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it's all fun and games until you realize something...

Imagine seeing pic related,Dolores in front of Luna.
Put the metaphor that Dolores is good at magic and has to face Luna,but "that Dolores" has other talent instead and Luna is the representation of death. Umbridge doesn't expect that this could happen when she was comfortable and Luna just appears out of nowhere without any warning sign.

That's when things are a coincidence and the Dolores I am talking about may not be the one we all know here....and I have to say that the digits are the least I could dedicate to her.

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Okay, now that does make it creepy. Im not sure if it's the choice of art, or just the fact that I'm under the weather at the moment, but reading that sent a chill down my spine. 

You were right in giving her those digits.

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> Okay, now that does make it creepy. Im not sure if it's the choice of art, or just the fact that I'm under the weather at the moment, but reading that sent a chill down my spine. 

the artistic metaphor is just an accident. I am glad it didn't sound too obvious that the Dolores we are making fun and having a blast posting her unique name.....had consequences on the other side of the coin.

The instant death and the illusion that I have made with the winter pic were inspired because of this. When I saw it, I didn't take it too personally but as for my opinions about the protagonist of this board...oh boy.

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> the artistic metaphor is just an accident. I am glad it didn't sound too obvious that the Dolores we are making fun and having a blast posting her unique name.....had consequences on the other side of the coin.

There is something a little haunting about it isn't there? Dolores being woefully unprepared to face such a thing. Changing things around with are version of Dolores, making her a master bridge worker and what not hurting her/hurting other versions of her do to what we have taken away in our changes. providing I understand what you're saying correctly that is

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> There is something a little haunting about it isn't there? Dolores being woefully unprepared to face such a thing.
That's literally the origin of making this version. The sudden death from the real Dolores is what has inspired me to say this.

> Changing things around with are version of Dolores, making her a master bridge worker and what not hurting her/hurting other versions of her do to what we have taken away in our changes. providing I understand what you're saying correctly that is

Our version may have hurt or something. Everything seemed to have a happy version with it. Maybe the bridge is not literally a bridge in this case. It's probably either Luna being the bridge that Dolores never wanted to take or the bridge of bringing her a soul that we seem to have stolen a few days ago and we are seeing the consequences.

When I heard about it, I couldn't avoid to think about what we accidentally (or not) did. There is no correlation at all but her name is now a little bit uncertain.

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> and so
> a life after the party
> what the pony race has not been able to achieve
> you desire something from the inside you wouldn't live for doing it
> the simple act of trying offers you a painful death
> the place where societies were anciently known as non existant or a form of modern living
> if that was the sea, we would go crazy for our mind
> too much of a wet dream to come true
> our lungs would burn and we would be scared of facing the unknown
> so is this what we desire? is it that dangerous hell we wouldn't be able to adapt?
> mostly yes
> however...

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> so I must be thinking
> "I should have fear but, it cannot be that dangerous all the time"
> "It's wild but the rumours said that a society woild exist,but my mind doesn't think that way. I don't see it"
> so I stare in a rock, trapped psychologically in despair and at the same, attracted to discover part of the truth
>  I would be willing to risk my life in order to discover what's down there
> so easy to go back home and take some warm comfort
> the day is passing and I am here, alone,spending time and my thoughts make it seem endless
> I don't think I can risk myself for that,besides if I touch the water, I would sink right into the lowest depth
> "I am scared. How did I arrive to this rock?"

so my body was just focused into those thoughts...until..I saw something moving.
> "Is it a fish?It'd better be one because I don't want to move and face a shark"
> the creature got close to my location and I saw it stopped. I screamed and jump into the water to the other side.
> However, my brainless move would cost me some height and the coast wasn't as near as I thought

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> my armor felt heavier in the water than ever even though I was used to carry its weight naturally on earth.
> I would be swimming for nothing because my lungs are burning and it didn't seem that I could reach the surface at all
> I didn't think I was not going to make it
> turns out....I didn't. It was over yet I didn't see the eyes of that creature. "Why would I jump?"thought to myself.
> at least, it was another case of not facing the undiscovered,leaving it behind and take it as a dark place to not visit ever
> no pony should face a death like this
> before my body was prepared to send a final letter to Equestria...I did saw the figure,not much with the choking from the inside. In a couple of frames, that was not a shark.neither a complete fish.
> it had hooves and maybe a tail whose movement felt like a breeze of air. Ironically that's what I needed. 
> It looked like one of us. Yet it didn't jump to me.
> What was going to be a worse death,yurns out I closed my eyes before witnessing my cherry on the top pain.I didn't want to see it. Lungs burning,seeing myself manipulated by a creature....everything was wrong,it felt like a nightmare

> until all of a sudden, I could breathe. Somehow,but when I closed my eyes,I was breathing like I was taking a calm sleep.My body was as calm as floating in the limbo. Am I in the so called,afterlife? am I with my family?

> I didn't know what was happening to me,I didn't want to open my eyes

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> so I finally took the risk and I opened my eyes and I couldn't believe what scenery would be in front of me
> it was magical,almost like a dream but I could "breathe" and not exactly in heaven.The ambient was not air driven,it was just water. 
> my body felt different,my two back hooves disappeared. I had a tail and the movements felt lighter than before. I felt in place with this unrealistic circumstance. Fluid, serene and it brought more thoughts to me....with a heavy armor. (now.that's magic)
> the creature in front of me was actually similar to me.It was a mare just like a normal pony.....but I was one of them as well!
> she looked at me nicely. She didn't tell her name but she explained to me something.

She helped me to survive. Seaponies wouldn't let earth ponies drown because that would bring a bad image to Celestia and their people. They use a bubble as a first emergency assistance and then, turn their visitors into seaponies with a necklace. That would bring an absolute security of their lives, guaranteering a nice experience with them while changing from air to the water. They appreciate their visitors and even encourage to stay with them. That's what happened while I had my eyes closed for so much time.

> "how didn't I know they were in contact with Celestia?Since when you were here and discovered?!"
> she smiled and she said that their rediscovery with Princess Twilight's visit was pretty recent. They had had a society for centuries yet,it was taken as a legend for the most part in history books by earth ponies. The news of rediscovery was not told to my deaf ears.
> she showed me her city. It felt like I was on earth. The air was missing and those citizens didn't need that. In fact,the place looked peaceful, no menaces around and they had lives....like normal ponies. My brain felt so twisted yet,so overwhelmed by learning something I had a lot of desire to know. This wasn't the Everfree Forest I feared.
> as I swam around there,she showed me her home. She winked at me during the visit. "She may be in love with me...what do I say to her?"
> "do I want to return? should I go somewhere with her?" whatever it could be....I felt safe, like my 2nd home somehow. My mind could tolerate this and so,my soul (and my lungs if I had or needed any by that time). I could accept my new situation and take it as normal.It felt weird at first but when I asked her:

> "so,what do you want to do?"

> all my fears disappeared. She looked happy and even thrilled. I guess I am going to spend a long visit underwater with a good company. This was a 2nd chance, a new life given to me. I was reborn and now, I appreciate more the new events here.

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Post story(epilogue):
> so all good things happen in the end
> our little protagonist Blue Star found himself flowing his fins and tail with a new life. A life after the party. It wasn't a party but a rediscovery for their species.
> he promoted the seapony image again and actually attracted some important figures after spending a couple of weeks down there
> hippogriffs gave him some honor because of giving that personal effort to them and he was welcome and even offered a job as a guard for Seaquestria
> he found some relief and purpose to his life finally after a mid life identity crisis
> staring on a rock was all he could do. He thought he had failed and saw himself retiring for the defense of this world

> so, the actual party got its own celebration,with Skystar and Pinkie under command,reaching levels of Rainbow Dash's birthday
> it was overwhelming,the party spirit was there,far away from Ponyville. That language feels universal,everyone out there believes in the word fun and optimism.
> even Rarity had a date with an hippogriff. They danced together,bending their bodies as if they were floating in space. At some point,they composed the form of a heart. Maybe our little blue OC wasn't the only one who had found love here...huh? Either way,what a form to shine with absolute fabulousity, like a pearl in the seafloor,these two delivered a very valuable moment worth to watch.

> something magical happens in that place and no longer feels that it could threaten anypony. The seas were even more protected and hippogriffs guarded their coasts and prevented normal ponies to get drowned. That should explain the Blue Star recruitment for that job. He had the experience,now he wanted to help others from the bottom of his heart, now with a mare to listen his own fears and existential thoughts.

so,what is it now? Does the sea bring more problems? It seems the south part of Equestria has reinforced and established a bright future,a future of harmony. Maybe, the darkness isn't found underwater,maybe the seas are not the thing we are looking for,considering that we have ambassadors,loyal defenders of the sea; there's not much left for us to get here.
Only nice parties,some ponies having illusions to transform, some seamares dating earth ponies. As fairy tales usually tell: they swam together and shoo be looved each other forever....

....until we remember and stop pretending about what happened to bat ponies.....

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Did you like it? 
Anyway,they have had a lot of problems and that's where the /end/ steps into the zone. That's where the happy trends don't get as much happiness as this ending. 

By the way,the ending was written because of that picture of Rarity.Only watching those two together gave me the thought to set up the party. I had to dedicate some material to this species but I didn't know exactly how and where but you could notice that I loved them from the other thread.

I don't care if there are OC's involved, the only thing that matters is the inspiration that could come from the material I find.

And the next part....oh boy, I have to do that someday.

Meanwhile,let's swim.

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Yes I did like. I not going to gush over it and call it the greatest fanfiction in all of exitence,but I did enjoy it pretty well.  I was actually caught off guard by the happy ending  sans bat pones : (  I am curious to the implications of their fate.  Look forward to seeing what comes next from ya!

> I don't care if there are OC's involved, the only thing that matters is the inspiration that could come from the material I find.

I could easily make something that is oc-tastic if I go a certain way with some of my ideas. So whatever you make mine will be probably worse!

> Meanwhile,let's swim.

 in nightmares! 

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> Yes I did like. I not going to gush over it and call it the greatest fanfiction in all of exitence,but I did enjoy it pretty well. I was actually caught off guard by the happy ending sans bat pones : ( I am curious to the implications of their fate. Look forward to seeing what comes next from ya!
I want to get into that territory. You can't be happy or sad for very long.Where some shine,others don't get to live such pleasures or forms of harmony and relationships of good kind (Skystar pretty much shows it in the movie)

> I could easily make something that is oc-tastic if I go a certain way with some of my ideas. So whatever you make mine will be probably worse!
You are talking as if I were a professional writer. Phew lad,too much ego for me. I tend to review things with some critical eye but I don't tear up anyone and let them down by their work. If anythiin, I would feel lazy or point a couple of things out. But nothing else.
> in nightmares! 
With that picture of yours, this pony would have even worse nightmares with the quesadillas. I wonder how a party in her castle would be with guests offering them to her.

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> I want to get into that territory. You can't be happy or sad for very long.Where some shine,others don't get to live such pleasures or forms of harmony and relationships of good kind (Skystar pretty much shows it in the movie)

Those who even in the best utopia lost. Where victumes or the ones who were left behide in the building of a almost perfect world. A fact of life.

> You are talking as if I were a professional writer. Phew lad,too much ego for me. I tend to review things with some critical eye but I don't tear up anyone and let them down by their work.  

I'm not intimidated in the slightest. I was just joking around, making fun of myself a little bit.  You are honestly pretty good at writing though : ) 

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> Those who even in the best utopia lost. Where victumes or the ones who were left behide in the building of a almost perfect world. A fact of life.
Even in a world of pink horses and full of rainbows,not everything is gold when something shines. There has to exist something to counter it,even if it was just a period,but it had to exist. The world moves and there are things that nobody wants to remember...
> I'm not intimidated in the slightest. I was just joking around, making fun of myself a little bit. You are honestly pretty good at writing though : ) 
Pretty hard to detect the irony when the tone is always serious or at least for a foreigner. The day I catch all the comedy showed on me,I can die happily. 
I hope the quality remains there for the next project if it happens.

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so I find myself asking
> what is love
> is love supposed to be a norm?
> is love supposed to have a rule for both sides?
> is love supposed to follow the normal rules of nature?
> is love supposed to keep a healthy practice for every day?
> is love supposed to be a pleasure?
> is love needed in order to exist?
> and the most relevant thing about this:
> is love supposed to keep itself progressive?can we find love in the wrong ways?is it as respectable and equally as degenerate as we think?
> what does happen when we fear about taking the next step into the zone?

> Something feels wrong

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> after that totalitarism...
> our little Umbridge would find herself in peace by discovering her taste for building bridges
> however,her town was completely destroyed for several days and morally,they felt grey at their core of their hearts
> they suffered the terrifying communism and the only way to understand it,is through their victims
> Sugar Bellle would find her love with Big Mac several months later and would move into Ponyville
> Night Glider would keep the vigilant position even though she would gain a certain interest for signing into the Wonderbolts. The speed that came from the wings on every flight was worth of a competitive runner.

but what about these two: Diamond and Party Favor?
> they visited each other constantly
> they had been close friends since their childhood,they had been completely raised together
> however,when both were moved by a cheap lie of our bridge builder, she tore their friendships and made their illusions and dreams to keep them into the ground level
> communism and equality doesn't know about individual friendship. They had to make everything together for the greater good.

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> one day,Diamond visited Party's house pretty late at night
> they were used to visiting each other constantly but not a visit that would start during those hours of pure moonlight

> Party Favor had already taken his pancake for dinner. Not much could happen during the night between that and his own sleep
> He welcomed Diamond even though he felt somewhat tired from the inside,he received his close friend with a nice look.
> "Party" said Double Diamond."I have to confess something to you". Party opened his eyes a bit more than usual.
> "I think....I was thinking that after that awful episode,Party,it wasn't just our friendship...." Party Favor had some kind of anxious feeling,at points,uneasy but interested to hear what his friend wanted to say.
> "If I have visited your house this late,my friend, is not because I have just a feeling to have fun....but a desire to be together in this for the rest of our lives"
> Party had its own cheeks completely in red. He didn't know what to say but he managed to tell to Diamond:"Are you sure about this?I mean,I like you but....is it enough for this?"
> "Party. We have survived years of complete absence of feelings. My mind was about to explode and I couldn't see that my feelings would get replaced or unnecessary for my life. I need them and if we made it through,it was because I loved all of you,especially you,Sugar and Night Glider. We were together and I,appreciate more what I have. Complete freedom of thought,complete freedom of my purpose and a pony being who I can share completely everything I have."
> "Diamond,I think you are getting too emotional...You are just saying this and you want to jump into the pool with me.I have certain fears..."

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> "Tell which ones are your fears, my love" said confidently Diamond.
> "What would the ourtowners say?Would they see us as weird or different" said with fear Party Favor
> "We are not different. Just that we love each other, nothing more and nothing less. Life has been too awful for us,I think it's time for us to enjoy and have a nice life.When you have had a totalitaristic norm that prevented us to go further,I felt fighting against myself. I could sense you felt something about me,you were just containing yourself but with more tolerance. Dolores has left us in peace and that dark chapter won't come back. Party,celebrate with me the actual victory.Free yourself and feel the pleasure to feel everything" Diamond said with such a big passion,almost like an inspiring figure.
> "Diamond....I....can't. I cannot kiss a stallion like this. I shouldn't be in this situation, you are so close to me yet,so far to feel that I am doing the right thing" said Party.
> "Forget about the right thing. We don't harm any other pony. I want to share love,just as something personal. My reward is you and no pony else. Anything else is secondary:public image, commented things about our relationship,pride to be ourselves....they don't matter at all.I want to share this path with you and feel so close that only love could tear us apart. I will make sure that won't happen.I put my trust on you,just like you have done in the past" said Diamond.
> "Diamond....I don't know what to say....but your words give me hope,you feel alive and that's good enough for me" said Party 
> "If you see me healthy, I want you to take my path as well. Jump onto the waters my love,don't think about it. Just jump with me! Jump and do a favor for me" screamed Diamond 
> "How do I do it...? Party could hardly end the sentence
> "Like this." Diamond said and...

Both gave a huge kiss. The huge moment arrived and Party closed his eyes when he felt the mouth of Diamond. Both were feeling something unnatural yet,so attractive to achieve and dream for two subjects. They did that act for themselves,no pony else involved nor any other social factor that could prevent them from this moment.Actual love was shown and the truth was undeniable,both parts felt connected.
> They gave green light to a relationship that could risk themselves but Diamond and after an inspiring conversation with him,Party agreed to stay loyal and close on this take. Diamond knew he was taking a huge risk,almost like comitting a capital sin, yet,it was either his psychological pleasure or his reasons to live would end frustrated. His love was meant to be transmitted somewhere else and he found his love on Party Favor...a relationship taken as a prize more than pride...

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> And so this was the beginning of Party Favor and Diamond as a relationship. They don't know how it will end but both kknew they were friends and when loved was consumed,friendship came to its place. So it went on circle.
> Not a perfect relationship exists, nor the most desired one could be made
> Diamond felt better because he was understood by Party by being with him all the time than just partially. He thought too much and needed the chance to explode,free his energy from his body.
> This helped him not only to become a better pony,but a stable one. He needed a partner for his projects. He didn't feel like going alone and spend lonely nights like that communistic era. The repression felt and time lost paid off with this
> A huge kiss where both stallions could and went further. Was that love? Was love between both stallions seen as cute or equal to the usual ones? No.But feelings are private and individual independent,just like Diamond,Party Favor and as established by both,their next step to be in love completely and not restricted.

Freedom to have a wet dream,freedom to fantasize what you shouldn't do but you do,freedom to feel passion and keep your illusions after the dark tunnel. Love is not meant to define a clear line,love should be transmitted but it depends on us to accept it. Each other is all we have got.

Diamond only saw Party as someone free himself and feel alive. Just like anybody would dream with Twilight Sparkle or Rarity, he would do it with Party....

> "I wonder how they will be after so much time. Next weekend,we are visiting them,right Big Mac?"
> "Eeeyup" said the huge stallion...
Sugar Belle put a smile and both decided to visit her old friends after 5 years....

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Fanfic:"The "wrong" love after the wrong timeline"

This is a little piece dedicated to RGRE(reverse gender roles in Equestria) from /mlp/ where I could notice the lack reverse role for a male character. The only thread where you can post freely stallions and discuss badly about them is...well,take a wild guess.

This fanfic is a "love letter" or better translated, a middle finder to those who have fear about fantasazing about something that should be wrong but in reality,it's just a phase that makes your mind free to think about anything and not fear about what should be the norm.Not propaganda,not shilling just a little dedication to those close minded people.

So, I decided to write this piece just because if any pleasure of freedom of fetishing, should they be only on mares?Why are we only having illusions on them?

A few thoughts of mine about this topic were told here...

> Dolores let out a yawn.
> She was quite tired.
> The day had been quite long.
> ... and by the sound of that loud crash, it was far from over.
> Dolores! Said a white stallion with a white mane (which also was white).
> His smile was painful and ingenuine, his eyes betrayed fear.
> Dolores looked upon the pitiful shell of him. He was trembling.
> The cart he had been pulling had fallen over to its side, it's contents scattered about the baren ground. 
> Another delay to add to the list.
> "Diamound..." Dolores said, suppressing an urge to scream at the young stallion, she had to maintain  appearances after all.
> "Why did... this is the third cart that you have had an accident with this week!"
> "I-I-I'm sorry! The ground is so rocky here and the there is the hoter the-"
> "No excuses." Dolores said firmly. "At least the cart appears to be undamaged."
> Double Diamond cowarded under her gaze. Part of her supposed she really shouldn't be too hard on the stallion, he wasn't the most well built for navigating such rough terrain. He really wouldn't even be doing this if it hadn't been for the injuries that had been sustained by half of the ablebodied stallions who had already been asigned there.
> Still, it was yet another delay of many. She couldn't go soft, least encourage the others to slow down as well.
> "Your working fourteen hour days for the rest of this week!"
> "Y-yes Dolores!"
> Dolres ignored his reply as she proceeded forward. 
> More delays. More setbacks. More time wasted. How was she supposed to make her magnum opus when she couldn't get even one simple wooden bridge constructed in a timely maner?
> Sure this had been her most ambitious projuct to date. This was no simple cliffside a few dozen hooves across, but a good six hundread with a much futher drope down. It also was much farther away from the village.
> Dolores knew all that. But she had ambitions. She wanted to build works far greater then that brigde.
> If she couldn't even get a simple wooden bridge done, how could she get anything else?
> She had already pushed back her deadline by three whole months. She couldn't afford anymore time, least she face the wrath of the Weather Bureau's biennial downpour that was scheguled for the otherwise dry region.
> Dolores cursed to herself as she sat on the ground after she tripped.
> A single glance back revealed the culprit, one of the many sized rocks that parted up from the dirt.
> She tried to get up, there was a sudden sharp pain in her right foreleg. Dolores worked through the pain to stand awkwardly.
> She felt a single drop fall upon her forehead.
> Rain...
> The day was looking to be longer for her.
 this was just something my brain farted out. I had to do something in celebration for 800. Especially since I got the get this time 

> We have survived years of complete absence of feelings. My mind was about to explode and I couldn't see that my feelings would get replaced or unnecessary for my life.
> a middle finder to those who have fear about fantasazing about something that should be wrong but in reality,it's just a phase that makes your mind free to think about anything and not fear about what should be the norm

Surpressing parts of yourself, even to yourself. Even beyound the norms of the ouside there are ones that you can construct within your own mind, like a cage. This even extends to simple things of no consequence. Like the fear to even entertain an idea, even if you won't act on it.

I am kinda sleepy, last few days have been very busy. I am just saying what my brain first thinks out at the moment, so if it's a confusing mess I apologize.

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> Surpressing parts of yourself, even to yourself. Even beyound the norms of the ouside there are ones that you can construct within your own mind, like a cage. This even extends to simple things of no consequence. Like the fear to even entertain an idea, even if you won't act on it.
The worst thing is that even with a sleepy brain, you have caught a deep interpretation with very few lines.
Maybe it´s because you know how I type my posts but yes, my fears are mostly shown in Double Diamond. In fact, I see that your green has detected that he was the main character i which I had a fearful disguise.  I am an open book and I don´t see if that´s an advantage or a curse in the end...

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Either way, I have to post the critique and concept behind this fanfic. There are three big middle fingers as I said in this fic:

1. Yes, it´s dedicated to RGRE for being so selective, not close minded, but selective with what they want. I get their intentions but some contrast should show up. This chill happy green doesn´t serve for /mlp/ (for the most part) because of jumping into the gay or not gay territory so quickly, leaving no chance to look over the context or the actual content. Judging the book by its cover.

2. To the pseudo totalitarian collective who thinks that this green and everything related to sexual thoughts belongs to them. They could accept it blindly by seeing the shipping images but I put these lines genuinely:
> We are not different. Just that we love each other, nothing more and nothing less.
> I want to share love,just as something personal. My reward is you and no pony else.
> His love was meant to be transmitted somewhere else and he found his love on Party Favor...a relationship taken as a prize more than pride...
Those lines kill the purpose of being proud to choose that tendency of loving someone else. The decision is individual and it doesn´t represent anyone else nor it should be forced to put into the same category. That collective that speaks with the name of them, could actually harm them in the long run if they become obnoxious loud to everybody. 

3. To communism. What can I say about it?I could have picked any other male ship like BigArmor but Party and Double Diamond served me as an excuse to introduce a dark context. The desire of Double Diamond to share his intentions so passionately is because he was finally free of that system. The story while focused on gay shipping, focuses on the emotions of their victims and the next chapter for their lives. The dark setup was established in the Cutie Map and the ship (I didn´t know this before writing the green I promise) was implied in Hard to Say Anything.

To sum up, this green is......poisoned.
Poisoned for /mlp/, poisoned for the SJW, poisoned for those who get triggered by the images and poisoned for the extreme radical left. It´s a desire of being one self and using the rights to be an individual that doesn´t have intentions to harm anybody. Yet, I show genuine fear by jumping in the swamp and writing about something I shouldn´t be doing becuase of how some will judge to this...Also, I have tried something which DC and Marvel comics seem to struggle by introducing gay characters into their franchises. Not just them being gay but something more insightful had to be in there,something beyond the easy clap of Tumblr. So here is the shot I put on the table...

thumbnail of 868231__safe_artist-colon-matrosha123_double+diamond_night+glider_party+favor_sugar+belle_the+cutie+map_balloon+animal_equal+four_eyes+closed_grin_hoof.png
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> His smile was painful and ingenuine, his eyes betrayed fear.
> suppressing an urge to scream at the young stallion, she had to maintain appearances after all.

> I had to do something in celebration for 800. Especially since I got the get this time
Genuinely surprised by the descriptions put into your green. And I have a certain feeling that somehow calls to me while reading these lines.

It seems that this could be a meta continuation to what was established.A meta reference and dedication that doesn´t let Dolores to catch a breath, stressing over the delays and the desperation of having promised projects that are ruined...
how do I know that I will fuck it up at any job and cause these thoughts to a boss because of my awkwardness while working?

And the ending of this act,like the previous digits, is as happy as if not more than the others

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> Yes, it´s dedicated to RGRE for being so selective, not close minded, but selective with what they want. I get their intentions but some contrast should show up. This chill happy green doesn´t serve for /mlp/ (for the most part) because of jumping into the gay or not gay territory so quickly, leaving no chance to look over the context or the actual content

Don't know to much on RGRE, but yeah something little like this won't hae enough time to develop an atmosphere to be able to have a chance to change minds with its concepts. 

> Those lines kill the purpose of being proud to choose that tendency of loving someone else. The decision is individual and it doesn´t represent anyone else nor it should be forced to put into the same category. 

All these labels can easily form such  "totalitarian collectives" or a blind will of a mob. The specification which they are doled out and formed don't help anybody. My relation to it is obsevring through my contact with SJW's though. Their attempts to erase catagories and allow freedom have backfired badly, with many different labels that are each there own mini identity, and people shrilling about if this or that is truely X? Which leads to splittering, yet the splittering becomes yet another label that will be debated and shrilled. Though I'm taling about SJW's I really mean it with anything.

TLTR: Labels not just used as an indentification of a thing, but as a strict exspectation of what that thing is, sometimes with a sense of indentity with it. 

> To communism. What can I say about it?

Communism can be uniroicly shrilled for in many places in the west, despite doing much of the same thing that various right wing factions did. Even the people who shrill against it by saying "It's stupid that the soviet union killed but because they were not racist they get away with it" No, I'm saying is that because many of the communist countries and movements were in fact pretty racist toward various groups that weren't the national majorities. Cossacks, crimian tatars, Tibet, etc. Even if they weren't always systematically killing them ouright, they were often supressing their language and culture with the clear intent to wipe them it as a group. 

> Poisoned for /mlp/, poisoned for the SJW, poisoned for those who get triggered by the images and poisoned for the extreme radical left. It´s a desire of being one self and using the rights to be an individual that doesn´t have intentions to harm anybody.

> Poisoned..

Oh, I get this. This is something that I've wondered and enterained about. These groups are not all consuming, but often places now are at least leaning to one or the other. Their are things that both don't accept and get triggered so easily with. I've wondered what it would be like if someone or something arose who was willing to trigger both in equal messure, so it's interesting for me to see you mention that. Both of these groups have become the fun police, attacking many who just want to be left out of it. This is a desire just to be.

> Yet, I show genuine fear by jumping in the swamp and writing about something I shouldn´t be doing becuase of how some will judge to this...

Really, I am a pretty chill dude. Even if this is not my taste, don't be afraid to mess around with stuff here that doesn't flow elsewhere. I doubt the other anon who used to come by would care either.  I mean we are on endchan for goodness sankes...   Though I don't now about the random stranger who posted in the Apple Jac Parents e thread yesterday  I really like the points you wanted to make with this which really rings with me.

> Maybe it´s because you know how I type my posts but yes, my fears are mostly shown in Double Diamond. In fact, I see that your green has detected that he was the main character i which I had a fearful disguise.

I did read that but don't give me too much credit, I had started out with just the simple intention just to write something about our glorious bridge... the rest just fell into place as I wrote. It almost would've been a comandy about Dolores having a ruined bridge funny enough if I had done things slightly differently.

> And I have a certain feeling that somehow calls to me while reading these lines.

As in the mask that ou wear when interacting with the outside  woah, that sounds too much like a shrink, not trying to pry, just curious as to why/how it calls out to you  

> It seems that this could be a meta continuation to what was established.A meta reference and dedication that doesn´t let Dolores to catch a breath, stressing over the delays and the desperation of having promised projects that are ruined...

I think I get what you are saying but I'm not 100% sure, is the meta relating to me or to you, both of us? Forgive me for I am very tired once agian. Not going ta blog, but this week has been constant errands and doctors appiontments. So I maybe missing some context and what not.

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> Don't know to much on RGRE, but yeah something little like this won't hae enough time to develop an atmosphere to be able to have a chance to change minds with its concepts.
Basically it's anon having sexual acts on ponies and the desire of being pleased with the story. As all the writers write as male,then I don't see the purpose of the thread but having sexualized stuff with male rule 63 characters.

> All these labels can easily form such "totalitarian collectives" or a blind will of a mob. The specification which they are doled out and formed don't help anybody. My relation to it is obsevring through my contact with SJW's though. Their attempts to erase catagories and allow freedom have backfired badly, with many different labels that are each there own mini identity, and people shrilling about if this or that is truely X? Which leads to splittering, yet the splittering becomes yet another label that will be debated and shrilled.
Basically the obsession with labeling everything has become natural to the point where everything has to have a name that portrays all the group and none of that group has exceptions or gets out of the patterns. I didn't start that trend but I am sure I am not helping to avoid it either. That same technique divides everybody without putting some kind of personal detail or detours that don't fit.
Also here is the fun fact,communism pioneered to point at everbody
 as their enemy,all of them who were not loyal,destoy it in the name for the good will. Yes,it was the first one and who followed and how Europe answered to it?Fascism and the bell rings.... of course,the best villains for the media,nationalsocialism. Both answers were their backlash yet,they used almost the same techniques as the communists for their ideology. If one player plays dirty,the others won't be short to break the fair play at anytime.
> TLTR: Labels not just used as an indentification of a thing, but as a strict exspectation of what that thing is, sometimes with a sense of indentity with it.
Like bronies and any fandom. More like identity,I would prefer to go softer and just say that it's mostly a tag. Identification should be applied when you really live it and stays relevant over time for yourself.

> Communism can be uniroicly shrilled for in many places in the west, despite doing much of the same thing that various right wing factions did. 
Ironically,that was my response before replying to this part as well.
> Even the people who shrill against it by saying "It's stupid that the soviet union killed but because they were not racist they get away with it" No, I'm saying is that because many of the communist countries and movements were in fact pretty racist toward various groups that weren't the national majorities.
Guess what else? They were the first to hate jews openly. I am not kidding,nationalsocialism is remembered constantly and we know how awful it was. But that doesn't prevent that communism did anything better. In fact,giving that sinister idea served to the others and put the same if not worse practices in other places unrelated to it.

> Cossacks, crimian tatars, Tibet, etc. Even if they weren't always systematically killing them ouright, they were often supressing their language and culture with the clear intent to wipe them it as a group.
100 millions of deaths. Half of the world under their command...failed as a system,failed on their good kind promise with the superior morality....yet their victims.....are somehow less relevant than the holocaust. Both are awful,but the numbers speak for themselves.


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> These groups are not all consuming, but often places now are at least leaning to one or the other. Their are things that both don't accept and get triggered so easily with. I've wondered what it would be like if someone or something arose who was willing to trigger both in equal messure, so it's interesting for me to see you mention that. Both of these groups have become the fun police, attacking many who just want to be left out of it. This is a desire just to be.
Basically,I was on the /pol/ side at some point but letting all my hate to flow like that...it doesn't work. I feel like going back to a primitive being. If I have to give a fuck you,I have to put on the table better options than them. I use one thing SJW praise blindly (a gay couple) and use the /mlp/ style(green text,sexual setup and in a way,a light fetish). 
I have received the heritaged tools from both yet,it doesn't convince neither the first nor the other,it goes through the middle and ends up in a nowhere territory. It feels pretty unconventional because you can see it unappealing because of the images,or unappealing because it's not progressive or gay for the sake of being gay and special. It has a dark context and a desperate feeling to feel something private,not something to be obnoxiously shouting at the street and claiming that you are homo to everybody during an entire week in my city. I have always prefered the chan side,however, I have a lot of crticism with them and you have seen that with some previous posts.

> Really, I am a pretty chill dude. Even if this is not my taste, don't be afraid to mess around with stuff here that doesn't flow elsewhere. I doubt the other anon who used to come by would care either. I mean we are on endchan for goodness sankes...
 And that's good because that means experimentation is encouraged and has to offer something different to what we see on the main board. They can be awful but it should break something and move forward into somewhere else(porn and sexual fetishes are mostly taken though). If we are patient and chill,then nothing can go wrong so quickly in terms of green.
> Though I don't now about the random stranger who posted in the Apple Jac Parents e thread yesterday
Neither do I. Literally a wtf was that. Probably a shitposter from /mlp/ and left his mark in less than 5 seconds.

> I really like the points you wanted to make with this which really rings with me.
I had been thinking about this after what I wrote. I had to tell this explanation but first,I had to spend time thinking about that green my mind let during that hour. Reflections which I have considered as important as the green itself. They are needed in order to put a new perspective on it and warn about the stuff I have experimented here. Not exactly the vision or the correct interpretation,but a personal view for what it inspired after taking an improvised post boosted by twisted feelings and thoughts.

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> I did read that but don't give me too much credit, I had started out with just the simple intention just to write something about our glorious bridge... the rest just fell into place as I wrote. It almost would've been a comandy about Dolores having a ruined bridge funny enough if I had done things slightly different.
The same process as mine. You start with the initial and idea and then,something spark and it's added with some crazy ones which follow. In this case, the lines follow a pretty cohesive situation though for instant thinking. Nothing out of the ordinary but for improvising,it flows.

> As in the mask that ou wear when interacting with the outside woah, that sounds too much like a shrink, not trying to pry, just curious as to why/how it calls out to you

in that case,I would have to describe myself and I don't want to get into that nor I can describe how I am so directly. I could say one thing today and maybe tomorrow,I could tell you another. Not that I change overnight but the point is: I don't know how to describe myself nor I can point out exactly what has carried me to feel that way. I simply have a sense that clicks on me when I see it. I free myself better under a character than letting my personal feeling core cage. What I write,I encourage more to guess what drove me behind to write it and what I convey over there. I convey feelings yet,many remain unclear with a different name. I cannot describe them yet,others see it so perfectly,much better than what I can do and for the better or worse, I share more when I have a mask,a mask used in the greens. 

> I think I get what you are saying but I'm not 100% sure, is the meta relating to me or to you, both of us? Forgive me for I am very tired once agian. 
Don't worry about being tired.
 It's meta because of our bridge and the implication that I am somehow Double Diamond or at least,suspected you got inspired by the previous green and insert him with that idea of fear. Seriously,it feels like I wrote the story yet,you know how to write it and follow the trend.

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> Basically it's anon having sexual acts on ponies and the desire of being pleased with the story. As all the writers write as male,then I don't see the purpose of the thread but having sexualized stuff with male rule 63 characters.

Yeah... never really been into lewds but I've probably taken a glance in there once or twice out of curiosity.

> Also here is the fun fact,communism pioneered to point at everbody

as their enemy,all of them who were not loyal,destoy it in the name for the good will. 
>  Both answers were their backlash yet,they used almost the same techniques as the communists for their ideology. If one player plays dirty,the others won't be short to break the fair play at anytime.

The most weathy peseants were given a label. The most weathy of the poorest peasents were  another label. Sometimes they would take a slight regional identity and turn it into a whole other ethnic group that got worse or better treatment. Though the right put more of an open emphasis on race, a lot of people forget that they too hated segments of the upper classes and weathy at times.

> Guess what else? They were the first to hate jews openly. I am not kidding,nationalsocialism is remembered constantly and we know how awful it was. But that doesn't prevent that communism did anything better. In fact,giving that sinister idea served to the others and put the same if not worse practices in other places unrelated to it.

Yep. One of the most ironic things to me is that many of the sterotypes of the rich that are popular even in tumblr land still have some motifs that came from hatred of jews from a economics standpoint.

> 100 millions of deaths. Half of the world under their command...failed as a system,failed on their good kind promise with the superior morality....yet their victims.....are somehow less relevant than the holocaust. Both are awful,but the numbers speak for themselves.

Exactly. Especially hypocritical to when people of the high and mighty left get angery at someone who was a friend of someone who may have been a nazi, yet completely brush off, ignore, or even defend someone who unironicly shrilled for the soviets. Doesn't make what the nazi's any less bad, but there is a big blind spot there to say the least.

> It has a dark context and a desperate feeling to feel something private,not something to be obnoxiously shouting at the street and claiming that you are homo to everybody during an entire week in my city. 

I think I mentioned this eariler a some point, but this is what I ment awhile ago when I said that Tumblr's stuff was sometimes self harming to the very groups they shrill for. That want surface level blind propaganda 90% of the time. You treated them as average people in a bad situation. Tumblr would dissect it in a thousand different ways. Probably calling it bad for right wing undertones an having not a strong character. Some circles on tumblr woul get the message to an extent but still shrill. Someone else would be fine woth the story, but shril because you aren't my definition of "x". Then someone else would shrill that it is drawing attention away from black issues, and most of them would reblog all of it in their usual insane dubble think. Usual whnen someone was going to actaully make a story like that invoveling some of tumblr's faviorites, end up avoiding having any complex characters of said minority groups, and leave all the characters with actually depth being white or some other group that tumblr hates. Leading them to grumble about a lack of a representation.  not to say there isnt any real issues like that but they often more harm then good 

I really like the themes you went for. It maybe "unappealing" but to me its truely a provocative in the true spirtit of the word.  A square peg in a round hole for both tumblr and the chans  well, most of them 

> And that's good because that means experimentation is encouraged and has to offer something different to what we see on the main board. They can be awful but it should break something and move forward into somewhere else(porn and sexual fetishes are mostly taken though). If we are patient and chill,then nothing can go wrong so quickly in terms of green.

Yeah, wirte your heart out. If its something I truely find revolting I'll just not read it. I could end up doing some pretty strange and random stuff anyway that I'm not usre how well it would flow well elsewhere either.

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> in that case,I would have to describe myself and I don't want to get into that nor I can describe how I am so directly. I could say one thing today and maybe tomorrow,I could tell you another. Not that I change overnight but the point is: I don't know how to describe myself nor I can point out exactly what has carried me to feel that way. I simply have a sense that clicks on me when I see it. 

But the perspective does change with the mood. I think I understand this in a way. I  have a very hard time discribing myself to someone and don't really feel like I have a full grasp on it, not to mention a desire to.

> I free myself better under a character than letting my personal feeling core cage. What I write,I encourage more to guess what drove me behind to write it and what I convey over there. I convey feelings yet,many remain unclear with a different name. 

The few times I have given serious thought to writing anything that represents me I usually don't put myself into a single charcater but have several that may represent aspects of my opinions and desires, but never completely. I'm not sure if this started as a way to avoiding having a easy to spot self incert or just having my charcater shrill my opinions but that's what I do. 

> It's meta because of our bridge and the implication that I am somehow Double Diamond or at least,suspected you got inspired by the previous green and insert him with that idea of fear. Seriously,it feels like I wrote the story yet,you know how to write it and follow the trend.

I did end up imagening it in the same universe. I imagend Dubble Diamound having the same issues as he did in your green, plus being not the most well build stallion who was insecure on a number of fronts. Though for me he was a background element that was a shared aspect to the story rather then a focus... at least what I was thinking as I wrote it. 

> I have always prefered the chan side,however, I have a lot of crticism with them and you have seen that with some previous posts.

Me too. Don't like most stuff outta /pol/, but I like the paradigm of how chans opperate. Harder to track easier to hide. I espicially am draw to the alt chans, looking for  hidden treasures and in my opinion some of the better examples of true honest discussion in general.

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> all of them who were not loyal,destoy it in the name for the good will.
this is why extremes are not good. Starting with this one. 
> Though the right put more of an open emphasis on race, a lot of people forget that they too hated segments of the upper classes and weathy at times.
that last line hurts to the left purposes. They think they are the only ones to claim the rich guilty while the right doesn't have the right(ironic)to criticize them. The "true socialism" just blames the burgueois for being guilty of exploiting the poorest classes yet,the same one who were guilty,brought the chance to communicate,associate and bring richness to them and their employees by being competent(agreeing,disagreeing,negotiations, directions of production, decisions, etc.)

> One of the most ironic things to me is that many of the sterotypes of the rich that are popular even in tumblr land still have some motifs that came from hatred of jews from a economics standpoint.
You know how communism started? Nobody of them worked nor had experience in the work's market. What's the target age of Tumblr? Around 15-24 years old,basically they have known university and a part time job at most. They talk about those ideals of justice without knowing the actual reality. The same patterns get repeated a century after the terror.

> Especially hypocritical to when people of the high and mighty left get angery at someone who was a friend of someone who may have been a nazi, yet completely brush off, ignore, or even defend someone who unironicly shrilled for the soviets. Doesn't make what the nazi's any less bad, but there is a big blind spot there to say the least.
Because the only ones that can justify the cause is the party itself,in short,the involved leaders of the movement. The rest don't matter,they are enemies and so,they go against our justice. The worst enemy for a communist is a socialist. Why?Because he is a capitalist traitor who uses the capital privileges,enjoys all of them,participates with the high spheres and speaks in the name of the people while exploiting them.
Funny stuff I have read tonight from that book. Here is the answer to why SJW don't follow the logic. They go with the cause their leaders impose and then,follow blindly.

I am personally amazed that the tactics from a century and maybe one and a half,still get repeated and have so much relevancy in the internet age.

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> I said that Tumblr's stuff was sometimes self harming to the very groups they shrill for. That want surface level blind propaganda 90% of the time. You treated them as average people in a bad situation.
And they are actually people. No way sexuality makes you any different,yet,Tumblr takes it into a whole new level of identity. 

> Tumblr would dissect it in a thousand different ways. Probably calling it bad for right wing undertones an having not a strong character. Some circles on tumblr woul get the message to an extent but still shrill. Someone else would be fine woth the story, but shril because you aren't my definition of "x". Then someone else would shrill that it is drawing attention away from black issues, and most of them would reblog all of it in their usual insane dubble think. Usual whnen someone was going to actaully make a story like that invoveling some of tumblr's faviorites, end up avoiding having any complex characters of said minority groups, and leave all the characters with actually depth being white or some other group that tumblr hates. Leading them to grumble about a lack of a representation. not to say there isnt any real issues like that but they often more harm then good
Basically you have described all of the possible answers tumblrinas would put out there. I don't like criticism focused so much on certain feeling ms on stuff of liking or not liking it. The fact that they are obsessed with if x character is black,gay or trans,whatever, matters more than the story and its creation/purpose is beyond me. Yeah,I can have a character which I am more biased than another or say that I am not into gay ships but we can get something out of it than just that. One has to get the important priorities right,otherwise write fanfic for your groups of friends and have fun fantasizing about everything. There is no wrong way to do it,yet I sensed the answers you have exposed, so you could understand my fears(which are put in the story too)

> I really like the themes you went for. It maybe "unappealing" but to me its truely a provocative in the true spirtit of the word. A square peg in a round hole for both tumblr and the chans well, most of them
Thanks. I didn't appreciate it that much but I have to confess that this provocation comes because I had clopped and enjoyed visually images of stallions while searching on derpi or going for some fresh stuff to enjoy. That enjoyment felt somewhat like breaking a secret but very constant chan's rule. Writing a story about that desire of fantasizing about male stuff while giving a fuck you to that psychological rule was my answer.

Also the fact that male characters are not discussed enough.... I cannot appreciate enough nor express how much and liberal is the episode To Change A Changeling. As far as I am concerned,it's possibly one of the best and most mature episodes FiM has ever had while being slightly progressive and conflicted for both sides at the same time. But like Pharynx is male and the new changeling designs are considered "awkward" if I had to say something,then I don't feel like posting about it because is going against the river's flow.

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> But the perspective does change with the mood. I think I understand this in a way. I have a very hard time discribing myself to someone and don't really feel like I have a full grasp on it, not to mention a desire to.
Same. Nobody stays the same for very long nor a perspective keeps itself 100% consistent to describe how one is made of.The medium is what I find a better resource to do it instead.

> The few times I have given serious thought to writing anything that represents me I usually don't put myself into a single charcater but have several that may represent aspects of my opinions and desires, but never completely. I'm not sure if this started as a way to avoiding having a easy to spot self incert or just having my charcater shrill my opinions but that's what I do.

I don't control how much of  myself I expose into one character but it should be a representation which fits the emotions put behind during that moment. Sure,that moment may not be frequent but I show a certain part. Both of my greens put fear as a secondary theme though.

> I did end up imagening it in the same universe. I imagend Dubble Diamound having the same issues as he did in your green, plus being not the most well build stallion who was insecure on a number of fronts. Though for me he was a background element that was a shared aspect to the story rather then a focus... at least what I was thinking as I wrote it.
I see it now. The main focus is no less than our little Dolores and her misadventures with her personal projects. The way that I see myself identified is because those issues that I wrote were actually from me. It's like shouting to a mirror and the ecco of my own voice goes back to me.

> Don't like most stuff outta /pol/, but I like the paradigm of how chans opperate. Harder to track easier to hide. I espicially am draw to the alt chans, looking for hidden treasures and in my opinion some of the better examples of true honest discussion in general.
That certain attraction comes because 4chan in a way has become a theater where everybody acts and has a role put into it(and I do take a role in order to give some activity to the pony board). Sure /mlp/ does not suffer it that much (sometimes) but others like /pol/,/mu/,/v/ do get trolls,spies, poisoned clickbait threads..... you feel like a character and it feels generic after repeating the same patterns over and over. I can't blame them,it's just how it has gone without thinking about it.

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> And they are actually people. No way sexuality makes you any different,yet,Tumblr takes it into a whole new level of identity. 

I know. It's like they think they have reached a higher plain of existence or something. It's just as stupid as social conservatives treating gay as evil, but oh, everything else is also evil but somewhat less evil  or in /mlp/ ewwwww that's just sick, lesbo horse ftw! 

Thanks. I didn't appreciate it that much but I have to confess that this provocation comes because I had clopped and enjoyed visually images of stallions while searching on derpi or going for some fresh stuff to enjoy. That enjoyment felt somewhat like breaking a secret but very constant chan's rule

Hey, if I were to shrill on that, yet nothing else here. I am a lurker of chans. Too each his own. Even if I find clop in general immoral, as long as your not shoving hardcore images anything in my face  unspoiled images  I won't make a fuss. Your no different then any clopper anywhere else that I interact with. Besides I am a native to the chans and places on the dark web spectrum anyway, a lotta things ya can't unsee from that! So don't feel like ya have to hide a part of yourself.

> Also the fact that male characters are not discussed enough.... I cannot appreciate enough nor express how much and liberal is the episode To Change A Changeling. As far as I am concerned,it's possibly one of the best and most mature episodes FiM has ever had while being slightly progressive and conflicted for both sides at the same time. 

The best works that change minds to me are ones that don't show one side as evil, but as at least somewhat justified, but wrong. 

> But like Pharynx is male and the new changeling designs are considered "awkward" if I had to say something,then I don't feel like posting about it because is going against the river's flow.

Post as much as ya want here. I won't shrill!

> You know how communism started? Nobody of them worked nor had experience in the work's market.

A movement crafted by intellectuals as an answer to grievances of the workers. It is ironic to me that many leftist who shout "always follow the experts!" and invoke the authority of education so willfully discard it when it doesn't fit. I've managed to get a  leftist guy to fumble pretty bad once when he made a long rant on how the GOP was ignoring the experts on the issue, "you wouldn't let a physicist make foreign policy you know " and I pointed out how the most right wing  by collage standards  field in education in the states was economics, and that most of the unironic hard core marxist were in STATS or social studies with no economic experience what so ever.

> I am personally amazed that the tactics from a century and maybe one and a half,still get repeated and have so much relevancy in the internet age.

That is why I do not blindly laugh at the generations before with a postmodern, absolutist morality of the present mindset. Though I think it is foolish to view history as a repeating cycle or all the old times are better then the new times sort of way. There are patterns that exist and things that are lost, perceptive that are gone that sometimes shed way more light on things then the current thought. 

> That certain attraction comes because 4chan in a way has become a theater where everybody acts and has a role put into it(and I do take a role in order to give some activity to the pony board). Sure /mlp/ does not suffer it that much (sometimes) but others like /pol/,/mu/,/v/ do get trolls,spies, poisoned clickbait threads..... you feel like a character and it feels generic after repeating the same patterns over and over. I can't blame them,it's just how it has gone without thinking about it.

Yeah that perfectly describes the rhythm of 4chan.

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"Dolores... "
> Dolores rolled in her bed, bedsheets entangled somewhat uncomfortably between her legs.

> "...MMmmmmm?" Dolores utterance lost all meaning in the dreariness of her just awoken mind.

> She briefly raised a hoof to rub her eyes as she stretched and tried to pull herself together.

> A brief glance to her window revealed that it was still night. The Equality Village was quiet and peaceful, at least from what she could tell from her limited from her window.

> Why had she awoken? After all the work trying to repair ruined bridges and hurt dreams over the last couple of days she should have slept like a rock. 

> She had even gotten involved in the grunt work for cryin out loud!

> Dolores cast her gaze half heartedly around her room, nothing was out of...

> Dolores shot up from her bed. A strange, circular form greeted her eyes in the darkness of her bedroom. 

> It hovered silently in the middle of the room. Dolores instinctively froze in its presence, as one would often do in the ghost stories she would hear as a filly. 

> She could make out small dots upon it surface that appeared to form some sort of face.

> A pancake?

"Hello Dolores."

> Dolores stared as at it as the utterance left it's mouth, which was apparently made of blueberries...

> "What..." Dolores didn't know how to respond, her mind was still fuzzy from sleep and she was startled.

> Quickly she flipped the light switch (she had magical lights installed in her home). 

> She rubbed her eyes as she stared incredulously, it did appear to be indeed a pancake.

"I am sorry for the rude awaking Starli-er I mean Dolores, but the message I have to say is important and my time here is little."
> "What.. who are you?" 

> Dolores stared dumbfounded.

"I am the Lesser Pancake. Though any other information is of no concern to you other then the message I have to tell; it relates to the future of Equestria itself."
> Was she really awake or was it just a fever dream she as having?

> "I don't understand. Why are you here?"

"I've already told you! Hurry, I can't keep my master waiting and time is of the essence!
> The pancake suddenly flew right over her. Dolores nearly  cowering, before she set her horn alight.

> "If you're planning any funny business I warm you that I am trained in the highest class arcane combat magics!" Dolores half-lied as she tried to rush back to all fours.

"I am not here to harm, only to impart knowledge!"
> Dolores rose to her hooves as the pancake continued to hover non-threateningly nearby... well non threating probably wasn't the best way to word it, because it creep Dolores out to no end, but at least it didn't appear to be making any aggressive moves.

> "Spit it out then!"

"I was waiting for all your attention to be on me! Grab and notepad or something, because you will need to remember this!
>  Dolores didn't bother to comply. Merely keeping her eyes locked on the pancake and a level one magical projectile spell at the ready.

> "I can write it down afterwards, now speak."

"Fine. Equestria's future is in grave danger to do-I mean, do to, a interdimensional incident that will happen in the future!"
> The pancake began to hover in a quick fashion,movements and gestures that seemed to be its version of how normal pony would sometimes move a hoof or wing for emphasis.

> It was a strange sight.

"The newly crowed Princess Twilight Sparkle is in danger, and her fate, though not entirely certain, looks grim. If she were to fall then Equestria wil be in danger! It is with regret and desperation that I ask this off you, but you simply must: steal TWilight's and the others cutie marks and become the friendship bridge! It is the only way to keep the magic alive even if it is robbed of the ponies who welded it!"
> Dolores didn't know how to respond to that. Though her curiosity was certainly peeked.

> "Steal cutie marks  magic? Tempting... but how do you know I could even do that?"

"I know of the staff of sameness that you posses and know of its power and your relative magical prowess. It is not a choice I consider optional, but one born out of necessity. I know you are a power hungry fool, but please, even if you try to conquerer Equestria at least keep the magic and the pony race safe."
> Dolores felt conflicted and confused, but also intrigued. She didn't like to think herself as a conquerer, considering how flawed the pony race cutie mark system was (along with its relative free market system with still some lingering mercantilist influences), but deep down she did revel in power. Though such a task seemed pretty daunting, could she pull off such a feat?

> "I am curious... I will take up your offer, for the fate of Equestria and ponies in general, though I am no fool. Tell me, how do you expect me to pull this off?"

> 838

"Well, with the staff of sameness. How else?"
> "Are you sure I won't get just snapped with a rainbow or something?" Dolores ask skeptically.

"The staff of sameness should work as long as you keep them separated from th their arbitrary magical devices."
> "This is still and daunting task. I don't fully trust you--heck I'm not even sure I'm even awake. But I will try my best, if the fate of ponies itself hangs in the balance."

That's the spirit! 
> The pancake seemed to smile at her with a sense of satisfaction and relief was present in its voice.

> Dolores still didn't know how to react to this information, and would need time to process it all, if this even happened. 

> She sat down upon her floor, too tired to stand, her adrenaline rush fading and no longer feeling threated.

> The pancake withdrew himself from Dolores, moving back to the middle of the room.

"Remember young pony, don't let your youthful arrogance substitute for a real plan. It's not like the bearers will just walk in to the village unarmed and rip for capture."
> "I still have so many questions. Who is your master? Why am I chosen to do this? What is the threat that befalls the Princess of Friendship?

> Was there a light breeze? Dolores could almost feel a light draft caressing her fur and mane.

"Alas Dolores, for most of your questions will probably remain unanswered! I have little time and I must go. I... the threat is a being of demonic shadow on a scale similar to Sombera from the crystal empire. Read up on him and stock up on anti shadow/dark magic if you can!"
> Dolores mane now wafted in a midly vigorous wind that blew from behind her.

> "I.. I will!" Dolores, though her voice betrayed more uncertainty then resolve. 

"Remember Dolores, you must be the harmony bridge! Get the elements magic so--"
> The wind suddenly blew with a gall force, a bright flash blinding her as her bedsheets flow upon her.

> Dolores struggled under her bedsheets, finally reemerging to see the contents of her room tossed about. Was that glass in her pillow at the far end of the wall?

> And the strange pancake being was gone.

> Dolores just sat there dumbfounded and in disbelief.

 Hype for Raven vs Twilight I guess? I really could've spaced this out better. Oh well, heres to hoping that if the friendship bridge can't prevail maybe our bridge can! 

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and this is ladies and gentlebridges how you create a communist leader.
The descriptions fit in the sense that Dolores is used to receiving orders like a psychopath and we know how she acts to her leaders(also with a couple of ironic lines like writing down the message). The pancake as a concept seems off and somehow a joke in theory while reading it....for a brief moment

because you then realize that the pancake you have posted genuinely comes from an image you have posted before. Dolores having nightmares and that pancake appears during the episode of A Royal Problem.
The communist autoritarism doesn't appear from low class people or ponies who are working on huge projects like those bridges though. Communism or sameness didn't come from  those who are in the market but this is just nitpicking and it doesn't prevent at all the enjoyment from the green. 
However,the most fitting thing that could fit the backstory is that the pony who was behind the pancake had evil intentions and didn't have to work or doesn't touch the poor zone. I believe this dark message came from Daybreaker and manipulated the pancakes from Celestia in order to cause disharmony and all the mess Our Town has received. Dolores may have been a piece for Daybreaker's 3D chess. I think that pancake was under a magical spell to cause an easy conviction for the devil's message.

That might explain why Dolores has suffered a lot during the episode of A Royal Problem when she betrayed her plans by not realizing about them. The state of sameness could have been an inside job and not from Celestia exactly.

The descriptions and the questionable situations have reminded me a lot from Return of Harmony,the scene seems inspired from that creepy balloon moment. I don't know how to praise the works of someone else but if you see that my comparisons are close to the show standards and making these headcanons out of your green,then it should say a lot to you

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> I know. It's like they think they have reached a higher plain of existence or something. It's just as stupid as social conservatives treating gay as evil, but oh, everything else is also evil but somewhat less evil or in /mlp/ ewwwww that's just sick, lesbo horse ftw!
that's a progress if anything. At least,it's better as a meme joke than a criminal decision back then. I cannot complain much if we take that into account. Lesbo horses gave us Star Trix even though a good husbando ship could get a good wet dream at any day for a change.

> Hey, if I were to shrill on that, yet nothing else here. I am a lurker of chans. Too each his own. Even if I find clop in general immoral, as long as your not shoving hardcore images anything in my face unspoiled images I won't make a fuss.
The funny thing is that I don't like +18 images save dark tags....not a typical channer user but  I find more exciting normal safe or good looking images that you can post every day than the ones with dicks or vaginas all over the place.  I am serious but I have tried to like them and I cannot see the appeal nor how people enjoy the thought of two characters fucking at each other. I guess this enjoyment was ruined for me because when I looked for the so scary rule 34 of pkmn back in 2012,most of the drawings were simple lines and really cheap porn from DA. Nothing exciting nor worth to have pleasure and that may have ruined like 90% of porn and I don't usually look for it. Maybe 2 or 3 well drawn images by accident but I don't save them nor I enjoy them as much as I would have to do.

> Your no different then any clopper anywhere else that I interact with. Besides I am a native to the chans and places on the dark web spectrum anyway, a lotta things ya can't unsee from that! So don't feel like ya have to hide a part of yourself.
You know,let me tell this anyway. I know you come from the dark side of the fandom (I don't see it that dark,that fame feels somewhat unjustified and overhyped, the "autism" has softened a lot) . 
However,whenever I see that a fan tells that he doesn't clop at all(especially on reddit or EQD),he is a bigger liar than a russian promising that he won't hack again. That denial shows that he is the first clopper of the fandom. You cannot avoid it. Even if you don't want to,you can't avoid fapping to ponies when you have spent so much time on them in front of your eyes. You clop accidentally by not thinking about it and not even forcing it,your body does it because of comfort,visual orgasm or getting over the stress you have behind. I find more shameful to deny it and claiming to be an apparent angel than stating the obvious pleasure we all have done. I don't find it cringy despite the outsider's opinion.

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> You have got the fandom
> and I have the time
> You have the horse fame
> and I like your rhyme
> cause you've got the style it takes
> and I like the people it takes

> you have the connection
> and own your proper sound
> I take my own thoughts
> and put them underground
> because you've got the style it takes
> and I encourage the people it brings

> not many fandoms 
> have brought such noise.
> all the drama tore them.
> do you like their choice?
> cause you are the puppets of hooves
> and I like the art of your looks

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(2.55 MB, 1832x3000)
> This all started,
> with a Canterlot nerd.
> We all laughed at her
> and we all joined at her herd.
> Cause she's got the style it takes
> and the 34th rule under her face

> This very own parade
> has certain parodies.
> From Lady Gaga to a serenade,
> singing their own melodies.
> Cause they've got the style it takes
> and the mane attractions they take.

> We don't have sound, nor this franchise.
> We don't have power,nor a dress to say divine.
> Yet for all of us,we draw a line
> and a pony is what we advertise.

> We know Hasbro has told us lies,
> selling toys for our soulss.
> We lost them like little fools,
> but we don't want to say goodbye...

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(2.63 MB, 1920x1080)
> This is a chan group
> from the bridges of the end.
> I know we have bent,
> with the bats of our loop.
> Cause they've got the style it takes
> and I like the darkness it takes.

> I dive with derpibooru on,
> until I get drown on myself.
> Bitterness will follow me,
> for the paradise I see upon.

> We see our tombs for our future lives,
> we spread the dark wings until we die.
> We don't have the place we haven't found,
> the moon is on our side until our last sound
> I have to encourage with what I reflect,
> nor the style nor the guide I can make...

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> You've got the style it takes
> You've got the style it takes
> You've got the style it takes
> You've got the style it takes
> You've got the style it takes
> You've got the style it takes...

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> The descriptions and the questionable situations have reminded me a lot from Return of Harmony,the scene seems inspired from that creepy balloon moment. I don't know how to praise the works of someone else but if you see that my comparisons are close to the show standards and making these headcanons out of your green,then it should say a lot to you

Well thank you. Though I will say that was not my intention necessarily to be like the show, but have a somewhat surreal story based on the concept of my previously mentioned fic idea of Twily dealing with a living pancake, plus hyping the death battle.

> The communist autoritarism doesn't appear from low class people or ponies who are working on huge projects like those bridges though. Communism or sameness didn't come from those who are in the market but this is just nitpicking and it doesn't prevent at all the enjoyment from the green. 

What exactly do you mean? Are you talking about me implying that communism arose from a low class revolt? (and not intellectuals taking advantage o stir up said revolt)  My only line was just talking about Umbridge, who is a commie. thinking equestria current system is stupid in one throw away line about a relatively free market with some lingering mercantilist influences). Or are you talking about something else and I'm being Derpy on it?

> This all started,

> with a Canterlot nerd.

> We all laughed at her

> This is a chan group

> from the bridges of the end.

> We see our tombs for our future lives,

> we spread the dark wings until we die.

> We don't have the place we haven't found,

> the moon is on our side until our last sound

The story of the fandom. The state of things, uncertainty about the future, and just all of us are on the ride together are my first thoughts when reading this, along with a contemplative look at /endpone/ itself a bit and its place in the grand scheme of things. Out of curiosity, do you see it in your head as a song, or a poem?

> I am serious but I have tried to like them and I cannot see the appeal nor how people enjoy the thought of two characters fucking at each other. 

> However,whenever I see that a fan tells that he doesn't clop at all(especially on reddit or EQD),he is a bigger liar than a russian promising that he won't hack again. That denial shows that he is the first clopper of the fandom. You cannot avoid it. Even if you don't want to,you can't avoid fapping to ponies when you have spent so much time on them in front of your eyes. 

Well, I never was able to get into it, it just was a concept that never could. Then again, I had already been both desensitized to porn in general when I was yonger do to my darkwebish actives... Now I'm not denying I've never jacked off before or anything, I'm no angle, just never been into ponies and really had a hard time staying into the other stuff.  Then again, I had a couple of experiences that I'd rather not get into that are major reasons why I abstain from such despite being from the chan that I rather not get into.  

> (I don't see it that dark,that fame feels somewhat unjustified and overhyped, the "autism" has softened a lot) . 

The people of the chans are more casual and secretive then the sterotype of bronies unironically dressing as horses and stuff like that. In fact, I'd dare say that a good bit of the "look at me I am happy to dress as sexy mayo twilight" came from tumblr more then anywhere else. The chans have their own creepy corners but are more of creatures of the night.  Not saying there isn't creeps from the chans who made a name IRL/social media, but that much of that was more of early Tumblr spectrum people. 

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> Well, I never was able to get into it, it just was a concept that never could. Then again, I had already been both desensitized to porn in general when I was yonger do to my darkwebish actives... Now I'm not denying I've never jacked off before or anything, I'm no angle, just never been into ponies and really had a hard time staying into the other stuff. 
I meam,there could be counted images that could attract me but that would be because of the art for the most part.If I have had wet dreams about the images,I have to admit that the images that I post here move me much more than 90% of the 34th rule.

I have that mindset of those who troll about clopping in the OP from /mlp/, I have the answer that the obvious denial to seek for attention like an angel is obvious attention whoring.
Nonetheless,with those reasons behind you,I think you have the right to claim yourself as a normal fan than a horsefucker. 
> Then again, I had a couple of experiences that I'd rather not get into that are major reasons why I abstain from such despite being from the chan that I rather not get into.
Pinkie promise secures that those reasons deserve to stay silent.
> The people of the chans are more casual and secretive then the sterotype of bronies unironically dressing as horses and stuff like that. In fact, I'd dare say that a good bit of the "look at me I am happy to dress as sexy mayo twilight" came from tumblr more then anywhere else. The chans have their own creepy corners but are more of creatures of the night. Not saying there isn't creeps from the chans who made a name IRL/social media, but that much of that was more of early Tumblr spectrum people.
It's true that most cosplays or dressing photo sessions come from Tumblr and even Reddit. They have been reduced drastically during the last years. I remember that there were photos from fans back in 2014 or 15 but now,there is nothing of that. Again,it could be just Tumblr looking hip and cool for their contacts. Chans for the most part call you a faggot and do it for the keks. If the thing goes further,that meams the subject has looked for it in order to bring interest from anons.
> creatures of the night
and that's how this board was born...

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> What exactly do you mean? Are you talking about me implying that communism arose from a low class revolt? (and not intellectuals taking advantage o stir up said revolt) My only line was just talking about Umbridge, who is a commie. thinking equestria current system is stupid in one throw away line about a relatively free market with some lingering mercantilist influences). Or are you talking about something else and I'm being Derpy on it?
I mean,that observation came out as a curiousity and how the regime was actually put. It's stupid to throw and sacrifice the fiction just for that detail.
Just that for those leaders who put communism....they were actually rich and never ever worked. They don't know the meaning of effort and just put ideals over the rest without knowing how things work. I don't know if Dolores was rich (I think she wasn't) but if she was an arquitect with desperate plans, she wouldn't put this idea in theory. Then again,it makes sense that she was so desperate and feel like a hero of Equestria by putting the town as equal,feeling that her purpose filled her for a whoile
That's why I suspect(and it flows correctly) that the messenger behind the pancake has a lot of free time and has used Dolores as a puppet for some evil plans.

Again,these posts are personal reflections and a reminder to check if I am reading the book correctly. It feels like I am talking to myself more than replying to you.

> The story of the fandom. The state of things, uncertainty about the future, and just all of us are on the ride together are my first thoughts when reading this, along with a contemplative look at /endpone/ itself a bit and its place in the grand scheme of things. Out of curiosity, do you see it in your head as a song, or a poem?

No one is original and much less when you cannot see the inspirations or clones behind. Do you see  >>/858/ that this may look like Luna but it's actually an OC lone
 of her?

Well,like Kingdom Hearts and its heartless copies throughout their stories,this also applies to this green.
In reality,this is a song dedicated to Andy Warhol when he died back near 1990 or so and his "first fans" made a project to congratulate and remember him with serene lyrics and putting his diary passages written in 1967.
I have just messed around with its lyrics and the result is a little bit longer than the original. I consider it more like an insightful opera that just introduces this board and my appreciation for the ride.

This came because when I looked at the image for a few times, I downloaded it like an hour ago before posting, I was amazed at how her mane and the very very attractive back lines of her hooves with that fur appealed to me all of a sudden.
I had the urge to write something,not dark nor suffocating,but serene or anything related because I personally needed to post that image with green on it. I didn't listen to the song until I ended everything. If I had listened to it while writing those posts,the perspective and structure would have been somewhat different.

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> I mean,that observation came out as a curiousity and how the regime was actually put. It's stupid to throw and sacrifice the fiction just for that detail.

Ah, I get it now. Speculation on how Dolores communist regime was formed in general. I actually like observations like this, as I make slimmer ones all the time in fiction, though my mind wasn't putting too much thought into any flaws with the fic's/the show portrayal of a commie state being entirely earth accurate (as you note).

> Just that for those leaders who put communism....they were actually rich and never ever worked. They don't know the meaning of effort and just put ideals over the rest without knowing how things work. 

I consider communism leaders two be of two types generally, idealist and wolves. Idealist being the ones who believe in it passionately and have a intellectual/idealist background, and wolves, who are the ones who rise at the top once the revolution has begun. For Dolores I actually don't find it too unusual that she would be a commie in some since, perhaps a hard life plus some exposure to in a academic sphere (like Stalin).   

> I have just messed around with its lyrics and the result is a little bit longer than the original. I consider it more like an insightful opera that just introduces this board and my appreciation for the ride.

> I didn't listen to the song until I ended everything. If I had listened to it while writing those posts,the perspective and structure would have been somewhat different.

Interesting.  Andy Warhol, certainly wouldn't be my first guess! I liked it though, nice and short, no long plot or anything to worry about. Just your emotions being put to the text.   

> This came because when I looked at the image for a few times, I downloaded it like an hour ago before posting, I was amazed at how her mane and the very very attractive back lines of her hooves with that fur appealed to me all of a sudden.

Some clones just have that appeal to them. I actually have a similar experience recently. 

> I had the urge to write something,not dark nor suffocating,but serene or anything related because I personally needed to post that image with green on it.

I actually have a similar itch with something slightly different. Hope ta get around it in a few days.

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> Speculation on how Dolores communist regime was formed in general. I actually like observations like this, as I make slimmer ones all the time in fiction, though my mind wasn't putting too much thought into any flaws with the fic's/the show portrayal of a commie state being entirely earth accurate (as you note).
It was obvious. When you write a story,you can only focus on what you are writing with the purpose of letting the feels free with a green text. If we were with the mindset of complete knowledge and master the aspects we are treating,then we wouldn't be here because that's what a professional writer does.

> I consider communism leaders two be of two types generally, idealist and wolves. Idealist being the ones who believe in it passionately and have a intellectual/idealist background.
Intelectuals or pseudointelectuals who have a lot of free time or do not have any economical problem to think about planning the structure for a new society. Few people yet capable to cause the terror. 
> and wolves, who are the ones who rise at the top once the revolution has begun. 
I personally consider them the faggots and useful tools. The wolves try to look like heroes and do everything in order to feel that they are doing something good for the universe. They would kill them either way by hunger or shooting if they weren't
 fighting for it.
> For Dolores I actually don't find it too unusual that she would be a commie in some since, perhaps a hard life plus some exposure to in a academic sphere (like Stalin).
It's funny,90% of the people consider that Stalin was the biggest figure of communism yet,all the ideas and origins came from Vladimir Ulianov(Lenin) and he was actually the root of all of this. All the communism came from those first months of Lenin (1917-18) and it hasn't changed one bit. Stalin just continued the work/project of Lenin.
In fact,I read the book last Saturday and I have to say that Dolores has certain similarities with Ulianov....especially in the psychological part....

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> Interesting. Andy Warhol, certainly wouldn't be my first guess! I liked it though, nice and short, no long plot or anything to worry about. Just your emotions being put to the text. 
Basically type the three words I repeat the most and you will see. I bet/mu/ had something to do with VU interest.
> Some clones just have that appeal to them. I actually have a similar experience recently.I actually have a similar itch with something slightly different.
When you clone something,the copy cannot have the same life or concept as the original. Eventually,the paths will set a divisive line and the circumstances will make the difference greater over the time. 
So,here I am waiting then for it. Feel free to do it.

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> It's funny,90% of the people consider that Stalin was the biggest figure of communism yet,all the ideas and origins came from Vladimir Ulianov(Lenin) and he was actually the root of all of this. 

Yeah.Stalin's ideas were mostly just about keeping himself in power, not saying the others then didn't do arbitrary things to keep themselves in power, but none of his ideas really contributed much to the foundations of what was being perched and sold by most communist elsewhere afterward. My thoughts of Dolores to Stalin was only based on the fact of a headcannon hardship early on in life, plus the fact I felt like she was using her Cutie Marxism was more about getting back at her things she personally hated and was more overtly to keep her in power without as strong ideological foundations, like Stalin or Hoxha. I do agree that Lenin in many ways would probably be a better fit, but that was my thought process when I first saw Dolores the Bridge Master.

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> When you clone something,the copy cannot have the same life or concept as the original. Eventually,the paths will set a divisive line and the circumstances will make the difference greater over the time. 

Exactly. I think clones are a bit under explored in the sense of how would the characters rationally react to one. Especially when they used to copy paste mutiple ponies because budget.  I do recall seeing a fic in around season 2 or 3 which had a bit of this concept was displayed, along with one fic where there was a Twilight Sparkle look-alike, but I never finished them and there names elude me  

> So,here I am waiting then for it. Feel free to do it.

I will see when I can. I'm split between it and something else. Though the look-alike OC in question is something slightly different, more of an inspiration. 

> Well,like Kingdom Hearts and its heartless copies throughout their stories,this also applies to this green.

Ha. Wow that brings me back. Kingdom Hearts was never my favorite but was something I played from time to time and was exposed to when growing up. Endless clones indeed.

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> Yeah.Stalin's ideas were mostly just about keeping himself in power
> My thoughts of Dolores to Stalin was only based on the fact of a headcannon hardship early on in life, plus the fact I felt like she was using her Cutie Marxism was more about getting back at her things she personally hated and was more overtly to keep her in power without as strong ideological foundations, like Stalin or Hoxha. I do agree that Lenin in many ways would probably be a better fit, but that was my thought process when I first saw Dolores the Bridge Master.
Well,the leaders of communism basically just want to destroy and see things burn. The perfect opportunity to do anything you want in the name of good. It's quite possible that Dolores just accepted it easily because of her frustrations in her childhood. 

Funnily enough,you are right about comparing her with Stalin and why she could become one despite of her architect job. Turns out,out of all the communist leaders that took the party and elite,only one of them worked at something before taking the political place:Stalin.....as a bank robber. That's certainly a way of ""contribution"". The rest did absolutely nothing.

And someday I have to compare the psychology and similarities Dolores and Ulianov have. I was amazed when I read that part but I have to read closely,checking and overanalysing in order to see that the character we blindly love.....was inspired and accidentally close as the new Pandora of 20th(and most likely) 21st century.

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> I think clones are a bit under explored in the sense of how would the characters rationally react to one. Especially when they used to copy paste mutiple ponies because budget. I do recall seeing a fic in around season 2 or 3 which had a bit of this concept was displayed, along with one fic where there was a Twilight Sparkle look-alike, but I never finished them and there names elude me.
It wouldn't surprise it was from that period.Fans had tried literally everything yet, I have not seen what others have done. 

> I will see when I can. I'm split between it and something else. Though the look-alike OC in question is something slightly different, more of an inspiration.
Even when you clone,inspirations come from different situations or circumstances. Many OCs have been inspired by Luna,Twilight,Fluttershy,Spike (hello Mina from the comics),Chrysalis... basically everyone or the huge majority of them.
Most of my posts came like a copy yet,the objective was pretty different than the intended or original one and it came as something different. When different things come into the material,the thing is not the same. Hell,I actually had a little 
conversation with him because of  >>/602/  >>/604/. He liked and enjoyed the story and he did say that helping others to find inspiration was one of his purposes of his channels. I am not trying to say that I am the shit nor I have the purpose to shill him. It was because the pictures inspired me to do something out of them.

> Kingdom Hearts was never my favorite but was something I played from time to time and was exposed to when growing up. Endless clones indeed.
I have only played a little bit of 358/2 and the GBA version of Chain of Memories. Never played the good ones,so I cannot have a fair criticism about them. It was the clearest and most popular option to mention that has taken the whole topic,even for the franchise itself.
A clone of Final Fanstasy,with Disney characters. The protagonist sees illusions or clones and even make clones out of him. All those projects and fake identities,while incomplete and unemotional, become something and reach their own paths while feeling like androids of pure nothing. The stories are so conflicted,somewhat confusing yet,the Final Fanstasy clone receives more hype these days than the original and even serves as an emergency call when FF doesn't stand on its own.

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> It's quite possible that Dolores just accepted it easily because of her frustrations in her childhood.

That was part of my association of Dolores with Stalin, I imaged her having not the best parents in the world and being forced to go against what she wanted to do. In a vaguely similar vein to Stalin abusive father and him being put into a school as the only hope of his mother, where he first encountered communism. It was just my little early headcanons and what not.  

> And someday I have to compare the psychology and similarities Dolores and Ulianov have.

That would be cool and I would love to read something like that. I always have loved analysis of the show.Not the YT/Reddit tier stuff, but things like this. Actual dissuasion of possible influences and implications on the universe. Even some of the wilder theories I like early on when we had very little to go on and the dots sometimes connected in interesting ways.

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> Even when you clone,inspirations come from different situations or circumstances. Many OCs have been inspired by Luna,Twilight,Fluttershy,Spike (hello Mina from the comics),Chrysalis... basically everyone or the huge majority of them.

Yeah a majority are influenced or based on one of the main characters. Though I wouldn't underestimate the amount that have /tg/ and high fantasy influences ( excluding blatant crossover OCs) among general character tropes as well. 

> I have only played a little bit of 358/2 and the GBA version of Chain of Memories. Never played the good ones,so I cannot have a fair criticism about them. It was the clearest and most popular option to mention that has taken the whole topic,even for the franchise itself.

I've played the first one and the non-GBA Chain of Memories. Plus limited exposure and sometimes playing the others some with a couple of friends who where into it. The series just feels like a bunch of convoluted plot contrivances that they will arbitrarily change the status of to keep the plot moving. Though not the most diehard fan, I still do have some sentimental value from it. Can't say I ever wanted to get in on the fandom side of things though. Not trying to hate, as KH's music is beautiful and I have liked some of the more serious attempts of KH MLP crossover content, as it invokes a haunting mystic feel with me.  So yeah, below 20% of the artwork and a couple of MLP crossover fics 

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> That was part of my association of Dolores with Stalin, I imaged her having not the best parents in the world and being forced to go against what she wanted to do. In a vaguely similar vein to Stalin abusive father and him being put into a school as the only hope of his mother, where he first encountered communism. It was just my little early headcanons and what not.
Yeah,it fits genuinely in the end. Fucked up childhoods can turn into fucked up situations.....but transfered into others,with a sinister movement established and all the tools in your hands. Not something I would recommend to experience t b h 
> That would be cool and I would love to read something like that. I always have loved analysis of the show.Not the YT/Reddit tier stuff, but things like this. Actual dissuasion of possible influences and implications on the universe. Even some of the wilder theories I like early on when we had very little to go on and the dots sometimes connected in interesting ways.
The thing is that I cannot reach those levels of analysis,otherwise I would be called an autist or something. I once said the suggestions to avoid spam or huge raids in /mlp/ when mods do nothing and told me to fuck off. Not like I care at all,but I have lost the effort to discuss the show that deeply.
I will try and trust me,being objective and translating that psychology into the table,while not hard, it requires some cohesive points. Let's see if I can do it tomorrow.

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> Yeah a majority are influenced or based on one of the main characters. Though I wouldn't underestimate the amount that have /tg/ and high fantasy influences ( excluding blatant crossover OCs) among general character tropes as well.
Obviously,games full of roleplaying and absolute creativity into the stories brings the influences and inspirations into the spotlight.One of my friends has a lot of things in his mind about making characters of Anima Beyond Fantasy and Legend of the 5 Rings. Nothing is original because everything is invented but the genuine combination of the conditions for its own universe and the logic applied into it,could serve as a good product/entertainment for what it manages to do. Just like this thread,we are not here to claim as pure professionals but they serve well enough to make a nice thread. 
> The series just feels like a bunch of convoluted plot contrivances that they will arbitrarily change the status of to keep the plot moving. Though not the most diehard fan, I still do have some sentimental value from it. Can't say I ever wanted to get in on the fandom side of things though. Not trying to hate, as KH's music is beautiful and I have liked some of the more serious attempts of KH MLP crossover content, as it invokes a haunting mystic feel with me. So yeah, below 20% of the artwork and a couple of MLP crossover fics.
You have described the main appeal of KH. It keeps going and it leads into nowhere brought by heartless and meaningless heroes and villains,yet, the convulted plot twists receive feedback from each other and somehow connect in the end. 
The journey of saying that you are nothing and you are adventuring into a world you feel like dust but you want to continue...
I can perfectly see that if KH had a certain impact on you,the green written here wouldn't be so far away from their frequent questions of existentialism. Maybe. when Disney buys Hasbro,you will see its crossover.... and sadly,the only good thing out of that scary monopoly

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> Artist or owner of endchan?
Youtuber,the images were comissioned. I just made a couple of comment in his channel and he was pleasantly surprised. Not sure if he is going to lurk this site again, but yeah, a couple of comments in his comment section and that was it. 
It's crazy that I felt like doing it when I was asking myself if I had to mention about it openly in "social media",mostly because while I love MLP....
I don't like talking about it outside the fansites and close friends who I trust for private things. Not that I am ashamed of it nor people will overreact so autistically(in fact,from my experience,they responded with chill answers) but I prefer not to have to explain and make the effort to justify the appeal of it.

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> I will try and trust me,being objective and translating that psychology into the table,while not hard, it requires some cohesive points. Let's see if I can do it tomorrow.

Don't worry about it fam. I was just saying it'd be cool if ya ever did something like that.  Besides, I probably be gone for two or three days anyway 

>  Nothing is original because everything is invented but the genuine combination of the conditions for its own universe and the logic applied into it,could serve as a good product/entertainment for what it manages to do.

I like it when mlp has some fansty and to often a lesser extent, /tg/ style logic, even if I never was really into either.

> You have described the main appeal of KH. It keeps going and it leads into nowhere brought by heartless and meaningless heroes and villains,yet, the convulted plot twists receive feedback from each other and somehow connect in the end. 

Yeah, I get that, but it kind mellows my enjoyment of a mystery when it is arbitrarily extended beyond what was originally conceived, even though KH probably didn't have one ta begin with. Meaning thought up or chnaged afterward, not aways bad of course, just in large doges. I do love the more, how do I say?--haunting moments of Kingdom Hearts, even if it usually results in more edgy gothic interpretations over the more mysterious slightly creepy vibe I feel. You know what? I think I'll elaborate more on it later.

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I am finishing the book first and then I will check closely the parts that have caught my attention.

> I like it when mlp has some fansty and to often a lesser extent, /tg/ style logic, even if I never was really into either.
Welcome to the world of fantasy where your illusions of a character can fit into the pony universe. Tails of Equestria and voila,the best of both worlds that..... I will never play.

> Yeah, I get that, but it kind mellows my enjoyment of a mystery when it is arbitrarily extended beyond what was originally conceived, even though KH probably didn't have one ta begin with. Meaning thought up or chnaged afterward, not aways bad of course, just in large doges. I do love the more, how do I say?--haunting moments of Kingdom Hearts, even if it usually results in more edgy gothic interpretations over the more mysterious slightly creepy vibe I feel. 
For starters: gothic/= edgy. It implies certain uneasy feelings or ambients that could be more desirable,but it does not equal to badassery nor complete misery all the time.
Those haunting moments are driven by that direction and in the end,it's the psychological where all the dark and unclear thoughts come.
The mystery is one hell of a drug once you get into it. However, even though you somehow know the heroes "win" or get away with it in the end, the plot twists make you ask more questions that left you hungry for more. A character you are not supposed to care and it disappears....but you still want to know how it has influenced over the rest. It's a tricky technique to pull in.

> I am finishing the book first and then I will check closely the parts that have caught my attention.

Hey man, only if you feel up to it! Will look forward whtever ya post!

> Welcome to the world of fantasy where your illusions of a character can fit into the pony universe. Tails of Equestria and voila,the best of both worlds that..... I will never play.

RPGing never been that drawn too.  before MLP I was way more into Sci-Fi then fantasy. 

Welp I have more ta say later! Just posting ta let a know I am back and ALIVE!

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> only if you feel up to it! Will look forward whtever ya post!
basically what I was going to say. What will I say tomorrow or for the next hour? I don't even know. However,whenever I promise something,I'd better not say it because no one is forcing me. So until it appears,let's say that anything can happen.
Meanwhile,I have finished it. It was mindblowingly objective and realistic. No excess on emotions nor exaggerations. Just asking and looking through the reasons why communism exists and why it is respected after killing more than 100 millions of people(and counting...)
And while I have a realistic tone after reading it,it leaves you with ideas to put on the table of fiction. I think I could do something about it.

> RPGing never been that drawn too before MLP I was way more into Sci-Fi then fantasy.
I literally have no idea how to roleplay properly. I know the basics and stuff but feeling it and putting yourself into it,it's really hard. Either you do it effortlessly after repeated times and playing a lot or you cannot simply manage it. Acting is an art that I would like to discover someday.

> Just posting ta let a know I am back and ALIVE!
To Where and back to /pone/ and with a good seat to see the 4 digits on this board. Sweet mother of Celestia,we are still here.

And even though only 2 have happened,there is hypeabout an anonymous board... 
Well,being alive is enough for us. The rest will come alone.

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> how can I convince  you it's me I don't like
> not to be so indifferent on what I say on my lies
> I have always been distant
> and always too hard for love...

> I am bound by these choices,so hard to make
> I am bound by the feelings so easy to fake
> none of this is real,nothing to take them from me

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> but I have got reservations
> about so many things but not about you

> I know this isn't what you and the bats want me to say
> how can I be honest and find a reason to stay
> the truth......
> proves it's beautiful to lie...

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> basically what I was going to say. What will I say tomorrow or for the next hour? I don't even know. However,whenever I promise something,I'd better not say it because no one is forcing me. So until it appears,let's say that anything can happen.

Basically my thoughts on a certian little side project I've been toying around with.

> To Where and back to /pone/ and with a good seat to see the 4 digits on this board. Sweet mother of Celestia,we are still here.

We are still alive!

> I literally have no idea how to roleplay properly. I know the basics and stuff but feeling it and putting yourself into it,it's really hard.

Yeah. My thoughts on everything from tabletops to trading cards. I sometimes stick my head into more simple barely entery tier stuff that is easy ta understand, but acting IRL can be a pain. I usually just lurk.

> also,I see that the new banners have been applied to this board. Call upon the bridges because here they come!


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> how can I convince  you it's me I don't like

> not to be so indifferent on what I say on my lies

> I have always been distant

> and always too hard for love..

Some people would brand this as the classic "it's not you, it's me" cliché but I see it as more focused on the character who is doing the romantic rejection then the possibly fruitless pursuit itself.  

> but I have got reservationns

> about so many things but not about you

She does truely love him, but is doubtful of her ability to be a good partner. She has problems and insecurities with herself, though I feel there is more to it then just these surface tier observations.   

> I know this isn't what you and the bats want me to say

First thought when reading this line makes me think of a traveler/perhaps one of those "fallen angel" type stories, but I think it could be a bit simpler then that. Perhaps it could be a rejection of settling down and live a normal bat pone life? (She is in this thread after all). Though I suppose the vagueness leaves a lot to interpretation, not to mention this was written with an emotion/mood in mind more so than a story I bet. Still liked it. I like your little one single sentence per line reflective greens. It would be so cool to have it set to some kind of animation and or song Lullaby of a princess style as I feel you do really capture emotion and meaning well, even if perhaps some would argue your style it is a bit cliched at times.

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I would have some things that I had thought around the day yet I lose the touch after those moments and I don't get to send them if it's not at that moment. I don't want to transmit chaotic or childish feelings though,just sending something right at the peak of creativity or inspirations.

> We are still alive! 
And that's way more important than most would appreciate....

> My thoughts on everything from tabletops to trading cards. I sometimes stick my head into more simple barely entery tier stuff that is easy ta understand, but acting IRL can be a pain. I usually just lurk.
Sometimes we all learn from experience,so maybe that sense of fear would prevent us to fit in the scene. It's somewhat hard at first,but it would go like nothing. Again,I have only got the chance to roleplay like 2 or 3 times IRL  and they were pretty silly,yet I didn't know how to enter into it. In a scene of companionship though,I can do that perfectly because I am the one who listens most of the times

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> Some people would brand this as the classic "it's not you, it's me" cliché but I see it as more focused on the character who is doing the romantic rejection then the possibly fruitless pursuit itself.
I think that if those lines still hit after 16 years,then it means it still works.
> She does truely love him, but is doubtful of her ability to be a good partner. She has problems and insecurities with herself, though I feel there is more to it then just these surface tier observations.
Indeed,there is always more. 
One side of the story shows that this is a romantic story in which I feel like she needs to opens herself and insecurities prime when a moment of honesty comes. She tries to love him yet,she doesn't get the chance to express herself at full. She censors herself but she realizes that something else is needed for taking the next step. 
It would be a pretty romantic story and I admit that I have posted this because of the images. She is a cute and hearing those words from someone like her would crush me as hell.
And I said,it would be romantic...just like those stories of true love where the struggle is more interesting than the happy ending.
So yeah,a love story with some meditated heartfelt words....in theory.

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however,like all vinyls and cassettes, you have to put side B in order to listen to the 2nd half.
And I honestly didn't put those images because I loved her. I love those images and attract me a lot but I have made a combination of green and visual images that have connected into each other...accidentally.

> First thought when reading this line makes me think of a traveler/perhaps one of those "fallen angel" type stories, but I think it could be a bit simpler then that. Perhaps it could be a rejection of settling down and live a normal bat pone life? (She is in this thread after all).
Perhaps she feels rejected, or mahbe conflicted with somebody else. Something had to happen before having those thoughts.
> Though I suppose the vagueness leaves a lot to interpretation, not to mention this was written with an emotion/mood in mind more so than a story I bet.
And it's something else because this is not a story,it's left to interpretation.
And I would have liked to write this because of myself and it turns out,these lines weren't written by me. Save minor modifications in a couple of lines,these are lines that were written around 2001.
They have been stuck with me since last year and those are the ending lines of a radio transmission....a transmission which is the last of our human feelings.
This is where side B starts playing: reality. This was not an intended fanfic. I was planning to write something about something she could offer and nobody could give but....I couldn't help but almost copy those lines I have been listening in some of my most intimate moments.

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you said a pretty good word to describe it
> cliched
and it actually is. Those lines are just in the catalog of the media. What media?It started the internet and it's one of the most succesful works achieved. Along with another artist in the year 2000,it pioneered the digital downloads. At the same time,one of our last screams in humanity.The last transmission given on a radio,trying to break our hearts. If that was the love story you were looking for, then I hope is enough.d

Because while we are laughing at each other,trolling to the highest levels, screaming and getting offended because of political stuff....we lose something important without realizing about it. Our culture gets lost and forgotten,away from the dynamic. That piece was one that I consider pure and untouched before getting ourselves sucked into an android world. If not android,then we may be paranoid eventually.
When everyone is robotized and automatised(like Umbridge does,she was a psychopath lacking in empathy),then that's when ourselves have no grace of existing. Watching the two towers and 4 trains exploding at the same time made us realize what we were and give an honest message once more.

> I know this isn't what you and the bats want me to say
the bats were mere companions of the board,background figures,hearing what I was saying. You is you, because I am saying hard words.
> how can I convince  you it's me I don't like
> not to be so indifferent on what I say on my lies
> I am bound by these choices,so hard to make
> I am bound by the feelings so easy to fake
> none of this is real,nothing to take them from me
this is me asking if I am being a leader of trust. I ask myself if I could either lie,pretending all the time or be honest (which goes against the chan culture). 
/mlp/ was born with /b/ on its soul and that board represents fiction,nothing real. So my feelings could be corrupted in interpretation and nothing is worth to take because all we see here...is air. Sometimes I wonder if this is the path I should be taking and it proves that it's actually beautiful to lie because people like to live on a lie. Where am I taking all this project?What should be moral to say here whe. I have freedom to say fuck off or encourage and support others because of my own will?

I have reflected a side A just like you wanted to see yet, I could have pretended it was a romantic story all along. She was not my purpose but ended up in the path somehow with two worlds connected...or two towers crushing and seeing how our souls interconnect and seeing our past ashes vanishing while we are posting.

That green is the most selfish one about me. She is just an accident that you....have managed to shoe into this. The truth is that those lines are not mine,none of those compliments should be applied.
Save minor details to fit in,nothing of that green is mine nor the beatiful bat pone was my purpose,this wasn't about her(I have reservations for a story about her in the future)...

...save talking to myself with  a desperate message of watching two towers of sepia falling apart, consuming our lives with an artificial illusion of pure indifference and an pasting the android copy of what it was said back when we were humans...

> I would have some things that I had thought around the day yet I lose the touch after those moments and I don't get to send them if it's not at that moment. I don't want to transmit chaotic or childish feelings though,just sending something right at the peak of creativity or inspirations.

I say go ahead and post something even if it is chaotic or childish. Sure perhaps have a little restraint but this is a judgment freeish (being still a chan) zone. At lest write it out even if you deem it unworthy to post, never know where it may lead.

> She censors herself but she realizes that something else is needed for taking the next step. It would be a pretty romantic story and I admit that I have posted this because of the images. 

It is a nice little cute story, at least the A side, the context on top of the subtext.

> the bats were mere companions of the board,background figures,hearing what I was saying. 

I like the idea of bats being the inhabitants of this board since the thread is also one of are larger ones. I know minor off topic observation.

> You is you, because I am saying hard words. 


> this is me asking if I am being a leader of trust. I ask myself if I could either lie,pretending all the time or be honest (which goes against the chan culture). 

Well, I actually didn't see such a meta subtext. As to your honesty, that is a choice that is yours to make. I think you've made a fine mod of the board if ya ask me. I frankly am probably someone whose behavior has always been acting outside of normal chan standards the few times I do post, at least a little bit  not saying that is good or bad  . Always been more of a lurker whose really only gotten into good dicusions on the smaller boards and tiny strange places though. Being honest and actually speaking with sincerity are something that is certainly at the antithesis of the heart of /b/ which means that /mlp/ wouldn't be much better (though I will say I do see these rules even broken there rarely). This as painful and rude it can be sometimes is a natural defense of what is usually found in the sphere of average people. With the rise of social media especially, being sincere is often more of a performance, laden with the implications of various community politics at play.

> So my feelings could be corrupted in interpretation and nothing is worth to take because all we see here...is air. Sometimes I wonder if this is the path I should be taking and it proves that it's actually beautiful to lie because people like to live on a lie.

I don't really see it as a lie. I see you as someone who is being truely sincere. Yet this is the net where nothing is. I get this. I probably would be more of this mindset 2 or 3 years ago than right now, perhaps I am a fool for not. 

> Where am I taking all this project?What should be moral to say here whe. I have freedom to say fuck off or encourage and support others because of my own will?

I've said this before I think. My personal take on this is that it shouldn't be treated as a project at all. Let this place be an outlet of emotion over a pursuit you stress over. You don't have to support anyone. If THis thing ends up being a burden to ya you should call it quites ( or at least scale back your involvement ). This should be a place to blow off steam and mess around with, not something you have to add to the list of stresses to your day.

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> That green is the most selfish one about me. She is just an accident that you....have managed to shoe into this. The truth is that those lines are not mine,none of those compliments should be applied.

It ain't selfish. Your were expressing a true concern, as /endpone/ should be used for, expression. 

> Because while we are laughing at each other,trolling to the highest levels, screaming and getting offended because of political stuff....we lose something important without realizing about it. Our culture gets lost and forgotten,away from the dynamic. That piece was one that I consider pure and untouched before getting ourselves sucked into an android world. If not android,then we may be paranoid eventually.

We lose subtext and complexity, with beauty being the eventual ultimate casualty. Things become more about appealing to our base emotions and desires. Politics becomes a context rather then a neatly woven subtext, and our interest are decided but what's popular on the social media feed. Even those who try to remain outside of social media, who become paranoid over such "normies" from taking over and therefore become rabidly contrarian.

> ...save talking to myself with a desperate message of watching two towers of sepia falling apart, consuming our lives with an artificial illusion of pure indifference and an pasting the android copy of what it was said back when we were humans...

I get this. 

> and it actually is. Those lines are just in the catalog of the media. What media?It started the internet and it's one of the most succesful works achieved. Along with another artist in the year 2000,

> That piece was one that I consider pure and untouched before getting ourselves sucked into an android world. If not android,then we may be paranoid eventually.

Pre 9/11 to early 911. Back when security was taken for grated and the internet was a passing curiosity rather then a all consuming behemoth A tool rather then a lifeline. I fully get this. Especially with early memes and hacker culture  of which I had a couple of family members involved in and therefore a fair bit of second hand contact with 

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so,sometimes we ask ourselves a question:
> what should be ethical to do?
> a gay couple? telling the truth?outright lying? tuning and manipulating reality as you please?
> for some,this practice looks free and unlimited
> for others,it's the worst step to take
> a fake step that could cost the direction of someone's career,a peoject perhaps?
> if that was the case,we shouldn't worry about lying i. the magical land of friendship and harmony
> after all,it's Equestria and a perfect place where no one could go wrong

> until suddenly, a couple of subjects had some tensions...

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> "that's it Radiance!" said a black coloured pony
> "I swear this is not what you may think" said Radiance,almost crying
> "Ah,so now what I think is wrong,right?" he said
> "Frost,you have to listen to me!" Radiance screamed
> "So my eyes betray me huh? Just like you fucking around the nights with some ponies around the forest" Frost nodded and turned his back to her
> "It's not that I could say I was not with them but...." Radiance assumed with a bitter face
> "But what? You have betrayed me and I thought we were on this together. I see you sharing it with others and the worst part is that they seem happy after meeting you" Frost said.
> "But making them happy is..."Radiance claimed with a hopeful sense of redemption
> "Enough! I leave you alone. You are the biggest sin of a bat,you don't have loyalty and so....you won't have me!"....and Frost ran away with a really fast speed,not having desire to look back at her.

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> Radiance was astonished and she didn't expect Frost would see her meeting with Jack,a royal guard who protects from the Castle of the Two Sisters 
> She got herself thinking if she would see Frost back again
> tears were spreading through her face, now having a slight expectation of inestability
> inestability for herself? In psychological terms,she was done.

> The following night,she didn't go and reunite with her friends. She had told them that she was not prepared to proceed as usual. They understood her and said that she could come whenver she is ready.
> Radiance was a pony with rollercoaster periods of privacy.Even though many bats didn't see her during the day,with her friends she made justice to her name, during Midnight.
> The moon put her as a natural symbol of representing the night. Many bats saw her attractive and with the recent joining of normal ponies into the bat realm, they concluded in the same aspects about her.
> She is shy after the midnight,reserved when she doesn't feel like goving everything out of her. She had learned how to be honest because of her father:Charcoal Dash during her childhood years. She had received good lessons and his father held an important position and even, read some of the stories of the royalty. Those lessons were effective for her daughter and while she didn't go to school, she learned how to feel like an element(in the apple territory)

> Radiance,two weeks after that recent diplomacy with ponies, saw an unicorn who complemented her colours. A pony which seemed like the other side of the orange.
> This happened during the sunrise, she was not as radiant as she would in her shining period.

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A bat pony meeting with an unicorn during the day. Ironic it seems because bat ponies are not supposed to fit into the light. A fallacy we all would have fallen at first...

> when she met Frost during the first time,it was with the sun in the background.
> she tightened her eyes because she wouldn't need to open tem that much
> Frost was a visitor who was interested in seeing how bat ponies were. He did like them but he didn't get as used to their settings as bats were. That meant a problem, he usually goes into bed when the night comes and wakes up with the night almost falling down. 
> Radiance could adapt herself either way and so accepted during two months. That lack of sleep however, put her into troubles sometimes and she didn't give everything like she did in the past. Her friends didn't understand what could be wrong with her. As shy as she is,honesty comes partially from her. The moments she opens her mouth fully,the bigger the truths are. That's why she played like a fake character and those blue colours added to his body helped her to adapt for a long time. She shows confidence with her friends, a fake confidence but an effective mask.
> With Frost however,she acted as herself. She didn't have those paintings or chill colours onto her. She felt like dating with him in the late hours of her routine.

> Until Frost discovered she was meeting with Jack,both with smug faces and looking closely at each other, with challenging and energetic eyes though.
> Her efforts were wasted on both sides. Now,Radiance has rejected the meeting with her friends and has lost her idealistic pony.
> She trusted on receiving a 2nd chance....but is there any luck after such proof of loving another pony?

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> she visited his house
> it was again,late in the night,almost sunrise like the first meeting.
> Frost didn't want to open the door and he rejected any kind of form of opening it...and his heart
> Radiance tried several times to open it, she was desperate of trying to say the truth
> denied in both physical and psychological sides,she apologized for at least half an hour, the sun was rising. He as proud as he is, didn't give her the chance,that betrayal cost him lots of personal emotions to give that relationship a 2nd chance. 

who wouldn't date with a mare who would betray you? 2nd parts are never good and there are a lot of mares out there to meet.

> Radiance had an idea. Her "evil" side was sparking a very wild idea. She flew over the windows and entered with a threatening look,almost like assaulting it. She was purposefully being a villain and Frost screamed for help.
> She smashed Frost into the ground and with a menacing look,she had Frost under her hooves. He couldn't escape and he was asking himself if he deserved this.
> "Radiance! It's me! Don't hurt me please! It's enough! I want to leave! Help!" screamed Frost
> Radiance deactivated her bat and wild mode after seeing he was willing to talk.Her eyes didn't shine as much and she closed her wings. Now, with the awkward situation behind, it seems they are able to have another conversation,just like she wanted.

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> "So,Radiance, what is this mess?Why have you come to me again? Weren't you supposed to be around with your stallion?" said Frost with a despective tone
> "i am sorry Frost. You haven't listened to me properly,you were impatient and I didn't have the chance to say it" Radiance said.
"Say what? That you are a disgusting bat, crazy and messing around with the ponies. This is why you bats are untrust pieces worth of the Tantabus. Celestia shouldn't have forgiven you for what you are. I have seen what I have needed to see and you have no excuse to fake what I have seen" responded Frost.
> "Frost,let me explain it,please!" exclaimed Radiance
> "Come on,say it! Betray me again! Just like you do all the times! Betray me and put your hooves down like a fucking bitch you are" said Frost

> "I....I am" said Radiance
> "What?" Frost said with surprise.
> "I... am actually one. I don't get offended because of what you have said..." Radiance asnwered with honesty
> But....how?" Frost asked
> "I have sold myself with other ponies. I have done it since I started my adulthood"

Radiance took a deep breath...
> "When bats were banned into the dark realm,we were pretty scarce on resources. My dad Charcoal,had died because of shadow Timberwolves,corrupted wolves that menaced the castle ten years ago. He saved us and cleaned the Everfree Forest with his sacrifice. The guard tropes were never found and either you fought for self defense, or we were done"

> "Things were tense until Celestia opened us the door of redemption. We were used to it but the tension was still there. With my father gone, I didn't know what to do for making more bits. You could suffer a lot of hunger if you didn't save yourself first in that decadent situation. Jack is one of those high figures who has helped me economically and one of my most loyal customers. Pretty much,all the town knew I was selling myself out during the midnight"
"My friends I normally hang on are my coworkers. We ended up as friends because we had to help each other for the food. We weren't evil at all and we built strong friendships. If there was one thing Celestia was wrong,it was confusing darkness with evil. The bats I have dealed with are no different from you. I have had customers of all kinds.Everybody enjoys me during the midnight and I send suggestive radiations of pleasure when the moon shines. That's where I have received this name."

"Radiance..." said Frost.
> "I don't need to be a prostitute because of resources now, the world of harmony has brought new ponies and I am more stable economicalll than I had been back then. Nonetheless, I am still doing it because I have it in my veins,ponies enjoy seeing me like this so I have this make-up all the time. I have been known as this character.and so the prostitute soul iis with me. I have been praised for attracting tthat tourism and so bats have received the best times of ourselves."
> "So Jack was....?"Frost asked
> "If you are asking, I have not betrayed you. The energetic looks were simply part of my job and he has paid me a lot. He said earlier during the night that I have been doing it pretty well,not only as a prostitute but as bat figure as well."

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> "Radiance. I simply don't know but what to say about this"said Frost
> "It's alright,Frost. You are simply confused. You have not seen me working with those lilac socks nor with suggestive costumes." said Radiance with a smile.
> But,how do I know that you actually love me? How do I trust on a bat whose purpose is to be a free soul of intimacy" asked Frost
> "I have had reservations about them,but not about you. You are someone that I personally love because I feel that way at its core. I want you as you are,not as a customer but as a pony." Radicance explained. "I have ended up indifferent with them. It's hard to be bound on feelings that are not real during your life. They are not enough for me in order to love someone. I have been distant with them after my job and even some didn't want to know about me the following day. It's beautiful to lie to them but not with you" said Radiance with a deeper tone.
> Radiance....I..." Frost said.
> "If you are willing to give a chance,not the 2nd but the actual one we have had since the beginning,you will notice that I haven't left you behind at all. Meet with me tonight near the river. I will be waiting for you" Radiance said and closed the door.
> "Radiance, wait!" shouted Frost.
> She flew away...

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Frost trusted on the words of Radiance,he waited on the place he was told to. The night was coming and Radiance had to work again...

> "Hey Radiance ! Are you ready to give it everything again?" said one of her coworkers
> "Not this time. Go ahead, I am taking a rest tonight. I have personal things to do" said Radiance
> "Well, whatever you need. We are here for anything. Goodnight, Radiance" she said.
> And she raised her hoof for goodbye.

> Radiance appeared flying in front of Frost just before the full moon hour.
> She looked like the prostitute she had been all the time but more simple this time.
> "I sense that you are still you after all. You have not changed and you are here." said Frost
> "Well,working about faking all the time gets tiresome on the inside. I think it's time to show what my mind and body begs to do" said Radiance
> "Wait, wait,wait. So you are treating me as a customer tonight?" asked Frost.
> "No. The difference between you and them is that I feel alright. I wouldn't sacrifice another day of work if I wasn't finding myself as a pony." said Radiance.
> So, you are here and..."said Frost
> "...and I will follow the same pattern as the others but this time, remember, what you are seeing is not my work....it's my bat spirit. I am glad I can feel it for myself completely" said Radiance.
> "Me too...I guess" said Frost.
> "You sure do." ended Radiance.

the midnight hour was about to come and that was how an attractive pony caught a pony who could share a sense of relief and peace. That night came without forced brilliance,a shining moon that felt as powerful as the sun. It didn't feel late for an unicorn,it didn't feel average for a bat. Just the right time for showing how two worlds connect after so many misunderstandings....

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Fancfic: Midnight Radiance, a reserved prostitute.

I basically didn't know that the pony I posted was suggestive. Almost all the images from her look like this. How many times has she been the clop material for previous bat threads in /mlp/? 
She doesn't have any other purpose than being the model of the month from the catalog. All the stallions she appears with in Derpi,are random ponies,save Frost in which they include a shipping tag. 
I didn't know what to write about her from this. I have reused the lines of Reservstions and actually put them into a fic,especially on this post >>/994/. They are her confession,justifying her actions. 
Her character and purpose is proof of a beautiful lie that could lead into these conflicts.A lie full of truth because of survival. After the seapony line  >>/636/, a dark era happened(this was my project I had in mind:The Comforts of Darkness) and this story fits after the Summer Sun celebration and Luna Eclipsed. Bats were canonized as a diplomatic race in the latest comics along with gryphons,hippogriffs,dragons, changelings,yaks and deers.Not a good comkc but enough to make clear and canon this setting.

So with the bats reinserted again into the world of Harmony with Luna's lead, they keep their routines but accept ponies into their territory. Between the tourists,Frost comes into the scene.

This may have a lot of similarities with the seapony fic. That one was focused on the fear of drowning and discovering what makes us incomfortable, by reaching it, you become better and more ckmfortanle than before.This piece however, is about a sexualized pony and her role. How to explain she is the way she looks and without using fetishes in mind, the hardest part was her context. While one was insightful to his death,this focuses on corrupted roles,eventually accepting it as part of her freedom and character.

Again, I didn't plan to write about her yet, I finally ended with the love story she deserved.

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> It is a nice little cute story, at least the A side, the context on top of the subtext.
And here it is.The true A side.From  >>/988/ to  >>/995/

> I like the idea of bats being the inhabitants of this board since the thread is also one of are larger ones. I know minor off topic observation.
if you look at the Nightmare Moon post at the beginning of the bat thread,you will see that they had no other place. They were rejected. That's why I tried to start a thread about a project. A project called The Comforts of Darkness, a period in which bats were not evil but suffering the consequences of facing tensions alone and with the light leaving them behind. I had the idea to write about it but after so much introduction and context, I ended up critizising /mlp/ instead of focusing on that.

> Well, I actually didn't see such a meta subtext. As to your honesty, that is a choice that is yours to make. I think you've made a fine mod of the board if ya ask me. I frankly am probably someone whose behavior has always been acting outside of normal chan standards the few times I do post, at least. Being honest and actually speaking with sincerity are something that is certainly at the antithesis of the heart of /b/ which means that /mlp/ wouldn't be much better (though I will say I do see these rules even broken there rarely). This as painful and rude it can be sometimes is a natural defense of what is usually found in the sphere of average people. With the rise of social media especially, being sincere is often more of a performance, laden with the implications of various community politics at play.

And this was a performance...at first. The true green was my confession and I had to put more effort on writing it than the original acclaim. And now, a story about Radiance putting her in the focus. Posmodernism implies acting and by acting between the meta,I arrived at this.

> I don't really see it as a lie. I see you as someone who is being truely sincere. Yet this is the net where nothing is. I get this. I probably would be more of this mindset 2 or 3 years ago than right now, perhaps I am a fool for not. 
Just because we are used to an ordinart dynamic, it doesn't mean consequences and betrayals cannot happen. I see lying as an art but even then,what I am saying pursues both parts and I guess I am stuck with it.

> I've said this before I think. My personal take on this is that it shouldn't be treated as a project at all. Let this place be an outlet of emotion over a pursuit you stress over. You don't have to support anyone. If THis thing ends up being a burden to ya you should call it quites ( or at least scale back your involvement ). This should be a place to blow off steam and mess around with, not something you have to add to the list of stresses to your day.
Frotunately,the project is over. I am pretty satisfied with what I have ended up and I think it serves just to finish this chapter. Again,I have calmed myself a lot since you had said that advice back then and I still do. I know the lines between the hobby and the insanity. I don't have to do anything yet, I feel unsatisfied with others I used to but now I cannot feel the same.

The project was about the bats and the dark setup was meant to introduce the fiction about darkness. However,I ended up with this...

With Radiance and the last 3 digits post, /pone/ is in the 1st page. The rest just flows alone and no longer is affordable for achivements.Nonetheless, the posts will continue....

and so,you start the digits. Congratulations and /) until the end.

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We have reached 1000! 

I don't know what to do other then to party on!

> and so,you start the digits. Congratulations and /) until the end.

Congratulations to you too /). ALL HAIL /endpone/!

I unfortunately have had may day cut a little short, chaos strikes again I guess, still just in case I don't get a chance to post later I  go ahead and move the board beyond the 3 digits era. Nice green btw, I'll post more on it later.

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> I basically didn't know that the pony I posted was suggestive. Almost all the images from her look like this. How many times has she been the clop material for previous bat threads in /mlp/? 

Ha ha. To be fair, sometimes it is hard to tell. I like that you connected the dots to have a nice story from what you could infer from the tags and derpibooru and whatnot. I like how you tried to capture an actual moral with it as well.
> Bats were canonized as a diplomatic race in the latest comics along with gryphons,hippogriffs,dragons, changelings,yaks and deers.Not a good comkc but enough to make clear and canon this setting.

Did not know this. Interesting, wonder if will ever get any hint of what there society is like in canon?

> This piece however, is about a sexualized pony and her role. How to explain she is the way she looks and without using fetishes in mind, the hardest part was her context. While one was insightful to his death,this focuses on corrupted roles,eventually accepting it as part of her freedom and character.

Such a character won't get proper respect in a lot of circles.  Clop for most, evil for more traditionalist types. SJW's would see her anywhere between just a victim and a enabler of the problem to some even agreeing with the moral.   

> if you look at the Nightmare Moon post at the beginning of the bat thread,you will see that they had no other place. They were rejected. That's why I tried to start a thread about a project. A project called The Comforts of Darkness, a period in which bats were not evil but suffering the consequences of facing tensions alone and with the light leaving them behind. 

The bat pones as a rough around the edges species that isn't fully accepted is a concept I've always kinda digged. Even if I never was into bat pones too much . Since /pone/ I've warmed up to them a lot more.

> Just because we are used to an ordinart dynamic, it doesn't mean consequences and betrayals cannot happen. I see lying as an art but even then,what I am saying pursues both parts and I guess I am stuck with it.

Oh, believe me. I know betrayal. lying as an art is a pretty good way to view it.

> I know the lines between the hobby and the insanity

That probably is the best way to described my advice.  why didn't I think of that?  It was a line I crossed more then once in my youther youth.

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> We have reached 1000!I don't know what to do other then to party on!
well,that's the only thing someone would do honestly. Not every day a board breaks the 4 digits. All Hail to the bridge!

> I like that you connected the dots to have a nice story from what you could infer from the tags and derpibooru and whatnot. I like how you tried to capture an actual moral with it as well.
Probably that's what I know the best. I don't have that much of creativity but I am capable to have an excuse to fit random things into one piece. The shipping tag was applied to Frost's images so I knew the OC I had to work with. And the lyrics from the fake meta green served for the resolution. I haven't read it again just to see the moral,you have probably caught it before me.
> wonder if will ever get any hint of what there society is like in canon?
Either gen 5 or next season. I don't know when but they are canonized and comic 61 confirmed they were included in the roster of diplomatic species.
> Such a character won't get proper respect in a lot of circles. Clop for most, evil for more traditionalist types. SJW's would see her anywhere between just a victim and a enabler of the problem to some even agreeing with the moral.
When I saw her spirit and poses like pic related,  >>/996/,
 >>/993/ and  >>/990/;then I realized I was dealing with a provocative 
OC.However, when I edited  >>/982/ and saw  >>/981/ closely, she is sad and made me realise that probably she was the own character she created by herself. The sexualized part is an integrated aspect of her,you are supposed to be attracted and she is actually ok with it and she is the same when hard times come.
I had to put something because there could be some backstory put into her position. She is a whore because of accidental and personal purposes but she doesn't behave like a bitch because her father taught her lessons that harmonized ponies did. She looks corrupted or provocative because she wants yet,she doesn't want to do that 24/7,when she is crying or thinking alone,then the sexual topic is put aside. In the end,I put her as a dedicated prostitute and she lives because of it.
Clop is not a sin, nor she is a victim(this is why I don't like extremist people). She perfectly knew what she was doing and circumstances drive you into it. The 2nd part however,shows that she is okay with it and even serve as an example of sexual tourism. I had searched before about prostitution a bit and I made her "badly seen" aspect as a virtuosity,to the point where she brings bits and contributes to the bat's town. It sells and I put the date with Jack praising her because of her job even though they worked together during that night.
> The bat pones as a rough around the edges species that isn't fully accepted is a concept I've always kinda digged. Even if I never was into bat pones too much . Since /pone/ I've warmed up to them a lot more. 
I was going to implement Scootaloo as a student and Luna as a guide just to teach her how the bats and the dark side actually works. How she would have to be in comfort and how to deal with the so considered evil part of the world when reality is very different. I have the concept but I haven't got to write about it.
When I started the bat pony thread,I didn't know what was the appeal to them. I had searched images about them and I robbed the thread because whynot. While looking for the darkness concept and so many good pics,then the perspective about them changed.
> lying as an art is a pretty good way to view it. 
The problem is that many use it cheaply, but lying is something you cannot avoid nor will cease to exist.
> That probably is the best way to described my advice. why didn't I think of that? It was a line I crossed more then once in my youther youth.
I nonetheless, have taken a little break from it. After arriving at the 1000 mark and writing that green, I have decided to put less focus on this. I know your advice but I can explain why I prefer posting in chans than doing other things. That's for another post.

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> However, when I edited  >>/982/ and saw  >>/981/ closely, she is sad and made me realize that probably she was the own character she created by herself. The sexualized part is an integrated aspect of her,you are supposed to be attracted and she is actually ok with it and she is the same when hard times come.

That is something that ironically the tumblrites seemed to have reverted to the same reason as conservative types. I mean, it's a bit more complex then that, I've seen cases myself with some still see such as empowering, but I seen cases where even if they are involved in some way with such kinda work still reblogging stuff about how horrible such work is, sometimes going full circle saying that the people involved themselves are bad for even being minor level suggestive stuff. Real confusing.

> She looks corrupted or provocative because she wants yet,she doesn't want to do that 24/7,when she is crying or thinking alone,then the sexual topic is put aside. In the end,I put her as a dedicated prostitute and she lives because of it.

I think your reasoning is real good with this. For her its a way of life that she actually enjoys, even if she didn't come into such work under the best of circumstances.

> Clop is not a sin, nor she is a victim(this is why I don't like extremist people).

I may count somewhere on the moralfags spectrum, but I don't like them either. They are dehumanized by everyone a little. It is also real stupid to try to ban everything because it upsets you. I mean come on! They are both doing the same things for sometimes the opposite reason!  Blacks shouldn't marry whites because whites are racist. We also need to have seperate housing and bathrooms. Also, now that we have fought for the right to where short shorts we now must police such sexualized shameful displays that women have been brainwashed to wear. 

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> Breaking to 4 digits is a pretty could milestone, especially on the end.
For the end,this is truly a big achievement and I swear this break even point basically puts ponies in a special place.

I am partying internally while I am watching those chill Pinkis gifs.

> was going to implement Scootaloo as a student and Luna as a guide just to teach her how the bats and the dark side actually works. How she would have to be in comfort and how to deal with the so considered evil part of the world when reality is very different.

That also interesting. I remember in one of my few true fic reading beiges that I was looking for something with this theme. Sadly a lot of it was just edgy gray on gray or evil is cool as opposed to that. Not saying it isn't there, but I do find it often conflated with other stuff.

> I am partying internally while I am watching those chill Pinkis gifs.

I can stare at loops like that for hours sometimes. That gif is elite-tier btw.

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> That is something that ironically the tumblrites seemed to have reverted to the same reason as conservative types. I mean, it's a bit more complex then that, I've seen cases myself with some still see such as empowering, but I seen cases where even if they are involved in some way with such kinda work still reblogging stuff about how horrible such work is, sometimes going full circle saying that the people involved themselves are bad for even being minor level suggestive stuff. Real confusing.

That's what political circlejerking does and not for good reasons.
I have to confess something and I personally was for keeping prostitution illegal until last year. I was a little bit conservative on that aspect but then I have changed my mind.The only thing that I am against is the black market behind them that exploits them and treat them badly,that's partially true from the tumblrinas.

However,those rights are being fought and the job of prostitution has conditions. Conditions which the own subject accepts with all the risks behind the contract. Risks of being violated or having disgusting nights of works shares the same problems of a race driver having a huge crash or a surgeon having to have a huge stomach for operating or fucking up vital parts during the process,being a tense period. No job is free of bad moments. I understand those complaints but like everything, they should overcome them personally,not by blaming others for it unles we are talking about the black market topic.

I am in the middle,it's another service that delivers offer and demand,nothing else. I don't know what's so hard to get about it.

> I think your reasoning is real good with this. For her its a way of life that she actually enjoys, even if she didn't come into such work under the best of circumstances.
Basically I have combined down to earth reality and something that people don't usually see beyond that. I struggled a little bit with the concept but when I got the excuse of her poor circumstances,the rest was flowing by itself. When you work at something for so long,you'd better enjoy it or at least,try to find comfort between the misery. She could have ended up better but I needed to explain those images and the reasons behind. What I didn't expect was to write it this long though.

> I may count somewhere on the moralfags spectrum, but I don't like them either. They are dehumanized by everyone a little. It is also real stupid to try to ban everything because it upsets you.
It comes as inmature and I feel like we are being driven by children or psychopaths. It doesn't matter if you tend to the morals, the important thing is to have common sense and discuss properly a problem,not shouting at others with childish and loud manners. Sadly,while that autism has served on the internet for many jokes and tears(MLP,memes,viral videos...),it has also brought the worst kind of propaganda.
> I mean come on! They are both doing the same things for sometimes the opposite reason! Blacks shouldn't marry whites because whites are racist. We also need to have seperate housing and bathrooms. Also, now that we have fought for the right to where short shorts we now must police such sexualized shameful displays that women have been brainwashed to wear. 

You are told to do this,you have to wear that,you have to act like this,you have to say this.....gee,where does that mentality come from? *thinking man intensifies.
SJW and antiSJW are the same. Both extremes.....collide and they get together. Basically,what I have learned from communism. Then nazism and fascism copied the worst things from communism in order to fight it.100 years and we still never learn.....anyway

pic related is the one where Radiance was being educated by her father. Little details that have served me to join everything. I swear I cannot appreciate what I have done by doing a story like this....and I don't like throwing flowers to myself but goddamn

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> That also interesting. I remember in one of my few true fic reading beiges that I was looking for something with this theme. Sadly a lot of it was just edgy gray on gray or evil is cool as opposed to that. Not saying it isn't there, but I do find it often conflated with other stuff.
It's kind of hard not to put it into the edgy zone. Just like emo,people see it as a bad thing because of the mainstream cliches and those popular images hurt the ideas. However, those edgy moments you have put on them could defined or have some kind of impact if they don't come out of nowhere. Edgyness can have some meaning despite its awful executions surprisingly. Just that many love to jump into the cool ship before the start,they don't leave air nor meaning for the concept/idea.

> I can stare at loops like that for hours sometimes. That gif is elite-tier btw.
For celebrations like these,one has to use the top score images. This event should be no exception

Pic related is Jack. I could have used another OC for the customer role but I saw that name in the tags and I went for it.

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> I have to confess something and I personally was for keeping prostitution illegal until last year. I was a little bit conservative on that aspect but then I have changed my mind.The only thing that I am against is the black market behind them that exploits them and treat them badly,that's partially true from the tumblrinas.

Not much of a confession to someone that is an unironic social conservative. Though I find such things imoral and a bit dangerous, I think its a risk people ought to be allowed to take. Besides, it's better to legalize it in regards to reducing risk for'em anyway. It's always going to be there, and unless you want to try doing police state style measures you're never going to snuff it out without a great expense to society.  My gov has a few bills around that are really scary 

> That's what political circlejerking does and not for good reasons.

Yep. It is just sad. To be fair there still are some factions and groups that are not going full stupid, but most are being pushed to the sidelines right now. 

> When you work at something for so long,you'd better enjoy it or at least,try to find comfort between the misery. She could have ended up better but I needed to explain those images and the reasons behind. 

Exactly. writing them as a person-er pony. 

> Sadly,while that autism has served on the internet for many jokes and tears(MLP,memes,viral videos...),it has also brought the worst kind of propaganda.
> ou are told to do this,you have to wear that,you have to act like this,you have to say this.....gee,where does that mentality come from? *thinking man intensifies.
SJW and antiSJW are the same. Both extremes.....collide and they get together. Basically,what I have learned from communism. Then nazism and fascism copied the worst things from communism in order to fight it.100 years and we still never learn.....anyway

It is also sad how much misinfo both sides have. One thing that I found kind of weird is that people sometimes are in such a web of meme infographics and reading through huffpost or brietbart is that sometimes they don't even know there are better arguments against the thing they are shrilling about. On the progressive side, they often shrill us supporting the Khmer Rouge, yet that is serverly overstated, often leaving out that many of the early lefty leaders were sympathetic to Pol Pot at the freaking hight of his power. Yet there were dictators in Africa that the USA supported that are way less fuzzy examples and don't carry that inconvenient fact. The same can be said how many on the right self undermine there own arguments on gun control because if crime was going down then it wouldn't justify their "law and order" crap.


> Edgyness can have some meaning despite its awful executions surprisingly. Just that many love to jump into the cool ship before the start,they don't leave air nor meaning for the concept/idea.

For me it wasn't that they were just edgy. It was that the logic was poor. Like I can love "what have I done" style realizations with the now exiled bat pony who never did the crime. It was just too arbitrary and simple logic driving the characters wrapped in an edgy out layer. I suppose I could've worded that better. 

> For celebrations like these,one has to use the top score images. This event should be no exception

Top score indeed.

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> Not much of a confession to someone that is an unironic social conservative. Though I find such things imoral and a bit dangerous, I think its a risk people ought to be allowed to take. Besides, it's better to legalize it in regards to reducing risk for'em anyway. It's always going to be there, and unless you want to try doing police state style measures you're never going to snuff it out without a great expense to society. My gov has a few bills around that are really scary
A social conservative....nice,I fit around the liberal spectrum(centrist for US terminology) but more or less,next to yours in the end[spoiler] I was a natsoc because of /pol/ during 4 hours and then Incame back to liberalism[/spoilsr]. I think that conservatives are going to define the direction of this century,for very good reasons.It may be the natural direction after seeing what is happening to the West. 
About the legalization, there is always risk,especially in big countries like yours or in less developed ones. It may not be now but I think it could reduce part of that risk. 
Your gov has some secret documents around there and some bills about....well,beyond prostitution just to leave it at that.

> To be fair there still are some factions and groups that are not going full stupid, but most are being pushed to the sidelines right now.
Those groups pretty much stay either silent or do not talk about politics all the time. You only hear them a bit when things get too repulsive and it affects on their lives.

> It is also sad how much misinfo both sides have. One thing that I found kind of weird is that people sometimes are in such a web of meme infographics and reading through huffpost or brietbart is that sometimes they don't even know there are better arguments against the thing they are shrilling about. On the progressive side, they often shrill us supporting the Khmer Rouge, yet that is serverly overstated, often leaving out that many of the early lefty leaders were sympathetic to Pol Pot at the freaking hight of his power. Yet there were dictators in Africa that the USA supported that are way less fuzzy examples and don't carry that inconvenient fact. The same can be said how many on the right self undermine there own arguments on gun control because if crime was going down then it wouldn't justify their "law and order" crap.
Propaganda,interests and lots...lots of money. What is scary is that I had fallen once into the far right one, I could repeat it again. The best things is not to look through social media but looking at how history was. The journalists those sites have are pseudointellectuals paid to make X article,believe their own lies and put the lowest common denominator arguments just to not think about. To sum it up,dumbing down the topic.
Also,it woildn't be strange that they supported to Pol Pot. Socialism has let communists to be above them,that explains their support to Pol Pot. The only lefties that you will find against communism.....are excommunists. 
About the gun control, I don't have a clear sight on it. I am passing on this one. I have an idea about it and I could give an opinion but I cannot put serious thoughts about that topic.

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> For me it wasn't that they were just edgy. It was that the logic was poor. Like I can love "what have I done" style realizations with the now exiled bat pony who never did the crime. It was just too arbitrary and simple logic driving the characters wrapped in an edgy out layer. I suppose I could've worded that better.
I mean,the events could be the same, but yeah,if those are so simple and plain, then it's obvious those edgy aspects come into the spotlight. I am imagining some Deviantart or Fanfic tiers with your descriptions
I swear though,that if you rewrote about it,you could at least,fix some part of it or at least,make some different results. I have not seen them though so I am basically judging at nothing.

> A social conservative....nice,I fit around the liberal spectrum(centrist for US terminology) but more or less,next to yours in the end

Hey, it means your interested in good governance. I actually don't mind liberal/neoliberal/centrist or whatever else ya wanna call them. Sure, a lot my be in the pockets of someone, but so is everybody who shrills against them. Though there is certainly some variation in terminology from country to country and what not, we maybe not too far apart politically, at least in regards to how we want a country to be run.  I may be a wet blanket when it comes to sex and drugs but I don't want my views forced on everyone else,  Main difference would probably in running things probably would be in how we achieve a system. Conservatives tend to want to just dismantle and cripple a institution, while someone like you would actually be interested in getting it working. We honestly need more people like that. 

> Your gov has some secret documents around there and some bills about....well,beyond prostitution just to leave it at that.

 There are state bills that are on the table that would we require to police porn acess/offensive content in general, not to mention  FOSTA 

> What is scary is that I had fallen once into the far right one, I could repeat it again. The best things is not to look through social media but looking at how history was.

Because with many SJW's they would love to force even moderates from polite society. It actually what creates a lot of the problems they shrill aginast in my opinion. For example, anyone who wanted to even touch immigration with even the slightest concern being cast as racist and no mainstream party touches it much, then when you start having problems that are just ignored, with the only people being against them  being ones with pretty far right views of varying levels of racist thought. You get rid of anyone who would be willing to fix the problem and being willing to compromise and only have a bloc of voters who are increasing far right xenophobic.

> I think that conservatives are going to define the direction of this century,for very good reasons.It may be the natural direction after seeing what is happening to the West. 

I think it could go a few ways. Anywhere from a brief right wing backlash followed by a massive left wing backlash because the right gets enough power to do damage but is too far right too ever be accepted as mainstream. Also I could crazy right wingers getting into power, then crazy left wingers, then a massive moderate and or even non mainstream backlash of someshort. I think the right could have a massive influence on things  however if they become even the slightest bit pragmatic and the left continues to be subverted by crazy SJW thought. So I think it has decent chance though I still see other outcomes quite possible.

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> About the gun control, I don't have a clear sight on it. I am passing on this one. I have an idea about it and I could give an opinion but I cannot put serious thoughts about that topic.

I know many Americans shrill blindly on anyone who is even slightly against guns, but trust me I am chill. I don't run around acting like different political opinion equals immoral, or even ignorance. So don't feel scared ta post anything in that regard because you feel like it's not our place to post on another countries policies, like we often shrill.

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> I mean,the events could be the same, but yeah,if those are so simple and plain, then it's obvious those edgy aspects come into the spotlight. I am imagining some Deviantart or Fanfic tiers with your descriptions

They were, for the most part. It's not that I even fully dislike edgy either. Sure, I may not like mid 2000s sonic/anime OC with green day song, but I actually can dig a "Twilight Sparkill" that is drawn from that style if she is well drawn and half decently written.

> I swear though,that if you rewrote about it,you could at least,fix some part of it or at least,make some different results. I have not seen them though so I am basically judging at nothing.

I would have to go searching, as I haven't look at those fics in awhile. Basically I was looking at TS turns against Celestia/goes rough. Most of the ones that I found had very flimsy logic and TS being too self righteous. Sometimes immediately going to a payoff of "what have I done" or TS getting the upper hoof in something without making it worth it. Ironicly did find a few cool/decent ones with better plot progression and grammar, but they were abandoned. The coolest one I found though was a subversion of the trope that made the inter sting case that even if Celestia was evil or of questionable intent that Twilight would likely side with her. Everypony else having turned against celestia in a fanfic logic way with TS breaking her out of prison if I recall correct. Sadly it was only 2 chapters long. Perhaps I'll see if I can find it later.

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> Hey, it means your interested in good governance. I actually don't mind liberal/neoliberal/centrist or whatever else ya wanna call them. Sure, a lot my be in the pockets of someone, but so is everybody who shrills against them. Though there is certainly some variation in terminology from country to country and what not, we maybe not too far apart politically, at least in regards to how we want a country to be run. I may be a wet blanket when it comes to sex and drugs but I don't want my views forced on everyone else, Main difference would probably in running things probably would be in how we achieve a system. Conservatives tend to want to just dismantle and cripple a institution, while someone like you would actually be interested in getting it working. We honestly need more people like that.
Well thanks. Liberal in the European term is actually just in the centre. Centre with a couple of touches of right wing. I am not in the pocket of anybody because if I were,I would a fucking Illuminatti rich as fuck, messing around without worrying about the rest,laughing around with a happy merchant face and being famous around the media....and...that's not the case(that situation would be funny though)
I can't lie basically because I am nasty on it. You would catch me instantly(it's pretty easy on the internet) but I have a post ironic sense of humour and not a bad ability of pretending to be retarded.I cannot be a politician,I don't fit even though I see lying as an art.
If I don't cripple tthe things it's because I want those mistakes/hits to be remembered. For example,I wouldn't destroy those safe spaces but actually do something better with that place. I wouldn't give money to that purpose. Crippling the idea or purpose, that's something I would be willing to do if the idea were absolute cancer. For material or institutions that require space,it's already built,either change it or judge its future but the construction is done,do not waste momey on it. This is a mentality when you realize that using what's cheaper or accesible comes first. Very usual for chemistry practices and ideas to prepare an industry with cheap processes.
> require to police porn acess/offensive content in general, not to mention FOSTA 
It doesn't surprise me but,what the fuck?
> For example, anyone who wanted to even touch immigration with even the slightest concern being cast as racist and no mainstream party touches it much, then when you start having problems that are just ignored, with the only people being against them being ones with pretty far right views of varying levels of racist thought. You get rid of anyone who would be willing to fix the problem.
You have pretty much hit the point. It's like you force to me and others to inmigration that we do not want and we actually know is not beneficial,leading to conflicts and desperate opinions to the point where you use Hitler as a figure to catch attention. Fortunately,people is realizing about it and it's not racism.but cultural values. Western values are far superior in terms of ethcis and moral than the Middle East.I am indeed racist.....in terms of culture.I say that the West has done its job at it. The colour of the skin? Doesn't matter,Hispanics are far better educated and I have dealt with tons of them in my life and I have treated them indifferently to others. In the end,everything depends on the educational values and especially,family ones and ambient.
> Anywhere from a brief right wing backlash followed by a massive left wing backlash because the right gets enough power to do damage but is too far right too ever be accepted as mainstream. 
Because of Bush isn't it?
Anyway,everything that's not left for the left,it's fascism or far right. Why?Communists. I always repeat myself like a machine with this but there are some attitudes from the left that are absolutely disgusting and complain way too much when they don't know what to do to get votes. The problem is containing actual nazis,but they can remain silent and even give support if things don't go too bad.

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> I know many Americans shrill blindly on anyone who is even slightly against guns, but trust me I am chill. I don't run around acting like different political opinion equals immoral, or even ignorance. So don't feel scared ta post anything in that regard because you feel like it's not our place to post on another countries policies, like we often shrill.
Well if you say so, there it goes.
If I had the control about guns and could have decision about them......I wouldn't know what to about them. 
On one hand,it's an industry in which the US makes a shit ton of money and I would be killing one essential part of income. Also,Americans have to be prepared whenever a big operation comes. It's a top country for it and it cannot be defenseless whenever the big ones have a crazy episode(China, Russia and Middle East) and should bring the best technology for any war. 

However as for the rest....what gives? I mean,I don't search for a peaceful hippie world where everybody is holding their hands happily,that will never happen and thinking about it would be absolute faggotry and deserves to be called a faggot with all letters.
Nonetheless,I see big problems especially on the children and schools. If a children were to be against the world and end so desperate that he wants everybody to pay for it,bam 4 kills or so overnight. Also,it would prevent someone from commiting suicide with a gun anyone who has depression or see things too over the edge(see /r9k/'s one with a KSG) and maybe,kills his family before the person itself. If everybody didn't have one,nobody(in theory) should have fear of no one else,you don't have a gun but the other one doesn't have the right to own one so it's illegal and should be reported inmediately unless that person has passed the tests.

So completely defenseless....however,I would increase a shit ton of money (and I mean a lot) on defense and civil corps. Without politics involved on those security forces,just obeying the law and looking just for protecting the citizens. And the money for tech and weaponry, would be spent on military and would encourage recruit campaigns or some excuse just to keep the rhythm in terms keep the numbers and soldiers.

Again,this is pretty much an European version. US does have too much trouble or context in it and dealing with it  so carelessly is like walking on a rope between two high buildings.

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> They were, for the most part. It's not that I even fully dislike edgy either. Sure, I may not like mid 2000s sonic/anime OC with green day song, but I actually can dig a "Twilight Sparkill" that is drawn from that style if she is well drawn and half decently written.
Anything can work to be honest. Twilight could be a huge menace and those chances are not too margin if we consider Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. Also,consider that Deviantart stuff could be used for funny stuff. That segment of Rainbow Dash using lasers made fun of that trend,yet they used the same tools for an edgy moment. 
In the end,dark art and a good story can hold a very lasting impact. Most of those evil versions of Celestia and Luna have some of the sickest art I have seen from this fandom and they don't transmit happy feelings exactly.

> I would have to go searching, as I haven't look at those fics in awhile. Basically I was looking at TS turns against Celestia/goes rough. Most of the ones that I found had very flimsy logic and TS being too self righteous. Sometimes immediately going to a payoff of "what have I done" or TS getting the upper hoof in something without making it worth it. Ironicly did find a few cool/decent ones with better plot progression and grammar, but they were abandoned. The coolest one I found though was a subversion of the trope that made the inter sting case that even if Celestia was evil or of questionable intent that Twilight would likely side with her. Everypony else having turned against celestia in a fanfic logic way with TS breaking her out of prison if I recall correct.
Considering that Twilight is too blind and doesn't question much Celestia,I can see that perfectly happening. It makes sense she would get conflicted between choosing her ideal mentor or her friends. Tough choice but not all the things lead to harmony and historically,many have followed the decisions of a crazy figure without hesitation. 
If nothing screams "ow the edge" just to get for cool and instant situations, then it may work.

> It doesn't surprise me but,what the fuck?

There have been multiple bills circulating on he state level that have the crazy idea that we can fight porn and sexual abuse by putting a $20 fee to be able to  access "adult content" on all electronic devices. Not sure the chances of'em becoming law but its scary that they are even getting into debate. I hear Rhode Island's is the worst of them.

But the biggest fish out there is FOSTA/SESTA. FOSTA is a house bill that took a lot of ideas from SESTA which was a really really bad senete bill that had been dancing around and now looks like it has a chance to pass. If the shrilling on it is to be believed, it could destroy the internet as we know it. Though I am a little doubtful it will go that far the effects could be pretty bad. 

 Internet activist shrilling. 
 left wing shrilling 
 right wing shrilling 

Hardly anyone is opposing such a bill both out of ignorance to the net that most law makers and the fact that rivals would easily use it as attack against ya, because on paper to a laymen this bill looks very bad to oppose. Only a few well informed democrats and the tea party aligned house liberty caucus mounted any kind of resistance. which wasn't even that organized because both groups normally hate each others guts. Doesn't look good for senate.

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> I am not in the pocket of anybody because if I were,I would a fucking Illuminatti rich as fuck, messing around without worrying about the rest,laughing around with a happy merchant face and being famous around the media....and...that's not the case(that situation would be funny though)

I actually was meaning how any intellectual or politician who is under those labels is shrilled against as establishment and that the only thing that guilds them is money and power.  Come on, Illuminatti? I would join whoever their rivals were, if not try be a free actor. 

> d. For example,I wouldn't destroy those safe spaces but actually do something better with that place. I wouldn't give money to that purpose. Crippling the idea or purpose, that's something I would be willing to do if the idea were absolute cancer. 

That is exactly what I mean by Liberals/centrist. I especially see this type of good logic with more classic liberals who have a touch of right wing. Though Conservatives do have idea for reform and what not, many time our actions are more focused on rollback and containment without much planning what for what next. For example destroying Obamacare without much of a plan forward on replacement. Or just stabbing at a regulatory agency without ever having any ideas on how to fix the problem ourselves. I'm not saying that is isn't a mentality that I am free from either or one that is bad all the time. The reason it exist is because any new regulation/entitlement made tends to have a power structure around it, made up of both the lobbyist and people who may depend on it. And that simply reforming something still leaves it there for it to be tampered with later. But I think more pragmatic action is needed to stem the tide.  Not saying my side is free of lobbyist either 

> You have pretty much hit the point. It's like you force to me and others to inmigration that we do not want and we actually know is not beneficial,leading to conflicts and desperate opinions to the point where you use Hitler as a figure to catch attention

Not only with Immigration, though that is certainly one of the bigger driving factors, but also with how SJWs can sometimes not even accept someone not wanting to get involved in a debate. I have seen in some circles even argue the saying nothing is a violent action against X group. So for those that get on there bad end becoming far right/paranoid is a natural path do to how existential it feels to your very way of life in a personal way. As they leak out of schools it will only get worse, but could also make big enough fools of themselves to spark backlash.

> .I am indeed racist.....in terms of culture.I say that the West has done its job at it. The colour of the skin? Doesn't matter,

Not sure if I would go that far but certainly can't blame you in that outlook. Especially with how SJW's want home country culture and values to be submissive to multiculturalism, no mater what those values are. Because ya'know, individualism is a western construct.  I have heard this  sadly IRL  

> Because of Bush isn't it?

Bush did damage but he was a normal mediocre president in the grand scheme of things that is part of the normal tug of war in my country over the last 60 years or so since WWII. I was talking about any conservative backlash, be it moderate or extremely far right having a brief go at doing massive reform and blowing it in someway. Not even talking about right now because both conservatives and progressives and liberals have stuff they could point the other at if the economy fails in the near term and would probably only cost right wingers an election or two at most, especially if the dems went full on SJW.

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> Nonetheless,I see big problems especially on the children and schools. If a children were to be against the world and end so desperate that he wants everybody to pay for it,bam 4 kills or so overnight. Also,it would prevent someone from commiting suicide with a gun anyone who has depression or see things too over the edge(see /r9k/'s one with a KSG) and maybe,kills his family before the person itself. If everybody didn't have one,nobody(in theory) should have fear of no one else,you don't have a gun but the other one doesn't have the right to own one so it's illegal and should be reported inmediately unless that person has passed the tests.

That is the meat of the real gun debate in the usa beyond the blind shrilling on both sides. It is a completely understandable moral question. Should the US have such an armed population with all the pain? The gun control laws that have been proposed only do minior help. Raising the age limit to 21 could actually have prevented some, but only in the case of when they obtained a gun legally themselves. All assult weapons bans on the table grandfathered all guns currently owned, now standing at 8 million. Then many want to go futher and ban all simi autos, but that would include over 100 million weapons at least. There would be mass dissident and ilegal firearms in circulation for years. And the measures that would be taken to enforcement could lead to militarization of the police way more then anybody wants. 

Yet could gun control be done if it was done more slowly? Perhaps let culture urbanize a little more, etc? I think there is a honest path that the uSA could try, slowly passing more restrictions and seeing where it goes. I am honestly think they'd have a fair shot if the will was for it. Can't blame anyone for wanting to try get rid of guns. I mean can you picture yourself after one being threw one of those things as a child? 

As for where the country is heading on it I don't know. Though the left in my country won't admit it, but at least for the past twenty years or so gun control was heading into retreat. There is always a little burst of support for gun control after each high profile shooting but it quickly gets countered by NRA/GOA/The Second Amendment Foundation and gets pushed out of the news by something else. Though this time could be different. It is hard to find good data on stuff and many things are hard to determine demographic wise.  On the one hand you have strange facts  like being the Millennials of all things being the ones shown most opposed to an assult weapons ban and that as time past on over the last twenty years support for gun restrictions dropped from a solid two thirds majority to dancing about at fifty-fifty. But this time there is a stronger push than before, but will it last or fizzle out to some other left wing cause.  

Another problem being that GOP voters rural states and red states could go into freakout mode because the tactics used by this new wave of advocacy. 

 Source of Pew Image 

 Source of Gallop image. 

In the /end/ I am personally pro gun but I won't go into my reasoning right now (because I ha ve typed enough walls of text already) and I don't think anyone is imoral or wrong for being against them. Sorry for all the links, makes /pone/ looked like a cucked /pol/.

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> There have been multiple bills circulating on he state level that have the crazy idea that we can fight porn and sexual abuse by putting a $20 fee to be able to access "adult content" on all electronic devices. Not sure the chances of'em becoming law but its scary that they are even getting into debate. I hear Rhode Island's is the worst of them. 
So basically another way to capitalize pornography and make it a source of income for those companies who force the bill. Genius. This reminds a lot of those intentions from Verizon,Comcast of making more money from the internet by putting the channels....I swear,that "adult content" looks like that but with a different cover or excuse from big companies. Porn sells a lot so let's use it as an excuse for making it profitable.  This is what happens when politicians let companies to do everything they want.

> But the biggest fish out there is FOSTA/SESTA. FOSTA is a house bill that took a lot of ideas from SESTA which was a really really bad senete bill that had been dancing around and now looks like it has a chance to pass. If the shrilling on it is to be believed, it could destroy the internet as we know it. Though I am a little doubtful it will go that far the effects could be pretty bad. 
Trere have been a lot of shots to fire since the internet has been born. Those measurements are already stating what is currently illegal but with a bigger title of seemingly more effective when it's just another excuse to censor pages they do not want for free speech. Also,big companies support it because they know the bill would prevent others to grow.
And how the hell are you supposed to work with advanced filters or tell when the words sex trafficking appear ironically or not? The most effective way is by stalking profiles and detecting conversations or actions. Sure it takes longer,but it's the most traditional and specific way to solve the things properly.

> Hardly anyone is opposing such a bill both out of ignorance to the net that most law makers and the fact that rivals would easily use it as attack against ya, because on paper to a laymen this bill looks very bad to oppose. Only a few well informed democrats and the tea party aligned house liberty caucus mounted any kind of resistance. which wasn't even that organized because both groups normally hate each others guts. Doesn't look good for senate.
Basically,a trap to close webs and a red zone for any website when it comes to this topic. I mean it's good to pursue this but, I sense more evil and adding more salt to the problem than fixing anything. It puts a social problem into an economical one and I hardly see any effect on the root of the problem. For approving this bill(whose laws already state what is illegal),I would rather seeing them talking about American Football or something before touching and putting this stuff into a dirtier zone.

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> I actually was meaning how any intellectual or politician who is under those labels is shrilled against as establishment and that the only thing that guilds them is money and power. Come on, Illuminatti? I would join whoever their rivals were, if not try be a free actor.
Everyone wants money and power but it shouldn't be described as just that. It's pretty easy to simplify into that but I consider more important the interests behind or purposes. And I said the Illuminatti because they are rich and famous so I put them as the elite everyone wants to reach.... but they are not my cup of tea,too much secretism and desire for evil(I like darkness but not a dense senseless psychopath) They are never happy and always look for more and their style doesn't do much for me. Their rivals are the church and secret organizations from Malta or figures likes Orban if you want to look somewhere else.

> I especially see this type of good logic with more classic liberals who have a touch of right wing. 
Classic liberals were at the time considered progressive. 
> Though Conservatives do have idea for reform and what not, many time our actions are more focused on rollback and containment without much planning what for what next. For example destroying Obamacare without much of a plan forward on replacement. Or just stabbing at a regulatory agency without ever having any ideas on how to fix the problem ourselves. The reason it exist is because any new regulation/entitlement made tends to have a power structure around it, made up of both the lobbyist and people who may depend on it. And that simply reforming something still leaves it there for it to be tampered with later. But I think more pragmatic action is needed to stem the tide. Not saying my side is free of lobbyist either
Well the situation is easy,conspire or replace the lobbyists or make them financially run of resources,draining its power onto it,meaning that the long term impact could be prevented for future backlash or counter lobbyist movements. If it's completely corrupted and it doesn't look good,take the usual actions then.
The ideas from other party shouldn't be considered as something "the enemy" or the rival has done. It's just as easy as putting it under a different name or copy the project and keep on going if it actually serves. I see that with the health system. Obamacare was a step on something Democrats wanted,why not copying ideas from it or keeping the idea? I mean, you take it as they have invented it but you can show and even overlook that fact when you make it work under your command by saying you are a hero for making it possible and caring about health more than democrats. It can even serve as a counter argument for future debates.

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> but also with how SJWs can sometimes not even accept someone not wanting to get involved in a debate. I have seen in some circles even argue the saying nothing is a violent action against X group. So for those that get on there bad end becoming far right/paranoid is a natural path do to how existential it feels to your very way of life in a personal way.
A very wise line said:"Obnoxious actions,obnoxious results" . Leaving a group or a discordant voice censored implies to more desperate way of giving the message. For SJW,everything is too violent...so much that they throw the innocent until proven guilty to the water,you are being violent either way. Of course it is natual path and while it doesn't affect someone else too much,it somehow leaks into everything you like or any entertainment to political stuff. That creates a suffocating feeling and affects you somehow. Instead of calling them SJW,I would call them SOW,social obnoxious warriors. The justice is an excuse to make an noise that only is unfair for others who have done nothing. But again,anti SJW happen as a counter movement and they act equally or worse. It's the domino effect.

> I was talking about any conservative backlash, be it moderate or extremely far right having a brief go at doing massive reform and blowing it in someway. Not even talking about right now because both conservatives and progressives and liberals have stuff they could point the other at if the economy fails in the near term and would probably only cost right wingers an election or two at most, especially if the dems went full on SJW.

I will say that this generation could prevent from making so much backlash. Everyone can point out at everyone that isn't from their zone but that's putting themselves into low quality profiles of politics.
Democrats have gone almost full SJW,could it work again? Maybe but they would have to double the bet and make it bigger than this. There is no way to find a balance with that dynamic. Some SJW become huge conservatives or abstents whenever they see themselves lied or see the meaning behind their purpose. 
If there is something that Dems have to learn is that this extermely progressist (almost totalitarian not to say completely)way doesn't work in the long term and that could be transmitted by winning the elections again. Maybe they will leave those mediums a little bit on the background next time.

I don't see it that clear for the future though

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> Should the US have such an armed population with all the pain? All assult weapons bans on the table grandfathered all guns currently owned, now standing at 8 million. Then many want to go futher and ban all simi autos, but that would include over 100 million weapons at least. There would be mass dissident and ilegal firearms in circulation for years. And the measures that would be taken to enforcement could lead to militarization of the police way more then anybody wants.
That's because the weapon market is so huge and has brought so many different things or cults surrounding it that there is no way to go back and pretend it has done nothing. This direction should have been asked way before this century because it has become certainly an inherent identity.
> Perhaps let culture urbanize a little more, etc? I think there is a honest path that the uSA could try, slowly passing more restrictions and seeing where it goes. I am honestly think they'd have a fair shot if the will was for it. Can't blame anyone for wanting to try get rid of guns. I mean can you picture yourself after one being threw one of those things as a child?
Basically one could end up with paranoia or some psychological harm because of them if that happened. It's basically up to the direction the US wants to go but as you have said, it depends more on the people who lives the situation.As an outsider,perspective is pretty much utopic. Do you know the key factor for its ban or permission? The family values and close people. The more it affects to people on the emotional side,the more will think about banning them. The less they are affected or sensible, the more indifferent will be about the topic. That's one factor that could lead to those restrictions or future directions.
> Though the left in my country won't admit it, but at least for the past twenty years or so gun control was heading into retreat. There is always a little burst of support for gun control after each high profile shooting but it quickly gets countered by NRA/GOA/The Second Amendment Foundation and gets pushed out of the news by something else. On the one hand you have strange facts like being the Millennials of all things being the ones shown most opposed to an assult weapons ban and that as time past on over the last twenty years support for gun restrictions dropped from a solid two thirds majority to dancing about at fifty-fifty. But this time there is a stronger push than before, but will it last or fizzle out to some other left wing cause.
The biggest events could be the recent shootings from them. Either way,this could be another fad for being against but I see that Americans leave those intentions really soon so it doesn't leave any impact whatsoever. Not many seem to promise themselves to work behind their ban as hard as others would so it shows a pretty short term memory. Millenials could be a question mark considering that while they are not all sjw, they do not fit into the full conservative values.
>  I am personally pro gun but I won't go into my reasoning right now (because I ha ve typed enough walls of text already) and I don't think anyone is imoral or wrong for being against them. Sorry for all the links, makes /pone/ looked like a cucked /pol/.
Yeah I have typed a lot too about this and I basically have a perspective of putting the worst case scenario in which ai only trust who have principles,responsibilites and are stable for having a tool of power. The more power you have on your hands,the more responsible you are. I am one of those who sees humans as naturally evil. It's welcome to be open on different opinions but again,I barely add anything to the topic that you haven't discussed better before.
Also,/mlpol/ exists. The combination of ponies and politics is nothing new. In fact,many of them liked it because it brought comfy discussions about heat topics while posting nice pictures so any anger or frustration is somehow gone for having a chill ambient.

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> So basically another way to capitalize pornography and make it a source of income for those companies who force the bill. Genius. This reminds a lot of those intentions from Verizon,Comcast of making more money from the internet by putting the channels....I swear,that "adult content" looks like that but with a different cover or excuse from big companies.

That's what it will look like in practice anyway. Though unironic moralist on the left and right shouldn't be discounted as the ones who where the initial impetus for the thing.

> Trere have been a lot of shots to fire since the internet has been born. Those measurements are already stating what is currently illegal but with a bigger title of seemingly more effective when it's just another excuse to censor pages they do not want for free speech. Also,big companies support it because they know the bill would prevent others to grow.

> Basically,a trap to close webs and a red zone for any website when it comes to this topic. I mean it's good to pursue this but, I sense more evil and adding more salt to the problem than fixing anything. It puts a social problem into an economical one and I hardly see any effect on the root of the problem. For approving this bill(whose laws already state what is illegal)

Yep and yep. My personal outlook on at least the near-term is that it will not simply destroy the internet in one punch like its being shrilled but push a lot of stuff into a grayer area. There will be haphazard enforcement with a few random people getting clobbered over it. Just another that could trip you up badly. And it could make larger websites downright victorian in sexual attitudes. Depending on how many are made examples of or if even what is put on the books actually ends up getting enforced the way its written will ultimately determine how risky it is for smaller websites and internet communities.

> Everyone wants money and power but it shouldn't be described as just that. It's pretty easy to simplify into that but I consider more important the interests behind or purposes. And I said the Illuminatti because they are rich and famous so I put them as the elite everyone wants to reach....

I was only talking about the perception. One hundred percent agree that things are way more complicated then the simple pursuit of power that so many portray. 

> Classic liberals were at the time considered progressive. 

I know of a few groups and factions that still sort of identify with the label to varying degrees.(Really pragmatic old old style republican. The more free market faction of UK's liberal party, etc)   I have sometimes heard it used to describe european liberals as a whole but I disagree. Then again, I often see neoliberal, liberal (in the European sense), classical liberal, and centrist all applied to the same group. Labels are confusing. 

> It's just as easy as putting it under a different name or copy the project and keep on going if it actually serves. I see that with the health system. Obamacare was a step on something Democrats wanted,why not copying ideas from it or keeping the idea? I mean, you take it as they have invented it but you can show and even overlook that fact when you make it work under your command by saying you are a hero for making it possible and caring about health more than democrats. It can even serve as a counter argument for future debates.

Exactly. The republicans just tried to dismantle it real quickly leaving people hanging with only vague poorly worded replacement, then just gave up with occasionally taking a stab at it. They honestly should try working with what they have. Ask more questions like: How can we make sure that this doesn't blow the budget? Is there anyway that we can cut the cost without cutting coverage? Is it possible to actually expand coverage with a more conservative ideas in place within it?, etc. All we have done is take a stab at the individual mandate with promises to insurers in the market exchanges that will pay for when they go into the red.Which is something we spent years shrilling  obama over.    (there actually is some signs that the market right now ironically enoug may have stabilized do to a panic run of people who where fearful to not be able to get insurance later/people who we jumping on and off staying on) 

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> A very wise line said:"Obnoxious actions,obnoxious results" . Leaving a group or a discordant voice censored implies to more desperate way of giving the message. For SJW,everything is too violent...so much that they throw the innocent until proven guilty to the water,you are being violent either way. Of course it is natual path and while it doesn't affect someone else too much,it somehow leaks into everything you like or any entertainment to political stuff. That creates a suffocating feeling and affects you somehow. 

Yes it does. Especially can be bad when they go after moderate or people that have the slightest disagreement with them. Makes one feel like they are going to be seen as evil and have their name dragged through the mud anyway. And even if it's not personal it still has a pretty big presence on the media you consume. Seeing tit is often in the mainstream being not weather they bow down to SJW's, but how much they bow is something that certainly affects people. Most at least make a token effort now to please them now in some way, and while tumblr will grumble about how it is not enough as long as they stay clear of doing anything too controversial and heavy they can usually get away of being exactly who they were ten years ago. Even then, such media will still often through some shade to whatever the thing the SJW's are shrilling about this month. TDLR: when most of your media is either being an sjw or at least pretending to be one iniself is a scary feeling that can drive ya to action/paranoia.

>  Instead of calling them SJW,I would call them SOW,social obnoxious warriors. The justice is an excuse to make an noise that only is unfair for others who have done nothing. But again,anti SJW happen as a counter movement and they act equally or worse. It's the domino effect.

I like SOW. It feels like it could lead to some funny meme shenanigans. 

> But again,anti SJW happen as a counter movement and they act equally or worse. It's the domino effect.

Therefore giving the SOWs a pass to act worse, which then drives more people against them. The cycle can't go on forever but that's what I feel like we are in right now, at least partly.

> Democrats have gone almost full SJW,could it work again? Maybe but they would have to double the bet and make it bigger than this. There is no way to find a balance with that dynamic.

I feel like the election will be the ultimate test as to how far the democrats will go SJW/SOW. Right now there is a huge push to try to purge moderate memebers of the party, though it has been a mixed effort at best. New Jersey elected a banker as governor and much of the old guard did get challenged to varying degrees but so far has managed to hold on. Most recently the democratic establishment whats to try to make an effort this year on trying to pick up the suburbs from the Republicans, and there has been much infighting over that strategy.  Basicly, that what Hillery tried to do, on paper anyway... sort of.  Trump certainly gives the SOW rallying fuel try to justify that vengeance must be taken. Will have to wait and see. 


> I am one of those who sees humans as naturally evil. 

I think of most humans as simple minded and easily corruptible with power, so not too much different I suppose. 

> It's welcome to be open on different opinions but again,I barely add anything to the topic that you haven't discussed better before.

I disagree. You have both inquired and offered your own opinions and outlooks on things. 

> Also,/mlpol/ exists. The combination of ponies and politics is nothing new. In fact,many of them liked it because it brought comfy discussions about heat topics while posting nice pictures so any anger or frustration is somehow gone for having a chill ambient.

Ah /mlpol/ I wasn't there for the day itself but I kept track of there movements afterward. Watching a chaotic mess unfold. Random pony raids on /pol/. /qa/ being occupied and dozens of boards set up across the interwebs before they finally gathered at mlpol.net. 

** and this is

Opps hit the character limit didn't I? I was just saying this is one of the most chill political dissuasions I've had since the election. Ponies do make everything better.

Welp, other plans I have arisen, there was something I wanted to finally finshed and post today but it looks like I have to skedaddle. May the power of a thousand bridges rain upon you!

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> Though unironic moralist on the left and right shouldn't be discounted as the ones who where the initial impetus for the thing. 
This is why one shouldn´t jump into conclusions so fast. Politicians love those reactions in order to add more excuses and artificial problems. Nothing new but that comes actually from you have said, moralists.

> My personal outlook on at least the near-term is that it will not simply destroy the internet in one punch like its being shrilled but push a lot of stuff into a grayer area.
Everything could become questionable and people would have a lot of fear for not getting into an open case acussing someone for hate or sensible speech when most of the times, that wouldn´t be intention.
> There will be haphazard enforcement with a few random people getting clobbered over it. >it could make larger websites downright victorian in sexual attitudes. Depending on how many are made examples of or if even what is put on the books actually ends up getting enforced the way its written will ultimately determine how risky it is for smaller websites and internet communities. 
It´s another restricition for those companies but with the laws more present where the law is not something to prevent but as a weapon to punish. Really scary and it breaks the principles but they are politicans, they do not read a huge historical text, they just do whatever is convenient and that´s it.

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> One hundred percent agree that things are way more complicated then the simple pursuit of power that so many portray. 
Whenever you see a law that is complicated to take or approach, that means there is something fishy going on. It´s one of the most loved techniques for hiding true interests. 

>  I have sometimes heard it used to describe european liberals as a whole but I disagree. Then again, I often see neoliberal, liberal (in the European sense), classical liberal, and centrist all applied to the same group. Labels are confusing. 
It´s basically the same, there are only one or two small variations in a certain topic but again, it includes everyone into one same group.  You cannot do that for the left because those are pretty divided and they cannot basicall get together because they act by reactions not logic. They have tried it several times and it´s impossible.

> Exactly. The republicans just tried to dismantle it real quickly leaving people hanging with only vague poorly worded replacement, then just gave up with occasionally taking a stab at it. They honestly should try working with what they have. Ask more questions like: How can we make sure that this doesn't blow the budget? Is there anyway that we can cut the cost without cutting coverage? Is it possible to actually expand coverage with a more conservative ideas in place within it?, etc. 
When those questions come into play, that means the party is critic to itself, so that means that while preventing some self destruction, it serves as a way to work and organize everything a little bit more specific. All rich wants to have more money but I do not have idea why spending so much if the thing is already done?
That means they do not have trouble spending money on retaking it but that money could be much better used than spending it on whims.

> there actually is some signs that the market right now ironically enoug may have stabilized do to a panic run of people who where fearful to not be able to get insurance later/people who we jumping on and off staying on 

Well good job at that. Money is fearful as fuck and despite those measurements, the situation may work.If there is something a politician does well, it´s keeping the money and not making huge sacrifices for it. If that has implied releiving new for those investors, then good job on that.

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> Yes it does. Especially can be bad when they go after moderate or people that have the slightest disagreement with them. Makes one feel like they are going to be seen as evil and have their name dragged through the mud anyway. 
And that´s happened to me when I carried myself too much by the message of /pol/ as a counter reaction. They pursue people who want nothing of that stuff out of this. What makes them worse is by doxxing people, that´s where Zamii and other cases come into the topic.

> Most at least make a token effort now to please them now in some way, and while tumblr will grumble about how it is not enough as long as they stay clear of doing anything too controversial and heavy they can usually get away of being exactly who they were ten years ago. Even then, such media will still often through some shade to whatever the thing the SJW's are shrilling about this month. TDLR: when most of your media is either being an sjw or at least pretending to be one iniself is a scary feeling that can drive ya to action/paranoia.
Basically companies try to appeal them in order to keep their mouth shut and not bring shit on. However, it´s becime so expansive that the groups have been detected and companies do know where they come from, trying to appeal childish people doesn´t work. It´s where the term manchildren (really misused from MLP haters) actually applies. Nothing they want is enough. The more you have, the more you want.

> I like SOW. It feels like it could lead to some funny meme shenanigans. 
Improvised concept. Let´s keep it that way then if you want.
> Therefore giving the SOWs a pass to act worse, which then drives more people against them. The cycle can't go on forever but that's what I feel like we are in right now, at least partly. 
Of course, there is always a limit. Even some of the early SJW could have got tired of this shit. Early /pol/ users didn´t want to start this shit either and want to meme 9/11 or Hitler did nothing wrong, the jews did this, typical /pol/ shit before the huge blow up of shills, actual nazis, extremists from everywhere.....hell,/mlpol/ brought some of that comfort they wanted, so that explains why the idea was so loved.

> I feel like the election will be the ultimate test as to how far the democrats will go SJW/SOW. Right now there is a huge push to try to purge moderate memebers of the party, though it has been a mixed effort at best. New Jersey elected a banker as governor and much of the old guard did get challenged to varying degrees but so far has managed to hold on. Most recently the democratic establishment whats to try to make an effort this year on trying to pick up the suburbs from the Republicans, and there has been much infighting over that strategy. Basicly, that what Hillery tried to do, on paper anyway... sort of. Trump certainly gives the SOW rallying fuel try to justify that vengeance must be taken. Will have to wait and see.

That last line is always key. Even in the last hour, everything can change and that happened with 4 trains exploding 3 days before the elections, changing the votes from the right to the left. 
Will it be a test? Probably but some are waking up in terms of propaganda strategies, that may cause some indifference or less reactive vote in the end. The 2nd line of eliminating the moderate members worries me, they´d better pack their arms, good to see that not all the times the extremists succeed. 
The Democratic is proving to be not the best opposition, that obviously carries a bad image to it and the infighting that you are saying. Just keep your minds strong for everything that may happen.

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> I think of most humans as simple minded and easily corruptible with power, so not too much different I suppose.
Sadly it isn´t. Even though I am not optimistic on that part of being so easily manipulated and blinded for power, I am surprised that we have managed to do this as species. There is always a chance and enough reasons for giving ourselves hope.

> You have both inquired and offered your own opinions and outlooks on things.
Yeah, I´ve had to read those news about the topic(there were too many graphics on the guns poll but I guess that adds complementary suggestions or perspectives about the matter), I have mostly stayed passive and patient. 
There is that and I didn´t want to say big misinformed or misundersandings from it so while I am not indifferent to those topics (security, pornography costs and banning free speech by using an excuse of adding a counter productive bill(this one was confusing at first t b h), I look like I am indifferent.

> I kept track of there movements afterward. Watching a chaotic mess unfold. Random pony raids on /pol/. /qa/ being occupied and dozens of boards set up across the interwebs before they finally gathered at mlpol.net. 
A very funny and certainly beautiful story happened during that day (even almost a whole weekend) and this video genuinely sums up the chaos to an unexpected balance and alliance.

> I was just saying this is one of the most chill political dissuasions I've had since the election. Ponies do make everything better.
Wow, so that might explain why discussing with me was so chill in comparison. Not many moments or political discussions can achieve that title for such a hated thing as politics. Probably my view of seeing it as an art for lying, some philosophical and psychological reasons here and there, taking the things with some philosophy without having a rush to convice one or another with the loudest voice sure have helped. Also ponies and their morals, not all of them are 100% right, but they have certainly added a mentality that sadly kids do not have these days(they do not watch cartoons, only mobiles and random content on youtube)
> May the power of a thousand bridges rain upon you!
Oh yeah, singing under the rain. Stralight looks happy for the bridges from  Las Pegasus. May some of their lucky spirit can be shared onto you.

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> "Dolores... You've reached past a thousand bridges" Cadence said in a tone that was a mix of fear and astonishment.

> Dolores for her part just rolled her eyes. Cadence was a rather... strange pony to put it nicely. Though having a Princess in the /end/, even if she was a weird manic airhead was still a great asset.

> Dolores slowly walked forth to her newest creation. A long bridge of steel, though it was a relatively simple design in the ground scheme of things it still was an achievement that she thought was worth celebrating.

> The more bridges there where, the more angry good old chrisy would be.

> Dolores couldn't help but smirk at the thought.

> "Dolores, isn't this the one thousandth plus one-hundredth and plus fifty-something bridge?"

> Dolores looked back upon Cadence, she stared upon the bridge, her mind no doubt in a spiral on how bad it could get when chrysalis finally tried to bring her hoof to bare against them.

> She could understand the fear, but not the manic obsession and seemly being in a near heart attack over everytime Dolores made a new bridge. 

> The changeling queen was a threat, but they weren't defenseless against her, especially with all the bridges built now.  

> "Will cross that bridge when we come to it Cadence," Dolores said as she pulled out a bottle of champaign 

> "But now we celebrate."

Just me thinking on what the my MSPaint meme Cadence's personality would be like, admitly I didn't get very far but maybe some good ideas could be had from her. Plus I wanted to do a belated celebration on getting past a 1000 post. Though admitly this is nothing more then a shitpost 

> 1156
I think someone needs to lurk more and check the ironies behind these posts. I believed for a moment that this was a shitpost if it wasn´t because of the Guevara T-shirt and Ukraine flag. 
Just saying

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Chrysalis you are an idiot. Why are hiding? why are hiding in 2018?famous meme reference
I mean, look at yourself, you are more beautiful than faking Candy again. That trick got old my lady, even Ocellus got that lesson faster than you. Why menacing Dolores without your real face? 
This is why you have lost the battle against Dolores and her projects, getting triggered and hiding yourself, just like a troll without grace or dignity to show his face behind the PC. Everything is easy behind a mask.

Will she admit her failure someday? Who knows but she´d better keep herself beautiful.....and sadly, immature.

> Though admitly this is nothing more then a shitpost 
A shitpost is a  shitpost, you can´t say it´s only a half. Going fully for it for the celebration uppers its quality

> This is why you have lost the battle against Dolores and her projects, getting triggered and hiding yourself, just like a troll without grace or dignity to show his face behind the PC. Everything is easy behind a mask.

She is a lot more fearful she'd like to admit. The bridges too suggest an industrial capacity that could e turned for something else useful.  war 

That is an interesting way to look at the changlings. It would be interesting to see them characterized in turms of hidding under a mask both out of fear and for a more trolling for the lulz.  

> A shitpost is a shitpost, you can´t say it´s only a half. Going fully for it for the celebration uppers its quality

True, but I had the original intent to make it a slightly longer more serious green and it just wound up that way.

> We have a few anons who occasionally stop by from time to time don't we?
Well, it seems like a couple of anons have noticed us and a certain sector of the /end/ is starting to notice this board because of reaching the top 10 quite often. Unlike 4chan or 8ch, the most popular board here is /sp/ and most likely, they could come from there and shitpost a couple of random lines and leave...

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> The bridges too suggest an industrial capacity that could e turned for something else useful. war 
> It would be interesting to see them characterized in turms of hidding under a mask both out of fear and for a more trolling for the lulz.
Ocellus has delivered partially that in the season 8 premiere. Not that it´s much but yeah, they could have used the mask for more random moments instead of going either pure evil or too cartoonish.

> I had the original intent to make it a slightly longer more serious green and it just wound up that way.
I know that feel, sometimes it´s not possible to make that much from a shitpost.

> Well, it seems like a couple of anons have noticed us and a certain sector of the /end/ is starting to notice this board because of reaching the top 10 quite often.

Yeah. Though I wonder who the one dude was that randomly left that post in the Apple Family butthurt thread. I guess it was one of the old posters from the migration who sometimes checks on this place.

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> Ocellus has delivered partially that in the season 8 premiere. Not that it´s much but yeah, they could have used the mask for more random moments instead of going either pure evil or too cartoonish.

It would be. I also think I would've been interesting if they had retained a more creepy and mysterious vibe after being reformed/freed. Made for some more interesting interactions me thinks. Though I honestly am more ambivalent on the newer design and direction then outrght hateful.  Guess I really am a hasdrone 


"OH one day I will get you  Dolores. And when I do I will..."
> Queen Chrysalis turned her gaze away from her crystal ball, her arch enemy's visage displayed amongst the green.

"I have no idea what I'll do."
> Chrysalis turned away bitterly.

"No matter, I'll just think about it some more!"
> And with an evil laugh, she disappeared from the room.

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> "But if Pinkie Pie gave Chrysalis something for her brthday does that me she's friends with her!"

> "Cadence."

> "Collusion! I knew it. Somepony had ta be colluding with somepony else. I didn't expect it to be our dear friend/acquittance/Twilight's Friend neighbor adventurer or something. This is absolutly dreadful!

> "Uh... Cadence?"

> "This all links back to that darned new mayor of ponyville!"

> Dolores didn't follow.

> "Haven't you heard about the Russia bots?"

> "..."

> "It is all just truely dreadful. Well maybe they'll finally impeach Filty Rich and finally put back Hillery Colton in office."

> "...who? Since we do you keep track of Ponyville politics and who is Colton?"

> Cadence looked at Dolores in the eyes. Though her stare was more blank and emotionless if anything. 

> "OH, I must be thinking of the Prime Minister.Silly me, always getting national, regional, and local politucs mixed up."

> Last time Dolores checked, Equestria didn't have a prime minster. Though she'd figure that Cadence was just feeling stressed.

> That's what she always told herself anyway.

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> Twilight Sparkle looked forlornly to Princess Cadence as she lightly picked at her sandwich.

> "What's bugging you Twilight?" Cadence asked.

> Twilight turned to Cadence slowly. 

> "Cadence... what if... Greedo really did shoot first?"

> "Whose Greedo?"

> "Who isn't Greedo?" Twilight shot back, seemly annoyed, though the reason was beyond Cadence's simple understanding of the universe.

> The day would continue as normal.

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> "Who isn't Greedo?" 
and we all wonder who could be the true one.
> Though she'd figure that Cadence was just feeling stressed.
was she feeling stressed because of what she did during her nightly routine?.
I mean, stress comes over things that happen frequently or stuff that somepony hides....

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> When someone gets tired of his job
> who would feel alright?
> you have ponies, waiting in that world of Equestria. A magical land that you will never reach
> you desire it with all your will, meeting your waifu, having the awaited experiences with your waifu
> so, what happens when your life is so shit that 22 minutes of your life fill your life?
> feeling the frustration, rushing through your veins, saying fuck you I hate all of you
> so you do about yourself
> you have some fame in comparison to other fans and feel wasted and full of nothing
> only a bottle of whisky, smoking like your life is sucked into the void
> long afternoons, depressed and making reviews about them.Just illusions that you would give up your life in order to live a happier life
> instead,you are just laid down...thinking about how shitty your life is, shitposting about how the show is when you just express your emotion behind the screen
> you ask yourself why you are doing this, why do you love your waifu?
> every day is painful, calling you an autist for desiring pastel colored horses.
> You cannot express your love about them,yet they feel more real than the people who appear in your life. Are we the replicants and ponies are the real humans?
> ethics and metaphysics get combined into an incident that could have gone over the edge...

Rarity,should I love you?

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> so, this persona is laying down in the ground in the middle of the night
> tired and not feeling like doing anything, he had to prepare another video. Some plushies surround him, but one of them was special:Rarity.
> he had her in his computer and there were posters about her, he tried to follow her around the room.
> he was considering death, he didn´t feel like doing anything
> he felt alone, he couldn´t say to anybody how much love felt about Rarity. 
> a fictional character, why is she receiving real emotions?
> said person grabbed a bottle of whisky and a bunch of cigarretes, he put them at the table
> An American, who also grabbed his pistol
> he was considering the trip to Equestria, following the path of previous fans who also went for it, yet failed miserably
> he was a few steps from death when all of a sudden, Rarity came to life from the PC wallpaper.
> he couldn´t believe that his waifu was talking to him
> "Darling don´t do that, you are not going anywhere with that option" shouted Rarity
> "Sorry Rarity, but you are not real. I am not sober enough to be that stupid. You are just a fucking hologram lady" he said
> "It doesn´t matter, I am here to say that you must go on,I am with you"said Rarity convinced of her actions.
> "Sorry Rarity, but you are just messing around with me. Go away fake lady, go back and leave me alone, fucking whore" he said, despite his thought about loving her.
> He caught the gun and at first, he was decided to point the gun to his head.
> Rarity didn´t know how to react, she needed a temporal solution quickly...
> only a few seconds left for a person who desires to be high and sober to death in order to not feel useless nor meaningless

> "STOP!ENOUGH!" Rarity raged at him and decided to put the things over. The gun was hold by her magic, he was safe of putting his life apart.

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> "Rarity, what the fuck are you doing lady? I want to get this over." he said
> "No you don´t, you aren´t actually like this" Rarity said with confidence.
> "How do you know that, bitch? You are just a mere illusion who knows nothing about me. Besides, you treat every stallion like shit,why would I believe you?" he said.
> "I know about your folders, you are a beautiful person"Rarity said.
> "Oh for Celestia´s sake, I wish I was fucking sober and end this, this is fucking embarrassing and awkward,lady" he said grabbing a bottle of whisky.
> "Don´t please, just don´t" Rarity answered with some doubts looking for something less painful. She was running out of time, her magical body was disappearing.She grabbed the pack of cigarettes,at least it would cause a lesser pain. "Here, take them" Rarity said quickly
> "Why are you giving them to me Rarity?You know they also cause death,right? he asked while grabbing one.
> "I know but....I have come here to say that I love you, you have a long life to live, I cannot stand watching you like this, posting and feeling like a nobody, that´s too sad for me" Rarity said.
> "Rarity, you cannot be serious, I feel like shit, how do I know that you love me? he asked with a tear shred through his face.
> "Just please, don´t turn your brain off. Don´t do it. If you want to cause yourself pain while I may not like it.....just keep smoking.Do it for me, please"Rarity claimed desperately trying to find a solution in order to save a life.
> " I am garbage Rarity, you are not solving my problems at all, you are just prolonging a slow death." he said crying
> "Keep smoking,remember me each time you do it. Please keep smoking. I know it hurts, but I don´t want you to die, keep smoking" Rarity said with a sad face.
> "Darling, I don´t know if I can keep that promise, Rarity. I...." he said.
> "You love me and I know you too. Whatever you do, I will still love you... forever." Rarity said in a final sentence.
> "Rarity!" he shouted.
> she came back to the wallpaper and he knew she wouldn´t see her....just another episode to review and remember.
> this time, he couldn´t avoid making content about her, it was his waifu.
> during the production, he brought the cigarettes, smoking instead of feeling suicidal
> he actually loved his waifu but from the inside, he felt like shit for nt telling his love to her.
> he owes his life, a promise and an eternal debt to her
> but he could stay on Earth for a little longer, delivering lessons and entertainment. Rarity filled a soft spot that would mark his actions. 
> her fabulous character and generous actions had made an impact in the real life, full of machines and devoid people 
> MLP saved a lif and aCelstia knows how many more but no one will read such thoughts seriously...

> who knows and who will care about these symptoms, we may be over before acknowledging our decadence. We are simply replicants for our self imposed system, feeling like nothing.Only a colorful show could sadly fill ourselves instead of a religion...

may the sun protect us, Rarity. May the force of Equestria give us life and a reason to exist,darling.Goodbye, my little lady.

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Fanfic: 09.16.17. The existential episode of a sober brony.

This green is not meant to be artistic nor meant to based on the actual events. These are my interpretations about how DWK felt like shit during October. We may not know if he trolled us but while reading some posts from /mlp/, some answers were actually serious. He has been sober for his videos and there was an actual period of not uploading content at all.

The interpretation implies that Rarity saved him because of the episode It Isn´t the Mane Thing About You (Season 7,Episode 19)  around September. 
All this story comes because of watching Blade Runner 2049, constant thoughts about the depressing fandom and this song from a teenager furry,composed around 2011, speaking from a millennial perspective.  Almost all the lyrics drove into this story, especially the "Keep smoking,  still I love you" part, just to give a  little slice of hope between the depressive episode.
I put this story just to show an implied but clear story about the 2nd half of this fandom. The first one was about happiness and trends. These recent years show that fans are full of emotions and genuinely follow the show because of personal fulfillment.

DWK claimed that Rarity was his waifu and so, I imagined that he could have actually considered suicide but still said nothing.Instead, he was just like feeling sober for some of his videos just to cure temporal pain.

Blade Runner 2049 comes into this because of the waifu meaning in that film. We will all feel lonely and desire an idealistic but fictional waifu for our pleasure, especially grown men who don´t express express their emotions in their lives.

This is my own review of a contemporary society in which MLP becomes from a joke to a reason to  
live. Autistic or not, the signs are hidden between the shitposts...

we don´t have to wait for 2049 to happen nor for holograms. /mlp/ shows the actual utopia without the holograms....maybe we will rememeber in the future MLP as an influence,not for being childish but a desire for happy episodes in our lives, a drug that leaves numb just to forget our harsh cyberpunk reality

My Little Waifu on Saturday, a bottle of alcohol on  Sunday and a pursue for death the rest of the week....

Wow. Nice green. I will post my thoughts/replies later because I'm downright pooped at the moment. I actually have fairly long green that is mostly finished, though it doesn't have the level of thought to it this was does. Not sure when I'll complete do to a crisis* at the moment but I should be able to shitpost some in the meantime.

*not involving me personally but the family in gereral.


This green. I really want to type a big in depth thoughts on this. Everything from what propted you to make the story to pointing out to how little things are worded. Something about this one really peeks my curiosity and I have so many thoughts. Likely will be walls of text when I get around to talking about it. 

Though I don't know why it is this particular song, this one keeps ringing in my head when I read it. 

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I thought it was the popular radio friendly version and I was just ready to crazy about that song but it´s a little bit more private on this video and I didn´t see it that optimistic as I would have imagined.
> I really want to type a big in depth thoughts on this. Everything from what propted you to make the story to pointing out to how little things are worded.
I am giving myself a rest for irl stuff as well, I don´t feel like posting in a fast pace for now. 

> Something about this one really peeks my curiosity and I have so many thoughts. Likely will be walls of text when I get around to talking about it. 
Feel free to comment about it because it´s not easy to dig it. You were prepared for it and I have certainly repeated the pessimistic tone of the fandom with a particular case, just that I didn´t want to look like a crybaby with this. Just a love story about the impossible, with Rarity feeling more like a mother giving her best advice to her son than a waifu. 

Maybe some of us need a hug or a little bit of warm feelings every now and then.

Take your time, I don´t have any hurry at all these days, I´ve felt like posting everything I have wanted to post for now.

> I am giving myself a rest for irl stuff as well, I don´t feel like posting in a fast pace for now. 

Good luck with whatever your having, be it exams or drama.

> Take your time, I don´t have any hurry at all these days, I´ve felt like posting everything I have wanted to post for now.

I certainly will with this. Though I hope to get back into a somewhat normal swing of things, not that I'm rushing with what is going on . I have a fair bit of half finished green I want ta post especially. Glad the /bunker/ is set up.

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Alright, there is a lot to unpack with this and forgive me if I'm a bit rambly. First off, there is so many ways one could look at this. Horrible cringe would be what a fair bit dismiss it as but it honestly doesn't hold up to intent. (though I really think calling things cringe is way overdone and used with too broad a scope)  It's trying to take seriously something in a way that isn't quite normal wish fulfillment green. I see plenty of greens and even a few fimfictions fics have echoes of these themes but usually wrapped in a bit of a defensive tough and check manner or just as a joke. I'll see even some serious thought but it be clearly counterbalanced by humor. This interests me in that it's serious and unapologetic about it, at least from what I've read. It has a message and it wants it to be taken serious : My Little Pony has played a large part in many of our lives, has even saved lives, been a motivation to keep on living. 

There could be two ways that most look at this: happy and sad. Though for me I actually have a hard time decribing what it makes me feel. It's not even bittersweet. Kind of a state of both happy and a little bit sad, but not in a way that I can describe very well, at least at the moment. Note: I'm not trying to go down the rabbit hole of poststructuralism and saying that happiness and sadness only exist because of their binary opposition to each other, just that this green gives me a interesting feel that I cannot seem to place a hoof on well.  I suppose poststructuralism is more of that + varying levels of power dynamics thought that gives credence to feminism 

Another interesting thing to me is how it was written about somepony else. Especially someone like DWK. Both from the standpoint of how it almost seems a bit odd and how it is something that is serious and that wouldn't be thought about someone who is such a shitposter in such a genuine light. Humanizing him. Usually such people spend so much time even making fun of their pain that I wonder how it would feel to be taken seriously?

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I really do find it intresting. This green may actually inspire me a bit to write something though I'm not sure if I'd say it's in a similar vein. There is  something almost a little haunting in a way too. Maybe I'm just a weirdo but I have ta say: good job. Regardless on how it made me feel it made me feel a lot of things. Especially for how short it was. I wouldn't call it your absolute best work you have posted so far in terms of writing (that goes to the bat prostitute green I think). This one actually makes me feel more in a way. I actually have to sit and think about it. Good job. 

> "Just please, don´t turn your brain off. Don´t do it. If you want to cause yourself pain while I may not like it.....just keep smoking.Do it for me, please"

Take the slow poison. You could still live a life with the slow poison. It'll at least get you through to a later date. Maybe then he'll have a chance...

> This green is not meant to be artistic nor meant to based on the actual events. These are my interpretations about how DWK felt like shit during October. We may not know if he trolled us but while reading some posts from /mlp/, some answers were actually serious. He has been sober for his videos and there was an actual period of not uploading content at all.

My lurking of /mlp/ is usually a bit sporadic and I don't follow DWK too well. I'll have ta check out some videos from that time of his just to see for myself. But it does sound pretty plausible that there was a depressed episode of some sort. 

> All this story comes because of watching Blade Runner 2049, constant thoughts about the depressing fandom and this song from a teenager furry,composed around 2011, speaking from a millennial perspective. Almost all the lyrics drove into this story, especially the "Keep smoking, still I love you" part, just to give a little slice of hope between the depressive episode.

What a mix of inspiration and emotions. Though they all are of a similar sadness or melancholy, each from its own perspective. I'll have to try writing my taste sometime into a fic as I have a few songs/themes that I wanna try.

> This is my own review of a contemporary society in which MLP becomes from a joke to a reason to

live. Autistic or not, the signs are hidden between the shitposts...

Truth is we are a full blown subculture at this point. Way past the point of tumblr level fandom involvement for those who post in the boorus and chans and other fandom hangouts outside of social media.

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> Horrible cringe would be what a fair bit dismiss it as but it honestly doesn't hold up to intent. 
the fic acknowledges it by itself. My version of DWK shows that this situation is surreal and could come from someone who´s really high for writing this. 

> It's trying to take seriously something in a way that isn't quite normal wish fulfillment green.
It isn´t. This is actually experimental in the sense that no one would take these thoughts seriously. Someone would call me an autist for overthinking too much about this but I just simply cannot avoid it.  I completely know what I am doing but I feel genuinely scared of posting this, what drove me to post that green and what DWK would actually think if he read this. This is cutting edge, no fics are like this and I haven´t subscribed to DWK´s channel at all, just a lurker of some of his videos (and I don´t follow him too much either)

> This interests me in that it's serious and unapologetic about it, at least from what I've read. It has a message and it wants it to be taken serious : My Little Pony has played a large part in many of our lives, has even saved lives, been a motivation to keep on living. 
I have been showing constant thoughts in these posts on this project. I have failed and looked like a bitter anon in the thread of a personal project but that´s what my brain easily thinks without any effort. Maybe I am so serious about anything that shitposting or making comedy isn´t what fits for me. Nor I am tring to look like a sad person nor I cry for it. 
I just think randomly and it somehow flows naturally. I always think too much about nothing (explains why I like Surf and/Or Turf, Pony Play, A Health of Information or Princess Twilight Sparkle... I love the context and message behind them). It´s just that I am sharing some of my thoughts on public with the usual techniques from the fandom. 
MLP has saved lives and at first, I couldn´t believe it. One of the first serious responses or at least I could tell from his style of writing was DWK. It was clearly him despite the Anonymous tag. This happened during the movie month and I don´t want to enter as a history manipulator but I accidentally got some genuine responses from /mlp/ about how the show has reached so much and influenced on their lives, another reason to live. I wish I had the screencaps and I didn´t give much importance to those messages until watching Blade Runner 2049 and indirectly, this /end/ project.

Now, I have a medium and the chance to transmit that /mlp/ shows partially, a symptom of these days, bitterness between porn, waifu desires and comfortable stuff compared to an stressful life. I am thinking like an elite without being one but lurking too much makes you analyze how the fandom actually is behind the scenes without knowing them.

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> Kind of a state of both happy and a little bit sad, but not in a way that I can describe very well, at least at the moment.
That´s describing me. I certainly don´t know how to feel sometimes. I am introvert and I seem like a robot on the outside, an automaton that says almost nothing. I mostly listen instead of speaking, that´s why I don´t consider myself a leader at core, I am more like a loyal sidekick. But when I speak, I have a lot to speak. 
While I feel nothing, everything that attracts me also fits in the grey area. No emotion is clear nor it is easy to draw the line. Sadness and happiness can be felt at the same time and those are irrational and not as opposing as you may think. Most of the people who commit suicide show happiness and pretend nothing happens to others before the event. 

> it was written about somepony else. Especially someone like DWK. Both from the standpoint of how it almost seems a bit odd and how it is something that is serious and that wouldn't be thought about someone who is such a shitposter in such a genuine light. Humanizing him. 
it´s weird I know. I personally don´t know him. However, there were two or three replies from him. I was asking like pretending I was an idiot/troll why people liked MLP so much for so much time and I got those messages. I only watched his Recap of It isn´t the Mane Thing before writing the green just to secure an idea of his persona as a character. He is famous and served me to show how /mlp/ is while putting his conditions into the story.
I humanize him a little because it shows a little bit of me. People forgetting how to feel and robots that can feel more than them. Everything you want to hear and everything you want to see...

And I love Rarity, you have no idea how much I love her especially with the images I have posted about her in this site. Just that I don´t show the root of it too much. 
It just saddens me that I am not able to draw her as a seapony. I tried it once last year and while it wasn´t too bad, I am certainly ashamed of not having the skills to make justice. It seems that writing about my personal view works a bit more than drawing so far but I have that spine hidden somewhere.

I have put that DWK loves her but so do I. She is one of the main reasons why I had survived the season 3 downfall in quality. Sisterhooves Social was the turning point of the show for me. That episode turned the show from something ironic to something I ended up feeling something genuinely real and emotional from a show I shouldn´t have loved in theory. She was my least favourite character in season 1 and I considered her annoying and a prick whore... I almost throw up at myself for thinking that in the past....


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> I really do find it intresting. This green may actually inspire me a bit to write something though I'm not sure if I'd say it's in a similar vein.
when someone inspires to others....I shiver a little bit because of my own actions. Just showing a direction that someone else will take notes from me. It´s both amazing and scary if it´s taken in the wrong way. 
> There is something almost a little haunting in a way too.
My own thoughts. That´s what makes it haunting and I can´t pick them either. Some get to be combined accidentally and I get the moment to show an approximated(not exact) measure of what I think. 

> Regardless on how it made me feel it made me feel a lot of things. Especially for how short it was. I wouldn't call it your absolute best work you have posted so far in terms of writing (that goes to the bat prostitute green I think). This one actually makes me feel more in a way. I actually have to sit and think about it. Good job. 
Wow. It´s hard to see a positive review in a chan but I guess the fandom despite the anonymity, is a community from the inside. 
The Midnight Radiance fic took me almost an entire morning to write out of a single song and a compromise by your thought about those copy pasted lyrics. This one just reflected what scared me. In Blade Runner 2049, when I watched it for the first time this last April, I have felt like watching what I have been seeing in /mlp/. That film is not exaggerating and I didn´t know how to transmit what I watched. I identified the song High to Death as DWK´s case so everything combined ended up like a story with your waifu. It´s almost the anti fulfillment without any joke behind. 

> You could still live a life with the slow poison. It'll at least get you through to a later date. Maybe then he'll have a chance.
I personally live just to see what happens next not for having fatih that the date will happen. If it happens...well, it´s nice to see a nice pony again.
> I don't follow DWK too well. I'll have ta check out some videos from that time of his just to see for myself. But it does sound pretty plausible that there was a depressed episode of some sort.
Neither do I this year. I just know more of him from /mlp/ than in Youtube. And yeah, he had a couple of threads about getting a lot of beers and thinking about nothing. I don´t know if these were rumors or trollposting from the anons so take this last bit with pincers.  

> they all are of a similar sadness or melancholy, each from its own perspective. I'll have to try writing my taste sometime into a fic as I have a few songs/themes that I wanna try.
I had said to you in the first posts that my life is as boring as AJ´s life if not more. However, my musical influences between my guitar teacher and the UK scene showed me a direction of ballads and pure melancholy. 
If you want to have an idea, my first CD I owned was Under the Iron Sea in 2012. Not exactly a happy record to begin with and I have cried with two or three songs from it in intimacy. 
The other band that was a loser but it manages to inspire youngsters who are more lost than them is Slowdive. I cannot imagine how this band after 22 years combined such dreamy emotions and kept their own soul before and after their breakup. I consider them a reference about how to lose with an evening dress. Losers against the britpop scene but inspiring to a lot of other people,especially my silenced generation. 
> we are a full blown subculture at this point. Way past the point of tumblr level fandom involvement for those who post in the boorus and chans and other fandom hangouts outside of social media. 
I prefer to have the feet on the ground but yes, the fandom has grown a lot and it has reached a point of no return.

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> This is actually experimental in the sense that no one would take these thoughts seriously. Someone would call me an autist for overthinking too much about this but I just simply cannot avoid it.

It just becomes an ignored aspect of our fandom. Though perhaps a little weird it's actually kind of nice to see something with this feel. There are already dozens of anon greens and fimifiction stories that are cearly escapist. You where just acknowledging that there is something to escape from for a good bit of us.

>  I completely know what I am doing but I feel genuinely scared of posting this, what drove me to post that green and what DWK would actually think if he read this. 

I can understand being scared of DWK reading it. But you don't have to be scared of me anon. I know I've already said this but I am extremely chill with stuff and I won't call you a autist for frank expression and experimentation. Also I'm not against the namefagory either, especially for writing greens. 

> I have failed and looked like a bitter anon in the thread of a personal project but that´s what my brain easily thinks without any effort.

In the project thread you didn't really come off that bitter to me. More of just trying to express an unsung truth. 

> I just think randomly and it somehow flows naturally. I always think too much about nothing

Hey, me too in a way. If I wanted to I could write an epic about Twilight Sparkle's cleaning dishes with small talk. I often let myself get lost in small or random subjects. 

> I wish I had the screencaps and I didn´t give much importance to those messages until watching Blade Runner 2049 and indirectly, this /end/ project.

I remember that anon, when the movie came out it was the most positive I saw /mlp/ in years. There was a bit of self reflection too. I think I may have a few screencaps but i wish I had taken more.  If you want anything on /mlpol/ fiasco however, I got ya covered 

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> No emotion is clear nor it is easy to draw the line. Sadness and happiness can be felt at the same time and those are irrational and not as opposing as you may think. 

You actually get it. Wow I'm impressed. I've felt a myriad of things that people would often try to externally describe as 'bittersweet' or 'ambivalence' yet those words never cut it for. Though less often I had the same with other emotions and feeling as well.

> I humanize him a little because it shows a little bit of me. People forgetting how to feel and robots that can feel more than them. 

In a way perhaps you were trying to humanize yourself. I may have had something similer to you, but in my darkest/lowest point I based things entirely on exterior benefits over my personal pleasure. I suppose it was robotic in a way, but I way to stressed to describe as myself as emotionless. I am also an introvert and I really speak as well to most, so I get that.

 >It just saddens me that I am not able to draw her as a seapony. I tried it once last year and while it wasn´t too bad, I am certainly ashamed of not having the skills to make justice. It seems that writing about my personal view works a bit more than drawing so far but I have that spine hidden somewhere.

I say you go for it. I understand fretting if its not perfect but you could experiment if you wanted. Just make it a personal thing you do for yourself, don't even post it here unless you really want to. 

> And I love Rarity, you have no idea how much I love her especially with the images I have posted about her in this site. Just that I don´t show the root of it too much.

So Rarity is your best pone? Hmmm... didn't know that. I think she's a fine choice honestly. For me I've never had a best pone. Mane6 and CMC have always been my favorites but I never have decided on a singular pone that I'm drawn to; it's just different ones at different times.  Though admittedly Dolores has been getting a lot of attention since /endpone/

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> when someone inspires to others....I shiver a little bit because of my own actions. Just showing a direction that someone else will take notes from me. It´s both amazing and scary if it´s taken in the wrong way. 

Don't be afraid anon. I honestly was inspired by the emotions it made me feel, though I have idea  how I'll express it yet. I'm not going to do something retarded and insane like ship Flimflamfilosphy with Pewdiepie and email him while trying to play shrink. In fact it probably wont involve humans at all if that's what your thinking.  

> Wow. It´s hard to see a positive review in a chan but I guess the fandom despite the anonymity, is a community from the inside. 

I honestly liked your stuff just because you were writing your emotions, first thing on your mind. The plot is in service to a feeling I suppose. I'm actually a little surprised that I do since I've always considered myself more of a insane joker at this point. 

> However, my musical influences between my guitar teacher and the UK scene showed me a direction of ballads and pure melancholy. 

My musical influences are not well defined and in the shadow of my father. I suppose I'll say, progressive rock and all its offshoots as a simple answer, though there is a lot of random stuff mixed in there, for classic hits I remember to random songs I found on my own.  I also have no musical talent what so ever. 

> If you want to have an idea, my first CD I owned was Under the Iron Sea in 2012. Not exactly a happy record to begin with and I have cried with two or three songs from it in intimacy. 

Though that sounds way too rawly sad for me to like, you never know. I think your taste in music is actually kind of cool honestly. No offense but most people sans my father were either into modern pop and or country so It's nice to see stuff that I haven't heard off/ is obscure.

> The other band that was a loser but it manages to inspire youngsters who are more lost than them is Slowdive. 

> I cannot imagine how this band after 22 years combined such dreamy emotions and kept their own soul before and after their breakup. I consider them a reference about how to lose with an evening dress. Losers against the britpop scene but inspiring to a lot of other people,especially my silenced generation. 

I'll check them out as well. If anything I maybe be able to find something that would ring with teenage me. 

> I prefer to have the feet on the ground but yes, the fandom has grown a lot and it has reached a point of no return.

Agreed. Though I meant that more in terms of long term friendships/ and having our own styles/lingo rather then a brief love affair with something that goes into cosplay and shriling only to move onto the next big thing and repaet the obsession all over again. Though that's just repeating stuff that has already been said.

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> perhaps a little weird it's actually kind of nice to see something with this feel.
I don´t feel unique for posting that. It shows the evidence behind the laughter and shitposts and most fags just focus on that. 

> There are already dozens of anon greens and fimifiction stories that are cearly escapist
because MLP has been considered a escapist show. What could bring it down is the down to earth feel that the recent seasons are going for. Not that they are bad but the purpose of feeling innocent just vanished over time...just like us.
At least, it´s nice to see that they are going on it on FiMFic. I admit that I have never focused on that site but still I support their activity from the background.
> You where just acknowledging that there is something to escape from for a good bit of us.
I am another fan...in the background. I amy not enjoy the content nor have had interest on the fan content but it´s still nice to see people enjoying things that fans have created ith a passion. I just focus on the dark side or not so chill side because I am used to thinking about these things before the mindless or fun ones.
> I can understand being scared of DWK reading it. But you don't have to be scared of me anon. I know I've already said this but I am extremely chill with stuff and I won't call you a autist for frank expression and experimentation. Also I'm not against the namefagory either, especially for writing greens.
I know that I have earned some respect over these months from you and while I have a fearful side, I think I have the will to show this. I just namefag mostly when I have to give some deep thoughts about it. Don´t expect me to namefag too much either but I can still be considered as one for its justification.
I think it will appear in the next Rarity thread after seeing your positive review about it. I don´t know what reactions will happen but at some point, taking the next step should be the natural path for it.

> More of just trying to express an unsung truth. 
which hurts and makes it seem like that. For this one, I don´t have the intent to do that but still, it reflects the message in a different way and...somewhat more interesting than a blogpost. Don´t think that I am safe of my own critiques because even though I can have all the support of the world, I usually wonder where I could be wrong.
> If I wanted to I could write an epic about Twilight Sparkle's cleaning dishes with small talk. I often let myself get lost in small or random subjects.
The small details define the life itself. It´s the momentum in which you see it clear yet you don´t know when it´s going to come, not when someone asks for it.

> if you want anything on /mlpol/ fiasco however, I got ya covered 
I know about the 1st of April but has there been a fiasco over there during these moments? I haven´t lurked there since January. 
> it was the most positive I saw /mlp/ in years. There was a bit of self reflection too.
the movie was a fandom achievement. Consider that making it into the big screen after 7 years of passion....it seems all fun and jokes, but a lot of hard work went behind this ride. Some fans actually cried as soon as it started. I actually covered my own face just to hide the feels and not give a cringy or weak face despite that the cinema room was dark. I don´t know why I felt like that knowing how the movie plot was, yet I felt chills and I didn´t want to share those feels on public along with my mother. I hid them but that day could have been much more emotional if I let those feels to go out so freely.

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> I honestly was inspired by the emotions it made me feel, though I have idea how I'll express it yet.
well yeah, not every day you can talk so happily about these topics, despite how common they have been here
> I'm not going to do something retarded and insane like ship Flimflamfilosphy with Pewdiepie and email him while trying to play shrink.
lol no, we have other chans for that. When you see that the thing is going serious, go the same. If the thing is a joke, then you are able to shitpost without consequences. It´s a matter of common sense. 
> it probably wont involve humans at all if that's what your thinking. 
what I meant was deeper than that. It´s bringing the wrong values of reality:indoctrination, blinding people into random hate, making bullshit with cheap propaganda. That´s what I meant. What´s wrong or right or the concept of ethics? My mind just says that I cannot cause tempests nor create crows to eat my own eyes in the future, so I am personally careful about my pots and not only that, it´s in life in general. I have the freedom to give the influences like Saturn eating his own son influence but I don´t feel like doing them. If anything, I play with the darkness or harsh personal views about anything.

> progressive rock and all its offshoots as a simple answer, though there is a lot of random stuff mixed in there, for classic hits I remember to random songs I found on my own. I also have no musical talent what so ever.
classic 70s prog albums, Yes Pink Floys, Genesis and King Crimson,etc. Nice. I used to be into hits as well, I can enjoy them but certainly, I don´t focus on them just to not remember the bad ones that came from a cheap fad. My musical talent just came from guitar hero (yeah, the video game) and after 9 years of learning, I personally get bored of long solos and focus more on chords or  musical crafting.

> that sounds way too rawly sad for me to like, you never know. I think your taste in music is actually kind of cool honestly. No offense but most people sans my father were either into modern pop and or country so It's nice to see stuff that I haven't heard off/ is obscure.
obscure? well, it has sold over 3 million vcopies over the world, 40000 in Spain, certainly not unpopular but not that praised either(4.1 in Pitchfork).
My taste could have gone a lot edgier than that but I like the evening dress to show that edge. I like some class for putting it into the spotlight.
It sounds sad as hell indeed. It has its upbeat moments as well, but for a 14 year old, listening to "I don´t want to be and old and sleep alone, an empty house is not a home. I don´t want to be an old and feel afraid" in the 1st track....thankfully I listen to english songs as a background sound but I perfectly get what they say and what they feel.  I guess that album predicted and made an impact on my personality.
"For a lonely soul, you are having such a nice time" off from Nothing in my Way is what has accidentally  defined me. This is show while replying to these topics. I have taken the vaccine against the over edge moments and just have introvert thoughts in which I cannot escape easily.
> if anything I maybe be able to find something that would ring with teenage me
I wouldn´t have told about them if they were edgy teenage material. It goes a little bit further than that.

> I meant that more in terms of long term friendships/ and having our own styles/lingo rather then a brief love affair with something that goes into cosplay and shriling only to move onto the next big thing and repeat the obsession all over again
oh yeah, I am glad the fad is over. After a party ends, you end it with much less people, but those who still have the chill vibes without it and support the owner after its hype, then you notice that those care genuinely. Same with this MLP. Thoe who have been making art or typing on any fan site, they still care after years. The personality just went along with every message or little thing...like Dolores being a goth. That´s a small one, but tomorrow there could be another one and so on.

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> You actually get it. Wow I'm impressed. I've felt a myriad of things that people would often try to externally describe as 'bittersweet' or 'ambivalence' yet those words never cut it for. Though less often I had the same with other emotions and feeling as well.
This is because music has got me to understand that. Whenever you pick a track, you say that it´s happy or sad. but when you don´t follow those simple patterns, the music that keep itself relevant over time it´s because it conveys a lot of feelings that cannot be pointed out so easily, not even in a hundred years you can discover their purpose. You hear a sad song but there are some in which you don´t know why it makes you feel that way, neither it´s depressing to cry over. It goes to your brain and the exercise behind the interpretation sometimes doesn´t have to pass a test but yourself and the circumstances when you listen to it. Maybe that´s why I don´t those antagonistic aspects as extreme as others would do.

> perhaps you were trying to humanize yourself.
I sometimes wonder if I act like a robot for not feeling anything at times in which I should. I check myself if I am going insane as well.
> in my darkest/lowest point I based things entirely on exterior benefits over my personal pleasure. I suppose it was robotic in a way, but I way to stressed to describe as myself as emotionless
yep. I see you know a lot about this one.
> I really speak as well to most, so I get that. 
another example that goes into your list.
> I understand fretting if its not perfect but you could experiment if you wanted. Just make it a personal thing you do for yourself, don't even post it here unless you really want to.
I basically drew her as a way of protest. If nobody made content about her around July, then i got tired of waiting and entertained myself at doing it. Just the cheap pencils and a mobile to make photos (no scanner). I have them on Derpi as a way to remind my past, they are on the public eye but it´s not something to be proud of at all. I drew her as a 7 year old child but while I knew I was bad at it, I liked the experience, didn´t get bored during that month  and even improved a bit. I can post them if you want. I just left it because in August, I had to do other things that consumed my time.
> Rarity is your best pone? Hmmm... didn't know that. I think she's a fine choice honestly. For me I've never had a best pone. Mane6 and CMC have always been my favorites but..

> I never have decided on a singular pone that I'm drawn to; it's just different ones at different times. 
This last line is what defines my taste as well. Every character has a period for me but Rarity got that spotlight in the summer because: she got the best seapony design and Forever Filly aired. She also earned that turning point from my personal view of the series. I remember that change of view fondly because of her but that doesn´t mean I treat her as a goddess all the time. In fact, one day I could love Luna, another day Twilight, another one Fluttershy...

this is why I can treat any character as my favorite and have genuine reasons for doing it but I have never had a permanent one. But I have to mention that Rarity and Twilight were the ones that i find myself comfortable.

> though admittedly Dolores has been getting a lot of attention since /endpone/
accidentally, yes. Ironic shitposting about the bridges and look at the results. We could have prevented the bats and her to enter....one job and we failed to not love them.

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> I am another fan...in the background. I amy not enjoy the content nor have had interest on the fan content but it´s still nice to see people enjoying things that fans have created ith a passion.

Really? I do not consider myself the most avid reader but I do read fics sometimes. Does this apply to all fanconent sans art or just fics? 

> I know about the 1st of April but has there been a fiasco over there during these moments? I haven´t lurked there since January. 

No. I didn't get there when it started but I was there right before they closed it. I knew it could explode and at the time had a fair bit of free time on my hooves. So I started screen caping everything I could. Though it isn't 100% comprehensive I have a rough timeline of them all the way from the last few hours it was online to the whining on /pol/ and /mlp/ and the small army that occupied /qa/ with all the little splitters on various different websites before they finally settled on  mlpol.net. It was just me half joking about how much time I wasted playing fandom chronicler for a couple of weeks.  though honestly if you do honestly want me to upload some I'd be more then glad too 

> the movie was a fandom achievement. Consider that making it into the big screen after 7 years of passion....it seems all fun and jokes, but a lot of hard work went behind this ride

It truly was.

> It´s bringing the wrong values ofreality:indoctrination, blinding people into random hate, making bullshit with cheap propaganda. That´s what I meant. What´s wrong or right or the concept of ethics? 

I understand, fear of bringing someone down. Leading them on the wrong path. An expression of loathing to the world may cause some else too. An expression of pain may make someones day worse, perhaps more then that. Writing about happily being a  but of a recluse could even be taken too far by some. 

> classic 70s prog albums, Yes Pink Floys, Genesis and King Crimson,etc. Nice.

Well, yes to an extent, but those aren't my main focus either. It's actually way wider then that or isolated to that era of prog. Everything from Rush, Kansas, Dream Theater and a bunch of other stuff that is either vaguely classified or related. Such as more classical music  inspired  stuff that evolved from it. Under the most pretentious definitions I've seen people argue not even all the core UK scene counted as true progressive rock. I'd suppose it would be better to just say prog/art/experimental rock family and leave it at that. Even then it's real nebulous. A lot of it too overlaps with powermetal but I've had metal heads tell me stuff such as with the blind gaurdians and spellblast linked below should be considered more prog. 

Anyway I am far from an expert in any genre and there is a lot of random stuff mixed in. Also about to run on a errand so I'll finish these replies later. May the golden gate bridge be with ya!

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I am going to make just this reply. I haven´t listened to the other three songs but while I have always known them, I hadn´t bothered in checking them. Especially Rush, which I knew and head marvelous things about them. No wonder, they consider 2112 a masterpiece. You can see in my topsters image that I have added them, they remind me of Yes a lot and have heard the full album a couple of times tonight. Very good impressions and cannot complain about them. I will have to see about Kansas as well because that record contains Dust in the Wind. 

For now, here you have my chart and influences. These bands are really popular and plebeian by /mu/ standards (it´s my 2nd board). Even though I look like a clone of them, I post these albums because they have earned some actual personal interest from me and got into personal motions. I have got rid of some teenage albums like Linkin Park and put some experimental things like my slight interest for krautrock, the holy trinity of shoegaze or some post punk albums. 

I have more minor influences but they don´t come as a record and they come more like songs or moments. 

I will also post more thoughts later because I have spent time on making this chart.

> My taste could have gone a lot edgier than that but I like the evening dress to show that edge. I like some class for putting it into the spotlight.

> It sounds sad as hell indeed. It has its upbeat moments as well,

I don't think your taste is edgy.. at least in a negative connotation of the word. For you the edgyness is not an aesthetic but an expression. You aren't wholly defined by it either.  

> Especially Rush, which I knew and head marvelous things about them. No wonder, they consider 2112 a masterpiece.

That is one of my favorites as well.  it's also ant collectivist in meaning if you can't tell  Most people consider there early stuff to be the best with it  starting to go downhill somepoint in the mid 80's. Though there recent stuff is considered more true to form. I actually listen to a fair bit beyond what is considered good albums by most and have a few songs I like from that era. There songs became more depressing and reflective  rather then wrapped in a fantasy or sci-fi concept albums, philosophy and there rabid individualist themes (not saying some of there early stuff didn't ever touch on those themes). They also did a lot of experimentation in style as well, rather then in complexity. While I don't hate most of there work from that era i can understand why it is off putting to some.
 slightly more popish song with an out of no where rap segment being one of best examples of more mixed reception on experimentation 

Welp, of all things I am being interputed mid posting agian. Not sure if I'll have another chance to post today. Maybe someday I'll get to the rest of this. Good luck!

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Okay so while I will listen to your links after 2112. I am finding myself a little bit busy as well these days.

As you can see,I have had the tendency to show darkness or even edgyness as an expression for a lot of posts. So, with the /endpone/ mascot having a goth past and ponies like Inky Rose and Moonlight Raven and the bats aesthetic.....let's see where the roots come from.

So,this woman had dark thoughts about her life as well and proto created this movement(with the help of heroin and rape she suffered around 16). She has covered The End (a song from the Doors) with a sinister vibe and I think that no ideas come from nowhere. 

Funnily enough,she has lived a lot of things we have talked about for these months and accidentally moved other bands to drive their creativity into that direction. This album cover shows a horse ironically.

I am going to leave this here and may the Golden Gate be with you.

> So,this woman had dark thoughts about her life as well and proto created this movement(with the help of heroin and rape she suffered around 16). She has covered The End (a song from the Doors) with a sinister vibe and I think that no ideas come from nowhere. 

Interesting and frankly haunting. I listened to several songs including her cover of thhe /end/. Though I wouldn't call it my taste from the surface this feels like a very good mood setter in a way for the /end/ sometimes. I truly am in respect of this. It's darkness shaped out of experience. In a strange way almost feels reserved. I like the tone despite me not being most drawn to sad. Again, I have some sad things I listen to often as a mood setter or an expression of an emotion. Some of ths may become part of that. Though it's entirely possible I was exposed to her via my father it seems totally unfamiliar to me, thanks. 

> Funnily enough,she has lived a lot of things we have talked about for these months and accidentally moved other bands to drive their creativity into that direction. This album cover shows a horse ironically.

Almost creepy in a way. Is this another sign of the power of the  /end/? 

> obscure? well, it has sold over 3 million vcopies over the world, 40000 in Spain, certainly not unpopular but not that praised either(4.1 in Pitchfork).

My knowledge on music is very sporadic and often past down from my father. Their is a few bands I know their entire life stories yet others that someone would think I should know  and yet I don't know anything about. Heck, I haven't even taken th time to organize what my top bands would be as stupid as that sounds. I'd probably count as one of those extreme causal "sheeple" who only listens to singles if it wasn't for the taste I retained from my dad and what that guided me too.  

> For now, here you have my chart and influences.

I am familiar with some of the stuff here, though a lot is completely foreign to me.  Nice choice with ELO 
I will honestly check some of these out and see what vibes I get. 

The links I posted weren't a full reflection of my favorites but me trying to give ya an example of what a lot I listen to sounds like. (Though rush is in my top 10 and the others maybe somewhere in top 50 I suppose, as I hae a few songs from them I really like).

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> I wouldn´t have told about them if they were edgy teenage material. It goes a little bit further than that.

I know fam. I actually meant it as in I would likly find something that would be good do to having at least some familiarity with isolation. Besides I went to cringier songs before as a mood setter anyway.

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> even though I can have all the support of the world, I usually wonder where I could be wrong.

This is a thought process that, well to put it bluntly, cripled my ability to do anything other then go through the motions for about a year. I very much unerstand that worry, even on a smaller level.

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> Does this apply to all fanconent sans art or just fics? 
a couple of reviews and random greens of /mlp/. Most of my time is dedicated for supporting in the background and making random posts and by accident, it went to greens for giving something different. Save maybe two or three short fics and short animations from Agrol or Season 5 in 40 seconds, by accident,I think your greens are the ones I have actually spent time to read and review. I am hardly influenced by that content. I once watched My Little Dashie but I honestly prefer not to think about it. In fact, you can take my Rarity fic as a non cringy view to introduce a pony in real life.

> I have a rough timeline of them all the way from the last few hours it was online to the whining on /pol/ and /mlp/ and the small army that occupied /qa/ with all the little splitters on various different websites before they finally settled on mlpol.net. It was just me half joking about how much time I wasted playing fandom chronicler for a couple of weeks. 
oh yeah, I remember a little bit that.Yeah, it was worth to have it permanent as historical moment.

> if you do honestly want me to upload some I'd be more then glad too

in case we get too repetitive or we have nothing to shitpost about, then you can use them perfectly. Besides, it´s another source to check the facts and it´s nice to have them around than never getting into the light.

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> I understand, fear of bringing someone down. Leading them on the wrong path. An expression of loathing to the world may cause some else too. An expression of pain may make someones day worse, perhaps more then that. Writing about happily being a but of a recluse could even be taken too far by some.
yeah, well that´s where my fear actually comes from,bringing a worse influence than its natural, this is why I make others who surround me to be critical and not just praise me as blind people. I hate fanaticism even if it´s about myself. There is too much shit around and giving a bit more than the things we have...no thanks.

I can take the lead perfectly but actions have their consequences... let´s see what we can do. I am just another faggot shitposting, not a hero to follow nor the next golden shit from the divinity.
> It's actually way wider then that or isolated to that era of prog. Everything from Rush, Kansas, Dream Theater and a bunch of other stuff that is either vaguely classified or related. Such as more classical music inspired stuff that evolved from it. 
yeah, post-rock and you seem to fit perfectly into that zone. 
> Under the most pretentious definitions I've seen people argue not even all the core UK scene counted as true progressive rock. I'd suppose it would be better to just say prog/art/experimental rock family and leave it at that. Even then it's real nebulous.
for Rateyourmusic, you have an album tagged with one or two main genres and then a few subgenres in order to give a complete description of its diverse material from it. Even old terms like post punk and emo are not that clear either even though there have been a lot of years to define them. The lines from one genre to another are not like a border and they feel more like a reference or idea to what you are going to listen. I am pretty much chill about its tags because there are a lot of random ones to mention and catalog. It´s a difficult task even for those who do it right.
> A lot of it too overlaps with powermetal but I've had metal heads tell me stuff such as with the blind gaurdians and spellblast linked below should be considered more prog. 
metalheads....can you tell me about the experience with them? Because I have heard they are like the most elitist fans in the music community 

> I am far from an expert in any genre and there is a lot of random stuff mixed in
agreed. I also have a lot of trouble to mention something. I just use the most common tags or popular ones that you can find in the internet about that material.

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> a couple of reviews and random greens of /mlp/. Most of my time is dedicated for supporting in the background and making random posts 

I see. So it's mainly show driven with sometimes checking out on something but usually just you participating  in imageboard shenanigans. For me it's probably somewhere in the middle of my involvement being show driven or fan content driven at times. Fan content after all is how I got sucked into this fandom but I often don't consume things super vigorously (started many fics, but only have fully stuck through a handful) and sometimes go through stages where I don't really look up much fan content at all. Anycase, as you said earlier, it was a shock to me as well when I actually got invested in the show itself.

> I think your greens are the ones I have actually spent time to read and review.

Well, even though it's a small thing, thanks for your feedback. I honestly have enjoyed your greens as well, despite them being not quite my usual fare. 

> I once watched My Little Dashie but I honestly prefer not to think about it. In fact, you can take my Rarity fic as a non cringy view to introduce a pony in real life.

Never been a fan of any of the big fics that have (or had0 their own subfandoms within ours. Don't hate MLD, but yeah, what I did see/read of it was pretty cringy at times.  and some of the spin offs  Your's was better handled that's for sure.

> in case we get too repetitive or we have nothing to shitpost about, then you can use them perfectly. Besides, it´s another source to check the facts and it´s nice to have them around than never getting into the light.

Perhaps in a little while I'll go ahead and crack them out. I do have a couple of observations that I think are interesting.

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> yeah, well that´s where my fear actually comes from,bringing a worse influence than its natural, this is why I make others who surround me to be critical and not just praise me as blind people. I hate fanaticism even if it´s about myself. There is too much shit around and giving a bit more than the things we have...no thanks.

Get this. Especially when you even see small e-celebs struggling with such things. Though the fact that your aware of it does put you above a lot of people, I undrstand your reluctance, especially with darker stuff you have flirted with sometimes in your themes. If I have given even a hint of such an attitude I do apologize, I'm just a really laid back person who often is chill with such things and honestly liked or saw interesting things in what you have said/written. You are a fellow anon, not a leader, not someone who I take too much influence  you have given me a few ideas  but a fellow shitposter.

> The lines from one genre to another are not like a border and they feel more like a reference or idea to what you are going to listen. I am pretty much chill about its tags because there are a lot of random ones to mention and catalog. It´s a difficult task even for those who do it right.

> agreed. I also have a lot of trouble to mention something. I just use the most common tags or popular ones that you can find in the internet about that material.

I agree. Though of the few people that I have talked too, many of them have drawn lines. "That's not prog! Prog has't been around since th 70s" "This song itsn't heavy metal, it's punk you dolt!" There really is a lot of overlap and I consider myself a layman who justs happens to have a fair bit of knowledge in some areas. I know the most stuff I listen too started in prog/art rock and the newer stuff being some of stuff that evolved the classical influenced of those styles that often go under a varity of labels Prog metal, Symphonic Rock, I hear a lot of the later two in bands that are labeled power metal even though there is a lot of bands who are power metal who don't fit into that style. I've have seen people take  the fact that said bands are labeled "power metal" at face value and say they are no way like the bands labeled under Prog metal or whatever even if they sound the same and I've more personally encountered others who have told me that anything that sounds "classical like" with more dramatic and calmer singing shouldn't even be called metal at all. So I just say valuably Prog/art rock family in a vary broad/vague definition in the hopes of not triggering anyone and or looking stupid. Glad your chill about that kind of thing. 

> metalheads....can you tell me about the experience with them? Because I have heard they are like the most elitist fans in the music community 

My encounters haven't been frequent, so I wouldn't be able to give the best full on summarization of them as agroup but I'll tell ya what I've seen. The one metal head who I have talked too the most often was relatively chill and was a lover of music in general. Though I have seen others who have attitudes of things outside of metal don't count as real rock.  I've also seen some others who have a since of "all rock is good rock' and only hate pop/sometimes mainstream, (these other encounters/mostly lurking mostly taking place on th net btw). Too be absolutely fair, from what I've heard is that a lot of our current music critics in USA have helped breed this attitude a bit with their own elitism  and some cooperate shrilling  against metal as "dead and worthless" though I've never studied that in depth.

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> I don't think your taste is edgy.. at least in a negative connotation of the word. For you the edgyness is not an aesthetic but an expression. You aren't wholly defined by it either. 

for the most part, it´s the one that you would expect from a /mu/tant in its first phases of discovering music. It´s just that I don´t know where to clean the image of having this "not positive" nor comfy material about it. I can feel happy to an extent, hell some of the songs I listen to the most are really happy but the cutting edge material noteworthy to show up, is hardly that. 

> it's also ant collectivist in meaning if you can't tell 
I don´t get that part 

> Most people consider there early stuff to be the best with it starting to go downhill somepoint in the mid 80's. Though there recent stuff is considered more true to form 

it has a 3.53 rating in RYM, best one since 1981, so yeah, not all bands follow the trend of going downhill after the first successful albums despite its cliche and failing to prove it wrong. 
> I actually listen to a fair bit beyond what is considered good albums by most and have a few songs I like from that era. it may not be the songs themselves.

 One album can contain a few good songs that deserve some praise from a not so popular album from an artist. There are always hidden gems, even on the b-sides. 

> There songs became more depressing and reflective rather then wrapped in a fantasy or sci-fi concept albums, philosophy and there rabid individualist themes  >They also did a lot of experimentation in style as well, rather then in complexity. While I don't hate most of there work from that era i can understand why it is off putting to some. 

 It´s always the cycle of not liking change and the execution of that change. Radiohead for example, went full electronica with all its consequences and they played nicely with it, REM went completely pop and while, they didn´t hit at first with Out Of Time(Shiny Happy People(ugh), they nailed it with Automatic for the People and it´s pop music. It just depends and tings vary and differ a lot in each case.

 >They also did a lot of experimentation in style as well, rather then in complexity. While I don't hate most of there work from that era i can understand why it is off putting to some. 
 >slightly more popish song with an out of no where rap segment being one of best examples of more mixed reception on experimentation these are the type of songs that people would find really disappointing. It promises to be enjoyable(in this case it is for some chill moments) but then, all of a sudden, it doesn´t flow that well or it has some elements that don´t fit and ruin its purpose rather than helping on it. This has happened to a lot of artists who went pop or introduced rap, they fail for its commercial spotlight.

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> I wouldn't call it my taste from the surface this feels like a very good mood setter in a way for the /end/
yeah, I realized about that too when I thought about this over the last week. The Banana album is put in my top 10 not only because its influence, but also because their three musicians (L.Reed,J.Cale and Nico) had amazing solo careers. 
The one who is more fitting to this concept is Nico. Surprisingly, Nico wasn´t a singer but a model. She left Germany in her childhood, she was considered a racist and she only wanted heroin. A racist with a reason, maybe not because of supremacist belief but from the rape with the black sergeant in the US and that´s reflected internally. She was forced into VU and sang in a couple of songs but she didn´t know how to do that, a newbie with her English.
From an erotic model to a singer that would influence over goth bands of the late 70s and 80s. Notice how the first Nightmare Rarity pic has vibes of The Marble Index´s cover. 
> it's darkness shaped out of experience. In a strange way almost feels reserved
more like one insightful way to discover darkness. Either you have it without any acting or you will have a lot of trouble imitating it. 
> it's entirely possible I was exposed to her via my father it seems totally unfamiliar to me 
you are welcome and it´s possible that you have heard accidentally Chelsea Girl, the most popular. She´s from the 70s so probably, you would notice her. 
> Is this another sign of the power of the /end/?
we repeat history without noticing. I had only listened to Nico a couple of days around December or so and just by curiosity about her praise with Desertshore. In fact, I wouldn´t have mentioned her as an influence for the bat fic which scares me because now,I realize how close I was to show some descriptions of her biography. 
> I know their entire life stories yet others that someone would think I should know and yet I don't know anything about.
what I know is simply because of boredom. I haven´t almost played video games since Christmas and I am just checking the context, history of a band or reviews while I am listening to an album.
> I'd probably count as one of those extreme causal "sheeple" who only listens to singles if it wasn't for the taste I retained from my dad and what that guided me too. 
there is no way to qualify music objectively save when something sounds clearly bad and annoying. That´s where you can rank something but in terms of quality or personal, good by itself and matter of good tastes, the thing becomes complicated. I have had struggles to put hat chart and even after creating it, I would have put a couple of interesting ones instead. It takes time and yeah, it´s much easier to follow the singles path and not give a fuck about the rest,because we cannot consume all the music.
> I am familiar with some of the stuff here, though a lot is completely foreign to me. Nice choice with ELO 
about 99% of it if not all the chart comes from /mu/. I am just putting albums that I consider and have proven personally that they are not memes to laugh at (/mu/ is a pretty shit tier board at doing things seriously, save maybe /pol/itical stuff, but their RYM profiles and charts from the wiki counterbalance it) 
About ELO,  it´s funny because I have listened to them over this year. It´s up there to make a contrast to the sad stuff I put over there. Take a wild guess, when I noticed them, I discovered that /mlp/ admires them as well.
> The links I posted weren't a full reflection of my favorites but me trying to give ya an example of what a lot I listen to sounds like
well but it´s nice to see the wide range of the genre. I would have some confusions to tag them though. 
> rush is in my top 10 and the others maybe somewhere in top 50 
well, Rush is an easy choice. Though the topsters chart works with albums (maybe singles? I don´t know?) and  I have left behind a lot of bands that weren´t that consistent as a whole and couldn´t pick them. It´s hard to make a good song, but it takes more effort to make the experience correctly.

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> I actually meant it as in I would likly find something that would be good do to having at least some familiarity with isolation. Besides I went to cringier songs before as a mood setter anyway

I wouldn´t know which songs would set the mood me as well for the first fics. The latter ones are more inspired from them and I have experienced that being familiar with songs for yourself, just for you, it connects with what you are thinking. Even with cringy songs, something magical comes.

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This is a thought process that, well to put it bluntly, cripled my ability to do anything other then go through the motions for about a year. I very much understand that worry, even on a smaller level.
damn, for an entire year. I mean, I can control it and put lower standards to myself. I know when too much is too much for me. But even with the usual borders, that mindset still comes. 

By the way, that badass picture of Luna reminds of something I know pretty well (which I love from the inside)and haven´t finished that last part until 5 years later.

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> not spoilering the image as intended
> clicked at the spoiler option in the image itself but not in the complete spoiler from the whole post
gg,well played from me. 
You know,that expression of the bigger you are,the harder you fall, could apply here. Newfags may fail at trying the triforce but me with this.....


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Update: I found out what happened. Someone was spamming questionable content on /sp/ so one of them was butthurt and activated a botnet to spam traps if this thread is to go by. 

Also this might explain some of my posting problems from earlier. 
> This leaves me in a massive rut! When I reply I get the "connection failed" popup, but eventually the reply will show up, if I am lucky. If I try to send another reply it freezes but will post double or triple replies, depending on the number of attempts.

> I'll be honest, your posts in /operate/ have been really annoying, so I messed with some sitewide settings to sabotage posting. If you would have kept your stupid shit to /news/ and /pol/

> sorry for accidentally spamming your project thread. My post didn't show up earlier at all.
don´t worry about it, I know it´s not your fault. It´s easy to fix with a report of double posting in case of incidents if there was any need to remove them. 

> Someone was spamming questionable content on /sp/ so one of them was butthurt and activated a botnet to spam traps if this thread is to go by.

Then the servers are failing in connection because of that bot. I am having problems as well posting my messages so he is still using it. 
> this might explain some of my posting problems from earlier. 
and mine too. The /end/ cannot catch a break...and I thought this was a boring place.....everything I knew was a lie.

>  >When I reply I get the "connection failed" popup, but eventually the reply will show up, if I am lucky. If I try to send another reply it freezes but will post double or triple replies, depending on the number of attempts.
yep, exactly the same for my case. I will reply in the project thread whenever it ends. I haven´t been able to post any image because of that flood. I guess he is earning his own permaban.

> If you would have kept your stupid shit to /news/ and /pol/
a clear case of revengeposting. Well, they are increasing the numbers of memerevolt like no tomorrow. I guess the rule of keep /pol/ in /pol/ still applies for that anon.

1500 posts! 
WOW! That´s something that has gone way far than expected. I used to be obsessed with the numbers a few months ago but these days, I haven´t noticed its rhythm.

Nice use of the digits from the /end/ and let´s go for the 2000! 

Happy 1500!

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> and mine too. The /end/ cannot catch a break...and I thought this was a boring place.....everything I knew was a lie.

Me too. Last couple of months have proven otherwise. all the errors (this happened today, and it happens way more often now) raids and drama since the moves...

we have survived several dark eras of servers. It's a real achievement to have the courage to stay here after all the fuck ups,all the mistakes and all the path taken.

Unexpectedly,it's been a wild ride over here. I agree that hopefully this server "serves" its purpose in the end.

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> "Pinkie? Can you please tell me my whereabouts."

> Luna gazed at her in confuse as she hoped from the frabric surface she was sitting on and may her way to the waters edge.

> Luna really didn't know what to make of things. Everything seemed familiar yet something was off. She was still in a confused stupor from waking up.

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> "Miss Pinkie Pie. " Luna spoke in a calm but firm tone, a hint of annoyance not so subtly hidden within her voice.

> "I have just awoken, confused and a little disoriented to be absolutely honest. I have no idea of this end-"

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> "...Slash-end-slash. You are acting as if you take me as a fool for not having knowledge of this place. Things feel extremely strange here yet I do not feel I am dreaming.'

> Luna took a glance around, "Even if this place does erringly remind me of a certain dreamscape that I'd rather forget. I need you to answer me carefully and clearly: what is the Slash-end-slash? How long have you be visiting here? And how did I end up here?"

Welp, looks like I ran out of time on this little novelty shitpost story thing. Just when I was getting to the good part too. This isn't much but I do have a vague idea of where it is going. Anyway, may Dolores be with you.

 Note, leaving on a trip in the next couple of days so I may not post for 3 or 4 days. I will honestly continue this though when I return. hopefully will get to another thing as well. 

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> I ran out of time on this little novelty shitpost story thing. Just when I was getting to the good part too. This isn't much but I do have a vague idea of where it is going. 
And I have run out of ideas for now as well, mostly because I cannot focus on anything properly save quantum physics(and even then...).
It seems that you have been randomly roleplaying between Pinkie and Luna, it seems that moonhorse is not satisfied with the place, huh?
Whenever you see it finished or fair enough to comment on it, I will reply and read it completely at once.

> Anyway, may Dolores be with you. 
She´d better be, or at least, that´s what I hope.

> leaving on a trip in the next couple of days so I may not post for 3 or 4 days. I will honestly continue this though when I return. hopefully will get to another thing as well. 
Don´t worry, have fun because I am pretty busy as well these days until Wednesday I think. 
Summer has started so it´s normal to get out these days and take a break.

Good luck and have a nice trip!

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> And I have run out of ideas for now as well

For me I haven't necessarily run out of idea sat that moment was just interrupted.Though this is because ths story is somewhat silly and inane (right now anyway) as opposed to something that I have ta give a lot of thought for.

> mostly because I cannot focus on anything properly save quantum physics(and even then...).

Thanks for your well wishes for me and I wish you the same. Good luck with all this end of semester studding!

> Summer has started so it´s normal to get out these days and take a break.

 Posting here isn't really a high stress labor and is something that I would probably do in a break as well if i have a computer around, but yeah the beginning of summer makes the most since for a break.
 don't worry, though I had some fun this was merely a awkward family reunion trip, nothing spectacular.  

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> I haven't necessarily run out of idea sat that moment was just interrupted.Though this is because ths story is somewhat silly and inane (right now anyway) as opposed to something that I have ta give a lot of thought for.
well, it´s mostly about the greens in which you have an idea prepared and reflect it completely with a full text, basically the longest fics I have posted on here. As for randomposting, yeah, it seems that you can be more spontaneous than me though many silly things started as a joke and they are still running...somehow( see Princess Applejack).
The lack of ideas is basically because I haven´t had time to focus on something for it. You will see something during this hiatus. As for now, keep going ans see how it goes.

> Good luck with all this end of semester studding! 
Yeah, thanks.I ended that period yesterday but I was truly tired to post something.Even for getting in a free time or lazy mode, I also need time to recover the usual mindset after a big trip focusing an entire month around them.

> I would probably do in a break as well if i have a computer around, but yeah the beginning of summer makes the most since for a break. 
yeah, we haven´t taken a break and I mostly don´t rush my posts for now. I mean, but for two random posters, we are under the /mu/ board, in the 22nd position of the whole site, passing the 1500 number.

It seems very little but with the effort behind them, it´s not certainly a small thing to consider.

> I had some fun this was merely a awkward family reunion trip, nothing spectacular.
I have had many of these too, by force even, and one of them, started my interest for FiM. I didn´t have much fun with it, i fact, I was acting like a rebel for going to it,but after it, oh boy, things escalated quickly.

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> 10 MB
Sweet Mother of Celestia, this is why I download in Deviantart and not in Derpi sometimes. Also, it explains why I "edit" the images sometimes without editing them and copy the original file name, mostly because of its huge size.
My internet would last like 5 minutes to upload that picture alone. Candy seems to have fun since the summer has arrived.

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> As for randomposting, yeah, it seems that you can be more spontaneous than me though many silly things started as a joke and they are still running...somehow( see Princess Applejack).

Maybe it'll even turn to something serious. I will just run with it and see. 

> The lack of ideas is basically because I haven´t had time to focus on something for it. You will see something during this hiatus. As for now, keep going ans see how it goes.

Look forward to it (though no pressure). I'm in a similar though not quite the same boat with my Cadence fic. One the one hoof I have scraps written and an idea of where it is gong at least to mid way though, but I have lacked the time to weave the scraps together into something fully realized.    

> Yeah, thanks.I ended that period yesterday but I was truly tired to post something.Even for getting in a free time or lazy mode, I also need time to recover the usual mindset after a big trip focusing an entire month around them.

> It seems very little but with the effort behind them, it´s not certainly a small thing to consider.

Don't feel any pressure to post. Take some time to relax and let your brain rest after all that crap. All I was saying that posting every once and awhile wasn't that big a deal for me on a break. It still is a worthy effort and still something that can be tiering, utterly draining in fact if one feels pressure to post everyday, as I believe I have mentioned before as something to avoid.

> I have had many of these too, by force even, and one of them, started my interest for FiM. I didn´t have much fun with it, i fact, I was acting like a rebel for going to it,but after it, oh boy, things escalated quickly.

Really? That's sounds like an interesting story. For me family reunions and visiting family around the holidays used to be awesome when I was a child, but the rise of social media and more broad judgmental attitudes to each other  along with a few people who don't seem to have basic logic  have put a bit of a damper on it for me. It's not like there is shouting matches or anything really unpleasant but there is background politics that sometimes spills into minor drama and an air of a "life contest". 

Anycase, funny that of something as unpleasant as that you found something you loved. It's almost like how I discovered mlp when I used to browse Fanfiction.net for bad fanfics to enjoy there craziness. One day I noticed that the MLP fics seemed to have a large surge, especially in comparison to other girly toy lines and like that wasn't close to near the top 10 or having dozens of crossovers. I started to browse them and gradually got more drawn in over the course of 2011.

> Sweet Mother of Celestia, this is why I download in Deviantart and not in Derpi sometimes.

It seems like such a basic picture as well. I've even seen full on color porn flashy fight stuff still be in the 2 to 3 MB range. I guess it was because t was made wth a vary large resolution, but it certainly isn't picture that is worthy of such a size, considering it's lack of detail.

speaking of images, it seems the /end/ isn't letting me post images again...

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> It seems like such a basic picture as well. I've even seen full on color porn flashy fight stuff still be in the 2 to 3 MB range. I guess it was because t was made wth a vary large resolution
yeah,it's a picture that you would expect a range of 0,7 MB or so. Could it be the PNG format? Whatever it is,it's pretty ridiculous and absurd resolution to the one who uploaded on Derpi.

> speaking of images, it seems the /end/ isn't letting me post images again...
and I haven't been able to post like for three days because the /end/ doesn't feel like having its servers working. I guess it likes the sleeping part for 48 hours or so.

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> Maybe it'll even turn to something serious. I will just run with it and see.
The path has not been made,it's completely up to you.
> Look forward to it (though no pressure). I'm in a similar though not quite the same boat with my Cadence fic. One the one hoof I have scraps written and an idea of where it is gong at least to mid way though, but I have lacked the time to weave the scraps together into something fully realized.
Yeah I know how it feels about that. I took like two days to realize and completely write the first take for Novo's fic and there is one scrap written out there too but it's really vague.

I have had a very but very wild idea but I don't see it as a top tier concept to write and have an 8 but it feels that something is calling me to do it but at the same time, I feel more off than on for it. Inspiration comes at really random moments. You can have a streak of fics in less than two weeks or you can get no ideas for a couple of months. It's really random t b h

Don't feel any pressure to post. Take some time to relax and let your brain rest after all that crap. All I was saying that posting every once and awhile wasn't that big a deal for me on a break. It still is a worthy effort and still something that can be tiering, utterly draining in fact if one feels pressure to post everyday, as I believe I have mentioned before as something to avoid.
It wears out a bit,sometimes it is effortless but other times,it feels like something tiring. Yeah, I have avoided it since April with the 1000 post and I take more time,in fact,as soon as I realized that there were server problems all over again, that makes you rest.
It's really grateful to see that flexibility to post from both and have room to make sure that I can have ideas,the thing is where I do find them. Summer is a complicated period to find them but my region never rests and I haven't taken a full summer since 2016 but we will see.

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> Really? That's sounds like an interesting story. For me family reunions and visiting family around the holidays used to be awesome when I was a child, but the rise of social media and more broad judgmental attitudes to each other along with a few people who don't seem to have basic logic have put a bit of a damper on it for me. 
I have not been affected by that. In fact,despite social media being installated into my country and all the tech (mobiles,social media),my family has been pretty close to each other,mostly because my parents don't use them and when we barely use them save Whatsapp for contacting. There is no imagery nor artificial chemistry. Reunions have remained as usual,present and face to face. I am one of those people who values more a personal opinion directly to my face than said behind the computer. Mostly because in the social media,you can have a mask and troll to all,it's really easy to be harsh behind the screen. I do value however when someone takes actual effort in the posts though and from there, I start to consider it seriously.
The backstory can come in another post but it's nothing to be really proud of.

> It's not like there is shouting matches or anything really unpleasant but there is background politics that sometimes spills into minor drama and an air of a "life contest".
Politics....depending on who you discuss with,it can become from interesting conversations and possibly give you more knowledge about a lot of things,or turn into an absolute nightmare to deal with. Those who make drama out of it for everything or have the mindset to make everything political,those people are really,but really bored.

> Anycase, funny that of something as unpleasant as that you found something you loved. It's almost like how I discovered mlp when I used to browse Fanfiction.net for bad fanfics to enjoy there craziness. One day I noticed that the MLP fics seemed to have a large surge, especially in comparison to other girly toy lines and like that wasn't close to near the top 10 or having dozens of crossovers. I started to browse them and gradually got more drawn in over the course of 2011.
Unpleasant....I considered it worse. I thought that watching something so colourful would make me gay or blind of so much saturations. Even a point in which I thought,I would have AIDS or that I would turn into a different person for opening Pandora's box.
I had that stupid mentality....and the funny thing is that I am better man now than I was that day.
It seems that you have seen the explosion and the record numbers from Fanfiction. I haven't used that site very much save in 2012 for a Twilight Princess fic.
When you look for craziness....it's certainly not the best idea because either you become one, or two,you could end up with something really stupid (sometimes funny) and discover fetishes (so I guess that you were bored and you wanted masochism and surf for the lolz).
You have discovered through that site but I bet others have discovered it because of its porn numbers rising in Paheal.net or in sites like KnowYourMeme

thumbnail of 1651523__safe_artist-colon-joellethenose_princess+luna_alicorn_blood+moon_color+porn_eyestrain+warning_female_full+moon_glowing+eyes_mare_moon_pony_sol.png
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> I have had a very but very wild idea but I don't see it as a top tier concept to write and have an 8 but it feels that something is calling me to do it but at the same time, I feel more off than on for it.

I suppose the most simple advise I would give would be not to put a high stakes with it. If you suddenly have the spark and the mood go for it but don't have to make it a goal that you must complete. Even if your brain dead bored you could still come up with an outline without much commitment or wasting time. 

> It's really grateful to see that flexibility to post from both and have room to make sure that I can have ideas

It's really the only way the /endpone/ has survived so far, everyone (well us) is chill with plenty of flexibility. I do wonder if a fear of such an obligation is why the other anon left, as he mentioned stuff about not making commitments in the conversation before I showed up around Christmas/New Years if I recall correctly. 

> Summer is a complicated period to find them but my region never rests and I haven't taken a full summer since 2016 but we will see.

Hey, if it makes university go faster I'd say you're just thinking on the long game.     

> and I haven't been able to post like for three days because the /end/ doesn't feel like having its servers working. I guess it likes the sleeping part for 48 hours or so.

At this rate our presence here maybe reduced to just shitposting ourselves into the top 10 when we can to remind the /end/ that we exist if all this continues or gets worse.

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> my family has been pretty close to each other,mostly because my parents don't use them and when we barely use them save Whatsapp for contacting.

Some of my family is that way, but a lot seem to have picked up social media behaviors and started having them IRL. There just seems to be this since of rivalry between some with almost a sense of passive aggressive things at worst. This is what I mean by internal politics. Ironically, real politics hasn't come up too much despite a couple of my family members being pretty sjw. Sorry for the confusion. 

> I am one of those people who values more a personal opinion directly to my face than said behind the computer. Mostly because in the social media,you can have a mask and troll to all,it's really easy to be harsh behind the screen.

Me too. For me it's just easier to read people. You can tell little details and inflictions to the words, how they look at you, etc. Rarely do I have such feeling of genuineness or sincerity online.  

> Unpleasant....I considered it worse. I thought that watching something so colourful would make me gay or blind of so much saturations. Even a point in which I thought,I would have AIDS or that I would turn into a different person for opening Pandora's box.

My was a little less severe than that. I was fearful of my acceptance of it changing who I was/my taste on things. I started out with fanfics and though most I thought were cringy, some I did find interesting and I was curious as to what was driving things. When I first looked up characters on the wiki I really disliked how they looked. I would cringe internally each time I looked at a clip of the show. I just remember this gradual realization that I unironically like this little show and being kind of freaked out in half denial about it for a year, despite visiting fansites and chans often. All the things I disliked grew on me and just accepted that I liked it. 

> I had that stupid mentality....and the funny thing is that I am better man now than I was that day.

For me it got me to accept things from a "you don't hve to stop liking  childhood things and you won't be a manchild if you do" kind of way. I do consider myself someone who is my at peace with myself than if I hadn't gotten into the show. But yeah, get the girlishness being a turn off. 

> When you look for craziness....it's certainly not the best idea because either you become one, or two,you could end up with something really stupid (sometimes funny) and discover fetishes (so I guess that you were bored and you wanted masochism and surf for the lolz).

It started out as bored amusement, but I gradually developed a fascination with marry sue characters and self incerts who were protrayed as beng good and perfect eve when they were clearly in the wrong. I started to fantasize about carrying out the logical implications of the worst fanfic logic and/or having other characters react rationally to such merry sues or other strange choices, like say, having a crossover with Star Trek with the characters actually being freaked out over the care bears/Link/whoever else rather than them being completely chill with each other by the end of a chapter. So I guess your right on both masochism and lolz.

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> I would give would be not to put a high stakes with it. If you suddenly have the spark and the mood go for it but don't have to make it a goal that you must complete. Even if your brain dead bored you could still come up with an outline without much commitment or wasting time.
yeah, it´s basically how my brain and mindset should go. As for now, I am trying to organize several things and check what I can do. For now, I am recovering the activity and out of nowhere and naturally. In fact, the introduction to the Comforts of Madness took me like 25 minutes or about that was because I felt really disappointed to someone who I was mad with at that moment. The best things come out when you actually value life and know how the real deal is. After that, you appreciate every little thing a bit more. The divorce...I had actually a situation like that but I didn´t come up with Novo until the 2nd of thought for the concept. I will possibly warn if it goes on high stakes or if it´s something I wanted to write but it doesn´t lead to anywhere as far as some little entertainment for the time.

> everyone (well us) is chill with plenty of flexibility. I do wonder if a fear of such an obligation is why the other anon left, as he mentioned stuff about not making commitments in the conversation before I showed up around Christmas/New Years if I recall correctly.
yeah, there was a third anon that was supporting us around that time, I wonder why he left all of a sudden. He would probably be amazed of going too far of the 300 objective or something. 
> if it makes university go faster I'd say you're just thinking on the long game.
my capital city moves everybody at any time and yes, I have to think a little bit on the long run. What I am surprised is that I feel somewhat uncertain about it yet I am capable to keep an eye to achieve it. This is why I don´t play random games or tactics for anything, I just simply go to whatever it comes. I am pretty busy with what I already have.

> our presence here maybe reduced to just shitposting ourselves into the top 10 when we can to remind the /end/ that we exist if all this continues or gets worse.
eh, at least, ponies will make until the /end/ of the times, or at least, showed an effort to make at some point. We are simple one small thing....that has achieved bigger things. Top 10 several times under our own will. I won´t say that there are better fans or worse out there, but it´s something that not many can tell. 
Not something to be proud of and maybe, it will disappear sooner than later, but it´s something I honestly prefer a shitpost over another than thinking about "life is pure shit" 24/7. One gets tired of that after a while.

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> There just seems to be this since of rivalry between some with almost a sense of passive aggressive things at worst. This is what I mean by internal politics.Ironically, real politics hasn't come up too much despite a couple of my family members being pretty sjw. 

Well, it normally goes with the real life politics, considering that the news basically make propaganda for everything most of the time. Family interactions are not going to disappear and that´s a personal and private internal situation that I prefer not to enter. Basically, to respect your situation and mine...and don´t think that mine is safe of internal fights. Falcon Crest would fall really short if I had to describe the internal intention in between us. I give you an idea but that´s a territory that I respect save for some moral or story worth to say and learn from it.

> You can tell little details and inflictions to the words, how they look at you, etc. Rarely do I have such feeling of genuineness or sincerity online. 

yeah, those natural but decisive details that make the path for the rest of the conversation and judgements about that person. Face to face, there´s nothing to hide your body nor identity, it´s just you on the table. Sincerity online is really difficult to detect. The best way to see if someone goes that way is by reading more about that user. If you see several hints and details through his lines, then you can judge about that. In social media, it´s really but really hard to be sincere because you keep an image for the rest and everybody sees everyone.  

> You don't hve to stop liking childhood things and you won't be a manchild if you do" kind of way. I do consider myself someone who is my at peace with myself than if I hadn't gotten into the show 

Agreed, I left Pokemon after Diamond and I considered it too childish and that it was time to move on when I was 15 and that I should be more mature. Guess with what I replaced it instead....COD MW3...yeah, feeling like an adult by screaming at a microphone and being post ironic whenever I saw unfair games. In 2013, I came back to Pokemon and I haven´t felt the hype for FPS after that period save for two or three games but not COD. I was a fool thinking that playing that, I would progress or feel like shit goes more serious. BTFO to myself.

> having a crossover with Star Trek with the characters actually being freaked out over the care bears/Link/whoever else rather than them being completely chill with each other by the end of a chapter crossovers in general are a mess. It´s really complicated to make them right. I like that cliche though, it leads to funny and a very 2000s feel of feeling comfortable but then, you worst nightmare appears in an innocent body and makes life impossible to the protagonist. 

> So I guess your right on both masochism and lolz.

I haven´t been to that site nor I have read enough fanfics (not to mention almost nothing) to judge but I have certainly heard about the mess it´s involved around and what you should expect surfing around it. Some are really dedicated to it though and I respect that.

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> "Wow, you really don't know do you?" 

> Pinkie Pie for once didn't seem to be just blindly happy, she actually seemed a little surprised.

> Whether that was good or not Luna was uncertain. 

> "Well... I'm gonna really have to put on my thinking cap for this."

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> "Sorry," Pinkie said with a small chuckle. "TBH means, 'to be honest'. Used by a lot of the hip young folk, both the foals of equestria and the locals here. Some wizards don't like it though."

> Luna wasn't sure what to believe with such a mare as Pinkie Pie. Even if indeed the mare was talking to was really her at all. 

> "I guess I describe the Slash-end-slash as a very secret kinda  lonely yet cozy cub house . Not as many ponies here. Though Dolores is working on it with building as many bridges as she can. So maybe that could change!"

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That's it for update, I have written two divergent paths after this post and I'm not sure which to use, or if they ca be reconciled. I know it's not much but I figured I'd go ahead and post this just in case I don't have a chance to post later do to some other obligations. I have read your posts and will reply later when I can think straight. Thanks for keeping the bridges up and running.

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alright alright, the TBH thing is a little bit random and a bit wtf, I don´t know how someone would use it in a normal  conversation and say just those letters.However, it makes sense for Pinkie Pie and Luna made a huge mistake: don´t question Pinkie....like ever. 

> Some wizards don't like it though
I am not that good reviewing incomplete things or works in progress but this one is my favorite line because it reminds me of that AJ image macro: are you wizard? when Moot opened /mlp/. 
And yes, when you post tbh in /mlp/, it appears as desu.

> I have written two divergent paths after this post and I'm not sure which to use, or if they ca be reconciled. I know it's not much but I figured I'd go ahead and post this just in case I don't have a chance to post later
well that´s a pretty fine decision. Maybe you can combine both paths and make and interesting flow or just apply just one of them. I don´t usually like to influence that much in works in progress because the creativity has to go naturally because you have your own vision for it. As Pinkie said: 
> So maybe that could change!"
it says everything. 

> I have read your posts and will reply later when I can think straight. Thanks for keeping the bridges up and running.
You are welcome even though the bridge has been running by its own luck lately. I have replied to your posts when my brain felt like doing so.

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> "No wait a minuet. Her name is Dolores Umbridge, not Dolores Umbridge."

> Luna was confused by the name she had invouletarlly uttered once again. 

> "I meant to say Dolores Umbridge!"

> LUna covered her mouth in surprise. What sort of magical hex had been placed upon her? Though she was concerned about such a spell, it really annoyned her more than anything else.

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> "Oh... I think I get the name you are trying to say! Everypony kept getting her name wrong by calling her that so we made it that it when ever you said that name it'd switch it back to the real one!"

> "You can still cheat though by spelling it out S T A R L I G H T or saying it funny, like Star light GlimmLAR." Pinkie Pie said as she uttered the name in such a way that deeply annoyed Luna.

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Welp, that's it at the moment, though I know where this is going on the near term I'm going to have to do careful planning with images  it's already partly written  Not as significant of an update as I hoped but I might as well post something. Other OC of significance is being delayed till I can get things better sorted out at the moment. 

> alright alright, the TBH thing is a little bit random and a bit wtf, I don´t know how someone would use it in a normal conversation and say just those letters

> I am not that good reviewing incomplete things or works in progress but this one is my favorite line because it reminds me of that AJ image macro: are you wizard? when Moot opened /mlp/. 

Though that is a good guess, that was actually a mild poke at wizardchan. It was an inside joke to myself because I when I was on one of my rare visits to there I ran into a thread discussing words and terms they should filter to cause an autoban. Naturally for an insular culture such as they are it was a wide list (with some push back, but knowing wizardchan, if they pass it such protests would cause them to weld the mighty banhammer on the redditor normie heathens!) I actually have no problem with TBH and most other such "net" speak, especially if it's been used for awhile.

thumbnail of 1814722__safe_artist-colon-amoura7447symphony_artist-colon-lyra-dash-kotto_princess+cadance_colored_eyes+closed_high+res_simple+background_solo_transpa.png
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ayyy Luna, you have been tricked like a newfag my sweet princess. I get your annoyance though because we are all going to have trouble (and laughs) while discussing about her for the next episode. 

I think Star Light will work alright (hopefully), Pinkie. This is pure sorcery.

> I know where this is going on the near term I'm going to have to do careful planning with images it's already partly written Not as significant of an update as I hoped but I might as well post something. Other OC of significance is being delayed till I can get things better sorted out at the moment.
well,at least the reactionary images are well synchronized for an open role play between two characters. I wonder what content you have prepared but I have enjoyed both OC parts. I don´t take the roleplaying as serious as the Cadence fic, but Pinkie playing with Luna and having tons of fun with it, fits her character. Not bad for a shitposting joke. 

> It was an inside joke to myself because I when I was on one of my rare visits to there I ran into a thread discussing words and terms they should filter to cause an autoban. Naturally for an insular culture such as they are it was a wide list (with some push back, but knowing wizardchan, if they pass it such protests would cause them to weld the mighty banhammer on the redditor normie heathens!)
wow, wizardchan sounds like the Tumblrina sister of the image boards, isn´t it? Because if that term triggered them, I wonder how they would have patience in discussing politics or stuff like criticizing their own tastes. 
It sounds like you have been a newfag from the 2007 era or something because I have seen the TBH term during all this decade and even wordfiltered at some point. 

> I actually have no problem with TBH and most other such "net" speak, especially if it's been used for awhile.
me neither. What I dislike a lot are force memes without anything funny nor backstory to hold onto them. Most /pol/ memes don´t work because they get stale over time for the most part, but anons still use the shortcuts or reactions images (Bateman, Costanza, cat images...) because they can be used for whatever topic. 
Hell, even some /mlp/ net terms like DYEWTS or IWTCIRD have stayed over the years despite their opportunistic nature. 
So no problems for me in terms of words or chan slang.

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> So the /end/ as attacked! Wasn't able to get online, with .net or .xyz yesterday and still today. 
Exactly the same. Completely blocked until I searched for every access and .org worked. I was wondering how to say this to you but fortunately, you have noticed it as well. 
> Currently on .org. Still got a couple of 500 errors to boot but I am able to post.
Yeah, it seems that for this time we are able to post. 500 errors are now usually certainly random but spontaneous. They disappear whenever you refresh the page or renter into the site (for the most part in mobile at least)

So yeah, this is a problem coming from the outside (I wonder why they choose to mess up with this site instead of the biggest ones, maybe they are used to fixing this quickly or preventing these attacks and the end is new in this stuff).

One important detail is that the pony bridge is still here, seeing how the /end/ is falling in front of us every time. Not sure if this could be considered sad or funny (or both) but it seems that the jokes have become somewhat a reality. 

May the bridges´columns hold us for this ride.

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 Completely blocked until I searched for every access and .org worked. I was wondering how to say this to you but fortunately, you have noticed it as well. 
My plan was to post to /next/

> So yeah, this is a problem coming from the outside (I wonder why they choose to mess up with this site instead of the biggest ones, maybe they are used to fixing this quickly or preventing these attacks and the end is new in this stuff).

I have 3 guess. 1 The trap spammer who struck earlier in spring. 2 Someone testing out on the /end/ for a larger project, a practice run. 3 Basically what you said. 

> One important detail is that the pony bridge is still here, seeing how the /end/ is falling in front of us every time. Not sure if this could be considered sad or funny (or both) but it seems that the jokes have become somewhat a reality.  

It is both. We survived, but it's like being the last fragment of something greater. At the same time we have past a threshold of prestige in a way and the fact that our memes outlived the /end/ means we have some pretty power energies on our hooves. 

> May the bridges´columns hold us for this ride.

The bridge will hold! 

> May the bridges´columns hold us for this ride.

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> by the way, I would follow you bat green but it´s somewhat hard to make justice for following it.

> I will see what I can do...for a spam post, that´s very productive. Very nice.

To be honest fam I'm not even sure I can do it justice. Somehow despite the fact it's 4 in the morning where I lived my sleepy mind suddenly struck with another update off it.  I'll just see where it goes. Though it maybe obvious ta you: feel free to continue on your own if you had any ideas, even if they diverge from my update.

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> My plan was to post to /next/ 
yeah, it was planned for these cases and it 
would be nice to give a little visit to remind them that these 4 legged creatures exist.

> 1 The trap spammer who struck earlier in spring. 
the same one from /memetown/ and activated a bot in order to implode the board? Probably a plan for revenge but these things don´t usually end up well.
> 2 Someone testing out on the /end/ for a larger project, a practice run.
If that means more stable and stronger servers to hold all the activity in the future, so be hopefully it. They don´t usually announce these maintenance periods, so it´s expected from them to mess up and experiment whatever they want. 

> 3 Basically what you said.
at least, it´s what I could analyze from the twitter feedback and the circumstances.

> We survived, but it's like being the last fragment of something greater.
2 anons...having the chance to make something greater? I mean, I know I am not an absolute speck of dust for the /end/ considering how far this board has arrived at. However, I am not Superman and trusting ponies for keeping the chan....years ago, ponies were (and still are) considered the downfall or cancerous material for any other board. So I guess, friendship is magic and timeless?

> At the same time we have past a threshold of prestige in a way and the fact that our memes outlived the /end/ means we have some pretty power energies on our hooves. 
At the same time, I want to believe it but on the other hand, this number of posts is really easy to achieve in any active chan. Just that relatively, we do have a fairly active board that has managed to break the schemes of some outsider and the effects may be growing over time by noticing it. 

Two keyboards, one former avid lurker and a former Pokemon fan, trolling a site with the ending bridges...
I don´t know how many maintenance waves we will have to overcome, but damn, we point out what we have kept all the time more than the rest. 

> The bridge will hold! 
On The Road To Friendship, Dolores! 

2000 posts, here we come!

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> To be honest fam I'm not even sure I can do it justice. Somehow despite the fact it's 4 in the morning where I lived my sleepy mind suddenly struck with another update off it.
I have written some deep stuff late during the night, so don´t be surprised if that was an exercise from yours just to consume the brain properly and then, sleeping better after posting all you had in mind out of it. 

> I'll just see where it goes. Though it maybe obvious ta you: feel free to continue on your own if you had any ideas, even if they diverge from my update.
My ideas are being consumed with the exams. In fact, I have done two long test that have lasted 5 hours in total and I arrived in the afternoon pretty tired. I just don´t know where I have my mind anymore but I just follow it wherever anything leads me into.

For now, my creativity while, not out of ideas, is going through a "very scientific process" that only Celestia could predict where I would drive any green into. 

Keep going and see where it goes. I will follow.

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also,one more small thing to write about.
When the /end/ worked with the .org version, with our shitsposts during an all time low in the general activity,we reached the 7th place. 

If I am not wrong,we have always peaked at the 8th place very often but this one breaks a new record now that /sp/ is gone.

The bridges manage to do their job even when the city next to them is burning.

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> the same one from /memetown/ and activated a bot in order to implode the board? Probably a plan for revenge but these things don´t usually end up well.

Yes and yes.

> If that means more stable and stronger servers to hold all the activity in the future, so be hopefully it. They don´t usually announce these maintenance periods, so it´s expected from them to mess up and experiment whatever they want. 

Well what I was thinking if somebody was attacking the end just as a test for a larger attack or just seeing if they could pul it off. 

> However, I am not Superman and trusting ponies for keeping the chan....years ago

Neither of us are superman. Though as for ponies, I say that depends on perspective. 

> Two keyboards, one former avid lurker and a former Pokemon fan, trolling a site with the ending bridges...

I don´t know how many maintenance waves we will have to overcome, but damn, we point out what we have kept all the time more than the rest.
Hey, if we are some of the last posters here if and when endchan goes, it will put a little badge of achievement for us at least. Besides, we've have maintained a small branch of the fandom here, if we stay though it all, it means /pone/ outlasted /sp/ and that has to mean something!

> 2000 posts, here we come!


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> I have written some deep stuff late during the night, so don´t be surprised if that was an exercise from yours just to consume the brain properly and then, sleeping better after posting all you had in mind out of it. 

We shall see...

> My ideas are being consumed with the exams. In fact, I have done two long test th

Understand that. my plate has been pretty busy myself. Though I think I'm startig to figure out a pattern in this chaos of this year, so I may be more active soon once some more immediate obligations get outta the way. Wish you the best. 

> For now, my creativity while, not out of ideas, is going through a "very scientific process" that only Celestia could predict where I would drive any green into.

> Keep going and see where it goes. I will follow.

I feel that way right now. Especially with my unexpectedly darker TS stuff and some ideas I have for the Cadence fic.

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I was hoping to do something 2000. I still may, though the weekend came. I have several scraps of OC that aren't quite ready. I honestly considered shitposting may way there but I have misplaced several poorly drawn Cadence images I made or thi moment awhile ago. Not gonna make too big a deal though. Ball looks to be in your court fam. No presure to make anything big at all, just do wwhat you feel is best, even if it's just a normal reply.

I love it!  I can see into the future! 

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> if somebody was attacking the end just as a test for a larger attack or just seeing if they could pul it off. 
yeah, as a medium to test for a bigger site. Well, at least, it makes the staff to wake up finally. 

> Though as for ponies, I say that depends on perspective. 
what would destroy them? They have existed for 4 entire generations and the three previous ones were more unpopular than this one. I would like to see what kyrptonite is for them. 

> it will put a little badge of achievement for us at least.
an epic story that wil be told for the future grandsons, saying that you were there when endchan died in front of your eyes.

> Besides, we've have maintained a small branch of the fandom here, if we stay though it all, it means /pone/ outlasted /sp/ and that has to mean something!
what a time be alive! I wouldn´t have bet to overcome the maintenance periods and keep the track as usual unlike /sp/, leaving us behind. The bigger you are, the bigger the fall will be.

> Onwards!
get ready...

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> my plate has been pretty busy myself. 
health issues,aren´t they? Everything ends, even the problematic stuff. Take care with it. 
> Though I think I'm starting to figure out a pattern in this chaos of this year, so I may be more active soon once some more immediate obligations get outta the way. Wish you the best. 
Though I may not be criticizing as much as you would do with my fics, I must say that you are pretty much nailing it with the descriptions and little events here and there (for Cadence´s one, though you Twilight´s one is pretty similar in terms of ambience). There is cohesion and I haven´t found much out there to complain about. Maybe I will find out. 

> Especially with my unexpectedly darker TS stuff and some ideas I have for the Cadence fic.
yeah, whenever you enter into that period, it has to flow whenever you feel the need to do it. Even if it´s 5 AM and you feel the desire,there are times when someone doesn´t find himself comfortable, writes it and then, finishing it and then, resting with a personal satisfaction.....not at 5 AM in my case, more like 3AM, but the feels were the same as I describe

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> we stare into the flames as the bridge continues to cross over them. 
mostly because we are over a river where unless you want to sink in it, you get unaffected by the fire. 
Also, your post number coincides with the year when the USSR died on Christmas. Maybe Maud has seen equalism rise and fall so she stays mostly silent. She doesn´t count though because she, as a rock, simply stares...

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> I was hoping to do something 2000. I still may, though the weekend came.
I was going to reply yesterday but I didn´t feel like it (though today I do feel better after two tests during this week), I thought you were going to reach it by yourself...

> I have several scraps of OC that aren't quite ready. I honestly considered shitposting may way there but I have misplaced several poorly drawn Cadence images I made or thi moment awhile ago. Not gonna make too big a deal though.
yep, you had the material and I would have expected the Dolores meme of "I see" with her coffee. Worth of an epic image reaction. 

> Ball looks to be in your court fam. No presure to make anything big at all, just do wwhat you feel is best, even if it's just a normal reply.
> I love it! I can see into the future! 
and that´s where you are wrong,anon. You have made a huge mistake by putting trust on me. Are you sure you will love and not regret it afterwards? You could have prevented this and now, it´s over. Prepare yourself for getting into the death barrier and seeing ourselves in hell with a certain princess. 

Poor little guy, he doesn´t know yet where we are stepping into. Such an innocent soul, excited for something undesirable with no mercy...

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> so, the /end/ has gone through maintenance servers
> they have got rid of /sp/ 
> they need material to survive
> ponies have risen to the top
> and they expect to be us, the heroes?
> autists, pedophiles, dedicated shitposters, circlejerkers, fetishists...;whatever adjective any outsider picks to describe an MLP fan
> and now, we are carrying on the lead
> the 2nd biggest franchise dedicated to rule 34 material
> sinners until death, finding ponies attractive for 8 years and counting
> the biggest cancer that chan culture has given birth and cannot get rid of it
> their future is doomed and so, we follow them
> but we have done awful things, sins nobody would be proud

> /endpone/ made a mistake by choosing Celestia as a savior for the bridges built
> unwilling to sink themselves in the sea, we expected that Celestia would take us
> but no, she is here, distorted and reminding us the rollercoaster and that more chaos will come
> that we cannot be saved at all unless we trust on her for one thing, one small thing
> and we saw how she made a sacrifice at her own will...

> forever and ever
> whenever you get rid of her, you will lose any football cup and the sins will collide against us
> behold and respect, the banned mascot of /mlp/
> we shall remember this when we close our eyes and facing death. We will rise up to heaven despite our flaws because...


Sailing on through porn, drama and tears...

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> health issues,aren´t they? Everything ends, even the problematic stuff. Take care with it. 

Actually this was a reference to building a  smallish  fence and having to fix a leaky roof on a shed. Medical stuff going on, but it fortunately it looks to be setting down to normal routine, though their is some stuff commig up I ma need to help, but it's nothing that is super serious from a life threating standpoint.Thanks anyway. Everything /ends/ and I pass on the same advise to you in regards to your numerous studies.   

> Though I may not be criticizing as much as you would do with my fics, I must say that you are pretty much nailing it with the descriptions and little events here and there

Thanks. Though I have no idea on how the final products quality will be seen. I do not have a grand vision but I have a idea of a path  or 2  and themes so will see where it goes. 

> Even if it´s 5 AM and you feel the desire,there are times when someone doesn´t find himself comfortable, writes it and then, finishing it and then, resting with a personal satisfaction....

Actually 3AM for me usually as well though I can be up at 5  and 7am,  Sometimes something is just on your mind and you just have ta express it.

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> and that´s where you are wrong,anon. You have made a huge mistake by putting trust on me. Are you sure you will love and not regret it afterwards? You could have prevented this and now, it´s over. Prepare yourself for getting into the death barrier and seeing ourselves in hell with a certain princess. 

Do you honestly think something involing cadence and nickeback would be better then what you put down? I almost like drunken negative Celestia anyway!

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> this was a reference to building a smallish fence and having to fix a leaky roof on a shed.
> it's nothing that is super serious from a life threating standpoint.
alright alright, you took some measurements to prevent it and it seems that everything is alright in the end. 
>  Everything /ends/ and  I pass on the same advise to you in regards to your numerous studies.
yeah, thanks. They are mostly over fortunately. Last week was more complicated than this one because it had the subjects I had focused on the most and I still don´t know the results. I am finishing them in a couple of days but I have felt stronger in other subjects than the one left, so I am not as worried. The only way I have found in order to pass is by focusing on a few that you know well and then, face the leftovers after. If you focus on 4 or 5, you will get for sure rekt and slapped in the face everywhere. I say this by experience and the first year ended up with half of my first course, lots of failures in the middle of the road and I hadn´t had that situation before. Now, I am taking everything with more patience and organize my efforts strategically. It sucks and it requires sacrifice for the subjects left, but you are guaranteed and work hard for the panned ones. 

That´s how the things work. I admire those who can pass each course with each year. I am not that special so this goes at a slower pace. 

> I have no idea on how the final products quality will be seen. I do not have a grand vision but I have a idea of a path or 2 and themes so will see where it goes.
part of the charm is finding it out along the way. Sometimes the spontaneous details give it a different vibe and define way more than you would have expected. Like the marks of my exams, you don´t know the results until you see them written. 

> I can be up at 5 and 7am, >Sometimes something is just on your mind and you just have ta express it.
ouch, well, that confirms my assumption. And I know that feel. When you have to write it because your body asks so, some emotions get revealed and you discover a part of yourself during that moment. But that´s just personal and works differently for each case.

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> Do you honestly think something involing cadence and nickeback would be better then what you put down?
Not much better though. For starters, I think that get came around the 300 or 400 post, this was very different at the time and we didn´t have any pattern, so basically any shitposting was unironically welcome in order to fill the board....and it still applies today

Secondly, to anyone´s surprise, Nickelback, is not that bad, why? Because they have found an audience, even if it´s for being annoying, they have dedicated time to sell out, get popular,still get mentioned after their hype and do their own stuff. This is like saying Britney Spears had some merits (she did, just that Max Martin composed all her songs. Check out that composer because he´s a genius machine for creating perfect pop commercial songs. From It´s My Life (Bon Jovi) to all the boy bands discographies (Backstreet Boys, Disney Channel teens, current pop artists..). So, everything has a merit even if we don´t like it. 
And third, it´s Cadence. Hi Anon came before and the memes around her have kept her popularity around. 

The Burdened is banned from /mlp/, so it had to be recycled somewhere else. The /end/ is going through a lackluster phase after the loss of /sp/, so what could possibly go wrong if we throw the house out of the window by trusting on the one who carries the sins? 

> I almost like drunken negative Celestia anyway!
she´d better not stay drunk along with her sister. Who knows what could happen during that night?

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> That´s how the things work. I admire those who can pass each course with each year. I am not that special so this goes at a slower pace. 

Hey. Slow and steady wins the race. There was this cousin of mine who too everyone seemed like he was being left behind. Everyone else in the family had moved out of the house (and he was the oldest). He had no friends and spend most of his time in his room doing mostly online collage for seven years or so, but now is quite successful, much to the surprise of many. 

> part of the charm is finding it out along the way. Sometimes the spontaneous details give it a different vibe and define way more than you would have expected. Like the marks of my exams, you don´t know the results until you see them written. 

That is true as well.  

> ouch, well, that confirms my assumption. And I know that feel. When you have to write it because your body asks so, some emotions get revealed and you discover a part of yourself during that moment. But that´s just personal and works differently for each case.

Always been a night owl. Lately been tryng to adjust my sleeping habits do to a the various stuff so my sleep and wake times have been all over the place. Often am struck with inspiration at the most random times. I get what you are saying. 

> Not much better though. For starters, I think that get came around the 300 or 400 post, this was very different at the time and we didn´t have any pattern, so basically any shitposting was unironically welcome in order to fill the board....and it still applies today

So it would have been stale and stupid. Got ya. 

> Secondly, to anyone´s surprise, Nickelback, is not that bad, why? Because they have found an audience, even if it´s for being annoying, they have dedicated time to sell out, get popular,still get mentioned after their hype and do their own stuff.

Not a fan of nickleback, though a couple of there songs I could almost describe myself as liking, but I never understood why they got the level of hate they did. Everything attributed to them somebody else was doing way worse. There songs are at worst just mediocre and generic and even then they're still far from being the kings of those categories.   

> And third, it´s Cadence. Hi Anon came before and the memes around her have kept her popularity around.

It's the meme I was trying to push with forced/crazy stressed Cadence, so it's even worse!

> she´d better not stay drunk along with her sister. Who knows what could happen during that night?

bad things disguised as miracles, nightmares brought into reality, a new solar eclipse...

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> I had lost hope seeing how people were rioting something fake in the US

The "hands up don't shoot" I take it? Or something unrelated to back lives matter?

>  saw how they want cheap money by making the West population their prostitute for their interests, that we are nothing but little ants who are about to become or be replaced by robots, people protesting for SJW and not for actual matters 

SJWs absorbed the pubic consciousness too much. Many of them fighting them don't understand that they aren't the ones who will take power, but merely be used to justify things for those who do. The big bussiness, the establishment who are all to varying degrees in bed with each other are influenced by them, but they have a differet endgame. Not to sound overly conspiracy. 

> My illusion exploded and I didn´t know where to go, seeing things too dark for me or that somebody would go after me for noticing the "red pill". Whenever you realize those lies, you cannot go back to the bubble or refuge.

I understand this. Though for me I had entertained things kinda like this for years so I never had one slap in the face moment. 

>  I reached a point where the only reason to move forward was seeing the world burn along with my dreams lost. It seems that I am describing an edgy phase but those thoughts didn´t come for becoming edgy but facing another slap from the harsh reality.

Dark... this is not surface tier edgy, this is legit fatalistic thought. Can't blame ya though. Finding out such things all at once is not something that is easy. If you where of different or of mixed political persuasions that were in conflict of the concusion that was drawn then your pain fear and confusion would be even doubled. Like seeing how some people who thought of themselves as lefties shatter over the rise of the SJWs, (you still be left wihout being sjw though). It's a painful experience when things you trust or assume is true breakdown and it can cause you go in all manner of directions on its own. 

> However, I believe that it´s not the race the problem but culture.I can interact perfectly with Latin, Americans, Europeans even I have a Chinese family as neighbors and they don´t annoy at all because they are doing their own business without harming others.

Me too. Even if there was some genetics that have some affect or intelligence, it's not enough to be a factor. Its all in values and environment.    

I deiced to reply to the politics here as this could open a can of worms and I don't want to put to many replies in your project thread.

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Twilight and the skull face are ripping apart the entirety of Ponyville with a badass look...and powerful miniguns on her sides. Somepony has been prepared for war.

> Slow and steady wins the race. 
that´s what they say and I hope it remains that way. 
> There was this cousin of mine who too everyone seemed like he was being left behind. Everyone else in the family had moved out of the house (and he was the oldest). He had no friends and spend most of his time in his room doing mostly online collage for seven years or so, but now is quite successful, much to the surprise of many.
uh, that´s a hopeful story I have to keep in mind whenever a complicated situation happens. So many frustrations and not seeing the results kind of discourages to keep the rhythm. The good stuff doesn´t always come early. It´s just that one desires to give a pay off and a punch on the table in order to say that I am here, worth for achieving something on my own. I guess I have to wait a few years more. I am not having a bad situations these days though there is a lot of effort to put on my cards.

> Lately been tryng to adjust my sleeping habits do to a the various stuff so my sleep and wake times have been all over the place.
buff, what can I say? Good luck on adapting those habits and that your body tolerates them. Not sure if many could handle those changes. 
> Often am struck with inspiration at the most random times.
and you won´t stop whenever that happens. Suddenly, you will end like nothing happened but while that inspiration time happens,you will have a rush of random ideas (good or bad doesn´t matter that much, it´s pony content in the end).

> it would have been stale and stupid.
most likely, yes. There is always room for everything anyway 

> I never understood why they got the level of hate they did. Everything attributed to them somebody else was doing way worse. There songs are at worst just mediocre and generic and even then they're still far from being the kings of those categories.
it´s basically cool to hate them. But their artistic purpose is to keep that popularity with that hate WHOSE aspect is shared with ponies as well. That hate makes something popular and keeps its activity just to annoy others. They may be generic (although they have some decent songs to listen to for a while).

Even if that band seems random, they have managed to keep an audience and have a good amount of visits. If they didn´t have that hate or bad press, they would have possibly ended their careers. Their hate comes from what they represent to the industry or what it was trendy in the 2000s, so it´s been cool to hate on them. However, that´s the actual root which in the end, worked on wheels for them.
They could even possibly cringe or not be satisfied with what they make all the time from the inside and they know it. However, they have stayed active and they don´t care because that´s a good business to keep on riding. There are surprising parallels that I didn´t expect to correlate but even with the shittiest musicians out there (they are not, just generic on purpose), you can learn a lesson or two. 

> I was trying to push with forced/crazy stressed Cadence, so it's even worse!
oops,yep. We´d better move on....stressed Cadence? What the...? 

> bad things disguised as miracles, nightmares brought into reality, a new solar eclipse...
nothing good. Power, corruption and lies. That would be a god summary. Their chemistry though...

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definitely not much difference from the previous digits (1500 number if I am not wrong). Although those faces could have had a funny interpretation considering its number.

In the new year, many people were excited for the new millennia to arrive yet scared at the same time. That 3rd pic would actually define an old mare who is really superstitious for that unique event. 

2000 posts...not a bad number to hold onto your eyes, like multicolored glasses for hipsters.

> if I get a chance soon or not to fix up things and make new ones this place wouldn't be barren!
oh, nice to see them again floating around this board after a good while.

We have a barren place, but it won´t prevent us for reaching the /end/ with the bridges built. 

Post ponies on /pone/! 

well,ponies or whatever species related to them. 

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> I deiced to reply to the politics here as this could open a can of worms and I don't want to put to many replies in your project thread.
truly appreciated gesture. No seriously, thanks. I have kept a normal style of replies in the project thread after reading this. However, you are seeing that this is not only politics and it has a different perspective this time. 

> The "hands up don't shoot" I take it?  Or something unrelated to back lives matter? 
not a bad guess. In fact, the same organization of BLM also paid those protests, or basically yeah, BLM to sum it up. I only knew the Podesta case and masonry behind the Republican party back in October. This is important because these factors of changing my opinion along with my friend would be because of masonic actions from the elites and a scary background behind Hillary, we changed the opinion in less than two weeks (and we don´t even live there!). We wouldn´t have voted the Republican party for ourselves but we preferred for Trump to win as a lesser evil of both sides. 
The lie that actually made an impact was during the post election weekend, November 12th. Organized protests from BLM, with media support and causing property damage in the streets. I was just overwhelmed about that rage they showed.
Consider that the mediums I used for getting information were /pol/ and The Donald like no tomorrow (inb4 going to reddit). I was amazed when I heard about those protesters getting paid 30$ per hour, even 40$. 

That little detail showed me that protests were a blatant lie controlled by the system, they feel limited and even manipulated to challenge the system with a fake look of doing something for you. I found out that they didn´t fight for anyone, they didn´t accept the results of a democratic system and they actually ruin the original purpose of a protest. Turns out that I found out that those people could be from somewhere else who are not aware nor care about the country like one proper US voter would do. If you were paid like that, of course you would do such things because that´s a good business for an entire day. 

I don´t know...I knew I warmed up with politics from 2015 onwards and I could keep my mood for the most part. Just that I got obsessed with it and I discovered that some little conspiracies were actually showing a part of the truth. I didn´t want to believe it and I struggled to jump onto conclusions if I was having the silver hat or if this was a truth I wouldn´t have liked to see. Whatever I thought or doing (summaries of inorganic chemistry, music...), I felt trapped during that weekend. I just couldn´t handle that dark side of politics and felt naked psychologically. I don´t believe in apocalypses but that was the most claustrophobic moment I have had with an adult brain. It all happened in the same room I am sitting on right now, a bedroom of 6 square meters

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> SJWs absorbed the pubic consciousness too much. Many of them fighting them don't understand that they aren't the ones who will take power, but merely be used to justify things for those who do. The big bussiness, the establishment who are all to varying degrees in bed with each other are influenced by them, but they have a differet endgame. Not to sound overly conspiracy.
basically, you have described it. It was the fact that I discovered how that dynamic worked and I felt overwhelmed by it. It could (in retrospective) represent all the political arrows that were shot at me during our formation of politics during that year and a half and that final arrow after the elections hit me like no other, putting all my questions in a big personal challenge and wonder where I should go.

Everywhere I looked, I saw that the West was getting fucked and that if those people (elites) wanted to get rid of me, they would with no mercy. I was thinking like I had all my chances to live and hope for a better future gone unless you took the far right path and make a cleaning of people who hated the survival. The propaganda made by the general media is astounding and Goebbels would be absolutely proud of that achievement by using very mindless puppets. 

> I had entertained things kinda like this for years so I never had one slap in the face moment.
you were fortunate. When you realize about certain topics little by little, you barely get surprised and your body accepts it more naturally. Just that this one impacted me and actually entered through the neurons. I am usually a wall when it comes to new thoughts but when something subtly enters into it, it has an actual on me. It could have been any other lie but it happened with that one despite looking at it right now with no surprise with my face. I have learned how elites act without knowing them, not that I am an expert these days, but I have acquired a mind that could form from the ashes a very corrupted movement if I wanted to. Does it sound familiar? one of my fics maybe? 

And no, despite those subtle lessons, I would have liked to keep my innocence a little bit more or at least, face this challenge little by little like you. I didn´t see anything other than blinding myself into a rabbithole of thoughts. Despite my parents trying to support me and even requesting me to go back to a psychologist as a solution because of my own drama I had formed during that time, I said no. Not even money could have saved me from that situation (in fact, I would have even less reasons to find motifs and get out there). I ended it when my parents told me to end it because of my own health and for them, just to avoid any worry because of me. I tried to pass it but I didn´t see any solution of my benefit during that time. I couldn´t give up my thoughts for the world.

The resolution was avoiding any visit of /pol/ or that subreddit,going to university like nothing happened (and I did because of automatized routine) and simply not caring anymore. Just saying: "Fuck it, do whatever you want with the world, I am not going to defend it".  That was the first motif I found to move on. Annoy anyone with my existence and eat popcorn silently, simply staring.

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> Dark... this is not surface tier edgy, this is legit fatalistic thought. Can't blame ya though. Finding out such things all at once is not something that is easy. If you where of different or of mixed political persuasions that were in conflict of the concusion that was drawn then your pain fear and confusion would be even doubled. Like seeing how some people who thought of themselves as lefties shatter over the rise of the SJWs, (you still be left wihout being sjw though). It's a painful experience when things you trust or assume is true breakdown and it can cause you go in all manner of directions on its own. 
and the worst part is that I am not glad of finding it this way. This is not because of feeling like a trendy guy who pretends this is cool. In fact, despite desiring darkness, whenever I write a green, it has to be motivated with something else and even, catching pessimistic inspiration and transmitting different feelings instead (even joy). I don´t look for it as something one has as its gimmick but as a way to find reality. 

I am posting Robert Smith again because it felt like that in some way. Pornography during that weekend and finding a purpose the weeks, months and even years after it. That darkness isn´t even darkness nor direct depression but a bigger apathy for things I want to do. Maybe it´s because I am getting older, but I don´t feel like doing the half of the things I used to nor have as much passion as I had like for example in 2014 or 2012. Like having less energy for fighting the things you want. Nothing changed during that weekend around me save my own brain and philosophy about politics. After facing that,it´s like finding new reasons to live and new purposes with the old traditions I have always done but with a negative twist in my mind.

After that, it was like listening to Faith (and I ironically listened to that album during late Winter), finding something else, something to happen and watching happy innocent people chilling around my sight. I have thought that their smiles hold a big value and it would be a big failure if those people lost them by noticing this stuff. I don´t know... time had to happen, day after day without expectations nor looking for the big scheme and pay off for something good, I was there to witness events in general and laugh at myself. 

And one of the motifs I found to look for in 2017......was the movie. That should show how low I was aiming at. 
> it's not enough to be a factor. Its all in values and environment. 
it is.

> the Republican party back in October. 
oops,huge mistake. Democratic party I meant (even though politics are filled of freemasonry anyway so I wouldn't be surprised at all,just that the democratic ones made bigger scandals/noise at that time)

there are a few misspellings or faults out there but I am fixing this one:

> it has an actual on me.
actual effect.

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> truly appreciated gesture. No seriously, thanks. I have kept a normal style of replies in the project thread after reading this. However, you are seeing that this is not only politics and it has a different perspective this time.

No problem. It is something that was related to a lot of things in your past and I felt that the atmosphere there needed to be kept 'fresh' for future projects and just not to clutter the place. 

> We wouldn´t have voted the Republican party for ourselves but we preferred for Trump to win as a lesser evil of both sides. 

I honestly almost didn't vote for Trump. I thought it might be fun voting third party, but when the early polling reports started to come in showing a bunch of indicators that the democrates even stood a chance in Texas, I switched my vote just to try to be a small counter on the landslide victory that didn't manifest. If Trump was better at PR and more thick skinned and consistent in policy he could have done far better. Then his bombastic personality and randomness woud keep his enemies off guard and yet they'd have less to attack him with and perhaps I'd actually be a Trump supporter. 

> The lie that actually made an impact was during the post election weekend, November 12th. Organized protests from BLM, with media support and causing property damage in the streets. I was just overwhelmed about that rage they showed.

BLM is a scary organization. The pain felt by many of these people is actually understandable, but those sparks were taken in a scary direction that attacks all dissent within and is seen by many as being the only voice for that community from without. Many of them actually crave the racial tension as a way to further their goals. 

> I don´t know...I knew I warmed up with politics from 2015 onwards and I could keep my mood for the most part. Just that I got obsessed with it and I discovered that some little conspiracies were actually showing a part of the truth. I didn´t want to believe it and I struggled to jump onto conclusions if I was having the silver hat or if this was a truth I wouldn´t have liked to see. Whatever I thought or doing (summaries of inorganic chemistry, music...), I felt trapped during that weekend. I just couldn´t handle that dark side of politics and felt naked psychologically. I don´t believe in apocalypses but that was the most claustrophobic moment I have had with an adult brain. It all happened in the same room I am sitting on right now, a bedroom of 6 square meters

Rapid changes of political views are painful. This post  ultra hyper partisan era has been painful for many I"ve seen. Not like the 2000s with a bunch of kids slowly becoming liberal in adulthood just because of ineffective and disconnected right wing elite and most everything big subtly pro the otherway, but a far faster process where its like your foundations collapsed on you, but at this point I"m just repeating myself. I loved politics since a young age yet I too feel a since of darkness when I look too deep. I've honestly considered going apolitical as both a survival tactic and just because of getting tired off it all... but I would only be uninformed and unprepared if I did so fully, plus part of me still enjoys some parts of politics still.

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> Everywhere I looked, I saw that the West was getting fucked and that if those people (elites) wanted to get rid of me, they would with no mercy. I was thinking like I had all my chances to live and hope for a better future gone unless you took the far right path and make a cleaning of people who hated the survival. The propaganda made by the general media is astounding and Goebbels would be absolutely proud of that achievement by using very mindless puppets.

>  I have learned how elites act without knowing them, not that I am an expert these days, but I have acquired a mind that could form from the ashes a very corrupted movement if I wanted to. 

Only good thing I can say is that they are all not one singular entity but a blob of random interests all working towards the same goals. Even then, they are fractured and not as unified as they first appear. Though it all depends on what criteria you use to denote who the elite is and who you consider a elite vs someone who is influenced by them, made concessions to them, or is even unaware or does not believe such a political reality. 

> Does it sound familiar? one of my fics maybe? 

Oh yes it does. Perhaps that was one of the deeper thematic inspirations that made that fic work so well. One could draw parallels with Luna and some of the more insurgent groups around these days. legitimate sparks, but the group is lead by someone who is more fearful then reasonable and doesn't have the most experience in the world. 

> And no, despite those subtle lessons, I would have liked to keep my innocence a little bit more or at least, face this challenge little by little like you. I didn´t see anything other than blinding myself into a rabbithole of thoughts.

Because it will aways shadow you a little. It made the world less simple, you can't just have fun for fun sake without that in the background of your thoughts. You can still have fun obviously but sometimes even that can get crossed over by the politics gong on. It makes it harder to tune out. Doesn't mean it controls you every waking moment, but it certainly has an effect on you, how you thin of yourself, how you view everything else.

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> In fact, despite desiring darkness, whenever I write a green, it has to be motivated with something else and even, catching pessimistic inspiration and transmitting different feelings instead (even joy). I don´t look for it as something one has as its gimmick but as a way to find reality. 

I have notcied that. Despite the dark vibes you give out at times you have really never written a tragedy. Your first green significant length was escapist, your bat pony fic was just a look at a interesting perspective,  your Luna fic was a whole mi of things, dark physiological vibes with a hint of political cometary but also redemption, etc. 

> . That darkness isn´t even darkness nor direct depression but a bigger apathy for things I want to do. Maybe it´s because I am getting older, but I don´t feel like doing the half of the things I used to nor have as much passion as I had like for example in 2014 or 2012. Like having less energy for fighting the things you want. Nothing changed during that weekend around me save my own brain and philosophy about politics. After facing that,it´s like finding new reasons to live and new purposes with the old traditions I have always done but with a negative twist in my mind.

I think i know that feel. Honestly, there could be a whole myriad of factors that contributed too that. From simply growing older and changing interests to just the off and on mental stress university to the darker politics itself. For me though I knew that feel from my own dark period of all work no play and for me it was because I forgot to how to have fun, if that makes any sense. In a way you are almost subverting it when you go about something with dark apathy. My only advice, if you were miffed about not having that passion, perhaps you put too high expectations on fun, and cast off something as not fulfilling if it seems mindless to you or too simple  something I did . 

> I have thought that their smiles hold a big value and it would be a big failure if those people lost them by noticing this stuff. I don´t know... time had to happen, day after day without expectations nor looking for the big scheme and pay off for something good

Watching people. Well, again it may be a bit differet then you but I think I get this, I have already mentioned it i believe. Unstressed simple folk with simple routines ca be a comfort. I would go on futher but I feel I'm about to go down my own rabbithole of thoughts if I try to explain my somewhat esoteric thinking that connects to stuff fromway back. 

> And one of the motifs I found to look for in 2017......was the movie. That should show how low I was aiming at. 

The movie had positive vibes that were through the roof. As simple as it was. It was a fun experience and perhaps something that brought back a good bit of positive energy. I know it made me feel happy in a way that I haven't really felt before. A simple pleasure, fun with others and team accomplishment as well all mixed into one.

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> oops,huge mistake. Democratic party I meant (even though politics are filled of freemasonry anyway so I wouldn't be surprised at all,just that the democratic ones made bigger scandals/noise at that time)

Agreed. Though it is quite interesting to note where it is and sometimes where it is't. Did you know that the Trump dossier originated in part from Republican circles, the left dismisses the fact the clinton still took up funding for it, but Paul Singer, a man who was at the heart of the Republican donor sphere, funded research on  all of the candidates by that shadowy firm. 
He is the perfect example of one of the shadowy elites you talk about. He is honestly a way more fitting target then the scape goat you hear the left blame all their problems on: the Koch brothers (somewhat shady, but they are actually some of the more straight forward in intentions and easiest to track) yet he only gets some coverage and a few leftest rants, as the Koch brothers dominate the headlines. 

And then you have candidates like some of these Tea Party types. They are always said to be the the most lobbyist influenced do to there varying extremism (which ranges from uncompromising crazy ultraconservative to actually somewhat level headed libertarianism or small government conservatism) , yet many of them actually were running against  the establishment with little money and doing some of the same grass roots organizing tactics that the left thought Berrie Sanders invented. Though some are still some who are quite slimy too obviously but it's not the narrative told to you by the mainstream media here. 

> there are a few misspellings or faults out there but I am fixing this one:   

The /end/ is not about perfect grammar anyway. I'm not sure if I have a lot of errors in this because I"ve been interrupted several times. I'll be posting the rest of my reply tomorrow probably, do to those interruptions and a few task I still have to compete for the day.  Still, always nice to have clarity and it s appreciated, especially when it is a greater labor on your part.

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> uh, that´s a hopeful story I have to keep in mind whenever a complicated situation happens. So many frustrations and not seeing the results kind of discourages to keep the rhythm. The good stuff doesn´t always come early. It´s just that one desires to give a pay off and a punch on the table in order to say that I am here

Perhaps not the most hopeful since I was so vauge with it and perhaps  accidentally implied you were an autist. That was not my intention. Basically though was that every one rushed forward with there lives, but he moved at his own pace and did well with it. 

> I guess I have to wait a few years more. I am not having a bad situations these days though there is a lot of effort to put on my cards.

I understand that feel. Trying to get organized and such. Nothing holding me back, yet it seems like I'm trudging along at times. Than again, I have a very different education and obligations, but I still know that feel very well. The only advice that  even if it takes several years to get to where you wanna be, don't put your life on a full pause, even if it's small things. I'm not sayng you are, but I'm speaking from a bit of experience from my teen years when I just became a goal oriented  robot.  then again, as my consins advice of always having a secondary source of income or ready reserve would be sound advice as well, though I'm not your life couch and it isn't something that I have experience with (yet anyway),  

> and you won´t stop whenever that happens. Suddenly, you will end like nothing happened but while that inspiration time happens,you will have a rush of random ideas (good or bad doesn´t matter that much, it´s pony content in the end).


> Even if that band seems random, they have managed to keep an audience and have a good amount of visits. If they didn´t have that hate or bad press, they would have possibly ended their careers. Their hate comes from what they represent to the industry or what it was trendy in the 2000s, so it´s been cool to hate on them. However, that´s the actual root which in the end, worked on wheels for them.

Funny to think about. They were only a mid tier band in popularity yet in some ways now they get more mentions even compared to some of the giants in that era with how hard they re memed.

> oops,yep. We´d better move on....stressed Cadence? What the...? 

Just what I came up with at random. There was no reason for it, no rational based on Cadence's character, just something I did that was supposed to be the same level of quality as crappy drawings themselves. 

> In the new year, many people were excited for the new millennia to arrive yet scared at the same time. That 3rd pic would actually define an old mare who is really superstitious for that unique event. 

I should have doe a y2k problem for  >>/2000/. That would have been cool! 

> Post ponies on /pone/! 


> well,ponies or whatever species related to them. 


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> Geopolitics with the poland balls meme (if I am not wrong) is a pretty popular way to find some easy laughs for all the family.

Yeah, polaandball could be a good choice nowadays. i never really got it to it. Don't have much of an opinion on them either way.

> The hardest part is explaining why I am laughing about something that you see on 4chan and you cannot share it at all. it would be absolutely retarded. Part of the fun cannot be shared to others because it would take either too much effort for it or because it´s dedicated for one strict group. Whatever it is, same thoughts on here.

Yeah. The fun is dampened when having to explain a punchline, and why that is funny.  get it, because nobody uses that standard anymore!  4chan is just a given. 

> those impression causes difference and that difference caused marginalization in my case. 

> Somehow, I cannot explain it. Maybe it´s because I found them more abusive or more menacing in comparison. 

If you were more inclined to question and disagree and can fully see that. Especially if you didn't go for normal tactics in rebellious attitudes or didn't have a rebellious mindset set at all and just was awhere of things that conflicted with your interests.  

>  my family was fortunately normal and comprehensive (even though certain members are a bit distrustful) so I have not learned weird values nor outlandish situations for my education. I wouldn´t like to imagine if I had those special conditions, because the situations would get even weirder.

Yeah I can agree with that. My influences on m personality weren't entirely normal and some of the situation's I've been in have been more then a little strange and contradictorily to say the lest. I know that I probably am a bit strange even if things aree more stable now. I also don't like waring such strangeness or autism as  badge of honor as quirkiness does not make you superior and  has been turned into the "in thing" by sites like tumblr and reddit to a lesser extent.

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> It is something that was related to a lot of things in your past and I felt that the atmosphere there needed to be kept 'fresh' for future projects and just not to clutter the place.
even if it ruins that freshness,I could pull a Midnight Radiance improvisation based on previous posts and give a different direction than expected. You may not know where the thread will go, neither do I. There are solutions for everything. Besides, I think I may have a little spark out there that it´s completely unrelated to all of this. 

> I thought it might be fun voting third party, but when the early polling reports started to come in showing a bunch of indicators that the democrates even stood a chance in Texas, I switched my vote just to try to be a small counter on the landslide victory that didn't manifest.
The anti-vote... you know, the 2nd time I have voted in my life, I did it just to block the vote of the other side and even counter their voice. Not a supporting vote but voting against someone else. I knew some Trump voters voted because the Democrats weren´t any better. We would have done the same if the situation was that delicate.
> If Trump was better at PR and more thick skinned and consistent in policy he could have done far better. Then his bombastic personality and randomness woud keep his enemies off guard and yet they'd have less to attack him with and perhaps I'd actually be a Trump supporter.
one does feel forced to vote someone who doesn´t like personally but sees no other chance to do it. He´s a manchild, loves women like crazy and he says whatever he wants depending on the coffee he drinks every morning. Provocative and lots of random stuff yeah. However, there was a lot of propaganda (yes, here in Spain) telling that he was the next Hitler reincarnated and I thought: "He cannot be that bad, even the Devil has its own problems". I didn´t have any fear of him, in fact, despite him being a provocative uneducated person, an attention whore about him being rich, misogynist and stuff related to it, he didn´t commit one key aspect: he was not an assassin...

and I am not a supporter nor a /pol/poster since 2016. 

> BLM is a scary organization. The pain felt by many of these people is actually understandable, but those sparks were taken in a scary direction that attacks all dissent within and is seen by many as being the only voice for that community from without. Many of them actually crave the racial tension as a way to further their goals. 
in fact, antiracists are ...the biggest racists ironically. They pretend to fight against inequality yet they elevate them because of the color of their skin,like they are disabled and need support like children. That elevation is much more racist than they imagine and if you don´t agree with their position, bam! fascist,nazi, etc. The pain that victims received gets overshadowed because of those intentions added up to their disgrace,taking advantage of them for fighting things that are way more aggressive. A pity....and manipulated with money in the end.

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> The thing is that I am so focused on making these posts that I barely put any focus on anything that is not related to the reply itself. I guess shitposting about the digits and using some reaction images have worked here so far. I guess chan culture found that way to make fun, so let´s keep it until we find something else (by accident or not), shitposts will lead the way by themselves.

Hey, we got several greens and to 2000 post with that, don't it if it in't broken I suppose.

> I use it not because I want to be a sad one. It´s just that I find that form of expression way more effective so far for me and get this, I find myself in the comfortable zone while staying on it.I add some ironic questions to put a little contrast on it while laughing at myself.

Serious does't eequal sad. I think that it's good o be serious and grounded in man ways. Especially if...

> I cannot be laughing all the time and put one or two serious questions and then, back to unimportant stuff, most of my colleagues didn´t take me seriously or didn´t bother about what I said despite having some kind of relevance. I have been so used to experiencing it that those groups have ended up because of flawed communication and the breakup gets serious and it gets dissolved like sugar in any liquid. It hasn´t worked around my surrounding circles so it´s hard for me to keep that level of careless happiness, both in attitude and convenience.

...stuff like that happens.

> An anticommunity that has its charm, hence it explains your mixed feelings

It still feels a major part of the fandom's beaing heart. There is almost a sense of /comfy/ as well, or something akin to that feeling anyway, as laughable that may sound to some. 
> The most surprising detail is that you like /endpone/ and not that site, considering that both in theory work with similar behaviors, no hostility to be seen

Funny thing is that I still can't fully wrap my head around why I don't like it. I haven't ever minded those behaviors on any other site, not even the EqD forums for crying out loud! It's just something with those communities. Maybe if I find the time I'll fully write out my thoughts on it.

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> Rapid changes of political views are painful. This post ultra hyper partisan era has been painful for many I"ve seen. 
at least, it comforts me to check that I am not the only one who got surprised by this polarization. It got way too extreme and yes, it´s rapid because we check the news and social media daily. Just that I didn´t use them but alternative sites parallel to their own vision. Although I would have been a cuck if I stayed on social media,many things in my behavior would have changed. I guess I should appreciate that the long term changes made me a more rational person instead of receiving a slap in the face with my personal identity revealed in the middle of those tensions. 

> Not like the 2000s with a bunch of kids slowly becoming liberal in adulthood just because of ineffective and disconnected right wing elite and most everything big subtly pro the otherway, but a far faster process where its like your foundations collapsed on you, but at this point I"m just repeating myself. 
keep in mind that I am the only center-right wing of my entire family. The rest of my family are either leftists or socialdemocrats. My foundations would have been those values if I didn´t tune up with politics along with my friend and my personal research on the chans. They are somewhat ashamed that I turned in the other side of the spectrum despite desiring the same objectives they want. Sadly, they are willing to defend and blind themselves for the left faults. I love my family yet they don´t know how fast the events that are happening and they don´t surf on the internet at all. So I have earned a dissent view because of a different medium instead of a TV.
> I loved politics since a young age yet I too feel a since of darkness when I look too deep. I've honestly considered going apolitical as both a survival tactic and just because of getting tired off it all... but I would only be uninformed and unprepared if I did so fully, plus part of me still enjoys some parts of politics still.
it´s dark if you look too deep, yet when you discover it, you know that everything is not that dark. The key word is: interests. I would have desired to get uninformed and I feel those lines you have said, apolitical and avoid all problems. However, instead of avoiding the irreversible process, I have decided to stay with them until I get bored of them, getting a comfortable seat, some popcorn and judge slowly the things. Not the present ones too much but events in retrospective, they feel less tense and you can analyze with more objectivity.

There is a point where even the dark side doesn´t impress you and you get bored because everything gets repeated to death, trying the same things again and again for more power or money just with a different cover. You still have to care but your body doesn´t react as impressed as the first contact. I guess that moment of introduction served me to keep myself calm over all political things. Instead of rushing opinions so violently, taking a slow but not paused analysis out of it.

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> even if it ruins that freshness,I could pull a Midnight Radiance improvisation based on previous posts and give a different direction than expected. You may not know where the thread will go, neither do I. There are solutions for everything. Besides, I think I may have a little spark out there that it´s completely unrelated to all of this.

Cool! Look forward to see where it goes if you decide to act on it. I have had a couple of sparks as well,  one of which that could take bat cadence in a interesting direction... 

Well, Nice to be online for once at the same time eve if it's only brief (as I was just about to leave for an errand.) Have a good day/evening/night/morning!

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> Only good thing I can say is that they are all not one singular entity but a blob of random interests all working towards the same goals. Even then, they are fractured and not as unified as they first appear. 
yeah, not all of them share the same interests. Money doesn´t bring actual friends. If not, they bring enemies everywhere. 
> Though it all depends on what criteria you use to denote who the elite is and who you consider a elite vs someone who is influenced by them, made concessions to them, or is even unaware or does not believe such a political reality.
the problem is that you have to anticipate the movements from them and understand what that tactic actually means by being subtle. It´s not an easy task to figure out who is who and it can lead to confusion. Even when they are losing, they jump onto the winning side overnight out of nowhere. They don´t know the meaning of defeat. In fact, they hate it. They only want to put the masses on a big test and study those cases. 
It´s hard to see through but the actual target one should be asking are bankers, speculators and economists. Politicians are just puppets to hide and make random fuss in order to hide their movements. That tactic bores me as well but it has worked flawlessly for them  by controlling the entire media. 

> Perhaps that was one of the deeper thematic inspirations that made that fic work so well. One could draw parallels with Luna and some of the more insurgent groups around these days. legitimate sparks, but the group is lead by someone who is more fearful then reasonable and doesn't have the most experience in the world. 
indeed. However, I didn´t want to put MLP on a political situation so explicitly. It has to be hidden behind revenge, some motivation for such levels of corruption and so on. Those tactics of manipulating the language of an entire civilization and acting like the new Jesus for an hostile species should spark a thought of building a corrupted civilization built by hate. Still, it had to be subtly written and with a good excuse.

>  you can't just have fun for fun sake without that in the background of your thoughts. You can still have fun obviously but sometimes even that can get crossed over by the politics gong on. It makes it harder to tune out. 
Indeed. Since 2015, I started to grow an interest for politics and progressively, it became a daily routine to think about it. That bitter weekend degraded motifs that were unrelated to it yet they suffered either way. What I have managed to control myself and not getting on my nerves about it. Thinking about it like a chess game with several players moving the pieces at once in different directions. I may suffer their consequences but still, there is no way to get out of them. Embracing them and getting saturated until boredom has been my solution. I have also avoided watching TV (blatant propaganda btw) and I have regained some health over time.

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> Despite the dark vibes you give out at times you have really never written a tragedy. 
considering the times we are living in, I don´t like writing about tragedies. There are always tragedies which are way darker, miserable than the ones I could complain about. I may have had a fucked up weekend but I have a good health, I live in a good looking town, I have good contacts these days, I have passed half of grade now,... I have told the worst part out of it but I can have fun. I have found a way to rebirth myself a little. Even this board, instead of cursing myself for all the wrong things going on this world, I am using my brain energies thinking about what I am posting next. The movie, constant activity in the fandom, playing and listening to music have entertained me for those void spots. I have however, mostly left video games, I have barely played anything during this year. 

I may like darkness and prefer its way to explore it. However, I find it inexcusable to use it as something tragic save for very shitty moments. Even then, it will get translated with other things. Way too predictable and even cliche to use it as such. 
> Your first green significant length was escapist, your bat pony fic was just a look at a interesting perspective, your Luna fic was a whole mi of things, dark physiological vibes with a hint of political cometary but also redemption, etc. 
I didn´t expect to write that redemption so soon but it came because of the song behind it. I had plans to make it last for a long series yet I wrote the ending because my head wanted to write about it right at that moment (listening to the chorus repeatedly drove me to do it). I admitted I had cried while writing on it. I look at those fics and I believe that they could have been written by any other anon instead of me. I sometimes get surprised about what I have written around here. Except the seaponies fics, I don´t see myself writing those greens again so easily.

> From simply growing older and changing interests to just the off and on mental stress university to the darker politics itself. 
agreed. I was in fact in a sensible uphill stressful situation in the university, I was facing difficult subjects for the first time and I didn´t have any idea before that year. Getting used to their lessons becomes a huge factor for passing or failing a subject. 

> My only advice,if you were miffed about not having that passion, perhaps you put too high expectations on fun, and cast off something as not fulfilling if it seems mindless to you or too simple something I did . 
I am not as passionate because like I said, it´s about losing that innocence and having to put my brain on a guard mode almost all the time, feeling like I cannot catch a mental break. I had visited the Warner park for example last year and I literally forgot about everything and even spent lots of adrenaline. My standards of fun have not reached an upper zone, just that I wish I could have lived with more innocence, focusing on my own stuff and leave out all the rest. Maybe that lost of innocence represents a sign of growth in the end, just it feels harder to find any hope out there.

> The movie had positive vibes that were through the roof. As simple as it was. It was a fun experience and perhaps something that brought back a good bit of positive energy. I know it made me feel happy in a way that I haven't really felt before. A simple pleasure, fun with others and team accomplishment as well all mixed into one.
it was a complete ride of songs, new places and characters. Just one simple direction. I had fears of it ending up badly but by the time I realized I was having fun and left my fears, I was watching the last third by then. That week of December was probably the most entertaining one I had had (not only because of the movie). It felt like an achievement becoming a reality. I was laughing at myself for thinking that it was going to inspire me to go on...but it did and oh boy it did. A very emotional moment in which I had to hide my tears in the cinema.

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> Perhaps not the most hopeful since I was so vauge with it and perhaps accidentally implied you were an autist. That was not my intention. Basically though was that every one rushed forward with there lives, but he moved at his own pace and did well with it.
oh that´s nice to hear, it relieves me a little that rushing everything in life may not end up with the best results. Don´t worry, I didn´t think about autism for a single moment. I have not had signs of autism in my life, sane from the start. What made me awkward socially was the bubble I created around videogames with the N64. I was like an anticipated weird freak before it became cool. I remember I hummed a song from Donkey Kong 64 in the middle of the class and everyone found it funny from the outside (when I was 5 but most classmates would be with me until 12). I didn´t realize about my acts so that´s why I may have had that weird image.  

> The only advice that even if it takes several years to get to where you wanna be, don't put your life on a full pause, even if it's small things. I'm not sayng you are, but I'm speaking from a bit of experience from my teen years when I just became a goal oriented robot. then again, as my consins advice of always having a secondary source of income or ready reserve would be sound advice as well, though I'm not your life couch and it isn't something that I have experience with (yet anyway),
those are devastating words for the youth. Most teens think that taking things too seriously at first will make you rich a few years later. I know why you are saying this because they believe working hard earlier and living for it, it would pay off with a good life. You are subtly telling from experience that we work for a living, not living just for work. Thanks for the confirmation. I had figured this before but I think I will take that philosophy into account way more than before. I am here to learn something and I have learned form everybody a few lessons, adding yours are not that troublesome, I have had bigger life couches before. 

> They were only a mid tier band in popularity yet in some ways now they get more mentions even compared to some of the giants in that era with how hard they re memed.
that´s how powerful memes are. Their haters have become ironically the biggest shills and the reason why they are still famous. The fact that the band has managed to keep that relevance over time makes you think that they are not only trendy for two decades but actually dedicated for that hateful image on purpose.

> There was no reason for it, no rational based on Cadence's character, just something I did that was supposed to be the same level of quality as crappy drawings themselves.
shitpsoting at its finest. Hi Anon! I am making random faces in your board!

> I should have doe a y2k problem for  >>/2000/ (you). That would have been cool!
one does think about better ideas when it´s done. That means better future shitposts.

> everycreature 
you monster! You have mentioned the banned word of /mlp/. The Chancellor is going to have very serious conversations with you. Into >>reddit you go.

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> i never really got it to it. Don't have much of an opinion on them either way.
me neither. Just a few images for laughs that my friends see around social media and that´s it. I had seen them on /pol/ as well but I mostly ignored their message/comedy.

> get it, because nobody uses that standard anymore! 4chan is just a given. 
kek, and it indeed ruins the fun. Even funnier is when the one who does it, he actually does when he says so.

> you didn't go for normal tactics in rebellious attitudes or didn't have a rebellious mindset set at all and just was awhere of things that conflicted with your interests.
mostly that menaced my bubble of personal things. I have lived in a bubble for the most part and when I interacted with reality, I had found some fear when I was alone or left without any friends with me. I could sum up my childhood and part of my teenage period like joining up constantly in the short term...just to survive others presence. Not alone by personal force which resulted with lots of partners that left a lot to be desired but they served for that moment. 
The challenge for me was always going outside and no, I am not allergic to the sun (except when there are nearly 40ºC obviously)

> I know that I probably am a bit strange even if things aree more stable now.
time and experiences redeem most things you believed in the past. It has happened to 95% of the people. That strangeness goes away when you get into the adult dynamic and you go for your own stuff. You could get irredeemable symptoms as well but those are mostly genetic or health problems. The psychological side gets adapted whenever you have to face reality or at least, you realize the ambient you are stepping on. I have become at times a very sociable person but I admit socializing isn´t the problem. It just takes my energy faster than others but that doesn´t mean I don´t enjoy it nor I am awkward at it like I did before.
> I also don't like waring such strangeness or autism as badge of honor as quirkiness does not make you superior and has been turned into the "in thing" by sites like tumblr and reddit to a lesser extent.
that´s kind of problem. The Peter Pan syndrome that I would have liked to have yet, it´s worse to live like you are proud of being that strange. Sure, you might have an interesting point of view because of not facing the truth and showing that you are an autist or even sexual orientations. 

However, this is a problem for social status. They believe that being a LGBT person means that you are a special snowflake and different. Nope, they are not,that orientation doesn´t lead to anything special in terms of social status, you are all just another lemon tree like the rest. Aaaaand they get offended, I wonder how,I wonder why. I bet they haven´t been told about the blue blue sky I saw yesterday.

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> we got several greens and to 2000 post with that, don't it if it in't broken I suppose. 
if they get broken, they will....along with the servers

> I think that it's good o be serious and grounded in man ways. Especially if...
> ...stuff like that happens. 
eeeeyup, you got it. There are good reasons why I am using this path. And seriously, I have seen so many cases around that I have stayed unaware of them until a bit later. They pretend that nothing is over but it actually ended. Parties for this week, breakup for the next one (and for stupid reasons at times).

> It still feels a major part of the fandom's beaing heart. 
indeed, we cannot deny that. 
> There is almost a sense of /comfy/ as well, or something akin to that feeling anyway, as laughable that may sound to some. 
because Tumblr has left us, we are not trendy. We have gone back to the initial community feel, much closer and more experienced. The comfy feel comes because we are used to seeing the typical shitposts and that we know how we all act between each other. 2016 started that trend with that downhill in popularity.

> I still can't fully wrap my head around why I don't like it. I haven't ever minded those behaviors on any other site, not even the EqD forums for crying out loud! It's just something with those communities. Maybe if I find the time I'll fully write out my thoughts on it.
you´ll figure it out but it seems really strange considering your own thoughts. Maybe it´s the consensus between them? the comment system? the ambient? 

some answers require time...

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> Cool! Look forward to see where it goes if you decide to act on it. I have had a couple of sparks as well, one of which that could take bat cadence in a interesting direction...
I haven´t written any single thing yet! I have to discuss what´s left for season8 and make the average replies in the meantime. 
> Well, Nice to be online for once at the same time eve if it's only brief (as I was just about to leave for an errand.) Have a good day/evening/night/morning!
it´s weird but it was going to happen someday. Really active while we were posting and somewhat unexpected. Around 11 PM when I made that first reply, almost 2AM while making this one.

Replying to the political one tomorrow   >>/2074/
because I will need further thoughts in order to add a few aspects of those articles and a personal opinion about it. Have a good night as well!

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> because I will need further thoughts in order to add a few aspects of those articles and a personal opinion about it.

Take your time fam. Note, nearly all of those articals are from the mainstream left leaning media of my country. I often those sources because they will be trusted by who I presume I'm arguing against. Usually the narrative is that the Tea Party insurgents are all lobbyist slaves. Doesn't mean that some didn't become beholden to special interets and what not, but they arose in a similar fashion to some of our current progressive politicians. They have been usually, for better or worse, far more consistent on there voting patterns the they  average republican, even when the donor class screams otherwise.  I honestly have rather mixed feelings on the movement and I'm not calling them political saints by any means.

> it´s weird but it was going to happen someday. Really active while we were posting and somewhat unexpected. Around 11 PM when I made that first reply, almost 2AM while making this one.

It was, if I remember right,  4pm(ish) when I left and it' now midnight. I do think this happened once before, when that other anon was still here I remember all three of us making replies at once... I think it was shortly before he disappeared. 

>  have to discuss what´s left for season8 and make the average replies in the meantime. 

I think I finally will join in. Provided nothing else happens  which there is a tree at my grandfather's that could fall if we get any more rain... 

> I haven´t written any single thing yet! 

It's a simple spark I know, but I had a coupe of sparks that look like there going somewhere and the way you worded it reminded me of how I feel. Something starting that could lead to fun  or dark  and interesting places. Sorry if I jumped the gun. 

Also the /pone/ is in the  top 10 again!

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> Billionaire hedge fund manager Singer is a longtime GOP activist and has donated tens of millions to Republican groups, candidates and causes. He donated $24 million to Republican and conservative groups in the 2016 election alone, with $10.6 million donated in 2014 and $2.8 million in 2012, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
and that money came from....
> he doesn’t actually want to own a soccer team, least of all one with as many problems as AC Milan. Plus, he likes making money even more than the beautiful game
speculating with Argentina like a good motherfucker philanthropic. Buying at low price and then selling it with astoundingly big numbers, everything or no offer at all, no concessions whatsoever. Also, he is a sionist, /pol/ can have a field at insulting him. His strategy is buying vulture funds and whenever you have the doubts,he buys that little doubt and then it´s his own doubt, so he creates an artificial one for getting even more money. 
Basically Argentina stops paying the doubt in 2002, the investor says no (that doubt was at 182 millions) and Singer bought that doubt before and he ascended that doubt for about 2.3 billions. Watch because that vulture fund didn´t lend any money to Argentina in the first place and Argentina made an offer to give him 5 more times the doubt they originally had to pay. Elliot Management denies it because he sets the "default" mode and wants (with judgemental processes on their back) all they desire, so they would earn enormous quantities. 

Challenging a country, not because there is the usual doubt one has to pay for the banks with interests (a small percentage added to the original value) but having to pay by force, to the will of one speculator who desires swimming in money in his home. I hope this doesn´t happen in my country, he is the creator of the vulture funds. 

Great motherfucker. 

> the shadowy elites you talk about. He is honestly a way more fitting target then the scape goat you hear the left blame all their problems on: the Koch brothers (somewhat shady, but they are actually some of the more straight forward in intentions and easiest to track) yet he only gets some coverage and a few leftest rants, as the Koch brothers dominate the headlines. 
like Soros as well. Those rich people don´t care about appearing in the press, they are at their best, low to mid tier speculators in comparison to the actual top of that party. You don´t know who they are but the strategies these visible speculators apply, they should give you an idea where they are leading us into. 

I have seen that he has taking advantage of Peru or Republic of Congo (he received 127 millions in 2012 from that country, by buying a doubt of 10 millions saying he was going to reduce poverty around there. Bullshit). 

This is why I have read somewhere that Argentina is in a sensible position these days financially and somewhat unstable...

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now,about the Tea Party:
quoting the first article:
instead of allowing more people to enter, he suggested doing more to improve life in the world's third world countries.
not a bad idea at all. In fact, they would actually develop their own economies and leave Europe in peace. This article was written in 2014, either it is a populist discourse or not, that ideas has gained force for these 4 years. In fact, there are ultraconservative parties in Europe (claimed as fascists and far right by the media) by putting a protectionist project just to get rid of Middle East migrants. Not saying they were visionaries but they warned about the consequences before they were visible over here. The rest of the article is basically about complaining the practices people like Singer, Koch or Soros do (any speculator that applies dirty moves in the Wall Street). I cannot say much here, just that I share their view on this aspect. 

The 2nd article basically tells that the Tea Party menaces both big parties (harshly criticizing the light Republican Party) but like you said, they didn´t have any kind of uniformity on their words, just a few ideas (10 if I have browsed right) that they shared during the movement. I don´t know much how I would drive the US (it would be an impossible powerhouse to handle for my taste), but in terms of ideas, I mostly agree with the conservative points but not the laissez faire from their libertarian side. I would have mostly agreed and even support them a bit, but that libertarian aspect drives me back. My friend actually wanted to be an anarchist because he saw for one moment that the system was a joke. However, he ended up being a liberal because the no system application is technically impossible, a joke as well, it makes no sense to have a society like that.  

The last article feels like describing the fanbase as well, a meta analysis about how they are going. That movement ended in 2016 and they lost their hype and not many can survive and stick with it like the initial spark/reaction to those policies they condemn.

> always nice to have clarity and it s appreciated, especially when it is a greater labor on your part.
thanks fam. These posts take me a while. Writing opinions on a national newspaper would take me less time than these replies actually.

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> Take your time fam.
I have had it somewhat hard to understand them, especially the Singer dirty moves because it´s more dedicated to finances than politics. However, these dark elites actually drive the nation and politics just serve as a distraction in order to avoid discussions about them. Politics doesn´t exists, it all depends about how the economy goes and what intentions from this 1% of people, drive the direction of the globe while printing easy money for them. 
> Note, nearly all of those articals are from the mainstream left leaning media of my country. I often those sources because they will be trusted by who I presume I'm arguing against. 
Not a bad strategy at all, in fact, if you want to beat your enemy, you must know their weapons. Getting into the zones they actively visit should give you a clear idea about what they are driving their public next. The leftist press is way more disgusting than this one by the way (communist incentives hidden between the lines).

> Usually the narrative is that the Tea Party insurgents are all lobbyist slaves. Doesn't mean that some didn't become beholden to special interets and what not, but they arose in a similar fashion to some of our current progressive politicians. They have been usually, for better or worse, far more consistent on there voting patterns the they average republican, even when the donor class screams otherwise. I honestly have rather mixed feelings on the movement and I'm not calling them political saints by any means.
nobody is saint in politics, there are very few good ones out there, they are called statesmen, those who actually care about their country in the long term but don´t get acclaimed results in the short term. When one touches the power or gets closer to it, you can get easily corrupted by it as well and eat up the initial ideas they had before when it was created. I could explain a case in my country as well in which exactly the same happened but instead of dissipating, they got into the power with the worst discourse imaginable yet people have been way too blind to see it (because it´s the left and they cannot do no wrong)

At least, the Tea Party movement moved along the lines of conservatism...

> I do think this happened once before, when that other anon was still here I remember all three of us making replies at once..
yeah, I didn´t know who I was replying to because of that simultaneity. 3 replies at once from different posters is an exception to the rule so far, will the next Christmas do it again?

> I think I finally will join in. 
> which there is a tree at my grandfather's that could fall if we get any more rain..
fingers crossed

> I had a coupe of sparks that look like there going somewhere and the way you worded it reminded me of how I feel. 
you seemed to agree with a lot of things I have said. I wouldn´t be surprised if your greens remind me of myself in some way.

> Also the /pone/ is in the top 10 again!
Sweet bridges, they are working pretty alright after the maintenance session!

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Yeah. Paul Singer is one of my least favorite of these types  that I know of  He is just below the surface of being spotlighted. He gets ranted about some in the left and some attention i the mainstream but he never has a laser focus on him yet his stuff is so much worse. He is someone I  try to sight to people I get into political conversations with. Even if somebody is far left and takes it as only something ultra corrupt crony capitalist do, it still plants a seed. Anyone who  does serious research into what he does will be able to at least partially see how all this speculators, dark money billionaires, and government action all influence each other. 

> Challenging a country, not because there is the usual doubt one has to pay for the banks with interests (a small percentage added to the original value) but having to pay by force, to the will of one speculator who desires swimming in money in his home. I hope this doesn´t happen in my country, he is the creator of the vulture funds. 

Interesting question. Spain's debt was and still is healthier then the other crisis countries such as Greece and Italy, and I've heard that your economy is healthier then most of th other so called "sick" countries in Europe, but that it was mostly from exports and it hadn't translated well into wages and what not. I'm not sure that exports will be good foundation with the rise of protectionism  not that I'm  free trade maniac  and the exposure  to the downturns of other countries. But I have not studied your economic situation in detail and don't know who has set that narrative. 

> like Soros as well. Those rich people don´t care about appearing in the press, they are at their best, low to mid tier speculators in comparison to the actual top of that party. You don´t know who they are but the strategies these visible speculators apply, they should give you an idea where they are leading us into. 

Exactly. There what "normies" are suppose to think is high level deep corruption.  


> I mostly agree with the conservative points but not the laissez faire from their libertarian side. I would have mostly agreed and even support them a bit, but that libertarian aspect drives me back.

Interesting. I've aways been split on both sides of th movement, the libertarian ones I agree a in principle, they have way less baggage then the libertarian party here and think that it is good they provide  critical voice to the croniness of both sides when they are at there best, though I don't trust th blind free trade with everybody and would be concerned how they handled the military (I agree with cutting the military and  being less of a world police, but I would have to explain a lot of stuff on the US military and policy to fully explain my position) along with a few smaller things, the conservatives side at it's best doesn't t the left control the terms of debate, and provides  a much needed distrust to the banking system, debt, and blind adherence internationalism, but is sometimes so hard headed and so bad at PR that they ruin there progress. ( Let's shutdown the government over the debt! Democrats and Republicans proceed to pass a budget that is worse then the previous one do to no concessions they had to make to them), plus some of them at conservative for the sake of being conservative, even when it makes no sense.  

> thanks fam. These posts take me a while. Writing opinions on a national newspaper would take me less time than these replies actually.

I understand. I didn't mean to link bomb you there, but I was trying to provide sources for the claim. These political replies of a secondary priority, you don't to reply to these hastily  well any post for that matter 

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> I have had it somewhat hard to understand them, especially the Singer dirty moves because it´s more dedicated to finances than politics.

Understand that. Finance is  lot of double speak and gibberish. Reading it in somebodies else's language must be hell.  

> Not a bad strategy at all, in fact, if you want to beat your enemy, you must know their weapons. Getting into the zones they actively visit should give you a clear idea about what they are driving their public next.

It also can be used to establish a basic fact to someone who otherwise won't listen. The more mainstream media, for as bad as it is,  can't fake things entirely. Fact checkers are still fact checkers even when they have a leftest bias and sometime of the most egregious claims and hyperbolic claims as false, events maybe later characterized a certain way, but that little spin may not be there in the initial reports (cnn I know will deceptively edit interviews that didn't go well for example). Some investigative reporters in the mainstream still love a scandal no matter who is from, etc. Even the huffpost buzzfeed tier left can be useful when you bring up all the awkward times they redact claims made. Plus they can be easy to trap when they invoke authority of certain groups/institutions whose data supports some case at the moment they want to push, other the data from said groups may contain stuff they don't like, which can cause all sorts of problems when they cite it as an authority.

yeah, I didn´t know who I was replying to because of that simultaneity
me too...

> fingers crossed

The Tree still stands! 

> you seemed to agree with a lot of things I have said. I wouldn´t be surprised if your greens remind me of myself in some way.

 There is one thematic element that really might 

> Sweet bridges, they are working pretty alright after the maintenance session!

They are! 

Got interrupted, will finish the rest of my replies tomorrow. Then on to season 8!

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> at least, it comforts me to check that I am not the only one who got surprised by this polarization. It got way too extreme and yes, it´s rapid because we check the news and social media daily. Just that I didn´t use them but alternative sites parallel to their own vision

I don't know the full story over there, but I know over here I started to notice it with gammergate, most of this people who got caught up in it were either apolitical or normal social liberal lefties who where completely blindsided by being attacked from the left, especially when they weren't even for the scandal. Leftism was always supposed to be permissive and lack rules while conservatism was supposed to be rigid and censorious. It debased a lot of people, narratives that they would have accepted before without a thought were now something that where victims of  though in my opinion gamergate was a stupid waste of time, but that's beside the point.   Same true with a normal multicultural supporting European who experiences friction with immigrants, then later slander for even being slightly critical or concerned. Suddenly all these wild conspiracies seem quite appealing or at least possible and the institutions that you used to trust (media, academic) discredit themselves so much on it, that you figure they must be wrong on other things too. Radicalism, confusion, sadness, and disillusionment with everything is  all a given.    

> My foundations would have been those values if I didn´t tune up with politics along with my friend and my personal research on the chans. They are somewhat ashamed that I turned in the other side of the spectrum despite desiring the same objectives they want.  

> how fast the events that are happening and they don´t surf on the internet at all. So I have earned a dissent view because of a different medium instead of a TV.

Then they have a TV mainstream view of conservatism/right leaning liberalism. Right wing = racist, liberal = business elite  capitalist probably (in academical circles here, liberal in  the European sense can also mean neoliberal, which is a word that the leftist in my country attached all different meaning and ills too). They see all these fact checks and rand anything that goes against the narrative being debunked "soundly". The fact that they don't surf the web makes things harder too, as anything you showed them would be met with suspicion, as they, being tv watchers, probably have heard all about the right wing radicalization and may have have a distrust of medium itself to an extent. You have to catch the mainstream stumbling real bad and or they have to experience some of the ills itself for them to question things, the later of which you obviously wouldn't want ta happen. 

> considering the times we are living in, I don´t like writing about tragedies. 

Don't blame ya. I personally don't like tragedies myself. with a few exceptions. 

> I didn´t expect to write that redemption so soon but it came because of the song behind it. I had plans to make it last for a long series yet I wrote the ending because my head wanted to write about it right at that moment 

I get this. My main writting when I was younger was actually similar to your's, I used to write little moments to songs that I liked, never completed a fun anything then, because I just wanted to get to the emotional high or low that I felt like at that moment.

>  My standards of fun have not reached an upper zone, just that I wish I could have lived with more innocence, focusing on my own stuff and leave out all the rest. Maybe that lost of innocence represents a sign of growth in the end, just it feels harder to find any hope out there.

My loss of it was way more personal... but I feel that wondering if you can full downtime. Though over the past couple of years I have started to have some carefree unguarded moments that I wouldn't have thought possible. Still, most of my interactions IRL are mired from that by distrust, and I am very closed off reflective worry wart still pretty often, even if I'm way more inan

part 2
> at least, it comforts me to check that I am not the only one who got surprised by this polarization. It got way too extreme and yes, it´s rapid because we check the news and social media daily. Just that I didn´t use them but alternative sites parallel to their own vision

I don't know the full story over there, but I know over here I started to notice it with gammergate, most of this people who got caught up in it were either apolitical or normal social liberal lefties who where completely blindsided by being attacked from the left, especially when they weren't even for the scandal. Leftism was always supposed to be permissive and lack rules while conservatism was supposed to be rigid and censorious. It debased a lot of people, narratives that they would have accepted before without a thought were now something that where victims of  though in my opinion gamergate was a stupid waste of time, but that's beside the point.   Same true with a normal multicultural supporting European who experiences friction with immigrants, then later slander for even being slightly critical or concerned. Suddenly all these wild conspiracies seem quite appealing or at least possible and the institutions that you used to trust (media, academic) discredit themselves so much on it, that you figure they must be wrong on other things too. Radicalism, confusion, sadness, and disillusionment with everything is  all a given.    

> My foundations would have been those values if I didn´t tune up with politics along with my friend and my personal research on the chans. They are somewhat ashamed that I turned in the other side of the spectrum despite desiring the same objectives they want.  

> how fast the events that are happening and they don´t surf on the internet at all. So I have earned a dissent view because of a different medium instead of a TV.

Then they have a TV mainstream view of conservatism/right leaning liberalism. Right wing = racist, liberal = business elite  capitalist probably (in academical circles here, liberal in  the European sense can also mean neoliberal, which is a word that the leftist in my country attached all different meaning and ills too). They see all these fact checks and rand anything that goes against the narrative being debunked "soundly". The fact that they don't surf the web makes things harder too, as anything you showed them would be met with suspicion, as they, being tv watchers, probably have heard all about the right wing radicalization and may have have a distrust of medium itself to an extent. You have to catch the mainstream stumbling real bad and or they have to experience some of the ills itself for them to question things, the later of which you obviously wouldn't want ta happen. 

> considering the times we are living in, I don´t like writing about tragedies. 

Don't blame ya. I personally don't like tragedies myself. with a few exceptions. 

> I didn´t expect to write that redemption so soon but it came because of the song behind it. I had plans to make it last for a long series yet I wrote the ending because my head wanted to write about it right at that moment 

I get this. My main writting when I was younger was actually similar to your's, I used to write little moments to songs that I liked, never completed a fun anything then, because I just wanted to get to the emotional high or low that I felt like at that moment.

>  My standards of fun have not reached an upper zone, just that I wish I could have lived with more innocence, focusing on my own stuff and leave out all the rest. Maybe that lost of innocence represents a sign of growth in the end, just it feels harder to find any hope out there.

My loss of it was way more personal... but I feel that wondering if you can full downtime. Though over the past couple of years I have started to have some carefree unguarded moments that I wouldn't have thought possible. Still, most of my interactions IRL are mired from that by distrust, and I am very closed off reflective worry wart still pretty often, even if I

> posted first have of megareply twice

part 2.5 
 I'm way more inane and less rigid. I'd say that it's not impossible not get some of it back, though perhaps time will be th ultimate judge.

>   That week of December was probably the most entertaining one I had had (not only because of the movie). It felt like an achievement becoming a reality. I was laughing at myself for thinking that it was going to inspire me to go on...but it did and oh boy it did

As stupid as this sounds, we ourselves played a part in that. It was a team achievement.  As small of a part it was, you still directly contributed to this movie's existence. This franchise has had life breathed into it by the fandom and was moving in contrast to the mood of the news, politics, etc.  Light still exist and not everything is going to trash control by majorities of others.  

> What made me awkward socially was the bubble I created around videogames with the N64. I was like an anticipated weird freak before it became cool. 

My cousin is was a Nintendo fanatic too curiously enough, who still played it when he was an adult living with his parents though he was way more introverted and quite.  

> those are devastating words for the youth. Most teens think that taking things too seriously at first will make you rich a few years later.

It can. But many take it so far that becomes they only focus above all else. I a personally grateful that I broke myself while I was still younger then adult age. I have seen others in the friends and family who haven't. It isn't like they live bad lives, but sometimes lost a bit of themselves and a whole lotta time in the process. Not saying I haven't seen cases of the opposite extreme either, but that's the one I have seen more of and have personal experience with.   

> Thanks for the confirmation. I had figured this before but I think I will take that philosophy into account way more than before. I am here to learn something and I have learned form everybody a few lessons, adding yours are not that troublesome, I have had bigger life couches before. 

Well, I'm still small potatoes compared to your other life couches, but that is wise words  itself. You got me posting green and beyond simple inanity, so I tip my hat to you as well. 

> However, this is a problem for social status. They believe that being a LGBT person means that you are a special snowflake and different. Nope, they are not,that orientation doesn´t lead to anything special in terms of social status, you are all just another lemon tree like the rest. Aaaaand they get offended, I wonder how,I wonder why. I bet they haven´t been told about the blue blue sky I saw yesterday.

And it has spread to introversion, fandom, and even more mundane things. 

> you´ll figure it out but it seems really strange considering your own thoughts. Maybe it´s the consensus between them? the comment system? the ambient? 

Durring th hiatus I'll perhaps revisit it. Heck if I have free time maybe I'll even write an essay!

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> Paul Singer is one of my least favorite of these types that I know of
it´s no wonder he is. It´s like you don´t only have to pay the consequences for doing your homework but having to pay those and a bigger price for doing things badly. Okay, Argentina´s way to deal with its economy may be flawed and somewhat unstable but damn, even with a deal in which you get a lot of money than the initial payment, you still beg for more (like a dominant animal wanting to eat all the prey without caring). Fuck that noise honestly. 

> He gets ranted about some in the left and some attention i the mainstream but he never has a laser focus on him yet his stuff is so much worse. He is someone I try to sight to people I get into political conversations with. Even if somebody is far left and takes it as only something ultra corrupt crony capitalist do, it still plants a seed. Anyone who does serious research into what he does will be able to at least partially see how all this speculators, dark money billionaires, and government action all influence each other.
It may be more into /biz/ territory than conspiracies but like you are saying, all the movements, all the opinions created by media are symptoms of their background (and somber) inversions or financial bets. 
Politics of today don´t depend on ideas, that´s what they want us to think and waste our time. The actual deal is this despite its innocent and careless cover. It doesn´t seem to influence on anything at first sight, when you dig a bit deeper, you notice that your country´s economy relies in the name of a few ones who you cannot vote nor decide about their power. The only way to make politics is....with your money, using the capitalist system everyday. 
If you are trying to plant a seed, then you can feel proud of yourself for trying to enlighten a little bit the society and do your part as a citizen even if it feels useless (although there are results over time). Not many are used to this noticing dynamic and they forget that one of the reasons why WWII happened was because the American bank was in bankrupt. So we have to depend and rely on the Wall Street economists and...drive our future. Money (maybe gold) is by itself the power to decide and change the world...nothing else apparently. 

> Spain's debt was and still is healthier then the other crisis countries such as Greece and Italy, and I've heard that your economy is healthier then most of th other so called "sick" countries in Europe, but that it was mostly from exports and it hadn't translated well into wages and what not. I'm not sure that exports will be good foundation with the rise of protectionism not that I'm free trade maniac and the exposure to the downturns of other countries.
We have not fully recovered, the average people have not noticed a better trend in their lives until 2014 or so and even then, it´s in a few spots (the medium class is a shadow of what it was).
While it´s true that we are placed in a better situation than Italy/Greece, our standards are looking at France or Germany considering that we are the 4th economy in the EU. The wages haven´t improved much and there is still a lot of fiscal pressure for paying taxes (very high). There are still intentions to upper more the taxes when we have been suffocated, making a temporal sacrifice and having to deal with the past mistakes in terms of decisions and systemic flaws. The payoff hasn´t come save in a few spots. The rural zones haven´t found its way to get back to the 2000s for the most part but the main city and the coast which have done their homework (with tourism and construction as always). The debt is mostly stable fortunately...for now, I hope. 

> There what "normies" are suppose to think is high level deep corruption.
it isn´t that deep nor confidential. The actual deal comes from....anonymous speculators...yep. They don´t get as noticed and good luck at discovering those few people who decide over the rest.

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> I agree a in principle, they have way less baggage then the libertarian party here and think that it is good they provide critical voice to the croniness of both sides when they are at there best
I do have praised the critical and anti establishment decisions. That criticism has been silenced in all the spectrum save the extremes and seeing that a non-extremist party puts a few harsh truths over the table, it sounds refreshing and speaks for a few dissent voices. Sounds appealing because of that aspect.

> I don't trust th blind free trade with everybody and would be concerned how they handled the military (I agree with cutting the military and being less of a world police, but I would have to explain a lot of stuff on the US military and policy to fully explain my position) 
there it goes my problem, too much liberty in the conomic aspect, so there aren´t any laws nor principles to balance it. That´s my actual problem with it and it can get easily transformed into anarchic-capitalism. I am one of those who doesn´t believe that humans are good by nature, so having to depend on the mood the people around me...it´s certainly not the most comfortable thing. Capitalism can really aggressive than we may think if you give too much free rein to it. About the military stuff...I can imagine a little bit why you have that perspective but I think it would be too much to explain for now (and the US isn´t a country I would like to take over my own decisions because its dynamic is way more different than any other European country). There will be time for that part. 

> the conservatives side at it's best doesn't t the left control the terms of debate, and provides a much needed distrust to the banking system, debt, and blind adherence internationalism, 
well, not a bad standard, although the debate has to exist even if the left has a repulsive discourse. 
> but is sometimes so hard headed and so bad at PR that they ruin there progress. ( Let's shutdown the government over the debt! Democrats and Republicans proceed to pass a budget that is worse then the previous one do to no concessions they had to make to them),
did they even know the complete budget? How is it worse? In which aspect? Again, the budget is still there just that is focused on certain preferences or badly distributed for the society at worst, not because of the relationships your party has with the government. I think they went too over-dramatic on this one and it could explain why their hype was dissipated over time. 
> plus some of them at conservative for the sake of being conservative, even when it makes no sense. 
oh ignorance. Sweet ignorance, that´s what the masses do, follow the voices for no reason. 

> I didn't mean to link bomb you there, but I was trying to provide sources for the claim. These political replies of a secondary priority, you don't to reply to these hastily well any post for that matter 
all the forums do that, use articles from official media. That´s what the actual internet has done all over the years, just that the matters have changed drastically from jokes to politics all that fast, so the latter has become even more mainstream than ever. I cannot respond that hastily because politics have managed to find a way to be more technical and it doesn´t only rely on words but numbers, trends, statistics, graphics and such. This cannot deliver such careless or diverse opinions as one would do for a show, book or any entertainment media. The only way to argue with this is proving the things fake or true by judging the numbers, who does X thing and such. Pure economy, the social science at its finest. Politics in the end, are a medium to find the correct and most convincing words for any plans and find a way to manipulate people to jump onto that decision. As simple as that.

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> Finance is lot of double speak and gibberish. Reading it in somebodies else's language must be hell. 
it´s a matter of interpretation. Not opinionated conclusions but what you can extract from it and check its results reflect X consequences and effect over certain entities or parts of the society. It´s not that hard even though I had to read a couple of Spanish sites about it and more perspectives to step into it more properly. Besides, I only heard about vulture funds like in 2012 and a few times here and there, but I didn´t know what the actual term meant nor where it came from. Turns out that you have linked the PIONEER of that practice. So yeah, it felt like a different language because of those key words. 

> It also can be used to establish a basic fact to someone who otherwise won't listen. 
oh boy, yeah. A lot aren´t that open to different opinions and get even blinded into their own bubble, stuck with it as if it were your favorite football team. 
> The more mainstream media, for as bad as it is, can't fake things entirely. Fact checkers are still fact checkers even when they have a leftest bias and sometime of the most egregious claims and hyperbolic claims as false, events maybe later characterized a certain way, but that little spin may not be there in the initial reports (cnn I know will deceptively edit interviews that didn't go well for example).
political bias. If they faked it completely, someone could denounce them for being unprofessional and lose money because of that. Sometimes that hyperbolic claim turns out to be so exaggerated that it feels like you are reading propaganda . Again, it´s not bad to have certain bias and try to focus on little aspects you find more convenient than others would do, the problem comes when they try to deny the reality or treat their citizens as stupid readers (I hope you don´t read a few journals over here, a little bit more of manipulation and they touch the communist zone)   

> Some investigative reporters in the mainstream still love a scandal no matter who is from, etc. Even the huffpost buzzfeed tier left can be useful when you bring up all the awkward times they redact claims made.
all the sources are useful in order to notice a contrast. You can check how the country is going by checking the most popular headlines in the most famous press sites in 30 minutes or so, you notices the general patterns out of the general news. The conclusions are up to you by noticing those changes. Any scandal though, generates easy clicks, no wonder they are looking for something saucy from time to time (otherwise they would get bored)

> Plus they can be easy to trap when they invoke authority of certain groups/institutions whose data supports some case at the moment they want to push, other the data from said groups may contain stuff they don't like, which can cause all sorts of problems when they cite it as an authority. 
that´s the grace and beauty of politics. Not caring and unseeing about the inconvenient stuff for your weapons and the opposition brings up to the table the other part out of it. Normally, it´s lacks of context or just saying partially those news. Or filling that story with an unimportant interview or things like that. 

Very clever moves in fact. I highly doubt you get contradicted and manipulated but your experience would have told you so long ago before I do here.

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> I know over here I started to notice it with gammergate, most of this people who got caught up in it were either apolitical or normal social liberal lefties who where completely blindsided by being attacked from the left, especially when they weren't even for the scandal.
it´s not a bad event to point out and rely on it as a starting point for all of this. I would say this was getting ready a couple of years before that, but I can see why one notices those consequences with such a clear event like Gamergate. It was manipulated by the vidya journalism and one who wants to play a game, the least one desires is talking about politics again. If one plays a video game, that public mostly wants to pass politics for that time, just getting mindless entertainment. By putting artificial claims and stereotypes over gamers, it opened Pandora´s box. You get repulsive reactions for breaking their interests and their fantastical bubble by inserting politics stuff all over it. The left went even more aggressive than ultra catholics...what a great achievement. 

> Leftism was always supposed to be permissive and lack rules while conservatism was supposed to be rigid and censorious.
it was to be that counterpoint. However, they have changed their principles and I wonder when it actually started. Some say that the left changed their discourse in the 90s, when they thought that communism was dead and when Berlin´s wall fell. From there, they saw that they didn´t attract the voters anymore, so they had to jump onto something else. Instead of being permissive, it went backwards, jumping onto more totalitarian decisions with a politically correct mask. 

> Same true with a normal multicultural supporting European who experiences friction with immigrants, then later slander for even being slightly critical or concerned. Suddenly all these wild conspiracies seem quite appealing or at least possible and the institutions that you used to trust (media, academic) discredit themselves so much on it, that you figure they must be wrong on other things too. Radicalism, confusion, sadness, and disillusionment with everything is all a given. 
yep, you nailed it. Those are not conspiracies, those are truths that they want to hide, parts of it that want they desire to get rid of their existence, pretend that the left doesn´t do anything wrong. That the immigration goes just fine and that not tolerating their decisions, leads into ad hominems like fascists words when you are not even close to that.
Those conspiracies are being taken by far right groups and, what do you do against them? you cannot prove them wrong for showing that underground side that the official system doesn´t want to admit. You either don´t trust on the system anymore and find it too corrupt and decide to jump onto the far right parties because no other parties or voices claim that. If you do, they will point at you for being intolerant and incorrect. That discourse doesn´t work anymore and it´s huge irresponsibility from the left for trying to push those frictions and tensions over that topic. 

Then they complain about the far right rising in all the countries.... Do something!Check what you are doing wrong! But no, they are too blinded and in denial to understand it (either corrupted or stupid, either way, the results are the same). No wonder, they deserve an all time low in votes and a slap in the face. Check Sweden and in a near future, my country. Socialism doesn´t work these days. Either they change or say hi to the right wing monopoly for a long time...for very understandable reasons. People are getting tired and have received enough info to notice what´s going on in general.

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> Then they have a TV mainstream view of conservatism/right leaning liberalism. Right wing = racist, liberal = business elite capitalist probably (in academical circles here, liberal in the European sense can also mean neoliberal, which is a word that the leftist in my country attached all different meaning and ills too). 
ooooh boy, the old racist card for any right wing person who doesn´t fit into the correct agenda. Also, liberal doesn´t imply just bankers. The saddest part is that they all catch this part of the spectrum for covering their moves (because in extremist societies, you cannot afford that) so the term gets poisoned because of that. However, I say this in its defense. Would a "liberal" elite desire free market and competence? I highly doubt it, they only want more power and money, so they have to use the laws to make questionable strategies and do whatever in order to get rid of the rest. This is why the top is tense and have to make concessions in order to not interrupt their own interests, even colliding and not matching at all. However, if they wanted, they would want all for them, the less competence and the more it relies on the monopolistic leader, the better for him and his interest. 

> The fact that they don't surf the web makes things harder too, as anything you showed them would be met with suspicion, as they, being tv watchers, probably have heard all about the right wing radicalization and may have have a distrust of medium itself to an extent.
literally the situation of my elders. They don´t surf on the internet neither and the Tvs are like a shitshow, they have become left wing and even an enemy of the state. However, only the younger generations sees this and it clashes with their experienced opinions, the ones they are used to watching. I feel that frustration as well and it´s hard to make them change on anything about their views just because they saw it on the TV. Ugh.

> You have to catch the mainstream stumbling real bad and or they have to experience some of the ills itself for them to question things, the later of which you obviously wouldn't want ta happen.
nope, I don´t want the latter to happen but sadly, nobody gets scared if it happens to 3rd parties as long as it doesn´t happen to me: the episode. It hits too close to home what you are saying and I sometimes think too much in order to prevent that these consequences happen to my family. I want to avoid them so they can live in a "bubble" but they don´t see that near them, something is happening outside that at any moment, it could happen to us. 

This is the most frustrating part I have had to reply so far and it pains me to recognize that the blindness is something this internet generation has to put a big effort and responsibility  on it. With the media against that dissidence, it´s an underground medium to counter it, word by mouth because one family member spreads it...

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I think that I have ended the political parts of your replies, so let´s cool it down a bit with other things.

> The Tree still stands! 
it´s just another Lemon Tree.I wish my head would turn around for something...else.

> There is one thematic element that really might 
the funny thing is that the Tree of Harmony has changed over the years and it may not seem to be as innocent as it seems.

> I personally don't like tragedies myself. with a few exceptions.
yeah, save a few situations, you cannot do much with it.

> My main writing when I was younger was actually similar to your's, I used to write little moments to songs that I liked, never completed a fun anything then, because I just wanted to get to the emotional high or low that I felt like at that moment.
I feel that. However, I have to be a little bit more selective. Sure, you can write about whatever while listening to any song you feel like and it´s actually, like you said, something for fun that gets your emotions at that time. The thing is that I have found that method....because I have not found alternatives to it. I do quote them subtly (save when the song is actually the main focus) because they are the reason why I have built all that story. I have never considered myself a writefag and even if I am, it´s because others says so. My tricks are all referenced and there is not much beyond having a passionate time at writing and connecting the heart with the brain. I have found myself to write something just for more content and I use the greens as a medium. Nothing else.
> My loss of it was way more personal but I feel that wondering if you can full downtime.
familiar issues....yeah, you didn´t need to have politics to deal with that rough process. I don´t know what hurt more but I guess, having problems with the one family you can have hits harder because of that. I may have the idea from what I have read in your previous posts.
> Though over the past couple of years I have started to have some carefree unguarded moments that I wouldn't have thought possible.
probably because the brain wants to forget about it or pass. Other events get over it and put a little fog in the middle when they get replaced or overtaken for chill moment you may have had recently or in better periods. I may have told the darkest part of 2016 but I have the wild MLP ride, the university period has been the most satisfying part of my lifetime and little mindless moments here and there.
In fact, after those negative posts I wanted to tell a contrast about it and it´s that 2017 and now with half of my grade over, I feel more comfortable and fear less from the unknown. Less and less, politics doesn´t affect me as much in personal stuff, I have known a way to handle it and even put a chill mentality while discussing it. This is why you don´t find such trouble with taboo topics, they barely surprise me even if I know less or more depending on the topic.
Basically, that loss of innocence has opened up me into the complete reality, so I have all the cards in front of my face while others have not noticed them and I feel relaxed about knowing the general situation.
> most of my interactions IRL are mired from that by distrust, and I am very closed off reflective worry wart still pretty often, even if I'm way more inane and less rigid. I'd say that it's not impossible not get some of it back
> perhaps time will be th ultimate judge. 
it will be different. That doesn´t mean that the impact will be forgotten so easily, that distrust is kept for good reasons. But there is always fun even when you carry the pain on it at full time. I have found a way to filter it by writing and exposing those emotions hidden through the text. What I mean is that, nothing is too positive nor too pessimistic. The dark rough periods will come inevitably. 
Time will be the judge but you don´t like misery. So it means that nothing will be too obscure or as tragic as some events that happened in the past, you are better prepared than before (so do I). Those unfortunate challenges happened...and nothing hurt...

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I am not replying to the last post because of lack of time but I have noticed the recovery of those banners. Those are pretty good news, Yay! It means that we are actually alive. 

The bad news however, come from your double post.... >>/2100/
If I had to describe the way this post has treated those delicious digits, it would be by using a very famous Grand Theft Auto line:


anyway, I will finish my part tomorrow as well.

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> As stupid as this sounds, we ourselves played a part in that. It was a team achievement. As small of a part it was, you still directly contributed to this movie's existence.
I could have pirated it and watch it in my home in October but nope, I went to see it at the cinema with my mother and had a good time as if it were a traditional Disney film. Then in June, I finally got the DVD on physical copy and I rewatched it again, celebrating my organic chemistry pass...and then,Novo´s fic happened because of that. So, not only once but twice,it moved me. Both times I had felt like I was watching new locations, emotions, traditional lines from the characters and I was worried about the dub voices but they turned out to be great and they didn´t feel out of place at anytime.

I felt like contributing to it because how many hours of entertainment have I received for these 4 years? The price for the movie was nothing in comparison and I was relieved to find myself spending it on something that was worthy of my time fortunately. I had a lot of fears until the movie was in the last third. Still, I had to put my hands on my face and turn my face around to the opposite side where my mother was sitting so nobody would notice the liquid...and even then, it somewhat happened in the rewatch as well.It felt like I was watching something that was fictional until it became true, physical that was beyond a mobile/PC screen,something I could touch and outsiders could notice, a product of the internet until that happened.  

Then I watched the Last Jedi two weeks after it and I was absolutely disappointed, I couldn´t believe that I had enjoyed a childish product (in theory) more than a mainstream/popular franchise. I regretted spending money on that and I would have used it for Blade Runner 2049 instead.

About the achievement, yeah we both did play our part (S4 finale intensifies). It felt more like a personal game while I was posting my favorite images that I didn´t have the right time to post them on /mlp/. It wasn´t that hard honestly and I expected that hype to get over in less than a month or so. I just put that objective before the year would end so we would have made it in case anything else happened. 
> This franchise has had life breathed into it by the fandom and was moving in contrast to the mood of the news, politics, etc. Light still exist and not everything is going to trash control by majorities of others.
you can post whatever politics topic around and such, as long as the ones who debate do it with reasonable arguments, I cannot find reasons to be annoyed so easily. One of the intentions for politics is to divide people and even then, have I lost my chill mood because of them? Maybe two years ago, I would. Now, you have it harder (not impossible though). To point out a curious detail, I have felt more moved when personal things came into the topic, the political/financial situation felt more like a descriptive post. 

I may have read somewhere that Americans were devastated back in the early 10s so they were looking for an escapist medium, is that true? I wouldn´t be surprised. Not everything in life is so negative as media wants to project it and no, society cannot control completely the mood you can have all the time. While it´s true that the behaviors get more influenced when bad situations happen, the world doesn´t owe you a thing so why would they have to influence over the happiness of others? I may have had a period in which politics influenced a lot over me but to be honest, it gets boring or annoying after a while because the same patterns get repeated over and over just with a different cover. So no, politics is nothing to destroy entertainment. Funnily enough, having an argument about what episodes are good or bad....oh boy, that sure is tense in this fandom more than anything else.

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> My cousin is was a Nintendo fanatic too curiously enough, who still played it when he was an adult living with his parents though he was way more introverted and quite. 
there are always more extreme cases, not always the worst nor the best. Just another one. I mean, in the adulthood, you can perfectly choose what you want without anyone saying what you have to do. I meant that in the childhood/teen years, you get prejudged for not doing the cool things like having a gf, going on Saturdays to a disco (with noisy music btw),pick a social group to get stuck with; somewhat copying the american lifestyle but with what we have over here. In the early 2000s, not many had seen that playing video games was a thing and technology wasn´t that advanced nor influential over here until the very late 2000s/early 10s. Now, it´s cool and nobody would judge your cousin for that (except maybe the manchildren adjective on /v/).I have known cases like that as well.

> But many take it so far that becomes they only focus above all else. I a personally grateful that I broke myself while I was still younger then adult age. I have seen others in the friends and family who haven't. 
not all the apparent bad events are that bad in the end. The moral here is: don´t run so fast because you will stop soon and probably you can get disappointed because of the time you have lost during the way. Sometimes having an accident makes you stop and think for a while what you believe you feel like doing next. though I have been operated 2 times in the elbow and I didn´t change my manners that much because I was an innocent teen when it happened 
> sometimes lost a bit of themselves and a whole lotta time in the process. Not saying I haven't seen cases of the opposite extreme either. 
changes of identity because they have had to pursue their objectives. I mean, being uncomfortable is a good sign of having a desire to make something better in the future. It´s way more common to find those cases because everyone wants to improve their way of life by having better jobs hoping to find better times. The thing is that nobody knows what happens next nor anybody is necessary in this world. 
One of my contacts desires to travel to a lot of places, end the grade and work at his 22. The moment he finds himself in a passive month or period, he finds himself nervous/uncomfortable because he doesn´t see his life running its "proper course"....it´s the closest case I know personally for a future case like you have mentioned.

> You got me posting green and beyond simple inanity, so I tip my hat to you as well. 
I don´t expect anything in exchange from anybody honestly, my expectations are pretty low when it comes to outsiders (in genera, not only on the net). Though I do take the additional advice/good ambient/material for granted anyway. A chain of favors that one has to follow. I do fear having a lack of empathy sometimes,feeling distant. I feel that those greens show better my feelings/mind state than describing myself explicitly.

> And it has spread to introversion, fandom, and even more mundane things. 
we are living in an interesting era. Not certainly the best but one in which you can analyze social issues way better than before without having to do much research. Nobody is special, we have been educated that we were going to be rock stars, special idols of fame, sailing on the sea with expensive boats, dedicating our lives to casinos....and then, you have those frustrations from people not reaching what they want, so they feel like justifying their own decisions to the society and blaming it for not putting a red carpet on their lives. Absolute narcissism.

> If I have free time maybe I'll even write an essay!
Hang on there anon!. You still have to watch one small thing besides season 8: the Christmas Special on 27th of October. Boy,we have to review the latter half and that 44 minute addition. 

Phew, there are a lot of things left even if it´s ending the next year.

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adding up l o r e to the thread by finishing this political month with. something refreshing.
I could have replied and catch up with the show tonight. Instead,I have been writing the first scheme of my next project. 

I have it completed (or 95% done),I will need the translation and the backup material for it. What can I say about it?

It's fairly long so far, as lasting as Novo's fic and while I have not had any particular song to get inspired from, I have been inspired the /end/ itself,especially the latest month with these confessional posts.

I claimed back then in one of my posts that I had solutions for everything even if they were political....you will have the results soon. The creative part and ideas don't bring any trouble in this case. I will try to do both (the green and reviews) this weekend so you will have pure pony content to reply on it.

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> Apple Bloom could only watch helplessly as the milk continued to pour onto the ground.

> It was forever tainted. It was ruined.

> Apple Bloom didn't know what to do. 

> The milk just poured on out.

> It was almost like watching something bleed.

> It scared her.

> Milk was like blood. 

> It was a staple in so many ponies homes.

> She wasted a precious resource.

> Why didn't she act?

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> "Apple Bloom!" cried out a voice from afar.

> It was Apple Bloom's beloved sister: Apple Jack.

> 'Oh no...' Apple Bloom thought, 'I'm doomed'

> Apple Bloom turned to face Apple Jack.

> Her older sister locked eyes with her,

> An understand quickly emarged between them.

> Apple Bloom knew she was in trouble.

> Apple Bloom knew she had done something horrible.

> Confusion, disipointment and anger flashed upon Apple Jack's face.

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> "Apple Bloom!?" Apple Jack yelled.

> "What is it sis? Ah mean Ah didn't mea-"

> "Cut it!" Apple Jack barked out.

> "Do you realizate what ya have done?"

> Apple Bloom only looked upon her sister in the silence that briefly followed, tears buildig upon her eyes.

> "This here was our family's milk supply for the whole winter!"

> "Do you realize that we will only have skim milk to drink? Skim Milk!"

> "Ah... uh... Ah don't know what to say... "

> "Ya ain't saying double darn nothin' . Go to your room!" 

> Apple Bloom could only comply.

> ...skim milk

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Stupid...well, AJ is still on character, she is always with that same face whenever something goes wrong and smells dirty for her from a distance. 

Basically, there´s not much to judge about a shitposting story, although it felt like a little comical sketch with a laugh track behind.
I would imagine that whenever Apple Bloom overexaggerates  the milk drama, a couple of lines there would have made it, and when AJ say, skim milk, then it would accomplish a punchline for the audience. 

It feels like that anyway, just that this would work better if it were animated. 

Although I don´t know what else to comment. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for AB, she seems to have woken up with the left hoof. 

It seems that you wanted to write a typical misadventure for her......

UNLESS you wanted to reference this pure unfiltered evil creature

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Basically, there´s not much to judge about a shitposting story, although it felt like a little comical sketch with a laugh track behind.
> I would imagine that whenever Apple Bloom overexaggerates the milk drama, a couple of lines there would have made it, and when AJ say, skim milk, then it would accomplish a punchline for the audience. 

And that all it was. Me sick on my bed messing around with that tablet because I didn't feel like doig much else and was board. I perhaps could've made it better or a bit more clear in either comedy or insanity, but I just left it the way it was. There really isn't much to say as you already said. 

> UNLESS you wanted to reference this pure unfiltered evil creature

No references in mind, but that creature is evil.

Yes, I drew them and animated them myself, though I still have much to learn for the masters of Derpibooru  pic related 

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>  Me sick on my bed messing around with that tablet because I didn't feel like doig much else and was board. 
for being sick, the levels of shitposting were an all time record for you. Impressive.
> I perhaps could've made it better or a bit more clear in either comedy or insanity, but I just left it the way it was.
well, whenever you shitpost any story without much thoughts, you just simply let all that your brains feels like at that moment and you don´t think about serious business. Just random fun. 

> There really isn't much to say as you already said.

> I drew them and animated them myself, though I still have much to learn for the masters of Derpibooru pic related
behold of that artist. Why should we even consider posting images from Koveliana, Discorthedge and EQD featured "artists" or top rated ones on Derpi? Hell, why do we even put painters like Vna Gogh or Velazquez with a high regard?

Fucking plebs man, those critics know nothing about art, they will never appreciate with justice such a beautiful picture like the one you have posted. 

I am miles behind that because I still post pleb art, so definitely don´t take the one I am posting as a reference.

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> for being sick, the levels of shitposting were an all time record for you. Impressive.

Though I was feeing betterish that day, which somewhat negates the achievement, glad I did my part.

> Why should we even consider posting images from Koveliana, Discorthedge and EQD featured "artists" or top rated ones on Derpi? Hell, why do we even put painters like Vna Gogh or Velazquez with a high regard?

I know. Koveliana especially is overrated. All he did was mix bright colors with detailed mostly lineless shading and bit of lose shapes, but can he truly compare to pic related?

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> Though I was feeing betterish that day, which somewhat negates the achievement, glad I did my part.
indeed. I didn´t think that much for that comment because my season 8 reviews were posted when I was sick as well and I increased my rhythm of shitposting.
There is something special that this show reliefs you  and find some comfort while thinking about ponies. 
But yeah, one cannot deny this board received a good number of posts for that day.

> Koveliana especially is overrated. 
they have lied to me. Why do those pics receive so many upvotes? They must be color blind, otherwise I cannot justify their shit taste. I mean, look at this Flutterbat, she looks like a slut pretending to be beautiful. I swear, whenever I see this pic, my eyes bleed of how awfully colorful and bright this is. Has this even passed health measures? I am putting it at spoilers just to avoid property damages. 

> All he did was mix bright colors with detailed mostly lineless shading and bit of lose shapes, but can he truly compare to pic related?
now, that´s a true beauty. Honorable mention to the well defined mane, the cutie mark, how the hooves are jointed to each other and not to the body, how the body reminds me of an Oscar Mayer sausage. Also, her face is priceless.  Truly an honor for the bridges built around that Dolores.

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> they have lied to me. Why do those pics receive so many upvotes? They must be color blind, otherwise I cannot justify their shit taste. I mean, look at this Flutterbat, she looks like a slut pretending to be beautiful. I swear, whenever I see this pic, my eyes bleed of how awfully colorful and bright this is.

I know. Could've at  least been creative like pic related.
 For real though I have not see that pic before I find it utterly cool looking! It it invokes a feeling power, majesty, and intimidation to me in just the right ways. Though you have posted pics of this tier before and I have enjoyed them for some reason I really like this one  

> But yeah, one cannot deny this board received a good number of posts for that day.


> Truly an honor for the bridges built around that Dolores.

This should be how Dolores looks in the show!

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> I know. Could've at least been creative like pic related.
into the /toilet/ she goes! 10/10
> For real though I have not see that pic before I find it utterly cool looking! It it invokes a feeling power, majesty, and intimidation to me in just the right ways. Though you have posted pics of this tier before and I have enjoyed them for some reason I really like this one
serious mode on this one now, watching the profile of that artist is a true paradise and a big tresaure. I had to hit favorite and upvote those pictures on almost all the picture because how impressive they are. Especially Fluttershy, I think the words to describe them makes the dictionary fall short  in comparison to what you see. 
That sense of majesty and creating an evoking aura around her body just augments her greatness. If I had to put a comparison to the feel that Fluttershy gives, the closest thing that reminds me of is Milotic. Beauty, majestic and sometimes intimidating as you say if it has to go for it. I had asked in the other thread why Koveliana manages to throw a gem out there every now and then 

> This should be how Dolores looks in the show!
someone fire the design department. We have to replace them with an artist like this  >>/2299/. Surely, the investors will jump onto it as soon as they see it in a matter of seconds. Profit guaranteed.

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> So I'm taking I shouldn't rewrite the BatCadence fic to have him as the central character?...or does that mean I hit it well in appeal and it's a perfect score?
more like the OC has hit the perfect score at getting thrown to somewhere else. The fic has yet to claim another league in order to rate it. 

Shining is just chilling out and taking care of OC material out there, establishing their "deserved treatment"....

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> I will return with my thought replies (and if it's done in time a little treat) in th meantime, nightmare night is soo upon us.
3spooky5me Sweetie 
I don´t think I can reply that seriously, having as much time as before but I believe I can do something meanwhile. 

> I do not know whether to cringe or be proud of the fact that we are still way more recognized than most of the meme explosions that happened over the past 8 years.
I had read the EQD article about it and I......didn´t want to check that out because I would see what I expected....and I was kind of right, I guess? 
Because unicorns can kill and there is MAGIC, sure...friendship implies that...

and somehow it manages to be even more nonsensical and stupid (honestly, I didn´t take it seriously,like at all) than the childish show they are memeing at. I guess they want the brony audience for giving a viral video about it or is this like a South Park parody where it mocks at MLP after 8 years (which is a great achievement by the way for a show in which the original /co/fags failed to laugh at it)?  

The content is secondary because the cutting edge part.....are the comments. Oh boy, those are always fun in Youtube, even more when MLP is placed in something random like this and rat kids use their expensive keyboards to say REEEEE and "My day is ruined because I have seen ponies". Very 2011/12. 

So my rating for this trailer is: meme content for butthurt comments/10. Thanks DC, for giving unicorns free advertising but no, I am not buying your products. I watched a Marvel film last weekend though.

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> and somehow it manages to be even more nonsensical and stupid (honestly, I didn´t take it seriously,like at all) than the childish show they are memeing at. I guess they want the brony audience for giving a viral video about it or is this like a South Park parody where it mocks at MLP after 8 years (which is a great achievement by the way for a show in which the original /co/fags failed to laugh at it)? 

Pretty much. Only thing I can enjoy is perhaps some of the amusing butthurt and the fact the show still gets referenced at times in popular culture.  
 note: I have been interrupted today but more replies, thoughts and hopefully something special is coming 

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> Only thing I can enjoy is perhaps some of the amusing butthurt and the fact the show still gets referenced at times in popular culture. 
Pretty much it. It serves as another bonus to get a little boost of interest and a pool of troll movements. 

> something special is coming 
for sure, that content is not the best gift ever....mostly because we already have one

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> Standing high. Above us all.

> We idealized them.

> They protected us with their love.

> They gave us the freedom.

> They flaunted the fruits of their noble birth above us all.

> They stood high, amidst a corrupt elite.

> Equestria was constantly at the brink of disaster from a shadow from the past.

> It was time for change...

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> It was a painful realization to make.

> The Princess weren't saints, but to many they were seen like gods.

> There was much pain at the first advocates for change.

> They were ostracized, sometimes silenced, but the seeds were planted.

> The spread of mass media was a key factor.

> Tabloid critique and rumors became a national passtime.

> Mockery lowered the princess' of their high horses, if you will.

> It was a little at first, but it was there.

> And planted the seeds for later.

> How snobbishness of their elite that they had propped up around them.

> How ineffective they were. 

> How selfish.

> How petty. 

> You get the picture.

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> Their was no single spark. 

> Their was no single fire that started the turmoil.

> It just built up.

> A new monster.

> A new problem.

> A few mistakes. A few lives lost.

> Enough to spread discontent on the running of the nation, at least from a safety standpoint. 

> A few others poured on there own grievances on the side.

> It soon was an environment that it was time to act from those who wanted to push for reform.

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> Those intellectuals who were against the princesses needed to articulate raw discontent.

> Weave it into a moral and philosophical  case against the Princesses.

> Two books in particular were very influential: A Chess Game Among Deities by R.J Blueblood, and How Can I Sleep At Night? by Cloven Cares.

> Both were the same grievance, but vastly different perspectives. 

> A Chess Game Among Deities was an intellectual, detailed in policy with a slight lean toward Republicanism, attack on how Equestria was run. How most of problems of Equestria seemed to revolve around the personal problems and family life of the royal pony sisters. How all these enemies who sprang up just seemed to have some deal or another with the princesses. How their family disputes spilled over into our daily life. How the world as we knew it was constantly under threat do to some enemy they had made a thousand years ago. How they always seemed to withhold information from us. 

> It was a fine. Well researched work. It spread among the elite and upper branches of society. Who had previously been resistant to such critiques of the princesses. They still were, but a well resourced and persuasive work by a esteemed (if obscure) relative of Prince Blueblood was enough to put a hole in that resistance, and among some of the more progressive members of the elite, set them against the princesses entirely.

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> How Can I Sleep At Night? was the exact opposite. It was born out of the grief of the author. Cloven Cares, who's daughter had been an unfortunate victim of one of Equestria's once yearly disasters. She had been negativity affected by previous crisis, but the loss of her daughter had been the fuel of the fire that had let to the book.

> It was messy. It was sometimes an incoherent ramble, and it was light in details, saved that she wanted change and that she blamed the princesses,particularly Celestia, for the loss of her daughter. 

> And it spread like wildfire. It was juicy, it was spicy and there was nothing Celestia could do to quell the grief and anger of a mother.

> It opened the floodgates to other victims of the princess' mistakes. Concern for safety and minor dissatisfaction with governance went to full on rage. 

> Multiple victims stepped forward, many having never realized that the princesses mistakes were the reason why they had problems.

> Though certainly not all ponies who were negatively affected by such calamities joined in this, arguably  it was a vocal minority, it was enough to fan the flames.

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> Celestia had a PR crisis that she was clearly unaccustomed too. 

> Every gesture of sympathy was cast by the now hostile media as detached and snobbish.

> The other princesses also took heat at times whenever they budded there heads into the crisis.

> Particularly Luna, who was clearly unaccustomed to such treatment and was far from graceful in tense settings.

> Cadence was just a background character, seen as a stodge of Celestia by her aunt's enemies. She only occasionally slipped up when put on the spot and could spend most of her days with her own adoring subjects in her arctic oasis away from the drama.

> Twilight Sparkle's steadfast loyalty to her mentor hurt her when she spoke up, which became more often as the crisis grew in scope, but was still more popular than Luna and Celestia do to her status as Equestria's hero and being  freshest faced of the four.

> Even some circles within the increasingly organized opposition liked her and some even saw her as a potential leader in a post reform (or revolution) Equestria.

> But it was not to be.

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> Movements started to organize. 

> The Accountability in Equestrian Royalty formed from the core supporters of Cloven Cares, she being their main speaker and advocate (later suffered a schism, some more moderate members who disagreed and formed the much more timid Accountability in Equestrian Governance).

> A small group of progressive academia formed the Republican League, though never the face of the opposition, it did manage to have a prescience in nearly every large city.

> The small Nobles Against Nobility, a group of ponies who renounced their titles and were committed to the cause of freedom did managed to created a stir in the upper classes, even if they never had more than two dozen members.

> Disgruntled farmers banded together to form the Freedom From Fear to Feed our Families, or as it's wordy name was better compressed to, Triple F TFOF (and more informally just TFOF). Though it was one of the most moderate of the core opposition and had various niche issues many members cared more deeply about over reform itself, it nonetheless was the only rural based organization that had true democracy advocates in its ranks that were committed to truly opposing the princesses. 

> And most importantly, the Trust and Safety Party, a true unitarian movement that was racially balanced and was rallied around the broadest issue that was in the public consciousness, that of safety and the near disasters that struck Equestria every few months. It put on just enough moderate face to gain wide acceptance while having the ultimate goal of removing the princesses from power. The leadership knew that fully removing the Princesses wouldn't be an easy task and where ready to both play the long game or strike fast if need be. They tried to keep links with the other various movements (though sometimes at a distance) and tried to be the main face of the opposition.

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> It soon was apparent to the princesses that they simply couldn't wait for the crisis to subside without taking some action.

> A compromise was offered, new elected positions to oversee such things as trade and foreign relations, but they quickly found themselves bogged down by opposition from the messy, somewhat decentralized bureaucracy that Celestia had created over the years. Everything from various town positions to the noble elite. 

> It wasn't a win for princesses' opposition either, as it drew focus away from the princesses and caused various local political leaders to take stances against them. 

> It even almost caused Accountability in Equestrian Governance to have relevance. 

> The Trust and Safety party narrowed its focus back on the princesses, demanding transparency over the various secrets she held from the nation. 

> Celestia wouldn't budge. She offered hollow gestures and excuses.

> It was a winning issue as Cloven Cares and other victims retook the spotlight and joined in on with the party's demands.

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> The tug of war continued on for a year.

> The opposition wouldn't let up the pressure.

> Luna was especially prone to make gaffs that keep things in the spotlight and sympathy on our side.

> Her insults at Cloven and other victims did the most damage.

> Though Celestia by this point had gotten witty. 

> Minimizing media contact, trying to keep Luna out of the spotlight, interviews with sympathetic journalist and surrounding herself with allies.

> She was playing the long game.

> She honestly could've won if time had been a little kinder to her.

> It was easy to forget that we were a vocal minority amidst a placated, if now unsettled, populous.

> Even among those groups most opposed, many of the rank and file didn't conceive of fully removing her (except maybe the Republican League), many could've been satisfied with power sharing or her being a figurehead.

> After all, how could you conceive of removing the immortal leader who controlled the day and perhaps the night? (Though Luna was said to control the night, I have become sympathetic to the  theory that Luna was just doing some of the grunt work and was a shell of her former self when not Nightmare Moon, though this is a mere footnote that warrants further scholarly research).

> You need to have some kind of replacement.

> Fortunately the leadership of the party had already worked on such.

> Least they wouldn't have been able to take advantage of the opportunities to come.

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> The final blows to the monarchy came in relatively close session.

> A small group of rouge Changelings that had stuck to their old ways went on a rampage across Equestria, mainly sticking to smaller towns.

> Reports of changeling attacks and encounters led to hysteria as they reports came in.

> It was almost fascinating, a few Changelings had managed to cause more mass panic than the time that they and their queen had nearly taken over the country.

> Especially sense we had peaceful relations with the bulk of them and counted them as allies.

> Though for most of Equestria had a degree of separation from that first crisis, as it mainly had occurred in Canterlot. There had been some paranoia of course, but as the nation at the time had a whirlwind of events that happened so soon afterwards, the crisis had been pushed aside from the public consciousness.

> This was a more persistent presence. It could happen to you, it could happen to your neighbors.

> It didn't get solved in a matter of days.

> There was now a national framework in place ready to hold the princesses to account for the lack of security.

> The Trust and Safety Party managed to have a significant expanding of it's membership and a rise in support.

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> Protest started to emerge. Sometimes completely independent of the opposition group's structure,more often times lead by the increasingly hysterical Accountability in Equestrian Royalty.

> The party gave it's support but kept it's distance from the protests. They could be rowdy, sometimes they would backfire or contain elements that were racist towards changelings. 

> It focused more on building up and expanding it's grassroots organization and keeping the pressure on the princesses.

> Finally things came to a head when the Accountability in Equestrian Royalty attempted to stage a sit in on the royal palace itself. 

> There was a major altercation involving Princess Luna.

> Accounts differed as to what exactly happened, but Luna was in the middle of it all.

> Several ponies were injured. A couple of them gravely. 

> Pictures of a teen beaten within an inch of her life and suffering magical burns were a PR disaster for the lunar monarch.

> This was the second blow 

> The other opposition groups quickly made it a rallying point. Luna was cast as a villain and the main focus of the ire of many of the media.

> In hindsight it may have been a risky strategy, as there was a significant mix of ponies who blamed the protesters and starting to be some who grew tiered with the ruckus.

> Though Luna was much less graceful and more prone to mistakes than her older sister. The party leaders saw this.

> They focused most of their pressure upon her, trying to catch her for any mistake.

> Try to get her to crack under the pressure.

> This went on about a month before another tragedy occurred.

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> Protest started to emerge. Sometimes completely independent of the opposition group's structure,more often times lead by the increasingly hysterical Accountability in Equestrian Royalty.

> The party gave it's support but kept it's distance from the protests. They could be rowdy, sometimes they would backfire or contain elements that were racist towards changelings. 

> It focused more on building up and expanding it's grassroots organization and keeping the pressure on the princesses.

> Finally things came to a head when the Accountability in Equestrian Royalty attempted to stage a sit in on the royal palace itself. 

> There was a major altercation involving Princess Luna.

> Accounts differed as to what exactly happened, but Luna was in the middle of it all.

> Several ponies were injured. A couple of them gravely. 

> Pictures of a teen beaten within an inch of her life and suffering magical burns were a PR disaster for the lunar monarch.

> This was the second blow 

> The other opposition groups quickly made it a rallying point. Luna was cast as a villain and the main focus of the ire of many of the media.

> In hindsight it may have been a risky strategy, as there was a significant mix of ponies who blamed the protesters and starting to be some who grew tiered with the ruckus.

> Though Luna was much less graceful and more prone to mistakes than her older sister. The party leaders saw this.

> They focused most of their pressure upon her, trying to catch her for any mistake.

> Try to get her to crack under the pressure.

> This went on about a month before another tragedy occurred.

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> Fillydelphia suffered a mad rampage from a crazed young pony who had gotten a hold of some sort of magical artifact called the alicorn amulet.

> It apparently had driven him mad and corrupted his heart.

> He killed several ponies.

> Hurt many more. 

> Princess Twilight tried to negotiate with him, but failed.

> She and several royal guards put him down in a violent haphazard battle.

> Twilight Sparkle was not prepared to kill another pony, and when she did it was an ungraceful burst of power that did a fair bit of collateral damage and a few injuries.

> She was spared the brunt of the initial controversy.

> Though some went after her, most focused their anger upon Celestia herself.

> It wasn't until questions started to be asked that she was held to the coals.

> Her careless passing of such an artifact to a zebra shaman who had it stolen from under her hooves and didn't even know it.

> It was a final effective attack against Equestria's perfect could do nothing wrong princess.

> Finally she got the taste of the ire. 

> Finally she was seen as the rich  pony from an upper class that had been fast tracked to her position and status.

> Who may not have been a spoiled brat, but was not fit to be a leader.

> Luna was the weight that ultimately drowned the princesses though.

 After an apperent timeloop ? 

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> The protest had been getting worse.

> A grassroots wave swept the nation, several towns even electing new governments controlled by the Trust and Safety party.

> Fillydelphia had violent riots.

> Canterlot had protests when the royal guard allowed it. This is where the party focused it's efforts.

> The party tried to keep things peaceful and bloodless.

> Civil obedience when the royal guard tried to kick them, perhaps I should say by this point us, out of the streets.

> Tried to keep as many of the right pieces in place, ready to strike.

> We now finally called for the formal resignation of all three of the Equestrian based princesses openly (Cadence was excluded from this do to none of the opposition groups having a strong presence in the Crystal Empire, her support there was too strong). 

> We demanded a transitional chancellor be put in place.

> We demanded a commission to investigate the wrong doings of the elite. This demand was watered down from our ideal plans of mass arrests, but it was foolish to think we'd have any chance if we threatened too many ponies when the princesses were the main obstacle that needed to be removed and we needed all the support we could get.

> We offered the princesses a full pardon of all crimes if they gave up all there secrets and where fully transparent to all future threats facing our nation.

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> It finally came. The final blow delivered by Princess Luna. 

> A night that lasted two days.

> A massive clash in Canterlot.

> Luna had reverted back to her true, aggressive state.

> Panic swept the nation.

> Nightmare Moon had been taken down by the elements of harmony (all 12? 18 of them?) but the damage had been done.

> Several towns had fully set up local governance. The Trust and Safety party had taken a commanding lead during the night and filled in the gaps when local authorities had failed.

> Fillydelphia government had been stormed in the night by a mix of the Republican League and some more radical members of Trust and Safety party.

> It was time to act. 

> The leadership weren't fools. They knew that violence may ultimately be necessary to remove the old monarchy. 

> After all, it had stood for over a thousand years, not the easiest to remove with passive action.

> But it couldn't be a civil war either. It had to be a quick paralyzing strike.

> As had been proven the Storm King, with Changelings (twice) and Tirek.

> Strike fast and most of the nation would fall in line, hopefully bloodlessly.

> And that had been with evil villeins, with fellow ponies trying to assert freedom and peace, once control had been secured, victory would be delivered.

> It was a small team of ponies who had been assembled for the task months in advance. 

> About two dozen who knew the full details of the plan and a few hundred ponies at arms in total who were ready to act, but had been kept virtually in the dark of even the most basic details.

> None of this would've been possible without two key pieces.

> A small amount of the ultra rare magic inhibiting martial. It was just enough to have it's effect over a sizable area, say most of the palace.

> It removed the problem with the magic of the alicorns and Celestia's pet, Discord.

> And the spell to raise and lower the sun and the moon, courtesy of some well connected researchers in the Canterlot Archives.

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> We struck two days after the the Nightmare Moon incident. 

> A mob of ponies rushed upon the Palace in the middle of the night.

> It was the scariest moment in my life.

> Breaking from the mob, we had to rush in and break through to the princesses chambers as quickly as possible.

> All the unicorn guards were caught off guard when there magic wouldn't function.

> Still they fought bravely, if ineffectively.

> By the time my group got to the royal chambers a group of pegasi had already subdued the royal pony sisters. 

> It was a bloody violet mess there. Celestia was just silent with several knifes pressed against her side and a small cannon aimed at her while Luna was a psychotic mess. 

> Several ponies had to restrain her.

> It was a haunting sight. 

> If she wasn't a weakened filly I doubt they could have.

> Several of the princesses guards sat in bloody pulps on the ground, dead or dieing.

> Included among them the Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armour.

> Several others were subdued and sat glaring at us, along with several servants.

> There was a brief bit of excitement when Prince Blueblood tried to make a cowardly escape, but for the most part things settled down.

> Celestia ordered the remaining guards in the city to stand down.

> Both Princesses were taken to the caves under Caterlot. Near the magical inhibitor and far away from from any rescue attempts that could be mounted.

> I could hardly believe it was over.

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> Things were a rush from there.

> A council was formed, mostly from from the Trust and Safety party leadership, along with a few representatives from the Republican League and the Triple F TFOF.

> Surprisingly the esteemed Fancy Pants stepped forward and offered his corporation in aiding the transition. No doubt trying to safeguard the interests of the old guard.

> But it was ultimately decided whatever his aim, it would be more of a benefit to have be a member and placate perhaps placate some reactionary strains that could form.

> The princesses are still captive. Too dangerous to let go. Too important to kill, as morbid as that sounds.

> There have been some bumps. 

> Our struggles with the day and night cycle being an early bump, though we have improved significantly.

> Some members of the Triple F TFOF who weren't so supportive of a full revolution and went a bloody rampage and killed most of their democratic leaning leadership.

> It caused a bit of a struggle in the rural areas, far more royalist than initially expected (or at least in active resistance).

> Fortunately, only a small amount of resistance leaders were prosecuted harshly, and most dissenters were pardoned. 

> It is believed that most are in line and there are few active rough elements. 

> And some confusion on local authorities on who was in charge of what.

> Cadence, who has offered full peace and is no state to challenge the new order with a broken heart and the small military forces of a vassal state, fate is yet to be decided.

> She maybe is the only princess that can't be removed do to how much she is a core part of their identity. 

> We'll see.

> Twilight Sparkle has dissapared, along with a few of her close associates (the rest our under house arrest or under close surveillance).

> Rumor has it some of the royal guard as well are with her. 

> It is my dearest hope that Celestia, (who hasn't been fully cooperative, but is trying to prevent violence) can talk some sense into that mare before she does something foolish. (if she is even capable with only some of the bearers).  

> I can say it has been a exciting few months.

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> Canterlot has returned to an uneasy peace.

> There is still some tension in the streets.

> Fear among the upper classes and nobility.

> It is understandable, considering the fates of their vast fortunes are in the air at the moment.

> But an optimism has begun to manifest itself.

> It's a clean slate, a fresh start. By this point one cannot help himself and feel a little giddy at this adventure into the unknown!

> Indeed, things almost feel normal in the marketplaces today.

> Though if any city is truly in a revolutionary in  spirit, it is Fillydelphia.

> It is the only place where the radical Republican League has a grasp on power.

> It is amazing that such a bluntly revolution minded organization has power anywhere.

> And popular support.

> Most places the party still has to be careful on not stepping on the hooves of traditionalist and the temperamentally fearful of the unknown.

> Though some fear they will interfere with streamlining Equestria's government I am optimistic that the party and them see more eye to eye than they disagree.


....I....I believe that..../endpone/ is not a personal project anymore...

this should explain why you were hidden these last few days.....for good reasons and that one cannot review this so quickly. I will have to think and review it properly.

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> I really don't know where things will go from here.

> I really don't know what will happen next.

> I don't even know what even this document is meant to be, as it seems that I have gradually transitioned from the whole to the personal.

> But I can say that I am proud of that I have been a part of it. 

> The revolution is over, the rebuilding of our country has begun.

> ...

> I heard several loud noises outside. A loud commotion.

> There are flashes. 

> It seems to be a bit more than fireworks. 

> It seems it is now our turn to be tested on how we can react to a crisis. 

> It is time to serve my country.

Perhaps it is not personal... Details will be forthcoming later (it's in the middle of the night and I've run out of engery). I eill say that is fic is a side fic that arose as part of the pair of other ones I am working on. Though it is completely seperate. The Holiday rush is fast approaching and I spent my free time over the last few days trying to get those fics towards somewhere substantive. This fic partly existed in concept but only came in eistence in this form over the past few days it was worked on. Since I'm uncertain of opportunity to work the others before Christmas I went ahad and put out this fic so that way I hve something erious beides just more scraps to post.

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Now on to my thoughts of the fic as it stands right now?
Am I happy with it? Yes. It was my most serious fic that I have gotten fully finished and was of a decent size (over 3000 words). Is it good though? That I am more mixed on, at least a little bit. When it comes to darker settings like this it can be hard to judge as to what got right or wrong, what standard you're using. How closel do you hold the shows style? I tend to be more liberal with this in thought, do to my exposure to other fics. Yet there is still things I will scoff at implausible to happen, like say, everypony in Equestria deciding to overthrow the monarchy in a day or suddenly Twilight turning against Celestia with minimal emotional damage an inner conflict. But I'm not restrictive to the realm of possibility of events that can only happen within the show (though admittedly that gotten way larger as the seasons went on, as we've seen epic wars and references to some pretty dark concepts). Though this is trying to play a more plausible route here. I don't see the princesses leaving overnight to one controversy and it have to be something that build up and a fair bit of mistakes to be made. Even then a revolution to me seems unlikely. We know that Equestria has a strong tabloid press that can be a pest to the princess at times. Ponies often have displayed hive mind like behavior in rapidly turning against someone or something if the right pony speaks up, problem is Celestia is ONE of those ponies who many would derive such opinions from. The one pony that most  ponies would be hardwired to have that behavior, so it's a bit of a hard sell, even here. Those pockets of opposition could exist I feel like, with how ineffective the princesses have been portrayed, but in a longterm fight I feel like they would be ostracized. Luna is the weakest link in this. Plenty of ponies could easily harbor or revert to being scared of her with the wrong mistakes and it is something she could easily do. If she started to be hated I see her giving into the nightmare quite possible.  This fic is still plenty more possible then some, but it depends on if you ask "what would a revolution against the Princesses be like?" or "Can there be a revolution at all?" Feel like the right seeds are there but I'm somewhat doubtful that even the events described could bring them down.

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> Perhaps it is not personal
I may not review it yet but trust me, I see some signs of personal thoughts, mostly because of posts you made in the past

> Though it is completely seperate.This fic partly existed in concept but only came in eistence in this form over the past few days it was worked on.
so there are two more besides this one? and this was the side project? Wow, that´s impressive. You are surely trying to end this year with a pretty high note. 
> Since I'm uncertain of opportunity to work the others before Christmas I went ahad and put out this fic so that way I hve something erious beides just more scraps to post.
Quality and satisfaction with what your write is way more important than setting a deadline. However, I have seen that people work better with deadlines instead of having none.

> Now on to my thoughts of the fic as it stands right now? 
My thoughts have changed from this morning to the afternoon, it requires several reads in order to extract aspects that I have to mention and project them into a non-shitposting nor hot review.  I wish I could give them to you and that you are nervous about them. But I prefer staying silent than giving a bad review that barely brings nothing for such effort. 

> It was my most serious fic that I have gotten fully finished and was of a decent size (over 3000 words).
yeah, I believe it´s a pretty good standard size for a long fic. Maybe that should be a reference between long and too long for writing the story in one part only. 

> When it comes to darker settings like this it can be hard to judge as to what got right or wrong, what standard you're using. 
this is going to be one of my central points I want to focus. I have some thoughts about this aspect. 

> Yet there is still things I will scoff at implausible to happen, like say, everypony in Equestria deciding to overthrow the monarchy in a day or suddenly Twilight turning against Celestia with minimal emotional damage an inner conflict.
you aware of it. But like a very wise pony said to another very intelligent pony: "There is no wrong way to fantasize", not to mention that even fanfics exist in Equestria. 

> this is trying to play a more plausible route here. I don't see the princesses leaving overnight to one controversy and it have to be something that build up and a fair bit of mistakes to be made. Even then a revolution to me seems unlikely. 
that resolution does hold a message though and you may not be noticing it.

> Luna is the weakest link in this. Plenty of ponies could easily harbor or revert to being scared of her with the wrong mistakes and it is something she could easily do. If she started to be hated I see her giving into the nightmare quite possible.
yeah but even with that plausibility, I think that both would commit the same mistake for the standards taken over here...it´s hard to explain despite having that effort to make it somewhat realistic to the show. 

> "what would a revolution against the Princesses be like?" or "Can there be a revolution at all?" Feel like the right seeds are there but I'm somewhat doubtful that even the events described could bring them down.
there are pretty saucy ingredients over here and while you seem to be focusing on the character treatment, the writing in general is what I have in mind the most to review. Mostly because your self criticism doesn´t aim that much to what I have been thinking this afternoon. 

I need time (even for myself by the way, don´t take my lack of review as personnel, I wrote the Mirror of Fire for a good reason during that weekend, I knew I was going to be busy as hell these days), digest your posts and your story again calmly. As for now, take  a rest because you have made an impressive effort all the way. I cannot focus on first impressions nor quick posts for this. 

I have a few posts on the other threads meanwhile that you can reply if you want to do something else before Thursday.

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What prompted me to write this fic was this song: 
It just gave me an urge to mess with that theme. Though the theme had existed in the back of my mind sense I had encountered a fic over a year ago that had a revolution occurred. Don't remember the name, only briefly read through it. Cool idea but it required one character to have the idiot ball and was pretty hard. Though this form never carried either that fic or the spirit of the song very strongly "Flaunt the fruits of noble birth" being the only direct line that got in the fic. I had originally wanted it to be shorter lines and more about the general theme but it went into details and turned into an account from a mid high official involved over a more vague story with a more uncertain date. Though the story is vague.   

What took the longest was trying to find the right pictures for it. The tags like "riots" and "protest" are woefully barren. It took me a long time to find the picture of Celestia  >>/2752/. As searching for various combinations of embarrassed shows more shipping related things than anything else.  It isn't that there isn't more pictures that exist like this it's that the tags make them hard to find. I had to swap some out while I posted them as some of them I considered inadequate for the atmosphere. (pic related) The special effects edit at the end was last minute  after I failed to find a picture of a simple scroll or open book diary or something with no pony in it.  Something that I intent to use more intently in one of the other fics and one of the reasons why it is taking a while .

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> I need time (even for myself by the way, don´t take my lack of review as personnel, I wrote the Mirror of Fire for a good reason during that weekend, I knew I was going to be busy as hell these days), digest your posts and your story again calmly. As for now, take a rest because you have made an impressive effort all the way. I cannot focus on first impressions nor quick posts for this.

Take all the time in the world. This fic exist because of my own push to try to get the others done as the last few days were the last time I was certain I had free time before the holiday rush and such. I do not take it personally at all that you will have a delay in your review as I have had delays with mine plenty of times and you have a lot of end of the year business. So as I said take all your time in the world.

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alright, did you know that i had to read your story like four times in order to get all the stuff that is going on? 
Like sweet mother of the nations, I could have probably misinterpreted it completely. I have to read more properly because this has a lot of meat going on yet I don´t know if I can enter completely into the details shown. 
First off, I will start with the biggest downside that turned me off and it was the world of mass media. The FiM setting that you would expect is by having an early 20th century or steampunk era, where no constant journalism like the 21st century does these days. That aspect confuses me because they would have had to develop more than the newspapers for those actions.

However, it seems that while you are intentionally going political, you can redeem that by adding another layer, how a saucy story that happens to a pony sells a lot more than an intellectual revealing all the secrets and 4d Chess coming from both princesses. Like you would need a tragic story like Anne Frank or something for "Red pilling" the masses. To me, you seem to describe how the society from today works and how the narrator becomes an actual pony who is describing the facts and participating in the protests. 

That´s the thing. It´s so political that while the protagonist doesn´t deny at all that he is in favor of the revolution, he is describing the events as if it was a dystopian novel.
> I don't even know what even this document is meant to be, as it seems that I have gradually transitioned from the whole to the personal.
> But I can say that I am proud of that I have been a part of it. 
> The revolution is over, the rebuilding of our country has begun. 
It seems that the protagonist in the end was one of the soldiers that fought for the revolution. Whenever you introduce the word "I", the author disappears form having a real world impact to one that impacts to the imaginary world. You introduce yourself as one pony that has lived those events closely hence he knows them so well despite having bias towards the peaceful ending.

Like it happened in the Cadencebat fic, when someone expects a fic coming from the Bridgefag, he goes and develops descriptions constantly, one after the other and how it builds into something tense yet you expect that the events aren´t turning well. That´s the biggest highlight, the fact that you are looking for descriptions to describe all the tragic stories, how diplomacy is getting debased, how the opposition has to think and look for the least harmful way to end with this system and even an introduction that the tritarchy had a period in which the entire society looked up to them.

It´s unlikely to happen, yes. But this fic is more like a warning about how leaders should take care about their corruption because in the end, if you cause trouble in secret, trouble will find you sooner or later. Obviously you decided to go for Luna as the least mature of the two. Nonetheless, not many politicians can survive to the constant bad press all the time because it affects their personal lives and not all their life is simply politics. However, they were treated as deities and they don´t have fears of passing through a bad period and even Twilight sacrificed her image in order to go through that "temporal mess".

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I don´t know why you considered your fics edgy either. It seems that the edgy discussion from the spring have been applied over here: descriptions taking all the edge but having thoughts of avoiding deaths. So there is death and the Rush line that you wrote in the introduction sets the tone  to what would happen if the French Revolution or the 1776 movement (though it doesn´t feel as close as the first because that song inspired you, almost like a punk hymn) that came into Equestria. 

You are warning about authoritarianism, warning about abuse of power, about faking opposition and faking movements that costs deaths in the middle of the road and how they are unwilling to leave whenever their own society don´t accept them. That tritarchy (what saved Candy was that she wasn´t involved) failed and kept pushing an agenda to do some social engineering for some reason... an analysis to the elites that hiding their movements and that the writer over here, has experienced similar acts in California with BLM or SJW acts. It´s like Noam Chomsky lived over there and wrote his thoughts.

To me, this american writer hides one fear: his country blowing up because of moves that create storms and divisions. So do, confusions and collateral fire to everyone, fearing that he could get hurt in those yearly disasters, that the world collides and that the US commits huge mistakes in terms of diplomacy. At any moment, he fears about the system imploding in his face and how the injustice he sees around, makes him to go for those who search that freedom and change. 

One of the reasons this fic doesn´t enter into the edgy territory for cool and hip is that the events are directly dark, makes you feel powerless and that those mistakes costs that one friendly nation turns around because of the elites playing with their money. Another reason why this doesn´t enter directly into it,it´s because of the protagonist. He tries to promise and hold the values that he won´t commit any acts of violence if possible or at least, making the biggest damage control for the process and try to defend the achievements made. 

The Fillydelphia act described over here had served as the turning point in which the elites fear of their actions and commit huge mistakes of their own images, so the chess game is over and now they are fighting for their rich seat. The importance of that event is because the opposition was already established and was considered the black hole for the system. Trying to get rid of it cost all their power, sacrificing more pieces into the table. 

Also, there are nods to the movie itself, the alicorn amulet from Magic Duel  >>/2759/,the attacks that happened in Canterlot....

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8.4 out 10. 
The more I read it, the more I get it but still, there are only two downsides over here. Nor cringe nor edge are over these problems as you would fear, in fact, the descriptions fix everything and that´s what makes me think that what I saw the Bat Cadence fic wasn´t just an illusion.

I have a hard time praising things, even in real life,I need time for that and much more when I have had to reread it 4 times in order to get completely what you have covered behind with the backstories (it´s like there are several things going on and it´s an utter chaos, but that´s how real life and news works over here too).

 One potential turn off could be the setting at first: it could drive people away because they don´t want to be absolutely reminded of their lives are sucked in, when they come for FiM for happiness and desire for improving themselves.  This setting is highly unlikely and you admit it,yet it could sadly happen if power blinded the princesses. In fact, there are no technical problems in this fic but the sudden contextualization of having a developed mass media. 

You have acquired all the schemes made over here, the discussions from September, the influence of music for creating a story and quoting lines from them and recontextualize what you want to write for your purpose with images supporting your vision (using the perfect trifecta of art, music and writing), an introduction of two posts. All of that by reaching descriptions that could come from a 1984 novel style instead of the typical edgy fanwork. 

Yet I still feel that you wrote this for wish fulfillment and relief of your fears and constant propaganda coming into your head all the time. That rating may be high but it compiles a lot of influences from the /end. I still feel that your descriptions can take you in a higher place but the core base is already there. I am surprised this fic doesn´t have a title yet.

If you wanted to end the year with a cohesive note, there it is. Taking off like this with patience and silently waiting for the ideas to spark and apply them in a really short time…

Not the most ideal fic for Christmas but for sure it pays off for the skills and care brought into it. 

I am fixing that with the fireworks in the end of this fic. The fear of the unknown is over and whenever that chaos end, you put yourself in the front line to defend that system you promised and then you can have a party while that peace remains.

The bridges are behind you now and this was just a side project....

From 1:55 onwards, here it´s the bliss after living through those hard and painful moments:


 Enjoy your Christmas and the fireworks. The mid-elections are over and article 13 has been delayed for the rest of this year and the people has spoken this year. We have survived one entire year over here...

You can calm down for a while yet I feel that you have something better to deliver in the future.

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Glad you liked it. My mind is a bit cluttered from some work I did but I really want to try to explain the impetus of this fic. 

> You are warning about authoritarianism, warning about abuse of power, about faking opposition and faking movements that costs deaths in the middle of the road and how they are unwilling to leave whenever their own society don´t accept them. That tritarchy (what saved Candy was that she wasn´t involved) failed and kept pushing an agenda to do some social engineering for some reason...

There was several ideas floating around here. Craziest thing is I was actually trying to think of the Princesses and what would be the weakest links and likely causes for a revolution against them. I thought with how wishy washy their power and how many threats Equestria faced where Equestria was walloped that'd be the most likely path to some discontent to be had. I didn't imagine the princesses being sinister at all, just caught off guard with the ruckus and perhaps somewhat disconnected to an extent. An attentional flaw is the secret knowledge that Celestia has kept on the numerous magical artifacts and threats. Perhaps for good reason, but it would be an avenue for attack if you reached a point with safety as a concern and a way I could image you putting somepony in a corner she wouldn't easly get out off.

> First off, I will start with the biggest downside that turned me off and it was the world of mass media. The FiM setting that you would expect is by having an early 20th century or steampunk era, where no constant journalism like the 21st century does these days. That aspect confuses me because they would have had to develop more than the newspapers for those actions.

Opps. I actually didn't have an idea much beyound newspapers, but it seems that Equestria is moving on a trend with a gossipy media and I was imagining it but more developed say after a few years to a couple of decades  or longer  after the show . So I just said mass media thinking the rumor mills now but more developed in their world with no thought of net or TV. It is the thing that turns the concern and uncertainty into rage with the juicy story (Cloven Cares) though not for all, but for some, with other intellectuals who hated her making their moves in the background.

> It seems that the protagonist in the end was one of the soldiers that fought for the revolution. Whenever you introduce the word "I", the author disappears form having a real world impact to one that impacts to the imaginary world. You introduce yourself as one pony that has lived those events closely hence he knows them so well despite having bias towards the peaceful ending.

I thought of the pony as a mid level intellectual who was somewhat involved in the darker planing but also in coordinating the grunt work. Since he mentions stuff that should be secret to the average trooper or millita  fighter yet he still fought in it. He believes in the cuase fully and is relatively honorable.  

> But this fic is more like a warning about how leaders should take care about their corruption because in the end, if you cause trouble in secret, trouble will find you sooner or later. 

I did envision this initially as fully anti princess, just started out with an urge and turned into a thought experiment of what a revolution mounted with a bit of plausibility and with pre existing elements already present in the show be like (Celesta does keep secrets,Princesses are often ineffective, there is a foundation in show for the hostile press, etc). But that actually isn't a bad take away at all, if you referencing the Princess' secrets.

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> It´s like Noam Chomsky lived over there and wrote his thoughts.

Glad. Though I had no character in mind as him I was thinking of him believe it or not when writting this. Particularly the more radical left wing forces.

> . an analysis to the elites that hiding their movements and that the writer over here, has experienced similar acts in California with BLM or SJW acts.

Fillydelphia I especially envisoned BLM. There being already discontent and then a poorly handled crisis with Twilight to blame setting them over the edge and pushing the most radical to the forefront. 

> One potential turn off could be the setting at first: it could drive people away because they don´t want to be absolutely reminded of their lives are sucked in, when they come for FiM for happiness and desire for improving themselves.

I did draw from politics but actually didn't intend for it to be a full direct commentary, but it is indeed there isn't it? There is a lose idea to a squeal that also would have some political connections but it would take me a long time to explain without spolier, plus not the highest priority at the moment.

> an introduction that the tritarchy had a period in which the entire society looked up to them.

And even with there removal I'd imagine be very hard to fully remove that status. Even to the very end the discontent that I generated I'm not sure is enough to remove them and you'd have a problem with different areas having different levels of support, plus there would still be many ponies more fearful of change than ready to abandon a thousand year constant ruler.

> You have acquired all the schemes made over here, the discussions from September, the influence of music for creating a story and quoting lines from them and recontextualize what you want to write for your purpose with images supporting your vision (using the perfect trifecta of art, music and writing), an introduction of two posts. 

Indeed. This is a work influenced by /endpone/. I specifically was thinking of your writing style when writing this. 

> Not the most ideal fic for Christmas but for sure it pays off for the skills and care brought into it. 

Indeed, dark and gloomy. I hopefully will have some happier shitposty stuff that I will post too. (I have scraps at least).

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> alright, did you know that i had to read your story like four times in order to get all the stuff that is going on?

> Like sweet mother of the nations, I could have probably misinterpreted it completely. I have to read more properly because this has a lot of meat going on yet I don´t know if I can enter completely into the details shown. 

Wow. I am not sure if that makes the fic better or flawed. Problem I think is that I have a very multiplexed view of things, so I didn't come up with just a clear antagonist and one or two factions but several that were all loosely aligned but had different interests and perspectives. Another was that some details were vague, perhaps too much so, but I thought that added to the dark and somewhat ominous atmosphere.

> 8.4 out 10.

> The more I read it, the more I get it but still, there are only two downsides over here. Nor cringe nor edge are over these problems as you would fear, in fact, the descriptions fix everything and that´s what makes me think that what I saw the Bat Cadence fic wasn´t just an illusion. 

> All of that by reaching descriptions that could come from a 1984 novel style instead of the typical edgy fanwork. 

And it is my turn to feel awkward with praise as you have with me sometimes. I don't feel it as strongly but I understand the little bit of fear that comes with it. It feels funky to accept it in this world of a thousand dangerous circle jerks. I suppose on the other end a fear of not being able to hit the same mark again, but that's only a tiny bit as I'm relaxed here at this point and too laid back. I'm glad it struck a cord and you read it quite well, even stuff that was unintended in meaning was there in spirit. My own experience with politics and stuff like that. 
> that resolution does hold a message though and you may not be noticing it.

This was a quite good assessment.

> Enjoy your Christmas and the fireworks. The mid-elections are over and article 13 has been delayed for the rest of this year and the people has spoken this year. We have survived one entire year over here...

I will. You enjoy your's as well. We are on the cusp of a year here so rest and shitposting is in order. Esepcially with the chaos on and off the net.

> You can calm down for a while yet I feel that you have something better to deliver in the future.

Cool. Only advise is to not over do it. I will put my other fics on a slow boil and see what I can do, while calmly shitposting of course.

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> I was actually trying to think of the Princesses and what would be the weakest links and likely causes for a revolution against them. I thought with how wishy washy their power and how many threats Equestria faced where Equestria was walloped that'd be the most likely path to some discontent to be had. I didn't imagine the princesses being sinister at all, just caught off guard with the ruckus and perhaps somewhat disconnected to an extent. 
Yeah, you went with the most plausible way to find a reason to start the revolution yet the way I see it, is that they seem nice from the outside but evil occultists whose actions remain hidden from the rest. Occultism by itself tends to cause a sinister sign and it can get very easily correlated to elites who decide in a black room. This enters more in the nitpicking zone than anything. 

> An attentional flaw is the secret knowledge that Celestia has kept on the numerous magical artifacts and threats.
yeah, like hiding the Elements of Harmony or the artifact that Twilight used for traveling back in time in It´s About Time. 

> it would be an avenue for attack if you reached a point with safety as a concern and a way I could image you putting somepony in a corner she wouldn't easly get out off. 
seems reasonable

> it seems that Equestria is moving on a trend with a gossipy media and I was imagining it but more developed say after a few years to a couple of decades or longer after the show 
yeah because otherwise, they wouldn´t be able to judge so quick about the events. Not to mention that technology these days informs 24/7 to literally everyone and opinions and views change with more volatile reactions. Newspapers offer responses with time delays and while the French Revolution happened because of newspapers and word of mouth, newspapers cannot offer a recommendation nor bring success to a book like Cloven Clares´s one in such a short period of time. 

> I just said mass media thinking the rumor mills now but more developed in their world with no thought of net or TV. It is the thing that turns the concern and uncertainty into rage with the juicy story (Cloven Cares) though not for all, but for some, with other intellectuals who hated her making their moves in the background. 
well, it´s basically a flaw that the word by itself clicks for the reader as the things we are used to seeing. Mass media are just that, mediums for communicating to the masses yet. I mean, we have had Ponyville Confidential and Fame and Misfortune but with stories like these, the mass media hold the 4th power for everything. I felt turned off from the fic when I read that at first because I implied that meaning, even though I knew Equestria works with newspapers.

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> I thought of the pony as a mid level intellectual who was somewhat involved in the darker planing but also in coordinating the grunt work. Since he mentions stuff that should be secret to the average trooper or millita fighter yet he still fought in it. He believes in the cuase fully and is relatively honorable. 
that sounds like an equivalent of working as an official:leading the ponies with your plans and having in your own mind the plans you want to apply. No wonder he writes the descriptions as facts. 
By the way, one reason I have rated this fic so high is because despite being about getting involved in a revolution, is that the protagonist sounds like what he is describing feels factually correct yet he doesn´t hide his favorable position for the revolution. In this day and age with social media, that´s an achievement. 

> turned into a thought experiment of what a revolution mounted with a bit of plausibility and with pre existing elements already present in the show be like (Celesta does keep secrets,Princesses are often ineffective, there is a foundation in show for the hostile press, etc). But that actually isn't a bad take away at all, if you referencing the Princess' secrets.
Celestia and Luna are flawed even for doing both evil and good things. A lot of times ineffective at what they do like you say. Especially if you consider an episode like Twilight´s Kingdom or pre season 6 episodes in which Twilight had to be the salvation for their problems. Anti princess mindset feels like a cheap way to go and a overused one in MLPfiction when it comes to Celestia (ehem Lunar Republic ehem). It´s almost like you feel pity for having the positions yet the bad press can actually come at them so easily. That pic sums up everything.

> I had no character in mind as him I was thinking of him believe it or not when writting this. Particularly the more radical left wing forces.
mostly because he criticizes that politics is a topic in which everyone should be involved and not ignore. He criticizes scientists as well for being so out of the world and saying nothing about is around us. Probably your protagonist or the two authors of those two books gave up on avoiding reality and put their vision to the world....and that caused an impact for the following events. 

> especially envisoned BLM. There being already discontent and then a poorly handled crisis with Twilight to blame setting them over the edge and pushing the most radical to the forefront. 
Twilight doesn´t know how to improvise and those mistakes cost a lot politically speaking. Good pick for representing a leader messing up so badly.

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> I did draw from politics but actually didn't intend for it to be a full direct commentary, but it is indeed there isn't it? 
it can be easily interpreted as that. Mostly because of the times we are living in and I won´t lie, the situation here is awfully similar to the USA just that it keeps  the violence aside and only try to hope that only words and actions end up this mess.

So yeah, I take the fic as a commentary because I know where you come from and what your fears might be (taking previous posts into account). In context, it feels like that. However, I praise the attempt at trying to describe it with a narration of multiperspectives even if they come from the protagonist´s mouth.

> There is a lose idea to a squeal that also would have some political connections but it would take me a long time to explain without spolier, plus not the highest priority at the moment. 
that´s a bullet that you can use for another day.

> I'd imagine be very hard to fully remove that status. Even to the very end the discontent that I generated I'm not sure is enough to remove them and you'd have a problem with different areas having different levels of support, plus there would still be many ponies more fearful of change than ready to abandon a thousand year constant ruler.
plus, they cannot die and have lived eternally. So yeah, I think taking them to the prison can change one´s mind and think about such actions. You are mentioning that some ponies still love that monarchy and without that system, it would feel as a blank page in which freedom scares a lot to the traditionalists. It would take time and a generation or two to fully accept it. 

> This is a work influenced by /endpone/. I specifically was thinking of your writing style when writing this.
Look, I don´t know how I have managed to write all of this in retrospective. I will say it again, hearing that someone gets an influence from me is just way outlandish to my expectations. I have always stood out for being a supportive column instead of placing myself as an important influence. I have rated it high as well because the influences combine everything for a traditional way of writing. 

However, I say that you can get better because your style will develop and detour from mine so I said that you have the base but from now on,it all depends on where you want to go. I will write and influence you on whatever aspect you want to pick on but I cannot control how much one will take from each other. That´s the art of recontextualizing a message for your vision.

> dark and gloomy. I hopefully will have some happier shitposty stuff that I will post too. (I have scraps at least).
I don´t usually comment that much about shitposts but oh well, at least, I have managed to express a full review on this one. I also have something in mind and leave politics a bit behind, mostly because of oversaturation.

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> I am not sure if that makes the fic better or flawed.
sometimes the best works are eclectic. Look at the White Album from the Beatles and its fame these days.

> Problem I think is that I have a very multiplexed view of things, so I didn't come up with just a clear antagonist and one or two factions but several that were all loosely aligned but had different interests and perspectives.
for a political view, that´s a relief. It incites more objectivity or a realistic view on what´s happening outside your bubble. Even the antagonists have their own reasons to follow their path and end up being considered with that status because of misinterpretations....and plot twist, the "heroes" could actually be the villains.

> Another was that some details were vague, perhaps too much so, but I thought that added to the dark and somewhat ominous atmosphere.
basically, there was not much else to explain because you went fair enough into the detail territory and some of the backstories can be easily implied to where they come from and how it ends. Especially in politics, a topic that repeats by itself a million times over and over. 

> It feels funky to accept it in this world of a thousand dangerous circle jerks. I suppose on the other end a fear of not being able to hit the same mark again, but that's only a tiny bit as I'm relaxed here at this point and too laid back. 
I mean, it´s normal. These are circlejerks that shouldn´t happen and antichan culture (/soc/ for example in 4chan). However, this is a community in the end and believe it or not, when an anon tries to create OC and tries his best, the rest should take care of him if he actually wants to go for it. It basically means that I go as far as you want to go. You write seriously, I will review it seriously and even encourage it if it´s good material. Even in /Mlp/, some anons are really supportive these days for any activity over there. It surprises me that the fanbase isn´t that hostile in the end even with anonymity in the middle. So no, that rating has a fair number of critical reasons. The most relevant thing that changes it from anyone else is that I know your context.

> I'm glad it struck a cord and you read it quite well, even stuff that was unintended in meaning was there in spirit. 
it´s not as one dimensional as one would have expected. It becomes a bit difficult to follow at first because of random backstories that in theory shouldn´t matter that much yet the following events happen because of that. And for the correct interpretation, I have had it a bit hard as well to point it out. One review that I take seriously and the standards for it escalate quikly: from a shitpost to this level.

> We are on the cusp of a year here so rest and shitposting is in order. Esepcially with the chaos on and off the net.
one year since I posted this.....anyway, let´s end this year in peace.

> I will put my other fics on a slow boil and see what I can do, while calmly shitposting of course.
basically. Even with that lack of activity, you have posted a longer fic than the main board and this site for ending this year. I have yet to write the 3rd part of the Mirror of Fire yet I have other preferences before that. I would rather keep the usual shitposting and keep this a bit active before that. 

Also, we are reaching 3000 posts.....with two anons.....and we tried it for 300 last year...

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> Yeah, you went with the most plausible way to find a reason to start the revolution yet the way I see it, is that they seem nice from the outside but evil occultists whose actions remain hidden from the rest.

no comment...  you were on to something, to a extent 

>  the mass media hold the 4th power for everything. I felt turned off from the fic when I read that at first because I implied that meaning, even though I knew Equestria works with newspapers.

I'm turned off too in fanfics when ultra modern technology that did not appear in the show is there (random hoofheld game is one thing... xbox is something else). 

> By the way, one reason I have rated this fic so high is because despite being about getting involved in a revolution, is that the protagonist sounds like what he is describing feels factually correct yet he doesn´t hide his favorable position for the revolution. In this day and age with social media, that´s an achievement. 

Agreed. This was born out of a mix of my mind tending to have a very mixed state of views and that I think that all but a few leaders and radicals would truly hate the princesses 100%. Even if drive to arms she's still a figure that had the worship of a celebrity, denity (to an extent I'd imagine anyway) and mother that was around since he was a foal. I totally get liking such nuance too, as whenever I find it, even a little, in the punditry of today it's a breath of freshair. 

> Twilight doesn´t know how to improvise and those mistakes cost a lot politically speaking. Good pick for representing a leader messing up so badly.  

It's yet another calculation based on "this feels at least some what possible".

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> and I won´t lie, the situation here is awfully similar to the USA just that it keeps the violence aside and only try to hope that only words and actions end up this mess.

Part of me feels that it could be a dark period, but my gut doesn't point toward a civil war outright. Feeling a bit drained  from all the christmas prep and aborted trip so I'll bring up that darkness some other time.

> You are mentioning that some ponies still love that monarchy and without that system, it would feel as a blank page in which freedom scares a lot to the traditionalists. It would take time and a generation or two to fully accept it. 

Something many don't seem to remember: the progress doesn't necessarily move forward and the new doesn't always defeat the old.

>  I will say it again, hearing that someone gets an influence from me is just way outlandish to my expectations. I have always stood out for being a supportive column instead of placing myself as an important influence

I can understand that. Especially with that fear. It's a good one to have, as the alternative is ego. I can relate but only slightly. Over the past few years I've had a handful people tell me sometimes that I'm very charismatic and well spoken, yet I've always felt somewhat timidness and am a complete introvert. Usually it was people who didn't know me too well, but it was interesting to have even been able to somehow accidentally made that impression. Though I have a different mentality than you and there are dozens of factors I've left unmentioned, I think I can grasp that feel to an extent. 

> However, I say that you can get better because your style will develop and detour from mine so I said that you have the base but from now on,it all depends on where you want to go.

My other too fics, and my previous ones that weren't full shitposts, were wordy, a little too wordy at times. I usually write in 3rd person with a vague point of set on one pony (well, that's the ideal anyway). I like this style because it's easier from thoughts to words and, though heading in my direction, I may indeed take influence from this as it has made me think of wording things more simply. Though I still plan to use 3rd person for most fics. 

> I don´t usually comment that much about shitposts but oh well,

Because most aren't worth much comment unless there is more behind them of course, or it's a long comedy fic or joke.

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> no comment... you were on to something, to a extent 
keep in mind that I have discovered the world way earlier and too quick to handle it properly. That means that I still have that /pol/ aftermath in some way and the situation that surrounds this country doesn´t look that good despite keeping a smile. I´ve become disenchanted with a lot of things and I can barely have any trust on the rulers because they don´t offer any sign of speaking about what people actually want and give importance. 
If you have no comments, then it´s no wonder a part of my pessimistic (but realistic) side wants to show that....subtly anyway. 

> when ultra modern technology that did not appear in the show is there (random hoofheld game is one thing... xbox is something else). 
if it´s not canon, then it doesn´t have a reason to be there save for a few gags or jokes here and there (the actual writers did this in Feeling Pinkie Keen for example, a season 1 episode)

> This was born out of a mix of my mind tending to have a very mixed state of views and that I think that all but a few leaders and radicals would truly hate the princesses 100%.
hardly anything is purely black or white and has its complicated stuff behind the acts. Extremes don´t help much save in a handful exceptions. 

> I totally get liking such nuance too, as whenever I find it, even a little, in the punditry of today it's a breath of freshair.
totally and really needed. One may agree or not to his views but having a slice of common sense and a critical vision of it gives a little break and room for finding its logic.

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> this feels at least some what possible".
that difference and little detail is what changes it from a realistic to an outlandish theory of what could happen. I have used that route several times and finding a context or excuse to introduce it helps a lot in order to reduce that unlikely vision with the characters given over here. 

> it could be a dark period, but my gut doesn't point toward a civil war outright.
yeah but that for sure tests the patience of the population a lot. Psychologically speaking, that´s devastating to try it out and the chances that one could lead into a war is really tight line.

> the progress doesn't necessarily move forward and the new doesn't always defeat the old.
can you tell that phrase to mobile companies with their new phones and products? We all know how politics and economical theories work and they are all old these days, they barely change. However, I see that your words speak more for commercial products funnily enough.

> Especially with that fear. It's a good one to have, as the alternative is ego. 
believe it or not, I have thought about showing a bit of ego at times. That may come because there is no other alternative because no one else has shown to carry this board yet, so I feel like vital yet at the same time, I am meaningless for the rest. This dynamic can keep a balance and I have realized that the world is way too big to even have an effect, so whenever I write something, I don´t think about what people can extract out of it too much and I just control what I want to lead the story. The rest is just either an accident or a subtle detail that I didn´t care that much yet others would do.

> Over the past few years I've had a handful people tell me sometimes that I'm very charismatic and well spoken, yet I've always felt somewhat timidness and am a complete introvert. Usually it was people who didn't know me too well, but it was interesting to have even been able to somehow accidentally made that impression. Though I have a different mentality than you and there are dozens of factors I've left unmentioned, I think I can grasp that feel to an extent.
timidness and introvert...huh, I know those words a lot and you don´t show it that much behind the screen. I agree with the well spoken aspect though, otherwise you would have shitposted a la /b/ style most of the time. Also, what it looks like doesn´t actually mean what´s behind it. The charisma may come because you would show an outsider image that people give more value than yourself and you focus on inner details instead. And there are times in which people don´t want to know the truth beyond those impressions. 

> my previous ones that weren't full shitposts, were wordy, a little too wordy at times. I usually write in 3rd person with a vague point of set on one pony (well, that's the ideal anyway).
eh, that´s ho you feel like writing it. If you see it as a medium for giving some sort of value to those shitposts, nobody can impede that. Some shitposts/memes are remembered because of the content around it and not because of the original part.

> I like this style because it's easier from thoughts to words and, though heading in my direction, I may indeed take influence from this as it has made me think of wording things more simply. 
that´s the actual charming part of writing in 1st person. It makes you feel involved with the story and there is more room to play with your thoughts and the actions of that universe. All of that written as if it came from one character´s head. Technically speaking, that works a lot unless you try to make the story a full manifesto but that´s where subtlety comes into play and offers more interpretations to the reader. 

> Though I still plan to use 3rd person for most fics. 
that´s how you see it in each case. You will spontaneously decide what direction you want to go. What could work at first in 1st person, it may work better in 3rd person or in reverse.

> most aren't worth much comment unless there is more behind them of course

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> "Apple Bloom!"

> "Yes", the young and confused filly asked.

> The question had popped out of her mouth, disrupting the silence she had been sitting in as she had stood in the field. 

> "I think Sweetie Belle is over, can ya see what she wants!?"

> Apple Bloom noted Apple Jack sounded almost a little annoyed.

> 'I guess Sweetie can be that way sometimes.' Apple Bloom mused.

> Without a thought further, Apple Bloom galloped off, egger to find her friend.

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> It wasn't long until she ran into Sweetie Belle, standing near her big sister.

> "So anyway Apple Jack, what do you think on MSGs and if-Oh hi Apple Bloom!"

> "Hi Sweetie, what brings you here at this hour?" Apple Bloom asked.

> "Oh nothing really, " Sweetie Belle said dismissively. "Just wanted to say hi to my favorite little mushroom!"

> 'Why'd she call me a mushroom?'

> Before Apple Bloom could question further, Apple Jack said: "Now y'all go have fun now, but please do go out inta the field this late in the day, dark is comin' soon"

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> Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle made their way down the small trail that led to their cub house, technically a violation of Apple Jack's orders. 

> Since Apple Bloom viewed morality like a bank, and she hadn't gotten in trouble in the past couple of months, she figured she had built up more than enough interest to make a withdraw.

> "Hey Apple Bloom?"

> "Yes Sweetie Belle?"

> "what if I told you that I was different from other fillies?"

> Apple Bloom was a little confused at the question. "What do ya mean?"

> "Well, ya'know how the sky is blue?"

> "..."

> "Huh?"

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> Sweetie Belle didn't seem to notice Apple Bloom's puzzlement.

> "I'm blue, like the sky, and it make me feel sad."

> "What do you mean Sweetie?"

> "I'm.... blue"

> "You're sad?" Apple Bloom asked. She didn't understand what Sweetie Belle was getting at, but she did feel concerned. Sweetie seemed serious.

> "No, I'm literally blue as the sky."

> "Uh, Sweetie Belle, are you feelin' okay?" 

> Sweetie Belle wasn't blue, she was white furred filly.

> "No, I've been keeping this a secret so long, and it would be so long and painful to let that secret go."

> "I don't follow"

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> "You see Apple Bloom, I... I... been dying my fur white since I was like... 2 years old."

> "What?" Apple Bloom's confusion clouded over her concern as she tried to process the implications of what Sweetie was getting at.

> "Why would your parents do that?"

> Sweetie Belle fell against the ground, eyes downcast.

> Was that tears in her eyes?

> "You don't understand. Nopony knew besides me. You're the first pony I've told ever."

> "But yer said it since yer were 2! How in blue blazes did ya do that since then!"

> "I aways was a bit ahead in my mental development. I remember being in my mother's womb even."

> "What?" Apple Bloom didn't even know how to begin processing this revelation. 

> "How did your parents not notice?" 

> "My parents are both colorblind, so is Rarity, they never said a word."

> 'Rarity is colorblind?'

> "Uh, how do I know yer not just pulling my leg?"

> "Why would I do that?"

> "C'mon, do you really expect me ta believe that?"

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> Sweetie Belle looked like she was about to cry.

> "I'm sorry, I just havin' a hard time processin' this. It is kinda hard ta believe ya'know?"

> A small half grin briefly played upon Sweetie Belle's lips.

> "I know it's hard to accept. I couldn't handle being blue either."

> "Why would ya think I couldn't handle ya bein' blue?" 

> Sweetie Belle looked to Apple Bloom.

> "Because blue is such a generic sad color."

> Apple Bloom nearly laughed.

> "Sweetie, there is plenty of ponies who are blue and just fine, beautiful even!"

> "Name one."

> "Trixie, Lyra... LUNA!"

> Sweetie Belle almost seemed a little annoyed.

> "Lyra is just cyan, which is a bastardization of blue and green. Trixie is dumber than even me, and Luna is just sad. Pretty, but sad..."

> Apple Bloom wasn't sure whether she could believe what Sweetie Belle just said, it seem so unlike her.

> Than again there was a certain logic to it.

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> "Sweetie Belle, you're not stupid!"

> Sweetie Belle looked up to Apple Bloom with a sad look.

> "You don't think I'm not stupid? I... I told a secret that I kept perfectly since I was a baby. Now that's a stupid move."

> "But I can't stand to hind my secret anymore. Makes me feel sick down to the soul."

> Apple Bloom leaned over and put a foreleg around her friend.

> "I'm still not entirely sure how ta process this but I'm here fer ya Sweetie. Me, and Scootaloo will help ya through this."

> "It's going to be so hard though ta handle it all. All the questions. It'll be awhile till my fur goes back to being blue and it'll be just ugly for  few weeks."

> Apple Bloom didn't know how she'd help Sweetie Belle through it, but she'd be there for her. 

> And she knew what make any young filly feel better.

> "Ya wanna stay fer supper? Granny's making apple pie!"

> Sweetie Belle's mood seemed to lift at the mention of pie.

> "Thanks... Apple Bloom."

And there it is. The greatest story ever put to digital paper  sarcasm  Yeah. When I said this was underwhelming I meant it. There really isn't much to say other than I tried to make this fic out of utter desire to make one in an hour. Though it is an early prototype for something else I've been planing for a little while. There is another prototype that is coming fortunately that will  be more worth commenting on ( it's a little strange but more thought out) and I wouldn't said anything if I didn't have something else to bring to the table.

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well,I will review it later even though it seems that you have written a little fic that would fit in a short or something. Not a shitposting story like you did with Apple Bloom in the past but more like a short story that would occur around 3 minutes or so.

As for now, I can say that this situation instantly reminded me of the lyrics from this song,only because of the color change.

And this is coming from 1985...

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> The greatest story ever put to digital paper
lmao, the sarcasm are very present lately in your posts.

> When I said this was underwhelming I meant it. 
not as much as you may think.

> There really isn't much to say other than I tried to make this fic out of utter desire to make one in an hour.
just an hour....that doesn´t leave much time to consider and reread  what you have written save spitting out all you had in mind. 

> it is an early prototype for something else I've been planing for a little while.
it looks like that because there are a few questions that make me think where you got them and why you would get there.

> There is another prototype that is coming fortunately that will be more worth commenting on ( it's a little strange but more thought out) and I wouldn't said anything if I didn't have something else to bring to the table.
well, that´s up to you in the way you want to promote it. If you feel like accompanying that prototype along with this, well, double the prize I guess.

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so, now I have read it like 3 times and it seems that this story is purely just a little short for a small slice of life animation.Just Sweetie Belle struggling to confess her little secrets to somebody else. I admit that it´s pretty normal to have fears of revealing your personal stuff when you are around the preteen years. 

So, you seem to mock your own content and honestly, save the technical mistakes that the BO would point out better than me, I don´t think there´s anything inherently wrong with it. It´s a little story, not one that serves for a mindless shitpost nor one that makes the cut for making it a highlight. 

In just one hour, well, that´s pretty productive that you wanted to type a mundane dialog and well, you have made the drawing for yourself, at least, you beat all the other fics because of that in that aspect.

Now, you make it sound like it´s underwhelming and if we get a little bit demanding, things could have gone with a more developed path:

why does Sweetie Belle get that worried about having white fur? Yeah, blue is boring for her but, is that the only reason? does she want to keep herself white because of imagery in front of the gallery?

Also, how are her parents color blinded? How does Rarity sleep at nights and face her visual problems while creating the dresses she´s ordered to make? These questions are what confuse me the most even though they try to justify the purpose of this fic.

As for more random things to comment about in a funny way:
> Sweetie Belle almost seemed a little annoyed.
> "Lyra is just cyan, which is a bastardization of blue and green. 
WOW, Sweetie Belle, the board owner is going to have a few words with you. Watch out your mouth if you don´t want to get banned over here.
> Trixie is dumber than even me, and Luna is just sad. Pretty, but sad..."
shitting on these blue ponies that are charming as hell...Sweetie, have you checked your taste at ponies? I don´t think you have the best one out of the bunch.  

> "No, I'm literally blue as the sky." 
Mrs Sweetie Belle, please tell us why you had to hide away for so long. We don´t know why you went wrong. 

> It'll be awhile till my fur goes back to being blue and it'll be just ugly for few weeks."
so you are implying that you are going through the molt that all the dragons do in their own way.I highly doubt it gets as annoying as that.

As for the characterization, I don´t see what´s OOC, definitely not the Apple Family. The southern tone that comes from AJ and the cautiously optimistic attitude from Apple Bloom are on point. 

So if I had to point out what I find underwhelming in it, it would be the rushed concept or explanation behind that lacks a little bit of development (even though I have to take into account that this was written in a very short period of time). The situation by itself seems plausible but I seem to remain in the same position as AB did.

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> lmao, the sarcasm are very present lately in your posts.
I guess it has, hasn't it? I can't think of any reason why, just have had these little quips. 

> So if I had to point out what I find underwhelming in it, it would be the rushed concept or explanation behind that lacks a little bit of development (even though I have to take into account that this was written in a very short period of time). The situation by itself seems plausible but I seem to remain in the same position as AB did.
This is pretty much my thoughts of the story only a more negative view. The story neither capitalized on the seriousness or the surrealness of the situation. It was a bit funny, but it never went to a hight. It would be almost like you were watching a family sitcom and they randomly ran into a bug alien at the store with no explanation and never exploring it ever again, even within the episode's plot. Is Sweetie telling the truth? Is her family really colorbind and did she really dye her fur white from age 2? If she is lying, why? The story feels not mediocre, but mechanical, it was meant to test out the picture format and it being completed in an hour. Though I don't consider it a failure I don't consider it something worthy on its own merits outside the test that it served. As an animation or comic though it could work with the short format with the lack of explanation. 

> WOW, Sweetie Belle, the board owner is going to have a few words with you. Watch out your mouth if you don´t want to get banned over here.
She is a bit jaded for sure, though those were little jokes I came up with on the spot. She sees being blue as bad and was dismissive of Apple Bloom's trying to reassure her. The cyan remark easily being a stolen opinion from Rarity that she just shot out as a quick way to dismiss Apple Bloom. 

> shitting on these blue ponies that are charming as hell...Sweetie, have you checked your taste at ponies? I don´t think you have the best one out of the bunch. 
These things aren't true, but they are easy to portray as so by detractors and perhaps have some kernel of truth depending on your perspective.  I was actually drawing on how Trump would opperate durring the Republican primaries believe it or not. His nicknames such as 'low energy Jeb' and 'llttle macro'. He'd pick one trait that was at least somewhat true, or at least, protrayable and hammer it in with a nickname to the public consciousness  I thought of the trait of sadness especially could be applied in tha way to Luna as a reduction of her character. Trixie, stupidity would be a cheep shot that could be applied, but more than likely her past mistakes would be used to define her than just simple stupidity.

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I can see how it remind you. Even if it's a tiny relation sometimes that's all that takes to not only remind you but get it ringing in your head and have a association with the work. My next fic actually was partly inspired by feeling I got from a couple of songs, even if there isn't much of a relation in terms of plot content.

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> I can't think of any reason why, just have had these little quips.
if I had to told all the posts in which I had to leave spontaneous thoughts according to the mood one has while shitposting....I would need like the entire weekend to point them all. 

There is a moment when one begins to shitpost with an organic mindset. That´s what one collects in the end for staying away from the typical nature of a chan.

> The story neither capitalized on the seriousness or the surrealness of the situation. It was a bit funny, but it never went to a hight.
that could explain why one would find a lack of emotions out of it. I don´t know what to bring special about it and I suppose that lack of extreme emotions and punch is what left me a bit in the middle of the road. 

> It would be almost like you were watching a family sitcom and they randomly ran into a bug alien at the store with no explanation and never exploring it ever again, even within the episode's plot. 
so basically you are referring that this story is like throwing plot holes at its core that for some reason happen. Yeah, that might explain it because I would have to ask why she didn´t reveal it earlier or showed subtle signs about it. She commented about it so abruptly and got over the situation really soon. If this is a concept  to throw away that simply happens, then the actual plot is in another place, not in this little piece.

> Is Sweetie telling the truth? Is her family really colorbind and did she really dye her fur white from age 2? If she is lying, why?
yeah, you were aware of it before posting it.

> The story feels not mediocre, but mechanical, it was meant to test out the picture format and it being completed in an hour.
it´s certainly confusing to review these pieces. Not only because it´s a test but because the vision and ideas weren´t completely explored nor intended to give a big exposition. With the Revolution fic, at least, I had pretty clear from the start that one should put a serious mindset but for tests that simply happen, one doesn´t know where to land at giving observations. I suppose that for tests there will be no ratings and simply feedback and a few reflections here and there.

> Though I don't consider it a failure I don't consider it something worthy on its own merits outside the test that it served. 
do you think that the good artists, writers, celebrities, etc were born knowing from the start? Just think about all those cringy anthro artists from the early years and how many artists deliver good content these days. I also started with fear at writing and it took me a few months to realize that for securing a good story, the translation offered to me a revision or 2nd thoughts that would make the green more organic than the first idea. 

> As an animation or comic though it could work with the short format with the lack of explanation. 
definitely, it´s simply a spontaneous story that would fit those Hasbro magazines that have little comics thrown around. Either way, filler content is still content and that counts.

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> The cyan remark easily being a stolen opinion from Rarity that she just shot out as a quick way to dismiss Apple Bloom.
huh? at what point did she do this? I wouldn´t have guessed that those dismissive lines would come from there. When did it happen in the show? 

> they are easy to portray as so by detractors and perhaps have some kernel of truth depending on your perspective.
I was being ironic with those lines as well just to throw some reflections in a non serious way. But yeah, every detractor will find any aspect to justify its vision. It´s almost like you were exposing your little hater side. I think it fits her. In fact, she screamed: "OH COME ON!" in Hearts and Hooves Day so that´s fair enough.

> I was actually drawing on how Trump would opperate durring the Republican primaries believe it or not. His nicknames such as 'low energy Jeb' and 'llttle macro'. He'd pick one trait that was at least somewhat true, or at least, protrayable and hammer it in with a nickname to the public consciousness
no way you would expect this from politics. The only way to detect politics (explicitly) is by throwing some meme/famous lines that came from their mouths. Otherwise, I would need more context and this doesn´t show anything. 

So basically, you certainly threw those dismissive lines that can perfectly happen in the future. There´s no way to guess that inspiration because that dismissive attitude is so universal and transverse to anybody that I would fail miserably trying to find where it cam from, nor I would give those thoughts in the first place.

> I thought of the trait of sadness especially could be applied in tha way to Luna as a reduction of her character.
understandable and a good point on that part.

> Trixie, stupidity would be a cheep shot that could be applied, but more than likely her past mistakes would be used to define her than just simple stupidity.
well, her past mistakes do expose more her flaws than these days. She still shows them but she doesn´t show that elitism all the time. She has received a development that is reminiscent of Rainbow Dash: from jumping into action without thinking at all to thinking a little bit before doing anything. You compare Boast Busters and No Second Prances and there´s almost no color, much less when she gets to think deeply about something. Not to mention that the fanbase has a very different perspective/appreciation about her than back in the day.

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> I can see how it remind you. Even if it's a tiny relation sometimes that's all that takes to not only remind you but get it ringing in your head and have a association with the work. 
eeeyup. Mostly because of the obvious aspect of turning from X to Y color. Not so much on the dismissive aspect but more like the fear of Sweetie Belle trying to reveal her random little secret. It came up right after I read it for the first time and I was reading it on mobile in the middle of the night and that was like the most related work I was familiar with and associate for drawing comparisons to myself.
> My next fic actually was partly inspired by feeling I got from a couple of songs, even if there isn't much of a relation in terms of plot content.
everything is a box full of surprises. Not only the fic itself but the roots of inspiration for such imagination or ideas that are reflected on the final product. I didn´t imagine that you had in mind that political mindset which ended up being thrown around here.

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> it´s certainly confusing to review these pieces. Not only because it´s a test but because the vision and ideas weren´t completely explored nor intended to give a big exposition. With the Revolution fic, at least, I had pretty clear from the start that one should put a serious mindset but for tests that simply happen, one doesn´t know where to land at giving observations. I suppose that for tests there will be no ratings and simply feedback and a few reflections here and there.

Yeah. Though the next prototype fic is a bit bigger and a bit deeper in meaning, it is still a prototype testing something over a fully realized story.

> So basically, you certainly threw those dismissive lines that can perfectly happen in the future. There´s no way to guess that inspiration because that dismissive attitude is so universal and transverse to anybody that I would fail miserably trying to find where it cam from, nor I would give those thoughts in the first place.

> everything is a box full of surprises. Not only the fic itself but the roots of inspiration for such imagination or ideas that are reflected on the final product. I didn´t imagine that you had in mind that political mindset which ended up being thrown around here.

Yeah. There really is no political meaning other than me taking inspiration from those questionable but effect strategy and applying it to Sweetie Belle in a sad funk just being rudely dismissive.  

> huh? at what point did she do this? I wouldn´t have guessed that those dismissive lines would come from there. When did it happen in the show?

She never made a specific remark in the show but I was just thinking about Rarity's general attitude with colors an fashion. Remember when she was freaking out in boast busters over a green mane and was insulting green as a color? It was something I could imagine Rarity saying, or Sweetie, being subject to long lectures of her older sister on matching colors and what not, just coming up with it on the fly.

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> Though the next prototype fic is a bit bigger and a bit deeper in meaning, it is still a prototype testing something over a fully realized story. 
maybe it will get linked in the general and be mentioned as a big bet of yours. Who knows? Just whenever you feel ready to share it, go ahead and we will see.

> there really is no political meaning other than me taking inspiration from those questionable but effect strategy and applying it to Sweetie Belle in a sad funk just being rudely dismissive. 
well, that´s certainly the anti propaganda effect. Nobody would see it into political eyes and it´s more like it comes from her personality. It just simply doesn´t match up all that much to me because I consider it a pretty ordinary reaction that you would consider basically theorize anything that could have annoyed before that conversation. 

> I was just thinking about Rarity's general attitude with colors an fashion. Remember when she was freaking out in boast busters over a green mane and was insulting green as a color? It was something I could imagine Rarity saying, or Sweetie, being subject to long lectures of her older sister on matching colors and what not, just coming up with it on the fly.
yeah, I remember it from Boast Busters. I simply asked for more information because while it seemed that it came from the show, it´s more like an afterthought or implication about the backstory from this moment in particular (well, not necessarily that one but anything similar that would lead to this reaction).

I needed a little bit more of info for these two aspects that inspired you. 

The fic isn´t extraordinary at all but for sure,it offers more stuff behind it than I would have expected.

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> Apple Bloom just sat there.

> It felt like an entirety, yet each moment felt like yesterday.

> All at once.

> Apple Bloom turned to her thoughts.

Those drawings I made yesterday sure were strange.
> Apple Bloom was suddenly in the back right behind her family home.

> Tucked away in the shadow cast by the barn, she sat on her belly.

> A stick in her mouth, she mindlessly drew lines in the dirt.

> Though they didn't have any rhyme or reason to them at first, they has taken a rather strange turn.

> Poorly drawn fish, walking on their fins, killing each other with spears.

> It was something Apple Bloom had first found amusing.

> But it dawned her how... weird it was to like it?

> She had even tried to draw the gory bits.

> Granted it look that gory the way it was primitively rendered, but it was the thought that counts.

> For better or worse.

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> Apple Bloom continued to sit up in her bed.

> It was thirty minutes past her bedtime.

> Well, she wasn't really breaking any rules, since she was in bed.

> Just not asleep. 

> Why was she losing thought over it?

> It was just drawings in the dirt.

> But it was the desire behind it that disturbed her.

> She wanted to explore it further.

> Why?

> Some part of her wondered if she had some sort of mental issue, with a admitted fear to herself of her being prone to violence somehow.

> Even disregarding that, art as a pursuit outside of simple foalhood crafts was alien for her.

> At least to the creative spark she felt now.

> Apple Bloom finally laid down in her bed.

> Maybe sleep would provide her the answers she seeked?

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> "Apple Bloom..."

> "Apple Bloom..."

> Apple Bloom's eyes fluttered open. She felt the grass beneath her body. 

> Slowly a vague white form took shape before her.

Sweetie Belle!
> Apple Bloom hurried to her hooves. She was in a grassy field, a brief glance behind her revealed  the town below the hilltops: Ponyville.

> When Apple Bloom turned her attention back to her friend, a wide smile greeted her eyes.

> Sweetie Belle was normally bubbly but she seemed especially happy today.

> "What's up Sweetie Belle?" 

> "Ready for the hike?" Sweetie Belle asked as Apple Bloom suddenly noticed that she was waring camping saddlebags.

> She was apparently waring them too. She could even feel their weight. 

> She didn't have them on when she had first woken up, did she?

> "Where are we hiking to?" Apple Bloom asked, the first question leaving her mind.

> Sweetie Belle gestured to a large once unnoticed mountain in the distance that cast a a shadow over them.

> It even made Canterlot look puny.

> "It's where the Mare in the Mountain lives!"

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> Apple Bloom was unfamiliar with the name.

> "Who's she?"

> Sweetie Belle seemed incredulous.

> "You don't know who she is!? She's like the most awesome mare around!"

> "Sweetie Belle, I... uh," Apple Bloom felt a little awkward not knowing who the Mare in the Mountain was. Made her feel out of the loop.

> "What's she like?"

> "Nah. I'll wait till I can show you! If you don't know what she is like that will make it more fun for when you see her for the first time!"

> Another thought occurred to Apple Bloom as she looked around.

> "Where is Scootaloo?"

> Sweetie Belle gave her a blank stare, almost as if she didn't understand what she had said.

> Had she been too quiet?

> "Scootaloo left already. She said she'd meet us up at the moutain," Sweetie Belle sad after a too long pause.

> It confused Apple Bloom, though she couldn't say Sweetie wasn't a little dense at times.

> She brushed it off.

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> Sweetie Belle walked briskly ahead of Apple Bloom, Apple Bloom following behind, casting a glance or two back at Ponyville.

> Which had an almost unfamiliar quality to it, though she couldn't put her finger on it.

> They moved up the hills. Despite how short a time Apple Bloom had been walking she felt quite tired.

Maybe it was the harvest yesterday?
> No, it was mid spring. What was Apple Bloom thinking?

> Apple Bloom trotted up to catch up to her friend.

> "Are ya sure ya can't tell me what this Mare on the Mountain is?" 

> "Mare in the Mountain, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle corrected.

> Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. 

Sweetie Belle doesn't have ta act so corrective of grammar. I wish Scootaloo hadn't started teasing her with those dictionary jokes. She's taken it ta heart!
> "Yeah, whatever. Are ya sure ya can't tell me nothing?"

> "Weeeeeeeeeeell, I kinda want to see your reaction. It's cool that you haven't seen her yet and I get to share it with you."

> "Come on Sweetie... Nothing?"

> "I can't tell you much, but let's just say she's like Scootaloo, only much bigger."

> That answer conjured some pretty weird images in Apple Bloom's youthful mind.

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> It had been several hours.

> The green grass had given way to the brown and gray rock of the mountain, which they where now just beginning to ascend.

> She felt downright exhausted. The conversations had been scattered and everything had been in a haze.

> She looked wearily at the mountain.

> "How long is this gonna take?"

> "Not too much, the Mare in the Mountain lives in the Mountain, she's only like a quarter the way up in the caves."

> "Look, it's Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle said excitedly.

> Apple Bloom turned her gaze to where Sweetie Belle looked.

> She saw a small dot of orange with a tiny splash of purple color a fair ways up. 

> As Sweetie Belle called enthusiastically the orange object rolled down the mountain side.

> Scootaloo just seemed to roll on down the mountain in a ball shape with her tail and colors being the only things that were still distinct.

> It confused Apple Bloom, but perhaps not as much as it should have.

> "Hi, Apple Bloom. Hi, Sweetie Belle. Glad you could finally make it!" 

> Scootaloo had finally reached them and now looked to be a normal preteen filly.

> Something seemed off but Apple Bloom couldn't put her hoof as to why.

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> "Hi Scootaloo! Have you seen this Mare in the Mountain yet?"

> "Yes, though not on this trip, I was still searching for her when you came here," Scootaloo said in a tone, almost with a hint of enthusiasm that seemed too bubbly and unnatural for her.

> "Guess what Scootaloo, Apple Bloom hasn't even heard of her yet!" 

> "You haven't heard of the second coolest mare in all of Equestria?" Scootaloo asked with similar incredibility to Sweetie Belle earlier. 

> "No, I haven't. Still confused to what all the big deal is about."

> "Apple Bloom she is so cool, she's got these awesome wings and fags a-"

> "Scootaloo! Don't spoil it. I want to see the look on Apple Bloom's face when she sees her for the first time since she never even heard of her before."

> Scootaloo looked annoyed at being interrupted.

> "I honestly would like to know at least a little," Apple Bloom said in a pleading, almost whiny tone.

> Sweetie Belle sat down on the ground and pouted.

> "Why do you want to spoil it though? Doesn't seem as fun."

> "Quite acting up! Spoilers make things more exciting!" 

> Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom for support.

> "Isn't that right?"

> "Well... "

> "No they don't. I hate that you always see all the movies and plays first and go spoil them to us. No matter how many times we tell you otherwise!" Sweetie Belle shot back, glaring.

> "We? I think you mean yourself, Apple Bloom always wants to hear them too, only you beg!"

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> Apple Bloom cringed. She didn't like to see her friends fighting, especially in the middle of an adventure. 

> "q-q-quiet y'all will ya?!" Apple Bloom started with a slight stutter before gaining confidence. 

> For whatever reason, Apple Bloom felt a meekness within her that gave her a slight hesitance to act. Usually she'd jump right into the fray and sometimes get dragged right along into it.

> Something else was bugging her but she couldn't put her hoof on it. She felt insecure somehow.

> Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were still giving each other dirty looks.

> "Apple Bloom, do you really want to just wait till we find her before you know what you're getting into?" 

> Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom with a hurt expression.

> "You don't really want to spoil it do you? I want to see your blind reaction to it."

> Apple Bloom didn't know what to say. Sweetie Belle looked like she was about to cry but Scootaloo looked mighty angry. Too angry.

> Sweetie Belle's sadness seemed a bit much, considering she was just fine when she didn't know  Apple Bloom wasn't previously aware of the Mare in the Mountain.

> "Maybe Scootaloo could tell me a little bit but not enough to spoil it?"

> Apple Bloom hoped her proposal would settle it.

> Scootaloo looked with annoyance with Sweetie Belle before saying: "Fine, but don't blame me if we are board out of are minds for the next several hours."

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> "Let's eat lunch!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, seemingly back to the happy mood she was in before.

Sweetie is easily distracted I guess?
> Before she knew it, all three of the crusaders were sitting upon the ground eating daisy sandwiches.

> Apple Bloom had eaten about three fourths of her sandwich. Her hunger had gone now as she just nibbled on it while occasionally engaging in light chit chat.

> It was all banal and inane, the usual, some brief mentions of the Mare in the Mountain as per their compromise (apparently she had a fearsome monster like appearance and was relatively tall, though she didn't know how much of that was Scootaloo's exaggerations), and idle talk of their interests.

> At the moment Apple Bloom had taken an interest the dirt, as sometimes would happen when Scootaloo went on (and on) of bragging about Rainbow Dash's latest feat.

> Their was a fairly nice dirt layer here.

> There was a stick near by.

> She wrapped her hoof around the stick and started to make aimless lines in the dirt.

> And then a circle.

> And then she turned that circle into a puffer fish.

> Things went wrong from there.

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> Apple Bloom's thoughts where gone from the outside world.

> The dirt was her canvas. 

> Various lines formed upon it, some of which she didn't even remember drawing.

> It was a mix of abstract shapes, fish, ponies shaped like fish, and bladed weapons.

> Some of the bladed weapons were impaled in the fish.

> Some of the fish had bloods and guts everywhere.

> Apple Bloom just smiled to herself. She didn't feel a rage with it. Just a curiosity.

> She knew most ponies would disapprove, especially her family.

> Why did she have to hide something so simple?

> Was that the reason she only drew in the dirt? 

> To hind it from a more permanent medium?

> Remain secret?

> Why?

> Well, as far as she knew, such imagery was probably not normal for a filly of her age.

> And she could see many being angered at violence. 

> It all just felt so off to her.

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> Apple Bloom continued to be lost in her work. She didn't really have any recollection of what she had drawn even a few moments ago.

> It was all a haze. Almost like she was dreaming or something.

> Apple Bloom watched as some of the drawings started to move on there own.

> One of the fish began to walk upon its tail fins. Another pulled out a sphere that had been impaled with and began to collect its scattered guts on the ground. 

> The pufferfish began to sing, though she couldn't make out a word it said.

> She felt a little fear of the drawings before her, yet curiosity was wining out.

> The drawings all went about their own affairs, some doing random things and some acting out the scenes they were drawn in.

> Apple Bloom felt briefly very sad and guilt ridden, after all, a lot of them are in pain.

> "Apple Bloom, will you pass the pizza?"

> Apple Bloom turned her gaze away from the drawings. She saw a pizza box next to her.

Since when were we eating pizza
> Apple Bloom hoofed over the pizza box to Scootaloo, it was a rather old looking and unappetizing pizza and it had only a couple of slices left.

> Apple Bloom gazed back at the dancing drawings, only to find them much less active than before.

> Hardly moving, and a fuzz of static.

> Was that her imagination?

> "So should we just go looking for her again or do we just sit and wait?"

> Scootaloo's mouth was full of pizza, some of which fell out when she talked.

> Apple Bloom couldn't believe Scootaloo still talked with her mouth full like that. It was gross.

> "I've never come to visit before, so I guess we have to search if that's what you did last time," Sweetie Belle replied.

> Apple Bloom, her attention still divided with her drawings, was slow to reply.

> "Well, I guess that sounds fine... I mean that what ya said before."

> "Well then, come on let's get this show on the road!" Scootaloo said with an excited tone as she hoped to her hooves.

> Apple Bloom got up to her hooves, she glanced at the drawings, wondering to herself whether she should erase them or something.

> But something else soon caught her attention.

> "Look it's her! I think it's her!"

 have no image for here and was meant to be marged with the one above it. 

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> A form flew several hooves above the steep path above.

> It made its way down in a graceful, almost showy, manner.

> She did, it clearly was a mare.

> She had a pink coat, a dulled pink with a dark unnatural aura around her. It flowed from her body, barely visible in the air.

> Her wings looked to be of a bat, and her body was tall and slender. Like an alicorn.

> As she grew closer Apple Bloom could make out little details. The fangs she sported on her face. The the feathers that topped her leathery thin her wings.

> She did look scary.

> The Mare in the Mountain flew before them. It took mere seconds but felt like a lifetime to the young Apple Bloom.

> Butterflies were in her stomach. She felt excitement and a little fear.

> Part of her wanted just to run right then and there.

> But the sounds of her friends enthusiasm kept her grounded.

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> "It really is you!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I can't believe you-"

> "What do you have to tell us today!" Sweetie Belle said jumping in a little hop as she interrupted Scootaloo.

> The Mare in the Mountain seemed to smile with a slightly amused smirk, her fangs ever present. 

> "It depends... what brings little fillies like you up here? I don't believe I'm familiar with your small yellow friend here."

> "Oh, that's Apple Bloom we wanted to take her to meet you and you tell us more cool stuff!" Scootaloo said as Apple Bloom tried to muster a nervous smile.

> The mare's fearsome appearance gave her some pause, though she trusted her friends (mostly).

Besides, she doesn't seem that angry or anything
> "Pleased to meet you Apple Bloom. I am Princess Cadence, though most ponies lately have been calling me by a different name now."

> "Haven't we met before... weren't you one of the flower fillies at my wedding?"

> "I... guess I was wasn't I?" Apple Bloom said, though she only had vague recollections of what Cadence was referring to. 

> Like something was familiar just below the surface.

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> Cadence smiled at Apple Bloom. It made Apple Bloom a little nervous but it didn't seem to have any ill intent.

> "I can tell one filly here needs my advice."

> "Oh is it me?" 

> "Nah, it's probably me Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said dismissively.

> Cadence for her part seemed to ignore the banter.

> "Only the one will know to herself."   

> Cadence beckoned the fillies to gather around her.

> "Let's begin... what are you doing here? Each of you, why are you here, think of that question and tell me one at a time.

> Scootaloo was the first to answer the question.

> "Because you're cool and awesome! Almost as much as Rainbow Dash."

> Sweetie Belle, after a pause, was next.

> "I just really like to here you talk. You're so insightful! And... uh really like your mane."

> Finally Cadence's eyes once again fell upon Apple Bloom.

> "What about you?" Cadence asked after Apple Bloom didn't speak up.

> "I... uh... really don't know I have one. I was just kinda tagin' along."

> Apple Bloom felt nervous with Cadence's eyes upon her. There was something off with the way she looked at her. Like she knew some secret.

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> "You seem quite nervous and in doubt of intent. Surely you must have some reason deeper than that."

> "What do you mean?" Apple Bloom asked. Her mind suddenly presented her with things she found uncomfortable. Darker secrets and insecurities that she'd rather keep out of the light suddenly in the forefront of her mind.

> It was almost out of her control, like something else was willing it in her own mind.

> The hair was standing upon her neck.

> "I feel that you are hiding something from me. That will not do if you want me to help you with your problems." 

> Apple Bloom felt a sense of panic come upon her.

> Cadence looked upon Apple Bloom with a face that was quite serious and determined. 

> "Do we really have ta? I-I-I why-what are you doing?"

> "The truth is painful I know, but your denial of your nature will hurt you more than me letting this lie last past our meeting here."

> "What?" Apple Bloom couldn't think of anything else to say.

> "There is something you're holding back and you are a fool for doing so."

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> "I can see the fear inside you young filly."

> Cadence put on a sinister smile.

> "I can see your fears. I can see your lies, and I can see the foolish path you have taken."

> Apple Bloom looked to Cadence with shock and alarm. 

> She wanted to run.

> She wanted to scream.

> She wanted to cry.

> But... she just stood there.

> She opened her month trying to form words, all that came were half mutters, ending on a pitiful 'why?'

> Cadence seemed to ignore her utterance as her horn became aglow with powerful magic.

> Apple Bloom was bombarded with pure raw emotion as she felt it course through her.

> It never seemed to touch her body though, it was as if emotion itself was simply shining from the light of her horn.

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> Cadence eyes almost seemed to glow.

> Apple Bloom couldn't take her eyes off Cadence.

> She was only vaguely aware that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were still president and they hadn't said anything.

Why aren't they helping me?
> "You're a fool if this is what you fear."

> Apple Bloom saw fuzzy images sneaking into the corner of her eyes.

> "What are ya doin' to me?"

> "Trying to bring your true self into focus."

> Apple Bloom saw the images in the corner of her eyes begin to come in focus.

> They...

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> The fish.

> They were armed.

> They were stabbing each other with simple spheres and swords.

> Their guts were scattered on the ground.

> With abstract shapes sometimes in the background.

> They were her drawings.

> They danced around in front of her eyes.

> Apple Bloom tried to look away from them.

> Apple Bloom tried to look at anything else.

> The trees.

> Her friends (who Apple Bloom briefly noted looked all too calm).

> And finally back to Cadence, where their eyes met and Apple Bloom couldn't look away.

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> "Why do you fear this?"

> Apple Bloom just looked at Cadence at a loss for words. 

> "Don't deny it, some part of you likes it."

> Apple Bloom knew some part of her liked it, but she didn't want to like it.

> Some part of her felt wrong too.

> Something felt wrong with it all.

> "What is this to you Apple Bloom?"

> "Really?" Cadence said in reply.

> Apple Bloom looked at Cadence in shock.

> "Y-y-you can read my mind!"

> Cadence let a light hearted chuckle that contrasted with the fearsome atmosphere.

> "Of course I can. How else do you think I fix, manipulate and twist ponies love lifes?"

> Something about that sounded wrong to Apple Bloom.

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> "It wasn't a power that I embraced till I became this though."

> Apple Bloom could still see the fish dancing in her vision, though her mind was far clearer as her fear had somewhat subsided by Cadence's sudden change to a more calm demeanor.

> "And that is what I fear you are doing to yourself: suppressing your nature. Harming your true potential."

> Apple Bloom looked to Cadence with a mix of distrust and confusion.

> "What, my drawings? The weird creepy stuff?"

> Cadence simply smiled, almost pleasantly, minus the fangs.

> "Yes"

> "What about them?" Apple Bloom, truly confused, asked.

> "Their violence, their gore, their utter strangeness. Everything."

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> Apple Bloom thought of Cadence's words.

> "Isn't that kind of wrong?"

> "Yeah, sure its kind of messed up. But tell me what your desire for it?"

> Apple Bloom hadn't really thought of why she had liked it.

> It had all started when Cheerilee had given the art lecture. 

> She had touched, ever so briefly, on earlier folk and found art movements.

> Though the whole idea of art (and most of the lecture did) bore her, this had gotten a bit of her interest do to her mentioning that it had been a primarily an earth pony lead movement, as opposed to most of high culture that was usually unicorn led.

> Enough for her to research it further on her own.

> What she had found seemed to just barely, barely light a small spark within her.

> She did further research on art on the fringes of society, anti-art, poor art, and even a hipster art movement called yellowish, though she hadn't really gotten into those movements and found most of it kind of strange she had soon decided that she ought to try something.

> And soon it was, she had been drawn from what small exposure she had to the strange and violent.

> "I don't know... I guess I just wanna, make something strange?"

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> "Is strange bad?" Cadence asked.

> Apple Bloom thought about it for a moment.

> "No, but I think violent thoughts are... and I do find myself feelin' a little carried away."

> Cadence let out a laugh.

> "Yeah, right. You're just expressing a darker side of yourself. It's nothing to be afraid of. I don't sense any potential for you to do anything stupid with it."

> Apple Bloom felt very weird.

I'm don't think Apple Jack or Granny would approve...
> "Since when did a preteen filly care with what her older sister or grandmother think?"

> Apple Bloom looked at Cadence with annoyance.

> "You don't have to read my mind ya'know?"

> "You don't have to be so weak minded either, young filly. Besides you know the words are say are true," Cadence said with a rather mischievous smile. "There is probably plenty of times you lied through your teeth to hide stuff, why not this?"

> Apple Bloom wasn't sure what to say. 

> Cadence words were indeed true.

> She hated it, yet part of her could see the logic of it at the same time.

> "So why don't you just explore it a little and see were it goes?"

> Apple Bloom signed. "I guess you're right... but you could be a little less creepy with all this.

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> "No, I can't. That's part of my nature now. At least when I'm like this."

> Apple Bloom looked Cadence's fearsome form over. The wings, the fags, the strange bat like ears, it was beautiful in a way, but also gave Apple Bloom quite negative feeling.

> "Well it seems I must bid you fare well," Cadence said as her wings began to flap, lifting her into the air."

> "Bye!" Apple Bloom heard Sweetie Belle shout cheerfully. 

> She glanced to see Sweetie and Scootaloo as happy and normal as ever. As if none of the events had transpired. 

> Or maybe they had? After all, she had to admit that was pretty cool.

> Though still a little unnerving. 

> Apple Bloom watched as Cadence flew high into the air. 

> It was rather elegant, if not a bit odd to see the bat-like movements as she disappeared to somewhere higher up on the mountain.

> Apple Bloom turned to her friends. She noticed they were already chatting amongst themselves.

> And for some strange reason Sweetie Belle was dressed in a blue dress with a spear...

> "You can wake up Apple Bloom..."

> "Wake up..."

> "Do something creative..."

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> Apple Bloom eyes shot open.

> She jerked up. She glanced around the room and...

Was that all just a dream?
> Apple Bloom felt her heart racing, she was a little sweaty.

I guess it was...
> It wouldn't make any sense otherwise. Well, it shouldn't make any sense otherwise anyway.

> After all, intervening in dreams was Luna's domain not Cadence's.

> Was it? 

> Apple Bloom decided rather than being lost in her thoughts she ought to get a drink of water from the kitchen and perhaps write the dream down.

> Or draw...

> Apple Bloom soon found herself at the desk.

> Her pencil was moving, strange ideas being put to paper.

> And somewhere, a certain Princess in the night was smiling.

And there it is. The fic that I've been tensing for the last month or so is finally out there. I overall have mixed but more positive feelings than the last one. Their are several things going on with this fic and a few details of its creation that I'll explain at a later time along with my replies.  See ya around endpone!

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Well, this fic I am mostly pleased with. Partly as a finished product, partly as a stepping stone. It ain't perfect but I feel very good compared to where it started as a purely mechanical exercise like the first one. When I decided to put Cadence in I didn't originally foresee how she's change the atmosphere. Her charisma and confidence are a more developed state than the first fic that's for sure. I see her as a wise guide,  though perhaps a little morally gray  . She felt Apple Bloom's distress from robbing the fields every night and perhaps just decided to take a peak. There was a second version of this though that I may reuse later that would involved another character and a debate on several different things but it felt chunky compared to Bat Cadence's chrisma and fear, which had a straightforward dynamic that I think works better for this one.   

As for the images. I specifically had envisioned that with what I could draw it look good for a possibly creepy dream child like dream story, with using normal images from derpibooru for the parts back in real life. Several sets of images where made but the one problem that I constantly faced was Cadence's lackluster appearance at times. Her slender body I couldn't manage, at least with the hardware I have now. I originally had it ready to post a fair bit eariler. Notice how most of the pictures are numbered till the end? I had taken the what I considered to be the best from all the image sets and numbered them in order of use for minimal confusion for posting, yet I backed out because I decided I still didn't like the Cadences. The Cadence pic I used for most of the her appearances in some edited forms was actually a prototype asset that is from another ongoing project that I've been working on. She wasn't perfect but she fit hear perfectly and was better than the others  you showed her true potential in the edit thread though  So I just used that pic in various quick edits and figured it already went well with the mix of styles anyway. There is still plenty I think I could've done better but I think I still managed to achieve an atmosphere with them so I can't complain.  

 Bat Cadence is far from dead. 

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Twilight Sparkle fired her laser. The magic from her horn ripping through th air as it made it's way to the dark form below. ~Gotta be worth it, ain't it?~ Twilight Sparkle fired another laser blast towards the crystal, but the crystal stopped short when a burst of dark magic cut up everything in its path. The Crystal itself continued to move and bounce forward after the shot, eventually catching up with it and ending up behind it in a spin.

"Twilight Sparkle, are you all right?" Rarity asked.

"I'm just worried." Twilight Sparkle said with a sigh.

"Why was you worried?" Rarity asked.

Twilight smiled sadly. "I guess this whole situation has blown my mind. Maybe one day, I'll find the right balance. I don't know how long I'll live, but something about these events has left me in despair."

"You may be gone, but do tell me one more thing. Who made you that way? Who made you so angry?" Rarity

Saw this on /mlp/. They were using it for different purposes than this. Honestly I'd be fun to try to run with something here as a story.

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Cadence horn glowed. The details of her face lit dimly amidst the pitch black Everfree forest. Though Twilight expected something a bit more threatening, only a mischievous smirk greeted her. " You found me," The bat pony said with a bitter laugh. " Now what's your plan?" Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by another groan. The small cave was covered with a thick layer of dried up flesh -- something she had never seen before. What she saw stunned her -- the thing seemed to be eating someone. The beast had teeth. But the thing didn't seem to care. It turned to the bat girl and took the bat out of her mouth with little resistance.   "I've got you, my little bird," The bat pony began. She turned to the small girl and started licking her face, making a little noise. The bat pony continued to lick her, but when the girl reached her hand, it was gone and replaced by something else. A dark yellowish brown with blue spots. The thing quickly


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> Saw this on /mlp/
someone is noticing the similarities from a certain mare that appeared in a dream, isn´t he? 

> Honestly I'd be fun to try to run with something here as a story. 
so,you are saying that the story can come from the automatic program out of a few words posted over there. 

did you actually type this or does this program tend to write really gore stories? I mean, the first lines make sense but...

> The small cave was covered with a thick layer of dried up flesh.The thing seemed to be eating someone. The beast had teeth. 
> took the bat out of her mouth with little resistance. "I've got you, my little bird,
straight up cannibalism, ladies and gentlemen. We only need Swans as the soundtrack, scary feelings from the horror games and blood that escalate over its 9000th level. 

> She turned to the small girl and started licking her face, making a little noise. The bat pony continued to lick her, but when the girl reached her hand, it was gone and replaced by something else. 
what the actual hell? Are we combining EQG and Equestria here? Unless we are in a gen 1 setting, this makes less sense than OCs meeting and getting excited about the author´s favorite characters.

> wat
literally 10 out of 10. Would murder again and lick a lot of flesh....slowly, by the way.

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So after almost 6 months since this fic has been published/posted over here, I think that I should review or give my personal comments towards this piece of fiction.

Review of: The Mare in the Mountain (Bridgefag, April 2019)

So, in this fic, unlike the original Cadencebat fic in which she had to hide her entity and falling into corruption as something appealing to her, Cadence here is shown as a more "mystical" creature than usual.

The Revolution fic went to some confusing and extraordinary settings that were highly related to political movements/strategies that despite its proper context into this world, it needs a few tries and a little bit more of effort from the reader in order to see how it follows a cohesive logic and progression. 

However, The Mare in the Mountain doesn´t rely on real life elements except for justifying a plot device and a motif for moving the plot forward  >>/3856/ (hipster/anti/poor art that kind of points out the sense of art from society´s standards, even though the editing thread could be a reason to bring this topic on the table).

So by leaving reality aside, this fanfic is much more straight forward  than the Revolution fic and it introduces (with more additions to her transformation) the Mare in the Mountain with a clearer idea of how she is than the original Cadencbat fic.

It´s as certainly confusing for the reader why she is called like that at first as as one gets to know that the actual Princess Cadence has earned a second life of fame. 

I am not going to say that this fanfic would work as complete canon because there are aspects from it that obviously prevent from having this dark direction. 

Nonetheless, the funny dialogue between the CMC before meeting Cadence, the fact that this story advances through a dream, the attempts at justifying its context (Luna could be the one manipulating the dream for Apple Bloom, the inspiration that Apple Bloom had that could have come from Cherilee´s lectures in the school), the recurrent drawings that become relevant in order to transmit a message through the story, etc; all of that could have perfectly fit for a standard story of MLP.

It´s indeed the closest effort from yours that actually makes you feel like this story could have taken place in its universe, the gen 4 reader will feel at home while reading it, so that´s a noteworthy improvement in the storytelling part.

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Backing up what I say about feeling like FiM, it´s that the fic offers room to breathe within its development and let lines like these:
> "Are ya sure ya can't tell me what this Mare on the Mountain is?" 
> "Mare in the Mountain, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle corrected.
> Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. 

I personally see where this is coming and I can tell that this actually criticizes the constant spelling mistakes written in this board. Not only the sense of comedy is there but the CMC really show their characteristic tropes until the climax, meaning that the author actually acknowledges their personalities even if the story is going through muddy waters that could feel off if it was shown so directly to the reader.

So for the most part, this fanfic will sound familiar to the average fan but where the questions will begin from the start and the climax (not to mention the strange actions from Scootaloo and SB while walking to the place where Cadence appears). The philosophical questions aimed at Apple Bloom, the grim imagery constantly present in her mind and how Cadence goes even further by twisting an intimidating technique: reading the minds of other creatures. She doesn´t only change to a more questionable side of actions, she doesn´t only become a guide for Apple Bloom but she also displays a really creepy yet powerful weapon that she could have exploited in the past:

> Cadence let a light hearted chuckle that contrasted with the fearsome atmosphere.
> "Of course I can. How else do you think I fix, manipulate and twist ponies love lifes?"

Mind f*yay*king blown by reading this. As much as she sounds certainly out of place with those questions, she proves that her true potential and lack of fears towards the wrong things actually drive her to take a step forward, like she knows way more than in theory she should have in the first place. 

The concept of her being a bat isn´t something that one would have explored al that much. This fic doesn´t jump right away to the center of her new feature like the original Cadencebat green did, but instead she receives almost a mystical presentation, wondering who she is and when one gets to her, there are far more questions than answers. There is always a haunting feeling that pays off with a mysterious climax (yet with dark imagery) and one could define it as mental edginess. Not a single moment of violence was brought onto the table yet those tense feelings manage to happen while reading this piece, like a horror movie that is slowly building up before murdering harshly the characters. 

Overall, out of all the fics that you could expose to any gen 4 fan, this one has the right context/introduction, the familiar feelings to an extent and the characters properly written. We haven´t seen the CMC interacting with Cadence at all so the lack of presentations between them could make this fic pretty plausible for its concept. 

The Revolution fic served for a cohesive yet an unfamiliar political piece, while The Mare in the Mountain has that, more lore and even dark implications to Cadence´s character. All of this by bringing original drawings by yourself and while they are not made to post on Derpibooru, one can get the imagery transmitted through those sentences. 

If I had to pick one fanfic from yours and expose it to the public (/mlp/, FimFiction...), this one most likely would get praised from its consumers. 

There you have it, you have written some proper original content that one fan would like to contribute to the fanbase. 


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> this fic I am mostly pleased with. Partly as a finished product, partly as a stepping stone. 
out of all the stories that you have offered from the Bat Pony Cadence series, I feel that this piece stands for itself even though one would get really confused at how she managed to get there.

> When I decided to put Cadence in I didn't originally foresee how she's change the atmosphere. Her charisma and confidence are a more developed state than the first fic that's for sure.
indeed, she feels like really confident at what she does, she almost sounds creepy while asking those questions to Apple Bloom. All the mystery and imagery that surrounds her change the chill out atmosphere that is shown in the first part.

> There was a second version of this though that I may reuse later that would involved another character and a debate on several different things but it felt chunky compared to Bat Cadence's chrisma and fear, which had a straightforward dynamic that I think works better for this one.
I firmly believe that this dynamic works for what you could expose in these settings. If the concept of her being a bat isn´t twisted enough, imagine how things would turn out by exposing her even more.

> I specifically had envisioned that with what I could draw it look good for a possibly creepy dream child like dream story, with using normal images from derpibooru for the parts back in real life. Several sets of images where made but the one problem that I constantly faced was Cadence's lackluster appearance at times. Her slender body I couldn't manage, at least with the hardware I have now. 
I get that, especially with lack of pictures related to her. There are almost zero pictures that involve Cadence and the CMC and none of them show Cadence as a mentor for the CMC.

> I originally had it ready to post a fair bit eariler. Notice how most of the pictures are numbered till the end? I had taken the what I considered to be the best from all the image sets and numbered them in order of use for minimal confusion for posting,
eeeyup. I will admit that not all of them are clearly defined but one gets to imagine the settings while reading the text. They are simply meant to give a clear idea where this plot goes.

> I backed out because I decided I still didn't like the Cadences. The Cadence pic I used for most of the her appearances in some edited forms was actually a prototype asset that is from another ongoing project that I've been working on. She wasn't perfect but she fit hear perfectly and was better than the others you showed her true potential in the edit thread though 
Ironically enough, that´s the best picture one can get some inspiration despite not originally belonging here. Besides that one,  >>/3849/ and  >>/3855/ look as the better ones out of the bunch.

> So I just used that pic in various quick edits and figured it already went well with the mix of styles anyway. There is still plenty I think I could've done better but I think I still managed to achieve an atmosphere with them so I can't complain.
as long as those options offer solutions to your ideas, that´s fair enough. There is always room for improvement but as far as I am concerned, the writing style and the proper placement for its settings are what stand out to me the most for the experience and my views towards this product. The imagery will be or won´t be done better at some point in the future but if the words are properly matched and make sense, the rest becomes secondary.

> Bat Cadence is far from dead. 
hopefully you are right.

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