression. 
The white alicorn was making the matter disappear, leaing all the nature created put into nothing. Everything was disappearing like that needle which exploded for the whole creation going backwards. 
> All the bats started to disappear like digital squares fading into the white background.
A long moment of silence and pure void filling these moments of existential darkness…. vanished.
> But what happened to the white alicorn? How did she appear? Why had she taken that path after a thousand years? 
> To be precise, she knew it was exactly that day when she vanished the alicorn of darkness. A thousand years…. For the same mistake? Is Equestria the same as Luna remembers from it?

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*Friendship is Magic airs…
We are going to the same point, the initial point where that white alicorn took the risk to bring back her other side to Equestria with its bat society 
Back to the world we all know, Nightmare Moon woke up and opened up her eyes. Surprisingly she didn´t have any brushes nor did she take any damage. She felt like all of this was a nightmare, ironic to her name. A very long yet, short for all the time that has happened.
Her transformation into corruption was set, her mentality from the universe hadn´t changed. In fact…
> ”Where am I? What is this place? Are these ruins…? Wait! Ruins!” Nightmare Moon said surprised. “The Castle of mine turned into an old place that I had kept reluctant….now with a stoned tree in the middle” said Nightmare Moon, almost with a tone of the point of crying
> ”A tree that serves literally for nothing. I am alone, no bat is with me. All this sacrifice just for this useless tree” Nightmare Moon despised at herself. She all of a sudden, in the verge of shredding a royal tear, she realized:
> ”That tree…I recognize those forms. It´s the cheat my sister used to reform once and fight Discord. The tree that prevents Celestia ´s defeat in my hooves, in front of my eyes” Nightmare Moon changed her mood quickly.
> ”Hmhmhmhm hahaha” she laughed with a villain tone. “If I have her best secret under my power, I can make the dream of restoring Equestria with my command. All my illusions are becoming true. “ Nightmare Moon exclaimed.
>  “I may have lost the bats…..but I can replace them with something even better: The ENTIRE WORLD OF PONIES UNDER THE NIGHT!” Nightmare Moon shouted.
> ”Now, the NIGHT will truly LAST FOREVEEEEEEEEEEEER!” Nightmare Moon said convinced.
Behind the scenes of Friendship Is Magic, when Twilight is meeting the mane 6, Nightmare Moon planned how to take over the main places under Celestia´s rule.
Where is Celestia, the savior? Isn´t she controlling her? Why is she letting her wild corrupted sister to take over the world under her own rule? Doesn´t she have a celebration to take in Ponyville?
The latter question was solved by Nightmare Moon, she took the first place she knew under her treatment. As the old Castle of the Two Sisters was nearer from Ponyville than Canterlot, she began to challenge the little village. She knew they were weak and they would give up under her rule.
> So it went as Mare in the Moon went. She raised the moon and put the sun like the white alicorn did in her dark universe. 
> Now, the only thing to do for her was making a trap for Celestia, waiting in the castle. She knew she would appear at some time to reunite and set everything once and for all.

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> ”Now, dear sister. Come to me. Come and play my rules in your own world. Your weak ponies haven´t resisted anything to this eternal night. What a shame, I thought this would be entertaining.” Nightmare Moon said.
>  “I see that you have faith in 6 ponies that are coming for me. If that´s all your hope, I am disappointed. I will play with them anyway, I know you won´t come as easily” Nightmare Moon said.
Over the episode, her illusions were ineffective to those little ponies, coming at her in the Castle of the Two Sisters. 
> ”Very well. You have almost won me, but you won´t take those elements” she thought. 
And she was right, she broke during the episode the little balls containing the elements, preventing the true harmonic power to take over her like she was exposed to…once. 
> ”I have won. Now the night will last FOREVER!” Nightmare Moon screamed with a definitive passion.
> ”No! We ARE the elements of Harmony!” Twilight exclaimed proudly.
> ”WHAT?! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed scared, losing her identity.
>  And history…..repeats by itself. Nightmare Moon was wrapped into the light coming from the 6 elements, not from Celestia but those ponies who shouldn´t matter to her plans, yet they did. 
>  Her knowledge about building a society and dreams for it to actually happen…gone.

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> She lost her energy, wasted.  Alone and without any help. She cannot come back to what she had built during almost all the millennia.
She lost the energy of her mane, her size was reduced, her eyes shone with pure innocence and her colors were greyer than ever. 

Like a newborn, she felt like she stepped into the unknown. All she had, waved goodbye to her. All was under the leadership of Starswirl´s favorite student: Celestia. 

> She didn´t want to wake up. Her weak appearance reflected what she felt inside. How can you wake up after your loss is so big that your existence hardly matters now?

> If she moved during those moments, she could have clipped her wings and go to the actual void. She didn´t feel like living more years after her luck was shot to its core.
However, that shining light appeared again.  Like she was the new Goddess to take the new steps and magically keep this pinkish paradise out of nowhere.

> She gave the words congratulating to those little ponies but Luna barely listened to that.
> Her senses were low in energy, she could hardly recover instantly from that Rainbow power.

> ”Come back to Ponyville, little ponies!” Celestia said. 
> ”I will celebrate it with all of you, including my sister: PRINCESS LUNA!” Celestia exclaimed.

> Celestia put her hoof next to the weakened pony and Luna…took it.

> What other option did she have? Her energy was too little to go out there in the wild, nor she felt like wanting to live with those tense thoughts.

> She took it like a path of taking a break. She could have hated it. However, she wanted to talk with her sister again… she had so many questions. 

She remained silent for the Ponyville celebration and she stayed happy, pretending that she was like that. From the inside, she was broken, conceptually and existentially. 

> The secondary of Celestia again, the favorite, she doubts her sister changed over the years nor knew how hard her dark path was.

*And that´s when the non-canon conversation begins. Celestia had so much to talk with her….

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And so it happened after the episode´s party, that night remained peaceful and the two sisters were alone in Celestia ´s private room…

They were separated. Luna wasn´t as interested as Celestia in talking about what happened to her after the show in front of the cameras.

> ”Luna! Are you feeling alright?” Celestia asked.

> ” No. Why do I have to?” Luna responded.

> ”Look, my sister. This is not how you are projecting it into your head, I know where you come from “said Celestia.

>  “Oh yeah?! Ruining my whole purpose of building a better world? That you cannot stand seeing how I build a stronger society than yours?! Seeing how you fail and I beat you and….. you go and ruin everything I had planned, my purpose of this millennia devastated by a single ray of light?!”  Luna said.

> ”Luna, please. I swear it wasn´t because of envy. You cannot be thinking that I would actually hurt you for a single moment” Celestia said with confidence.

> ”Then tell me: why did you come over the universe YOU, yes you, put me to suffer for a period and come as a hero like that? Are you a heartless elitist or something? That´s not sisterhood, Celestia. That´s a convenient betrayal, getting rid of me whenever you please. “ Luna said.

> ”Luna, I….” Celestia spoke with hardly any line.
>  “No, that´s it. I am done, I am leaving this lie. There´s no way you can get away with this and pretend we are sisters like this just because everything ends up with flowers and parties. Not with a tyrant that puts her own competence and gets eaten like Saturn with his own son.” Luna said.

> ”Luna, wait!” Celestia said. 
> ” What is it, now? You are wasting my time, I don´t know what´s my purpose here. Why am I here anyway? My conquest has failed and you come as an angel just to put smiles and feel like a hero for a few days” Luna said. “And you didn´t move for it! 6 ponies did the job for you! My sister is lazy nowadays, 1000 years for this. I expected better” Luna said with a sad face, desperate to prove her sister wrong.

>  “Listen to me little sister, I can explain it” Celestia said.

> ”NO! You can´t. Leave me alone!” Luna broke down crying and putting her body into the floor. She felt psychologically defeated.

> ” I expected you would come like this, Luna. The hardest moment for me is not using the elements of Harmony, but saying that your sister…also commits mistakes even if they seem noble” Celestia said.

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>  What?!” Luna asked.

> ” You were a young pony when I banned you into the moon universe. However, I was also a pretty recent student of Starswirl. Everything in theory, could work. In practice, however, things got too out of hand to handle. It was either Equestria or putting Starswirl´s efforts to shame.” said Celestia.

> ” Your favoritism from Starswirl. I hope you have enjoyed all that luck” Luna said.

> ”My luck was as messed up as yours Luna. Just because the sun shines more doesn´t mean we cannot fall into corruption for seeing everything clearer. I…. I have also had that desire of elitism that you may be thinking. “ Celestia confessed.

> ”Don´t tell me that you were a failure for being young” Luna answered opening her eyes a bit.

> ”I wish it were only that.” Celestia said. “Luna, I am also as corrupted as you. I have my nightmarish version” Celestia said.

> ” You…light being corrupted? Please, you are always the heroes” Luna answered. 

> ” Don´t say I was joking. I´ll take it easy with the morbid stuff but…” Celestia whispered
Celestia turned the room into a black picture.  After that, all of a sudden, it was filled of stars and  Celestia´s figure turned obscure.

> ”Sister?” Luna asked confused.

> ” Do you see this, Luna? Don´t you tell any difference? Does it remind you of something you know by experience?” Celestia asked Luna with the illusion of Daybreaker, with a menacing look.

>  “ I…I… have no words.” Luna confessed with a shocking face of feeling genuine fear. 

Celestia expected that answer and the background turned into the room they were having this conversation.

> ” I hope you understand that I am no free of problems, Luna. Besides, I don´t want you to go like the previous time. It hurt when it happened, you had no idea how much more painful it was when the hard times came to me…alone. “ Celestia said almost closing her eyes of feeling guilty about that.

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> But…what do I do now? I am here as lonely as you. I do not belong here, I don´t think I will get used to this like it happened before. The bats are gone and my life is too painful to live for another thousand years. Sister, I am still tired.” Luna said.

> Why do you think I left you alone with the 6 ponies I put my trust in the Castle? Do you think I was gone for no apparent reason?” Celestia smiled a bit.

>  Don´t you tell me….No.” Luna was surprised.

> Celestia nodded. “ It was a hard trip and find a distant place for your drones. It will take them some time to get comfortable in Equestria. I think you can visit and calm them. They are fine.” Celestia answered gladly.

> ” I cannot believe you did this. I can certainly feel that you have heart like we were fillies” Luna jumped onto Celestia´s hooves.

> Ohohohoho. Oh, Luna. I truly care about you sister. I knew that your efforts over there were correct. I The values against me are not that easy to fix but I hope you can solve that aspect for them. “ Celestia said.

> ” I sure will. But after that, what´s my purpose?” Luna asked.

> ” I thought you knew better……but I think it´s time to control the moon and the dreams for ponies. They have hard periods finding good sleep and I think you can dream about your society in the dreams” Celestia said.

>  “ Oh my….Sister, I simply cannot answer you with all of this. I haven´t imagined that I could have faith with you.” Luna said emotional.

“All the pride for one self ends. Luna……we are eternal for now. We don´t know how many years are left for us but if these 1000 years taught me something, is that I have to spend them with you, Luna.” Celestia confessed.

“Celestia…” Luna shred some tears (she was having a rollercoaster of emotions)

“Luna. You are all that I have. I´ve been worried about you and I have seen ponies die. Generations and reptilian strangers dying and I could do nothing. I have no friendships and I cannot avoid boredom and passive despair. Whenever I try it, I end up more disappointed than the initial point. Put yourself in my hooves, Luna”. Celestia confessed crying with those intimate yet hidden thoughts.

> ”Sister. I cannot hold it. This is way too much for me” Luna hugged Celestia with all her remaining forces.

> ” One more wasted morning where I could be holding you to my side. I couldn´t take it anymore Luna. This has been joyless to me.  You are all that I have, so please:  Don´t die, wherever you are tonight, my sister” Celestia said crying.
>  “ I won´t leave you” Luna assumed with her eyes closed.

> ”I hope we can do better together….Welcome home, Luna” Celestia said with a soft voice.

And that night ended with the sun and moon standing at both sides of Canterlot....

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Fanfic: Behind Friendship is Magic: A confession from the Royal Sisters.

Behind the scenes of Season 1, this serves as the aftermath of the opener which started all.  There were some clichés during the ending and unexplained plotholes like Luna accepting everything all of a sudden or the night guards appearing in Luna Eclipsed. This also implies that Luna didn’t want to appear in front of the cameras during season 1 and this private conversation happened when the mane 6 had their adventures in front of us for comedy and innocent situations. 

The opposing figures went through their honest thoughts to solve a royal problem which could cause disharmony after the Rainbow Power event. The lack of empathy and sight of injustice from Luna and the awful sacrifices from Celestia put both sisters into hard periods.
Don´t be confused about that this would have been written around 2010 nor 2011 because this is more based in the Cutie Remark timeline or proper conversations from A Royal Problem than the actual Friendship is Magic. Daybreaker´s existence proved that Celestia is as exposed as her sister for the extreme light as her sister was to extreme darkness. 

The intended evil is not who plays one side or another, who looks brighter or darker. It´s just a reminder of avoiding extremes and both sides of the same coin and certainly everybody in power, can get easily corrupted. Celestia accepts and sucks her pride to give Luna another chance because of complete despair in front of an eternal ride that she and her sister cannot avoid. They are not lovers but sisters who at some point, went down to earth and put their differences aside. 

Their eternal life is a gift and a curse and the later caused this.  I have used some season 7 references, a mention to Goya´s famous picture (Saturn eating his son.It basically implies calling Celestia a cold headed leader but nice looking from the outside for others) and the lines from Celestia come from this song (and it inspired me to write this ending for the sisters).
The “ You are all that I have” line to be precise. The root of this fic and basically the 2nd part, which was the only intended one to write, came because of this phrase. 

 https://youtube.com/watch?v=SR1CSqQJi3E [Embed] 

There are a thousand fics about this, Nightmare Moon past and so on but I guess they would find more comfort after so much shit between the Lunar Republic elitism and war between the princesses before 2016. Season 7 ended this trend in the fandom or at least, that´s what I think. 

They are both complete these days  but at the same time, eternity calls and makes them to stay together again. The reason why Celestia summoned Luna, it´s because she felt prepared… for a personal confession.


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and I guess that I am tired tonight.

I haven´t written such a long fic for two hours since the Midnight Radiance one. 

Sorry for putting the ending before more concepts with the bats but I couldn´t avoid seeing and planning the ending first. 

I have ended up repeating the same patterns as the rest, writing about Friendship is Magic.

I can leave the room open for those who want to write stories about bats and it certainly serves to shoehorn them and explain why in the Radiance fic, normal ponies appeared. Bats lived in better conditions after landing into Equestria with Celestia´s approval, guided by Luna during some nights and then, independent.

What else can I say? I have seen how the fight in /mlp/ between these two ended and had threads about them together. I may not have watched the golden era, but I have witnessed when the fandom gave up on elitism to see who is better and assumed that both need each other. 

Luna was treated as the special one but now the number of pictures between the two has been balanced over the years. 
The hitting part of this fic was listening to that heartfelt chorus and both sisters realizing that they are all they can see. If they die, they die together. If they reign, they will do it together.

I like favoritism and subjectivity but I guess, seeing these two together fighting for little things between each other feels more complete or natural than putting the world into chaos. 

So yeah, season 7 solved it for me and I have gone too meta driven again. 

I couldn´t have written this without any support so I have to say thanks even if it feels distant.... 

May the bridge be with....the pleasure of the sun and moon as how they truly are.....

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I see you have posted the fic as I replied to your other post. Unfortunately have a errand to run so I'll have to reply another time. 

> Anyway, are you ready for the /end?

I am ready for the /end/, for I will be alone in the darkness. And when I am truly alone I will truly know who I am because I won't have to lie to myself anymore. Praise the Moon!

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Wow... where do I start? This fic did surprise me more than a bit. It actually was very sweet. Though you mention about it being more inspired by things that where clarified after season1 than the pilot itself it still gave me a feeling of some of the early fics I remember reading from that time. Not that was your intention, but I guess with Season 1 Luna and the subject matter at hoof. This is a compliment by the way. 

I really really like Luna in this. She seems more rational with her desires then I have often seen portrayed in other fics. While at the same time feeling child like.Perhaps 'rational' isn't the best word, but she is more reversed and calm and less self righteous and more fearful of her fate.  I enjoyed how Luna was in more of silent shock/pain during the celebration at the end of Friendship is Magic (honestly to the point of almost wanting to make it a headcannon). It does fit very well. I really must stress that though perhaps it is simple and you feel like you are treading old ground, this is one of the best takes of Luna that I have read. I don't want this to come off as just blind gushing praise but I have read a fair bit of fics involving Luna around the time as Nightmare Moon and this maybe my favorite take on it.

> Friendship is Magic airs…

> Behind the scenes of Friendship Is Magic

> Over the episode, her illusions were ineffective to those little ponies, coming at her in the Castle of the Two Sisters. 

The only  possible quip that I can find at this time  with this fic was the use of the phrases that directly reference the event of Luna's return from the standpoint of it being episode one. It didn't bug me but I could see some being off put by it being referred as the media that we consume ourselves rather than something that stays in universe such as "Luna's return" or the "freeing of Luna". Though for me I imagined it as anon telling me it like a storybook, but that context doesn't exist within the fic itself. Still, this is just something that didn't really bug me in a fic I enjoyed.   

All in all good job. The fact that this Luna is perhaps one of my favorites really blew me away. 8.9 out of 10.

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> There are a thousand fics about this, Nightmare Moon past and so on but I guess they would find more comfort after so much shit between the Lunar Republic elitism and war between the princesses before 2016. Season 7 ended this trend in the fandom or at least, that´s what I think. 

I like the logic that drove you to do this: it was the more recent harmony between Luna's fandom and Celestia's. Though it isn't perhaps absolute I do see those two fadoms actually trying to defend both Princesses now in debates and a more light hearted friendly rivalry than the battleground days of 2012. 

> The reason why Celestia summoned Luna, it´s because she felt prepared… for a personal confession.

That is interesting to think about. That Celestia could have summoned Luna at any time. Almost makes this a little darker, yet in a balance of them both having flaws.

 Also,  of all freaking things. Surprise lunch that I have to attend. I have a few more thoughts but at least I got the core review out. I am just surprised that i have yet again been interrupted while posting. 

> I can leave the room open for those who want to write stories about bats and it certainly serves to shoehorn them and explain why in the Radiance fic, normal ponies appeared. Bats lived in better conditions after landing into Equestria with Celestia´s approval, guided by Luna during some nights and then, independent.

I really like it how a lot of the greens you posted here fit together quite nicely. I have a couple of other things I need to try to get out first but I may go ahead and make something experimenting with some of the ideas you have presented.

> I haven´t written such a long fic for two hours since the Midnight Radiance one. 

I honestly think it payed off. Never would've thought I would've gotten such a good Luna from the /end/. More surprises from this board.

> Sorry for putting the ending before more concepts with the bats but I couldn´t avoid seeing and planning the ending first.

No sorry. You did a prety good job.  Besides you wer supposed to experiment anyway. 

> I like favoritism and subjectivity but I guess, seeing these two together fighting for little things between each other feels more complete or natural than putting the world into chaos. 

Though I find a few NLR vs Solar Empire ideas interesting, I agree. It is nice to see things them as sisters bound by fate and title. Not arch enemies, not lovers, nor mythical goddesses, but family. 

> I couldn´t have written this without any support so I have to say thanks even if it feels distant....

Well, have my own thanks as well; for if you have not posted your first few mini greens here I may have not posted anything at all either. Not out of shyness, but by simply not entertaining the idea. 

> May the bridge be with....the pleasure of the sun and moon as how they truly are.....

In a eclipse...

> I can leave the room open for those who want to write stories about bats and it certainly serves to shoehorn them and explain why in the Radiance fic, normal ponies appeared. Bats lived in better conditions after landing into Equestria with Celestia´s approval, guided by Luna during some nights and then, independent.

I really like it how a lot of the greens you posted here fit together quite nicely. I have a couple of other things I need to try to get out first but I may go ahead and make something experimenting with some of the ideas you have presented.

> I haven´t written such a long fic for two hours since the Midnight Radiance one. 

I honestly think it payed off. Never would've thought I would've gotten such a good Luna from the /end/. More surprises from this board.

> Sorry for putting the ending before more concepts with the bats but I couldn´t avoid seeing and planning the ending first.

No sorry. You did a prety good job.  Besides you wer supposed to experiment anyway. 

> I like favoritism and subjectivity but I guess, seeing these two together fighting for little things between each other feels more complete or natural than putting the world into chaos. 

Though I find a few NLR vs Solar Empire ideas interesting, I agree. It is nice to see things them as sisters bound by fate and title. Not arch enemies, not lovers, nor mythical goddesses, but family. 

> I couldn´t have written this without any support so I have to say thanks even if it feels distant....

Well, have my own thanks as well; for if you have not posted your first few mini greens here I may have not posted anything at all either. Not out of shyness, but by simply not entertaining the idea. 

> May the bridge be with....the pleasure of the sun and moon as how they truly are.....

In a eclipse...

> I can leave the room open for those who want to write stories about bats and it certainly serves to shoehorn them and explain why in the Radiance fic, normal ponies appeared. Bats lived in better conditions after landing into Equestria with Celestia´s approval, guided by Luna during some nights and then, independent.

I really like it how a lot of the greens you posted here fit together quite nicely. I have a couple of other things I need to try to get out first but I may go ahead and make something experimenting with some of the ideas you have presented.

> I haven´t written such a long fic for two hours since the Midnight Radiance one. 

I honestly think it payed off. Never would've thought I would've gotten such a good Luna from the /end/. More surprises from this board.

> Sorry for putting the ending before more concepts with the bats but I couldn´t avoid seeing and planning the ending first.

No sorry. You did a prety good job.  Besides you wer supposed to experiment anyway. 

> I like favoritism and subjectivity but I guess, seeing these two together fighting for little things between each other feels more complete or natural than putting the world into chaos. 

Though I find a few NLR vs Solar Empire ideas interesting, I agree. It is nice to see things them as sisters bound by fate and title. Not arch enemies, not lovers, nor mythical goddesses, but family. 

> I couldn´t have written this without any support so I have to say thanks even if it feels distant....

Well, have my own thanks as well; for if you have not posted your first few mini greens here I may have not posted anything at all either. Not out of shyness, but by simply not entertaining the idea. 

> May the bridge be with....the pleasure of the sun and moon as how they truly are.....

In a eclipse...

> I can leave the room open for those who want to write stories about bats and it certainly serves to shoehorn them and explain why in the Radiance fic, normal ponies appeared. Bats lived in better conditions after landing into Equestria with Celestia´s approval, guided by Luna during some nights and then, independent.

I really like it how a lot of the greens you posted here fit together quite nicely. I have a couple of other things I need to try to get out first but I may go ahead and make something experimenting with some of the ideas you have presented.

> I haven´t written such a long fic for two hours since the Midnight Radiance one. 

I honestly think it payed off. Never would've thought I would've gotten such a good Luna from the /end/. More surprises from this board.

> Sorry for putting the ending before more concepts with the bats but I couldn´t avoid seeing and planning the ending first.

No sorry. You did a prety good job.  Besides you wer supposed to experiment anyway. 

> I like favoritism and subjectivity but I guess, seeing these two together fighting for little things between each other feels more complete or natural than putting the world into chaos. 

Though I find a few NLR vs Solar Empire ideas interesting, I agree. It is nice to see things them as sisters bound by fate and title. Not arch enemies, not lovers, nor mythical goddesses, but family. 

> I couldn´t have written this without any support so I have to say thanks even if it feels distant....

Well, have my own thanks as well; for if you have not posted your first few mini greens here I may have not posted anything at all either. Not out of shyness, but by simply not entertaining the idea. 

> May the bridge be with....the pleasure of the sun and moon as how they truly are.....

In a eclipse...

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Finally got through. I have not been able to post for the last hour. Strange things are afoot here. I do not know why there is a sudden influx of traffic to places such as /endpol/ and  our /x/. Weirder still, their is no increase in posting other than at whatever memetown is.

> 1494

Okay. All memetown is being spammed with is traps. I wasn't able to find much info other than anons on /sp/ annaoncing that /memetown/ had passed them and there usual shitosting.

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> it still gave me a feeling of some of the early fics I remember reading from that time. Not that was your intention, but I guess with Season 1 Luna and the subject matter at hoof. This is a compliment by the way. 
well thanks. I guess the way to tell the story gave those vibes but I haven´t watched season 1 opener since at least a year. I didn´t know the lines from Nightmare Moon. The series opener served to shoehorn the intended confession and put in context and make it coherent to the end of Luna´s banishment. 

> She seems more rational with her desires then I have often seen portrayed in other fics. While at the same time feeling child like.Perhaps 'rational' isn't the best word, but she is more reversed and calm and less self righteous and more fearful of her fate. I enjoyed how Luna was in more of silent shock/pain during the celebration at the end of Friendship is Magic (honestly to the point of almost wanting to make it a headcannon). It does fit very well.
the fact that she didn´t speak after she got "reformed" could be interpreted in a lot of ways. We didn´t see anything about her during season 1, so inserting that detail of feeling deeply remorse against her sister. 
Maybe you like the fic because I tried to justify everything with some explanations and ordinary reactions of feeling for such events. I couldn´t put Luna as an over the edge  character without having a reason. I guess those little details pretty much help to introduce her logic. She has been in the lead of bat ponies, so she cannot afford to be that childish. 

> this is one of the best takes of Luna that I have read. I don't want this to come off as just blind gushing praise but I have read a fair bit of fics involving Luna around the time as Nightmare Moon and this maybe my favorite take on it.
thanks a lot, especially the detail that you don´t want to put a blind praise (I love critical and fair praise and it feels satisfying to achieve something by being critically acceptable). I didn´t know you were experienced or had read other fics about Luna of her period of Nightmare Moon. I, like I have said before  >>/1474/, I knew about her overexposure but I cannot compare nor I do know how the quality of her fics are, so my writing is taken by musical influences,thoughts about the show and random thoughts I can have (I didn´t have in mind to say the Saturn line for example, nor describing FiM again at first).

> this fic was the use of the phrases that directly reference the event of Luna's return from the standpoint of it being episode one. Though for me I imagined it as anon telling me it like a storybook, but that context doesn't exist within the fic itself.
I know why it could bug you but yes, I had the purpose to narrate the episode and get the rest done quickly. If I had to retell the mane 6 acts, this fic would last 3 or 4 posts more and I personally don´t see it as anything relevant for Luna´s psychology nor the confession I had prepared. The focus was aiming at the royal sisters and just their perspective of the events. It may confuse why I took that but I didn´t feel like writing more than I saw convenient. A few lines here and there and we have the plot device to the confession. I on purpose say:
> *And that´s when the non-canon conversation begins.
pointing out that this is the main story.

> The fact that this Luna is perhaps one of my favorites really blew me away. 8.9 out of 10.
I may not know how many Lunas you have read over the years but I guess that an opinion,it´s an opinion, especially if it´s critical.
Glad to see that you have enjoyed it after all, you haven been the first to read it and I couldn´t have made it without your replies. I smiled when I saw that rating, I wish I received that high mark in some chemistry subjects over the grade because I haven´t seen that since high school. 
So glad to have dignified Luna´s character with this. I knew many have written about her and there was a lot of competence. Another one wouldn´t mark a difference...but I see it did.

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> I like the logic that drove you to do this: it was the more recent harmony between Luna's fandom and Celestia's. Though it isn't perhaps absolute I do see those two fadoms actually trying to defend both Princesses now in debates and a more light hearted friendly rivalry than the battleground days of 2012
well, at first, the line of "You are all that I have" drove me to write it. I had certain visions of seeing her reuniting with Celestia and I decided to write it down before those thoughts disappeared. During the writing, I had the song on repeat to have the feels and reach something even further. 
However, I must say that while writing about Daybreaker, it felt like a major problem would show over them and that now they stopped being in conflict. Paradoxically, the fandom ended the duels a little bit before than the show with season 7. It was really sad to see that the /sun/ threads were dying or getting little support. They had the same opening image of Celestia until the eternity, they stagnated and Lunafags went and over time, bumped their general and the /sun/ one. I don´t know how the process went but I noticed a new life of /sun/ when season 7 started. Before that sacrifice, it was like the actual sisters, fighting for elitism in the wrong ways. 
Go and search the tag "royal sisters" on Derpibooru. Notice that out of 96 pages of images, from 74th one or so, the rest started from 2016......when the fandom was getting less activity (including /sun/). That should say the change of direction of both characters and view over them.

> that Celestia could have summoned Luna at any time. Almost makes this a little darker, yet in a balance of them both having flaws. 
this is why this fic wouldn´t have been written in 2010 nor 2011. Why? Because Celestia was not relatable by that point, she was treated as the panacea and flawless Goddess that should answer every single secret of this world. It turns out she isn´t that godly, nor she is the answer for the show (the actual central point of the show and closest thing to Goddess is Twilight, nor her teacher).
Horse Play, season 7 and little interactions from her over the seasons helped me to see that she is simply a princess, an old one but still another pony.

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> I really like it how a lot of the greens you posted here fit together quite nicely. 
Well yeah. Someone asked me in /bat/ if I could explain how Midnight Radiance´s father died in the Nightmare Moon timeline as a royal guard because that was the part they found the most interesting. I certainly have found how to join it or at least, the tools for it. What I didn´t expect was writing these fics after being inspired by the Midnight´s one, just for a little detail (Charcoal Dash was his name if I am not wrong).

> I may go ahead and make something experimenting with some of the ideas you have presented.
I have left the room open to a lot of events. I didn´t know how to continue but see how it ends and fits into the show before and after Mare in the Moon. After all, this is an excuse to write bat ponies and insert them into the universe.

> I honestly think it payed off. Never would've thought I would've gotten such a good Luna from the /end/. More surprises from this board. 
No alarms and no surprises
the whole trajectory is a surprise. I only wrote some short little greens to fill a general I liked in /mlp/ but they were there for adding variety, not to expose myself as a writefag.  The /end/ though, has changed my perspective over time. I still shiver how the creative process goes and I still get amazed because what I write is nothing original nor groundbreaking. 
> You did a prety good job. Besides you wer supposed to experiment anyway. 
well, mainly because I have a nice support to expose all the expression without fear. In /mlp/, I would have received good replies but it gets forgotten easily. Here, I can go with something beyond a few posts without getting into the archive or bump limit.

> It is nice to see things them as sisters bound by fate and title. Not arch enemies, not lovers, nor mythical goddesses, but family.
their hype kind of ruined them. I guess their level of power or Celestia´s or Tumblr idealistic way to see Equestria under Luna´s rule had something to do with it. Also I laugh a bit of the concept of Republic, when it´s actually a monarchy but I mention that name as how it´s been known for so...

but yeah, they didn´t deserve that fight for eternity. In fact, the lines of Celestia seeing ponies die and feeling uncomfortable without any company, showed that she needed someone else to understand her feelings. The only one to fill that spot was Luna, who could empathize about what she says and understand her trouble. They have gone through a lot of things and I guess, like the Clockwork Orange last chapter, killing and fighting for eternity tires you in the end.
> if you have not posted your first few mini greens here I may have not posted anything at all either. Not out of shyness, but by simply not entertaining the idea.
well, the greens were because instead of posting just the images I posted random lyrics of songs I listened to while doing that. The  >>/600/ setup was completely Night Blooming Cereus lyrics. Midnight Radiance´s fic happened because you thought I had written a love story with her when I posted Reservations lyrics with minor changes.....and then tried to apply her concept of prostitute to a new level out of nowhere. Just by judging her images in Derpi.

> In a eclipse...
or in the twilight...

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> Maybe you like the fic because I tried to justify everything with some explanations and ordinary reactions of feeling for such events. I couldn´t put Luna as an over the edge character without having a reason. I guess those little details pretty much help to introduce her logic. She has been in the lead of bat ponies, so she cannot afford to be that childish. 

It was a interesting course you took with her. It was a mix that I hadn't saw before in such a way. Now granted, I don't complete many fics and for all I know there coul be some Celestia-Tier 1000+ upvote fic that I have neglected to read that may deal with the same topic, but I have read quite a fair bit of fics that dealt with Luna's return in someway and I honestly haven't seen this. This Luna felt like a mix of a naive child, and a dark leader of the undesirable night dwellers of the world. I really haven't seen that mixed before. Also, with the latter, Celestia's mistakes are often emphasized to the point that you have little sympathy with her for her treatment of the "dirty minority bat pones". As I said before Celestia was still wrong in a lot of ways but Luna's decisions as Nightmare Moon were still evil too. That's a nice balance. Not saying I haven't seen stories that treated Celestia fairly, but this had some interesting details going for it.

> but I cannot compare nor I do know how the quality of her fics are, so my writing is taken by musical influences,thoughts about the show and random thoughts I can have (I didn´t have in mind to say the Saturn line for example, nor describing FiM again at first).

> So glad to have dignified Luna´s character with this. I knew many have written about her and there was a lot of competence. Another one wouldn´t mark a difference...but I see it did.

Maybe that's one of the things that made this more interesting? Not saying that all the fics regurgitate each other but you've have limited perspective, which can be both a negative in the form that you may accidentally do something that's done to death but positive in that you are not thinking in normal fandom tropes or subject matter. Your experience with music, as you say, has taught you emotion more complex and sometimes hard to describe, with mixed feelings that sometimes don't fit with a normal definition of say, Happy > bittersweet > sad. I certainly see that in the way you wrote Luna. 

> I know why it could bug you but yes, I had the purpose to narrate the episode and get the rest done quickly. If I had to retell the mane 6 acts, this fic would last 3 or 4 posts more and I personally don´t see it as anything relevant for Luna´s psychology nor the confession I had prepared. 

I understand. It wouldn't really make since  for you to recap the mane6. I just found the choice of meta style something that some people could find a bit off putting, even if you did skip things still.

> I smiled when I saw that rating, I wish I received that high mark in some chemistry subjects over the grade because I haven´t seen that since high school. 

 late semester crunch time I take it? Good luck anon. 

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> Well yeah. Someone asked me in /bat/ if I could explain how Midnight Radiance´s father died in the Nightmare Moon timeline as a royal guard because that was the part they found the most interesting. I certainly have found how to join it or at least, the tools for it. What I didn´t expect was writing these fics after being inspired by the Midnight´s one, just for a little detail (Charcoal Dash was his name if I am not wrong).

I didn't expect but be even thinking of writing much outside of crazy inane stories out of self amusement. I am surprised that I have been starting to run with things. (albeit stuff that I this still mostly scraps and losse concepts.)  didn't know ya posted anything to /bat, than agian since my grandmother died my lurking has been much more limited. 

> The /end/ though, has changed my perspective over time. I still shiver how the creative process goes and I still get amazed because what I write is nothing original nor groundbreaking.

Not super groundbreaking but you have a interesting perceptive. 

> I guess their level of power or Celestia´s or Tumblr idealistic way to see Equestria under Luna´s rule had something to do with it. Also I laugh a bit of the concept of Republic, when it´s actually a monarchy but I mention that name as how it´s been known for so...

Though I can get the younger sister in this conflict being rebellion and idealist, it actually would make just as much since for her to be leading a reactionary faction to Celestia's reforms and changes that nodoubt  happened in her thousand year absence.

> Blooming Cereus lyrics. Midnight Radiance´s fic happened because you thought I had written a love story with her when I posted Reservations lyrics with minor changes.....and then tried to apply her concept of prostitute to a new level out of nowhere. Just by judging her images in Derpi.

This is why I consider some of your ideas Unique. How many fics about a bat pony prostitute being not a clop fic but an actually commentary on society's  attitude on prostitution in general? Which than lead to your luna fics here? I suppose it is just a train of random ideas being written on a whim, but they have gone in pretty interesting places. 

> Why? Because Celestia was not relatable by that point, she was treated as the panacea and flawless Goddess that should answer every single secret of this world. It turns out she isn´t that godly, nor she is the answer for the show (the actual central point of the show and closest thing to Goddess is Twilight, nor her teacher).

> their hype kind of ruined them. I guess their level of power or Celestia´s or Tumblr idealistic way to see Equestria under Luna´s rule 

I could probably write five or more post on my thoughts of the princesses if I wanted. someday I will pen down my perspective here (which I've done in parts, but not fully).

> or in the twilight...

of the harmony between the night and day...

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> I have read quite a fair bit of fics that dealt with Luna's return in someway and I honestly haven't seen this. This Luna felt like a mix of a naive child, and a dark leader of the undesirable night dwellers of the world. I really haven't seen that mixed before. 

I had to introduce the bats in some way. There have been images of Luna imprisoned with the bats in the moon and my headcanon was that she has been busy keeping them ruling their society so there could be stories about them. And yes, by the time she was enjoying her own achievements, Celestia comes and ruins at first all she had put all the efforts on. So Luna has had to go through frustration, acceptance and acting with a different direction but still with the same coin.
I have heard that the fandom writes with extreme emotions and that they get too much into one side and don´t give a fair treatment to the other. If I did that, this would have become Shadow the Hedgehog 2.0....at least, I have to be cohesive on that aspect. I don´t want to repeat those cliches so "in your face."

> Also, with the latter, Celestia's mistakes are often emphasized to the point that you have little sympathy with her for her treatment of the "dirty minority bat pones". As I said before Celestia was still wrong in a lot of ways but Luna's decisions as Nightmare Moon were still evil too. That's a nice balance. Not saying I haven't seen stories that treated Celestia fairly, but this had some interesting details going for it. 
Yeah, said frustration comes from it and the revenge itself turn on in Luna´s emotions. No one is free of sins and even Celestia has made mistakes, she admitted that she has had to learn from Twilight in Celestial Advice. However, those same mistakes pay off with that confession and I think it becomes useful to shoehorn everything else.

> but you've have limited perspective, which can be both a negative in the form that you may accidentally do something that's done to death but positive in that you are not thinking in normal fandom tropes or subject matter. Your experience with music, as you say, has taught you emotion more complex and sometimes hard to describe, with mixed feelings that sometimes don't fit with a normal definition of say, Happy > bittersweet > sad. I certainly see that in the way you wrote Luna. 
Negative because most of my greens are based upon songs I know they are good to write about and put their concept into MLP. And I cannot certainly express them all, I catch some emotions through the process and still be able to reflect them so openly, but I still wonder if those emotions are the correct ones or if I am falling into repetition.It seems that my greens have been about romance, depression, psychological and somewhat insightful and a bit personal, with small bits of darkness. 
 The comforts of darkness comes because of feeling comfortable with these "mixed and chaotic" emotions at the same time. I give darkness because what I think might not be correct or the best way to say that you are doing something universally good, so everything becomes questionable and desperate for something to come.

> it wouldn't really make since for you to recap the mane6. I just found the choice of meta style something that some people could find a bit off putting, even if you did skip things still. 
I think I will use that technique again with more grace if possible. I have a fic on my mind that could be driven into that direction. 
> late semester crunch time I take it? Good luck anon.
Yeah, I have passed organic chemistry part one with a 6. There are only two subjects left in order to have half of the grade. I am going through the most complicated zone of it but it seems that I am surviving and overcoming my grade little by little, so let´s see if I end up with something else on my back before this month ends.

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> I didn't expect but be even thinking of writing much outside of crazy inane stories out of self amusement.I am surprised that I have been starting to run with things. (albeit stuff that I this still mostly scraps and losse concepts.) didn't know ya posted anything to /bat, than agian since my grandmother died my lurking has been much more limited.
don´t worry if you cannot lurk that much, free time will come whenever you expect it the least. I have been busy as well and as you can see, my rhythm of posting has decreased a lot during this month. 
I think we can agree that this is going too far from the expectations but as we want more ponies, I guess this comes by accident or naturally even if they are jokes. This is why the fandom is considered creative and I am starting to notice how ideas spark. It´s beyond magical at certain points.

> Not super groundbreaking but you have a interesting perceptive.
well thanks. What´s more amazing is that someone random considers my opinion interesting...maybe that´s because I am not used to speaking much to strangers for things of this kind. Only praised in a couple of concerts if anything 

> Though I can get the younger sister in this conflict being rebellion and idealist, it actually would make just as much since for her to be leading a reactionary faction to Celestia's reforms and changes that nodoubt happened in her thousand year absence.
well,yes the absolute contrarian concept. But still, I have that concept of Republic questionable, because it´s one figure leading the rest unless she has bat ponies for the administration and changes in X years. I personally don´t see it, at least in the long run.

> How many fics about a bat pony prostitute being not a clop fic but an actually commentary on society's attitude on prostitution in general? Which than lead to your luna fics here? I suppose it is just a train of random ideas being written on a whim, but they have gone in pretty interesting places.
I don´t know how to praise myself for that. What I know is that it´s reflected, it´s there and you can enjoy it. Maybe this comes because I stay silent most of the times and I have found a way to talk what I think with indirect forms.
And yes, I thought Midnight Radiance was the prostitute of /bat/ when they replies to me that she actually wasn´t or thought about that. I thought I arrived late for that concept and her suggestive clothes and look give the idea of what she is.
By the way, I respect more when someone decides to be a bitch and sell her body with all the conditions than a bitch of terms of behavior. This is why I haven´t put a bad word about that bat, she knew what she was doing with a reason behind. I am surprised that it didn´t go overly sexual.
> I could probably write five or more post on my thoughts of the princesses if I wanted. someday I will pen down my perspective here (which I've done in parts, but not fully). 
yeah, it´d better come in small bits (or in greens) because there is a lot to discuss behind them.

> of the harmony between the night and day...
and that´s what should be.

Alright, I am in a good mood but somewhat unclear. I have a crystalline romantic song to write about the concept but I haven´t found it entirely. I struggle to see where to go but it´s something that you will see in a future fic. 
I reveal it now but it will get posted again when that idea happens in my mind.
For now, this is all I have and the bridges help us once more.

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> don´t worry if you cannot lurk that much, free time will come whenever you expect it the least. I have been busy as well and as you can see, my rhythm of posting has decreased a lot during this month. 

I was not able to connect to the /end/ earier for whatever reason.So my episode review will be later. Yeah I've been pressed for time too. (Since my grandmother passed a lot of business to take care of, I've often been called on to random errands, hence my randomly being intemperate). I say the same to you as well anon. 

> well thanks. What´s more amazing is that someone random considers my opinion interesting...maybe that´s because I am not used to speaking much to strangers for things of this kind. Only praised in a couple of concerts if anything

Perhaps it's just because I'm surrounded by facebook people in one of the most right wing states, but you have  
honestly a pretty interesting perspective to me. Your terminology on emotions was actually one of the closest I've met to my own.  You write from your own life experience and emotion and have shown you can take it to a lot of places with some interesting concepts. Just the way you've handled things is unique and a little multilayered with what you have written (Luna and Bat prostitute). I'm not saying everything you've said I agree with or is profound, but in your observations on various things from politics to the fandom that I have seen thus far have been more than just simply going through the motions. Noticing little things or recognizing multiple factors at play in a cause in something ya'know? 

> well,yes the absolute contrarian concept. But still, I have that concept of Republic questionable, because it´s one figure leading the rest unless she has bat ponies for the administration and changes in X years. I personally don´t see it, at least in the long run.

I have actually spent thought on this too. Nearly all fandom depictions I've seen of the "repubic" have had Luna clearly and solely in charge. There is a few times I have seen other government officals like a prime minister or something but I have only a true balance of power in effect when it Luna is out of the picture.

> Maybe this comes because I stay silent most of the times and I have found a way to talk what I think with indirect forms.

For me and my relative quietness I often have a lot of observations and little who get what I mean, or find my positions on things odd or weird. Perhaps a indirect form is easier because you don't have to worry about articulating the words and can get right tto the mening of things, with you having a easier time with putting in emotions as well.

> By the way, I respect more when someone decides to be a bitch and sell her body with all the conditions than a bitch of terms of behavior. This is why I haven´t put a bad word about that bat, she knew what she was doing with a reason behind. I am surprised that it didn´t go overly sexual.

I can see that. A whole lot of people really dehumanize people like that, really most corners of polite society. Though I myself am not fond of the trade for a variety of reasons, the whole policing of it and how society treats them is stupid. They are still people. 

> And yes, I thought Midnight Radiance was the prostitute of /bat/ when they replies to me that she actually wasn´t or thought about that. I thought I arrived late for that concept and her suggestive clothes and look give the idea of what she is.

 she is at the /end/ 

> Alright, I am in a good mood but somewhat unclear. I have a crystalline romantic song to write about the concept but I haven´t found it entirely. I struggle to see where to go but it´s something that you will see in a future fic. 

I actually have a similar thing with a song but I won't link it here since it go give the wrong idea for the theme I do have in mind.

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> Negative because most of my greens are based upon songs I know they are good to write about and put their concept into MLP. And I cannot certainly express them all, I catch some emotions through the process and still be able to reflect them so openly, but I still wonder if those emotions are the correct ones or if I am falling into repetition.It seems that my greens have been about romance, depression, psychological and somewhat insightful and a bit personal, with small bits of darkness. 

my advise is to simply experiment and see where it goes. if you fall into a pattern or feel you need to broaden  your horizons you can always try something else new. Its all still new to after all.   

> I think I will use that technique again with more grace if possible. I have a fic on my mind that could be driven into that direction. 

Cool. I certainly like the concept. 

> Yeah, I have passed organic chemistry part one with a 6. There are only two subjects left in order to have half of the grade. I am going through the most complicated zone of it but it seems that I am surviving and overcoming my grade little by little, so let´s see if I end up with something else on my back before this month ends.

May the bridge be with you anon.

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> inb4 press z or twice and the end makes a barrel roll
it has happened to me with the server several times. I couldn´t upload images for a couple of days. So I cancelled my shitposts because of that.

Also, I have written the fic. I have the concept prepared. I have it in Spanish but I will translate it tomorrow. 
I finally got it after thinking about it in the background while studying. 

What I can say is that Celestia appears in it, a familiar song for you inspired me for it (and has some of its lyrics) and it´s related to season 8. I think not many have focused on this character and her backstory

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> Also, I have written the fic. I have the concept prepared. I have it in Spanish but I will translate it tomorrow.I finally got it after thinking about it in the background while studying. 

Cool! Look forward to reading it. Don't fret if you can't post it for whatever reason! I am patient!

> What I can say is that Celestia appears in it, a familiar song for you inspired me for it (and has some of its lyrics)

I'm not gonna say it here but I have a couple of guesses. This makes me a bit hyped actually.

> I think not many have focused on this character and her backstory

Hmmmm... One of the student6? Cozy Glow?

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> I couldn´t upload images for a couple of days. So I cancelled my shitposts because of that.

Today is the first day I was able connect without issue or errors so hopefully were starting to get things smoothed out  as soon as I say this I will be unable to post pics. Memetown will return and some /pol/acks will lanch a raid on our /bunker/.  Still things have been a little funky at the /end/. I do not understand why /b/ is above /sp/ unless boting. No osting just more ips. /pol/ was like this a few days ago just after the memetown spam.

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> Still things have been a little funky at the /end/. I do not understand why /b/ is above /sp/ unless boting. No osting just more ips. /pol/ was like this a few days ago just after the memetown spam.

well,let's hope and touch the wood that nothing strange will happen to /pone/. I think mods are having harder times controlling this site than shitposters in 4chan. We will have to make a general at this point about endchan misadventures.

> Don't fret if you can't post it for whatever reason! I am patient!
Thanks because I have been studying all over the day and I have translated the first half. It's being properly written this time.I am trying not to repeat the same words so often.

> One of the student6?
Almost there. Almost. Hot but very cold at the same time.
> Cozy Glow?
Nope. You have to ask for that to Hasbro and DHX.

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> I think mods are having harder times controlling this site than shitposters in 4chan. We will have to make a general at this point about endchan misadventures.

If things don't calm down soon I probably will make a general here and on the /bunker/

At least  it doesn't look like there is any weird boting stuff right now.

> It's being properly written this time.I am trying not to repeat the same words so often.

I really haven't noticed ya repeating the same words too often, but than again I don't have the best eye for such things. Anycase any increase in quality is welcome.

> Almost there. Almost. Hot but very cold at the same time.

 so it's one of there relatives? 

> thanks because I have been studying all over the day and I have translated the first half.

Take as much time as you need. Fully get having a lot on your plate.

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> Yeah I've been pressed for time too. (Since my grandmother passed a lot of business to take care of, I've often been called on to random errands, hence my randomly being intemperate). I say the same to you as well anon. 
not always the best times come even if they are for a hobby or something you enjoy. In the end, everything influences us....
> I'm surrounded by facebook people in one of the most right wing states, but you have
honestly a pretty interesting perspective to me.
well, it´s mostly that you take for granted that there is an unexpected perspective which turns out to be the complete opposite of those who you are around. I see most social media somewhat more dangerous than chans and that´s funny because I have always been taught that unknown people would put you through hard times. I, however, am seeing that the ego and the excess of trust to known people can turn things to the other extreme, especially with the political news. I just don´t feel like using them. If they see me with something, at least, there are ponies behind to calm the things down. 

> Your terminology on emotions was actually one of the closest I've met to my own. You write from your own life experience and emotion and have shown you can take it to a lot of places with some interesting concepts. Just the way you've handled things is unique and a little multilayered with what you have written I'm not saying everything you've said I agree with or is profound, but in your observations on various things from politics to the fandom that I have seen thus far have been more than just simply going through the motions. Noticing little things or recognizing multiple factors at play in a cause in something 
yeah, joining them together into one story and trying to make them fit into one cohesive piece. I certainly recognize that while I am not writing super groundbreaking things, mixing them and try to find a reason to be there is what I figure out if I put some effort. Such polarizing topics without driving too much int one direction nor another, they are just another layer to fill an extra thought after reading it.
> I have only a true balance of power in effect when it Luna is out of the picture. 
then, I stay with what I have said before.
> a indirect form is easier because you don't have to worry about articulating the words and can get right tto the mening of things, with you having a easier time with putting in emotions as well.
mostly because you cannot reveal personal things too much and I prefer to leave it at interpretations. With a fantasy setup and a conceptual topic, I get some freedom to reveal myself (or maybe it´s a mask) and transmit something more than giving my opinion right away. 

> A whole lot of people really dehumanize people like that, really most corners of polite society. Though I myself am not fond of the trade for a variety of reasons, the whole policing of it and how society treats them is stupid. They are still people.
yeah, it will get fixed or balanced over time. Dehumanizing is a matter of "unconscious" people. I just find that their  decisions come from the individual and that they are free to do it under certain conditions. There are problems as well,we have discussed about that, but it´s a right they can choose.

> she is at the /end/
joke or not, the concept has been started by me....surprisingly.
> actually have a similar thing with a song but I won't link it here since it go give the wrong idea for the theme I do have in mind.
it was going to serve me for the fic but I passed and jumped into another thing. You will see my initial intentions in the conclusions.

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> my advise is to simply experiment and see where it goes. if you fall into a pattern or feel you need to broaden your horizons you can always try something else new. Its all still new to after all.
I have experimented a lot in this one. It´s the first time I write it in the original language and then translate it in order to be more specific and go through details in the 2nd writing.
> Cool. I certainly like the concept.
You are going to see something similar in this fic.
> May the bridge be with you anon.
It definitely is with me
I am having those problems too.
> At least it doesn't look like there is any weird boting stuff right now. 
It would bring some weird activity and have the eye of the mods for a while, not everything are inconveniences but it´s something that I would prefer not to happen.
> Really haven't noticed ya repeating the same words too often, but than again I don't have the best eye for such things. Anycase any increase in quality is welcome.
Well, for this one I have tried to make it more diverse. I only hope that emotions don´t get drowned in between the descriptions.
> so it's one of there relatives? 
I think someone has shot at the right target.
> Take as much time as you need. Fully get having a lot on your plate.
I have fortunately had the time to write it. I ended it this morning. I just hope that it gets posted without any problems.

So, one last question....
what does Disney get obsessed with too many times in their movies?
If you have the answer, I present you.....a different case.

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> If there is anything that I have to be thankful, it´s being able to finally forget all those problems for a while

> If this is happening and why I am here, it´s for something more hopeful than staying closed because of the Storm King

> While it´s true that I am relieved after finding my daughter safe and alive, it doesn´t imply that my kingdom can return to the previous state

> So, here I am, all the hippogriffs are sleeping in this beautiful city called Canterlot

> Little I knew of this city in between mountains, even though Celestia had described it to me in the few letters we sent to each other 

> But, to be honest, we hardly got out of our mount back then when we were hippogriffs, less we would know about it underwater.

> Marginalized, in the extreme of this continent, without help until those 6 ponies made me to get out of my throne and have fun a little moment. I recognize that this party with Songbird Serenade has been overwhelming and much more dynamic than all my years commanding the kingdom.

> I know that I have something left to do and while I am thinking about this…..I admit that I need help in reality.

> Though commanding my reign is not a challenge, I need to move forward into a new direction, revive certain virtuosities that have been forgotten for decades. I have felt these years somewhat incomplete and lifeless.

> And here I am, still resentful with Twilight for putting the red alarm but I have to say that they have treated my daughter fairly well. She seems to get along with that happy pony: Pinkie Pie.

> I have told her that she would be grounded for this. However, that line is because she has to know the values of royalty….but I need another reference for that.

> If my reign has to endure, I see that I have to search for an external influence in this continent. We cannot remain the same in a cage hidden over there.

> After that hug, Celestia put a smile and saw me with good eyes. I know how to hide emotions from the outside, but from the inside, I was fed up with an eternal boredom and I had displeasure thinking about Skystar while flying to Canterlot.

> I missed sleeping on air. I have been used to sleeping in my throne and that might have been too bland or comfortable for an everyday routine. I am finally sleeping in an actual bed without floating.

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> So, today, I have woken up with plenty of energy and I have to reunite with Celestia this morning in order to see what we can do.

> I believe that I can erase all the bad things and focus on what´s about to come.

> So, I enter in Celestia´s throne room. She was there, along with Luna and Cadence. The three princesses in front of me.

> The big question is: am I a major figure for holding the queen title or am I equal to them? That worries me. Diplomacy is something I have not practiced it after so much time, so I have to improvise and resume all the skills.

> ”Good morning, Princess Celestia” I greeted, with my head duck down.

”Queen Novo, it´s a pleasure to see you” Celestia responded following my gesture. Luna and Cadence came after with it.

”Novo, we are all proud that your daughter Skystar and your reign has helped us to beat the King Storm” Celestia claimed.

> ” I am sorry that we have arrived late for being distrustful to your messenger, princess. We didn´t think that Twilight would make such a thing like robbing the pearl the way she did when I was going to use it under my orders and my trust” I responded.

” We understand that this accident happened, Novo. She is a very advanced student who gets too worried about me, too much to commit such mistakes of that kind. I am sure she didn´t do that with bad intentions” Celestia answered.

” I perfectly know my sister in law. She gets too obsessed that things go the way she wants to see. If it doesn´t happen, she tries to go for a quick solution” Cadence added.

> ”Well, even if Twilight didn´t want to cause trouble, she caused bad impressions for following her reasons behind her actions” I answered.

” Don´t worry, Novo. Your daughter decided to come to Canterlot and solve the problem” Celestia said.

> ”Thanks, Princess Celestia” I responded.

”You can perfectly call us directly by our name, Novo. We are used to the down to earth conversations with normal ponies” Celestia said. 

> I nodded just to accept her terms. I expected something more formal from them but they don´t seem to care about their title showing all the time. It´s a bit shocking but it helps for my lacking skills. 

” It seems that you are going back to your home, Mount Aris, isn´t it?”  Celestia said.

> ” Yes, we have been locked for a really long time and we have to fly all over the desert to the south” I described.

” We understand that the comeback can be a bit exhausting this time but we have a little surprise for going back to life as a civilization and establish a possible friendship” Celestia said.

”Novo, we want to give you something for keeping these conversations and seeing us more frequently. Do you see what´s behind the window?” Luna asked.

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> I saw how her hooves pointed at something I couldn´t believe: the train station. 	

> ” Does it mean that…?” I asked with enthusiasm.

”Yes, Novo. We are going to make sure that the train towards Mount Aris goes with the fastest speed. The train network has improved a lot over these 4 years. We had broaden ourselves to places like the Crystal Empire and now, Cadence goes without effort from here and there. We have no problems at all in giving your train station. If we can have a little help from yours, we can build it in less than a month and use it for all over Equestria” Celestia said. 

> I flew over her and I hugged her for that nice gesture.

> ”I didn´t expect that this would be so permanent so soon” I said emotionally

” We know about all the calamities that the Storm King made. We have also arrived at helping you. We didn´t have faith on finding friendship in the south, we thought they were non-existent until the recent letters with you.” Celestia said.

> ”Thanks” I simply responded.

” You are in better conditions now. Everything is over. You can now go and continue what you want” Celestia said.

> ”This is certainly what I have been looking forward, Celestia.” I said certainly. The train was a big surprise but…

”Don´t think about it anymore, your majesty. You can leave calmly. The constructors are waiting for your orders and start with the railways” she  said.

> "Thank you very much.” I said. I left and waved goodbye to them with the formal gestures and it´s true that I can start something else.

> All my guards received me and all of them were ready for my message. I told them about the train station, they celebrated it and welcomed my orders of giving those little ponies help for making the railways. 

> We started the project between the center of Equestria and Mount Aris. I am completely surprised that it would hardly take 90 minutes in order to arrive at here, considering how far we live and how much we have lasted during the afternoon.

> Whatever it was, all ponies treated me well, despite leaving some hippogriffs for guiding the builders. We came back with Skystar safe. There was so much to rebuild and the mount cannot stay as neglected as it is for future visitors.

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> So, it went like this. I have been trying to teach some values of royalty to my daughter. She is still having struggles in assuming her position but who knows when she has to replace me. She has made a huge achievement so she cannot be that innocent despite her energetic attitude. 

>  However, she tires me a lot very often; this is why I take a break or lay down a bit because of her tiresome energy. She is still a kid but responsibilities will end up to her someday.

> Anyway, so many displeasures have passed but I need help. Help because psychologically I could have gone crazy. If Celestia didn´t want to give me some help, with the visit of those ponies, we would have worn out of that refuge even more than this…and that shows.

> The great majority migrated to the mount back again because they wanted to feel the free air, that sense of liberty and the true hippogriff´s soul. The rest adapted to the sea and have stayed loyal to the water. 

> While my family, especially me and Skystar, would take charge of everything, I would have a very unpleasant surprise again: my sister Ocean Flow and Sky Beak would get divorced because of this.

> Sky Beak loved the rudeness and his valiant attitude would give morality to the guards, encouraging them to feel stronger while defending the mount. Meanwhile, my sister, she definitely shows the blood of her family. She loves serenity and the peace from the sea and while the divorce didn´t end up with drama, my sister told me that they had left that period behind.

> This worried me more than it should have been. I have my family unstructured and my patience is not there all the times to fix this.

>  Thankfully the massages were always there, because if I ended up crazy, I would be looking myself at the mirror and be obsessed in playing useless contests to see who the most beautiful queen in this world is. I cannot think about so many things all for myself. That event affected me because families are just one and I certainly will have trouble saying this to the children.

> With all of this in mind, I knew my people would want to go back to their manners, from the mount to the sea. I broke the pearl in all the possible pieces and make a personal necklace for transforming themselves instead of doing it again and again every day. I like seeing that illusion when someone returns to the sea after a while or some visitor´s faces for the first time, but I don´t plan to make that task forever. I have to find the material of that pearl, for now, they have to transform in groups.

> What has driven to me to move forward was having faith. I have seen how hippogriffs have restored the mount so quick, seen how the train station was built and how days have become sunnier. Does that mean Celestia is having the control of the sun now over here? I don´t know.

> What I know is that I have been preparing myself for private inauguration of the new train station. After ending the month, Celestia wanted to give a personal visit and see Mount Aris with the renewed look.

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> The train arrived for the first time over here and I received the princess with the same gestures used last time I saw her.

”Your Majesty” she greeted.

> ”Princess Celestia, it´s an honour that you are here” I responded

> We decided to give a walk and show her everything we made over the course of this month. She was really surprised and even had a good time. She recognized that she didn´t expect this recover to happen so soon and her favourite part was definitely when we transformed her. She was even more amazed with our home in Seaquestria.

”I haven´t seen anything like this in my life, Novo. This is beautiful. I wonder why we didn´t give another try and check that you were hidden over here” Celestia said happily.

> It doesn´t matter, princess. It was carefully hidden and even though it´s a satisfying place, my people has got tired of seeing the same” I said

”I understand. Still, this is impressive; it makes me happy to see things like these after all.” Celestia said.

> ”Well, it´s all we have made in such a small place and even with so little, we still have had our problems” I confessed.
”Are you saying this because of your husband?” she asked

> ”No, princess. I have overcome that, it´s fine.” I stopped talking for a while.  “It´s just that I try not to think too much about that…” I said.

”What´s the matter,  Novo? What worries you? You haven´t put a very good face during the entire visit” Celestia pointed out.

> Nothing, it´s just that it´s hard to hide the fact that my sister has divorced recently. My daughter doesn´t pay attention for carrying the kingdom for the future and I don´t how to explain the divorce to my nephews” I confessed.

”I knew you were somewhat destroyed but not in this way.” Celestia said.

> “Well. Apparently things have improved. It fills me from the inside to see my kingdom improving and that gives me the impulse to go on. About my family, you see that I am not holiday…we are broken. The Storm King is dead, the revenge has been made and now, there´s no guilty party for this situation. Nobody is to blame for this and I feel defeated admitting how we are now.” I said hiding the face a little bit.

”I now understand why you had something going on” Celestia said, confirming that she has a 6th sense to detect others feelings.

> ”Another summer alone with my daughter. I have to take charge of both places and I don´t know why I am doing this. It all catches up to me all the time and the passiveness consumes me a little bit every day. I think those are my troubles….I have nothing else to say, but it feels somewhat discouraging that no one else has been there to help me until now.” I confessed.

”I am sorry. I don´t know how to answer this. I have to admire how much you have had to deal for all those challenges alone, not all queens would get out of that mess. However, there are things that you can fix. If you cannot help in solving completely your trouble, you can try to give some hopes and good vibes to your people to balance it” Celestia said.

> ”I know, I have already done that and it isn´t enough for me. There is still something to do and I don´t know where else I can go.” I added.

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”Do you want to hide the divorce, isn´t it?” she asked at me.

> ”You would make a big favor. Those kids are too young to assume it. Skystar, she is too much into herself to care and she fortunately has known how to get over it. However, my nephews Terramar and Silver Stream…I don´t see them prepared for it.” I confessed.

”I think I have some good news for you. Twilight is setting up a school and she wants to reunite creatures of all over Equestria and give values of friendship. It´s true that they are very different but I think the students will get along fine. Besides, I will keep an eye to see how she carries it. I am sure your nephews will be entertained” she said.

> ”I believe that Silver Stream is the one who´s fascinated to see what else is in Equestria, while Terramar is more attached to this place, I will try to convince my sister about this. Either way, I am granted for your gesture, princess, it certainly makes me think less stressed about that.” I confessed.

”What else could we do, Novo? I now regret that we couldn´t give any help and get out of this beautiful but still claustrophobic place. You are welcome to visit Equestria in its glory” she recognized.

> Yes, we are finally here. I think I am taking a break for a certain period. I know they can do it without keeping my eye on them for now” I responded.

“Go ahead and take a diplomatic trip, your majesty. After being so much time here, I think you need to change a bit the mind-set, I tend to get out of Canterlot every now and then, despite its beauty like this kingdom does. You have our support and you seem to have good defenses, there´s no need to be tense nor overprotective about them….the train station is ready for all of you” Celestia claimed.

> ”Thanks, Celestia. I will see how I can progress myself” I said.

”Welcome to Equestria, my friend. I will be waiting in Canterlot if there is anything I can assist you. I have to give thanks for giving me such a nice visit. You have finally made it your majesty, congratulations.” Celestia said.
> ”It was a pleasure, Celestia” I nodded.

“Same for you, your majesty. Take care and…one last thing: it´s not as hard as you may think…” she winked with a smile, taking the train back to Canterlot.

> I waved at the train when it began to leave. 

The visit was indeed splendid; I was not used to visits like these and receive ponies in my kingdom.

> Now, that I am thinking about that party, I think we can take a certain celebration for getting out of Seaquestria. Am I becoming a fan of parties? 

> Nonetheless, I have to talk with my sister tomorrow and take a rest, not only as a queen, but as a mother…back to the initial point I was lying down for the first time. From being nothing to a relevant spot in the map. Maybe I should trust more in those who actually deserve it…

> I don´t know if friendship is actually magic, but it certainly helps in moments like these.

> We will see how my niece will go in that school. 

> For now, after having Seaquestria less crowded, my throne makes me calmer than usual and feels softer…

> There are still things to do but that will be for another day…after closing my eyes slowly…

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Fanfic: After the MLP, The Movie: Does Disney dream of evil queens?

Originally written on 11th of June, translated and completed on 15th of June. 

I think that this fic pretty much sums up what happened behind the scenes and the cameras. This time is about the MLP Movie and the next day after it. 

I know that the popular choice is to write about shipping Pinkie with Skystar and I admit that I tried to see if I could write about them. However, there are others that can write that romance better and I don´t know how I would make the climax between them. I began with that, then the day after, I thought about talking about that ship with Queen Novo´s eyes, describing it in 3rd person, as a narrator and finally, I decided to forget about shipping and focus directly to the mother. I re-watched the movie again and I liked her behavior much more than I initially expected, so much that I empathized with her boredom. This explains why this fic is driven in 1st person.

Influences and material used: This credit´s picture, where the movie actually ends and season 8 starts for me (the central column of this fic), Surf and or Turf, which would explain a lot of things described here and give some context to it and a personal response to the mouse company.

A response to that tiresome cliché of queens being evil all the time and I throw at them a hint with this line, parodying them:

> if I ended up crazy, I would be looking myself at the mirror and be obsessed in playing useless contests to see who the most beautiful queen in this world is

Which fortunately for this movie, it wasn´t the case. I put her role of a mother and how she has problems behind the happiness shown from the hippogriffs. This would explain why they were so amiable to the ponies so quickly. What Novo truly wanted was someone else´s support in order to feel secure or reinforced with her decisions. The hug with Celestia made me think she had some contact and had intentions to be friends with her. So, I go with her internal psychology and justify the setup. 

There are a couple of references over here to point out: a few lines from Novo come from a confessional song, putting its title between her words:

A reference to Horse´s Play ending: “You can call me Celestia” as a friendly tactic from her and when I wanted to imply “for decades” is by headcanoning that they were locked for 31 years. From 1986 to 2017, the year when they existed and everybody took a meme about them. I answer it with the phrase: 

> From being nothing to a relevant spot in the map.

So, that´s it, with the last question in mind....where is the King?...

This is the transition between the movie and season 8, seen from the Queen´s perspective.


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I could have posted the green today and make it more special for turning 22. 

The ideas kept for this fic are the same old ones that you would expect and while,there is nothing out there to be optimistic about, it delivers a good mix of what we have seen over this year,now that I see it.

I forgot one influence and it's that I certainly fit to that one first person narrative because I could describe that uneventful situation in real life(my cousin breaking with her husband in peaceful manners with my two 2nd nieces,having the right to visit them whenever he wants without a problem. This happened around 2016 and I fear they watch someday this episode, because they also like MLP). Maybe this is why I like Surf and or Turf and I cannot avoid pointing out the message behind it.

6 months in the /end/ and it seems that one cannot stop learning or moving forward to somewhere else...or at least,reach a point where you know there is no return.

Surprised to have written all of this so far. So,here they go my trips on this post.

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Nice tips anon. Between all the chaos of IRL in connection issues at times I have not gotten to post my full review. Expect it in a a day or 2. This is probably you highest quality work so far. The dialog feels extremely organic and I like a lot of the details. 

> I could have posted the green today and make it more special for turning 22.

 happy belated birthday anon 

> 6 months in the /end/ and it seems that one cannot stop learning or moving forward to somewhere else...or at least,reach a point where you know there is no return.

Wow.. 6 whole months. May we bridge on to another 6!

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> Between all the chaos of IRL in connection issues at times I have not gotten to post my full review.
well yeah, things happen and it´s always expected. If you have had trouble with the posts however, I think you can fix it by copying the text before clicking on the reply button and paste it somewhere else, so you have it safe until you get to post what you wanted (especially if it´s a review or a valuable reply to consider). It´s happened to me several times as well and the only way to fix it is before updating or leaving the page because of server error, copy it. It´s obvious but it has saved me a lot of trouble.

> This is probably you highest quality work so far. The dialog feels extremely organic and I like a lot of the details.
I will wait for the complete review to judge your reasons completely. I thought this fic would be somewhat boring and I wondered if it had too many lines of formal diplomacy or description before entering into the actual matter.

> happy belated birthday anon
thanks. It´s weird to claim it here but I guess, eh, it´s alright. I tend to forget the ones from others so, I don´t make a big deal with the birthday stuff. Still, it´s nice and whatever the /end/ could offer, it cannot go better than this.  With your review, it´s enough for me really. 

> 6 whole months. May we bridge on to another 6!
Half a year, well all of this wasn´t in anypony´s plan so...hey, let´s build another bridge into this never ending ride!

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This fic is probably your best objectively. Though my favorite is still your Luna and Celestia one. it has a nice flow and, as I said, the dialog feels more organic. I really do dig a lot of the little background details ad how this could a semi-plausable headcannon. it fits well with events. 

> ”Yes, Novo. We are going to make sure that the train towards Mount Aris goes with the fastest speed. The train network has improved a lot over these 4 years. We had broaden ourselves to places like the Crystal Empire and now, Cadence goes without effort from here and there. We have no problems at all in giving your train station. If we can have a little help from yours, we can build it in less than a month and use it for all over Equestria” 

I liked this little detail. I'm a sucker from people trying to reconcile the old and new and the various inconsistencies within the show (something that has gotten much harder over the years in someways, easier i others). I personally used to think it was any creature with the gift of flight that would be able to go at least upper subsonic speed was what did the quick travel. such as how Celestia was able to arrive in her chariot i minutes but it taking a day to get to Caterlot by train. But even by season 4 it was unreasonable to assume that.

> Well. Apparently things have improved. It fills me from the inside to see my kingdom improving and that gives me the impulse to go on. About my family, you see that I am not holiday…we are broken. The Storm King is dead, the revenge has been made and now, there´s no guilty party for this situation. Nobody is to blame for this and I feel defeated admitting how we are now.” 

This is may favorite line. It says a lot with so little. I know it's inspired from that song but it is rally interesting to think about as a situation. the pace after the storm king may have in someways been worse for her family there is more stress to change than in hiding in someway. She has no one to blame and she has to blame  with the storm king out of the picture. Just a relationship that didn't work out. They just ended up drawn in different directions and were not vary compatible in the first place. 

> If my reign has to endure, I see that I have to search for an external influence in this continent. We cannot remain the same in a cage hidden over there.  

I love the way she is in this. Everything from her discomfort to her sober, though not quite negative outlook on things. Her uncertainty with Equestria.Her still not liking TS  which could be an interestig fic in its own right . the seapony queen feels very real here. Though as for my rating I am uncertain. Objectively from a grammatical and structural point especially, this fic is superior in every way. Though out of my personal enjoyment I still enjoyed the other just a bit more. The question then becomes how should I rate such a fic? how much should be personal enjoyment and how much should take into account plot or motifs I enjoyed over other factors? For now I say 8.5/10, but it honestly feels unfair to do that, even if it is only a sight difference in score.

Howdy! I was just typing my review as you posted. Well, unfortunately I have some errands to run but I got the gist of my thoughts out.

> I think you can fix it by copying the text before clicking on the reply button and paste it somewhere else, so you have it safe until you get to post what you wanted

I do do that. What I was doing was trying to post a bit of a test shitpost before I tried typing out my review. Got several errors and then it woudn't connect so I just gave up that day.

> I will wait for the complete review to judge your reasons completely. I thought this fic would be somewhat boring and I wondered if it had too many lines of formal diplomacy or description before entering into the actual matter.

I enjoyed the detail with it and it's one of the things that drew me in personally. Such description I can understand being seen as a negative though there are many well received fics I know of that do efforts such as this and sometimes even get praise for being descriptive in such a way. Though I've seen others make minimalism work just as well. A lot of it comes down to style and taste. 

> Half a year, well all of this wasn´t in anypony´s plan so...hey, let´s build another bridge into this never ending ride!

Dolores be with us!

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> I really do dig a lot of the little background details ad how this could a semi-plausable headcannon. it fits well with events.
this is why I had finally decided to focus on the transition between the movie and Surf and Or Turf. I wanted to write and you know that I am sucker for them, but I really had to have a good excuse. I have found myself trying to fit everything into the timeline more than attempting to write a love story....for some reason. I spent more time in finding this concept than writing and describing it.

> I'm a sucker from people trying to reconcile the old and new and the various inconsistencies within the show. I personally used to think it was any creature with the gift of flight that would be able to go at least upper subsonic speed was what did the quick travel. such as how Celestia was able to arrive in her chariot i minutes but it taking a day to get to Caterlot by train. But even by season 4 it was unreasonable to assume that.
Yeah. The things of travelling in between each part of Equestria is really confusing and it cannot be that inconsistent after so much time. Makes you wonder how episodes like Mystery of the Friendship Express happened when Canterlot is right next to Ponyville. 
So if they arrived at Mount Aris,the same day in the episode,I have had to imagine that the service has improved over time and Twilight and the CMC didn't seem tired because of the trip. It's an attempt to justify a mess like instant transport.
> I know it's inspired from that song but it is rally interesting to think about as a situation. the pace after the storm king may have in someways been worse for her family there is more stress to change than in hiding in someway. She has no one to blame and she has to blame with the storm king out of the picture. Just a relationship that didn't work out. They just ended up drawn in different directions.
It's indeed quite possibly the most fitting lyrics I have put on a fic and add another layer to them. I had written the revenge part and blame onto the Storm King because the hippogriffs were going to kill him in the original scripts instead of the mane 6,so I supposed Novo had a personal permanent spine against him despite him being gone. I have also put that because she is admitting that she cannot do anything to fix her family. It's pure contrast between her kingdom and her case: the kingdom restored is but not eveything was pure income to her.

> Everything from her discomfort to her sober, though not quite negative outlook on things. Her uncertainty with Equestria.Her still not liking TS which could be an interestig fic in its own right . the seapony queen feels very real here. 
And definitely,this is why I have more empathy for Novo than her daughter because I know the feel of being locked because of "mandatory" yet convenient reasons. You can stay there perfectly but you have a side of you saying to get out and look out there in order to feel more alive. It's real and how many times I haven't gone out because of studies. Well,that analogy could come from there.
> Though as for my rating I am uncertain. Objectively from a grammatical and structural point especially, this fic is superior in every way. Though out of my personal enjoyment I still enjoyed the other just a bit more.
> For now I say 8.5/10, but it honestly feels unfair to do that, even if it is only a sight difference in score.
It's quite difficult to rate everything to be honest. Not even professional music critics get their ratings absolutely right. The fact that you have put it in the same league as the Luna fic says a lot. It's a matter of taste and if it's good,so it's enjoyable and that matters. It's entertainment in the end. That fic had a really emotional song behind,a really developed setup and a very emotional climax. It's hard to beat that and I,while feeling proud of receiving good ratings,it could be all downhill from here...I wonder how I am going to impress you or even keep the level in the future.

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> What I was doing was trying to post a bit of a test shitpost before I tried typing out my review. Got several errors and then it woudn't connect so I just gave up that day. 
Alright,perfect then. I thought you had the review written and it went to waste....mostly because I have had to repeat a couple of long posts and I could have given up those times that happened to me.

> I enjoyed the detail with it and it's one of the things that drew me in personally. Such description I can understand being seen as a negative though there are many well received fics I know of that do efforts such as this and sometimes even get praise for being descriptive in such a way. Though I've seen others make minimalism work just as well. A lot of it comes down to style and taste
It really depends,those factors are not something that the writer takes the absolute control. For many,descriptions are like filler and for other,it becomes an absolute pleasure,almost like fetish,reading and imagining slowly how the things are. Not rushed nor forced,just some imaginary peace. Those who get the action right,they can do it in very few words and end up astounding. 
In first person however,when I had to tell the story from a personal and inclusive perspective,I had the sense to include more descriptions than the usual story because there are thoughts and a feel of a personal journey. The character lives in it and while I had the initial intentions to do it as somewhat meta,the meta was focused onto her thoughts. 
Again,descriptions are not a big problem for me. I have had more trouble in finding what I wanted to write about than that. I could have expanded it in Celestia's reactions but it would have too much.
In the end,it's pretty subjective. You have enjoyed so at least,there is that.

> Dolores be with us!
She will be there.

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> I have found myself trying to fit everything into the timeline more than attempting to write a love story....for some reason. I spent more time in finding this concept than writing and describing it.

Hey, as long as your satisfied with it. I'm a sucker for background details and headcanon as well. 

> It's indeed quite possibly the most fitting lyrics I have put on a fic and add another layer to them. 

I think it's because, at least in part, to how these lines, at least in isolation for how we have taken them, are being taken to somewhat uncommon places in terms to what the public consciousness thinks of them. Say, a divorce  being portrayed as simply not working out rather than one side being a victim to infidelity or abuse like ho many times it's betrayed. Most songs, movies, popular media in general tend to have someone as an antagonist, while this, however briefly and subtly, hit on a frustration of something being sucky situation without anything really to attribute the failure of things, or any clare cut person to blame. No time to point to where you can say it went wrong. 

> It's real and how many times I haven't gone out because of studies. Well,that analogy could come from there.

I get this very much so, though it is a differet thing than studies that caused  the feeling. Several factors actually. Not going to go into it, but I've had this feel a lot before.   

> That fic had a really emotional song behind,a really developed setup and a very emotional climax. It's hard to beat that and I,while feeling proud of receiving good ratings,it could be all downhill from here...I wonder how I am going to impress you or even keep the level in the future.

I am really not sure how to rate these fics to be honest. How much is my personal enjoyment and how much should be what I consider a good structured, good written story. Also, such number ratings too can mean different things to different people; a 6 outta 10 for one person could mean enjoyable but unremarkable, while to another can mean just above meritocracy. I have a split personality as well of how to rate things as I am often split on what metrics I even should use or how to even to judge what a metric is that make sense. Your first early stuff would probably be a 6 range to me, not out of anything wrong but that it was just a simple little story. I think you Radiance fic is centianly above 8 for sure, along with this one. I enjoyed your Luna and Celestia fics at a level at nearly at 9, but if I were going to take into account structure I may have to knock a couple of points off. I really not sure how to rate them well. in anycase, don't feel pressured on my behalf to impress me. I really enjoy things little and big and if I did rate something lower it wouldn't necessarily be bad, besides this is a place to experiment and offer feedback without all the fear of a massive blacklash.

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> Alright,perfect then. I thought you had the review written and it went to waste....mostly because I have had to repeat a couple of long posts and I could have given up those times that happened to me.

I am well antiquated with giving up after technology and my own forgetfulness erased something I was working on. Wouldn't blame ya for ever doing so.  

> She will be there.

She and her bridges are version of the force at this point.

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> Hey, as long as your satisfied with it. I'm a sucker for background details and headcanon as well. 
Well, pretty much for now. I have written what I like. I did it for the first time here, now I repeat it. However, I from the inside, feel to cover something new even if it´s the same theme. Basically the episode and the movie gave the tools, I just tried to mix them and give a point of view that not many would ask for. I mean, who is going to write about the Queen? Same question with Bat Pony Cadence,the most notable fic of yours now that you have rated mine. This is why I felt some apathy while rewriting FiM but I guess that meta element made it different all the way through. 

> divorce being portrayed as simply not working out rather than one side being a victim to infidelity or abuse like ho many times it's betrayed
> in general tend to have someone as an antagonist, while this, however briefly and subtly, hit on a frustration of something being sucky situation without anything really to attribute the failure of things, or any clare cut person to blame.
the episode went with both divorced parents chilling and having a nice conversation, not being resentful nor having to blame why it happened. They just got over it and treat themselves as "close contacts" and those things happen. Media overhypes it just for the sake of causing drama all the time. I needed some drama to write this, but it puts the perspective of entertaining the kids while all the transition happens. I give to the Queen some familiar issues to think and challenge her in how she would react and solve the problem. 

And as you said, there is no one to blame, they are free to choose where they want to live and nobody, not even the authority, can prevent a personal decision. It happens because hey, not all relationships have the eternal Disney love of living together forever. Novo blames the Storm King because most of her frustrations had to paid in some way and the hippogriffs were going to fight against him personally for it in the initial movie scripts. She cannot blame the event itself because...it´s illogical, a Queen cannot afford to put a bad image on Sky Beak because of his decision.

> it is a differet thing than studies that caused the feeling. Several factors actually.
yeah, it´s just that they are combined in order to contribute the story with that detail. Sometimes the idea is not what is wrong but the way to transfer it into the story and it doesn´t fit in the best moment.

> Your first early stuff would probably be a 6 range to me, not out of anything wrong but that it was just a simple little story. 
yeah, they were there to fill the board. It´s basically me putting random thoughts everywhere using the pony universe. 
> I think you Radiance fic is centianly above 8 for sure, along with this one. I enjoyed your Luna and Celestia fics at a level at nearly at 9, but if I were going to take into account structure I may have to knock a couple of points off.
It took me an entire morning for that one and while I certainly wanted to write about bats and darkness, I started with her...ironically.

> don't feel pressured on my behalf to impress me. I really enjoy things little and big and if I did rate something lower it wouldn't necessarily be bad, besides this is a place to experiment and offer feedback without all the fear of a massive blacklash.
yeah, but even then, there is a part of me that wants to achieve something else even if it´s experimenting. all kinds of things. I have even had the idea to twist clop images and distort them in order to give different vibes to what those images are intended for. 
Basically, challenging the "watching porn for the plot" significance. That would be experimenting something which would be doomed to fail and while I have written more than I thought, I have that sense to go further or give the reminder that I can write nice stuff as the material shown here.

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> I am well antiquated with giving up after technology and my own forgetfulness erased something I was working on. Wouldn't blame ya for ever doing so.
I remember most of the stuff I would have been trying to post if that case had happened or at least, a 60% of it.
You will remember it someday whenever the same topic shows up again or not....whatever happens. Just that technique exists and...while I am young, don´t think that I like technology too much. I know the basics in order to surf and fit the average user but nothing else. I don´t see it that interesting.

> She and her bridges are version of the force at this point.
I wonder if she wanted more "force" to her cause though....

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*(Ponies and creatures, we are floating in Equestria)

…all I want in life is a little bit of love to take the pain away. Getting strong today, a giant step each day.

All I want in life is watching pastel horses in my phone to take the pain away. Getting ill in bed today, preventing suicide each day.
> Wise horses say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help falling in love with you.

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All I want in life is a little unicorn reading books adorkably to take the pain away. Getting smarter today and friendlier each day.

> Wise ponies say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help chilling in love with you.

< I will love you ´til I die and I will love you all the time. So please put your sweet hoof in mine and float in Ponyville and drift in time. All the time until I die. We will float in space, just you and I.

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All I want in life is a honest hardworking mare to take the pain away. Getting apples today, down to earth each day.

> Wise birds say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help swimming in love with you.

< I will love you ´til I die and I will love you all the time. So please put your sweet fin in mine and float in the seas and drift in time. All the time until I die. We will float in the seas, just you and I.

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All I want in life is a beautiful dress given from a nice horse to take the pain away. Getting fabulous today, a new boutique each year.

> Wise lords say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help competing in love with you.

< I will love you ´til I die and I will love you all the time. So please put your sweet hand in mine and float in the badlands and drift in time. All the time until I die. We will float in the fire, just you and I.

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All I want in life is having a party with a smile to take the pain away. Getting happy today, a pink balloon each day.

> Wise yaks say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help smashing in love with you.

< I will love you ´til I die and I will love you all the time. So please put your sweet paw in mine and float in the snow and drift in time. All the time until I die. We will float in the snow, just you and I. 

Anon, I love you today. I guess that´s what you want and I don´t know where we are all going.

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All I want in life is a royal mare just for me to take the pain away. Getting faster today, a great flight each day.

> Wise griffons say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help flying in love with you.

< I will love you ´til I die and I will love you all the time. So please put your sweet claw in mine and float in the peaks and drift in time. All the time until I die. We will float in the peaks, just you and I. 

Life don´t get stranger than this. It is what it is and I don´t know where we are all going to.

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All I want in life is a soft voice in a sanctuary to take the pain away. Getting calmer today, a giant peace each day.

> Wise lings say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help transforming  in love with you.

 Wise horses say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help falling in love with you. 

< I will love you ´til I die and I will love you all the time. So please put your sweet hoof in mine and float in the hive and drift in time. All the time until I die. We will float in the hive, just you and I. 

Everything happens today and we ´re put in Equestria and I don´t know where we are all going.

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All I want in life is 4 princesses singing at me to take the pain away. Getting my place today, a giant world each day.

> Wise princesses say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But we can´t help singing in love with you.

 Wise creatures say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help falling in love with you. 

< I will love you ´til I die and I will love you all the time. So please put your sweet hooves in mine and float in the stars and drift in time. All the time until I die. We will float in the stars, playing my part. 

Anon, I love you today. I guess that´s what you want and I don´t know where we are all going.

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> Wise horses say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help falling in love with you.

 Wise horses say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help falling in love with you. 

> Wise creatures say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help falling in love with you.

 Wise creatures say, only fools rush in, only fools rush in. But I can´t help falling in love with you. 

> falling in love with you


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This is a nice celebratory... green? Perhaps after this will start calling'em rainbows! I think for as simple as it is it carries an emotional weight. What I took from it is that mlp is a happy escape. Not in the way of something to get lost in being a basement dweller, but something that has brought unexpected joy and meaning. Cause even the most mid tier average person involved with this fandom... even when they left,often walked away with something, such as the start of creative pursuits from maany who started out artistically uninclined. I know for me personally I probably would be a different person if I hadn't stumbled upon this seemingly simple show. There are pursuits and things that I got into that I probably woud've never let myself eve conceive if it wasn't for this show, or at the least being a reduced form.  Heck, this applies for even /endpone/ to a degree, considering me making greens and other much more mixed attempts at OC. 

/endpone/ for how small it is, two  regulars and the occasional shitposter or visitor from 8/pone/ or /mlp/, feels special. It feels like a bit of that same little spark that started the fandom itself happened here. It's not as drastic of course but it's still there. I look around at boards that even have a dozens of regulars or so that would be envious of the amount of OC that we have made, there is something special with that. There is something special with the fact that two posters originally 3   just so happened to be at the right place and the right time to make this last. Mellow enough not to pressure constant posting then burnout and willing to let things be extremely laid back so we can experiment. I remember being weary of bringing up some topics because I figured that you  and that other anon  would probably be somewhat /pol/ tier given the nature of this website outside of /sp/. That was anything I really cared about, as on many chans that was par for the course, but I do wonder if just one ingredient like that had been changed would we still be posting here now? If you had outed me as a cuckservative or kike. If I had been more standard attitude on controversial issues. I could tell you were not wanting to offend me on gun control for example. So many would've pummeled you for even hinting at the slightest skepticism of gun rights, that coud've been an /end/ right there. But it wasn't. We survived conditions that even /sp/ couldn't tolerate. And I think that is further proof that this place is special. 

This party is far from over. Long live /endpone/!

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A couple of other notes. I really like what you've done with the place; have we really been without banners since april? My brain has been scattered since may do to such recent sad events and is only now starting to pull itself together  more so do to business than sadness  . Anyway, I'll see what I can do, perhaps wip up some new banners and maybe update some old ones after this whole fence building emergency replacement of shed roof gets completed. 

Hilariously as I was looking for something of our beloved Dolores to post I could tell that this site is having an effect on me. I know when I see her sometimes I think her name as "Dolores" but this is the first time I can recall it happening IRL. Funny considering how much reinforcement I get elsewhere on her name from all other sites and official media.

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> I think for as simple as it is it carries an emotional weight. What I took from it is that mlp is a happy escape
> something that has brought unexpected joy and meaning. Cause even the most mid tier average person involved with this fandom... even when they left,often walked away with something, such as the start of creative pursuits from maany who started out artistically uninclined. 
it possesses an emotional weight because I have spent more time on this franchise (and board) than any bet could have predicted back in 2014. It´s a humble way to admit that something childish has to exist to remind that we are in reality, grown up children. One admires fantasy in order to escape the tense events. Not living in a bubble either but finding another way to focus about it less than any healthy human would admit.

But yeah, it follows the trend early fans had back then. 

> I probably would be a different person if I hadn't stumbled upon this seemingly simple show. There are pursuits and things that I got into that I probably woud've never let myself eve conceive if it wasn't for this show, or at the least being a reduced form. 
I, back in 2014, acted like an idiot before I watched MLP, like a child crying for his candy. It´s funny because we are two cases in which we prove that MLP impacts in real life to a certain degree. I cringe more about my past before being a fan than the last two years in this fandom. This series, despite its apparent innocence, as the season pass by, you watch episodes with more real life consequences and speaks more to a different audience than the one intended. Call me crazy but I believe MLP, while charming and overly, makes you lose your own innocence as time goes on compared to mature series that grow stale fast and become too fantastic to stay cool for the general audience. 
> Heck, this applies for even /endpone/ to a degree, considering me making greens and other much more mixed attempts at OC. 
Content creators are highly appreciated at anytime and that´s not going to change. Considering that I am not a drawer, I find myself impressed to make a secondary decision and deliver a model to follow, inspiring you to jump onto the zone, despite not being a writer save for a couple of green I forced myself to make instead of just bumping a thread I had interest. 

Seriously, watch my Derpi profile and you will see that my first contribution to the fandom was a failure, too much for me to keep on trying or bother.

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> two regulars and the occasional shitposter or visitor from 8/pone/ or /mlp/, feels special
if it feels special, then something that we have done around here followed the right direction. It feels special because the final objective was to spot us and integrate ourselves into the endchan map by entering into the first page with 300 posts. We could have left it at there yet everything has a tomorrow.

> It feels like a bit of that same little spark that started the fandom itself happened here. It's not as drastic of course but it's still there.
That´s ironic because you applying this to a fan who hasn´t looked for old fan content save images. Nor brony music,nor Iwas there when old memes were created nor I was there for the biggest events. The biggest one I have witnessed with my own eyes is the 5th anniversary of MLP, with the CMC reaching their objective. 

It feels odd to feel like /co/ or the season 1 fandom. Although I had a plan to bring some fun for those who have joined late, turning their decision into something they wouldn´t regret for joining late. This is why the party goes on, the right to enjoy it at anytime with a few fans out there. Sounds amazing in theory, yet it has to be proven every day. 

> I look around at boards that even have a dozens of regulars or so that would be envious of the amount of OC that we have made, there is something special with that. 
I have not personally checked other boards in terms of content. Thousand of posts would contain some kind of content but here, you apply the quality>quantity because these posts are dedicated, have some random inspirations that pay off. I cannot personally compare the quality but I can say that we are beating /a/ at this point.

> There is something special with the fact that two posters originally 3 just so happened to be at the right place and the right time to make this last. 
All because of our own will. You have an abandoned place to mess it up and do whatever you desire. Posting my favorite Derpi images whenever I wanted yet a reaction image came and the dynamic changed. Was all of this a Christmas gift? Two shitposters in theory shouldn´t do much....in theory.

> Mellow enough not to pressure constant posting then burnout and willing to let things be extremely laid back so we can experiment. 
Because we don´t make a living out of it. I cannot demand someone to post constantly if he doesn´t want nor he is not able to. If that happened, you would have accused me  for not being active as well during the exams periods. That´s just pure lack of empathy that could have a disastrous boomerang effect. In fact, when we reached the 1000 posts, we had done more than enough back then and I became (because of your petitions) less obsessed with the numbers. I still take that chill philosophy. We have reached 2k without thinking about it. 

We could criticize us harshly as well but instead, I prefer asking why one would pick X idea and how one should apply it for its own vision and creation. Saying that it´s shit is not constructive and I could type that in 5 seconds effortlessly yet I take more minutes than expected for giving a different take on it. Hence I say I have a hard time building up a fair review most of the time.

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>  I remember being weary of bringing up some topics because I figured that you and that other anon would probably be somewhat /pol/ tier given the nature of this website outside of /sp/.
I wonder how that anon is doing these days. Is he lurking this site silently?  I din´t know that the /pol/ effect was that big on the typical boards but I guess politics have harmed a lot of entertainment these days by taking over the internet. Wave goodbye to the good old chill out days because of agendas. 
> I do wonder if just one ingredient like that had been changed would we still be posting here now? If you had outed me as a cuckservative or kike.
I was sadly a /pol/ack in November 2016 for one afternoon-evening until the closest people I had, helped to overcome it and go back to the common sense and facing reality. 
I wouldn´t have got offended. The board feel would have turned out different and I would have concluded that you would be a typical American shitposter if that were the case. Nothing new honestly and I am used to dealing and arguing with brainless people around 4chan and still get some interesting arguments. I have faced worse situations and worse opponents than this. I would even sign for only having anons who have a great dedication on debates,making them entertaining and even didactic.
> I could tell you were not wanting to offend me on gun control for example. So many would've pummeled you for even hinting at the slightest skepticism of gun rights, that coud've been an /end/ right there.
Because I am not an insider, I don´t live there. Just that in theory, I don´t trust that the human kind is good by nature. Not all the people have good intentions nor have enough intelligence nor an stable behavior to carry and use a powerful tool so easily as if it were like buying a bunch flowers on Walmart. If you can deal with it, that´s perfect and even carry on a culture. Not saying that humanity is the worst thing ever and does not deserve to exists, far from it, just that I don´t see all the people handling them correctly. And yeah, even /mlpk/fags would have pummeled me for bringing a dissent opinion without using ad hominems for the pro guns. "Kill yourself" would have been the most common reply out there. 

> But it wasn't. We survived conditions that even /sp/ couldn't tolerate. And I think that is further proof that this place is special.
2016 did a huge effect on me in terms of politics and I believe that if you can handle politics and learn valuable lessons from it (how they lie, how you conveniently use your arguments, how you act...), then they serve to back it up for unexpected or hard situations. Not saying that you have to learn to be corrupt and apply it, but learning how society actually works and use those patterns in order to avoid little tricks or traps in the future. 

You even get bored because of how repetitive it is. We just know how reality works. When you have faced that, you can imagine whatever you want and bring fun while acknowledging what´s happening. It´s possible to have fun despite the tense moments or disagreements. Nothing is incompatible.

> This party is far from over. Long live /endpone/!
The end is whenever we reach over 9000 posts....because Vegeta will kill us for seeing such overwhelming numbers. Until then, let´s live a little bit more.

thumbnail of 1563590__safe_artist-colon-not-dash-ordinary-dash-pony_starlight+glimmer_alicorn_alicornified_female_mare_pony_race+swap_rear+view_solo_spread+wings_st.png
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> I really like what you've done with the place
thanks even though almost all the created stuff comes from musical pieces. Nice to hear that though.

> have we really been without banners since april? My brain has been scattered since may do to such recent sad events and is only now starting to pull itself together more so do to business than sadness. 
indeed, since the image disaster happened, we have stayed coverless in some OPs and banners. I knew hat from the start but I have mostly focused on pretending that nothing has impacted us, yet it did and I find it amazing to have stood up as more tolerant than a giant like /sp/. Consider yourself proud even if it´s because of the uneventful personal situations. 

> Anyway, I'll see what I can do, perhaps wip up some new banners and maybe update some old ones after this whole fence building emergency replacement of shed roof gets completed.
they would be welcome to see them again. Late is better than never and the change had to happen someday. We are like somewhat nude and give a cheap feel without a front banner to give a direct impression from this board.

> Hilariously as I was looking for something of our beloved Dolores to post I could tell that this site is having an effect on me. I know when I see her sometimes I think her name as "Dolores" but this is the first time I can recall it happening IRL. Funny considering how much reinforcement I get elsewhere on her name from all other sites and official media.
I have myself posted the filtered name without thinking about it and retyping her original one just for making the filter work. Inertia that someone learns when you spent too much time. I have also seen that name a lot of times as well IRL. However,the part that has stuck the most for me are her architecture structures. It´s impossible to make that tag possible. Achieving that would mean a consequence of having a huge success that requires way more than 2 dedicated fans.

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And now, last time I am tripposting for this rainbow text. My own thoughts:

The reason why I made this is because Spiritualized released an album And Nothing Hurt last week and it was for the first time ever, I enjoyed a record from Jason front to back. I had listened to Ladies and Gentlemen last autumn but I didn´t see anything special on it despite giving it a couple of listens. After learning that he has proved to have talent, I went back to his golden record, especially this song (memed on /mu/ by the way). Like the bat thread, I have modified the lyrics in order to fit them into some pony context but this time, it offers a new feature: the multilayered text; expressing different voices at the same time.

I daydreamed about entering Equestria and feeling welcome for enjoying such beloved destiny. The catch is that despite its dreamy ambient, the correlation of putting the students along with the mane 6 because of School Daze, building it up to heavenly tone with the princesses (text in blue) by paying homage to You´ll Play Your Part and going to space with Trixie´s rocket; the context behind doesn´t bring such optimistic vibes.

The greent text is from the talking voices mentioned in it. Each creature complains about that anon (only faggots rush in for jumping into hateable first impressions about their introduction) because at some point, that anon came for ponies at first, yet they do love him in the end for giving them a chance and deliver what they can do.  The yellow text just mentions the place we are dealing with and no matter where we are, the message  prevails because we have learned from the same protagonists the same values we all know and are familiar with.

The pink text doesn´t come in this version of 2009. That verse comes from the original until they accepted the homage to Presley in the black edition. I still wrote it because its short term impact and meta message to the protagonist reveals that nobody knows what could come next for all of us. 

The black text represents, surprise, the fan. A fan who got tired of his life and decided to consume pony content on mobile for the most part. All the lines express his love for having a model version of his ideal waifu from the mane cast. That´s the first reason he looks for and pursues for his visual pleasure. 

The objective behind this celebration is to remind myself that I am alive, like a personal reward that I feel like talking to myself at certain times. So many things could have gone wrong, bringing a realistic yet slightly pessimistic view about the world IRL, lacking on illusions and feeling devastated for losing my own innocence more frequently than the previous years. The fact that I can find joy after such slaps in the face about how the system works means that I can actually live with that loss. 

How do I bring back that illusion? I do not know but listening to those voices so angelically, makes me feel forgiven after all. I lost my innocence but at least, there are reasons to look forward to and even look up in the most hidden places...

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> I had listened to Ladies and Gentlemen last autumn but I didn´t see anything special on it despite giving it a couple of listens. After learning that he has proved to have talent, I went back to his golden record, especially this song

I have had this happen. Suddenly  a song that I've heard on the radio for years will just "cick" with me. Or a band I never was I find one song I like and gain an appreciation or others that I didn't regard.

> lacking on illusions and feeling devastated for losing my own innocence more frequently than the previous years.

Losses of innocence more often? I tend to think of a loss of innocence usually as one event or something that is described as slowly eroding over time, so this is a interesting phrasing. I know that too could mean several things. For me what I've always considered to be mine is the rise of race politics and the massive mistrust of most people that I acquired during events in my teenage year's. Not trying to pry, I was just found how you worded that to be different to what I'm used to hearing 

> I do not know but listening to those voices so angelically, makes me feel forgiven after all. 

You may have been a shitty person when you where younger, but is there anything that is above the level then just being a stupid teenager? Then again, who am I to say. I don't even know the context. But I will say this: I have seen a person who was  an absolute amoral idiot for his teenage and even in his young adult years, who actually regretted his choices and did a complete 180 and came out aright. If he can find peace and redemption you certainly have a shot.  

> I lost my innocence but at least, there are reasons to look forward to and even look up in the most hidden places...

You may not be able to regain your innocence, but you certainly can regain peace. One of the reasons that I have such a predisposition  or thought I had anyway  to crazed random insanity was the fact that, as I have mentioned before, shutdown all but the most critical functions. I stopped caring about who I was and became entirely devoted to getting goals done and my happiness died with it. I could have been a serious overstressed person if I fully followed that path, but now I could write stupid stories about Twilight growing 32 eyes and each one of those eyes having a personality based on a different food and just laugh at the inanity of it.

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> Seriously, watch my Derpi profile and you will see that my first contribution to the fandom was a failure, too much for me to keep on trying or bother.

I actually don't remember you ever liking your derpibooru profile here.  You only have too if you want to  

> I have not personally checked other boards in terms of content. Thousand of posts would contain some kind of content but here, you apply the quality>quantity because these posts are dedicated, have some random inspirations that pay off. I cannot personally compare the quality but I can say that we are beating /a/ at this point.

Actually I'd say there a afair deal of boards that I have seen that have a fair bit of regulars but don' have much OC only discussion and complaints about OC. Than again I tend to roam a lot all over the net to a lot of alt chans. 

> That´s ironic because you applying this to a fan who hasn´t looked for old fan content save images. Nor brony music,nor Iwas there when old memes were created nor I was there for the biggest events. The biggest one I have witnessed with my own eyes is the 5th anniversary of MLP, with the CMC reaching their objective.

I wasn't even there for th first 4chan activity.  I'd say the time you entered the fandom was nicer in some ways. The fandom was more defined. Drama wasn't treated as an existential threat and we still produce more OC than many fandoms that are being actively memed. 

> I din´t know that the /pol/ effect was that big on the typical boards but I guess politics have harmed a lot of entertainment these days by taking over the internet. Wave goodbye to the good old chill out days because of agendas. 

It hasn't completely taken over everywhere, but the way it is now it's often, especially to any site that has a /pol/ board my default assumption is yes until confirmed otherwise.  

> I wonder how that anon is doing these days. Is he lurking this site silently? 

I wonder too. Even as his contribution goes down a smaller and smaller percentage of the baord, he still was the one that first replied to you and hit the 300 mark, I only cam shortly after on new years. I will still remember that anon for being part of the first spark, more so then I was. 

> I wouldn´t have got offended. The board feel would have turned out different and I would have concluded that you would be a typical American shitposter if that were the case. Nothing new honestly and I am used to dealing and arguing with brainless people around 4chan and still get some interesting arguments

Though your probably right, Conservatives tend to fight anyway over just leaving, but I have seen conservatives be ofended and break off contact. I still wonder if something like that could've have messed things up. 

> they would be welcome to see them again. Late is better than never and the change had to happen someday. We are like somewhat nude and give a cheap feel without a front banner to give a direct impression from this board.

Yeah. Without the banners it makes this place look like another half dead board, with banners especially made for here,it makes an anon stop and ask: "this place had someone actually bother to make banners for here?" It helps maintain an identity. Though I do not know when m adventures in fences and roofs will be over, I shoud probably have at least something in the semi-near-term at least.

> I actually don't remember you ever liking your derpibooru profile here.

linking your profile.

> regulars but don' have much OC only discussion and complaints about OC. 

as in not having OC. 

Sorry for any confusion. Just got a break and this was still up and I noticed the errors.

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> Suddenly a song that I've heard on the radio for years will just "cick" with me. Or a band I never was I find one song I like and gain an appreciation or others that I didn't regard. 
my favorite albums didn´t click on me at first listen and when something clicks on too fast, it gets tiring fast as well. The most memorable songs or albums are those that were there for you but you didn´t bother to check it out until someday you get to appreciate it in a different way. All of this without forcing too much. So it has happened to me with Spiritualized. Not the one I expected but finding them out again refreshes me in terms of ideas and inspiration. What I needed during this period, different sources to pay homage or tribute somehow. I didn´t have any plans for this celebration save trolling a bit. 
> I tend to think of a loss of innocence usually as one event or something that is described as slowly eroding over time,so this is a interesting phrasing. 
the year that marked me a lot in terms of political stuff was 2016. I saw how the elites treat people like puppets. I knew the world doesn´t gravitate around me, but like the songs or albums, those hopeless emotions click and enter into the body without controlling your mind. It´s the closest event to have driven myself insane without any childish reason. I had lost hope seeing how people were rioting something fake in the US, I saw how they want cheap money by making the West population their prostitute for their interests, that we are nothing but little ants who are about to become or be replaced by robots, people protesting for SJW and not for actual matters (faking riots and getting paid like 45$ per hour from the elites)
My illusion exploded and I didn´t know where to go, seeing things too dark for me or that somebody would go after me for noticing the "red pill". Whenever you realize those lies, you cannot go back to the bubble or refuge. It was a hard step to admit despite knowing that before. It was the impact right at the sensible target and suffered the psychological consequences. I reached a point where the only reason to move forward was seeing the world burn along with my dreams lost. It seems that I am describing an edgy phase but those thoughts didn´t come for becoming edgy but facing another slap from the harsh reality.
> I've always considered to be mine is the rise of race politics and the massive mistrust of most people that I acquired during events in my teenage year's.I was just found how you worded that to be different to what I'm used to hearing

similar for me except that I don´t believe in races. The color of the skin while having some physical properties, doesn´t mean you are prevented to be better than anyone else. I personally think (not falling into conspirators nor elites sides) that one person grows as an individual depending on their education, ambient, family, actions, traditions, culture and personal circumstances,etc. The aria race just feels like an underage position and I thought that as well during that day. 
However, I believe that it´s not the race the problem but culture.I can interact perfectly with Latin, Americans, Europeans even I have a Chinese family as neighbors and they don´t annoy at all because they are doing their own business without harming others. Take a wild guess who collide...if I have not had problems with those who have the same values and try to learn from ourselves,then others have the problem and could fail miserably, even more if they try to hard to integrate them by force.
I had that mistrust from the start and I still do but to a lesser extent.I had fear of people in general, getting too close to them and watching them right into their eyes. Not a coward but I felt uneasy a lot of times. As time went on,I have gained more confidence and trust whenever I know how those people act. At first, mistrust, then ask and analyze how they act and then, allow that trust for X things.Instead of having it all the time, I act cautiously.With that confidence,I no longer fear unknown people unless they want me hurt.

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> You may have been a shitty person when you where younger, but is there anything that is above the level then just being a stupid teenager?
Not stupid. I just described the day before I watched FiM and that pride would appear just to seem cool in front of my parents. However, while not stupid nor having committed bad actions from my part, I have witness and met with people who got into some questionable actions. They were teenagers and even more childish than me. I just followed them but didn´t decide any action nor taken part whenever things get into those zones one shouldn´t enter. I just met them for forcing myself to go out, despite having extra activities, because my family wanted me to get out of the house. I did it for compromise at times and they didn´t notice that they did a few questionable actions behind but whenever I was with them, I didn´t take part in their acts. Just watching or leaving whenever I felt like I had spent enough time out. 
Yes, it means that I could be described as a social outcast because of video games or fantastical stuff that I understood just for myself. I was like an autist who made inside jokes and even roleplayed to myself. If I talked or even made jokes to any outsider, nobody would understand me so my mouth would mostly stay shut or be the laughing stock for trying to integrate myself for being cool. My personality differed a lot because I grew up surrounded by adults. I have lived in a bubble but I had never left my feet from Earth. 
Those "temporal colleagues" mostly disappeared from my life in 2012-13 and from 2012, when I grew my interest for music (despite playing the guitar in 2009) and picking my bicycle over them for spending my time out, I felt better and after that, I got to know with a couple of people that I still interact closely, so they hold the highest value from me and I feel comfortable these days. But when I picked my bike, I had enough confidence to say that it´s better to live as a loner wolf than living with a bad company. I cannot interact nor get the childish mentality during my routine, it´s just so out of place for my brain and set up that mode. Adults have always understood me. From 2012, I have found my own identity slowly and without any rush. I am the only MLP fan around here, but like I hid video games in my childhood, I can keep it secretly and subtly irl.

> I don't even know the context. But I will say this: I have seen a person who was an absolute amoral idiot for his teenage and even in his young adult years, who actually regretted his choices and did a complete 180 and came out aright. If he can find peace and redemption you certainly have a shot. 
those colleagues who I met during my teenage years were all idiots and one was deported to his country for good reasons (drug market and no papers). I tried to make an Amending Fences in summer 2016,with a friend I was close for 3 years when I was 9-12 years old. Yet, he is an automaton. Has no political opinion, cannot argument, does the things because others told so without hesitation, simple emotions (I like this, this is shit and so on), no musical taste whatsoever (he had his sister´s music on the car)... I just got bored of him after 2 hours, I had seen enough. I didn´t want a person who has money but a person who I find interesting to interact with. A big disappointment. It doesn´t mean we are enemies, far from it, but I feel like wasting my time trying to find him a soul and a proper personality instead of a materialistic bot. I consider him as another contact, that´s it.

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> you certainly can regain peace. 
indeed and I have found some mediums to gain it considerably for a while. I just needed time to find them.
>  became entirely devoted to getting goals done and my happiness died with it. I could have been a serious overstressed person if I fully followed that path, but now I could write stupid stories about Twilight growing 32 eyes and each one of those eyes having a personality based on a different food and just laugh at the inanity of it.
well, yeah. Excessive seriousness, like every excess, is unhealthy as fuck and your body doesn´t tolerate as much, so comedy and careless thoughts come to balance and take a break from that stress. 
The thing is that I take the serious path because I have found it the most effective or a tense comfort zone so far. If you knew how my jokes were in my teenage years, you would cringe badly. I get a laugh from random things that no one understands. What has changed is sharing that same joke.I have grown some sort of comedy and sarcastic forms, just that it depends how the occasion fits for that mode of laughing at ourselves. It´s somewhat situational and most of my laughs come the moment I expect the least or when something makes no sense but it clicks and one stops caring about everything else. 

If you felt like choosing that alternative path, it must have had a good reason your body chose during those moments and I perfectly get it.

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> I actually don't remember you ever liking your derpibooru profile here.
and I don´t need it because it´s literally the same pseudonym as posted on here.It does have much less value than the greens/edits posted on here. It has a lot of upvotes and favorites for supporting the content I want to have in the future. I make some exceptions and I downvote, not too often because I mostly ignore it.

> a fair deal of boards that I have seen that have a fair bit of regulars but don' have much OC only discussion and complaints about OC. Than again I tend to roam a lot all over the net to a lot of alt chans.
an avid lurker detected. They could only focus on temporal discussion and jump onto the newest content that doesn´t come out from them. One of the biggest traditions from this fandom is that the content generated between fans gets relevant even if it´s in small circles. Both official, secondary and fan content get their treatment and deliver fresh entertainment for fans who are around. 

> I´d say the time you entered the fandom was nicer in some ways. The fandom was more defined. Drama wasn't treated as an existential threat and we still produce more OC than many fandoms that are being actively memed. 
I can imagine that for example for the Derpigate. The event was huge and felt like a victory. Nevertheless, I have heard that the following two weeks, everyone slashed to each other because of that and having mixed opinions for breaking their headcanons and such. 
I personally don´t get mad because my headcanon gets proven wrong for example in the divorce story, although I had predicted the touristic part before episode 15 aired. I even went for new speculations from the newer creations and twist them for old stories (Luna´s redemption by using the bats, Daybreaker and their season 7 personalities). 

Yes, you are right that everything is more defined, so it becomes less tense. I remember that my entrance and first months on /mlp/ felt somewhat uncomfortable because it felt a bit hostile for my taste. In 2015, I got used and in 2016, season 6 started the small community feel again, so mostly everything got calmer. The biggest example, the two royal fan clubs supported at each other and stopped being elitist to each other. They have reached image limit today by supporting each other. Coincidentally, when SJW left this, the content slowed down but the chill mentality grew as well. I admit that getting on it earlier....well, it´s better to have taken the path one took back then and not to think too much about it. 

And yes,two shitposters creating more OC than probably a few tens of anons is worth for giving ourselves a personal medal for holding the spirit with much less noise and people around.

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> the way it is now it's often, especially to any site that has a /pol/ board my default assumption is yes until confirmed otherwise.
it´s mostly reduced to us the rebels vs the systemic companies. As if 4chan was a deep web site but I think that´s their mentality to keep the edge around it. They have infested boards like /mu/, anime in general and video games(although I understand the latter because there billions of dollars behind the industry right now) and basically anything related to major media. /mlp/ however, was the least affected mostly because there were conservatives and a part of the board lurked /pol/ often, so the conquest was already made before doing anything.

> he still was the one that first replied to you and hit the 300 mark, I only cam shortly after on new years. I will still remember that anon for being part of the first spark, more so then I was.
yeah,he was probably an 8chan user who checked the board over here and encouraged us to go on. We may not know about him anymore, but those few posts kept my interest to go on a bit further than expected.

> Conservatives tend to fight anyway over just leaving, but I have seen conservatives be ofended and break off contact. I still wonder if something like that could've have messed things up.
nah don´t worry. I am too used to seeing idiots all the time. I would have given less fucks if I didn´t see good arguments and just use ad hominems and other fallacies to prove the opponent wrong. Again, it´s not that the view against you has a wrong purpose, but the reasons behind to back it up and defend them reasonably.  What could have changed? Probably sharing less private information so confidently. I would have said it more subtly at some point or in lesser quantities, but offended? Nope. If you used cheap arguments, then I would be somewhat disappointed. I am one of those who cares more about the columns inside than the front cover whenever I enter and get immersed into the topic. The main objective was the same anyway and it was accomplished before that happened. 

About the conservatives, it´s a general pattern. There are always big exceptions, what I have described is the usual tendencies: socialist use more the emotions and conservatives use logic above emotions. Just that one uses them in different percentages and they may differ despite the theoretical ideology. That doesn´t prevent from one acting like a child or idiot. The personality counts for politics...a lot by they way.

> with banners especially made for here,it makes an anon stop and ask: "this place had someone actually bother to make banners for here?" It helps maintain an identity. Though I do not know when m adventures in fences and roofs will be over, I shoud probably have at least something in the semi-near-term at least.
well,everything ends and arrives. If we have survived without them, we could perfectly not give a fuck. You have time for making sure they are worthy to be there without any rush. My main worry was the image destruction. The rest comes by itself.

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> my favorite albums didn´t click on me at first listen and when something clicks on too fast, it gets tiring fast as well. The most memorable songs or albums are those that were there for you but you didn´t bother to check it out until someday you get to appreciate it in a different way. 

Agreed. Most of the time when I really like something off the bat the hype fades quick.

> Not stupid. I just described the day before I watched FiM and that pride would appear just to seem cool in front of my parents. However, while not stupid nor having committed bad actions from my part, I have witness and met with people who got into some questionable actions. They were teenagers and even more childish than me. 

At a bit more of a distance because of not being close to the more questionable actors in question, but I have had this as well.

> If I talked or even made jokes to any outsider, nobody would understand me so my mouth would mostly stay shut

This is me. Though sometimes I would to tell a joke and explain it, most of the time my jokes were very much something that only I uderstood. Some stuff, like a somewhat strange sense of LOL random I  do share with my brother at least (random but sometimes highly detained and defined). Others, such as stuff relating to open sourced software (something even that I had a "reddit" level grasp of), geopolitics and the other random wanton crap that interests me was completely to myself. 

> My personality differed a lot because I grew up surrounded by adults. I have lived in a bubble but I had never left my feet from Earth. 

Actually get this too. Especially in my latter teen years. I had people tell me that I didn't act my age and adults who met me at random were often impressed though even then I was often too shy to talk to random adults. There was a couple points in my life where I had no peers my age as friends. Though admittedly the adults that influenced me the most were not necessarily the most normal in some regards but I think I stil get this.   

>  I am the only MLP fan around here, but like I hid video games in my childhood, I can keep it secretly and subtly irl.

Same here as far as I know.

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> The thing is that I take the serious path because I have found it the most effective or a tense comfort zone so far. If you knew how my jokes were in my teenage years, you would cringe badly. I get a laugh from random things that no one understands. What has changed is sharing that same joke.I have grown some sort of comedy and sarcastic forms, just that it depends how the occasion fits for that mode of laughing at ourselves. It´s somewhat situational and most of my laughs come the moment I expect the least or when something makes no sense but it clicks and one stops caring about everything else. 

A lot of my laughs, as I just stated, make no sense as well. Perhaps we could get some of our humor. 

> If you felt like choosing that alternative path, it must have had a good reason your body chose during those moments and I perfectly get it.

Yours too. Seriousness does not equal sadness and if it is mixed with calm it can be a powerful weapon in this age of either complete sanitized happy 24/7 or hyperbolic shrillig over everything. 

> an avid lurker detected. They could only focus on temporal discussion and jump onto the newest content that doesn´t come out from them. One of the biggest traditions from this fandom is that the content generated between fans gets relevant even if it´s in small circles. Both official, secondary and fan content get their treatment and deliver fresh entertainment for fans who are around. 

We have a much higher percentage of participation to consumption then most fandoms, if not all large ones. Everything is used and we have a mentality from the eariier days to run with eve one off lines, so yeah, plenty to work with now.

> Yes, you are right that everything is more defined, so it becomes less tense. I remember that my entrance and first months on /mlp/ felt somewhat uncomfortable because it felt a bit hostile for my taste. In 2015, I got used and in 2016, season 6 started the small community feel again,

Get this. /mlp/ I've always felt a little mixed on, but it always felt more of a home then most other sites that I lurked, even if I'm not always in tune with everything gong on do my own absences. Than again, the only place I ever felt really really uncomfortable off the time of my head was ponychan and its more family friedly spin off ponyville.us, though that's a different can of worms all together. 

> yeah,he was probably an 8chan user who checked the board over here and encouraged us to go on. We may not know about him anymore, but those few posts kept my interest to go on a bit further than expected.

He will be remembered.

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> Most of the time when I really like something off the bat the hype fades quick.
yeah, some may not get that philosophy of things growing on you. As we live in a world full of activity and stress, we do not have time to appreciate anything properly. And then, out of nowhere, it clicks. Normally the hype gets quick because it´s made to be consumed or because you got it during a phase and that would be it. Not much else can be said here. 

> I have had this as well.
and I have almost completely forgotten about them. I talk about them as a distant past because I don´t see them anywhere these days. Nobody gets the best contacts with the first try.

> I would to tell a joke and explain it, most of the time my jokes were very much something that only I uderstood. >Others, such as stuff relating to open sourced software (something even that I had a "reddit" level grasp of), geopolitics and the other random wanton crap that interests me was completely to myself. 
mostly random stuff and that few can get or around you if you see them on mobile or PC. Geopolitics with the poland balls meme (if I am not wrong) is a pretty popular way to find some easy laughs for all the family. The hardest part is explaining why I am laughing about something that you see on 4chan and you cannot share it at all. it would be absolutely retarded. Part of the fun cannot be shared to others because it would take either too much effort for it or because it´s dedicated for one strict group. Whatever it is, same thoughts on here.

> I had people tell me that I didn't act my age and adults who met me at random were often impressed though even then I was often too shy to talk to random adults. 
those impression causes difference and that difference caused marginalization in my case. Not all the times but I easily fitted as the weird one. The great irony is that while I talked to adults and even random ones sometimes, is that approaching one of my age was more fearsome for me than the random people. Somehow, I cannot explain it. Maybe it´s because I found them more abusive or more menacing in comparison. 

> There was a couple points in my life where I had no peers my age as friends. Though admittedly the adults that influenced me the most were not necessarily the most normal in some regards but I think I stil get this.
my family was fortunately normal and comprehensive (even though certain members are a bit distrustful)  so I have not learned weird values nor outlandish situations for my education. I wouldn´t like to imagine if I had those special conditions, because the situations would get even weirder. 

> Same here as far as I know.
in /mlp/, most of their users also do. It´s rare these days to find such thing.

In general,I have agreed and emphasized with everything said here.

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> Perhaps we could get some of our humor.
uff, honestly on the internet it´s pretty hard to transmit some kind of humor without stating obvious punchlines. I personally when I want to make some fun, the one resource I have used the most is the sarcasm, ironic shitposting. It´s overexaggerated to the point it out, everyone can get I am making it. 

The thing is that I am so focused on making these posts that I barely put any focus on anything that is not related to the reply itself. I guess shitposting about the digits and using some reaction images have worked here so far. I guess chan culture found that way to make fun, so let´s keep it until we find something else (by accident or not), shitposts will lead the way by themselves.

> Seriousness does not equal sadness and if it is mixed with calm it can be a powerful weapon in this age of either complete sanitized happy 24/7 or hyperbolic shrillig over everything.
I use it not because I want to be a sad one. It´s just that I find that form of expression way more effective so far for me and get this, I find myself in the comfortable zone while staying on it.I add some ironic questions to put a little contrast on it while laughing at myself.
In reverse, I cannot be laughing all the time and put one or two serious questions and then, back to unimportant stuff, most of my colleagues didn´t take me seriously or didn´t bother about what I said despite having some kind of relevance. I have been so used to experiencing it that those groups have ended up because of flawed communication and the breakup gets serious and it gets dissolved like sugar in any liquid. It hasn´t worked around my surrounding circles so it´s hard for me to keep that level of careless happiness, both in attitude and convenience. 

> We have a much higher percentage of participation to consumption then most fandoms, if not all large ones. Everything is used and we have a mentality from the eariier days to run with eve one off lines, so yeah, plenty to work with now. 
mostly everything has been established. Not the first fandom to arrive but certainly the one who has established the foundations the best. Only the furry fandom competes and I suppose PKMN, can reach this popularity. However, that level of consumption, the urgency for getting more content... everything gets a chance to be used just to fit it in for more pony content even if it sounds crazy. If that idea produces content and even better, enjoyable entertainment (from OCs even), it´s a good idea in the eyes of its public. A case worth of study but here we are,  almost (if not) 8 years and counting.

> /mlp/ I've always felt a little mixed on, but it always felt more of a home then most other sites that I lurked
indeed. With all the drama, the pessimistic tone, the unexpected show discussion scattered in the threads, the wild ideas that spark in the generals, dedicated threads for fetishes or NSFW stuff that you cannot discuss in other parts of the fandom, the meta fights/arguments between fans of X character, your typical daily shitpost... there are plenty of reasons to hate it, but at the same time, you cannot avoid lurking there. There´s something special going on there, like an unannounced community where everyone fights and gets triggered between each other yet they stay.´
An anticommunity that has its charm, hence it explains your mixed feelings (and mine as well with the first posts of this thread)

> the only place I ever felt really really uncomfortable off the time of my head was ponychan and its more family friedly spin off ponyville.us, though that's a different can of worms all together. 
intersting, very interesting actually. Maybe you like the dissonance or chaos that comes from /mlp/ yet there, they have a more chill mentality I guess. 

The most surprising detail is that you like /endpone/ and not that site, considering that both in theory work with similar behaviors, no hostility to be seen. But yeah, that´s a thing for another thread or topic.

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Well, after almost 20 months of its creation, I couldn´t read what I had typed entirely on mobile during that morning (from 7 AM to almost 10AM). 

Looking back to it and giving a little bit of time because of how Bridgefag called me out about the drop of fanfics in his /go/ thread  >>/4644/, I´ve decided to check exactly where those words of mine were located and I thought I would have that answer from here (to an extent, they somewhat imply those conclusions).

Anyway, from  >>/656/ to  >>/667/ appear my confessional thoughts about this fandom and while I considered these posts somewhat cringy to myself, I still cannot disown them because they are still present. What could be seen as autistic is that I needed a place where I could expose everything and let all that out, my mind was asking to express itself and I had a huge lack of confidence back then because I saw this place as hostile because of how little it is. 

If there is anyone: any lurker, any shitposter, any stranger....whoever that person is that manages to read these posts, you´d better get ready because while it´s still biased (asking for objectivity is impossible), it carries a really dark tone. These are really but really NAKED and RAW thoughts about the brony fanbase. You won´t find such bold sentences from my mouth together trying to tell a story with them. 

In retrospective, I am warning to you that I still hold those words but keep in mind that when something goes really emotionally driven from me, it goes wild and this represents the finest example of it. I´ve learned that there are other mediums to express myself (see the two fanfics from here, edits, reviews, ideas for board content, etc...) instead of blogging and looking like an attention whore at first, but it´s where most of the inspirations come in and have driven a few things forward from this place.

I am certainly overwhelmed at my own self and how I managed to post something of this kind back then. 

However, there are two little aspects are going to be kept eternally form my part:

> Nothing is planned and I can't promise anything....
this statement will be heard multiple times from my part and I have been putting on practice since I came here.

> I cannot speak for anyone but myself 
and this over here. I don´t recommend to see my views as a golden standard nor agree 100% to what I say. I point out these two lines because not only of its timeless spirit, but more like an universal lesson for anyone who uses the imageboard format (or even certain things of life as well) in general as if their rules weren´t clear enough. 

And now, I am replying to Bridgefag´s answer (after a year and a half) that I couldn´t read back in the day. Better late than never, I suppose.

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> I have a lot that I could say but It would take me awhile to get my thoughts togather.
you have already scattered them through this year and a half, I don´t think that I would hear anything surprising at this point about what I had posted. 

> Things still crazy from Granddad's stuff 
you have written this during these last months so that private situation of yours hasn´t changed and there´s nothing that we can do from her to solve it sadly

> One of the things both funny and strange to me is that even in this state, there is stuff that was still memed harder then us and yet never had near the output. 
look at Area 51, it was a big even in theory and made for memes yet it proved to be completely a joke. Other examples of making a huge blast of memes were Dat Boi or Bowsette yet time has put most of those hype moments into the chest and barely few people keep them relevant these days in comparison.

> Even in the state right now that are things that are still heavily memed but never reached are levels of output that we have in this day ad age. 
I was going to reply just this. MLP cannot be qualified and put in the same league as your average meme because it has withstood the test of time and most importantly, it has actually caused a deeper impact on its fans over the years. All of us would be laughing at ourselves at first yet, it has served as a medium of expression  both for its own consumers and the staff behind its production. 

And as if that wasn´t enough, give a sense of nostalgia after its ending, as if something is missing from the hearts of the fans. Just with this peculiarity alone, it´s enough to prove that this franchise has crossed unexpected barriers from its original intentions.

> I suppose I could say is that the other fandoms are competeing for different groups of people while we have become are own true subculture. As I stated before. We exist outside of social media.
great explanation. This right here also justifies it.

> Side note: one of the only other fandoms I considered close to us in are levels of self-sufficiency and content creation being touhou. Which also is its owm subculture. Though they are smaller and more fragmented, they too have a pleathora of hangouts heck, mainly exist outside of social media and also are heavily part of chan culture. Though I do not consider them as segmented as us.
yeah. I don´t know all that much of Touhou in terms of how the fandom is organized, so I cannot speak with certainty how it works but considering that they almost have a board for themselves (/jp/), the amount of games released over the years and the 3rd place on Rule 34 by the numbers, one can get a slight idea of their evolution and relevance through the years. Going beyond certain circles and social media tells you a few clues about it.

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> You know what, I'm had a rambling wall of text and I do't want to derail this thread. 
now that I have decided to revive it because of your /go/ thread, you can actually expose them. Maybe those original thoughts won´t come as such bt more or less tell where you were going for. I wasn´t ready to hear them at the time, I wouldn´t have replied to you and my mind wasn´t ready because I felt like I left a mess of attention-whorism (if that word makes sense). Nowadays, I feel like hearing them properly now that I have experienced diverse things over here.

> let me say this: I do agree that a lot of people at the time saw it as a joke, or were trend riders who didn't actually care of the show, though I don't quite take as far as you.
I admit that I went really extreme and I sort of like needed to relieve my brain. I was certainly fed up of /mlp/´s shitposts about the spam of the golden era. I had that really dark tone about its fake spirit but like you say (and you are one of them), a proportion of it has stayed loyal until the very end and one appreciates that.

> There was some I remember myself included who used to watch each ep with actually care, as in not as a joke even back then, woundering what various one off lines and implicatios could mean though Celestia certainly wasn't a Tyrant, there was some subtexts and implications that could be made from those early eps that were not too far a stretch into just stupid theory nonsense 
well look at that, you have justified yourself why the number of fics has been dropping. I was going to comment in your /go/ thread that the numbers of fanfics hasn´t only declined because of the fanbase, it´s also (and most importantly) because the fans cannot make any headcanons about the characters. They felt like archetypes and the fanbase had to speculate about every little thing because of how few episodes there were at the time so they invented and wrote fics about their personalities, each fan had a very different interpretation from any other one, they were personally implied.

Nowadays, the fanfics don´t work around that concept of background ponies, they consist in writing the existent established characters, lore and the worldbuilding that gen 4 has left down the road. The fanbase has to pay attention to the show itself in order to write anything sort of acceptable for gen 4 standards, based on something that has occurred on the show. This requires effort and time. One fan can write a random story  at anytime but it won´t be taken seriously but if one wants to go further, watching the show becomes essential and not all the fanbase has done that. That trend can change over the years because we will all know gen 4 and there are no hiatuses nor further speculations towards its world that hasn´t been already done. That´s the main difference and my analysis about that downhill trend in the yearly numbers.

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> Perhaps I was part of a minority at that time (actually I certainly was). I honestly was't too involved in the activities in /b/ or /co/
and that´s the huge problem from my thoughts as well. I wasn´t there at the time, I didn´t know how it worked and not all the fans had to come from those two boards. I still hold them as the starting points because the origins actually came from there but its ramifications and personal contexts of the fans are something that no one can predict. 

> but I was in vauge orbit. I certainly never could have imagened how far I would've gone into this wild ride.
same, 5 years and 1 year and half spent intensively on this board with you and the Board Owner,with the supportive shitposters and spontaneous visitors through the posts.

> Though I am an old-oldfag from 2011, you did not offend or ruffle my feathers.
it was more aimed in a general sense. Sorry if it feels like I am talking towards anyone in specific.

> I actually have gotten flack before for not seeing those days as an apex point that we will never reach again like some have.
goddamn, I didn´t read back then and this certainly is what impresses me the most ironically enough...you have lived them so there were actual reasons from your experience to back up those arguments. 

> I also never was into conventions either
nor an active user from a specific place either. Background users until not long ago. Bronycon however has ended this year, with 5 digits and the most attended one in history but the iconic con is long gone until the future gens revive the most popular event for the fanbase.

But still, pretty much indifferent towards them as well.
> Let this project be a personal canvas for your thoughts wherever they may lead and whatever color you end up painting. Leave behide any facade you have at /mlp/, /pone/ or whatever else you post and write freely.
I...I have. Through stories, shitposts, several topics and edits I have gone way too far (and you with your fics and your /go/ thread and this board in general). 

In fact, I have asked myself if I have anything new to say and I have left this board inactive during certain periods this year because of personal exhaustion ( both in a private sense and with my contribution to the board). I have felt like I have said everything that I am able to post several times. So we have gone so far that I find myself in the opposite case: I don´t know what else I can say that hasn´t been discussed before.

Now that I have accomplished a little task that I didn´t expect to take over until last night, I don´t feel like using the user´s name  all that much. Until I write something else,serves as an important role for something meta or opening threads...specific activities/tasks that require it, I don´t think that I will need it all that much. At least, I have answered to your posts from that time, completing the circle and tidying up the loose ends of this thread.

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Phew, after seeing how SiC was having a good reception with his latest fic, as a consequence,I have been dedicating this afternoon/ evening at revisiting three fics posted on this board. 

I think that they are ready to get posted out there even though the one dedicated for DWK might go through a fine line in the sand between getting accepted on FiMFiction or not. 

I have given them a few tweaks, rewritten parts that were incorrectly typed, handling the narrator of the Comforts of Darkness and getting rid of all the green arrows, putting the text in proper paragraphs for fitting them as normal story instead of a green. 

If you haven´t read them yet, feel free to check them because I think that they are not going to change after this revisit from my part today.

The three pastebins are already available for you to read these stories from back in 2018.

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Awesome. I'll certainly take a peak myself and compare to before. I'm assuming you submitted them all separately, correct? As I know some have a bunch of short stories submitted together. I'm still looking at options for my  fics   (and a couple of planed ones). 

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> I'm assuming you submitted them all separately, correct? As I know some have a bunch of short stories submitted together.
I didn´t submit them at all. I simply get the pastebins prepared for anything. After seeing your reply, I decided to include both  >>/5342/, >>/5343/ and The Mirror of Fire together into one single story mostly because they have some relation and a few words related to each other. As these stories are quite short, it´s better to put them into one compilation and the rules wouldn´t have any effect if there were connection among these stories. 
Honestly, Fimfiction would simply serve for securing the stories, as an "official" archive for this content. 

> I'm still looking at options for my fics (and a couple of planed ones). 
nice. Those three fics reviewed have really high chances to be accepted and I don´t believe that Cosmos has all that much content out there. You could fill a spot with her story. 

> Awesome. I'll certainly take a peak myself and compare to before.
are you sure about reading them again? These stories don´t deliver a happy tone exactly and considering what happened recently, I admire your strength if you face them again.

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> Is this our first tiny piece video OC?
I think that one posted a noisy/glitchy video of Celestia that appeared of nowhere, not to mention that I showed a couple of videos in an explanation about the bubble effect in the edit thread.

I imply made this video because I found cooler to announce this fic with a little video instead of simply using text as a medium. I will leave the link as soon as I finish the presentation of this story. 

> I'm hyped now
well, there are reasons to be hyped about it. I haven´t written anything since November 2018 and how many changes does my writing have from back then? It will be an interesting exercise. 

However, maybe I am the only one that spends a lot of time for (maybe) nothing, I don´t know how it will pay off but you will certainly wonder if this was the same L23 as back in early 2018 or not.

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well, /endpone/ has finally come back from its little own hiatus (the servers broke hard) and it seems that we have missed the announcements for the gen 5 movie and the Transformers comic but there is a lot of time for discussing that. 

So, this should have some way to to celebrate the inactivity and as you can see in the OP, this thread started two years ago (in febraury) and a lot has passed since then, transforming this green from a blogpost to one dedicated to the greentexts I have had in mind. Not all of them, but still the change of tone proves that this thread didn´t end right there with the first posts and the fact that there is always a tomorrow makes all this really ironic how much it has changed...

With this story, I am wrapping up the cycle...by looking back at the old posts...

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This fic has been written around late January and early February, I´ve had it prepared for a couple of weeks. It has 12 episodes, around 13k words and the main cast will consist in 5 characters:

> Narrator
Character 1
Character 2
Character 4
Character 5

Those are the colors exposed in the test thread and one of those 5 will be the narrator for all the actions that will happen throughout the story. So yes, there will be a 1st person narrative like I have traditionally written in the past. 

The title is  >>/5391/ and it could have several interpretations that could explain the main purpose or backstory for this fic. 

And...I don´t know what else I can say until I post it. This has been written after having watched all the episodes and completely fresh from 2020 despite its looks. 

My last question before revealing it is this one: what has lead me to get inspiration from what I did in the past in this place? 

With that question in mind, I leave a little bit of time to you just in order to warm up with the board again.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

> Aw! How calming this is! It´s the paradise! I believe that there´s nothing better than taking a vacation in the southwest of Equestria. I am so far away from all those ponies walking around the crowded streets of Canterlot.  I find my routine quite stressful just to keep an eye on all of them daily.
> I´ve heard that they were planning to make a huge party over there and standing for security in the presence of those crowds, it makes everything more difficult. Even though Twilight Sparkle would organise all the preparations, I can already imagine that my boss Cloud Zapper would ask as to keep watch for a long time just to pretend that we are doing something.
> But, why would anyone want a party when one could spend a few days on the beach, with a yellow life jacket and enjoy how the water flows in your body?  It´s almost like you enter in it and you didn´t want to get out of it, what calm ambient! My musings are petering out right now because I know that there aren´t many days to enjoy left and much less with such an appealing sunny climate like this.
> Let´s not even talk about the palm trees that offer such stunning views. Absolutely marvellous!  I believe that I am going to stay lied down until dusk or whenever I get fed up of it, I will come back to the hotel.
> Speaking of which, I haven´t put much attention to this but ever since I arrived at here, the first day in fact, I have been receiving a few letters that came from Canterlot. I haven´t thought about them because I am out of service, I don´t want to bother about related matters of my job. 
> I´ve been working as a royal guard for quite a few years and while it´s true that it´s the only job that I have been doing in my life, I know how to carry it out. However, these days are so joyful that I cannot waste my time on stressing myself for anything related to my job. I will read them once I come back to Canterlot or when I get back on track, I will ask about the situation to Cloud Zapper. 
> Besides, it´s a party, I guess they are having lots of fun. Considering that ever since Twilight has achieved her coronation as a princess, we are facing such peaceful times that maybe the royal guards get a free day in order to see the Songbird Serenade´s concert. I don´t want to envision if someone would want to take over the scenario spontaneously and make a huge fuss in the middle of it. The guards would get a bad image and for sure, it would imply additional work. I don´t want to think about.
> What I am thinking about instead is that I have been a little bit foolish these past years. I normally took the vacation to the north, spending my days in the mountains but I am changing my mind about the south part of Equestria because it´s free of any adverse events, unlike Canterlot. One starts to lose the will of facing extreme changes mostly because I am getting older and I´ve working on my job for quite a few years.
> I don´t feel like going back home even if I were invited to a huge party of that kind, this doesn´t have to envy that celebration. They might never know what they are missing. Besides, the hotel had very bookings and a few ponies of this small town left just to the see the pop artist so it almost looks like this place was conceived for me. 
> I will find hard to forget about these holidays mostly because of the tranquillity that I have been receiving. I didn´t have this zone in my spotlight. Someday, maybe I should know more about the south part of Equestria, just to see what´s beyond the usual places we all know. Maybe it will surprise me and I find another beach with desirable characteristics such as this one.
> Anyway, I think that I am falling asleep. I find myself so carefree that I don´t even bother where I left my glasses on the sand. I will check out where I left them but for now, let´s keep living this dream.

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Chapter 2: Fall from grace.

> Now I am coming back home by taking the train to Canterlot, I am relieved and it´s a pity that I didn´t know about these things before. It has changed my mood and I think that it will be difficult to ruin my day in the job. Let´s see if they complain about me again!
> I am getting closer to the city and…well, to my surprise, it feels somewhat cold. I thought that it would look more presentable than this for simply celebrating a big party but from what I am noticing from the distance, it doesn´t look the same as before. 
> As if that wasn´t enough, why are those species flying to the south? I have never seen them before. They look like griffons even though I am certain that they aren´t from Griffonstone, they would fly to the East and their tails don´t seem to match at all. These weird birds must inhabit in the South because they are going to the opposite direction that I am leading at. I have always been clueless about the South. I have never known about those places except for Appleloosa. The last time I went there, it was just to secure the construction sites of a new stadium that is going to unveiled soon and keep an eye on the possible conflicts between some a few ponies and buffalos.  
> I exited the train station and despite seeing ponies wandering in the streets as always, I am noticing a few buildings shattered. Even though they are fixing the damages for a few houses and shops, how did this manage to happen? Were there problems at throwing the fireworks? Maybe a spell that was too powerful to handle it? Was Canterlot so crowded that it couldn´t endure a party of this level, destroying what surrounded it? If the last question happens to be true, then I will have nailed it in my decision of leaving this place for a few days.
> I am getting closer to my house and the damages haven´t stopped at all. Nonetheless, ponies don´t seem moody at all so the party must have been a success but it doesn´t make any sense that no one is mad by these destructions, someone must have been responsible for all of this. Despite living in a world that consists in shining lots of rainbows and smiles at times, there have always been conflicts and very tense ones.
> Well, someone should explain this to me but maybe later, I am about to come into my house, I need a little bit of time before resuming my routine and...
> WHAAAAAAT?! What is this?! What am I looking at? How is it possible that the door locked? Why does it have a note saying that they are looking for a replacement? They offered this house to me in exchange of doing my job properly and now after all these years, they are turning me out of this place. 
> This must be a bad joke because they cannot point at me for carrying guilt for these damages. I have to ask Cloud Zapper about this immediately; there is no way that this is truly happening because if it is, I will be totally lost.

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Chapter 3: Clash of the titans

> With a face of astonishment in my face, I am heading to the main castle where the two Royal Sisters live. I have to demand an explanation from Cloud Zapper. He leads the army unit in which I work so this drastic extreme decision must have come from him. All of this is challenging what I have achieved for many years and I am not willing to give up yet. 
> However, my hopes are diminishing little by little because as I get closer to him, the guards that know me are looking askance at me and I am wondering if I am either in Canterlot or in the Everfree Forest. The similarities are to the say the least, quite terrifying. Either way, I am too focused on the problem that I already have but this doesn´t help at all at comforting me.  
> I get inside the main room and there he is: my boss Cloud Zapper. He is a grey pegasus and has a mane of two blue stripes with a white one in the middle and…it is what I imagined, he doesn´t look pleased at all. I am asking myself what I have done for causing this madness to him. I am mad as well but I cannot show it here. 
> Unlike my free time when one laze around and do improper things, if I lose my manners, I will definitely lose all the possibilities to surpass this problem. I´d better keep a formal behaviour this time as an exemplary guard:
“Commander Cloud Zapper! I have come back so I can offer my duties again, sir!” I exclaimed with a firm tone despite the circumstances. 
“What duties, BlueStar? Do you mean the ones that you didn´t offer this week?” He answered unwillingly. I am not starting this well, am I?
# “How could I offer my services, sir? My request for being out of service was given to me for this week. What did you want from me after your approval in a period when Canterlot had planned days of partying?” I asked in my defence. /#
“Days of partying you say, uh?! Ha! That partying must have been spent by you. You haven´t shown a little bit of concern about this city for all this time! Haven´t you noticed the damages while coming over here, fool?” Cloud Zapper responded. 
#“I don´t know what you are talking about sir. Was the party all that bad? How did those damages manage to happen in the first place? Wasn´t this event guaranteed by Twilight Sparkle and the princesses?” I asked. /#
“There were a few unexpected guests that took over the entire city. They petrified the three princesses and almost managed to do the same with Twilight. Thanks to her, by defeating The Storm King, we could recover it and so the normality. We could have a party in the end, that´s why ponies have a smile as if nothing happened” he answered. 
#“Then, everyone should be happy, right? I fail to see the problem because the normality has been recovered and I present myself here when my request expires. I don´t understand this madness you are showing towards me right now, sir” I answered with the intention to calm down this ambient. /#
“I am mad because you have been a part of this problem” he affirmed. That attempt didn´t work at all. 
 “I still don´t get it, sir” I asked with a hesitant tone. 
“Who was the idle that dared to disobey emergency orders and leave out all of them in repeated occasions? How could a subject stay so carefree and disloyal like you, a unicorn with a golden armour that is front of me who has the will to come here and dares to take charge of duties that he failed to accomplish in an emergency state?!” he asked. 
“Commander, those orders weren´t left out by me intentionally. I didn´t want to be disloyal to the kingdom. I simply took the days off that were offered to me” I answered this even though I was starting to believe that this whole situation was ridiculous. 

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“That were offered to you, he says…” he said sarcastically. “Not even one single day belonged to you, fool” Cloud Zapper exclaimed. “But of course, why bother sending orders to you if you like hanging out with young mares out there, like a youngster? I suppose that you must have fun in the Southwest and enjoying your personal kinks with them, haven´t you? The military orders….those are for the windigos instead, huh?!” he replied. 

> I am getting fed up of these answers and I can tell his derogatory tone towards my image here. Have I committed a crime for receiving all of this? If this keeps happening, this whole room better be prepared because if that´s the game, of course we can play it.
“I thought that those letters informed about the party, sir. I didn´t envision that such a big attack made by The Storm King would actually happen this week” I said. 
“It seems that one didn´t want to read a single word this week. Your request was invalidated the same day in which you were gone and your duty, really useless by the way, was conspicuous by its absence” he affirmed. “What could anyone expect from you? A guard that simply stares romantically at other guards or even passes time at imagining love stories with Twilight under the pseudonym named “Zephyr”? It´s no wonder that all of this would happen sooner or later despite keeping you in the charge after all these years.” He said with a sarcastic tone again. 
> After hearing that, I couldn´t let him to put me to shame with such impertinence. If I am unwelcome in this place, I cannot let them get away with it for free.
“That´s enough, Cloud Zapper! There´s no way you can put me to shame in front of the rest and no way are you an exception! For disobeying an order once accidentally, you come here and vent all your madness at me!” I exclaimed. 
“The permissions are rejected whenever we enter into an emergency state. I wouldn´t vent if it weren´t because we happened to be in it. All the guards had to come back to their duties immediately and you, loafer, disobeyed it, with several warnings” Cloud Zapper affirmed. 
#“Don´t tell. Warn for what? Do the duties of this army serve for preventing attacks of this magnitude? As far as I know, the guards have always stayed there just to fill and pretend that they are protecting the royalty when in reality, no one does anything in the end. It´s always Twilight, like you say in this case, who has always saved the prestige of the army. If I were so useless for my duties, the rest don´t fall behind at all!” I confessed, exposing the fake appearance that we give in the charge. /#
> Every pony around me stood absolutely astonished after hearing my words. They knew that they couldn´t stop the big attacks and Twilight and her friends have been the ones that deserved a prestige for a long time.
“I have never seen such direct attacks towards the royal army´s image. BlueStar, you are left without the lent home and without your job. You are fired!” Cloud Zapper concluded. 
> I knew that I would lose this conversation for a while because of his derogatory answers for calling me like that. So, I nod for one last time but considering that I am left helpless to nowhere, there was some room left for this fight of prestige. After getting closer to the entrance, I turned my head and I wanted to get one last thing straight before saying goodbye:
#“Who are you then for delivering exemplariness of honour and loyalty? If you Cloud Zapper kept a relationship in secret with Princess Cadence while we were replacing the Crystal army for a few days? Or that time when Tirek attacks happened and he was draining all ponies´ magic when you were loafing around, sleeping in the branch of a tree in an emergency state, shouldn´t two guards get fired in this room by the same cause?” I said indifferently, acknowledging what was about to come…/#
He gasped and was left surprised for a while. After that, the rage prevailed over his face, he caught a lance and said: “Leave, now!”

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> I left the castle quickly and I hurried to leave the town as well. I am not thinking about the consequences yet because I believe that I still have dangers to avoid. I ran through the streets until I crossed the main bridge that served as the main entrance for Canterlot. It seemed that the guards were not ordered by Cloud Zapper and fortunately weren´t from the unit he commanded.  Either way, I knew that Canterlot wouldn´t give me refuge anymore.
> By the time that I realized about it, I had left the city spontaneously and I lost the sight of those walls, my escape mission actually ended. However, questions arose abruptly as soon as I accomplished my initial plan. My mood started to chance drastically and all those random questions could be summed up in a very simple pattern hidden among them: 

#“And…what do I do now?” I thought out loud. /#

Chapter 4: Road to the South.

> After successfully escaping from the city, what am I supposed to do now? I hadn´t raised this problem of leaving my house after such a long time. I thought that I had my entire life solved, living under a stable routine but now, I don´t own anything at all. Canterlot was the place for joining in the royal army and everyone who wanted to offer security to the kingdom, they were recruited there. I am left abandoned without the charge that I have known and all the pleasant and past belongings are taken off. This is what I have found and I didn´t desire this at all.
> Those pleasant pass times I had are also a curse here. I blamed Cloud Zapper about his short duration ship with Cadance…but I don´t hold a much better prestige either. In fact, one would imagine that I could join into the Crystal army but I hold a bad image over there. I tried to flirt with certain kinks of mine with a few mares that were married with the guards we were replacing at that time. That did not sit well at all…and it explains why my unit wasn´t ordered to visit that place again.
> I am blaming those pleasure when I don´t have a house that I need. Honestly, I am a mess and so does my mind. I understand why Cloud Zapper was moody towards me and kept all those outrages that I did in the past. Therefore, I cannot head to the north, I wouldn´t be welcome over there if I tried to work as a guard over there.
> I am dreading a little bit because I have to take a drastic decision in order to pick up a little bit of hope and…considering that this insanity has started after leaving Canterlot with such a daring attitude, at least I must finish it somehow.
> I fled heading to the south and I am not willing to take a step back to the north. If that city is my home no more, the next step will be towards the undiscovered south. And so, I am departing to the south with the hope of ending my interest to see what´s there. If I fail in my quest, at least, I promise to myself to see those creatures I saw flying in the sky when I was aboard the train.

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Chapter 5: Distressed in the Bone Dry Desert 

> My solitary quest seems to have left me in vein. Except for going to Appleloosa, I don´t have a single train that could help me at going to the south.  I have been walking for a few hours in this desert and it doesn´t seem to end at all. Maybe I had seen an industrial city in the horizon but honestly, in the middle of such a hostile place, who would want to stay there?
> Without a prepared route, nor guide, nor transport nor preparation, I must say that my pleasures have carried me away to such a spontaneous yet failed plan. If I turned back, maybe the night would fall before reaching the last trees I managed to see.
> The south is huge and there is no doubt that no one has sent us here in the past. Now I am starting to understand what this place really means…because there was no interest at all in knowing it.
> I have to replace my glasses again, my armour feels heavier to me and my eyes are struggling at seeing something in the south horizon. I haven´t seen anything that fulfils me with hope. My age is proving to be a challenge for venturing myself in such a useless way yet so necessary at the same time.
> The laziness and good mood that I had these past days is completely gone in single day. Congratulations BlueStar, you are a genius. After pretending so much time in the army and wearing the glasses that give you an intelligent impression, you go and decide to carry a rushed plan that has proven to fail miserably so far.
> Again, I have to reaffirm at myself that my life was lost as soon as I heard those words from Cloud Zapper but I didn´t imagine that the risk of getting out of the comfort zone would turn out to be a huge risk. The interest for new places is sometimes dangerous and this desert full of spiders inside the dry bones I have come across confirms what I am thinking right now. 
> I cannot tell if it´s worse to give in towards such loss of prestige, ruining completely my image or if I should give up at walking more in this desert with such friendly companies like those spiders. I may have my reason and I hope to not have taken the wrong decision here, but it´s far away from becoming the correct one.
> I am still walking while I am getting lost inside my mind, with my head down and my body running out of energies, I don´t even bother at looking up at the horizon. All that is awaiting me is sand. It´s sand all that I have left around me and my body has walked at certain moments uncoordinated. 
> Suddenly, I stepped over a different surface. Under my hooves, I noticed something metallic under my hooves and the feeling was completely different to what I was used to sense for a long time. My eyes opened up after feeling that difference and to my surprise, I found a ray of hope in this hollow part of Equestria:
“IT´S A RAILWAY! I´VE FOUND A RAILWAY! Someone must be living in the south, they must be there!” I exclaimed with absolute happiness.
> My energies were gathered but only slightly because I was using the reserved ones I had in this worn out body. My interest didn´t cease and I knew that I was certain of my observations. And so, I keep walking, I am still conscious (at least) and this desert might not be eternal after all.

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Chapter: 6 Arrival at the South Coast

> I am still walking with more enthusiasm than I had before seeing the railway but my energies aren´t as big as the size of this desert. I am moving forward because going back cannot be considered an option after such an effort of this level for my physical conditions. I am not used to travelling this far but on the bright side, my interest still remains…
> …well, it remained until I saw that the railway was actually ending. While it had the right direction before leaving it, I come back to the undefined path of sand. Nonetheless, this sand feels softer in comparison for my hooves, am I getting closer to a beach? 
> To sum this trip up, my interest has been going up and down like the dunes I have been going through but the result is the same in the end: my body is taking its toll on. One doesn´t know what to feel after reaching this state. I have been thinking so much about lots of things in this hostile zone that I won´t feel the same way like I did in the past. I might not have any pleasure anytime soon but for sure I am turning into a more experienced guard that could be capable to offer my duties loyally after this harsh experience.
> Fatigue is what prevails in my blood and I am willing to do the task I´ve had in mind but, is this what I was looking for? It seems that I have found it because I couldn´t believe what I was looking at: it was the coast. There was water in the horizon and the sun was set in that direction. I might be fortunate and so it´s convenient to reach it.
“Come on BlueStar, one last effort! We are almost there. Prove that you are a true royal guard!” I motivated myself after seeing something so familiar like the water I enjoyed during this week in my vacation. I keep walking and rocks were appearing while the bones were disappearing at the same time.
> By the time I approached at the desired change of landscape, I should have filled myself up with joy after reaching the South of Equestria all on my own. An achievement of this kind isn´t within reach of the average pony and the risks taken without any preparation at all are quite remarkable. I have actually reached the end of ride and it´s a trophy that I´ll hold in my life. I´ve reached the south coast of Equestria and…
> …and nevertheless, there is no one around for telling this achievement. In the same solitary way I started this trip, I end it up alone with something illusory. I don´t find those beings at all. All I see are rocks both in the sea and the coast, water and a rocky cliff.

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> It´s hard to even think what I have to think next….because I have nothing planned to do anymore. There is no ground to walk other than this coast and all I have in front of me…is the ocean.

> I didn´t fill my body with joy but with sadness because my words are only going to be heard by the wind. After such expedition, I have just confirmed my perdition. I don´t have neither a yellow life vest, nor a hotel to lodge like I did in the past but I have…is this golden armour that could serve me as my burial. 

“It´s over. I have nothing left to do. I am tired and worn-out, I have no provisions and I won´t find a place that I could call home. I believe that today I am ending...my life as a royal guard. So be it” I affirmed.

> For attempting to find something that never existed, look for stability, another alternative in which I could serve as a guard by putting all my trust on those weird griffons…. In the end, I am the living proof that one cannot get everything at once. I am severely foolish and delirious with my ideas. For believing in that fake illusion, I have gone too far in my personal evolution.

> And so, I am willing to swim a little bit after suffering a dry ambient for so long and getting my body wet will balance that excess. 

> However, I can´t swim with skill, not because I don´t know how to do it but because I have realized that the heavy armour and my fatigue were way too much to keep myself afloat, much more than expected. I have had to keep my breath for a while and hold me into something solid because the tides were sweeping me along. In the end, I got out of the water because I found a rock that was big enough for whole body but it was quite distant from the coast. 

> If there were any frustrations or angers that I had in the past, little to nothing is left within me right now. Nostalgia and sadness is all that I carry and it seems that I have found my fate because the waves are slowly getting stronger, the sun is shining with less strength, the clouds are covering it and…I find myself too far away from the coast to even attempt at not drowning in this violent sea. I keep my head down once more, the water drops flow all over my wet body and so, I bid farewell to any possible that could show up to my face.

> It´s time to dream and breathe this pure air for one last time. So be it my end with pride…

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Chapter 7: Words in the wind

> What have I been looking for, after walking hundreds of thousands of steps? What did my eyes want to see in those creatures that were never discovered? Why did my commander choose to fire me when I never predicted what he had decided? Where is the prize that I should deserve after raising my willingness?   

> Those pleasures I enjoyed as a guard, paying for them in this rock I am, yet stability never comes and my lack of youth is helping at what I am about to become.

> I, BlueStar, royal guard of Equestria, was condemned by Cloud Zapper, whose abandonment was given to me with his bad temper, and treason I did in this magical land of Equestria!

> I won´t grant him the guilt, obligations were what I had to provide, our pleasures were invalid to hide, this bad image is what I have built.

> Big mistake not to see those letters I had to rate, the Storm King attacked the city so did he cleared out my stability, my home and in the end, marked my fate.

> Corruption had to be sentenced that others guards forgot. In my last resort, my big mouth was all they got; the situation for them was unpleased.

> Bone Dry Desert… as big as undesirable, to me the railway made it viable, after an argument my sir and I did pervert.

> Unable to do anything other than being a guard, because of the pleasant things my life has offered, this of hope I want to see has been latched and today my interest after all has fallen apart.

> What is this that I find after these achievements? Those railways disappeared; my pace has found what this desert hid in its core, this coast is what has appeared, nothing but rocks and water brought, my actions forgot to bring me more: a good life and a steadiness.

> And so, here I am in the middle of nowhere, violent tides are what surround this horse, staggered ambient that has found its corpse, this solitary south only offered salted water.

> If it´s got to be, shallow me up today! This event that the past has wanted, it is what I have deserved; my sanity will remain in this way. 

> I didn´t want to go back there, neither reasons I had to do that, too late to retake that, this guard has solved his surrender.

> Let each bubble of my breath remember with firmament, for honour and loyalty that I have been giving, guarantee me a worthy drowning and see everything that came and went.

> This continent I have promised to defend, and if a cold death is approaching, in this strong wind I am affirming, I´ve arrived at a good age for this to end.

> Go ahead the water to become my next mess; neither this guard has nothing to fear for sure nor I won´t forget that soft pleasure, show me my failure that I ´ve got with this tiredness!

> If death is all I have as my guide, with this degraded golden armour, no griffon I will see, no duty I will get to receive, my glasses will accept its presence with pride.

> Remember the loss of a character that never existed in this escape; inside the minds of a few I will live, no hope will be recovered for being naïve, proud for ending in this lonely yet beautiful landscape.

> My will and my breath hold my body, the huge waves are approaching wildly alive and my lungs are going to run out of time, courage is what I am showing for becoming a nobody.

> Alone in this world I fall, I have everything to remember then this worthy trip, my pleasures didn´t detour this sinking ship, and with all my dignity… I go…

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Chapter 8: The end of an era

> Well, I have said goodbye to the earthly world. After being dragged by a huge wave, it shows that my tiredness never left my body. It was there, latent and now, when I need it more than ever, it seems that I have truly given up.

> If I had troubles for reaching the rock where I was placed, the effort that I would have to do in order to stay afloat looks distant and even more unlikely trying to reach the coast. So this confirms my end, is it? 

> After all, wasn´t this what I had desired back then during the holidays? Didn´t I say that I was really comfortable while I was laying back in the sea? I had life vest that was keeping afloat and I could enjoy those moments. Here, however, I wear golden armour that serves me to sink my whole body even more, guaranteeing this torture. I suppose that one should be careful in his wish because at the end of the day, I deserve what it is happening to me.

> I have a sense that I could have lived this before, or is my mind tricking me again, losing consciousness because of being here down below? I don´t want to open my eyes because I already know what I am going to find: a mix between the void and the air left that I am sending off very soon.

> If no pony felt like visiting a desert, less reasons they would have at going where I am located. It´s what the south represents and again, I understand why no one has dared to come over here…because it would mean their perdition. There is no around me that could listen to me while saying this and…despite this experience that has strengthen me in terms of experience and willingness, I believe that I have taken the middle path.  

> I decided to open my eyes and I found what I had expected: everything was dark blue and I saw no surface at all so I could come up there, my chances were doomed from the very beginning even though I must say the ambient here is different…it wouldn´t be difficult to swim in these depths but all the weight I carry takes away any fluid quick moves. 

> I am lost, I don´t think that I need to lose my last energies in describing my physical condition  and I´ve finally admitted that all the years my youth won´t come back anymore…and they will end as soon as they don´t stay afloat and reach the bottom…

> Water has become a blessing because I have reached finally the end point but it also represents the curse that I exactly needed.
> What´s worse is that I might have seen a distant shadow before closing my eyes for one last time. It had a considerable size so if it´s a shark or something that sees me as its lunchtime, I certainly know what will await me after exhaling the last breath.

> Don´t think about it BlueStar and let´s just end this defeat because if I keep postponing this, I might suffer something worse as long as I stay conscious. 

> I have to think about you, for one last time Cloud Zapper; I did this just because I lost the main base for moving forward. I have taken these useless risks because I was curious towards the unknown and now… I am finally paying for those damages that I allowed to happen…

> I can barely think for myself so it means…that I have nothing little to nothing to expel… so I can finally conclude my curiosity…and my life…

*BlueStar closes his eyes and the screen becomes dark.

*Several successive noises show up.

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Chapter 9: Stella

> Hmmm, it´s weird that I am still capable to think, why am I thinking right now? I am hearing sounds out there and I don´t want to know what´s going on there because the aquatic world can become quite unkind. Maybe I´ve gone too far and somehow I thinking all over again because…
#“Aaaaaw” I gasped as I took a breath of…air? /#
> I am noticing that something isn´t working here as it usually does. Somehow I can breathe all of a sudden and I still have my eyes closed but it seems that my face doesn´t collide with the dense water. I still feel uneasy because I am still alive and something undesirable could happen to me because of that strange shadow I saw and…
*A fizz sounded around BlueStar´s face and another noise came within his entire body.
> Wait a moment, what am I hearing right now? And what´s worse, why are all these new noises coming out inside my body? Those unusual noises have also come back around my face and they sound like they would come from a magical spell. My face is sensing the dense water flowing and I feel that heaviness all over again. Not only that but I feel that my body isn´t quite the same and if these strange feelings aren´t enough…
> I can breathe...underwater… well, BlueStar maybe you are having hallucinations. What happens in Equestria isn´t very normal to begin with but this…this must be a dream. Given that I haven´t deceased yet, I will try to move and stop letting myself sink because I have to know what is truly happening here. First, I have to open my eyes again, asking myself what I should next and…:

“Wow!” I stood absolutely astonished for a while. “Impossible! It cannot be true!” I wasn´t capable to believe the whole situation I was seeing here.
 >I had a great fish tail, yellow fins in my front hooves and I had lost completely my two back hooves. This was unexpected, I tried to test this new body and it offered what I had imagined out of it:
#“I…I can move with ease and I am wearing the heavy golden armour, how have I turned into this? How is it possible? It´s incredible” I thought to myself aloud./#
“Surprised? If I were you, I would react like that as well.” Someone said with a giggle.
#“Wait, who´s there?” I asked taken aback. “Show yourself.” I affirmed./#
> With swiftness, a lilac mare appeared gracefully. She had the same body as mine, her fins were pink, her front hooves were yellow, had a yellow mane, pointy ears, purple eyes and something that caught my attention: she was wearing a seashell necklace. She was beautiful and I was amazed that she actually appeared out of nowhere, presenting herself to a faraway stranger.
“Erm…this is…also unexpected” I said to her awkwardly. I didn´t know what to say and it shows that I am still perplexed of everything that has been happening here.
“Well, it is about time that you´ve decided to wake up, isn´t it?  I mean, I perfectly know that sleeping underwater is very comfortable but for a unicorn like you, that looks risky, don´t you think?”  She said to me. 
> After hearing this, I am starting to believe that all I thought while standing on that rock before was in vein. I repeat, if it weren´t because of the glasses that deliver an intellectual impression, Cloud Zapper would be right about me at being a fool.
 “Well, sleeping comfortably here wasn´t what I was looking for exactly” I answered with hesitation. 
“Don´t tell me that you were seeking for suffocation here…because if that was true, the queen wouldn´t approve it at all” she said to me with amazement.
#“Well… uh? What queen? Do you have a kingdom here?” I asked her. /#
“Ah, I´m sorry, I understand that you are confused. The hippogriffs hadn´t shown up out there until we did recently this week. We went to Canterlot so we could rescue Princess Skystar from The Storm King. And indeed, we have a queen named Novo. She leads both the Mount Aris and Seaquestria” she responded.
#“So, you live in a mount as well? And where is it? Because I didn´t see it before up there in the coast” I asked./#

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“Maybe you were in the east area and that big cliff prevented you from seeing it. That might have given you the impression that there wasn´t such a place” she answered. “Still, you are quite lucky that I have been wandering around here looking for peculiar shells around this part of the sea. If I hadn´t seen you just in time, the queen would have been really upset” she continued.
# “Why?” I asked./#
“After rescuing the princess and having a big party, the queen met Princess Celestia. Novo promised that neither ponies nor strangers would have a bad time in the sea near where we live. She has recently decided to make touristic plans and she wants to get recognition from other parts of Equestria and it would give a bad image if ponies like you met “the other side”” she said.  “These accidents would make things more difficult for her and that almost happened to a princess called Twilight Sparkle. I guess we´ll have to get used to them” She continued.
“So, I´ve almost messed it up” I said to her, assuming the awaiting blame on me. 
“Yes but it was easy to see you. You wear a glossy golden armour that stands out from the distance so it was easy to spot you. Now that I mention your armour, you could almost impersonate as one of the guards from here” she admitted. 
> I opened up my eyes entirely. My interest increased up to heavenly levels after hearing that.
“Other ponies wear no armour at all and that seeing them would be a little bit harder. Even though, that armour looks quite heavy, I wonder how you can even swim as a unicorn with that attached to your body. Unless you were strong enough to carry it, you wouldn´t stay much time swimming on the surface.” she affirmed.
“Oh, actually, I am wearing it because I am a royal guard of Canterlot. Well, I was one of them until I failed for not attending a mission and left my unit aside” I affirmed to her with a half-truth.
“Interesting” she giggled a little bit. “You know, after recovering the Mount Aris this week, we don´t have as many guards that watch for the aquatic throne. Nearly all the important events have happened up there in the mount” she continued.
#“So, could you lead to the queen? I would like to meet her” I asked enthusiastic. /#
“Sure even though I think that she is not going to treat us as nicely as she could do. She might have had a smile for a couple of days after meeting Celestia but recently, I´ve seen her worried about the pending railways that connect Mount Aris with Canterlot” she answered. 
#“Wait, does this mean that the railway I found in the desert was built this week?” I asked. /#
“Aham. Even though, she doesn´t seem convinced at all because the train could be left halfway there. She has been asking for help from Celestia and Luna these days. She ordered a few hippogriffs to Canterlot this morning just to receive all the advice and agree on a solution for a safer route. She´s been obsessed at making everything safe lately” she said. 
#“So I have anticipated myself a little bit, have I?” I asked./#
“Yes. But it doesn´t matter because you are here transformed. You seem so interested in this place that you could serve as a pioneer before opening the station. You must have had a bad time though. It isn´t easy to get to this place considering the big desert and the industrial town full of thieves.” she affirmed.
#“I didn´t go to that town actually. But, how do you know about it if you were here until not long ago?” I asked./#
“The queen takes everything into account lately. Before this week, she always stayed bored in her throne, now she is not ceasing the activity after all these changes. Although if we talk about changes, yours doesn´t fall short at all. You should have seen your face when you realized that you were transformed into a seapony” she said while laughing.
#“Eh!” I exclaimed while she kept laughing for a short while. Then I thought about what she said. “But, how have I become in one of them?”/#

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“Well, first I put you a bubble helmet around your face for ensuring you were alright and then I used this necklace so you could adapt the same body that we all have underwater, making that bubble to disappear. The queen has delivered one necklace for each one of us” she responded. 
“So that explains the weird noises…” I said. “This body…I feel really light with it” I affirmed after swimming a little bit around, testing how much my moves have changed after the transformation. 
“Your reaction is natural. One has to move everywhere here and the sea is huge. You will adapt to this change quickly” She affirmed. “So, you want to see the queen, do you?” She asked me. 
“Yes, of course” I said with a sense of relief. “By the way, we have talked a lot but you haven´t told your name yet” I added. 
“Oh sorry, I haven´t introduced myself. I am Stella; I am not very popular here in the kingdom. I am too much into my own thing so I wander around the surroundings quite often. And you, blue unicorn, what´s your name?” she asked. 
“I am Bluestar and like you, I didn´t stand out much in my unit from Canterlot either” I confessed. 
“BlueStar, how funny, that name sounds like it could perfectly come from here because the princess has almost the same name as yours. What a coincidence” she smiled. 
“Honestly, it´s quite funny to think about it…” I answered while staying thoughtful about that curiosity. 
“Well, are you ready to swim to the throne room?” Stella asked. 
“Yes, I am. Let´s go there” I answered and we swam towards the kingdom. 

Chapter 10: The almost irreversible decision

> As we were approaching the throne room, I was left speechless by what I was seeing in front of my eyes, those hanging houses looked like lamps, the lightness that this new body offered despite the tiredness I ´ve had for this quest and…after meeting Stella and the process of assimilating the changes, I forgot about my problems for a while, almost as though they had vanished. This place could impress lots of ponies, even a princess like Celestia.
> It´s like everything that I had to pay for the unit has paid off. It´s true that there was another world in the sound and if Stella is right, I am one of the first ponies that has managed to reach this place. While Cantelot might have its charm, this place isn´t all that crowded, only the bottom serves a reunion point for most of the seaponies around here. Most of them were wearing a seashell necklace and now that I think about it, they don´t look all that different from me save the see through wings. The differences might be bigger on land so I have to think about a plan as soon as I talk to the queen. 
> We entered into the throne room and there she was, laying back on it. I cannot tell if she is tired, bored or bitter. Her face doesn´t seem to show much interest towards anything but despite my initial impressions, Stella was willing to present me to her. 
“Greetings Queen Novo” Stella nodded for short while. “I am here to present this blue unicorn that was swimming in the east zone of Seaquestria” she said. 
“Ah well, he seems fine, he doesn´t need the transformation from my part, dear.” The queen said uninterested. 
“Well, my queen, the truth is…” she stopped for a while. She was about to confess what happened. ” …that he almost drowned and says that he has been working as a royal guard for princess Celestia” Stella continued. As soon as she heard that, the queen changed her mood completely and stood up, abandoning her throne. 
“What?! Who dares to almost risk his life from a distant place like Canterlot just to come over here without finishing the railways? Don´t you know that there is a desolate desert in the middle that is giving me troubles to connect it with that city? Tell me your name and explain me your motives to get here” the queen asked grumpy while she was showing signs of worry about her project as well. 

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“Well, your majesty, I am BlueStar. I didn´t want to ruin the image of this place. I simply didn´t find it before meeting Stella. My intentions are that I have been looking for a replacement as southern royal guard instead of fulfilling my duties on Canterlot”. I responded. 
“And how is it possible that you are only coming here just to offer your duties here? Couldn´t you wait a few days more before finishing the train station?” the queen asked.
“I couldn´t contain myself, your majesty.  I was really looking forward to checking out this place and I am willing to accomplish my duties under your orders” I answered firmly. 
“And how do I know that you are willing to be under my command? How can you prove that you are worthy to gain my trust and put it on you lightly, and not steal the pearl like someone else did a few days ago?” the queen asked. 
#“Well, if you want to prove that I am worthy to gain your trust is that I have been working for Celestia for years, your majesty. Besides, I have a question about the seashell necklaces; they transform the holders whenever they want, am I right?” I asked. /#
“Yes, but why are you asking me about that right now?” Novo asked with hesitation. 
“Because just to show you my loyalty… I am capable to stay in a permanent form without those necklaces” I affirmed with confidence. 
> Both Stella and Novo were astounded by what I have just said. Their eyes were wide open, proving that none of them saw this coming. 
“Are you sure that you want to go that far? You are asking me that you want to join here with all it takes, even more than I imagined” the queen answered without knowing exactly what to say. 
“Well, I know you are surprised with what I´ve said but I am just proving how far my interest is for this place. Just like you asked, your majesty” I said firmly like an experienced guard would act in this case. 
“Well, it means that I have to use the pearl on you for that permanence. I am noticing a lot of conviction from your words; you are decided to take the charge as a royal guard. Despite your risky anticipation, I admit that there aren´t as many guards here watching for the throne as there were in the past… almost all of them have decided to stay on the mount and Seaquestria has been a little bit emptier these days…” Novo said while she was thoughtful. “I cannot reproach your request” she admitted and stayed silent for a moment. “Just give me a moment” she said and went to catch the pearl placed above her throne. 
“Are you sure about compromising yourself to the queen? Keep in mind that you are renouncing to go back on earth if you do that” Stella asked me with a quiet voice. 
“I am absolutely convinced, Stella. Everything is going to be fine, trust me” I responded her. 
“Well, Bluestar. I am telling you how it works. The permanent form without a necklace means that you cannot go back to your original form. You would need the rays from this pearl and the necklace so you could return to it” Novo said. “I admire your willingness and submission for this place despite not knowing how this will work out. Something is telling me that it´s not proper of me to do this drastic decision towards any individual” she continued. 
“I don´t believe that this decision is going to lead to a bad place, your majesty” I answered. 
“Well, there you have the permanent form” she concluded and started to handle the pearl. 
> The pearl began to shine with orange rays and they ended up surrounding my entire my body. I closed my eyes and during the process, I wasn´t feeling any physical change but I knew that something in me was dying: this firmness wasn´t the usual manner I showed back then in Canterlot. This decision could be the most decisive one that I have taken for years and the change is almost irreversible. I have decided to accept this new condition.
> The pearl ceased the discharge of those orange rays and I took a breath, opening my eyes just to look around as though I was starting all over again.

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“Well BlueStar, welcome to my kingdom” the queen said and I nodded. “For now, I will have to check what houses are empty for you to pick among them but as you might have seen before, they aren´t all that varied” she admitted. “I believe that you and Stella seem to get along, you can stay with her in the meantime” she continued. 
“Really? That´s great!” Stella responded with a smile. 
“I approve that idea, your majesty” I answered. 
“Well, it seems that there is nothing else to do” the queen said. “But BlueStar…” she added. “I want to tell you that if I see you are actually loyal to the kingdom; I can use the pearl again on you whenever you want so you could come back to Canterlot. I am not capable to ground my daughter for one single day, much less I can do that to any lifetime of my people” she confessed. 
“Your majesty, I am sure that I can prove that loyalty over time” I affirmed. 
“Good. Having said that, Stella, Bluestar, you both can leave” she said.  
> We left the throne room and went to Stella´s house. I believe that I will adapt to this pretty quickly. Still, my decision has been taken and so does my stability. I haven´t had such high self- esteem since the vacations. It´s quite an achievement to have survived all this and be accepted because of my confidence. Finally, I get a bit of peace and comfort. 
> However, I will have to say the truth to Stella because it´s quite difficult to hide eternally what I have desired in reality. Not only with her, there´s another one left as well…

Chapter 11: Two weeks later…

> It´s been two weeks since I settled here and honestly, I´ve gained that trust pretty fast and as a result, I have been assigned to watch for the main entrance of Novo´s throne room. 
> Because of the awaited train station’s inauguration, today is a special day both for Novo and Celestia. The queen was really eager to finish the progress of those railways and considering that she has been ordering most of her crew to build it, she has managed to end it really soon. However, she hasn´t lost that face of worry and Stella told me that there were rumours about something private around her family. 
> Whether it´s true or not, I am simply focused in what I have to do. Nonetheless, watching for this place is far easier than Canterlot and because of this, my age is grateful of that lack of stress, not to mention that moving around hasn´t been a problem at all for me.
> While they were visiting Seaquestria and entering together into the throne room, I saw someone who was familiar to me and was getting closer towards my position. I knew that sooner or later this day would come; Cloud Zapper was accompanying the princess.  It doesn´t matter if he appears as a Pegasus, a seapony, a changeling or whatever, it´s the same commander I have dealt with for a long time.
> He finished his task of accompanying the princess until the throne room and he stood watching for the entrance as well. It´s time to tidy up the loose ends, even though he has stood with surprise when he looked at me from the distance. Now that he is next to me, he is willing to talk…

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“BlueStar! It´s true that you were alive, what are you doing here?” Cloud Zapper asked. 
“Hi, Cloud Zapper. You know, I´ve been doing what I used to do Canterlot. It makes no difference, I suppose”. I answered with indifference. 
“But, you are not from here. Your horn and lack of wings show that you don´t belong here. Also, you are wearing the same golden armour that you were using in Canterlot” he affirmed.
#“I know Cloud Zapper. I perfectly noticed that as soon as I came here. But, what offer did I have back then? Don´t tell me to go to the Crystal Empire…because we both know what have done over there” I answered. /#
“Well, erm..” He didn´t know what to answer. “Look, we have been worried about you since you left. We thought that you were heading to Ponyville or Manehattan but we didn´t think that you were going for a trip to the south alone” he confessed. “We knew about your state a couple of days ago when Queen Novo reported that there was a guard from Canterlot in her crew” he continued. “I came here with Celestia voluntarily just to see if that was true” he said. 
“And they were right. I accepted the charge unconditionally” I affirmed. 
“I notice that you have changed BlueStar. You are way more serious than usual, please tell me that this isn´t a personal against me” Cloud Zapper confessed. 
#“It isn´t, you can be relieved that it isn´t. I will put neither the blame on you nor retaliations because of that reunion we had. I admitted that despite your bad temper and that discredit I received there, I wouldn´t avenge towards you personally. In the end, you were only following the established conditions that justified those consequences” I answered. #
“Well, about that…there is something that you should know…” he said. 
> I was left staring at his face; he was somewhat hurt because of that.
“When The Storm King attacked Canterlot…there weren´t any guards to defend the princesses. They were petrified because they had defended it for themselves in the first line. The guards and I could take action when they almost conquered the entire city and our support was non-existent” he said. 
“So, if I had been present there…” I was going to answer. 
“…your help would have been as useless as ours.” Cloud Zapper finished. “It was a thorn in the side for me because that gave a really bad image to the army…again. I was fed up of receiving criticism of being useless” he confessed. 
#“Then, the royal guards of Canterlot are still a joke, right?” I asked him. /#
“Maybe there will be more mediums for increasing the security in certain passages near the throne but the efficiency…” he took a breath “…is still the same.” He confessed. “Because of that, despite the conditions for the charge, we can readmit you again in the army. We were too strict at applying it” he affirmed. 
> I was left a little bit thoughtful after hearing that. I´ll have to take care of what I am saying to him right now:
“Cloud Zapper, I have something to confess as well” I affirmed. “I have nothing against you really. However, you had to know that Canterlot was too stressful for me, lots of things were happening in so little time and you know, the guards weren´t all that ideal. The pleasures were alright, but my health and my stability was taken away from me that day” I answered. 

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“What are you trying to tell me with that?” he asked. 
“I´ve almost faced death after going through a vast desert and being carried over by violent waves. You´ll understand that I cannot be the same after having this experience” I continued. 
“You were about to die? How did you dare to do such a crazy move like that?” he asked with surprise. 
“You know, it isn´t all that hard to see it after feeling unwelcome in Canterlot and my house was taken away from me. Since then, I had nothing left to lose. You knew that I am a one trick pony. This charge is what I have known in my life. I simply took the risk at discovering the south, it almost took my life and now, I am talking to you. I had simply accepted an offer I didn´t have that day. I have been born again” I affirmed. 

“I am speechless, BlueStar. That´s why you are so serious now…” he said. 
“Indeed. And here I am, trying to prove my loyalty in my charge” I responded. 
“So, all this means that we are never going to see ourselves again?” he asked. 
“Well, I´ve met someone else here and you should do it yourself” I responded. 
“So, are you staying because of a relationship? Are you going to flirt again with the mares again around here?” Cloud Zapper asked. 
“I believe that…those pleasures won´t come back. I might have doubts about returning to Canterlot but that one surely won´t.” I affirmed. 
“So it´s true that you are being more serious this time” he said. 
“Actually, the queen hasn´t been disappointed by my duties yet and for this place, I don´t do need you around. I can handle this on my own” I said. 
“Are you going to stay under her rule eternally?” he asked. 
“I still serve for her and for Celestia as well because I am working for the defence of Equestria. I don´t know how long I will stay here but I cannot complain about it at all” I affirmed. 
“Fortunately you are alright after all. I hope that you can handle it nicely here but we know that someone has been missing in the unit these days” he admitted. 
“Considering that the train station is open, it doesn´t mean that we cannot see ourselves. I have no problem with that. The only thing that has changed, Cloud Zapper, is that you are no longer my commander” I affirmed. 
“I guess that you are right. It is a nice place, I might spend a few days off here…just like you did, right?” he smiled a little bit. 
“Yes” I laughed a little bit as well. “But those were different times Cloud Zapper, just don´t worry about me because I have been fine after that complicated day” I continued. 
“And that´s a good thing” he responded. 
> Both the queen and Celestia were exiting the throne room´s entrance. It was time to go for Cloud Zapper.
“Well, it seems that I am leaving. It was a relief to see you again” he admitted. 
“Me too, Cloud Zapper” I answered. 
“Just promise me one thing, BlueStar” he said. 
 #“What is it?” I asked with hesitation. /#
“Make your commander proud” he said to me, while he was shaking his left hoof. 
“I will do it, sir” I responded, shaking mine as well. 
“I sense that you can do it” he concluded. 
> We nodded our heads among ourselves like royal guards we were. After that, he and both royal figures were heading to the entrance of Seaquestria, slowly disappearing while there were emerging to the surface.  
> So, that was it for my commander. I guess that after confessing my thoughts with him today, given that I am in the mood for it and have my personal doubts of coming back to Canterlot, I believe that she must know the truth…

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Chapter 12: The yellow pony of Manehattan

> It was a little bit late for coming back home because of Celestia´s visit. I was absolutely tired but everything falls short in tiredness in comparison to that infamous day. Even with that, I was fluidly swimming back to Stella´s home; I have been improving my moves despite having low energies in my body. There hasn´t been a single day in which she hasn´t shown her smile for these two weeks, I don´t know how she manages to do it. But now, it´s time to decide what I should do with her:
“Hi Stella, I am back” I said while entering. 
“BlueStar, you finally came. How did Celestia´s visit go?” she asked. 
“Everything went alright, don´t worry about that” I responded. 
“You don´t sound as enthusiastic as other days” she said. 
“Well, the visit went fine and it was eventful but…” I said and stood silent for a moment. 
”What´s the matter, BlueStar? Is there anything going on?” she asked. 
“Well, I have met my commander of my unit, Cloud Zapper. I had to clear up a few things with him today…” I stopped. “...and with you as well” I continued. 
“BlueStar, what happened? What do you have to tell me?” she responded me worried. 
“Look Stella, it might sound crazy but….I am not the exemplary guard that you have seen so assure of himself for these couple weeks. I didn´t have as much cavalry back then in Canterlot as I have shown here with you. In fact, I wasn´t all that independent because all I was doing there was for my pleasures, good times and…well, having impudent moments with other guards” I confessed. 
“So you weren´t like the way you act with me… Then, how did you come here and act so different from what you are telling me?” Stella asked. 
“Actually Stella, I could go back pretty soon to Canterlot. Novo has been showing me good signs about what I have been doing here. The option of staying as a permanent seapony could end after the inauguration of this train station” I said. “Cloud Zapper has offered to me the opportunity to readmit me there and pretend that nothing has happened” I continued. 
“Then, why are you here? The train station is available for you to go back. You can have those pleasures like you used to have there” she responded.
“I denied his offer” I answered. 
“How? I don´t understand it. You have to make a greater effort here with the queen, why are you doing this?” she asked with surprise. 
> I noticed her changed of mood and she was affected for what I have said. 
“Well, Stella, it´s somewhat difficult to explain directly so let me tell you a little story first, because I believe that I have come to realize the value I got from that experience” I affirmed. 
“Well, I am listening but I don´t get what has to do that with us” she responded. 
“I know and I am still asking what happened there. When I was a royal guard a few moons ago…”

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*Flashback starts
> Beyond the bridges of Manehattan, I was meant to watch for Princess Celestia with my unit, including Cloud Zapper, for a couple of days. She had to visit a fashion show in which all the high class ponies showed the designs prepared for her because the Great Galloping Gala was going to be celebrated in the following week in Canterlot. That fashion was pretty popular in the city and we had to go through lots of streets and a few avenues. 
> When we were getting closer to the fashion show, I saw a yellow pony, an earth pony actually. He was painting a picture and I happened to look at it. I stopped and stared more at it because it caught my attention and I have never seen anything like that so far.
> The picture didn´t make much sense to me at the time. I don´t remember all the main forms there because those weren´t ponies except for one that looked green.  I remember seeing a griffon as well but I didn´t have any idea who the other four were. They were smiling and talking to each other, walking on the main avenue of Manehattan, that´s all I can remember correctly. There were a few ponies in both sides of that picture but there weren´t showing their faces to the viewer…they were more focused on leaving the main avenue and living their own lives.
> So a few questions started to arise in my head but I had one in particular, so I went and said:
#“Excuse me sir, can I ask you a question about your picture?” I asked that yellow pony. /#
> The painter looked at me with so much indifference that he didn´t endure for a single second at looking at me, almost as if he didn´t pay attention to what I had just said. He looked at his picture again and:
“What´s your name, royal guard?” the painter asked me. 
“BlueStar, sir” I affirmed with hesitation. I was wondering why he wanted my name for such a casual spontaneous conversation. 
“What question do you have in mind?” the painter asked. 
#“Well, there are a few things that I don´t understand from his picture but I cannot hold myself at asking you this. You know, the streets of Manehattan are actually dark green and I would like to know, why are the roads coloured black?”  I asked the painter. /#
He stayed a little bit thoughtful and he said: “BlueStar, it´s because Equestrians leave and no highway will bring them back”
> And he didn´t answer more because Cloud Zapper shouted at me that I was being left behind my unit. I had to catch up with them. I didn´t understand what he meant with that phrase back then…
*Flashback ends.

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“….but I believe that I understand it now” I concluded. 
> Stella was left astonished and I wasn´t sure if it was because of that line or the fact that I had brought up this short story.
“What are you trying to tell me with that, BlueStar?” Stella asked. 
“Look Stella, I hate to confess but you should that I have always been looking for myself and back then, when I was standing on the rock before getting carried over by those waves, I wasn´t doing it for love. I was looking for my pleasures and stability for the rest of my life…because I have an age and I am certainly noticing the consequences of that process” I confessed. 
“And why are you even staying here? Don´t you have other places to go instead?” she said in the verge of crying. 
“No, Stella, you don´t understand. I am still here. I could go to the house I have picked here for working and I could perfectly do it on my own but...” I said. 
“But what do you mean with that? You haven´t told me anything yet…” Stella responded. 
“But I am here because of compromise and gratitude” I continued. 
> She changed a little bit her expression and she started to be a little bit conflicted with what I was saying to her.
“I am here because I was given a second chance. I didn´t imagine back then that I would make it and live an aquatic life. I didn´t think for a moment that all this was actually possible. When things were desperate for me, you came and made me forget about those troubles. You didn´t do anything extraordinary I know but when someone feels that level hopelessness, any help at those times actually encourages a pony like me to move forward” I said. 
“So you were hiding all your pains the day you came here?” she asked. 
“Yes Stella but I cannot handle it anymore” I admitted. 
“Why? Why are you telling me this now?” Stella asked. 
“Because now that I have confessed myself with my commander; I feel like having to clear up all these secrets with you as well. I don´t feel like saying half-truths anymore to you. I might have seen lots of corrupted guards or fakers out there and in comparison to what I have experienced, you are the only mare I have met who is truly honest and true” I said. 
“Well, that was unexpected to hear. I know that I have had a good education but I still ask myself, why are you so convinced about everything you are confessing right now? Why are you so confident about this? ” she affirmed. 
“You know, my mind is a mess but I truly believe that no one deserves two lives. I was meant to end there before receiving the transformation. All this feels like a bonus to me” I said. “And Stella… I promise not to linger this if you don´t want to. I could have perfectly left you with this inauguration or even last week when I got the option to live in another house” I continued. 
“So are you decided to stay here?” she asked. 
“You simply happened to appear in my life. I wasn´t looking forward to you back in the verge of dying but now, all my appreciation shown because of  that simple yet important gesture…is proven with what I have been experiencing along with you for these couple of weeks. It´s the least that I could do for you” I admitted. 
“You know, BlueStar…” she stood for a while. “I could also live independently as well but, considering that…barely anyone actually watches me going down here in the depths of the sea and given that I am not popular here, I have been feeling a little bit of warmth these days with you. It´s as though I don´t truly matter for them but I matter to you” she said. 
“I…I have felt like that as well in the past. I understand where you are coming from” I responded. 
“I know that there are some things one can´t hide but I normally try to do it, yet I fail at doing that. Now you know why I like swimming around the surroundings instead of living in the mount” Stella confessed. 
“I forgot to tell you Stella that I am also here because I found Canterlot too stressful to my taste and I couldn´t bear with it. I think that we have a few things in common here” I affirmed. 

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“So are you staying here with me?” she asked. 
“I…I will have to think about it” I said with hesitation. 
“Why? Is it because you are planning to go back to Canterlot?” she asked. 
#“Not exactly, it´s simply that I am not meant to be here, I mean others could judge us for hanging out between a unicorn and a mare like you. And what if I returned over there? What would my unit think about it?” I asked nervous and unsecure. /#
“Why are you even worried about that? We mean nothing to them, it doesn´t matter. It´s all up to what you do in the end. No one is going to judge nor is going to interfere with us. You wanted a stability and a calm life, why aren´t you decided to finish all the steps yet?” she asked. 
“I don´t know Stella. I am tired; I have been confused so many times during that day and now with these two conversations that I don´t have a clear with what to do next. I simply went along with all that was happening and I didn´t behave like this until not long ago. Just let me rest tonight, I need a little bit of time to decide about my future. Neither maybe tomorrow nor next week, who knows…” I said doubtful. 
“Well, BlueStar. Whatever you do next, I will support you. You have been truly valiant at saying all this to me and I am surprised that you weren´t like this in the past. If that painter was right, it would mean that the one BlueStar I have known doesn´t belong there…” Stella said. 
“I know and you even told me that my name could have come from this place. Look Stella, I need to sleep. I know that you have been feeling a rollercoaster of emotions now with me but… my eyes are making an effort to stay open and answer you. But yes, for now I am staying here with you if you feel better” I affirmed. 
“It´s fine BlueStar, I am feeling better actually. You should get some sleep and maybe those won´t come but someday you will have to decide it” she concluded.
“I know it, Stella, I know…Goodnight honey” I said. 
“Sleep well, dear” Stella responded. 

> I left the room and while sleeping underwater doesn´t require a bed; seaponies do follow the traditional way of life that I have known in Canterlot. Nothing can change the comfort that a soft bed offers to anyone, I suppose. 
> Well, I finally got to bed and it seems that I am leaving these two crucial days behind. In the end, the permanent state is going to end someday and I know it. But whenever that day comes, what will I say? Will it even manage to happen? Maybe I will forget about and I simply pass uneventful days without realizing it. I mean, I don´t like seeing Stella with that sadness shown in her face so my compromise should make her happy enough for now. 
> I won´t have my long term plans clear but at least, I am still alive fortunately and this ambient no longer bothers me at all. What a twist! Who could even imagine sleeping here with calm surroundings like these? Sure, it´s not perfect but it´s close to dream up a perfect miracle, or at least, it was for the average pony until now.
> I feel bad for Stella, I don´t want to leave her heart broken after spending these days with her. I am still not sure what to do with her but I will keep going without thinking about it too much.
> But before I close my eyes completely, I have to say something to Cloud Zapper and the unit. I might not feel any remorse at all towards you or any pony anymore, you are welcome to meet me again but...I would like to remind that whatever thing happens between me and Stella stays in private between us. 
> So, Cloud Zapper, I would like to have some room to breathe and decide your offer on my own; I will need my time to think about it. However, as the days pass I might not need that offer…I am slowly finding it less necessary in my eyes...

> So, commander… please don´t call…

…please don´t call…

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Title: The Second Chance. 

Written on 24th of January of 2020, translated on 1st of Febraury of 2020.

Well, there it is. The process has been quite fast, I´ve had everything ready and save the blue color (this happened to me with Luna in the past so this isn´t anything new), the rest have worked perfectly. 

This fic isn´t exactly a story made to be perfect but more like an exercise to compare myself, my confidence in this place, the differences in emotions between 2018 and 2020... lots of personal things. 

The old posts/material that I looked back was at the story posted from  >>/601/ to  >>/636/. That story started it all but it was incomplete, I typed that on mobile, writing it with emotions at that time and mixing concepts out of nowhere. Now with this attempt, I have written a story for it trying to put that moment in a context. You should read those posts first and then, this story.  

The song linked has been used for the little announcement for this fic  >>/5391/ and even referenced in the story itself. So you already have one of those influences behind the process of this text. There are more influences to expose that even have a bigger relevance than this song but for now, I won´t say much.

I have wanted to compile all the innovations that have been gradually added in the way of writing a story. Not only that but also I have added a couple of things that were out of my comfort zone and innovate this time (even if it´s a bit). 

Again, quantity doesn´t guarantee quality, it´s the longest one but too many words without saying anything within them is basically useless/sterile in the end. So while the story is linear and focuses a bit more on a slice of life style with romance, that doesn´t exclude its messed up moments or ambiguous phrases with messages/references hidden among them. Keep an eye on certain lines because they might be poisoned (including the title). Just saying.

Except for the mess in certain lines that weren´t colored and the possible mistakes in grammar, I have nothing else to say here for now, just that this story had a fraction of it that served as the plot device for this in order to become a reality.



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This is a story that I have read.

A review is coming in this very thread.

I suppose the wait one could dread.

But you of all ponies wouldn't take my head!

This review has been a bit interesting for me.

There is a fair bit to see.

A slight reminiscence to a fic I read in the past.

Maybe I'll have a blast.

Being sick has left me behind.

But as with time I have found myself fine.

I still have some home things I have to get in line.

A review, a sticky it will then be time

 Do you want any limes?  

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> This is a story that I have read.A review is coming in this very thread. I suppose the wait one could dread.
I have been more nervous about other reviews in the past but there is always a slight feeling of fear because the reactions could go anywhere really, not to mention that this fic also celebrates the 2nd anniversary of this thread´s creation so this story should show how much my mind has swerved from the original idea that I had that night.
> But you of all ponies wouldn't take my head! This review has been a bit interesting for me.There is a fair bit to see.A slight reminiscence to a fic I read in the past.
hearing the word interesting sounds nice to my ears. I didn´t want to leave any indifference in this fic and considering that I have dropped a hint about my influences, I want the reader to imply where I come from....and fortunately, there isn´t anything (or barely) related to politics.  Hopefully it has been a entertaining read for you.

And indeed, there´s quite a lot to see here but I haven´t posted the influences behind because...

> Maybe I'll have a blast.Being sick has left me behind.But as with time I have found myself fine.
it would drive to an overkill for you in order to catch up. That´s why I have left you time and stayed passive these days, the review and material related to it could lead to a considerable amount of discussion so I had to have this mind before approaching other plans/projects.

By the way, this post is a relief about your state, it holds more value than one might think at first sight. I didn´t imagine that the fic would accompany your period of sickness though.

> I still have some home things I have to get in line. A review, a sticky it will then be time
and who knows what is going to happen after those events. 

> Do you want any limes?PoLS 
long time no see a post of this kind, in verse and quite well structured for what the average PoLS represents.

Rhymes in consonant: 4A (stanza) + 2B (couplet) + 2C (couplet) + 1D + 4E (stanza). Except for three of lines, these are verses of higher art. 

Definitely a nice comeback, posting the most fitting character in the MLP universe for that.

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How does this story work on it's own? Its really hard to say. It depends on how one defines "on its own." This review wasn't completely painstaking but it was a more complex experience than I initially thought it would be. I flirted with several ways to look at this fic and I am not sure how I would rate my end result of putting this fic through a couple of different perspectives. 

This fic on its own is a descent to good story. There is some issues with the grammar and flow, particularly in the first 3 chapters or so (something I'll get to in a moment). I did find myself invested in the story and consider it by the end to be very much improved. The story I consider plausible enough for what a lot of people would imagine the royal guard operate. His lonely wanderings through a desert to chase the distant myth of a creature that briefly caught his eye perhaps would be goofy if one were to apply logic. I could see somebody mocking it by saying: "Aw man I lost my house and job so I'm gonna just run into the desert blind!" but I don't think it is much of an issue. I mean there is stories where people have been driven by moments just as fleeting and sometimes even more so. I think the scene where he is at his lowest, about to be taken by the waves, does a very good job of portraying a mix of chasing a wild dream and the self destructive reality of BlueStar venture clashing. Ultimately resulting in him giving up to what he hopes is a peaceful death. The next section is still pretty well done from an emotional perspective but I do think it could have benefited from 
an additional chapter showing him starting to adjust to life under the sea with a bit more of his interactions with Stella, as the nature of their relationship was a bit hard for me to discern on first read through but looking again I'm not sure if a slight vagueness is intended. 

As for what I think this has to offer to an average fic viewer? Random one off fics centered on OCs don't traditionally do too well as there is both a bad reputation and a lack of emotional connection with the character. I've seen it argued that the pe-established relationships we have with the main cast mean writers often can avoid doing a lot of the ground work of building and establishing the characters, sometimes leading to more freedom but also weaker writing in when dealing with lesser established characters or settings outside of MLP if they try to dabble in such. Your fic can't avoid that as much. Does your fic establish BlueStar well? I'd say mostly. Emotionally I feel for the pony and I think that him and his thoughts in the desert really reveal what type of character he is, but it could benefit from a little more time out with him in Seaquestria. Though the fact that he is just a random OC means that this one off on it's own wouldn't hold a lot of appeal to many people. There is however a lot more to discus than just the surface...

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Digging a Little Deeper.

One of the things that makes this fic hard to judge for me is some of the background subtexts and elements related to /endpone/ itself. 

This was inspired in part by a more obscure work from a famous national author  Forgive me I don't recall if you mentioned the name.  Me being unfamiliar with the work puts some of the prior points into question. Was the slight lack of detail more intended? Was there more interesting allusions that I missed? You get the point. It is possible may have been other stuff beyond what can be observed on the surface that I may have missed. The story of a falling out between a... middle aged (the fic suggests that he is somewhat older in years but he also seems pretty immature to me) guardpony's loss of a career, almost death and a self reflective redemption in a new land I presume must share some thematic elements with the story that inspired you.

I must confess something small: I can really like it when fanfiction takes some elements from another work for it's own end, even if I am unfamiliar with the work. Though they haven't been my favorites of all time and my feelings can sometimes be quite complex with them. I love the act itself and I think they sometimes leave a little more to think about. 
This is a very notable example of this. It was originally obscure until it got adapted into the final Rainbow Dash Presents, which is a whole other can of worms. Not calling your story on this level, but as I read through it on a second run it did make me think a bit more. It was fun for me to wonder what was from your other inspirations. I like having to make a second look like that. That is one of the reasons why I split the surface and made this section here. I frankly enjoyed it but I am uncertain how much some random fic reader would affect his or her love of such a work. It is something that doesn't necessarily jump out and scream at you so such an influence may be undetected. Yet I feel that saying it is a complete non factor or a handicap is also wrong. A lot of fics that have done this actually have been on the stronger end and even if it is pretty low key to an exterior observer it still is something that maybe a positive with a few passive observers and isn't a formula to shun for future endeavors.

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And then there is /endpone/. 

I think that some of the emotion here is related to that. Perhaps not strong but I do wonder if you are channeling a bit of sentimentality to your old fic and where you (and the board to an extent) are now. This fic does have a slight sentimental feel as it is an adaptation of your first little green here. It is something that makes me feel for it ever so slightly more than if I was just considering it on the first two layers. How do I factor this in my judgement? I am I to consider it part of the second layer? Is it just another bonus subtext that few can detect? In this case there is a very tiny subset of people who would have any chase of feeling that  I mean you, me, possibly BO and a lurker or two...  I feel when judging this I have to split this off.

My final judgement it is a good practice fic and with a some areas that I think are okay and some that I think could use a little work. I think it is limited in its appeal do to some factors both within (grammer, plot) and beyond your control but you never know what will happen. 

As for how I feel on it personally? Well. This fic started as a tiny green and now it is over 13k words after two years. Now even this tiny green has gone beyond what we ever would have thought and I hope for more of this from the feature  Such as a certain little something I have up my sleeve.  Nice work /)

One other note:
I like what you did with  >>/5420/ and  >>/5421/
> A guard that simply stares romantically at other guards or even passes time at imagining love stories with Twilight under the pseudonym named “Zephyr”
It's both a small meta reference and turning those shipping images into something usable for the fic. Gives him a bit of character too but it did make me a bit confused on his age.

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Now though. One thing that I feel like I do need to do with this fic is an attempt to access your actual writing skill for once. Beyond just how I felt or an assessment of plot. 

> Now I am coming back home by taking the train to Canterlot
> Well, someone should explain this to me but maybe later, I am about to come into my house,
Often you use "I am" particularly in the 3 chapters of the fic. To me, this phasing sounds a little awkward, but I am not sure if it's it by itself or because you switch to past tense randomly for other actions.
> I exited the train station and despite seeing ponies wandering in the streets as always,
He exited the train. Past tense. Past tense and present tense can be confusing, especially in normal informal speech when sometimes things can be switched and mixed up. I've mixed them too. I actually not sure if I have the best grip on this either but I think the easiest thing would be to switch it all from present tense to past tense. So instead of something like this:
> Now I am coming back home by taking the train to Canterlot
To something more akin to:
> I came back by train to Canterlot
> I exited the train station and despite seeing ponies wandering in the streets as always, I am noticing a few buildings shattered
To this:
> I exited the train station and despite seeing ponies wandering in the streets as always, I noticed a few buildings shattered.

In later chapters you may still have tense issues but the writing is much better.

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Now, something else: I consider the flow of the earlier chapters to be weaker than the later ones. Particularly chapter 2. First he is boarding the train, than he notices some odd griffin like things. Than he is in Canterlot saying:
> I need a little bit of time before resuming my routine and...
> WHAAAAAAT?! What is this?! What am I looking at? How is it possible that the door locked? Why does it have a note saying that they are looking for a replacement? They offered this house to me in exchange of doing my job properly and now after all these years, they are turning me out of this place. 
This line in particular felt awkward to me. It feels too... expository. Though that is perhaps not the right word. I think that he just went right into saying what and then mentioning what he was reacting into in a way that feels awkward and inorganic.
You can just add something like this:
> I noticed a lock on my door. Stranger still there was a note, painted in bold black lettering. 
> As I read it my blood went to a boil.
> WHAAAAAAT?! What is this?! What am I looking at? How is it possible that the door locked? Why does it have a note saying that they are looking for a replacement? >They offered this house to me in exchange of doing my job properly and now after all these years, they are turning me out of this place.
Or even a more simple fix:
> I noticed the house was locked. 
> Why does it have a note saying that they are looking for a replacement? 
> They offered this house to me in exchange of doing my job properly and now after all these years, they are turning me out of this place.
Even just changing one of these things to an observation rather than saying what first makes it better. 
In chapter 5 I think you do it better too:
> Suddenly, I stepped over a different surface. Under my hooves, I noticed something metallic under my hooves and the feeling was completely different to what I was used to sense for a long time. My eyes opened up after feeling that difference and to my surprise, I found a ray of hope in this hollow part of Equestria:
“IT´S A RAILWAY! I´VE FOUND A RAILWAY! Someone must be living in the south, they must be there!” I exclaimed with absolute happiness.
I think this is fine. Your intorduction of the railway is much more organic and focused. He was in one location and was introducing facts weirdly like say:
> "Oh look, it's the southern railway! That must mean that I have found the legendary magic rail road from which I have know since foalhood when my Mom told me. Frankstienburgstan the city of my birth where the rails supposedly led too!" In one scream. So don't discard this entirely.

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This fic's strongest moment in writing I'd say is here.It conveys what Bluestar thinks he last moments perfectly. It feels very poetic  but not inorganic as good writing should. I love the spoilers at the end and it just adds a sense of atmosphere that just really made this two chapters feel. These chapters feel like they did what they needed. 
> Let each bubble of my breath remember with firmament , for honour and loyalty that I have been giving, guarantee me a worthy drowning and see everything that came and went.
I have to go back and check but one thing I think you have really improved on is using larger words and writing in a more professional way. There still is some awkward phrasing and grammar errors in some places when I looked but I believe you are starting to articulate well. Especially emotion. 

This chapter is second place. The flashback and dialog feel good enough on there own to highlight but I found this haunting:
> He stayed a little bit thoughtful and he said: >“BlueStar, it´s because Equestrians leave and no highway will bring them back”
It is really hard to explain why I like this because of this. I have ways to try to articulate this but I'm not sure how well I could get the meaning across. Let's just say that the flashback gives me a weird haunting feel with that quote. That random pony he probably will never see again. It is a feeling that I really like. A mix of /comfy/ and haunting that I'm not sure others or even you fully intended or would understand. It is actually may favorite part, but it is second place because I'm not sure how much of that moment is just me and my strange personal bias. 

One other note: By the time of Seaquestria the flow feels fine and your descriptive enough. In fact I went back and I think the main problem chapter is chapter 2 as most other things only feel like I sometimes run into a phrase or two were it could be worded better or a typo. The early chapters have the most in stuff like past and present tense issues but Chapter 2 is the only one that feels flawed enough to be substantially rewritten in my eyes. Were you rushing or was it that you were translating and got progressively better after a brief time of awkward?

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One last caveat: Take my advice with a slight caution. Why?
> A city. A gigantic metropolis sprawled out in front of her, tall, regal towers, sprawling plazas, elegant manors and great halls, all inter-connected by a labyrinth of roads, highways and streets, some of which had been suspended high above the buildings, mighty highways linking the towers together. A great wall ringed the metropolis, standing high and mighty in a proud gesture of strength. From the back, looking reminiscent of Canterlot with its marble walls and multi-towered structure glistening in the sunlight, a gigantic palace rose up with a great golden domed ceiling. Almost every building was decorated with silver or golden lining that swept along the marble like vines. Atop of the tallest towers, Twilight could see banners fluttering gently in a wind that she couldn’t feel.
In my earliest pre /endpone/ fic writing attempts I had this one strange flaw: I believed that I had to be overaly descriptive and write everything that was being seen at once. For example:
> She waited a few minutes, standing still in the knee high grass, scanning the sky for any sign of the midnight alicorn. The sky was a brilliant shade of cyan, devoid of even a single cloud. The sun was larger here than in Equestria.
The color of sky the wasn't introduced until a few lines later. It was being introduced as Twilight noticed this. When I was writing those years ago I would try to write everything that was in line of sight because I thought being descriptive meant writing every detail. It comes out very inorganic and strange. It was a stress to write because I was never sure what details to state first or what order to introduce descriptions. Till I payed close attention to some other fics but it is this fic where I realized that I was completely mistaken in how I did things. 

How is this relevant to you?

Because I could be wrong somewhere else and never known it and to reveal where I often think when it comes to such matters. Perhaps I am too still biased to over description in general. Besides that I literally misspelled 'grammar' in my first post on it!  >>/5787/

 Alas, my fics were rendered upon paper I can't find the ones that would really show what I did. 


Thanks a lot Bridgefag for the review. I'll have to dedicate a lot of time for replying to it properly and especially,the grammar posts were really needed. I knew that reading the fic all over again would show up my mistakes at translating it and indeed, I have noticed several typos as well.

Just to give you a hint before going deep into your review, the first chapters are meant to be a means to an end, the plot device,the excuse for developing the story. It's not only grammar the main flaw there but also there were certain confusions on how the protagonist can be led to the quest that would come later in the fic. Once that I managed to find the proper excuse, the adventure begins and the story found its way to the direction that I wanted to write about without forcing it. Keep in mind that the Seaquestria parts were the ones that I had planned because of the pictures in which Bluestar appears, trying to find the context behind them. It was truly tricky to put everything in its right place.

Anyway, do you know why I didn't name Stella like that back in 2018? Because I am not actually a creator nor I have used to a random pony generator in order to find a name for her. After all these years,I am still not the most fitting person for creating something out of nowhere. Instead, I am linking this song and you will find out that,not only the fic is ambiguous and poisoned....but also the cast itself hides its secrets. I said before that even the title is poisoned on purpose.

I wanted to reply something with value in it because I have to be grateful and appreciate the effort behind your posts. So here it is,one of the main secrets/influences behind this fic.

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The final notes:
1)The other fic that I wanted to find I don't remember the name of. The reason I took so much time looking for it is because I wanted to use it to contrast and compare on the story and themes as if I am recalling it correctly thought it could be interesting. It was a story of Twilight Sparkle going off on s journey to prove herself after she thought herself a failure for A Canterlot Wedding for the disaster that almost happened. The author reasoned that TS would more likely blame herself for failure and try to prove herself over being angry at her friends and family over not believing her like a lot of fics did. I don't remember all the details but I thought that theme of running away was both very similar and contrasting to this fic and the motivations of a pony running blind after a mistake. I may still do if I find it.

2): I almost thought was a slight cryptic feel that I thought was going on with some of the background implications towards the end but I wasn't sure. I didn't put it in the review because I felt like this review should be more of an assessment of quality and I could ask other questions afterward that where my curiosities. 

3)It was an interesting experience 
going through fics that I haven't read since pre-Twilicorn when looking for points of reference out of memory. Nostalgic yes but also like a happy continuation as I found several fics that I had forgotten and now may go ahead and read! 

4)One thing that I considered putting in but decided that it'd be best to leave out as I wasn't sure I would really being saying much more than "Some fics of around 10 to 20k in size are one shots, some split into chapters" was comparing your fic to other fics of that size in structuring of the story. If I could contribute something intelligent I would have had a section but I couldn't think of anything interesting  sans one fic that a slightly unusual structure that I remembered loving how it did. But it was a fic that was so complex on it's own that I probably should wait and bring it onto the table at an other time rather than trying to quote parts of it randomly. 

> Thanks a lot Bridgefag for the review. I'll have to dedicate a lot of time for replying to it properly and especially,the grammar posts were really needed. I knew that reading the fic all over again would show up my mistakes at translating it and indeed, I have noticed several typos as well.
Take your time. I've took awhile with this. Though it wasn't something that was too hard on me. More of me looking for things and thinking about it rather than actually typing it out when I finally (and slowly) did. 

> I wanted to reply something with value in it because I have to be grateful and appreciate the effort behind your posts. So here it is,one of the main secrets/influences behind this fic.
The link ain't working for some reason. Not showing up as an embed. Wonder why?

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there we go, both links works perfectly (even though it is the same song)

> I almost thought was a slight cryptic feel that I thought was going on with some of the background implications towards the end but I wasn't sure
if you ONLY knew how much I have been hiding behind this story.... after having a bad experience for revealing too much, I am only sharing the secrets behind in this board. Otherwise, I could repeat those same mistakes and I don´t want to go through that experience again. 

I am not going to say them now but you were hinting at them quite properly with what you have written:

> I have ways to try to articulate this but I'm not sure how well I could get the meaning across. Let's just say that the flashback gives me a weird haunting feel with that quote.
you are aiming correctly here

> Random one off fics centered on OCs don't traditionally do too well as there is both a bad reputation and a lack of emotional connection with the character.
> Though the fact that he is just a random OC means that this one off on it's own wouldn't hold a lot of appeal to many people. 

> It's both a small meta reference and turning those shipping images into something usable for the fic.
and with these lines as well. You haven´t figured it out completely because I am not putting the intentions on the table so clearly but I must say that your suspicions already reveal what was intended in between the subtleties. 

> I do wonder if you are channeling a bit of sentimentality to your old fic and where you (and the board to an extent) are now. 
we´ll have to talk about this too. 

> The story of a falling out between a... middle aged (the fic suggests that he is somewhat older in years but he also seems pretty immature to me) guardpony's loss of a career, almost death and a self reflective redemption in a new land I presume must share some thematic elements with the story that inspired you.
well done, indeed something has inspired for the story and you have assumed pretty well that the age is one of the recurrent themes displayed throughout the fic. However, said theme doesn´t appear in the book which inspired me but instead, the feelings transmitted are what I have drawn from that source.  

I have concealed almost everything because I wanted to see the impressions by going blind to it. Instead of revealing them from the very beginning, I leave you wondering where I intended to go with this "exercise".

Though you are going to find out with the song (now properly linked) and further replies that the fic might have been more lighthearted in its execution, putting those influences under an "unclear disguise" of truth and ambiguity.....

...you will see...

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Yes they did work.
> you are aiming correctly here
This was the scene of the fic that stood out most personally to me. I had a suspicion with this moment and the lines at the end of some subtext that was hidden but I felt that I should separate my review from any speculation. 

> if you ONLY knew how much I have been hiding behind this story.... after having a bad experience for revealing too much, I am only sharing the secrets behind in this board. Otherwise, I could repeat those same mistakes and I don´t want to go through that experience again. 
I think I get it. Not 100% certain but I think I do...

And with that I'll get out of the way here. I'll let you get your words together first before I add anything else. Remember to take your time even if it means a non hasty reply.

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> I'll let you get your words together first before I add anything else. Remember to take your time even if it means a non hasty reply.
so this means that you want to hear what was behind the fic, right? Then I will have to show about my influences and how I have integrated them in the story while explaining the backstory and motivations behind this...

Just one advice for ya: 

Take a good (comfortable) seat and grab popcorn because this is going to be long, very long.

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So, do you want to hear about the influences behind the fic? Well, you are in for a ride with these. 

The fic itself doesn´t seem to contain a complex story within it but the average reader might wondering about certain lines/parts that irk a little bit the thoughts at analyzing this story. I completely understand that because I have hidden them, hence I consider this exercise to be the most poisonous that I have written so far. Do you want to understand why?

Well, if one has to look at the fanfic, where should one start at digging deeper? There are certain innovation that didn´t appear at all in previous fics and one of them looks very apparent in the 7th chapter  >>/5426/. The words are in italics and they hold certain rhymes so the change of style in terms of writing and the mood makes this stand out more than the rest.

Here is where I introduce the influences of classic literature for the first time and we´ll have to go back to the 16th century (around 1581-1587) in order to understand why I decided to take that choice. I was reading that short book while I was going to college by bus and during those 30-40 minutes of waiting that I have to go through daily, I read this (it. As soon as I finished it, I was simultaneously writing in Spanish the 6th chapter of this fic. 

Let´s check what kind of story delivers this little book which has around 90 pages, a really short story....

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So here it is,ladies and gentlemen, before I go to influences from British and American musicians, the fresh influence that I introduce for the first time: The Siege of Numantia by Miguel De Cervantes, written around 1581-1587, a tragedy about the ancient city.


Hold on, I know what you are thinking.  Is that the same Cervantes who wrote Don Quixote? Yes, he is, except that instead of visiting his all-time classic that I have had to read during my childhood and my teenage period, this tragedy isn´t all that widely known and it´s ironic because I have decided to check out if tragedies didn´t come only from the UK at that time and it´s true, this minor project was a real surprise.

Barely anyone knows that Cervantes tried to fit into the dramatic scene but he failed to find success there and only literature nerds (very few dedicated people) know that about that secret side of him. Not only that but he actually went further and wrote this historical tragedy. 

So, what does this little play offer? It consists in 4 acts, 4 days. Even though I have linked the overview of the book, I´ll try to sum it up for you:

Numantia is surrounded by Romans, whose general is tired of attempting the conquest of that city. Its citizens have turned out to be a huge annoyance in his progress and he is said to finish the task. He denies the diplomacy of the Numantines in the first act and instead of battling against them, the general decides to encompass the city. A few allegorical characters appear announcing that the Numantines are going to face a horrible fate and so it was bound to happen since that order from the general happened. 

Not only those allegories announce that fate but later in the story, it also happens that a little necromantic scene occurs with a dead body that gets revived for a while, enough time for him in order to warn a couple of Numantines about that fate.

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Now, you might start asking what this book about Romans has to do with this? A very good question, this book is quite old but it has a theme that surprisingly is really modern and surprisingly enough, it still holds up more than it should and it´s:


What do the Numantines decide to do here? This is the way to solve it for them: 

> It is they who recommend a mass suicide, for, in this manner, they will not become enslaved to the Romans. It is the women, then, who impel Theagenes to carry out this fatal action, thus playing a key role in the tragic denouement.
> The city resolves to burn all their valuable property, to put their wives and children to death, and to throw themselves into the flames, lest any of the inhabitants of the town should become the slaves of the Romans.

They decide to throw themselves into the fire that the women set up for all of them. Instead of giving up, they use their pride to be patriotic and admit their destiny before they die out of hunger (three days had passed since they were encompassed). Only a kid remains in the last act but, watch out:

> the last youth left alive, commits suicide by throwing himself from a tower, the Roman general realizes that he cannot go home with slaves and spoil, and that the small city of Numantia has triumphed over the power of the Romans. 

He decided to throw himself from a tower in front of the general. The general couldn´t get his moment of glory and good press by using his sword so no Numantines were killed from the Romans, they all committed suicide before they could even begin. 

This whole thing sounds crazy and out of place right? Well, hold on a little bit…

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And now, how do I translate all of this into a fic meant for MLP? Well, look at chapters 6,7 and 8, especially the 7th one.  >>/5424/,  >>/5425/,  >>/5426/ ,  >>/5427/

The whole Spanish story might not have been transmitted because honestly, the setting doesn´t fit at all for this universe but... we could use its style and its themes. 

So, the whole book is written as narrated poetry and while not all the lines from the famous writer hit all that well throughout the entire thing (it has its flaws at rhyming), you can notice that the standards were there and so I was inspired to bring poetry explicitly for the first time. I wanted to expand this narrative for later chapters but it didn´t fit so it has been diminished and reduced only to strengthen the biggest climax of this story:  >>/5426/

When the protagonist stays on a rock, you can tell that he is feeling emotional about something that we can´t tell from the inside. So here is where I imply that past actions from him are paying off to this fate of ending up in the south coast without getting any prize whatsoever. 

If you read carefully, the whole act in the south coast consists in facing a death from a character that never was exemplary to begin with but he knows that he is trapped because of his circumstances. Don´t you notice lines of pride and patriotism for Equestria in the narrative before getting swallowed by the waves? Let me expose them:

> It´s time to dream and breathe this pure air for one last time. So be it my end with pride…
> I, BlueStar, royal guard of Equestria, was condemned by Cloud Zapper, whose abandonment was given to me with his bad temper, and treason I did in this magical land of Equestria!
> If it´s got to be, shallow me up today! This event that the past has wanted, it is what I have deserved; my sanity will remain in this way.

> If death is all I have as my guide, with this degraded golden armour, no griffon I will see, no duty I will get to receive, my glasses will accept its presence with pride.
> Let each bubble of my breath remember with firmament, for honour and loyalty that I have been giving, guarantee me a worthy drowning and see everything that came and went.
> This continent I have promised to defend, and if a cold death is approaching, in this strong wind I am affirming, I´ve arrived at a good age for this to end.

the whole thing offers a deeper and darker tone than the rest of the fic because for the first time, the protagonist admits his fate with a dignified death with all his will. Considering that he was a royal guard, he felt an actual change in his attitude but who was he fighting for? For the kingdom and as a soldier, he revives that piece of dignity with pride and a patriotic sacrifice while the tragedy was approaching to him.  

You can notice that this whole act is more suffocating and tragic because the reader is reading about an announced death with all the consequences taken into account.  Trust me, I have softened this part a lot and in order to make this part organic but one can tell that what lies beneath this story is much more tragic than it looks. Those little hints in the writing imply that this darker influence exists. 

This is the most experimental part and the one that got me out of my comfort zone and I was really worried how this whole thing would turn out. It is the first time where you can notice a change in terms of writing, adding up poetry and it almost feels....like a romantic moment, isn´t it? You would expect that the protagonist exposed his feelings towards a certain love or exposing his heart out looking for someone...

So this looks like Stella could have turned into his personal desire and this is where we jump into the songs...

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What are the origins of Stella anyway? In the picture, she doesn´t have any tag associated to her. Does this mean that I have used a random pony generator for her? Or maybe I modified the name of Sunburst´s mother (Stellar Flare) from the Parent Map? Actually, that isn´t the case and this origin defines subtly her character. 

Her name actually comes from a widely popular album that gets posted on /mu/ almost any day and has ended up in the Best Albums of the 2000s lists. Interpol´s Turn on the Bright Lights record from 2002 and the song selected for her name is obviously: Stella Was A Diver and She was Always Down.  >>/5794/


As soon as you check the lyrics, this all of a sudden feels much less innocent and yes, the singer is talking about a sex toy that fell into pieces but what connects the dots here is the correlation to the sea that I display out of context:

> At the bottom of the ocean she dwells
> She went down down down there into the sea
> She was all right 'cause the sea was so airtight, she broke away

And so, I decided to use that name from all the songs that I could have picked from the albums I like...so you can tell that her entire existence has also been softened in order to fit into a slice of life story. However, I portray another side of those lyrics into her character. Look at these lines:

> There's something that's invisible. There's some things you can't hide
> She knows there's people watching. The building fronts are just fronts, to hide the people watching her

Now, we go to the fic and what do we have here?

I am Stella; I am not very popular here in the kingdom. I am too much into my own thing so I wander around the surroundings quite often.
“I could also live independently as well but, considering that…barely anyone actually watches me going down here in the depths of the sea and given that I am not popular here, I have been feeling a little bit of warmth these days with you. It´s as though I don´t truly matter for them but I matter to you” she said.
I know that there are some things one can´t hide but I normally try to do it, yet I fail at doing that. Now you know why I like swimming around the surroundings instead of living in the mount” Stella confessed.

Do I need to add anything else here?

I think that these quotes have cleared up the doubts that I have defined her character around the song´s lyrics. I have been toying around the fact that she didn´t have a name at all and the fact that she hasn´t appeared anywhere else in Seaquestria by saying that she isn´t popular in her homeland. I have taken into advantage her OC nature and mix it up with the lyrics that her name implied for her character, exposing them in a seemingly innocent manner.

What a twist, huh?

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So if the entire existence of Stella has deceived everyone, one could easily imply that I could have done that for anyone else... and I did. The poisoned writing affects everything and the cast and the title itself show spread it is throughout the entire story.

If it hadn´t been because of  >>/5429/, I would have never written about them so this means that the pictures lead more the story than the OCs. 

In fact, look at  >>/5433/, the reason why I started this story in Canterlot. I decided to add Cloud Zapper to this story. In reality, unlike other stories and clichés about adding OCs for self-inserting the person behind them don´t arise here. Not even the protagonist is my only way to express myself here and it shows that all the characters involved are a means to an end for conveying certain feelings that don´t fall exactly into one of them.

I am going to reveal that I am not a writer nor I was meant to entertain with long stories of this kind before /endpone/ and I am not an artist either, I have no skills at drawing. Nonetheless, I have edited several pictures and connected several unrelated pieces into one uniform product that seems new. I said in the past that I act more like an electronic artist by using samples and place them correctly in order to work for another context. I am manipulating and I warned about the poisoned nature of this story.  

Anyway, do you believe that Bluestar was the only way to express myself because he is the narrator? Far from it and I even expose that I modifying the characters subtly in between the lines. The author reveals this in very specific lines that seem minor and irrelevant but reveal a lot more when you read the influences behind this story that he is using them as puppets:

Cloud Zapper in  >>/5421/
> “What could anyone expect from you? A guard that simply stares romantically at other guards or even passes time at imagining love stories with Twilight under the pseudonym named “Zephyr”? It´s no wonder that all of this would happen sooner or later despite keeping you in the charge after all these years.” He said with a sarcastic tone again.

A criticism to shipping OCs with canon characters. Ironically I write the premise that Stella and BlueStar are going to be a couple but we´ll see that later. However, I am posting  a couple of pictures about the original character who Cloud Zapper is referring to. You are seeing the practice of inserting OCs meant for ships and annoy the hell out of the fanbase, with commissioned images by the way. 

Novo in  >>/5431/:
> Novo said. “I admire your willingness and submission for this place despite not knowing how this will work out. Something is telling me that it´s not proper of me to do this drastic decision towards any individual” she continued.

meaning that she could be out of character for being more dictatorial or imposing her orders towards anyone for such a strange decision like desiring a permanent seapony form.

Stella in  >>/5438/
> “Why are you even worried about that? We mean nothing to them, it doesn´t matter. It´s all up to what you do in the end. No one is going to judge nor is going to interfere with us. 
> I am surprised that you weren´t like this in the past. If that painter was right, it would mean that the one BlueStar I have known doesn´t belong there…" Stella said.

meaning that they were meant to be a couple but something is preventing them from becoming that and noticing that the character that we have known isn´t exactly what has ended up acting in the end.

and finally...

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the protagonist. Boy, where do I start with this one? Chapters 4,5,6 expose him the most in general.

Not only we are left with those chapters but we could also add more references from songs that I like, right? Such as:

> https://genius.com/Ride-end-game-lyrics
> If this keeps happening, this whole room better be prepared because if that´s the game, of course we can play it.
meant for building up more tensions between Cloud Zapper and the protagonist. But wait, there is more.

Didn´t I mention at some point back in 2018 that it I loved a lot an album called "And Nothing Hurt" (from Spiritualized that was begging for being used as an inspiration for future works? Specifically we are talking about the first song called A Perfect Miracle, which I linked here  >>/5439/ and oh: Surprise! Surprise! I have used that song as well for announcing the fanfic with a clip of 15 seconds.  >>/5391/. 

Still, I haven´t finished yet with this song because we are going to toy with its lyrics as well, particularly in the last two chapters. We are repeating here the formula that I used for Luna and Novo´s stories posted in this same thread:


> “So, all this means that we are never going to see ourselves again?” he asked.
> “Well, I´ve met someone else here and you should do it yourself” I responded.
> I might have seen lots of corrupted guards or fakers out there and in comparison to what I have experienced, you are the only mare I have met who is truly honest and true” I said.
> “You know, my mind is a mess 
> Who could even imagine sleeping here with calm surroundings like these? Sure, it´s not perfect but it´s close to dream up a perfect miracle, or at least, it was for the average pony until now.
> However, as the days pass I might not need that offer…I am slowly finding it less necessary in my eyes...
> So, commander… please don´t call…

> …please don´t call...

not only I have quoted them but I have deviated them so much from the songs context that they feel organic without noticing that I have quoted this song. I have used them for establishing Stella´s sincerity to her character and as inner thoughts from the protagonist towards the existence of Seaquestria and living a life there with Stella´s accompanying him from now on, leaving behind little by little his desire to go back to Canterlot.  This is what relieves the fic from the intense middle part and brings a romantic feeling in this story that makes it slice of life-ish (relatively) and plays more according to more mundane situations. 


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you should take into account that I haven´t set this entire story up for a romantic story. It does convey the feeling that I am going to ship them and in the course of those two weeks living together, they have developed a connection between them. If we connect that the protagonist was regretting his past actions, delivering an image of a romantic character (apparently), the premise exposed on FimFiction and the cover image  >>/5429/, then we can perfectly conclude that this story was meant for shipping.  

Nonetheless, we cannot forget that I criticized before with Cloud Zapper this practice of shipping:
> “What could anyone expect from you? A guard that simply stares romantically at other guards or even passes time at imagining love stories with Twilight under the pseudonym named “Zephyr”? It´s no wonder that all of this would happen sooner or later ....

or even Bluestar himself accuses the commander for doing that with Cadence:
> “Who are you then for delivering exemplariness of honour and loyalty? If you Cloud Zapper kept a relationship in secret with Princess Cadence while we were replacing the Crystal army for a few days? 

so this...seems to go on a rough territory here. If there is any outsider who reads this story as the average fanfic meant for shipping characters and self-inserting OCs for autistic reasons. Be careful with that mindset beforehand because later on, we have lines as these where we expose that the protagonist is completely meaningless to this universe:

> Remember the loss of a character that never existed in this escape; inside the minds of a few I will live, no hope will be recovered for being naïve, proud for ending in this lonely yet beautiful landscape.

or even Stella:
It´s as though I don´t truly matter for them but I matter to you” she said.
Why are you even worried about that? We mean nothing to them, it doesn´t matter. It´s all up to what you do in the end. No one is going to judge nor is going to interfere with us.

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so the protagonist is actually doubting with himself and confused about living with her and Stella acknowledges the fact that she doesn´t matter either, she knows she is irrelevant as well, even to her own kingdom. This goes really meta and if that wasn´t all left to be exposed, watch this. Do you know that the protagonist wasn´t fetching her at all? Read this again:

> Those pleasures I enjoyed as a guard, paying for them in this rock I am, yet stability never comes and my lack of youth is helping at what I am about to become.
> After all, wasn´t this what I had desired back then during the holidays? Didn´t I say that I was really comfortable while I was laying back in the sea? I had life vest that was keeping afloat and I could enjoy those moments.
“I believe that…those pleasures won´t come back. I might have doubts about returning to Canterlot but that one surely won´t.” I affirmed.
“Look Stella, I hate to confess but you should that I have always been looking for myself and back then, when I was standing on the rock before getting carried over by those waves, I wasn´t doing it for love. I was looking for my pleasures and stability for the rest of my life…

This last line kills that mindset and it is said in front of her. It means a huge kick towards the pretense of taking this as another simple love story. The first chapter might give an impression of being a seemingly innocent story but things slowly build up from the 3rd chapter onwards to a wild ride of emotions.

It is shown several times that Stella wasn´t the objective but an accidental bonus, a partner for the protagonist. This also contradicts the wish fulfillments for certain sectors of the fanbase that desire to be with their waifu so badly. In this story, it´s in reverse: there isn´t any impulsive desire for getting one.

So, you would imply that this was about blind love when even the romantic part arises, the intentions from both aren´t all that easy to analyze for stereotyping this as a fic meant for shipping only, there isn´t enough clarity here to jump into those conclusions so easily.

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and what about the yellow pony of chapter 12? What´s the matter with him? It´s the only one that I haven´t mentioned yet and...you are about to be surprised. Take a laid back listen with this song called Random Rules from 1998 and let´s find out that...


by the point that you are listening to the 2:43 mark, you are about to hear very familiar words that appeared in the fanfic and represent a golden moment for this whole story in this post  >>/5436/:

> I asked the painter why the roads are colored black
> He said, "Steve, it's because people leave and no highway will bring them back"
> So if you don't want me, I promise not to linger. But before I go, I've gotta ask you, dear, about that tan line on your ring finger
> No one should have two lives. Now you know my middle names are Wrong and Right. Honey, we've got two lives to give tonight

The last two chapters were half improvised in the translation but for sure, the flashback of Manehattan was entirely built up just to say those lines and what´s worse, we don´t know if Bluestar is going to meet him again. Was he talking to the painter or with a ponified version of the singer? That vagueness is left to be  answered yet.

By this point, one would imply that the suicide tag was applied to Bluestar on chapters 7 and 8. That´s the legit conclusion one would say but the haunting lines that the painter said were perhaps his last words and I am taking a huge risk by revealing this influence for this story. It´s the biggest secret that this fanfic holds at its core and this could cost me a ban or controversies around the community. But oh well, I am ready to face the consequences.


I discovered the music from Silver Jews/Purple Mountains last summer when he died and the song Random Rules was stuck in my head and I repeated it and huge amount of times without getting tired of it and his context is quite grim because he committed actual suicide (/mu/ offered a sticky thread for his death by the way). 

Here is why I am not going to reveal the influences on FimFiction because it could lead me into trouble and the metaphoric vagueness disguises this dark backstory behind the yellow pony character. I didn´t name him at all because he was supposed to be a minor influence yet I am announcing him in the last chapter.

In the end, what I have done here is that he was meant to carry a message here and it conceals more power than one believes at first sight...

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the lines of:

> He stayed a little bit thoughtful and he said: “BlueStar, it´s because Equestrians leave and no highway will bring them back”
were hinted in the season 9 thread as well. I acknowledged his music back when the finale was going to air:

> this felt like the proper moment to get ready and see all the achievements made before the fanbase leaves the highway and the likelihood of never coming back after the ending.
There it is.
so this line coming from him isn´t mine but a modified version that you would expect in Equestria and not from an IRL perspective. Here is where the whole meaning are explicitly naked and one could think about it in different ways:

Storywise: Bluestar finds out with that line from the painter that he was supposed to move on and life sooner or later would give him a different route. He ends up working as a guard of Seaquestria instead of staying in Canterlot. This is the canon one that any reader would conclude properly. 

Fanbasewise: The finale has aired and this fic was written in January 2020, the ride is over and the fans have no reasons to stay here anymore. Everything that has happened after October 2019 has been a bonus but slowly over time, people will move on, leave this ride behind and look for other purposes because there is nothing else to look forward that made MLP special. The decade is gone and the party ended up there. This is why no highway will bring us back to the franchise because the main reason to stay together has vanished and it´s no longer with us.

/endpone/wise: maybe I have used this fic to channel my thoughts and feeling about the progress of this board. Perhaps this story serves as an allegory of moving on, leaving /mlp/ behind and work with this side project since December 2017, without telling me what to do, going fully independent and having an overwhelming freedom about what could be done here. I still lurk on /mlp/ daily but I didn´t imagine that I would get this far and turning from a lurker to an active user here. The change has been huge and no one has told where to go next. 

When I wrote that green on mobile, I had fears about revealing myself and this thread as well. This fic was meant to represent an exercise to look at this board in hindsight and prove how much of this project has changed since then, gaining confidence, acquiring more skills  and finally, prove how the standards/mood have changed. This was the first story I wrote and I wanted to reflect that feeling of moving forward without anyone else. Here, in a wild board that could have gone anywhere and ended up at any point. Perhaps the title called Second Chance could simply another try for proving those changes with the same story, going from barely 1k words to 13k....

I still have a lot to learn yet and even grammar like you have pointed out needs more work but honestly, I didn´t expect at first to get this far, both in the story and on this board.

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and lastly, another factor why I have decided to write this fic has been this:

> I would strongly encourage you to to write. Maybe make that same style of posts but don't post them. Even if it brings some pain it would be better than forgetting who you are or letting it get canned up because someday something could one day pierce that and then it wouldn't be pretty.
I suppose that you Bridgefag would recognize these words from yours. The problem is that, after so many posts written here, what do I have to offer here? 

While I was writing this fic, I wasn´t all that convinced because there weren´t any urgent emotions to write it so this whole story has been written in a cold manner. This explains why in the first chapters I wasn´t all that comfortable about it, I had a certain reluctance because I was lacking in motivations to write it. I struggled to find a decent plot device just to have something to hold onto and justify the rest. As soon as I warmed up with the story I was writing, I started to rise the standards of writing and placing everything in its right place really subtly and so, the 3rd chapter starts to escalate the implications and influences.

 Also, you said this:

> Your first early stuff would probably be a 6 range to me, not out of anything wrong but that it was just a simple little story. I think you Radiance fic is centianly above 8 for sure, along with this one. 
well, time is a funny thing, you know? I don´t know if it´s currently a 6 for you but this remake has made you think more than you expected back then. Maybe that first attempt had left you indifferent back then but, are you going to be sure about feeling indifferent about this one?

I have also used the theme of age in this fic and it´s because kids have been calling me sir...when I am in my 20s. I am not saying that I am an elder person but I am feeling less energetic than the previous years I have lived in the past. It clashes to hear that I am feeling older towards a certain generation when I haven´t grown up all that much yet I know that certain aspects like the innocence, the lack of finding anything that surprises me or the huge energy that a child displays...I realize that I cannot offer that anymore. 

Perhaps that explains why I want to feel comfortable and take this life in a more laid back manner. I know it won´t happen and things are going to be rough in the future but at least, I am trying to find where my limits are.

So this story has influences of classic literature, four songs with backstories, /endpone/, the image cover, the fact that it was written after the finale….all of that bottled up in a simple linear story but instead of revealing them so explicitly, I have placed them strategically in order to find a balance and something organic, while channeling personal thoughts at certain points.

It´s no wonder that one would find pretty hard to judge this story. It needs to be revised in grammar I know and the first two chapters make it seem generic. Nonetheless, that innocence is lost whenever one enters into the 3rd chapter onwards. This fic is incredibly backloaded and won´t probably appeal many fans out there, not that I care all that much.
These are OCs and it implies shipping from the image itself so it was doomed from the start. As soon as one digs deeper into it, one would know that the fic arises lots of questions or little lines of confusion but they won´t prevent from following the main linear story.  

There is more miscellaneous stuff to reveal but as for the main influences that I wanted to bring on the table, I believe that this is more than enough.

Hope that you have enjoyed this experience (both the story and the influences).


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There you have the main influences and secrets behind The Second Chance. 

phew, near 6k words in one single afternoon, my goodness.  One would imply that a fic around OCs would be easy to judge and assume that autism would be found all over the place but... look at what you´ve got here. Perhaps I have given a lesson (..or two..) with this experience. 

I will have to reply to your review properly and revise the chapters but for now, I don´t think that I have to type anything else, right? I mean, if this isn´t entertainment for you during this quarantine, tell what it is...  

Well, I am closing the curtains for this thread tonight.

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*I forgot to add one more thing here.

Keep in mind that I hadn´t written anything since 2018 so one of the reasons behind this was that I needed to deliver something. The problem relied on the fic that I wanted to write about.

After seeing that you, Bridgefag,were writing fics of higher standards with The Mare in The Mountain or the fic about Cosmos, I had a sense of unfinished business and give a turn with something fresh with all the changes that have been made here. So I wanted to go back and make a little comeback by reviving this thread.

It´s ironic that I inspired you with the fics I had delivered in 2018 and then, you brought that inspiration later in 2019. In exchange, it was about time to return the delivery with 13k words and force you to make you think more than usual...and understandably so because I have been hiding all this stuff behind the scenes.

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Closing the curtains indeed! Rest. I will be working on my reply to this. Because I am replying to the complex inspiration to art with a hint of subversion...

> and understandably so because I have been hiding all this stuff behind the scenes.
and to what you have revealed about yourself. For you did reveal something that explains a lot   don't worry! Nothing that makes me see you in a negative light at all.  Such a reply may take a bit of time. 

In the meantime have this song:

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> In the meantime have this song
well, I must admit that despite the constant rhythm throughout its entirety, it´s not hard to see that the lyrics rhyme and stand as the strongest point of the song with the words succeed, need, misused and confused; thrown in those 4 lines in a row. 

> Harmony rewritten out of sight
> What can I do to bring you back
> My technicolor world has faded to black
simply excellent. 

What is certainly hilarious in hindsight is that, if they didn´t tell me that this was inspired by the season 3 finale (I´ve got to find a way), with these lyrics:

> Wake up now and see the truth,I'm here to show the world to you
> The way it was meant to be,So follow your destiny
> This twisted future isn't right,Let's bring the real you to the light
> I'm going to make you realize, So open your eyes

> Broken your life and who you are, I'm afraid I've left a terrible scar. But apologies won't save me now
I would imply from these words alone that Tempest would be singing them in the movie, the song´s title doesn´t help at getting rid of the confusions and the beat is strong enough to fit more for the unicorn of the broken horn than coming from Twilight´s perspective .   Bonus points for predicting the movie and getting a boost of views while visiting in hindsight.

So yeah, it has entertained me more than I expected even though I am still unaware of MLP´s music scene from the fanbase in general.

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> I will be working on my reply to this.
and I know that at some point I will have to do the same but I prefer to do that all at once. 

> Because I am replying to the complex inspiration to art with a hint of subversion...
you have realized that this process was more complicated than the story shown by itself without telling anything.

> Such a reply may take a bit of time
 a few hours yeah

> For you did reveal something that explains a lot 
it is a recurrent theme in the story, just that there are other aspects to analyze from it. The overload of events, implications or subtleties make it seem minor, overshadowing personal stuff and becoming more integrated and natural for those who could judge the story.

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I should have left the link of the fic in this post  >>/5439/


Better late than never, I guess (though it needs a technical revision)

PD: Going a little bit off topic here, Bridgefag, it's worth to dedicate your time for judging with more depth the fixfic of SivC instead of analyzing deeply the lovebat green (I wrote that text spontaneously that night,it was meant for presenting the picture I had drawn so the reveal would be more special than posting it directly)

SivC has caused a great impact on the fanbase with that fic and still keeps producing more content for the fans. I believe that it deserves more time. 

With that said, sleep well and have a good night, /endpone/

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> It does need a more hardcore look. 
indeed, especially when we are talking about one of a kind. It´s quite possibly one of those cases in which a fan rebels against the franchise in a more productive way instead of making noise all the time, so much that even those who don´t agree can also enjoy his product. So yeah, it will require more time and analysis. 

> Though I will be going about it a bit more casually do to other projects of mine
> projects
you leave me wondering here 

> PoLS
same here

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Wow that certainly is a bit more complex than I thought. As I said I did detect some cryptic or greater meanings, particularly with the the end and the scene with the painting but I was way off I think on my internal speculation. My thoughts were that whatever work itself was something to do with an exiled military leader or noblemen, not
> The Siege of Numantia by Miguel De Cervantes, written around 1581-1587, a tragedy about the ancient city.
> Hold on, I know what you are thinking. Is that the same Cervantes who wrote Don Quixote?
Never knew of this book. Though I consider myself not much of an established fiction reader so I'm not sure it means much.

My suspensions with the story was that it was at least in part referencing some past tragedy IRL. When you posted the song I thought: "Wow, he is talking about a lost friend or lover". I know the song was sexual and slightly dark but I've known that you used songs just based on the tone rather than the exact lyrical meanings.

> Well, if one has to look at the fanfic, where should one start at digging deeper? There are certain innovation that didn´t appear at all in previous fics and one of them looks very apparent in the 7th chapter  >>/5426/. 
> The words are in italics and they hold certain rhymes so the change of style in terms of writing and the mood makes this stand out more than the rest.
I did notice but I didn't think too much of it. I thought it was used well for dramatic effect as Bluestar. I probably should've directly mentioned in my review.

Mass suicide? Dark. I remember in my past having some dark concepts so I can get drawing on it. This is actually a bit more complex with how it used its inspiration.  
> the whole thing offers a deeper and darker tone than the rest of the fic because for the first time, the protagonist admits his fate with a dignified death with all his will. Considering that he was a royal guard, he felt an actual change in his attitude but who was he fighting for? For the kingdom and as a soldier, he revives that piece of dignity with pride and a patriotic sacrifice while the tragedy was approaching to him. 
It was the impulse, the feeling and the act that you were trying to transmit, not the plot. That is where I was wrong in my thoughts. I thought this fic from the way you described it was lifting a bit of a plot from somewhere directly.

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So what see here is some pretty complex reasoning on OCs. The way you talk makes it look like you ruminated on the subject for awhile. From what I can gather:
OCs are puppets to the writer Your use of the pictures and comments on this point I took for more of joking/using what you had with the pics you had. Nope. This itself had serious thought and was an attempt at meta commentary on the nature of OCs

They are meaningless to the universe
So you are looking at the meaning of OC. What I take it is a slightly critical but sympathetic look at their plight. It is an attempt at examining the nature of them. They both have some freedom as well...

This was an attempt to subvert a normal shipfic
He never got her. He may even intent to not love again under trying to find a sense of duty. Pretty deep TBH. Though I am uncertain if it was me simply being dense I am not sure if the fic itself reflects this fully well:
“I know it, Stella, I know…Goodnight honey” I said.
“Sleep well, dear” Stella responded.
Your use of honey and dear especially makes them look like a couple here. 

This is some extremely meta reasoning, I'm not sure if it is fully transmited in your story but I am actually impressed with your motivations and inspirations for this.

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> indifferent back then but, are you going to be sure about feeling indifferent about this one?
No. Reading it twice and than reading this makes me feel a lot of things, but indiffence isn't one of those feelings. 

> It´s no wonder that one would find pretty hard to judge this story. It needs to be revised in grammar I know and the first two chapters make it seem generic. Nonetheless, that innocence is lost whenever one enters into the 3rd chapter onwards. This fic is incredibly backloaded and won´t probably appeal many fans out there, not that I care all that much.
Here as it is, no, but...

> by using samples and place them correctly in order to work for another context.
You have gone past the point here. This reasoning is as complex as stories like Enteral or The Star in Yellow. Is the fic as good as those, no. But the groundwork I think is there for something good. I think you have it within you to weave such themes. Should you ever decide touch this again I'd highly recommend you run with some of this. 

If I have to choose one critique: 
needs more poison. Not nessinarily a lot more but the subtexts were at times too far that without context I have no idea. Like, with the moments it stood out the most it was a gentle breeze, but for some of the OC meta context and deeper musings I probably would not have guessed without you telling me. I do not mean to say bash it on the head but letting a little bit more shine through could be helpful for a more interesting read for others. 

One final note: 
> I know that certain aspects like the innocence, the lack of finding anything that surprises me or the huge energy that a child displays...I realize that I cannot offer that anymore. 
So was that why he felt both young and old with some lines?

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> My thoughts were that whatever work itself was something to do with an exiled military leader or noblemen
watch out, you aren´t that far off from a reasonable interpretation. Don´t simply ditch what you have thought in its entirety because the noble aspect is shown when the protagonist awaited his death. I have posted the influences just to open up more interpretations of this fic but it doesn´t prevent at all from concluding "canon" thoughts that story by itself displays. 

 >Though I consider myself not much of an established fiction reader so I'm not sure it means much.
neither do I. I simply checked it out almost accidentally because I wanted to check if it turned out to be true that there were tragedies written before than historians imply while checking the past. It was actually true so I wanted to reflect something out of it just to prove that I have acknowledged it this year.

> that it was at least in part referencing some past tragedy IRL.
well, you had got that before I revealed it.

> "Wow, he is talking about a lost friend or lover"
I have the fortune to not have lost important members of my family to this day (*touches wood) and despite sounding like a romantic protagonist in his desperation...

> I've known that you used songs just based on the tone rather than the exact lyrical meanings.
the poison arises and the effects come to reality. However, I leave a clue to the song I am referencing (but it´s so subtle that I have to reveal them)

> I thought it was used well for dramatic effect as Bluestar. 
if it hadn´t been because of the vagueness and the poisoned text, you would have completely got it from the beginning. But that´s only a part of its justification that adds up momentum to the poetical moment. 

> Mass suicide? Dark. I remember in my past having some dark concepts so I can get drawing on it. This is actually a bit more complex with how it used its inspiration.
I see that you understand why this fic has darker holes implied beneath its seemingly innocent lines. I couldn´t use the setting from Numantia so I simply went for its themes (too dark for MLP, I wouldn´t reasonably reach that far, it would detour too much from the slice of life nature) and the narrated poetry. As for suicide, the tag is justified because of that moment alone and while its seemingly dramatic, throwing an entire society to the fire and the last youth from the top of a tower....doesn´t sound like the inspiration is much better, isn´t it?

> It was the impulse, the feeling and the act that you were trying to transmit, not the plot. 
> I thought this fic from the way you described it was lifting a bit of a plot from somewhere directly.
keep in mind that I had all the gallery prepared before writing the story itself and that part of the fic does take up the green from 2018, just that I wanted to justify its plots device and how the reunion with Stella would happen. The original images (particularly  >>/5425/  >>/5429/) were the actual objective. Everything else was meant for adding more significance to those events. I simply intensified more the context behind them and that meant a blank card for all these influences I have collected here.

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> The way you talk makes it look like you ruminated on the subject for awhile
well, I am not exactly an expert. Just that after surfing on the internet so much and seeing tons of fan content, I have understood with a more open mind why they exist as a concept and how people put them in practice (at least, I am aware of the most redundant clichés of introducing OCs) but I am not all that deep into the matter. But yes, the fic is so poisoned that you are not going to find a shipfic as expected but a subtle criticism that is roaming in certain parts of the story.

> This itself had serious thought and was an attempt at meta commentary on the nature of OCs
eeeyup and on top of that, criticizing  the uselessness that the royal guards have offered for the entire series and getting fired. This combination could be utterly devastating for the character and so it was written in that way for reaching the 7th chapter.

> He may even intent to not love again under trying to find a sense of duty. Pretty deep TBH.
eeeyup. The intentions were ambiguous and those little detail mark what could lead to very different interpretations.

> Your use of honey and dear especially makes them look like a couple here.
very good point there. I must say that part of chapter 10 and the last two chapters were written in a more spontaneous way during the translation to English. In fact, it took me the entire night (from 10 pm to 2 am)  to write the whole conversation between Stella and Bluestar in an organic (and apologetic) way, repeating more or less the formula that I used for Celestia and Luna when they were confessing among themselves  >>/1483/. I put those words because they come from the fact of that warmth that they have built together but not because they were meant to be together desperately. 

And we don´t know if they are going to live together all the time so even if they are a couple, I leave that in the air, in the middle of tones of grey. The ship might happen, don´t get me wrong, but something else would have to occur in order to reinforce that attachment...

> This is some extremely meta reasoning, I'm not sure if it is fully transmited in your story but I am actually impressed with your motivations and inspirations for this.
Even if I could, I wouldn´t be capable to express everything because I would slip off the nature of MLP way too much. The most impressive thing about it is that you haven´t mentioned once that this feels out of place from this universe nor that it wouldn´t work as slice of life material. Taking into account all these influences, I believe that making them organic and integrating them subtly have made all this collage look like a simple linear story to follow instead of displaying a story with random explicit inconsistencies out of nowhere.  Sure, you understandably struggled to see the entirety of what was intended to express but as for the story in general, I have tried not to mess it up with all the material exposed so you wouldn´t have any considerable troubles to follow it.

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> No. Reading it twice and than reading this makes me feel a lot of things, but indiffence isn't one of those feelings.
then I am satisfied after reading this.

> indifferent back then but, are you going to be sure about feeling indifferent about this one?
No. Reading it twice and than reading this makes me feel a lot of things, but indiffence isn't one of those feelings.

> It´s no wonder that one would find pretty hard to judge this story. It needs to be revised in grammar I know and the first two chapters make it seem generic. Nonetheless, that innocence is lost whenever one enters into the 3rd chapter onwards. This fic is incredibly backloaded and won´t probably appeal many fans out there, not that I care all that much.
Here as it is, no, but...

> by using samples and place them correctly in order to work for another context.
You have gone past the point here. This reasoning is as complex as stories like Enteral or The Star in Yellow. Is the fic as good as those, no. But the groundwork I think is there for something good. I think you have it within you to weave such themes. Should you ever decide touch this again I'd highly recommend you run with some of this.

If I have to choose one critique:
needs more poison. Not nessinarily a lot more but the subtexts were at times too far that without context I have no idea. Like, with the moments it stood out the most it was a gentle breeze, but for some of the OC meta context and deeper musings I probably would not have guessed without you telling me. I do not mean to say bash it on the head but letting a little bit more shine through could be helpful for a more interesting read for others.

> So was that why he felt both young and old with some lines?
in theory, I wanted to reflect the theme of age for adding up a layer of connection to the protagonist, feeling tired of hectic ambients and looking for his own place. The inconsistency however is that as a youngster, I am kind of like delivering lessons that old people could have without having experienced them for myself. The emotions feel proper from a young adult but the logic displayed during and after his death (especially in the last chapters) resembles more of a tired character in his attitude.

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> You have gone past the point here. This reasoning is as complex as stories like Enteral or The Star in Yellow.
> Is the fic as good as those, no. 
obviously I am not looking forward to be crowned as the greatest revelation nor anything like that but it´s true that I wanted to bring more meaning or layers to OCs that no one cares about but I force the reader dig deeper into them while also delivering hints of the actual meta roots to where those subtleties come from.
> But the groundwork I think is there for something good. I think you have it within you to weave such themes. Should you ever decide touch this again I'd highly recommend you run with some of this.
thanks and yes, there is a recurrent pattern that has arisen every single time I try to write something and these subversions simply aid me to intensify and twist the ideas. 

Will I write a story about these two?....I don´t know.

> If I have to choose one critique:needs more poison. Not nessinarily a lot more but the subtexts were at times too far that without context I have no idea. Like, with the moments it stood out the most it was a gentle breeze, but for some of the OC meta context and deeper musings I probably would not have guessed without you telling me. I do not mean to say bash it on the head but letting a little bit more shine through could be helpful for a more interesting read for others.
wow that critique is weird as hell to hear.  How am I supposed to reach this again? I´ll have to take notes from literature or something just to hold up to these standards. Still, these influences are exposed because other fans could also get a few ideas how such apparently mild lines among the text could imply such outlandish concepts at their core. It has been quite an experience to show both the story and the material used because both parts complement each other for the experience, exclusively on /endpone/ for now. 

And I am going to be honest with my intentions here Bridgefag: considering that you were aiming high with Cosmos and Cadence as a bat pony, I had that sense that I would need to impress you after such a hiatus for me in writing anything. And as I said earlier, quantity doesn´t equal quality so I decided to post one single story but filled with lots of things behind. 

I have to confess that I have enjoyed every single thought that you have typed here because not only I was looking for feedback or an objective commentary, but also trying to impress you and delivering a lesson or two with this experience. You have had conclusions that were quite close to its intended meaning so the fic did its job at being "understandable" but in reality, the comparison was just the proof that I can offer something in this post gen 4 era without appealing just to emotions in order to write something meaningful. 

It won´t satisfy outsiders nor many people out there but it was more an exercise that I felt like finishing for this board.

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> ow that critique is weird as hell to hear. How am I supposed to reach this again? I´ll have to take notes from literature or something just to hold up to these standards. 

What I mean is that there were some meanings that I could've only guessed at with the context you provided here. You hid them, a goal of yours I know, but to the point where you didn't explore them. I do not mean that you need to go find some other deeper works and make a fic with an even deeper reasoning behind it. I mean that next time you should consider exploring some of these themes more freely. You don't have to overdose it but say enough to get the reader mouth to tingle. I understand why you'd want to hide somethings but others (like the existentialism of OCs) would benefit from a bit of light shined upon it. 

> I had that sense that I would need to impress you after such a hiatus for me in writing anything

And I came into this thinking it was a practice fic with possibly some meaning behind it.You did impress me.

Though you don't need to next time. It is always good to challenge ones self to advance. But also don't get lost in trying to aim for a constant upward attempt of quality. Practice, go on a limb and experiment. Remember freedom and have fun too, not every story has to be a level higher than the last. I strongly encourage you to consider taking it to the next level, not now, not tommorow, someday .  It also probably good to practice before you try it.

...but I honestly believe that you have it within you to craft a tale that could be good, or at least, interesting. It doesn't have to be about these two or even the themes here. You could weave something else altogether from different influences. It would do ya some good to check out the Star in Yellow  Enteral, from what I remember of it, is a more complex tale set in an out of date future that would be less of your liking though still worthy of talking about at a future date.  As I said before, It too was loosely inspired by an old book but twisted into its own messages and themes.

> but in reality, the comparison was just the proof that I can offer something in this post gen 4 era without appealing just to emotions in order to write something meaningful. 

I think you did. You took stories to the next level. 

> It won´t satisfy outsiders nor many people out there but it was more an exercise that I felt like finishing for this board.

It still counts as practice for any future stuff should you choose too. Though right now I suggest you rest and I'll see what I can cook up.

I have one further thought but it'll take me awhile to find examples so I may take it to the fic thread later.

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Well, this thread...I haven´t been capable to deliver any activity and as anyone would tell, it shows that Bridgefag and I were unexpectedly running this board (even though the polish BO owned /endpone/ behind the scenes). The levels of insecurity were quite high and the sheer audacity  I had for opening this thread could have backfired badly and we could have ended it up here.Nowadays, I wouldn´t have opened a thread of this kind in such a reckless manner where I would type a personal blog that could be a target for anyone to complain about my views. I consider myself fortunate to not have been the case for it, considering the nature of this format. Huge respect to those who have been lurking and waiting for me so I could naturally develop this thread.

I guess that the best thing that could have happened to this thread was the transition from starting it as an opinion about the evolution of this fanbase to stories/short fics that would enrich the content displayed over here. Today, I want to deliver something small after so much time of inactivity.

The clip I am sharing here shows the same style as this one  >>/5391/. It is (or was) meant to be used as an announcement for the sequel of  >>/5439/ called The Second Reunion, settled right after the events of The Second Chance. However, I only managed to make this clip and write the whole scheme of events for the story (2-3 pages). This idea was planned amidst the spring confinement (during late April) but I never truly trusted on what I was thinking about at the time. 

While I have always had the idea how the story should go as a whole, I never put myself into it because I would need to keep up with the level of writing that I had shown in the last fic and later on, I would run into many problems that would hinder my mental/emotional stability. When I wrote The Second Chance, everything had been more or less kept in an apparent solid line, personally speaking. However, life is full of twists and this year has turned out to be more of a rollercoaster for me in general . Many aspects of my life have been changing throughout the last 11-12 months and I will need my time to go back to that state where I find myself at the same line (or better than) I was placed back in January 2020. 

Does this mean that there won´t be any sequel? A sequel cannot be discarded at all but I truly wonder how it will turn out in terms of quality (if I properly get into it at all)

I wanted to prove that this thread could get a little bit of life. One cannot close the door to anything and thus, I want to leave it slightly open, just in case...

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>  I consider myself fortunate to not have been the case for it, considering the nature of this format. Huge respect to those who have been lurking and waiting for me so I could naturally develop this thread.
At the time, we were the only folks here. I understand both refraining opening a thread like this now and opening a thread like this back then, still it is great how it got to evovle.

> This idea was planned amidst the spring confinement (during late April)
2020 I presume?

> I never put myself into it because I would need to keep up with the level of writing that I had shown in the last fic and later on, I would run into many problems that would hinder my mental/emotional stability.
Quality versus letting the emotion flow, plus life stuff putting a damper upon it. I can completely understand that. I mean, coming from someone who has several incomplete fics sitting for here, stuff can get in the way.

Does this mean that there won´t be any sequel? A sequel cannot be discarded at all but I truly wonder how it will turn out in terms of quality 
I think perfectionism should not alone dampen any spark of creativity you have. A worry of performance can only paralyze you, 

> (if I properly get into it at all)
Though a lack of desire is something different. If you don't have the desire, then don't worry...

but if you do, perhaps reading a fic or two maybe in order  Maybe I'll recommended one 

> One cannot close the door to anything and thus, I want to leave it slightly open, just in case...
And I reach in ever so slightly, ready to withdraw my hand but just as ready to step through...

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> At the time, we were the only folks here. I understand both refraining opening a thread like this now and opening a thread like this back then, still it is great how it got to evolve.

indeed. I could have become the laughing stock and an easy target for any reply that could shatter the whole thing completely (the first 10 replies). I realized that when I posted on a precarious mobile phone in the morning, I envisioned that the worst things could have popped up over here. If I had had an account on social media, I could have become the public idiot of my persona (which would have been even worse)

It was a strange dynamic in which I had thought that there were more people participating who could have got involved but in reality, I was writing to the same person after all and I was imagining mirages that weren´t actually here. I didn´t even dare to see your replies at the time and it cost me months to even face them. 

It felt like opening a can of worms, even though throughout the show discussion threads I have displayed the same points but with a more fleshed out laid -back approach (thus, these same points feel more digestible and less harsh). At the time, this felt as if I were breaking a barrier that I wasn´t meant to break and it could have gone horribly wrong. I deeply appreciate that it didn´t happen to be that way and in the end, I realize for myself what I wrote and how this "project" (initially a blogpost) could be solved with a different direction and sustain it with other mediums. 

And here we are: same place, same tone but with a different perspective...

> 2020 I presume?
yep.  The greatest amount of time in which I got to think about it was during the confinement. /endpone/ served me as a bubble to disconnect from the pandemic and forget about the fact that I wouldn´t be able to get out of the flat for two months unless that I went shopping for basic stuff. Draconian measures that could have driven me crazy and the fear was strong and intense during the first wave around here. Fortunately enough, I didn´t transmit those vibes over here for the most part.

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> Quality versus letting the emotion flow, plus life stuff putting a damper upon it. I can completely understand that. I mean, coming from someone who has several incomplete fics sitting for here, stuff can get in the way.

I am one of those who doesn´t like incomplete things. Once I start doing something, I prefer ending it completely and move onto something else. There is something quite dangerous about writing with emotions because one should regulate them and place those intentions with much more balance. There are always temptations to put your hands on it and then, regret it later. 

There are also a few problems with this story: I actually don´t know the characters. Seriously, I have to read the story all over again and learn what I have written and what are the actual traits that you can extract from them as if I were a random reader instead of approaching them as the author, hence a 2nd part that feels organic without deviating them from their traits looks complicated.  

I am not all that familiar with getting a character with the exact same traits all the time. That is to say, I could make them sound out of character out of nowhere because of the lack of knowledge related to their behaviors displayed on the story and cause a huge mess for those people who hold the character development as their main preference. 

Regardless of what I say, thanks for displaying empathy here.

> I think perfectionism should not alone dampen any spark of creativity you have. A worry of performance can only paralyze you
yeah...but I wasn´t meant to take any responsibilities on creating fan stuff anyway. I don´t consider myself a writer or content creator...mostly because I don´t want to promise anything beforehand. I just wanted to bring a sense of openness for continuing this story but that doesn´t mean that it needs a sequel desperately. 

I have admitted many times that what I deliver and people call ""creative"" is just a bunch of pieces that are simply put together and I simply try to make them seem organic, as if they were meant to fit in this context. Nothing else. If the story has managed to feel as an organic MLP story with all the inspirations that I have decided to gather for it, then that´s a success in my eyes.

> Though a lack of desire is something different. If you don't have the desire, then don't worry...
I haven´t needed to write about this. I wanted to share something for my birthday and liven up this thread so it doesn´t feel completely dead after so much time without getting any replies. 

> but if you do, perhaps reading a fic or two maybe in order Maybe I'll recommended one
You mean the Star in Yellow, right? Perhaps I might take something out of them just to deliver something different and keep things varied. In this regard, I have no one else to blame except myself. I have been pretty reluctant when it comes to the consumption of fan content. I know the overview of this fanbase and that X content exists out there but I don´t tend to dive into the content itself all that often. This mindset that I have held doesn´t exclusively apply to MLP though. 

> And I reach in ever so slightly, ready to withdraw my hand but just as ready to step through...
Thanks. For now, let´s keep it open but as I said 3 years ago:  >>/656/  Nothing is planned and I can't promise anything.

I go back to the same point over and over again but for prudent reasons this time around. Whatever path is taken in the end, I will try to not regret it in hindsight...

> I could have become the public idiot of my persona (which would have been even worse)
I guess you'd then be called LOL23.

> , I was writing to the same person after all and I was imagining mirages that weren´t actually here.
My first thought of this was me and a bunch of cardboard cut outs  Though BO was there... watching us 

> (thus, these same points feel more digestible and less harsh).
A lot of things can come down to tone and presentation. Two people can make totally the same point and the meaning be lost with one. 

> . /endpone/ served me as a bubble to disconnect from the pandemic and forget about the fact that I wouldn´t be able to get out of the flat for two months unless that I went shopping for basic stuff
/endpone/ was for me two in a way, a outlet, a distraction and in a odd sort of way, a shelter. Not just during this, but also before, for my own various IRL stuff  like the death of my grandparents   

> And here we are: same place, same tone but with a different perspective...
It's creepy how my life was completely different when this was first wrote, and yours too. Different perspective indeed. 

>  I were a random reader instead of approaching them as the author
I'll have to give this a reread before I can comment on that. 

> doesn´t mean that it needs a sequel desperately. 
I understand. 

> I have admitted many times that what I deliver and people call ""creative"" is just a bunch of pieces that are simply put together and I simply try to make them seem organic, as if they were meant to fit in this context.
That can be the essence of creativity though. A lot of things are stitched together or incrementally improved over completely new. Heck, FiM itself may count as that. I don't think you should view yourself as a "content creator" or fiction writer but I think you shouldn't be dismissive of anything you could do because of it. 

> You mean the Star in Yellow, right? Perhaps I might take something out of them just to deliver something different and keep things varied.
Yes.  A couple actually  Your fic isn't the Star in Yellow, but you had a certain... how do I put it, dream haunting feeling that, regardless of it's flaws (I do want to reevaluate my analysis)  awed me a little for reminding me of that feeling.  Also, it is loosely inspired by a obscure story old story 

> Nothing is planned and I can't promise anything.
Roger  Roger.

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